The Democratic advocate (Westminster, Md.) 1920-05-07 [p 7]...The Sykesville school girls beat the...

boys. Mrs. Benson Hall, of Marion Station, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Ship- ley. The W. C. T. U. of this place en- tertained at a mothers’ meeting over fifty ladies, Tuesday afternoon. A very pleasing and beneficial program was given. Mrs. Albert Hall is president of this branch of W. C. T. U. and was in charge of the meeting! Mrs. Wm. H. Bennett gave a scripture reading and papers were read by Mrs. D. B. Sprecher, Mrs. Levi Barnes and Mrs. Wm. Shipley. Delightful refreshments were served. Mrs. Wm. Blunt entertained the Up-to-Date-Club last Friday afternoon. The Sykesville school girls beat the Damascus school girls at a game of dodge ball last Saturday afternoon, at Damascus. FLNKBBUBCL George Mooves and family, of Bal- timore spent the week’s end with Mrs. Francis Mooves. Wm. H. Swartz spent Sunday in Washington with Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph B. Frazier. Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Teiser of Carolina were week’s end guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Peeling. Mrs. Irvin Gosnell, son and grand- daughter, Edna Smith, of Baltimore counjy called on friends here on Sun- day. Lewis High, of Baltimore visited his farm on Sunday. Charles Rader who conducts two large Dairy farms here, had the mis- fortune to cut his hand with glass, causing, a slight attack of Tetanus. Alva Keeney *s painting his resi- dence on the state road, which adds to its appearance. A number of our people attended the furniture sale on the Kelbaugh homestead. Fair, prices were paid for old relics. Some of our citizens attended the i demonstration of tractors in West- i minster last Saturday. SYKESVILLE. Mrs. Millard Weer is visiting rela- tives in Key Mar. Mrs. Joshua Barnes gave her hus- band a surprise birthday party Friday •vening. which was very much en- joyed and Mrs. Barnes served delight- ful refreshments. Those present were, ¦fr. and Mrs, George Barnes, Mrs. Levi Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. James Car- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, and children and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Carter. Misses Isabel and Irene Gaither and Mr. Elton Gist, of Baltimore, spent the week's end with Mr. and Mrs. James Gaither. Mrs. James Grimes is on the sick list. v Rev. Dr. W. W. Barnes, of Balti- more, West Baltimore District Super- intendent, spent Saturday and Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Melville. Barnes baptized their in- fant son, Sunday afternoon. He also baptized the baby of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson. The new preacher and family for fcv. Paulas Methodist Episcopal church arrived Wednesday evening and they were delightfully entertained by the Ladies' Aid at the parsonage. Rev. E. O. Prichett and wife are both gradu- ates of Western Maryland College, and will meet many friends here. We give him a cordial welcome. A very bad case of diptheria has de- veloped in Sykesville. The little four- year old boy of Mr. and Mrs. Spen- cer is extremely ill. Miss Leona Hale is visiting rela- tives In Clarksville. i Miss Maud Fairbank, chief at tele- phone exchange here is still confined to her home from sickness. A game of baseball between the high school here and high school at Westminster was played here last Pri- j day and was won by the Sykesville ! | Westminster & Littiestov/n Bns Line i TIME TABLE | S? Effective April Ist, 1920 (Subject to change without notice.) s| m -1 Xiz Leave Westminster 3kC A& 0:00 A. M. Daily except Sunday. 0:30 A. M. Sunday. 