THE DOVER PMBEB C Sash, Blinds, Doors,...

VOL.XI. DOVEH, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY. AUGUST 6, 1881. NO 35 THE IRON ERA ?QSLttHP EVfff BiTBSlWYBI The Dover Printing Company, PDBtlSBBIB i»» FBOBMTOBS. UfflOi on Korrll Street a«i BUutanll. PASSAGE TICKETS IRAN, HANCE4Co.'8STORE, POBT ORAM, N. J. fjlOB all tha JPrinfApU l l n « o! ftttorth* 1 r«nn Heir York to llvernool it LOWBS' JUTK8. Al-w DRAFTS ON GBBAT liBITAIl OH lOK, - " Six Monthn, - Tflree tl 1.00 - 50 ADVERTISING RATEI. HOTEL! WJt VOETMAK, Prop'r. A well kept hotel with enij acoommcrdb iion for man and bone. The beat liquor* find sefttra it the bar, and oomfort aimed is every 6>j»rtBi©irt. Ll<r*ry thuhacL 6 Gil IU 00 a uo| u oo is oo «o oo! us ou I 12 601 1G 21 16 00 19 W I IB 60 MB 00 12 0(1 41 00 2ii 60 87 50 6600 niHTt* IDDBD roa t m u . TI0W 15 OUTTB FXB LIKS. $10 00 170(1 22 00 27 (10 IIfi(JO <tr>on (If. 00 180 00 laili VQ- ESTABLISHED IK1861. riCnKDBUtlS *nd MEDICINES, PAINTS, X Oil". »l«*. UruHlitia. I'Brfumer?. *c., told bj JAMES A. QOODALB, tho Pionoer DrURfflii, of DoTer- Store ouun or SnNDAlS fortU tab of Ms.ttotBot onlj horn «to10 A. H., and bora i to S P. M, l*-ll Joiiir r. HTICHLK, Counsellor at Law AND MABTEK IN CHANCEH*, BOOKAWAY.N.J, &N8ION I1OB8B. of Blackwell and SUBMI Stl. tint DOVER, N. J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. TIN & JAPAN WARE, 'BPIT CANS, *c, TIN BOOJWQ, EAVES, TB0OGHS, lone In the.tostmanner atd 1. ties. Hlgkeslpricei paid for oldJron. [topper Jeid »od pflirter taken in exchange ALPXANDEIt WIQHION. ba4th1flTa l1 or»«i tud C i to Uit. L. C. BIERWIRTH. AHALTTIC! AI. CHEMIST BOVEB. S. J. JSALrSES if at* DESCRIPTIONS OF ORES AND UISBBALS. j~1 KO, O. CUMMIH8, M. D., GENERAL PRACTITIONER, AMD SVEC1AW8T IM THE T] " ~ ^ DU3EA6E8. AT THB 8TI0KI/S BOUSE, HOVEFl, H. J. JOHN DRUMMEB'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, gy$SEX STREET, |b.l>..n Ibi MANB1OK ] 1 0 P « t . B J BofOl. ' DOVER, N. J. wboleiRlolriwlounty. I *taftiivaj-aprepurud SUPI'LY STORES with (be EE8T O00DHfttthe LOWEST MARKET PRICES. This part of Wirren Oonutj U uoUd for lt« OOD BUTTEH MAKERS. I ill kinds f AKMEltfl PRODUCE. Order bymail and t Koodfl fresli tud goad the a«.aod»y. fi. KING, Jr., ffiercliaftt, BLAIHSTO-WIS, N. J. o. BOX, as. a-tr Tb«plH«kukeeDOQlMirefilt£dtn lira) M^DDMer> LADIWS' indCHILDllEN'S HAIH tfUTTINQ A BPEOIALTY. HEIQHBOUE & SMITH, ATTORNETO i COtlNSELLaUSAT LAW, Cor. BUckwell and Su»ex St» DOVER. N. 3. ».' M. MKiaBBOBB. A. C SMITH L. W. THURBER, •DFKR1NTSHDENT OF PUBLIC 80HOOL8 Of ifOBltla OOUNTT. Ofl)M oyer OSO. &IOIIASSSfcDo.'t STORE, PQYER, N, J, flnsoltloHaa boar* QQ atlardtu fromli. M. ill! 11». W-" \rb8ES BLANOHAED, lu - ATIORHEr AT LAW, AM* XA8TXRIV CBA»OEBy, DOVDE, H. J. OBoi «>r A. Wihtoifr •!»• mil tin •»'«, 17U afet».ll.>n..l igentn forTilr'bMto' Scaln s n i l e r - Ul!' Sf VOORHEES BROTHERS, M0RRI8T0WN, UBTUI'UBIMS «&tH4HI5. BVUDXBff. OARIUAQE MAKEEB', HIJACK- BHIT0S' OONTIUOTORS AHD U I S - IHQ HDPPLIBB, ApicoltnrB itapicmenti, Betdi, Fcitill»«t« in, P»iMi, Oilf, OUHH, do. WALTER A- WOOD'fl ColebmtBd MOWSBS and BEAFZ&S. McKinnon Bros. Axes and Edge Tools, ROQKAWAY, N. J. It kiting bean re port id tbtt tbii oW-eit i«lo.M, ». M. .A ".• publio lll.i incb ii nol ih. cui. Weire itil In Lailntu, hkTfl na conaectlim «ilb injotbe lrai wb«urer, aoa Ihill coptlnnotom*ko no ^llla <xi b t 'er Alt o w f ofldV «r« btt>i!-Ri»tle IhraachoDt ua VAir* th« onlr firm In Boobiw»ynjibinK soi;b Morris County Surrogate's Office, ttai 6th, la Ibrnitur of'lum H. H«l*blj<m lor «r WlllLm D. l^?«»r. aampw'aonlirto Hull U Applinttl VM « I 1 linln tli! abore mmod ES « I. onUro! bj tke «nttol»» d XiBCDtcr Kit* DDbijtt notic. 10 T T ; ; l U f u * d > i tt.^StorTorTb;;..tlU of x u *™d •riot la»bnlr d«bt§, d.iaiiidi ind e l n „!•! tb» M M . tiader cMh, vilnln une ioitli.Troo Iblti'U. br lotHns op. COM 51Wf .rd.t, rtlNi. ».n( til si i i « « o « l>»»ltc |Uca In UK 9™?"° Honi. far t?^ T,,cntb& .nd kUowithto tbi lh.lio< Eiu, oni ol tin »«wraperi of Ibii BUH, I»'O» »•» •?"' "' " "• "}• B °"°' Siii |T ul if »Mcndlw '•kill w«l««l ' wilhln tlu old period o>ali«nonlhi, mill tir dib.nrfolbi.orb--.tlffi lui 4b« Mid KtMStet. Aln» oOflton«>• ml"nl«"- U-lOw CHABLS8 A. OILLEN. Borror.U. G a r t r s Little LiYBtFills :ept on hanJ and BOU inlargo or * litta. THE OLDSTAND. NION HALL BUILDING, Black well Btrtot, Dover, Hot Air Furnaces, the Utc*t »n<l imiat improved *tjlc», fat rt»iri|{ public Mid nriTftlo buildings. A Urgr Rssortioent of stoves, c]ie»p fur oaih, COOK, PARLOIt, HEATING STOVES, BANGES. Ac. AWa vBrloly of EKOSESE OIL, LUSIEKSS AND . BKITTANIA WABE, FHONT BRICK, PIKE GUV, HUE BBI0E, I-Atf STONES CUKBIWO, 1ELLAB STBpg, OOPINQ, BILLS, UNTEU AM) OISTEBH NECKS. WHANN'B PHOSPHATE, Bone DUst, Guano, Poudrette, LAND PLASTER, «ftc. WOOD sawed in stove lengths. )AIBY BUTTER, JOS. YORK'S r COOKING STOVES and HOUSE FUH- Nisaiwa aooDS rr0 TO JO8, YORK'S FOR PARLOR AND \T DINING ROOM AMD OPPIOfi BT0VE8. STOVES OF ALL EINDB. OllOCKERV, OLAHS-WAHE ANDCHINA. Joseph York* TV.] This week we piopose to BLOW 3U aa exceptionally cheap asBort- lent of LAWNS. YOU will find in ax collection tho principal Amor- iao brands represented together ith a few ol the foreign manufac- •ora. ThoAmerican goods look ,st as well anfclintieimported, nnd •e about one-third as expansive. fe will Bend you suiaples to try you Bond us word. We have just purchased a lot of •RE88 GOODS called NUK'S VEILT SG. This is supposed, originally, be (in ALis-woQL PABHIC, and is >ry rich in appearance. It is light weight aud made in many peau- iful colors and shades. Tfae price f this particular lot, to which we m Tufer, is thiity-fiTe cents IOT e block and forty for any colpr. Cho identical good* sell fox fifty lentsinthecity. Send for samples. A new aTticle has lately made its in BLACK GOODS ; man- Arers are- yfity interprifting, an^inhaUy inventing npw furies, Chis. which *e, nov r«f$ to, is laUed TRIOOTUTE. an.inUeacribft- ile. material, worth $1,25'a yatd ir the best. Ask to see it w^en are in or Head ta vs, fgr a aam- le if you oannot get in. Of the beaper grades of DRESS GOODS -WO ave im unusually large assort- jent, and we propose to sell them you as cheap as the lowest "W. S. BABBITT, MORIUBTOWN, N. J. Cr. S- Jensen, CARPET WEAVER and. THEOLD FKEaBlfTEBIANOHUECII, DOVEK A. .J, Carpel Wearing, in all widths, dons In ret-clma style at lowest rates. Tbi bttt ini3 of warp only mod. New oarpeU oo for sole. Yho hinbest price paid tot „_, jr tukon iu exdiMiKoforoailwt. MOTIVES DYKD aud Cleaned in eood style. JoYW.Mua5m.ltM0, »lT PAUL C. BGTTICHER, 51 BROAD St. NEWARK, N.J, PLAH3 AKDBPEOIHOATIOHBi pnpftred f»; ill klnii it UlUlifft •<>' »•• nuttieUon Notice of Settlement. tbat Ihe monit; lltl W II Notice ll hefebr «lTen tbat Ih lh« mbealMi, Mmlolilntili UV dild id-tte4'by-U od«tt.te4byUie * .nd nporled for »c!Ueine«l 10 till Orp lonrt or th. Ooontj if »»rii. BoBdl; Ibi p.ttajoi>»u.,mi. HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN LJ^B»£ OLIVER CHILLED PLOW, BEST PLOW INTHE MARKET. Racelf ed flrut prenmin ai H. J. Btate Pair, Wuorlv, lalt tall. O;«r 100 <»IU b, u. '-- ruar. Elead for clwul-r. VOORHEES HKOTHEUS, aoBEinovi, s. JI. Agricultural lmplements,Seeds : Fertilizers, etd BEEMER & PALMER WOOD, MASON'S' XATEBIAI8. BLUE STONE,: FERTILIZERS. LIME, CEKENT, JTOTE, EGO, CHESTSD1. Orderi m»y bo tddnawd through the Pon ifflce Look Box H9, or Ufl *t A.. DwMnei'ioffi lkweliai,, no»r Snuei, cr >t tbe j»rd. BLACKSiUTHB COALMDilkntljonliaa THE OLD AND RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS! Tbe reputation we hare earned far our-goods ta DISABILITY OF WEAE, EXCEUENCE OF QUAIITT, ELEGANCE OF FIXISBf VARIETY OF STILES AKD REASONABLE PRICES have extended to almost every house and hamlet in the comity. For tMrty-four years our tradeiiaketeadi inoreaseBTuntll nowTew retail dealers 111 tl State sell, the same amount of goods, a suffi- cient guarantee in itself that our customers appreciate the care we exercise in selecting stylish and durable goods and the prices they have always been able to procure them at. Call on us if you want a GOOD artiole at a LOW price. We will give you by far the largest stock to select from and will certainly save you money. HOBEKEIl &HEAGAN, OPP. 0., L. & W. DEPOT, DOVER, N. J. WAB ON HIGH PRICES] IN WATCHES AfD BOO CHS BROTHERS 1 iJlZ.YEB-ri.ATED WABE Afl SOLD Bit OHAS. IT-. HOAOLAND, DOVER, JHORAIS COUINTV, N. J, .0 TOJOBEPH YORR'8 FOR OOOKlNfl f IUMOE8 ANO KiTCHEM UTESUlM, .0 TO JOBEP Of IUMOE8 A HUfltUflTOWN. N- J The New Empire Iot-il-i,6ns & Base-burn- ing Cooking Stove. THE DOVER P M B E B C HE BEST BAKINQ HTOVEIN THE W0HL1 Man, B L»n;e Assortment or other BlflcB of Cooking HtovnB, lUaK«H, X'arlor OR SUMMER &WINTER USE. Abo.aoIiDlteBtook of Hardware. Cutlery, llaaa, Wooden, Coppu, Plain and Japanned TINWABS. Oil OlotbB. OBrpBta, Lttnpi, Palata and Oil. ilrd Cagei. Fcailiera, Pratt'a Aatra] Oil {Don -'- 'TB.) Also, DEALED IN COAL. itoolliig, Flambing and Job 9r(rrliproQipU/BtUnd.d to. PATENT 8TEAH OOOXIHO 4rPAlUTO8. . Scales at Manufac- turer'! pi " .. Load. .. -.- fioodi. Also, suntifMitqreri of ItUNNELL'8 SELF- TIQHTENINO WIEE SPUING DED BOT- TOM. Rook»wiT, H.troh 1.1B7S. MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE &iROli:Co. DOVER.N.J. STEAM ENGINES, TBBin CBUCBRATKD AIR COMPRESSORS, IRON and BRASS CASTINGS, FOBGING of aU DESOEIPTIQNa m- T. iatronr, Counsellor at Law, AW) MASTER M OHAKOBBY, Offlea 11 till national Union Bask Bnildin j ST., DOVER, N. J. 4M1« U WAOOS ui OASHUQB VO0D TTOH. XT, NEXT TO 0E0RGE BlOBABDt) k. COM STORE. , , rullDOpnwi AUkbili ot PINE 00LOBS for eiffltn ind mftui ptteting. Also OILS »nd VARNISH, both foreign anaDomertii). Tpimnaw,'Wsrn U i s , 0(0. - Paint, Coloring tad Varnii All ot tha abora gcoda fronUiabifltiiiak- •rFlmnrii.'bT pahun. FIBSTO1J68 CABBUGKa«a SLEIQHORNAMENTS. Hrt a latge Bipetien'oVloroierly i *, bob>.tl»w>«« imH l I lian ESTABLISHED 1847. I A Pit* tar the Old H n U u t lauriu. I There, dtughler, »top iooldlnif I Don't won *nd fret, And work jnurwlf Into tech tnt nil about kll the oorafort jour fttUer can «e. U x smoke by (lie warm hitiitien fin, Let him unoke tn tbe corner la Boaoe, It hi CM. Tbon«b the oloodi of tobiono miy oboke, bBTBis DOout call loUi but t lonolj old m&n Bow maoli coiniort (liere ii In * imoto. II. t, free bird tint Hjbih from limb unto Luib, Year iwUtxw ot JOji joa go tb rouih ; Aud KHDI or Umm look Joit u fooilili to lilm Ai imufclug Iwlit iDotiflli to;OQ. Wo'ie PDOB of s i peifeot-ill tbii /on lieller*. Onr livfi obould witb cU»Tity ibini, Wke the golden UUUIABtliat ttie weirer* wear< In and out of tits dark deilgu, f in. boald yon lWe to In aid—though 70a m*; never •moke— Tet 1*1! WiRBi-* penny or two, ou will lure iome itronjf bibit to teaw «tbw folk, Btd aa tbis fkat Uworrying von { TLoogli tbe clondi of tobneoo way ebttke linro'i noOQOcan tell, but a lonelr old man, How much comfort tlioro la la n indka, IV Do 1 imoko ? Ko, not 11 Nor would I adtlse Any joutb tlio bad habit 10 get; lut when one in old, icd can't Hop if lie trim, la it wisdom to worry and fret i IM himuniike In tha corner ID peicfl. If he oan. Though tba olaudi of tobicco miy eboks; There l» aaunaakn lull, bat B.Laaety old mm, rmncb comfort tbera ii In a imoke, V, lot long will tobtcoo imake dtlly innoy. 8oou tbe pipe on the mantel will i»T, Dd fttber will reit mhtn tka «ormt thitl dfitroj The teoantlen body ot clay. Let him amoks in tlie cotner ,a peace, if ii em, Boon bu'll fall before Death'! Hard; sttoks . "yon'M nilti the ol»j pipe, and tbe looble c!d tuiu. And wlib joa'd pat op with tbe imoke. Thfse *m my priors for ttie Amarioaa Wvtoliaa, of W t b u u , Uii^aoUuseUs OMPETITION1 . Sprlqjflleld, Ulicoiw, and Uookfotd Vntohea tola at wmo r ireiMntHt..BrM*Mor«n«ut. leton.TmyteOu., Bnti Momn*Di lelan, Trac* * Co., NlckleMovmiBpt Ilium W.tdi Co.. Urs,. Itovemsnt -.lh«m Wttiib Oo.. V okla UoTomout ;. B. BwtUott, Van* Hmtment , i, " " Nfekle Ilnrement ,-, •fiffiBSSS!::::::::::::::::::: •IBM WtKDKB. ' XaHt WtMTCai B. BwtUott,Va 8, Siriintt, Mfe lii:gte aim) 93 (W S9B0O 83 00 SO 00 3300 IB BO 17 OO IB 00 is no Eogers * Brotbere' best triple pints d tea knives S4C0 per dozen ; dlnnprnSS ;beut ripte plated te&KpooiiB, (lipped) |4 ; fancy, (4 50; dessert forka, (lipped) |6 901 faitay, )7 76; medium folk*, fSW); tippet), $8 ; bundsonie flve-buttle ensfnrH, |440; triple ilated c ko b/wltetH, 94 40. Any perHon vinhing Hny 01 these eooda I will fltnrt 0, O, P., rilh pBimiwdtin lo oxuuiiDH tbem btfoie pu«ti>K; or any persop wiehlng to take a watub. ipoD depcwltlug tbe naioiiot in lbs Nuiionfil ??)?•) B11DK1 DAV carry tbe same f«r on*- onnth, HAhe OAH ba convinced hebna wbnt be fiends for, and a good ottlole. SPECIAL ISCOUNT tohotels and reRtinrauls. Address alt oammanfoations ta CHAS. F. H0AGLAND, Stickle House, Dover, N. J. Cbv O- 1 to builders the best opportunities in the purcliaee )f every grade and description inclmliiig 3JOTV PB1OEB and tbe great idvantage of having Ziiimber Worked to Order T machinery at tbe place where it is purchased, greatly lessening the coat of building by the grout saving in manual labor. Oar utook always includes Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings td LUMBER of eyery description. - and especial pains are token to give BatiflluctiuD in every particular. Oen'l Manager. LIVE. 10 mstmnre auurnLD. nation watobet o'et tbf bedi On bended knefl, with reverent eje; i Bobbing hoait (be ary repeiti. 1 Ob, lire; wo oaa not let tbie die I" dirott seed vr» «HUB to *bee, To load as from doiily itrlfo) Tlio brtveal botvrt, tbe ptrong^it brain, U U to » r s tbe nation 1 ! lire, t Rird thysool with itemrawlve; Urobe which laid tbee low; iffarlnff conntry, Iblnk of cow, die. tooruib sU&molwt foe, it alone thy cuunlr? calls, The plea 1B bennl from «Uthe world, in tbi a grant day ot JlUntj; Oh, live, and bie» tlila flag anfarlea I 'pnyer avill, thy lite Ii ntf. For all the nations piay to-daj 'or thoo andtbfne. Oh, «oIdier-hearL, fio briva. au trafli aitll be cur ilay t nd tbe OUtop place thy ana, ronnd tbf frieod, with word! of cheer: Bow I lore jrou 1" mem* nil of aa, (treat chief, thon art to ai aa dear 1 »\©i,iftri haitti Wfc bold th» her*. , vindomitable will; Kill bear thee up. Aooompliih thy work : Thy twredaeitlriy fulfill. A.H. Utioi MOBBIRO H«Biu». Wif. H. IUHBSHT, Bao'yand Treu. ICE CREAM AND CONFECTIONERY. MBS, EEABNS Lade eiptoiil *n«-ngei»ecu lor tbat poiw»e be-fealiloabSdent ofK1*ioK tatlihtotlcn to all iho mar «tll on hor, Tht room lecond to lonein tboconntj l elegantly fKMttd,pa.nted 1 papered and apart from ner otbor bUBl- it, irnloli eoniiiti of B00ERIEH, PHOVISIOIIS, TOBACCOS, Ot OARS, £TO., TOO em Biffari flnd a good mtppi; of auythlDg itUy fanrnt in a country store. TBI IBON KB*" can altraja be found on bereonsterifar tale. 38-ly FOR GHOOBRIHS OOTO THE OLD RELIABLE STAND. ALEX. J.; MITCHELL, 80CCEE80B TO H. r. BiSDEaaos, orpoerra TBE PBPW, hai always on band a full and - fresh stock of standard g«UUat . REASONABLE I-KICES. Itdoun'tni.jioex[iefime&tiiltsfiatir. Ala roar grooer for tbetsmmu . VIOLA. IS. SIEBER hai reduced the pticn for plain painting to $1.90 PER BAT from tbii d»te, and will take contract! at wry low figoiea to eon*Bpond -with that rate, KALSOMINING, GRAININGand PAPER HANGING upon the loweit ternoi. Gontraota takon lor Frescoing Interiors am) take no othar. It lailwaji Rood-aante ntiiA upon Mery Aime. Basflsnon on thia one brand ineretaed bla flour trade WO per MyBtoe*of ML PAPER li no* complete, ambraclnf 7,OQO R O L L S , OF wo DIFFERENT DE8IQMB. Begnlar pipett from 9 cent* to SO ceota ptr roll; goU inpert from'40 eti. 16 IS. I cannot under- BORDERS, DAOQS, Ceiling Decorations, TRIMMINGS, Gold Mouldings, Hooks. 4c. 81IB for napBring aid kBlaotninlag walli. Jao xalaoDiiDfl mixed to older in ererj color '**&] to pat on by quart or gallon. E SIEBER, Cor. Bkikwtll aad Isiai Etk »u,,i8.i. Dover, N.J CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE IN THB WORLD. ISSBTfl newand old books .IDOII sttea a N t i M f«e HBd stamp. i 81 CHMdBEiUi BT., 3(1 door well of O1\T Ball faik, Hew Tork. fe-Bw PLUJOS BIOVO ON IrTRTALLM] aUj»rtio('1B»,Mi ^' BOBAOS.. dwtna.BSS EESIDBNOE AND FASS FOR SALE! A property oontpriring thirtj-fiva acres, mortiy improTed, and loeatted ntOranttowa two mile* from Dover on the road leadJu 0 Oheater. On tbe pretalMfl ii a FINE KE3H>B£OE, BASS and oothouBM. Alao a tenant houM. Pleat; of Ktiod Irnlt, saily and l»ta, and a Tory fins •iK of water near the koooo. Apply to MR9. JAKE R. WK.11AW8, S$-tf on th» premtiM. 6.0W tRBHU ynjAtA to m the Ufa ol PKESIDENT fiAUFIELI) Inclcdinoa fpH mil aeonraia aeooant of bli hriefbat erenlfal anmlniBtntioii; tba r r » conflict with tbo •"•" bTALWARTH" beided bj Oookltnn; me dlabottcsl attempt to atuulD- atablm, ncdieil ttti,lmiiit.«.o, Tfao Inteme int«M*l eiMlad tiMMthooiaiuli to de»ire faJl-mrtli:ai*n,tienot ibla book mart wll t»- DABtiielr- Termi llb«ra!. OBtfll BOO. CiMb. larsftw. Addrnw Him PpETIC. A Ftiliennao'i LuoK. Henry ArchiLdia is a deroted flaber- man, not that lia aver catobei anything to apeak of, butfliill SiU UkeB to take i, pole and Hue OIK! go up along the rlvei daring the long warm eummec days an lay iu tbe mellow suuaUine and tbiu wJmt the old girl will my wLeti she HmU out be lias gone off wilbuut epliHiogany tiadtiag. ID tbie view of tbecase b one day lost week got out hie books and lines lo look tbem over. He sat on the wash beneb bytbe hydrant enjoying bimttelf hugely, vhea Mrs, Arobibal came oat and made him bring her a bucket of water. While te wao doing' this sbe picked up alargo bias book ta admire it, laid it down again witb tbe line scatter- lug out in tbe yirt), EecrydieouBced the situation inEorope ith OxUiby. who waa digging garden on tbe oLber aide of tbe fenoe, and then nat down again to the contemplation &l his fisliDg tflokte. Pretty aaon A hOOk. " Mother," he shouted, "wbat bnder ,. "Daw I t" Tbe; bad a teirible time at a wedding ip at Petalnma tbeother da;, and wlioh inly goes la chow hot? tlie imallest Irawhact will aometimea taVe the ntiff* jag out of tbe sweetest oooailop.. It seemed tbat thf) perainpsj WM A very grand aflpair, indead. There were eight brldeimaids'and the ahnroh was crowded ttom pit to ctome. as the dram' ilic critic would say, But, when they got to the proper place ia the cetaaioa;, and the groom began feeling aronod for tbe ring, be discovered that it wusq't on land. After (be minister tad Btjowled atUe miserable wrefob for avfaile, tbe latter deteotsd the magic oiroie had slip- ped tbrougb a hole in bis pooket and worked Into hie boot. He cotamnsica* led tbe terrible fact in a whisper to tbe iride wbo turned deadlj pale, and wai ilj kept from fainting hy tbe reflaotion at they would inevitably cutthe string ot btsr aatin corsage inflaa©shedill. 'Why don't 7011 produce tbe ring ?,' {spend the bride's big brother, arielj, and feeling for his pistol, andBr theitapreealon tbnt tbe miserable man wniabont to back out. I can't. It's in my boot/'explained Lhegioom under his breath, hU vet; lir meanwhile turning red with morfi- "Try and flab it out, Homebow—bnr np 1" mumbled the minister behind "I'll try," gasped the victim, who is ver; stoat, and he put one foot on the chancel rail, palled op bim trousers leg and began making spasmodic jabs for the ring with his forefinger. The minister motioned to the organiot to HI110018 oat » tewnotes to BH in the time, voile a rumor rapidly went tliron&b the congregation to. tbe effect iat a telegram bad just arrived proving tlio groom bad four other wires living In the East already. M—I can't reaoh it," groaned the hatf-mnitied man, io agony. "It come." "Sit dpwo and take you? boot ofl) yon fcol 1" hlwed tliu bride's mother, Vbile the bride herself moaned ptteoualy and wrong her hands. There iunothing left, BOthe sufferer sat down on the floor and begun to wrestle wfth bis boot, which was natur- ally new and tight, while a fresh rumor got under way to the tfleot that the' groom W88 beastlj tight. - ' Aa tbe boot came finally off ita oruah- ed wearer endeavored, anancoesa[ally, to bide atrade dollar bole in the heel of his Blocking, noticing which the person, who waa a bnmorooa sort of a aky con- tractor, eaia g^mly : * "Yon seem to be Retting married joat ia time my jaaag friend." And tbe ceremony proceeded with thi party of tbe Drat part ataodinfi on OQB Ug. trying to bide bis well ventilated foot under tbe tail of his oo»t, and ap- parentWmptterino"J)arn it" i at short intervab.—San Frcmdtco Pott. Dr. J. B. I«WM, of EogUnd, UlteTea that lire itock demandi dryer food (n lfialar feeding tlan la •nrnmar. Wfl aUo bsli«T*i that the Amnicnn lurmer aUlcntoo for eqBi^e. whin applied to graai or < #Jnce ther are beat fed dry, lha atla adding nothing to ttelr Talaa and tho prooeaa0 drylsg in tbe production o( hay imbtraoUiig nothingtatwalet. \a the n^ll»r of pre- •arrlng eom (odder,tt»arpunenta an farof of the .n^joj but In Uu enltlTaUoo, corn in may torn tbo Britlah fanrnr hu bat WUe izperiniojii owingtotha oool, wtt eU- Mrs. Archibald, and she slapped the etove damper ebnt with empbaaii; "you tave Bwallowed it, I reckon." " Vou had it a minute ago ; you know m did. If a woman ever gets her node on a fellow's things, be never lows where they are any mure." Mrs. A. cams to the door and looked iround aoidly ; " What d'ye call this here ?" and pick- ing tip the end of the line she gave it a wmtbful jerk. Whoopee 1 ouoh 1 posh ) shoot the Ternnl dog I" yelled Henry*; nnd he ambled frantically around, nursing Uto bip pooket us though he bad alive coal it. •' Bakes alive 1 what'o tho matter with the man I" and she gave the line another Lwitcb, 3fonnd youroid hook, have you?" Fonnd it,.you all fired old torment t Don't jou aee I've found it 9 Laggo o* mt Hue afore I pulverize you." •• Now, Henry, I would make a fuss If were yon." '• Fuaa the blazes. I wish you knowed aw it teals to have a fish hook jerked irojugh your heart." " Well, yoa'd no business to set down in your heart with fish hooks a laying und," •Don't be a fool now, will yon, but i pull tbe darned thiog out afore it .am.} to look jaw." "Il'd take a whole barrel of fish hooto 1look your jaw. Come, give us a hold are." But the first pull she made brought a Dumnohe Bquawk from Beary, and then she amputated tbe idjnnent cloth end got the butcher knife, whereupon Beary alraigbteued himself up riciuusly. 'Look here, old woman, I ain't DO ilatued old ham I You don't slice me with tint thing now, and don't you for- get it. "Sou just, buntle tlat gal aronod the doctor right sadden, and you'd better bump youwelt affty from, here ifore I get mud, too. 1 " Thedootpr : cametOQt6fftbe«Hai)kand polled out the hook in half a minate and o{ the day Henry iitton a £&%BBod poultice ami ou one elde ot u chair, calling people to the front window ask them what waa good for a, htle ou mrnest. Ho looked at bis wifo an muoli as to say, " Now, this iB tbe last time you wilt citfch tne in a church if rou are poing to pluy any of your tricLi ou me. Yuu think you can scaru an Into getting religion." The minister slopped reading the hymn, und looked his Bjieotaolaii m tbe new comers si though it would not surprise him if thut bad mun should blow tbe church up. TUe poor lady hluBhod nuj looked around m muob ns to say, "I did Dot know it Kits loaded," and BIIO looked tba lymn book through fur tbe bytntt, ond s the choir lose to slug sbe offured one side of the bonk to her husband, bat he looked mad and pious, and Blood At tho other end of the pow And looked out of tbe BtaiDDd-glass window. After the service they started home together. He iid be didn't know what it was that ode tbe noiae until they got home, ana of ear a little akirmiBhinffuround his wife ild up Hbursted papor bug, and mkei the boy if ho blew that bag up. He said ) did, imtbB did not know there was ijtliing wrong aWut it. Tbe hoy end his mother and press board paid a visit the back kitcliea and there waa a sound of revelry. BOJB will ha boys.— Wathingion Capital. ) knee. For the FMr Sex. There were never before eihibited more lovely novelties in lace and runslin. than are displayed this seaaon. The new gloves offered for summer wear,,when the weather ia too wsrm for the use of a kid glove, .are eieeed- inglj fine BB3 bftnqsoTne. Tba ohoteeat ire tbo silk gloves, tbe allk and linen, ind tbe French lisle-thread. Tbe characteristic traits ot fashion his summer are tbe enormous bows, vbioh are taking the place of dmped ournurea at tbe baokt end the very wide collars which us -worn with open bodices, and deep cuffs to match npon ie serai-long ileeves not coming much iwer than tbe elbow. At an English wedding tbe other day, daisies appeared ID all tbe deooratlonB. The bride'a white dnohess satin was Bia- broidetett with them, »n3 bei veil ' fastened witb pearl daisies, end her bridesmaids wore gowns of white nun's cloth and satin embroidered witb daisies and daisy bonnets and brooches, and ct.rT.e5 bouquets of natural daisies pre- sented by tbe bridegroom. A lady in Washington had her hair changed from n light-blonde color to pure block froip several months' 1 of joborapdl, » B«»iHt*n plant admin- istered to her as a remedy for blood poisoning. 'Whether tbe now oolor will 1permanent or tbe newgrowth be of tbe original color, nntuna to be seen, and tbe remit Ea looked for with interest. Tbe following p the signification of the shattering of the glass at tbe reoent Rothschild wedding: vinn is brought ii a brittle Teasel,' and being six times itemed, tbe married couple drink thereof tod the rest of it in token of lay, ia cast at ihe ground: then the bridegroom in memory of the rain of their city id temple, with force dashn the vet tothegronnd. He"?!!, in tor "Note JJook of an Elderly Lady," recently repubHshed in this ooantry. argues against giving girla a college education. Haying, "Th«3 freedom of college ia ad- mirable for a young man because he is to pas* from it into ths independent life ol the world. It is. I think undesirable for a young woman, because she is to stum from it to the restricted circle of home. The adoption of the bustle is general and said tobe » token of im- pending crinoline. E^cewivi effect* are Been on, Parla dresses mad* of sheer materials, and tbe favor shot to ovei-diefis draperies which open a are festooned in front, and to basques which have the panier looping over tbe hips, indicates tbodriUof taeteatpresen Perils of Paper Bates us There ia a. wotnan iu tbe West Em wbo has learned & leaum that will li her a lifetime, Bbe has boon for youra wearing those paper bagv such as tbe grocers use, for btultea, Tb« pap** is fltiffaud. sticks out splendid, uai muLt» the dress look wo!I, Lost Suuduy morn- ing whjlu ahe wue dreaiiug, her young son got in tbe room aud blew tho paper bag full of wind, ana tied astring rout the mouth t>f i- and left it iu u chair. The good lady took it and tied it on, an* dressed boraelf for church, Sbe bribed her bosband to go to church witb her, though ha is a soit ofaBoblDgerBoll Ohristiun. As they went down the aisle the mitiistflr WRS reading a hymn about ''Sounding; the Loud Hoaasna," aoJ tbe lady weut ia tha pew fit'Bt and aat down while her huBband .ww-VJtung bis hat on the flobrl ^b'rt* Waa 1 report like distant tbnnder. TpB.faftve beard bow those confoandea paper bags ex- plode, when boys blow them up ucd crash them between their huueia. ffos worse than tbat, and everybody at the innocent btiBhaud, win Tbe DUM or the ramllj. A real clean, nice looking old couple were at ilieOniau depot waiting fur a traiu going South. Tbo lumbonij was twenty >eura old untl pretty lively, ami the wila was only & year or two behind him, with n voice tli&t meant ever/ time slie opened her mouth. Tburoffwconsiderable polili- il talk around tho depot, and tha old man at ouce became interested. 'I've been uver inCauada in the woods foe the last two w&eke, and hain't heard athing, lie exclaimed." 'Is election over witb V 'Yes,'replied one of tbe men. 'Manyriots and knock downs ?' f them,' 'I used to be tbe worst man around ;be polls you ever Eee,' continued tbe aid gent as he spat on his bauds. 'I've seen the time it took four constables to :ioldme.' Tctcr, what are youdoing there V ked tbs oldlafiy as Bbe suddenly ap- peared. 'Fimlitig out about politica.' 'What kind ?' •All *inds.' 'Will you let poliltos atone and came iuto the waiting room.' 'Party Boou.. Botbey bad riota »nd locking donna, eh ? Lord 1 don't I isb I'd been around 1' •Peter I' called the wifo. 'Yes, I'm hero. I suppose tbe candi- itossat up the drinks, didn't tbej V 'Oil, yes.' •Great euakee I Bat I wish I'd been aver, here. Take it along about forty year* ago, sod niter I had three drinks wn it took tbo whole Whig Vatij to bold ina. M7 great bold was in clean- g out voting places and walking off pith (be ballot box,' •Yee Nuney. Well, which aide—' Petor waa choked off rigbt here, anoy got hold ot his collar and lifted ift heels off the floor, whirled him .round and beaded him for the waiting otn, with tha remark s "after you ive lived with me another forty years iu'11 learn that wben £ any Pater £ uu't mean Petit! The idea of your standing out here talking politics when got to look around for a pieoe of bed sard to tie that old satchel at Lo&e half out dutls 1" What n Yon nit Man dot. The other ulgut old man Wiokte and tis wife, while walking along tho street, ;oing borne from a mite society, eogaged 1ftquarrel. •Tin not going out with you any nore, Samuel," said Mrs. "Wiokio, "Ton ire too old amnn to out up the way you fid ta-ulght The i,l<m of au old tnau wbo has tbe rheumatism BO bud that hs jcan't put bis soots ou iuthe mornings, going to amite meeting and romping as you have done to-night I I Bay it's a mme." "I may have rheumatism," replied the old man, " but I haveu't goj dye- pepsin, I don't growl at everybody. You been growing worse for the last ten 1. If you didn't have me to piok at, believe yOn'd die," I won't walk, witu aman tbat ootB likes rhiooeeros." 'How does the rhinoceros cot?" asked the old ami, ll.iuhicg that be would catch her on natural history, " Aels like a foo], 1 :that's how be nets," and Mrs. Wickle walked away, leaving the old miwi«w>r&l paces behind. He ally gaogUt ap just as a joung man came walkipg along, "You are walkiug pretty fast," *aid tbe old gentleman. Bis wile 3idn*t say anything. " I t ' s clouding up," he remarked j nmatbe going tti rftin." Tbe old l&dy made no reply, but the young man took in the sitnatton. "Ton old villain,"he ezolaimod, addressing Mr. Wiohle, " what do you mean by attempt- ing to throat your company on a lady who does not want you 1 It's becoming ,00 frequent for ladies to be insulted «u the Btroota by loafers. Get back I" The yonog man struck at Winkle. Ura, Wiokle clubbed her umbrella, and ex- claiming, "That's my husband," struck tbe young man iro Wow 'bo oldnan, encouraged b j hie wife's stroke for the union, jumped on the young man and hold him white tbe rat- tling ribs of the umbrella fell on tho the youth's head with a noise like tbe (ailing of bail stereo, " Sucaaet, nobody cm break up onr domestic felicity," safd the wife after the battle. '•No, sir," answered tbe old man, " When » man tries ta dea'roy the "do- mestic happiness of BIT household, he catches my consolidated power of wrath.' " Maria," said Mr. Jont» unon one of his worrying days, " it seems to inn you more economical; oow them's my clothoa, why cao't you make tbum iver for tbe children instead of giving them &ITO; V ** Because they're worn ont when you are done with them," onaworod Mrs, •' It's no usemaking over toiogn for the children that won't hold together; you oouldn't do it yonraelf. emnrt as a are." "Well," Rcamblel Jone*, "I wi not have donate full of things mildewing for wnnt of wenr if I waa a woman, that isall., Aponuynaved ia apenny earned. Tbnt was i» April. One warm day ia May Mr. Jones went prancing through the closets looking for something he couldn't fiiu\ ftnd turning things geiy emlly inside onl. Mario 1" he ftcroataed, <>wbore's m; gray alapnca duster ?" "Made it over for Johnny." "Ahem! Well, Trliew'a the brow linen one I bonght last Bummer ?" Clothes b«g Vmumbled Mrs, Janet wbo seemed lo have a difficulty ia bei- that ranmout. '• Juet made into n nice one I*' "Whore aro my lavender pants?" TIN LKAOCSS OUT.—It was tbe first! night aboard tbe steamer, "At lost," lie •aid. tenderly, ".we are aU nlone upon tbe deep waters of the dark blue sea, and your heart will always boot for me itlbtitlt ?" "My heart's all right," abe answered, languidly; vfent mv storaach feeli avfal." Wao Wiu, Houi SMITH t—A> U hone race John Bandolph wits approached by a stringer with * proposal to bet against 4 certain bone. "Smith, here, will hold the Btakes," said tbe speonlalor. "•^ho will bold Smithr'anlied Randolph. 11 Out tbein over for Willie." '* Hoavenj I" gronneil her 1 then In a voice of thunilor, " at my bluo suspouders got to 1" Au Esquimau Jlitby. !vernl ennoo loads of Eaqnimaur ime aboard while we lay bore, eome of wocaea bringing their little bojB and ;Irls nod babies, without (seeming to leed tbe weather. One little thine that lie proud mother belli up for our ad- lirntlon smiled delightfully, etDoning two preoiuua new teeth. No happier mby could be fount! in warm parlors, rtth nil that tbo loams of the world can fiord in tho way of soft fabrics and with 'ing attendants to anticipate every want. 8ha looked gayly out at tbe fllrauge colors about her from ber bit of fur bag, an<?i when she fell asleep her mther laid her upon tbroe oars that ete set aide by side across tbe canoe, iBsnuwflaaeB falling on her face, yet ihe slept .soundly for hours while I natobwl ber, and lha never cried. All he youngsters had to get a little bread, ihloh both lathers and mothers begged ihem, saying: "He little fellow, little fellow." These people interest am greatly, and it is worth coming far to know tbem, however slightly. Tbe smilefMar rather broad, small grin of that Eaquimnn baby goes direct to one's heart, and it is not likely to be forgot- When Its featuros had subsided iuto perfect repose, tbe laugh gone from its eyes nnd tbe lips closed over its two teeth I could make its sweet smile bloom out again as often us I nodded and chir- ruped to it; Heaven bless it \~-0ruits Aphorisms from tbe Qaartern. ..-* A sore-back mulo is a poor band to ;ness de weight ofa a bag o' meal. A folk in &strange road don't make a iao any better Kwia'oboo. To-morrer's aabcake la better'n 1m 1 lunday'e pnddin*. It don't take no prophet to riokerleo 1 baaluok. Dey don't bab no loafers in de martin x. He wire grass labs alazy nigger. Dar's right smtut 'ligion in a plongh- iDdle. Twelve erolook nebber k in a hurry. Hebber 'pend too muoh on da blaok- >>erry blossoms. Don't bet on a 'tater-hitl before Je grabblin* time. Heapo'good ootton-sbalks gits chopped tp funi 'sooiatin' vid do needs. Many a nice corn Bilk winds up wid a >ubUa In de full. A cQiokeu'roos' is de debbal's steel Irap, an' ft gram? oara-ro* is his fiVwet irdrfD. • • De mornin'-giories ain't pertiaklec lubty to a unit wid tie backache. VP A BIBKB.—The meno{ Hilliaid, &small Wyoming mining town il IhoUnion Paoifla railroad, * Bpoil- ing far 0 spree, but lacked the money to pay for it. At tbis juncture tbe passen* gors on 0 train were horrified at the ight ^of a rough looking mun bound fast to a tolegraph polo, while a party o{ miners were fiaspendiog a noose from a brand) of a tree. The prisoner begged the travelers to rescue him, bat the miners siiid tbat be WAS a thief and hud y been condemned to death. It waa intimnted, however, that ths payment of. 8100, tbo amount stolon, would secure. h.B liberation. The money was hastily lontvibuted, and tbe train went on, car- rying tho resoacd nan along; bat ba lumped off at tbe next station, and got beck Vo HUliottl in to tako part iu ttie revelry. " Hung tba babyiinojjut wiib thorn, "Maria 1"-ashed tlie astonished ma in a suudued voice, " would you min telling me what you linvo done with my silk hat; you hnveu'l mode that over for tbe baby bava y.,u ?" "Obi no dear," nuswered his wife cbwirfuily, "I'vaused Uiat for & Uana- init basket It is full of plauUand looks loTely." Mr. Joues neror men- UODS tha word economj ui animata •ftiking oTM-ho BMhaTenongh otii, Omelet to iu ftttural. "Speakingof eggs"— "On, camp now I" cried ihe Obalk: " I insist 1" said the colonel. Speak- _.iBof egga, I was carrying some home yesterday and the bagbroke, letting thum fall onftstone pavement. By thunder, gentlemen, do you know it was so bhtnied but tbat those eggs were a flne omelette in less than a minute, acd I scooped it up with my silver fruit knife nod—" TIIB Club watted to hear no more bnfc precipitately adjourned—Omaha Htralil. KNBW HW BmnoKs,—"Tbeae rooms are nut en$vile," sufd tbe guest of a amuiuei 1 hotel. " Cony00 show me some that « B r* Tbe " roam clerk," recentlr promoted] to that position from the village Btorft, responded; " Ymt, maim, tbem, rooms hain't vet? sweet, betn' as they look oat on the stable; bat I can show you some on the other Bide sweet as a nut," and; * tkeroome ODthe otherlieojfero

