THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. - · Mr Fores injared a -l ... •lerter t to a sen a the...

THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. mu. xxxv. PLAWHELD. N. J- IHURSDAY. J KOA.r 30. 1901. NO. 5. Of l i r a 1JBBET How tha Systems in North and South Part* of th* Btnt* Are to be Connected. PLANS FOR THE FUTURE. TKHTON WILL BE THE CENTRE OF R ADI ATI US LIKES. Will t'ouBCrt With tfce Line* la f ,.icr- Mew Jersey -Third K.1I I | I I M to »w HriMwIrk •»««. Tn-ton, Jan. »-With the Inoor- pajMion at tbe Delaware Valley Tut- ti«n Company, the opening of spring will w« the beginning oT eoterpnw winch will eottHt T n U n with htu>- «md* of UWM and village* ia Sew oftbeaist lines to b* bailt la ewton uud Tardier. which will Hiw the Tardier. MorriavlUs wad T M M Railway with the Itww Street K*ilway. which hM a line ez- I—riinr from Bristol to Doylaetown, of this link and tbe link from Doylee- t*vn in Perkame will place Tren too ia direct toach with tbe whole East- ern Pennsylvania system. Tba Tard- ier. Mom.vUl* aad Tiaatoa and UM •ft wtan and Yardley roads are eoa- utaied by tbe Lehigb Valley Traction. .a-i this will afford a direst line to the Lehigb Valley from Udrwater. The It-high Valley Traction has under t* Portland, ta Northampton county. h.ud«lm completed it WtU he pgpuMr to jro from Trenton to the JhUnif Water C»p by trolley, aear- lf tflO ia>W. and all owr the Lrhigti Talk? Tmerioa's Uaw The Trenton, Lewreooevillr and. rYiaretoa Railroad ia aiao controlled s* the U-hnth Valley Traction, and will b* extended into the city within •V arit few month*. The e«*n«on into UM centre of F h i w K a will be flBiafacd within sixty days, and whm •Sri"* open* plan, will be formsUted far iu eontinsation toward Booad Brook or New Brunswick. The Gandea and Trenloo. the Dela- ware Valley Traction and the Mercer The Delaware Trariioo, which ia «ack«d by a Baltimore syndicate, will baild a tins from Trenton to Penning tan and another to Hamilton Square aad RobbinsviUe, near Higtatatown, Tfaemme management alao controls aW Philadelphia, Bristol and Trenton ri 11 j 1 Railway, which will ha es- tteded tram Briatol to MorrUvill- . Opposite Trvntoo, during the sBmmer. The mme interests are also in control «f tha MorrisvUle raaanngcr Railway. which nmmwa the unique distinc- tion of having sixty feet of track laid. «a the irrannd sought by the Pennsyl- vania Bailroad for an approach to it. Delaware bnd*e. aad over which it expected there will be a legal bat- ik. The Gulden and Treat on hna the right to run - through tna atiaate of will be completed in u* month*. Thu wiU tnake a diract ltn«to Caw 4 n aad i IIMIK then with aU the Sooth Jersey line*. It is said that Ihe Trenton and New Brac.w.cfc tUilroad Company, which ia chartered to bnild a UM from Tren ton to New Brunswick, to be oper- ated by the third-rail electric system. nM escoeeded in borrowing $1,000,000 «B bonds, and will begin oouatroetion bMade of three IM«W It la probable it will ran across to PUinfteld, and The Trenton Street Bailway Com- pany ha* under ranatraction a line fmm the courthousB to UM lower * Delaware River bridge, aad thi* will award what la practically a second Ime to Morriatown. The New Jersey aad Pennsylvania Tatrtion, recently incorporated, pro- pteea to construct lines in all paru of tbe city of Trenton and give a tan* ±vml fare, with unlimited free transfers. The company ia a protege of the Lehigh Valley Traction, and has a capital of •1.000.000. Fran- chises will be asked soon. Bights of way have been obtained on aevwrsl of MOMEY 18 OONE of «M> while steeping ta UM Elisabeth station of UM Mew Jersey Central last night The robbery was committed, be de ared. by Howard, or "Doe- Doty and another man, both from tfcia city. about him when I'H fall asUep, he said, and when awaken la«, «hey had left. He Ml for his If aad found il gone. The matter Slav reported to tbe Elisabeth police. Doty is the man who skipped u LJL ~ ' ago after being . released OUT WAV TO SOLVE MM0U6H EDUCATIONAL PROBLEM. MM at Pnhllr ftrk**l> M»t a* rmrfetaal r«r. The irowin« aeed of ntore aebool ac«oaunodat*ons ia the boronch u aari- •nag ( o.ple DeeeraUana-WIII RNM* tn Pl.lifleld OB Tielr Ert.r.. A pretty home wedding, uniting In two popster young people of i city, took place last Tuusday at home of Mr. aad Mra. Aagastas V. Searing, TO Western-It avanne, when their daughter. Mite Bvalene inn. became UM wife of Theodore Edward Burroughs, ana of Mr. sad Mrs. John Burroughs, of CM East Fifth street. Tbe happy evan JO o'clock ia the | ii of UM •ember* of UM ImmriHaHi fssmiUea. KIT Char lea E. Herring, pastor of the Fir* risalujsilan carana, onVi- nted. Owing to UMlimited room at qaartMB were tna amallif •piU, bat Mill the mr>lar qaarten be enanced to take char** of the ad- ditional rlaaaea. he proper committee of the board set aboat to bant ap permatwejt qnartm for tha awrfow. After ntboron>fa aenrcb tba commit- tee baa aeoompliabed Saaae ai by Sapmii all m r raosiTe taatiaiiUftn fant only it ftant iac—T—ianai. Mow ar—ii :ba cry for another school baildinr. Both atmetarea in the baroa«h are d It ia elainwd hare anawnvd the pnrpo—a fjmn. On* prominent boronchite adTocatee vctinc a bnildlns on the Hi«fa School lot, fneina: en Vine atrmt. Tber* ho naj> may be found ample MM* for a larp atmetnre, which iia-hr form an anoes to the OamiHil re*[ bt.i•ding. In order to carry oat thia protect, said he. it would be iiirnamrr to call special eehool meeting for tha par- of allowing tba eiUaens to pam apon the matter. If they fsTpr the propomtion the coat of erection may by an appropriation voted by them, and work on the stmctnre could bejin at onoe. He belierea that if done it wonld rumor, all by fall, for whan the ime arrin* for the children to recaxn ji their Btndie* after the aanwer the annex would to ready The standard of the school* tn UM borough, he nays, is considered high aad a reputation for thorough train m* baa) been made It wonld reflect mach credit, be conclude*, if UMpeo- ple inmstod upon UM erection of an- other building. WM. WATT WEDDED. i few. but a reception followed at I n»jnilj aeveBty-nre The home was attractively dec- orated with m i n i , palm*, hydran- geas and pampas gr-m. In one corner of UM parlor there was a pretty ar- il of th» same. This i with *mali inonndeaoent lights of varied hues. In the hallway along-the stairway there was anasaeil the eleotrtc part of tbe rtiniwmlua was UM work of A. V. Besrisc. Jr. Tan bride wsa gwiasd la white crepe as chiae. She wot* a veil with SosBsrville, Jan. *»*-At • o'clock mat night in St. John'* P. E. church. William Watt, a prominent buaineas i of tfala place, and Mim Lena A. •n were made husband and wife tbe rector. Rev. Harrison B- Vright. The oonple were attended by UM groom's brother. Thomas Watt, and wife. Only immediate relntlves mre present. Tbe bride wore a hand BOOM gown of hrown. A reception followed at tbe heaati- il apart mt-nts that bad been fitted u by the groom Basse very pretty of cat glass and silverware were Designs «f the Qout. time ago J. Hervey Donne ; a piotare of 'Miss Oalanthe." Pythiaa goat. Recent" » «• •bnry. of UM C Forks, bad Katert>lned Her f i l u l i - m Shot well, of West Ninth street, - - •, naamher of frtsada at POPULAR YOUNG FOLKS II ViH ETalene B. Thno. B. Burroughs Mar- ried at Brides Home. AN INFORMAL RECEPTION WAS MELD AFTER THE CEREMONY. The«e Who ftf reaa^ailcd was attended by Miaa Jamas MacXil- aa who WM gowned In white with trimming* of Ibbon and lace. f>be carried pink ajeu. The bent n u wna Frank Urian, of Mt. Veraon, S. T. Following. UM ceremony, the bride and Bmom received tbe hearty coa- •lartnn* of alL From t until 10 o'clock a reception wn* held daring rhicn timr Mr. and Mrs. Burroughs were showered with best wishes. While the reception was being held me enjoyed. After all had been givea an opportaairy to congrstaUte the bride and groom they left UM nene ••! feativitlee for the wedding lonruey In tbe south Upon their re- turn they will reside for a abort time with the groom's parenta prior to [heir beginning housekeeping. A large collection nf i" useful presents, inclu. iwa received by UM bride. This heir-loom was a fail ten set, a gift to the mother of UM groom hen sns was married. Other gifts icladed furniture, gtam, aUver and coldware. pictures, bric-a-brac and obiaaware. The bride and groom are both ac- re — b a r s Of UM First Presbyter iaa church and are identified with •early every ilij*"'•'"•' of work The groom I* a vnlaed em- ployu of the Manhattan 'Electric Sup- ply Company, of New York, and both he asm his wifs have n host of friends. At the reception ther* were (ucet* present from HempMoad, U L. Brooklyn. New York, WostftaM and Plainfield. settle* With TreUey Ce. Hetfield * Hetfteld. ODaJUel for John L. roroe, of Westneld, have _ >n amicable secUement in n suit for damages hrought by their lient against the Elisabeth. Plainaeld and Oentral New Jersey Street Bail- way Company. Mr. Fores injared aa -l.ilc stopping from a cnr at Weataeld la DeceSshsr last- IPrw to he Vneeiaased. The Borough Board of Health ban discontinued tbe free vaccination Six persona were treated . afternoon by Dra. Plttm Dnndou, In UM Council chamber, is thought that Uw small number applicants prsaaaHag for treatment does further John F Dryd.n Formally Choaen U. B. Benator at Joint WAS HELD YB8TBRDAY Hawse* ef Ute I Sglilslan Taee- «l-j Met la #acu* Beaslen Treaton, Jan. w> Jasn F. Drydea, of Newark, WM ffarmally declared •lertert to a sent ta the Ualted Btatea lennte at tbe Join* s w a n of UM up- per and lower 1 ami today, and is privilagud to ae iwora in at Washington at aasn tints ss be may select. Senator Jnha Sana will lent^be i iliailsll of his coll ISM this week, it ta By a strict par** vote, UM ftrasli and Hones of AaunsMy her* at noon, yesterday, as elan4 him to be UM shoio* of the ma>arlty, and at noon today tbe journals nf UMtwo warn In a of the legislative body were compared ihe election was duly ratified ia Joint unarion. The yesterday vote Dry.lia. IT: McDer- ; McDer. Anrmhlyman Bachellor named Dry- den in UMHosas and McCnrter is UM ffrsatT, while MrDctum was msiil by Assemblyman Hsmaiill and Seaa- Oebbhardt. BnaamUl'a speeeb was ranted with aanasuee from both aides of UM bouse. OBBTBBS tribute* were paid to UMmsiorr of General Bewcll by both of the lUnubUoan aaid Umt aa effort will be made lo change UMMat of power, which ha* been belonged to Cumdea. to Newark, It's a little early for the game yet, but a political contest Is das la the borough. Monday, March 10. The cards haven-t been ahufled, of NUM. It fat bard to predict at this time Jest bow thing* stand. At aay rate there will be two vacancies la the Council to fill, for UM rf tbe f Filial members expire in March. These men are Robert Clark, Jr., and B. 8. Swackbumer. r. dark has excellent chances of being naianlsasi il. even •gainst hi* will. It i* wvU known that Una Eirntioa* member of Umt body is exTiiration of 1 but his mrrfajve are so valuable Umt It m improbable Umt he will ha al- lowed to decline a rroomlnatina wilb- a tt roug protest Be i* the pres- ent bead of the street committee, sad general opinion nppenra to be Umt UM boraagb wUI saCer by hia renre- hssfe Bhoald Mr. Clark consent to ran agaia there will be bat one other mme to hs plsi isj on UM Republican ickrt. Who will be selected it a pare natter of ronjeraare. Bsvasal Basses havs been suggested, but tbe adminia- loa is aaid to favor only such men as will be able to devote a share of their lira* to the interest* of UM •unity. Tbe preaent trouble w to be that the time of the"oam- mater'' memhsrs is too much taxed by Other affair*, aad consequent!y the borough is Made to •afar. M matter* rs delayed frequently. It is improbable that Mr. Swaok- frota UMminority party. Be m tbe Le»t K.,•!•«•• Attraetlen ml the P.rk I lab Altmcted Mnay There. tioa at the Park Clab met Tuesday, and as usual, a most pleenant evening was spent by the members and tbeir If ihi Thera over fifty guests pres- ent, all nM*l nurt of the m.m'-m. four prim, which were awarded to those m-emxin* the loweat Of poinm. Mim Elsie Brokaw and Mrm. E. H. l*dd, Jr., won nrat their talliea being » and « . Elliott r. Barrowa and F o. BnU were twarded the first and second priam for ihe men, their tnlliea being il and tt. After the game refresh menu were served and a aortal time followed. The affair m Jacob Laoey. of LambertrlUe was ar- raigned before Justice William' R. Sntpbea on a charge of having pur- loined **0 worth of Thomas Richard*' clothing. Lacey was employed by Oatson * Richard*, who havs UM n e t for UM repairs UMNew Jer- sey Central ia making at Maanh Chunk, and Richards ear* be gave Larry the dotbee to take there, hat be never showed ap with them. Laoey m* he was intoxicated sad left t hem on UMtrain. Be was held for the Oiwnd JUT- mm a* well as lerttr-oarrters. •lerks and attache* of yaotimlota are H nctly forbidden to viatt WaahlugMn for the purpose of securing legislation their behalf. Upon the conviction saoB an not the nmplore i* UaUe I B POLITICAL I BEGINNING 10 MOVE Aa Election Is Drawing Hl«h is North Plalofiald •nd There u Talk of I t ITS RATHER EABLY YET UKtlV THAT ROBERT CLARK, JR., WIU BE REMOftUIIATEO. O* Bark, But of i- Ii int« in the proceedings of the cooncttmanic body. In fast he wldom attends thu ses- •hly by rvoeon of lack of spare time. This wiU make it im- perative for the Democrats to choose iwo men for their ticket. Among those who nave been men- rioned as desirable men to represent the Democratic party eie A J. Wlnck- ler, of Park place: John Becker, of flimii I si I atreet; Frank Krewson, of venae: and Andrew Lore. Hr.. of Doer street. With tbe present Republican majority it is not likely Umt UM Democrat* will be able to land n man in office, bat it ia con- sidered that there ia a fighting IBB til, provided good men are named. lejared la Bxpiesleu. Among the faeata as UM Murray Hill Hotel ia New Tort, which on •B* hunt each a great shock from the e xploiioo of dynaatitt ta the sabway near. were Mrs. Louies Worthingtoa and her dnagbMr. Mim Lanra Wortningtoo. who formerly re- sided in PlntnAeld. and Mr. and Mrs. PredK. Keep, of Braokllne. Msss., bo spent Sunday at UM home of Me*. Keep's stater, Mr*. John H French, nf vfcat I n s t t s street. Kre4y fer Bnstaees. Health Inspector William Addi* re- •atly had an excellent photograph token representing him in his ooa- tagians illarasn regimentala This iprtam a rubber outfit, ooat, hat, gloves and boot*, with an nrmage- r iBJimnnifsi the face. Of Mr. Addis does not take any drill of freight cars along tbe siding at Boiee, Ben- "The Mynmriona CircU" la ike «a« nf a new lodge fmmia In ity Monday evaalag. Valike be- II I hip t* ^emblyman Tbe following onWn i: President. William Newonrn | vice nreatdent, Charles L. Holstcii ROAD BUILDERS IN SE8SIQK I. A. MEEKER CHOSEM SECRETARV Of STATE OftwAJUZATKM. Trwston. Jan. f»—The road builder* of New Jersey met In thucity yeeter day afternoon It wna UM annual namitlai of UM eorlatioa meetiag be in* lbs State bad passed ihrough the missionary stege so far a* good road* are oonofra»d and now it is a s i m r of reftnesseat. Tb* edaca- Umt af BMUwds. Tbe kind of atone, in which u aboald bt applied, aad UMkind of btader, a n Many divers* views arm thu added interest to UM dlseaa- esuJd not be completed and it will be tekaa ap at UM ness . which will be on UM third Tuesday ia May Tbe officer* selected are: President, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Dunham, of SS6 sst Fifth street, have issued tnvita- on* to UMmarriage of ibeir daojth- •r. Mia. Jennie Andrew. <joick to Archibald Harvey Derby, Tneeday af Mmooa. February It, ac 5 x> o'clock. at UM home of tbe bride'* parent*. The bride aad groom will be "at; a," Saturday mag. February «. Ia Jui Case L-ld Over. ice MaUiaou'e court tha trial •tract rase BrBagmt bv Jeam Bardick againat B K. Cain and W a Kirch, trad)OR a* Gain * Co., wna ——'«t *—*— —• •> • Bird * Rnnjoo repreanat UM plaia- , whiu a s. sel for tb* There will be grat at the State Normal School. Friday] evening. Among thoae te be _ Min Riu CollM Pond, of North PUlnSeld: Miaa Bather Fenn Mnc- Maater, of Elinabeth, and Miaa Heilie Georgette KoschU Mew Jersey 1 The President has east to tha Banal* ie following now last! oaa of past- maten for New Jersey | Richard F. oodmaa. Newton ; Ssanel V. Davis,, Phillipaburg: William H. Tastii»». Snort Mills; DeWiU C WincheU. : C 1 J. H. Blair Is Mi ite». snma B. Blair, ptoprittot of the. j s'l fsxalsning store, u remwring gratefully neknowladga UMreceipt of a itncious girt of a MCimJ and wall —li ma supply of wall-papers from, 11 ami FORMALLY ORGANIZED Union County Liwytn, Wno Incorporate That Or»«nl- amtlon. Met at | WAS HBLO TUBSDAT THE COHKfTTEE M AMISSKM WAS NAMED TO PASS ON MEMBCRS. m«>iiag of lawyers of Caioa coaatv held at UM Courthouse, Elisa- beth, and preliminary tan M i •!—!•• a Bar . A i amaillln u pare a plan m Joumed maptiag to-be held January « . Oa lhat dav a very targely irtnlil held. The plan nparted carefaUy ex- Frank Bergen was Craig A- Marsh vies prssi'iaai, asm ' • a m C Connolly, secretary. Tbe by-laws p m l l i i for a i IIIBMIT Crom, William R. Oodingaan and. Clarence D. sera of UMI I a rfltamitiitrr <m a Aooording to UMby-laws of the as- sociatioB, appUo may ha elected by UM board of nr tee* Bpoa rat—msniBlloa of thess minee. Mrmbrrs of tbe bar of Cai O>r.r Ureen ftalrf He TOd••» Take TranUa tn Le«k Thess l>. Oscar Oreen. a waiter empl u local mntsamnt, wast ta UM city eoart. yattrday, is * by Overseer of the Poor Ayne. Tan romplalnt was made on behalf of Mrs. Green who declared her better half had wilfully dnwmd her. Oscar declared that ha and his wife Tb* lam of a aeries of ail which have been bald in Bone ctannel mtbe assplfa of the Indies * AM Society, took place, test events*. Tan aadlUnmry was rendered as fallows: P tioos, Mim fwari Constitutionalist VOL. XXXV. PLAINHELD. N. J. HURSDAY. J mia>> jo. 1902. ihar. wMch win he , Bruul to MorrMrllk. Of nm hoiit u oon ,,,n *w>». cm. Cast "M hh to) a CUM Mnymis 11 ran wm « mrrrraous cijlclb. •w U4«« Mm Jw< Bm Or— to T*U CHy-TlM Oton W.r. Ktorto*. i i «im

Transcript of THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. - · Mr Fores injared a -l ... •lerter t to a sen a the...

Page 1: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. - · Mr Fores injared a -l ... •lerter t to a sen a the Ualted Btate ... Senator Jnh a San will lent^be i iliailsl l of his col IS this week,

T H E xxxv. P L A W H E L D . N. J- IHURSDAY. J KOA.r 30. 1901. NO. 5.

Ofl i r a 1JBBET

How tha Systems in Northand South Part* of th* Btnt*

Are to be Connected.




Will t'ouBCrt With tfce Line* la

f , . i c r - Mew Jersey -ThirdK.1I I | I I M to » w

HriMwIrk •»««.Tn-ton, Jan. »-With the Inoor-

pajMion at tbe Delaware Valley Tut-ti«n Company, the opening of springwill w« the beginning oT eoterpnwwinch will eottHt T n U n with htu>-«md* of UWM and village* ia Sew

oftbeaist lines to b* bailt laewton uud Tardier. which will

H i w the Tardier. MorriavlUs wadT M M Railway with the I t w wStreet K*ilway. which hM a line ez-I—riinr from Bristol to Doylaetown,

of this link and tbe link from Doylee-t*vn in Perkame will place Tren tooia direct toach with tbe whole East-ern Pennsylvania system. Tba Tard-ier. Mom.vUl* aad Tiaatoa and UM•ft wtan and Yardley roads are eoa-utaied by tbe Lehigb Valley Traction..a-i this will afford a direst line tothe Lehigb Valley from Udrwater.The It-high Valley Traction has under

t* Portland, ta Northampton county.h . u d « l m completed it WtU hepgpuMr to jro from Trenton to theJhUnif Water C»p by trolley, aear-lf tflO ia> W. and all owr the LrhigtiTalk? Tmerioa's Uaw

The Trenton, Lewreooevillr and.rYiaretoa Railroad ia aiao controlleds* the U-hnth Valley Traction, andwill b* extended into the city within•V arit few month*. The e«*n«oninto UM centre of FhiwKa will beflBiafacd within sixty days, and whm•Sri"* open* plan, will be formsUtedfar iu eontinsation toward BooadBrook or New Brunswick.

