The Dangers of Smoking

THE DANGERS OF SMOKING Cigarette smoking causes a variety of deadly diseases, including lung cancer, emphysema and heart disease. Approximately 400,000 deaths per year are directly caused by smoking. Smoking is responsible for changes to all parts of the body including the digestive system. Current estimates show that about one third of adults smoke. And while the man is old enough to be lowest in cigarettes, women and adolescents of both sexes seem to smoke more. How does smoking, the digestive system of all these people influenced? What are some of the harmful effects of smoking on the digestive system? Smoking has been shown to have adverse effects on all parts of the digestive tract contribute to common diseases such as stomach


The dangers of smoking

Transcript of The Dangers of Smoking

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Cigarette smoking causes a variety of deadly diseases, including lung cancer, emphysema and heart disease. Approximately 400,000 deaths per year are directly caused by smoking. Smoking is responsible for changes to all parts of the body including the digestive system. Current estimates show that about one third of adults smoke. And while the man is old enough to be lowest in cigarettes, women and adolescents of both sexes seem to smoke more. How does smoking, the digestive system of all these people influenced?

What are some of the harmful effects of smoking on the digestive system?

Smoking has been shown to have adverse effects on all parts of the digestive tract contribute to common diseases such as stomach ulcers and stomach. The effect of smoking on the liver is not often addressed, but studies show that smoking may be the way the liver processes drugs and alcohol change. In addition, smoking seems to have changed the way food products processed by the body. In fact, it seems enough evidence to stop smoking solely on the basis of digestive disorders.

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How does smoking contribute to heartburn?

Heartburn is especially common in pregnant women every day with 25 percent reporting heartburn and more than 50 percent suffer from pain from time to time.

Most people have heartburn if the lining of the esophagus is in contact with the juice of the stomach too long. He did my gastric juices produced from the stomach acid and bile salts and digestive enzymes, which can stomach emptying the intestines.

Muscle normally keeps a check at the bottom of the esophagus, lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the acid in the stomach and esophagus. Sometimes the LES is weak, allowing stomach juice to reflux or reflux into the esophagus.

Many people have occasional episodes of reflux. People with heartburn commonly occur frequently or not to return the material immediately behind the stomach. Prolonged contact with acidic gastric juice injure the lining of the esophagus and esophagus is burning. Smoking decreases the strength of the valve of the esophagus, so that more material reflux into the esophagus.

Smoking seems to be the movement of bile salts to stimulate the intestines to produce gastric reflux in a hazardous material. Finally, smoking may directly affect the esophagus, making it less able to resist further damage by contact with material from acid reflux.

Is smoking causes stomach ulcers?

The exact cause of the ulcer is not known. A relationship between smoking and ulcers, especially duodenal ulcers, does not exist. Gastric acid is important in producing ulcers. Most of the unbuffered acid that enters the duodenum is fast sodium bicarbonate, an alkali produced naturally by the pancreas neutralized. Some studies show that smoking reduces the bicarbonate produced by the pancreas, the neutralization of the acid interferes with the duodenum. Other studies suggest that chronic smoking may increase the amount of acid secreted by the stomach.

There is also evidence that smoking is the rate of gastric emptying increases its acid content in the small intestine. What is the relationship between smoking and ulcers, two points have been repeatedly demonstrated: People who smoke are more likely to develop ulcers, especially duodenal ulcers and ulcers are more likely to recover rapidly in smokers than in response to otherwise effective treatment. This research tracing the relationship between smoking and ulcers strongly suggests that a person with an ulcer should stop smoking.

How does smoking is the liver?

There is evidence that smoking is the ability of the liver, altered the materials in this process. One theory, based on current results also suggest that smoking, changes in liver disease, worsen due to excessive alcohol consumption.

Is Smoking Help Control Weight?

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A common belief is that smoking helps control weight. Smokers, on average weigh less than smoking. Most people think the reason is that smokers consume less tobacco.

Some researchers have found, however, that smokers actually eat more than smoking. Shows that the bodies of smokers use in foods is more effective than non-smokers. Scientists continue to study the effect that the long-term health of smokers.

Then the damage to the digestive system be reversed?

Some are the effects of smoking on the digestive system apparently short-lived. In half an hour after smoking, the production of bicarbonate back to normal. The effect of smoking on how the liver processes drugs also disappear when someone stops smoking. Although physicians, as most other gastrointestinal abnormalities caused by smoking will disappear soon after quitting suggest, this issue has been very little studied.

From article at above, i hope you can take the conclusions of the dangers of smoking.

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