0 4:00 P. M. Daily and Sunday. || Leave Littlestoyvn # TM A. M. Daily except Sunday. 8:00 A. M. Sunday. ® 5:30 P. M. Daily and Sunday. $$ Stop for passengers by signal at any point along the line. This Bus connects with the Electric Car at Littlestown for McSherrystown, Hanover, York, Lancaster rgv and other towns. W ¦ -- OPERATED BY O. C. CORBIN, w “’ST ter Mar 19-tf CAP. TELEPHONE 54W. q Westminster Hardware Co. q 1 Automobile Tires, Tubes | Q and Accessories | | United SUfts liia Service Station n f r 4 When you need new tires be sure to ask for and in- fe-¦ y sist upon UNITED STATES TIRES. This is most im- I' M portant at the present time, when the quality product £ |1 is the only economical one. The UNITED STATES TIRE COMPANY’S pro- £ ducts are the only complete line of Automobile Tires on if H the market, made in five treads, “ROYAL CORD”, 1] D “NOBBY”, “CHAIN”, “USCO” and “PLAIN”, and each £ one of the five at its price, the biggest money value in j | (mileage and satisfaction that you can put on your car. || UNITED STATES TIRES are recognized the II " country over by Motorists who know it as the tire that P ij gives uniform long mileage and least annoyance. DWe sell United States Tires because they are good I* tires. M | Columbia Battery Service Station. \ | Ep Have your batteries tested for the spring motoring Qj i season. You are invited to inspect our up-to-date ser- p| t f 1 vice plant and learn something about Automobile Bat- ! tenes. EWe sell and recommend COLUMBIA STORAGE BATTERIES, the highest quality battery that can be tej built. / D. ¦ . M We recharge and repair any make of Battery. I Westminster Hardware Co. Q| u aar 2®- H n HHHHKJKt. .... || -...... INTENSE HEAT bat LITTLE WIST* || ! in |P j M \ Our Coax Use it and realize what coai satis- IB faction really means. It requires mln- f imum attention and gives maximum f " j | M WV _ J results. It Is the very acme of heat m ! IB * production. || LUMBER COAL <a SUPPLY CO. I j Westminster, Maryland. uei' - 'I ¦—- ' I .OI'SCMWSSXri jl w ¦ THE DEMOCRATIC ADVOCATE, MAY 7, 1920 IIMm 9 ¦¦¦* MKquraig HERE are facts and figures —figures that are facts: If, a Fact: 52+12= 2 That’s die guarantee back of How do thmy do UT the new ' with thePhilcoSlotted Retainer t * * - . ? the longest, strongest guarantee ewer put behind an auto battery, and die only battery that ever deserved such a guarantee. Think of it—-two whole years, fifty-two weeks of freedom from trouble,then twelve months more. Why buy a puzzle box, when you <•"name facts and figures? KLEE & HOFF, Agents WESTMINSTER, MO. Repairing, charging and distilled water for any battery. A Philadelphia Diamond Grid Battery to fit any car. LOOK! ! TO THE AUTOMOBILE BUYER i We can make delivery of cars as we are getting cars shipped to us, which are now on the way, and if you buy a Six Cylinder Paige, Oakland or Scripps-Bqoth you will be well satisfied as the many are who own one. Paige Lenox Roadster 2or 3 pass. Model 6-42 Price $1670 F. O. B. Glenbrook Touring 5 $1670 Essex Touring 7 6-55 $2260 Larcbmont Sport Style 4 $2365 Paige Closed Model Coupe 4 passenger Mode! 6-42 Pric- $2295 F. O. B. Se<Jan 6 $2395 Coupe 5 6-55 $3060 Sedan 7 ““ $3160 Oakland Models Roadster 2 or 3 passenger Model 34-C Price $1165 F. O. B. Touring 5 $1165 Coupe 3or 4 $1825 Sedan 4-Door 5 $1825 Scripps-Booth Models Roadster 2 or 3 passenger Model B-40 Price $1425 F. O. B. Touring 5 B-39 $1425 Coupe 3or 4 B-42 $2095 Sedan 5 B-41 •* $2175 D. E. CjEIMAN & CO. 77 W. Main St., Westminster, Md. mar 12-0 OCv,COOOOCOQOO<XXXXX>OOOOOOCi COOCOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXaOC o I 1 Providt^ri^^Habits^lF I of animals and insects are