Transcript of THE DOVER PMBEB C Sash, Blinds, Doors,...



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ESTABLISHED IK 1861.riCnKDBUtlS *nd MEDICINES, PAINTS,X Oil". » l « * . UruHlitia. I'Brfumer?. *c.,told bj JAMES A. QOODALB, tho PionoerDrURfflii, of DoTer- Store ouun or SnNDAlSf o r t U tab of Ms.ttotBot onlj horn « to 10 A.H., and bora i to S P. M, l*-ll

Joiiir r. HTICHLK,

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of Blackwell and SUBMI Stl.tint

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lone In the. tost manner atd 1.ties. Hlgkeslpricei paid for old Jron.[topper Jeid »od pflirter taken in exchange


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Of ifOBltla OOUNTT.

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PQYER, N, J,flnsoltloHaa boar* QQ atlardtu from l i .

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ApicoltnrB itapicmenti, Betdi, Fcitill»«t«in, P»iMi, Oilf, OUHH, do .


McKinnon Bros.

Axes and Edge Tools,ROQKAWAY, N. J.

It kiting bean re port id tbtt tbii oW-eit

i«lo.M, ». M. . A " . •publio lll.i incb ii nol ih . c u i . Weire itilIn Lailntu, hkTfl na conaectlim «ilb injotbelrai wb«urer, aoa Ihill coptlnno to m*ko no^ l l l a <xi b t 'erAlt ow f ofldV «r« btt>i!-Ri»tle IhraachoDt u aVAir* th« onlr firm In Boobiw»ynjibinK soi;b

Morris County Surrogate's Office,ttai6th,

l a I b r n i t u r o f ' l u m H. H«l*blj<mlor «r WlllLm D. l^?«»r.a a m p w ' a o n l i r t o Hull

U ApplinttlVM « I


l i n l n tli! abore mmod ES« I. onUro! bj tke «nttol»»

d XiBCDtcr Kit* DDbijtt notic. 10T T ; ; l U f u * d > itt.^StorTorTb;;..tlU of xu *™d

•riot la »bnlr d«bt§, d.iaiiidi ind e l n„ ! • ! tb» M M . tiader cMh, vilnln uneioi t l i .Troo I b l t i ' U . br lotHns o p . COM51Wf .rd.t, rtlNi. ».n(.d.JiS.rf.ttt i l si ii««o« l>»»ltc |Uca In UK 9™?"°Honi. far t?^ T,,cntb& .nd kUo withto tbi

lh.lio< Eiu, oni ol tin »«wraperi of Ibii

BUH, I»'O» »•» • ? " ' " ' " " • " } • B ° " ° '

S i i i |T u l if »M cndlw '•kill w«l««l '

wilhln tlu old period o>ali«nonlhi, mill

tir dib.nrfolbi.orb--.tlffil u i 4b« Mid KtMStet.

A ln» oOfl ton «>• ml"nl«"-U-lOw CHABLS8 A. OILLEN. Borror.U.

Gartrs Little LiYBtFills

:ept on hanJ and BOU in largo or *litta.


NION HALL BUILDING,Black well Btrtot, Dover, •

Hot Air Furnaces,the Utc*t »n<l imiat improved *tjlc», fat

rt»iri|{ public Mid nriTftlo buildings. A UrgrRssortioent of stoves, c]ie»p fur oaih,COOK, PARLOIt, HEATING

STOVES, BANGES.Ac. AW a vBrloly of







WHANN'B PHOSPHATE,Bone DUst, Guano, Poudrette,


WOOD sawed in stove lengths.





Joseph York*


This week we piopose to BLOW

3U aa exceptionally cheap asBort-lent of LAWNS. YOU will find in

ax collection tho principal Amor-iao brands represented togetherith a few ol the foreign manufac-•ora. Tho American goods look

,st as well an fclintie imported, nnd•e about one-third as expansive.fe will Bend you suiaples to tryyou Bond us word.We have just purchased a lot of


SG. This is supposed, originally,be (in ALis-woQL PABHIC, and is

>ry rich in appearance. It is lightweight aud made in many peau-

iful colors and shades. Tfae pricef this particular lot, to which wem Tufer, is thiity-fiTe cents IOTe block and forty for any colpr.

Cho identical good* sell fox fiftylentsinthecity. Send for samples.

A new aTticle has lately made in BLACK GOODS ; man-

Arers are- yfity interprifting,an^inhaUy inventing npw furies,Chis. which *e, nov r«f$ to, islaUed TRIOOTUTE. an.inUeacribft-ile. material, worth $1,25'a yatdir the best. Ask to see it w^en

are in or Head ta vs, fgr a aam-le if you oannot get in. Of thebeaper grades of DRESS GOODS -WO

ave im unusually large assort-jent, and we propose to sell them

you as cheap as the lowest"W. S. BABBITT,





DOVEK A. .J,Carpel Wearing, in all widths, dons In

ret-clma style at lowest rates. Tbi btttini3 of warp only mod. New oarpeU oo

for sole. Yho hinbest price paid tot„_, jr tukon iu exdiMiKoforoailwt.

MOTIVES DYKD a u d Cleaned

in eood style.JoYW.Mua5m.ltM0, » lT




f»; ill klnii i t UlUlifft •<>' »•• nuttieUon

Notice of Settlement.tbat Ihe monit;

l l t l W IINotice ll hefebr «lTen tbat Ih

lh« mbealMi, MmlolilntiliUV dild id- t te4 'by-Uod«tt.te4byUie *

.nd nporled for »c!Ueine«l 10 till Orplonrt or th. Ooontj if »»rii. o» BoBdl; Ibi

p. t tajoi>»u. ,mi.




OLIVERCHILLED PLOW,BEST PLOW IN THE MARKET.Racelf ed flrut prenmin ai H. J . Btate Pair,

Wuorlv, lalt tall. O;«r 100 <»IU b , u. '--ruar. Elead for clwul-r.


Agricultural lmplements,Seeds:

Fertilizers, etd





JTOTE, EGO, CHESTSD1.Orderi m»y bo tddnawd through the Pon

ifflce Look Box H9, or Ufl *t A.. DwMnei'ioffilkwel ia i , , no»r Snuei, cr >t tbe j»rd.



BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS!Tbe reputation we hare earned far our-goods ta




have extended to almost every house andhamlet in the comity.

For tMrty-four years our tradeiiaketeadiinoreaseBTuntll nowTew retail dealers 111 tlState sell, the same amount of goods, a suffi-cient guarantee in itself tha t our customersappreciate the care we exercise in selectingstylish and durable goods and the prices theyhave always been able to procure them at.Call on us if you want a GOOD artiole a t aLOW price. We will give you by far thelargest stock to select from and will certainlysave you money.


OPP. 0. , L. & W. DEPOT, DOVER, N. J.






HUfltUflTOWN. N- J

The New EmpireIot-il-i ,6ns & Base-burn-

ing Cooking Stove.



Man, B L»n;e Assortment or other BlflcBof Cooking HtovnB, lUaK«H, X'arlor

OR SUMMER & WINTER USE.Abo.aoIiDlteBtook of

Hardware. Cutlery,llaaa, Wooden, Coppu, Plain and Japanned


Oil OlotbB. OBrpBta, Lttnpi, Palata and Oil.ilrd Cagei. Fcailiera, Pratt'a Aatra] Oil {Don

- ' - 'TB.) Also,

D E A L E D I N C O A L .

itoolliig, Flambing and Job9r(rrliproQipU/BtUnd.d to.


. Scales at Manufac-turer'! pi

" .. Load... -.- fioodi.


Rook»wiT, H.troh 1.1B7S.









m- T. iatronr,

Counsellor at Law,AW) MASTER M OHAKOBBY,

Offlea 11 till national Union Bask Bnildin j




BlOBABDt) k. COM STORE. ,, r u l l D O p n w i AUkbili

ot PINE 00LOBS for eiffltn ind mftuiptteting. Also OILS »nd VARNISH, bothforeign anaDomertii). Tp imnaw, 'WsrnU i s , 0(0. - Paint, Coloring tad Varnii

All ot tha abora gcoda fronUiabifltiiiak-•rFlmnrii.'bT pahun. FIBSTO1J68CABBUGK a«a SLEIQH ORNAMENTS.

H r t a latge Bipetien'oVloroierly i* , bob>.tl»w>«« imH

l I lian


IA Pi t* tar the Old H n U u t lauriu.

IThere, dtughler, »top iooldlnif I Don't won

*nd fret,And work jnurwlf Into tech t n t

nil about kll the oorafort jour fttUer can «e.U x smoke by (lie warm hitiitien fin,

Let him unoke tn tbe corner la Boaoe, It hiCM.

Tbon«b the oloodi of tobiono miy oboke,bBTB is DO out call loUi but t lonolj old m&n

Bow maoli coiniort (liere ii In * imoto.

II.U» t, free bird tint Hjbih from limb unto

Luib,Year iwUtxw ot JOji joa go tb rouih ;

Aud KHDI or Umm look Joit u fooilili to lilmAi imufclug Iwlit iDotiflli to;OQ.

Wo'ie PDOB of s i peifeot-ill tbii /on lieller*.Onr livfi obould witb cU»Tity ibini,

Wke the golden UUUIAB tliat ttie weirer* wear<In and out of tits dark deilgu, f

in.boald yon lWe to In aid—though 70a m*;

never •moke—Tet 1*1! WiRBi-* penny or two,ou will lure iome itronjf bibit to teaw «tbw

folk,Btd aa tbis fkat U worrying von {

• TLoogli tbe clondi of tobneoo way ebttkelinro'i no OQO can tell, but a lonelr old man,How much comfort tlioro la la n indka,

IVDo 1 imoko ? Ko, not 11 Nor would I adtlseAny joutb tlio bad habit 10 get;lut when one in old, icd can't Hop if lie trim,la it wisdom to worry and fret i

IM him uniike In tha corner ID peicfl. If heoan.

Though tba olaudi of tobicco miy eboks;There l» aaunaakn lull, bat B.Laaety old mm,

rmncb comfort tbera ii In a imoke,

V,lot long will tobtcoo imake dtlly innoy.8oou tbe pipe on the mantel will i»T,Dd fttber will reit mhtn tka «ormt thitl

dfitrojThe teoantlen body ot clay.

Let him amoks in tlie cotner ,a peace, if iiem,

Boon bu'll fall before Death'! Hard; sttoks ."yon'M nilti the ol»j pipe, and tbe looblec!d tuiu.

And wlib joa'd pat op with tbe imoke.

Thfse *m my priors for ttie Amarioaa Wvtoliaa, of W t b u u , Uii^aoUuseUsOMPETITION1 . Sprlqjflleld, Ulicoiw, and Uookfotd Vntohea tola at wmo r

ireiMntHt..BrM*Mor«n«ut.leton.TmyteOu., Bnti Momn*Dilelan, Trac* * Co., NlckleMovmiBptIlium W.tdi Co.. Urs,. Itovemsnt

-.lh«m Wttiib Oo.. V okla UoTomout ;.B. BwtUott, Van* Hmtment , i,

" " Nfekle Ilnrement ,-,


• I B M WtKDKB. ' XaHt WtMTCai

B. BwtUott,Va8, Siriintt, Mfe


aim)93 (W

S9B0O83 00SO 003300IB BO17 OOIB 00is no

Eogers * Brotbere' best triple pints d tea knives S4C0 per dozen ; dlnnprnSS ;beutripte plated te&KpooiiB, (lipped) | 4 ; fancy, ( 4 50; dessert forka, (lipped) | 6 901 faitay,)7 76; medium folk*, fSW); tippet), $8 ; bundsonie flve-buttle ensfnrH, | 4 4 0 ; tripleilated c ko b/wltetH, 94 40. Any perHon vinhing Hny 01 these eooda I will fltnrt 0, O, P. ,rilh pBimiwdtin lo oxuuiiDH tbem btfoie pu«ti>K; or any persop wiehlng to take a watub.ipoD depcwltlug tbe naioiiot in lbs Nuiionfil ??)?•) B11DK1 DAV carry tbe same f«r on*-onnth, HA he OAH ba convinced he bna wbnt be fiends for, and a good ottlole. SPECIALISCOUNT to hotels and reRtinrauls. Address alt oammanfoations ta

CHAS. F. H0AGLAND, Stickle House, Dover, N. J.

Cbv •

O-1 to builders the best opportunities in the purcliaee

)f every grade and description inclmliiig 3JOTV PB1OEB and tbe greatidvantage of having

Ziiimber Worked to OrderT machinery at tbe place where it is purchased, greatly lessening the

coat of building by the grout saving in manual labor. Oarutook always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingstd LUMBER of eyery description. - and especial pains are token

to give BatiflluctiuD in every particular.

Oen'l Manager.

LIVE.10 mstmnre auurnLD.

nation watobet o'et tbf bediOn bended knefl, with reverent e je ;i Bobbing hoait (be ary repeiti.1 Ob, lire; wo oaa not let tbie die I"dirott seed vr» «HUB to *bee,

To load as from • doiily itrlfo)Tlio brtveal botvrt, tbe ptrong^it brain,

U U to » r s tbe nation1! lire,

t Rird thysool with itemrawlve;Urobe which laid tbee low;

iffarlnff conn try, Iblnk of cow,die. to oruib U» sU&molwt foe,

it alone thy cuunlr? calls,The plea 1B bennl from «U the world,

in tbi a grant day ot JlUntj;Oh, live, and bie» tlila flag anfarlea I

'pnyer avill, thy lite Ii ntf.For all the nations piay to-daj

'or thoo and tbfne. Oh, «oIdier-hearL,fio briva. au trafli aitll be cur ilay t

nd tbe OUtop place thy ana,ronnd tbf frieod, with word! of cheer:

Bow I lore jrou 1" mem* nil of aa,(treat chief, thon art to a i aa dear 1

»\©i,iftri haitti Wfc bold t h » her*. ,v indomitable will;

Kill bear thee up. Aooompliih thy work :Thy twredaeitlriy fulfill. A.H.

Utioi MOBBIRO H«Biu».

Wif. H. IUHBSHT, Bao'yand Treu .



Lade eiptoiil *n«-ngei»ecu lor tbat poiw»ebe-fealiloabSdent ofK1*ioK tatlihtotlcn to alliho mar «tll on hor, Tht room i» lecond tolonein tboconntj l elegantly fKMttd,pa.nted

1 papered and apart from ner otbor bUBl-it, irnloli eoniiiti of


TOO em Biffari flnd a good mtppi; of auythlDgitUy fanrnt in a country store.T B I IBON KB*" can altraja be found on

bereonsterifar tale. 38-ly




orpoerra TBE PBPW,

hai always on band a full and - fresh stock ofstandard g«UU at .


Itdoun'tni.jioex[iefime&tiiltsfiatir. Alaroar grooer for tbetsmmu .


IS. SIEBERhai reduced the pticn for plain painting to

$1.90 PER BATfrom tbii d»te, and will take contract! at wrylow figoiea to eon*Bpond -with that rate,


upon the loweit ternoi. Gontraota takon lor

Frescoing Interiors

am) take no othar. It la ilwaji Rood-aantentiiA upon Mery Aime. Basflsnon on thiaone brand ineretaed bla flour trade WO per My B toe* of

M L PAPERli no* complete, ambraclnf


OF w o DIFFERENT DE8IQMB. Begnlarpipett from 9 cent* to SO ceota ptr roll; goUinpert from'40 eti. 16 IS. I cannot 1« under-


Ceiling Decorations,


Gold Mouldings, Hooks. 4c.81IB for napBring aid kBlaotninlag walli.

Jao xalaoDiiDfl mixed to older in ererj color'**&] to pat on by quart or gallon.

E SIEBER,Cor. Bkikwtll aad Isiai Etk

»u,,i8.i. Dover, N . J


ISSBTfl new and old books . IDOII sttea aN t i M f«e HBd stamp.

i81 CHMdBEiUi BT., 3(1 door well of O1\T Ball

faik, Hew Tork. fe-Bw



FOR SALE!A property oontpriring thirtj-fiva acres,

mortiy improTed, and loeatted ntOranttowatwo mile* from Dover on the road leadJu0 Oheater. On tbe pretalMfl i i a


and oothouBM. Alao a tenant houM. Pleat;of Ktiod Irnlt, saily and l»ta, and a Tory fins• i K of water near the koooo. Apply to

MR9. JAKE R. WK.11AW8,S$-tf on th» premtiM.

