The CONTRIBUTED LOCALS, Thos.«R. I T^HE Big HorCO · School Entertainment, Friday Xis 28th. At...

The Press and Bann ABBEVILLE, S. C ^"Published every Wednesday at S year la advance. Ten !Pages. Wednesday, Feb. 26, 189< Unclaimed 1,otter*. Letters remaining in Abbeville, S. C., office for the week endiug February 25tb. B.Mies Roxantia Bailey, Paul R. Brat C.Mrs. Pbilis Chiles, Miss Emma Cressw Miss Ida Chapman, (col.), \V. A. Cooper, 1 Mr. Contantlsha. E.Mrs. Cate Edwards, care of Luther K O.Jackson Gregory, S. H. Goode. H.Mrs. Georgle Hawkens. J.Johnl Jones. M.Mrs. Ida Morrison, Berry Morton, N Carrie McCilnton, Miss Sillale Martin, \\ B. Mils. N.Miss Jolie Nelson. P.Miss Hattle Pressley..!. S. Piuson. R.Lewis Rucker, Miss Maggie Klciiie. T.Wiley Thomas. W.R. \V. Washington. Rufus Wright. Robt. S. Link, P. A School Entertainment, Friday Xis 28th. At Rosenberg's Hall beginning at sei o'clock. A good supper served. Grab bsgf Interest oil. The prize doll on exhibition L*wsons will be given to the one guessiug name. W. K. Bailey"* Locals. Baileys Lemon Laxative.The best li1 medicine sold, large bottles 25c. Sold only w. it. rsaney s uriiuue Jt ront x»rug niu Greenwood, S. C- 2iao. Stop that cuugli by using Laxative Broi Quinine Tablets. Money refunded if It fa to cure. Sold by W. It. Bailey, Greeuwood. C. 2t. Garden Seetl. Messrs. Alex. Zachary & Son, the old rell bie weed men. will be In town nextSaledi with a full supply of seed. Don't forget hi while you are in town. tl Pension Board. The Pension Board will meet again on F day, February 28th. R. W. Haddon, G. A. Neuffer, Sec'ty. Chairman Situation Wanted. A young lady, recent graduate of a Hi class female college, desires a situation teacher or governess. For further partic lars, apply to the Press and Banner office. Our respected-fellow citizen, the Hon. \ H. Parker, has been quite sick for sever days. It is hoped that he may soon be hit self again. During bis absence he is alwa, InnnH a* * ho hunt of h \ a law ttf. h pew Id the cburch, nod on our streets. 1 man amongst as Is more useful to society m to the church than the Hon. \V. H. Pt ker, whose long anil useful career has tnai a shining light 111 all that Is good aod true. Miss Nina and Miss Mary Taggart, daug tere of tbe late Dr. Taggart. returned fro Mississippi last Monday. They will stop few days with Mrs. Livingston, and will arte wards make their home with Mr. Frar Henry of this city, and will enter our *»ple did school. Last week we had the coldest weather the Winter, The temperature fell to 14 d grees. Ice formed every where, and our lltt streams were fringed with the frozen wau Following the cold spell came beautit Springlike days, and some oats were thi sown. Charlie Smith is doing the wood work 1 building a house near the depot, and Jam Rogers has undertaken to do the brick woi and plastering. Both men are faithful wor era, and give good satisfaction to those wl employ them. Don't lall to see the horses thsit W. E. B< will sell on Saleday la March, the 2nd All his fine brood Kentucky mares to be sold ( March the 7th. Bill Nye Is dead. He was stricken wi paralysis at his home near Ashevllle la week, and died a few days later. Stable manure 81 for two-horse load dell ered. A good mule and hand to do yoi plowing. J. S. Stark's stable. oi f yon want a nice job on yoar broken fur fiure consult Mr. D. B. Smith. Editor Moore of the Honea Path Chronic paid a pleasant visit to this office last week. Locals Amoa B. Morse. Big lot of Octagon soap. Special price I the box. You should chew "Stultz XXXX," "Grav ley's Best," "Helen W ilson," C. A. R." -0< den Stair," "Daddie'n Dolla-," "Rlce-BIrd or smoke one of my "Kolb" pipes. Another box of fresh line lemons, 15 cents dozen. Nice oranges 30o, and bananas 20c a dozen. Fine apples at 8^, 10,12% and 15c a dozen. Come to me for choice cabbage and on lor I have a spang-up stock of gents and bo caps. Another new line opened. Ladles at Misses straw bats. Take a peep at them. If you want your head covered, and w< covered for a little money, come right aloi and I will undertake the job. The best slock of cheap pants, clothin men's shirts, suspenders, cravats and han kerchiefs In the city, and all bran new. Come boys, I haven't forgotten you. Fam lonnriflrvl on/4 nnrr i rvnn uliiulu />n nil Unti. .. v IBUikUliOU »uu nun to, tUJJO, UUbO UL Windsor scarfs for you all. Guano distributors, guano horns, Wlis< coltoc planters. Dow Law cotton planlei Brooks cotton planters. Shovels, forks, hoes, plows, &c. Another lot of grindstone fixtures Just I Wood's garden seed. Wood's flower seed 5c a packet. Fine 4-4 Sea Island homespun at 5c. Big lot of tin, pots, spiders, ovens, &c., and to arrive in a few days. Ladles spring heel and cloth top butti boots at $ a pair. Nice stock. I can show a greater variety of crackt than any house in the city and at low prices. A new lot of fine French candles and peni goods to arrive ibis week. It is time you were setting out pecan trei R. C. Bernnu'N Locals. Cut glass is all the fashion now, but it very expensive. Imitation of cut glass now made, that cannot be distinguished frc the real article. K. C. Bernau has a new li of these goods at prices that are a marvel cheapness. It will pay you to examine tbi iioods. The Domestic Bewing machine is the hi that leads them all. itcau be bought che for cash and easy payments at K. C. Bemat the Jeweler. American watches are the ones for t American people. Don't order a cheap iml tion when you can buy a real Kigln or Wa bam stem winder, or opeu face for I small sum of five dollars. It. C. Bernuu st them at that. Silver plated tea spoons at <5 cents a h Guaranteed to give satisfaction for the mi ey, at K. C. Bernau, the Jeweler. Ybe Kerr Furniture Co'h. Locals. 1. Remember our goods are of the tin quality and latest styles and prices are < c petition proof. J. D. Keri 2. Write us for anything you need in furniture line. Distance no obstacle to < trade. A courteous reply is always return* J. D. Ker: 3. Bring your pictures to us to have th framed. We have lately added a new i chine of the very latest make and can your orders promptly. J. K. Ker Abbeville Nnpply Co. That delicious grated cocoanut in bulk custards, cake, etc., 25c lb. Canned apples in gallon cans at 30c. A fresh lot snowflate crackers. Splenc In bulk or 1 lb cortous 15c lb. Dried neaches 5c lb. Plenty of garden seed left. Also Irlsb pc to Beed, standard kinds. Octagon soap. Best lump starch 5c lb. Plows going fast. Also D. B. plow poInM The largest plug of tobacco Id town f< dime. Come lu and get It. Roasted coffee, Arbuckles & Lewerlng. A green coflee. Fresh lot peaberry, fine. Cottolene. Cottolene best shortening. Cheese nettling new In fai crackers, delicious 15c box. Morrison's bams always in stock. Animal crackers for the children. We are leaders In cheap tobacco this seas and have some bargains to offer at 20c and per lb. Thurbers rolled oats 5c lb. Legijetl's buck wheat 5c lb. Very best full cream cheese 15c lb. Come and see us for prices when want anything. We are hauling In a bargain In flour nov $3.75 per bbl. See It. er CONTRIBUTED LOCALS, What "M" Sec* and Henrn on Hi' ICotimls Abonl I lie <My. Abbeville. S. Keb. 20, 1S90. ® a Mrs. K. B. Gary, after a delightful trip t< Washington, D. C., returned home last SMtur da v. I)r. J. I... Ancrum is ahead on young chicks having out now nearly one hundred almostt month old. The Doctor Is a poultry "fan cier," and has a yard of splendid thorough .! bred black Litngsdiaus. He also has a large n fi>h pond containing quite a variety of native b. tish, and expects soon to replenish with a lol of tine fish from abroad. . Col. D. .J. Auld. ol Sumter, who is Grand Keeper of liecords and Seals of Knight* ol Pythias of South Carolina, made an ofllcial i>ost v's" to Abbeville Lodge, No. til, last Friday ^ night. ton. '-a<t Friday, the 21st, was the coldest day ol'j the winter, the mercury falling from T7 de{ev.' grees and staii'Mug at U at ! o'clock a. m. Mr. Wm. II. Hammond, of Lxurens. Is niak- 'air. 'nB a visit to relatives in the elty. .Mr. Hamnjoiid lias many friends here who are always glad to see liirn. Capt. J. Dodsori, o'" theSouthern,arrived lisg in the city last Friday from a trip over the r" 111. road. He spent the night and had several ol our citizens to take ton with him in his private ear. Captain Jiodson has numbers ol friends in Abbeville, who are always ready to give him a most cordial greeting, and who believe he still lias the interest of our people at tarart, and will do all he can iu the way ol I. railroad facilities for our city. He says by next summer he will have the Abbeville hf branch road splendidly equipped and laid * with the best steel rails. Mr. Frank C. Dul're spent last Saturday ,'eniand Sunday in the city, leaving Monday i lo morning on his business tour. Frank is one at of our best young men, and has the best lier wishes of many friends for his succcss in busuess. I Last Friday evening a sociable was given at the home of Mr. (J. A. Douglass, where a number of our young people spent a most defe* lighti'ul evening. at Mr. Avinger from Cooper Itlver, in Berkere> ley county, spent a lew days last week with frlonrl Dr .1 I. 4tir>rniri_ Mr Avlnopr l<. vn a large rice planter, and s-n old friend of the lis Doctor's, and is a whole-souled, genial gentleS. man aud with alias tine a specimen of the ' homo genus'' race as we have seen for a long, long time. A number of young people enjoyed themselves at a Leap Year party last Friday evea- nlng, at the home of Mr. C. V. Hammond. t»y Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Latimer, of Lowndesm ville, with their little son spent last Saturday f and Sunday in our city visiting their brother, Mr. J. T. Latimer and family. Bids for ihe building ot the Abbeville Cot-I ton Factory are now being received, and the contract will be given to the lowest responsible bidder at once. Lhst Sunday was a tine day, and aB there were no services in the Presbyterian aud Baptist churches, these brethren worshiped st with the Methodists. There were also present a8 a number of strangers and visitors altogether u. making a large congregation. Doctor Clifton, the pastor preached his first serial sermon from the flist chapter and first verse of v genesis. ' In the begmuing God created the *| heaven and the earth," and we believe by his * profound reasoning and sound bible doctrine. he forced upon his hearers, beyond all cavil, j? doubt and superstition, the inevitable conelusion that the world was not eternal, did not make ltseif but was created by God alone. " He had the closest attention of his entire con I' gregation all the while and the service were impressive, entertaining and Instructive. Subject tor next Sunday morning will be, h- "The immortality of the soui." All Strang 111 era. and visitors within our gates and the puba lie in general are most cordially invited to »r- attend. Prof Geo. C. Hodges of Greenwood, spent n several days of last week in our city, in the Interests of his insurance business. of Mrs. Gammell of Aiken is in the city vlsite- ing his brother. Dr. Ancrum. le Mrs. L. D. Kennedy of Lowndesville is here »r. on a visit to Mr. P. B. Speed, her