The DAILY DISPATCH U served to nbMriUnI fIS AND A «l'*RTE* CENTS PER WREX, payable tohe Carrier weekly. Price for mailing, #4 » T« u ?»

dvwae*.The Witsi.v Dilute* la imed every Friday

tad mailed to rabtcriber* at$1 per annum.



,\V>. Main SlrrcJ, corner litIt, Richmond,/\FFER for sale a large stock, etnhraringV" the following in part, at low price*, for cash, oron credit to panel nal dealer* :

3000 lba beei Indigo,5 hhd*. prime Madder,

1500 lb*. Cream Tartar,S"0 keg* Sap. Carb. Sod*,

24 bbls. Spirit* Turpentine50 do. Burning Fluid,

ISOdo/en Veaat Powdera,2f*** gallon* Lioteed Oil,

\u25a0W keg* White Lend, dry and in oil1700 giulon* Lamp Oil,iwilH* Extract Logwood,300 Nutmeg*.

30 bbl*. Tanner*' Oil,25 ca*e* Chrome Green and Yellow

VOO kec* White Zinc Paint,Zi b't ia. Venitian Red and Spanish Brown20 do. Alco'.iol,10 do. Varnishe*,

300 basket* Sweet Oil,1000 boxe* Window-Gla**?French and American

1"ca«r« refined Borax,25 do. Cooper's Ising'aj*,

1000 lbs. Pari* Green.600ounce* Sulphate Citiinine,

Ayer'*Cherry Pectoral, Mustang Liniment,Arabian Liniment,Bull'*. Sand*' and other Sarsaparilla,M'Lane'* Vermifuge, and other popular patent me-

dicine*.Their stock i* large and well suited to the trade ofVirginia, North Carolina and Tenne*see.N. B ?Particular attention is paid to parking and

(hipping. fe 2J?die

RAWLINGS & MILLER.Grocers and General Commission Merchants,

COKNER PEAKI. AND CARY STRKETS.General Partnem. | Special Partner!.

Wm. C Rawlings, William Allen,E. Miller, I John A. Selden.

RAWLINGS & MILLER offer their ser-vices nsOeneral Commission Merchants for The

purchaseand sale of TOBACCO, FLOUR, GRAIN,«r.d PRODUCE of all kinds, and will make liberaladvances on consignments generally.They also offer for snle a choice assortment ofGROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS,PROVISIONS, 8:c.

N. O. SUGARS and MOLASSESRefined SUGARS?Crushed. Powd'd and CotfeeRio, Laguira, Java, Mocha and Angostura COFFEETEAS?Gunpowder, Imperial and BlackBACON?Hams, Shoulder* and SidesBRANDIES GIN, Jamaica RUMMadeira. Sherry, Port, Malaga and Champagne

WINESRectified, Old Rye, and Bourbon WHISKEYSPICES, all kinds; Olive OILCHEESE.SO<\P. CANDLESHavana SEGARS, a full assortment of choicebrandsPeruvian GUANO,&.C. fcc. fe 27?tit

QAQ DOLLARS REWARD.?Rana-" * wayfrom Mr. John Wright, baker, a Ne-

tro Boy named HENRY, the property of Mrs. Lou-isaWhite of this city.

Said Henry is about 21 year* old, stout and wellbuilt, ot' ginger-bread color, five feet nine or teninches high, and has a icar on one of his cheeks, caus-ed by a burn.

Also, from Messrs. Williams &: Brother's, JAMES,belonging also to Mrs. White. He is about 28 yearsold. black, and about six feet high, and lias lost oneof hisfront teeth.

As both of these nesroes were hired out about thesame time by us, and disappeared, the one on Thurs-day night and the other on Friday, there is littledoubt that they are togc ther, either lurkingübout thecity, waiting an opportunity to get away, or have

As both of these negroes ware hired out about thesame time by us, and disappeared, the one on Thurs-day night and the other on Friday, there is littledoubt that they are fog< ther, either lurkingabout thecity, waiting an opportunity to get away, or havegone oft together.Theabove reward of $300 will be given for bothof them, if taken out of the State, or £150 for eitherof them, if so taken and returned to ns If takenwithin theState, §50 each will be given

fe 2K TOLER t COOK, Agents.

DR. A. C. HARDIN, Graduate of thePhysio Medical College and Infirmary of Ohio,

respectfully tenders his services to the citizens ofRichmond and vicinity, in all the departments of hisprofession, hoping by strict attention to his profes-sion to merit all the patronage he may receive.Dr. H. may be found at the office of Dr. Robinson,ou FraDklin, between 13th and 14th streets, at allhours, night and day, when not professionally en-gaged.

ExtractingTeeth only 25 cents.fe 28?dtSthMh*

WOOD. ?I oii'er for sale, at the woodyard recently occupiedby Mr. John F. Reeve,«n Broad street, for cash, or to "punctual customee,good WOOD, both Pine and Oak. at low prices.?Having a numberof hands engaged in cutting Wood,I shall be rttjularly supplied with it. Through thekindness of Mr. LutherP. Ellis and ofMr. B. W. Dat-ney, I have placed a slate at their stores, where or-ders can be left, and which will be promptly attend-ed to.

fe 10?3 m S. N. DAVIS.

Notice.? (j. w. htzgerald, ofNottowy, having purchased the interest, of S.R. EGGLESTON in the business ofKGGLESTON AtCO., from the Ist of January last, the undersignedwill continue the GROCERY, FORWARDINGAND COMMISSION BUSINESS at the eld stand,No. 14 Pearl street,under the stvle and firm of EG-GLESTON, FITZGERALD CO., and solicit the

patronage of their friends and the public generally.C W. FITZGERALD,J. A. EGGLESTON,J. W. EGGLESTON.Richmond, Feb. Ist, 1854. fe 10

SAMUEL D. DLNOON, Bell and BrassFounder, on Main, between Bth and Bth streets,Richmond, Vu , continues to tarryon the above bu-siness in all its various branches

BELLS for churches, ships, railroads, taverns, andall kinds of House Bells, made to order.