6.0W tRBHU ynjAtA to m the Ufa ol

PKESIDENT fiAUFIELI)Inclcdinoa fpH mil aeonraia aeooant of blihriefbat erenlfal anmlniBtntioii; tba r r »conflict with tbo •"•" bTALWARTH" beided bjOookltnn; me dlabottcsl attempt to atuulD-atablm, ncdieil ttti,lmiiit.«.o, Tfao Intemeint«M*l eiMlad tiMMthooiaiuli to de»irefaJl-mrtli:ai*n,tienot ibla book mart wll t» -DABtiielr- Termi llb«ra!. OBtfll BOO. CiMb.larsftw. Addrnw


PpETIC. A Ftiliennao'i LuoK.Henry ArchiLdia is a deroted flaber-

man, not that lia aver catobei anythingto apeak of, but fli ill SiU UkeB to take i,pole and Hue OIK! go up along the rlveidaring the long warm eummec days anlay iu tbe mellow suuaUine and tbiuwJmt the old girl will my wLeti she HmUout be lias gone off wilbuut epliHiog anytiadtiag. ID tbie view of tbe case bone day lost week got out hie books andlines lo look tbem over. He sat on thewash beneb by tbe hydrant enjoyingbimttelf hugely, vhea Mrs, Arobibalcame oat and made him bring her abucket of water.

While t e wao doing' this sbe pickedup a largo bias book ta admire it,laid it down again witb tbe line scatter-lug out in tbe yirt),EecrydieouBced the situation inEoropeith OxUiby. who waa digging garden

on tbe oLber aide of tbe fenoe, and thennat down again to the contemplation &l

his fisliDg tflokte. Pretty aaonA hOOk.

" Mother," he shouted, "wbat bnder

, . "Daw I t "

Tbe; bad a teirible time at a weddingip at Petalnma tbe other da;, and wliohinly goes la chow hot? tlie imallestIrawhact will aometimea taVe the ntiff*

jag out of tbe sweetest oooailop..It seemed tbat thf) perainpsj WM A

very grand aflpair, indead. There wereeight brldeimaids'and the ahnroh wascrowded ttom pit to ctome. as the dram'ilic critic would say, But, when they

got to the proper place ia the cetaaioa;,and the groom began feeling aronod fortbe ring, be discovered that it wusq't onland. After (be minister tad BtjowledatUe miserable wrefob for avfaile, tbelatter deteotsd the magic oiroie had slip-ped tbrougb a hole in bis pooket andworked Into hie boot. He cotamnsica*led tbe terrible fact in a whisper to tbeiride wbo turned deadlj pale, and wai

ilj kept from fainting hy tbe reflaotionat they would inevitably cutthe string

ot btsr aatin corsage in flaa© she dill.'Why don't 7011 produce tbe ring ?,'{spend the bride's big brother,

arielj, and feeling for his pistol,andBr theitapreealon tbnt tbe miserableman wniabont to back out.

I can't. It's in my boot/'explainedLhegioom under his breath, hU vet;

lir meanwhile turning red with morfi-

"Try and flab it out, Homebow—bnrnp 1" mumbled the minister behind

"I'll try," gasped the victim, whois ver; stoat, and he put one foot on

the chancel rail, palled op bim trousersleg and began making spasmodic jabsfor the ring with his forefinger. Theminister motioned to the organiot toHI110018 oat » tew notes to BH in thetime, voile a rumor rapidly wenttliron&b the congregation to. tbe effect

iat a telegram bad just arrived provingtlio groom bad four other wires livingIn the East already.

M—I can't reaoh it," groaned thehatf-mnitied man, io agony. " I tcome."

"Sit dpwo and take you? boot ofl) yonfcol 1" hlwed tliu bride's mother, Vbilethe bride herself moaned ptteoualy andwrong her hands.

There i u nothing left, BO the sufferersat down on the floor and begun towrestle wfth bis boot, which was natur-ally new and tight, while a fresh rumorgot under way to the tfleot that the'groom W88 beastlj tight. - '

Aa tbe boot came finally off ita oruah-ed wearer endeavored, anancoesa[ally,to bide a trade dollar bole in the heel ofhis Blocking, noticing which the person,who waa a bnmorooa sort of a aky con-tractor, eaia g^mly : *

"Yon seem to be Retting married joatia time my jaaag friend."

And tbe ceremony proceeded with thiparty of tbe Drat part ataodinfi on OQBUg. trying to bide bis well ventilatedfoot under tbe tail of his oo»t, and ap-parentWmptterino"J)arn it" i at shortintervab.—San Frcmdtco Pott.

Dr. J. B. I«WM, of EogUnd, UlteTea thatlire itock demandi dryer food (n lfialarfeeding tlan la •nrnmar. Wfl aUo bsli«T*ithat the Amnicnn lurmer aUlcntoofor eqBi^e. whin applied to graai or <#Jnce ther are beat fed dry, lha atla addingnothing to ttelr Talaa and tho prooeaa 0drylsg in tbe production o( hay imbtraoUiignothing tat walet. \a the n^ll»r of pre-•arrlng eom (odder, tt» arpunenta anfarof of the .n joj but In Uu enltlTaUoo,corn in may torn tbo Britlah fanrnr hu batWUe izperiniojii owing to tha oool, wtt eU-

Mrs. Archibald, and she slapped theetove damper ebnt with empbaaii; "youtave Bwallowed it, I reckon."

" Vou had it a minute ago ; you knowm did. If a woman ever gets hernode on a fellow's things, be neverlows where they are any mure."Mrs. A. cams to the door and looked

iround aoidly ;" What d'ye call this here ?" and pick-

ing tip the end of the line she gave it awmtbful jerk.

Whoopee 1 ouoh 1 posh ) shoot theTernnl dog I" yelled Henry*; nnd heambled frantically around, nursing Utobip pooket us though he bad a live coal


•' Bakes alive 1 what'o tho matter withthe man I" and she gave the line anotherLwitcb, 3fonnd youroid hook, have you?"

Fonnd it,.you all fired old torment tDon't jou aee I've found it 9 Laggo o*mt Hue afore I pulverize you."•• Now, Henry, I would make a fuss Ifwere yon."'• Fuaa the blazes. I wish you knowed

aw it teals to have a fish hook jerkedirojugh your heart."" Well, yoa'd no business to set down

in your heart with fish hooks a layingund,"

•Don't be a fool now, will yon, buti pull tbe darned thiog out afore it

.am.} to look jaw."

"Il'd take a whole barrel of fish hooto1 look your jaw. Come, give us a holdare."

But the first pull she made brought aDumnohe Bquawk from Beary, and then

she amputated tbe idjnnent cloth endgot the butcher knife, whereupon Bearyalraigbteued himself up riciuusly.

'Look here, old woman, I ain't DOilatued old ham I You don't slice me

with tint thing now, and don't you for-get it. "Sou just, buntle tlat gal aronod

the doctor right sadden, and you'dbetter bump youwelt affty from, hereifore I get mud, too.1"

Thedootpr:cametOQt6fftbe«Hai)kandpolled out the hook in half a minate o{ the day Henry iitton a£&% BBod poultice ami ou one elde ot uchair, calling people to the front window

ask them what waa good for a, htle ou

mrnest. Ho looked at bis wifo anmuoli as to say, " Now, this iB tbe lasttime you wilt citfch tne in a church ifrou are poing to pluy any of your tricLiou me. Yuu think you can scaru anInto getting religion." The ministerslopped reading the hymn, und looked

his Bjieotaolaii m tbe new comers sithough it would not surprise him if thutbad mun should blow tbe church up.TUe poor lady hluBhod nuj lookedaround m muob ns to say, " I did Dotknow it Kits loaded," and BIIO looked tbalymn book through fur tbe bytntt, onds the choir lose to slug sbe offured one

side of the bonk to her husband, bat helooked mad and pious, and Blood At thoother end of the pow And looked out oftbe BtaiDDd-glass window. After theservice they started home together. He

iid be didn't know what it was thatode tbe noiae until they got home, ana

of ear a little akirmiBhinffuround his wifeild up H bursted papor bug, and mkei

the boy if ho blew that bag up. He said) did, imtbB did not know there wasijtliing wrong aWut it. Tbe hoy end

his mother and press board paid a visitthe back kitcliea and there waa a

sound of revelry. BOJB will ha boys.—Wathingion Capital.

) knee.

For the FMr Sex.

There were never before eihibitedmore lovely novelties in lace and runslin.than are displayed this seaaon.

The new gloves offered for summerwear,,when the weather ia too wsrmfor the use of a kid glove, .are eieeed-inglj fine BB3 bftnqsoTne. Tba ohoteeatire tbo silk gloves, tbe allk and linen,ind tbe French lisle-thread.

Tbe characteristic traits ot fashionhis summer are tbe enormous bows,vbioh are taking the place of dmpedournurea at tbe baokt end the very

wide collars which u s -worn with openbodices, and deep cuffs to match npon

ie serai-long ileeves not coming muchiwer than tbe elbow.

At an English wedding tbe other day,daisies appeared ID all tbe deooratlonB.The bride'a white dnohess satin was Bia-broidetett with them, »n3 bei veil 'fastened witb pearl daisies, end herbridesmaids wore gowns of white nun'scloth and satin embroidered witb daisiesand daisy bonnets and brooches, andct.rT.e5 bouquets of natural daisies pre-sented by tbe bridegroom.

A lady in Washington had herhair changed from n light-blonde colorto pure block froip several months' 1of joborapdl, » B«»iHt*n plant admin-istered to her as a remedy for bloodpoisoning. 'Whether tbe now oolor will

1 permanent or tbe new growth be oftbe original color, nntuna to be seen,and tbe remit Ea looked for with interest.

Tbe following p the signification ofthe shattering of the glass at tbe reoentRothschild wedding: vinn is brought iia brittle Teasel,' and being six timesitemed, tbe married couple drink thereoftod the rest of it in token of lay, ia castat ihe ground: then the bridegroomin memory of the rain of their city

id temple, with force dashn the vettothegronnd.

He"?!!, in tor "NoteJJook of an Elderly Lady," recentlyrepubHshed in this ooantry. arguesagainst giving girla a college education.Haying, "Th«3 freedom of college ia ad-mirable for a young man because he isto pas* from it into ths independent lifeol the world. I t is. I think undesirablefor a young woman, because she is to

stum from it to the restricted circleof home.

The adoption of the bustle isgeneral and said to be » token of im-pending crinoline. E^cewivieffect* are Been on, Parla dresses mad*of sheer materials, and tbe favor shotto ovei-diefis draperies which open aare festooned in front, and to basqueswhich have the panier looping over tbehips, indicates tbodriUof taeteatpresen

Perils of Paper Bates us Uuat.esThere ia a. wotnan iu tbe West Em

wbo has learned & leaum that will liher a lifetime, Bbe has boon for yourawearing those paper bagv such as tbegrocers use, for btultea, Tb« pap** isfltiffaud. sticks out splendid, uai muLt»the dress look wo!I, Lost Suuduy morn-ing whjlu ahe wue dreaiiug, her youngson got in tbe room aud blew tho paperbag full of wind, ana tied a string routthe mouth t>f i- and left it iu u chair.The good lady took it and tied it on, an*dressed boraelf for church, Sbe bribedher bosband to go to church witb her,though ha is a soit ofaBoblDgerBollOhristiun. As they went down the aislethe mitiistflr WRS reading a hymn about''Sounding; the Loud Hoaasna," aoJtbe lady weut ia tha pew fit'Bt and aatdown while her huBband .ww-VJtungbis hat on the flobrl ^b'rt* Waa 1 reportlike distant tbnnder. TpB.faftve beardbow those confoandea paper bags ex-plode, when boys blow them up ucdcrash them between their huueia.

ffos worse than tbat, and everybodyat the innocent btiBhaud, win

Tbe DUM or the ramllj.A real clean, nice looking old couple

were at ilieOniau depot waiting fur atraiu going South. Tbo lumbonij was

twenty >eura old untl prettylively, ami the wila was only & year ortwo behind him, with n voice tli&t meant

ever/ time slie opened hermouth. Tburo ffw considerable polili-

il talk around tho depot, and tha oldman at ouce became interested.

'I've been uver in Cauada in thewoods foe the last two w&eke, and hain'theard a thing, lie exclaimed."

'Is election over witb V'Yes,'replied one of tbe men.'Manyriots and knock downs ?'

f them,''I used to be tbe worst man around

;be polls you ever Eee,' continued tbeaid gent as he spat on his bauds. 'I'veseen the time it took four constables to:ioldme.'

Tctcr, what are you doing there Vked tbs old lafiy as Bbe suddenly ap-

peared.'Fimlitig out about politica.''What kind ?'•All *inds.'

'Will you let poliltos atone and cameiuto the waiting room.'

'Party Boou.. Botbey bad riota »ndlocking donna, eh ? Lord 1 don't Iisb I'd been around 1'•Peter I' called the wifo.'Yes, I'm hero. I suppose tbe candi-itossat up the drinks, didn't tbej V'Oil, yes.'

•Great euakee I Bat I wish I'd beenaver, here. Take it along about fortyyear* ago, sod niter I had three drinks

wn it took tbo whole Whig Vatij tobold ina. M7 great bold was in clean-

g out voting places and walking offpith (be ballot box,'•Yee Nuney. Well, which aide—'Petor waa choked off rigbt here,anoy got hold ot his collar and liftedift heels off the floor, whirled him

.round and beaded him for the waitingotn, with tha remark s "after youive lived with me another forty yearsiu'11 learn that wben £ any Pater £

uu't mean Petit! The idea of yourstanding out here talking politics when

got to look around for a pieoe ofbed sard to tie that old satchel

at Lo&e half out dutls 1"

What n Yon nit Man dot.The other ulgut old man Wiokte and

tis wife, while walking along tho street,;oing borne from a mite society, eogaged1 ft quarrel.

•Tin not going out with you anynore, Samuel," said Mrs. "Wiokio, "Tonire too old a mnn to out up the way youfid ta-ulght The i,l<m of au old tnauwbo has tbe rheumatism BO bud that hsjcan't put bis soots ou iu the mornings,going to a mite meeting and romping asyou have done to-night I I Bay it's a


" I may have rheumatism," repliedthe old man, " but I haveu't goj dye-pepsin, I don't growl at everybody. You

been growing worse for the last ten1. If you didn't have me to piok at,

believe yOn'd die,"

I won't walk, witu a man tbat ootBlikes rhiooeeros."

'How does the rhinoceros cot?"asked the old ami, ll.iuhicg that bewould catch her on natural history,

" Aels like a foo],1:that's how be nets,"and Mrs. Wickle walked away, leavingthe old miwi«w>r&l paces behind. He

ally gaogUt ap just as a joung mancame walkipg along,

"You are walkiug pretty fast," *aidtbe old gentleman.

Bis wile 3idn*t say anything." I t ' s clouding up," he remarked jnmatbe going tti rftin."Tbe old l&dy made no reply, but the

young man took in the sitnatton. "Tonold villain,"he ezolaimod, addressing Mr.Wiohle, " what do you mean by attempt-ing to throat your company on a ladywho does not want you 1 It's becoming,00 frequent for ladies to be insulted «uthe Btroota by loafers. Get back I" Theyonog man struck at Winkle. Ura,Wiokle clubbed her umbrella, and ex-claiming, "That's my husband," struck

tbe young man iro Wow'bo old nan, encouraged b j hie wife's

stroke for the union, jumped on theyoung man and hold him white tbe rat-tling ribs of the umbrella fell on thothe youth's head with a noise like tbe(ailing of bail stereo,

" Sucaaet, nobody cm break up onrdomestic felicity," safd the wife after thebattle.

'•No, sir," answered tbe old man," When » man tries ta dea'roy the "do-mestic happiness of BIT household, hecatches my consolidated power of wrath.'

" Maria," said Mr. Jont» unon one ofhis worrying days, " it seems to inn you

more economical; oow them'smy clothoa, why cao't you make tbumiver for tbe children instead of giving

them &ITO; V

** Because they're worn ont when youare done with them," onaworod Mrs,

•' It's no use making over toiognfor the children that won't hold together;you oouldn't do it yonraelf. emnrt as

a are."

"Well," Rcamblel Jone*, " I winot have donate full of things mildewingfor wnnt of wenr if I waa a woman, thatisall., Aponuynaved ia a penny earned.

Tbnt was i» April. One warm day iaMay Mr. Jones went prancing throughthe closets looking for something hecouldn't fiiu\ ftnd turning things geiyemlly inside onl.

Mario 1" he ftcroataed, <> wbore's m;gray alapnca duster ?"

"Made it over for Johnny.""Ahem! Well, Trliew'a the brow

linen one I bonght last Bummer ?"Clothes b«g V mumbled Mrs, Janet

wbo seemed lo have a difficulty ia bei-

that ranmout. '• Juet madeinto n nice one I*'

"Whore aro my lavender pants?"

T I N LKAOCSS OUT.—It was tbe first!night aboard tbe steamer, "At lost," lie•aid. tenderly, ".we are aU nlone upontbe deep waters of the dark blue sea,and your heart will always boot for me

i t l b t i t l t ?" "My heart's

all right," abe answered, languidly;vfent mv storaach feeli avfal."

Wao Wiu, Houi SMITH t—A> U honerace John Bandolph wits approached bya stringer with * proposal to bet against4 certain bone. "Smith, here, willhold the Btakes," said tbe speonlalor."•^ho will bold Smithr'anlied Randolph.

11 Out tbein over for Willie."'* Hoavenj I" gronneil her 1

then In a voice of thunilor, " a tmy bluo suspouders got to 1"

Au Esquimau Jlitby.

!vernl ennoo loads of Eaqnimaurime aboard while we lay bore, eome of

wocaea bringing their little bojB and;Irls nod babies, without (seeming toleed tbe weather. One little thine thatlie proud mother belli up for our ad-lirntlon smiled delightfully, etDoning

two preoiuua new teeth. No happiermby could be fount! in warm parlors,rtth nil that tbo loams of the world canfiord in tho way of soft fabrics and with'ing attendants to anticipate every

want. 8ha looked gayly out at tbefllrauge colors about her from ber bit of

fur bag, an<?i when she fell asleep hermther laid her upon tbroe oars thatete set aide by side across tbe canoe,iBsnuwflaaeB falling on her face, yet

ihe slept .soundly for hours while Inatobwl ber, and lha never cried. Allhe youngsters had to get a little bread,ihloh both lathers and mothers begged

ihem, saying: " H e little fellow,little fellow." These people interest amgreatly, and it is worth coming far toknow tbem, however slightly. TbesmilefMar rather broad, small grin of thatEaquimnn baby goes direct to one'sheart, and it is not likely to be forgot-

When Its featuros had subsidediuto perfect repose, tbe laugh gone fromits eyes nnd tbe lips closed over its twoteeth I could make its sweet smile bloomout again as often us I nodded and chir-ruped to it; Heaven bless it \~-0ruits

Aphorisms from tbe Qaartern. ..-*

A sore-back mulo is a poor band to;ness de weight ofa a bag o' meal.

A folk in & strange road don't make aiao any better Kwia'oboo.To-morrer's aabcake la better'n 1m1

lunday'e pnddin*.

It don't take no prophet to riokerleo1

baaluok.Dey don't bab no loafers in de martinx.He wire grass labs a lazy nigger.Dar's right smtut 'ligion in a plongh-iDdle.Twelve erolook nebber k in a hurry.Hebber 'pend too muoh on da blaok-

>>erry blossoms.Don't bet on a 'tater-hitl before Je

grabblin* time.Heapo'good ootton-sbalks gits choppedtp funi 'sooiatin' vid do needs.

Many a nice corn Bilk winds up wid a>ubUa In de full.

A cQiokeu'roos' is de debbal's steelIrap, an' ft gram? oara-ro* is his fiVwet

i r d r f D . • •

De mornin'-giories ain't pertiakleclubty to a unit wid tie backache.

VP A BIBKB.—The men o{Hilliaid, & small Wyoming mining townil IhoUnion Paoifla railroad, * Bpoil-

ing far 0 spree, but lacked the money topay for it. At tbis juncture tbe passen*gors on 0 train were horrified at theight of a rough looking mun bound fast

to a tolegraph polo, while a party o{miners were fiaspendiog a noose from abrand) of a tree. The prisoner beggedthe travelers to rescue him, bat theminers siiid tbat be WAS a thief and hud

y been condemned to death. It waaintimnted, however, that ths payment of.8100, tbo amount stolon, would secure.h.B liberation. The money was hastily

lontvibuted, and tbe train went on, car-rying tho resoacd nan along; bat balumped off at tbe next station, and gotbeck Vo HUliottl in to tako part iuttie revelry.

" Hung tba babyiinojjut wiib thorn,"Maria 1"-ashed tlie astonished ma

in a suudued voice, " would you mintelling me what you linvo done with mysilk hat; you hnveu'l mode that overfor tbe baby bava y.,u ?"

" O b i no dear," nuswered his wifecbwirfuily, "I'vaused Uiat for & Uana-init basket It is full of plauU andlooks loTely." Mr. Joues neror men-UODS tha word economj ui animata•ftiking oTM-ho BM haTenongh otii,

Omelet to iu ftttural.

"Speakingof eggs"—"On, camp now I" cried ihe Obalk:

" I insist 1" said the colonel. Speak-_.iBof egga, I was carrying some homeyesterday and the bag broke, lettingthum fall on ft stone pavement. Bythunder, gentlemen, do you know it wasso bhtnied but tbat those eggs were a flneomelette in less than a minute, acd Iscooped it up with my silver fruit knifenod—"

TIIB Club watted to hear no more bnfcprecipitately adjourned—Omaha Htralil.

KNBW H W BmnoKs,—"Tbeae roomsare nut en $vile," sufd tbe guest of aamuiuei1 hotel. " Cony00 show me somethat « B r*

Tbe " roam clerk," recentlr promoted]to that position from the village Btorft,responded; " Ymt, maim, tbem, roomshain't vet? sweet, betn' as they look oaton the stable; bat I can show you someon the other Bide sweet as a nut," and; *tkeroome OD the otherlieojfero

THEREON ERAThe Dover Printing Company,

Saturday, Aug. 6tU, 1881.It is indeed gratifying ia note lh« con-

tinued gain ia the condition of our wound'ad President. More than thirty days haveelapiwd sloe* be ws*Bbot, weA if a pttiec'Buffering from fluch wounds sarrives lhaltime it Is general I J e»f e to predict that hiwilt recover' He la affected latu by fever,begins to lake more ftut>Btauti&l nourish-meut, andtbe jirobabilitieB of Im e&xly oou-valewcoe ara v&ry slroiig and growing in•trength with every day. Ur a telephnniiapparatus invented by Prof. Boll, the loca-tlou of tbe bullet hru been fixed at the rxaoispot wheretbesurgeonasappo^dtttobe His in tie flesh immediately above tbo grain,tbrefl inohwi lo tba right of tba medianline, and so near tlie surface that it canextracted without danger when tbe strengthof tho President is sufficiently restored,

Tbe New York Herald tbe other da ; dvoted & page to the Nihilists Leo Hurlumuwho b*n nrrived in Ibis country, fn whi<tlic fellow fives an necouut of the plot inwhich lie wu connected to blow up theCzar of HUJBU on a railway train. Hpretuieihig deep regret at ita failure of necomnlEfihDipnt and gloats over tbe finalcean of tia fellow conspirators in asea*,.tiug the Csmr. Oar government should arrest tbis fellow and return him to Russia aonce, the sune OH It&ly did in tbe case ofJoho IT, fiurcalt, although no extraditiontre&'j oiisted between the twogovernnienUto that time, "We are ID favor of the largestliberty, but not that kind which emanate*from the deeds af cowardly aauutaias.

Hie national debt was decreased durthe month of July almoBl etaim mill 1 on idollftrn, and the total is now one billionless than it was xixteen years ago, and tbeboudH now outstanding are allplacBd at lowrate» of interest. Thia sfateiuent will notAppear in fcsy Democratic papers,are too busily eo gaged in the "reform'business. ^

It ia now discoverfd tbnt Mr. Bookwatfr, the Democratic candidate for Oovernoiof Ohio, never voted aught else but a Hepublican ticket in bli life till but fall. BuLe baa a W I , and it there In auytbinjthat the avenge Democratic reforms:"hankers arter" it ia a bar!.

JlanafaoUJries are slarting up all over (heftoutb. Cotton goods ara majJo on the spoivhere thB plant growr ThRt ie drcidedlbutter than sending it to Europe to havedfifie luto clothDS, and tbe govermacishould bafitca to protect tbie new industiuf our Sonttitrn brelliron.

W.thin On» Year-Th* Future,reaotae of tba amodut el btitUtiuift cua-:t*il In Dover siuee b i t fail, tni tbniein eoanvot cousirtictioa sbows the bust-enetsv tbkt if being dmi>lopwl m thisinanity. Tlteymay beeoumorttoi] as fol-

lows ;

Tbe new brick bloe'K, ODD of the iiandaomesli Northern K e w j e r m j , oomprltiog six fine

three story brick building*.

New fire-proof planing and lumber mill on

The cnhrgiliR of tlie rollipg mills and tlicattfngio rejiaUaud lUr t fJ npor t lw spik<

A large addition made to the ihops at tbeEurrli County 3facbine and Iron Ootnpiuv.Iho temporary dopot of the Central ilailrnad

uuijtauy, and thfi work abuut to to comMinced of remodeling tbo Backoff buildingito a permanent ptgiunger depot, and theuildinp of a large new freight dopot,Tlie erection of tlie new residence of Stephen

J. Palmer, onliinckweltBtrout.

>r Rtopljeii H.Berry, on MorrisBtreot.

Tilt large new bitek Mlk mill and dyo IIODBI•f tlic Biuh'leton Bilk Mmufneturitiff Company

OH West 13 in ck well ptreot.Complete reniihleliuK ° ' David Young's

Adcitiuu to tlio itoru ot Vougbt & fiillgoro.

Sew tbrea *»ory bOMoete iwildiBj ot JBHOBlairhouHOonlllaokwelUtreet.

Tlie new IEON EUA tliroc-btory brick buildDB Just MiiTlmtr, riiflit oppuiite.Duublo tlirucstury bnflinesg b u M m ; of Wni

limin nod R. F . Omni on Suami mroet.Bxtsurivo repaim to Oollej'a llotul, m&d

itvcRRary by tlio flrt1.

Now ruBitlciico of ehcriff McDarlt on MOUIIHope Arcna«.

of/ . J. VrnclftiHl.on Bcrgoi

Stopping the Paper.The ERA tua lost cjaitu ft ntimbcr of snli-

arribcra since it asmimtd'toabout o r sfi We

i\, iTiti hftTe been disippoiBieil l a only (HtiiBF—tlic number hat not btcn acywlniieir AS f;rc»t aa we iDticipaied But it iigratifying to nit, and probably ticWcivanity a Kttlc, to be ihlc lo i n e r t lhat ourvirrnlalioi) it a t least 100 greater (banIbo creit circulation bEforfi tlio change

year ago. Subscribers have lloaked in fromnil leetionn, and lnvo much more tbnn cotlerbilarced tbe UIRIII loeacn, eoaHingetilt to retain our claim of tho lire cat, andtat ttie most rcmnncratlTo dicnUtiaa In t!section. lu be t at nearly every ttewi Btaia ibia Ticlnlty onr n l c i i ro from flreivftnty tiTccBRTtitet \\ttrt ihme ot nj oilierlocal pnpe . *nd onr advertising putwtiflge isbetter tlian Cfcr—tlianfes to the clear discern-ment and appreciation of tlio fcuBineiBhinf Ibe community, Weha*enowiboot naslGi]n year oi onr biitory, and mt all the eldneribers liaTfllitcn givtn a otiancs to stop Torpolitical rcnonft, wo ire notr aboat atend or Btoppapen on tlila score, and everymbpcribcr irlll swell our ulrcady great list.

Hut wo aro cocaiderjbly imutcd at timeaaecftOBCurxbu cxcueeHolfcrcit t j aorat of onTery strong Democratic tnenda in atoppinthe piper. One IB taking- BO man; papers tfca

ho must begin to curtail Boraevberu; anotheia so bnny tnat he lias not time to read it,wbicb wu ttaaya accept as a graceful conjilimi'Dt to tbe largr bnonnt of home neve ngiw the pnhlto ; a tliird Imscomo to Ibe ooicliiHicin tlia* lie must have a daily paper, an

one good-natured,Lut iDcorrtfiiMeDetDocrntifriend from Clioatcr recently told ua that Iihsd to atop It of DtcceBlly because t h j bnu<1ain hm mill would Jo ncilimg else bin read Itwlicn it cam* aud tliaa neglect tbeir work,Ut c a a m ve tlwejn accept lbcne txcnaen, t\really, gentlemen, we aro not deccirwj. Enihere i» tlio kind who are uftcr our own liearlTfe bfve fanudrcdn ol Democrat nnbicribfriwho rome in and renew plying honostly, " Wodon't like jour politico, but you RIVO n» aliomenewi, sml wife likes the EUJI, and tincbildicn #11 read i l . Bcnides, n-e like to1he olher nldft.ind Ibe EUA give* it wllln

blncksnarding or bcratinK anybody." Thea<*are unbscribers of whom we arc proud, andthe ERA will always endeavor to meet theiiapprobation forfalrneas, even tbon^h it ma1

difforfromihfin in ill political belief.

