The Dark Side of Technology

The Dark Side of Technology Miranda, Sofie and Alicia The Dark Side of Technoogy Why you shouldn’t spend your life behind a retina screen and how dead authors make good points I fear the day that technology will surpass human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots. –Albert Einstein Face it, you’re addicted Welcome to the 21 st century, otherwise known as the digital age. Statistically speaking, more people own cell phones than toilets. On a daily basis, respective sectors of our global community use GPS systems to navigate places, transmit files between two devices cable- free, harness energy from our nearest star and send monkeys into space. There’s so much more weird and wacky inventions, some modifications of older ones, apart from the ones stated, but that’s something for your own personal inquiry. Inarguably, the more advanced our technology becomes, the more doors open for us, we find ourselves facing bigger prospects and opportunities to explore which bears results that can be used for the greater good of mankind. Like finding a cure for cancer, or a way to harness unlimited energy from the core of the Milky Way. But humans are born with a deeply embedded sense of laziness and a tendency to be manipulative, whatever we can get our hands on that pleasure us and eases our burdens we use excessively. ‘Procrastination’- teens call it, and wonder when their life went wrong decades later as they wrap up an order at McDonalds. It’s no wonder that technology is being abused, to the point of addiction.


Why you shouldn't spend your life behind a retina screen and how dead authors make good points

Transcript of The Dark Side of Technology

  • The Dark Side of Technology Miranda, Sofie and Alicia

    The Dark Side of Technoogy Why you shouldnt spend your life behind a retina screen

    and how dead authors make good points

    I fear the day that technology will surpass human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots. Albert Einstein

    Face it, youre addicted Welcome to the 21st century, otherwise known as the digital age. Statistically speaking, more people own cell phones than toilets. On a daily basis, respective sectors of our global community use GPS systems to navigate places, transmit files between two devices cable-free, harness energy from our nearest star and send monkeys into space. Theres so much more weird and wacky inventions, some modifications of older ones, apart from the ones stated, but thats something for your own personal inquiry.

    Inarguably, the more advanced our technology becomes, the more doors open for us, we find ourselves facing bigger prospects and opportunities to explore which bears results that can be used for the greater good of mankind. Like finding a cure for cancer, or a way to harness unlimited energy from the core of the Milky Way.

    But humans are born with a deeply embedded sense of laziness and a tendency to be manipulative, whatever we can get our hands on that pleasure us and eases our burdens we use excessively. Procrastination- teens call it, and wonder when their life went wrong decades later as they wrap up an order at McDonalds. Its no wonder that technology is being abused, to the point of addiction.

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    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    Weve all thought this at least once in our lives, how else are there so many Microsoft products around?

    But contrary to popular belief, Bill Gates is just a nice, successful, innately smart and mind bogglingly wealthy guy (however, whether or not hes Stephen Hawkings long lost twin is still very much plausible). Do you know who else is a nice guy? Enter the monster, a fictional character from Mary Shelleys infamous Frankenstein.

    Victor Frankenstein, the mad scientist who created the monster went against the laws of nature and gave life to a scrap of haphazardly sewn body parts, which should have otherwise been dead, like the corpses they belonged to. Mary Shelley wanted to show her readers that when science toes the line, nature retaliates, in this case, the monster went berserk and turned into a Victorian-era Hulk.

    In context, were also toeing the line, by using immoderately what we should be implementing wisely. Dont be a slave to technology, lest we meet the same fate the monster did.

    Remind me why this is a problem

    1. Were butchering relationships and what is considered normal human interaction.

    2. You lose your ability to think critically and discourages students from actively pursuing their interests.

    3. Its bad for your eyes and your posture.

    4. Its distracting, especially social media platforms. But trust me, you dont need those likes, you need to do your homework.

    Is Bill Gates out for world domination?

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    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    5. Irregular sleeping patterns, this might potentially induce insomnia. 6. Teens are prone to cyber bullies on, again, sociomed platforms, causing depression and anxiety to run rampant 7. Teens and children are also prone to child predators, viruses, and identity thieves. 8. Psychological studies show that technology addicts find it difficult to store and retrieve information, as well as suffering from impaired decision making abilities and negative impacts to emotional processing.

