The Django Web Framework (EuroPython 2006)

The Django Web Framework Simon Willison EuroPython, 3rd July 2006


I just found this old presentation, and thought it was interesting as something I put together only a year after Django's first release.

Transcript of The Django Web Framework (EuroPython 2006)

Page 1: The Django Web Framework (EuroPython 2006)

The Django Web Framework

Simon Willison

EuroPython, 3rd July 2006

Page 2: The Django Web Framework (EuroPython 2006)

Web development on Journalism deadlines

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... in three days

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CharacteristicsClean URLs

Loosely coupled components

Designer-friendly templates

Less code

Really fast development

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URL dispatching

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What code shall we execute?

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(r'^$', 'views.index'), (r'^hello/$', ‘views.hello'), (r'^poll/(\d+)/$', ‘views.poll'),

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def index(request): s = "Hello, World" return HttpResponse(s)

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def index(request): name = request.GET['name'] s = "Hi, " + escape(name) return HttpResponse(s)

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...(r'^poll/(\d+)/$', 'views.poll'),...

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...(r'^poll/(\d+)/$', 'views.poll'),...

def poll(request, poll_id): poll = Poll.objects.get( pk=poll_id ) return HttpResponse( 'Question: ' + poll.question )

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class Poll(Model): question = CharField(maxlength=200) pub_date = DateTimeField()

class Choice(Model): poll = ForeignKey(Poll) choice = CharField(maxlength=200) votes = IntegerField()

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BEGIN;CREATE TABLE "polls_poll" ( "id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "question" varchar(200) NOT NULL, "pub_date" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL);CREATE TABLE "polls_choice" ( "id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "poll_id" integer NOT NULL REFERENCES "polls_polls" ("id"), "choice" varchar(200) NOT NULL, "votes" integer NOT NULL);COMMIT;

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p = Poll( question = "What's up?", pub_date =

p.choice_set.create( choice = "Some choice", votes = 0)

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>>> p.id1

>>> p.question"What's up?"

>>> p.choice_set.all()[<Choice: Some choice>]

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>>> Poll.objects.count()7

>>> Poll.objects.filter( pub_date__year = 2006, pub_date__month = 5)["What's up?"]

>>> Poll.objects.all()[0:2]["What's up", "Like Django?"]

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Gluing strings together gets old fast

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c = Context({ 'today':, 'edibles': ['pear', 'apple', 'orange']})

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<h1>Hello World!</h1>

<p>Today is {{ today|date:"jS F, Y" }}</p>

{% if edibles %}<ul> {% for fruit in edibles %} <li>{{ fruit }}</li> {% endfor %}</ul>{% endif %}

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<h1>Hello World!</h1>

<p>Today is 2nd July, 2006</p>

<ul> <li>pear</li> <li>apple</li> <li>orange</li></ul>

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def hello(request): return render_to_response('hello.html',{ 'today':, 'edibles': ['pear', 'apple', 'orange'] })

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Common headers and footers?

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Template inheritance

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base.html<html><head><title> {% block title %}{% endblock %}</title></head><body>{% block main %}{% endblock %}<div id=”footer”>{% block footer %}(c) 2006{% endblock %}</div></body></html>

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{% extends “base.html” %}{% block title %}Homepage{% endblock %}

{% block main %}Main page contents goes here.{% endblock %}

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combined<html><head><title> Homepage</title></head><body>Main page contents goes here.<div id=”footer”>(c) 2006</div></body></html>

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Loosely coupled

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UkrainianSimplified ChineseTraditional Chinese

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msgid "Usernames cannot contain the '@' character."msgstr "Ім'я не може містити '@' символ"

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Forms are boring

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1. Display form

2. Validate submitted data

3. If errors, redisplay with:

3.1. Contextual error messages

3.2. Correct fields pre-filled

4. ... do something useful!

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Model validation rules + the Manipulator API

do all of this for you

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The admin package does even more

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No time to talk about...

Generic views

Data object serialisation

Syndication framework


Authentication and authorisation

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Success stories

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170+ public Django-powered sites

90+ contributors

1900+ mailing list subscribers (and 900+ on the development list)

And the Journal-World have convinced three new people to go and work in Kansas

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Find out more

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