We, bonevet, meet a nun McaiiDnallj whoIi under the Impreisfon (hat if he itopi bispaper be will Ibns get eTen with HI for 10micppospa injorj. anil be lisnea the edict wit]

all ths nnetion or the autocrat of tho ItntainaHo does It in a mannrr lo denote tb i t ho confldently anllclpates the immwliate col lapse o;the whole concern. Dear friend, don't IifDBihit yon bnrt our feoiinfrs by paying upand quitting. We hivogot nwd to it . TbeF in !B ota of the eatablisbe<l thlnga or tberoromanltj1 txA i t s circulation titeadtl; in-oreaam. be tbo atoppfcffen many or fow. ffowouldn't for a moment hwo any one Uie thepap er on the Uieon t h i t he in doing a oliari t-able IbinR by receiving it- Tliii la alarge world, friendB, and there are tome veryIrrgo people In It. If we find wo csn'l getalong hy Flanding Bpltry ou merit we will aollcut and quit the bailors*.

utmet.New addition to building of Julio Opio, on

DiackwtlUlreet.Hoasoal Jantea Ro^e, on Onld street.Addition to liotiae or E. t-oibar, on Bl

Tlio HBW Inielt cat worltn of tbe Dover IronCompany »nd now brick shops of the D. I>. kW. Itailroad Company, both of which wir

No* resident'® <>f the Hiators' who ire Iike cliaifi" "fSt. Mury'tt Pirocbfnl flcli.i,.!.Trnnnr-jruiBtiuunr tlie old academy IntojHidence 1'v f\ O. Heagnn.New bODBP or Marou* Ford, on Fair Tici

Sill.New lionse of James Poni on Dlockivcl

irL-ct.Extciiglvo improvemfnta to I'reebjtrri

Church, lonludiiitt new boll.* infovcmcntannduon belltoStconJM.E.

inilempUteil new bonne of Win. Hare!*,lorRon street.:w residence of Jolin Arndt, on Morris

Sptclal Meeting of Common Counstl*


Ttta Oommon Oouooii met la special meetingI FrWaj e'ening iait. Preteat—Mayorirbnrda, Altlurmcu Bficb and llaoce. auilauuciliueu Collard, Htlrlioune, Lewli anilbitlock.Tbominoteeoriatt mcetitij vteio reid and

ipproved.TbcnotiepeorcJiirmi served npon J. P.Eg»D,

Ura. T. Eorrymao and Vx*. Norihey at themceting.citiue item to appear at 11ns time

aud aliow cause why tlialr It denies ahould not

olredtut tho notioaa andoortifl-catei ut eervicc bo rccoriisd apoa tbe minute*.

All tbe paltini tiotiQad beinj; preaunt tnlci tvara expended to give them t, liearliUr. Egan suta be Uardiy ktmw what to m

irerjtliing tie pomessod was fn the UUBIDbe wai Fugged; in. He mi got lia»e otsr-

:ep|)t>d tlio ordi nancy nataowingly.Tim Mayor said ho hardly ilioufflit bo could

be tRiiorant of the tucf, that he wan nott'd to sail HpiritB by HOiall meigureg.

Mr Egati In continuing said tbat thia waitis Brit offence, that unhid altrayi kept ai

orikrly boiuu, and Hut (lie Marshal had novimpefli'd to watch bii place and en

foreu o r J r thoro. Io tlie future tio would eo-tor to obey all tbo laws aud ordinances.Tault bad been ju eelliDg liUteri, whicbbe

Mrs. nerr)'u»n mid tbtt if any tiling had«er lisuii ijld ta n^r house onttttnlij the

diitooiknutrit.Major Kii-haniN remarked that It loumad

ennoas lhal HIIB ahoulil plead gniltyto doinn)mothlup fllie kanw notLiaR about.Mrs. Uorryman, In extonuatloii, said tba

aVie bad iiltiad frailty anil bail paii her- flnratlie. tlnnhavu trouble. Air. UNIISO usudtitend !i£.r Ur far lior, and she tliouRht bnight have Bi'l'l Hn.jittbiuff. Bhe vras not oipeuliiDg ti't-nift with him uoir, and couli] naink him about il, am) no tdiu tbuii^lit it wouldivnld ah difficulty to pay lior Hoe. She B&ldilio bid always tried to keep a good, orderlyl0llt!3.

Mrd.Norfbcy said that alto ooald not tendler Ur, and since her limband died tierirotliw-ln-lrtwliail jnMieil alter it Tor binlglitlinve cold some contrary to law, butiho ilifl not Itnoiv it. Shu wanted to rutaln

nlid jiWritxl that 11])

Kew iron bridge over tbe Kookaway riv

Tlirsoare aome of tho IranroTcmenti tfahavocometo our notice in looting over theground, and tliorc a r e m m y ntl iTaofaininorcliaructcr noted. Tbcro aro ako otiroerou*oilier bnililingi in contemplation, nnd wo bearit ri'por'i'd tbat sevcrnl parties are

hrf;o imtiibor of tenonient honcoa la1»]ACO, XIICHO arc greatly ncodufl now,nomWiB of mccbnnicB ami laborers it> IOTVDnow Mro at copNMsTsbte din»ofes ontnideivba wonld not if I Lev could obtain lioiIn the place. Tlie new tnncufacinrinff establiibmentH to he Httrlod will also xistlcrcBvothodFniauil. and building will CtIf HS be carried on to a large e i t t n t in Doverfor a number of years to come 1V« belie'

iliBt oar unequalled fadlltlci for ahip-anit (ravel to all points, combined with

tbo (act that the town will bt> oat of debt!«s tlmn one jear, will intlnte still oth<infuctorcra to locate Here and so awell oi

population tbat the next oeoRUB will iliowii to bo tbe largest town in ibe county

Pedestrian Contest a t Ut. Hope-walking match, tor 125 a side, e

lied BDH toe, took place at Ml. Hope lastfifttnrday evrraf tig between Tbumis Lamb anrlQoorgo Laralmrt. Despite the rainy weatherboth men toot! the scratch at 6 o'clock. Bothppt'ftreil to bo fn flno condition and tlioywereinnt off by Patrick Ciliill. Lambert b o a ibenail and pained atoadlly, notll at the end

tlieftret lap be wan ono hundredyardsal ienl .Then Lamb closed tho gap rapidly, anil a t thend of tbo nccond lap tbo men wcro evenftutti n\en icftt In 3 oe tor in tn Vlic> enrt of t bthird mile, L imb epnrling orten an4 walking;ido by hide with Lambert, amid sljoutsbythe crowd of "On on Lainl>." "Mow yon hilire," etc. Ditt !>o conld not pana him nntl]

the 5lh Upor tho j th mile, when he put on aflne b u n t oCHpeod and pssssd Lmibort amidjreat clieorlnf. Thon L*oiliert broke into arun, tint nan Inallntly iitopped by Hoithe JudRO for L imb. Ho then got downwall!, but fell behind rapidly, uuj

:-H and 1 lap, tttt Hietrurk. Lamb being then two lapttLamb fiululieil Ihu SOTUH mi ICH iu fide form

lid cheering, there being over tbr to hun-dred spGBtatora un tl iogroiinj. The foltowii

i!io Hcore of the men, and tho time, whichB not very faet, owing to the bad condition

ol the track;

s. Lamb.Min. See.

9 80

Oca. Lambert.Miles. Mm. Sec.


Total, lh., lEm. 64!s. Total, lh . , Em., 45a.J u d g e s - Pat rick Cafifll for Lambert ; Jm-

jpli Ilourks for Lamb. Beforoo—Edward Par-«ll. Stakpboldcr-Jobn Eoran, Btotern-'ohnOarrolli Thoe, Hayea.

Lamblaready to walk any roan hi thia TI*linlty, from six to ten hours, for from $2 to

IfiOO. ^ m

Revised Predictions,

From Vennor'a remeil prognoitlcallona forAngnst, below, It will be seen tbo ontiouk for

camp meeting, from ths lfilh to tbe 28tb, lanot very favorable;

6. Fain nil pleistHt.7. Htuii1iy-HB*t and itormi,8. Sul'rj weilher, wita tieary9. showers—c(mler*TBning8 an<l nifthts,Q. Ditto.

Ceo, W- Nelson Burned to Death in Dakota-Mr. John IV. Searing write* the Ea.\, frcni

fargn, Eatotn, nnaer date of Anptiat lat, tnefollowing pirtlcnlara uf tbe ml deat h of Qeo.W. Nelun, late of Saver, *ho ffect to Dikotsa few months a&o:

111 h»T6 the sad intelligence to sond yon ofthe death of G o . W. Kelson, which Wok placeUat eveninR by the bnrning of hli bonne, orrtther claim shanty. Tlie particulars, whichItaureftilthroughottteThlBntighbora, areasfollowt i Himaclf and workman bid built aamudg* Cav amoDlderiog Ire) tc drln away ibemotqeitoea. SlsshantyandstableirerebniUin connection—* partition «nly aapantlngthem. After leaving the imrj'igo, a< ho sop-pOBrf, in B.iafacona«iua,thB]rretired. Abarjleleven o'olook: they wen awiksntd by tbe•moke coming into the apirtmeat where theywere sleeping. The* haitlly aross and eo-deaTored to make tbeir ncape by UM doorleading thranph the itabla; bnt tha W i n iiliia terror had braoed nimself aXainst it andthey were nnaW« tn get oat in that

window which was ooreredwlth a wire sareen.Tba workman oaceoeu'ed in getting ant withgreat aifBcoUy, ioppoalng, ot coune, thatOeorg* WMJastbEhtod, read* to follow; batfinding tbat he wai not he rotnraed Into tbabuilding and endeavored to reach him, hs »llthe time being in great distieas. He waa com-pelled to retreat, however, and George per-!«ta«d. His remains were bnrned almost be-yond TecoKnition. Iht bane also wai burnedto death, and i k ^ workman la qnlta badlyburned. ?:*v

Qeorge waa Tiryhlgoly Mtctmei here, ai1ID formtrSy. n > fa] hi* many *«jnainUno*i itDo»er. I will tortuxd yon p»nera ihing tbe/nil particulars aa soon aa tuny ara pnbUabei,'

Nswark l ^ f t t enee Camp Meeting.SfirrloM wili^oommeDce at Mount Tabor

»y, Aug. lBtb, at 7 1-3 P . M. Briefn on pantnul consuratlon wiU then

- • i followed with the aacr*-, I t l i dHlred that

. . . _ _ , 1 pnparatloiiBbecomputed by tbat.Um«. Uay ths Hcly flplrttreitnpontlM a*»«ttU«d moltltndei throaghenttlieae ten dajs.

»t WOO X. M. and Ber. B. L. Baldwin, D. D.

II la MnMttt Tbeomroeodeil ihat en Aug.14th, the Sabbath Immpdiatelr preceding theCamp Masting, onltad prayer t» offarrf in illonr ebnehu for ttis sncc«i of IDl WMng.Will putort plMH read u s aboT» to thsir

.„, witii.stiirnii ii, ~~,,-~~.

15. Cooler in cold, and cloudy ami plaaiant.1G. Klni-mi tlironeh cortione ot Ylrgiula,17. Hailuturms anil tmtti18. prutiablv in Home Beet Ions.l». Heat and Ditto.

"1. Sultry and windy.

-1.' Ditto.25. Heavy Bturma on the lakes, 9t, Lawronct,20. aud around New fork.37, Cool or weather, with98. Sanday-raim and frosts In1. northern aectiona.I. Fair and ptouint, vritli cool eveotngi ant

81. nights, wltb Indication! oi retDrniD

In regard to the aboTe be aays: "Them de-tailed prediction* mnat beTake rather the gedtral features far the qoir-

cf monthi thin for tbe prospeatire u>t«ithemselTei."

About Picturtt.Ons ar tbe best tresitjred thUgi ii

honsehold a n Ihe piotans ofmenibers of thenme,proTidlo(j they be of snffldent lUe, andtriiitio eicellenoe to leire a good•inn the original. Until a short tlms pu tDover httbesn aadly defioieni in tUa Ttipect.If one wanted i Urge pbotogrtph head theyeither were compelled to go to New Yi

Htt*t Inr it, or B)I» ptttnnlaod tbeIDR venders who enlarged then from

small piolorei. In tba arst piaea they fanexpense greater than tfaey oared to I

car, and la the last they found themielre* in'tanably ahaaled. Bnt Mr. Wm. Dontldaoaoar really excellent photographic-has oremnnis botb of tbsae onp!things, and at bis gallery yon CIQ nowlarge pbolognph wuhoot the groat e:f a trip to New York, or the feu of belr,

Tiotlmixed br tome Irreiponilbls porion.Thework of Ihit cbartfter wnieh he h u turnedAntefhl* is nnsnrpaasedanywberBfbr poin,

at cf •«coUon, or »Mat*ej, and nonewho wiU tak* th* troablt to eo to hisand esanilD* recent apeaiiaeni of biathia liw will go •ittwbew. tvt pftotogitphiowork ol any kJad. Qire him a call.

Bumwl to Death In Mi Bed.Je*n.LeClDT,a rrenon waltar who bad been

in this country bet * abort nioa, and wgitsd fa tbe icrrlw of »r, 3.B. P«ab»a,

of Utdlion, wii latally bnrnod on Than flnight of Uit week. Boms tima %t\n be U*Aretired to bis bed the tnotquita nattlnf awthe uma panght flre, and berore he oailwabs and eseape ha was terribly hnrnnd

ibont all parta of the body. Ha s a R s dMr RDU> 'he following day, when be dlraarttiB* W y«ia ol age, *nd bail

known friends wit* whom to oomnaoioaU.Bat little dauife r a j 4opo to tb . furniturehatfcbfl


It WBi not the inteatioa of the present Town-ahlp Oonunltte* to nuka poliUoal capital cnt cf

recent aettltuuenta With Alwwwr Fottiand Collector Wanton, nor In any way seel

givn publicity to the fact that ID their act-smrat they bad rednoad tbe official bills orioae geptleniea for the years 1878 and 1880

hj reseon of over chirgea.Since tbeir action baa be#o nafairlr criticiaed

Lyone of Ibe papers of the Town, aud In anarticle upon tha anhjeet, the; have been ao>

iBod of pnnoing the above named offirfahr political reanona. It is only fair to tho Oomittua that the faate rfMiuld be truly stated.

their duties, they were Informed by member*OoromitUe of last tear, tbat'

tbe Utter bad orerpald JleBirs. Puttnr anilm, ID no sense corruptly, acd would haved and reduced tbeir bills had they not'

failed of a re-elect Ion at tbo Ust Town Meet-ig.In Ibo (716.77 paid by Sylresier Dickaraon

j tba Township Committee in settlement oflit* tfialnat him, ia included a largo sum re-

had I

lio Ili

d tbln

of Mrsatlicn dili-radoitiDK t

DcnyniM) and dp

o yea» ii


bo rumkod. It nna tbj Iho ununlii)°iiB volo of tlio Council.

Similarrttjulutloiis were oflTorcil r o B p f ,tl iec:isuaorJ ' I*, Egan anil Mrs. Korthey, andtlieir llL'Piiaes worn also declared revoked,without a iliBSL'utltiRToice.

WEEKLY IRON KEPORTS,Tlic Engineering aud Mining Journal or last

week BI^V -.

ery good bntlneea doing In a)department", and jirjgeg aro without c ie tp-

ion fiimer, If not Jiijthor. Tlio ontloolf hvoratreiiionduui conBiimptioii anil a large btiei-

CBS, Prices arti libi-lj to ailvaoce all around.mnro Batiofactory di'moiid could aot be

Hiked for, bnt higher pricoa wo doslrablo fnnine inBtunecn.

AuFftiCAM Via This article lias st last be-

gnn to shon* tlio ioiig-toottod-for itnpiove-IU6D1. Halps of 15,000 tatia orTUomaa iron atirpportrd on (he baiisoff24 for No. 1 Fonodry. The Crane Iron Company Is reported Ii

ld npioral hundred tf lnnolKo.l Puuftdiy irnn a t r35. All grades or good brinda

'g'llinKalillleBonrco, while It is <liffl--ultbn.v approved branda or Englkli iroi

:opt at an advance. We quota No. 1 Foundryt 121 and 125; Ho, 2 foundry, »22; dprgtr, %m and f 21.

Ore Shipments for July.The frroas ore toonage over the Ulgh Bridge

Branch of the Central rtailroai) for the month>t July KSA aa follow* • Thrnugit, 21,490 tana,

Way to Chester furnace, 68S tens, 17;wt. Local, fron, puintsouCbeaterfirauoli toSheeter fottmce, GO* tonB, \f> owt. Total,

The'amount of oie carried over tbo lloniltHope Mineral ItaNmacl for July wia within a

Ions of 13,000, anil tho total freight traffic>r the road was over 14,000 tons.

Tbe Hiliornia Min0 ItallroiJ froiKht i ta t i i -ci for tlio ssmo montli a re : Orfl, 10,311ins, 6 ottt.; enal and sundries, 438 tons, 16ft. Total tonnage, 10,fllO tons and 9 enrt.We have not the r>x*ot figures of the oro

trufllo ftom Hnfris 0«nul»'ou ths D., L. &, but Tor the four weak* ending July 98thi amount was, 14,479 tons. Tbe extra %mo

<laT» would £luul>llei» bnag the total to aboot1C.O00 tont^ _^ ^ ^

A LiUlo R o m a n s in Real Life-A clandestine marriagr occurred In this

icinity abuut a fortnight ago, in whica thoitiiCiinR parlies were from a nDighborlngrn. Bnih v/frc under tho ngo prosnrlbeJ

liy law, snd when they went to a clergyman IDn a few miles distant they adopled anIOOB device by which they might get

?er the local barrier rcgpocling thoir agei ,ind scooEipliHliuil it BacetBsfnlly. Tlie story

lhat tha young lad; marked the figure aher sboos snd tl»o JOUHB man inaoribod

minorale 21 in his. When thaclerjtjman•aked tbeir 'ages the groom promptly re-

led that Le wan OTOI 21, and ibe bridestly gave her tegtimony to the l i tenl

fact tbat slio VHB over 18. ThB law Imposes

ly of j a w upon clergymen who marryparties under tho ages n imni , and i t ia ta-purtcd that the father or the brlds b uannunncetl his intention of proceeding agaimttho clergyman *hn performed this marriage.

inly ttiat Collsotor Dtotor.ou'B billsreduced to the amount the law flies tor bl i

irrlcefi ae Collector.

I t ww> ilistiQctly Btatoa to Megan. Potterand Jfrncon tlmt orerpaymonts to them InWO bad been called to tlie attentionot tbe present Committsai that the.would be Battled with n^ou the samhula, in the name spirit, and in alreipontu a t fairly as Collector Plckereon hadtjcen ; and that after an admitted mliUho b>Ihe IlDniocratie Com mil too of last year itpaying ibelr btlln for too large an amount, tfaprcMont Cumuittee could not audit thelofficial lllls o t 18iO wlltioat ctataitag aeda<ilinn for tbeoTerpiymenta in 1879.

To this the gentlemen thriuaolrci acceded.Tim uewtpaper in question s*y» lhat t b

present Town Committee intended fo makipolitical capital out of Messrs, Mucson aac

-, In rtjveuKO of lilto aullnu lor ihe »sipepirlinan purpose, on Ihe part of thu Damo-iratic Committed af 18SU.

Nothlaj; oftlielind w«i sngftegtod or slated,eitlier directly or Indirectly, and Ur . Potter

lauthorttvfortlio Btntomentiprcfuseiu bis f rofoiiiona c

untfFfaction I list liU bill bad been made rlgbtfur thea (lie cbtrRe of lu r iug recetved illcgsfoes lor Asuoisor'e serrfoes conia not rise np

trouble him in future political coutrorerslosU tniy "Btylke tbe fur-minded citizen'

that a ltepublictn Comraitiee were taking

i» of Ihe political futoro or tbe drecnbiii»i6»min. Tbat tbo ARSBieor snd Collector

th fn any partisan splrl t butwitt the solo aim of arrlrfog at what shouldbe Ihelrjnat ana )e0el fee>, the pfwent Com-

wllJing t o rest upon tinof tlie ofliccrs tbetnselrea.

It is also stated that Mr. Fatter iuformeOtho Commute thai Messrs. Smith and I

iu tlie Committee which ordej^d Ihecnt of Assessor JUcUarlt'B bill for 1B7H,

arter ivhien his W»B copied as to tlio rate offees.

Tliere was a slight error in Ur. potter'sstatement end be lias Informed at the time.SHtsaorMoDavit's bill was ordered paid bylinDemwratla Oommflteenr 1870.Ka official corrufition can be oharged against

io Aescusnr and Oollootor In flie present In-lance, or in prior years for proaentfng tbefrills at the rates charged, nor against theaor-

crai Town Committees for ordering tbe pay-ment of them.

Tbe bills bare been from Tear to year pre-sented and paid upon the sane schedula ofJccMndslJ thatcau besaldis that both offl-ceri and Committee were careless in nut «<•emitting lbs law more claaely.

officer made bis bill npon tbe tamet i t p»decesBort and it ia only rooently

tbat the matter liaa been Investigated and;be legal hee aicertained,

Tlie Bnprcmo Court of this State has latelj1 npon tboss offlolal feea, and mailo

Frightened by Bicyelei.The qaoation whether b!cjot«i ftlghUr,

jreea ia attraotlng conalderable attention,ad A public bearing In tbe na t t e r la being>a in New York. On Tuesday Obas. A. Oasli-

tnia tettifl«<l tbat an Jane l'HU ou ffll drlvIng beiwoBn Uorristotrn and Uadiioo, wbeibe met four blojclii'ti1 who so rrigbKned hi»team thftt i h e ; Tan affiy, a p » t h i t wijton,and threw oat a young lady who wa* In b i s

oompiny. Horeyebrowwsa oa tana DCUIBBO.He was carried BftT feet further along theroad, but finally succeeded in stopping thabones . A few minutes later another blejrctepaseed, and nia team n u r l y ran away again.Be was driving on (ha right Bide of tfae road,*nd the fatcielaswereon the sidewalk on tbal

An Eatabllahed Institution. , ;By prompt attention to the warns cf custom

era, anil l>y farni«fling ths pnulio with thvery beat tein, ooBaei, mgars vai i p iws , a<the loveflt prioea, tbe store of tbe New Yor1

anil China Tea Oompany ha» beco.rno ops 0<tbe ben estiblished nonsei i a itaecominDDlty,and laconatantly enlarging Its trade. An ex*ample ot their enterprise can he teen in tharast tbat although It la !«*« tn»n one weekaiace Ihe new crop of teas arrived in thiscountry, yet they t w o already a fall supply

pil are now fam'shlDg them to their custom-ra.. They ara alwayi ap to the t i ne s «nd,

gire sicti otutomer toe bel t . Ba t4 t tu t rnewadTartiiomeiitlntbls l u a e . '

A Queitlon of Grammar,A Madison corroipcndent of ths Ohronlol

asys: A nnmtwr of joong men from thlplace became engaged In a controversy oneTonlng thin week, sa to which or the fallowlntentences wore grammatical: "You cacount John and me o o f or " You can. connJohn and I not." A pllo of nwuoy was stakeby tbe parties engaged ID t to matter, anfinally all agreed to leave the Question t o l lV. 7. Morrow, a*raan of nnqnoiUomblesbiity^ as a tnoco^f^h grsmcnftTiaQi au^ wblQa wabo decided would meet the approval or aconcerned. He deoiiled tbat the rurmsnoni

n n u r r e e t . k great deal nf money


A Ctrl Who Prevented nn Accident.A waekoriDsgathuJPoqoanOock bridge,

Inn New York sod Oroenwootl IAIB Ballroad,near Putnpton, wu destroyed ly are. Theflro wu ditcovered by Llaalo UcUin,. 16years old, who ran a long distance to the near-eit telegrajih offlco to give Ibe narnlrg, dthus preTBotod an accident, a« It wai nearlytime foraUMwne" tulntoecnw along. InfUnaeqnenee of the eiertten and nervnistrain, the girl was proatraUd for seven(3aj*—ihs h u not yet mowed . Bhe ia pooland destitute, and is lUying in Oharlea Spln-dler'shoDM at £Uok Oak nidge, near Pre**-

C A- R.:u H« . AMDUUMV row, O. A, B.,

DOTE*, H. J., J t l j SStb, 18B1.OoxatDUi The nextregntarmeetiDgottbii

Post n111 be held on Honda?. AOgmt 8th, ato'clock r » . , in UcParit's nail. By order*

J>,fl.AjJ,w,Post Commander,

( y >rhillipibatg, was Ukon with bleeding at Inois Qa»,d*y last week, a L t

T b . Dig Nulnnot.IKs. E»r»»i-Bow that ttie MA

scare u oauMd Miotliflr prixiwnMlgathorielug, the dartraoUon ot ill animziladdogs, would ii not be well to go fwlberand employ one when butiaess It ahall be'o deaUoj all dogs (oao4 without m o s a ?Unless Et b wads Uw bndaesa of »oni» oneso to 4o, the proclamation will bo almost sdead letter, Nirfgbbon do not wish tocourt tha ill feelings of eaob other by shoot-ing each oUiOT'i dogi, and but & law vnprepared to kill Bath dogs when they domeet them, even if so diipoBed. The up-

funded by reaion of c i his hillias Collector for (he years 1977 and 1876, with-out, however, any pretanoa ki defraud theTowniliip.

Tb« t article in question would

shall bB paid by tfae head f a r all be kills,

uld meet t h e osae i'Mj, and would rid

of many worthless cum whose hewh w e

cot worth R ten oeat mntzle. Axm-Doa.

Mamorial Servfce,

The service held in memory of t i e late

W. Prank Stootanburg a t Sohoolay's Moun-

tain last Sunday evening, was largely at-

tended, and the pulpit front was appropri-

ately deoorated with a bank of while lilies

and beautiful floral anoliora and etoeaea.

Tho eieroise* were deeply imprewdve..

£ , P . -Linnel), of QarmBii Valley preached

the memorial wrmon, and HOT. Dr. Wovd-

bull, or WiwonHin, *bo was a fallow pans

eiget with Mr. Sbmtenburg, affeetiagly

his uickntm, tha triumph Df bia

death, and his md burial a t sea.

R B T , £ . O. Magln, of F U B M O I OroTB, Rev .

A. Hitler, of German Valley, and Bev.

S. Motl, D . D. , of j^cmingloa a b o parUoipa-

t«d!n the soirioa.

The Rolling Mid. ->The engine at the-Dovorltolling Hills wiot rumured, aa atatod bynuotberpublloalloiu tctouot nf ita nut furui&biiys auEBclci

power, but because it was not ailiipUd to thework required ofit U tlio mill. Its plaee in tobe taaeu h$ two new ragiara. aotlng ]n6t-oendently, and oaoh working a traiu ofrolte.

auialleror them, which is about GO horse>r and will work ihe merchant train, is al-

ready in posiJoo, and was given a trial this—Friday—morning, when It rolled leToralbillots to an Inoh round irith 40 pounds ofitoara, whidi was conalderad a verj Mtinfao-tory rtmolt. file lar«nr ongino, which willwork tlio muck b&rtniu and ihe squeeKers, ia

ibuat 00 horie power, and Is bolus con-cted at thu abops at thv Uurria Oouutyiliice A Iron Comp*o)'( where tbe amailer

WBB ilao built. It ii expected that it will hvfLuiilietJ In aboat two woeai. Tbe nerchant

ill will be started tip aa Monday morning

pthe law clear for the gnldance"leers.Tlio attempts of tha newspaoer In qneition

tola the Aiseaior and Collector at thebleeding martyrs to political revenge will

iralyfali, an Ihs clear atuillfcht of the factstill rob the cue otM p*tb6tlo fenturen.

Neat Walking- Stick*IT. H . Dickorsoo, Esq., and ei-8opttor

SanflelA each mctoUbd on Monday* bandROtneme with tiiD compliments or David Moore anvlct in State Friion, who it will be rttnBin-'red jHfierring a aeuteuco of twenty yearsr killing bit wife i t Mine 1(111. The caneiire msdo by eomnntiiiR naihers or leatherado ol bits from the #boo ihop, npon a steeld, an4 (hen finelj n n i a h d and pol-

lubeil, Moofo liai now beau m the priaouout nine years, aud lias borne a good repc-

tlun lor contlnct. Should he oontinae to de-r t httuBcIf vfoll be will get % reduction of

ibont six yoan, or his release in about Qromore, unlesa ha should be fortunate

mongh to obtain a pardon befors that time.t is said that the two Maddens, who wereiplwsantly mixed n p i n t b o affiir,~are botbutd.

• • •»Lady Camper*'

The shores of Lake Hopfttoong are now iaUud with tbo white tents of oampers from all

l of tha country, and among them is a?arty of nnnanal note, tunsiatlug ef ieveo

nng Isdies Irom Hanlibnr»-, Fa. Theye nndor tbe protection of a gentleman whoimpi with hia family a short distance from10m, bnt olborwiie they dwell alone andctn perfectly competent to take cue [ifmsolves. Tnolr eiUbliahment, near

Sharp's rook, is a oumplate one and inaludean olbet conveniences a bathing bouse

rranged by canvavs bolng stretohsd uponnles in the water. They boat.ash and makeicanlonsby themBelvea, and two of themiplorml the Hurd mine a few da/s ago.

Batcheller & Oorlt' Great lnter-OetanShew.

Theadvont of tlila monater organisation iabeing heralded far and near, an army of adver-liiera now being engaged In tb.ii sactlon in dis-trlbntiDR and polling their beantirnl piotoiialpiper, containing the tnnonncementi, eta,,from which It will be aeon tbat they will ex-hibit al Dover on Thursday Lag. 18.

Oironsei, like everything else, in order toirit patronage, should,kwp pace vith the

-apid itridia or clllliration. tnJ from the,ilendia reputation which precede* the Butch.3ller*Dor!i Bhow, ire m.uat conelnde thatthey hive tab en a position In tho front rank olarmmtaent orgtnisHiona. In fact, tbe ptet)throughout tbe. oonntry pronounce it tbe boatexhibition now trBvelllufCt

The groat *im of the miQifreri hasbeon tooretont lonethlng new and attraotire, to takethe plica of the old time Olroni; and thatthey have lacoeeded in io doing IB evidetifrom the unanimous rerdtet orpral*e reoelvedfrom tau-pobllo prefla.

While the MenagBrie 1« very eitonilTB ammtainingrsre Zoolngtaatipectmenato'beBeoimo other show, among whkb.U tba Egyp-

tian BovsUpns, a sea monster,ceplarod In theMediUrrantia^andtbe only one STOI In cap.

