The DiLibertos November 2012 Newsletter

Serving God in Peru - LCMS International The DiLibertos November 2012 Happy Belated Thanksgiving to everyone! This year Anthony and I celebrated Thanksgiving on Saturday instead of Thursday. We got together with the team and feasted on a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Praise God for His unending provision! This month, we had a great turn out at the Introduction to the Lutheran Faith class that we’ve been giving once a month. There were 7 Peruvians there interested in learning what the Lutheran Church believes, teaches, and confesses. Anthony gave the presentation, which is based on 4 of the solos of the Reformation: Sola Scriptura, Sola fide, Sola gratia, Solo Christo. We praise God for the opportunity to proclaim His truths, and we pray that His Spirit would work in the hearts of those who heard it. One of the women who came to the Intro to the Faith class had many other questions, so I met Edition 5 “Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise with songs of praise!” Psalm 95:1-2 November 2012


Peru mission updates and prayer requests from the DiLibertos for the month of November. Thank you being our partners in the Gospel!

Transcript of The DiLibertos November 2012 Newsletter

Page 1: The DiLibertos November 2012 Newsletter

Serving God in Peru - LCMS International

The DiLibertos

November 2012 Happy Belated Thanksgiving to everyone!

This year Anthony and I celebrated Thanksgiving

on Saturday instead of Thursday. We got together

with the team and feasted on a delicious

Thanksgiving dinner. Praise God for His

unending provision!

This month, we had a great turn out at the

Introduction to the Lutheran Faith class that

we’ve been giving once a month. There were 7

Peruvians there interested in learning what the

Lutheran Church believes, teaches, and confesses.

Anthony gave the presentation, which is based on

4 of the solos of the Reformation: Sola Scriptura,

Sola fide, Sola gratia, Solo Christo. We praise

God for the opportunity to proclaim His truths,

and we pray that His Spirit would

work in the hearts of those who

heard it.

One of the women who came

to the Intro to the Faith class had

many other questions, so I met

Edition 5

“Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful

noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into

his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise with songs of


Psalm 95:1-2

November 2012

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Radio Interviews

At the beginning of November, Anthony was

contacted by KFUO, and they asked both of us to do radio

interviews on the program His Time. Anthony’s interviewed

aired on Wednesday, November 21, and mine aired

on November 28. It was a blessing to be able to share

some of our struggles and joys from the mission field.

Music We praise God for the 3 worship services that we have each week. Anthony picks the music for the services, and he and I are currently the musicians (although we would love to have some Peruvians take over for us). This month we have been learning several new songs,

partly because we are tired of our “usual” songs, and partly because of the church year. We had an awesome All Saints Day worship service that included the Spanish version of the hymn “For All the Saints.” We are looking forward to the new music we’ll have during

Advent and Christmas.

with her after church one Sunday, and we read

Scripture and talked for a couple of hours. Please keep

Diana in your prayers as well.

Please continue to pray for the Confirmation

class Anthony is teaching. There have been several

scheduling conflicts lately for his faithful students, so

please pray that they find time to meet and finish their

classes. We thank God for their desire to learn more

about their Savior!

Our English Coffee & Conversation Nights

continue to provide a great way to meet people and

proclaim God’s love to them. We will have another

C&C night tonight, and a fun night watching movies

and playing games in English on Friday.

Anthony and Rachel continue to make

preparations for the grand opening of the Mighty

Fortress Mercy Center in La Victoria. We plan to host

a traditional Christmas celebration/toy drive on

December 22nd, where we hope to share the love of

Christ with 150 children. Please pray that God would

guide our plans and would provide a location for our

mercy work in La Victoria in His good timing.

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Ongoing Ministries

I’ve started going to dance class and spinning

class more frequently again. It’s been nice to see

some familiar faces and deepen my connection with

the women in the neighborhood. From that group

of friends, I ask that you would pray for Teresa and

her daughter Joanna. I’m not sure what’s wrong,

but Teresa asks me to pray for them every time she

seems me.

I’ve also been trying to catch up with the

elementary students that I used to teach English to

here in San Borja. They invited me to come to their

“Olympics” a couple of weeks ago, and it was nice

to reconnect with them. Please pray for Jenifer, who

told me that she hasn’t been baptized yet. Pray that I

might have more opportunities to talk with her about

baptism and about Jesus.

In the last newsletter, I mentioned that I had

started a women’s Bible study, but that attendance

was low. Unfortunately, attendance kept dropping

until there were none, so we stopped the study one

week early. Please pray that God would give me

other opportunities to share the Gospel with women

in this community.

To support our work financially, you may send a tax-

deductible gift to: The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

P.O. Box 790089 St. Louis, MO 63179-0089.

Make checks payable to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Mark checks “DiLiberto Support.” Gifts can also be given through the LCMS website on our online giving page at

Prayer Requests Thank God for the people he has placed

in our lives. Pray that we would be bold

to share His Gospel message.




Pray for our GEO missionaries Julia

and Rachel as they continue to adjust

and prepare to spend Christmas away

from home.

Pray that we find a good location for the

Mercy Center, and pray for the

preparations for the Grand Opening

event we will have on December 22.


Pray that God would continue to

connect us to the lost and broken people

of Lima that we might share His

message of life & salvation with them.


Pray for all the ministries – worship, the

blog, catechism classes, English nights,

Chitachay, and more. Pray that God

would show us how to reach the people

with His message of salvation.


Pray for my parents, brother, and

sister-in-law as they prepare to visit us

this Christmas. Thank God that they

can come, and pray for safe travel.

Watching former students get ready for their “Olympics”