nephew, ui Tbe ladies of our graded school will furnish ;n a tine supper at Rosenbergs Hall, next Friday evening the 2S, at which villi be a "prize doll," to be given to the oue guessing Ur name. zl Also grab bags lor one and altogether, it promises to be a most enjoyable occasion as b well as a feast of good things; as every body is , * Interested, let all come. Fire department. Abbeville's young men come to the front and organize a Hook and ill Ladder com pany with twenty-three members tVUU UUIJ' UIJC VJl IUC UUIUUCI tx I CUI C.1UUC >n owner. Three lusty cheers for onr young men: Of course now that this importunt 11) matter has taken place, our citizens Business League and Council are expected to do their part. Let all put their shoulder to the wheel and roll on this grand movement until Abbeville will have a first class flre department, ur fully equipped and ready for all emergencies. The following officers were elocted to serve u- the present year : W. F. I'errin, chief. .je C. D. Brown, asst. chief. Jas. A. Hill, secy, and treas. Theseareall good men, willing, able and ready at all tl mes to do their whole duty. Mrs. R. M. Haddon left yesterday for north... eru markets where she will purchase the J largest and handsomest stock e%'er brought to Abbeville. Every one knows Mrs. Haddon's e taste In the taucy goods and millinery line, at- and will not be disappointed at her selections. This old and reliable firm is well known all over South Carolina. a Joe Gladden, colored, who escaped from the county chain gang last Friday, was capt ured by Policeman Ham, of Klberton, Ga., and brought In yesterday morning- S2r> reward was oflered for his return by Capt. J no. ls. Lyon, County Supervisor. ys ld WAR STORY, >11 ., ig Geo. W. Howard Tell* Noinc Tilings isr, of the IVitr and Hon. W. H. l*«rker.J Cv Master Shaw Howard allows us to print the following letter from his uncle. Shaw Howard is a worthy young man uow in the employ of theSeuboard Air Line. We have no doubt that be will make a good citizen even rs' as his lather made a gallant soldier: Kirkvvood, Ga., Feb. 12,1S9C. Master Wm.Shaw Howard, Abbeville, S. C.: n. Lear Shaw.I received papers and your note and forwarded them to your father, though I was sick in bed with pneumonia,and am confined to the house still. This is the third week since I was attacked. Trust you and in your cousin John and family are all in fine health. I would Ilk#* ever so much to see Abbeville on and my old war comrades, once more, In the Hesh. Hugh Wilson and Major W. II. Parker srs though not having seen them since in the er field in 1S0U, in Mississippi, I remember well and can see both In my mind's eye as in 0y the days that tried men's souls. WAR COMRADES. eS- r\. |i.n Uno .1 -on .-,1 'a f m I'n.lnlh Mis*., about June 80th, 1S62, Hugti Wilson Informed me that I was the first corporal to post him as a sentinel on guard duty, i8 and that It was at "Camp Wappoo," near is Charleston, S. C. in the night on a "cause>m way" near the salt water and near James ne Island he with several others under me as oi corporal or the guard and alter the guard on .se duty iiad been relieved and Hugh posted and the countersign (or word for the night) given him, I ordered the relief guard, so Hugh said, "to round about and get out of there." I "P made some mistake Iain free to admit, and 1 s* the boys teased me lor a long time about it. I think this happeneu the very day that Uenhe eral Bragg had the soldier slioi for shooting at ta- a chicken and wounding a negro on our relit- treat from Corinth, and uear Clear creek and he Baldwin station on Mobile and Ohio railroad. :11s LIEUT. \V\ 11. l'AKKEKS KINDNESS TO A SICK let. SOI. 1)1 Kit. The day afterward I was so sick from fever, I could go no longei and so reported to Lieut. John C. Shaw In command of our com: pany "li." whose only help was to grant me 'the privilege of fulling out and coming on as est best I could. I sat down side of a tree and )IU. then lay down and had been there some time r when I was aroused about as much dead as alive, and was ollered a horse by an oflicer io L,ie rldeand I could not mount him from weaker ness HIUi sickness. When the ollicer saw this ;d* lie lilted me up and put me on the horse and r* carried my gun.a Mississippi ritie. till night em and we had come up with our regiment na-; which had gone into camp or bivouac lor the 1111 night. The name of that ollicer was Captain r. or Adjutant Win. Henry l'arker, of l'Jth S. C. V., a Draver and better man never wore the tray, i iihii uu personal acquaintance wiin him whatever, but I suppose lie knew mean one of bis regiment. He bad appointed me for as one of eight corporals (at Camp Wappoo, near Charleston. S. C.,) on the "color guard" of the 19th S. C. Volunteers. I'll- i SKKGKANT MAG I I.I,.. Sergeant ilcGill of one of the Abbeville [companies was our color bearer, and a good )ta- one he was. I was in my sixteenth year, and being sick was not as heavy as I atn now. I don't think I weighed over 100 pounds. Next day I with two others of the sickest of my company was sent in a wagon to the railroad >ra|and taken thence to Lauderdale Springs, a hospital for sick and wounded, where i rejbo niained two weeks and returned to my com- at nuiuiio, *uisk., wnere we remameu until August, when we came on to anddisj embarked from \V. & A. cars at ChioUaniausia ocy station near where we went into camp and called It "Camp Gladden," Iti honor ol a noted South Carolinian who distinguished hi in sell In Mexico. More anon. Geo. W. Howard, ion. Of Co. "B," 19th S. C. V. 'Joe If you want fine candy, put up in first class style you can get It at Speed's Drug Store. Don't fail to see the fine chenille portlcrs ,ing for curtains at §175 worth S JUO. Win. K. Hell Cash Co. v at Irish potato seed. Goodrich, Early Rose, Hehron aud i'eerlesv. Abbeville Supply Co. j Thos.«R. : \ .THE EXC J Boot and SI \\ GKEENWC < . r ... H KA 1)QUARTERS FOR J ROC H EST h £ Ladies' Fine Slio< a All the latest styles, widths, lasts * 2 ST RIB LEY & CO. celebrated H a and OXFORDS. Button $2.00. S! J and the very best fitting shoe in tl ^ with the correct style. $ ALLEN & CO., Philadelphia, ^ p auu suppers m an me up to uaie sij d colors. i LADIE'S .WHITE KID STR^ i always on hand. Trice $1.00 and i pumos. J HETSEK and GEO. G. SNOW \ arc sellers. J>rice S3.00 to $(>.00. J kaugarooes. \w A full assortment of mediam gra # please every person. Call and see 4 I am next (ioor to Tost Office. W d you your money worth. $ TE 5 THE UT-r f T. S. Trompt attention to mail c The Chance o: r-««««»[-*uvumw t IF^J Doors, Sasj CEILING, FLOORING, MOI Q KUUliJH. LUMtfLit, SJ ^ Or anything in the LUMBER LI LOWNDESVILLE LETTER. "Troupe" Brinew In HIm Ikrnjr Net, hiid Throws Out Hit* Catch Iiiicm. Lowndesville, Feb., 24,189C. Mr. J. M. Baker, of Washington, D. C., spent a day or two witb relatives here, tbe first o( last week. j Miss Mamie Cox, of Abbeville C. H., came I up Tuesday, and spent two or tbree days with I Mrs. T. 1>. Cook-.v. Mr. J. C. Thomas, went to Pelzer Tuesday, where he spent several days, with his mother. F Mr. K. W. Speer, of Anderson C. H., came r down Friday, and the next day, he and Prof. J. J. Johnson, went to Abbeville C. H. Mrs. J. T. Latimer, went to Abbeville on i Friday, and the next day, Mr. J. T. Latimer | went to the same place. ' Wednesday night, near Latimer, Mr. Wm. I Poore and Miss hula Bruce, were united In , marriage, at the home of the bride, by Kev. P. B. Ingram of the Ml. Carmel circuit. Mr. W. H. Hughes, photographer, last week m moved from the Baskln, to the Castleman house, near the depot. Major G. C. Hodges representing the New York Life Insurance Co.. spent several days of last week in the interest of his business. Mr. Rudolph McDavld, of Due West, is studying telegraphy under Mr. W. H. Shanklln. Mr. Ernest Allen, Is acting as salesman for Messrs Allen & Cooley. 0' The eclioes, as well as some or the sleepers, were awakened at quite au early hour, Wednesday morning by several pistol shots. An investigation showed that Dr. B. A. Henry, and Mr. E. W. Harper, men of all work,about f their premises, were practicing upon each £ other, with their shooting Irons. Their aim not being accurate, only one of them was slightly wounded in the leg. This was the only resulting hurt from the pistols. Mr. .1. C. Thomas, has Just had made by his shoemaker a pair of 6hoes, for a darkey which he marked No. 50, as no smaller size, would do to put upon them. Dunk Moore, colored, owned a mule, which ( in one respect is a freak of nature. It has no " tall where a tail ought to grow, nothing but a bunch of long hairs. The planters have begun work in earnest, si sowing oats, cleaniug up, and other work that so well tils in about this time. The haul- ing oil of guano is taking up its full share of time. (1 MOine 1)1 our mKrcuuiiis iuii me mat since j Die last corn crop was gathered, that they have not taken iu by purchase or barter, more than one third as much as they generally have during the winter months. Tbis by no means Indicatesh scarcity of tbis important production, but rather that there has been more money in circulation, cent cotton next j_ fall will cause a big revival in the corn trade. Rev. II. C. Fennel, lias spent the past week, with irlends here. He bought of Mr. J. T. Latimer, his Raskin lands, bordering upon Kooky Kiver. contulnlng 104 acres, for which he paid §S,UU per acre. His tamlly will come over this week, and at once occupy the Nance house. Troupe. I.ikIU'n Take "Notice" And separate the. letters N-O-T-I-C-E, trans- 1 posing lhem so as to make as many small , words as possible. It is said that twenty-Ilvo words can be made ; tor example, note, tone, " got. It, on, etc. The La oiks' Kvkky 8atur- r day will pay $10 lr. gold to the person able t to maka Ibe best list of words from letters contained in N-O-T-I-C-E, §il for the second * best, SS for the thiid best. $7 for the fourth t best, a Ladies' Nickel Watch with fine Amer- (i lean movement and well worth S5 for each , of the live next best lists, and one hundred valuable rewards in order or merit for the li next best one hundred lists (should that num 0 ber be received.) Much person sending list of fifteen words or more Is guaranteed a beauti- 11 ful present. As the above rewards are given t free and without consideration, simply to at- n tract, attention to this most charming sixteen page weekly for ladies and girls, it is necessary for von to send eight two cent stamps for TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION (four numbers), con- who have already received valuable rewards. If your letter enclosing trial subscription In received promptly, you will secure FrtEE IN . ADDITION TO ALL OF THK ABOVE, a eol- 1 lection ol choice tlower seeds, ten different rare aud beautiful varieties, also two beauii- r ful colored engravings entitled "The Doctor" and its companion "The Bride." Thousands t of dollars are being expended to Introduce < this popular weekly. Satisfaction is guaranteed in every case or stamps relunded. WHITE TO-DAY and address, LADIKS KVEHY SATURDAY, "C," 'JIM Walnut Street, rhiladelphia, Da. : * j" .»Davis, I ILUSIVE ji hoe Dealer, |! DOD, S. C. |j BOLTON SHOE CO., ... t , es and Slippers. * j ind colors. Price $2.25 to S3.50. d 1 LENRIETTA LADIES SHOES i i tippers SI.50. The best wearing ^ g lie world for the price, combined J s lisses and children's fine shoes r rIes. Prices 50ets to $2.00. All # U> SANDALS and OXFORDS £ $1.50. A full line of dancing A MEN'S FINE SHOES. They J Tan, Black and vici kids and J de siioes at prices and quality to r rue when you visit Greenwood. # rill show you the goods and give 4 Yours for Shoes, J [OS. R. DAVIS, i TO-DATE SHOE DEALER. 