The Gandea and Trenloo. the Dela-ware Valley Traction and the Mercer

The Delaware Trariioo, which ia«ack«d by a Baltimore syndicate, willbaild a tins from Trenton to Penningtan and another to Hamilton Squareaad RobbinsviUe, near Higtatatown,Tfaemme management alao controlsaW Philadelphia, Bristol and Trentonri 11 j 1 Railway, which will ha es-tteded tram Briatol to MorrUvill- .Opposite Trvntoo, during the sBmmer.The mme interests are also in control«f tha MorrisvUle raaanngcr Railway.which nmmwa the unique distinc-tion of having sixty feet of track laid.«a the irrannd sought by the Pennsyl-vania Bailroad for an approach to it.Delaware bnd*e. aad over which it• expected there will be a legal bat-ik.

The Gulden and Treat on hna theright to run - through tna atiaate of

will be completed in u* month*.Thu wiU tnake a diract ltn«to Caw4 n aad i IIMIK then with aU theSooth Jersey line*.

It is said that Ihe Trenton and NewBrac.w.cfc tUilroad Company, whichia chartered to bnild a U M from Trenton to New Brunswick, to be oper-ated by the third-rail electric system.nM escoeeded in borrowing $1,000,000«B bonds, and will begin oouatroetionbMade of three I M « W It la probableit will ran across to PUinfteld, and

The Trenton Street Bailway Com-pany ha* under ranatraction a linefmm the courthousB to UM lower

* Delaware River bridge, aad thi* willaward what la practically a secondIme to Morriatown.

The New Jersey aad PennsylvaniaTatrtion, recently incorporated, pro-pteea to construct lines in all paruof tbe city of Trenton and give atan* ±vml fare, with unlimited freetransfers. The company ia a protegeof the Lehigh Valley Traction, andhas a capital of •1.000.000. Fran-chises will be asked soon. Bights ofway have been obtained on aevwrsl of

M O M E Y 18 O O N E

of «M> while steeping ta UMElisabeth station of UM Mew JerseyCentral last night

The robbery was committed, be deared. by Howard, or "Doe- Doty

and another man, both from tfcia city.about him when I'H

fall asUep, he said, and when awakenla«, «hey had left. He Ml for his

If aad found il gone. The matterSlav reported to tbe Elisabeth

police.Doty is the man who skipped u

LJL~ ' ago after being . released


MM at Pnhllr ftrk**l> M»ta* rmrfetaal r«r.

The irowin« aeed of ntore aeboolac«oaunodat*ons ia the boronch u aari-

•nag ( o.pleDeeeraUana-WIII R N M * tnPl.lifleld OB Tielr Ert . r . .

A pretty home wedding, uniting Intwo popster young people of

i city, took place last Tuusday athome of Mr. aad Mra. Aagastas

V. Searing, TO Western-It avanne,when their daughter. Mite Bvalene

inn. became UM wife ofTheodore Edward Burroughs, ana ofMr. sad Mrs. John Burroughs, of CMEast Fifth street.

Tbe happy evan

JO o'clock ia the | i i of UM•ember* of UM ImmriHaHi fssmiUea.

KIT Char lea E. Herring, pastor ofthe Fir* risalujsilan carana, onVi-nted. Owing to UM limited room at

qaartMB weretna amallif

•piU, bat Mill the mr>lar qaarten

be enanced to take char** of the ad-ditional rlaaaea.

he proper committeeof the board set aboat to bant appermatwejt qnartm for tha awrfow.

After ntboron>fa aenrcb tba commit-tee baa aeoompliabed

Saaae aiby Sapmiiall m r raosiTe taatiaiiUftn fant onlyit ftant iac—T—ianai. Mow ar—ii:ba cry for another school baildinr.Both atmetarea in the baroa«h are

d It iaelainwd hare anawnvd the pnrpo—afjmn.

On* prominent boronchite adTocateevctinc a bnildlns on the Hi«fa

School lot, fneina: en Vine atrmt.Tber* ho naj> may be found ample

MM* for a larp atmetnre, whichiia-hr form an anoes to the OamiHilre*[ bt.i•ding.In order to carry oat thia protect,

said he. it would be iiirnamrr to call• special eehool meeting for tha par-

of allowing tba eiUaens to pamapon the matter. If they fsTpr thepropomtion the coat of erection may

by an appropriation voted bythem, and work on the stmctnre couldbejin at onoe. He belierea that if

done it wonld rumor, allby fall, for whan the

ime arrin* for the children to recaxnji their Btndie* after the aanwer

the annex would to ready

The standard of the school* tn UMborough, he nays, is considered highaad a reputation for thorough trainm* baa) been made It wonld reflectmach credit, be conclude*, if UM peo-ple inmstod upon UM erection of an-other building.


i few. but a reception followed atI n»jnilj aeveBty-nre

The home was attractively dec-orated with m i n i , palm*, hydran-geas and pampas gr-m. In one cornerof UM parlor there was a pretty ar-

il of th» same. This iwith *mali inonndeaoent lights ofvaried hues. In the hallway along-thestairway there was anasaeil the

eleotrtc part of tbe rtiniwmlua was UMwork of A. V. Besrisc. Jr.

Tan bride wsa gwiasd la whitecrepe as chiae. She wot* a veil with

SosBsrville, Jan. *»*-At • o'clockmat night in St. John'* P. E. church.William Watt, a prominent buaineas

i of tfala place, and Mim Lena A.•n were made husband and wifetbe rector. Rev. Harrison B-

Vright. The oonple were attended byUM groom's brother. Thomas Watt,and wife. Only immediate relntlvesmre present. Tbe bride wore a handBOOM gown of hrown.

A reception followed at tbe heaati-il apart mt-nts that bad been fittedu by the groom Basse very pretty

of cat glass and silverware were

Designs «f the Qout.time ago J. Hervey Donne

; a piotare of 'Miss Oalanthe."Pythiaa goat. Recent" » «••bnry. of UM CForks, bad

Katert>lned Her f i l u l i -m Shot well, of West Ninth street,- • - •, naamher of frtsada at


ViH ETalene B.Thno. B. Burroughs Mar-

ried at Brides Home.



The«e Who ftf reaa^ailcd

was attended by Miaa Jamas MacXil-aa who WM

gowned In white with trimming* ofIbbon and lace. f>be carried pinkajeu. The bent n u wna Frank

Urian, of Mt. Veraon, S. T.Following. UM ceremony, the bride

and Bmom received tbe hearty coa-•lartnn* of alL From t until 10

o'clock a reception wn* held daringrhicn timr Mr. and Mrs. Burroughs

were showered with best wishes.While the reception was being held

me enjoyed. After all had beengivea an opportaairy to congrstaUtethe bride and groom they left UMnene ••! feativitlee for the weddinglonruey In tbe south Upon their re-turn they will reside for a abort timewith the groom's parenta prior to[heir beginning housekeeping.

A large collection nf i"useful presents, inclu.

iwa received by UMbride. This heir-loom was a fail tenset, a gift to the mother of UM groom

hen sns was married. Other giftsicladed furniture, gtam, aUver and

coldware. pictures, bric-a-brac andobiaaware.

The bride and groom are both ac-re — b a r s Of UM First Presbyter

iaa church and are identified with•early every ilij*"'•'"•' of work

The groom I* a vnlaed em-ployu of the Manhattan 'Electric Sup-ply Company, of New York, and bothhe asm his wifs have n host offriends. At the reception ther* were(ucet* present from HempMoad, U L.Brooklyn. New York, WostftaM andPlainfield.

settle* With TreUey Ce.Hetfield * Hetfteld. ODaJUel for

John L. roroe, of Westneld, have_ >n amicable secUement in n

suit for damages hrought by theirlient against the Elisabeth. Plainaeld

and Oentral New Jersey Street Bail-way Company. Mr. Fores injared aa

-l.ilc stopping from a cnr atWeataeld la DeceSshsr last-

IPrw to he Vneeiaased.The Borough Board of Health ban

discontinued tbe free vaccinationSix persona were treated

. afternoon by Dra. PlttmDnndou, In UM Council chamber,

is thought that Uw small numberapplicants prsaaaHag

for treatment doesfurther

John F Dryd.n FormallyChoaen U. B. Benator at



Hawse* ef Ute I Sglilslan Taee-«l-j Met la #acu* Beaslen

Treaton, Jan. w> Jasn F. Drydea,of Newark, WM ffarmally declared•lertert to a sent ta the Ualted Btatealennte at tbe Join* s w a n of UM up-

per and lower 1 ami today, and isprivilagud to ae iwora in at

Washington at aasn tints ss be mayselect. Senator Jnha Sana will

lent^be i iliailsll of his coll

ISM this week, it taBy a strict par** vote, UM ftrasli

and Hones of AaunsMy her* at noon,yesterday, as elan4 him to be UMshoio* of the ma>arlty, and at noontoday tbe journals nf UM two warn In aof the legislative body were compared

ihe election was duly ratified iaJoint unarion. The yesterday vote

Dry.lia. IT: McDer-; McDer.

Anrmhlyman Bachellor named Dry-den in UM Hosas and McCnrter is UMffrsatT, while MrDctum was ms i i lby Assemblyman Hsmaiill and Seaa-

Oebbhardt. BnaamUl'a speeeb wasranted with aanasuee from both

aides of UM bouse. OBBTBBS tribute*were paid to UM msiorr of GeneralBewcll by both of the lUnubUoan

aaid Umt aa effort will be made lochange UM Mat of power, which ha*been belonged to Cumdea. to Newark,

It's a little early for the game yet,but a political contest Is das la theborough. Monday, March 10. Thecards haven-t been ahufled, of N U M .

It fat bard to predict at this timeJest bow thing* stand. At aay ratethere will be two vacancies la theCouncil to fill, for UMrf tbe f Filial members expire inMarch. These men are Robert Clark,Jr., and B. 8. Swackbumer.

r. dark has excellent chances ofbeing naianlsasi il. even •gainst hi*will. It i* wvU known that Una

Eirntioa* member of Umt body is

exTiiration of 1but his mrrfajve are so valuable Umt It

m improbable Umt he will ha al-lowed to decline a rroomlnatina wilb-

a tt roug protest Be i* the pres-ent bead of the street committee, sad

general opinion nppenra to be UmtUM boraagb wUI saCer by hia renre-

hssfeBhoald Mr. Clark consent to ran

agaia there will be bat one othermme to hs plsi isj on UM Republicanickrt. Who will be selected it a parenatter of ronjeraare. Bsvasal Basseshavs been suggested, but tbe adminia-

loa is aaid to favor only such menas will be able to devote a share oftheir lira* to the interest* of UM

•unity. Tbe preaent troublew to be that the time of the"oam-

mater'' memhsrs is too much taxed byOther affair*, aad consequent!y theborough is Made to •afar. M matter*

rs delayed frequently.It is improbable that Mr. Swaok-

frota UM minority party. Be m tbe

Le»t K.,•!•«•• Attraetlen ml theP.rk I lab Altmcted Mnay


tioa at the Park Clab met Tuesday,and as usual, a most pleenant eveningwas spent by the members and tbeir

I f ihi Thera over fifty guests pres-ent, all nM*l nurt of the m.m'-m.

four prim, which wereawarded to those m-emxin* the loweat

Of poinm. Mim Elsie Brokawand Mrm. E. H. l*dd, Jr., won nrat

their talliea being » and « . Elliottr. Barrowa and F o. BnU weretwarded the first and second priam forihe men, their tnlliea being il and tt.

After the game refresh menu wereserved and a aortal time followed.The affair m

Jacob Laoey. of LambertrlUe was ar-raigned before Justice William' R.Sntpbea on a charge of having pur-loined **0 worth of Thomas Richard*'clothing. Lacey was employed byOatson * Richard*, who havs UM

net for UM repairs UM New Jer-sey Central ia making at MaanhChunk, and Richards ear* be gaveLarry the dotbee to take there, hatbe never showed ap with them. Laoey

m* he was intoxicated sad leftt hem on UM train. Be was held forthe Oiwnd JUT-

mm a* well as lerttr-oarrters.•lerks and attache* of yaotimlota areH nctly forbidden to viatt WaahlugMnfor the purpose of securing legislation

their behalf. Upon the convictionsaoB an not the nmplore i* UaUe


Aa Election Is Drawing Hl«hi s North Plalofiald •nd

There u Talk of I t




O* Bark, But


i- Ii int« in theproceedings of the cooncttmanic body.In fast he wldom attends thu ses-

•hly by rvoeon of lack ofspare time. This wiU make it im-perative for the Democrats to chooseiwo men for their ticket.

Among those who nave been men-rioned as desirable men to representthe Democratic party eie A J. Wlnck-ler, of Park place: John Becker, offlimii I si I atreet; Frank Krewson, of

venae: and Andrew Lore.Hr.. of Doer street. With tbe presentRepublican majority it is not likelyUmt UM Democrat* will be able toland n man in office, bat it ia con-sidered that there ia a fighting

IBB til, provided good men are named.

lejared la Bxpiesleu.Among the faeata as UM Murray

Hill Hotel ia New Tort, which on•B* hunt each a great shock

from the e x ploiioo of dynaatitt ta thesabway near. were Mrs. LouiesWorthingtoa and her dnagbMr. MimLanra Wortningtoo. who formerly re-sided in PlntnAeld. and Mr. and Mrs.PredK. Keep, of Braokllne. Msss.,

bo spent Sunday at UM home of Me*.Keep's stater, Mr*. John H French,nf vf cat I n s t t s street.

Kre4y fer Bnstaees.Health Inspector William Addi* re-•atly had an excellent photograph

token representing him in his ooa-tagians illarasn regimentala This

iprtam a rubber outfit, ooat, hat,gloves and boot*, with an nrmage-

r iBJimnnifsi the face. OfMr. Addis does not take any

drillof freight

cars along tbe siding at Boiee, Ben-

"The Mynmriona CircU" la ike«a« nf a new lodge fmmia Inity Monday evaalag. Valike

be- II I hip t*

^emblymanTbe following onWn

i: President. William Newonrn |vice nreatdent, Charles L. Holstcii



Trwston. Jan. f»— The road builder*of New Jersey met In thucity yeeterday afternoon It wna UM annualnamitlai of UMeorlatioameetiag be in*

lbs State bad passedihrough the missionary stege so far a*good road* are oonofra»d and now itis a s i m r of reftnesseat. Tb* edaca-

Umt af BMUwds. Tbe kind of atone,in which u aboald bt

applied, aad UM kind of btader, a n

Many divers* viewsarm thu added interest to UM dlseaa-

esuJd not be completedand it will be tekaa ap at UM ness

. which will be on UM thirdTuesday ia May

Tbe officer* selected are: President,

Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Dunham, of SS6sst Fifth street, have issued tnvita-on* to UM marriage of ibeir daojth-•r. Mia. Jennie Andrew. <joick to

Archibald Harvey Derby, Tneeday afMmooa. February It, ac 5 x> o' UM home of tbe bride'* parent*.The bride aad groom will be "at;

a," Saturdaymag. February « .

Ia JuiCase L-ld MaUiaou'e court tha trial•tract rase BrBagmt bv Jeam

Bardick againat B K. Cain and W aKirch, trad)OR a* Gain * Co., wna

——'«t *— *— —• •> •Bird * Rnnjoo repreanat UM plaia-

, whiu a s.sel for tb*

There will be gratat the State Normal School. Friday]evening. Among thoae te be _

Min Riu CollM Pond, of NorthPUlnSeld: Miaa Bather Fenn Mnc-Maater, of Elinabeth, and Miaa HeilieGeorgette KoschU

Mew Jersey1

The President has east to tha Banal*ie following now last! oaa of past-maten for New Jersey | Richard F.oodmaa. Newton ; Ssanel V. Davis,,

Phillipaburg: William H. Tastii»».Snort Mills; DeWiU C WincheU.

: C 1

J. H. Blair Is Mi ite».snma B. Blair, ptoprittot of the. js'l fsxalsning store, u remwring

gratefully neknowladga UM receipt ofa itncious girt of a MCimJ and wall—li ma supply of wall-papers from,


Union County L i w y t n , WnoIncorporate That Or»«nl-amtlon. Met at |W A S H B L O T U B S D A T


m«>iiag of lawyers of Caioa coaatvheld at UM Courthouse, Elisa-

beth, and preliminarytan M i • !—!•• a Bar .

A i amaillln upare a plan mJoumed maptiag to-be held January « .

Oa lhat dav a very targely i r t n l i lheld. The plan nparted

carefaUy ex-

Frank Bergen wasCraig A- Marsh vies prssi'iaai, asm' • a m C Connolly, secretary.

Tbe by-laws p m l l i i for a i IIIBMIT

Crom, William R. Oodingaan and.Clarence D.sera of UM I

I a rfltamitiitrr <m aAooording to UM by-laws of the as-

sociatioB, appUo

may ha elected by UM board of nrtee* Bpoa rat—msniBlloa of thessminee. Mrmbrrs of tbe bar of Cai

O>r.r Ureen ftalrf He TOd••» TakeTranUa tn Le«k Thess l > .

Oscar Oreen. a waiter emplu local mntsamnt, wastta UM city eoart. yattrday, is *

by Overseer of the Poor Ayne. Tanromplalnt was made on behalf of Mrs.Green who declared her better halfhad wilfully dnwmd her.

Oscar declared that ha and his wife

Tb* lam of a aeries of ailwhich have been bald in Bone ctannel

m tbe assplfa of the Indies * AMSociety, took place, test events*. Tan

aadlUnmrywas rendered as f allows: Ptioos, Mim fwari

Constitutionalist VOL. XXXV. PLAINHELD. N. J. HURSDAY. J mia>> jo. 1902.

■ihar. wMch win he , Bruul to MorrMrllk.

Of nm

• hoiit u oon ,,,n *w>». cm. Cast "M hh to) a CUM Mnymis

■ 11 ran ■ wm «

mrrrraous cijlclb. ■•w U4«« Mm Jw< Bm Or— to T*U CHy-TlM Oton W.r. Ktorto*.

i i «im

Page 2: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. - · Mr Fores injared a -l ... •lerter t to a sen a the Ualted Btate ... Senator Jnh a San will lent^be i iliailsl l of his col IS this week,



ma tt*MODERN



i l t f T fee-to ao queer having th* chll-I drea arawad tb* hw*a*r laagh-

-No. I eaa't pcoaaia* ta arceptany Invttatlon until they have- foe

B arbool acala. 1 declare 1 bar** to snraatf tb* who**

mmX while haired old lady, tb* third

• I n is the party, now spoke far tbe•rat time "Mothers are different newfrom, what tbey aaed to be," abe mar-am loafcea at each other and imlli I

"Why. what do yoa mean. AnntPmacear* rictslnted tbe taller af tbetwo.

-Jart tbla.- aatd tb* old lady, with

la those tins**. Whra * Ktri married,•fee settled down and dtda't f ipM toMMtbr Man and *a lllisntln* all bar•nya. Kb* bad a rood sla*4 famUj offUUmi. and ah* brought them op brr-•rlf InMHd of tni-tln* them to KTT-• M I Take a*y mothrr. far Instance.Bh* « • • well to do. j-et abe nursed ev-c r w o t b i t (wdvf rblldm. !*lwwed to dT» them their bath with »*••• m hatda every day. pat them ta bedat nift-hi. bear tbetr prayen and withem nmll they bad fallen V> •'Wl>ra ibey rrrw alder, ah* taithem thrtr trtim and tbe ftrM nxll-aaecti of knowledge: aba watched theirmaitam and trained (tern t o t a lladita and gentlemen. Tbe rlrla ubar iN» liwnirilun wrn- noftil•* keep tour, how to ilti«. bocook. Tbey alao learned from ber bowto aew and da toe eiabrnldery. «'**•r m formed Utrlr UMr In rraJlnxtaught tbra tbr piano until they be-cane itt-oftVlrtit enough to bartaaebrr.-

"Bot w m n bad more tiro* In Uioa*days," Intrrrapted ber niece.

-pul (bey?- «t*d tba old ladj aaiii -n hi UBM rot

aeat IDtrad*, A

bora, aotmade. Thee* are aoane WOBM wbo a ny tw**> aa morb into a trunk ma Otb-*ra aad ao arrans-r ereryibiM thatIbn* will not be the allchteat disorder

ptr. Tbe gbri ta aa«atto* w u"—* First ah* began by pack

tag for her fi li aim The*, tbfuaah. ah* beard of otber wuawa wbotoo bawy or too brtpteaa to wadwr-

wtac awaj o€ tbrir ownNow afe*> 1a r**«larl7 f»-

ployed l>y a great botH and la aa 1B-tk* tde«t •>••

TUa hi the way la Which ab*> pro-mda: Annnl wlili bale* of tl—u* pa-

•MTT white paper and atrtac abe

and abe Oils ap the crannies withatorklngB. vesta and otbrr ancntabablearticle*. Next follow nrm layers ofo> i garmcnti and then heavy dreaaskirls. These skirts she folds an nearlyas poariblc in tbe lines tbey will takela wear. Tbey are laid alternately directions, an that If the waist-bawl o/ urn' Is lo the l.ft aide of ibetmnk tbe waistband or tbe nest U nltbe rlgbl -Lie. Between tbe dark andIlKbt dreaana abe places a layer orheavy white paper. The bodices sheatnSs with tissue paper, and tbe atsb-

•he pla<ro a wad ot ttaooe papefold. Laat an4 not lea*, wbeaaalsbrd brr Oaluty work she laja <x>the Cop of th* wppernoet trayattp of paper which hi • • alphabetical,ty arranced Innatucr of ercrrthlac btthe trwnk. It totbi abw exactly wheraeach arUcte la placed. •» I ha t on rt

Tbe Idea probably bad It*rtee ta tbe rattan aleere, but this nowgoes much beyond rbat When set tn a.1 bail or Jacket, It 1 lai bl a up lo ta*« n aad flam to farm part of ta* col.