From the large number of Bells that I have madein the last 20 years, and iheir superior tone and qua-lity, I can assure my friends that they are equal toany made in this country. 1 shall alwavs keep onhand a regular supply of all kinds ofBELLS, &c.pp-Ail kinds of REPAIRING in the Brass Foun-dry Business promptly attended to. Bell, Brass, andall the various kinds of Metalic Castings, done at theshortest notice and the lowestrates.N. B» The highest price paid for OLD COPPERandIIRASS. fe2s-3m*

DRY GOODS AT COST FOR CASH.Intending t» improve my Btore, and wishing toopen with an entirely new stock, it becomes neces-

sary that I should dispose of my present stock by the15tn of March, which consists of theusual assortmentto he found in a Dry Goods want will find it to their advantageto call soon a* the Goods must he sold by the 15th dayof March. WM. BOOTVVRIGHT, Jr,fe 17?lro. Cor. Ist and Broad st».

EGGLESTON, FITZGERALD & CO.,No. 14 Pearl street, offer for sale?305 bags Rio, Laguayraand Java Coffee; 165 packa-

ges Loaf, Crushed anil Coffee Sugars; 47 hhds. newcrop N. O.and P. R. Sugar;7s packages N. O.and W.J. Molasser: 100 boxes Adamantine and Tallow Can-dles; 300ikegs Nails, assorted sizes, with a full andcomplete stock of Groceries, Teas, Wines, Liquor*.Cigar*, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, 6lc. '

EGGLESTON, FITZGERALD k CO.,** 3** No. 14 Pear' street

IMPORTED CIGARS.?I46,OOO La Pun-tualidad brand, just from under Custom Housebond, for wile low to clot* consignment.

? ? R. McCANDLISH, Jr.,'?2w I%' Cary street.

OARDING.?The MANSION HOUSEwill be epe i for thereception of Boarders by the

10th March. Families wishing to select rooms, willplease call before the above time and make their se-lection. The terms will be accommodating, ardmade known an application. Day boarders will findthe terms very accommodating, and will find it asconvenient as any house in tha city,especially to bu-siness men.

fe 27?ts J. W. DENNIS.

GUANO, PLASTER AND OTHERMANURES.?As the above named articles are

transported on the Virginia Central Railroad at verylow rates, notice is hereby given that they will onlybe received at the Depot *o4 transported at suchtimes as may suit the convenience of the company.

By order of the Board.E. H. GILL. Sunt.

Richmond, gebuary2,1654. fe3?2 mSPRING IS FAST APPROACHING.?

Having determined to reduce my stock of heavyWinter Clothingvery low, in order to make roomfor a large Spring stock, I will sell, regardless ofprofit, allHeavy Overcoats (all style*)

" Business Coats "

" Cass. Pact* "

Velvet and Merino Vest*Merino Shirts, Drawers, tc. Vc.Mycurrent expenses being less than one.half ofany other house in my line in Richmond, inadditionto other great facilities, allords me the opportunityto offer the greatest Inducement to all who intendpurchasing and are in want of good and well madeClothing. An early call is respectfully solicitedJ. D. GOODMAN, 134 Muin st., op. Eagle **?N. B.?l have nn hand a good lot of Trunk* andCarpet Bags, which will be sold unusually low.J D O.

BALE'S HOISTING MACHINES.?Wo are agent* for the aale of Mr. Ja*. Bale'*HOISTING MACHINES,end will furnish them atBi&ncfactarer'i price*, with or without the frame*.Sempie*nuy be nob at our(tore, on the Doek.j*21-te LEE k CO.



Ac. 11 Fonrtettiik. Street, RichmondSPRING


!'RAPE, 1854WE receiving per steamers and

packet!, from Glasgow, Liverpool end Havre,our spring importation ofBRITISH, FRENCH AND GERMANDRY GOODS,purchased upon the best terms, entirely for cash,

comprising n very large and splendid assortment ofnew and baaut ful styles. And by various arrival*Irotn New \ork sod Boston, we are receiving a fullsupply ot AMERICAN FABRICS, embracing everyvariety.

V\ e are altoprepnred with a large stock of ready-made CLOTHING, manufactured at home, underOMr supervision, in the latest and best style.

. V.'h * stock nnumnllv large, and well selected ;with increased facilitie* for doing business,and withevery exertion on our part to secure the best tradethat cornea to the market, we reapectfully invite themerchant* of Virginia, North Carolina and Tennes-see to examine or.r stock before purchasing, with theassurance that our goods will be sold as low as theycan be bought in any market in this country.Itis our purpose to keep unr stock up throughoutthe year, and merchants visiting our city, atauy sea-son, will find us well prepared to serve them.KENT, PAINE KENT.Richmond, Feb. 21,1854. fe 24


secured the exclusive right to sell these celebratedRODS in thi* State, are now prepared to put themup in any part of this city or country, on favorableterm*. These celebrated conductors of Electricityhave been pronounced by scientific men to be thebest everonered to the public. Among the mifnerousrecommendations in possesion of the Agents, thefollowing are deemed sufficient to satisfy the publicof their great superiority over all other* :

"The Lightning Conductors, oil the plan of J.Spnitt, of Cincinnati, appear to be very well devis-ed, and in point of mechanical construction are thebest we have ever seen.

"It is tobe hoped that the useof these Rods maybecome general, as an important auxiliary defenseagainst a danger which must be regarded as of notr-dinary magnitude, to which all buildings are liable.

B. Silliman, Jr.,Prof, of Chem. in Univ. of Louisville.R. Silliman, Sr.,

James D. Dana,Yale College, N. H.

