The Daly News Musical Overview · Actor One (m/w): G3-G5 vocals, moderate ... Orchestral Demands:...

Ready to Perform? When you are ready to perform, please apply for rights or contact our customer service department by clicking below. You will be prompted to log in We are happy to answer any or create an account. questions you may have The Daly News Musical Overview Product Code: DF5000 To help you find the perfect musical for your next performance, we have provided this overview of the vocal and orchestral demands for this title. Solo Songs: Yes Ensemble/Large Chorus Songs: No Main Character Details: Actor One (m/w): G3-G5 vocals, moderate Actor Two (m/w): G3-B5 vocals, difficult Actor Three (m/w): A3-G5 vocals, moderate *All Actors play multiple roles Total Number of Songs: 19 Vocal Demands: Moderate Orchestral Demands: Moderate Size of Orchestra: Small (piano only)

Transcript of The Daly News Musical Overview · Actor One (m/w): G3-G5 vocals, moderate ... Orchestral Demands:...

Page 1: The Daly News Musical Overview · Actor One (m/w): G3-G5 vocals, moderate ... Orchestral Demands: Moderate Size of Orchestra: Small (piano only) Sheet Music Sample Terms and Conditions

Ready to Perform? When you are ready to perform, please apply for rights or

contact our customer service department by clicking below. You will be prompted to log in We are happy to answer any or create an account. questions you may have

The Daly News Musical Overview Product Code: DF5000

To help you find the perfect musical for your next performance, we have provided this overview of the vocal and orchestral demands for this title. Solo Songs: Yes Ensemble/Large Chorus Songs: No Main Character Details: Actor One (m/w): G3-G5 vocals, moderate Actor Two (m/w): G3-B5 vocals, difficult Actor Three (m/w): A3-G5 vocals, moderate *All Actors play multiple roles Total Number of Songs: 19 Vocal Demands: Moderate Orchestral Demands: Moderate Size of Orchestra: Small (piano only)

Page 2: The Daly News Musical Overview · Actor One (m/w): G3-G5 vocals, moderate ... Orchestral Demands: Moderate Size of Orchestra: Small (piano only) Sheet Music Sample Terms and Conditions

Sheet Music Sample Terms and Conditions

By downloading this sheet music sample, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

-This sheet music sample is available to assist you in the play selection process.

-You may view, print and download any of our sheet music samples for perusal purposes.

-Sheet music samples are not intended for performance, classroom or other use. For any of these uses, you must purchase playbooks and rent music materials via our website or by phone, fax or mail.

-A short sample is not always indicative of the entire work, and we strongly suggest reviewing the entire score and reading the entire play before planning a production or ordering a cast quantity of scripts.

The following pages contain copyright information and at least one page from a variety of songs within the show.

Page 3: The Daly News Musical Overview · Actor One (m/w): G3-G5 vocals, moderate ... Orchestral Demands: Moderate Size of Orchestra: Small (piano only) Sheet Music Sample Terms and Conditions

*** NOTICE ***The amateur and stock acting rights to this work are controlled exclusively by THE DRAMATIC PUBLISH-ING COMPANY, INC., without whose permission in writing no performance of it may be given. Royalty must be paid every time a play is performed whether or not it is presented for profit and whether or not admis-sion is charged. A play is performed any time it is acted before an audience. Current royalty rates, applications and restrictions may be found at our website:, or we may be contacted by mail at: THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC., 311 Washington St., Woodstock, IL 60098.

COPYRIGHT LAW GIVES THE AUTHOR OR THE AUTHOR’S AGENT THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO MAKE COPIES. This law provides authors with a fair return for their creative efforts. Authors earn their living from the royalties they receive from book sales and from the performance of their work. Conscien-tious observance of copyright law is not only ethical, it encourages authors to continue their creative work. This work is fully protected by copyright. No alterations, deletions or substitutions may be made in the work without the prior written consent of the publisher. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, videotape, film, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. It may not be performed either by professionals or amateurs without payment of royalty. All rights, including, but not limited to, the professional, motion picture, radio, television, videotape, foreign language, tabloid, recitation, lecturing, publication and reading, are reserved.