O H bla— « i W made af brawa alba.

Mea carrted om by caad aboaJder part aUd tn fo-Ja aloacdown to the elbow. It WM m i k wtderat tbe elbow ao that It f w e d a paS.aad the rolda reached to tbe vary aara.The lewer part of the i h m WM tight.The rwt «f tbe blcaat w%a M til

U than whatIn those days, ywa mastthere wct« no labor aavlng eontrl*ance*. There were no big departtneolstores whin for a mere trifle a anmanaitrht bvy tk*br» cheaper than ah*cwuld make thrat at bome. No, la thoseday* waaia were aoneat tn tbelr pur-

tftad a» 4o aoad work laUdn't go bunting aft-

lo tb* ootttd* world. Modbar* aa time for their chil-

dren becaoae tbelr beada are too mackUted wtth ererythlBg else. They refuset* settle down aad IWe qulnlj evenwhen they ar* graadnMthrra. They nls( aalj fat a I aai I Basil whirl of socialduties. Tbe home bl DO place fur ibechildren, so tbey art aeat away toboarding arboola aad oaly com* barktar the Tarattaa* Aad II U w i onlytba rtcb Wbo da tbla. bat even tboatta akadeat clrrvavataacaa. The parentadaat waat th* bother af kaeplagboaae. They prefer to lire la aoo>* pre-tentloaa apartment hotel where candraa are aat wanted and where therebi act tb* ajIcbMM room far tbeam. Be•ah. the girl la parked off to aoanerashkMtaMe boarding Bchoal. where ah*grow* up In almost total ignorant* *f ;her mother, aad th* boy hi bestowed•poo soaj* military or preparatoryschool whence h* m u n » oaly t* ew•ar collen>. PTben tbe gtrl anally com-atoe* her edaratioa. she m Introducedta aarlety aad maiMni off at tb* flnrtapportnnJty. Aad that's th* mil i iaIdea of brlnclng ap cuikJraa." A aatFrance* coocladed



^••nf •iiiiiMin She aad her ea«orlwet* Iriaarvljr walklav • " * • • **•-•olph atreet. My* tbe Chicago Trtb-am*. rvtdeail> « • lhclr waj to th*•heater.

Aa they canw to the Clark atreetiiw an a »m*ll -HTM Arab raa w»from the rear aad touched h y *• a a » oa the arm. la om« dirty bandhe brtd oui a sawll aad * "aaaare of cambric.

-Here, finfy.- he —W.•rvpprd ynor hawJberrhlef-ladj. a bit atartled al aral by th*

WORKING HU LJTTL* GA1IK.C-Ten Hs« Dropped Tour I

L*4v." SsU is* V

loach on her arm. taraed aad lookedat the bright face of the snis.ll boy.Then she felt ID her belt bar-

-No."1 she said, "it's not mine. BatI thank yoa for aakinf •* ."

"Please. tady.~ went on tbe bay,bringing forth a bunch of eveningpapers, -won't yoa buy a paper fromBr? I'm stuck oa a lot."

(M r-.ur-e under tbe circumstancesthe voting woman's escort fe)mmbrm upon fain to reward th*newsboy's honesty i,j haadin*- him adime, refusing at the same time tolake a paper.

"The little chap deserved it. any-way, for offering to return the hand-kerchief be tboagbt was mine." saidthe girl with a smile, and otb*ilaiors smiled, too. nl the pretlj littlecomedy of the streeta.

But Ihe climax of Ihe pl<later whea a second couple of vouagpeople approached on their way 'tbe show.

AK-s-r tbe -.I..- .mall aewsboydarted ap behiml them, and aa>niB hetoocbed tbe roun* woman on tbe armwith a ban.l in which «riBasse square of cambric.

7o«>e dropped your handkerchief.'." he aaid again, and a minute

later another dime had slipped las*•Is poeket. Half a <t«*r< "

waa pla>ed oa as many aaawapertiagy*unir couples, and ia each tTi.iance

p .le> io«n( awindlrr.That's a new n%r om ate," i«id the

eopper on thr corner, "bat I eaa*tI there'* anything to be d


Preparation* '»r K'n; Cdward'airon*imn are •'ri-ndv t«kit!|r deflnile

and ro,i!y Bbafn Vn. Bradley Mar-ls l i r i iT a tiara nude In l>ari.

rhine. Qarea Alexandra, not to beoutdone by the rrwidenl bavin*- the Koh-I-Noor >l.amoudmt IB her sew rown The im-tuaiou•I this stoar wUl make her crowsa* aaast valaabte (a tbe world, a dia-lartlos now held by tbe king of Por-acaL

Peeressea are tfjlnjr la Bwtrie each•tber la ibe brilliaary of tbelr tiaraa.

Lady KUasorey. o«e of the mo*t beaa-tiful women la Loadoa and tbe wifeof the ear* af Kllaaorey, wbo was aboyhood Intimate friend of the kin*.:Lady Loadoadcrry. thr ilarbiaa ofOrvoashlr* aad tbe d aches* of Port-bind *re aU said la be spendiag <sit•aana la order te celebrate tbe 1 n 1 aaatloa by a display of Jewel, worthy at

T. St*ad-a forthtomnr a*.aaal reTlew la bla mata^n*. ibe Ke-vfew of RCIICWK, will be devoted t«aaexpoaidoa of Ifce. morrtneni whieb heanlU the AaMrtcaniaatloa of tbe aorta.The magaslne will appear wiffc * eoVerbearing a striking Illustration of tbeAsaericaa Sag «o*tina> f*U acroa* arrprvaeatattoa of the earth. Th* a«-tbur say* la bU proapeetaa:

-No a o n n r n i mow viaible of freal BBtoagal aa la ao aiaiUar*alaone i* fraaffbt with bnses ma maiton* SB the advance otAaMricaaa to th* Aral place aaviac

he leading nation* of Ibe world. Theaineteesth century Was Ibal of th*British empire; the twentieth la I'of tbe Aamrricaa repoblic.

-The full Impart of thia shifting ofInteraatioaal gravity la aa yet 1dimly appreciated by ibe citiaraathe. "republic «nd la reaentei ratber

• recoe^Bied by (be subject* of ifaikiag. We ataad on the threshold of 1>e» era.pregnant with immense poe-

aibtlilira for wcBl or woe. not merelythane wbo speak the Bagliak lan-

iraagr. bat for ail the children of wen.oaly In tbla Inland, but ta the far-I aeaa too remote to feel tbe ef-

fect of the change la thr relative poai-of Great Britain aad the farted

State*.Aatoac all nations, peoples, kin-

dreds and tongaea the alow aaerat of•tan and atripea over the union

Jack la a recosratoed portent to m a tof deliverance aad hope, to others of

denee and doom.*'r. Stead proastaea incidentally to

alaros* -the probable effect of the law" ravllatlon aa the loosel* eompaet.

o*«eri*a of roaueoBwrshha whichi' nineteenth centary belonged to

tke British empire, bwt which may laIbe twentieth gravitate to the repob-lle whlca aow premises to beeome tbe

^ater of Ihe political system of oor• tV n

Mr. «•••••» 4«ea a*t iblnk that thenrM w '11 b*. danuured. Aatertca

"plaeing ibe anrivaled ln»entl>e pen-laa. ivstbas r*ert? nan Ilailtlrss rr--rmrce. , f the e n ! inert at tke rftspo*-ii ttf the whole human fa mill "


I aa Well • •

One of thr queerest sports is thikaowa as -Mtrerk Katxeaxicbea" (

d which abaolatelj denes tran.litloa)—which is pradired by the alaidy sons »f tbe BavsrUa Alps.

" ia a trial nf neck atrengih. Twclie down facing each ot

Thea a rope la |i*—n1 over tla, as showa la the illuatrat

chalk lines are drawa betweenrouir.iiBi.. The object la ta

raw the apfmerat u fnr thai hia• arer l<pa skall be be toad Ihe aaw-ond line. ThU roufk pastime sseaaa•ore aeeka aad bleediaf ears, but It• greatly eajojed by all beholders.The winner usually rc«elrra a eaak

-. aa< tbe coatert la laearUblrfollowed L. d.nrtac on "the m a twber* tbe Uood.t coa«kn waa palled.*as Ihe lora. prinu describe It.

It >» reported that King Kdwara.

being told is Loadoain* Ed-.nL A dW**>

ataa oarr i n w amoag a circle of hhtMBtianat* fiK-ada as t* h*w tW*woald each mevt a jnddea r n r m offartaae. One of them tamed to ta*

I arti>ee—11 wa* before bla acxeaaioa—l d i d "If ibe a u a v r k ; wa* *v*r>

ir. «hat waaid yoawar* Tbe p.|~cc of Wales thoughtfor a moment, tod rhea replied:-Well, 1 think I Rfgbt >«pa*rt myl«a»y by «**.„.„;«• In the United«t.(es •pos b*« ;i feem ta be i r ian•f Wales."


Kaa* K. Creanell hi a starya*af tba Sew Tark tat*

For alx years sh* aaa

Faat railroad .ared Is rrgalarty- d e betweaa Mi . . aad Tarrae. b.Italy. By tbe aa* af a* elertric thirdrail the M mile* are reeereu la SB

A rigi* liquor law prevails ia OriaV-B.U. la. It to a crime far two ar aor*ffamaaa I* driak aLrok*l>r atiaaalaaUbl compsn> Whea a M a talaka h*a***. * bracer, a* must «oak r j U a -HH W4 criak IWM.


H* PoaitiTely Hn •« Equal far Hi*

• i». Wktak As*

Ia point of strength, tenacity aadendurance no ai iaal la Ihe world•aa compare, sine foe aiae. witk awell-set-up bulldog. l u igktina;qualiUes arr. of ranrwe, pnnerbULMost pvopie. bowerer. a*4y knotexploits from the px-lures lacoaalc papers. Anyone wbo will taketbe trouble to examine th* prcwUarcqaipowBt of one or these powcrfallittle engines will ead by havina; agreatly Increased respect far its qual-ities, says the *•*> York World.

The eaomwns strengtb of tbe ball*dof lie* nul ao much ia the aise of

as in their arrangemYeaJvcloped greatwhere tbey maypossible build oft

Compared with moat do|m a bult-dog; may b« aaialbead. ahoMldrrs and foreleg,been deteluped at thr expease of therest of tbe body ao far a* -j ram,I* coar*rn-d. It would almost sthat the breeders bad gone oattheir way to prodace aa ngly a «|BM of dorfrah as pOasfblc.

A builder, of coar**, oevei 1away. There to ao object, therefore.

growing legs on him which wouldgive faim speed. Hi.tb* aoatrary. aagg«*iram. The mwaelcs seem to be placedon the leg* for pulling, not for prop-rlllaa; the body. In extreaae csveawe Ind the hulldof bowlefsT4- wblebgives greater power to drmg heavy•bjeeva or to resist beinjr drag-fed.

Th* shortness of the leg. by bnag-lng the bodj as near as possible tothe grounil. also aasTeirts grr"1

BL'LLDOO TEXACrTT.[la PMat sr ItrtrilbT'i'iAi*!. 1( W II-

M I aa L..1.4. )

y. In trainlnaj « balldof; a) ,.foasd tli.t all •aprrfluous flesh di«*

pars atore <;u-t-k:v thaa In Ih*af Other .!(._•-. snd Ihst a i.ull-

ilog ia coadiiion carries Irsa aaprr-'BOW. weight than any other breed.

The heaviest layer* of mo-clcs ar*laid on the bulldog's bead a:U neck.The efltcicac* uf s o-rhtcr i.. af

•se. measured principally by his

Jawa, Evrry do.-, it willbe found, baa a thick beach of laaa-

at the side of Its jaw*. lo any•r breed of dogs thia abRoi-aBal

development would be considered a" .run11 It la thi. powerful little

ill *f mu~*>B wbfch give* ibe Jaw..- . . . . . , mjip. Tbe form of tbe

Jaw is anHiiafalU well adapted tobe work it bj called nnoa to do It

is long anil broad and H I with at-.uall> hea.j tret*.The t»<> long teeifa wbich help toive Ibr balklor it* ferocious ap-Barance sre also very valaablr weap-u . Tbey serve, as it were, to lockj> ihr rUe-likr Jswt wbra they are

once closed apon an object.Tbe most powerful muscles ia tb*

entire frame of tbe bulldog are thosewhich control the Jawa. Ia ens* th*>rrr. whatever i( mj) be. slip* fromhis grip, it is certaia to be caagbi

and held by the iatrrlockbtf teeth blthe front of tbe Jaw.

most 11.1 bulldo*. whether la uroat of roMlitlnri. can support i t . ownweight by tbe grip of i t . j .« Tbe

rrloo* teaarity or this grip lalargely do* to itc ability to hold it*

weight by Ibe grip of its froata.f" Ike vouna- bolt pap raa lift

tu ewa Height by tb* (Tip •* '*•|awa. As the dof grows this grip

lases so itroag that a bulldogI U T be awang nad Jerked about vio-

:ly witkoat disturbing Its bald.h* miiulr. com* ta matarttynt ihe fourth year. A balldos; to•idered capable of dainf Its beat

Sghtlog la iti Ifth and sixth years.Tbe average Hfe of a batld**; ia

14 years.

ear* for seasirkne**. la addilioa taa light diet and s mild purr*- beforeptartiag oa a voyage, aad bjeaedothlBg and a recumbent position

be apea air aa board ship, the•fy arrrr kaowa to fall is a piat

of aea watrr. This ui.uaIIv arts aa uHe aad often as a saline aperieat,

giving prompt relief from all «••pleaaaat feeUagv.

A new breed of caWaeaa Jaat re-tr**d la New York froa* (h iss haa

tails « feet Icag. Thry are kept tacages, aad when they ar* taken aatTor rxerciM aa attendant goes aloaa-

bald up the feathers. The a ratlay la egrs a yvar. which are hataawJby *tbrr bras.

Pay* Better Pr*mt» Tku UttU Ethel Rothwell Tnisai

Beauty W too a w k lalkrdiabout -\OUBJ- Corbrtt.-aa if it were acarc* .a tb*se oaj>. tbe itojbt-weight puriiist

•M than ibey nrr* ia ibe tlajs[of sty Toaaf Corbett'aathlrtktgrcataeMhaiboyhood. 1 M B .AC mutiu uf .ila raa aoaeaiiaaentalbaaU. Oatbecoauar}.•oaxlhing li»* in..; -All hj fair ia ta the a»at literal sease of tke words.*>«». w*r and traor." Uai Ui i«»t tr - -Vonaf Curbeu," otberwise Villiaaiatioa baa lauuoeti tbai m*xia> had Bothwrll. haa heea expertly coachnlbosinos B t : M > were t r x r jbtiitr f u r mit gnmx pan by hi* >o«sger si>-buiictu anb-i .* were b M jor more reBuiatjl* lh«n they ^re ,this miimir. i KamU. therrfore. g'orj oaght i*

Many iBM*ras«- fonate. . . » j . f»;i *mrTr glory is dae. Miu EtkriCaaaacey M. Uepew. la the Ifc.rsro llMth-ri:. who is 1« la the nMtler ofihruBtcx. ha*r becB maiie by •••c ..( jears. bat lalaitely aaorc matarc iathia general..o »ao employed Mrk-ily , tbe amatler of comaaoa scasc. ougki i»honeat B M C I :U auaia :hrir allimate hair at least aa BMneh credit as tbeaai I ••> and ( n a l wesllh. Tske lies- | -iraiavr."

vrnted the steel »airh to aaed,so exwaslvely all o e r the world fer c«:Ibila aad re TO'.> lionised tbe nkiDnf>c-tave uf atrel. riviag- rmploysMal toIhuusacd* uf persons sad ttaagisgwrsUk 10 maay beside, himwlfualy nude • out of tbt

n of the *•

thay they ihoorht tbht im«ull Wnsentirely loo anaall a n a for th*!la<tnoa of au *aa£rrfal an imaro**B»I think mi self that it waa qaltr a fw-•pecftble >um.

Many a man. aa ste all kno*.made a fortuse tb:ough Jnil.i-iauiwrtising. Take tws men starting in

all tL* SJOM-J be makes In li*tBBf well.and aometissra e.ea r.tra»i|raniiy.Tbe other invests all ibe aarnlba cashthat he can Uy hit hasdi oa ia adialaing hrre. there, rrrrywherv (bal hethick, will attract public am ier. Whs!i» tbe result? The man who«»es has crnwdi ftorklag to hisrhop i(are the beaatiea ot tbe advertisesfoeim. and as the pablic begin'to ratso thry a ill euntliine from * n r fnrea

»f habii. Thr ttrst shopkeraVr willla tkr meantime be sitting Unahuugklif and uncared for. syhasi at ihercwtlt that (Tally ihronr tbe riaaieraf bla coinpetiicr and bittcrtj Jbrvisil-

.ng the tad lock wfckrfa haa fitlowedh * CUB ventare ista trade. [Yet he

:o <••: mr for It bat himself.MM might consider that••.•'•• Vaaderbllt was «•"*-tmrr he (>id not refand the

boaej sih>h ike •••^rkbatder4 of theB a b u sSvvr a Hir>m railroada

d have a i ' t if tbey hadlroBtiB-1.. tu'rf Ikr'r stock after pr took

bold af tbe mat"-, tint he n > not.thrm*e!vrn oatj of ibe

fiiomh la hi.:d on to rhrlr atdjrk.When the m i n o i i . t * had »n*(%•«;*,-0.C0D In shipping- «f vnrloas »ort. he

Looked ah..nt f< r aom'ihiajr |RK>d lawhich lie mtghl ln<e*t hisc.p^al. Re

id these railroads, able* wrre

roaciiioa—the atoek only worth K M*1M and tbe boada y-a eoaid nci sellfor love or money. Bwt be took hold.n*m new bridges, awt att saod.rn im-provrmrms Into tbe ear aerviaV. advo-eated new shraal ayatema. la aiort. beinfused new blood )nio the1 emir*

ontlaj of capital—and then be • ailed." I all the capital caase ba«ht. bria*>

Hack additlosal wealth w|th ft.bam aren*a*aBy me. who be-

•e wealthy thro*** Oawaaestbod*, aad my rxperleaev wlibm has taaght m* this: That most

me* wbo rain wealth dtahoatwtly. ifthey live loajr eaoo*h. get poor again.It • alamo*! an Invariable rali.

Tbe mala irmptnttaa with! wbleblhe ordinary busjuet* sun of tb-day IsMart la Ibe teatptatSn to Satarepee-

•eat U . capital ,.r basineaa prbapecis.ind thus obtain greater credit Bat

woa't do It. li does aat pay. fbe old. 1«U adage. -Hoaratj to the brat pot•cv.- I. the safest motto lor every

baaiaeas man t* follow. And'I knowm talklns; abowt, toojml aad yoail be bkjtpy. but

oa't have a rood time,' mty"ry amart asd elicit r*unda of

applansr. but It Is a fallacy throughaad through. It to easier, mnci « an bone.i man to berosse wealthybaa for hia dkhoateat brother, who" 7 neem 10 praaprr for a tlkar. bat,

markmy words, it Is oaly i*mporary

lee she ha* rendered her brother u• ide'.y kaowa. Hiss Ethel, who U BOWihe most doair.irf and rctlriaa; of,aiiK>. s u s U be in drauid •• an ex-pert aBtborit] bj licbt-wrigbts thrworld over.

Aa a -eoaeh" Ethel • ! • bora, not

tbe principles uf •aeeewfulprist'ftght'iaw were prtnidralially laaatc. Orthis at >a»t * i i inferred by ihe rep-reseataii-e of the Sew Vork WorU« S D railed apen her nt bar boaar iaDearar.

li is aaclesa la deay. ikot |k this >.lat-idratal. thai Miss Elhti is rsrrn-ioaaUy attraciiie. Sac la a livacioa*

red-cheeked j o . n g Udy. with deepblweI aad two heavy braid- of aabnra

hair.Tbe n*aln poiat la thai is bui^ she



Vouag ladies who may be muted taaUte ber m. j be iatereated to knowl the Oemer [Man* ia otij foer I H ;reo inches tall- She ia. however. t«-ordinarily muscular with .0 extra

follow*: Forearm. »laches; biceps.• lacker; wrist. J iaebea; calf. 11inchct; thigh. !•*, inches: wai.i. 1»

lehes; neck, 12 inches; chest. M

Now*, ia aiidilioa to her mascle u «pretty face. Miss Elbe: is a yoaar -» >

mark«d inltiauve. Hhen>er mmt-rt yoBBff brother o*n*ded to hrritc la secret all pagiUstic ambiiioa*

a«e said to bias:-Listen to me. WiU. l fyoawaa l t*

be a agh>r. skip rope. It - :.. helpjur wind and it «i.i iMkt j o w feetMm.*The badaVaaj champiua Uufhrt.

Whrrrop ..i his slater rxaUiaed (ar-asd be took her advtee. I fc . « -

year* ago. To-day be Is Ikeckaai-pion. TU« iUasuatH ta* nssarkabWsagacity of * o a i n .

Us* img become u expe* rt>p»-kipper and demoattrattci th/wisduat

vf the exercise 10 hi* o" 1 satftf.riiun.vuung Mr. Eatbwell needed a-* pern*.-

adopt the ne»t asrer of ad-vice Ma sister gave hiam.