Hartford, Dec. 24th, 1851.The President and Directors of the jEtna Fire In-surance Company having examined J. Spratt's Pa-tent Lightning Conductor, nod having been made ac-quainted with its construction and adaptation to thepurposes desiined, hichly approve of thesame as asafe and excellent conductor of electricity We re-commend thatit be properly applied to ail buildingsinsured, or that may hereafter be insured at thisoffice,

S. L. Loomis, Secretary.

In the above certificate, we fully concur.Charles Taylor,

Sec'v Hartford Fire Ins. Co.William Conor,Sec'y Hartford Protection Ins. Co.

John B. Eldrf.dge,Sec'y Connecticut Fire Ins. Co.E. J. MILLER,

D. STEBBINS.iyOffice on Broad street, between 3d and Ith sts.fe 11?d3rn*

CELEBRATED TONIC ALE.?ThisALE ia prepared expressly for Invalids and Dys

peptics. It being preparedfrom Pure Malt and Hop,it is strongly recommended by many of ourbest Phy-sicians at a perfect cure for liyspepsia.

ALSO.Scotch andPhiladelphiaAle; London and AmericanPorter, constantly on hand and for sale at the lowestcash prices.Also, pure Wines and Brandies for medical purpo-

ses. Sold by DUDLEY Jt CO ,72 Main Street, Richmond, Va.Delivered in any part of thecity free of expense,fe 11

Engineering Department Dan- 1ville Rail Road, >

Richmond Feb. 20th, 1854. )

PROPOSALS will be recc-ived at thisoffice until Monday, the Gth March, for trans-

porting for the Richmond &. Danville Railntad Com-pany 3000 casks Cement from Roanoke Station to thefollowing places viz:

To the crossing of the Bannister river by the Rich-mend & Danville Railroad.

To South Boston on Dan River," Marseilles " " 44

" News Ferry Road," Birch Creek," Reedy Bottom 44 14" Milton Ferry Road, North Side Dan River,

and Danville.The bidden will state the price per 100 bbls. deliv-

ered at each of the above named points. The quan-tity to be consigned to any one of said places to beregulated by the Company.

ANDREW TALCOTT,fe 22?d&w6thMarch Chief Engineer.

THE " WHITE GREASE" is a new,convenient and economical substitute for tar, and

other lubricators for the axles of transportation care,omnibusses, carriages, drays, wagons, 4tc. It is notaffected by the weather, retaining the same consis-tency winter and summer. It does not gum on theaxles, and is cheaper uud more durable than anyother grease in use.

For sale intin canisters of three and six poundsand in kegs of 25, 50 and I'M) lbs each, by

ADIE GRAY, Druggists,no24?diets Agents for th e Manufacturer*.

Anthracite coal.?The subscriberis now receiving a cargo ot lirst-rate Red Ash

Egg COAL, which he will deliver in any part of thecity,at $7.25 the cart load. Orders left at the auc-tion store of Messrs. Alex Nott 4; Co., opposite CityHotel, will receive prompt attention.

fe 27?1 w* P. C. LARUS.INDIA RUBBER GOOD S.?HavingA been appointed agents for the sale of all articlesmanufactured by the Union India Rubber Company,of New York, we are now receiving and otfer forsale : Enamelled Carriage Cloth, Hospital SheetingLustre, Horse-Covers, with hoods. Firemen's Coats,Pants, Hats and Caps. Overcoatsand Leggins. Saddle-Bags. a new article, Traveling Bags of variousquali-ties, liC.

We respectfully invite the attention of countrymerchants and allothers in want of these goods, toour stock and prices. We are authorised to sell atfactor* prices to those who buy atwholesale,

fe 23 KEEN. CHILES t BALDWIN.Removal,? a chance for bar-

GAINS IN CHINA. CROCKERY ANDGLASS WARE?R. L HICKSON. No. 218, Broads'reet, being about to remove to Main street, will,for thenext three weeks only, sell oft his present ex-tensive and well selected stock at cost and charge*This he considers preferable to paying the expenseof removing and incurring a heavy loss by breakage?thus verifying the old saying, "that the first lon iialways the best."

Therefore, now is the chance for the inhabitant*of Shockoe Hilland vicinity to luppl; themselveswith China, Crockery and Glass-ware, and an end-lets variety of other good*, both useful and srnamen-ta.l

CiKATES AMD FENDERS.?Five hun-* dred Enameled GRATES and FENDERS for

gale at reduced prices.?The subscriber baa for aalethe largest stock of GRATES and FENDERS everbefore offered for aale in this city,of bi» own manuf&cture. The Grate* embrace all the varioo« kindsand patterns, such a» »<|nare topped Gothic, Liptic,Circle, Jtc., with beautifal rounding Ft-ntTers, Sum-mer Pieces, to match.

Orders for Grates, Fenders, 4tc., from town andcountry, punctuallyattended to and carefully packed.Merchants purchasing to sell again will be suppliedat the lowest northern prices, with the usual dis-couuts eff, or cash by wholesale.Apply at mv Bell and Brass Foundry, onMain, be-tween Bth and 9th sts., Richmond, Vs.

ft-assm* SAMUEL D. DENOON.

Richmond soda water manu-factory.?The following are the prices at»J,V n»IH, r 2£U n « t SODA WATER, PHILA-P £


Lf,? IASORTER, ALE and CIDER :S.J . Sc'P er d<>z.; Bottle*, 50c. per do*.Half pt. Porter. 37{c. do. do. 50c. do.Pt. Porter & Ale..ifi c. do. do. 50c. do.Ot do. do. 1 12*. do. do. ££ doCider..... 1.25 c. do. do. 50c. d«.All bottles rot returned will be positively chargefor »t theabove rates. When bottles are sent outofthe house, you will please charge 61c. perbottle. andwhen returned,refund the money.