Music composed by LARRY DELINGER and GREGG COFFINMusical arrangements by GREGG COFFIN

Printed in the United States of AmericaAll Rights Reserved


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Page 4: The Daly News Musical Overview · Actor One (m/w): G3-G5 vocals, moderate ... Orchestral Demands: Moderate Size of Orchestra: Small (piano only) Sheet Music Sample Terms and Conditions


# # #

# # #44




‰ jœœœ# œ œœœ œnœ Œ œ Œ

A A/C#Π= 105

F œjœœœ# œn

jœœœ Œ

œ ‰ Jœ# œ œ

D D/D# E

Œ œœœjœœœ ...œœœ

Œ œœjœœ ..œœ



# # #

# # #

# # #....

..4 ∑

JON: "Every word was a visit home."

...jœœœ ≈ Œ

..œœ œ œ œ œ

œn œ# œ œn œ# œ œn œ#Here’s a view of World War II through

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœ Œ œ Œ

A 6

Swing ŒÂ = Œ lj1X ACTOR 2:

p(second time: underscore)

2X JON: "Every Tuesday night from 1943 to 1946 ..."

œ œ œ ˙anx - ious eyes.

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœ Œ œ Œ



# # #

# # #

# # #


œn œ# œ œn œ# œ œn œ#Rail-road sta-tions set the scene for

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœ Œ œ Œ

ACTOR 3: jœ œ jœn ˙sad good - byes.

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœ Œ œ Œ

A 7

œn œ# œ œn œ# œ œn œ#Dad - dies leav-in’ child-ren, hus - bands

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœ Œ œ Œ

D 6

Piano-Conductor2. The Daly News

Music by Greg Coffin and Larry DelingerWords by Jonathan Gillard DalyCUE:

JON: “No topic was neglected.”

3©Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE

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# # #

# # #

# # #

10 jœ œ Jœn ˙leav-in’ wives.

Œ ‰ jœœœnn œœœ œœœœ Œ œn Œ


œn œ# œ œn œ# œ œn œ#Sep - a - ra - tion, dep - ri - va - tion,

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœ Œ œ Œ



œ œ œn ˙ra - tioned lives.

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœ Œ œ Œ



# # #

# # #

# # #


œn œ# œ œn œ# œ œn œ#Look - in’ for a way to keep the

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœ

œ Œ œ Œ

E 6


œn œ# œ œ Jœ œ jœnfam - i - ly con - nect - ed the

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœ Œ œ Œ





# # #

# # #

# # #....


œ œ œ œn ˙Da - a - ly News.

‰ jœœœ# œ œœœ œnœ Œ œn Œ

œjœœœ# œn

jœœœ Œ

œ ‰ Jœ œ œ

1X JON: "Every Tuesday night from 1943 to 1946 ..."

2X JON: "THE DALY NEWS was on its way ..."∑

Œ œœœjœœœ ...œœœ

Œ œœjœœ ..œœ

E 7

...jœœœ ≈ Œ

..œœ œ œ œ œ

2 2. The Daly NewsPiano-Conductor

4©Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE

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# # #

# # #

# # #


œn œ# œ œn œ# œ œn œ#Bob’s my dad, a nav - i - ga - tor

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœ Œ œ Œ




œ œ œ ˙stuck state - side.

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœ Œ œ Œ

œn œ# œ œn œ# œ œn œ#Left be-hind my ba - by girl and

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœ Œ œ Œ




# # #

# # #

# # #

22 jœ œ jœn ˙lone- ly bride.

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœ Œ œ Œ

A 7

œn œ# œ œn œ# œ œn œ#Gene’s in the Pa - cif - ic. I can’t

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœ Œ œ Œ


JON: GENE: jœ œ Jœn ˙tell you where.