Thejh*T> added annmbef of ewl naive fin-tnres, which ar* abwlnte novelties, such inZaeal,the Baman Gannon Bali shot fromtinge mortar, 16 feat Into mlri-alr. An actwithout parallel. This wonderful young ladyalto walki a slender cob-web wire stretched

B the top nt the eanvsti, mtnilty rnnt,daneei and rides a by dele on this slanddVtbre*a, poiitlVely tbe most thrilling porfor-

ince erer i a

Tha Central Railroad Depoti-Tbe Central folk*are. getting ready to balld

kionce their new p*mtig»r and fr-igbt depnlin Dover. At last account* It waa not qnilidediiod how tbe Backoff bnildlag Wbnld 1

b lot tfae pMRCnger itkUon, butwas tboDgat there wonld be twopsiugs wayfrom tbe frrnt to the rear on either side oftbei banding, into toe waUing rooms betmen,while an addition wrold be built betveon theIriok and aonlh wids or tho bnttding for ttl(graph offlce, bagpipe room. eto. A broad,eovorod platform, two hundred feet long, will«tend from tbo rear of tbe bolHing alongthe track through to Pcqnanaoo street, anUr. U. F. bosriufc is removing his bai

mam tav tha taraa. The f ratgbt depotwill be Incited on the alts of the^reaent torn,porary depot. It will be a Una •traolare,U5i7U ftct in illmetti^ni. *na will be to

Robberies at Morrlitown.Marriitown soemi to be suffering from an

pidemlo of thieving, ihe following eases ha?-ng oeeorred within a lew days: Bealdence or

F.Howall entered ID tba night, bookspapers atrewn aboat, vai iold mtchohiin, ciruoo ast, braoalets, flogar rings, etc.,stolen, A valuable gold watch atofen fronIba rooin of Mr». J, H, ttdnbam. Bnmmcboardem at ihe Baser Bonae rifled ot articles

retry, dress ornaments, etc. foods re-JO throagh the effurti ot Can. Holly

Since received another Tisllatlon ur tbe mmatlndt in which varioaa articles were takenIncluding $15 ID cash. Oonnty seat badly

ranged that the J.llTsrr »ill be on Clintotatreat, ihoi obrliting tbe diffloni ty and daogei»l oronlng traeVi in order to obtain goodi.

What John Nalan did with a Stone.Wn.Phlllipa, of tne Dalrjmple mine, walked

ints Jndfte Wood's Court on Wodnosday, witha terribly mutilated faeai. piece upon talisbonlderi. It , was literally gained and dtafigured til orar snd one orb looked as ir 1w u extremely doabttttl ithethei it woald vmagain shine lot Wililtm.' Ha said that tuiielaborate pleoe of head, earring wii.exeestedby John Kol*n tbe At} bt/ttntt and that tt»implement with which be worked wai a stone.Jndga yfooi was of the opinion that atf arttatof snoh snperitir ••W should be scoured fortb« pnhllc, to he laiaaed a warrant for John.Bat John had modestly retired ioo st Uilaocounls tba nook of Ills seelusion bad notbeen asoerlalned. ,

Berkshire Vallsy-Tbe niKd dog fever Is atlll raging, and until

th» fe?er la orar Berkshire will remain a iunhealthy eettlement for the canine race.

Hr. Uotnaa Brlajht la getting »»ng flneljwith hWnewbtm. . .

We art glad to state &at our much esteemedMend, Mr. J. A. Tons, hi ImprotlM.

Wm. Ulen, Biq., nl Hnrdtottn, will WaehtbapoWi^wihoolin this plsea during tha rotn-ing year, lfo Allen has ths MpntaUoo orbeing a Brat-fltaas teacher, and Us woeptlngof tbe school serais to be latiiAuitorr tnrmifth-oat ihewhols commatilty* ' Ou

An Astrv* Old Udjr-

In tbn show window of K . H. BlekenonaispUyed a rag of pret ty d«dga and veryfln*workvanihlp, whteh was both ditigned and

b M J k f K k w i t i »anm a d e i M nerabl* mother or Dr. J. W. Jackson, ofplace, and alio of oar I M a w n . Mr. B. B.Iaflkioa,*hO it «OHT Uiftet N t h f i u « «Jaokion, an Ihli work ihow*.|te taat* |a dealgn and e^eonUoq,rmt vnn, ud u mutahbr b»J* v »tfblt ohtene tba w&tffiaryof bar

» U I t o b i

Vewri. Wilte * Boruiok,BrugBlma,Kha»,[,Y.-I «m recommend ELrfl OBKAM BALJt

rtlI«ve*Upenons •uffBriug w]th BoaeColdud H»y Ftover. I have woon a groat soBemr

•torn the aame oomplatuta; have had B"*1

;obBf by nalDg I be B*lut. I have rueom-Bndod jt 10 many Of my frieud* for Catarrh,id in ill enst thBro tliey harn med tfaeAim freel? navo been cored. T. EE»MH,

> J Oooda Ueroliiat. Ilhacs, > . Z.Tar tilt br Tought k. Eillgore,

A PUBoalt Pretil«m Solved,

Ambition, oompetition and i^r-eiertlon Dueip the itUl pow«* of men %u& woraea,e«:b»t a desire for itimnltntfi soomu to bd a

inral human paiaion.aiid druolieiini-aR pro-Jit on acoonnt of -this necewity fw bi

ard menUl Invigoratiou. Parker's GingerTonic talily tolyei Ihe difficult problem, and

isbroagtit lieBltli and bappiDom Inio mjnydesolate bomea, It do.-i not f«ar dowa a

idy debltliated syBieni, bnt builds It nrilhout intoiicatlng.—ENIJCIBEB.

Poa BALE BT Vovaav & £ILLOOBB.

TBKKTOtr, N, J-, Oct. 230,1B80.I hare suffered Tor eigut years with Hay

Fever, during Jul;, August and September.In Uie beginning of July, thisyesr.I resorleato Ely's Cream Balm, and bavu been entirelyfree from the Fewsio.ce the first appl icatton,[cm noomnieiid It as a care. EDWAHQ C.

UM, at the Sum Jersey State Anenal.Price &tly cectB.

FOB HAt« Bf Vavour ft SrLLflOBK.

W. 0. OOLLAHD,vrriage Trimmer and Furni-

ture Upholsterer,MOHBIfl 8TBEET, POVEH, K. J.

Hair Itittrtsses nude lo order and old mat-* made over. Window alades made and

UUH. Oitlfrs Inr all kind* uf uplmlsfmugneam and prompllyeaccatod. Oftmngetrim-

In ailitibraoclits. Prices moderate.


CARRIAGESof every deioripllon made m d Bold at


The* best malarial*, b leat doHlgns In 0On>atrnctloD and tha moat competent workmen,raeihe specialties or Ihe eBtabllibmsnt.

Geo. McCraoken.Dover, N . J . , April 8tli, 1881.

DIED.I'BRTEN-At UlddU'tnwD, July 80th. E u u ,in f i t t daughter ot Palriok and Uaxg&reiO'Brien, aged 1 year and 11 mouths.

!«JDERS~At nibernia, AURUit l i t , WilliamSanders, aped 45 yeara.A . W E - \ t Teabo, Ati(f. 3d, FitAKOti, iufintann of John awl Elizabeth Sawn, aged tenweeks.

M R B B f A - A t Hickory BUI, Aug. 3d, MParrell, aged 68 years.

OUIXEN-At Teabo, Aug. 4th, Patrick Gallon,d M a r s '

C A. R.ThB Oonneil of Admlolstration or tbe Gran*

trmy of tha Republic, Department ot NewJerBey, deolded to hoM no general encamp-oient thia year, which eaosad conslcterable dii

iliafactlon amOQg.tbe rack nod fits. H e a r ;WilBon Post, No. 13, af Jer toj City, has takei

natter np and made arrangements to hmeedajV tueamptnetit a t the Vnioo HU

Sbdetaao Park. AU the Fonts In the Bta Is wlbe Invited to participate, and also tho Fonrt*nd S l n t b Aegtmenta of tbe Gallon*! Qnar<!Tbo encampment will commouc« on Mondny,September 13th, and close on Wednosday, the


Raolcettatown haa been divided ictidiatriots.

Bpmita ana IU Iramedute vicinity qnabont 200 elty boarders. Tba rash camiwithin tbe past week.

John Flynn. as oiler, was croshetl to dealbetween a b t or coal ears at Washington, <tha niRbtot the 23rd. He Uaoea a wife aiMVOD imall ehilareu.

An oats Geld along the lineoT the P., L.1?. R. B,, in Warren county, was set on flnby a apark from a ]aoomotivea and Llis whofield wan burned over.

The annual meeting of tbe Warren OountBible Society will be held in tfce 9nd Pieaby-Miiatt Ohurah, at BuWldwc, on Tbtutda,Aogoat 11. Theannaalavrmon will be dellared by the Rev, Thuraaa JLSimflou, of Blairs-

Moaet Cole, % young man residing nearMount Salem,SnsKX conaty, walle engagedIn raking hay a fen days ago. fas kicked byibor'ie and siistalned a ebmpnund frao'ttiris o

Ufa reared that ampttUttoaTul txDBceasary..

James Wither, of Sparta tcrnhlp, lastweek lillxl tQr« Urge teltow pitota In a Qs)cpnhlv tarn. Two-of'tbs reptiles muiur«dthree feettwalnoheieaoh, and the third oaetwo feat all Inchei. Tbe toakei wets u largesvronndaBamaa'swTisl. ' -1

SeuatotUl candidate* are already kaving about Warren county. The fight, asoow elands, lies between George H. Boitiof s Hope, Kho received the oominitton taowas defeated at ths election tu rn yean ago,an 3 Martin Wycioff, of Asbary. •

aek before last David Oarllng, ot Greetvrfol township, Warren oiooty, k i t two valn-»ble horses from hydrophobia. The bones

9 bltlen. on the 15th of Jane by a tabdogtbatappaaredlntbaMigbbarhooit. AfeWi M k m o H r , Catling retort MM for ot« ottho aorKiand $300 for t ie other.

The Portland Eaterprisa ha* tbe followingmake itoryj A few days ago "Johnson YaaSoohm ineonnany with Irvin B«ak, of Winat X*l\»y, Wamin county, while pinkinghDeMeberrieioD the edge o! Btg HnekleberrySwamp, at the base or ths Blae UOQBUIB,oameaerou » rattltsaatie that for length,weight and the numbrrpf rattles beats all tfaemake, stories we havs btard ihta iLengtbtfoarfent aixInohw,fourteen nrttU*.When, cdt open taere were found In II twoyoung ttbblti.

Bdvldore flifl a icnriWe. IWor when It con-strnated IU prsasnt water worki, sad the,oitlttM or thtt plane apprsd»W the value ofthe lofltitQtkn, sapaoialtr in a drouth. Abotn80,000 s

, pyN of water a n «e<) aai»y, ai the

d bi i d f tb D lpreient time, and this il drawn from tbe Dela-ware rinr. The stana%plpe, whloh W filledtbree Uoes a day, holds 89,000 gallons, andtba Apollo lays, this require* about Bpounds of coal; In other worda, one poundcoal will furnish power snffldanttoptiinp 1gallon* ot water. " '

I hsve openm] » roKular nnstion room | uDover neit tlioInoHEm office. Any personRfBfllBfr to itlnpode of tlieir Rouda to goo a ad-tv n £a|j& c4u now find a rtady niarsov. X* you»ant to porcbaiio Bnythinp: nlcaso call and

Lsfljinemjatooliholutf purchasing etsewlieA. JUDBON COZ, Auctioneer,

Dover, Ang, flth, 1881. WM. S. WRIGHT,TUNER, REPAIRER,

Lvttern Tcuaammg unclnimefln (l iePosnin'ce at Dover. N. J .

DOVEB, If. J., AuK. 6tb, 1881....- M. E. Bnhsu,

'MioCnraer,. A. Dicfeernoa,

MB Di-ty,lebecfa King,i j Lyon,rrs.H.Oalerburg,Eenry Itowe,

M.Biver,i U Swijze,

E. Oarlenn,Henry Dulrvmple,F. Dooaldaoa,

B. 83. H. mirkol,Henry Wllllamii.

To obtain any ol the above loUeiaaay "ad.;fve date of this list.

a. a HiNcnuAN, p. u.

PUNERALS!ITTBvatcmofStaEllProntB sppreclateO.X Quality and workmanship or the boat,Uy tbaoks for liberal patronage in Ihe pant.Orders by meaaenger or telephone

itteaded to,JOHN JONES, Undrrtak«r,

-ly Bocksway, N. X

LOST!On the afternonn of Thunday, Au^nat lib,ithoron HH>MI or RUcttwnll Hts., betweenHBbT of Morrla anr) dopot, an

OPAL HOKW? PIN.Tho finder bv laaving it at Joliey's Hotel,

will recei-»« a liberal reward.85-lWp J .E . HDRD.

rM. T. A1LEM. S.J-1'ALMfiIl


BUILDERSDover, X3". T-

SHOPS ON ESSEX ST.Notice of Settlement.

Kotleo is iwrelw pivm tUtt tha ULCCOVH.... -;ho BOlmerilier, Adiiiuiintritor of farali M.

ilnc'd, wilt bo nndittnland siatwi uyt l

Otpbtni1 Court u! tin1 Cnunly o( Mnrria, «Mondny tlie lOlh iliiv of Oclulior licit.

WM. A. STEPHENS.Dated AUR. 1st, ifiSt. 3S-9-

MAPLEWOOD INSTITUTE>r yorniR lailien sml erntirmen, 1H tnika TOFif Philaiieji.lira, hcflitil on tlit* I'liiia. .t Bull

_cntral B . It. f Ion rues <ir SlniU- Encli*'Kcientiflc nnd ClnnRicn]. Htinkutn pro ita rro rU. 8. N»val and Militiry AfatlemicB", Btliolieut Anitncnt c«ll«Kra, A tlioiont'h die!cat dt^mrtirciit. l i dd ing lnuRlit by a fin

roV*ma^rV™i1u''l»t'nn'»rB*or tlic nr t & A h'oriko depnttment fnr Itlik lim-4. Pi.urt.'Ri. Iatinciors. JOSFPH KHOltTLIDGE,

( Y A M s) A. H., PrlncijNi.35-3m Cont'ordville, pel. Co., P*

PlCLAlTW1, OEOIIOE RICHARDS, Mayor of tlie Tom

of Pcver, being of the opinion that the pubhrtqairea the BRIIIC, do IIHQC

msliouaatborlainglliKlmllbcriininatedoamictton o(

ALL DOGSfound running at large in Ihe corporate Hmi<of Dover, on and after the Gtb day of Angm1881, oieept such as sabmll bo properlywith • wiro IDHUI aboat ths no.e geonifastened, •IheMarihalli patlionlarlychargedto to* lhat tbe above'U carried Into effect.Siren under my hand ind th* corporate seal

it the Town of Dorer,thii3d day orAnimst.

iesu . OEOitaE LICRAEDS.

SHERIFFS SALE!ID OuacMryor New'Jensj—Pi. fa, for sale

mortgaged PtvnlHL wherein Sidney H.Ureeie is complainant, aua Thomas Poimeuand HliUDelb PoliQfir alt wire, Uatthisa 0.-Whltlock, , Marj WbiUock and James B.Lewis, a n defendants, Betornable to Oo[tor T*m,A.D. 1S8X,

NEIGHBOUR A PMrrH,-BM'n.By virtue of the above dated writ of Bci

bclas In my hinda.I shall expos* for talePublic Yendne, at the Court House, In Horritown, N. Jtt on '

MONDAY, toe Oth day or September next,K. D. 1881. between the hours of 12 M. and Io'olook P. U., tbat Ii to n y al 8 o'clock In th<tnernoon or said day, all tbat trattt or narceat Una altuala, \J\O.K •.BJOOIDJI tn tbnTmor Dover, la tbb County nf Morris and StateNew JTeraey, bonndea'and deurlbed as fellowa!

the sama lot of lind and pntnlaes tbalwas conveyed to aald Thcma* Pulmaar by difrom Jamas A. OoodaU and wife, datel Ai»d , 1872, u d begin* on tbe north sideSauBX ltr tr t , a t tfas BOttbetit corner of Cen-tral ivenne, andrans (lJInanoriheFUooartealong the writ Una of Bo»«X slnet^flFty tor;theme (9) io »westerly Mints paralhl witOantral avanae, nna hhndred feet; thenM (1in a BonlherJy coarse parallel wilb SUSHIrtreet, fifty tat; tbeoet (fj in. tn easterly— i e akn* Uie north lb» orOenmi aienm

bnndrtd het to tlie viaoe of Uuh-'-" •—-T.niwwmuiT-

Dated June ntb.lWf. 17


FOB SALE IS BOYER.ThB Korriaiown Iartllntion far Ha* ings m

HU fifty tmildtnr loU looted on FranAveatad Oraat SU, ta tb* lava ol Dover, H« I,

Ta okm ibo n«l esUle ateso loU will be

has, f . Clark & Sonive oponfid K new Bliop in Poyor in flouring*.

iiame, 0 0 B S E B B U 0 K W J L L A S BBEHQ1S11 8T8. , u i l I n ' l " IU«



Horse Shoeing


MIDVALE MIKES!m Sew York and Greenwood Lake R. B .


EEM0VAL1Tlio onderiitfned reepeotfolly inform* bli

lUitoinura and tba pablio lo general that hem« removed for a abort time to _

BLACKWELt STBJiET,i the store next to Pirdee k Clirk'i. where

lie iiopee hi* friends will giro him acall when in nettd ot

Ready-Made Clothing,J.XO




A U G . *" rkeT Iian Bralj MtoblislMd tbemsoVra an ooruoienlimis eliowmen, an J t . ^ .leit »d>erti»monls ont to Ibe tetter."—Harfferd [CI )Vouranl. '






M a t h u s h e k Piano!





One Dolltr a week will buya new Organ.



Miners Wanted at Midvale,

or vantnetB nitia t u m p i a n ! n, ninliti h H IICT I 1 n in II ]




nn Dlacuwrll street, Dcvur, oppnuite Patdeo ftCtark'a. Hio Udien of Dover «ro r^uv^citaiiy

' Iti'd to imped tlifaii ROOI B sntl nmki

NEW MARBLE YARDTHE flnbsorlbcr lisn oprned t new yam near

tll<- cornur vt DUCK1VBLL ANDUEflDEH Si*., nad in ptepircd to fun


ia his liatr. Cemotury lot!ed with gtmitfl a.oil marble pus La. WitU

,»~R (xpenence aud ri'mccaLlu prices I fee!confident that I can sutiflli tbe public.

taOh. JOHN80K.

T-O-¥-S.A, new t,ad Urge stock of



NICE WAG0SS FOR $1,Children's Baby Carriages,

WHBRLBARB0W8, >nd mtiiT otbor trUclfiIn wood t q n t t l ; o b u p . A prime lot of


«nd pnr* confflclioQery on hand.


Miners Wanted at Midvale,COTOTT, K. J.



I»ea»(lblt lull, inclodlid oil wilb llooilog, butmtal, tl«Mt, ete. An eentnttj lo


J Monster Palace Railway Trails,1 rejiroH'nting mi reltin] nilHnj ni" o-or ONE MTLLIOM DOM.AHS. E,«

IXCLUSIVE ZOOLOGICAL FEATURES, not to be Been ID »n7 rtler show

THE GREAT EGYPTIAN BOVAIAPTJS,Poaltivtlj tho onlj Fpcoinen of thia rare BpeoieB e w plooed-on exhibition, ana beyonil

question Uie greatest liviug 00110811; now oooneolad wilb wy iieoagarle.





EmbrociuRSEA LIOK3, SEA ELEPHANTS, nnd otLer mro emphibiotia uUraotioDB.

GRAND DOUBLE CIRCUS!A Constellated Giitniy of 1W Arenio ond Eqneatrian Stars, including


Tho tnnnt extrnorJinorJ porSormuneo nver witnessed. Tbn •phBTmmGnnl Manelof t in timc». TIlis JiiritiB voanr lodv is Brod a 100 pounri mnrlar, 75 fjotinlo, where »lo »li6Lt» upon »'SLENDEB COBWEB W1EF, blina-loldcdonj h«r ieot cncloacci in «ackti, she »ill cross nr.J re-oroB« tko jviro, nilf u hicvcln,WAlk IIIIOU atilm, uliJ nr.-omplisb other miraculons foots nerar before dreamed of.An net bojoiid pinllel . Words toil to draoribo it. The only


Prince Satsumas' Royal Japanese Circus!$100,000 STUD OP TRAINED AEABIAN STALLIONS,

$10,000 Troupe of Performing Oocjs. A Group of Genuine Zulus.

FIVE GREAT CLOWNSRepretonlini! «I1 nations, led bv MR. JOHN PATTEBSOM, Ihe Mlebnted


3 MILITARY BANDSHid tiin beat nvallaUe OircnB talent to ho obtaineS on two Contiaen'-B. None bnt

bareback riding. The best EqneBtrians, Acrobata, Trflppaials, Atblet*», maU1'bnstB, Leapflra and Tumblers, in tbe profession. Don't fail to me oar

MAGNIFICENT FREE STREET PARADEwlj st 9 A. M. tJaparalleled iu «h-pntco nnd grandeur. Tba floest flig*i?^(

Holidij PiocuHaioB ever witneBHEd. "SDU will positively Bee everything M " " 1 * ! 1

anfl ten times more. X}nxa\ rates of admission. Doors open t\\ X wi«-T x- **•PerfonnBDQ* at 3 nod 8 P . M. *&r Excarsion truina uu aU nulru^i Uoei> o n

the 6*j of exhibition, ot greatly reduced ratca of fore

DOVEE, THURSDAY, Aug. 18ft.'



MaMlo *oor dogs io-d»y.•dip ohen tnot crop ptomfiei mi l . 'Onpu will fee rery plentiful thii f.U.Boaid of FrHboldeni meeii an

aeit.Tba PrateQtloiLi gpto th€ H I tbon mil

Tbe ichoo) oauna mtui V» takeSOkblnut

• Tbe fire department-elaotioiu ooaor i

Not one ham In & tbtmiind t

Tlie regular camp mootiug meeting; at MountTdbor opena ihQ 181 li.

. Tbe d&y».faftve nliortoned nearly an hourBince the middle ofJiine.

The Womfiw' HnlinpiR OMUO Meeting beg*tjfiBtordavfit MiJUtlt Tailor.

It !B rumored Hint a paper m»nuf»ctory l i tobe started at Higli Bridge.

Love taiiffliH at loeiHtultliH nlille tlio av'old ..KHsUlur LaagUs at lovo.• Tin: FJiln family cave an etitrrtftinmei

(Her t'iffll wtwih tit a

; ia Hriglit'a

fttlii'^ill recover,

avo icceutly be.

inlay am! Hnnilny IBHE

aiulrt «r (IQHM* t<t fi.

mini f;,ir

rn! ty.,c'iu

or tlie P»[)

10 tii.&OU.

olle.ilimi of"re1 . .liDdjdt'fhtKjfNowai

tlno boj-.

Mr. V'iil Ilii'lmrdH mi 1isimly to AnlMitj 1'sik, vilit

nroduy tout Itthey will s]K-«

Mr. John I1.I1" tnii luitl u pfyiBiire ill]] t

1 hy HickursH a fid rciunit1'

r:w titlj*"! of (Uo iniprnWtl CJc*11:t- ol ituU

1 SB iiJBfitulr-,1 ill Purl Oram tin Tliur

I daummui bi

'iraich, Morriflmvn.iH t<> bo

rtnl, o lc , »t 11 coat of ta.Olffl,

.irpotr-d. Jrcii-


f ilioOMOiulunilit'QCh, Vcr

. Ihn . Ju lm nil! IR DIK

Avmi.fcunnitB of Un> jjietit fttimfo Babbn

BcJiiKil Ajst^wlily ftt Anbury Pink.

John J. Mitchell,{,f Hiiiiorcr town phi fi, linf

dnlrj <rf for


mvl-will mW li

rning* uf Uw

Councilman John Thatchw,

itnrls t<w?B.vfor a TJart to Etifrlnti, ftfler •

ibmtncc of 38 venrs.

Tli<3 r»«toroft\ie First M.E, ChOToli It ai

lotmcud to pro* .ami tlia text,"Hun,speak

0 that young man."

Mr. M. V. I) Snoring wfll remove the ham

11 tbn rear of MHMRODV rest . 11 ran I to a Int »(H

ii» BIIO)\ OH Blauliivfill ulrcot,

Xti<-|:ist*-nHf hwt no Tliurxdny mod up'tliriuoii In tlie RochaiTHy rolling rail), and com-\10Wcd tiiosliiittiujt down Of tho name.

if of town 011 Tu(u<1»y fiveniiijj. It was e?i-

int!* a Gilfca pspriliiinn after Salmon,

Tlie*iAiil villagers of Pino Bioolt wore ruilol.v

(IILCIHHI tliu other nitflil

lAnivAni Riven ftjounp ranirieil coDUle.

A uircim m omuiiig end cho houfioltoldi

(i (own ivilt [imriatily Le noil cleared of scrap

JII mid oKI rt^* '.limnj? Uic o°xt

'i'liii wives uf Mensm. J. Arndt, M. H. Dick-mm, J. C. Ft! vet and Jon. Giles are arrspjj-ft (p tit be up tlu-ir Slimmer residence at Mt.

Tim Uannoi ii aullmrity for the statement

iliut Firtliolilcrfl Ford, of Morris, inrl Hou-

IN», oMSoouloii, are iocildng after (ha

Mm feir Bl«.riff.

A ton-iintli boy lifliT Ills Imndmj BsVOrclf hart

ilU'.v ' h i t Ve, B,vor«ou,of Boonlun, >md ti

Win. UeiiBj-li.of Mcmiliani, mnje the first

if]imtU!t of Jloriis pceclie*—89 UatctB—on

ucsOiiv, ana van CIOHOIJ folio wed by D. H

Millur and J . 8. Piorson.

On MomUv Innt RborilT SfoDavit mil (Jo tlie

illowitq; nin : James VoungB vs. Anthony

ifitiikirvilli-, lionKC SD(1 totin Boonton. 8u!

iJtttnca IW.wm (ot«QO.

Th<-r<! nra 107 whool <HalricU In Hnrrls

:umty. In tho towneh.p apDnrlloniupnti

!nnl,,)lili drnwH tlio larpert amount, 19,035.33

] WfMlcrn Bailruail Campari)- for tlie firs!

half ot t Iii8 year WITO D.B5 per tent.

Mr. J.II.T.-lmaii, us agent f"r tlioli^nediifif

the Ityraiw niitie, ueor lho D<>*'pr '"''I1"'. ^OB"1'

j.^ilir«i'ii IJUHH-V. Ksq., Irfl (Lis ivtck for

Baratupa, 11-1' > to iaiiu litn flrnt redpito from

baaitiijGs lo night y< May Le enjoy it.

Ur. Jobir 8. Foot*, <.F WftrrWowQ.itho In nnw

in liurope.haB puretiiiFCii a fiiic litrd of tattle

In 1'oland and uliivpi-a tltctn to tliin ccwutry.

Morris townihip has it* qw»rr* opt-nfil mnl

lioff utotio crunlHT In rcitlines1', mi'l if nbtmt t»

begin ihi) work of makinK macadamized rnadi.

A. Jn»!«o» Cf'O has Itniwil the IIPW morn rnnm

olM.T.D.SeaTiiiB,twt. donm from thn EPA

Pat r if It O'Doncpil, of Rtaulinno, a Yetnran nf

tlio lul N. 3. Rfgimtmt, iliwl in liusjiiial nl

Pttt^raon on tlio 25th ult., and WHS biincif

The Dover CurapltiK Awitcislbn—Jai-.P.midJohn W. llclicli, Jolm Trewnrtta »«il Thns.HcaKBn-flreroaatingclBins ami catching fish

Tlie wind hlow«"nv(!r tlti» onl ahihlilfl ftlrMfly.

an intlicalioii amocE oW timo »Briev\llnrtU»t*

and pooplo iu tbe rural dialrn "

fact ar HOBO

s that fall H

s malt ingupon Hit low ljTBncli6B ot U16 Unca, mid all UJB

ahatlo troew al'itig <ha public dlrrcld aro bring

BiR brim linls aro oointng in nty!e with orln-olinn. Couldn't fei'liion preaorilio B liole mtlwra BO tliat people Bitting in thoir re»r atchntch tmglit nee the-preacher?

Tlio Frfoolelliodiat Cimp WuetiDR fit Htnn-b«pB b«oVt> up on m-tlBOTiii? trmittg. ItM.Joseph Troria condncttil tho meeting, a8ninte.ilby Urna. Goald Jbd Jonen, and olhors.

T«-o THiuablo bird doc* •"<! a lionnj belnnfi-ing to Mr. Andrei* RsVfr wr-ih MppDBBd tulisvf been bilh'U by Ilio wnrthlrBB mail onrwhich wan tilled Itet FriJay. All woi-e «hot.

Tlio theologian of tbe Mmliwti Journal

rtinJcrin(,r ot tlie Lord's Prayer. Erow Hi.nitD-

aTT thcrcfurGf li^a not boon fatabliBbcd in


Orgsnieation ot the Vulnntccr Holier Fund of

tho aevira! FirO Departments or tbo Stale will

be hold in Burlington »u the Fourlli Wcduoedsy

In Mtp'erahcr.

Engineer Jack'Fouler, of (lie Waphitiptnn

wild cat cnnl train, on Tncaday ran off a inii-

.pl««*a switch at Port Herrin, carrying away

tho elite of (lin ffaifir tatik ADd dculolJiftiiii^ tltt1

At a rcct'iit 8utn CoaTrntioD of Ih'i Knlionul

Oreunbacln-rsii. WIH dcciileil lo rniso Biifflt'iont

tbe fiTalr, cfft-ci luc^i orRnrizftlione arid cou-

ilact a Tfforons comiiainn gonornlly.

, Tlic contracts for ihn new Jmm ttEA hricn

timtditifi were awnrttail' on Monday. H. V. I!.

HCOHIIR iloeii tho carponiai1 work mnl Ir:i C.

Cooper tlio roawn »orh- Tbo hnildlnft )• cm

Uaiiti'J W to cottiplotnit by Deo. Ut .