I I y the results of instinct. II q Should not the reasoning x g O ly¦' faculties of Q \ THE HUMAN MIND ¥ 8 b Elg teach mortals to profit by the example and put aside gin O a part of their earnings to provide for a period of kM O idleness, caused by sickness, accident or loss of Ai 5 || employment? | | Q Start A Savings Account At Once! | Q || april 9 I I O I 'i I SAYINGS BANK I § I lj|- ,| WESTMIHSTEK HARYLAHD _||[ | o xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>oooooogck>>ovsooooooooooooooooooocoooo h*®b®b&hb®wb | THE. OLD RELIABLE | New Home Sewing Machines | § At About Half Price. We just bought the stock of machines from a well known concern at a very low price and we are giving you the advantage of our buy. JHJ S This machine is one of the best on the market. Ifyou want one, come quick, as these are all we will have. CASH 039.00. M Stonesifer’s Variety Store || Indian Motorcycle Dealer AND REPAIR WORK. ALL BE PAIS WORK GUARANTEED. Wesley Shipley EAST MAIN STREET, WESTMINSTER, MD. maro 3m. Dr. E. H. Garey, DE NTIST Phone MANCHESTER, Himp. 47-F5 HD. jan 23-tf | JOHNR. HARE WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER PIKE HILL NEW WINDSOR Orders left at Wolfs Drug Store will receive prompt attention. Graphophones Repaired. Telephone No. 16-M. _Jly_2s lyr. | CPRM^WANItD| Delivered at Carrollton o g Station. Highest cash price 0 § See ns before selling elsewhere. 1 W. H. Crouse, H. S. Evans. 0 (j Phone 808-Fl2. x O mar 19-t r ' Jc i ¦ ¦ j At Your Service—Day and Night With Two New I TAXIES DALLAS MILLER, Westminster, Md. PHONES 211 and 821-F2 ap 18-ly OR. CEO. E. BAUGHMAN, SURUEON DENTIST ALL BRANCHES OF MECHANICAL DEN TISTRY A SPECIALTY. CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK. PAINLESS EXTRACTING GOLD AND ENAMEL FILLINGS. ALL WURK GUARANTEED. Office 114 E. Main St., Opposite Union National Bank, jp*B lyr WESTMINSTER, MD § Fire and Tornado INSURANCE | x We write all Insurance in '{ 5 STANDARD COMPANIES AT $ Q STANDARD RATES. Which £ x are as cheap with better security K O than non-Standard Companies. X Q We are prepared to write all classes of Fire C Q and Tornado Insurance in the very best G Q STANDARD COMPANIES at the very t' Q best STANDARD rates, with the very C 6 best STANDARD Security. X ' We also write Automobile Insurance in * x Standard Companies. Call and see (us X X before placing yoir Insurance. v H CHARLES E. GOODWIN 6 INSURANCE AGENCY, Inc. 8 0 . No. 06 East Main SL, 5 X apr 1. ’l9 Westminster, Md. Frank T. Shaeffer CONTRACTOR FOR Steam and Hof Wafer Heating Plumbing, Roofing, Tinning. Representative For The Celebrated American Boilers. West Main Street. C. A P. Telephone vt-j WESTMINSTER. MD. H. BANKARD& SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS 254 EAST MAIN STREET, WESTMINSTER, MD. * Prompt reply to summons, courteout attention, efficient service, legitimate dealing and correct Funeral Direction ! are a few reasons why we are un- questionably sunerior and able tc .command your earnest censideratioa Phone 294-Westrriinster. D7-ly. I JAMES M. STONER WESTMINSTER, MD. Funeral Director and Embalmer Quality, Economy aud Service, DAY OR NIGHT deserves consideration. Aatomohlle Funerals a Specialty. Touring car free wish each funeral Residence —Pennsylvania Avenue, on Littles town Pike. C. & P. Telephone No. 292. apri!6 THE FINE HORSE BLACK PRINCE This Fine STALLION will make tke Season of 1920, at the Stable of the Owner near OGG’S SCHOOL HOUSE, on the Hook road, EVERY DAY ex- 1 cept Tuesday and Saturday. Every j Tuesday I will be at Leonard Prey- man’s, on the Hoffman Farm, near Winfield, after April. .