The Epistles of Aquarius Book Î

March 20, 2014 3/20, 11:18pm Jacob Critcher OH! One other thing I also wanted to point out to you was; What is the verse in Genesis that starts the story of "the fall of man”? March 21, 2014 3/21, 6:04am Bill Fechtelkotter I'd say Gen. 3:1, but this sounds like a trick question. It may be Gen. 1:1 which in the Hebrew has several pictures of the Messiah. There would be no need for a Messiah without a fall from god-hood. 3/21, 6:29am Jacob Critcher Yes, I was referring to Gen. 3:1-4 to be exact. My next question, what is the significance about that number, 3.14 mathematically speaking? 3/21, 6:50am Bill Fechtelkotter Pi?


The Epistles of Aquarius - Book Î- Official eBook

Transcript of The Epistles of Aquarius Book Î

  • March 20, 2014

    3/20, 11:18pmJacob Critcher OH! One other thing I also wanted to point out to you was; What is the verse in Genesis that starts the story of "the fall of man?

    March 21, 2014

    3/21, 6:04amBill Fechtelkotter I'd say Gen. 3:1, but this sounds like a trick question. It may be Gen. 1:1 which in the Hebrew has several pictures of the Messiah. There would be no need for a Messiah without a fall from god-hood.

    3/21, 6:29amJacob Critcher Yes, I was referring to Gen. 3:1-4 to be exact. My next question, what is the significance about that number, 3.14 mathematically speaking?

    3/21, 6:50amBill Fechtelkotter Pi?

  • 3/21, 7:17amBill Fechtelkotter Ok? You've got me interested.

    3/21, 7:34amJacob Critcher Nailed it.Now try to follow along, because I now know the REAL reason I asked you the question yesterday, as this was just reveled to me all throughout out the night. So whats one of the significance of this number?It's a transcendental number a number that is not the root of any nonzero polynomial having rational coefficients. This transcendence of (3.14...) implies that it is impossible to solve the ancient challenge of squaring the circle with a compass and straight-edge.Next question, what did the Fall of Man do for Mankind? Break our connection with God. What connection? I think it's what the Jews call the Torah and someone like me would call, the esoteric secret Knowledge (Kabbalah), that in the same way a leash would constantly remind a sheep of its knowledge and bonds with the shepherd, It is the Knowledge that connects us with our complete Spiritual knowledge of our true origins, by means of these transcendental numbers, called scared geometry, and our connection to the Infinite Ein Sof, whom through The Tree of Life, used it like a radiant clear crystal, to reveal his Light (in the form of Conscious) to us. I now believe when the fall of man happened, the dis-connection in the Tree of Life happened. I believe this is the "Enmity" that He speaks about, in..... Guess which verse??

  • 3/21, 7:37amBill Fechtelkotter Tell me

    3/21, 7:52amBill Fechtelkotter Ok. There is a deep connection to something you are sharing. Very interesting that Pi looks like a backwards Tav in Hebrew. Tav is the picture of the finished work of the Messiah throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. In Hebraic imagery it signifies a cross making a new covenant. Obviously well before crosses were ever used in crucifixions of course. Hmmm... There's something there. Like a 180 degree turn allows one to behold the truth, the eyes looking away from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to the original Tree of Life.I think of Jesus saying in John 3:14 (no way I just realized those numbers!! This is crazy!!!!). In John 3:14, Jesus tells us of a mystery. Most Christians know John 3:16 by heart, but they've never been told of the set up to that in John 3:14. There Jesus says, "Just as Moses raised up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up." He was sharing from the well known story in the Torah where the people were filled with the venom of poisonous snakes in punishment for their sin. Moses was told by YHVH to lift up a bronzed serpent (bronze is the picture of judgement) so that the people could gaze upon it and live. Those that simply looked up at this judged serpent were immediately free from the poison of judgement. They were freed from the prison of condemnation simply by be holding that all the Tree of Good and Evil was completely finished on their account releasing them and their bodies to live in the life and light of the Tree of Life. We need to ponder more on this. Tell me what you think.

