The Enchanted Loom reviews Robert Scaer's book, The Body Bears the Burden

The Enchanted Loom Teasing sturdy threads from neuroscience masterworks

Transcript of The Enchanted Loom reviews Robert Scaer's book, The Body Bears the Burden

The Enchanted LoomTeasing sturdy threads from

neuroscience masterworks

Teasing 10 threads fromRobert Scaer’s…

Thread 1:

Traumatic “Conversion reactions” can show up as symptoms in organs or other parts of the body.

(pg. 79)

Thread 2:

Altering the threat of the unknown by informing and educating patients changes the body’s stress response and promotes healing.

(pg. xix)

Thread 3:

A child whose boundaries are evolving, ebbing and flowing, with new life experi- ences is especially vulnerable to traumatic stress.

(pg. 4)

Thread 4:

The acceptance by psychiatrists of Freudian theory resulted in almost total rejection of the effects of child abuse and trauma on character traits and personality development. (pg. 63)

Thread 5:

Physical movement that “discharges the freeze response” erases/extinguishes the memories for what the body felt, and tried, and failed to do for self-protection.

(pg. 40)

Thread 6:

Dissociation can have emotional, perceptual, physical, and/or memory-related manifestations. (pg. 125)

Thread 7:

Impaired present-moment perception may be caused by intrusion of body-based memories linked to old trauma.

(pg. 91)

Thread 8:

A trauma victim’s sense of self and developmental maturity may be arrested at the age and time of the sentinel trauma experience.

(pg. 92)

Thread 9:

A threatening experience that replicates similar past trauma is far more likely to be traumatizing.(pg. 134)

Thread 10:

Depending upon your trauma history, superficially trivial events can prove to be profoundly traumatizing .

(pg. 193)

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