This was thai be should try saw-mc wood. I . the back *ar« of thelUihwci: boas* there la alwr>. aa

•a ataek of !<«• and a i f fs*w. She adtiaad him to saw witb hi>right haad for IS or a* adaates andhen do th* u a t with his left. Thu

waatobelnbJsiaaaawaeher. Saewasalways arearat ta see that he aid itmm.

If he rrrw tired she still kept aimI I*. \Before eatvriag a battW Y*ung t or-

Wtt w u coached at boa* ©*••<•••raiding qaarter. by ibis saatcr. Al

auvra^ every Sarbt ahe acnaammaMhim at far an the amphitheater, wbca•be would go home sad await the re-alt of his **co*al*r. Ber advice wasIwaya: "Keep cool aad let the other

fellow do the worrytn.-•VH lfured that he »o«:d ha«es bet-

ter show of wiaaiag by siaVsteppiagpposrnt aad deUxvrtaf hia f»-• a a t t n ta ihe rlghi or left Jaw.

It was aeea abowt two years affo thaiihr "kid" ckaaged hia tactics Ia tbering, aad tl waa at his sister's advicethat he CM***.

A wild eraabeny called -trasbar"ia Swedish, for which no aaa ervrbaa been foaad ta tbe ScaadinansB•trastries. haa BOW faaad a aaarketla Germany. SJEH qaarta bavtar bean•kipped raceatl> to «• "nJti- Tbe Grrauni •ries into a j%m that

by Mtjr o

Uit ly .ia X orris tois-ii. Pa-. Wbo VIJ

ha*« d ropped ahmat at atad, oa mTrllfl TTT—*

1. t* hav* hrokea Us aaek mj rkin. ii to a wall while fearfaf »




eqmipmrat Of oar of Ikm powwfal Ulll* nflan Will rad bj a fTr*«lj Iwrratrd r*»p*rt l*r ib

•feila had rero’.a: •oslard ■M* off at eel. flfitf »«*

■torlNalh oratory <u that of the British empire; IlM l*r«liflk U that of the Americas repablir Tbe fall Import of this ahlftlaf of lateraatloaal fTaeity ii ti ;rl bat dimly sppreeisied by ikt dtlsra* of «be repablir aad la resented ratbrr tbaa reropiaard by tbr subjects of tha kiap We stand oa tbr threshold of a fTrotl;

af prarltatloa oa tbr Inoarly ro*port- ed oo aperies off cowmoa wealths whrb la tbe a aeteeatb rratary beloaped to tbr ftr’rlob empire. Nat whlrh may la Ibr twrntlrtb pea el tale to tbe repnb-

reotleaa merry and llrn'tlee. reo of tbe matiamt at the dt« 1 tbe whole bomaa family." ROUGH A L PI If I GAME.

laow weipht than any other bread. Tbr heaviest layer* of muscles are laid oa tbr balUio*. bead ard week Tbe r«lc*e»ey off a ftphtrr U. of coarse, measured principally by his quirkars* and tbe ilrrafth of bis Jaws* Every we’ dof. It will be foaad. ha. a thick bench of fa so- cle. at the side of Its Jew.. la any other breed of dope thU abnormal development weald be roasldrred a deformity. It U this powerfal tittle r°“P of aivlri which plves tbe |a* Ha TtwUkr pri|% Tbe form of tbe

ft. w»Js that «!al!y throap tbe c+ua Cbla compel iti.r and bitterly fres r «kr bad lack ablrh has ffbUo b's eaa real are lata trade. 'Tel Wa. ao one :o W: We for It bat »lau quite la secret hit paptUatlr

tbr tori it u railed ap®_ ta Is loop aad broad and act « small > bea«> teeth. Tbr two loap teeth which five tbe baltdop Its feroci.

Page 3: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. - · Mr Fores injared a -l ... •lerter t to a sen a the Ualted Btate ... Senator Jnh a San will lent^be i iliailsl l of his col IS this week,


rtr It Oa*d for Trims, t i c All Imt Swell <

[SprctaJ Colca**. Lj i t tr]

THE )Bipu:»e Ikai provokes •wonias to lae crt M .» t . and to

thr possibly raa. is noi hard to uoiusarf aftrr a careful ins|>ec..os Of th4prevailing fashions, Nevrr » »e»


the Prrnch court « f n so tailkfullyfolltwed by fashioD'* devotees ha*drrat been so luiuriou. . . d gorgeousBI it the present moment; yot i•sen simplicity has bvca entirelyoverlooked, bat it U a simplicity oniito to achieved by tbe canning of theBiMrr band.

Aiiy woman who baa madr a itndy ofthis intrn-stin* (abject knows thatfuSlon. iftrr*a!!. ia bat a hujrr wbeel,coaatanily rtvotvlng sad ronirr back.n.tfc More or Irss rrwnlarity. la ibei-»rt !• t paint: and cat of on* (stbocii eUBlved another. It Is for tbM roa-•OB'that thr woman who gaira tfole-falb; at the balance which threatensta W on the wmnr "We of ker bankaaeannt msv vrt lake heart of rrfor who knows bat that another tor two of this iinif wheel mat brm-a rstival of the pretty, simple fashionsof stfcrr jeir*. and la tl*e meantime.if *«r krrpahrr wits about ker. she cani>n herself oat smartly attired at a•operate co*t. rTerytbinr conaidrrri.

Via bear a great deal jim now ahoattar All skirt: but certainly tbe latestB»4*U indicate very little. If any.rhanrr Thrv roniinur to akaw thrU K wonderful amount of the feet aa of yore, and stillkeep thr graceful clinging apprararx-e•boot ibe b|n seen la aU the welt-fit-Sir skins of thr Is.t two seasons. Let•m bop* that tbe present style will re-

gFashion ciriaecs a decidedly

*-fL*jr tt c JrDcjr lowsrda thorteaing;«* tVrt to a'l UUorad p m which- at) mrnnriy acnaaUc idea, and «Wwe tail all approve ao locg aa it ia con-•Bt* to the walking;skirt, out •ccord-"MC.tu i i j mind the aklrt of our bntiwojs. for (ran and beauty, should»:••*, be lon( « d trallia*.

Pff-kaps thr n « l noticeable changeia feifcion ibi> i r u u ia is be fooadU t|w Dt**at »:MTP«. though witk f«"«e«>lions they k m nut rrockrd 'try• '.•tnic.u, proportUru a> y«t. As» • *rrj tall «lrrfc C*B oalj br *r«rah«^amiorly bj tk* »»rj f«w, Mt •»''•Bj tb* prr**at h*ppy nwdlum a u jf i f I

| m It. far * r »»* H i m Bcme . . . » . « who iry . .''"J'.-laihioa raahioa. ngtrd'-t** at ip-P n n M t Uoanrr, for tbr B O M I I•* i n afr. Tk« oa'y p r w l t la»h «k ibe bqr atoTc ibeilld Bad a p'^c**• tW Ionic • « a l a j coat. Tkrr* it iaappropriate and roaofortablr. h m a w*«y to «ip of *•*! on «**r thr daiaty"rotat; bodk*.

la tW Utrrratia* aiatirr of tHa*.

hick '.iIh* soft

_ . Sri-vine to bri*(M tke beanty af ike for beneath.loose aad street gowns, with their rtefc•d varied trlnmlne. continue to growor* brsatlrnl and elaborate with.>ck naaatag hoar.Material showing a roach and some-

what kalry snrfacc Is aaed almost an>Ively for handsome atreet gowaa,

while for house wear smooth-fare,•loth, allk aad silk and wool mlxtarcs

•re I. a wti-drflnrd rumor fromthat real empire dresses will bothis winter -not In the m.-liftedof those area early fa the sea-

Mt exact eoplea of those worn iathe time of Napoleoa'a rebra. bat from

< leaned aobody seems)idopt Mwb a costume ia

tkia coantry. However, time aloaaana solve the Interesting question.

eacb season approaches there

. jrltyofth*• useful and generally beeomlafuse. Home authorities claim its•tbr* ia decidedly on the wan*.

while others, equally we 1MB formedoa all matter* pertaining to fashion-abl* dress, emphatically declare Itwill never die. That Ita reonrlsB willnot be mng this season ia certain, butfurther than tbat I cannot aay. Wlth-m the week t ha.r seen soan* charm-ng models, from the garment of «til-ty to n mysterious dream of lac*, furind chiffon. Moat oertalnlyth* cull of:hs blouse U thoroughly understoodby the fashionable dressmaker of tboday who well knows that no matterfor what occasion a blouse Is required.It must be as well rat and aa well mirtaaa our beat dress bodices. Bom* of tha

nuj blouse, are bea«tif*l be-ription Thr

or BOt."It," and It to claiming public attoMloaIn th* Orman ofattae la a manairMomising for tbe feminine on.

Wlthla the past two or three year*th* Innovation has been mad* of tb*

apertnra for operative* of their ownaex. of IIUUIA InattW of very narrow



a . forward for•Uatra of Ikrre oa r

I aattaa: anwaUaai la. W k M wtM wiaT I

Mp to D

Tb- Genun Udiea*

drat Ih* K«w Tort Wornan's rreaa clnb rror had.

rlf fooBjdad tb* dob aboutto masrnUn* soperVrs. ,hirteeo years ago. Bow mark obe

" by Its members may b*

twice as mnrb material aa tb*df«e and severely simpl* skirt of ts-day 9m tbe Parisian dru—ikerm «r*employing every der ice to bring •

• 8 . -1 C CftOLI (Jennie' Uua rvsulL The Berlin modtsteito tboasaf Parietal *

W * ; tDa-1

rays a faboat the continued n

I D. i

tbe l. tb -Bt

dtdate acalnat b*r i

bylaws of th*Jennie Jon* waa past seventy ,

at the time of her death, no one ctmUlthink of ber as an old women. Be*tgnr* waa strtlah, ber hair waa still

| dark brown, ah* Mil laoh a yoang wo-1m i ' i Interest In th* active pursuit*,and advancement of her sex. We most!always remember these two far^s CJT |

nptnud tha way for,: on tbe dallyth* mother aad

M M . TweAmrr-befor* ker bad twen known

they *rer» oeref FatrvJarty member* oftha homa •tuff of oac Tbes* war*Margaret FaUer and Mr*. Upptneort((•rare Qrwuwoodt. Mr*. UpplBtott•Oil U««a. She waa Brtaiat at tka Or~tober meetlnx of tbe New Tori Worn-aa'a ITraa t-lnb. tad Mra. Croly tatra-

And already Jennie Jane,of tb* two.'baa gone from

thai earth. Majf ah* enjoy tb* roat

•racefBl, tender irarda. la mCraci- Oieauauud. who wrotepaaa M u n for Uorac* tirevtey. aHnle apweb to Ik* Hnh. It waa

of ullttarlBBB .ad Imparml

AM EXQL1BITE MATIN M.either plain whita or black and

white in combination, very rlaborste-y embroidered aad trimmed with fur

and yards upoi yards of fine U™.8pottrJ silks ar* atill briny; tued. andso are plain and spotted pannes andvelvet*, and rich satin orientals, aawell aa charming novelties in flannel*.tbe latter, of course, beiag for nor*oaeful wear-

For smart afternoon and rimingcar Ian sod accordtoo-plaited <h f-

on. mingled with a sparing falrytlkeh. >nd sometimes bordered with

mink or sable, compos* aome of th*, delightful new models. Russia*ars rnailr of velvet and trimmed

with mink are to be reckoned amoaajhe handaomest and faia-beat-priord

models. On the plainer blouses, mad*of silk or flannel, big collars giv* placeto very neat bigh colUrs aad soft

locks of black and colored satins orrivet, always surmounted by .dainty

Ittl* mttslin turn-over collar.There U nothing more delightfully

restful after a bard . is .1 , sboppincthan to get quickly into a garmrat iawhich one feals nl perfect ease.

Tb*sharpcoatrnst bctweea the bardoca of th* boned bodice aad tbe coaa-irtabl* iooacaeas of the tea jacket aa-

peaU very strongly to the majority of* txnaaktnd- They count the tcajackat

ig their nsoat valuable posnr*„ „ _ and it is perhaps for this ren-on that fa.hion makers hav* devoted

paid a degre* of attention to th* quail•cations for their offlce of the womenInspector* which msy well be comnteudod to Americsns. Tbe too ladyfrom society who goea nabsdac *•*•Work places wttk patronlxlng air. bon-ing up ber aklrta daintily and stickingaat bar little nagcr. concerning the•weds and labors of factory womenknowing or caring •• Uttte as a birddoea abowt Snnday-thla nne ladyUhperson has place aa BOOT of the Oar-man Hats. UrTrtofon In Pniaala tbrtwo woaaen assistant Inspectors werehath actively employed In factorywork In the capacity of departmentoverseers or superintendents- In Wurt-

nw of a former factory owner, whileIh Heaae a practicing woman physicianwas made iusjutlliss In Batten oneof the moot learned Indies la all Ger-suny. Elizabeth roa ftlcbibofen. dortor of philosophy, who passed her Bel

hare aotrod health and be abw to ea-dare perfectly tb* fatigues ofand extremes of beat and cold.

EHsabetb von nicbtbafni was bomat Vets twenty-seven years ago. w ocaah* was elghl*ien. she pa aaed ber cianjinartona and became a teacher, ftrstla Uets. later In Hoidefberc tt witbe ciasslc old university towa la 1SBTthat she resolTcd to study f<alty degree. Sb* was educated partlyla Berila, portly In Heidelberg, la tb*summer of 1001 sb* passed ber *nalexamination* magnificently before th*f«culty of pblloaopby at DeldeiberK

the MM

fearless as ah* h> cievor.

• s -Mis. I.ydla Wgmi of New Castle I*

an* of tb* beat ' iniisi i la Delaware.Her lands, fence* sad various buildtag* are aa naat and tn a. goad .as la . well kept front yard. Mrs. 1ta a dairy farmer, kerpln* thirty eownand selling their aUlk. Bh* w eatlretyprusprrona and )• laying up ia >nrproving In one n » . at Iwiat. thatwoman farmer can am 11 < i1 wber*man did not do ao, for her bosbanddied licaviiy la debt. Boaklss habis ob eatkMM to nay. his widow tad afaulty of small children to rear, butthht brave, capable woman was •to all the a Pianos an her.

* *

carry os tbe taalmss of farming. Aa nuwa of brslna and determinationmake, an admirable farmer. It hishe caanoC do th* bsnt work ncan. lint tbe art of amaaslBg moneyconsists not tn hard work, bat in otnt*-In* tbe bard work of otber people. 'hi a profound truth.

The solar plena la to* largest nerveIn tbe body. It Is sltnsted

Dtion thiaIdeal garment. It would be qmlt* itn-

ibir to lanncin* aaytking s o r t•wiar tha* the new models ia tea-eta and lounging robes, aad »ly sccsu as if originality of dcsifM

nd prrfrcUon ia workmanship couldgo no further. Th* material, of

rhich they are composed seem to ha*«een wove* tor this special purpose,

while tb* trimming used la sppropri-mm4 beantiful la th* ritrrme.

Bach is th* woman who ia Germanydoes not esteem It beneath her la nc

place under th* government aa__JaU of faiUwhi * > • • waaaas

at* employed. Tbe precedent mightwen be followed by American womenuniversity graduates aa well aa bythose who bar* tb* appointing of fac-tory Inspector.. Oddly enough, bowev-or. this very fact of bar brilliant qnali-ttcaliona far ber office at ant created a

ta the dumb and stupid minds of many

pldlty ever look on learning witk BUSpidon. This prejudice, however, the

• Dr. T


• of th* roost n c l uoa ether* fur sad raiga supreme. Ia

f atyie th* d«»lajn» •** tjsit a* th* present moment-ape seems to be Ibe srtoe™ IBI<M-uT Other desirable models a n task*

after th* »alte*.» period ia thaof that tins*- Th* Japan***aloe fasys an important part

aad for those who like thie. t v f

rapidlyla Uenoany. a* elsewhere, tb* worst

atvtarle* Io rlghtlag tb* winan of wo-•aea ar* tbe Indifference and more orlean sullen nalinaljon of tb* *om«n

iroa. Oormaa female factary-ea know their wrongs, bat they

Us- •** anwd to tbem. and they are •*•*•led, hno ignomnt

. t - r«d back witk

Uon to this solar plexus. This willwake tt op and develop tt and Increaseyoor Berrooa power tf yon "nilat."Wake up tbe solar pirns." says Elis-abeth T*wm>.

Bl hjTbe eommltte* of iiiUddn on tbe ten-

ets of t he Presbyterian faith bar* beraextremely busy and bar* recommend-ed various chances. Gentlemen, walkyou ar* about It wsfc* sp your solarplexus and in nmannii also that th*word obey be strtckM from your mar-riage, service. The creed that a womanmust obey a man baa ksag since drop-ped Into desoetnd* among enligbteoedpeople, and It ta dm* to drop It oat of

It givee m* very great pleasure tomak* note of tb* fact tbat botff bouseand senate of th* hj.lal.lnn of Wy*>mlac bar* a rroointioo heartily

aa m every atal* and territory Of thaI'nssu "as a measure tending to tb* ad-vancement of hlgWr and better socialoedev " What la aMr*. tbe legislaturerequested tbr governor of Wyomingto forward a copy of th* rasatatloa totbe ledalatar* of every other om!

In anWat)* It Is tra* that too many of

women follow blindly Ibe 1'ini faah-•smv there ar* nanserooa other* whoseek somethlag peculiar to their •<style and flgnr*. Thus we have all tlhi uest and nkoat artistic. And nohanpa'us that we have g»wna wiBOODCC*. empire robe* and prlnrea*sbapea. all fashionable and all bandsnaae. Perhaps the empire gown* ar*the lean desirable, for not manyan took well In them. Rut wkcdoes, she 1* a "dream of beanty."

1 found today la oa* of ow large*!and most ImportantTil i tn which all tbe striving stylesare Boost admirably romMnsa. 'abort waistrtf effort is prodacsdnarrow graduated tncks which atotdtb* dress to tb* waistgraceful manner.

A «*ep lor* a nd chiffon bertha effectta produced around the neck, aad fromtbat to th* bottom of the akin ar* twolines of Ib* new padon* la lac* and cbealll* oa chlfToa.They ar* made separate aad ar* new*d oa at will They mak* an effectivetrimming. Tbe dress ttaenT la of in*new printed Hbeny. lined with taffetaIn tbe Bwevailla*- tint In th* libertywhich la thia Instance la faint purpleand green, representlagwith the petals all broken off from thrstem and sraitered atuoagand bent Iravr*. Rome ofon ibis new printed liberty are eiqolant and could hnre been done by no

of th* gown being *uggeot1r* of tbeempire shape, the waist is formed Intia nrlnwos by tbe rack*, and tbe botMm af tb* akin has th* Bounces nrecall the day* ao longed for by tbimanufacturer*. Itut these Bounce* aremad* of black chiffon

th* rest of RI bar* bsea thas particular la c

a doacHptlon of tnla dinner dress aa

i be adopud for a v eryI wookl b* rery pretty

d* which are .tartly • I tll.U

Merry L. Day. a Ma in* si—a a. •*•>•ne years okL not long since rose early |*nc mominc fed tbe calros and ntgs '•

basjNM milk stght cows. Tbea ah*a wagon loaded with apples, bat-

anal egc* anil tirov* ak** ta the». twoMy three anUaa away, Mtaa-B. Sbe*ohJ*M IlaMly. «M sat

tbea atartrd oo her rvtuin trip.p*r*-y SMWSt of H tb* Bam* day.

af a WUBBBUI hi not a i—nii *f• yasjsae. 11 W s matter of shsmp-

materlal with cbantllly orBa st lace, white or ecru, as garniture.Mneh •Him hi laid *n the asercernwdMtons. and with ITS son. for they «ra

as pretty aa Btlks aad hare all th* hat-ter without the blah price. They ahto

other con on goods can approach inpoint of beauty Very many of th*IMMhwi of all kinds and rbambrayaare nircirUtd. a fart of Importance tothose wh» tike a richer eCect than thaamm anona

tnth*re atlk tace aot mull.

and deatrable: silk dottad Iatrtpea. "tlkeaUka.- mosy ofbajh art Persian effects and

rim of brilUambockiea arc slao amoag th* not

eltlea. Indeed, chain*, paras*, combs.modeled oo the na.tasaai I

otyta. Toe j look rery si Baaing on •lack gown.The La Yalllere chains ar* most pop

alar. Tbla ornament cooslsu of a thingoad chain, from which bangs a pend-mt In tbe. shape of a jeweled Bower.A French visiting cjstnme ts sbown

n to-lsT » ahetck. It la ssade of oldose wool relling. The waist M mad*

ap with a yoke of velvet alet effect of ecru lace. Tbeted nanda of tbe goods ranting fromeacti abouldrr to the waist line. Tbesleeres ar* full at the wristindenleern of sort Ure. Tb* skirt•as a cluster of V shaped tucks around:be hips. .".] lower down a timtlir Vshaped bpnd of tnckina: beads the


Wh'te dotb costumes ar* very fash•oable ror vlsHlnar. They

with fur. cbleBy sable, and have muffbaa to match, tbe bat being sbw

edged and trtnimed with th* fur.Embroidery to h* chic should be

ntber be*, y and in d*tt sbsdes of silk•oot. Io n*m* cases tb* Icai

'he Sowpfi are padded to riveIsaeaBBry rs f sed effect.

also gold and silver threads are Intro-dncsd Into tbe pattern to lend It groat'



Lmm*be Uk) at thetr dty. to Ma credit la aeMaai gaUty a t Ula tbe aendlaai of ntetter*. The H I at r ta th* dark. Tha iaaaxta aa aaoaymaaB letter., A certain WSMBM'B dab whos* aaaaa

fd <f It grew and ••sK»atsd till H had• " m l hundred mtmfcarw Aa wooara'a<toba go. Uua oo* was majaaalra aadharmonious. The aaWMfcail of i S t t*had pointed ta It with pride aa 10 *Tt-

: Well, all this goad ltn anonyDoqa letter.i An election was om la the rtab. Ukuiution of tbe noble aapertar exam-

of m u la soch c

packet of poison* Simply bare •> ashrs and f.fever after boan a>as tbe ETBV*. and tb* wicked, cow-

ardly trader would never nave had theSBttsfactlou -f knuwtna- her packet bast

rea l>e*n received.Bot iv-. IPUI ne! What doea this coca-litter do bat lay tb* tbtasg bar* ta tha

whole clul.! A bullab*loaeBUa typasiwhich can only be compared to an «

lnreoUcaUoit capital re

WBB appointed tTbe emu tn litre tncntiated tn* hrthnr4uly and produced tb* verdict tbat a

tin member waa tbe gailty pernon.They derided, however, not to gf»* th*verdict out public!? to th* dab. They*ald tney woold not trU. Bat. rrallyAnd troly. Is woman tn her preseat

that ahe cannot bold fast, a aeerotTMust abe always, always tell! Believe

tin she has learned self controli*h to keep ber Dxratb aant! The

•Btlook ts dlacaarsslng.Tbe decWoa a* to the* sirpposed sa-

ffcorshtp of the letter was aot Ukt br-fcre the clnb honestly aad openly, bacIt dribbled out privately from tbe com-nlttee one by one, and that fine pra>

Bive chib became tb* arena of ahistorical scandal. Lawyers, hand-writing experts and excited women aatop nights with th* rase, and for one*

iban of a •to oomplain tbat th* i n

par* paid ao attewdoa to their iIngs. No. Indeed:

Tb* ktOea t

tertal of the dress Itself or <Todays picture •haws a

tailor mad* of royal Wo* hfOBiiliilh baary antes for dtrimmed with I-eraiea lamb. Tbe coat a<the women bois made blouse fashion, with two strap- row they ha« rntaed that they •ped bonds cntng across Ibe bast. From to bar* the ctab -rM-tsil la i

soda resrhins down I* the wnknt One I tsaral.—Bat yoa see K for j" bock and from

4Mb. ri^Tcaed.p.rp«nlitnlar a

W within half way tbe c t a w * be- t*«. The other moral ta this: TraJat.reeo ibe knee and tbe foot. There Is yoaraetf to keep yoar nwag train. Tha t




Urr and .rrordtoo-pUitrd cUI- tal

Page 4: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. - · Mr Fores injared a -l ... •lerter t to a sen a the Ualted Btate ... Senator Jnh a San will lent^be i iliailsl l of his col IS this week,


The Constitutionalist4 DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY.

rL.AiNriEt-0. M. j .

