THE EUCLID AVE. TEMPLE BULLETIN C LEV E LAN D, 0 H I 0 CONCLUDING SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE in conjunction with the HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE GRADUATION EXERCISES Sunday, May 14th at 10:30 A. M. RABBI BRICKNER WILL SPEAK Finals 01 the Machol Speaking Contest Contestants: Kurt Berman, Franklyn Haiman and Allan Wurzman Distribution 01 A wards and Diplomas Judge Maurice Bemon, Chairman 01 Religious School Committee Greetings by Mr. Nathan Brilliant, Educational Director (see page 2 for names of graduates and other details) THE JUNIOR ALUMNI CHORUS AND THE BOYS' CHOIR cordially invite you to their combined concert SUNDAY, MAY 14th, 3 P. M. ALFRED ){ORACH "' inner of Nutlonnt Violin Solo C.mtest in the auditorium SOLOISTS EUNICE PODIS llIlI"r of C urtis IlIstltute Sehol"r"hlp ROllER' I' DWOJUUN ,, ' In,n cr ill tn'o {Am tests HARRIET KORA CH KOHN, Db'eetor '1'Ift! .lunior ::\hllnni GJlorus ..,,;11 Sing tor 'the fir8t nn origi_ nlll ehorule eon) - -P1J!!\e.l by J .. ",e l.l. D ... 1i1l wltlt wor.t.. by R.uth Dr"tle:r .... d "rr .. llge .l by Elllllee PO.IIN. Friday Evening Twilight Service 5:30 to 6:00 Sabbath Morning Servi ce 11:00 to 12:00 Noon VOL. XVIII. Cleveland, May 12, 1939 No. 3S

Transcript of THE EUCLID AVE. TEMPLE ·...




in conjunction with the



Sunday, May 14th at 10:30 A. M.


Finals 01 the Machol Speaking Contest

Contestants: Kurt Berman, Franklyn Haiman and Allan Wurzman

Distribution 01 A wards and Diplomas

Judge Maurice Bemon, Chairman 01 Religious School Committee

Greetings by Mr. Nathan Brilliant, Educational Director

(see page 2 for names of graduates and other details)

THE JUNIOR ALUMNI CHORUS AND THE BOYS' CHOIR cordially invite you to their combined concert

SUNDAY, MAY 14th, 3 P. M.

ALFRED ){ORACH " ' inner of Nutlonnt Violin

Solo C.mtest

in t h e auditorium


w ·llIlI"r of Curtis IlIstltute Sehol"r"hlp

ROllER'I' DWOJUUN ,,' In,n cr ill tn'o )j~nfiCeJnble

{Am tests


'1'Ift! .lunior ::\hllnni GJlorus ..,,;11 Sing tor 'the fir8t nn origi_nlll ehorule eon) ­-P1J!!\e.l by J .. ",el.l. D ... 1i1l wltlt wor.t.. by R.uth Dr"tle:r

.... d "rr .. llge .l by Elllllee PO.IIN.

Friday Evening Twilight Service 5:30 to 6:00

Sabbath Morning Service 11:00 to 12:00 Noon

VOL. XVIII. Cleveland, May 12, 1939 No. 3S


EUCLID A VENUE TEMPLE BULLETIN Publ;,hed Weekly hom September to May at S . E. Cor . ~uclid Avenu e and ~ast &2n.:l St. , Cle veland, Ohio

T .Iephone , Cedar 0862-3 Subscription '0 cents per Annurtl


NATHAN BRILLIANT, EdueaHonol O; r.ctor and Ed;tor

lIBBIE L. BRAVERMAN Director of Extension Activities

J . H. ROSENTHAL, Exee ut;v. S.eretary

Entered as s.ccnd.clus maHer April Qth , Iq26 at the Po st Off;ee, Cleveland. Oh;o. under the Act 01 March 3rd. 1879


With this issue, the Bulletin concludes

the season. The announcements of

Temple acti-vities will continue to be

carried throughout the summer in the

columns o£ the Jewish Review and

Observer and Jewish Independent.

We w:sh to express our appreciation

to the editors of these two papers for

the liberal space they have given us.

We wish you a pleas-ant summer and

a profitable vacation.

'CONFIRMATION is on Shevouth, Wednesday, M'ay 24th. A class of 104 w:11 be confirmed.

CLASS NIGHT, the annual dinner of confil'mants and parents is scheduled for Friday evening, May 19th, opening with the Friday evening twilight service at 5:30 P. M.

CONGREGATIONAL PICNIC - Mon­day, June 19th at Euclid Beach Park.


THE JEWIS H WELFARE FUND Our Congregation _ ..... __ . __ .. ___ $>1,000.00

TIeligious School ..... _ ...... _........... 750.00

Sisterhood ...................................... 500.00

Men's Club ........... _ .. _ ........... _....... 100.00

Alumni 50.00


Poverty cometh from God, but not dirt.


