The Divine Christian Golden Word of Love, Peace, And Unity.

. . he teaching of Mbaga the son of The most beloved Almighty God for attainment of faith in our most beloved Lord Jesus Christ, understand His golden words of insight, and get Eternal Life. T My beloved brothers and sisters, My most beloved Lord Jesus is the eternal golden Heavenly Hurricane Lantern of Love, Peace, and Unity. When His helper the most beloved Holy Spirit cooks and lights us. We burn with the fire of Love, Peace, and Unity. We became eternal golden Hurricane Lanterns of Love, Peace, and Unity. In Love, there are eternal golden graces. In Love their is have eternal golden liberty, and eternal golden justice. In Love is the golden spirit of eternal golden Heavenly Harambee that pulls us together to build the Kingdom of our most beloved God. In Love is the eternal golden spirit of eternal Heavenly golden Nyayo philosophy that helps us to walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


This is my teachings that inspire the love peace and unity of our Most Beloved Almighty God in the world.

Transcript of The Divine Christian Golden Word of Love, Peace, And Unity.

The teaching of Mbaga the son of The most beloved God for attainment of faith



The teaching of Mbaga the son of The most beloved Almighty God for attainment of faith in our most beloved Lord Jesus Christ, understand His golden words of insight, and get Eternal Life. My beloved brothers and sisters,My most beloved Lord Jesus is the eternal golden Heavenly Hurricane Lantern of Love, Peace, and Unity.When His helper the most beloved Holy Spirit cooks and lights us.We burn with the fire of Love, Peace, and Unity. We became eternal golden Hurricane Lanterns of Love, Peace, and Unity. In Love, there are eternal golden graces.In Love their is have eternal golden liberty, and eternal golden justice. In Love is the golden spirit of eternal golden Heavenly Harambee that pulls us together to build the Kingdom of our most beloved God.In Love is the eternal golden spirit of eternal Heavenly golden Nyayo philosophy that helps us to walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.Our most beloved Lord Jesus Christ gives eternal golden happiness, golden eternal knowledge, and eternal golden discretion to the humble poor.Let Christians listen to Him and add to their learning. May He guide them in all their ways so that they understand His golden teachings, his golden parables, golden sayings and golden riddles? Yes!The Loving of our most beloved Jesus is beginning of advanced eternal spiritual education, eternal golden Life, eternal golden success and eternal golden happiness. However, unbelievers despise Him and His golden discipline.


Listen my beloved brothers and sisters to our most beloved Heavenly Almighty Fathers golden instructions, and do not forsake our beloved mother Marys golden instructions at Cana-Do whatever He tells you to do.

They will be a golden garland to grace your neck.My Beloved Brothers and sisters, if evil men entice you, do not give in to them.If evil politicians say, God is nothing. Jesus is not the son of God. Do not follow Him. Come along let us frustrate the poor and lie in wait for their blood ,lets waylay their harmless souls, lets swallow them alive and destroy them, like cemetery without lights and whole, like those who go to the dark grave, we will get all sorts of valuable things, and fill our bank accounts with stolen money. Throw in your lot with us O Americans and we will share common purse.My brothers and sisters do not go along with evil politicians of Kenya. Do not set foot on their path, for their feet rush to oppress, and kill the innocent poor. They are swift to shed innocent blood and then scapegoat the Devil with impunity.It is evil to spread a net in full view of the righteous!Evil politicians and their supporters ambush their own blood,and fleshThey ambush themselves.Such is the end of all who go after ill-gotten gain.It takes away the lives of those evil Kenyan politicians, and those who are on their side.


My most beloved Lord Jesus calls aloud in Mombasa avenues. He raises His golden voice in the Mombasa stadium, at Makadara grounds, at the head of the noisy Mombasa streets. He cries out, at Kilindini port gate, at Kipevu container terminal gate, and at The Holy Ghost Cathedral He makes His speech.Repent, for the son of man is knocking at the door of your heart. How long will you unbelivers love being unbelivers? Evil politicians delight in mocking me.If you had responded to my golden rebuke, I would have poured out my heart of Love, Peace and Unity to you and made my thoughts known to you.

However, since you rejected me when I called and no one gave heed when I called when I stretched out my hand,You ignored my golden teaching of Love, Peace, and Unity.You would not accept my golden rebuke. I will in turn laugh at your disaster.I will mock when calamity overtakes you. When storms sweep over you like the Budalangi floods.When disaster sweeps over you like a Lion of Kenya.When you are distressed.You will call to me but l will not answer. You will look for me but will not find me. Since you hate my golden word. You do not walk in my footsteps of Love, Peace and Unity.Since you would not accept my golden rebuke. You will eat the fruit of your evil schemes of corruption.For your waywardness will kill you. Whoever listens to our most beloved Lord Jesus has Eternal Life, eternal golden success, and eternal golden happiness.

2. THE ROYAL CHRISTIAN VALUES. .My beloved brothers and sisters, accept the golden teachings of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ. Remember them. Turn your ear to Him. Apply your heart to Him. Call for help from our most beloved Heavenly Father in His golden name. If you cry aloud for help from our most beloved Almighty God in His golden name then you will understand the eternal golden Love, Peace and Unity our most beloved Almighty God .You find His eternal golden knowledge. For our most beloved Heavenly Father gives eternal golden practical wisdom. From His mouth comes eternal golden Knowledge, and eternal golden understanding.

He holds string of very shocking crushing golden victories in store for those who believe in His golden word. He is a golden shield to those who walk in His golden footsteps of Love, Peace and Unity. He puts them blameless with himself. He guards the golden course of those put just with Him and He is the eternal golden way of those put faithful and with Him.

He causes one who welcomes Him in his heart, and mind to understand that He alone is his justice and defender. He alone is the centre of eternal excellence. He causes very sweet divine practical wisdom to enter the hearts, minds, bodies, and souls and strengths of all who have faith in Him. He is their eternal golden discretion that protects them, and eternal golden understanding that guards them. He will enter your hearts, minds, bodies, and strengths. His divine golden knowledge will be very sweet to your hearts, minds, bodies, souls, and strengths.He will save you from wicked politicians in Kenya, and those who are on their side. Their politics is perverse. They do not want The Way, The Truth, and The Life who is our most beloved Lord Jesus Christ. Their way is very dark; they delight in doing wrong to me and to poor Kenyans. They rejoice in political perverseness. Their political paths are corrupt and devious.They do evil things that Satan is afraid to do to the sons and daughters of the most beloved Almighty God. They even politicate with church schools, and hospitals. They try hard to use them to bribe non-Christians for their own political gain.Satan looks in disbelief to see the politicians of Kenya painting the Church very black. They openly address their anger at out most beloved Almighty God.Let all Kenyans say Our Most Beloved Almighty God will save us from the wicked politicians of Kenya with their seductive words.Their have left our Most Beloved Almighty God. They ignore our most beloved Lord Jesus Christ and His golden teaching. They ignore His Greatest Commandment.They do not include it in the new constitution of Kenya.The Palace of evil politicians leads down to the grave. Their paths lead them to painful death and eternal fire.None who walks in the footsteps of evil politicians of Kenya has eternal golden Life, eternal happiness and eternal success. None who goes to them returns or attains the paths of Eternal golden Life.Thus, you will walk in the ways of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ of Love, Peace and Unity.Keep to His golden paths of eternal golden Life, eternal golden success, and eternal golden happiness.For those put upright with my most beloved Lord Jesus have eternal golden Life. Those put blameless with Him have eternal golden happiness and eternal golden success. Our most beloved God from eternal life, eternal happiness, and eternal success cuts of those unrepentant people who walk in the footsteps of evil politicians of Kenya.They are confused and torn from it forever.