T f a nODtwty

LOSSES OK TRAMS.The aaaaal report of tb. taea-age

b—dlad «nna« the year 1901, briaap a rather interesting point in caaOiOB with article* that a n lefttmjaa by careless passengers.

The writer had ooeaaUm resentl;n a d o n r a report of a eartoia nroad, which stated that dnnn*Tear, l.tTO article* of varioaa deactUOB wen fonad ia tba coaches

Br* aot claimed by \am U « H I < witn•me year, they may be sold at pablBale, aTWr da* notice, after wbiob tftsaiaaaan haa aa right to aay articletOBOd. The anteln Mjfl oa traiaa a nmarled in eharaOu. raaglag frombooks to aamknUaa, pnckeibook

• «* t a * *trkw railroad*, arebald then aanjert to order, ofowaora. Then are pribaHy «Brwcle. that are left OB traia*aaaMBama aad picked ap by oth«Baaaaaawra, bat as a gnaeial rhiaaah arudes a n foaad by the trot•BOB. aad tara-d iato the railroampaBMa' oftkee, aa stated .bore.

COaiMEHOAtU COURSE.» of the r i m Bap

ITld .a itself to

«> • !»•• H I tvud welt be foilowed by the other oharebea of th*city rastom of paet year. ba. r

BBBBij^w ot the diroct awtta^

to thi. ^^imaiiSZtisrsr*is BOW ia aae ia two of the k>oberehes aad ha* Jast bee. adopteda third.

A. in ererytbiag tier, there i»right and a wroag- way of doiag

theB H

••— #«•• — ••"!• • " • a»n solemnor enn mon an, a* that ia which tbeold atyle rap* agnrn. Seraral of the

miornt New Tor* charebes. with

ohief objector, now admit that theomall cop* detract nothing ft™aniemnuy or Imp. l t m i . . - e . <,

Taa» bygieaic reason* for the «a n so maoifeat that » u . •IIBIIIIthat the action w V M takaa yoaraaan. At oae'i o n bonae, one woalaot Ibiak of asking hu gaott to drtakfrom the a n * cwp from which aa

anoa won* ia it, therefore, for amidnda of people to dnak from theBBBM cap ia the boaaa of God. TheBBBaahm oBBtaia* aaltautedttes for the.

- ftaaajnr Joseph Craaa, of Caioa-ty. which anally decided

1 UiTe oaaoaa la faTor of Joha• ea tbe Repbaltca*

for Ui

.._ _a politicoi frteada, he uthe Uarf ofaaBkBtoaoDeptdietoifrom aay party Be ta the kof a man who can he roanted oa tetollew tbe alaiBBi. of Ua owa oo.—.aaoa. la aappartiac the candidacyof Jo** W. Origan, there ia ae doaht•haa h* did *B bee***, h. be>»*>dthat Mr. U n a . wa* the Wat a * .for Uw place. It M a kaowa fanthat tba so-called Koaa faction hadao eman to aae Mx Origan ia the

as Sena** so Senator Croa.1

politfc."froai the point ot riew of Boaaeor

>. Drydeahad thirty -oae *ot*i aad oaly lacked

ratoh Tall 1-1m aot. BaaBr

tor Oraas aaked to ban hi* *o»chaa—d from th* Origga to th* Dry-dea eolaauv It decided tbe eonwotand pat Mr. Drydea aad hU frloatWfrom Eaaei aader dine* ohliaatioaa totb* K r u faction ta L'nion eoaaly.

Whaa U. 8. Senator Kaa' i term eiptrea, be is gjolag to bare a bard njrht

i rs ateotioa. Sooth Jerary la(OIBC to aaake a very strong B|ban a n prwiaitatlie la the UpperHoaa* of Owgreaa froai the aoatheraaad of the 8taf. If both sooth Jeraay aakd Baan ooaaty a n then Uaip agalai tb* prweat flaaafnr,night aa wall give ap tb* aght•we. With Kesex ooanty'a aappo

then ia hope for him As it aof Joha ataaa'a tn™

which gan Mr. Dryaea tha planethe Senate, th* former OBjrJtt to

kind of aa.


uoaa of Mayor SaMlVty ban Ikad by a .pint of p .*t i—••«

The material lnternta of tbe ban

ion* of importance ban not nM arteetioa they auaerr*. Oeatmlwe appointed la a aamber of auan. which ban OOBM before t

rmai llmeali body, ban beaa ailtory. Thar a'a th* aa a aiagi qneaticA long tlaa* ago a committee of all

unattgaa* i

of iacradaeing aaeh a ajataai Icratral part of tbe borongn. 1sail j ar^^'^g haa been aecompliabe

king baa beaa done. aaaaaB ttwo B i a b m of th* rotnm

ban taadwid their mncnations

the pKMpeeta are for a* aa i l j•port, la • BBBtaat

by I

may well bo eitod aa a aaaa la"or a time it appeared that tha

at larln.m, bat months bard the frait of their laborsop la the i uaUwwai i report

> at the oaaaoll mwitlaga fromto tim*. This hna bam

, " nothing more. Stilli pie la tb* aaatiar of a 1

liae ordinanoe. Tb* proper <entnsted to frame a aarttahl*

Delay has cliaracteiXceord. This has alao beaa tha

with tb* proposiiioo to latoklt)m; that ia, a 1 lmi t whw*

rect ion of fraaM atmctarea ia pro-" Tb* aim of these propoaed

la for tb* welfan ofity. The iatereet* of tba i

aaaa may b* rwawwtd by promptOB tb* part of those eatm

with tbe work. Wok* ap!



which eaa*pleu>l..Uledthe plao*. tboraagaly aajoyvd

gireo by LotHt1

• Y M r A bMTbe aaair waa on* of the

th* Star ooaiaa, aadbe a happy featar*.r>oaaaly the fttoton of tha pn-wame waa tb* elenr on

totioaa of Pnak Reyaolda.iw- His Re-Told Talea

apaetaUy laagbaaU, Ia OB* of (baa*tatd of tbe ama who wanted to beamaat, aad onakt not tell hisey aam aanh member ofily told what a chief

of the hrad of tbahat be woald do,

woald naa a-paainj aaaleeurav Char-

amo a fanay BieM,Deabaam. aa m rtollBmt,

maeh applaaee. particmUrily byraaditioa of tb* HaBapti

The charmis* aopranoooMnbatiaB* of Mm AUoa MaUya re-

J * roeopttoB, a* did alaoof Mia* (iMtrii Her-

• th* i

T h e L a m p of S t e a d y H a b i t s ! CLERGYMAN U S3SSO Ik Rocbc$tcr.

W«amk«oi»to«too,te^a.r>odaatb*ai taa. aajrtbMt hi oi er «a» i«i am



Tbe Pebraary iseoe of The Ladle*OBM Joaraal ope— with tha

part of Mlaa Portor". new rom*iaaath, "TaMMB Dsya m OW V• , " lllaatratod by W. L. Taylora i. foUowad by Jonrph Bletben

atory of "Tba Girl, of Flat O,"late of foar mrU w

bachelors' halt11 A•g aad timely coatnbniion la

u Kmnllaaey, Wn Ting fang. CbiOM Minister to th* United State*.

Par tb* ebUdna a n "Tb* JoaraalPauie-Scfaool," a new gatae, andanrrtpttoB of bow to make "aMpiotarM." Tba Talcatlae oarerby Hoary Hatt | and th* pictorial fsavtare* iaclnda a peg* of most atire ptctana of dogs, and a doablepage abowiag "The College Girt

By tba CartPbiladetphi

Frank Leslie'* popalar BMathly fPebraarr U adnrtiaad ^ "mm

aothtait coald be aaon literally traProm th* t n t pag* to the lent the"aapiifts U thonagly modern, andhath in th* ebaraotor of it*

t«r aad of ita lUaatratioB*,in colon and ID black and nla la tba raaaiBa with tb* •

, prtBtod'hlte.

- froat of Mow YorkSty.Tb* Bctioa 1B th* amaibrr la piaaU

fn). and rrally arm rate, ihrao Wat•tory. "A Ft* of Paint," la, a*

ah* BBT» beneUT, the vary beat thinRobert Barr, Cabolya

other atory-toUrra of notr, t i l ap th*Rood B N H N of abort action 1M thBambar.wbiletMaMVBkher, anbappfl;

th* b t f M r t U U f

things of - IDPebraaryOaUook, may be

by 0Kanaaa IBOW acting aa Tb* OatlookWashington representative oa theproposal for ealanrtag the Whiteloaaa. with architects plan* | an on YanaaabBfta by Charles D*Eay, of tbe Hattoaal Arta Clab, wit)

I Lportrait of Preaident-eleM Palata, ofOaba. takaai by Tbe Oatlookphotographer: *Tb* Oia»««u.'u tor HBgo," by KoBjos Woat, withortralt; -The Story of BOBM Oar-BB*" (UlaatratoddecoratiT^y) whichaaoribaa an tatoriatJBg mmmIrrrland | Dr. Edward

Hale'a -Meaaarioa «f a 1which deaja tKu

with the war of 1SU; a n -wbola-pac* portrait of Areh-

biabop Irelaod ; aa article appropriateWaabiaatoB'« Birthday, -ailedft FoBMepa of Waahlac*oa," by

•taerU* HeaaeUwt | togetWr with th**aaal book NYirm, niatory ofweek, and ealMorml 1. . _ im.

urtaat qaeatioaa of th* day.

Tbe wabHahBra of

•c* tb* a m ot the daath ofal Lawtoa at the baaan of tb*aaaa By aa aliarm! aaperBw

• • o n the boy oonaapcmdeM. whoIth the anay at tha Ua* of tbaootint, BMBBB Ua w%y throagbaemy1. - i i l i j M th* OBU* «Jd flatbed the a*w« to Anwriea, three

•omn betas* the utlwn oomm^mdnataaoBBnaafcaa of the oahaa. It was a

it*Me aiib.iniiaBBBi oa th* part of aTb* story bagla* la tbe r>bn-

lamhar of "Tba American Boy. "

attnl l t aalialieral art arttotaa; aa -nrtalmtai i4HopkyaaoD Sautn -i aarial of artiei

' • Sew Tort; aad r byatoa Carchm, Bdith Whartoa aad

Than w l m i ebon aaariaa la

of American girl with a phase of theold ciTiliaatioo of EngUnd. '•PUoker-bridge" la Ih.1lgk<aw1 ia ita antm aadplay ef humor— with aaaaoal ebar-aotora. A D*W writer of abort atoriraappears in thia aambar. ••Crownedwith Glory aad Honor" ia written byMary & & Asanwa. U la a pathetic

of a yoaag Woat Point*

Cyras Townaaadwho aa archdeacon of Kaaaae wi

nawd on* of tb* rashes of settler*• Oklahoma, toll* a aaoaT draau

tale, with tha "raaV' aa a a>oiB incCbriaty iUaatratn IL F i a

Lynd eoatrlbsM* a railroad atorylaatrntod by E. B. Child.

MeClare's MasaiaiaB for Pebraar

it* editors ban apt oat Tbe time•f the amaiBa, tbaU raaan

aahlect and th* variety of abort atariBBBke it paerible to rend tbe BBJ


Bay s a a a n BlenLsad," by William Allan White.An article of modi importance

pyamieaof th* gnat Ooaao PonaL••Robert* Peary aod His Campaign

for the Pole" tarnish** tbe aabjectfor k rofdtal article by Stnrgia

which i. fally iUantmtodat Paary'a aaamanar ea

at Cap* Sabin*. A splendid aeooampI of pMry-. faaaoaa '


aaareh" aenaa f7nia!aafl by wbie

Tbe abort atortaa ar* ao aood that• hard to pick oat aay oaa for Bret

For rrwtj atory the r

Ia tbia number also is ooncStowart Edward Whit,1, anial, "TbaPorret Ranaer "


Newark, ia opnot in all AaMrioa a I

Taaaerille theatre thao thia. Opraed

Th* Utaroei takoa in refined•iU* by thaatrgaiOBia prone that Pror

"HOB. John Orlaaby," which wastan Last play presented by Sol Smit

•11. and in which b* wm __oadod by Prank ffnmaii, will b a n Ita

York prodoct ion at tbeMaaWtaa Tbeacn thia •veaiBg, foi

BBMBBOt Kh. PmkO, whoOB the road in repertoire.that Mr. Keanan baa beea choseni a Urge ainbtr of applicantM" at thia tbaatn away ba conM highW oaBipliBMBBtafT, >

•a policy ot the boaa* i. to jai .i aonly high claa* American attract



itry, and wUlI a apaeial prod action of "TheJohn Origaby" for hm n

polltan stalls* debnt.

a i»m

next week at Keith's Theatre, Nework. Tba motto of tbe theatre,Tha beat .how la town. ' bat feebrj

• l»e BaBjaitade of sach a colfaaioai vaaderill* ttara

Tery artist of rude TI Up whoof the diatiart>oB of being under•ot to appear at Kailh'a, hi BBV

doabteeiy tb* reoogaiaed peer ia hisputioalar Uae ml. n

a Tact that aaeh a oaatraot la theadal of aapariorltjr among th* ar-

iraak tb* great Rndinoff.

ippeand bafore all the Royalty ofwill offer hi* aovel pBrfor


PndHiUo. the_ ; the OaUaw trio |

o» Maxwell * Co. ; Oarrilla aod MeP B B B Baea. : C u m aad Wil-

t. aad th* won• •» 11 p. m .

of Prophet*

by 'Christ n a y Theories

Oi l tr , Are • Slnadcr

kaaatAlTbe "—'f'wf oajled

Bandarby B*T. . "the Part Arenas Baptist

•hnrch. At th*. akoming aenio*•abject was "Aa Inspired Bi

inat tb* Higher CrtUea."Tb* apseHei took for a

XL. 8—Tb* Word of QBT LordHe said la tha

of his rrmarki "Tba man wfthat the Soriptaraa merely

tain tbe Word of God, Jagglea wipsuaaea, and .offer, from UUmr

ratorta. We olaiaa Ihn* all the Senires a n laa| of God, and from

Hla Word. Jtoaa Chriat(ha i.a*stiailliai of that Word. TiHa did not inspire Abab to a n iLmpions ma gaaaa he did; bat ILord di4 Uwpire tb* aaeroi WTI

select aaeh portion, of Abab

which tbe Lord wishedam as a baata for ooBTvyingtioa to tbe world. Inapt ration eitbeiWtlawtad th* speaker what to say ;th* writer what to write. H<tbe historian to aelect portloa*the taa—age of othera; alao what

)*•* to daaariba, a unie"Ia tha flrst BY* hooka, this signcant pans* 'The I-ord apnke mtoaaa,' oooara 5B0 Hani*; la tba

bistort cad hooka tbe phrase 'Tbe Lc

ita eqainlent.tiaaes; ia the IT pawphetical booksphrase 'Hear the Word of tbe Lord,

ktadrod •TpnaHouB. coeanaaa. l.sBO ti

th* Old Tiialaai n l reaslnded, tbntUod'a Wort ba ia reading Tot.

• far* ef these tacts, tbe higheritioa Ml as. that the Scriptures are

BM aaj more Inspired, thanpear or Milton. Tbe facts an


Apostle Peter settle, this whole qnca-ttoaot 'Inspiration." ajjo tbe kind.

Pater ii be Bays, -The prophet.aua aaoat anraet search, what time,

of tinw. tb* Spirit of Cbrtiwhich waa in them did poiai

it toatioed btfonhand tba salof Christ, and tb* gkkriee that

sbonld follow Ithat Chriat was in the world inapt»g th* prophets what to toy and

' K aaaa baton H*

1 wa. Chriat who a m tba pro-phot TisloBS of coming history. H

thorn insight Into troth.1

He, who Inspired tbe Apostle*of tba Kew Teatnasent bow tothe goapet, baaed oa tba Old Teata,

propliecip.; oo Is th* Mew Tithere are fOK qaotatioas i

the Old Testament- Prter tcocbe*a of tbe prophMs |

M> BftcraBees of Christ. Tha pro-pb*U knew the dim

ilr own thoocht. and tbe tnomghums placed la theiitbe prophets inquired diligent!

wrote under tba

; oeoito P«Ur, they oaderatood theyto writinjt. Thla 1*1 unmet of PatorBattle* tbe q***tion of Inapii"" aplrit f U

Chrtat, Mperrlaed tbe creation of tbeoeriptaro*. The nntirms aa

a* Of tb* Higher Critics arca- against God', wiadom aa

n n t i n ability. Tbosa men a n M

nptire for aafety, and too

tatonary for reliability."

Mrs. Pitch, of Weatneld, _haa bw"ax bar pareata,CMr f * W Hn.

oha Darling, of Prospect anaae.



After the apeeUl meeUa«: of theMBWOB Council U«t Monday. Chair-an Tollea, of tbe street committee,

called the BMambaa of hu eoauiiueeatUlfartber tba

sprinkling by theTbe fommlttee has already bad

Mnral ahseUnes to consider tUa aab-l

Mooonr's meetinaf of fa>*


i Mar OB »~f—^t ofextra expense atlrniiaiil apoa the*"«fc «< anaaU-pax BB4 fte» vats

if tha

222j J ™ , ITT — —

-JZ' Woolston & Bockle,

ZZ"ZZt>st u b act wiiuai 141-U5 Sortk an


The Constitutionalist CWSEV rCWTRAL

Cfte Dew Rochester.


Lehigh Valley Railroad.

Arrival u< Drparlire «f Maik Uf»ll7 UtaMM ulloU (too>» imv •n.ifaTW OatlaaA'.

Woolston & Buckle, PAINTERS.

Page 5: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. - · Mr Fores injared a -l ... •lerter t to a sen a the Ualted Btate ... Senator Jnh a San will lent^be i iliailsl l of his col IS this week,


ifi!Wealthy Baaidant of Scotch

plain* Known Through-out County.




L M I W * ' Wire, T m Baaa aada^ Daughter

HrM Thl• t -i to .i'< lork.

Joaa Had!*? Harsh, one of fVatchPlain*' fJoM* ciuseas and numberedaatant (he wmlthiest mea of Unioncoantj. -ii"! > his bom* tb*re at »<Tcloak Monday morning He was taken

k ago Saturday and despitetill Urn hl |

fsnmbrd by Dim. Hedge* aad Probas-eo, at ihi* city. aad Dr. Wuhwi, afri_MnJ. rootinucd to sink rapidly.rVsth ws# due to |msanwia and

i at Nathan

w G i m in IS**. BOOB after beto Sfocch Plains and with tbi

p oT ail yrars at Newark al-wajs 11' rA tbrre. Whca a trrj yoaaga * far ™**#T<1 in the wholesale1 andrrcail mral business u d not bavin* tocosipste with th* saonsrw anal«iiMmetis* honaes, he pwaperad rapidly.Hi* bs*in*m notched aoeb proportion.I h i u m time be supplied this see-t[(«. foe mil<-« In rvrry direction,wit h dmnd beef and provisiona.With the introduction of western beeftad iat transportation; rast in triTifei-Kar ean hie wholesale trade d^lin*d•Mil b* B»TP it ap Pntjely.

