The Effects of Globalization on Technical Communication and Training



By Christie Fidura, SDL -- Presented at DocTrain East 2007. Globalization’ is the new buzz word, but what does this mean for a technical writer in the production of user documentation? In possession of specific skills, natural curiosity, and design abilities, technical writers are in a unique position to ensure their organization delivers information to a global audience that is accurate, consistent, and appropriate for local audiences. The efficient delivery of documentation is not the issue; instead, it is the efficient delivery of correct information across all content creators within the organization that is at stake. Technical writers are part of a larger organization due to hierarchical reporting structure. This silo approach does not encourage interactivity with other departments, leaving technical writers to wonder who is reviewing information that Marketing, Customer Support or Sales content. How can a technical writer affect change across the organization?

Transcript of The Effects of Globalization on Technical Communication and Training

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Effects of Globalization on Technical Communication & Training

Christie Fidura

Senior Product Marketing Manager for Terminology Solutions

The Effects of Globalization on Technical Communication and Training

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Effects of Globalization on Technical Communication & Training

The SDL Mission

We help corporations drive global brand consistency and accelerate time-to-market by providing software and services to manage the delivery of all corporate information into different languages

We call this Global Information Management (GIM)

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How many of you…

Know how many languages your company translates into today?

Are aware of your company’s growth/expansion/future plans?

Know exactly what happens to your content after it’s published?

Have recently read your company’s website?

Stumble across paragraphs you’ve written in other collateral?

Understand the translation process?

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Globalization in the Corporate World

It impacts everything you do as a company

Your market presence

Your target audience identification

Your brand

Tone of voice

Customer Support interaction

The delivered product or service

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We communicate with customers over multiple channels and in multiple


Brand Penetration

Inconsistencies are easy to see from one channel to another

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Today’s Communication Challenges

Increasing delivery channels Too much work to deliver/track Increases risk of errors Decreases content effectiveness

Increasing content volumes Does ‘write once, reuse many times’ ever work? Higher translation costs

Time-to-market pressures Production cycles are shortening Squeezes development & localization effort

Source issues Don’t have access to all content sources required Dependency on subject matter experts – busy and/or located elsewhere

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Today’s Communication Challenges

Content ownership Lost after publication Leaves content vulnerable

Pressure to: Improve customer satisfaction Improve quality and consistency Accelerate time-to-market Do more with less resource

Business silos of content creation Geographically separated resources No ability to share information or leverage other work

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Geographically Distributed Resources












Latin America





Product Group







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Development Silos Prevent Collaboration

Initiatives Dev Areas Types of Docs

Multiple Development Areas



Increase Productivity

Version Control

Reduce Costs



Small Bus

Large Bus

Medium Bus


Quick InstallGuides

Owner’s Manuals

Installation & Service Guides

Product Info. Guides

Program Strings

Getting StartedGuides

Improve Customer Exp.

User Guides

Tech. Sheets

Read Me & Help Files


Reference Manuals

CD Artwork, Graphics, Icons

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Effects of Globalization on Technical Communication & Training

So what does ‘going global’ mean?

Writing Content for a Global Audience

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Writing with a Global Audience in Mind


Writing ..and then thinking of the rest of the world and different


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… thinking of the rest of the world and different languages while writing, planning, etc.


Writing with a Global Audience in Mind

The Bottom Line:Write for the Greatest Understanding

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How Hard Can it Be?

International Council for Technical Communication (INTECOM): US thinks UK spelling is ‘quaint, strange or just spelled wrong’ UK thinks US spelling is recognizable but strange – and slightly irritating!!

No cultural, regional or local references “batting 1000” “on the fly” “the bottom line” “Choose a password which is easily memorable, such as your mother’s

maiden name”

Simple, clean, concise sentence structure Other languages do not understand the combination of multiple nouns

• “Application Integration Software Development Toolkit” = “Toolkit for the Development of the Software which allows the Integration of Applications”

Consider “text creep” when translation occurs

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Global Content is Usable Content

Write for the broadest spectrum of users

Easily consumable content is the goal Think of Ikea!