  • 3/21, 8:06amJacob Critcher Gen. 3:14.That is the start of the placement of the "Enmity" or what I would call, the loss of this Knowledge.So, in the same way a clear white Crystal would be spun, causing the white light to break into what we call the electromagnetic spectrum (which quite possibly could be the actual entire makeup of our universe) or the rainbow of light. (just like Noah's rainbow, or the coat of many colors), Our connection with the knowledge was broken, causing our spirit to be lost along with its knowledge of who (the person) it is, its origin, its true existence. Which would render precisely the exact requirements, or situation if you will, for every single outcome of the results. And in the same way the white light becomes obstructed entering the spinning crystal (representation of our spinning universe), causing the appearance of a false reality, due to the appearance of the rainbow of many colors filling the crystal. While in the entirety of it all, the marvelous spectrum light is ACTUALLY nothing but the white light, which has vibrated to a point to which it separates, and becomes what appears to be completely separate colors; our Spiritual Connection that held this knowledge was broken, causing a false reality to appear, causing our spirit to appear as if separated by Ein Sof. ( I.e. Adam and Eves eyes were opened). Now go back to that definition of Pi. This transcendence of implies that it is impossible to solve the ancient challenge of squaring the circle with a compass and straight-edge.Key word: IMPLIES. See me point now?...(also funny how we use THREE dots to express continuation)

  • 3/21, 8:08amJacob Critcher and guess what else? God did beat the impossible task of the ancient challenge of squaring the circle with a compass and straight-edge.In his design of the human body.As explained in Leonardos drawings in the Vitruvian Man.

    3/21, 8:09amBill Fechtelkotter Continue Send a link so I can view a pic of that

    3/21, 8:10aJacob Critcher(See Below)

  • 3/21, 8:11amBill Fechtelkotter So man solves the riddle? Am I following

    3/21, 8:11amJacob Critcher notice the precise placement of the human body if you'll notice that if you trace it, you'll see how it is done.Not necessary, as some need to not know, due to the nature of how it work universallymeaning even the misuse (evil intentions) are precise calculations that are necessary to complete it.As in the Yin and Yang.Push and pull.

    3/21, 8:13amBill Fechtelkotter This sounds like another coffee 3 hour visits coming. Your on a role though. Continue Good and evil are on the same side. They are apart of the same cursed tree. Yin/Yang and all that.I like that. Precise calculations that are a part of the whole

  • 3/21, 8:13amBill Fechtelkotter To me that's why the Tree of Life and the Messiah, even in His name, declare a breakaway from the prison of ying/yang to a place without boundaries or limitations, the full consciousness of God.

    We are I AmI Am (Ein Sof) is endlessSo must we be

    3/21, 8:20amBill Fechtelkotter Endless, in every direction.Malachi 4:2 (NASB) 2 "But for you who revere My name (Ein Sof - endless, infinite, without boundaries. The same as the Name Yahushua), the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall.

    3/21, 8:21amBill Fechtelkotter This is all so fascinating We are being unveiled brother. Right now

  • 3/21, 8:25amJacob Critcher I believe this Knowledge was then given to as apart of a covenant to certain sects or tribes, to be hidden only to be exposed to people with higher consciences (as it requires one to understand it). due bc of the fact that the method of the order of how it works (hard to explain but a direct reflection of mankind as a whole) causes it to be hidden until the start of Revelation.Which is happening now.The Age of Aquarius, describes a occurrence on earth, due to its slow precessional rotation and lasts for 2,150 years, on average, that refers to the advent of the New Age movement in the 1960s and 1970s. Now, which new, break through, substance came about during that time?.... haha.

    3/21, 8:26amBill Fechtelkotter The Jews took back Jerusalem. Is that what you are referring to?

    3/21, 8:27amJacob Critcher so it was hidden in the past generations due to virtually the consequences of the fall of man, and this Knowledge must then be, separated from Mankind for a certain time, only to be totally reviled to all at time of The Second Coming.but what was the other effect to that, during that time period?

  • 3/21, 8:27amBill Fechtelkotter Hmmm

    3/21, 8:27amJacob Critcher psychedelic drugs

    3/21, 8:28amBill Fechtelkotter Oh yeah

    3/21, 8:29amJacob Critcher The opening to the altered states required to attain the higher consciousness needed by man, to see the knowledge, to once again be used during the Second-coming.not the only one however.

    3/21, 8:29amBill Fechtelkotter Like a door was open or rather an eye

  • 3/21, 8:30amJacob Critcher A door that was the eye.;) remember everything is one ;P

    3/21, 8:34amBill Fechtelkotter Let's talk more. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

    3/21, 8:39amJacob Critcher Final point for today.