B> had !•••••[ 1 a fortune at thetiia'ain bwi Kill rontinnrd to caterM lint retail trade, lwrwi»llj caringfar ft r"utr iliroofh the '-ountrr. H«•ran bis wagon a w u r and winterthn>afh sll sorts and conditions ofwmaVer u d m in his aocastomedMi.lhr d>« before be was taken UL

la addition to hit neat butaeat hetad many real estate dealings aadloan** oot targe »nm. taking propertys •rsriry. He was jr*orrallT very

ssr**rd in these matters bat one yearhi MM 933,000 ihroouh depreciation«f latd on which be waa oompeU* d totern*-* mortffaicea, Hoet of Usholdup are located in Union, Somer-S» Sftd Middlesex counties. Tbs for-tsas » w i i m i i h H by bitn it T*noaa-U eatimatrd at from $250,000 to half atrillion, although it la a nutter oftuujuctar* *s not erra hU familyknow*.

Mr Msnh leaves a wife and two•on, George aad John Harsh, ofS«xeti PUiiu. one daughter. Mn.ilbsrt Durbv, of thU city, a brother,LTD*. Manb, of Scotch Plain* aadusa tut* r. Mn. Lewis P. Clark, ofBoaad Brook.

Tat iBneral services will be heldbom ln» let* rp«id*iic», this af-


Wkirk H«*Owu*r*Ms>.

The following transfer* were re-wrdad at Elisabeth last week :

Pktiip T. Bell et uls, e m to Bliia-beth Bomtm lot 13. nap of W. E.Wsiaby. PUinfleld, tl : Fredk K. FiahN U to Netto R Fi«h. 198 f onGrait »T», P oar of Manning', lot,PUmfirld. tl ; Cbac StianMB M U toJobs K. Thocapeon, lot 4, bk S, "*pof I n Jonea' preniaea, Plataflftld, *i;

Hikne aad ,haa to Andrew43 ft on n w aide of L*-

Grwde are, s»i ft a w of OaBtra)•Cratt, PUinseld, «1; Noah W. PU«t M to atarta W. McDonald, tract OSProw atrwt, cor of Virginia Ptke'ibN, PUinfteld, »1 ; Maria B. MtDon-ald * fa, to John N. Wytnan M al,<aaat prenuaaa, ••,100; Bryaat R. Cain« « io Peter Land et ax, 40 ft onUaa of E Sixth atraet, M0 ft no ofBrirkmtnu., PlainSeld. 1.700 Oathar-'•a* Wineuan et al to Mary A. Witte-• « , 44 ft on Sixth at. ©or of Tboa,CaUahan. PlainnaU, «11 McDonoaghBraa lor,, bo mi—Iwlli Bcheata, 40ft en Sixth at, oar of Maawint »n d

Oaak ata, PUinftfld, «1 : Andrew Lnt-kua at ax to Gathrlne MlbM on Un«af Pro-pert m , cor Dariinct lot.P l i l d

•'1T«nra with myh-« i v tine,"Sofcertille. Ind. "I ipmt aboat #1.000•n4 nerer coald get anything t* helpaM ontil I tried Eodot DrapepaiaCor». I Uve taken a few bottk* andH* entinly well." Yon don't livebr what yoa eat. bat by what JOB di*•« and aariwiilain If 70*1•otaa't digeat your food yoa are really

•KMIHH n o IBAdjournment of City Father. Pertdiou.

Without Decidingof




naaciag thai locuioa of tna city•oVea woald be definitely determinedU theapadal awetlag «fCoancil Laat Monday. Wttea

ft ta» flnanre committee, twhom both propoaitiooa. one tram J.

Coward, the |irmni landlord, andBaaalley Brother., the prespoativ*

wna ready to report, it waa b»-liered that the qaeation woald be

. bat each was not the «•**.a oonAdently believed by manyaw Coaaeil will n m (o th*

Benalley bailding, and that it hi onlya qaeation of a abort 1 i w wbra a rotewill make the chaage, bat in the «i>

of Chairman George P. Mall**,of the ftuanee committee, who la ia

vest, no Tote waa take*. OoaneU-Lealie M. Dauifl Mated that be

r. Kellick hone in time•ting, bat bad received

word from him thai the propautiaaSmaller Brother* woald bi r*.

ceired and that action coald be taken.Mr. Daniel atated farther that theproposition did not arrive and lateSaturday night he called at Small*j"~ (ban place of baaiim— and re-oalvad i t Thi» he preseated to theCouncil.

By the proposition Smalley Brothersoffer the city for one year with tbeprivilege of a renewal for a term ofyears, the easterly atom room ia theirbuilding located on tbe ground floor,for the city oSc**, and ln<»isfi toeraot a Yaalt for UM aair keeping ofthe city's doevnents aad books. Theyalso agree to install each Sxtarea as

1 miij to divide the —mn intos. They offer tbe third floor forCouncil room, forniabed with

proper desks, revolving chairs andfor the oaa of oommitt««a.

The rental for this room i* «1.000 air. If tbe Council want room So.oa tbe aeoood floor, for tbe «se of

tbe Mayor, this will be rented for»I0O additional.

Ataer tas iiawllug of the propositionwaa refeired to the Una art oommit-

*. Than Mr. ToUea moved thatOosmcU take a recess for a time toxmsider the matter. The membersvere only oat a abort time, whanibey retamed and Mr. Daniel offereda report of progif . A notion to ad-journ waa Offend and tbe meeting

• ton abrapt and.was leaned after the meetingUM reason for deferring tbe mat -

sraa that the proposition waa nothe shape desired by the members.

t icai. 80 far aa can be leaned thereOS Ssach opposition to the pro-

posed change. The quest ion will bebrought up next Monday evening atthe regular February meeting, whenia all probability a decision will be

inda.The only membsrs absent from last

night'* meeting were Councilmen vanHerwerden sad Mellick.

Children EspeciallyBunt, brainm nod cats are «x-

trrrnelT painful and if neglected often11 la blood poisoning Children

are aspeciaUy liable to saob miahapab m i t i not so carefaL As a remedyDeWUt'a Witch Haael Salve n ua-

raaUsd. Draws oat the are, stops» pain, aoon hsala tbe wound. Be-

ware Of ooaassrfeits. Bars oars forpiles. "DeWitt's Witch Bnael Salvecared my baby of eeasma after twophysicians gave her op." writes James•nek, N. Webster, Ind. "Tbe soraa

a aa bad she aalad two to nvedJSSiH a day." U W Randolph

Miss Mabel JL WoodrasT, of Ease Secaad street, aad Harry & Potter, oi

City Jadge BaavaaTsraas Arrabjas ikr Haa Waa

Betray** Frlaadahla— Parties

erring wife begging forparaoioas Mead

in a on*at polios headquarters. Saadayafuraoon. Bat for tbe taturveatloa oftba polios it might ham lumlnalitU s tragedy

Tbs principal, were Andrew Pas',Jr.. af BosaarvUls, his wife aad blihitherto retarded friend, Albert Matthaws, of tba aaaae piano. Taking advaataas of the hasbaad'a iliiiani atbusiness, Matthews 1> il hiin the hoaasbold and gained the goodgiaoaa of Mn. Paff to ssnh an iiiaalthat Batarday anemoon ahe cons Saladto alops with Urn. Theyrested early Sunday morning at tbaNorth avenue station as theyabout to depart for New York

mat of tbe night ia oslla attbs police ttat'tui. and wave I star ar-raigned before City Judas Raaroa.Tbs basband wsaksswd, however, andthey wars allowed to depart

According to Pan" a r*rsio» of theiffsir. hi. wife ssoured hi. in 1Saturday to visit relatives at Oraa-ford. Although he had no prerioui

• far faellsviag an. ha conceivedthe idea tbat aba was deceiving him,

follow har. He Uaoedher to this city where be found shehad oraae *—11 • fl of Ocnaford bathen loot the traiL B«ooamlag con

vinoed tbat something was wrong havisited the Plalaneld hotel aad onlookinn ovar Uw lagiatar foand tbssatry -Mr. aad Mrs. Hill aad wife,of Trenton." in writing he at oncereoogaised as tbat of his friend. AlbertMatthews. Ha at Brat thought of aceasing tbs pair at tbs hostelry, batwishing to avoid a aeane, be informedtbs polios aad asked that the? be

He then returned to his homein order to avoid trouble if hs came

i contact with Matthews.In the meantime someone had in-

formed "Mr. Bill" that an sagryiband was below aad be immediate-

ly departed by a rear door to theVortli avenne station where be par-

tba Mew York tickets. Betam-ing ba secured hla companion with theintention of taking the t:M train.They ware pmosd aader arrest by

•boat to step aboard tbe oars.Paff was oommanwated with and

was f i s f t when tbs pair wersu l i r i l Mattbewaaras in abject fearof bis laMilin, with tfas. basbsnd andtrembled like an aspen leaf. He askedtbe police to protect him aa ha fearedPaff would not atop anything abort ofkilling him

Both defendants admitted tgaUt and askttd to be torgi ven. Paffrelented at tba laat innisaal aad athe woald not prosecata Matthews,proTided ba isissln sway foreverfrom fUmMirriHs sad that bis wits renun home with hiss. He decliopenly tbat U Matthews anna asarhim agaia, ba woald have to suffer

Tbsre ithe case, bat before this w

rt rabaksd Matthewserring wife in the aaontorma. Both fait their position keenlyaad appeared greasy nrmifnllau

Tbs Paffa havs been married sigh«a years aad have three nhlldraa the

eldest being fifteen. Mrs. Puff Isthirty-four ysara old aad fairly goodlooking. Matthew* la tmall of statureaad his appaaraaos is anything burtbs kind tbat woaldfeminine hsarm.

While i be S*4 train from this ctlyras pining through tbs Fan wood catlasarday aaoming, a tramp, who w»saiaty aeea ataadiag on the embank

meat, harled a large atoae throughone of the car windows. It knockedthe has from a Btmmrvitts commuteraad tsma fail la the ma of Lawyer tP. Hanvon, Of this CUT. TBS former

cat by firing glass bat Mr. Baa-van escaped injury. Mo attempt wnaasade to capture the trama.

•» oaara of "Patiaajoa" by Gilbert* Sallivau wUl he given in this cityia April with a chorus of thirty aadtbe following soloists: Uupr—n«, Mrs.Robert Giddee sad Miaa Etta Ray-Bart; majlinlfcw. Mn. F. H Ward,Mrm. U ML ROM M B MiSS QnWPhillips; tenors, Oearge H Smithand WUIiam J. TaUasuy

United States Miniaaar to V _ ™aad brother of Bsary E. Bowaa. ofWaschang sveaac, to Mlm CarolynCleg*, of Oalresuas, Tsxas, took placslass Friday at Caracas. M M OUS».

mpanied by the Mlame Edna aad

bo lin> la this rtty. miled forCaracas na Novsmkar So. for tbe pur-


lya did aot kaew that he• •aonad asarrlaaa. Hs haa bsea ae-quaiamd with faia hrMa for


r. Bowaa is a soa of the lasaHsary a Bowaa. who waa Cor yuanoae of Brooklyn's mostrftinasa. He waa sppointo

tarosloaa, la tmV, byHarrison, aad Presidentprosaoted him to the rank of Oaasal

1 distinguished himsslf by dafaad-ing the Oanaslaae from a mob da ring

Hs salI Oaaasd-Oaasral ia PerHW wan appointed to his

present office by Praasasat MrKinler.~ Boww waa hem in Brooklya aad

"unalnam in af^htin circles lathat city for awtar jean. Ha ia « faat1 Imiliia lall Hi» mother is linn* atiha old hcasssf ad at » WillowBraoUra.

Bowea's Irst wife waiAugust* Floyd Vinjrsa. They Uvad

hiid. a soa. They fmallyaad Mrs. Bowaa and bar ahildto live at Newport, K. L. where shasecured a diroroe from him la April


na* 1.)Vs.-dley, MorrlavUla Bad Trenton andthe Penstngton branch of the Dela-ware Valley Traction Company. Jll-aoa J. Oolssaaa, who acted aa the ax-pert in tbs purchase of tbe BanFrsn-fisco Unas by a avadseaae which paidOK.000,000 for them, a few weeks ago.ia president of this company, sod kaapowerful backing.

An j oae of the foar liass l>rnj* Ttedto Boaad Brook will bring tbe Statecapital into oonneetion with the sa-tire North Jersey syaesm, which sas-braoss all tba lirttary from Baritan,

ity. thirty-eightmiles tram Mew York, to Mew YorkCity, and from Newark to tbe Oranges,Montclair, CaldwaU, Patenoa ^adother North Jersey points.

The ram'sa and Trent™, on thssooth, will opaa ap tbs territory toalt the aabathaa town* aroand Oam-dna. as wr 11 as Ms. Holly. Tbe Phila-delphia, Bristol sad Trenton Railway

111 afford a dlrsottia* to tbe QuakerCity, and, of course, connect with all

network of roada branchingout from th*re. Tbs Yardley, Morris-viUe and Traatoa will connect Traa-

«b* Backa Coaaty aadLehigh Valley syatem. embracing

towns aad villages.H'K1RL£Y DAY.

Was Ou»s«vssl WHn Kitrrltn atths Irvtag a>b*s4 T i l l Meralag.A life sine bant * of President Mc-

KialST sraa unveiled with sppropriauby tbs pu pi Is of the I rv ing

School thin morning. SapeflatesM

address aad there were essay* read byssveral of tbe pupils. Tbs bastpurchased with faada raised by tbsschool children. It will repose ia

made aspeetairr far tt.


For OYW 50 Years


Scbool Board Triad to Make

ntlag Condition.





of tbe aoroaghhaa given rise to an Intricate problem.

aa the anaulmossopinion of the membara of t be educa-tional body that tbs time is rapidly

teas will have to be seeared as t he in -aa la the nambar of papils haaad all a*pantatioas. I t was poiat-oat that thaw hi absolutely no

available spaoa in the BomeraH atrestmoot baildiag for the aevuath year1**--"— gnsdav Many papils are la

paaUJoa to be advanced bat tba10m for their aae ia wanting.Dr. J. H. Oooley. r*- '"-" of the

baildiags nommttr~ r a Ibis mill aaanh none ooald be

foand to answer tbe purpose. TbermnmirtTt had considered a nambv

places with the rssalt that soona aot salted sa achool rooms while

•than would aot answer the aaaitarydisminia. The only relief coald

b% found in erecting abat tan was 1

naalry agreed that the superintsadeat of schools. Homer J. Wight -man, be laaliaiWul to make snoh tem-porary i m a n n M M as he aboald aeeat, while the board continuembora. The omss, which can not

Had sKirtartonlr, n antvaatv psrpibi For the I'Kiialwill be aab-dlvlded, one aeetion re-ceiving 1aaliai<1ii in tbe aaomingand the other ia tbs afternoon. Tbehours for the first section of thirty-nveWill be from 8 X until 11 JO o'clockU Iha morning and for toe second

aa 1 until S o'clock ia the

Thia will n>order aot to overtax the present teacb-iag corps an additional teacher wss-ilrirtTJ Th. appointee ia Mfca MaryYoran. who waa graduated from tbe

of the CortlandtSchool several yean ago. Bbe

iawr. Hew York. scbooU for tbe lastthree yean. Miss Yoran will have:barge of the afternoon -*—

Mlm Bead* Boss, rt Boaad Brook.U tbe gs<*t of Misi Eatrlle Brooks, of


proved. Call f*Oomfrvt A Dunil--. _How York. 1 IS od-1 1* a

WEEBER & DON/t *4 fisussmm BSSHS, saw Vssk OKr.

News and Oplnlona

Nut it tiiui Importance



Dally, fcy u i L - - J* a yearDailT 4 S-»aay. hv mail. $S a year


Doctors findA Good

Prescriptionfor mankind



by oar new invmtioo. Ocir tboe> l>-«n d> af stj incor




O«T. iiicr art n r t i mj loni f im ur « « n n v " kW fciii *««nr*j i*""i I ta««a jtm

Pan fumlssial sTiff auMnfrr/frrr ir"t r f ~ Tiirnf f-**—

. - v - YOU CM CUK YNBOF AT HOME — = —ansntmau U U L cum, 6M u u u i t n , enua\ m.


TinnensPlumbersGas Fitters,

bricks for u .fooadlMi* tt Jobty

" b ! 3


143 NORTri AVE.


Sayings Institution,M runfidt. 1. J,


Livery & Boarding Stables

Sanitary Plumbing

D. W. LITTELU•o.ninonii in rrutilil a. f


Wm. A.


s n r Fr«i St. ui- T - •• - r

Gura J $900Ollliy V r o w

RTPANS tabujles

Doctors find

A Good


for mankind

DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE ROW C-RA3LE by amr kw tnTcsl&oo. Othr tbo* l>-*n 4*mI arc lunwbk

HEAD N0I3ES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. a. wtnui. or OAjLTiHoax. catc.i

Sanitary Plumbing


Plumbers Gas Fitters, gSJVSaSLTSrt



143 NORTH AVE. i».u235C£Strkrt—%

Sayings Institution, Wm. A. Woodruff,



ALBERT nEDOEN Livery A Boarding Stables

rouiTTH »T..

Page 6: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. - · Mr Fores injared a -l ... •lerter t to a sen a the Ualted Btate ... Senator Jnh a San will lent^be i iliailsl l of his col IS this week,


11 SHI Rill!BU*m I>nwill* L Tanlka Wm»Wadded to H v r y I.T«ppe».

of Vnnrk




W M Oae of The I M U I * M <

of tbe ffnaia •( **«lh PUtB-

h, K n . J . jMia> Leowill* Irene Fanlka, dnnghiMr. and Mra. William Faolki,of Maple evwme, SoBth Plainfteld,and Harry Irving Tappea, of Newark,were married at tbe boawe of the brideWednwiay rvroing, Jan. ti, before abarge anai latiiaga of rrienda fromBisabetfa. Tarrytown, Franklin ParkMelton, rreebotd. Ptainnrld aad thattown. It waa a brilliant nuptial fnnction and on* of tbe moai importnnierrata of tbe araaon In tbe aoeinl Iifiof thai place.

The interior of tbe old and qealnihwaaeatead waa decora** d with Chriatanm gmeaa aad potted plant,palms. Bowa of white ribbon jndic-t*maly diatrlbnted here and thereadded to the T-* l"K • « * e t

table* w w trimmed with pinktion*.

It was praciaely nt 7 o'clockMiaa Hanoi Mm*, of Kliaah.oonain of the bride, inimmiaiiopening atraina of the waddingfrom •Lohengrin." At that •tba bridal party entered ta* parlorwhere tba clergyman waa awaiting toprononnea tba aoleamn word* of

Tba nabanonane t m . Th*yFrank K. Fanlka, tb* bride1* brotherBarry J. Manning, Earl M.wn,Elisabeth, aad Fr*4 S.Preceding tbe bride, whopanted by her father. William K.

• maid-ofbonor, Mia*a aiater of tba

At • apot datgnaied by a r*c tbairaaa aad hi. brat a u l Joined tbabridal party aad tba anptial ITIM

Rev. J. A- Cat

of which tha b

wrddin* eapper WMdob they de-

parted for a iliilnBllim that was k«• pta profoaad aaetw*. For favor* dainty

Tba bride waa gowned la whit, .ilkd with potat d'reprii hen. Ba*

veil of tnlW WM oanght ap with aspray of ami U i

Tbe nwtd-of.honor, Mia* Eauai

IP—T'- t n a a u l with crearned a shower boa

led with whit*p in b




I*i nkhouiimiK-rr* of

wer girl* who w-iey aad Hiaa Marlon

a neatly attired ia wlinmm*d with bine.