Œ ‰ jœœœnn œœœ œœœœ Œ œn Œ




# # #

# # #

# # #


œn œ# œ œn œ# œ œn œ#Chuck is out of boot camp. Send me

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœ Œ œ Œ



œ œ œn ˙o - ver there.

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœœ Œ œb Œ

œn œ# œ œn œ# œ œn œ#Kate is new - ly mar-ried but her

Œ ‰ jœœœœ œœœœ œœœœ

œN Œ œ Œ



32. The Daly NewsPiano-Conductor

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Œ ‰ JœTheww

w ?

C 7


œ œ œ œ Jœ œ œ œdays are long and lone - ly, It’s a

wwwœ œ ˙


œ œ œ œ œtrou - bled life, When you


œ œ ˙b

F m








..4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

sign up in the serv - ice as a

˙bb ˙

œb œb œb œb

A b D bmaj7

œn œ UG. I. wife:

˙˙nb ˙˙bU

œ. œ. œN . œN . œ œ œU

G 7( b 9) C 7

œœœœ Œ ‰ ....œœœœ

œ œ œ œ

Swing! ŒÂ = Œ lj








.. n



7 ∑

œœœœ Œ ‰ ....œœœœœ œ œ œ

KATE: "November 6, 1943. 33rd Edition."

œœœœ Œ ‰ ....œœœœ

œ œ œ œ



œœ Œ U

MARION, RUTH & KATE: The ladies Speak Out!

Œ œœœjœœœ ...œœœ

Œ œœjœœ ..œœ


‰ . rœ .œ œI got a

œœœ Œ œœ Œ


Piano-Conductor8. G.I. Wife

Music by Greg Coffin and Larry DelingerWords by Jonathan Gillard Daly

CUE: BOB: "and I promise you, all will be well”

45©Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE

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.œ œ .œ œ œ .œ œba - by on the way, will her

‰ ....œœœœ ....œœœœ ‰

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

C 6


.œ œ .œ œ .œ œ .œ œdad - dy fly a - way! This is

....œœœœjœœœœ œœœœ Œ

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

.œb œn Œ war time

‰ ....œœœœ ....œœœœ ‰

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ



15 Œ .œ œgot - ta

....œœœœjœœœœ œœœœ Œ

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

.œ œ .œ œ .œ œ .œ œbuild our nest, I can’t

‰ ....œœœœ ....œœœœ Jœœœœ

.œ œ .œ œb .œn œ .œ œ

F 7

.œ œ .œ œ .œ œ .œ œstop to rest I need

....œœœœ Jœœœœ œœœœ Œ

.œ œ .œ œb .œn œ .œ œ




.œb œn Œ more time.

‰ ....œœœœ ....œœœœ ‰

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

C 6

‰ . rœ 3œ œ œI’m hurry - in' up

....œœœœjœœœœ œœœœ Œ

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

.œ œ .œ œ .œ œ .œ œand wait - ing ’cause I’m liv - ing

‰ ....œœœœ ....œœœœ ‰

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

G 6




œ .œ œ .œ œ .œ œon ar - my air

....œœœœ Jœœœœ œœœœ Œ

.œ œ .œ œb .œn œ .œ œ

F 7

.œ œ Œ corps time.

‰ ....œœœœ ....œœœœ ‰

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

C 6

‰ . rœ œI can’t

....œœœœjœœœœ œœœœ Œ

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

2 8. G.I. WifePiano-Conductor

46©Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE

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œ .œ œ .œ œ .œ œwait for the war to end to

‰ ....œœœœ ....œœœœ ‰

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

œ œ .œ œ .œ œstart our life I can’t be

....œœœœjœœœœ œœœœ Œ

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

.œb œ Œ la - zy.