This Sunday morning, the ReJigious Sc-hool will graduate 25 stud ents f rom t he High Sehool Department and 2 students fro m the Colleg,e Department.

Graduates Shirley Grossman, Jean Susan, Aaron Pleck, Phyllis Hart, and E laine H. Levy will read the Service.

M. H. KEYS indicating mE:mbership in the M. H. Scholarship Society will be !),warded to those· who have achieved a high scholastic average for the three year high school course.

The Fannye COI)land Memorial Award will be made to the three who have achieved highest s,cholarship in the High School Department.

College Department Graduates are E I­mer Newman and Melvin Rose.

The High School Graduates are Kermit Baumoel, Howard--Cohen, Robert Dworkin, Bluma Fertel, Aaron IFleck, Ted Gang-er, Hilb Ert Goldberg, Shirley Grossman, Rhea Goldberg, Phyllis Hart, Daniel Krall , E laine H . .Levy, Miriam Licht, Sue Mahrer, Shirley Marks, Edith Mendel­son, James Miller, Irwin Richl,and, Del­bert Singer, Kathryn Spanner, Harriet R. Siegel, J ean Susan, Erwin Wile, Allan Wurzman and, Norman Stern.


by the Keren Ami with the Jewish Wel­

f are Fund Campaign as the theme, an­

nounces the following winners: for the

High School Dep:artment, Eleanor Gal

and Philmore Hart; for the Junior High

Depart ment, Richard Dietz; for t he In­

termediate Department, Lois Goldberger

and Gloria Mattlin. The prizes were do­

nated .by the Men's Club.

HIGHEST HONORS at the Hebrew

School Graduation Exercises last Satur­

day were awarded to Benson Jaffee.


Thursday May 18th 8~30 -P. M.

j~ the RecIJeaJ;o". .AalJ

In view of the comprehensive pro­

gram, members of the Men's Club are

requested to come early.

Included is a brief business session

at which president's and committee re­

ports will be presented, an address by

Rabbi Brickne~ and a complete recrea­

tion agenda of . games ' and sports


A fine buffet supper will be served

at the close of the evening.

Members only will be admitted .

There will be no charge.

The committee on arrangements

consists of: Dr. L. B. Podis, chair­

~an; Harry A. Jacobson, Myron Stan­

ford, B. S. Kaufman, Chester Hess,

Henry Pasternak, Sol Battler, ·Lou Benway, Dr. R. R. Maier, -and Leonard



The magnificent Rothschild-Hadassa'h

University Hospital and Medical School

on :Mount !Scopus in Jerusalem ' will be officially opened on May 9th. American

fri ends will celebrate the event on that

date with a dinner at the Hotel Astor.

It has been announced that two exiled

Italian Jewish doctors have recently

been appointed to the Hospital staff.

Palestine citrus fruits o:f all ' grades

won first prize at the British Exposition

of fruits in London. Palestine is the sixth

largest orange'-producing country in

the world, and the second largest in the

production of grapefruit.

The 'Children's Village, Meir Shefeyah,

Fo.l1o,,~jJ)g ure t1le llonlillces Hclecte41

hy tIle NOJllilltltilig COlluulttee o f the

Men's Clu b t o be v oted u po n at th is

meeting: Sol Bat'tle r, L o u Ben w ay, Al

Berk, Irv Freiberger, :\ia r t in Go uld e r ,

Chester Hess, Harry Jacobson , I. J.

Kabb, B. S. Kaufm a. n, L eo Newman ,

H enry P as t e rnak, Louis Pod is, 1. R.

H e ic h , 1. S. Hose, David Sc hl es in g'e r, S.

S. Sid e nberg, David Spizel, A . 1. Soltz,

Sam H. Siegel, Burt <Spieg le, M y ron

Stanford, Harry vVolp a.w, Ott·o Zinner,

Michael Kra ll, J ack Grod'in, Harry

Kohn, Oscar Ste iner, A l :\!tarcus, How­

ard Bernon, Milton Hialle, Z. Smilow,

Ma x Fis·hel , J e rome Fra nk el, William

Rosenfe ld a nd Bert Amster.

Additional nominations will be -re­

ceived from the floor -as a supplement

to the above list.


Wednesday, June 7th at Regnatz's.

which prov ides t rade and agricultural

training, is celElbrating the opening of

a new fourteen 1'00011 house to accommo­date new refugee children. The plumbing and electrical work was done by gradu­ates of the colony.


1. What is the difference between Kid­

dush and Kaddish?

2. Why is the coming Jewish festival

called "Shevuoth"?

3. About how old is the ceremony of

Confirmation in Judaism?

