The E piph any of the Lor d Janu ary 2, 2022

The Epiphany of the Lord - January 2, 2022

Transcript of The E piph any of the Lor d Janu ary 2, 2022

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The Epiphany of the Lord - January 2, 2022

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Parish Events

HAPPY NEW YEAR! May the blessing of this new year fill

your hearts with the abundant mercy, peace, and joy of

Christ. As we usher in this new year of 2022, we also con-

tinue our celebration of the Christmas season with the

Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. The readings for this

day speak of light breaking through the darkness, the

glory of God shining forth, and a rising star that leads to

Christ. The familiar Gospel story we hear on this feast of

the star in the night leading the magi to a simple stable

reminds us of the power of God at work in the most com-

mon of places. The magi represent people of all nations

and as we hear in the story: the star that they had seen

at its rising preceded them, until it came and stopped

over the place where the child was. They were over-

joyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house, they

saw the child with Mary his mother. They prostrated

themselves and did him homage. In this new year of

2022, let us allow the light of Jesus to broaden our world

so we may see all as our sisters and brothers. And may

the light of Christ illuminate our lives so we can be a

source of joy for others.

The Feast of the Epiphany is the traditional time for the

blessing of homes. The simple blessing included in the

bulletin can be used as you mark your doorway with the

blessed chalk. This is a visual reminder that God is with

you as you come and go from your home each day. If

you have blessed chalk left from past years, you can use

it for the marking. There is also blessed chalk available in

the Gathering Space. The marking you make with the

chalk is the first initial for each of the traditional names of

the three magi or wise men – Caspar, Melchior, and

Balthasar – and the numbers for the year. This year you

would mark the upper lintel of your main door with

20 + C + M + B + 22. This is a great conversation piece

among family and friends and a daily reminder that God

is with us on our journey.

Next weekend we bring the Christmas season to a close

with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Be sure to focus

on ways you can keep the spirit of Christmas alive and

live your baptismal call throughout the year by sharing

your faith in the new year. As many of us take time to

make resolutions, don’t forget to include ways you can

grow in your faith. Let’s all resolve to make time for pray-

er each day, take time to participate in faith formation

activities, and put our faith into action through service to

others. Be sure to read the Christmas book we handed

out and take advantage of our parish subscription to

FORMED and ENGAGED as ways to make the new year a

faith-filled one!

May 2022 be filled with Many Blessings!

Monday, January 3

9am-8pm Eucharistic Adoration St. Ann Chapel 9:30am Chair Yoga Scheer/Stayton 6pm Hispanic Marian Group Yellow House 6pm Young Missionaries Cooper 7pm Hispanic Bible Class Scheer/Stayton

Tuesday, January 4

9am Holy Donuts Mulligan 6pm Cantor Rehearsal Church 6:30pm Divorce Support Information Meeting Mary Room 6:30pm Stewardship Hospitality Meeting Cooper

Wednesday, January 5

9am-8pm Eucharistic Adoration St. Ann Chapel 5 & 6:45pm Children’s Faith Formation Classes Classrooms 6:30pm Adult Bible Study Mulligan

Thursday, January 6

10:30am Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Yellow House 12:30pm St. Joseph Guild Meeting Mulligan 3:30pm One City Café Volunteers Offsite 6pm Hispanic Prayer & Worship Mary Room 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal Church

Friday, January 7

8:45am Muffins with Moms Mulligan 9am-8pm Eucharistic Adoration St. Ann Chapel

Saturday, January 8

8am RCIA Retreat Mulligan 3:30pm Ensemble Rehearsal Music Room LSSS Food Drive Weekend 5:30pm Blood Pressure Checks Mulligan

Sunday, January 9

LSSS Food Drive Weekend After Masses Blood Pressure Checks Mulligan 9:15am Choir Rehearsal Music Room 10am Sunday School Classes Classrooms 1:30pm Spanish Children’s Liturgy of the Word Mulligan 6pm Youth Ministry Leadership Team Meeting Auditorium

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Prayer Requests To add or remove a name from the bulletin prayer list, contact the Pastoral Care Office, 251-1102.