My beloved brothers and sisters never forget the priceless teachings of our most beloved Lord Jesus; keep them in your hearts and minds.They give you Eternal Life and prosperity. Let your love for Him not leave you.Let your faithfulness and truthfulness to Him not leave you. Bind them around your necks. Do not forget them. Then you will win favour and an excellent name in sight of our most beloved Almighty God and men. Trust in Him with all your hearts, minds, bodies, souls, and strengths. Lean not on your own understanding.In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths golden and straight.Do not be wise in your own eyes. Have faith in Him, and shun evil .This will bring excellent health to you and nourish you.Honour Him with the first fruits of all your crops, and the first profit of your business.Then he will fill your barns and accounts to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.

My beloved brothers and sisters do not despise our most beloved Lord Jesus Christs discipline.In addition, do not resent his rebuke. He disciplines those He loves, as an elder brother the brother or sister he delights in.Blessed is the man who welcomes Him into His heart, mind, body, soul and strength. One who loves Him, and all His Apostles. He is more profitable than all celestial Gold. He is more than all celestial Rubies, nothing you desire can compare with Him.He is The Eternal Life giving bread.He gives eternal golden riches and eternal golden honour.He is the sweetest narrow way to our most beloved Father in Heaven.He is our Love, Peace and Unity.He is the golden Tree of our eternal golden successful happy Life. Those who walk in His footsteps will get the eternal golden blessing from our most beloved Almighty God.He laid the foundation of the universe thought our most beloved Lord Jesus.He set the clouds in place by Himself.He laid the golden eternal knowledges foundation. He divided the deeps and the clouds let drop the rain. My beloved brothers and sisters, inquire of our most beloved Almighty God in the golden name of our most beloved Lord Jesus and do His golden will.Do not let my most beloved Heavenly Fathers first-born son the most beloved Lord Jesus be out of your sight. He will be your eternal Golden Life. He is an eternal golden ornament to grace your neck forever. He is your eternal golden success and eternal golden happiness.Then you will go on your way in the sweet safety of our most beloved Almighty God and your foot will not stumble. When you lie down, your sleep in the most beloved Holy Spirit will be very sweet.Have no fear of sudden disaster in Kenya and overseas or ruin that overtakes the wicked politicians of Kenya and those on their side. My most beloved Lord Jesus Christ will be your confidence. He will keep your feet from evil. Do not withhold aid from the needy that deserve it, when it is in your power to act for the sake of our most beloved Lord Jesus.Do not say to the poor, Come back later. III gives it tomorrowwhen you have it. Do not plot harm against any person. Do not demolish a poor mans shelter before you have build for him a better house. Helped him to transport his property to his new house, and offer him a better job. Our beloved Almighty God has caused many poor people to live trustfully in our most beloved Holy Spirit near the rich so that the rich can know them. Assist them by giving those jobs and paying them well. Do not accuse a man for no reason. Harmless as he is. Love all your visible and invisible enemies pray for their conversion and salvation.Do not envy a violent person or choose any of his ways. Pray for their conversion and salvation. Our most beloved Almighty God hates a perverse politician but takes the upright into His confidence.My most beloved Heavenly Fathers curse is on the houses of all the evil politicians of Kenya and those who are on their side.However, He blesses the homes of those poor and powerless people who walk in the footsteps of our most beloved Lord Jesus of the Greatest Commandment of Love, Peace and Unity. He gives golden graces to all the poor and humble who walk in the footsteps of our most beloved Lord Jesus.Those who walk in the golden footsteps of our most beloved Lord Jesus inherit golden practical wisdom, golden riches, and golden honour.However, those who reject Him are fools and so He holds them up to eternal shame.


My beloved brothers and sisters,Listen to our most beloved Heavenly Fathers golden instructions.Pay attention to our most beloved Lord Jesus and to our most beloved Lord Jesus and gain eternal golden understanding.Through Him, our most beloved Almighty God gives sound learning. Do not forget His golden teaching of Love, Peace, and Unity.When I was a boy in our house in Kenya at Kisumu town.Still tender, and the only child of my beloved Lady Hendrika Anyango she taught me and said, Lay hold my words with all your heart, mind, body, soul, and strength.Keep my teachings and you will live. Get all eternal practical wisdom, and eternal golden understanding.Do not forget my golden words or swerve from them.Do not forget practical wisdom of our most beloved Heavenly Father, and He will protect you. Love Him, and He will watch over you. Our most beloved Lord Jesus is the only first supreme Pontiff of His Church in Heaven and in this world. Listen to Him and do His will.However, it cost all you have, listened to Him. He is golden practical understanding.Respect, and obey our only most beloved Lord Jesus. Our most beloved Almighty God will give you plenty you.Embrace the very sweet golden teachings of our most beloved Lord Jesus of Love, Peace, and Unity.He will give you eternal golden riches, and eternal golden honour.He will set an eternal golden garland of eternal graces on your head, and present you with eternal crown of splendour.Listen my beloved brothers and sisters what I tell you in the golden name of our most beloved Lord Jesus, and He will be your very comfortable Eternal Golden Life.Our most beloved Lord Jesus Christ will guide you in the golden way of eternal golden wisdom and lead you along straight golden paths. Walk in the golden footsteps of our most beloved Lord Jesus. He will make you win.You will not follow pagan traditions; you will forget pagan burial rites of your ancestors, and tribal non-Christian customary laws given to you by your non-Christian ancestors.Hold on to the golden instructions of our most beloved Lord Jesus. Do not let them go.Guard them well. They are your eternal Life.Do not set foot on the very dark path of the wicked in Kenya or walk in the way of political violence or the way of the evil politicians in Kenya and overseas. Avoid it; do not travel on it.Turn from darkness and walk in the golden footsteps of our most beloved Lord Jesus of Love, Peace and Unity. Some wicked politicians and their thugs cannot sleep until they do evil. They are robbed of sleep until they do evil.They cannot sleep until they make someone righteous fall in darkness. They eat Ugali and Nyama Choma of wickedness.They drink beer of evil. They drink the Kenyan beer of violence and immorality.Our most beloved Lord Jesus in those who believe in Him and have faith in Him is like the golden Hurricane Lantern He is a shining golden light. However, the way of those who follow the pagan laws of non-Christians is like very deep darkness of ancient Africa.They suffer greatly and do not know what makes them suffer, stumble, and fall into hardships. My beloved brothers and sisters pay attention to what I have to say in the golden name of my most beloved Lord Jesus.Listen closely to my words. Do not let the golden teaching of my most beloved Lord Jesus on Love, Peace, and Unity go out of your hearts, minds, bodies, souls and strengths. Do not let them out of your sight.Keep them within your hearts, minds, bodies, souls, and strengths. They are Eternal Life to those who find them. They are their eternal golden success, and eternal health. Our most beloved Lord Jesus is our cool sweet water of eternal golden Life, and our eternal golden chances.Walk in the footsteps of our most beloved Lord Jesus and so put away from you political and ethnic perversity from your mouths. Keep corrupt ethnic talk far from your mouths for the sake of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ.Let your eyes look straight ahead at Him in HeavenFix your gaze directly up at Heaven.Make Him your only golden way and take only Him.Do not swerve to the left or to the right.Keep your feet from the evil politicians of Kenya and those on their side. Do not ask Him to give you a leader, but ask Him to lead you.Choose our most beloved Almighty God as your only leader, and ask anything from Him in the golden name of our most beloved Lord Jesus. If you do this in faith, you will get what you want and need.


