THE DWEEB-A-PULT By Andi, Addie, and Keely. PURPOSE The reason we are doing this project is to see...

THE DWEEB-A-PULT By Andi, Addie, and Keely

Transcript of THE DWEEB-A-PULT By Andi, Addie, and Keely. PURPOSE The reason we are doing this project is to see...

THE DWEEB-A-PULT By Andi, Addie, and Keely


The reason we are doing this project is to see how far a plastic Easter egg will go with 3 6th graders (amazing) catapult.

This isn’t close to being ours, but we will show ours at the end!!!

HYPOTHESIS• We think that our (amazing) catapult will be around in the top 4 or win!!

• We think this because our launcher is made of wood and is hard to bend, which will make the egg fly far and fast!! (when we bend it)


• A plastic bowl with a lid– 1

• plywood—3

• package parcord—1

• plastic eggs—6

• popsicle sticks—2

• hot glue—2 sticks

• hot glue gun—1

• dowel sticks—1 but broken in ½

• Different colored rubber hairties—6

• Tape measure


• 1- We put a piece of large wood flat on the ground.

• 2- We got a piece of smaller wood and put it up straight on the wood.

• 3- We wrapped some paracord and glued some eggs on that piece of wood to make it pretty.

• 4- We put the piece of long wood for the slingy thingy and glued the bowl on the at the end.

• 5- All three of us put our names on our favorite colored eggs and a design to make it look more,,,, more,,,,, more,,,,,,,,, ours.

• 6- We glue 2 popsicle sticks together and glued it on the first piece of wood or as what we call it, the base.

• 7- We got another 2 sticks and glued them on both ends of the popsicle sticks.


• 8- we got 2 rubber hairties, we broke them, and tied them to the sticks so the slingy thingy wouldn’t fly away.

• 9- Put the egg in the container and launch the egg• 10- Measure how far the egg goes

• 11- Repeat steps 9+10 two more times


Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 30







The Dweeb-a-pult

How far the egg went


in f


HYPOTHESIS• Our hypothesis was correct, our catapult launched the egg the farthest.


• Every thing worked great on our Dweeb-a-pult

• Next time we would build it with flimsier wood but still strong. We also would make it taller. The reason why we would do this is so that the egg will go farther.


• We would like to thank all of our classmates for being good sports. Also our teacher, Mrs. Larson for coming up with the idea of doing catapults for our Science Fair, and for teaching us so well. We would also like to thank Andi’s mom and Addie’s mom for buying supplies for our Dweeb-a-pult. We would like to thank the people who also went the farthest beside us, Cassi Payne, Nicholas Rosborough, Makayla Cook, and Gilbert Hissong.

• Thank you so much everyone!