4. How many books are there in the Bible?

(Answers on Page 4)



The Anthropological Society at its

annual meeting held in Ne,w York recent­

ly, joined with the millions of voices pro­

testing German policies and German

racial tlheories. The following statement

was issued by the organization:

The American Anthropologial Assccia­

tion r ecently formally attacked the

"Aryan" theories ·ojf racialism, declaring

that the terms "Aryan" and "\Semitic"

have "no social significance whatsoever,"

but "simply denote linguistic families."

The thirty-seventh annual conference oJ

the association, whj,ch represents 1,100

American anthropologists, unanimously

approved a resolution asserting that "an­

thropology provides no sc~enti.fic basis

for discrimination against any people on

the ground of racial inferiority, religious

affi liation or linguistic heritage."

Prof. Franz Boas of Columbia Univer­

silty, dean oIf American anthropologists,

who moved adoption of the resolution,

declared in a statement that Germany

was the most "crude" offender and that

American scientists must strive to pre­

SETve academic and intellectual freed om

in the United States. The resolution

follows :

"Whereas, the prime r equisites of

science are the honest and unbiased

search for t ruth and the freedom to pro­

claim such truth when discovered and

known, and whereas, anthropology in

many countries, is being conscripted and

its data distorted and misinterpreted to

serve the cause of an unscientitfic racial­

ism rather than the cause of truth;

"'Be It Resolved, that the American

Anthropological A ssociation re-pudiates

snc'h racialism and adheres to the follow­

ing statement of i acts; (1) Race involves

the inheritance of similar physical vari ­

ations by large groups of mankind, but

its psychological and cultural connota­

t:ons, if they exist, have not been ascer­

tained by science. (2) The terms Aryan

and ,Semitic have no racial significance what30C'ver. They simply denote linguis-

tic families . (3) Anthropology provides

no scientific basis for dis~rimination

against any people on the ground oIf

racial inferiority, religious affiliation or

linguistic heritage."


(Questions are on Page 5)

1. Although both words derive from

the same Hebrew root, meaning sancti­

fication, Kiddush refers to the blessing

over wine in welcoming Sabbaths and

Holy Days, while Kaddish is the prayer

extoll ing God's name which is customaJ!­

iiy said by mourners.

2. "Shevuoth" means "weeks". Seven

weeks were counted irom the second

day of Passover, during which time

sheaves of barley were offered in thanks­giving, culminating in the fall festival

of harvest gratitude on the fiftieth day,

ca lled Shevuoth.

3. Confirmation in Judaism is over

a century and a quarter old, having been

mentioned in an ordinance issued by the

Jews of Cassel, Westphalia in 1810,

making it the duty of the rabbi to pre­

pare children ior this ·ceremony. It was

first observed in America in 1846 at

Anshe 'Chesed ISynagogue in New York.

4. There are 28 ,books in the Bible.


At the Sabbath -Service, 'May 13th,

Sally Lou Fox infant daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Louis Fox will ibe blessed.



The Palestine Pavilion at the New York World's Fair is a moving depiction .of J ewish achievement in Palestine.

With separate halls dedicated to Cul­ture and Education, Industry, Labor and New Social Forms, Agr:culture, and Health the exhibit introduces the visitor to the vast sweep of Palestinian advance­ment. Photomurals depict the transfor­mation olf s.wamps into fertile healthy

country, of barren hills into forests, and

of sand dunes into the city of Tel-Aviv.

The vari ed .agricultural produce of each

month occupy one panel, and the indus­

trial creations of fabrics, perfumery,

clothing, le'ather, and the like, another.

Costumed puppets represent the Ohel

and Habimah theatres, and a music ex­

h'ibit, -the renowned Pa lestine Symphony Ordlest<l!a-: U • •• .... Jo ••••

An elaborate mural entitled: "4;000

Years of the Hebrew Alphabet" carries

the creation olf the Hebrew word into its

present literary, journalistic -and scienti­

fic developments. The graphic portraYlll

of the war on Palestine's diseases ' in­

cludes a model of the Hadassah Univer­

sity Hospital in J erusalem. Palestine's

energetic attack on the social and eco­

nomic problems of today are illustrated

by explanatory graphs of the types of

cooperatives, collective marketing, and

cultural and health programs carried on

by the Labor Organization. All of this

finds its summation in a seperate dio­

rama of Palestinian scenes, portions of

whicJ1 are animated ~nd depict before

the visitor's eyes the r eclamation of the

Emek, the growth of Tel-Aviv, 'and the

development of Haifa from an insignifi­

cant Arab port into one of the most

magnificent harbors of the Mediterran­ean.