My beloved brothers and sisters, pay attention to my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ, listen to His golden words of golden insightThat you may maintain golden discretionIn addition, your lips may preserve golden knowledge.For the words of evil politicians, are like honey and their language smoother than the cooking fat of Kenya but in the end they areas bitter as the very harsh wilderness of Kenya. They are like double edge swords of Kenya. Their feet go down to unpleasant sudden death. Their footsteps lead straight to the graves of Kenya.They give no thought to our most beloved Lord Jesus Law of Love, Peace, and Unity.Their paths are immoral but they do not know.Now then, my beloved brothers and sisters in, listen to my most beloved Lord Jesus in me.Do not turn aside from the good that my most beloved Holy Spirit in me tells you through my lips.Keep to our only golden Way who is our most beloved Jesus. Do not go near the doors of evil politicians of deception, violence and oppression. Never vote for them. Lest you give you years to one who is very cruel. Lest they feast on your wealth. Lest you toil and business enrich another evil, and lazy politician's house.You will say How I hate Christs discipline! How I spurned His correction! Would not obey Him or listen to my His teachings in the Church. I have come to the brink of utter ruin In the midst of the whole assembly of KenyansStick to our most beloved Lord Jesus never trusts any politician.May your wife and children walk in His footsteps?Yes. Remain pure and blessed, and may you rejoice in my most beloved Lord Jesus.His most beloved mother Mary is a golden mystical rose, a graceful mystical rose. A loving golden flower, a graceful perfumed golden flower- She overflows with golden graces. May her golden graces satisfy you always?May her Love, Peace and Unity of His Immaculate Heart ever captivate you? Yes she is used my most beloved Almighty to give us Eternal Life, Eternal Happiness, and Eternal Success.Why should we allow ourselves to be attracted by the names and wealth of spiritually dead politicians? A political dictator is filthier than Satan, and all demons.Why embrace fire? Why embrace death?Your ways are in full view of my most beloved AImighty Father in Heaven. He examines all your paths. Love Him will all your hearts, minds, bodies and strengths and love your neighbour as your selves. The evil deeds of wicked politicians of Kenya has ensnared them, the cords of their sins hold them fast.They will all die forever for lack of Christian discipline, led astray for their own great folly and evil political practice. Do not ask our most beloved God to give you a leader but ask Him to lead you. Thank Him always for developing you spiritually and physically.


My beloved brothers and sisters, if you put up security for an evil politician.If you have sworn an oath of loyalty to an evil politician. You are trapped by the words of you own mouth.Ensnared by the words of you own mouth.Then do this, go to the Church and in the golden name of our most beloved Lord Jesus free yourself by repentance, fasting and prayer. You have fallen into the hand of an evil politician.In the name of our most beloved Lord Jesus, press your plea with our most beloved Almighty God.Allow no slumber to your eyes, In the golden name of our most beloved Lord Jesus, free yourself, like a Lion of Kenya from the trap of Kenya Wild Life Services,Like a bird from the snare of the angry Rice farmers of Budalangi.Go to a very hard working farmer of Budalangi, you lazy one.Consider his practical wisdom and be wise.They have no manager, No overseer or supervisor yet they work smarter, and gather their food at harvest.How long will you lie there, you lazy farmers with very big idle land in Kenya? When will you get up from your laziness? A little laziness, a little idleness with women, beer of Kenya and Nyama Choma of Kenya and a little drunkard and poverty will come on you like violent robbers of Nairobi. Scarcity like hungry hyenas of Kenya.Wicked politicians are those who go about with politics of hate, ethnic clashes, and unjust federation. They wink with there own eyes, signal with there own evil feet, and motion with there own evil accusing fingers. They plot evil with deceit in his heart and mind They always stir up strife in the land of Kenya. Therefore, eternal disaster will overtake them in an instant. Our most beloved God without remedy will suddenly destroy them.There are six things which our most beloved God hates , seven that are detestable to him, eye that are against Love ,Peace and Unity. They speak against His Love, Peace, and Unity. They so tell lies.Hands that fight Love, Peace and Unity and so shed innocent blood. They device schemes that are against Love, Peace and Unity. Feet that are quick to kick Love, Peace, and Unity and so rush into evil.False witnesses who pour out lies against Love, Peace and Unity. Politicians who stir up racism, and tribal clashes.


My beloved brothers and sisters follow our most beloved Heavenly Fathers instructions and forsake not our most beloved Jesus Christ is golden teaching,Remember our most beloved Heavenly Mothers instructions Do whatever He tells you to do [John 2.5]Bind them upon your heart, mind, body, soul and strength forever, Fasten them around your neck. When you walk in the footsteps of our most beloved Lord Jesus, our most beloved Lord Jesus will watch over you.For His Golden commands are a golden Hurricane Lantern,His golden teaching is Eternal Golden Light and His golden correction of discipline is the golden way of eternal golden very successful life.Keeping you from evil politicians.From the smooth tongues of the evil politicians who cause hatred, tribal clashes, and disunity. They deny us golden chances, which they give to their evil friends. They want us to remain poor forever.Do not lust in your heart, mind, body, soul and strength after the glory of politicians.Alternatively, let them captivate you with their money.For the politician reduces you to Roasted meat of Kenya and Beer of KenyaIn addition, the Kenyan politician preys upon your life. A man cannot hang himself and not die. One cannot drink poison and not die. So is he who walks in the footsteps of a politician and not in the footsteps of the most beloved Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel.

No one who walks in the footsteps of evil politicians and so is loyal to them will go unpunished.Evil men hate a priest even if he brings them The Good News. They love politicians than they love our most beloved God. Our most beloved God hates politicians who steal public funds to satisfy their greed. They will not escape His wrath.A politician who steals public funds lacks judgement Whoever steals public funds destroys himself.Blows, stones, and disgrace are his lot.In addition, our most beloved God will not wipe away his shame. For anger makes the people mad. They will not show mercy when they take revenge.They will not accept any compensation They will refuse to accept millions of shillings, however great they are.

7.WARNING AGAINST EVIL POLITICIANS..My beloved brothers and sisters keep the golden teachings of our most beloved Lord Jesus Christ In addition, store His golden commands within you.Keep His commands within you.He will give successful eternal golden Life.Guard His golden teaching as the apple of your eye.Bind them on your fingers write the on the table of your hearts.Say to our most beloved Lord Jesus You are my most beloved elder brother and only supreme pontiff, and call Him your best relative.He will keep you from the wayward politicians with their seductive words.At the window of my most beloved Heavenly Fathers Royal palace.I looked out through the golden lattice.I have seen among the simple young Kenyan.Enticed among the young men of Kenya.Youths of Kenya who lack the most beloved Lord Jesus in them.They were going down the street near the house of an evil politician of violence. Walking along in the direction of the evil politician of hate, ethnic clashes and disunity. As the day was fading.As night came.Then out came the evil politician to meet them.Dressed like a president. He had crafty intent.They are loud, defiant in the name of Democracy, and shout ethnic slogans. Their feet never stay at their homes now in the Kenyan streets, now in the city squares of Kenya, at every dark corner they lurk with drugs.The evil politician took hold of them and kissed them and with a brazen face he said,Iam saved. The Lord Jesus is our Lord .I have an offering at home, today I have fulfilled my vows at the local church.Therefore, I came out to meet you.I looked for you and have found you my sons!I have prepared my arms to fight for your rights. I have been waiting for you command to attack those who are not members of our tribe.I looked for you and have found you!I have the weapons.Come let us drink the blood of our victims and eat their flesh until morning.Let us take oaths, drink beer, eat roasted meat, and enjoy ourselves with women!Our wives will not know what has happened.With persuasive Swahili words, he led them astray.He seduced them with very smooth Swahili talk.All at once, the evil young men followed evil politicians of violence.Like a gazelle of Kenya stepping into poachers noose.Till a bullet strikes them like the birds of Budalangi darting into a snareLittle knowing it will cost them lives. Now then, my beloved brothers and sisters, listen to what I tell you in the name of my most beloved Lord Jesus pay attention to His golden spirit in me. Do not let your hearts, minds, bodies, souls, and strengths turn to the ways of those evil politicians who inspire hate, war, and disunity.Many are the victims they have brought down; their slain are a very big crowd. Evil politicians of violence are a highway to the grave and crematory. They lead down to the harsh and cruel chambers of death.