} BLACK PRINCE weighs 12M jpounds, is . a Beautiful Black and a ; sure foal getter. He has a mark of 2,17. He is bred from Prince of India and a Wilkes mare. All who wish to breed from a fine horse are invited to come and look hira over as he will com- mend himself for style and action. This horse was formerly owned by David Barnhart, of Manchester. TERMS: SIO.OO to Insure a Mare in Foal. Anyone patting .a Mare and parting with her before she is known to he with foal will be held for In- surance. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS OR ESCAPES. GEORGE E. FREYMAN, OWNER. April 2—tf. All Kinds of Printing Dene. I"rrsTrsrm is based upon quality. It M is not how much money M you pay for an article. It Is M at ® ne perfect soon be here —order NOW I *v Vr*.,;,#¦¦•.i ¦¦ All stones delivered - ?• •*. mm anywhere by Ante Truck. 300 Marble and Granite Monuments and Headstones I to select from. •• ii| Joseph LJlafhias, Westminster, Md. I SSZ . 3||Sk jsljtij &m ' i I Clerk Waited at Once I Young, single man about 18 or 20 years of age, one | with former clerking experience preferred—not nec- "J essarily experience in hardware store—but one who has 9 j S clerked in any line of business. Must be able to cal- || I 3 cu J ate quickly and accurately, must be reliable and j I 3 bring references or be able to give names of parties Em | from whom reference can be gotten. Apply in person H to Edwin S. Gehr. >3 pv c The Hardware Mao On The Corner. 3 vJClir ? Westminster. Md. } ESTABLISHED 1866. ¦ - f mmwhhhhmmw mmmmmmmmmm ]| stop i I ,| Lookl I > | Listen! I i i . - $ ; ;?• i . || ; @ 1 Before you have your Automobiles, Brgoieg and $ 1 Trucks painted and New Tops put on. \ Get our prices, as we are thoroughly equipped |lp to turn out first class work at reasonable prices. i’|? We have at the head of our paintingl'department || J. G. Gist and our blacksmith shop is in charge of S/ John Sullivan. . 1 |- ¦ I ALL WORK GUARANTEED | |_ - ¦ - g jgg Yours for business, m I Westminster Mill & Body Co. I Works;—John Street. S \W & •! Phone 132-J |fc | mar 12-tf NOTICE. The undersigned examiners’ ap- pointed by virtue of a commission to them issued by the County Commis- sioners of Carroll County, to locate j or cause to be located and open a pub- j lie road in Carroll county, beginning j for the same at a point on the West- minster and Manchester State Road in said county, at or below the see- ¦ ond bridge spanning a stream immefi- j ately south of the Electric Power | House on said State Road, and run- ning thence over the bed of an I abandoned mill race on the land he- : longing to the heirs of John Flohr, j deceased, now owned by a certain Mr. Pembleton, and the land of Emory Merryman; thence continuing in a southeasterly direction and running on or near the bed of an old road commonly known as the Dark Hollow ' Road, through and over the lands of Edward Witte, Slnlth-Yingling & 'August Witte and the Carroll Oak * Tanning Company, to the Tannery Road, and thence through and over the lands of E. C. Wright, Charles Conaway, The Carroll Oak ft Tan- ning Company and Jefferson D. Green to intersect the Gorsuch Road abort one-half mile south-east of Tannery Station, Carroll comity, Md. All persons whom it may concern are hereby notified that we will meet on THURSDAY, MAY 13th, 1920, at 9 o’clock a. at, at the starting point leading from Westminster and Man- chester State Road to the Gorsuch Road, at or near the second bridge over the stream Sooth of the Blectrle Power House on the aforenamed state road on the lands of the heirs of John Flohr, deceased, to execute the trust reposed in us by the afore- said Commission. OSCAR D. HILBERT, ROBERT GIST, GEORGE A. LEISTER, apr9-5t Examiners. , 7

