The cost of slow PCs


Transcript of The cost of slow PCs

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How many times have you been faced with a deadline at work and your computer decides that that very moment is the best time to freeze?

Not many business owners actually consider the sheer number of valuable minutes that are wasted daily due to unreliable PC systems, as it becomes an issue that is just taken in their stride. The use of computers in business is unavoidable in this day and age and so the minor problems that are caused by delaying PCs quickly build up, and can therefore become much larger concerns.

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According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), the total cost of a slow performing PC is nearly £4,000 a year for businesses. Of course, this depends on the computer systems you have in place.

The ironic thing about this is, however, that the research is suggesting that in the long run, higher quality, more efficient systems can save a business a lot of money per annum.

Keeping up with the latest computer trends doesn’t just mean the newest gadgets and accessibility – it is important that PCs are replaced every few years simply because their rapidity degrades over time.

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WHERE IS THE TIME BEING WASTED?Some of today’s more frequently used PCs can take up to 5 minutes to boot at the

start of the day, which is still technically paid time. 5 minutes can make all of the difference, and can even affect your employees’ mind-set towards the working day. Throughout the day itself, having to wait for PCs to open windows and save documents or load programs can lead to a colossal amount of wasted time.

It has been estimated that we can spend up to 20 minutes a day watching our computer screens and willing them to load. This means that hours of the working week are squandered and remain completely unproductive, when those hours could be used to increase productivity and profitability.

The loss of precious working time is not the only problem that slow PCs provoke. The unreliable, and sometimes unpredictable, nature of PCs can have a direct effect on staff as well. Employees can become significantly frustrated with their computers and the hindrance they cause to the swift production of work.

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HOW CAN I HELP MY PC RUN FASTER?- Try freeing up some disk space by removing any documents that you don’t need.- Malware/Spyware checks- Empty your recycle bin- Up to date Anti-Virus software- Disable unnecessarily running programs - Multitask less – be conservative with what you have open at any one time- Disable applications that run on Start-Up (This will make boot up time faster)- Windows 7 and Vista use Aero (which creates the translucent designs of ‘glass’ window borders) which can easily be turned off!

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The cost of slow PCs