Please keep thebottle* on their sides when fullM. McCORMACK,ja 17?ts No. 308, Broad street

fHE DAILY DISPATCH.UTThe circulation of the Daily Dispatch exceeds

lomhtned ° f *** D*U* p4penot tLUhmoßd


SPIRIT OF THE PRESS.The Penny Post ha* a leader on "France, Eng-

land and the United State*,- ' commencing with anallusion to therecent remark of Lord Clarendon,which it aay*, evidently implies a determination onthe part of the Western Power*, to interfere in theaffair* of this continent, and to prevent, a* far astheycan, the farther extension of the limit* of thiscountry. The Pott deplore* the infatuation whichcould have called forth this remark, for to thela*tdegree is it impolitic and un*afe in these Power*to add another to their already formidable enemies?to convert into active hatred the good wishes Ofa great and powerful nation. We quote the con-cludingparagraph:

It is time, we seriously think, for Congress tocall forth the immense naval resources at our com-mand, or at least a portion of them. The expensemaybe very grrat, but it may save us from spolia-tion in thebeginning, and from war afterwaras.

In another article the Post animadverts with se-verity upon the members of the present Legislatureot Virginia, characterizing them, as a body, byexcessively hard names.

The Examiner devotes a leader to the DiplomaticClothes controversy; characterizes the order of MrMarcy as "a silly piece of puritanism," and showsthat by carrying out the wishes of the Secretary,ourMinisters are daily subjitcted to humiliating?lights, and cut off from all social intercourse withtbeir diplomatic brethren. We observe anotherarticle on the adjournmentof the Legislature. Itassumes that no good has been accomplished bythat body, and hence its demise will be a source ofnot much grief to the people.

The Eraminer in another article draws its swordin defeßce of the anti-razor movement?sees noreason why we should daily defile ourbeards, raspthem away, mix them ignominieusly with soapsuds, and cast them off with the sweepings of thehouse?and cite \u25a0asproper examplarsthe "beardedphilosophers of Greece." Does not go in for eccen*

tricities, or ludicrous excessesin mustachc, goatees,imperials and whiskers; but advocates decent, welltrimmed, neatly cutarticles, such as any gentlemancan wear with impunity.

The Enquirer advocates thebill making an ap-prop nation of $00,000 for the completion of thetidewater connection. Another article call* uponthe Senate to givethe " finishingblow to the shin-plaster nuieance." Another alludes to evidenceproduced bythe N. Y. Tribune to show that Mr*Jefierson objected to the exclusion of slavery fromthe State of Ohio. The Enrjuriersays:

The evidence consists of the testimony of Gover-nor Morrow and Governor Worthiueton, whostate that President Jefferson expressed to themthe opinionthat the clause in the constitution ofOhio prohibitingslavery was inexpedient. It thusappears that Jefferson Baw reason to abandon theprinciple ofthe ordinance of'B7. and to modify hisearlier views of the policy of slavery extension.?This development accords with the opinion whichwe have always entertained, thatthe convictions ofMr. Jelferson, in regard to thejustice aud policyofnegro slavery underwent, inlater life, an importantmodification.

The Whig alludes to an article in the LondonTimes, on a subject which is now attracting muchattention in England, to wit : the evils to the publiclrom the appointmentto office of incompetent per-sons on account ofparty or personal favoritism.?The presentMinistrypropose as far as possible toabolish the present system, and constitute merit thesole test of fitness for office. A Board of examinersis to be established, whose duty it 6hall be to makea fair and impartial investigation of the qualifica-tions o( the various applicants, and award the prizeto the most deserving. The Whig thinks this exam-ple might be properly followed by the AmericanRepublic. The reform, however,mustcome fromthe people, who can, if they will, unite to protectthemselves from a horde of officials, who will, un-less they make the exertion, eat them out of houseand home.

The Mail alludes to the denunciation of the Le-gislature, so freely indulgedin by the Tress; doesnot desire anexclusiveprivilege of denunciation it-self, nor Lbb it practiced upon any such principle;its design has been to act justly and impartially towards all in speaking ot the Legislature; and at-tributes the failure of that body to fulfil those acts,which amajority of the people wished to see ac.complished, chiefly to sectional feeling and a desirefor local benefits, correspondent and correlativewith designs of a moregeneral character. Unlessthis feeling canbe done away with, theprogress ofthe State in commercial greatnessmust beretardedin a most disastrous degree.

A Cruel Mother.?An inquestwas held atBel.levue Hospital, New York, a day or two since, uponthe body of CatherineReburg, a girl 14 years of aje,who died from disease brought on, as is alleged,by cruelty and almost unheard of punishmentandbarbarity at the hands of her mother. The juryrendered averdict in accordance with this allega-tion, and the mother, Bridget Williams, alias Re-burg, was arrested and committed for examina-tion.

The Aborigines.?The Washington Star in-forms us that the fourteen Indiana who are now inWashington for the purpose of treating with thethe IndianBureau for the sale of their lands, hadan interview with the Commissioneron Thursday.There waa no business transacted, although sere,ral of thered men made speeches?one of whom,tie ' Medicine Hawk," attributed to the Presidentthe fine atate oftne long road they had travelled toWashington, and said hi* power must be like thatof the Supreme Being.

The Kidnapper.?The Washington Bt»r, al-ludingto the unsuccessful result of officer Barna-clo's visit* toRichmond.for thepurpose ofobtainingpossession of Thompson, thekidnapper, say*:

We understand that the authorities there con-tend that the requisition should come from thePresident, who, they *ay, ia Governor of the Dis-trict ot Columbia. If we mistake not, there i* onfile at that place a requisition lor a colored mannamed Herbert, wh'ch is from Judge Cranch, andwas made in 1845. Ifit was unnecessary then forthe Preaident to make the requisition, why should itbe nccessary now?