Transcript of The Democratic advocate (Westminster, Md.) 1920-05-07 [p 7]...The Sykesville school girls beat the...

Page 1: The Democratic advocate (Westminster, Md.) 1920-05-07 [p 7]...The Sykesville school girls beat the Damascus school girls at a game of dodge ball last Saturday afternoon, at Damascus.

boys.Mrs. Benson Hall, of Marion Station,

is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Ship-ley.

The W. C. T. U. of this place en-tertained at a mothers’ meeting overfifty ladies, Tuesday afternoon. A verypleasing and beneficial program wasgiven. Mrs. Albert Hall is presidentof this branch of W. C. T. U. and wasin charge of the meeting! Mrs. Wm.

H. Bennett gave a scripture readingand papers were read by Mrs. D. B.Sprecher, Mrs. Levi Barnes and Mrs.

Wm. Shipley. Delightful refreshmentswere served.

Mrs. Wm. Blunt entertained theUp-to-Date-Club last Friday afternoon.

The Sykesville school girls beat theDamascus school girls at a game ofdodge ball last Saturday afternoon,at Damascus.

FLNKBBUBCLGeorge Mooves and family, of Bal-

timore spent the week’s end with Mrs.Francis Mooves.

Wm. H. Swartz spent Sunday inWashington with Mr. and Mrs. Jos-eph B. Frazier.

Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Teiser ofCarolina were week’s end guests ofMr. and Mrs. James Peeling.

Mrs. Irvin Gosnell, son and grand-daughter, Edna Smith, of Baltimorecounjy called on friends here on Sun-day.

Lewis High, of Baltimore visitedhis farm on Sunday.• Charles Rader who conducts twolarge Dairy farms here, had the mis-fortune to cut his hand with glass,causing, a slight attack of Tetanus.

Alva Keeney *s painting his resi-dence on the state road, which adds toits appearance.

A number of our people attendedthe furniture sale on the Kelbaughhomestead. Fair, prices were paid forold relics.

Some of our citizens attended thei demonstration of tractors in West-i minster last Saturday.


Mrs. Millard Weer is visiting rela-tives in Key Mar.

Mrs. Joshua Barnes gave her hus-band a surprise birthday party Friday•vening. which was very much en-joyed and Mrs. Barnes served delight-ful refreshments. Those present were,¦fr. and Mrs, George Barnes, Mrs.Levi Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. James Car-ter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Bennett, Mr.

and Mrs. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. MauriceHughes, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown,

and children and Mr. and Mrs. Rob-ert Carter.

Misses Isabel and Irene Gaitherand Mr. Elton Gist, of Baltimore, spentthe week's end with Mr. and Mrs.James Gaither.

Mrs. James Grimes is on the sicklist. v

Rev. Dr. W. W. Barnes, of Balti-more, West Baltimore District Super-intendent, spent Saturday and Sun-day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Melville. Barnes baptized their in-fant son, Sunday afternoon. He alsobaptized the baby of Mr. and Mrs.Charles Thompson.

The new preacher and family forfcv. Paulas Methodist Episcopal churcharrived Wednesday evening and theywere delightfully entertained by theLadies' Aid at the parsonage. Rev. E.O. Prichett and wife are both gradu-ates of Western Maryland College, andwill meet many friends here. We givehim a cordial welcome.

A very bad case of diptheria has de-veloped in Sykesville. The little four-year old boy of Mr. and Mrs. Spen-cer is extremely ill.

Miss Leona Hale is visiting rela-tives In Clarksville. i

Miss Maud Fairbank, chief at tele-phone exchange here is still confinedto her home from sickness.

A game of baseball between thehigh school here and high school atWestminster was played here last Pri- jday and was won by the Sykesville !

| Westminster & Littiestov/n Bns Linei TIME TABLE |S? Effective April Ist, 1920

(Subject to change without notice.) s|m -1Xiz ’ Leave Westminster 3kCA& 0:00 A. M. Daily except Sunday. 0:30 A. M. Sunday.