2 >rders. # f a Lifetime! -THIS ROCKERS HOSE MERITS HAVE WON FOR IT THE able distinction of a rank equal to tbe first foremost in the market now ottered at a n reduction of over ine Hundred Per Cent. conspiracy of rare circumstances enables us ake this unprecedented, unparalled offer, a limited time and .I1TED NUMBER ONLY. It's tbe chance of a lifetime, Tbe golden opportunity of a decade; Tbe one bright smile of fickle fortune. DON'T MISS IT, 1 't delay, time and number limited. Read, ret, gel It now. Price lower than the lowest. Yours for Furniture, J. D. KERR, o. 3 Rosenberg Block. h, Blinds, $ JLDING, DRESSED AND * ' SINGLES, LATHS I NE are wanted, don't fail to see ^ J. H. LATIMER. 5 j . I Litrinffsffin & Porwn iiid^nhii w aviiiUi -DEALERS IN- i 111 Kinds of Groceries,j 'RESH MEATS. SAUSAGE. HOG HEAD J HEESE AND FISH. i CANNEDGOODS; )f every description. | Fresh Bread: always on hand. ; Give us a call when In need ofAnythlng In nr line. We guarantee satisfaction. 1 Particular attention ! iven to our MARKET : lepartment. ' Remember the place, No. 2 Washington Lreet. Pie State of South Carolina, County of Abbeville. j COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. .nndon A. Thomas, Jr., and Frank E.Fleming, partners as Bankers In the City of Augusta, Ua., under tbe name and 6tyle of l Fleming, Thomas & Co., Plaintiffs, against , John P. Bones, Defendant COPY SUMMONS. FOlt RELIEF. (Complaint Served.) 'o the Defendant John P. Bones : fou are hereby summoned and equired to answer the complaint in this ac- ion, of which a copy is herewith served upon ou, and to serve a copy of your answer to be said complaint on the subscribers at their ttice at Abbeville Court House, South Caroina, within twenty days after the service lereof, exclusive of the day of such service; ] nd If you (ail to answer the complaint with- < ti the time aforesaid, the plalntlll' In this ac- ion will apply to the Court for the relief de- f aanded In the complaint. Dated tenth day of January, 181)0. PARKER Jc McGOWAN, Plaintiff's Attorneys. W. R. Bullock, C. C. C. P. lo the Defendant John P. Bones: Take Notice.That a copy of the Bumlions In this case, with copy complaint, has ieen filed In ofllceof the Clerk of the Court of j Common Pleas for said County. PARKER & McGOWAN, J'. Attys. Abbeville, Jan. lit, 13'JC, (it 1 w T^HE OLD FOET. All Sopim of Good Things From the Historic Spot. Ninety-Six, S. C., Feb. 24,1S96. Tbe22od was Dot celebrated in Ninety-Six. and during that beautiful day we wondered If the people everywhere were as devoid of patrlotlHtn an here. We did not hear the name of "the father of bis country." No one told the story of little George "who could not lell a lie." Mr. Stuart Nickels of Coronaca was in town last Saturday. K.j is just back from Lexlng- ion, Ky., where be graduated In telegraphy. I Mr, Nickels is a iirst-clasH young man, and we I lan recommend blm. I Little Tom Moore nays he can't exactly un- \ lerstand bis uncle Lewis's egg story. He says when his ma gets a batch of twelve out of hlrteen eggs she thinks she Is mighty lucky. He says he Is going to buy one of his uncle's oosters. Dr. and Mrs. Lawton Lipacomh of Columbia ire still staying at Capt... v/. Lipscomb's. On last Wednesday morning Mrs! Bettie D. rouhson'R dwelling was burned to the ground. Nearly all of her furniture was also unr-ned. :t was a large house. The loss waR aooul !2,500. Insurance In the Lloyds with Mr. .las. togerR, ageni, }i,uuuon nouse ana wio on Mini-t tore. a Our efficient railroad agent., Mr. J. S. wli-1 on, who has been quite indisposed, Is out M Lgaln and at bin post. The young folks had a candy pulling at the esldence of Mr. R. S. Nickels' on lastTueslay night. Everything was beautiful and weet. Mr. B. D. Phillips, who was boarding with / tfrs. Johnson loRt a part of his furniture, but aved the most of it. Miss Emma Sanders Js at home again at 1 liverland, after a long visit to friends In An- lerson and Greenville. £ The friends of the State Fair were dlRap- l lointed in the action of the Legislature. They J ully expected an appropriation. Henry Griffin, a very worthy colored citl- en, was buried in the colored cemetery on ast Sunday. He was formerly the slave of tfr. Thomas C'. Griffin, deceased. Secretary John G. Carlisle may be the nomnee of the National Democratic Convention, >ut he can never carry Kentucky. We believe nost any other prominent democrat could, -tf >ut the democrats of Kentucky will not vole 1 or Carlisle. 4 Prof. Wright of Coronaca Academy was I ' .* «« n Diiii tn hla nnrents. IUWU ItttJl OUliUl UUJ uu CT> «« .. Dr. Bozeman went to Saluca yesterday to risit bis grandchildren who nre sick. Mr. W. H. Frazier shipped his string of race lorses to New Burne, N. C., last week. Some of our best farmers think the oats pere Injured by the last freezes. Mrs. Johnson has rented the residence of tfr. W. W. Fooche and will move in at once, tlr. Foocbe, we understand, will move to /happelle. Miss Swlgert of Peak's Station has been visting MI6S Agnes Rice. She Is quite a cbarmng young lady, and we are sorry she found it lecessary to return home so soon. Mr. W. S. Richardson has ordered some fine r 3oland China bogs from Indiana. Mr. Griffin Maroert Is now at Kentucky Jnlverslty learning telegraphy. His friends ell us be is succeeding nicely. Mr. H. M. Jobnson, jeweler and optician, ost nearly all of his tools when his mother's y' louse was burned. n Our people would like to know when the Legislature is going to adjourn. e Our adjuster will be here today to look after Bl Mrs. Johnson's loss. li Prof. Cork was quite unwell for several days ast week, but Is out again and able to attend i, m his duties. a Several worthless prowling dogs were killed 0 in town last week, and the town authorities save determined to kill all dogs caught in t, ;own without their owners. a Never has there been such a demand for r nulls and meal. It looks as though the cat- 4 lie and the oil mill has formed a combine, as r they won't eat anything but the oil mill pro- R iuct. fi The reception given In honor of Mr. and a Mrs. W.S.Sanderson last Wednesday even- b ing at Rlverland's by Dr. and Mrs. \V. A. c Sanders was a most delightful entertainment. From four till six the parlors of tbelr hosplta- e ble home were filled by friends who, despite the cold and wind, turned out to pay tbelr re- t specis to the happy young couple. I We heard the other day that one farmer bad p purchased already over $400 worth of peavine, c crab grass and clover bay this season, which t he used in feeding his cattte, horses and i, mules on bis farm. This seems to be a large amount for consumption on one farm, but we t believe tbe estimate to be true, and still tbe ( winter 18 not more man nan gone, war es- 0 perlence leaches us that the months of March i and April aretbe most critical months of the year, as far as the care of stock Is concerned. Mr. H. J. Klnard's advice to Texas farmers was a very readably article. We hope be will frequently contribute. East End. DUE WEST. A Good Word for the C'onniy Snpervi- a sor.Gold.Music.Pretty Women. 1 Due West, 8. C., Feb. 25, 1896. c All of our people who have been to Abbe- £ vllle within a week past are praising the con- 8 iltlon of the road. This improvement is >wlng In part to the dry weather, but mainly to the work that has been done on It. Let the Supervisor have the praise he deserves. While on the subject of our county officials r iiir» maiia nnnther RUMrestlon that xiuy be of service to a worthy class. It is well mown that the School Commissioner ol this * :ounty does Dot have money to pay the teachers' salaries promptly during the last nonths >f the scholastic year. Would It not be a rood idea to borrow the money at a fair rate k >i interest and pay the teacbeis' salaries n whenever they become due? The salaries are imall enough anyhow and are made smaller ^ >y the present delay. This would not suit tbe c nooey sharks, but would be greatly to the ac- i sommodatlon of the teachers. The course of the New York World In break- c ng up tbe syndicate that bad been organized 0 .ograb tbe gold bonds at a big profit to Wall a Street and turning it into a popular loan is 8 >ne of tbe best Illustrations of the power of p :he press that has been seen for many years j, n this country. Several millions of dollais £ ,vere thus saved to tbe government, and an- i )tber thing saved was a repetition of the ugly 0 icandal of tbe bond sale ot February, 1895. Last evening we had tbe pleasure of listenng to Gill Thomas, tbe musical phenomenon. Ele Is great. He opened bis entertainment with a melodyon three Instruments, followng that up until he closed with a grand march on six instruments. Besides playing >n six instruments at the same time he Is a jood soloist, and has a number of new songs. Dr. J. J. Lindsay has moved to Due West md will practice his profession. The editor's criticism of Mr. Hood caused t some comment. All good humorly, however. D An entertainment Is soon to be at the Due B West Femal College. All are looking forward t jo it with great expectancy. ^ The following of our young people spent c Friday night In the Antreville section: Miss t Atkins, Miss Edwards and Miss Wallace; t Messrs. Douglass, Oates and Echols. They reurned Saturday afternoon and report a great t ,lme. vy. r. Li. Notice of Dissolution, BY mutual consent, the firm of WIDEMAN JAY &CO., hH8tbi8 day been dissolved. T. N. Robinson Laving bought the Interest of j I. F. Wldeman. W. K. Jay having bought ,he Interest of 1'. M. Jay. All parties Indebted to the old firm will make prompt settleDent with W. K. Jay. I J. F. WIDEMAN. b T.M.JAY. b W. K. JAY. t Troy, S. C., Jan. 1, 1890,3t. 1 u Executor's Notice. A LL persons Indebted to the estate of John W, Lomax will make payment to J. H. -j Lomax. Those holding claims will present! :b« same to me. J. R. LOMAX, February 18, 1896, 4t. * Executor. d Registration Notice. L THE books for registration will be open for 0 registration of voters on 10th, lltb and 12th of MARCH, 1896. from 9 a. m. till 3 p. m. a ;ach day at office of City Council. R. M. HILL, Mayor. 11 James Chalmers, Clerk. | f Feb. 26, 1896,3t | | The State of South Carolina.! I ABBEVILLE COUNTY. Probate CourL.Citation for Letters of Administration. By R. E. Hill, Esq.. Judge ok Pkobatk. WHEREAS, Agnes A. Tusten has made f suit to me. to graut her Letters of Ad- i ministration of the Estate and effects of' Frances K. Redd, late of Abbeville County, s iGccflssdt These are therefore, to cite and admonish ill and singular the kindred and creditors of , iald Frances K. Redd, deceased, that they be 1 ind appear before me. In the Court of Fro Date, to be held at Abbeville C. H., on Tues-1 s lay, the 10th day of March, 1S9<>, after publlca- lion hereof, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon, to) ihow cause If any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. 