The easier it is, the more translatable it is

Usable content employs good style Tone, language structure, syntax Tense, punctuation, grammar Formatting and layout Customer-friendly and unambiguous Complies with legal regulations Uses accurate, approved and consistent corporate terminology Not regional or cultural specific

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We’re Not Global, so I Don’t Have to Worry, Right?

CEOs are naturally ambitious Could market abroad later, requiring content localization Content could be re-purposed for a website that is localized

‘Internationalized’ content is easier to comprehend in English Readers who speak English as a 2nd, 3rd, 4th language Especially important when you outsource (development) or publish information for companies

who sub-contract (aerospace/defense)

Modular content can be used by other internal departments Content can be lifted and then changed to suit new audience, medium, style guide

Is the style guide future-proof? Can the same content apply to: Multiple formats Multiple delivery channels

What about…? Different ways of saying things Inflexible rules

• Heading 2’s must be less than 6 words – does this rule work for other mediums?

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A Helpful Translation Glossary

CAT: Computer Aided Translation Technology solutions for the translation process

CAT technology provides translation memories and terminology management

Translation memory: a database consisting of translation units Translation unit: source and translated sentence During translation, the technology searches for exact or similar matches to the current source sentence for

translation Matches found can be reused or edited

Termbase: multilingual database of all approved translated terms Term entries: terms, synonyms, acronyms, etc. Additional data: definition, part of speech, gender, etc.

Translators work with a translation memory and termbase to reuse previous translations and ensure consistency of terminology during translation

Result = More consistent translations, lowered translation costs

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Effects of Globalization on Technical Communication & Training

OK, OK, I’m Global Already!

Wait… what about everyone else in my company?

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Consistency is Key

Using consistent terms, style, formatting, and layout makes content more usable

Readers can apply existing familiarity to new content Makes them more comfortable Reduces learning curve

Happier customers think your product is better

Less Support queries

Internal perception = Great documentation!

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The Impact of Inconsistency for Global Content

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Examples: Product code name – internal name vs. marketing name

• “Longhorn” vs. Microsoft Windows Server? Feature names

Risks to: Proprietary terms

• The business – mission statements, elevator pitches, boilerplate text• The technology – business applications, internal processes

Editorial guidelines, which build the brand• Established/preferred nouns

– SDL Knowledge-based Translation System™ – Established – SDL KbTS – Alternative/Preferred

• Images• Colours• Email Addresses

Regulatory compliance

Inconsistency Examples & Risks

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The Real Impact of Inconsistency

Inconsistencies cause: Inability to reuse content Inability to leverage other internal knowledge Inability to leverage existing translations Inability to Simship across all markets

Frustrated customers

Increased Support issues

Internal and External Perception = Bad documentation

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Effects of Globalization on Technical Communication & Training

The 3 C’s of Globalization




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What did we call this last time?

Didn’t I just research this?

I don’t like this translation.

There are four different translations

for this!

What doesthis mean?

Let’s just call it this for now.

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Centralized Content Assets


Local Regional Offices

Training and Education





Corporate Marketing

Web content, Online Help, User Guides, Marketing, Specs, etc.

Translation memory


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Improve quality of customer experience (deliveries and interactions)

Protect and enhance brand quality and value

Accelerate product and message “time-to-market”


Communicate with relevance and consistency to local markets

Drive out unnecessary process costs and delays

Centralization Enables Collaboration

Centralize all content assets

Apply assets to the entire content lifecycle

Optimize efficiency of the communication process

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Managing Terminology Delivers…

The Right Term to the Right Author at the Right Time Delivers accurate and effective communications Rapid time-to-market Consistent information, communications, global branding and messaging

The Right Term to the Right Translator at the Right Time Delivers true translation efficiency Reduces translation costs Reduces the review cycle Consistent translations, higher quality More reuse

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Globalization requires Information Foundation Increases efficiency, collaboration Reduces effort and inconsistencies Style, terminology, tone, structure, syntax Knowledge sharing -- Enables collaboration without hassle Standards can be more easily adhered to

Write for a global audience

Be aware of publication media type Content may be published on the internet, and therefore localized

Further reference:

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Effects of Globalization on Technical Communication & Training

Thank you

Christie [email protected]

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