At tha ran-luina of tlieir abortboaeynMoa trip. Mr. aad Mn. Tappeawilt repair to their anr home iVeaderpool atrert, Newark, wheretha f r w n will naaair bia emtiee Mclark with the Pt nUTkuiu Bailroad

Th* g**at* pmea* w*ra Mr. aadMra. DaTid Big!*?, Mr. and Mr*, i H-car Thorn, Miaa Gladyi There, How«rd Soodu, Mn. Ram* B. Maaminc,Mr and Ml*. W.lli*m H. Uaaaias.Mim Kalli* Mawi»s. Mr. u d Mra.Darid Baadolph, Ra«. aad Mra. J. A.t'abberUy, aad Jaa. H. Cabeart»r. ofSi«th PiaiaB>ld : HIM C. Maad tThier,of Plaiakld : Mr. aad M n ObartMR- MTera. Mr. and Mra. A. D. M j *Mra. P. ¥- *Vm.. air. aad Mra. V•oa PkBlka. VilTrM Fa-Ik*. Mr. aadKit William J. Mjvra, Earl Ujm.Mra. Sua\oel t teUr, Ibe Miaao* Hvtti*aad TioU Stall and l u , - Kulk>. alof Kliaahvch ; !»r. aad Mra. Ira VaaAradaia, of Boand Bronk . Mia* ClaraK. Ward. «f Tar ia*, X. T. . JaaaaFaaJka. Jr., or 1i^v*arf. N X ; F NWtbfr. of tarrytfrwm. K. T. ; Mr.aad Mr>. John Saalld. Mr. aad Mra.Hpaamr 8mU*, Mm Aasia SMUe,M P t e S U M

Mr. aad Mra. V Oihaoa, of KraakliaPark | Mia. Kthel Tappaa. of Frw-boU ; Mr- aad Mra. A ndr*w Tappaa,«f Perth Aaibor. and Mm Halaa

Tbo Till Rock Baad Oawan Ooavpany will g\Tt a ooacert at the Mam-

cbaach Tbaraaaj vraadas,ll Will Be KIT*. mkHt




LUt *f F U l i l t M Woaaaa WatWfll Aaalat la UM •*!•

•f the Tlckata.Tba pwMpama ai* that tbe draiaartr

atenaiaMMMt to bt p m S^ardayftacnaoa aad evaBias, F*braarr 1, at

the faatan. for tba tear!* of the

It Will ba ft*v«a l

Keedlcaa Stratacem.'' and '' M.J AwfalA« an r»tr» attract IOO Miaa

Harttatu Uadf, of H«w York, willEire a pwae recital. Tba eTcainf par-

wUlba (iTM at - o'clock

aad b a n ther-br mafenally A w n n l . MawtinaT H e l d T»7»-4IB rHariat thai —an •'Keith'1 l n l~' • *»o*u w«a>

Tmrrt U ai h » t »• ' «ld-(aibi<ata«* IUM •• Ari.fraotWr d«j.. —J* a wrii\ * » York Prc». "I a*ad* a trip oata>«* thr nibrr o » j " j ffellow t:!nM,. oau U iatrrvstrd lagreat taMbrrtng uperatdiai*t*t trrriturj, "••< foaadrid* • • thr euaeh a n i t treat.

fruut >iai tbvrr w>ihrva. I i.r dri • u i wi tk, Hgh

on thr left, Bad a »lra _tweca. The attrr began to look nn-' • • j after we bad gonr ab..m I)* laal ly whispered t* aae: "I aafraid 1 am shoal to W *iefc. al• onltt } ..u rwhaacr plaae* with me I.a momeatT I e»ald not make the ex

-The eat ia the middle waa a tir.B. . . bat 1 patirnttj *«bmiltrd

and the afternoon performance for F i l , » , „ , , . pa,,,*, lea. t«rntj. for-chlldrra nt t o'clock. Ticket* rnn' ty. aa boar. Sot a atgn front m

Mr ba aeenred at Anaetrong'e phar- friend. Be *eemrd to be m)ovl«( ibincy. The women attending the affair j "•'a* rj. ItaidalU*!:re reqacated not to wear hat*, a* > '•«,<*' «J «bai jou feinid* will b* in attendance.Thune who ham eonaented lo eel

are tn* following wot!Mra. a T. 1

•a. E R. Cock. Mr*. K. & HyattIt*. Hmth Haannga, Mra. L f. Van

Sickal, Mra. D. H. Graeadyke.Fraacia Wood, Mr*. Howard Tracy

:«. O. W. VamBonkerek. Mn. W. L.Snnnden, Mm, E. H Booth. Mm.

Mra. J<Whiton. H i t W. T. rVUetiwD T. TanBnren, Mra. R. M. S t o wMr*. V. M. StiUman, Mn. R. "Stockton. Mra. C. & Lee. Hi t K.Perkins, a n L W. BerrelL Mr*. CJ. An***, Mn. M W. Tyler, Mra. WB. Wadaworth. Mra. K. T. Barrow*.Mn. U-o. A. Chapman. Mia M K.Tweedy, H i t Oeo. H. Ooddard, Mia*E. Schipper, Mra. IL A. MoOee. Mr*J. T. Bakar. Mra. William P. SmithH i t J. W. RntnmUt, Mr*. Joaeph PTaylor, Mn. Marion ft. AekMn. El II net R Ackem*na, Miandolph, Miaa Otaee Cooley. Mra. B. A.

. Mra. a P. LincolnMm. Erarta Tracy. Mn Craig AMamh, Mn. F. & Martin. Mn.

Inntington. Mra. T. J. Mnraford. Mr*. L. G. Timpaon, Mra. Otter-

VanBnran aad Mn.JonnClapp.


B*e*rde4 at Omre *f tbe CountyClerk nt mtiaaelb

The following raal aetaMhave been recorded al the ofloe of tb*

dark nt niaabKh OliveMoorehooa* and hnanead, to JiD. Tmiaaam. of PUiaBeed; •*along Johaeon avenae, 130 feet northweateriy of Enet Seoond street, Plainfield, «1 ; Orrille*. to Mary W. Alpnngh; 10 liana

Sixth street, comer Albera property, Plaianrld. | :C. tliaUb, rt ala to Cbarta

Schhrf . lot 4. block A. K M Frenchproperty. Plainfleld, f3ii. John FMclntyre, et ax. to Peter J. MoDonongb:W

Situ, stn-rt. i u featof Franklin place, Plainteld, $900

iatmni. et ox, to Peter C.40 feet along nortboaaterly

aide of Lyman place. 100 feet northwont of Aator ptaoe, Plainaald, 19.100.


Mj«el« lc* roHp.iT H»« StockedIta Hvmi far thr Fraaaat.

Tba H t | t u loa Coaapaay pkaat I•Imt down tha Arat of ttna moath for

n. The io* boaaM at*ami] stocked with ice nOcimi to

the pnasnt daaaaad. It laP»«ed that DT tbe Irat of Marah tbework of auk tag io* will b« naai* -* -— ' - a aluartj I aan in tba de-

t forthiaioe. aa Uw paoplathat it U Iba oaiy abaolateiytha* oan ba wad for drink

te** Trmaafar*.Tb» foUowisc raal N U M traaafm

kan baaa rcoordad at to* ofnre ofbe routr clerk at EUlaboth: Fr«d

•rick K. Fuh at ax to Metta B. FUb,ftS feet alon« Oraat araaa*. cor-Lebb«, Manama: propertj. Plaia-

•ald, 91 ; J. F. Mac Donald et u toJiloioette Duftaid. lot* 40 and *3,or aad Marlkoaald prop

Netberwttod. «1W.5O ; Catberlaet al. to Mary A W i ttas, !

•«* aJonf oeaaar of Smh xrerl.

PUiaJteld, »1. Tba followlBC contracthaaalao been mimii i EaaoiaTttaa with Wm. H. Broamw, car

Plainneld. »4f4.

Tb* tJuHd Typewriter a*d Snp-I»*«e Ooanpanr baa received the oon-t*aot lor fnmiabinc ijuimHwa fork* oAViaJ work of the »—*aana Par•

• to be held in St.

otV-iallT adopted tha New Oentnry.

Tea. qaite trne; I had a deeldeffrliaj ..f D I I M I . Bat thr air oil herappear* to i p n with tnr. .nil ike feelinc h*> paxrt! ..«.'

-TfctD >..« wtll rive me back ai.Beat.*

"*Oh, nut at alL Thi« Uaa aid irtrkI learned In New York; get anythingyon tan la any waj TI>« ran. and holiOB to It.*

-I fmTt him a tnddfD pmkeeled hint over by the roadald*. remarker, a* I pat my hand oa my piitol: Thaf ld i k Ila New Yorh in the free >ehoelbo**."


here 1« a forgul guinea anch macnitnd* aa araof II. and VII oa my watrlchain at thi* moment. If .ot. M

troopa. QnarMraiaater-<}ea«rBl Rich- majeaty had deba>ed the currencywill loot ap Warned of theae

ight to be vrry rarefnl. I fear thaamnh—ai I hare put utmrnph eollrctar* ola.jrt^. with forged autoKraph. of mv


^ r l f l ^ l . pickpocket, at tbe CAR* OF WOO-TDElTSAlLOgS.After being the »ubjrri for aiaay

year* of unrrrtainty. doubt, and t»id<i«nriirht dtebelief. the aea aerpeha* bem Tfndlcated oaVlalty and Hdeoer of hla reality recorded la thef " i ' m m n i i archur* at W h ia report to thr fcj d r o j f jthe *ary drpartaieat Henry H. Nell-

of tberhir

i tatnf tW drrp. Mr. Nrlliraa'a report weimailed In Uverpool. where he arrivedNovember 10, on the Prad*. Thr meiprat waa acea while tbe Prada waa oIf a !•>< regular i.'jajr* from Gal*ea-toa lo Liverpool, and b* «•> 100 fretlong. Mr Nrtigan thos drse-Hhea th*moaater: -The bead of thr aerpeaihad a blunt, eqnare noae and wa*ejecting water Io the height of two or threefevt from Ita mivriin The animal <nah had three dtstlart sen of ftn» ai

til 1> mr aeroaa like a porpolae. Oabark waa a aerie* of bump* like a

raaar).- The lalitndr and Ic.nrltademe*iio>ed by Mr. Xrltgea are la thiGalf of Mrxlca. about 1M mlU- soath

of the BBoaih of the MIa-(«lpp!i i ^ feapoaalbHity la vtvorhed frti

bj ibe cifllrera of the bydrofrraphie of


>* foR of London and thrfn«of theaea alike dlacoavpnee tr*mc. and omnl

•> and steaauhlpa abke have had tclay tn for safety. Um while tbe t«nIon for jreta lato vour iamovt roaniad bames rvea thr rlrcirir !>hi

phant, emrioaaly), the drnaeai fog at» t doe* nol di«urb ihr aaloon or tki

ateroom. Why la that?Thr word *"fog.~ aaya thr Xrw Torkamverviat Adrertiter. haa not been

traced farther berk thaa the ilxtrentkr»oi»rr. bat thr thia*: waa IIke early year* of the fonrteeiwmaaoB*. with y » prelate* and noble*rMtisB- London for tbe partlnaaeamd «a oerastona. nnlted to pellioa Kdward I. to roape! the bornlag•pl.t of dry wood awl ehamwl. •• therrowtar aae of H I coal rorrnptrd the-• Kiik Ita vtlRk aad BaBolte, t

I prtjwlle. and drtHaaeith. In IM4 thr kinr proalbiird the

nse of raal; heavy ranaom and BsI 'i'H cied tor diaebrdlcare; la tl

bvr artificer* the fernaeea and kiti're destroyed. Bat the reatrtcHn

waa rvtdeatty rrm.»»d. for la 13M(probably equal te *4.000

p*M fro. -*lfor

i aim tor iaih a b i t la r e p o r t e d la E a y l a a d . A l a d yw a l k i n c ta t b e e o a m t r y «1 t fa b t t

l d failelj retnmed fntrentljr i

the frtb* aonad o

a nelchbortav anarr]at her brother'* falling flat irr.-uod •! the in.iant. She. o« . aaanmwl that be had bwi la

ared; bat it turned ant last be bnila the habit, for avontha, by olat prostrating himself oa tbat the •ond of a gun. Me

ea! obedience of thta kind kaeffectively ntllmrd la I

of ***peeled deserters. An ahrmpishoot of -Hali- bring* any ma a wbowa* lately in tb* raafca I* * andden



JOIHT OOnOaTTKB.tlon Of -fahrer- It would be b

Of inMractlre. write. Andrew Lam

jrU "fake" may deceive anybody, banan iwirtnrni of (be **me kind a

i*n Hmrtt. Tarre

thrnk in Freneh po>-Trowna WIU ntaeelT* We Pay eeaston. Oernmn •rhnla.n any. think._ j _ l f c _ . . . m. • • „ . • • • «r a**d to pay. thnt it ahonkl be sen^ ^ ^ mmmm "' •*»•••••• t o t h i , exhibition. Tbe pidon-

Whil* tb* bilta bnv* not yet ail haon wonM be naneron*. If we traat areoeived, it io iilln rTl1 by tbe jotat '"• art erittcs; for my part I do

at arnakgeaamata fn— tbe —ft is tbelr profruioa Io alter atIribaiiona of atitaorahip. Tbe work

will coat o f Horoer are a T«M -fak,.- If we

Wm public- and priTa

_.w) oHrinat rvhibillon? Man'* h»Baed, of gonaanBt, aad Lewi* J. Mar. M I vaalty bar* tbe way; people dtin, of Eaaex, aad Aeaamhlytne* Harry not like to believe that they ha<B, Lanvitt, of Maroer, Ephnim T. been truth*!. Vet what -olWtionOiU. of Chn-d-m. Kdwnid K. OniBh- ''

ported from E.ropr. aa* ettm tbe ™ * C L U B H A S WO DEBTmoat Uone thiawM a m bno "hnrnril _ ~by arpariaao* that bw eptonrenn POSSESSES TWO COURTS wH •>

'^^T^tlunl^irSr**** *••«?*•• >K n EXCtU -Tgreat bill of novelties ia Nil It < by tb*clever monotogniat of lUlMiltj. JiJ. Qorbett, better known a*

tainer epon the ramtnTlUa I'H baa>aan of meteoric variety, earn deaeacomparison. In bi* hamoraoa dearrip-; Alt»x*a* <»*T •

of thr many inoidmu of impor " °™ i u orgnaiaiduring hi* life tn the prh» ting: B™** T e n n U Clab i. •onMnta of triumph which the i*"1"* eondition. Iu

-whole world felt; hi* modest manner revived at tbe awnaal mof ppe^h. aad a ciltirated etoention-1ct^- •*•* •* •*- "•"' -"" ** nWary delivery, have ataanped him aa tbe ""•**•*. J. Hamy Onaaa, of U-

Md peer in that line. Hia : Ora-d* aren*H Jan. hi* new said, aa- a dreaa-1 Th* «doetian of <

•nil entertainer of re fined vandiJ. Hervey Doane | vie* nicaident aad

Keitli'a eocourageneiit of new unietic ! chnirman of tb* tenni* committa*.ity. and he ha. mrrouidrd Cor- Cbarica a Mora*: anretary. Aldea E

wdevUlai man ofauf*

-Attentioo la called to tba recon..mendatioo of Obnrir* L. liawia intha advertiaemeal of tbe rntertain-

to ba given Monday evening inthe T. M. C. A. Star Oonram.

Governor'* reception at tboHone* Taaaday afternoon andnfty .pedal detective, were on doty.eirmlating throngh tbe crowd. Boaa* Thf> B r i U , h j i ^ i ^

* • omJaottTOO were bam New Bttrinar at fhrltcaham recentlvTork. aoma from Philadelphia, aid „ , , o m , Trry i n , r r « , | n ^the rent nrpreaented JeneyCity, New- were brouirht forward aa to taa po-»rk, Pat aw on and all tbe large citlea «ition of tbe woaoded in n*»«i b*

ttea- Owinjr to theb

ations inore of tbe .hip-, the old

not be coatinned

all tbe neighboring cities for th* rt*- """'"""""m art wonld be able to w o n ™™ "»

. - * •*«*--*• »**«4o«. , ° d ^ X ' |D|O|| ,, nM. t ^rooka from ita own town. r ,n r k C T u, , m o r t hmMair ^ ^ ^The reviewing stead in front of th* now adopted both by the French

State Howe waa a pin* OCraotare. SO and japancee. I. to leave the iaofe*t',in dimaaaioaa. with a Boat- ed Bailors lie where tbry are

persona. It was the action ia over and men can bat for an inaagaral "pared lo carry them down In imba

lance*, whirh It wilt —whan of tbe national Guard c h t " ! j ^ ***{' ,!£, d "an pay for taking part ia tba « , „ "^w"l* novTr

naoiraration. It wn* a rolnntAry•t on their part.the Him nsl in of tba late G«av

Bewail tba soldiers who •Iliiniiil laira reoeived a daj'« pay, bnviagcalled oot by Brig. -Gea. wanacr, London Spectator, that each »hiptha approval of tbe Governor. •» •"" *••• • • oprralinr room, which

Tbo •

oa deck for

^ pThe -oanded

bort timewbere. aad modern wound,caoae dangeroua lou of blood.

ntial. however.


HAU BY RICHARD fOOTE.!• Tr»i*Irrrt*| *atl T A >. r <1rr»

car •Wonvn In Salt Lake City hare a

Tragedian Frem «aJU»rad* V a n rouniderable adrantsirr ov*r the *>eifXacttnl far the Local "hen they come to patron!** tb<

UM> It him.rif orin tbo form of a recital at Reform ia e^peiirdH*U, Jan. tH Tba affair waa i f , , n away,tandrred to tha papUa of tba city- aad IZvrry ticket ba> printed on it

well at- *He* the u-ii.l hour* and the aajr' iateraectlna; linea.mall bead*. Five of them are

abort addreaa on the aaa of T o n n h „ f h l a „„,„, ,„, , t h e t f tloontionnry training, aad had ataae- f»nT bearded. Beneath tk> row iiia* to aay of bia career aa a apeaker two pin* aiartu. with a forty betwiA actor. them. The conductor la requiredBmmaM'a- adTtc* to tbe player aad i.lcnilfy each paaaenger by a n

bi iil ran- iB* OB* *' l n* 'aees and oae of i***** 1or ••*• t h e i n t D 1 M b e i m f

'"«• yo°n« men. tbe «0 for naraof Bilddle •*» and the naal pla. forelderly mrn.

Of the beada reprearntlng

with•y. the qonllm ot

:loned ia regard to

•ontw* of tbe evening wn* tb* A Blndu baker'* eaafartaat ia Bsn-alaglag of "Beyoad tb* Onten of bty. oa srttiag ap IB bwalnesa for htm.

_• .-If. bethonght him of eaterina* forthe Es*li»k community aa well as for

*" *" tbe native and. With thia end la viewbe had the follower notltWstloB peiat-

- •*- nrst-elea* BritUh loafer."DnWUf. Uttle Bart/ aUaen -_-_ .

"I thaakfaL It I* eatiakated that IAM..b WO W aerea ml land are dueled te, taa

aaWvatlaa of tokaraa. TbewarWeo*-

Tbaatngoan of Hewark afe givenfarther opportnnity to an joy the beetfnatano in n a d m U s at Praetor* intbe HU arranged for the fonnh week

fllanring at tbe list ofenlcrtaiaers one ia readily eenriaeedthat all managerial pmmtaaa ara being

All tbe oOorn were ra-ciaetad excepiUM aeeretarr, Pran M. Letaon, waa

take any active parti h

will be ana till t y pia tba elab-a aflain thia natron ac-oonnt * f a chnflge in baataaaa intercota. Tb* etnb ia ontircly free frea.debt aad baa a antall balaaoa in tbetraaenry- Tbe two comrto on T

ronnded bytbe oonrta wen graded and now willonly roqaire enrfaoe Inmprovamaati tepat them in aae condition. The

ttnbr-rabip of tbe dnb ia fall and™ - ™ I there U a waiting liat bnt tbe mem-» • • f l b e n b i p will |11 be the" i.-__,, ,»,,« .1 enlarged th u epriag. Five a

thrir clever litUr ootnedy,Oapt Impmdenee.1' Th- Fifth Ave-

nne will ha*e Hovt'o "A TensperaaeeTown" ai tbe dramatic feature of itaoffering for aext wr*k. Edna Arcbrr-Crawford aad Mew Hownrd-Fowlerwill baad tbo branch of tb* Praetor

hicb will p*«s*utclever play. "Mia* nr Mr*. '• will be

ledy enrtain raiaar and tbenndwviUe which will bo introduced

•eta and befora aatd afternay will keep the antortnininent con-

la proridad for presentation al theFifty-eigbtb Street In

la Sew Tort vaadevill* are prrerntedweekly nt thia popnlar reaort. For

Herrmann tbe Great, will be tb*

ill be heldFriday ereninc. Febmary T. wbra anew oonatitation will be introduced.Cbarlen B. Mone waa appointed aonmmitteei to prepare it. It will pro-vide for a board of goreraon to aa-

be aiimaaii of Ike dabnnder proper liwHaritam It will aba

Uon for free Tncctaatiea at tbe hattmtatiag of tba Boroagh Coanril.Both of than •embwra. it baa atneebeen explained, acted from the stand-point that It wonld fa* boat to havetbe advice of the Borongjt " i 'before doing anything tn tbe :

doaired to wait • *il aacfa n n t a k .wonld be able to aay whether or nottbe body empower**] by law t. •make nob appropriation

preeeaxfaMi her dainty npeeial- Mr. Hocthrop t _ ."A Night in Japan. "• Speciai ion that tbe amount arited for afaoaidfry, gorgeona ooatamea aad eiabor- be itenuaed, in the intereat of theelectrical effects ara prominent taxpayer*. Mr. Lee peraonally ia aot

in* in an exocwdingly d e w and a belierer la vaecmatoon. bat nt thera»rt«iniajt not. Tbe dramatic featnre • aame time be deelara that thi* wonld

hare no weight with him wben art-Ing in tha in*enett> of the borongh.


wiU be furnished by.MUton »nd DoUyHohlea, who wiU prea*nt: "WhrWalker Reformed. " 'The Myterion*Mr. Bogle" goo* op to Harl«*n, after

week at'the Fifth Aveow, and •abonld eeeve to draw n**m crow ds nwtue of IM ••* r. «.

tbe One Hundred and Twimty-nfth f deatlnl Co. May be Abolished."••*• j T h e prev iona enatoaa of tha Pradea-

' tial Inaaraoce Company in giving aFlorodora," tbe play ofaat haa aeriaa of dinner* ernry year to the

Tork | dlatrioa a—Is. ia likdv to ha ahol-p

ail records is (diatriot agnala. ia likely to ha aholloa*a at tha Now Tork TbMtr. to- j tahed thia y w . It u aot the e.peaa.liCfat Tbe aocoeaa WM WO great that that baa lad to thi* aWi«*m, bal U •«

t wholiCfat. Tbe M WO great that that baa lad to

Mraan. Blrea ooaclnded to pot »J rnaUaed by tbePlorodora" in the Winter • ttrm t^i1 |

Qard*n. u d hare nt»da u afreetaeat that it ia qnitn a taak toe ' many di ith

e of -V ^^ t ^ ^ ^ ^ • " ^ ^ " ! • • • • *" wauum^a, wv Vaam* aaamm\

" " » — ' " * " •"> B»lw. i h U r i m , wiuu. . b .propnMon of the pradnction wbmby While tbta is no( kaova oa*ait*lt u>

• i « h p ™ l i l l , l l « , a i 4 , ; i , a . , - . te j^,^ . „,„"»""•« X^^J .1.1U, br U> He- tb. t _ » u . ii m U » W •>> br «.ta*™!'^' ta^Tot'^* * ° " ™°T ' T b * • " • » " " • " " • " " • * - • •

in tba world and will | > i i el ' agrau and *—- acted ne aa incentive«wdora,'-lt l* expietoi, bettor J u, greater effort,ever. In tbe east nt* Virginia

br ie , whowillbvas-nas-'Boloros;--Q. Senbrooko M "Twrfta-1 lfnm,am,mrwt u Mad* of tbe aa-andtbeotber atnr number. \ proncbing aaarriaam of Oanett J

>T I Pvwcn, brother of John P. Powers.unainmie of Craig pine*, to Miaa L u i u Matta*.

of daarbtn of P. H. Martin, of Boat*to) tb* Se-vaatth enwet, Kewarfc. V. X Thr

weddlag will tnkVptae* Aa b m we**tn February. Miaa Martin ia a tnaabaria th* Xewarh pahUe arboola. Ber

. atreetara f»*n*r ia th* i l | ll ! • ! il of tbeeonipUining of tbe noise Ma** by am Uat«r Agriraltanl andold faahioned troUey oar on that line. Work*, of that plaor. and

in atyle, and paw know*

wm Cost 910000. FiWify I,

rka.ff* t— qatekly. -TW m«I i» Ike middle • Ufki equ»*»*. bet I polleatlj oabmitted.