1 Given under ray baud and seal of the Court,; this 24th day of February In the year of g L.S.j our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six and in the 120th year of American Independence. j Published on the 2<ith day of February. 18%,! " in the Press and Bauner and on the Court 11 House door for the tiuie required by law. R. E. HILL. n Feb. 26th, 1SH6. Judgo of Probate. d Black satin duchess, black gros grain and f Jlack armara silk at IIaddon s. Big Hor On Holiday. (SALEI Kentucky" Also of FINE CHIC iifterent breeds to sele ng- out my chickens ai tains. Will have soro 3R00D MARES oil MARCH br double and single k ;he best. Very I Wm. Manager of the Abb< HODGES GREETINGS. C ^ teat lis.Runaway Scrape . Personal F1( Paragraphs. Hodges, S. C., Feb. 24,1896/ -|-j Plna Hughs, well known in this commuui- Jj p, having lived about here for a number of ears, died last week near Donnalds with re< measles D c James Abner Griffin, a sturdy 5 oung farm* geJ r, who lives near tbe city is erecting a hand3me new house and will have it completed in< a a short while. Bo J. T. Ellis, met with the misfortune of losng a fine mare last Monday. Vinoie Griffin ri. nd James Gray had Just started to Anderson n a trading tour, when the mare began kick g, first, landing James Gray out of the velcleand then bruising Vinnle Griffins knee, be then began to run apd leaving the road xh an through a small patch of woods and asbed into a cut on tbe Abbeville branch 06 allroad. In attempting to croBS ber foot I lipped under the rail and caused a horrible ce[ racture of ber front leg. She had to be shot, s the fracture rendered her worthless. The Pa. mggy was badly damaged. Messrs. Gray and blc irlffin have both gotten over their injuries. Guano is piling In every day and the farmpd ore flritic to nlant 4 and 5 cent cotton. The city fathers at Hodges had before them oday eleven negroes charged with gambling n the corporate limits of the town. All . ilead guilty and begged the mercy of tbe | ourt. A small fine was put on them with be promise of getting tbe full extent of tbe aw next time. T. J. Ellis, Sr., bad a fine colt badly cyt in \j lis pasture wire fence last Monday. Jim V tray was called In to sew up tbe cuts, and the r0( inimal though badly cut will get well of bis brl njurles. BO J. C. Ellis, the popular cotton buyer from NI Ibbevllle, was circulating among friends last cal veek. Do Tramps have been putting In their claims at or a "hand out" at a lively rate recently. he text thing will be so many days on tbe street »r leave town at once. Good cure for tbem. The Post Office Inspectorhas made his ap>earance lately with us. Offices in this sec- " Ion are being kept to tbe scratch, but some >f our postal clerks on the railroad I don't bink will stand tbe test when this official in- * peels tbem pretty close, as they cause a great nany Irregularities In tbe mail system. C. P.Simmons Is the style of the Arm of one if our largest furnishing merchants. Old ^ Irm name Simmons Bros, now reads Just ce. Imply C. P. Simmons. ^ » _ do ve THE OIL MILL. st: , Pll Irent Benefit to tbe Community in \ Wblch It id Lociited. se< W The oil mill was snui uowu iasi, wuiu^, ut will run again. There has been great deiand for ihe product of the mill this winter. a'! he existence of the oil mill is a benefaction 00 3 this community and a blessing to the old °e ows which would otherwise be half-starved l0' o death. It pay roll helps the employees of i be mill, and they in turn help landlords, mer- sel bants and others. The Incidental advantage tic f the presence of the oil mill Is great, and we ( re sure the community would rejolcc at the uccess and prosperity of Its enterprlslug and ( ubllc spirited President J. Allen Smith. As ir as we have beard, the manager, Mr. J. M. "3 larden, gives perfect satisfaction tothecusomersot the mill. Me Is always polite and bilging. . 1 tb OFF AT COLLEGE. |h! 810 . « . « tVAM<hv I ? wormy l/nuKuim « u. »UJ Father. * p* Miss Emma and Miss Alma Plnsnn, daugb- co! ers of Mr. J. S. Plnson, of Ninety-Six. are at iow lu attendance upon the sessions of Lime- «] toue Springs Female College. Weare pleased o learn that these handsome young ladles Yc lave taken dlBtlngulsed stands In the higher lasses of that old and well known lnstituIon. These excellent young ladies will sus- ( aln the high reputation of Abbeville county vu or being foremost la all the nobler lines oJ bought and action. " ca ENTERPRISING FIRM. ^ do I«N»ra. aicDil! A Lyon Itraucblug Out. th The enterprising firm of Messrs. McDlll & ^yon are mak lng their way to the front In the 0r luslness world. From what we can see their 1 luslness is rapidly Increasing. Their adver- lsement In this Issue will tell you of the new > lnes added. When you need furniture, pict- P1 ire frames, handsome rugs, caskets and moniments, call on them. 1U The Angling Rod of Johnnie Jamcx. til Turkey Creek, S. C., Feb. 21, 1S96. We have had some very Inclement weather »i. luring the past week. The measles are still holding sway over this ommuulty. Mr. Willie Washington and wife is reported Pa rltlcally III. Mrs. E. M. Sharp spent a few days with rel,lives at Doualds during the past week. U9 Mr. W. C. Hughes has been appointed No- ih ary Public. Mr. W. S. Knight, of Brewerton, Laurens bounty, visited the family of Mr. Willie Wash- m ngton. Miss Ellen Tribble, who has charge of the yc chool at Riley, passed through here Friday venlng en route for her home at Donalds, «. . .1,1 sn news ib ycij* bitwise iuio netiv. -r Johnnle James. ]ii II tuitions Locals. ? Black satin duchess and gros grain silk, Hie ashionable material for skirts this spring. I full line at Haddons. 0f Satin duchess, velvet, Jet and lace make a fe tyllsh spring cape. All to be found at Had- , Ions. Drapery clotb, plain, figured and tiusel, at JaddouH. ej( Full line embroidery silks, in all the new ar hades, at Haddons. All shades of zephyr 5c ounce at 11 addons. Wl JO pieces check nainsook at prices lower hau ever. Just in at Haddons. su 8(i inch bleached homespun sj-jc. Same lei oods sold at 10c one month ago, at Haddons. ^ % and 4-i bleached drilling at Haddons. "Fruitof the Loom," "Alpine Rose" Barker Illls and other popular brands of bleached be iiuslin always to be found at Haddons. of Bleached and half bleached linen table da- w*i nasks at astonishingly low prices at Had- ons. Black henriettas, all wool and silk warp, th roui 2>c to Si, at Haddons. bu l'ercals, nay and red, at Haddons, yyt " CO Snip 1 0\J WUilU >AY.) M Horses. f|| KENS. I have ten Jl ct from. 1 am cios- ad you will get bar- 3$ ie Fine KENTUCKY | 7, 1896* J Larness. Ntone but '^JBK tespectfully, V E. BELL\ I jville Live Stock ub.- -;4| I________ TO Sheriff's Sale **! emlng, Thomas &. Co., Plaintlfls against <juuu x . duucb, ut'ieauaui.AiiacnmeQi. *Y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER TO ME DI- ' :ted in above stated case, I will on the 10th LY OF MARCH, 1886, at Willington, B.C., 1 to the highest bidder at Public Auction 3 entire stock of goods of Bald John P. nes. The stock consists of ' u roceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, A General Merchandise Stock, e stock is new and staple and a bargain can had. ^ i'rom now until the 10th March, I will reve bids for the stock "In bulk." It will y merchants to see the stock and make a F. W. R. NANCE, ,,:V ^eb. 21, 1896. 2t Sheriff. 'jjPiB ' ' rti Sealed Proposals [TILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE * of the undersigned until March 17,1896, the furnishing of all materials, excepting ck.and erection of a COTTON MILL, with iILER ROOM, ENGINE ROOM and CHIMSY, at Abbeville, S. C. Plans and sepeciflHons by Lock wood, Greene & Co., No. 181 venshlre Street, Boston, Mass., can be seen tlie office of the undersigned. The right is reby reserved to reject any or all bldB. Wm. H. PABKEB, ?REAS. ABBEVILLE COTTON MILLS, Abbeville, S. C. ?eb. 24,1896, tf ' . W. Joel Smith A Son's Locals. rVe are selling LeverlDgB wasted coffee at 23 its a pound, it makes a de.iclous drink. Ve have a very larjte stock of tobacco In a , zen different kinds, ranging In price from a ry good chew at 28 cents a pound, up to altz A. A. A. A., at $100 a pound. iVe offer for sale a cheap set of second hand itform scales. Capacity 1000 pounds. , iood matches 5 cents a dozen boxes. 5Ve have just received a large lot of very fine 3d Irish potatoes, call and get a supply.. . Joel Smith & Son. tVe are prepared to supply the demand of with all grades of flour, molasses, sugar, ffee, corn, brand, and in tact every thing eded for man or beasts, at astonishingly rr prices. W. Joel Smith & Son. Vehavejuit opened up a large and well ected lot of shoes, bato, dry goods, and no* >ns which we are selling at very low prices. iood lead pencils 5 cents a dozen. "all on us when in need of goods of any ad, and you shall be pleased both In qualr and price. W. Joel Smith & Sod. -J| Hndtlou'K Locals. 1. M. Haddon & Co., are getting ready for b spring trade. 0 cases spring goods to arlve this week at iddon's. U1 wool serges black and navy, 25 ^cents to 0 to arlve tbis week at Haddon's.; 0 pelces percals, all new and up to date tterns will arlve tbis week at Haddon's. 0 pelces 27 inch percals, absolutely fast lors, cheapest percals we have ever shown Haddon's. ["he blgest all linen towel ever brought to Is market at 8X50 per dozen or 25 cent pelce. iu should see this towel at Haddon's. 1" i <v; iarden seed. Come In and select. Abbele Supply Co. Right is the eternal sun; the world not delay its comiog. Religious freedom often means freem from religion. Nothing but love to God can conquer e love of the world. An obstinate man does not hold inions, but tbey bold bim. Strange, but true.weak-minded peoa are often headstrong. Endeavor to be perfect in the calling which you are engaged. While you are meditating revenge, e devil is meditating a recruit. He most loves who thinks most, feels e noblest, acts the best. The earnestness of life is tbe only issport to the satisfaction of life. Long life is denied us; therefore let do something to sbow that we have ,'ed. It is not enough to keep the poor in ind; give them something to keep >u in mind. Four things cannot come back.the oken word, the sped arrow, the past e, neglected opportunity. Happiness is a queer thing. The ore one tries to give it to others, e more of it he has himself. Be all your actions upon a principle right, preserve integrity of characr; and in doing this never reckon on e cost. Love seems to be the fundamental n»v»a,^ in f Un nf WA rULlCLI t III LUV> tumavivi V4 vivut v* v e most like God when we are filled ith love. He i9 bappy whose circumstances it his temper ; but be is more excel t who can suit his temper to his rcumstauces. The sacred Scriptures teach us the st way of living, the noblest way suffering, and the most comfortable iy of dying. There are men in the world who, if ey displayed one-half the energy in isiuess that they exhibit in loafing, juld soon become independent.