Does not my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ call out?Does my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ not raise his powerful voice in His Church?On the top of Mount Kenya.Where the streets of Kenya meet. He takes His stand .Besides the highways of Kenya leading into Nairobi City, at the port of Mombasa. He cries aloud,To you, politicians of Kenya, I call out,You who are wicked and oppress poor Kenyans, gain prudence.You who are foolish in Kenya gain my golden understanding.Listen, for I have worthy things to say. I open my golden lips to speak only what benefits you and so is right.Iam the golden truth, way, and Eternal Life. My golden lips detest wickedness.All golden words of my lips are just. None of them is crooked or perverse.To those who believe in me all of them are right. They are faultless to those who have the golden faith in me.Choose my golden instructions instead of Kenya Shillings, and U.S. Dollars.Choose me rather than politics of tribalism and violence.Choose my golden instructions on my golden commandment of Love, Peace, and Unity rather than Presidential decrees. My golden instructions are more precious than the Constitution of your country.Nothing you desire can compare to my eternal golden practical wisdom.I Christ, dwell in those who obey me,I am their golden knowledge and golden discretion.To Love and fear me is to hate ethnic wickedness. Shun ethnic pride and ethnic arrogance.Shun evil behaviour and perverse speech that fan ethnic violence.Eternal golden counsel and sound golden judgement are mine.I have golden understanding, and golden eternal golden power.By my most beloved Lord Jesus, divine Kings rule justly. He loves those who love Him and those who seek Him find Him.He even loves His enemies.With my most beloved Lord Jesus are golden riches, and golden honour.Eternal golden wealth and eternal golden prompt prosperity.His golden fruits are better than the celestial fine Gold!What He yields surpasses choice celestial gold?He is the golden way of golden righteousness. He is eternal golden justice. He bestows wealth on those who love Him, and making their spiritual and physical treasuries to overflow.My most beloved Heavenly Father brought me forth as the first of His golden work with my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ before His golden deed of old.My most beloved Almighty Father chose me from the beginning.When there were no oceans. I was given birth in my most beloved Heavenly Father.When there were no springs abounding with water, before my most beloved Almighty Father settled the mountains in place.Before He made the earth or its fields Alternatively, any of the dust of the world. I was there in him as a little child not knowing what He was doing when he set the heavens in place. When He marked out the horizon on the face of the deep.When He gave the sea its boundary.Therefore, the waters would not overstep His golden command and when He marked out the foundations of the earth.Then I was in Him. He is my eternal golden spirit.He filled me with the golden delight in Him day after day.Rejoicing always in Him. In His universe with Him and in humankind.Now my beloved Angels listen to Him in my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ.Blessed are those who keep His golden ways.You beloved Angels who did evil and go on doing evil come back to our most beloved, confess and repent all your sins to Him, repent, and be born again. Listen to my most beloved Lord Jesus Christs golden instructions and be very wise.Do not ignore it.Blessed is the sinful Angel who listens to Him and has faith of works in HIM.My beloved Angels walk in the golden footsteps of our most beloved Lord Jesus. He is our eternal golden light.Watch daily at His golden doors.Wait at His golden doorway.O you beloved Angels that do what is evil repent your sins and offer your riches and honour to Him.For whoever finds my most beloved Lord Jesus finds eternal life, and receives golden favour from my most beloved Lord Jesus. However, any Angel who fails to walk in the footsteps of most beloved Lord Jesus harms himself.All Angels who hate Him love death and eternal fire.

9. THE ROYAL INVITATION OF MY MOST BELOVED SOVEREIGN ALMIGHTY ALMIGHTY LORD JESUS CHRIST.AND FOLLY.. My most beloved Lord Jesus Christ has built His golden Palace.He has made His golden pillars.He has prepared His meat and mixed His golden wine.He has also set His golden table.He has sent His Heavenly house cleaners and He calls from the highest point of His celestial golden city.Let all who are sinful come in here!He says to those who lack faith in Him, who do not believe in Him, and so do not have golden judgement. Come eat the Heavenly golden bread, and drink the Heavenly golden wine I have mixed you sinful Angels and sinful humans.Leave your evil ways, leave Satanism, and you will have eternal golden successful happy life.Walk in the golden footsteps of Love, Peace and Unity of my most beloved Almighty Father.Whoever corrects an evil politician incurs abuse.When you rebuke a wicked politician, he will hate you.Rebuke a politician who walks in the footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ, and he will love you.Instruct a politician who walks in the footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus, and he will be wiser still.Teach a politician who walks in the golden footsteps of our most beloved Lord Jesus, and he will add to his learning.Do not hate the sinful Angels, but love them.Do not curse the evil Angels but bless them and fast and pray that they be granted the grace of conversion, and salvation.Do not scape goat the evil spirits pray for their conversion ,and salvation . The love and respect of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ is the beginning of the eternal golden practical wisdom. He is my eternal golden practical wisdom, eternal golden understanding, and golden eternal knowledgeHe is my eternal golden successful Life.If you walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus He will reward you.If you do not walk in His golden footsteps, you alone will suffer eternal shame and eternal weakness.Those who do not walk in the footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ are very loud, they are not disciplined, and do not have eternal golden knowledge .They sit at the gates of their houses On the purple velvet seat at the highest points of their cities Calling out in sweat political words to those who pass by.Who walk in the golden footsteps of our most beloved Lord Jesus?Let all who prefer Democracy to Theocracy come in here! Behold food eaten in a democracy is sweeter than food eaten in a Theocratic environment. However, little do they know that the dead are there?That the guests of evil politicians are in the depths of secrete graves.