Readings for the Week of January 2

Epiphany of the Lord

Is 60: 1-6/ Ps 72: 1-2. 7-8. 10-11. 12-13/ Eph 3: 2-3a. 5-6/

Mt 2: 1-12

Monday after Epiphany

1 Jn 3: 22- 4: 6/ Ps 2: 7bc-8. 10-12a/ Mt 4: 12-17. 23-25

Tuesday: Memorial of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seaton, Religious

1 Jn 4: 7-10/ Ps 72: 1-2. 3-4. 7-8/ Mk 6: 34-44

Wednesday: Memorial of Saint John Neumann, Bishop

1 Jn 4: 11-18/ Ps 72: 1-2. 10. 12-13/ Mk 6: 45-52


1 Jn 4: 19-5: 4/ Ps 72: 1-2. 14 and 15bc. 17/ Lk 4: 14-22


1 Jn 5: 5-13/ Ps 147: 12-13. 14-15. 19-20/ Lk 5: 12-16


1 Jn 5: 14-21/ Ps 149: 1-2. 3-4. 5 and 6a and 9b/ Jn 3: 22-30


Is 40: 1-5. 9-11/ Ps 104: 1b-2. 3-4. 24-25. 27-28. 29-30 (1)/

Ti 2: 11-14; 3: 4-7/Lk 3: 15-16. 21-22

Mass Times 4:30pm 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm

Lector Kevin Dunn Justin Bolton

Doug Erich Matt Wheeler

Amy Matlock Linda Clifford

Steve Swaters Gail Allen



Elaine Beachner Kay Morrissey

Ann Hoffman Jack Lintz

Rick Brown Melissa Kinnard

Kay King Mike King Deb Sheppard

Mass Coordinator

Frank Bolton Terry Drehle

Debbie Ripper Richard Ripper

Charlene White Steve White

Jason Rush Mike Sanchez


Josie H. Sophia G. Brady G.

Thomas G. Marco M. Rocco M.

Lucas C. Anna C. Mia S.

Allison M. Kate G. Michael G.

Greeter Regina Hogan Jim Hogan John Joyce

Dan Culross Jennifer Culross Amy Johnson

Chris Jochems Mary Jan Muehlebach Beth Turner

Pam Jameson Janet Sanchez Machelle Seiler

Seating Usher

Patti Bartlett Liz Frey Liz Hartenstein

Mike Chamberlain Steve Graboski Andy Hank

Tim Clifford Steve Jochems Dave McVey

Kathy Boas Mike King Steve Swaters

Liturgical Ministers: January 8-9

Monday, January 3

8:15am, Rosemary Yeater by Helen Merrigan

Tuesday, January 4

8:15am, Carol Miller by Annie Perkins

Wednesday, January 5

8:15am, Michael Fahy by Lynn Smith

Thursday, January 6

8:15am, Eddie Cook by St. Joseph Guild

Friday, January 7

8:15am, Corrine Watts by Jill & Peter Long

Saturday, January 8

4:30pm, Eddie Cook by Camille, Ed, Kenny &

Steve Walker

Sunday, January 9

8:00am, Nancy Thomasson by Helen & Jim


10:00am, Jack Smith by Lynne Smith

12:00pm, Tom Howley by Knights of Columbus

2:00pm, (Spanish), People of Presentation

Justin Andrews Michelle Arreguin

Brad Baker Mary Beery Louis Bosso

Marilyn Bosso Pat Burke

Linda Calia Byrd Bridgena Cahill

Teresa Calia Jean Carroll John Condra

Marge Oswald Denton Darlene Domann

Frank Emma Benjamin Gibson

Leo Gusman Dan Haake

Barbara Harness Chip Hennequin

Stella Henry Austin Hill

Diana Kennedy Michael Klein

Alta Klos Carrie Landtiser

Lori Long Todd Long

Thomas Lukowski Wanda McCartney

Jeri Migliazzo Lisa Park

Anthony Romano Mario Salinas Chad Shaffer Kathy Smith

Mary Ann Smith Dan Swope Alice Turney

Please remember in prayer the family of

William Ted Belt, December 18, Stepfather of Haley (Ryan) Hancock

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The three kings in today’s Gospel traveled a great distance at considerable cost to offer their richest

gifts to the Infant Jesus. How far will I go and what will I offer to do homage to this newborn King and

Savior? - Stewardship by the Book


THANK YOU for your continued contributions to the

parish and our Capital Campaign!

We encourage you to use:

• Online Giving at

• Text To Give: text OLPLS and the amount you wantto give to 45777

Stewardship Giving:

The weekly financials and

capital campaign update will be

published in an upcoming bulletin.

I Said A Christmas Prayer For You

because the season’s near.

I didn’t ask for riches

But for gifts as much more dear.

I asked for joyful gatherings

with your family all around,

And for carols to inspire you

with their old familiar sound.

I asked for quiet moments

in your heart on Christmas morn,

For a special time to celebrate

The Savior who was born.

We are grateful for the many ways you share your gifts with our faith community!