Ovf r fifty poor children from Now York wti

dfnt out lu fincrasunnft nml Inmia on Muiids

.liy thi< PoHt Yreuh Air Fund, "horn they will

to cured far » cimple nr weeks by llie kiudly

ill^pus^J pefpio at that nef^liborliOcd,

'ira^cn In Uan\ olhi-r li»uaol«Bt lloiidny:. lug *hcu tbe lurao (tiuldeiiU* started., ihr'licr out. Bin) ufrndi upnn Jiff bend m d buck.JnflifHiie'fJnrieB which it WBB tliouj;lit ironld

Jay Gould filetl a bond itt tlie Now Turk

Cuntom lldiise Monday at a cotuniou carriRr or

goodM in bond bet rot1 n rhilnik'tpliii mil Nm

York, ^ia the Di'h-wim.Ln-liawiDua aril West-

ern and New Jersrr Central Rkilmadi. The

'unonnt of tho bom] wn» 115,000-

.. Herpaftercauiliditcafor licr M O M ittorucyi

or ccunucHurB ill l o ttciVi^tod

. siinn in writing h^roro being admitted ID an

' o n ! examination in oiwn Court, The

'.ralft Kill tnki1 Dffcct oa tho Brit itiy n! the

Ncvcmbcr term of HID Suprcinfl Coflrt

- John WJIIiacio, a trflkeman, aged SO j

cf HoriiBioirB.ww

theplopped iu


at Hob ok en b i t Sittirdiy, amt l WU »ttncV

him and broke bis b a d , canning hfi death »for hours Inter, Hii roiuaiDi *rc» brought to

, llcgXlfat Cult, nt ta for Eorope tq-dtr'with HH wife and d»nght«r, In Jnly he huldtweoty-Rfe quarter!; meotlngi. Earing h!i

' \M KTOL& be tlioie one hundred va& \m mlle»«Ub wiK<m. p6 b u made imple piovliinn*ith ibis ministers toeury on hli work &

•Uaibie iue .

Some tbermoBMten In t a m on 5I W° m tbe aaadf.

Mr. Jehu Eoering eipecti to it&rtlnr OeT-tnaiiv DD Wwlaeadtj, Aug. ITttu

fie*. Pr. EOWMH^, of MnrriBtown,ig lijf> rauatliia *t Osaan QtuTe.A b i M »f gypsies » » flooa&tpod un the cul

liirtootinirn.iiew the m toll B»IE>. - :

SJBJOT Hiobardi gbtppe^ bit -. fiO& iniU,Iron Pnbe," lo Nurti Oajolin* U»t Satnrdiy.The ^mocuKlllM faml!> Will Ring In. the K.

B. Ohnroh »t Itookawaj noxiiQg.

W. A. Bwtoan, of Boonton,ti« goue to .Mint-jDBn^vitU tbo Ulei of taking pp bii rfisldiiii^o;*BOA ."• o. • • ' • : . • - -

H I B I Srnmi I* Cotter litUendtofiBkbbatb School Aswrnb'; . t

A branoli bcttllng eitibllahmenf Ii aiMnt Iqbo lUrtad in BloojnlnjjdaU by Mr, A. Bftnonip,

Sheriff MoDiritt'a new njuMeaea will beSsilt fc ^08 prOTBlUng Qat^s Anne ityle ot

iMotmUinAbout Bfty or the

d dboarder* mide an oicuriioa to the Water Gap

Tbe clroDRmtkea its adrent In Dover uponni opening fWyof camp meeting. Wben

ibocrowd go?Ottc&rLlndriey, Urn hr»B.rt orator anJI s i»t«-

it,n,lB ftbuut to build • iilloon bl» farm jn

Tin1 ffnp!o fjf thn First. M. E, Chnreli bad a

•rj- iili'dtaiit BOoinbic at tho limiBH of Jobt)

null, Em)., on YiVrtci'siUy evening, und .en-.

An<> vow it IK reported tliat H10 flosli Of tbe

'itni'K biiHa noiiLiiusa norra. Tboso who LaTO

mud tlie wonn auy (liat tUey ate JttrtBodrt-

ic ilni and BIO nicliiaed in a small lao, and

rn of 3'olloirltb liuo.

KPV. Aliiort W. Psrry, son at I U T . Wd."

»rri', tnrrtietl? pin tor nf t to DOTflf P. K.

Imrcli. is viRliitig fritatln lutawn. Hm fattier,

b.i ix no* in Ifnrviand, will attend the Oofl-

Hfifotiito Tmok.of Marriatown. bw olootodie folio."in(j cftli'prs: II, A, Fitcwan, Ftcn(-

tent ; B. J . Tlmldl-cr, Fiiroman ; Prink DuM>H. Foreman; Gltvk, W. K. NOTVU}., W. A. HiilBted ; Btewsril.E. J. Babbln?-

Annual Conferenw of tlie New Turkreut'c ut the Free HtUioJint Gimrcb will

be lic-lil lUiM yfar In llm cliurcb at Dover «im-tijT on Wednesday, Scpl. 7lb. It will boibtreJ lliul Uiiu \iurtj met in Dover Hume

1 ago.xptirrtinfl^jiifit ii)»([e JIosHrH. tYnic ami

;h, ul MorrietPwii. IIRTO eilotidcd tliur

inipeny from WanbinRlun Ilall to Dollnrltrcci. 'Phn BnniiEr Juiioiattfl tliat they enn-

i.l nnch dojla'at fiat.irdsy. The furincr " a -

ixiwii [(> bsvu bi-i![] bitu,ii. kr>a \hv fatter attp-

JBt'il to the mnd il»C wbicli tbo

areUil kilUnl tl«t daj licfora.

Abimt twiintv roieclianicn oti lho 8 nun P I rail-

)ml wtri' ordtrf'J !o report this wttk t t tlie

a m end Kitignt«tnl rtiopn. About half ol

10 itmuber ui tue to lUtu-r, Tliu rfpura ol

10 rolling stock 011 thai loud mill ln-reartiT he

iadc nt lliu D,,L & IV. uho[is, iueleail of ut

Tlif; j»nng peuplc of Miltoti have trraiiRodir KBrniKl ti,ul t tNuimin 's Imti'lnti Tburn-ay «veninj{ licit, wlnrb piomtsoi to iio a veryno afimr. Mnnin will Iio hunwtwtl by theyaii ErotliiTH, (if Mount nii(w, anil all tho ro-•eKlmiuute Atu! dn]ic»r,«(ior tin' 1 faaoii will bt

Tlioptrfiplo of till- PirntM. E. Glmteh IIBVPlartoj a curanu-ailable anil promising iruve-Itul Iu cmtiiira Utc ei.-sl* in their cbart-b, IInonidbe priiBccntrtl vi(;<irouMly to imattend-ill coni[']etiuu, fur if tliero ia auytliius th\tfill distract nttontiuii Irucii • (juod nvmii»i ii

VontiBanti'i'-Ocncrat James lias arr*ntr«jtl toill po«t ofiicfi iink'rH fur Hum* of 12.SO mnlinter fur two penis each, and for >lln;r email

11 <niilln tl c clini^os wj)] !1(. f.,ur ami nil

.•11 t s . Tliec« i'li*>iip ordutft will (\i-01e iv Rrent

jiivfiiiciice, Bince ilio wiilulrawalof fraational

nrrtncj ia»t< H it anyiliitis but CHSJ tOiemit

nail niiimiiilBby mail.

Thi> now uonvtiitui tlw> CJHMIOV MIIHB lh«

jijict, nhioli liu< just nlnjiK ,ti«np<n>iri'tl, WILH

ItcH jirtit vfilbffj ilL lln^ Ji1ilu<lo. Kiltj lit>lfl(9rnin

irtih •

UB. It in


*im nlc-id 0and will eoun fijme 01

Hey, li will ba ne*.t 2Qtl

i! will of Mm Into Mrs. Julia M, D.Vnu-t Kim if nil after tliu funeral °n FriJn;iio'iii ol last itrcV. Tho grn»U>r part of•Btmc, mlufiUtlLSO,000,U Inti to her ttil-.', mid tlS.OOfi IB RIVCII in rbtniable bi

i"t( M*»rtwtown, rwivi-a a liberal rtsra, Alfred

Thi' OarapiiiK Out ARSddtttion or Joroey CitjriTjjdyini; it* mmual encampment et ta t i

pjiaiconc. ibiRABRoctaH'onia nQted for it>IDIIPI oullnirvdepartint-'nt itid csmplnir eqaip-ient<i. Tbe camp this ?eir u pitched offShftrn'i TifiCk,1' 1111I coDaiBtn of oceclal) tBPt,ircfl siccpioE taQd.Qoe proTieioa tent,:orR£» and cooli'i tflntlf, kltolien. etc.The victim nf the pond Joke tbreataned to

pot bi> fill d DWD the tbrnil oftheoJitor of Ibdtin, TVoconfeiswf hi?e« Urge thrn»t,

oi from • tainB*oript notof E«T. J. p. Totile, tbtt tbe Snt bocM'in Uarrliloirn, wu built ID 1738 on tbe amain-probibly near tbe giaboose. u tlutwan Ibportion «i tbe tonn flrit tnUlofl. Tbe AratwsM la Hackatutotrn wai alio erected tba•ime je«r &j m Mr. Haikett, from whom tbepl»w took id name.

Hr. W. r . Qlfaba, of the Dpakerlown Infle-P&jdsnt, anofletded ta puu&c under tha door

.of oar UBOIQD) (by reaariDf tin b*t> k*P i d l n r . i n d madeni » Btanaut oaD.

i rftt'

Hiit-Snllrtln. Stolber Qirhton appeal7 confljeat rtapcoliDK tho jn»Vt«t, but TTD

»ro lnollDtd to b« doobifpl, p»rl!oal»rlj ihoaldtbe juVor meet bin •>!» polltfcitl o

•When jon lee * J I » D ; ta*n littitifr imMt i,naob "bulged" or fnuied i

jt Tibor or L»W Hop»tooD|t, and bis irnr«brt of iQitlDBttvelr Cftvli aronnd in irioiepronmitT to het aolUr-store neohl»DO anitbuk'biir, you rosy fuel iHared,tli»t belt nothi>i brother, And Ihe dianeof are la» thtnone to a fcnnai?a thit tiiey in Dot nurrfed.

Tho total MDonnt of coal fbipoed o tu th«Oaatnst Biitratd of N«w Jer»«y in 1681 op taJuly SI mu 3,873,609 Ion* j far th(ina;tlateofl880thfl»ofltw»»lp i n tbe D^tTftre, Laokwanu*

op t6 3aiJM{ there bata bom ahip.i7Bt b f437KM t

f o i UU) made agilmt Un^thftt !•»y Intend to proatt&la him by MillnW Beu o L u v i a

onr •hlpwunU lor owrMpooaing date Ui|iu.Tlia nencbtomi IodapendeBt Ulli D I that

of B«r. E. X. Opdjic, or Domr, *»d (JUt.O k l t T & t Lb

w - i g ^ tinmen J o h « u " l rU* aWrib* mwt TUfcorio bMMM » n u o -« < N U I , tvrMdsiMBd ID Ut* TMi, ib tw tra*b t d k Tb

btffly wTwked.tlioiboni mmtftggt «^>•oatttrfO proDlM[uraiJy p b d

lG ban a W l W ' hnuOrc'a fiaJn!

Tlia l tally pf J i i . H. SimpioD, B « ^ , tma *eaaoti at Aabur; Fftrk,

'. Hi. Turliune sad Uli Wife, ")tfH*rl«s4,° ire wnamerlng at Pompum,",

Tba great SoiitU fymilj ptouto mil t » heldit Pwwwh Iho first Wuilneidiy in tieptttnlMr.

Morrij CowitytiM 49* elo»ro mUoi andpopaUQonoIlM ta the iqnu-e mile; Bnswwtits 600 e^aani mllet and a. pOpnUtioo of IT tu

ie mitoto mile j Warren b u 8t4 iqnar«'i "a4 tbe population ratio te IU.£ Sweae from Ibe Qoreruratnt porder worki

to thflnolgbborlKKKlofthe L u a i t Uillv«in<)>ry inJtfisn robbedhjm olia*-'Tiiu * "lery u&reilkbleua it i t doTibtfullf W»

la true.

Tbo pRBbyteriMi OlmroU wlUto olofteilfoitwo Babbitt* while tba edifice li on

HinrnnRh mnmtlDg *x& needed rtpiirs.Nottcewill be gtrtn of wlio will at " 'pulpit during tba %*a hat, Bubbalbf u* tbep*(tor'» (biBDoa.

Ontrone July In tbirVy-elghi jw*n, ft»t o1001, bad aa eniiU ar«inUll<ii (bat of lu itoontli, Rblob wu oulyonft iooh and' tblrtj-(our bouarodtliN. Tbe avenge rainfall for Inlyflaring ttM) (mist tUUtj-elgbt years b u beenover four inobca, _ . ._ . -

Ja i t before goiog to presi to-day we Isamedjkt a grind eiowaionl i tobermi orsr tbe

HlgbBridgaBrtneh and S.I.OeoUal toadsto tbo famous SwitQh-Btek, " the SwiteerUm'of iroirioa," on Mond«y, &og> 324 Fuli p*r-UcttlanEBiiwneli.

Tha leisira to whtoh. nud« tbe law, wood-cock n a y ba shot ID New Jeraoy, cloud DO

lay, and JBimnltaadotisly tba doors of NewYork ^fero tlirown DpBn ta BpoTtsmen. T n mSeptember B0 to December IQ the wooooek Mt-aon !• IRIIH open in thii fltato.

t ranp pe3Ur«—ttromon and twot i en—were -rery drunk »ni\ disorderly aihe depot on- Tbatuday, Offlcort K«1toy aadPiODoiici) pat Ujfnj in* ine loak-up over night,intt iita pext morulag Jadgf Wood sever*}]cprinJinded then *nd giro thorn flftwn tnla-lica W get 001of tows. Tb^y"got."

TlJoinit psragrsphio the Blo#ralnffaaleoor-cupenOenee of tbo Bulletin tPli freck iodli1 bad utatBofalftirdn that place. We «renlher surprised, •!•<), ttmt, ft paper or auob

rodprcfabllUy snould tnato anelt a broid *»eei>tion. ln^fgtit, liowo?er,Uwa been closed bj

t,cpogrtph(d*t omluicn, iad If «D, Brutber O.Bill d-abttoMi to a Judgment for

ia oucliwlUbla crltiolBtn Dt tbe £ u for I'pognpliful miat»ks a few weeks ago.

SUCCASUNNA.A fifty cf thirty-one iniuion children from

Hew York an-fred heronuder tbe care of Mr,Wlilird Pirioag an tbe DbeiUr t ra la .and ' ttiart; of t«Gaty<aao went UB to Itont*, u<

17 evening. I'bcy were lent oat bj thsEvitn«PostPresbAir Faodandare t o t e enter-\iiwi for two weeki free ot thsrgB b j tboie;lio.nro willing to tako them. These obildrotire taten from tbe crowded tenements ami

bronfilit loio tlio country for a ibort TicatlonIQ hopfi that a ohsogo uf uena, diet and ao-

ity may I'epeBt (liom ruotally and pbjsioalljitbasdoDelq m«n> inelanoe* liotetofore,

\es are oe&rty all uddat twoWa j o i n Had aremost OSHSB In decided newj'of a

icy are fil-rec into tlia entire ehitge of thosetbo receive them and »ro expBctod to boibedioot acd give u little trouble *a poRilbla,

ir party Ur. Parionn iny« It a picked ooa andralhor nliova tlia avenue. Taey were ne-tl.rcuad. Tbeti pttcnt* B.ud fritnih mule con-ilerable effort in that dlHotloo, many ol themsro i]iilte iutelllgoat and attnotlve JCQIID^,lairo were fl>ur tbop glrbjODBk cripple, who

irere iboat sfKieen. Ur. P*r«oo» a«ti that:hey wors not ezpeoiec, and if ibn people didiot ffhb toentertala tuem hewoald Uha themmek In tho morning, Tbaj wore Invited toitay uid did BO. One lady has alx gli li. fourilatera and two oilier gfHa. The eldwt »liter,birUen yews ot age, wben *t bone hai tb»ill oliarge ot tbetn all, is housekeeper, nurae.

end all. " . ' - 'Oar street Arabs, young and old, bare In

lotne way dukaown to me, got tin tdaa tnUitholr baadt, tbnt it ia w y vaiplr to alt 011 tbe

':<• near the ehmob aod star«*t or insultpuaen ti; , io olitab np nod look in the win-'e, poffeinakfl iQ tbe open wiadaira, ta&ke

inenrtbly noiae, »c<J da rurlods Other annoy-og thluga. llev E. W. BtudOsrd loMlila Bcn-i r School on Sunday tliat to Jliturb & relig-ion somce if»n forbidJeo by Uw, *pd iqfanod

onlil Imve to tie i)»ruioetT. Out asptnuita totmtlliiuss trill do well tu ts,kv warning iuuio. F.

s . POUT" MORRIS.Itatorf iomBwhari. lo l i e effect tbkt

Siune,ther>nioiiBEngHabbiatorian.liad gottbe rapgUtion of being as Infidel In bU dayatid-gencratloo. And onus npui. a

ort «ttt « t i l home, tbningb a. wrt

In the mud. Jtii bardjar be tried to get oattkedeipai t c »nk, aad liltedbii Voice 'and cried slond for help. Tbariobjlty,ww iobslilted by Loodoniiid tb%y awaVmed oat to aea wbat tbe troubleDM, He r ali kaow Haute, tail they bigad toebsffbltnabj»ntni#iDfid«ifty. "N«wb»dinc3tto yon," said om. "8»y the Lord't' prayer

•inkand go to tUo donl." "S«jr thopnyer you old Jnfldol," •banted the other* incborat. "tadte#,n V&& Home, " i t you will

p BUII loos cnooKb I vritt tryyon," and JIB repeated the Ijonl'B prayer wordfor word M they liwibfico u s aa to, bearing it,

forgive us opt traipttaaB*' »&d *!!, to (beutonlshmeat ot tbe nakwotaeu. They woreas- good IB ttelr word, bowerer, and pulledtn« biatorian van ot tbe quagmire, a&d aentbim on bU way njololog.

How, if tbe learned gentleman who rushesinto tlie Banner to orlitone me for tbo way liwHieh my »((a bu ttogUtonrtbrta-ytiar olboy to repeat tbe enndeat of all pnyeri erergets we Into »Oi of that klpaiwlll n y l t inIAUQ for Wm U ho iailiti on ft rathernot get oat. B« i i only trying to pat me lotoa trap wbfeb I letnsa w enter, and be etnbtv* all the fnn ba wantt wttb m e auotit tayleooranoo of the Silrie »nd tott of otijiIbtDg'l. laraoIdanORgii now to appreciatethe f»ct tiiat I know rery little aad I try totobta Boroeiiiiog wety flay, tlief learn from bim *• anybody. But I didnot nf tbat" forgive Ui oar treapMsea" ww

" " ird'i prajsr a* reoorddd anjwberelatboDlbla, I Una* better. I learned lonK iftotl»t nlian tbe traoilatori of tha King Jtmeiventon paalialMi tno JiOrd'a prayer •• re<corded ta Bt, HattUew, " forgive ne out dobUai no forgive oar debtors^ -tba abop-keaperaof London uadftsnoli a row about It that tba

' i«Bttf Lbe olarcb 4aoid«d to mske itread In tbe prayer booki " forma m ourtnipataoB *i we forgiva tlioia who troipaii

^tnit-oa," audit bw remained go to tbls day.80 you aee the mthority far uytan'ttie

praTer tba old way ia tbe authority ot tbend ihe Bible wj» "He who. will not

btw tha cuurob. let tilm be to at ahealben and a publiean." And yet my bump'tioui orltto aaja tbere 1B 110 atitfaority for aay-

tg " foigi*BTii onr trtipasiai,1*I went ta lbi! Pne Method lit Oimp VoatluK

Sanday attflrnoun. Kev. Ur. Gnulil preaoheda ivrmoa >bat' protoked a good dn*l of erlt-

iQUKtt trntt ta tell, h» told % gonddeal of tmtb, bat there were those who *idIt would bave better befitted » leotnro 00

itolo«y than a nnobn deltterrf io a pro-iitoaa oongrf jalfon of boys and gtrli,

young men ana womea and older folka of».. It IB amattDroFtaBU.nowev*!,

and brother Oonld tt lamooa fur his pUlnneaof Bpeooh. Howbelt that flroor Bli bnodredpenple will go to a camp wocting of a Buad»j,

of tbcta will walk aevwal ulloa too,TrbilethetninUterafBtlieiiBlfthborlusohurobca

ruiclilo empty piiwa?iMac Klnoioutt is bonifl again and able to

attend to lus liniiaesa. Ha tallvioi

0. V. BOM has got tie store wagon allpatcted an.' .

[ dou't see any nao of making 10 moont about bavfbg the ague," laid engliioer

Sharps the oilier dsy, " It1* only baby play,"Well," laid ooadaeUir Parka, «( don't «isb

yon any particular hattn, cotlhupe yon willIiftvet right gnod sbiks next time," "Ob,"

,Bbtfpe, "IWe h>4 it vtwj-fo? VificeTliuritlny on lho road,. X drank ifx dippers orIcewaler with c»l meal in |t one a»y. They•aid H wonU kill me, but it dlfltj't.. 1 belleiott cooled ihe lever. -Ifext timr t believe I willjlean the Ore, But Ihe beat my U to ahiae

d make no remarku," - - ' Vlcit Houie JoSt ORB

of hfB valuable homes Tudsdaj night. I t gotlok and died. ,

Tbe Pre»bjt(iri»n Sandty School we goingbate their pie-nio at I*k* Hopstcoag next


FLANDERS-our village bun bco

hn county papnra, hnd liHjou L

any of \

tu uitilat

s ; ineryfasl this ho

Dr. iVtnin-ortU linn bran mnkiup a vixlt to

in frinndB in New Yurit SUto, lint lm lian re-

wo Bsirttl } ill? t

Aiifin we have another acciJon*. to addt the IfHii; list tliat in cmtBtaiilly accumulateiK. OtiTufHilay,a5tb itist.,Mr. li. H, Millernd his hot nmrlvcnt oTat tlif jnuit by Btnji-lufj in frnnl uf ' ho knives of UIH mowing maliiiw. H'MtliwiEhl bylVc attcuiliiig pnjsi-iani that tlicy can <ive lho fuot. Dr. Piirnman tlio eft to in cliarfio,

Itinjnat HJP \)ilnRTor n« tolmvo s. JURUCO Inin pluoe. Wo bate had unn trial ami It kiaten us Kood us a ten cent drcm tor thn biivn.Tliere bax been no tfoclior hiretl for onr:lt<kil,lcHl Bnin»«Sfi» Tfaatuciti tlieUitif; fur

A few afiupiiRerg oorao to

ti. Cliiriey took W11'ltrg foro load on

lUv, P . W. Fot leaven rurblu vftoatinn thiaL'tk. He in to npi'inl it in New London, Ol.Mr. J . L. Adimn, ot J e w City, i« uptndlnK

in Tallinn with i,ia coiinin.A. M. Pui, andIM liotti HUL-tn toeufny It.Mia Anr.ifi Bajtor, ol Easlon, 1B in t»B placeui RIIC HHVK tljitt Flandcre In not us nice an E.Mr. N. H. Drake },rtH t ime yrnny Iadlea fromtwarV Ixinr'TuiR Ht h\n lii>ns«, KI> that UIB|)|>crcndiirti>vu U nut enlirelj dead.Wo Iliinl; tbal tho Iturlk'yvtlln correnron.

I'm linil Ix'tttr be worfinl abont B. r«w jmu-n'« titan uuJirtiike to bandit* iliQ'icHit mbji^igmt Ik- kno<vn mjlhjpg about, and Wale a fitll-

Tliit lu>t weiUlitr |g umking sad bavoo ID OQFlidat. Whilo tborc baa bc3Q uu cosoj of HUII-troko, yet wu tttlo nOtloo (hot pooplo dn notr> out In tliu ami wnera i t la natan<oi>BaltWin. Qoorge & Qa, I10.VQ Ittat reooitud

oiir loads of coal [ tbey are boned to keeplhoi t tlie mi no Wirm. ' - LEO,

Mr, John Bone baa ti<3Jila botil tealJtpaiattd. .. • .. :,; •' '.'. ' r .

Mr. Timothy Keilpy iBereoltniCk fi^eba the Rrecn UEJIB of.' tho HiberniwvUte

[IriHbtown] rifflr.- •hQ

_ .' tbe D»lrj«»ple~ tad Vint Bill1, was pittlpaned aalii to-day. It proni'

ises to bo a vert ]ni«re*Mog,BtmgBleTbe nvdence lor tbaft t ion wb.6 aie to-

teach St. Hary'n iabooUla rapidly «oln« npND(I will be in re»aiwsa~»bont the flrit of Sap-

i m b c r . ' ••'• - ' ' ' ^ ' ••• • •

Thsra la a.lwrih BitaroianTiUa wUo nrelti the «*oitime*tot>agged edge,light-footipkiti. The otbar- fliybe waa la»'nay-loft

ind he vantedtonttbe tnie lu*kfdata* otalMdng Iilmiclf on tJw door illl~-hs litat." Be took fltibotb literailr«d flBurt-

Tbs fnnerilorhlr-riavld Milltrtoak ]•om tho church on Friday the 39Ui alt.jdge of which tbe aecemied wu a member at-

totidad In foil anjftm and' p^rrortaed thabnriainghta at the grave. 'Ber. F.BogerV.panegyrla wu Tary tonablng aad tpproptftte.

6ockaway.B Ellli family,*, Paonf W»r " d the twin btotbera, of» ev«jybo<ly apeaiB in tbe blgbeai larms,

will glre one cf t^elr mml dollf blful entur-talnnwtta at the H. E, Chatoh, Rookaway, onTbnradavereninfc, Aag, IHb, »t 7^0 okdoak,TbB rotartainmenta of Ib!** wonderful hmilyim uJd la utUff tba nxwt (rWoioni,

ring thf leaflt odanae or eania of complaintthe inost pJona. At ottee a great pjataurn

and anJuBpiratioa to 'al l , .Tbarj will be antntermli iW of ten mtttat«a %t which,ana c*kf, prodded by tba ladia* orwill be lervedtotbeftDdlenn, OrwUnlO

H I M Botnl.l

Tli(»iB beyooil qneetlon tie mort sticoeufalCough Mutlicio* wo have ever sold, A few dogotfnvari*biy ocre tha worst ottea of aougb.oroop, aud bnnoliitii, while Hi wonderfulnew** In the oure of cansDnption is wlthoalP»nll«lin UrtbUtarjof modkino. flinci

flrtt dfucavery It b » bean Bold on 1 guaranteeaTMTwhioh BoothernoJicmeoiuiitadd, 11you fctfB* oongh'We eunBatly aiV vou toIt. Price ID ett.MipM. and t l . i r y o u r i u ^ire Rare, cheat orfcwlt, lane, use SBILOH'fiPOllOCa TLA6TEE. Price S5oU.

• Pom Bu.s w YotMHt 4KII IOOB1.

Aattwer th i s 0|nestlon.

7by 3o to tpacy paopit ne BM anoonilm lo prefer to suffer and bo mads tniearatue

-t IndlfteBtlon, ooititiptttiDC, diczlnsaa, lo«a orapp«Ute, eomlnff UP or tne hod, yellow skin«h«n tar 78 oU., w* will i«» lbB«v "Vittluier, niiaranieed to euro them.

Por aale l-y Vnoftfal Jt KM gore

BBTLOEti CATARRH REMEDY,a mitrel-001 ours forciturrh, dlpbtborlt.ctukor month•nd headache. Wills each bftUto there tiiaftenloai caeal Injeolor for the more aneoeftil trealnmnt of Ibiai. complalati withouteitr».cli*TgB. PriceWcti .

Poriile br Vooght 9t Ktllgnts.

A Mlraoulom Escape from DeathU «n oft' quoted ramark in our atwaiiapenand yet, hoir many mob ooonmmcei bappeiOTfiry day and are noobronfot»cl, nnbnanl ofand sntparedated exoopt by tbe lew who"closely interested. Tbora is probnblr no h<-,onlleoHon of suoh TtoU tb»n ID tbe corr

iinoe of B. V, AttTHUIt 4 Co., wfaEiliirof Snlphnr baa o«uaad maDy a RraltiMrt to exproHi ita for holp In timel&sger. Tuts prepiritlon li a cprtfttncnru

all di*aiBflB of thro&t and lung*— 1itnption, estarrbi eto.Poo HALE atVopoHTA

A annul flonnditllon.e of the ureatcst trunblea of our pooplo laneaj of the atomaoh, As Itils soon caogen

p , rfoonodfli, and ntienmatiBm,v prevail In almost, avery Amcrloau bonne-

bold. rjiBrofipoilUFoty nonaodioraDjbodyto suffer from tbBan pnintal troubles who cnubuy • fifty cenHjottlBorPatk'sr'iCHuaar Toulorn tbi| taporior mefllojpo slwayi tonot np tbet h and narvouB gjstaia.and keep* the

kidmya • oU?a la QUXjlnRuff Hie lottl Ofcttera,Ihtis lijing a goad fonndalian for perfeatLfliUh.-N. O.naAiom.

Tbe ladlei of tlio M.E. Cbureli, SUuhope,,wltt have a. (eitlTal In Olatk'a Hall. ThM«d*j'oFneit week. I

ick liai moved away from Stanhope. ,iow Yort Stoira Comfsny haic tnaGe1

lineral wool, looks mare liielcoiion batting wttb. aliltle grit In it. 'ihey

ve their machindry ID completeworking order

sion, consisting of fifteen wallloaded pas Banner care ptfisaii hiir« on the >viy

m to New Vork Mundiv. B&vbn!LAVO been to Coney IiUnd nnd

Bockaway Be»ob. D. J.




BARTLEYVILLE.arc glim to loarn that Mr. Da*id Hur-Arm \t HIOWJT rcouvcriDf frfiin ln^ ACTI*be met with on llwi night of tha Faurlh

if Jnf».Tlie mad ilo^oi^itcmoiit lianbii^D orifo raoro

utiBod tbruue'i i'fro a few daya nincu, bitingsnral ( % B wl.ich nro uultl to havo Wen

l'lic rdin on Saturday last, vrbicb bail longouu Eutticil, nan thanlifiillj DKcoptod by the

ost ot tlio furntwa !H tUi« vicinity ariy throucb ^ntlin^ oatn, which in tlio bua

i (jentirally tbatbaa been knuirn for yours

URQ91. Itoflutto time RO tu ia uot lc'.verjbodv la respectfully invited to atte,

Tbcy Rte citbet flndinK a great mnotlnsmilteB in Worrcn Count;, or *Uo tbe

I heir vrbinkcr ia fearfully bad.