A son who walks in the footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus brings to his believing parents eternal golden joy. A son who does not walk in the footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus brings grief to all his believing parents, and believing friends.Stolen state funds are of no value, but the righteousness of those who walk in the golden n footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ delivers them from hell and eternal death.My most beloved Heavenly Father does not let anyone who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus to go hungry.He thwarts the craving of the evil politicians, and those who elect them. Those who do not walk in the footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus are very weak. Their hands are not assisted by His golden grace. They are lazy, and poor.Our most beloved Almighty God makes those who walk in the golden footsteps of our most beloved Lord Jesus very wealthy.He who does the work of my most beloved Lord Jesus while still on this earth is very wise. One who does not do the golden work of my most beloved Lord Jesus is disgrace to his parents, all his relatives, and friends.Eternal golden blessings crown the heads of those who walk in the golden footsteps of our most beloved Lord Jesus, but violence overwhelms the mouths of evil politicians, and those who side them. They do evil in cold blood, and scapegoat evil spirits. The memory of those who walk in the golden footsteps of our most beloved Lord Jesus will be a golden blessing forever. The names of the evil politicians who do not practice His Love, Peace and Unity will rot. The wise in mind and heart accept the golden teachings of my most beloved Old Jesus Christ but the wicked chattering politician comes to ruin.The man of integrity walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus very securely with the help of His golden graces.The man who does not walk in the golden footstep of my most beloved Lord Jesus winks maliciously causing grief and is chattering fool who comes to ruin.The mouth of one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ is fountain of eternal life. Violence overwhelms the mouth of the politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. Ethnic hatred in the politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus stirs dissension. Love, Peace, and Unity in those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus covers all wrongs. Golden practical wisdom is found on the lips of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus However, a rod is for on the back of he who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ for he lacks the golden righteous judgement. A politician who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus brings about Love, Peace, and Unity amongst the people. He stores up eternal golden Knowledge.The mouth of a politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus commands the dropping of Atomic bombs, and says it is a just war. He invites eternal ruins because he is a fool. My most beloved Jesus is my eternal golden wealth. He is the eternal golden wealth of those that walk in His golden footsteps of Love, Peace, and Unity. He is infinately more than a fortified city.Invisible and visible poverty is the ruin of those who do not walk in His Footsteps. The invisible and visible wages of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus brings them the golden eternal very successful life. The income of the wicked politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus brings them punishment.A politician who walks in the footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus heeds Him. He has the golden discipline, and so shows the golden way of eternal golden life. A politician who does not walk in His golden footsteps ignores His golden correction and so leads those who side him astray. He is evil.A politician who conceals his hatred bares false witness and so is a traitor. When an evil politician is angry, and his words are much, violence is not absent. A politician who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus controls his tongue with Love, Peace, and Unity. He is very wise.The tongue of one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is more precious than gold. The heart and mind of the politician who does not walk in His footsteps of Love, Peace and Unity is of very little value.The golden lip of a politician who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus nourishes many.However, those politicians who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Jesus die for lack of golden faith in Him.The golden blessing of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ brings eternal golden wealth, eternal golden health, eternal golden advance education, and He adds no trouble to it. A person who does not walk in the golden footstep of the Love, Peace and Unity of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ finds pleasure in evil conduct.The politician who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus delights in His eternal golden practical wisdom.

What a politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus dreads will overcome him.What those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus desire will be granted to them by our most beloved Almighty God.When the storms have swept by, those who do not walk in the golden, footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus are gone.However, the politicians who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus stand firm forever successful.As unripe Mangoes to the teeth, as smoke to the eyes so is a wicked politician and those who side him to our most beloved God because they are unrepentant and evil.An unrepentant politician is very evil and does not believe in our most beloved Lord Jesus Christ.The golden Love, Peace, and Unity of my most beloved Lord Jesus gives as eternal golden Life.Those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus do not have eternal successful Life. Their years are cut short. The prospect of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is eternal golden happiness and eternal golden success. The hope of those who do not walk in the footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ comes to nothing forever. The golden way is my most beloved Lord Jesus. He is my golden refuge and the golden refuge of all those who walk in His golden footsteps.Those who do not walk in His golden footsteps are like eternal ruins.Those who walk in His golden footsteps will never be uprooted. Those who do not walk in His golden footsteps will not remain in the land.The mouth of those who walk in His golden footsteps brings forth golden practical wisdom. The tongue of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus will be cut out.The lips of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus know what is fitting ,but the lips of those who do not only what is perverse.

11. My most beloved Lord Jesus Christ abhors dishonest weights and measures However, accurate weights and measures are His delight.When individual, family or ethnic pride comes then my most beloved Almighty God brings disgrace.He alone is my golden intergrity and uprightness because He remote controls me.Those who do not walk in His golden footsteps are destroyed by their own foolishness.Wealth is worthless in the day of my most beloved Almighty Gods wrath.However, the golden righteousness of my most beloved Almighty God delivers a man from eternal death. The righteousness of the blameless that walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Jesus makes a golden narrow way for them. However, those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Jesus are brought down by their own wickedness.The golden righteousness of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ delivers them. Those who do not walk in the golden footstep of my most beloved Lord Jesus are trapped by their evil desires.When an evil politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved God Almighty dies, his evil hope perishes, all he expected from his criminal political power comes to nothing.My most beloved Almighty God from all trouble rescues the man, who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus.In addition, trouble comes instead on those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. With his mouth, the person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus destroys his neighbour.However, the golden knowledge of one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus helps him to escape.When one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is miraculously prospered by our most beloved Lord Jesus Christ the country rejoices.When evil politicians who discriminate against those who work for our most beloved God perish, there are shouts for joy.Through the blessing of one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved, Lord Jesus a nation is exulted. However, by the mouth of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus it is destroyed.A person who does not walk in the golden footstep of my most beloved Almighty God lacks good judgement, and so derides his neighbour.However, a person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is of great understanding and so holds his tongue. A man who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is a gossip and so betrays a confidence, but a man who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is trustworthy and keeps a good secret. For lack of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christs guidance a nation falls.However, my most beloved Lord Jesus golden advice makes golden victory sure.He who puts up security for an evil politician, and sides him will suffer at the hands of the politician. He who does not walk in the footsteps of an evil politician is safe.A kindhearted person walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. He gains golden eternal golden respect.The Politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ is ruthless. He corruptly gains wealth by stealing from the powerless people. A person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ benefits himself forever.

A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is cruel so brings trouble on himself.A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus earns deceptive wages, but he who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ sows golden righteousness reaps a sure golden reward. The person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus attains eternal golden successful life. The person who does not walk in the golden footstep of my most beloved Lord Jesus pursues evil and so goes to his very painful death. My most beloved Heavenly Father detests people who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus and so have very perverse hearts, perverse minds, perverse souls, and perverse strengths.He delights in those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus.Be sure of this: A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord will not go unpunished by my most beloved God of Israel. Those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus are righteous and so will go free in eternal golden success, and eternal golden happiness. Like a celestial ring in bad smelling waterIs the learned man who has bad manners and so shows no discretion? The desire of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus ends only in eternal excellence, and eternal happiness. The hope of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus ends in wrath. A person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ gives freely, yet he gains even more. A Person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus withholds unduly, comes to eternal poverty.A person who walks in the golden footsteps of my mot beloved Lord Jesus is very generous and so will prosper.A man who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus refreshes others and so will my most beloved Almighty God refresh himself. The people curse those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus and so hoard grain, However, golden blessing crowns him who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus, and so is willing to sell at a low price.He who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus seeks eternal excellence and so will find it. Evil will come to a person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus because he searches for evil, and does evil. My most beloved Lord is the eternal golden happiness and eternal golden success of those who walk in his golden footsteps.He who tells his family not to walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved God Almighty brings trouble on himself and so will inherit only foul smelling wind. Those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord will be the slaves to those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus.The golden fruits of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ are an eternal golden tree of eternal golden successful happy Life and he who trains others to walk in golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is very wise.If those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most Lord Jesus Christ receive their due on earth. How much more those who do not! 12. Whoever loves my most beloved Lord Jesus golden discipline loves His Golden knowledge, but he who hates His golden correction is very stupid.A person who walks in my most beloved Lord Jesus golden footsteps obtains favour from my most beloved Lord God of my most beloved Lord Jesus, However, He condemns those people who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord because they are very crafty.A person cannot be established if he does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus because he is wicked. A person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus cannot be uprooted.A wife who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is of golden noble character and so is her husbands golden crown, However, a wife who does walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is disgraceful, immoral, and alcoholic and is like cancer in his body.