0 4:00 P. M. Daily and Sunday. ||Leave Littlestoyvn

# TM A. M. Daily except Sunday. 8:00 A. M. Sunday.® 5:30 P. M. Daily and Sunday. $$

Stop for passengers by signal at any point along the line.

This Bus connects with the Electric Car at Littlestown forMcSherrystown, Hanover, York, Lancaster rgv

and other towns.

W ¦ - -


O. C. CORBIN, w“’STter’

Mar 19-tf CAP. TELEPHONE 54W.

q Westminster Hardware Co. q1 Automobile Tires, Tubes |

Q and Accessories || United SUfts liia Service Station nfr 4When you need new tires be sure to ask for and in- fe-¦y sist upon UNITED STATES TIRES. This is most im- I'M portant at the present time, when the quality product £|1 is the only economical one.

The UNITED STATES TIRE COMPANY’S pro- £ducts are the only complete line of Automobile Tires on if

H the market, made in five treads, “ROYAL CORD”, 1]

D “NOBBY”, “CHAIN”, “USCO” and “PLAIN”,and each £one of the five at its price, the biggest money value in j|

(mileageand satisfaction that you can put on your car. ||

UNITED STATES TIRES are recognized the II"

country over by Motorists who know it as the tire that Pij gives uniform long mileage and least annoyance.

DWe sell United States Tires because they are good I*tires. M

| Columbia Battery Service Station. \ |Ep Have your batteries tested for the spring motoring Qji season. You are invited to inspect our up-to-date ser- p|

tf 1 vice plant and learn something about Automobile Bat-

! tenes.

EWe sell and recommend COLUMBIA STORAGEBATTERIES, the highest quality battery that can be tejbuilt. /

D. ¦ .M

We recharge and repair any make of Battery.

I Westminster Hardware Co. Q|u aar 2®- H nHHHHKJKt. ....

|| -...... INTENSE HEAT bat LITTLE WIST* || !in |P j

M \ Our CoaxUse it and realize what coai satis- IB

faction really means. It requires mln-

f imum attention and gives maximum f" j| M WV

_ J results. It Is the very acme of heat m !IB *production.

|| LUMBER COAL <a SUPPLY CO. I jWestminster, Maryland.

uei' -

'I¦—- ' I .OI'SCMWSSXri jl

w ¦


IIMm 9 ¦¦¦* MKquraig

HERE are facts and figures—figures that are facts:

If, a Fact:52+12= 2 That’s die guarantee back ofHow do thmy do UT the new

' with thePhilcoSlotted Retainert * * - . ?

the longest, strongest guarantee

ewer put behind an auto battery,and die only battery that everdeserved such a guarantee.

Think of it—-two whole years,fifty-twoweeks of freedom fromtrouble,then twelve months more.Why buy a puzzle box, whenyou <•"name facts and figures?


Repairing, charging and distilled water for any battery.A Philadelphia Diamond Grid Battery to fit any car.


We can make delivery of cars as we are getting cars shipped to us, whichare now on the way, and if you buy a

Six Cylinder Paige, Oakland or Scripps-Bqothyou will be well satisfied as the many are who own one.

PaigeLenox Roadster 2or 3 pass. Model 6-42 Price $1670 F. O. B.Glenbrook Touring 5 “ “ “ “ $1670 “

Essex Touring 7 “ “ 6-55 “ $2260 “

Larcbmont Sport Style 4 “ “ “ “

$2365 “

Paige Closed ModelCoupe 4 passenger Mode! 6-42 Pric- $2295 F. O. B.Se<Jan 6 “ “ “ “ $2395 “

Coupe 5 “ “ 6-55 “ $3060Sedan 7 “ “ “ “ $3160

Oakland ModelsRoadster 2 or 3 passenger Model 34-C Price $1165 F. O. B.Touring 5 “ “ “ “ $1165 “