Transcript of The CONTRIBUTED LOCALS, Thos.«R. I T^HE Big HorCO · School Entertainment, Friday Xis 28th. At...

Page 1: The CONTRIBUTED LOCALS, Thos.«R. I T^HE Big HorCO · School Entertainment, Friday Xis 28th. At Rosenberg's Hall beginning at sei o'clock. Agoodsupperserved. Grabbsgf Interest oil.

The Press and BannABBEVILLE, S. C

^"Published every Wednesday at Syear la advance.

Ten !Pages.Wednesday, Feb. 26, 189<

Unclaimed 1,otter*.Letters remaining in Abbeville, S. C.,

office for the week endiug February 25tb.B.Mies Roxantia Bailey, Paul R. BratC.Mrs. Pbilis Chiles, Miss Emma Cressw

Miss Ida Chapman, (col.), \V. A. Cooper, 1Mr. Contantlsha.E.Mrs. Cate Edwards, care of Luther KO.Jackson Gregory, S. H. Goode.H.Mrs. Georgle Hawkens.J.Johnl Jones.M.Mrs. Ida Morrison, Berry Morton, N

Carrie McCilnton, Miss Sillale Martin, \\B. Mils.N.Miss Jolie Nelson.P.Miss Hattle Pressley..!. S. Piuson.R.Lewis Rucker, Miss Maggie Klciiie.T.Wiley Thomas.W.R. \V. Washington. Rufus Wright.

Robt. S. Link, P. A

School Entertainment, Friday Xis28th.

At Rosenberg's Hall beginning at seio'clock. A good supper served. Grab bsgfInterest oil. The prize doll on exhibitionL*wsons will be given to the one guessiugname.

W. K. Bailey"* Locals.Baileys Lemon Laxative.The best li1

medicine sold, large bottles 25c. Sold onlyw. it. rsaney s uriiuue Jt ront x»rug niu

Greenwood, S. C- 2iao.Stop that cuugli by using Laxative Broi

Quinine Tablets. Money refunded if It fato cure. Sold by W. It. Bailey, Greeuwood.C. 2t.

Garden Seetl.Messrs. Alex. Zachary & Son, the old rell

bie weed men. will be In town nextSalediwith a full supply of seed. Don't forget hiwhile you are in town. tl

Pension Board.The Pension Board will meet again on F

day, February 28th. R. W. Haddon,G. A. Neuffer, Sec'ty. Chairman

Situation Wanted.A young lady, recent graduate of a Hi

class female college, desires a situationteacher or governess. For further particlars, apply to the Press and Banner office.

Our respected-fellow citizen, the Hon. \H. Parker, has been quite sick for severdays. It is hoped that he may soon be hitself again. During bis absence he is alwa,

InnnH a* * ho hunt of h \ a law ttf. h

pew Id the cburch, nod on our streets. 1man amongst as Is more useful to society mto the church than the Hon. \V. H. Ptker, whose long anil useful career has tnaia shining light 111 all that Is good aod true.Miss Nina and Miss Mary Taggart, daug

tere of tbe late Dr. Taggart. returned froMississippi last Monday. They will stopfew days with Mrs. Livingston, and will artewards make their home with Mr. FrarHenry of this city, and will enter our *»pledid school.Last week we had the coldest weather

the Winter, The temperature fell to 14 dgrees. Ice formed every where, and our llttstreams were fringed with the frozen wauFollowing the cold spell came beautitSpringlike days, and some oats were thisown.Charlie Smith is doing the wood work 1

building a house near the depot, and JamRogers has undertaken to do the brick woiand plastering. Both men are faithful worera, and give good satisfaction to those wlemploy them.Don't lall to see the horses thsit W. E. B<

will sell on Saleday la March, the 2nd Allhis fine brood Kentucky mares to be sold (March the 7th.Bill Nye Is dead. He was stricken wi

paralysis at his home near Ashevllle laweek, and died a few days later.Stable manure 81 for two-horse load dell

ered. A good mule and hand to do yoiplowing. J. S. Stark's stable.oif yon want a nice job on yoar broken furfiure consult Mr. D. B. Smith.Editor Moore of the Honea Path Chronic

paid a pleasant visit to this office last week.

Locals Amoa B. Morse.Big lot of Octagon soap. Special price I

the box.You should chew "Stultz XXXX," "Grav

ley's Best," "Helen W ilson," C. A. R." -0<den Stair," "Daddie'n Dolla-," "Rlce-BIrdor smoke one of my "Kolb" pipes.Another box of fresh line lemons, 15 cents

dozen.Nice oranges 30o, and bananas 20c a dozen.Fine apples at 8^, 10,12% and 15c a dozen.Come to me for choice cabbage and on lorI have a spang-up stock of gents and bo

caps.Another new line opened. Ladles at

Misses straw bats. Take a peep at them.If you want your head covered, and w<

covered for a little money, come right aloiand I will undertake the job.The best slock of cheap pants, clothin

men's shirts, suspenders, cravats and hankerchiefs In the city, and all bran new.Come boys, I haven't forgotten you. Fam

lonnriflrvl on/4 nnrr i rvnn uliiulu />n nil Unti. .. vIBUikUliOU »uu nun to, tUJJO, UUbO UL

Windsor scarfs for you all.Guano distributors, guano horns, Wlis<

coltoc planters. Dow Law cotton planleiBrooks cotton planters.Shovels, forks, hoes, plows, &c.Another lot of grindstone fixtures Just IWood's garden seed.Wood's flower seed 5c a packet.Fine 4-4 Sea Island homespun at 5c.Big lot of tin, pots, spiders, ovens, &c.,

and to arrive in a few days.Ladles spring heel and cloth top butti

boots at $ a pair. Nice stock.I can show a greater variety of crackt

than any house in the city and at lowprices.A new lot of fine French candles and penigoods to arrive ibis week.It is time you were setting out pecan trei

R. C. Bernnu'N Locals.Cut glass is all the fashion now, but it

very expensive. Imitation of cut glassnow made, that cannot be distinguished frcthe real article. K. C. Bernau has a new liof these goods at prices that are a marvelcheapness. It will pay you to examine tbiiioods.The Domestic Bewing machine is the hi

that leads them all. itcau be bought chefor cash and easy payments at K. C. Bematthe Jeweler.American watches are the ones for t

American people. Don't order a cheap imltion when you can buy a real Kigln or Wabam stem winder, or opeu face for Ismall sum of five dollars. It. C. Bernuu stthem at that.Silver plated tea spoons at <5 cents a h

Guaranteed to give satisfaction for the miey, at K. C. Bernau, the Jeweler.

Ybe Kerr Furniture Co'h. Locals.1. Remember our goods are of the tin

quality and latest styles and prices are < cpetition proof. J. D.Keri

2. Write us for anything you need infurniture line. Distance no obstacle to <trade. A courteous reply is always return*

J. D. Ker:3. Bring your pictures to us to have th

framed. We have lately added a new ichine of the very latest make and canyour orders promptly. J. K. Ker

Abbeville Nnpply Co.That delicious grated cocoanut in bulk

custards, cake, etc., 25c lb.Canned apples in gallon cans at 30c.A fresh lot snowflate crackers. Splenc

In bulk or 1 lb cortous 15c lb.Dried neaches 5c lb.Plenty of garden seed left. Also Irlsb pc

to Beed, standard kinds.Octagon soap. Best lump starch 5c lb.Plows going fast. Also D. B. plow poInMThe largest plug of tobacco Id town f<

dime. Come lu and get It.Roasted coffee, Arbuckles & Lewerlng. A

green coflee. Fresh lot peaberry, fine.Cottolene. Cottolene best shortening.Cheese nettling new In fai

crackers, delicious 15c box.Morrison's bams always in stock.Animal crackers for the children.We are leaders In cheap tobacco this seas

and have some bargains to offer at 20c andper lb.Thurbers rolled oats 5c lb.Legijetl's buck wheat 5c lb.Very best full cream cheese 15c lb.Come and see us for prices when want

anything.We are hauling In a bargain In flour nov

$3.75 per bbl. See It.


What "M" Sec* and Henrn on Hi'ICotimls Abonl I lie <My.

Abbeville. S. Keb. 20, 1S90.® a Mrs. K. B. Gary, after a delightful trip t<

Washington, D. C., returned home last SMturda v.

I)r. J. I... Ancrum is ahead on young chickshaving out now nearly one hundred almosttmonth old. The Doctor Is a poultry "fancier," and has a yard of splendid thorough

.! bred black Litngsdiaus. He also has a largen fi>h pond containing quite a variety of nativeb. tish, and expects soon to replenish with a lol

of tine fish from abroad.. Col. D. .J. Auld. ol Sumter, who is Grand

Keeper of liecords and Seals of Knight* olPythias of South Carolina, made an ofllcial

i>ost v's" to Abbeville Lodge, No. til, last Friday^ night.ton. '-a<t Friday, the 21st, was the coldest day'j the winter, the mercury falling from T7 de{ev.'grees and staii'Mug at U at ! o'clock a. m.

Mr. Wm. II. Hammond, of Lxurens. Is niak-'air. 'nB a visit to relatives in the elty. .Mr. Hamnjoiidlias many friends here who are always

glad to see liirn.Capt. J. Dodsori, o'" theSouthern,arrived

lisg in the city last Friday from a trip over ther" 111. road. He spent the night and had several ol

our citizens to take ton with him in his privateear. Captain Jiodson has numbers olfriends in Abbeville, who are always ready togive him a most cordial greeting, and who believehe still lias the interest of our people attarart, and will do all he can iu the way ol

I. railroad facilities for our city. He says bynext summer he will have the Abbeville

hf branch road splendidly equipped and laid* with the best steel rails.

Mr. Frank C. Dul're spent last Saturday,'eniand Sunday in the city, leaving Mondayi lo morning on his business tour. Frank is oneat of our best young men, and has the best

lier wishes of many friends for his succcss in busuess.I Last Friday evening a sociable was given atthe home of Mr. (J. A. Douglass, where anumber of our young people spent a most defe*lighti'ul evening.

at Mr. Avinger from Cooper Itlver, in Berkere>ley county, spent a lew days last week withfrlonrl Dr .1 I. 4tir>rniri_ Mr Avlnopr l<.

vn a large rice planter, and s-n old friend of thelis Doctor's, and is a whole-souled, genial aud with alias tine a specimen of the

' homo genus'' race as we have seen for a long,long time.A number of young people enjoyed themselvesat a Leap Year party last Friday evea-nlng, at the home of Mr. C. V. Hammond.

t»y Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Latimer, of Lowndesmville, with their little son spent last Saturdayf and Sunday in our city visiting their brother,

Mr. J. T. Latimer and family.Bids for ihe building ot the Abbeville Cot-Iton Factory are now being received, and the

contract will be given to the lowest responsiblebidder at once.Lhst Sunday was a tine day, and aB there

were no services in the Presbyterian audBaptist churches, these brethren worshiped

st with the Methodists. There were also presenta8 a number of strangers and visitors altogetheru. making a large congregation. Doctor Clifton,

the pastor preached his first serial sermonfrom the flist chapter and first verse of

v genesis. ' In the begmuing God created the*| heaven and the earth," and we believe by his* profound reasoning and sound bible doctrine.

he forced upon his hearers, beyond all cavil,j? doubt and superstition, the inevitable conelusionthat the world was not eternal, did

not make ltseif but was created by God alone." He had the closest attention of his entire conI' gregation all the while and the service were

impressive, entertaining and Instructive.Subject tor next Sunday morning will be,h- "The immortality of the soui." All Strang

111 era. and visitors within our gates and the pubalie in general are most cordially invited to»r- attend.