12. Whoever loves my most beloved Lord Jesus Christs golden discipline loves His golden knowledge, However, he who hates His correction is very foolish. A person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ obtains the golden favour from my most beloved Almighty God in Heaven,However, He condemns those who do not walk in His golden footsteps because they are very evil. A person cannot be established when he does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus because he is wicked. A person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus cannot be uprooted.Wife who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is of golden noble character. She is her husbands golden crown. A wife who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is disgraceful. She is like cancer in the body of her husband. The plans of a person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ are just.However, the advice of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is very deceitful.The words of a person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus lie in wait for the blood of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus, but the golden speech of a person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ rescues him.The Politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus passes away very easily. The golden palace of one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Almighty God of Love, Peace, and Unity stands firm forever and ever. A person is praised according to his ability to walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ.A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Almighty God is despised.Better to be nobody, and walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved God, than to be elected by the people a leader in this world and then fail to walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus.A person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus provides for the needs of the orphans, widows and strangers. However, the kindliest act of an evil politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Almighty God in Heaven is very harsh and cruel.An employer who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus treats his employees as slaves. A person who walks in the golden footstep of my most beloved Lord Jesus prays in to our most beloved God the Father in the name of our most beloved Lord Jesus Christ. He works his land and so has abundant food.However, a person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus chases fantasies and so lacks golden judgement.The politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus desires violence, looting, and destruction. However, the roots of those who walk n the golden footsteps of our most beloved Lord Jesus flourish forever and ever. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Jesus is trapped by his sinful talk.However, a man who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus escapes trouble.From the golden fruit of his lips, a man who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is filled with eternal golden things according to his good deeds.The dark way of a person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ seems right to him. However, a very wise man walks on the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus, and listens to His golden advice.A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most belo0ved Lord Jesus shows his annoyance at one, However, one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ overlooks insults and forgives those who offend them and pray for them.

A person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most Beloved Lord Jesus is a truthful witness, who gives honest testimony.However, a person who does no talk in His footsteps is false witness who tells of lies against sinful humans and the sinful angels. The reckless words of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus pierce like a sword.However, the golden word of one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus brings healing to the sinful angels and sinful human race.The eternal golden victory of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is truthful and so endures forever.However, a person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus does evil in cold blood then scapegoats Satan, In addition, he so lasts only a moment. There is deceit in the hearts and minds of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. They plot evil.However, the eternal golden joy of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is to promote Love, Peace, and Unity.No harm befalls a person, who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ.Moreover, those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus have their fill of trouble.My most beloved Lord Jesus detests lying lips.However, He delights in those who walk in His golden footsteps and plant the truth.A person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is very prudent and so keeps his golden knowledge to himself. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is foolish and so blurs out folly. A person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is very diligent and so will rule.However, one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is lazy and so will end up as a poor slave.The heart of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is anxious and so weighs him down. However, the golden word of my most beloved Lord Jesus changes him. A person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is cautious in friendship because he is righteous.However, the way of those who do not walk in the golden way of my most beloved Lord Jesus leads them astray yet it looks right to them. Those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus are evil, and unrepentant. They do not have food.

One who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is a diligent person who prizes his possessions. My most beloved Lord Jesus is my eternal golden righteousness, eternal golden success, eternal golden happiness, eternal golden Light, golden eternal truth, and the golden eternal way.

13. A person who is wise heeds my most beloved Lord Jesus golden instruction on His golden Law of Love, Peace, and Unity.A person who does not walk in then golden footstep of my most beloved Lord Jesus is mocker who does not listen to my most beloved Almighty Gods rebuke.From the golden fruits of the lips of one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved God Almighty, he enjoys excellent things.Those who do not walk in the footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus are unfaithful.They crave for glorification of terror.One who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus guards his lips, and so guards his life. However, one who do not walk in the golden footsteps of Love, Peace, and Unity of my most beloved Jesus speak rashly and so will come to ruin.Persons who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is sluggard and so he craves and gets nothing.However, the desires of the diligent that walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus are fully satisfied.Persons who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus are remote guided by Him. He is their golden integrity. The wickedness of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus overthrows them.One who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus pretends to be very holy, yet he is very wicked. Persons who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus look very holy yet they are very evil, and have no spiritual wealth.My most beloved Lord Jesus Christ is the golden eternal Life of those who walk in His golden footsteps,However, one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus does not have the eternal golden life. My most beloved Lord Jesus is the golden Light of those who walk in the golden footsteps of those who walk in His golden footsteps that shine very brightly.However, the Hurricane Lanterns of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is put out. Those who walk in the golden light of my most beloved Lord Jesus have eternal golden grace but those who do not have golden grace.

The pride of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus breeds wars. However, the golden practical wisdom of one who walks in the golden wisdom of my most beloved Lord Jesus makes him a wonderful peacemaker. The dishonest money of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ dwindles away.However, one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus gathers little and by the grace of our most beloved God makes it grow. He assists the needy. The hope of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Almighty God frustrated makes them sick. The longing of one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus fulfilled is a golden tree of eternal golden Life. He who scorns the golden instruction of my most beloved Lord Jesus on His golden Law of Love, Peace, and Unity will pay for it. He who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus by practicing Love, Peace, and Unity is rewarded. The golden Teaching of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ is golden foundation of eternal golden Life.It turns a person who walks in the golden footstep of my most beloved Lord Jesus from the snares of poverty, ignorance, malady and death.My most beloved Lord Jesus wins a person eternal golden favour.However, the way of those who do not walk in His footsteps is hard. Every prudent person walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. Those who do not walk in His golden footsteps expose their folly.A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is a very wicked messenger and so falls into a lot of trouble. However, person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus heeds His golden correction. He is honoured, and enriched.When the longing of one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is fulfilled, it is very sweet to my most beloved Heavenly Father, my most beloved Lord Jesus, my most beloved Holy Spirit,my beloved Angels and my saints in Heaven. Those politicians who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus detest turning from violence and wickedness. He who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus grows very wise. However, he who does not is a fool who suffers harm. Misfortunes pursues those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. However, eternal golden prosperity, and eternal golden happiness is the reward of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. A man who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus leaves an

eternal golden inheritance for his children, relatives, friends, the Church,and the entire superhuman and human race. The person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus, will have his wealth stored up by my most beloved Almighty God, for those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. A poor farmer who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus will produce abundant harvest and injustice will not sweep it away. Parents who spare the golden word of my most beloved Lord Jesus hate their children. Parents who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus are careful to preach the golden word of my most beloved Almighty God to their children.Those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus eat to their content. However, those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Jesus go hungry.

