The Devils Daughter

THE DEVILS DAUGHTER By María José Marcucci I regret it I do, I do I killed it It’s true. It was very loud With blood everywhere I got out And it followed me in the air It’s been with me all day Chasing my soul Giving me aches My mother will called it a ghoul It’s a demon An evil one I told him: “Game on” He answered: “If you just won”


Basically this poem relates the story of a person who has an abnormality in her life, which kind of represents my interest in literature.

Transcript of The Devils Daughter

Page 1: The Devils Daughter


By María José Marcucci

I regret it

I do, I do

I killed it

It’s true.

It was very loud

With blood everywhere

I got out

And it followed me in the air

It’s been with me all day

Chasing my soul

Giving me aches

My mother will called it a ghoul

It’s a demon

An evil one

I told him: “Game on”

He answered: “If you just won”

Page 2: The Devils Daughter

He speaks, he walks, he is real, it’s true

-“I believe you should lay down”-

-“No, how about you swallow your shoe”-

It was an awful discussion; he is the devil, an awful noun

Why wouldn’t I win?

Is he reading my thoughts?

-“Did you know everything you think is a sin”-?

-“You should be against all odds”-

I’m proud of who I am; I win –“I always win”-

-“You know you’re insecure?”- No doubt

-“Vanity, with no doubt my favorite sin”-

What? What are you talking about?

So, what’s the treat, what’s is in for me

Maybe my peace?

-“Hpow about you join me?”_

You and me? You want me to cease?

People and the devil get aklong

Page 3: The Devils Daughter

But not me, If I stop living, I’ll see him

-Öh, that sounds like a song”-

You ever heard of Billy and Mandy? Is the exact grim

He turns my pain into a drug

My world into misery

His flames embrassed me, like a hug

A really, hurtful hug, like the tree if a berry

-“Time to go home”-

Are you mad?

Come with me home

I said –“Yes dad”-