Prof Geo. C. Hodges of Greenwood, spentn several days of last week in our city, in the

Interests of his insurance business.of Mrs. Gammell of Aiken is in the city vlsite-ing his brother. Dr. Ancrum.le Mrs. L. D. Kennedy of Lowndesville is here»r. on a visit to Mr. P. B. Speed, her nephew,ui Tbe ladies of our graded school will furnish;n a tine supper at Rosenbergs Hall, next Friday

evening the 2S, at which villi be a "prize doll,"to be given to the oue guessing Ur name.

zl Also grab bags lor one and altogether, itpromises to be a most enjoyable occasion as

b well as a feast of good things; as every body is,


Interested, let all come.Fire department. Abbeville's young men

come to the front and organize a Hook andill Ladder com pany with twenty-three members


>n owner. Three lusty cheers for onr youngmen: Of course now that this importunt

11) matter has taken place, our citizens BusinessLeague and Council are expected to do theirpart. Let all put their shoulder to the wheeland roll on this grand movement until Abbevillewill have a first class flre department,ur fully equipped and ready for all emergencies.The following officers were elocted to serve

u- the present year :W. F. I'errin, chief.

.je C. D. Brown, asst. chief.Jas. A. Hill, secy, and treas.

Theseareall good men, willing, able andready at all tl mes to do their whole duty.Mrs. R. M. Haddon left yesterday for north...eru markets where she will purchase the

J largest and handsomest stock e%'er brought toAbbeville. Every one knows Mrs. Haddon's

e taste In the taucy goods and millinery line,at- and will not be disappointed at her selections.

This old and reliable firm is well known allover South Carolina.

a Joe Gladden, colored, who escaped fromthe county chain gang last Friday, was captured by Policeman Ham, of Klberton, Ga.,and brought In yesterday morning- S2r> rewardwas oflered for his return by Capt. J no.

ls. Lyon, County Supervisor.ys

ld WAR STORY,>11 .,

ig Geo. W. Howard Tell* Noinc Tilingsisr, of the IVitr and Hon. W. H. l*«rker.JCv Master Shaw Howard allows us to print the

following letter from his uncle. Shaw Howardis a worthy young man uow in the employof theSeuboard Air Line. We have nodoubt that be will make a good citizen even

rs' as his lather made a gallant soldier:Kirkvvood, Ga., Feb. 12,1S9C.

Master Wm.Shaw Howard, Abbeville, S. C.:n. Lear Shaw.I received papers and your note

and forwarded them to your father, though Iwas sick in bed with pneumonia,and am confinedto the house still. This is the thirdweek since I was attacked. Trust you and

in your cousin John and family are all in finehealth.

I would Ilk#* ever so much to see Abbevilleon and my old war comrades, once more, In the

Hesh. Hugh Wilson and Major W. II. Parkersrs though not having seen them since in theer field in 1S0U, in Mississippi, I remember

well and can see both In my mind's eye as in

0y the days that tried men's souls.WAR COMRADES.

eS- r\. |i.n Uno .1 -on .-,1 'a f m I'n.lnlh

Mis*., about June 80th, 1S62, Hugti Wilson Informedme that I was the first corporal topost him as a sentinel on guard duty,

i8 and that It was at "Camp Wappoo," nearis Charleston, S. C. in the night on a "cause>mway" near the salt water and near Jamesne Island he with several others under me asoi corporal or the guard and alter the guard on

.se duty iiad been relieved and Hugh posted andthe countersign (or word for the night) givenhim, I ordered the relief guard, so Hugh said,"to round about and get out of there." I

"P made some mistake Iain free to admit, and1 s* the boys teased me lor a long time about it.

I think this happeneu the very day that Uenheeral Bragg had the soldier slioi for shooting atta- a chicken and wounding a negro on our relit-treat from Corinth, and uear Clear creek andhe Baldwin station on Mobile and Ohio railroad.:11s


let. SOI. 1)1 Kit.

The day afterward I was so sick from fever,I could go no longei and so reported to

Lieut. John C. Shaw In command of our com:pany "li." whose only help was to grant me'the privilege of fulling out and coming on as

est best I could. I sat down side of a tree and)IU. then lay down and had been there some timer when I was aroused about as much dead as

alive, and was ollered a horse by an oflicer ioL,ie rldeand I could not mount him from weakerness HIUi sickness. When the ollicer saw this;d* lie lilted me up and put me on the horse andr* carried my gun.a Mississippi ritie. till nightem and we had come up with our regimentna-; which had gone into camp or bivouac lor the1111 night. The name of that ollicer was Captainr. or Adjutant Win. Henry l'arker, of l'Jth S. C.

V., a Draver and better man never wore thetray, i iihii uu personal acquaintance wiinhim whatever, but I suppose lie knew meanone of bis regiment. He bad appointed me

for as one of eight corporals (at Camp Wappoo,near Charleston. S. C.,) on the "color guard"of the 19th S. C. Volunteers.


Sergeant ilcGill of one of the Abbeville[companies was our color bearer, and a good)ta- one he was. I was in my sixteenth year, andbeing sick was not as heavy as I atn now. Idon't think I weighed over 100 pounds. Nextday I with two others of the sickest of mycompany was sent in a wagon to the railroad

>ra|and taken thence to Lauderdale Springs, ahospital for sick and wounded, where i rejboniained two weeks and returned to my at nuiuiio, *uisk., wnere we remameuuntil August, when we came on to anddisjembarked from \V. & A. cars at ChioUaniausia

ocy station near where we went into camp andcalled It "Camp Gladden," Iti honor ol a notedSouth Carolinian who distinguished hi in sellIn Mexico. More anon.

Geo. W. Howard,ion. Of Co. "B," 19th S. C. V.


If you want fine candy, put up in first classstyle you can get It at Speed's Drug Store.Don't fail to see the fine chenille portlcrs

,ing for curtains at §175 worth S JUO. Win. K. HellCash Co.

v at Irish potato seed. Goodrich, Early Rose,Hehron aud i'eerlesv. Abbeville Supply Co.

j Thos.«R.: \ .THE EXC

J Boot and SI



£ Ladies' Fine Slio<a All the latest styles, widths, lasts *

2 STRIBLEY & CO. celebrated Ha and OXFORDS. Button $2.00. S!J and the very best fitting shoe in tl^ with the correct style.$ ALLEN & CO., Philadelphia, ^p auu suppers m an me up to uaie sijd colors.i LADIE'S .WHITE KID STR^i always on hand. Trice $1.00 andi pumos.J HETSEK and GEO. G. SNOW\ arc sellers. J>rice S3.00 to $(>.00.J kaugarooes.\w A full assortment of mediam gra# please every person. Call and see4 I am next (ioor to Tost Office. Wd you your money worth.

$ TE5 THE UT-r

f T. S. Trompt attention to mail c

The Chance o:



^ Or anything in the LUMBER LI


"Troupe" Brinew In HIm Ikrnjr Net,hiid Throws Out Hit* Catch Iiiicm.

Lowndesville, Feb., 24,189C.Mr. J. M. Baker, of Washington, D. C.,

spent a day or two witb relatives here, tbefirst o( last week. jMiss Mamie Cox, of Abbeville C. H., came I

up Tuesday, and spent two or tbree days with IMrs. T. 1>. Cook-.v.Mr. J. C. Thomas, went to Pelzer Tuesday,

where he spent several days, with his mother. FMr. K. W. Speer, of Anderson C. H., came r

down Friday, and the next day, he and Prof.J. J. Johnson, went to Abbeville C. H.Mrs. J. T. Latimer, went to Abbeville on i

Friday, and the next day, Mr. J. T. Latimer |went to the same place. '

Wednesday night, near Latimer, Mr. Wm. IPoore and Miss hula Bruce, were united In ,

marriage, at the home of the bride, by Kev.P. B. Ingram of the Ml. Carmel circuit.Mr. W. H. Hughes, photographer, last week m

moved from the Baskln, to the Castlemanhouse, near the depot.Major G. C. Hodges representing the New

York Life Insurance Co.. spent several daysof last week in the interest of his business.Mr. Rudolph McDavld, of Due West, is

studying telegraphy under Mr. W. H. Shanklln.Mr. Ernest Allen, Is acting as salesman for

Messrs Allen & Cooley. 0'The eclioes, as well as some or the sleepers,

were awakened at quite au early hour, Wednesdaymorning by several pistol shots. Aninvestigation showed that Dr. B. A. Henry,and Mr. E. W. Harper, men of all work,about ftheir premises, were practicing upon each £other, with their shooting Irons. Their aimnot being accurate, only one of them wasslightly wounded in the leg. This was theonly resulting hurt from the pistols.Mr. .1. C. Thomas, has Just had made by his

shoemaker a pair of 6hoes, for a darkey whichhe marked No. 50, as no smaller size, woulddo to put upon them.Dunk Moore, colored, owned a mule, which (

in one respect is a freak of nature. It has no"

tall where a tail ought to grow, nothing but abunch of long hairs.The planters have begun work in earnest, si

sowing oats, cleaniug up, and other workthat so well tils in about this time. The haul-ing oil of guano is taking up its full share oftime. (1MOine 1)1 our mKrcuuiiis iuii me mat since j

Die last corn crop was gathered, that theyhave not taken iu by purchase or barter,more than one third as much as they generallyhave during the winter months. Tbis byno means Indicatesh scarcity of tbis importantproduction, but rather that there has beenmore money in circulation, cent cotton next j_fall will cause a big revival in the corn trade.Rev. II. C. Fennel, lias spent the past week,

with irlends here. He bought of Mr. J. T.Latimer, his Raskin lands, bordering uponKooky Kiver. contulnlng 104 acres, for whichhe paid §S,UU per acre. His tamlly will comeover this week, and at once occupy the Nancehouse. Troupe.

I.ikIU'n Take "Notice"And separate the. letters N-O-T-I-C-E, trans- 1

posing lhem so as to make as many small ,

words as possible. It is said that twenty-Ilvowords can be made ; tor example, note, tone, "

got. It, on, etc. The Laoiks' Kvkky 8atur- rday will pay $10 lr. gold to the person able tto maka Ibe best list of words from letterscontained in N-O-T-I-C-E, §il for the second *

best, SS for the thiid best. $7 for the fourth tbest, a Ladies' Nickel Watch with fine Amer- (ilean movement and well worth S5 for each ,of the live next best lists, and one hundredvaluable rewards in order or merit for the linext best one hundred lists (should that num 0ber be received.) Much person sending list offifteen words or more Is guaranteed a beauti- 11ful present. As the above rewards are given tfree and without consideration, simply to at- ntract, attention to this most charming sixteenpage weekly for ladies and girls, it is necessaryfor von to send eight two cent stamps forTRIAL SUBSCRIPTION (four numbers), con-

who have already received valuable rewards.If your letter enclosing trial subscription Inreceived promptly, you will secure FrtEE IN .

ADDITION TO ALL OF THK ABOVE, a eol- 1lection ol choice tlower seeds, ten differentrare aud beautiful varieties, also two beauii- rful colored engravings entitled "The Doctor"and its companion "The Bride." Thousands tof dollars are being expended to Introduce <this popular weekly. Satisfaction is guaranteedin every case or stamps relunded.WHITE TO-DAY and address, LADIKSKVEHY SATURDAY, "C," 'JIM Walnut Street,rhiladelphia, Da.