HeavyFreshet ?We learn from the Wilming-ton Journal that there was a greatrise in the Con-garee river last Tuesday morning. Some 200 yard*of the South Carolina Railroad had been washedaway, and it was feared that further damage wouldensue. Great fears were entertained for the safetyof the Wateree trestle-work on the Manchesterroad.


have cot to be the rage.The ruih i* tremendous accord in',He has cured so many thousand* the welkin ring*

iloodWith bleating*from the other *ide ofJordan.His Instact Relief and Speedy CureSets the inhabitant* of Richmond agoin',His friends flock to him from *11 part* of town.And tome from the other lice ofJorowi*

Try his celebrated Cough Drop* in 25« ntbottle*.Tobe had only of THUS. LEONARD,

Druggist, kc. 222 Broad atDo sot forget hi* Cough Medicine, tho inet*ot r .


Roß?nu.?Wilmington, N. C , U infected withaf gang of deaperadoea, who hare committed rariout bold robberies recently. Two men, who gavetheir name*aa Henry Howard and Nick Spark*,or Parker, hare been arretted and committed tojail,onstrong suspicionof having been coocernaiin the vlllianoua transacttnna abore alluded to.

Immigration.?Oaring the month of Februarythere arrived by sea at the port of New York, 5753passengers, ofwhich lftW weretrom Britiah porta,3458 from French, 343 troea German, A3 from WestIndie* and I<HB from the United State*,i V; .


VIRGINIAAdvance lit Wabk.?xho journeymen {winter*

of Norfolk have asked of their employer* an In.create of wage*, in consequence ofthe high price ofall the nece**itieaof life. The proprietor* hare ge-serally acceded to therequest

A Hard Case.?The editor of the Weaton Heraldask* the sympathyof all hi* fellow being*. He haabeen honored with a Federal office that won't payexpense*, besides receiving an acquisition te hi*family. We are sure that everybody will sympa-thUrwith him in his affliction, If sympathy wiljmend the matter.

New Bridge ? The South Fork bridge overHughes'* River, U now ready for travel. Althoughnot under roof, yet all the other work is finished.?The Weston Herald says it is a noble structure.

Accident.?Samuel, sonofCapt R. D. Thorburo,whilst stunning on Tuesiay morning last, acciden-tally shot himself in the left breast, producing amost severe, though we trust not fatal wound. Itappears that the lad, in company with anotheryouth, was retreatingfrom a large dog, backwards,and In doing so, tell, when the contents passedthrough and around from hi* left to his rightbreait,causing also a wound in the rkrht arm.The little fellow has borne his suffering with he-roic firmness, entreatinsr those around to be calm,as he wa3 " not afraid."?Frcdrrirlstburg Herald.

The Flood.?Some 400 or 500 feet of the Rich,mond and Fredericksburg railway were washedaway la*t Tue*day morning,at a point known asthe Mattaponi, below Milford. Itbecame necessary to hire all the vehicles in the neighborhood totransportpassenger* and baggage round, by wayof Bowling Green to Milford, and we learn from theFredericksburg Herald that wagons, carts, &.c.,were brought into requisition. A large force pro-cecded at once to repair the breach, and the carsare now but little behind the usual runninertime.

The Herald furnishes thefollowing items:There-construction of a span of Chatham Bridge,that had been swept away by the flood, was com-menced on Wednesday morning and completedThursday evening?a commendable degree of dis-patch.The late heavy rain and flood has had a seriouseflject ona good deal of wheat in various quarters,bywashing it out, exposing theroots, <fcc.The "flood of waters" cut it* oft'for a time fromourusual supplies of fresh fish from the Potomac.?

Therehas been a scarcity this season of "rock" and"perch," but of "catfish" there has been a de-luge.We are gratified to learn that the damage done totheRappahannock Canal is slight, and that naviga-tion will beresumed in a week or two. For milesthe whole Canal was submerged by the fresh inthe river, anil fears were entertained for its sta-bility.Corporation Election.?Drury Wood was on

Saturday last re-elected Mayorof Charlottesville.Damage byWater.?We learn from the Char-

lottesville Jeffersonian that during therecent rainthere was a land slide ofconsiderable extent at theintermediate tunnel,carrying oft' not land only, butimmense trees. The railroad in several placesontheMichunk was wached and underminded, butthe damage has since been repaired. Severalfarms in the vicinity of Charlottesville were over-flowed, fences carried away and lands gullied.

Acquitted.?We learn from the FarmvilleJournal that the trial of h negro in Prince Edwardcounty for alleged rape on a white woman, wasconcluded on Friday week by a verdictof acquit-tal.

Dental Surgery.?Dr. W. H. H. Thackston, ofFamvllle, has been selected to deliver the valedic-tory address to the graduating class of the Baltimore College ofDental Surgery, some time duringthe present month.

Newspaper Change.?Messrs. Smith & Finks,of the Alexandria Sentinel, have purchased theStanard, and united the two.

Porte Item.?A hogwas slaughtered in Winches-ter on the 13th inst,, that was eight feet sevenincites long, six feet one inch in girth, and weighed770 pounds!

Mutton Item.?'The Winchester Virginian in-form* u» that this year the sheep of Nath'lßur-'well,of Clarke county, increased and multiplied asfollows: 11 of his ewes brought28 living lambs; softhe 11 brought 16; one of the 5 brou6ht4; andeach of the othei 1 4 brought 3 lambs.

Wild Maggie.?Margaret Ryan has made an af-fidavit,which is published in the New Yorkpapers,that she is the original of the Wild Maggie of oldSolon Robinson's "Hot Corn." Solon, it appears,has befn charged with fraud upon the public in ex"hibitinga person as Wild Maggie.

Jewell to be Hung.?The Governor of Penn-sylvania has signed the death warrant of DavidJewell)the convicted murderer atPittsburg, and hewill be hungon the 24th of March.

Railroad Amalgamation.?The stockholders f fthe Montreal and New YorkRailway, have adoptedthe amalgamation ot that road with the Chaplainroad, which is now therefore completed.

Freshets.?A great freshet has taken place inGeorgia. The Southern part of Augusta wasflooded on the 28th ult., and much damage done toplantationson the river. The townof Hamburgwas nearlycovered with water.

