The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And JohnSieber

Transcript of The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

Page 1: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

The Epic Escapade

Starring Rena KobelakAnd John the awesome Sieber

Page 2: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.


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Page 3: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

Our Trip

Page 4: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

Chevy Camero

Total Miles: 1236.61Total Time: 23 Hours, 2 Minutes

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New York, New York

Page 6: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

Buffalo, New York

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Erie, Pennsylvania

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Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

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Ocean City, Maryland

Page 10: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

Ellis Island

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Waldameer and Water World

Page 12: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

Tocqueville City

• New York City

Page 13: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

Past and Future New York

Page 14: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

New York

• So here we are in New-York. To a Frenchman the aspect of the city is bizarre and not very agreeable. One sees neither dome, nor bell tower, nor great edifice, with the result that one has the constant impression of being in a suburb. In its center the city is built of brick, which gives it a most monotonous appearance…The streets are very badly paved, but sidewalks for pedestrians are to be found in all of them.

Page 15: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

New York Continued• At length we succeeded in establishing ourselves

admirably in the most fashionable street, called Broadway. All the Americans of all the classes seem to rival each other as to who will be the most useful and agreeable to us. It is true that the newspapers, which concern themselves with everything, have announced our arrival and expressed the hope that we would find active assistance everywhere. The result is that all doors are opened to us and that everywhere we receive the most flattering reception. I, who have always lived in coaches and inns while traveling, find this new manner of life most agreeable.

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• From this excerpt of a letter to his mother, you can see that Alexis finds New York is very dirty and the buildings aren’t very eccentric, but he finds Broadway very interesting. Also, with all the attention he is getting he feels as if he is back home with all of his fancy coaches.

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New York • Most of them boast about it without

discrimination, and with an impertinence disagreeable to strangers that bears witness to but slight enlightenment. Generally speaking there is a lot of small-town pettiness in their makeup, and they make much of things in the way common to people unacquainted with great matters. But we have not yet met a really outstanding man.

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• From this quote, Alexis believes there is no feeling behind the American’s “petty make up” or there is nothing behind the looks. Also, they haven’t found someone good enough to document or write about that would be interesting to read.

Page 19: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

New York

• By and large they seem to be a religious people. It is clear that no one thinks of ridiculing religious practices, and that the goodness and even the truth of religion is universally admitted in theory. How far is their life regulated by their doctrine? What is the real power of religious principe over their soul? How can the variety of sects not breed indifference, if not externally, then at least within? That is what remains to be known.

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• From this quote, Tocqueville believes Americans talk all about how they follow their religion and they respect religion, promote religion, and would never ridicule it. Nevertheless, Toqeville is not sure whether they actually do what they say they do.

Page 21: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

New York• Up to now it seems to me that this country illustrates the

most complete external development of the middle classes, or rather that the whole of society seems to have turned into one middle class. No one seems to have the elegant manners and refined politeness of the upper classes in Europe. On the contrary one is at once struck by something vulgar, and a disagreeable casualness of behavior. But also no one has what we should call mauvais ton in France. All the Americans that we have met, right down to the simple shop-assistant, seem to have had, or to wish to appear to have had, a good education. Their manners are sober, poised and reserved, and they all wear the same clothes.

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• All of the Americans seem to be middle class. Although there may sometimes be out bursts of vulgarity, or inappropriate behavior, almost every man Alexis had met had a fairly good education.

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New York

That up to now is the only indisputable superiority that I grant them over us. But they see in themselves many others. These people seem to me stinking with national conceit; it pierces through all their courtesy.

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• Tocqueville believes Americans are so caught up in the American dream and their pride for their country that they almost forget their poise and politeness.

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New York

• The absence of wine at our meals at first struck us as very disagreeable; and we still can't understand the multitude of things that they succeed in introducing into their stomachs here. You see, in addition to breakfast, dinner, and tea with which the Americans eat ham, they also eat a very copious supper, and often a gouter. That up to now is the only indisputable superiority that I grant them over us. But they see in themselves many others. These people seem to me stinking with national conceit; it pierces through all their courtesy.

Page 26: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

New York

• The absence of wine at our meals at first struck us as very disagreeable; and we still can't understand the multitude of things that they succeed in introducing into their stomachs here. You see, in addition to breakfast, dinner, and tea with which the Americans eat ham, they also eat a very copious supper, and often a gouter. That up to now is the only indisputable superiority that I grant them over us. But they see in themselves many others. These people seem to me stinking with national conceit; it pierces through all their courtesy.

Page 27: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

History of City

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Physical Environment

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Offerings of the City

• The city has to offer multiple news paper companies, many movies as well as movie companies are stationed in New York. Trade is another large aspect of the City.

Page 30: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

Two Influential People

• Rudy Giuliani:He was credited with initiating improvements and with a reduction in crime pressing the city's quality of life initiatives. He also provided emotional support in a time of need when he was a Mayor during 911.

Page 31: The Epic Escapade Starring Rena Kobelak And John the awesome Sieber.

Two Influential People (Continued)

• Mario Cuomo: Cuomo is notable for his liberal political views, particularly his steadfast opposition to the death penalty, an opinion that was unpopular in New York during the high crime era of the 1980s and early '90s. Cuomo is pro-choice on abortion.

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• New York is basically trade because of their location on the Atlantic ocean, and their access to rivers. These waterways makes it very easy for trade.

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• Economical Proposal: Each year New York brings in large amounts of money. This is because of their constant trading with outside countries. We believe that Pittsburgh should start trading more with foreign countries. If we do, our Economy will rise greatly. New York harbor receives millions of foreign goods from other countries each year. This makes up almost half of their economy. If Pittsburgh were to do this, our City would improve.