Coupe 3or 4 “ “ “ “ $1825Sedan 4-Door 5 “ “ “ “ $1825 “

Scripps-Booth ModelsRoadster 2 or 3 passenger Model B-40 Price $1425 F. O. B.Touring 5 “ “ B-39 “

$1425 “

Coupe 3or 4 “ “ B-42 “

$2095 “

Sedan 5 “ “ B-41 •* $2175

D. E. CjEIMAN & CO.77 W. Main St., Westminster, Md.

mar 12-0


I 1Providt^ri^^Habits^lF Iof animals and insects are I I y

the results of instinct. I I q

Should not the reasoning x gO ly¦' faculties of Q

\ THE HUMAN MIND ¥ 8b Elg teach mortals to profit by the example and put aside ginO a part of their earnings to provide for a period of kMO idleness, caused by sickness, accident or loss of Ai5 || employment? | | Q

Start A Savings Account At Once! |Q || april 9 I I O


I lj|- ,| ’ WESTMIHSTEK HARYLAHD _||[ |o xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>oooooogck>>ovsooooooooooooooooooocoooo

h*®b®b&hb®wb| THE. OLD RELIABLE |

New Home Sewing Machines |§ At About Half Price.

We just bought the stock of machines from a well known concernat a very low price and we are giving you the advantage of our buy. JHJ

S This machine is one of the best on the market. Ifyou want one,come quick, as these are all we will have. CASH 039.00.

M Stonesifer’s Variety Store ||

Indian Motorcycle DealerAND REPAIR WORK.




Dr. E. H. Garey,


Himp. 47-F5 HD.jan 23-tf


PIKE HILL NEW WINDSOROrders left at Wolfs Drug Store

will receive prompt attention.Graphophones Repaired.

Telephone No. 16-M._Jly_2s lyr.

| CPRM^WANItD|Delivered at Carrollton o

g Station. Highest cash price 0

§ See ns before selling elsewhere. 1W. H. Crouse,H. S. Evans. 0

(j Phone 808-Fl2. xO mar 19-t r ' Jc

i ¦ ¦

j At Your Service—Day and NightWith Two New


Westminster, Md.PHONES 211 and 821-F2 ap 18-ly




Office 114 E. Main St., Opposite Union

National Bank,jp*B lyr WESTMINSTER, MD

§ Fire and Tornado INSURANCE |x We write all Insurance in '{5 STANDARD COMPANIES AT $Q STANDARD RATES. Which £x are as cheap with better security KO than non-Standard Companies. X

Q We are prepared to write all classes of Fire CQ and Tornado Insurance in the very best GQ STANDARD COMPANIES at the very t'Q best STANDARD rates, with the very C6 best STANDARD Security.

X ' We also write Automobile Insurance in *

x Standard Companies. Call and see (us XX before placing yoir Insurance. v


.No. 06 East Main SL, 5

X apr 1. ’l9 Westminster, Md.


Steam and Hof Wafer HeatingPlumbing, Roofing, Tinning.

Representative For The

Celebrated American Boilers.

West Main Street. C. A P. Telephone vt-j





Prompt reply to summons, courteoutattention, efficient service, legitimatedealing and correct Funeral Direction

! are a few reasons why we are un-questionably sunerior and able tc

.command your earnest censideratioaPhone 294-Westrriinster. D7-ly.



Funeral Directorand EmbalmerQuality, Economy aud Service,

DAY OR NIGHTdeserves consideration.

Aatomohlle Funerals a Specialty.Touring car free wish each funeral

Residence —Pennsylvania Avenue,on Littles town Pike.

C. & P. Telephone No. 292.apri!6



This Fine STALLION will make tkeSeason of 1920, at the Stable of theOwner near OGG’S SCHOOL HOUSE,on the Hook road, EVERY DAY ex- 1cept Tuesday and Saturday. Every jTuesday I will be at Leonard Prey-man’s, on the Hoffman Farm, nearWinfield, after April.