: * j"

.»Davis, IILUSIVE jihoe Dealer, |!DOD, S. C. |jBOLTON SHOE CO., ... t ,

es and Slippers. * jind colors. Price $2.25 to S3.50. d 1LENRIETTA LADIES SHOES i i

tippers SI.50. The best wearing ^ glie world for the price, combined J s

lisses and children's fine shoes rrIes. Prices 50ets to $2.00. All #U> SANDALS and OXFORDS £$1.50. A full line of dancing A

MEN'S FINE SHOES. They JTan, Black and vici kids and Jde siioes at prices and quality to rrue when you visit Greenwood. #

rill show you the goods and give 4Yours for Shoes, J


f a Lifetime!

-THIS ROCKERSHOSE MERITS HAVE WON FOR IT THEable distinction of a rank equal to tbe firstforemost in the market now ottered at an reduction of over

ine Hundred Per Cent.conspiracy of rare circumstances enables usake this unprecedented, unparalled offer,

a limited time and

.I1TED NUMBER ONLY.It's tbe chance of a lifetime,Tbe golden opportunity of a decade;Tbe one bright smile of fickle fortune.

DON'T MISS IT, 1't delay, time and number limited. Read, ret,gel It now. Price lower than the lowest.

Yours for Furniture,

J. D. KERR,o. 3 Rosenberg Block.

h, Blinds, $JLDING, DRESSED AND * '

SINGLES, LATHS INE are wanted, don't fail to see ^J. H. LATIMER. 5 j

. I

Litrinffsffin & Porwniiid^nhii w aviiiUi



CANNEDGOODS;)f every description. |Fresh Bread:always on hand. ;

Give us a call when In need ofAnythlng Innr line. We guarantee satisfaction. 1

Particular attention !iven to our


lepartment. '

Remember the place, No. 2 WashingtonLreet.

Pie State of South Carolina,County of Abbeville. j


.nndon A. Thomas, Jr., and Frank E.Fleming,partners as Bankers In the City ofAugusta, Ua., under tbe name and 6tyle of l

Fleming, Thomas & Co., Plaintiffs,against ,

John P. Bones, Defendant

COPY SUMMONS. FOlt RELIEF.(Complaint Served.)

'o the Defendant John P. Bones :

fou are hereby summoned andequired to answer the complaint in this ac-

ion, of which a copy is herewith served uponou, and to serve a copy of your answer tobe said complaint on the subscribers at theirttice at Abbeville Court House, South Caroina,within twenty days after the servicelereof, exclusive of the day of such service; ]nd If you (ail to answer the complaint with- <

ti the time aforesaid, the plalntlll' In this ac-ion will apply to the Court for the relief de- faanded In the complaint.Dated tenth day of January, 181)0.

PARKER Jc McGOWAN,Plaintiff's Attorneys.

W. R. Bullock, C. C. C. P.lo the Defendant John P. Bones:Take Notice.That a copy of the BumlionsIn this case, with copy complaint, has

ieen filed In ofllceof the Clerk of the Court of jCommon Pleas for said County.


Abbeville, Jan. lit, 13'JC, (it 1


All Sopim of Good Things From theHistoric Spot.Ninety-Six, S. C., Feb. 24,1S96.

Tbe22od was Dot celebrated in Ninety-Six.and during that beautiful day we wonderedIf the people everywhere were as devoid ofpatrlotlHtn an here. We did not hear thename of "the father of bis country." No onetold the story of little George "who could notlell a lie."Mr. Stuart Nickels of Coronaca was in town

last Saturday. K.j is just back from Lexlng-ion, Ky., where be graduated In telegraphy. IMr, Nickels is a iirst-clasH young man, and we Ilan recommend blm. ILittle Tom Moore nays he can't exactly un- \

lerstand bis uncle Lewis's egg story. He sayswhen his ma gets a batch of twelve out ofhlrteen eggs she thinks she Is mighty lucky.He says he Is going to buy one of his uncle'soosters.Dr. and Mrs. Lawton Lipacomh of Columbia

ire still staying at Capt... v/. Lipscomb's.On last Wednesday morning Mrs! Bettie D.

rouhson'R dwelling was burned to the ground.Nearly all of her furniture was also unr-ned.:t was a large house. The loss waR aooul!2,500. Insurance In the Lloyds with Mr. .las.togerR, ageni, }i,uuuon nouse ana wio on Mini-ttore. aOur efficient railroad agent., Mr. J. S. wli-1on, who has been quite indisposed, Is out M

Lgaln and at bin post.The young folks had a candy pulling at theesldence of Mr. R. S. Nickels' on lastTueslaynight. Everything was beautiful andweet.Mr. B. D. Phillips, who was boarding with /

tfrs. Johnson loRt a part of his furniture, butaved the most of it.Miss Emma Sanders Js at home again at 1

liverland, after a long visit to friends In An-lerson and Greenville. £The friends of the State Fair were dlRap- llointed in the action of the Legislature. They Jully expected an appropriation.Henry Griffin, a very worthy colored citl-en, was buried in the colored cemetery on

ast Sunday. He was formerly the slave oftfr. Thomas C'. Griffin, deceased.Secretary John G. Carlisle may be the nomneeof the National Democratic Convention,

>ut he can never carry Kentucky. We believenost any other prominent democrat could, -tf>ut the democrats of Kentucky will not vole 1or Carlisle. 4Prof. Wright of Coronaca Academy was I

'.* «« n Diiii tn hla nnrents.IUWU ItttJl OUliUl UUJ uu CT> «« ..

Dr. Bozeman went to Saluca yesterday torisit bis grandchildren who nre sick.Mr. W. H. Frazier shipped his string of race

lorses to New Burne, N. C., last week.Some of our best farmers think the oatspere Injured by the last freezes.Mrs. Johnson has rented the residence of

tfr. W. W. Fooche and will move in at once,tlr. Foocbe, we understand, will move to

/happelle.Miss Swlgert of Peak's Station has been vistingMI6S Agnes Rice. She Is quite a cbarmngyoung lady, and we are sorry she found itlecessary to return home so soon.Mr. W. S. Richardson has ordered some fine r

3oland China bogs from Indiana.Mr. Griffin Maroert Is now at Kentucky

Jnlverslty learning telegraphy. His friendsell us be is succeeding nicely.Mr. H. M. Jobnson, jeweler and optician,

ost nearly all of his tools when his mother's y'louse was burned. nOur people would like to know when the

Legislature is going to adjourn. eOur adjuster will be here today to look after Bl

Mrs. Johnson's loss. liProf. Cork was quite unwell for several days

ast week, but Is out again and able to attend i,m his duties. aSeveral worthless prowling dogs were killed 0

in town last week, and the town authoritiessave determined to kill all dogs caught in t,;own without their owners. aNever has there been such a demand for r

nulls and meal. It looks as though the cat- 4lie and the oil mill has formed a combine, as rthey won't eat anything but the oil mill pro- Riuct. fiThe reception given In honor of Mr. and a

Mrs. W.S.Sanderson last Wednesday even- bing at Rlverland's by Dr. and Mrs. \V. A. cSanders was a most delightful entertainment.From four till six the parlors of tbelr hosplta- eble home were filled by friends who, despitethe cold and wind, turned out to pay tbelr re- tspecis to the happy young couple. IWe heard the other day that one farmer bad p

purchased already over $400 worth of peavine, ccrab grass and clover bay this season, which the used in feeding his cattte, horses and i,mules on bis farm. This seems to be a largeamount for consumption on one farm, but we tbelieve tbe estimate to be true, and still tbe (winter 18 not more man nan gone, war es- 0

perlence leaches us that the months of March iand April aretbe most critical months of theyear, as far as the care of stock Is concerned.Mr. H. J. Klnard's advice to Texas farmers

was a very readably article. We hope be willfrequently contribute. East End.


A Good Word for the C'onniy Snpervi- a

sor.Gold.Music.Pretty Women. 1

Due West, 8. C., Feb. 25, 1896. cAll of our people who have been to Abbe- £

vllle within a week past are praising the con- 8iltlon of the road. This improvement is>wlng In part to the dry weather, but mainlyto the work that has been done on It. Let theSupervisor have the praise he deserves.While on the subject of our county officials

r iiir» maiia nnnther RUMrestlon thatxiuy be of service to a worthy class. It is wellmown that the School Commissioner ol this *

:ounty does Dot have money to pay the teachers'salaries promptly during the last nonths>f the scholastic year. Would It not be arood idea to borrow the money at a fair rate k

>i interest and pay the teacbeis' salaries nwhenever they become due? The salaries areimall enough anyhow and are made smaller ^>y the present delay. This would not suit tbe cnooey sharks, but would be greatly to the ac- isommodatlon of the teachers.The course of the New York World In break- cng up tbe syndicate that bad been organized 0.ograb tbe gold bonds at a big profit to Wall aStreet and turning it into a popular loan is 8>ne of tbe best Illustrations of the power of p:he press that has been seen for many years j,n this country. Several millions of dollais £,vere thus saved to tbe government, and an- i)tber thing saved was a repetition of the ugly 0icandal of tbe bond sale ot February, 1895.Last evening we had tbe pleasure of listenngto Gill Thomas, tbe musical phenomenon.

Ele Is great. He opened bis entertainmentwith a melodyon three Instruments, followngthat up until he closed with a grandmarch on six instruments. Besides playing>n six instruments at the same time he Is ajood soloist, and has a number of new songs.Dr. J. J. Lindsay has moved to Due Westmd will practice his profession.The editor's criticism of Mr. Hood caused t

some comment. All good humorly, however. DAn entertainment Is soon to be at the Due B

West Femal College. All are looking forward tjo it with great expectancy. ^The following of our young people spent c

Friday night In the Antreville section: Miss tAtkins, Miss Edwards and Miss Wallace; tMessrs. Douglass, Oates and Echols. They reurnedSaturday afternoon and report a great t

,lme. vy. r. Li.

Notice of Dissolution,BY mutual consent, the firm of WIDEMAN

JAY &CO., hH8tbi8 day been dissolved.T. N. Robinson Laving bought the Interest of jI. F. Wldeman. W. K. Jay having bought,he Interest of 1'. M. Jay. All parties Indebtedto the old firm will make prompt settleDentwith W. K. Jay. I

J. F. WIDEMAN. bT.M.JAY. bW. K. JAY. t

Troy, S. C., Jan. 1, 1890,3t. 1u

Executor's Notice.A LL persons Indebted to the estate of John

W, Lomax will make payment to J. H. -jLomax. Those holding claims will present!:b« same to me. J. R. LOMAX,February 18, 1896, 4t. * Executor.


Registration Notice. LTHE books for registration will be open for 0

registration of voters on 10th, lltb and12th of MARCH, 1896. from 9 a. m. till 3 p. m. a;ach day at office of City Council.

R. M. HILL, Mayor. 11James Chalmers, Clerk. | f

Feb. 26, 1896,3t | |

The State of South Carolina.! IABBEVILLE COUNTY.

Probate CourL.Citation for Letters of Administration.By R. E. Hill, Esq.. Judge ok Pkobatk.