‰ ....œœœœ ....œœœœ ‰

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ



27 ‰ . rœ .œ œI don’t know

....œœœœjœœœœ œœœœ Œ

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

.œ œ .œ œ .œ œ .œ œwhere we’ll be our lit - tle

‰ ....œœœœ ....œœœœ ‰

.œ œ .œ œb .œn œ .œ œ

F 7

.œ œ .œ œ .œ œ .œ œfam - i - ly. The fu - ture’s....œœœœ J

œœœœ œœœœ Œ

.œ œ .œ œb .œn œ .œ œ




.œb œn Œ ha - zy.

‰ ....œœœœjœœœœ œœœœ ‰

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

C 6

‰ . rœ .œ œTry-in' to

....œœœœjœœœœ œœœœ Œ

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

.œ œ ˙ .œ œpre - tend that the

‰ ....œœœœ ....œœœœ ‰

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

G 7




.œ œ .œ œ .œ œ .œ œworld wont end am I....œœœœ J

œœœœ œœœœ Œ

.œ œ .œ œb .œn œ .œ œ

F 7

.œ œ Œ cra - zy?

‰ ....œœœœ ....œœœœ ‰

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

C 6

Œ ‰ . rœI

....œœœœjœœœœ œœœœ Œ

.œ œ .œ œ .œ# œ .œ œ

38. G.I. WifePiano-Conductor

47©Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE

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36 œ œb œ .œ œget so scared that I

œœœœ Œ œœ Œ


.œb œ .œ œ œ .œ œwant to scream a

‰ ....œœœœ ‰ ..œœ

.œ œ .œb œ .œ œ .œ œfam - ’ly needs a Dad - dy that is

œœœ Œ œœ Œ





.œb œ .œ œ œ œon the scene not

‰ ...œœœ ‰ ..œœ

.œ œ .œ œ œ œfly - in’ ’round the world for

œœœ# Œ ‰ ...œœœœœ Œ ‰ ..œœ

D 7

.œ# œ .œ œ .œ jœUn - cle Sam. A

œœœ# Œ ‰ ...œœœœœ Œ ‰ ..œœ



42 .œ œ œ œ .œ œros - y eyed fool that’s

œœœ Œ œœ Œ


.œ œ .œ œ .œ œ œwhat I am. How’m I

œœœ Œ œœ Œ

.œb Jœ œ œ œdo - ing? Am I















Jœ œ Jœ œ œ œ œfool - in’ you I think I’m

...œœœb jœœœ œœœ Œ


.œœjœœ œœ Œ


.œ œ Œ cra - zy.

œœœœ Œ ‰ ....œœœœ

œ œ œ œ

œœœœ Œ ‰ ....œœœœœb œ œ œ

4 8. G.I. WifePiano-Conductor

48©Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE

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Jœn .œ Œ ‰ jœMov-ing E -

œœœœ Œ ‰ ....œœœœœ œ œ œ

F 6

MARION: œ œ œn œ jœ .œter - nal dis - lo - ca - tion

œœœœ Œ ‰ ....œœœœœb œ œ œ

Jœn .œ Mov-ing

œœœœ Œ ‰ ....œœœœœ œ œ œ

œœœœ Œ ‰ ....œœœœœb œ œ œ






Jœn .œ ‰ jœ œ œPack - ing And nev - er

œœœœ Œ ‰ ....œœœœ

œ œ œ œ


œ œ œn œ jœb .œtak-ing a va - ca-tion

œœœœ Œ ‰ ....œœœœ

œb œ œ œ

Jœn œ ‰ Pack - ing

œœœœ Œ ‰ ....œœœœœ œ œ œ

F 6

œœœœ Œ ‰ ....œœœœœb œ œ œ






56 œ œ Œ Œ œ œLiv- ing In a


jœœœœœ œœœœœ Œ..œœ

jœœ œœ Œ

jœ œ Jœ œ Œchick-en coop.


jœœœœœ œœœœœ Œ..œœ

jœœ œœ Œ

.œb Jœ œ œb œHow low do we

...œœœbbbjœœœ œœœ Œ

..œœbbjœœ œœ Œ

G b7

jœb œ Jœb ˙have to stoop

...œœœbbbjœœœ œœœ Œ

..œœbbjœœ œœ Œ






n# # # # # #

n# # # # # #

n# # # # # #

60 .œ Jœ ˙Till the

....œœœœNjœœœœ œœœœ Œ


.œœ Jœœ œœ Œ

C 7

œ œ œ œ œAr - my lets us be.