Sheridan Horwitz, President Joseph Persky, Vice-.President Rosalind Korach, ,Corresponding Secy. Judith Steiner, Recording Secretary J osel>h Babin, Treasurer Alfred Korach, His,torian

Elected to t he Board for one year: Oharles Aaron, J. Bernard Bernon, George Bernon, Herbert Bialosky, Robert Desberg, Robert Grodin, Loren Kendis, Richard Kichler, Richard Lipman, Alan Loveman, Ivan Miller, Stanford Newman, Jus,tin Rothman, Robert Schwartz and Walter Stone.

THE NATIONAL FEDERATION OF TEMPLE YOUTH have honored several of our Alumni with appointments to na­tional s tanding committees.

Robert Desberg, retired president of the Alumni Association 'Was ' app0'inted Cha:rman of the Committee on Jewish Needs; Sheridan Horwitz, newly-elected president is a member of a Committee on -Co-operation; Rosalind Korach, re­ele·cied corresponding secr'etary is a member ~f the Committee on College Activities.

Congra tula tions !


A Jewish fami ly t hat had recently moved into a small town in the West, was visited by a welcoming co.mmittee frem one 0:£ the 'Churches. After a friendly di scussion, in whi,ch the religious affiliation of the newcom ers was made known to. the ccmmittee, the family re­cieved the following letter:

"The citizens ef F---, who are con­vinced that the people of Jewish tfaith in Europe, now suffering such harsh treatment, will sometime enjoy rest from such persecutien, extend their Slll­

cere condolence. Cordially,

The Churches ef F---."



Shevuoth, the Feast of Weeks, in mod­

ern J ewish ' !i~e is r eally a combination

of two festivals. One is the harvest

celebration, which in ancient days marked

the rejoicing over the new grain crop,

with a thank-offering of two loaves of

baked bread from tlhis crop. As the name

indicates, Shevuoth is in reality but the

culmination oJ a period of seven "weeks"

of harvest thanksgiving/expressed in

daily offerings of sheaves of barley,

called omer. In the diaspora, as Jews

left farm lands for t he city, and especial­

ly in Europe, where the grain harvest

occurs later than in Palestine, the deco­

ration of home and synagogue with all

sorts oJ green things and flower s came

to take the place Otf th~ more limited

emphasis on grain. As th~ ag ';r,u l tl1rlll ·gignincanr.p. of the

day declined, its h istoric:al meaning grew.

For Shevuoth, tradition tells us, is the day when the Torah was given on Mount Sinai. It became customary therefore to stay up the whole night' of the festival

reading from a special book containing

introductory and concluding passages of

all the books of the Bible and oIf the

tractates of the Talmud. Legend has it

that the J ews were asleep when God ap­

peared on Sinai; therefore they do not

want to be negligent on such an import­

ant occasion again. Refonm Judais)U marks the g iving of

the Torah by making it the occasion for

Confirmation, for it is fitting that each

new generation should accept its r elig­

ious responsiibilities on the anniversary

of such acceptance by a ll Israel. The

fl oral offerings 0:£ the service preserve

the note of thankfulness to nature in a

halmonious blending of the two mean­

ings of the festival.



and other joyous occasions noth­

ing is more acceptable than


Available in the Temple Office


Mrs. L. Kaufman- YEo 0579


The Temple gratefully acknowledges

with thank~ receipt of the following do­

nations :

'flO 'rhe Ynhrzeit FUlld : Mr. an d Mrs.

A. Lic l< el' in m e m or y of daughter DOI"(l<th y


~'o 'l'he l'ru)'erhook F und: Mr. and Mrs.

Hel'man ,S. Gol dsm i·th in m emory o f Min­

nie Hnlle Reinthal. Mrs. Ch a rl es Reic h in

memory of hu sband. Syl via a nd Milton

Licker in 1l1elTlory of siste l", Doroth y Lic k­

e r.

'ro TIl e l,lhrnry J~· lInt1: Mrs. P Jh'il Sobel

and ::vr1'8. S. Ha,'t111ft ll in memo,'Y of .Al­

fred De rl" J ac]< W. Lampl, Jr., in m e m­

O,'y of un c l e, Lew Lampl. Mrs . Samuel

Licke ,· in m emory of ni ece Doroth~' Lick­

e r. ~fr. ~l.11d Mrs. C. 1. Goldsmith in mem­

ory of Minnie Halle R e intha l. ::vresdames

M. J. G li ck, ~'l. A. Rapport and S. G. N e w­

man in memor~' of .Alf,·ed Berk.

'1' 0 'ril e Altu r F'ulI .l: Miss Tena Peskin

in memory of brother Charles Peskin.

'ro The F'uuuye Co),lnnd J[e morinl F'uud:

Judge and lVIrs. Da\"id Copland in memory

of Nathan ie l Talkin. Judge and . Ml's.

David oplanll in memlJry or Judge ~{an­

u e l L ev ine.


Our he·artfelt sympathy is extended to the bereaved families of Judge Manue l Levine and Eva Wei!.