Native Americans.?The native Americana ofPennsylvaniahave nominated Benjamin Rush forGovernor.

I)r. B. D. Carpenter relates in the Medical Times,of New York, two cases of tetanus successfullytreated, bythe application of ice to the head andthe whole lengthof the spine.

OveMjnehundred mechanics haverecently beendischarged from the Washington Navy Yard.?Causa?no appropriationto meet expenses.

Sudden Death.?The Rev. J. D. Green, Pastorof the Baptist Church in Scotia village,Shenecta-dyCouuty, N. York, died very suddenly onThurs-day evening,23d ult. He had been writinga letterin reply to a dispatch announcing the dangerousillness of a sister, who was prostrated by a slow,consuming disease. While writing,he remarkedthat if he could havehis choice, he would prefer todie suddenly, rather than by a lingeringdisorder.After completing the letter, he complained of feel-ing unwell and threw himself upon the bed, wherehe had not lain five minute* before he ceased tobreathe.

The Perhax Gift Lottery.?The drawing, Inthis affair is now going on at the Union Hotel,Georgetown, where crowds ofpeople may be seendaily, trying their luck. Thus far, fortune has notsmiled very warmly upon the adventurers, theprize* drawn, being, as yet, confined to paltry en-graving*, worth a dime or two. A gentleman inNew York, who had twenty tickets, drew tenprintsand tenhandbooks of a panorama; valued at fivedollar*.? Wa*k. Star.

At Francestown, N. H.. a lad named Bmith waskilled,by atriking an apple tree while sliding downhill; and in Georgia, Vc, a son of Mr. Moore, en-gaged in the same amusement, waa thrown upon a?harp stick, which penetrated hi* mouth, came outat the back of his neck and killed him.

Heavy Damage*.?Ja*. Patten waa recentlymulcted in the sum of £1,900 bya Canada ?'\u25a0J7 wa breach of hi* promlae to marry Caroline Fergu-son. Thto waa the full amount sued for, and theJury expressed their regret at being unable, there-tore, to award a larger sum.

The Wall street Reporter say*, that the EmperorLouis Napoleon has lately Invested between sevenand eight million* of franca in variou* public secu-ritie* in New Yorkcity.

Col. 8«m Motor, aP agrr»t to Ohio, ha* writ-ten a letter aodonuif tha KAnaUML



The followingbill* passed:Amending:'andre-enacting the 14th section of anact concerning the terms of the Circuit Court*.To amend an act entitled an act to processionland in the county of Louisa and certain othercounties therein mentioned, passed March 30th,To incorporate the Sweet SpringsCompanyTo incorporate the Manufacturer* Bavinfls Bankof the city of Richmond. *

To incorporate the Insurance Company of Albe-marle.Imposing taxes for support of government-Ayes 30. noes none.

SMALL NOTES.The bill to prevent the circulation i>f small noteswas received from the Hour e of Delegates bv MrKemper.Subsequently, Mr. Amblkk moved that thebillbe taken up. Upon a division, the ayes were 20noes 2, No quorum.Mr. Catlett moved that the Senate adiournMr. Kxoer demandingthe call of the roll, theayeswere 9, noes 18.Mr. McDearmoit demanded the previous ques-tion on the proposition to take up.Mr. Thomas requi-«1 the ayes and noes onorder-ins the main question. The vote was?sves «>

noes, Mr. West, I.No quorum.Mr. Catlett moved that the Senate adjourn?

Lost.Mr. Douglas moved a call of the Senate. Mr.Thomas demandingthe ayes and noes, a call wasordered?ayes 18, noes B.The Clerk proceeded tocall the roll, and had "of-

ten a short distance down the list, when Mr. Thom-as moved that the call be dispensed wi;h, and thequestion being put thereon, was decided in the ne-gative.The Clerk finished calling the roll, and twenty-three Senators were absent.Several Senators were excused for various rea-sons.On motion »f Mr. Stuart, further proceedingsunder the call were dispensed with.The small note bill was then taken up, and madethe order for to-morrow, (Friday,) at 10 o'clock.The Senate then adjourned.

Friday, March 3,1854.A communication from the House of Delegates

wasread.Thebill for naming and marking the boundary

line between the States ol Virginia and Mary land,was considered without reference, onmotion mf Mr.Thomas, read three times and passed.The House amendment to the bill incorpo:-ating

L'Aigle D'Or Mining Company, was concurredin.The bill to incorporate the Martha Washington

College at Abingdon, was considered, without re-ference, onmotion of Mr. Tate, read three timesand passed.

The bill to incorporate the town of Fetterman,was considered, without reference, on motion ofMr. Turnkr,read three time", and passed.

The bill to incorporate the Buchanan SavingsRank, was considered, without reference, on mo-tion of Mr. Layne, amended on motion of thesame gentleman,read three limes and passed.

The bill for therelief of James W. Kramer, she-rift'of Tyler county, was considered, without re-ference, on motion of Mr. West, read three timesand passed?ayes 31, noes none.

SMALLNOTES.Mr. McDermon called for the order of the dny,

he first of which was abill to prevent the circula-te of small notes.

The bill wasread the first time.M. Thomas proposed an amendment, requiring

of the voters of the State to be takan atthe first election for members of the General As-sembly, before the act shall go into effect, and at thesame time, whether theBanks of the Commonwealthshall be allowed to issue one and two dollar notes,redeemable at the mother bank or branches.

Mr. Dkneale required the previous question onthe amendment. The main question was orderedaod Mr. Deneale requiring tneayes and noes, theamendment was rejected as follows:Ayes?Meisrs. Baldwin, Bamett. Johnson,Mullin, Tate, Thomas, Turner, Ward, West, Win-ston?ll.

Noes?Meiirs. Ambler,Brawner, Buswel), Catlett,Chapman, Deneale, Douglass, Funsten, Grantham,Irving, Jones, Layne, Logan. McDearmon, Moncure'Old, Parker, Paxton, Randolph, Keger, Saunderr,Shackelford, Shands, Smith, Steenrod, Stuart, auuThompson?27.