Dcfi Muzzles &t Borry'fl.Pishing Tocklo at Worry's.

Beet Toroip Boed at tho Brick Drug Store.

A nice line of wagon mats at A, Taylor &HOD'S.

Lump* at J. A. Ooodale's Bed Front'rug Stnro,

Koturo frame* of all kinds at tbe BriskDrug Store.

Trusaea fitted at J. A. Oood&le's BedFront Drug Store.

UaP Killgore's Sun Cholera Miitnre, atougnt It Riltgore's.

Toilet Bonps and Perfumery at J. A.OnoasJe't Bed Frost Drag Btore.

Toots Powder by tbe ouooe or pound atJ . A. Qooiale'a ttad Pcantl»rag fitote.

Bead; Miied Paftw—*H colors, nold atJ. A. Qooda)«'i Bed F/pnt Drug Slow.

Buy the American Bwb P#colnir, whlobis the beat. Alice* Uonlnffton, Agente.

rocket Books, PooketKofTfB and Buoraai 3. A. Qooaala'B Bod Front Drag Store.

True Penian Iwnot Fowdw net t)y Pa-per at J. A. Ooodale'* Had Front DragStore.*' ' • . ,

For tarneaa aoap, u1»oD, hoof oilsnd Bngliab Grown ioa>p go to A. Taylor 4Bon'a. '

•Writing Taper. Envdopw, Pma, Ponoila.Ink, e tc , «t 1. lL.Ooocbls'1 Eed FrbntDrDBB t o r e . . , 1 ' , . . .

Fall bae of Barb flie thoeaobcap Shoe Store, Sontb itteet, aeai Park,Morrlatowa ••

A-TaylOTiSonaMnuWngaflj u«tt tad ate KtJltsg bandjomft onn - --

QalninB aod ffloetiqtioldt* PlUiria-BoldatMQoedpiioesat J^ A. Qoodata'iEed Front D n g Store.

miiw.naltort, saddlai, bridles no* anjr-ibg in the Urowa inaWa Una any b«

foood «t A. Tajlor A So&'a.

J u t Ihfl tilng for thrtfl hotdaoied Lpmonade-Bold only t i J. A, Oood-ale'a Bed Front Prng Store,

If yoqaro going to paint use either At-liDtlQ.Wnlte Lead and oil or Pierw'a ready

lints, SoldatVoagWA Killgota*!Dngflton.

Viaoefa Baaay Mliad Fainta wdBh from8 to 4 pooiida tnar* par gallon than anyready mlied palat put np—aoU at Vought

na Tea Companym flitt In tit* mukrt wrti Ihe tew crop otUrn, wkiak .veTybo4y will b« jlad to by.O I U t f c b A A b I t

UosMyHvvdin imjiag joor Bsoti and

An immense Uue of barpces, of bbmomftDtiiaoUiH*, may be Men at A. Taylor &Boa'*, They a n »*ttinn atheir own make,- for 910.

Pierson oflota some indnoeinaota in U»DBV advertlwuent oQ tble page tUIa w*hioh eTBrybody aboold read, tMocnseijH»n« Jnit what he saw and will verify er-orj ptomUs to «uh. ouatotaer.

Mr, OhM. H, Mafloe now resUarabt, next to the Sovereign'srtora, and opeoa to day—Saturdaj-with i*aB supply of lee-omra, Began, and oil th-but tilings io Ul» \itt>.

The only abialdle upeoiflc w* Jcnow o/ forffldg g g

ii SiDfbrd'i BaJleil Cure, which for tbesmalt sum of II affurda Instant relief and in-

Dtuoa.—IIXDIUI. Tdfju.

Zbive idfferod beyond endurance." jhkft bMsa • tmrflBu to me." " I hava been

liaoled tlitt-nieuarBa of loeietf." Eitracttfrooi testlmoniils of those cured of ekia act

humor* hv (bs Ontioura Setaedies

The wolt-knownatreQgtheningproperties ofIBOJT, combined with otbor toniu and a mo atperfect nervine, tire found ta Uartur's IronVWa. winch atnna;(bet) tbe tiorfoi and body,and improve the blood and CORJJJIOUOD,

•tlUob'c O n Car*.



1 hei\e been sffliotci] (01 twentv yftat withan obstinate tkin disi-BHe, Culled bv someM.D.'t PeorisplBi anil Dlbori t^proay, coin-men clot; on mv scalp, and, In npite or all Iinnln Ao, with thf holp of tho rmmt ihilfnitoolors, It slowly but eurrly oxteudDcl, until aiir*Kotbia winter itcoTnrrrt mv entire i»r-in In form ot dry nctlea. F»r tlia UBI thwo'era I havo (icon nnsblo to do any labor, ftn,l

lntr there could lie nearly a dufltnnnfulofsoali:**lukcu frcin the sUo ttiij v^i b*'il nniP or 1II*TII

»V,«"'l?°l>X"iVi"lfTSIJ-'m7rtiL"eommcnecJ crackinRdnf 11. I t r i i 'd t fcr j t l i inn,Almost, i lu t ctulil Iif tlTon^bt of. witlifloi auvrelief. The I2tli of .Turo I Btartcd Wtatl, in

)F«1 cotitd reach tho HolBprince. I readiednrt .nr.r i WR« HO Inw I tlinu^lit I utinttUl'e to fi" to (ho linsiiltfll, bu t finally Rut n»t s LintttiK. Mich., WUCVH I lurt & ni*<frnn- Onn Dr. tronted me «l>niit two

l«"«hort ltiinii*o"livn!Hi cai-riPMl? prM«dSio. Crarkftl throngli tlio (.kin t i l over my

._ K, *cro»M my ritm, armn, hands, limb*, feethadVT ""filler), tois-nalls came .iff. fluK«r-u«iln£nn 00 el hfli*<l A0 Oi t]ov limr [f A^ drv stirl

lifnleafl asutil strftw. 0 . rav Coil! liow'f didsnffrr. " M r "'aier, Wre. E . H. Davif.lmd *

part orn IJOI of coticnra in tholumsri.!onUlu\ RUO n p ; Mikl 'Wo will t r j Cnt-

a r m . ' Kuro ia l DiorO wan rclinf ; ftoppmt ttiuterrible hnmiflK «onirit|»n from tlio word RO.Tncy immi'diately Rut tho lltxnlvont, Gntmor*

- - Iflap. I conimcnci'd liy laking OQQ Ublc-ilu) or ncftolvntit three timea * <J«.y, after\; Ks.'X * bath ottee t. <ls.j. water abootI b e a t ; moi Citticori Hoap freolv; a p .CutiflBra niorntttt; mil otftning. lUtul t ,

. , l M . ucd to niv liouio In juat ait weeko/roratime I loft, and tny i i l o an nniuolli as thinuliect of paper. IlrBnw E. C U P K H T I D .

Hoiidoreon, Jrfffrioa Co., N. V."Huotn to before mo (Vila lflth day nf 3»oimrr,

B80. A. M. LwrrmmfiLi,,

Justice of the Twee.NO HUMAN AGEACY

in BO ipeediiT, permanently and connomlnJlT.Uanie tbo 'jlood, clear lho complcziua am)iV)D, roitnra thn hair, anil euro evurr fi|melnuo, iluliiticacaly artfl wrcfalotis humor a of tha•Mil, scalp anil blood »i thn cjationra rume-dies, coDBiHiiai( ui Cutfeunt Itetulvcnt, ttis new"Mod puriSir, luil Cqficura atui Cntiouxa

aap, tha Rteat ektn cure«, Askjimt Ortij;B>Rtniton.*, tliom. Right bore iu ttiin lotrn you tnnvfladefidoucER nl ilieir woudorto'i tpiling ]>:,W-P H . Fur aunburn, Uu on.l Ki((ai>j ntm amiCaticart Soap, an e^qalnlte loilet, b.ath anilnursery BsmtiTo, fraRrant witbdnliciuus flou-cr-dorRacil healing bai^mn.

Caltcura. RcmetHcs iro for A&!e bt kit t'niBibiBia. Price nrCaticnra, a MIKHCIIIB) JRII.V,•tnallba»-a 50o.j brftefc.rii-j, tl.OO. O'lticutaHenolTcnt. tlm new l>i(ioclpijriri«r, fl pel- Lot-tlft, OiUirora M-' Toilet foan. 9i fis.Outioara, Me<?lclml HbBving^oup, IS DIR.; in1 r r birbcra aui) Inrgo ooiiminer^eOoM.

-A!l nailed free oo receipt of price, ...

0U. .0011W Vo. . . . .(Ipotrio Plsaier, CO»UDKJSeeav», iafaraoperlf '

wrry Qtiier clcelriont— _ . _ pluncebefore thepn,..._.

They tiiH^uii/ffclleTeDytpepn't, LlTfr OHIB-ilatnt. Hilatla, Tenr *D(T Apne and Elilnev

and Urinary Diffionltlea, and n»« IM 1 'nv«r tba nit of the liomaeh, over tbo any albottd part, pries 25 oeuti. Boldnterjwhera.

•WEEKS h POTTER, JJoiton, Mass.








FRED. E. MUTT'SClothing Hall,





Beliable Cutters, fine materials,lowest prices and the best satis-faction given. '£












August sa, 1881. DOVER, K. J.









T H E JEWP.I.P.n, hn«remo«dloupartoftb«>loriotM. Kingibors, •

No. 4, Brick Block,E'8, where lie will remnin during the eroation of h

nd will continuo to keep us largo ntocis as ever of


An iuHjiociion of liia Summer goods will satisfy buyers tlmt Imrgainsaro to bo had ut the atoro of

WMH.BAKER•\vhcro is now ilieplnyed a fine and senBoimble stoct of

DRESS GOODS,ombraciDg all new and Jonirnhlo i Herns in various kinds ol g

for Spring wear. TUia stock in tilso supplemented by a. Inll lino ol

Muslins, Cambrics, Ginghams,and all othor fabrics in tho way of DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Also

a lurgc stock of

LADIES' FANCY GOODS,including a full lino of H0SIEEX. In

GROCERIES ««•« PROVISIONS•we have all tho BtaploH, and iv vo?y fjivefully selected assortment ol

H'XWJ TABLE GOODS.-A specialtv of our house is always a eomploto line of

^ CROCKERY ^rwhich vill be found to meet every want ol tlio household in thiBpftT -tieulur. A cnrefal inspection will sliow that in every department wehave endoftvored tomeet public wants at prices tliat will insure pop'


Dover, S. J., April 27th, 1681. . D O V E R . 1ST. J

inducting the FAMOUS S00KFOED,

CLOCKS! OLOOE.S!eraya««ign, CnAINS, IllNGS, PINS, Mil eMryjtamrittion of J»w»lrj.



CUSTOM TAILORINGr u sraian i n Einain BP IRK

II aSariln me \ilfas\aro to ftnnnnnoe to mycurtoaitre and ibo pnblio that my Block ofSpring am] Summer Goods is EOW complete,nnd tbnt 1 nnj prepared to make SUITS TOOHDLIt (fit and warknu&Bfcfjt HURrwjUed)

,._ ft I)r|csn no low tbat no room will be left for- ^ complaint. Every pleco of goods befor*

-j= being put in Mock ia thoroughly tesledaod" " fhrnnk.aDd no RorniPnt will be allowed to

lea-se mj btore till t ie ocfliomer U perfectly\ Hti»ried. Especml care will ba taken to tola

nd tbnt nothing shall he left undone to in-ire & yerfvet fit afid BT^rj satiBteetion to allbo favor me with their ooBtom. My IQO-hfl SICCB commenoiug bnaiocse, and manyara «perieuoe, should be a sufflciest gnu-

] iitee iiiat I know t i e wants cf the pnbliend that every cnntoraer will be fairly dealt

m u will du HJU mta 1 vr iu lflaro their orders early in order ta acounlecdRmry to first OIMH tailoring With many thanks for past faTOrt a "arlycall, I REUUN Yotua "

MANSION HOUSE BLOCS, D0VEB, Opp. Cain's Shoe Store.,

BEATTY'S MIDSUMHIR OFFER.Write for BeauUlul Illustrated CATALOGUE or order direct from Advertisement.





W«li>«t«tii. . . . . . . . . . .hansc- to Ilifi following Hot of nrfatw :



GEO. OTANNinrit«H Kc&ll fram til Mi! friendi ID his place'JD CMNTUN HriiE£T,«bB.«fDrtbelrimDil^

FINE POOL TABLEand • wall fitted tud complete

IB-Bo snro to write lor IUmtnitad Catalogue,

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEY«iltifw»D(3 in iwrfpot order. AJio, tfai>UUEIW »nil ntlicr drinls, »nd the cUHICQAltH. All wlm fafor ma with « cafind tbcmnolTW •RTCCLIIJ or.ltruinedVoU t»Bled. OSO. MANN.

Vllii Ixlter fuUtlu I am anibM 10 pttoa SIiATg EOOrs oh PUN0S AND ORGANSohupet ti«i an utiog

quiUtr l d te 4b l I cm 6»«t

lBOLD OH IKSTUUmm md itiiniol ta.11 p.rl. of Ito country. PSKJ8S 10K .«Stemt of p&meat eti;. S«nd h ttoHOIUOE i n i r a t oo.

The iteftOQii m l the irUhniaa.Vadbt Hits lio»J no flad tlie Mowing

njnuMUg atorv going tlm rnunila :A few moDttiB ngo, as Uencm Tugntls,

of ftiYuiupsuuli, KIioJc IshiU'l, was trav-eling tlirougli U113 vextmi part ol tlieState of Now York, lie Ml in with mIriabmaB, who had lately armed ia ibiscountry, and was in quest of a brothervrho ce me before him and settled in someof tbe diggings ID tbat vjcinitj-.

Pat was a atroDg, athletic man, a traeCatholic, and had never sean the interimof 11 Protestaut obuich. It waa r* JIICTBiiipsSnntl.1T mm-i.tug thai brother Ingnllautei who inquired the ruaj to tliBOiirc-st clmivli.

lugulla «-as n ami pious ninn. HtiiM Pat ho wim going to ubureti liiutaclf,uuJ invited his uew-iniuiti ueiji.a.n.jtu keep bim euwimny tlutber (bia pluceof (kv-Uttuition boiug a entail Mt-tboJimeftiMK-IiiiiiaL1 near by.) TUeru wasgreat li'vivul thura ut tbo tipia, nuil oluf Ihu DiMicoua (wbo, by Ibe way, wivury small iu utainre) invited brottirrJnjruilK to tnkeiwrat iu bia |iow. HijiC'coptL'i] tliu iuvitatiuu ami wnlked infollowed bj Tilt, wbo Imbed i» voio Uflml Hm allnr. &o. After bo wns scnfr.1

whisper wliicli could hv beard all aronnJ

•Hiiro, nn'iNii'l. tlrisahirilick elmrebV""Hash," mud rcKiillfi, " if you ipeuk

I011J vnrJ, tbt'y will put you out,"

" Divil [i wonl will I i|ial(e, nt oil, iall," ri'iiliml P,il.

i'lui me.'tiiiK wns opoiipJ witli jmi.viby Hie piisNir, pui wiituminjr. lilm vi'ii-ltMHly. nrlivn IMI ,-l.t gentleman, wlio wis.u.iJ.iifr in Hit: |«*w il'mcCy iu fmul•Pat, sliouteiT, "Glor.v !"

"Hist, ye clour divil," rrjninc.t Pat,with I.i- loud wbu|x>r, which wiw pLlirnnl by the minisler, " be (lucent, nnddon't mulip a blncligunrJ ot yonrnetf."

The imtHiiii grew more nml more tcr-vent iu liis ilevoiimi. Presently tbDf'iiC'on ullorfd an nudiblegrourj.

"Hint-H 1, yu blavk|>uiiixl; liuveyou nnduct'iiey. at ul), at itl]," xiiid Put, attiimti1 monuvit iiii'iiii? thsDt'iicoo n uuiid'in tbe ribs vvliiuli t%ninil him tmni'ly t<hwo iita eqiii ihrhitn. Tho ministe-btn|)|«<d, a tn] oiti-iiditig bis bund in 11supi'Iiualing manner, euiti :

"Brethren, wo cuuiint bo disturbed intliis wuy. Will eome one jint iUat manont ?"

""Yis, your rivirencp," ulinutotl Pat" I will," in) a smiling Hie not ion to tbword, lie collnrud I bo Deiieou, uutl to thniter linmu* mid us'oiiisliment of thjjustor, Wither Iogiilla aud tlto wbotcnugregation, be tlntgRorJ litm througlithe nisle, nnd with n tremoudous kiobo landed bim in tbe rostibalo of IUchurch.

Tlifi Lnivjcr'H Hoy.

Anybody wlin tlinks tlmt tbe bo;employed around a lnwyer'^ has tiotbingto do but empty tb basket, ruto tbe pnsi-ofBop, swit-p tbo loom, andxend tbejokpsof libelittotia, is Riandlj'mititnkon. A boy—Ihut is a prize ofhoy, und ono wlio will (.'vcDtually bcuineu greut {nwycrbiniedf—bus a lieupon bin miurl, uud no time fur sliiur tops. Yiislcrdny wlii'e n Detroit luwyet wan in court, witb hid buy in oliur|vt tlie oCice, 11 DC«Bpnjnr tunu wbo wilmiitiiig through the Jlufljt block Btuubled upon tbe young nltorney and wilcceivt'd with ;

" Come np;bt in. The papere in youicase nro tentiy tf> bo Btgned."

"Whalcnso?" -" Applicutioo Tor divorce."" But I'm not the man."" Ain't jou ? "Well yuu look like bit

l e t ' s see? Are jon tlie defendant inIhe Jon OB vs. Brown onse of trespassIt HO I am to toll you ttiut tbo rune isput aver until next Saturday, atsuittobonrin tbo nfiornoon."

" Ho, I am not Brown.""Well, thnl's all ripht. IBI'H Bee

nguiu ? I was to toll Byun that bin oaeia^umst Peters for slnndor would nolenmoou this term, and to suggest tbulIID umvniJ liiu tU'chii'titIOD« ^foubgiveu tho dules whereoo UIB dofcndaDtcalled you a. 'reptile' nud a 'tmeak.'"

" JJut I nm not RVBH."" I s t t i n t BO? Tbat'a too lnul, bul

perhaps you enn't help it. Woa it yourwife wbo eloped with a man namedBlnke ?"

- N o . "

" Tliun yoa nra not Mr. Clem. I waj»to tell him thnt bo forgot to state thfpurticnlur lirae at ivliicb ho Brst noticed8 coldueHs in ber domeanor. Lel'a see ?Oti 1 there's tlmt bigamy ease. I ns toiwy lo the defendant, llmt tbe proaecil'tion appear to have hnnted up nud gotbold of tlio teatimouy of a [bird femn.liwbo cluims to Imvo miirried you itToledo is 1804, nnd tliut your enso lookelmky. Wo will, bonder, do our bestto pull yoa through, as we do all ourclients."

'Ifon are offognio ;I 'm not IW11 Pear me, that's another. Well, all

right, I was to any tn any new dieultliai Mr.—wonlil be buck in an boar.Come in and sit dona and look over thcify directory. We will take ynur caseat the Invest cash price and <llevel host to win it. Co salt no otherfirm until you bnve Riven us a trial.

"There ia a innD," said, a villagepQDt«r, "who has done more good, Ireally believe, in this community thanany man thnt orcr lived iu it. He can-not talk vary well in prayer meeting,find he doesn't of ton try. Ho isn't worthtwo tboaBaud UolUra, and it is very lit-tle be can put dona on BnuBcriptfon pa-pers fot any purpose. But a now fnm.-ly oeFcr inavee into t i e rillape tlat hedoe* not find time to give tbem a neigh-borly welcome, and offer eny little ser-vice lo can louder. He ia aeually onthe lootout to give etrangeri a eehit pew at obniob Bo ia nltvoya 1to wotcli with ftBiok nuighbor, and lookafter hiB affairs for him, and I bareBometimea tboaght he and bia wife,keop liouso plants in winter just for thualtpof bfiing able to send little boa-qtioloto iuvalidfi., HoflndH time for apleasimt word to every child lia meets,and yoa will nlvnys eee-tbem^olimtjmgiatotiiBone-horBe nragon when fas bosno other loud. . Ha really seems lo havea genius lor helping folks iu ail aorta ofcommon nays, ,aod it dries me goodevery day joat to meet bim on tho

SHERIFFS SALE1oULfloi.vrjo[Np-w J f t f t c y I ! , fa. for **h: 11Tatortuii&il nrf-MiistH, mliti tt» Prtilfrhlf U,litucIJiBwiDJiilaiDaut. and H»rry a . Uluub-nclt nod JOBIE l i . bio wife, J-IUL-S W. fldier-lacrboru ou^i Himb Xjouiiw lit* wifu, EuuiuiP . suiock *inlMr».Di*metr.Bnujuli b u ivifi-,JulinM. Willii ftud UUodft A. bi« wilp.Gfo.Et Muultgn, Joseph J . Lilllu, John B . ?k1t ,Qbarl«« UookB, Audrev Vae^itr iuJ Julia K.U B M O I I , ar« dufenJutiU. Ketuioalie toOoiolwrTerm, A.. U. 1881.

HTXttX h TODMOBLOOQ, Bol'ri.Bf rirtae of the above it«t«d writ at flwi

fteUa la tn j bsnd i . I shall einoae for u l e atPublic Veadue i t tbe Oonrt House, in Hoi-rimown, K. J . , on

MONDAY, the 15tb J»J of ADGVHr next,. I>. 1881. bfiwi-t'n H'0 i i i ' i " «t 1- M.aoiiiuiek P.M. Ilut ia to *i\ at 2 n'clw-b JD ttci'UDunuf Kiiiil dnj, nil Hinst- certain iratr um'ttl* ur l»ud ami priinnmn, lirruiBatter

l i l l l H u u t f I v i u ^ a B i l l J|lSltUiMM r r i s . m:tl Bi

id d.«mlicd uaT u t 1'niflTltf.Ti l


f SR»u-!i»wav, in Ib(if Sew Jureev,

e Otmntvbouudud

rtDiiHtBor four trMtttntlnud,if Ilii: umsoonvujvil toUlmrlen M. Graham

omiiul Cubb MItl ivifi-, bv dueJ iluttdh 18,1811.ind rt«(inlPtt in Sfurris Cunnty

>rd " r D e o t k iu Liber I ' , tt.liou W.&c- J K FiuwrTBM:T»itiiateuo tbo )K'«flwatcr

oT Burnt Mcaanw Ilrwik, Imiujt purl of i l r a cf o h u d d nd twonty tujmi uorea r«f ono huudttniwl lo Le•corloU iu BuukIlcj;iiiii!

fU'imtliHi » IL-r uf tl


Ut, July l l ti , iut(u 2U1,

BP ur Niuu^ti Uiiiiwlioio lm.;t ; I b u

J I b t11th thirty-two degi ,;BI iwuiity-mVBU vUaiuH ; tlmnce Ci)iljelglil (icctL'fi uud tlillty uiilltiltrei-diuiiiu *M tiigtity nix llukti; ihci>rtliuit;lily-Iour Jejjrm* anil Uiirly in

...HI teu tliains and 81 ity-tour Unix ; 1(4) north Uvu ilcgrtPH riiid ii'n iiiiir.ilc

• clmiitu; then™ <5) "••nlll HCVLIIUflULlWt IWrlvO I'lli.illf ! tllUI.CC (fi)

(tjtfOUliillriyiliHror(0) auutli ciulitv-llvul t x wont i l i l isli!

iiiuiiniJiti:mti huMi £

IJigiuiiins nt .iliiiK '"

itM'L'iitii uorutir i>f a ti-iiui of (•

I78«,S amWttcuitl^J In"" B.'nk "h ^ " n u ^ r W

ttt-ii I'liuiim ami Kiiiy-rmir li '

niKtil C.J1.111H i.uat1voiit'. H n U , 1i.H?lslity-ilw»*-Kivijnt3i« Un 1I)' links 1*1 Mm placo ot l>eRii

•IUDII TRACT >l Ibe'mid nrnt lutnt 11 diHtam* ultcn clmiuB anil t

1 u cunrse nontti t l i in \ tno UL,m D clit'ntnut tree I'mijiiiijfti tin fun:i pnnJ m iQiitnln. and urns LIH

i Illdl 0 (1) 1nil dunl


iriu tliirtdlil t lliuhs; IIIOIKW (4) Jortb ti.irtv d

1 west uc lvu ftiatns; tlieuau (5) mmlive- (Wreen west tweiitj-eljjlit clmiiffhty link* ; tliatu-c (fl)«(.uib lUirt'-tlir

(-'onminini,' Inrty Hcvtin 65-100 acred.E FOUUTI! TKAOT of ttie tmil fiisl luta! a traui ur UIIII liunilu'il mid Iwn 27-1: returned t o Lemuel Cdbh. Brg|nn:n(r

at a heap of utones lieiDK "be (111It corner" ivlinlo t rnct ; tliuncc- (I) nunU iw«nty-ii

IDS and iin? UiikM ; HIBIIW (2) uortb oin

tuoncc (3) HvtDir-niUfi digr 'clmitii, tliDiiao [4) so ut I- IU _Wont ciglitCL-n cliuiiiH nod tbit(v-(ir.

IIIIKB to tbe tikoe ul begintiing, fOuUiniseventeen CO-1QO acrefl. Tho ngKiVfiale ceniB of t'ju an id ilrdt lut being mm linndi,ntl rorl) -Him'ii nuru* mil 11b otj llvti 111

louvuypd to Olierion M Omliim liy LornbjrilMd ilainii H i r e b It. 181• " -rrii a u n t y K

OIIIM a n , and b; r u f a tract of one In

nd iwuntv B-100 relumed lo tenilulvUlli. 'nBit, mid rccti:-(lodin'JDl j llit'OL-ii (1) nm-ib fUty-fonr iml thirty n.iimto* easl Btlwu chnlr

i links: Ilicuca (3jinH nnd sixiy-Hvoiily-Kfvftii degrDtT lnikR- IlKUMH o-st

ticu 16)

li (ja?t onu clwin

O l f

o (II) orth tfft lik_ „ . . . j o Iinki., _

. . wth flrtyoiip IU'PMC. won Bin-lia'iiH amHlu linka; tbciiuo (8) north toriv five di

it four chain* and ton links; Iliumrtti nrvf'iitein ili'crecs oaat ton ol•HOP (101 HOIUII sevPiiiy-iKodeHFfUH w.ii.n mill 6<;fei]t) Unkr), thonro( l l ) .....

. tnl.v-aovcD degreed vital ten clinlnn ; llmorc(12) lutrtU tl-e elmlni; tlimico [13) norl* Ly-UiroB tt^Tt-CH wont IblrK-oDe chalt

Bcvciitr links; tlii'ncG (14) Aonl.i flltv-flircufl west afveulv cbainw and thirty linktnee (Ifl) sou til three decrees east ttatrt

. . n cliainascilBevcuty llntit to the [ilaoubnf,'iiiniciK, conlainins two Inindrrd and fortyseven BChu *tii) clgtit un« Immlrodlh of nluroBlnotrnDamtru; but after doihicthg tliebllmrlnfrtraclH included tbeiofn. lo-vrit, twoi c r ^ nnd eiclity-Bivuii 0110 hundred th or MDicrorotiirnod tn TliomsH YIHIUB, Hav 10th.

1751, rccnrdetl in H 9. |>BRO 1JU; ten n o w andfifty oiiHinndroOiliB of an sere returnedLord HlirllriR, Juna 211U. IVltG; Ibtrtv-lliticrcH sod liixty-nlnc onr hnudredllis ofm a<•(.-tnrnod to tlio hnlrs and nfBiBnfl f)F RdwaByOiriB. Koveinlicr 1st, 1790; thirtv ncrpB ai•iplity-tlirre one tmtilreotlis of an acre 1[nrnediogamnel Tvler, Heplcmliir 13,1789iiidfiHirlcfn acres and t.vrntv-»i( nnn lumrlreiltlini.r an aero relurtiPd i« Letniid C"Witni i-onwyt'd to Mutthm* D^nmau, Jimu 'it

HOD, thure rtm»1us onfi litindro,! »ml fliiy-toCTGS Ami ninety-throe ouo huadiTilititi or tr r c

THE TmitD Lor Is the same MQvrreiltmrlen M. Grab&m liv Wtillim Barton at

n-lfe. IIT (k-uJ ditod Murcli llltb, IMS. nnd renrrtod In Morrin Cnnntv Itacnrd of UceilLiber W, folio 240, anil licgiiiH on a cnur

tb fortT-nlne degreoa west tlireo clmfim a smnll crulched whitp oak tree ra-irln

_. fiinr 11 dog, belnft *bo brRinntnir enrnrr 1hewliolu tract; tlionce (1) uorLh fortv-rjli

B wesl (bme chains >nd flrty linkU) nnrtn fort,v-»f»on u>prcosi fnot fcu

- aacl ten links ; thcnr.a(3) n»nii nine-teen tlpflreei eant ten olniim; tlierwro (•'»ontb tievcutv df^refs eant flyp chmn* ailrlj-thtce links; Ibtmee (A) sontti Wtv-tipffropi e»st. flro oh*inn nod torn tioha * tbnnoi

[fi) EOtitti flrty.tWD decreei and tlilrty tulnnle•f it witeea cbains and twentv-flre link* ti* e plice of bepirnitaK. rontMnlnf, mno ICIB*ind siity-two unnilredthB of an acre atriol

TmFnORTRLnTiH llio nemo pr*mine* onrre.vcd lo Ohnht. M. GrahnmIIT Mattbtnn Drn

and wire, by deoil d»t»d'Mar»h ID, 1811— recnnifd in Mnrrln {Tniintv Rcoorcl r

Dedla, la Lilrr B 4, ftflm 1SS, *i<\ beEina i tTbllo niiV nurhpd wilh a blaza atrri twn

olcbes nn Tnur si den; thonco [ l , north I won IlenrefB rant five olmtna and nevent.v tink*

•bX"-'ll!rntcT!ia ^?b :tiiJrrW1* rT J"

nprth BOTpniy dBcreen vent D M rlininh tn IIlining two •cres md

T H E &E(X>HD TRAOT of tlie HB(<I mnr tb In

ifty llnki

v dejjrcen eait ti

{ ) th 1; thence Mll i i fi

iwfintr dpari

west t<m cli nin* nnri flftv llnka to iblpRinninR, contalulng ten and one-half torei.THBTmnBTBACT of Buid foarth tot bet -

[n.thPjnlddla nf t ie cuHem.v leidins fromthe middle nf t i e canaewsy leiding fhn BnrtiB to tbe enpperm work»,di«tintalo am] si i t i links Trotn DIQ ar^h whe

ra* kriUps ara M>I - ilo (l j. . - — (ljrmnhflieen obRlns And fort; links ; thence (3|wenty-one deffrern anil lliirly tnlnntMwentj-wrcn ohnirn and Beteiitv-fivehpneo O) Bnntb twenty-«ii AtgretiwentT-tliroechRfna anil thirty links; I4) north forlr-aefon (losn'oseant Iwfntj-nneItnins and leventr links to tbe nlaos of be-in tilnpt, onntsinino; rorty-fi>«r acrcr - -wentj unit-boiidroiHIia of in acre; bnteduo'.irRthelwo follow-in* Iraotii mclnded inbo lait rofinitotied tr*otfl,vli.: one ootilai

,n t en rctarned to !rhoma« Young; tie o7heiinntklntnjt ten a urea •ndflToone-bnDilicdlliiif an aore rotnrned to Lord Stirling; tbei

A Paint In Woodcraft.Is iflsaid that if on tlie longo.t day

in tho year {Jnue) tuVbnrkof a tree iEntirely peeled off B now bark will im-mediately grow. "WinBlow Smit!], lar-ing on his pretn[e*9 on old end wottb-IBBI appte tree be 1IIK3 intended to outdown, determined to try tlm expert-meat. He hut] little faith tint too treewould live. Acoordingly oa the 31st otJaufl lie stripped tlia bolt entireJy ffnnJ to his fiurpi-iae Ilia ICHTUS on ttiettea even did not wilt bat grev Hgbtrnlbng, an<3 the tree is now growing afine new bark. It is taplaioed thatabout tbat time in June tbe nap of thetree does not lie tmmeautaly next to thebark, but ia oouflned in a delicate innerbark that forms; time in peeling the

ff at tB*t time the tree ia not de-


^ ^ ^ H












HORSE FOR SALE!£\pjA^»™Av'f.* "M '

Ootobor 2(ith, 1880. (41-ly)

Household!Tho LATEST im

provad, moat dur-

able, aud coiiveu-

ient S E W I N G

M A C H I N E for

fumily use and man

ufacturiog purposefi

ofaByinTonted. A

trail will conviaoe

any one.



y MUKUAX. iAS. Int. 1BB1.

