The different types of seo services available

The different types of SEO services available

description offers SEO in Essex. This PowerPoint presentation looks at the different SEO packages that SEO agencies offer

Transcript of The different types of seo services available

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The different types of SEO services available

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Why you need SEO

Most corporations realise that they must have a web site. Once the website is made though, they start questioning why the web site is not providing the results which they hoped for. In a nutshell, the reason is the fact that it's not search engine optimised. The vast majority of web development businesses don't do any SEO on your website and companies that do simply offer basic onsite SEO. To get to the top of the search engines like Bing, you really need to have a specialist SEO company.

Clearly it's important to select the appropriate keywords. Generally these will be selected depending on search volumes and competitiveness. It is also important that you select the appropriate search engine optimisation package. When selecting an SEO agency, it's vital to understand what's being provided. The price and also the effectiveness is of course dependent on what exactly is being provided.

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As soon as you understand which keywords to concentrate on, the next thing is to optimise your website for those keywords and phrases. The first thing is to make onsite modifications. Put simply, the site must reflect the keywords and phrases that you are targeting. Preferably you will have a separate web page for every single search term to ensure that it's highly targeted. Of course similar keywords and phrases can be targeted with one page. The search phrase then should be in the title tag and in the page content. For instance, if you were an SEO company in Essex, you would write SEO Essex in the page title.

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Link building

Link building is where back links are built to your site. Links act as votes and the more back links to your site, the better your site is and therefore the higher it ranks in the search rankings. Some links are worth more than others though. Just like with a restaurant review, some links are better than others and carry a higher weighting.

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SEO agencies

Some agencies offer a complete SEO campaign whereas SEO agencies offer link building services. You are able to manage the SEO campaign yourself. Most web development agencies will add onsite SEO if you do not know how to do it themself. You'll be able to then buy link building packages. This though can be a risky strategy as there is no guarantee to the level of quality of the links. It is advisable to hire an SEO agency that will build the hyperlinks for you and be responsible for their level of quality.

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How much does SEO cost?

A frequent search engine optimisation question is just how much does it cost. Whilst this is a sensible question, it's a little like asking how much a house costs and there's not one answer. Typically search engine optimisation prices are based on the keywords which you're focusing on. The harder the search phrases, the more work that's needed and thus the higher the search engine optimisation cost. You can however tailor the search phrases so that they match your budget where required.

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If you are looking for an seo campaign call

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