Mr. McDearman demanded the previous ques-tion on the third reading of the bill, which was se-conded.

Messrs. Saunders, Thomas, Johnson, Wardand Shackelford, made five minute speechesagainst ordering the main question; Mr. ILegkb inlavor of it.

. C^«miMOt4»VKKflglllO.

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A bill appropriating the puMic rereaue for thefiscal year* 1853-'54, vu taken up as the order oftheday.This bill wm reported from the Senate, and theCommittee of Finance oi the Hotue proposed toamend the bill by inserting an appropriation of?9,600 for the making of platter casts of the statuaot Washington for certain colleges. TTiU amend-ment was discussed in a long debate, in which itwas sustained by Mr. Whit*, and opposed by Mr.Hatxojid. The amendment was then rejectedwithout a division.On motion of Mr. Skinnxb the bill was amendedby inserting $40,000 instead oi «35,000 as the »p-

- the Western Lunatic Asylum.The bill was then ordered to its engrossment.On motion oi Mr. Taylor, of Loudoun, a Se-nate Dill incorporating a Company to construct aTurnpikeroad from Watertord, in the county ofLoudoun, to the point of Rocks on the PotomacHirer, onthe joint stock principle,was taken up.Messrs. Taylo* and Mixes sustained the bill,after which it was rejected -ayes 62, noes IT?notaconstitutional majority.A message from the Senate asked a Committeeof Conference upon the bill increasing the com-pensation ot the Clerks of the two Houses?theamendment of the House to that bill baring beendisagreed toby theSenate. The House appointed

a committee accordingly.BILLS PABSXD.The followingbill* were read a third time andpawed:

A Senatebill to amend an act to incorporateanindependent Bank in the town of Martinsburg, inthe connty of Berkley, passed March 19,1853.A House bill authorising the county court of Hal-ifax to erect toll bridges across Dan Kiver.A Senate bill to incorporate the Mechanics' Build-ing Companyof the City of Richmond.A House bill incorporating the Alexandria Inde-pendent Company.A Senate bill incorporating the Sweet Springs

Company.A House bill amending and re-enacting the sth sec-tion of chapter 188, of the Code, in relation to tiling

interrogationsto enforce the Hen of afierifacias.A Senate bill lor the relief of Henry Chapell, Jo-seph Coffman and Austin E. Hoyce, or their legalrepresentatives?ayes 100, noesO.A Senate bill increasing tho capital stock of thePulaski and (iiles Turnpike Company?ayes f?,noes 22.A Senate bill amending and re-enactins the 14thsection of an act concerningthe terms ot CircuitCourts.

A Senate bill amending an act to processionlands in the county ot Louisa and other certaincounties therein mentioned, passed March 30,1853.

A Senate bill amending the fith section of Hthchapterof the Code of Virginia, in relation to bond*of officers of government

On motion of Mr. Oallv, the House adjourneduntil 5 o'clock in the afternoon, ?it having been de-termined to meet at' that hour, to enable the Speak-er to signthe enrolled bills.


Mr. Thomas requiring the ayes and noes, themain question was ordered?2s to 14.

The bill was then" ordered to be read a thirdtime. I

The question was stated on its passage, whenMr. Thomas addressed the Senate in opposition tothe bill.

T. Jones Lackland.?Office of HighConstable.?Without his knowledge orsolicitation,T. JONES LACKLAND is ft commended to tfiepeople of Richmond for this office. He has provedhimself a faithful and efficient Deputy, and afterpaying Deputies, the office is not valuable. To ayoung mau like him, who contributes to support awidowed mother and sisters, is the son of a worthyand estimable citizen, [formerly one of the TobaccoInspectors of Richmond, | and is always faithful andobliging, the office is desirable. It is noped he willbe considered as being in the line of promotion,

fe 18?lm* CITIZEN.To the Voters of the CitT of Rich-

mond.?l take this method of declaring mvself a can-didate for HIGH CONSTABLE. Should the vetersthink proper to confer the office on me. It shall bemy greatest effort to discharge the various duties ofit with promptness and fidelity,

fe 8-1m J, T. TYLER.To the Voters of the City of Eich-

mond.?At the solicitation of my friend*. 1 announcemyself as a candidate for theoffice of HIGH CON-STABLE of the city of Richmond. And if it sboHidbe your pleasure to elect me, I pledge myself to useevery effort to give satisfaction in the discharge otthe duties of the office. .

fe 8-ts T. J. CARTER.Notice.?l am a Candidate for the officeorHIGH CONSTABLE of tbe City of Richmond,

fa B?dta JOHN¥. REEVE.Mr. Deneale demanded the previous question,

which was seconded.Mr. Ward spoke five minutes against ordering

the main question.The lqain question was then ordered, and Mr.

Deneale requiringthe ayes and noes, the bill pass-ed, as follows:

Ayes?Metsn. Ambler, Arthur, Brawoer, Bus-well, Catlett, Chapman, Deneale, Douglas, Funtten,Grantham, Jones, Layne, Logan, McDearmon. Mon-lure. Old, Parker,Psxton, Randolph, Reger, Shands,Smith, Steenrod, Stuart and Thompson?2s.

Noes-?Me»»rs. Baldwin, Creigh, Irving, Johnson,Marshall, McKenney, Mullin, Saunders,Tate, Taze-well, Thomas, Turner, Ward, Weit, White and Win-ston? 16.

orders of the day.

A large number ofbills had been made the orderfor to-day. The followingpassed:

Amending and re-enacting the sth section ofchapter 188 of the Code in relation to filing interrogatories to enforce the lien of a Jim facias.

Toincrease the capital *tock of the Floyd CourtHouse and Cave Spring Turnpike Company.?Ayes 27, noes 4. ,

Bills requiring a constitutional majority?exceptthe last above, were laid on the table.

other bills passed.