œœœœ Œ œœ œœ œœ œœ


....œœœœjœœœœ œœœœ Œ

œ œ œ œ


....œœœœ##n# jœœœœ œœœœ Œ

œ# œn œ# œ#


58. G.I. WifePiano-Conductor

49©Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE

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˙ ˙If the

˙ ˙b

˙ ˙

C 7

CHUCK: œ œ œ œ œ œ .œ œwar has got you down then rise a -

Œ œœœ Œ œœœ

œ Œ œ Œ


œ œ Œ Œ ‰ jœbove it from

Œ œœœ œœœœb Œ

œ Œ ‰ jœb œ œb





œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œfif - teen thou - sand feet you’ll love the

Œ œœœœN Œ œœœ

œ Œ œ Œ

G 7

œ œ œ .œ œview. See the

œœœb œœœ œœœ œœœœ œb œ œ

C 7

œ œ œ œ œ œ .œ œworld and be a dip - lo - mat - ic

Œ œœœ Œ œœœ

œ Œ œ Œ




7 œ œ œ Œ Œ ‰ œ œcour-i - er. It’s a

Œ œœœ œœœœb Œ

œ Œ œb œ jœb ‰

C 7

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œhand - y way to dodge the bul - lets

Œ œœœœN Œ œœœ

œ Œ œ Œ

G 7

œU U U U

too! I’ve been to









C 7

Piano-Conductor14. Rise Above It

Music by Greg Coffin and Larry DelingerWords by Jonathan Gillard DalyCUE: MARTIN: “from your lofty perch, Chuck?"

83©Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE

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Lis-bon, Li - be - ri - a, Na - tal Bra - zil,

Œ œœœ# Œ œœœœ œ œ œ

A 7



3 ‰ ‰ JAf - ri - ca, Por - tu - guese Guin - ea, Ber -

Œ œœœbb Œ œœœœb œb œ œ






J ‰mu - da, the A - zores, Ire - land Nice,

Œ œœœ# Œ œœœœ œ œ œ

A 7


‰ JLon-don and New York Cit - y I’ve

Œ œœœbb Œ œœœœb œb œ œ




14 3

J ‰seen Mo - ham - me - dan mobs at prayer

Œ œœœN#N Œ œœœœN œ œ œ

B 7



J ‰Hook-ers at work in the eve - ’ning air.

Œ œœœb Œ œœœœ œb œ œ

C 7

2 14. Rise Above ItPiano-Conductor

84©Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE

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3 ‰ J ‰Jap - a - nese gen - er - als sip - ping tea.

Œ œœœN#N Œ œœœœN œ œ œ

B 7



‰ Na - zi’s din - ing on French-made brie. I’ve

Œ œœœb Œ œœœœ œb œ œ

C 7







‰ dined with a Duke, had eel with an Earl And a

Œ œœœa#N Œ œœœœa œ œ œ


3 J3

3 J J ‰jar or two with an I - rish girl.

Œ œœœ# Œ œœœœ œ œ œ

D 7



203 J


3 J J ‰Spent the night in a Swiss cha-teau.

Œ œœœa#N Œ œœœœa œ œ œ


3 J3

3 J J ‰(Such a shame that we had to go.)

Œ œœœ# Œ œœœœ œ œ œ

D 7

314. Rise Above ItPiano-Conductor

85©Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE

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Œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ

A m

q = 190


Œ œœœ# œœœ œ


Œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ

A m

Œœ# œ

When my

Œ œœœ# œœœ œ






˙ œson Eu -

Œ œœœ œœœ.˙

A m

˙ œgene be -

Œ œœœ œœœ

œ œ œcame a ma -

Œ œœœ# œœœ.˙


˙ œrine, “Pro

Œ œœœ# œœœ.˙

œ œb œnPa - tri - a”