Prayers for you and your family.-The Parish Staff

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Adult Faith Formation

Pastoral CareAre you stuck in regret, bitterness, anger, sadness or fear because of

your divorce? Know a woman who is? We can help.

Introducing RADiCAL Divorce Recovery for Women

RADiCAL = Rising Above Divorce

In Confidence And Love

Remember, God still has a plan for you!

Wherever you are on the separation/divorce trail, take a deep breath and realize there is a plan for you after divorce. The goal is not just survival, it's life transformation. You can change absolutely everything in your life for the better. Believe that truth and join other women on the divorce road and get the tools and support to create the life you want.

Mondays, January 17 – March 286:30 to 8:00pm, in the Mary’s Room

Cost: $75 per person (financial help available)

All faiths/ages welcome. Class size limited.

Information Session: Tuesday, January 46:30 p.m. in the Mary’s Room.

To register, contact Shelli Lange:816-251-1102, [email protected]

Get Your Blood Pressure Checked Next Weekend

Parish nurses will provide free blood pressure checks after all

Masses next weekend, January 8-9 in the Mulligan Room.

Blessings in the New Year!

The Widows Group will not meet

in January. Stay warm and safe!

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Youth Ministry

Children’s Faith FormationOur Christmas Pageant

CFF Wednesday Classes resume January 5 Sunday School Classes resume January 9

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OLP School


A Look Back at 2021...


The staff and teachers at the ECC wish our parish community a blessed and Happy New Year!

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Hermanos, Epifanía significa "manifestación". Jesús se

da a conocer. Aunque Jesús se dio a conocer en

diferentes momentos a diferentes personas, la Iglesia

celebra como epifanías tres eventos:

Su Epifanía ante los Reyes Magos (Mt 2, 1-12)

Su Epifanía a San Juan Bautista en el Jordán

Su Epifanía a sus discípulos y comienzo de Su vida

pública con el milagro en Caná.

La Epifanía que más celebramos en la Navidad es la


La fiesta de la Epifanía tiene su origen en la Iglesia de

Oriente. A diferencia de Europa, el 6 de enero tanto

en Egipto como en Arabia se celebraba el solsticio,

festejando al sol victorioso con evocaciones míticas

muy antiguas. Epifanio explica que los paganos cele-

braban el solsticio invernal y el aumento de la luz a los

trece días de haberse dado este cambio; nos dice

además que los paganos hacían una fiesta significati-

va y suntuosa en el templo de Coré. Cosme de Jerusa-

lén cuenta que los paganos celebraban una fiesta

mucho antes que los cristianos con ritos nocturnos en

los que gritaban: "la virgen ha dado a luz, la luz crece".

Entre los años 120 y 140 AD los gnósticos trataron de

cristianizar estos festejos celebrando el bautismo de

Jesús. Siguiendo la creencia gnóstica, los cristianos de

Basílides celebraban la Encarnación del Verbo en la

humanidad de Jesús cuando fue bautizado. Epifanio

trata de darles un sentido cristiano al decir que Cristo

demuestra así ser la verdadera luz y los cristianos cele-

bran su nacimiento.

Hasta el siglo IV la Iglesia comenzó a celebrar en este

día la Epifanía del Señor. Al igual que la fiesta de

Navidad en occidente, la Epifanía nace contemporá-

neamente en Oriente como respuesta de la Iglesia a

la celebración solar pagana que tratan de sustituir. Así

se explica que la Epifanía se llama en oriente: Hagia

phota, es decir, la santa luz.

Esta fiesta nacida en Oriente ya se celebraba en la

Galia a mediados del s IV donde se encuentran vesti-

gios de haber sido una gran fiesta para el año 361 AD.

La celebración de esta fiesta es ligeramente posterior

a la de Navidad.

En Cristo, Padre Emmanuel Lopez

Ministerio Hispano

News From El Salvador

A note from the Director of the Center for Exchange and Solidarity (CIS):Congratulations CIS scholarship graduates in San Rafael Cedros 2021! Thank you Our Lady of

the Presentation for your solidarity with the people of El Salvador and especially education and empowerment of the youth. Vanessa, Jackeline, Beatriz, Kery graduated in High School Accounting; Dayana in general High School; Miguel and Wendy in High School Health Care

and Harold with a University Degree in Communications.

Give the gift of education with donations through Online Giving.

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Presentation Parish Service Partners

Bishop Sullivan Center • Catholic Charities • Lee’s Summit Social Services Operation Breakthrough • San Rafael Cedros, El Salvador • Uplift Organization

Shop for the Food Drive!

Collection Weekend: January 8-9

Corn Muffin Mix, Hamburger Helper, Jelly

Drop off donations in the bins located in the gathering space. Thank you!