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    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016 You Know That Youre Addicted, Now What?

    1. Acknowledge that technology has power! Just being aware of this fact helps you in taking bigger steps to change your interaction with those devices.

    2. You need to set a time limit! Set a timer when you start using technology. Recommended time is not more than an hour at a time. Theres no point trying to change your habits if you havent decided on your new boundaries. Once you decided on this, tell your parents and family about it and dont forget to make it clear to yourself that there is no valid reason for a time extension.

    3. And set another time limit! You need to have time that is as long as your time limit for handling and using technology exclusive for exercise and socialize (definitely not using social media). Go for at least an hour of outdoor activities such as jogging, walking your dog, riding bikes, playing with friends and others per day!

    4. Prioritize your homework! All homework had to be done before getting on your pc/phone/tablet/etc to play.

    5. Family time takes the precedence! Having family is inarguably was and is of great importance. Family comes first so stop saying when I get done on the computer, Mom! when youre called for dinner!

    6. Open door policy. For parents, do always have your childrens doors open and interact with them during computer time. Check on the games theyre playing or what they were looking up. Show interest and let them know you are paying attention. When possible, sit with them, watch and interact.

    7. Modify your routine. If you trap yourself by checking email first thing in the morning or heading straight for the computer when you get home from work, intending to get off and do other things but never quite getting there, change your routine a bit and get other things out of the way first. Its much easier to get off the computer if you dont get on it! Wait until youve done your household chores, then give yourself some net time. Reward yourself, in small amounts, for holding out.

    8. Dont use them for recreational purposes. There are a lot of people out there who lives their life never touching any gadget and are happier than you thought!

    9. Track your progress! See how well you did on holding back and be satisfied over it (if you did make a satisfying progress).

    10. Focus on being present! You need to try to engage yourself in the moment, and with people around you. Remind yourself by doing self-talk like I am talking to this person right now and that means I should not focus on other stuff to be respectful.

    11. Take a Technology Holiday! Take a day, a weekend, or even a week off from your gadgets. It helps greatly in reducing addiction.

    12. Find a professional! If all the things above doesnt work, means your addiction is serious and needs to be handled with care. Find a licensed mental health professional with experience in practical strategies can help you to overcome challenges around your relationship with technology that you havent been able to solve using the other suggestions on this list.

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    Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016


    Quisque imperdiet purus quis orci. Ut placerat erat commodo libero. Praesent imperdiet. Sed bibendum velit nec ipsum. Sed quam metus, posuere ac, scelerisque at, vulputate sed, augue. Ut rhoncus vehicula leo. Quisque sem turpis, dignissim sit amet, ullamcorper vitae, condimentum id, metus. Nulla elit. Vestibulum mattis, purus et tempor tempor, purus elit rhoncus enim, eget mattis arcu odio ac odio. Mauris commodo. Maecenas eget eros ut felis accumsan ullamcorper. Nulla nec nunc. Aenean auctor, leo vel faucibus tincidunt, nulla dui ullamcorper mauris, eu porta felis metus non orci. Donec id tellus id orci porta pellentesque. Nam quis eros. Donec orci justo, viverra in, facilisis ut, euismod nec, libero.

    Donec sem nisi, tincidunt nec, congue sed, suscipit vitae, justo. Vivamus metus. Ut turpis augue, dictum condimentum, vestibulum quis, dictum luctus, velit. Aliquam cursus tortor quis lectus. Praesent semper nunc porttitor nibh. Sed pede. Vivamus nisi mi, luctus scelerisque, tristique a, mattis at, massa. Morbi vulputate risus ac leo. Praesent et sapien. Nulla eget felis. Morbi ipsum. Maecenas id ante eu tortor consectetuer feugiat. Duis libero. Donec malesuada ante vitae est. In tortor tortor, tincidunt eu, convallis sit amet, blandit vitae, mauris. Vestibulum sit amet ante. Aenean iaculis elementum enim. Fusce iaculis, elit vitae viverra venenatis, lectus elit viverra quam, vel scelerisque lectus augue eu est.