    Within each of us are: Two Separate Brains, indirectly connected to, One Central Cortex - which processes both: Their Commands and Internal Functions. Meanwhile, we have only One Cohesive Consciousness, or personal awareness. In the very same manner, Yahweh [ The Father ] and Yahshua [ His Person ] are: " One Single Consciousness " - in separate entities, but indirectly interconnected within their overall body [ Everything That Exists ]. As it says in The Scriptures, " I [ Yahshua ] and My Father [ Yahweh ] are One!

    Meanwhile, our own human brains indirectly control somewhere around 26 Billion Individual Life Forms - known, by us, merely as living cells. We call those which are dangerously disobedient: " Cancer Cells " - for they are: Dangerous, Destructive, and Ultimately Life Threatening to the others that they coexist with.

  • They continually refuse to cooperate and to consider the enlightened best interests of the entire human body. So we: Cut Them Out, Remove Them, and Kill Them - lest the entire body becomes dangerously compromised! So symbolical. For-sure Bill! sounds great! I am now going to finally read the rest of what you wrote above, as I missed reading most of it while I was typing. Thanks!!

    3/21, 8:58amBill Fechtelkotter Definitely let's keep this conversation going. For sure

    3/21, 8:58amJacob Critcher oh trust me, I could go on as long as,.. Pi hahaha tongue emoticon

    3/21, 9:00amBill Fechtelkotter Keep going. I may just have to read later is all. Love you brother. Love your passion and insights.

  • 3/21, 9:03amJacob Critcher Ive been up all night, Ill try get some rest. might have more come to me tonight that might have to tell u ahead of time haha thanks! much love!

    3/21, 9:13amJacob Critcher Don't have to message back, but in regards to your status, part of the revelation last night was the thought how we humans do things such as, climb the tallest mountains, or landed and walked on the moon, as such if the universe is something to be conquered. haha have great day.

    3/21, 9:16amBill Fechtelkotter You meed to put that as a comment to the post, brilliant!Need not meed.

  • 3/21, 9:57amJacob Critcher WOW, Guess what I just realized now Okay, Pi represents 3.14 Now its sacred geometry partner the Golden ratio is, Phi which is the 21st letter in greek, and is the foundation and blueprint of all creation. Now what is todays date? 3/21/14 notice how the 21 is between the 3 and the 14. as if 3.14 is the golden spiral and creation (21) is in the center of it all. Now top that off with the concept that we are entering/in the Aquarius Age, and look at the age before that, called Piscean Age, which was actually consider to be a dark one. now what that means to someone like me is, the dark Piscean Age has to be associated with Pi, due to the pi pretense. (all words are in essence delivered from Hebrew, which is all numbers.) and the A in Aquarious must me significant. Do you know of any meanings (hebrew maybe) with Aq? I dont have any and am curious In the words of the popular song, 'The Age of Aquarius', the time of 'the mind's true liberation"Keep in mind also, In the 1990s, spiritual writers Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson drew on their knowledge of astrology to declare that we are entering an age of Aquarius, which would be characterized by intuitive thinking, group consciousness, and planetary service, and could be expected to last about 2,100 years.once again 21.just like todays date. Also, want to know when I first started to actually receive these revelations? When I turned 21 (current age).

  • 3/21, 10:43amJacob Critcher better post:

    3/21, 10:43amJacob Critcher Pi represents 3.14 Now its sacred geometry partner the Golden ratio is, Phi which is the 21st letter in greek, and is the foundation and blueprint of all creation.- Now what is todays date? 3/21/14 Notice how the 21 is between the 3 and the 14. as if 3.14 is the golden spiral and creation (21) is in the center of it all.Now top that off with the concept that we are entering/in the Aquarius Age, and look at the age before that, called Piscean Age, which was actually consider to be a dark one.Now what that means to someone like me is, the dark Piscean Age has to be associated with Pi, due to the pi pretense. (all words are in essence derived from Hebrew, which is al l numbers), then of course there must be significance in the A (or Aq ) in Aquarius. Furthermore, Pisces spans the 330 to 360 of the zodiac, between 332.75 and 360 of celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac the sun transits this area on average between February 20 to March 20.Did you see that? March 20 the sun enters this area. Today is March 21. TODAY is the day of the Start of The Age Of Aquarius.Also, its the 12th astrological sign in the Zodiac.(21 backward, such as the date from dec 21, 2012 aka 12-21-12)Do you see all the Connections yet? In the words of the popular song,'The Age of Aquarius', the time of 'the mind's true liberationKeep in mind also, In the 1990s, spiritual writers Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson drew on their knowledge of astrology to declare that we are entering an age of Aquarius, which would be characterized by intuitive thinking, group consciousness, and planetary service, and could be expected to last about 2,100 years.