St. Joseph Guild Meeting January 6

The St. Joseph Guild members will gather to pray the Rosary in the church at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 6. We will follow up with our regular monthly meeting in the Mulligan Room. Please continue to bring pop tabs from canned goods, Best Choice

and Clearly proof of purchase labels.

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Connect with us!

Our Lady of the Presentation Parish

130 NW Murray Road ● Lee’s Summit MO 64081

816-251-1100 ● Fax: 816-251-1199

Office Hours: 8:15a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Monday-Friday

Rev. Thomas Holder………..………...Pastor…..………………[email protected]

Rev. Emmanuel Gardúno López…....Associate Pastor..…[email protected]

Rev. Mr. Keith Hoffman………….....Deacon….….…[email protected]

Rev. Mr. Mike Peterson…………...Deacon (retired)

Our Vision: Our Lady of the Presentation is a vibrant, Eucharist-centered community offering

all Catholics participation in sacraments, social action and Christian education.

Our Mission:

To share our gifts by providing opportunities for spiritual growth in worship,

service, education and community activities.


Joannie Ackland………………………………………………………………Parish Secretary

251-1100 [email protected]

Carolyn Christianson……………………………………………….........Parish Administrator

251-1108 [email protected]

Janice Drake………………………………………………………….Youth Ministry Assistant

[email protected]

Jo Engert…………………………………………...…Director of Children’s Faith Formation

251-1135 [email protected]

Christy Gruenbaum……………….……………Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry

251-1107 [email protected]

Debbie Henry……………………………………………………..…………….Office Assistant

251-1115 [email protected]

Michele Hughes…………………………...……………...……….….Pastoral Care Assistant

251-1134 [email protected]

Cathy Koob……………………………………………..Director of Early Childhood Center

251-1140 [email protected]

Kathy Lackamp……………………………………….Children’s Faith Formation Assistant

& Sunday School Coordinator

251-1146 [email protected]

Shelli Lange………………………………………………………….Director of Pastoral Care

251-1102 [email protected]

Esmeralda Lopez………………………………………………………….….Hispanic Ministry

[email protected]

Anna Mitchell…………………………………………………..Director of Communications

251-1105 [email protected]

Jane O’Brien…………………………………………………….…….Director of Stewardship

251-1119 [email protected]

Marianne Organ……………………………………………………...Principal of OLP School

251-1150 [email protected]

Mary Pat Storms………………………………..Pastoral Associate-Adult Faith Formation

251-1113 [email protected]

James Wagner…………………………………………………….Director of Liturgy & Music

251-1110 [email protected]

Presentation Parish Pastoral Council Mike Chamberlin, Jim Doran, Jean Hill, John Joyce, Dave Kimminau,

Mary Rose Marquart, Russ Melchert, Kay Morrissey, Karen Norton,

Kim Stupica-Dobbs, John Tyler

Stay connected to Presentation!

Like us on Facebook

Follow on Twitter: @FatherTomHolder

Mass Schedule

Weekday Mass…………8:15am (Monday-Friday)

Weekend Masses: Must Sign Up in Advance


Sunday………………..8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm,

2:00pm (Spanish)

Reconciliation Saturdays………………………………..3:30-4:15pm

Sundays………………………..……......1:15-1:45pm Or by appointment.


Rite of Christian Initiation RCIA involves the preparation of adults and unbaptized children ages seven and older for the sacraments of initiation which include Baptism, Communion and Confirmation. To learn more about becoming Catholic and/or RCIA, contact Mary Pat Storms, 251-1113, [email protected].

Baptism Parents seeking baptism for their child should register with Mary Pat Storms, 251-1113 or email [email protected]

Confirmation Our Confirmation process begins with registration in the fall of the candidate’s freshman or sophomore year. For information, call the Youth Ministry Office, 251-1107.

Marriage Please contact the Parish Office, 251-1100, nine months prior to your desired wedding date.

Anointing of the Sick The Sacrament of the Sick is for those who are ill, hospitalized or facing surgery. To request Anointing, call the Pastoral Care Office, 251-1102. Please notify the Parish Office of hospitalizations.

NEW to the parish? We welcome you! Please register online at or at the Parish Office.

Assistive Hearing Devices Available Hearing devices are available for use during Mass. Please ask an usher for assistance.

Report Abuse

The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combatting sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline, 1-800-392-3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), and 2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and 3. After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Joe Crayon, 816-812-2500, or [email protected], if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact Whitney True-Francis, Victim Assistance Coordinator, 816-392-0011 or [email protected] for more information.

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