    Cras accumsan leo a neque. Vestibulum egestas volutpat libero. Aliquam porta sodales justo. Suspendisse vel quam. Quisque ultrices fermentum odio. Nullam tempor vehicula enim. Nam justo elit, pellentesque quis, placerat sed, fermentum at, dui. Vestibulum nonummy laoreet metus. Donec consectetuer tortor in lorem. Duis mattis nisl ac ligula. Aenean sed orci id pede imperdiet consectetuer. Donec est. Nam commodo. Fusce quam sapien, ultricies quis, dictum id, commodo ut, erat. Sed posuere viverra arcu.


    Vivamus vel sem eu massa sollicitudin congue. Aliquam tellus. Etiam neque lorem, congue vel, aliquet eget, auctor ac, dui. Nullam feugiat consectetuer enim. Ut vulputate erat eget lorem. Sed porta. Vivamus pharetra. Fusce tempor faucibus erat. Duis turpis. Fusce mollis fringilla nulla. Donec nisi magna, pretium vitae, interdum et, consectetuer sed, magna. Vivamus nec diam. Maecenas ac magna at sapien auctor consequat. Praesent iaculis mi vitae lorem.

    In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla odio. Aliquam ullamcorper. Praesent ipsum enim, rutrum et, pulvinar sed, tempor sed, metus. Pellentesque sodales. Quisque nunc. Aliquam commodo neque vel turpis. Donec et dolor et arcu semper pellentesque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam eu ligula. Praesent quis quam. Nulla rutrum, magna sed gravida faucibus, purus magna bibendum purus, at bibendum ipsum mi eu risus.

    Donec condimentum condimentum justo. Nullam sit amet turpis et eros tempor feugiat. Nullam laoreet lacus eget orci. In scelerisque nulla eget dui. Sed faucibus, lectus vitae pulvinar egestas, tortor velit porta nisi, id feugiat turpis mi sit amet felis. Vestibulum neque lorem, pretium ac, condimentum nec, malesuada et, massa. Donec nonummy bibendum diam.

    Quisque sit amet odio. Pellentesque velit turpis, aliquam eu, ultricies vel, accumsan sit amet, quam. Praesent vulputate, arcu id convallis pellentesque, diam justo consequat massa, non rutrum odio ipsum ac magna. Quisque iaculis volutpat velit. Duis sed tortor sed turpis adipiscing euismod. Aliquam nec justo. Sed viverra ante eget sapien. Ut sodales adipiscing neque. Donec eu felis quis justo vehicula eleifend. Vivamus ultrices faucibus leo. Duis eu elit. Pellentesque lacus mauris, cursus vel, tempor ac, vestibulum et, lacus. Suspendisse ut turpis sit amet tellus ornare iaculis. Curabitur id risus. Curabitur in nisi.


  • Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin consequat. Donec et sem. Nullam in lorem. Vestibulum et est. In ullamcorper, quam nec dictum interdum, neque enim gravida tortor, id congue purus neque sit amet elit. Nunc gravida malesuada ante. Proin aliquet nisl ut libero. Sed quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In enim ante, condimentum ac, mollis eu, lobortis sed, sapien.

    Fusce eleifend gravida est. Duis malesuada scelerisque purus. Donec sapien turpis, accumsan non, dapibus ut, congue ut, ligula. Integer placerat quam nec elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi dictum pretium erat. Integer rhoncus velit sit amet pede. Fusce eu arcu id felis dignissim gravida. Maecenas scelerisque accumsan orci. Aliquam metus purus, ullamcorper sit amet, vehicula ac, venenatis et, orci. Donec venenatis enim suscipit sem.

    Vivamus id nisi vel purus gravida bibendum. Duis nec neque. In sem diam, convallis

    eleifend, rutrum id, rutrum et, justo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis

    parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam malesuada eros at mi.

    Bibliography HINDENACH, Jeff, 2015. 6 Bad Habits to Blame on Technology (last update unknown) Available at: (May 11 2015)

    HOSALE, Sherry, 2013. 25 Negative Effects of Technology (last update June 8thd 2013). Available at: (May 11 2015).

    DELOATCH, Pamela, 2015. The Four Negative Sides of Technology (last updated May 2 2015). Available at: (May 11 2015).

    Essilor USA, 2015. Children and Technology: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (last update uknown). Available at: (May 11 2015).