.}BLACK PRINCE weighs 12M

jpounds, is . a Beautiful Black and a; sure foal getter. He has a mark of 2,17.He is bred from Prince of India anda Wilkes mare. All who wish to breedfrom a fine horse are invited to comeand look hira over as he will com-mend himself for style and action.This horse was formerly owned byDavid Barnhart, of Manchester.

TERMS: SIO.OO to Insure a Mare inFoal. Anyone patting .a Mare andparting with her before she is knownto he with foal will be held for In-surance. NOT RESPONSIBLE FORACCIDENTS OR ESCAPES.


All Kinds of Printing Dene.

I"rrsTrsrmis based upon quality. It Mis not how much money M

you pay for an article. It Is M

at ® ne perfect

soon be here —order NOW I

*v Vr*.,;,#¦¦•.i ¦¦ All stones delivered-

?• •*. mmanywhere by Ante Truck.

300 Marble and Granite Monuments and Headstones Ito select from.

— •• ii|Joseph LJlafhias, Westminster, Md. I

SSZ .3||Sk jsljtij &m



I Clerk Waited at Once IYoung, single man about 18 or 20 years of age, one |

with former clerking experience preferred—not nec- "Jessarily experience in hardware store—but one who has 9

j S clerked in any line of business. Must be able to cal- ||I 3 cu Jate quickly and accurately, must be reliable and jI 3 bring references or be able to give names of parties Em

| from whom reference can be gotten. Apply in person Hto Edwin S. Gehr.

>3pv c The Hardware Mao On The Corner.

3 vJClir ? Westminster. Md. }ESTABLISHED 1866. ¦

- fmmwhhhhmmw mmmmmmmmmm

]| stop i I,| Lookl I> | Listen! Ii i . - $; ;?• i . ||; @ 1 Before you have your Automobiles, Brgoieg and$ 1

Trucks painted and New Tops put on.

\ Get our prices, as we are thoroughly equipped

|lp to turn out first class work at reasonable prices.

i’|? We have at the head of our paintingl'department ||J. G. Gist and our blacksmith shop is in charge of S/John Sullivan.


1|- ¦ • -¦

I ALL WORK GUARANTEED ||_ - ¦ - gjgg Yours for business, m

I Westminster Mill& Body Co. IWorks;—John Street. S

\W &•! Phone 132-J |fc

| mar 12-tf


The undersigned examiners’ ap-pointed by virtue of a commission tothem issued by the County Commis-sioners of Carroll County, to locate

jor cause to be located and open a pub-jlie road in Carroll county, beginningjfor the same at a point on the West-minster and Manchester State Roadin said county, at or below the see-¦ ond bridge spanning a stream immefi-

jately south of the Electric Power| House on said State Road, and run-ning thence over the bed of an

I abandoned mill race on the land he-: longing to the heirs of John Flohr,j deceased, now owned by a certain Mr.Pembleton, and the land of EmoryMerryman; thence continuing in asoutheasterly direction and runningon or near the bed of an old roadcommonly known as the Dark Hollow

' Road, through and over the lands ofEdward Witte, Slnlth-Yingling &

'August Witte and the Carroll Oak *

Tanning Company, to the TanneryRoad, and thence through and overthe lands of E. C. Wright, CharlesConaway, The Carroll Oak ft Tan-ning Company and Jefferson D. Greento intersect the Gorsuch Road abortone-half mile south-east of TanneryStation, Carroll comity, Md.

All persons whom it may concernare hereby notified that we will meeton THURSDAY, MAY 13th, 1920, at 9o’clock a. at, at the starting pointleading from Westminster and Man-chester State Road to the GorsuchRoad, at or near the second bridgeover the stream Sooth of the BlectrlePower House on the aforenamedstate road on the lands of the heirsof John Flohr, deceased, to executethe trust reposed in us by the afore-said Commission.


apr9-5t Examiners. ,