To incorporate the Mechanics Savings Bank ofthe city of Richmond.

Releasing the Midlothian Coal Mining Companyfrom certain penalties. Ayes 28, noes none.

To authorise a State subscription to the Beale'sStation and FauquierSprings Company. Aye* 27,noes6.

salaries of clerks.The bill increasing the pay of the Clerk of the

Senate, returned from the House this morning, witha statement that that bodyinsist* onit* amendmentsthereto, was called upby Mr. Deneale.

Mr. Deneale moved the appointmentof a Com-mittee of Conference. Messrs. Wxtcher andTazewell opposed, and Messrs. Deneale anaStuart advocated the proposition. By aye* 37,noes 5, the Senate ordered a committee, andMessrs. Stuart, Ambler, and Steenrod werenamed therein. .

On motion of Mr. McDearkon the Senate ad-journed. Aye* 19, noes 17.

HOUSE OF~DELEGATES.Thursday, March 2d, 1854.

eveningsession.The House was chiefly occupied with private

bills, which were bya.uspenswn of therole, takenupolitof their place., and either passedor advanc<«* Thfbill appropriating the publicrevenuefor thesuDDort of tne Government, was taken np andmade the order of thedayfor to-morrow, (Friday )

The Covington and Ohio Railroad bill wasbrought aaain before the House by a resolution of-fered by Mr. Titta** of Monro*, the object otwhich was to suspendthe work attbe Kastern ter-minus ot the road until a trio of Engineers, whosename* were in blank, should examine Mr. Fisxssurveys and deckle whether the Greenbrier or theMonroe route waathe beat

Mr. Remkick moved to lay the reaolution on the jtablfc


Mr. Gawettindicated his purpose to move*namendment to the resolution, by requiring theBoard of Public Works tosuspeod operalkm* en-tirely onthe Eaatern end of the lice.

Mr. Wile* opposed the reaolution with muchseat

Mr. Carter, of Fauquier, moved tea indefinitepostponement?which motion waa rejected by asmall vote.

On motion of Mr. Gainst? the House adjourned.

Friday, Much 3.A messue from the Senate announced thepassage

of sundryWlls, which w«* knmediataly acted up-on by theHowe.

T* the Citizens or Richmond.?Theundersigned, conscientiously persuaded that bia ex-perience, saan assistant to Mr. Blair, (who decliue*a re-election,) would enable himto perform efficient-ly the duties pertaining to the office of HIGH CON-STABLE, ?Sen himself a candidate for theanffraseaof bia fellow-citizens. Should they confer npou himthe honor of an election to that office, he willexerthimself te theutmost to fulfil ita duties faithfully,

fe 7?tde* T. J LACKLAND.Br the requestoi my friends, I announce

myself a candidate for theoffice of HIOH CONSTA-BLE of the City of Richmond, at the ensuing elec-"fe'ft-dtd LS. B. TINSLEY.

Notice.?I again tender my services tomy friends and feliowcltiienafor theoffice of HIOHCONSTABLE, in thecity of Richmond, at tbe ensu-ing election. Bhould It M theirpleasure to elect meit will be my pleasure toserve them to tbe beat ofmy ability.

Ja 31 GEO. W. TOLER.Notice.?At tbe solicitation of many

friends and acquaintances, I hereby announcemyselfa candidate for tha office of HighConstable of thecity of Richmond.

fe 3?ta D.BAKER. Ja.


determined to close outmany stylesofClothint nowon band; and in order to do so will otfer greater in-ducements than eyer. So, If yon are in want of anything in the way of Clothing or Karmsbmg Goods,the best place to buy it is at A. LEVY'S,

No. 89 Mala St., op. City Hotel,mb I sign °f tbe KedCoat.

l A 4WWk lbs. c ity cure d1UaU" FU HOG-ROLND BACON. Also,prime newBacon Sides, Breast-pieces and Shoulders;feacb Brandy, Vinegar, Adamantine Candles, Clo-verSeed. Cotton Yarns, Seine Twine, Leading-lines,he.,for sale onfood terms by

mh 1 JOHN WOMBLE It CO.rjODEY FOR MARCH.?GEORGE M.VA WEST, No*. 5 and 6 Exchange, offers for taleGodey's Lady's Book, for March, price reduced to$2ji> per annum, or 25c. each. This number hassplendid Fashion plates.

YankeeNotions, for March; I2^e.Carlington Castle, by the author of the Cerate ofLenwood; 30c."h I Next Poor to the Post Office.

Dr. b. bardottes tastelessWORM SUGAR DROPS.?This article has e

sweet and delicately pleemnC flavor, end, thereforeis peculiarly adapted for children, who Will take itasreadily as anyother oenfeettoeerv. for sale by, __

Char, millspaugh. Dni««tst,fe» No. 37 East Main sf.


1 A BBLB. more of those very superiorJ. \F small die Huns: 7 ken Batter, very nice.?Receiving par steamer Beividere. for sale bymh 1 JNO. WOMBLE k CO.

|?OR MACHINERY?REFINED1 LARD 01L-»bbla. City ReSsed Lerd 00, su-perior for machinery and hernias For *le lew bj

mh 1 BENNETT k BEERS, Dr.*ri»U.

MACKEREL.-200 kit*, 100 ball' kitt1"1- Mackerel, in good order, Just reeeived sad far

sale by J. B. OTECAUah > No- ti Main street.

QC BBLS. Clarified VINEGAR,instoreaad for sale by


IcM iItOOaWT fc fAllKEYCA BOXES Oranges: ISO dramaFig* SJS»JU bags Aloeada, Waloeta, Filberts, Peeaa aad

<?4 CO,

FLO I! K ?u»nito, Unu'a~S Me.." ciu, 1, rk«j, for Ml. hjj

PAnJwrt otu-« wr? AijRyt fcmrtliwkwmlilm,