The Digital Innovation Opportunity for BPO

The Digital Innovation Opportunity Gregory North President, Globe North LLC Charting the course to excellence

Transcript of The Digital Innovation Opportunity for BPO

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The Digital Innovation Opportunity

Gregory North

President, Globe North LLC

Charting the course to excellence

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Our world seems ever more complex

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Our mission is to make it simpler

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Business process made better


• IoT


• Data mapping & monitoring

• Digital signing


• Recon

• Analytics

• Blockchain

• Lean design

• Digital innovation toolkit and Lean process design hold keys to making processes simpler, faster, less expensive and higher in value to customers.

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Digital Innovation is not new

• “System 360 solves today’s problems and tomorrow’s problems, too…It cuts today’s costs…and it will also cut tomorrow’s. There’s never been a system like it.”– From IBM System/360 advertisement, 1964

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But rate of change is accelerating and impact on daily life is now transformational

• We have come to expect transactions to be as simple as clicking on an app.

• We now expect that level in world of work.

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The revolution is already in progress

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Transforming end to end

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Digital transformation as disruptor

• Is that a light at the end of the tunnel, or a train coming?

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Not ready for digital prime time

• 87% of CEO’s in MITS study believe digital will disrupt their industry

• 44% feel they are ready


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Opportunity is extraordinary

• Globally, RPA market will grow to $5 billion by 2020 from just $183 million in 2013

• BPO providers are pre-positioned to take advantage of this growth.


Transparency Market Research IT Robotic Automation Market study

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Collaboration is a survival skill



• No one company has all assets required to capitalize on the digital opportunity

• Openness to new ideas & to partners who can deliver them, will be key

• Commercial relationships should incent all parties to innovate end-end-end.

• Winners in this new game will be great at planning & innovating together

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The wrong question

• What will digital innovation mean to BPO businesses?

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The right question

• How is BPO leveraging digital innovation to transform business?