The coral snake by Jacol Wharton

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Transcript of The coral snake by Jacol Wharton

  • 1. By: Jacol Wharton The Coral Snake
  • 2. How Does it Look? Small and Slender Round noses Smooth scales Colors: Black, Yellow and Red Western measures about 13 to 22 inches Eastern about 20 to 30 inches Black Head
  • 3. Where do They Live? Forest or Jungle Areas Mostly buried underground or in piles of leafs Marshy and wooded Western Sonorah Desert Rocks and rotting leaves
  • 4. What do They Eat? bU
  • 5. Do They Reproduce? Western lay 2 to 3 eggs Eastern lay 6 to 7 eggs Western lay eggs in summer rains and hatch in fall Eastern lay eggs in spring and hatch in the summer
  • 6. How do They Act? Shy Not aggressive and tend to flee when confronted If it doesnt flee then it lays its head out of sight confusing the attacker with its tail Bites as a last resort
  • 7. How do They Communicate? Males twitch or jerk when ascertaining the receptivity of a female Female lift or wave tail when receptivity To determine predators or pray snakes use there sense of smell They hiss when predators alert Use tongue for sense of touch.
  • 8. Movement Patterns Serpentine is when the snakes body is bent into horizontal loops by the contraction of muscles on the inner side of each loop They do not migrate to other places!
  • 9. Natural Enemies
  • 10. Coral Snakes are Solitary Solitary life unless they breed late Spring to early Summer, or late Summer to early Autumn
  • 11. Conservation Status Afforded no federal or state protection but because of their secretive nature small populations are probably unknowingly destroyed by human development of their habitat!
  • 12. Fun Facts