The Daw Family Spring 2011 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family, 2011 has truly started out as a year of transition for both our family and the ministry. As most of you know, our entire missions base has been in transition since the roof collapsed on our old building on January 18th. We are still looking to tie down a permanent building. In the meantime we are still going strong in the temporary location. Regular prayer continues to happen in the prayer room and we are regularly hosting events such as our Encounter Nights once a month. As many of you are aware we were as a ministry in the final negotiations with investors to get the building purchased. This had been a long drawn out process with much prayer and we were weeks away from closing. Having said that we were extremely disappointed to say the least, but also grateful that no one was injured in the building. We are now more resolved than ever that this missions base with prayer and missions going hand in hand, is to be established. We feel 2010 was a seed planting year and 2011 is going to be a year of exponential growth in so many ways. With the Pursuit Internship DTS, Pursuit Conference, increase of prayer hours, Impact World Tour teams growing, Encounter weekends, new worship teams, marketplace leaders ministry, as well as the team and staff of amazing people that has been growing. We see God’s hand on this and we know He is in control.


The Daw Family Spring 2011 Newsletter

Transcript of The Daw Family Spring 2011 Newsletter

Page 1: The Daw Family Spring 2011 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family,

2011 has truly started out as a year of transition for both our family and the ministry. As most of you know, our entire missions base has been in transition since the roof collapsed on our old building on January 18th. We are still looking to tie down a permanent building. In the meantime we are still going strong in the temporary location. Regular prayer continues to happen in the prayer room and we are regularly hosting events such as our Encounter Nights once a month.

As many of you are aware we were as a ministry in the final negotiations with investors to get the building purchased. This had been a long drawn out process with much prayer and we were weeks away from closing. Having said that we were extremely disappointed to say the least, but also grateful that no one was injured in the building.

We are now more resolved than ever that this missions base with prayer and missions going hand in hand, is to be established. We feel 2010 was a seed planting year and 2011 is going to be a year of exponential growth in so many ways. With the Pursuit Internship DTS, Pursuit Conference, increase of prayer hours, Impact World Tour teams growing, Encounter weekends, new worship teams, marketplace leaders ministry, as well as the team and staff of amazing people that has been growing. We see God’s hand on this and we know He is in control.

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We are currently living in a 2 bedroom home on the south east side of Medicine Hat. For the last 10 months we have been dealing with the uncertainty of loosing our home. 6 months after moving to Alberta a local Christian building company offered us a newly built 2 bedroom home for the same rent we were paying for our 1 bedroom apartment. After much prayer we decided this would be a great opportunity for our family. The original deal was on a rent to own basis, which meant when we were ready to buy the home the builder would give us a percentage of rent paid back to use for down payment. A few months after we moved into the home the company went into court control and suffered near bankruptcy. As a result they were forced to put our home on the market for sale and our rent to own contract basically fell apart. In December I went to the owners and requested that we be allowed to renew our current lease for at least another year with option to purchase with money back on rent paid. After two weeks of negotiations the builder agreed to allow us to sign another lease securing our home for another year. One week after the new lease took effect I received a phone call telling us they were putting our home back on the market. Because we have a lease I was able at that point to use some legal leverage to stop our home from going on the market for about a month. Shortly after, without notice, they listed our home at barely above their cost and it sold the same day. Since the sale of the home we have had no choice but to exercise our legal right as tenants. The sale of the home and how things were done was totally illegal and violated our legal lease agreement. Although the dealings have been less than fair we still felt very strongly that God wanted us to act in kindness, meekness and integrity rather than fighting back with legal action. In saying that this now leaves us in a situation where we are forced to move once again.

We have explored the option to buy an older home as it is much cheaper on a monthly basis right now to buy rather than to rent.

We tried many options but it basically came down to without a strong cosigner and the fact that we are considered self employed we were not able to get a mortgage on our own. This has made it very difficult for us to find alternative housing as rentals are very expensive and on the rise because of the newly found oil in southern Alberta.

We are continuing our search for either a rental home or a rent to own option. We are somewhat under the gun as we need to be moved by June 1 because of the DTS outreach and Sarah and the kids returning home for a visit mid June. The builder is also putting a lot of pressure on us because they need the sale to finalise due to their financial situation.


On April 20th the second Pursuit Internship began. This time around both Sarah and I are staff and not students in the school. It has only been a few days and it already feels like the presence of the Lord is smashing through the roof with His glory and conviction. If we could describe this first week in one word it would be HUNGER. Both staff and students started out the week with heavy intercession and a commitment to a purity covenant. We are so excited about the quality of speakers that are coming to this school. Some of the speakers include Corey Stark, Sammy Robinson, Wesley Campbell, Mark Anderson, Carlos Sarmiento, Craig Cook and Donna Jordan to name a few. Along with my normal day to day commitments with the missions base and IWT worldwide I will be running sound, video recording teachings, helping lead worship in the prayer times, co-leading small group times and basically whatever else needs to be done. Sarah will be leading a small group, leading in the prayer times and helping out in many other areas.

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Following the Lecture Phase of the Internship we will be going on Outreach to India. We aim to depart on July 4th. Because Sarah and I were unable to go on the last outreach with the school it is imperative that we complete this outreach as our missions commitment to YWAM. Our hearts are hungry to minister and see God move on hearts in India. We will be staying in a city called Hyderabad which is in the heart of India. We have some friends of the ministry who work for Joyce Meyer Ministries who will partnering with us in that area. We will be feeding the poor, praying for the sick and holding daily meetings where we expect 1000-2000 people to attend nightly. There has been some reports of Hindu Radicals lately attacking churches during Sunday services so please pray for protection as our team leaves on outreach.

Currently we are looking at roughly $1600 per adult so for our family to go just airfare alone will be around $7000. We will give more information soon as details come together.


Ryan has been working daily at the office doing all the design and media for the ministry. He just finished designing a new website for Global Prayer House, The Pursuit Conference and the Pursuit Internship. Check them out at, and

Ryan was supposed to be going to Scotland in October and November for IWT but that looks like it won’t be happening now because it was pushed a month later and now conflicts with the Pursuit Conference in November. The Internship Outreach also was moved two months later so that created an issue as well. Ryan has also been asked to go to Los Angeles in late December to do Call2All with John Ross. Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke will be one of the keynote speakers at that Call2All Congress.

Sarah is still strongly involved in prayer and intercession at the prayer house as well as full time staff with the Pursuit Internship. With the birth of our son Malachi on February 9th, Sarah has been taking time needed to adjust to the new responsibilities. Malachi is very healthy and all Daw. He is already smiling, cooing, holding up his head and rolling over. Nevaeh has been very eager to help with Malachi and household chores. She loves Malachi and seems to be adjusting well.

Thanks for all your prayers for our family and please pray for continued grace for this season of discipling others as a family.

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Current Needs:• Finances for the 2 month outreach to India

in July & August• $4000 if just Ryan goes• $10,000 if our whole family goes

• New Laptop for Ryan• $1650 (Refurbished 15” MacBook Pro)

• Car Maintenance ($450 approx)• $300 for new tires• $150 for rear brakes and power steering hose.

Contact Info:web www.thedawfamily.comemail [email protected] 403.504.4580

Mailing Address:202 Somerset Way SEMedicine Hat, AlbertaT1B 0B6

Donations:Please make cheques payable to YWAM

(Attach a note that the donation is for Ryan & Sarah Daw. Do not write our names on the cheque)

Donations can be mailed to:Project FundingPO Box 57100Vancouver, BCV5K 1Z0

For more donation options please visit our website @