  • 3/21, 11:17amBill Fechtelkotter Keep sending. Reading between meetings.

    3/21, 11:17amJacob Critcher The story of the birth of Christ is said to be a result of the spring equinox entering into the Pisces, as the "Savior of the World" appeared as the Fisher of Men. This parallels the entering into the Age of Pisces.The age of Pisces began c. 1 CE and will end c. 2150 CE. With the story of the birth of Christ coinciding with this date, many Christian symbols for Christ use the astrological symbol for Pisces, the fish. The figure Christ himself bears many of the temperaments and personality traits of a Pisces, and is thus considered an archetype of the Piscean.Moreover, the twelve apostles were called the "fishers of men," early Christians called themselves "little fishes," and a code word for Jesus was the Greek word for fish, "Ikhthues." With this, the start of the age, or the "Great Month of Pisces" is regarded as the beginning of the Christian religion.Saint Peter is recognized as the apostle of the Piscean sign. Pisces has been called the "dying god," where its sign opposite in the night sky is Virgo, or, the Virgin Mary. When Jesus was asked by his disciples where the next Passover would be, he replied to them:"Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water... follow him into the house where he entereth in.-Luke 22:10

  • This coincides with the changing of the ages, into the Age of Aquarius, as the personification of the constellation of Aquarius is a man carrying pitchers of water.

    Oh and What Century are we in as of January 1, 2001? 21st. When will it end? December 31, 2100 Notice how it parallels the expected 2,100 years of Aquarius. AND It is the 1st century of the 3rd millennium. Here we have the "3" and the "1". A representation of Jesus and God.

    3/21, 11:20amBill Fechtelkotter What is the Greek letter q in Aquarius?

    3/21, 11:23amJacob Critcher Technically there isn't one As the Greek alphabet contains only 24 letters to our 26 hmmm

    3/21, 11:28amBill Fechtelkotter Aquarius is an entirely different word in Hebrew. I'll have to check into it.

  • 3/21, 11:29amJacob Critcher Yes, as it could (i believe should) mean something.

    3/21, 11:31amBill Fechtelkotter The word starts with a picture of water is a picture of water as in the water of life

    3/21, 11:32amJacob Critcher really?? very interesting.... hmm"And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."Gen. 1 thats actually verse 2 lol.

    Wow 2.. as in Gen 1:2 .... "12" = "21 ?

    3/21, 11:38amBill Fechtelkotter New water. This time the sons speak into it. HmmmmWhat you want to create? Haha

  • 3/21, 11:40amJacob Critcher Its like the 12 = 21 perfectly reflect each as if looking at water...Perfect mirrors.Exact opposites. Yet one in the same.

    Just like your two hands.

    3/21, 2:35pmBill Fechtelkotter So Jesus began the age of Pisces. Interesting. And, today 3/21/14 are you saying that the next age, the new age has begun? The Pisces era was considered "dark?" Interesting.

    March 21, 2014

    3/21, 5:52pmJacob Critcher Absolutely.

  • 3/21, 5:54pmBill Fechtelkotter I want to know more on Pisces v Aquarius

    March 22, 2014

    3/22, 2:44pmJacob Critcher Will let you know if I find out anything else about it!

    3/22, 3:30pmJacob Critcher - "Let there be light" was an example of advanced scientific mechanisms- God is an extraterrestrial - Adam and Eve were colonists on a new planet - The serpent was an alien, as Earth snakes dont speak or show any intelligence- The flood was a story of a world catastrophe, and the survivors - The Tower of Babel (like Metropolis, which it inspired in part) - Moses vs. the Egyptian magicians is advanced technological warfare - Samson as sword and sorcery - The first chapter of Ezekiel is a UFO account. - Parallels between biblical stories and modern science/tropes.