WHEREAS, Agnes A. Tusten has made fsuit to me. to graut her Letters of Ad- i

ministration of the Estate and effects of'Frances K. Redd, late of Abbeville County, siGccflssdtThese are therefore, to cite and admonish

ill and singular the kindred and creditors of ,

iald Frances K. Redd, deceased, that they be 1

ind appear before me. In the Court of FroDate, to be held at Abbeville C. H., on Tues-1 s

lay, the 10th day of March, 1S9<>, after publlca-lion hereof, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon, to)ihow cause If any they have, why the saidAdministration should not be granted. 1

Given under ray baud and seal of the Court,;this 24th day of February In the year of g

L.S.j our Lord one thousand eight hundredand ninety-six and in the 120th year ofAmerican Independence. j

Published on the 2<ith day of February. 18%,! "

in the Press and Bauner and on the Court 11

House door for the tiuie required by law.R. E. HILL. n

Feb. 26th, 1SH6. Judgo of Probate. d

Black satin duchess, black gros grain and fJlack armara silk at IIaddon s.

Big HorOn Holiday.


Kentucky"Also of FINE CHIC

iifterent breeds to seleng- out my chickens aitains. Will have soro3R00D MARES oil

MARCHbr double and single k;he best. Very I

Wm.Manager of the Abb<

HODGES GREETINGS. Cteatlis.Runaway Scrape . Personal F1(

Paragraphs.Hodges, S. C., Feb. 24,1896/ -|-j

Plna Hughs, well known in this commuui- Jjp, having lived about here for a number ofears, died last week near Donnalds with re<

measles D c

James Abner Griffin, a sturdy 5 oung farm* geJr, who lives near tbe city is erecting a hand3menew house and will have it completed in<

a a short while. BoJ. T. Ellis, met with the misfortune of losnga fine mare last Monday. Vinoie Griffin ri.nd James Gray had Just started to Andersonn a trading tour, when the mare began kick

g,first, landing James Gray out of the velcleandthen bruising Vinnle Griffins knee,be then began to run apd leaving the road xhan through a small patch of woods andasbed into a cut on tbe Abbeville branch 06

allroad. In attempting to croBS ber foot Ilipped under the rail and caused a horrible ce[racture of ber front leg. She had to be shot,s the fracture rendered her worthless. The Pa.mggy was badly damaged. Messrs. Gray and blcirlffin have both gotten over their injuries.Guano is piling In every day and the farmpdore flritic to nlant 4 and 5 cent cotton.The city fathers at Hodges had before themoday eleven negroes charged with gamblingn the corporate limits of the town. All .

ilead guilty and begged the mercy of tbe |ourt. A small fine was put on them withbe promise of getting tbe full extent of tbeaw next time.T. J. Ellis, Sr., bad a fine colt badly cyt in \j

lis pasture wire fence last Monday. Jim V

tray was called In to sew up tbe cuts, and the r0(inimal though badly cut will get well of bis brlnjurles. BOJ. C. Ellis, the popular cotton buyer from NIIbbevllle, was circulating among friends last calveek. DoTramps have been putting In their claims at

or a "hand out" at a lively rate recently. hetext thing will be so many days on tbe street»r leave town at once. Good cure for tbem.The Post Office Inspectorhas made his ap>earancelately with us. Offices in this sec-


Ion are being kept to tbe scratch, but some>f our postal clerks on the railroad I don'tbink will stand tbe test when this official in- *

peels tbem pretty close, as they cause a greatnany Irregularities In tbe mail system.C. P.Simmons Is the style of the Arm of one

if our largest furnishing merchants. Old ^Irm name Simmons Bros, now reads Just ce.Imply C. P. Simmons. ^

» _ dove

THE OIL MILL. st:, Pll

Irent Benefit to tbe Community in \Wblch It id Lociited. se<

WThe oil mill was snui uowu iasi, wuiu^,ut will run again. There has been great deiandfor ihe product of the mill this winter. a'!

he existence of the oil mill is a benefaction 00

3 this community and a blessing to the old °e

ows which would otherwise be half-starved l0'

o death. It pay roll helps the employees of i

be mill, and they in turn help landlords, mer- selbants and others. The Incidental advantage ticf the presence of the oil mill Is great, and we (re sure the community would rejolcc at theuccess and prosperity of Its enterprlslug and (

ubllc spirited President J. Allen Smith. Asir as we have beard, the manager, Mr. J. M. "3larden, gives perfect satisfaction tothecusomersotthe mill. Me Is always polite andbilging.




. « . « tVAM<hv I ?wormy l/nuKuim u« « w« u. »UJ

Father. * p*

Miss Emma and Miss Alma Plnsnn, daugb- co!ers of Mr. J. S. Plnson, of Ninety-Six. are atiow lu attendance upon the sessions of Lime- «]toue Springs Female College. Weare pleasedo learn that these handsome young ladles Yclave taken dlBtlngulsed stands In the higherlasses of that old and well known lnstituIon.These excellent young ladies will sus- (aln the high reputation of Abbeville county vuor being foremost la all the nobler lines oJbought and action.




I«N»ra. aicDil! A Lyon ItraucblugOut.


The enterprising firm of Messrs. McDlll &^yon are mak lng their way to the front In the 0rluslness world. From what we can see their 1

luslness is rapidly Increasing. Their adver-lsement In this Issue will tell you of the new >

lnes added. When you need furniture, pict- P1ire frames, handsome rugs, caskets and moniments,call on them.


The Angling Rod of Johnnie Jamcx. til

Turkey Creek, S. C., Feb. 21, 1S96.We have had some very Inclement weather »i.

luring the past week.The measles are still holding sway over thisommuulty.Mr. Willie Washington and wife is reported Parltlcally III.Mrs. E. M. Sharp spent a few days with rel,livesat Doualds during the past week. U9Mr. W. C. Hughes has been appointed No- ihary Public.Mr. W. S. Knight, of Brewerton, Laurensbounty, visited the family of Mr. Willie Wash- m

ngton.Miss Ellen Tribble, who has charge of the ycchool at Riley, passed through here Fridayvenlng en route for her home at Donalds,«. . .1,1 snnews ib ycij* bitwise iuio netiv. -r

Johnnle James. ]ii

II tuitions Locals. ?Black satin duchess and gros grain silk, Hie

ashionable material for skirts this spring.I full line at Haddons. 0fSatin duchess, velvet, Jet and lace make a fetyllsh spring cape. All to be found at Had- ,Ions.Drapery clotb, plain, figured and tiusel, atJaddouH. ej(Full line embroidery silks, in all the new arhades, at Haddons.All shades of zephyr 5c ounce at 11addons. Wl

JO pieces check nainsook at prices lowerhau ever. Just in at Haddons. su8(i inch bleached homespun sj-jc. Same leioods sold at 10c one month ago, at Haddons. ^% and 4-i bleached drilling at Haddons."Fruitof the Loom," "Alpine Rose" BarkerIllls and other popular brands of bleached beiiuslin always to be found at Haddons. ofBleached and half bleached linen table da- w*inasks at astonishingly low prices at Had-ons.Black henriettas, all wool and silk warp, throui 2>c to Si, at Haddons. bul'ercals, nay and red, at Haddons, yyt


CO Snip 10\J WUilU

>AY.) MHorses. f||

KENS. I have ten Jlct from. 1 am cios-ad you will get bar- 3$ie Fine KENTUCKY |

7, 1896*JLarness. Ntone but '^JBKtespectfully, V

E. BELL\ Ijville Live Stock ub.- -;4|

I________ TO

Sheriff's Sale**!

emlng, Thomas &. Co., Plaintlfls against<juuu x . duucb, ut'ieauaui.AiiacnmeQi.


:ted in above stated case, I will on the 10thLY OF MARCH, 1886, at Willington, B.C.,1 to the highest bidder at Public Auction3 entire stock of goods of Bald John P.nes. The stock consists of

' uroceries, Dry Goods, Hardware,A General Merchandise Stock,e stock is new and staple and a bargain canhad.


i'rom now until the 10th March, I will revebids for the stock "In bulk." It willy merchants to see the stock and make a

F. W. R. NANCE, ,,:V^eb. 21, 1896. 2t Sheriff.

'jjPiB' ' rti

Sealed Proposals[TILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE* of the undersigned until March 17,1896,the furnishing of all materials, excepting

ck.and erection of a COTTON MILL, withiILER ROOM, ENGINE ROOM and CHIMSY,at Abbeville, S. C. Plans and sepeciflHonsby Lockwood, Greene & Co., No. 181venshlre Street, Boston, Mass., can be seentlie office of the undersigned. The right isreby reserved to reject any or all bldB.


Abbeville, S. C.?eb. 24,1896, tf '


W. Joel Smith A Son's Locals.rVe are selling LeverlDgB wasted coffee at 23its a pound, it makes a de.iclous drink.Ve have a very larjte stock of tobacco In a ,

zen different kinds, ranging In price from ary good chew at 28 cents a pound, up toaltz A. A. A. A., at $100 a pound.iVe offer for sale a cheap set of second handitform scales. Capacity 1000 pounds. ,

iood matches 5 cents a dozen boxes.5Ve have just received a large lot of very fine3d Irish potatoes, call and get a supply... Joel Smith & Son.tVe are prepared to supply the demand ofwith all grades of flour, molasses, sugar,

ffee, corn, brand, and in tact every thingeded for man or beasts, at astonishinglyrr prices. W. Joel Smith & Son.Vehavejuit opened up a large and wellected lot of shoes, bato, dry goods, and no*>ns which we are selling at very low prices.iood lead pencils 5 cents a dozen."all on us when in need of goods of anyad, and you shall be pleased both In qualrand price. W. Joel Smith & Sod.

-J|Hndtlou'K Locals.1. M. Haddon & Co., are getting ready forb spring trade.0 cases spring goods to arlve this week atiddon's.U1 wool serges black and navy, 25 ^cents to0 to arlve tbis week at Haddon's.;0 pelces percals, all new and up to datetterns will arlve tbis week at Haddon's.0 pelces 27 inch percals, absolutely fastlors, cheapest percals we have ever shownHaddon's.

["he blgest all linen towel ever brought toIs market at 8X50 per dozen or 25 cent pelce.iu should see this towel at Haddon's.

1 " i <v;iarden seed. Come In and select. AbbeleSupply Co.

Right is the eternal sun; the worldnot delay its comiog.

Religious freedom often means freemfrom religion.Nothing but love to God can conquere love of the world.An obstinate man does not holdinions, but tbey bold bim.

Strange, but true.weak-minded peoaare often headstrong.Endeavor to be perfect in the callingwhich you are engaged.While you are meditating revenge,e devil is meditating a recruit.

He most loves who thinks most, feelse noblest, acts the best.The earnestness of life is tbe onlyissport to the satisfaction of life.

Long life is denied us; therefore letdo something to sbow that we have

,'ed.It is not enough to keep the poor inind; give them something to keep>u in mind.Four things cannot come back.theoken word, the sped arrow, the paste, neglected opportunity.Happiness is a queer thing. Theore one tries to give it to others,e more of it he has himself.Be all your actions upon a principleright, preserve integrity of characr;and in doing this never reckon on

e cost.Love seems to be the fundamentaln»v»a,^ in f Un nfWArULlCLI t III LUV> tumavivi V4 vivut v* v

e most like God when we are filledith love.He i9 bappy whose circumstancesit his temper ; but be is more excel

twho can suit his temper to hisrcumstauces.The sacred Scriptures teach us thest way of living, the noblest waysuffering, and the most comfortableiy of dying.There are men in the world who, ifey displayed one-half the energy inisiuess that they exhibit in loafing,juld soon become independent.