Œ œœœ œœœ

œ œ œgave me my

Œ œœœ œœœ.˙





Œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ

A m

˙ œ I

Œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ

œ œ œstepped to one

Œ œœœ# œœœ


˙ œside, my

Œ œœœ# œœœ

˙ œ

œ œ œan - ger de -

Œ œœœ œœœ.˙

A m

˙ œnied. I

Œ œœœ œœœ

˙ œ

Piano-Conductor15. The Good War

Music by Greg Coffin and Larry DelingerWords by Jonathan Gillard Daly

CUE: DAVE: “... and everything’ll come out all right.”

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Page 16: The Daly News Musical Overview · Actor One (m/w): G3-G5 vocals, moderate ... Orchestral Demands: Moderate Size of Orchestra: Small (piano only) Sheet Music Sample Terms and Conditions



17 œ œb œndid what they

œœœ# Œ Œ


œ œ œtold me to



Œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ

A m


Œ œœœœ# œœœœ œ


Œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ

A m

Œ Œœ


Œ œœœœ# œœœœ œ





˙ œCharles I

Œ œœœ œœœ.˙

A m

˙ œ œmade an ar -

Œ œœœ œœœ

œ œ œtis - tic cha -

Œ œœœ# œœœ


˙ œrade. I

Œ œœœ# œœœ.˙

œ œb œnplayed my

Œ œœœ# œœœ.˙

œ œ œpart with a

Œ œœœ# œœœ.˙





Œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ

A m

˙ œ I

Œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ

œ œ œsang “Off We

Œ œœœ# œœœ

œ Œ œ .œGo” as if

Œ œœœ# œœœ

˙ œ

œ œ œQuan - ti -

Œ œœœ œœœ.˙

A m

˙ œ œco was a

Œ œœœ œœœ

˙ œ&


35 œ œb œnmoth - er’s

œœœ# Œ Œ


œ œ œdream for her



Œ œœœ œœœ.˙

A m

Œ Œ ‰ jœThe

œœ œœ œœ

œ œ œ

œ œ# œgood war is

Œ œœœ# œœœ.˙



.œ# jœ œfought with-out

Œ œœœb# œœœ.˙

D aug

2 15. The Good WarPiano-Conductor

90©Dramatic Publishing - NOT FOR PERFORMANCE

Page 17: The Daly News Musical Overview · Actor One (m/w): G3-G5 vocals, moderate ... Orchestral Demands: Moderate Size of Orchestra: Small (piano only) Sheet Music Sample Terms and Conditions




œ# ˙weap - ons.

Œ œœœN# œœœ.˙

B m/D

˙ œ œ Moth-ers

Œ œœœb# œœœ.˙

D aug

œ œ# œcan’t see the

Œ œœœ# œœœ.˙


œ# œ œguns and the

Œ œœœ# œœœ.˙


Œ œœ œœœ˙ œ


˙ œ We




47 œ œ œfight it with


G maj7

˙ œsmiles and


F maj7

œ œ œsi - lent de -



œ œ œ œni - als, as the



œ œ œb œnca - su - al ties

œœœœ# Œ Œ


œ œ œmount for the






Œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ

A m


˙ Œ

Œ œœœ# œœœ œ


Œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ.˙

A m

Œ Œ œAnd

Œ œœœ# œœœ œ


˙ œon the

Œ œœœ œœœ.˙

A m




˙ œday that

Œ œœœ œœœ

œ œ œBob flew a -

Œ œœœ# œœœ.˙


˙ œway, I

Œ œœœ# œœœ.˙

œ œb œnknew it was

Œ œœœ# œœœ.˙

œ œ œpoint-less to

Œ œœœ œœœ#.˙


Œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ

A m

315. The Good WarPiano-Conductor

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