14. The woman who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus builds her house, but with her own hands, the woman who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus tears hers down.He who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus fears, and loves my most beloved Lord Jesus.However, he who is evil despises my most beloved Lord Jesus, and so does not walk in His golden footsteps. The wicked talk of a person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus brings my most beloved Almighty Gods missiles on him, and on his house, but the lips of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus protects them. Where there are no sons of my most beloved Heavenly Father, the church is empty. However, from the strength of my most beloved Almighty Father comes abundant.A witness who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ comes to abundant harvest. A witness who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is truthful and does not deceive, but a person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is a false witness who pours out lies. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is a mocker, who seeks wisdom and finds none.However, eternal golden knowledge comes easily to those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus because they are discerning.Pray for the conversion and salvation of all those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. This is the best way to show your love for your enemies. Stay away from the bad ways of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. Pray for the conversion and salvation of your visible and invisible enemies. Our most beloved God will protect you against them. He will convert them, save them from darkness, and make them your friends, and you will preach to them His excellent Gospel. You will not find golden knowledge in the lips of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. The golden practical wisdom of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is to give thought to their ways because they are prudent. However, the folly of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Jesus is deception because they are fools. Those who do not walk on the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus mock at making amends for sin, but goodwill is found among those people who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus because they are put upright with Him. My most beloved lord Jesus knows the bitterness of each heart .Only the Lord Jesus is the eternal golden joy of each heart.The house of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus will be destroyed.However, the house of one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus will flourish. It will be very refreshing and will overflow with eternal golden plenty.Democracy without walking in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is a way that seems right to politicians. However, in the end it leads to strife and death. Even in laughter the heart of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved God suffers, and the joy of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus ends in grief. A rich person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ cries. A rich person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus has eternal golden happiness,and eternal golden success. The way of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps my most beloved Lord Jesus ends up in grief. Those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus will be fully repaid for their evil ways and the man who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus will be fully rewarded with eternal golden things. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus believes anything. However, a prudent man who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus gives thought to his steps making sure that he is following my most beloved Lord Jesus.A man who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus truly believes in Him. He loves him and shuns Satanism. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is a fool who is hot headed and reckless.

A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is quick tempered and does very foolish things. He is very crafty and so is hated.A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus will inherit folly.However, those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus are crowned with eternal knowledge, eternal golden Life, eternal golden success, and eternal golden happiness.A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ will bow down in the presence of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus.Those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus will one day fear, love and serve those who walk in His footsteps. .All who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus shun the poor.However, those people who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus help the poor and so have many friends for they are kind to the poor orphans, widows, and strangers. Do not those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus go astray?Moreover, those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus plan what is excellent and so find eternal golden happiness and eternal golden success. All the righteous work of my most beloved Heavenly Father brings eternal golden profit to those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus, However, the policies of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ leads only to poverty. The golden wealth of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Almighty God is their golden crown. He who fears, and loves my most beloved Lord Jesus has a secure Fort.The golden name of my most beloved Lord Jesus will be an invincible refuge.The fear and love of my most beloved Lord means the walking in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus which is an eternal golden foundation of golden successful life, turning a man from the snare of suffering, poverty, ignorance, illnesses, and earth. My most beloved Lord Jesus is the strength of those who walk in His golden footsteps, However, without my most beloved Almighty Gods grace, and peace Kings, Prime Ministers, and Presidents are ruined.A person who is patient, educated, understanding, conciliatory shrew but responsible walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus.A person who does not walk in golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ is quick tempered and so displays folly. The heart of one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus gives

out the golden Light of Love, peace and Unity.He is a Hurricane Lantern of Love, Peace, and Unity. The heart of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus has no love, peace .and unity. It cannot give out golden light. He who oppressed the poor widows, orphans, and strangers shows contempt to my most beloved Lord Jesus. He does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. Whoever is very kind to the orphans, widows, and strangers honours my most beloved Lord Jesus, and walks in His golden footsteps. When calamity comes those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus are brought down, but even in death, those who walk in he golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus have an eternal golden refuge.Practical golden wisdom of my most beloved Almighty God reposes in the hearts, minds, bodies, and souls of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus because they are a discerning people. Even among those people who do not believe in my most beloved Lord Jesus my most beloved Almighty God makes Himself known. My most Beloved Lord Jesus Christ exults me in Him and a nation that walks in His footsteps.The evil and intention of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is a disgrace to him. My most beloved Almighty Father delights in all those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is shameful, and so incurs His eternal wrath.

15. The gentle answer of one walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ turns away wrath , However, a very harsh word from the lips of those who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus cause anger. The tongue of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus commends eternal golden knowledge. However, the evil mouth of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus gushes eternal folly. The eyes of my most beloved Heavenly Father are everywhere. They keep watch on those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord and those who do not walk in His golden footsteps. The tongue of the one who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus brings eternal golden healing, In addition, is a tree of eternal health? Happiness, success, and miracles.

The tongue of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus crushes the spirit. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus spurns my most beloved Almighty Fathers discipline. However, a person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus heeds golden correction and so shows golden prudence. The house of the person who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus contains invisible eternal golden treasure.However, the income of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus brings trouble.The lips of those who walk in his golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus spread the golden knowledge. Not so, with the lips of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. My most beloved Heavenly Father detests the ways of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. The prayer of one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus pleases Him. Stern discipline awaits him who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. He who hates His golden correction will die. Death and destruction lie open before my most beloved God How much more the heart, minds, bodies, souls and strengths of men. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is a mocker who resents my most beloved Almighty God. He will not consult my most beloved Lord Jesus who is all wise. One who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Almighty God of Abraham Isaac, and Israel is always the happiest and most successful man in the universe.The heartache of the one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of crushes his spirit.One who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus has a discerning heart that seek the golden knowledge of my most beloved Heavenly Father, but the mouth of a person who does not walk in the footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus feeds on folly because he is a fool.All the days of a person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus are wretched.However, those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved God of Israel are very cheerful and have continual feast. Better a little with Love, Peace, and Unity of my most beloved Almighty God of Israel than all the wealth of this world with turmoil. Better a dull meal where there is Love, Peace, and Unity of my most beloved God of

Israel than a fattened calf of Kenya, and Beer of Kenya with impunity, and hatred. A hot-tempered politician stirs up dissension and violence.A man who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is patient, tactful, understanding, conciliatory, shrewd but responsible. He clams down a quarrel, and strife. The way of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is blocked with fire and thorns because he is evil and sluggard, but the way of those who walk in the golden way of my most beloved Lord Jesus is eternal golden Life, eternal golden Happiness, and eternal golden Success.A son or daughter who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus brings eternal golden joy to my most beloved God of Israel. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is foolish because he despises my most beloved Almighty God of Israel. Folly. In addition, violence delights a politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved God Almighty of Israel because he lacks golden judgement.A man who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is very wise because he is of great golden understanding and so keeps a very straight course.Plans fail for lack of faith in my most beloved Lord Jesus. However, the plans of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ succeed forever. A man who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus finds golden joy in giving a polite reply, and how excellent is a timely polite word!My most beloved Lord Jesus is eternal golden way, eternal golden trueth, and eternal golden Life. He leads all those who walk in His golden footsteps to my most beloved Heavenly Father. He keeps those who walk in His golden footsteps from going down to the grave.My most beloved Almighty God tears down all wicked politicians, and those who side them. However, he keeps the boundaries of those who walk in His golden footsteps of Love, Peace and Unity. My most Beloved Lord Jesus Christ detests the thoughts of those who do not walk in His golden footsteps. However, those who walk in His golden footsteps are pure and pleasing to Him. A politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is greedy and so brings great suffering to those who have elected him, and his country. A politician who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus will liveforever.The minds and hearts of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus weigh their answers.However, the mouths of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus gushes evil.