At 11*0 A. M. (£auiuu Uittl i'ruiii),

UUUllllg WilU %UU ItuUMuU Uuui.ll li UfutU^uutuu -, tiiv Uhvmvr Unuuk ml UosehucdiauiiUn una Uliaii-ter; IU« BUHUOX J':ulat lV*turl,»u, lor AD(!ii.»r, Ncwicu » U J 411iioii t ; t b u J j . . L . & W. H. It. kt W»»UiQKtuuf.n Slttuunkit Ouuuk.Watt-i U>ii, Btttmtibburg,dutautuu, Urn*' ttuud, iJmguaiutuu, Uuo»tl imtidil d[iniiHB» l lumer , uu«ULa, SFMWUnwt1;11 *•"* puiu teou ilia LuKkatTMtiuiLUiuuiiiuL'Uri,1 ttuti Uulftlvmt,-anil Uudnon UroaiU; uUu ut I'iiilU-Jiiuury t r t L L ll i i a i i r i a uu i U ( i i l j «u<i Hll. Fur liuiljltiLum, UH i b u t

li Onuu

At «•*" A. M.Bourn UMfti litLucl .er«uu kUU Booumu, riiuB Hiiou*b tu WittoiUap, Biriiudbburg, ticrftntoii, Qtvut Bead,Iliuttl.Batlou, Lmlt.1 Jlurstliun, OunlauiHutuur, Svnca«f* und Uswogo; cnunculliti-'1Uuvur irith OliuaU-r U. B., I t Witolloodmwtii U. it. [ur AuiJuTor, Newhiu 1 ' 'titmt.; i i Duuwttfu nlLlj Jllairetu'.._ .SotuiiUJii, witli uluomaborif Plvtuiuu fuiton, Kmuatou, IV like a barm, tiaoville, HortL-uiui>erli.uil, JScv., at, iliuglmmtun will UtloOmtloii lor OrtBuo, Nor^icli. Uticn, an..Ukliliold bjiriuiiH. PuiseugerB ttHiUg tblt

coil couneut nt WantI'liilliptiburg, Eastou,Harnnluri


Sewing* Machine.Three-quarters of nil the sewing machines

sold throughout tho world arc Singers. Thisworld renowned iiinchine is Hold on monthlypnyinciits of $3.00. We charge no fancyprice fur lam:y wood covers.' A solid wul-11 ut cover with each machine. Every gen-uine Singer Inis a gilt trade mark In thesliiml teg of encli niiichiiic. All olhcrs aremere iniitntions. \\\) HAVE 11H.11OVEI)to Kcw Store on BLACKWELL St., KEXTTO WH. II. HAKER'S STORE. Needles,nils jiml Dvcrytliiiig pertnlning to tlie tmdo.llciiniriiij; a specialty. Guy direct throughtho coiunnny'N oilice nnd linvo a responsiblewnrranU'O. We lurnisli any machine intho niiirlict at lowest ligures.

Send for free circular of Demorest's fashions.1». IL BURRELL. Sole Agent.

AT T U B NEW STAND.Hover, H. .T., Feb. mill, last. BIjtCKW KIA. ST.



PAHLOli WATER WHITE 130". r i l lUE WHITE KEROSENE 112".Extra Engine Oil,'i'albiw Eupiiu! Oil,No. ] EngiiiB.IXirk EndiiieOil,Mtiorin Mucliiucrr Oil,No. 1 Machinery Oil,Dirk Lubricating Oils,RuilruwJ Lnliricalor,SlniflinR Lubricator,West Virpiuiu Oil,3ic:im HeBni'd UvliudBr Oil,11 Grown" Wond Oil,Btaiiili'ss Siiithllc Oil,No. 1 S|iindla Oil,Brick Pi-e'.BBi] Oil,W. B. Siioini Oil,W. B. WbaleOil,Prime Hmnlnot Oil,No. 1 Nnalilant Oil.W. Blrnlnoil Prime Lard Oil,No. lLi rdOM, .W. Pure. SuM Oil,

W. Wbito Cotton Sued Oil,IV. Yglluw Coltou Seed Oil,Dark Cur Oil,Siicrni 1'nokingOi],JSxtra Fuchiug Oil;PaiuterB' Oil," CrowD"Tjigb.t Compound," Puseaia" Dark Compound,HDIIID, Mill Grease, .Axle Qrease, - ' .dperm Sigijal Oil, .H, L. He.dlislll Oil, I50o,B BearlliBbt Oil, 160o,B. HendiipblOU, 160o, - ;•QuBoline, 90V,"

i GnRolino, 881, ; ,Oiisolinn, 8«o, ; . . ' •!•Doodorijed ftrpthas, all Oraviliej.

Turpentine, Oil Tuts, l a c M r j Oils!\?e take plensaro in introduoing to tlie trade our -various grades ol

machinery (md other heavy oUs. These goods are manufaclured byua ut our works, consequently wo give them tho benefit of our personalsupervision, ami guarantee fliem to give perffeot satisfaction, bolh inquolity and price, or no sale, fltsr" All our oils GPAIUNTEED STRICTLYPORK. " Brilliant" Sufety Oil a specialty, put up in Patent FaucelCans, expressly for family uao. State Agents for HOME LIGHT OIL.

MCKIRGAN & Co., Wharf loot of THIRD AVENUE,

DANIEL MOLLER,Bottler and dealer in Ehret's cel-

ebrated Lager and the famous Roch-ester Beer. These Lagers stand atthe head of the market as the finestbeverages used in America. 1 hey arethe richest In flavor, and the best tokeep, and are therefore gaining aworld-wide celebrity. All orders bymail or otherwise will receive promptattention. Remember that the soleagency for this section Is at


P O V E H , KT. T.


Hjmmra EMM OP


evUbllihedlQ their

NEWnew applhrjccs »nil enlnrged faell-

rfl«ni«,-, including Kipreio aau uo i inonW«gon«- Vulilelm uF bdidM Vt\ii onhtml foi* •>!& A- « U will uttiTy tiM ourvarkntnaliiti >• of lite bout, oar deitguB t to

MARTIN*BUCK,Haute, Sign ltd Orunnltl fiiiitn,mtAlNEItfi, QILDEBS tad PAPER HAKCLKits. Contruti Ukcn md miteriiU fomiibedRooni decorated ia freicoe iljltt. HiTfni) itborongli kaowMdR* or boato tod ilgo ptUnt-inp, VS leel competent Iu meet tlie ue romj*

•tore, next to


it lo meet..*jt ttliop ever HFifl Wb..^ H _.,—-..,aX to yooghtiKillRowi1* draff • tow.


Ullento* n,. . j u d p o i n U on tlie Let nti V»iluj,

anil Lebiilj atitf Butwueliauii* lt». ' » ' ' • ; eiPliilliu»burK witb Uelvidera Difimut, if Pa. H,It. Tor LHtaixirtvilk, Trootun auil Pbilndelphii.

At lt>.l« A . U. Ouvur Aociiiiiui<><liiti(ji].Atl^iOU M. tJaxUiii Eiiirefts.At 1 :W e. U. JJ'gli»tatuu iiii'reiti, CrawlUR

r»r# »t«elioj ruus tLroUHL to VC-u-r ~ ""•lfllaJlliitOII>tl/r«UBL v .

, . _ . . . . . i t f i i i witli Uok * Bi.iol».tbtirB

Ingtu'u wltb'tnOn He. t.l e a v e fl«iv iork n t a . 3 0 P . M (Eftiton E l -

at Wnuiluo Tar AuduUT,livilm, .mil >l Pliillipsl

wiili LuliL'b V-lluv ltuili'im<t tiaJ LeblBb ...• •••••• i(. it. jor UutliiriiiHii, AJmntowi,,

li,«rriaburg. Aluo with Del. Del.

litoo, Wyon.lUtf,Kiiiu»louaiitl Wllkwougtirt {ttliiaic tuU m m ttota S»x. . . . .I lk.m....Y.. pun ^nnT.A«. at WBMI1

•UilrAt J l) p . W» iu'Ua|i PpculBl from Kn

for Bui .'dsrjjlfr DudkiiL^riilffi-1 3n<l &II poiutH vu

null DuUvvmu Railio&d.) Cliillianitii. .lFifri4tr.«i], Morimi'lllUK, BuiivHle,avauilDovoi,*«tt.ji. tu.tijkoltat(iWBBilirc»»}iitop-

eflt Williuru, Bummlt, Gliatlmm, Mudlson,Istuwo and nil nat ions vext !•> Hack el W-

i,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,;,:,,,,,' at WM.rluu ivitb traiu forAiularcr&ndNi^iOU.

SiOf 1*. M. Oiwoga EiproBs Iruit Now_ (elcepiug uarmttaebtidj via. PatetBou ftUooutou tlirouub to Water Oaii, Btroudiuui-g.(funilitou, biugXanituii, Utle, Mftratlion.Oorl-l»inl,Humur, anaenso and QUWPRO, Waterloo nttli Huuasi Hiilroaci for Andovei*nd Newton ; at L e i s u r e with Blalratown Bf •At Biii«tianitou wltli train Tor Orecno, Oilor

, " I ]V J

' " ' 1 1 1 - 1 — . T a th.n^r


SEWING MACHINEAbiiut iinu tlioufaiid ort^icso oolabrited lunomueti,n, nliL'd.].- bmia Bold in Uurria Cji iut j . Simple,hrnn. very du.«lila -ui e « y reniifiig.^ Jiwry

iBtlnut) wartautod. Do not he put off wltbthorl)«r-iriiMaeluBunit trvlni; Ibu "WHITE."Call fur a Diiculur. Foil 8*L*Blf


tiamiou witli Iraln for flrecno.i, Vtke., Ac. Tills t n i o runs tRK HutprdavnlKlita

At " 4 6 I ' . SI. Dover Acoommoilntlon lot(juathani, i]orr[ntowu sud Dutcr.

for BiTUftiititrilli', BanttitiKridgo, Lyonn,M D I I H U * . Bllrhnff, Oillctte, Berkeley Holghlatiil all station* on P H M I O »tid Del»w»ro B.R. (N. J . Wont Line Rail rand) 9:10 A. U. ami

DOVER TIME TABLE.TrafnB arrive and depart fruni this itatiooi fulJuwa;BUT BUUND A. M. WIUT BOUND i . U.

rUHton Mail 0:35Oawego BipreBB* 9iBa

7:00 P. H." ~ Bo*Br Afloont. 1233

EIBVOD Ezpruei 3:00Water Qap Hpcc'MEW York S i p ." r A c o r -

p .u .

JLW York Itaif 9t44Dover Acoom. 6:45Oawetfe Expreai* liSSMen York Accnm. B:2T

'Via. Dg on lou Briuoli.


original and only legitimate Expanding Leader in the market.


349 BB0AD S i . Cor. CLAY, NEWARK, N. J.

BOLE AGENTS FOB THE STATE OP NEW JERSEY. Arabiteets specifyi t ; builders recommend it; all practical plumbers, tinsmiths and root-ers use it. This CONDUCTOR extensively used throughout the UnitedStales bos gained an UDprecedented and ioereasing popularity, made ofsheet metal and so formed that it will yield to the expensive force ofwater that becomes therein; it is thus prevented from bnnating in win-ter, thereby saving to property owners the expense of replasterijjg andrepapering damp walla occasioned by the bursting and leaking of theordinary round conductors,

Testimonials have been received from the following residents ofNewark, N. J., where it is in general use: .

DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. PAUL O. BOTTIOHBB, Anctattm,BON. V. K. HO.VELL, - . . DAVID CAMPBELL, and othera.JT-Bo sure »nd auk your tinner for AUSTIN'S PATENT Expanding Qiltanlzed Leader.

BKhamtnDEip.aiBOBaston Ksprees 6:3SWater Oil) Speo. 6:42Dover Etpreiu o

[Extract from Newark Morning Heglster.]WATER LKADKBI..—AU Interfiling cstieritn n t Is being tried during t he present cold

weather by tbe Himrtford Bi others, p lomben, Mo. 849 Broad Hreet, to test tbe inpsnor l t? otiVuntin'B Patent Expanding Galviniml Xoador o\er tho old-rasliloned tin and oilier leader*l o w i u n a e . Flew*of loaaer Eevon feel iu length, clc»ed at one flml, ware pluoca In --iprlgbt pOilUon, filled v l tb watur, noil vert »llo*ed to freeto solid. TLe'tio luadure, thiw lour itiolif i in diameter and eolilcted t t tbo teems aOJ lolntB, buret apirt bv tbo prosuu


A.M. t.U.10.67 C.8Ulo.ii (J.aa10.87 tt.1T10,-27 B. 11


ObestsrHortonIroaiaSucoiiguunaMoOBlnBvllUTort OrflmDover

KASTWiBD.A.M. i'.M7.t5 8.667.1'J _i.l67.47 1.80T.L. 4.407.G6 4.SVH.(8 5.108.1U B.95


Time table for puagonger trMun, to take ofleetpuaguncer tniiiB, to tiMaj imh, 1881.



. 6.80 4-211.20 SAG 4.8

Blmabotb" Bonud Unak . . . (

High BriiJRB

/ P o r t O m m . . . . . .- Oarer

Arrive ltooUw»j . . . . . . .

8 03 9.17 fi.05H.68^5.47

B.1611.00 6.SBD.6B 11.25 C68

, 10.0311 30 U5G,10.07 It.SB 7.0010,1511.61 7.07


"1*0.1913.03 7,19lO.atl'i.ll 7.1B10 91(13.20 7 3310.8912 25 7.26

10 8712.U 7.B210.40 13.43 7 351H.C0 1 03 7.4510.65 1.15 7.G011 oa e.oo

Leave Boclmwaj" O o ? o r , . .

P a r t Or»ta . . .

"u BaVtley."'"!!

Arrive Qtrinan Yallfy •Leave German Valloy.

" MiddtoV. l le j . ." Vernoy" Cauion

DOVH TBA1MB.17 8 10

A. K. P. II . F. II.: . . . . . 6.20 3.» .

. . . . . . . 6.29 3.29 B.450.1)5 8.115 4.000.40 3.44 49S

. . . . . . . 8.47 8.47 4.9B6.51 a.52 4.378,34 3 51 4.41fl,G9 3.59 4437.M 404 4.51)8.65 S.55 6.10

. . . . . . . 7.09 4.09 B.24* 7.10 iilO B.!..7.17 4.17 6.377.23 4 33 6.C0

., 7.39 4.S5 S.657 88 4.40 G.20

,—. . . 8.88 5.B3 6.0S9.18 017 K M

Trcsten.... 9.43 6.(2 fi.1579.83 7.10^

Cur. 3d and Berks fita, 8.25•• gib ami QrwoStB. 10.10 B.1Q

11 NnwYork B.82 8.SO 9.2iComejanccfl can be procured at OenuttD

Vollcv to anil Irani Hrliimlpr'n Mntinl*ln; ntFUniltm to and from Bmid'a Lake ; at KunvUto aiid Troin LabG Hop»tcong,

EABTON CnnitcnflKB.-Tralii* No. 17,6 nuuID, inatiu cloiB rtuncetiou at E(B1I Bridge forEaston nod PDIUII on Lchigli & Suiq. Div.Train leavitiR Ea»ton a t e A. M. nakeaelow-uuuectluB with train No. t hi all •tatloqa tol i iotmay. Train leaving Eautou at 4 P . M.ciDoactB with t r im Bo. 14, with k delaj of



e thorotgblj fnrnlihetl ind effldently

eqnippca witlv Ibrea or alUrnTH'fi .CELE-


Ekret's, Pllsnsr, MUwiuleo. Toledo, Otnc.n-n»tl. St. Lonll, Peter Dwlgert md LionBrawerj LiRen, Tho best WINE8, Liocosaind Clears at the bar.


DOTKa, K. J .

0FFIOE adlololng tbs Eoxor Xvmbct Cora-puDf'n mill. Oontraeta taken, a id plmi ,

rciflcalioDB andnuter ia ia of are 17•kind for'U«4 for bnildinm. Jobbins a. ipwlkl t j .

SLATE ROOFING.Blate rurolab^a frora t h . b«Bt qairr lai I T

th« un t i l quantity or aw load, ai.d laid, t ide*ured, by ciper lanoej workmen »t low ratca,



O O V K B , Hi. J.

roil Hmlnd a»i places In pulli™ TBBEKPISE HKW


Pool Tablesmm tba Kleliraud m.noraciotr uf ) . H,


at been •upplied willi uew melight tbe pati-ona ol tbe b o m t mur<

Mjn over, luruiahlng mnslc eqoal to a brambaud oT60 piece*.


LAGER BEER»lw*j« on draught aud ilia Lett of

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSproriiled for tho patron* nf


Freeman Wood,FIRE


rt bv tho orebreaV. Tin

•.b.h. v.1.. w..*>.i w ait luv Dvuwa laaau JUJIItD| UUIP» 1. _ . „ izpRDdiDBleider Blood l b s tout wit(1 ont a crack u. u.^B_. _—

be Been in fiont of tUndfora Bro*'. store. Arohlteota rboomuend Iba expanding leader intheir ipeolBoatlona. Bnildem and Iho public slionld otll and examine (hem. 8ANDF0BDBBOS. a r e t h i — ' '"

• 3 - A)! Oldif the Slate.

•TUB DVIb HBVl l .D .iriteni Tor the above Icador nill receve prompt attention anJ*slilpped t o f t n r p i re. Inftmnation promptly lurnlabed. Lllmrsl illgcoDnt to tbe trsdo.


11 ill J LIT IUL uiqiiuu. Jjit'cni iiiHuuuub ui \im iinuu.lOTOllD BBO8. , B B O i D AND OL1Y STS . , KEWABK, N. J .

( e ^ m I F . HOBB HANDroK

3.Dlc .~t l ] t bcut iii [lit n cjrJl:


GLOBE, Capital §20,000,000.


c»rit«l 810,000,000.


Cajiitol tlO.OOO.OOO.


Onpitnl 85,000,000.


Capitol 8300,000.


of Philadelphia, AsuetH $UD0,00fl.

The London Aanurunoe Oorpomtion ofLondon, oapitfll $G,SIK>,00u.

8pria([flold Firo Imumnce Co., Masai>U8, canital $1,500,000.

WeHlohester Fire l&suranc* Company olNew Koik, rnpiU! SltOO.OOO.

QEBUIH AuKmotN S!,ono,ooo

Fire Association of PMl'aS3.60O.lXKI


CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y••The Croat Connecting Link between tho East and the West 1

• — f r o m, t n r - - — - . - - - • - - •III J o l l e t , O i u v r a , I ,

llnf, MidIrinttcrianatoTdtdtt Council BlaBi,HaiiBU Clip Ltaitiiwortt) «j.d AlcJilloo, cut-

iw2cSl£t?At WARnlxOTOH I!I1SR1«. Wllb F.. C A

At LA S A I . I I . wi


e5. Sailing iwcruuVid: v^i^vix."wiil[T, Iow»C»>. MirenBo.Hi-.iotlyii.Orlnnnll.

tine, WMhlnKtcn?'P»Hfl»niil"^ilon, Bcn'niiii,

OrliwolJ aad AtiJuUnn; IM! ATOCJUO llatlanuaoanon. lu l l is puililTelj thu unty IUII-rotvd, wblcti own I, »QJ nprrairi * tdrnugh Unafrom Cbleuo Into tM»8l»l«oI Kiosu.

TliraaRhExprtnruBEnKgrTraiiiB.iTlttifiill-Dir P*l»o«namtUirhPd, «r«run«ph wtvyiHIIr

BOW, Thrnu|[hcRrt>reBli.oniiibrtwppnlI1lkaii-kea and KuituCltr. T U tba "Idlltrail k«e m lKoet Jilana saon Una."

Tb« "Orent Jloek Island" | | mienlfietntlr


What will plBU* roa moit will bstho pUworB

our muiitnc«Til Dlnlnff Cart thiL ftccotniMnr &IITMrough Eipreit Train*. You Rft an enuremeM.uittooauif^TfeainaDjiirBt-clusiictei,

AppreelallDK the fact ttitt • mijnrltr of thopeoplvpreierieiiaraiflapirimeiiii for ain^rent

At ROCK l»i-Anix with "Hllwlottt ikd Jlof*lsl»nd Sliort Line/ and Rock IBIM A P«o. Rdi,

At l)Ei MO1C*B, with



¥ V H RAt l)Ei MO1C*B, with D. M. A ¥, V. H R.AICODNCIL « L D m , with Union pjwioe R.R.At OKAKA, WIUI D. A MO. R. It-R. (In Net).}AtCoi.u>tBDajcnoTioii.wi(hB.(;.R.«N.R.R.

l t«b. A N u Union r»c. u a K*n.

B o u t . , " m r t , i o l d byUnited Bt»Umincl Canada.

For Information D O . oUUln»bl« a t your hotna OIIIQC, adXI. R. CABLE,

Ticket* Tin t t i i i Line, known u tho ' Orvat RockAll TlBbet A cent* l n the Vnlt .d Bt«le. and O o a d a .

For Information D O . oUUlnabla a t your homa offlee, add re i i .*" " "MILE, E. ST. JOHN,

n FntU»l u iaunl l l i i i f* , nnOTlTlrlit HirtrTTTT

No More Round Shoulders!

THE AMERICAN BRACE!1. Tbli brme in Itl pMBllir con it nation h u all

nS eIb r < M < l l n l . c l ' e i l«-*n^««' iablnBa.It dtxs net dlurnmg- th* iblrt boiom.It ennot iilp off t h . »l>ould.r.

i!™ i lLMln 0 0 ttt b n t U H " o f t h B I

Uie tdranttsei <if i I'lient eip»u3*r and ikl i t iporter wan bleed

a. I t ei^*nil* tlmcbett and B'Te* rreft reapln

3.1tkoepi thmbduldo^ pflrfortlJ ntrnieltt.*. Itrellevoiback. hip, ttid tbdinainal org»ni

t t» ihijuiifera* *" "* * ' S


LDC ' TiincU CRY life tn tba •""^""^TianUlMSi 'ma , h« r»i

, tend cheat meanrice, 76c, t l , »1.60, fj

WM. H, BAKER, Blackwell St., Sole Agent.

FARM FOR SALE.The anbtcriber oflera f a r u l n h i t farm altn-

le at Uillbrwik, »hont Uro rulUf from J^. ter ,andanowaaa the "Old Settine'Hctnflaiatd,"coDtainliiK about flftj-thne u r e a , n . a t l j allunder cuittvatloa And Is iplendld condition,vitta a Una jonng Apple Orchard, t GoodDwelling itoaae. Barn aod bnl-fcnuiea, Alio'aimitte I inplemrati , 1 U g h . Cirrlagc, 1

fliR WiffDD, I H r n r T e i n WagonTeam of

Tfad nbacr iber aan b« aeon at Ulllbrook oe


Frank Gies,MAS&N and BUILDER,

Bttna KBd Brick Tfork, PlMtarfhg »na





B T C . QO T O

aDoiT-or, Iff. tT.



•KIWI.. ^ ^ i M







tf\) *iiJllionaI cbftn[« Tor ectraotlug wben

ifibetuliiiilBflBorietlb fur "**


H,i».I,li 'Plonibi.raB(h.l876.


SUSSEX St. GROCER,xtiU oonliiiuas to t e u p & full and frunh qum;,

tity of

Groceries mid Pirortalons,

SEASONABLE FRUITS,fornijju aud <1oict>tl!c, tli a beut (frail t s ofOuu-jod QOOIIH, nii.l all tjiijiplieB cf th*

Car^ will always bo Ukun to iiecuic ffood,of Ibu btHt quulity mid iujtal jmiiit lo eell

••iHtunt with tbii puiotjjiiiiJn )irict>. fiuneB•itreut, nu;.r tbe corur.; of UlackvcuU, Doier.

OutnWr 1/th. 18IU.

r » o V J E H , x . I PARKER'8 SINtEI T0MI6

I t s Butt Medldm YoaeuiTIiii H H l i E U t

Freeman Wood,lot of the Peace aud Polioo HtgUtr»(i



always carry a complete ituok «t

Dry Goods




Mining Materials,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,



Celebrated Rand Drill,the bei t in the eoimtrj .

Drafts and passage Tickflts

Mi MjJULY 11th, 1891,

a tliB lu»ttcr uf flttiplieo 3. Palmar, Admlnlii-tr»toi of Oli»rK'» Pulrai-r, docoABcd, timio-putc' i order to limit creditor!.On utiplioitinn oFtbo »b»te niraod tdnJini»-

r*ior i t Is ordcrpil by Ibo Surrop»to (bi t tlieu<l idtnintBlrator Kive pnblia tolics tn th i

t tlicir d t b t i , damanila and claim* •frafiinttbcil a e . n n d t r oatb.mtbiD nine month* ftoia ilili

laU, vj let l ing up a copT ol thin order, withinwenty duTiUreiUer. l i j f lTeof t l iemoit pnb-oj.lacea in tho ooant:T of Morris fur Ikonthi, and aha witlna Ihe Haiti twenty &

•JO nl Lbs awrtvtpen of tfcis flute, for

•saitori 'uiirucR.eoi v, fjhlWi 'h[g or h ^rbt, doramd BOI. altim within IIJB said periodT nino montlip, public uotict boin£ eiTtjn I BrorenAiil, miiih creditor thill bt forcsord*-rni-d of hn nr linr«Ption thiroforaf;^i»Bttb(>lidadminlitraiDr.

0HAHLE8 A.GILLES, Borrofiite.t rue (OUT from tbaminute i . SJ-IOw

County Cohecior's Notice II will be at the offies of th« Rttmrttv VbV'

moim, tor. (I... IHM..IIM.,,,! fcS5'bSi

The Medlelni for Cnry r mNEVERINTOXIC«TCt.

U^.ltcaiCU«H. Sudiu. Kudnk*. Stid l [ h b U d i h«c[«h.bHV4SW>U«

'e GUKII Totlc lutowc, SUli.fM

f n«t Wluat Im 'Wanted'BrMTbdr ***• M. t. i«r « w a k« u







R E V I S E S HKW T Sllaa t r t t t ed , Ciieapeii and tx . l , Hdl* >( ilgbt.



Conlraut. Ulen sod mili-rbls TuraliUi d fuf


win or wui k, whotliur ul BRICK orBTUNt.

OfflOb mider THV. l u m £•* bnllillug, «wri«i t i e p t . r o v « , K . J . « • «



Tli^ ciogAQt ntn] rollibjo fltciiP3srKILL VON KTJLL

LfiVei P i M « , root of IQih 81., ?4. It. <U!lj il11.15 A, H,, 1.30, <.15 «utl O.IK) i". * . ,

«:iJ Piur 3, N, H. U.UO A. N , 1.43; *-M »«J


J p i o n a p»a ni->nf;ers c m litu th» JSIU St,t14tU Hi., *iid Hth Hi. oroBs tuwncus locoonMt

"Lhboat. S O l 8" 1

irKETi roll H«.K AT VOUOHT tt HlLI •Oll ' f .


told nud liandletl on com mission.



FarticDlar . t teatlon g[vea lo tho


T I U D E . Tartiea wjt ibine ' to liny or «*HHORBEHOlt MULE* will flml It to llifw*1*-

tRv to call i t my mbten .



If you have any ido» of tny-

ing a. SILK DEES8 t« wear

next Fall, you oan save money

by purchasing: now, as w« are

showing somo special bargains

in these goods,


Symmer Dress Goods.Oar stook of Bmnraer Cr«BI

Goods is getting pretty low.

but prices are still lower. Wt

have marked Sown everything

that is needed for present

wear. IB AAC N. DOTY 4 Co.

If von want a ParMol or BunVmbrella, a Hammock or Tel-encope Valiao, a Suit Shawl orthin Underelothiig, buy ofm,we con save you money uirioes are all reduced.


15'J & l(il Market St.,

• • „ )ri,t , , ' I