The Dos and Don’ts of Soil Vapour Monitoring

The Dos and Don’ts of Soil Vapour Monitoring


Why on earth should you monitor your soil for vapors? I mean, its soil, what would vapors be doing coming out of soil? And what could be the problem with soil vapors, anyway - soil's harmless, isn't it?

Transcript of The Dos and Don’ts of Soil Vapour Monitoring

Page 1: The Dos and Don’ts of Soil Vapour Monitoring

The Dos and Don’ts of Soil Vapour


Page 2: The Dos and Don’ts of Soil Vapour Monitoring

Why on earth should you monitor your soil for vapors? I mean, its soil, what would vapors be doing coming out of soil? And what could be the problem with soil vapors, anyway - soil's harmless, isn't it?

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Page 3: The Dos and Don’ts of Soil Vapour Monitoring

Well, you'd soon find out that you're one hundred percent wrong. Soil can be the source of a multitude of nasty gases, including radon, carbon monoxide, methane, and even sulfur dioxide.

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These obnoxious fumes can have negative effects upon health and wellness in the surrounding areas. Radon can even have carcinogenic (that is, cancer-causing) effects on your friends and family.

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So, in order to prevent these fumes and gases from causing problems for your family and friends (and from causing lawsuits), you would do very well to invest in soil vapour monitoring.

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A soil vapour monitoring service visits your property weekly, monthly, or yearly and, with highly sophisticated instruments, measures the output of gas from your soil at several different.

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If they find dangerous levels of vapour being emitted from your soil, there are a number of different actions that can be taken. Your first option is to move immediately, and try to sell the house before prospective buyers figure out that your soil emits toxic vapours.

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Your second option is to get all your soil removed and disposed of as toxic hazardous waste. The third option, and the one which may be the most scrupulous as well as the most cost effective, is simply to wear a gas mask at all times.

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