My most beloved Heavenly Father is far from those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ.He hears the prayer of those who walk in His golden footsteps of Love, Peace, and Unity.My most beloved Lord Jesus is the cheerfulness, and joy of all those who walk in His golden footsteps. He is the excellent News that gives eternal golden Life to those who hear it.He who listens to my most beloved Lord Jesus rebuke will be at home among the wise. He who ignores my most beloved Lord Jesus despises himself, but whoever heeds my most beloved Lord Jesus correction gains eternal golden knowledge , eternal golden understanding , eternal golden practical wisdom , eternal golden insight, eternal golden discretion , eternal golden judgement,and eternal golden power.The love and fear of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ teaches a man to walk in His golden footsteps which is eternal practical wisdom.

16. To my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ belong the golden plans of those who walk in His golden footsteps. In addition, from Him comes the golden reply of the tongues of those who walk in His golden footsteps.The religion of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus seems to be very holy to him, However, my most beloved Almighty God weighs his evil motives. Commit whatever you do to my most beloved Almighty God of Israel in the golden name of my most beloved Lord Jesus, and your plans will surely successes.My most beloved Heavenly Almighty Father works out everything for His own ends-even those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus for a day of disaster.My most beloved Almighty God detests all the proud. Be sure of this: they will be punished. Through walking in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus, sin is atoned for. Through the fear and love of my most beloved Lord Jesus, a man avoids death, and all evil.When a person walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus, he is very pleasing to my most beloved Almighty Father in Heaven. He makes his visible and invisible enemies to live in peace with him. Better a little with my most beloved Lord Jesus than much gain from a politician with injustice.By their own will the people plan and elect their course and leaders.

However, my most beloved Almighty God of Israel frustrates their plans and so determines their steps. The lips of monarchy speak as an oracle and his mouth should not betray Love, Peace and Unity. In love there is liberty and justice. Honest scales and honest balances are from my most beloved Almighty God of Israel.All the weights and measures in the bag are His making. Decent food, decent cloths, decent shelter, and decent amusement belong to my most beloved Almighty God of Israel. He gives them only to those who walk in the golden feet of my most beloved Kid Jesus. The King who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus detests wrongdoing. A throne is established through walking in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. The king who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus takes pleasure in honest lines and in helping widows, orphans, widows, and strangers. . He provides them with decent food, decent food, and decent shelter. . He values amen who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus and so speaks the golden truth. He is very generous. He uplifts their standard of living.A King who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is educated, tactful, and conciliatory. He is well behaved, Therefore, avoids wrath because it is messenger of death.He is very wise and so appeases those who are angry. A king who walks in the golden footsteps my most beloved God has a golden face that brightens, His golden favour is like sweet golden rain clouds of glorious wealth in the golden celestial spring. How much better to walk in the golden footsteps of my moss beloved Lord Jesus, and get from him eternal golden Life than all the gold of this world. To choose my most beloved Lord Jesus than rather than the deceptive politicians of this world. My most beloved Lord Jesus is the golden narrow way that avoids evil. He who walks in His golden footsteps gets eternal golden Life. He is the golden way to eternal golden happiness and eternal golden success. He who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus gets eternal golden prosperity. The politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus stirs up national dissension. In addition, is gossip that separates close friends? A politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is violent man who entices those who side him and leads them down a very dark path that is not good to destroy them.A politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus

winks with his eye and is always plotting perversity.His lips incite tribal clashes, and he is bent on evil. The grey hair of the one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved is a golden crown of golden splendour. It is attained well by waking in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus.For He is the golden comfort of all who walk in His golden footsteps of Love, Peace, and Unity. Better prayerful man who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ and so controls himself than a man of violence who does not.

17. Better a dry crust with my most beloved Lord Jesus in my heart than a Royal palace full of feasting, and strife. A servant who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus will rule over a person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus will rule over a person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus, and will have the inheritance as the one of the elder brothers. The crucible is for the gold of Kenya, but my most beloved Heavenly Father tests the hearts, and minds of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. A politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus listens to the evil lips of those who side him. A politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is a liar who pays too much attention to malicious tongues of those who do not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. He approves evil! A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus mocks the poor, and so shows contempt to my most beloved Lord Jesus. Person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus gloats over disaster and so will not go unpunished. Children who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus are a golden crown to the aged who walk in His golden footsteps. Parents who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus are the pride of their Children who walk in His golden footsteps. The lips of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus are unsuited to a fool- How many woes lying lips to a ruler, and a manager who does not walk in his golden footsteps. A bribe is a charm to one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus who gives it. Wherever he turns among those who do not walk in the golden

footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus, he succeeds but he will suddenly be put to shame. He, who exposes and forgives offences, promotes Love, Peace, and Unity and so walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus.He does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus repeats the evil matters, and so separates very close relatives. A rebuke from my most beloved Almighty God impresses man who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus more than million lashes on one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is bent on rebellion. A merciless person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus will be sent against him. Better to meet a Kenyan Lioness robbed of her cubs than merciless politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus in his folly. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus pays back evil for good.Evil and sudden death will never leave his home. Starting a national strife is like destroying very big dam. A judge who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus acquits the guilty, and condemns the innocent- My most beloved Lord Jesus detests this. A Judge who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus unnecessarily interferes with civil case and then adjourns it increasing the cost of litigation that makes the poor litigant poorer and poorer. My most beloved Lord Jesus detests this as well.My most beloved God loves quick administration of justice as par the golden will of my most beloved Heavenly Fathers golden will. Of what use is money in the hand of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. Since he has no desire to use it to glorify my most beloved Heavenly Father. Those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved are true friends. A brother who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is born to adversity- He who loves war does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus, and so loves sin. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus Christ builds a high gate, and so invites destruction. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus has perverse heart, and so does not prosper

One who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus has a very deceitful tongue and so falls into a lot of trouble. To have a child who does not walk in the golden footstep of my most beloved Lord Jesus is the sharpest thing in the universe, there is eternal golden joy for the parents of children who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus.It is wicked to punish a person, who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus because he is innocent. Alternatively, to flog him because he has the golden integrity while he walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. A man who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved God has golden advanced knowledge, so uses his words with golden restraint, and because he has eternal golden understanding he is not hot tempered. Even one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.

18. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is very unfriendly, and so pursues selfish ends, he defies all sound judgement. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is a fool who finds no pleasure in golden understanding. However, he delights in politics, and does not side my most beloved Lord Jesus. When a man allows the teaching of non-believers to enter his hearts, he cannot walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. Therefore, does his being ashamed of Him bring to him eternal disgrace? The golden words of those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus are like eternal cold sweet golden Life giving soft drinks. My most beloved Lord Jesus golden fountain of eternal golden Life is bubbling golden brook. One who sides the evil is not walking in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. He is a person who deprives the innocent of justice. The lip of one who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus brings ethnic war. In addition, his mouth invites a beating. The mouth of person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is his undoing. In addition, his lips are a snare to himself. The evil words of a politician who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most

beloved Lord Jesus are like choice morsels, they go down to a mans innermost parts to make him evil. One who is slack in Christian religion work does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus. He is a friend of those who destroy the souls of the innocent children of my most beloved Heavenly Father. Those who walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Father take refuge in Him in the name of my most beloved Lord Jesus, and so they are safe forever.

Before his downfall, a person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus is rich, proud, and arrogant. However, the humility of one who walks in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus comes before eternal golden honour. A person who does not walk in the golden footsteps of my most beloved Lord Jesus answers before listening, and understanding