Irtead. U« «• be rsjoyiag «ke »e»t*rj. I aaid at !••«: -|«Bd#riioo4 «® "J «kal J" Wt •**-* - Tea. qoi.r irwt 1 kad • «*«rided f relief of UBV*. Bat Ike air oat fcere appear* to iftr* «lik me. aad I be leel- lajr ka* pa.aed o#.‘ “ TW» will five ■* kaek mj

After belaf Ike aakjret for «»J rear* of aaoertalatj. doe bt. aad qeea doearlfhi dUbrllrf. Ike era arrpeal kaa be#a riadleated oBriiH; aad ref deary of bia reality recorded la tke f*>**na»il arvbiveeat WaaklaftM. la a report to Ike fcydrarraphle eflre of ike aa<j dr part era i Heary H. !(ell- r*a. oae of Ike royaler oberrvere of Mrbf errata deel«eaied by tke eklef kydrograpber. ofkrlally eoaekea for Ike ealateaee of ooe of Ikeae oooilm of tke deep Mr XeUpaa’a report ata ■ailed la Liverpool. wkrre ke arrived Xoeeaiber M. ao ike Prado Tke aer- peat «aa boob while tke Prada waa aa >ta loat rrfvkr voyage from Galvee- toa to Liverpool, aad ke «aa too feet »oag. Mr. Xellgaa tkos dearrfkea tke moaater: -Tke kead of Ike aerpeal


*■». t*» mmmT, whM*by White FMrt. H,b. Ite »>* tb. t_c

Page 7: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. - · Mr Fores injared a -l ... •lerter t to a sen a the Ualted Btate ... Senator Jnh a San will lent^be i iliailsl l of his col IS this week,

THE coNsnrunoNALisr

SKETCH OFJERSEY'Sn n mmby Bapablicma C*u

cu.. He WU1 B« WUetmd atMeeting Next W N )




njhat Part He H i t Taken InHate Pafltlcs—Hne U r iriaanclal •atrrnla. Chlrf-

ly In Mewark.-Beta t* a sketch of tbe man

has been chosen as candidateUnited State*: Senator at tha onaf ib* ReapMimn members of bothboaem of the LegisUtara. He win be

a Joint aeaaion of tba Lagia-

Jobn F. Dryden, president nf TbePrsdantial Inamrnnoe Company

d a I r»ding capitalist inhm.taj •*>•* other large rahat Id* horn* In N t n i t . In paha M tell, span, and well knit•manor be i. dignjaed, yet kindlymdmmneoo*. In mental abilitya tqaalW br few of the M M Whavt attained, like him, greatia liff. aad few men i n e q u lgnat hardens and reeponaibmne*t hat Mr. Drydea h*. k m * tor year*,and tftat he e m u to bear lightly.

Jota F Dryden U of old Mew

Aaroat I, 1W,mi wa. edacated for tbe legal profre-aoa His traininjc in law ha. been ofgnat use to him in his so!ovm, He wna not very strongBbyBeally, nnd wan of n retiring andndiot* disposition. At Yale Unimwrt. where his parent* sent himbt oavotcd himself closely to study,with the mal t of impairing nilhealth, and by tbe advice of phy*teiato i e waa compelled to give ap bisbams of graduation and left tba mni•amsj.

Thaaabject of insurance early enmend Mr. Dryden'a attention, nnd benraaj hi* time to n atndy of ilpnariflr*. mastering tba theory of

brs and scientificmy. About IMS be obtained a

on tbe .object of Industrial In

Letnalatmn by Prof- H i m•rif M, the State Insurance Co— mia-•eaer. It rri ticised tbe method* oftka Ptndencinn A M U I D M Comp•f London. England. Mr. Drydenmwd all tbe report* of the eW? and analysed them, and decided

This gnva him tbe idea ofan industrial insurance

for tbe United States, He

bat they were not ra"rived with favor.

n HT3 Mr. Dryden went to New«*. aad interested aaeh men a* Noah* Blancbard. William H. Merpfay,feber of rrorrmor-elect Murphy;Berate Ailing, Leslie D. Ward, andlairs, A bill was panned by tbe

, d i ia ISA, Tbe Prn-•I lnaanaos Company of Americaesaded. Fran its Inception Mr.I waslheMNtl sad spirit of the

•"•aaai irmly planted and besaa MaIMat growth. Fnsa the hneasnaml oftk» *mu Bank, tb* lnotitnUoa matedtuo ibr Kremlin buibliag. aad thence*• the «,000Broad nad Bank

making the•»np of ofnea bnlMtnga m the v t t U

Mr- P r y d i wan one of tbe foandera•* db> rideliry Trmat Compnay,

worked on the pUn* aad eati- , .ka with an interea« tbM a m r 1 - tWr* aay dea«err*

BU ncreation la taken in a ~Do ;oa m l l j ihink ikr rope «oaboaae at BernardartUc H o r k T~

A Republican ail hi. Ufe, Mr. Dry. ""-"• yon tried it ymmwwtltr'den baa M M an actln intereet In A B » T > •»»«»=*• tkat it I. all r,ehpnbUc aJTaim U KM be waa one of E •''*" » » " " ' - I o "*•"•"• P*r

the *ew Je™eyR,F,blWe«erto™. ' ^ ^ XfZLXSZTST.• of hi

another ebenael by permitto reed tbe primed

of UnitedSenator Smith expired, Mr. Dry tin (tors

pnt forward ea n candidate fer tiaarIhe Mat, W be made no effort to nt- *»"«' .tain it, and gave no anmnrMtantoat to >«""•»*••

friends. ~ j I I with bnai- lhr*«*"«1<1 bT " r e

affairs, he has shown MO denira d -rTre-escepr topaUln oBce. thongh always - ^ ^ . , , r t M e | | r f . . , , „ ! ta tmtm4

keenly alive to party Inlmiata b | . «.T,r/™>o."tha laat nampaigw for governor he ap- -fo iBcrea-e the harry 1,1 down thepenred,n* a great meeting in tba New- body eae by one until all -ball "ark Auditorium, and made a brilliant left.*speech in favor of the election of **X- B. The cord .hall pat oat theFranklin Murphy. To the party "To-nd fr-m in . shoulder, ibereui

aatioo be has been a gatiaiuBi **"•mtor. Be ia one of the State COLORADO'S FIRST GOLD.

committee to raise n fund for a mo- —mortal to the late President William It"'w •*• niaeweer e* *b»McKiniey at Can loo. Ohio, aad ha U "•*•' * " " • * '" ""a steady contributor to religious sad \

I OB Mi) «. IU», a. stated in! "Colorado" U-"«>. John tin

i prospector, climbed the bill Iis known a* (iregorj Uulch {mi.lx.tbrt-er. the present O-trn. tl.y u.1

«— «™w o r a p j Blmrk n,«k> arraped away tbe , r > "Over Hewark Bay. | a n d 1 , , , , . . ailed his g.,id pan «lth


and this fart tended' to add to

Onjood, of the Newiye in rr^arii to thia

People k i d now beonnae we takehem orer the dimw too aiowly. If we

took them ore r at tbe rate of no mian boar and landed tbeaa into the bnythey wonld Mill kick. Rni. aerionaly,,be dmwbridge la all right. Two'«ui ngo, owing to tbe inem

weight of locomotiTe*, the companydecided to bnild a modern draw atNewark bay, one allowing eren tba

— at fall apThe frame work of (bat draw I* nowbeildinjF, and will be pat in pint*

•For aoane mooch* a ipeed rale'n been iswoed a^iaat tbe draw, not

Of their order.over tbe street ore,

though they were allowed nnetgbt-mile-eu-bour speed. We, too,

ire been bothered with many letterscomplaint, but tbe commuters may

rest assured that tbe draw is all

THIRD OF SBRIES.1 Paaee Wee Held la the

Tbe third ia a aeries ofat tbe flnmi la Club roomi by a

of well-known young people, waata Thursday. Tbe attendance was

be largest of tbe aeries, then beingthirty couple* present, includingwaive gnul l frons oat at town. Tbe

fnmiabed byUersh. of Hew York, was ia every


patroaac* of Mrs. Herbert & Taylor.In. Prank H. Smith. Mra. H. C'anKmbargn, Mra. Herbert

•awl I u , Pred B. Cutter. Tbe <ar laeharfe consisted of H.

OowarA. F. H. Smith. J. U.__ jhlia aad H. 8. Taylor.omrtb daaoawillbe givea Tha many

evening, February *•

week. Oiber rleh strike* a m medealBoat daily and

I inThe B.t«. Bobtail. Maaiawith. HUB

oell, flurroagua. lilltois and hutiilrrdOf other lodes wrrr found, and ihouanad* of claims were taken up. A. tax• arnmrr of IU* idutrrd thr wraith olthe geld rcina and celebe* of .h i t '<

enairrrrated In 1 . . _-..n Bnaseil i n

were aernmulatln'r arallh" rapid)*:but everything •ainantr • » « » • pi»rmptcd and tarajv aumberaurr*' forced


It la a r.i.riir ta

One of the favortir atu*i*emeBtaPreach ladles at <on*ian;iuoplrfros; hunting, sayn thr London Trlgraph. A Isrge party ;aoriraai»ed.thcladira all appear in dainty Farialan lei-

lea, with rcry hiirb hrel. to theirta, and each carrin s long bamboo

rod. The jrentlrawn nrr *»t up lo prop-imt- for "la chaue" and bra

atickm. Thru they nil adjours to « «marshy »pot mherr fr.-sr« aboand an.bejrin lUblng. The bail Is a piece oraw meat tied to a string at the emaf tbe bamboo.

Tbe iadi** de the ashing, and a. aooi1 <de ares thai a frog has (wallowed

the bait she r «" • violent Jerk to tb<rod. which briags the fmo- oat antehe land. Tbe attendant .(k.rt.mrrhen fall upon tar ferurioos animaind stay It with tb*!r -ticks. Tar h>l*ff> nlsojolp :n -hr U.t fn-*] act. bat tbe n n al«sys try le dis-

suade them, as ta their ewllemcalhey freqacntly mistake . » • ' » head>r "foot for the frog and the sporl

ie* *.oo

Thr .ebJerto»»mi|[r«tH« forgreUwomen i* allnetlnr an Inrreatiiamoant of atUntloe lhr.-uf.hnu! tlBritish empire, both in ibe an.ibeland, "here Ihe anrnen> and uurrployed <r«Mt l» a «rloe .

d IN ike roleelr M r * 1: • ••• i .

ed. any.r s Turk Tribaae. ft U -a.J tklart It ihereiolfc-rf the Hoer «ar. 1iirn-i pstriollam of Ibr Bat r- 1Irir faith ic their ran-» ts fvxrn

Sttribuied 10 tbe Irsaeei learseetbe -- r, .- A life U

aCanaM ml«*t **\ W ,.=-.*:.. d\mg. Itut there arr enr"P-*i«atl<

fer while tbe siersar woomaa laulser roaatrlrs I* • • VB*pprer*s

r. even tf not sriu».:> -*urp!«

their lria* avasents •• "By jaheml"•aye tbe Academy. I hat* lived thegreatrr pert of my life ia 1 rrland, bothia th* aorth am) south, bet I karr arrrrW«rd It- -Bedad!' aad Bffor'.- areaurte common, but net "By Jsurfal"lt would be sdrhmWe for Enffllsh wrtt-rre te leuvv tbe lrfc*h atsker* srrrretyel-B«, fer they era Mra te reme tofrwf >hen they try ta reareeeut It.They irncrally predoee aa tasa •**!«•

a*>:it *f<«r th* — T a l l i n n .


u d Social OlnaPurk I n Bapttot Church





Which Was PretUlT Der.ratadIn Chnrge

ef the Aamlr.

tint chnieh, was•der tbe anapteaa of thaAid Society of that cbnich.

The affair attracted a very largebar of members of tha chorchbei r friends aad all Joined in having

n geaniaa fond time. The Sundaya. where

prettilywhite alHiBiin. whim

npa placed her* and there

provided, '—-a;of a aomber of popnlar aaleHiwa b

i W h j c . w v Moyana all to be ibwiianfrequent fmooraL Mra.

H arrr V J oh MOO . of Wneehang »ve-•se preeent with

Bessie Giles gave a recitation whichas heartily appUadedTbe affair was In charge of the eaiilnlnmeai ntmminrt of the so-

ciety, of which Mrs. Prank T. Patina.« pismaeut. This antortainmc*.mirtee otmatstaa of Mias JoJl

WyckoaT aad K i t E Fmak Vail. The

Runyoa, Mra.Lowry and Mm. A 1.1

Tbompacm. Tbia cosmmittee wns asslated by Mim Charlotte E Tennant.Miia May K. Tenaant. Mias Cora Bro-

w aad Miss KhsW tiile*. The ra-

th* following: Mrs. Maltha B Tennant. Mrs. NoUon Rnnyon, a l t

Richardson and HIM Mary Coles.Those who bad nlaim of tbe deeoj

1 were Aaroa D. Thompson. JiPrank T. CJWronm, Mra. K. FrankTail. Miss Wyrkoff aad Kn. George

Hall. All of the coumiworked .in perfect harmony and the

It was everyone bed n good time.

< anrred at a ——'—' price to


ev. r_. M. • • * • ! • • Ha. A m itor a l i r i w off aagnaana.

Her. Bmkiae M. Hodman. leobUraoa Epieoopal cbvrh. baa arran«ed

hare appropriate sermons dett«ly variona cleigjianii on Tboraday

eveainas daring LeatL This aanaeaof tbe chnrch year oomaaenoee Pebra

12, Ash Wedneeday and andi•T Dny. March IS. Tba clergywho will nwke the addreaaea ID: Revs. W. D . Dale.. J. P. Pen-

ton, Jr . H K Oilohriat, W. U. Jarria. Jr.. a L. Ooader and H. &Wright. Service* will be held daily,nooordlng to cnatoaa, nnd then will


A DUtrtet laltlatloa In P-bllr Baa

Tbe Ughf l Older of Foraaterapleted nrmngemanta Coras initLatkw and Xonetnr

nbilee Cor OonrU Karitan. Hiannill». Ttnnallm. Boaad Brook. Plain-

Watobwnc, South PlainBeld,nt-Cranford and Roaalla, to be

It ia tbetime eevonty-tve

raermiesd br the n a n t u i fromeonrta THirm—aiil Tbe OOBTIMtiac tbe gnataet nnmbar ofidaftaa wkU he

of "The. p p to be bt-by tba aapila of tbe Xonh Plnin-

laM High School, baa been aasaoted.a. fnUwwa i Kditor-iB-chief. Any

Thej were abw empleyed foris Boataa, S r . York aad Pkllad*pam far amfl treaamisaios. 1thia was Mopped about a year nge.It la oeil* poaaiUr that tobellair* loair been in extensive

the dispalefc of auil. may sgainlojed for that aaraoac in Utry. and not only in the dtieibat ante In ether*. In the •an interntiBar experinseut Inof pneumatic tabea for delivering ordiaary perrela waa beyua by a pn-vBtr coeapaBy ia Uoatoa last Angiand U dncribrd by the engineertbe company, air. Edward D. 8nbi:in the Eaft-ieverlBf \e«». The li•tarts in th* midst of the retail dis-trict sod has two branches. One reito the Back Bay. a dUtaace of a mlnnd a hslf The other run* a milea point (a the South end. wbeueeline roBtiaors a amile farther to Boxbury, anil from there soother line emtends a mil* aad a quarter farther tDorchester. Erery 11B* U realldoable, (.ae tear being for oitwirand the other for iaward bualneaiThe carrier travel, at the rate ormil* in two minutes. Bundles are coleeted by teum for deposit and ardi.tribn-'r<3 by tram from tb* otb*end. It (s owHeoa that e pronepneumntfr tube pnrerl deHeary nyitern, baring direct connection* witMg stores aad other centers of dis-tribution ia the downtown district Iany large city, would obviateamount of trnftV ia that JUtrirThr Boaton system Is aot anc

so far aa It gtira th* resnlta of Itr K i l l b e I:


Pref. Binurl A. Barker, occupy!the chair of metbematkn and aatrootnv in the L'nlTcrulty of indiBBapolls," >lj gare out a statemcat that he i

invert ta tbe ihroric. adraacrd byUobert 11*11. Gsrrett Serria*

olbrra, that the planet Mars inhabited, and that it- people a n excccdinrl} intrlitgvnl aad enterprising

•1 II a impossible to eomman'ith iWsa.Pref. Barker fnrthrr says, ac

•g to the nutiinnatl Enquirer, thathe NartUna arc a people of atu-

pendoos power and wradrrfal rngiBecrlng .kilL Were it posalbl* te ~nal them, there la little done* I[key would undentantl nnd reply

Prof. Harkrr farther addn thaII of the th*n.nud. of yean

the earth's history it . people ba.*rme.reeded in cbaagiax the face o

tbe pla.ri to any sack Mirri a* thepeople of Mar. bare changed rb.-»>it he Ben to way of signalinghrtn. He doe. not take kindly tobe theory adtaaeed by Trala. of elrr-,nr signals cenvryed through thetihrr.i. Prof. Harkrr believes it an in

ily to develop thr reo,*ll»fl


sdiiioa kuuwtUno plays atraogcik« aith dead men', rrpslatloos

. •> . Ihi'iii. Walker Pagr in AllanHa. It'woald makr an intrrr.tiagha.t t'.ur fur ike eaitMlruppcr '

nd the Si)*, if he cou.J b*srrhaage »t aswBttie* bclnren Dtiasjiu. » . ; -J.i.!y." Lynch—the onehrewd. clear reasoorr. n b w namew «1|*Mn a fwl; tbe other, a

plr Qoakrr ceai>msa. whoe* a*as cusne to fttaad fur urganlncd *ir>

•frr). I t i r ' n Lynch was a «aiwho*c Mrvievs ta hi* cvastry a*brave pioneer and rifkteoua judge, a*

•Idtrr and a >talr«man. are by aea* draining .:f ubiiiion. sitll leas>btoqaj. It m a t . indeed, oaeiuLauirin of fair that hi. BBBSr•Id now be ua1irr>«.ii applied•eediug* that no one would «

• t n i norr heartily tbaa be. Tberrcord* of the court at Bedford coll'ty. ta Virginia, aad those of rarktuiQuaker Birrting*. the jooraal. of th«Virginia bouse of bunTcu*. *nd ofthe Srat eonstitntional ru.irntion,akra t»gviker with fnmily documents

an* tredltloju. shoa him to ha** beenen upright and uscfal member ef so-

lnd>« is the lisd ..f cheap railway-s*vUng. Tbe return* of the radU rsUasy show that In IS am

HJtMal Bnaerngers need ih* lie* andhei of thne IIJIUM tra*vto* thirdir :uwr*i class. The east '•'. carryingra* ear-*ajateea<h of a prsay a*r

alle. aad the rhargv to tb* paa»—hnn ea*Uec. Oreai !>

it ec t r. • . . 1 by thieHe*

•a. th* eomyariaua hnweea la-ws ef t be k s m t clau of Beasea-• ta ladss aad Oreut Britain i. ncfll•ter. Tb* •''rare monthly h

mal . ,1 fraits b*<al fooan «n«ta*irg»a. tbe te-

. In tto Arctic oreaa. mld-way between Graenmed aad 5o*a Irm.

TNC snroi is BEIM constocxti


They Ar* Operated


wtte, aupported on the trolleypole*, will be atrung tram the power

m ia TTmHilii to tha anas of the. In Weetaeld a telephone lat will he ninaiiiliiil with the>. aad enehcar will alee ooatatntalking mecbantam, aad alia kill

to the toiepbon* te the oar will hetwo loan- flsdhm wlran If a ana*

ear banB sal, or if any sort of aa

line, riaga tbe bell aad oalls np Wa»

troabU ia viplained nnd a relief caron*.enae af n highway ichanry tha

ooodnctor oonM notify the Waettatpower honae and the man ta)are 4five n poiior alarm nnd start oat on•a extra trolley to relieve tha ld

AT XXTTJCHX*.ftt. Patrick >a


being mmtby the inamlimi of St. Patrick> 11 l a w for th* grant State eonvetttaa to he held in Rotrtn* Hall Miturban. Monday Tbe local oommiihje Is bestirring ltnatf sad everytbinindicates that Monday will bethe l l a a i i days in Metaebaa'a his

wf.Very aeldom, if ever. M.tachna

IOBSB for n Stale ooavnatsaa af ma lnrg* body as St. Patrick! Alliance

branch**) of tbealliance ia Mew Jersey aad delegateswill be present from tbe majoritythem. BOMB* Hall undonbtodly bepaeksd. D. C. WhsJen used his lnfla

get tbe alliance to enhen. He ia cbairmaa of the localmine* aad i. assisted by John Powers,Jr.. aad

The liuiinies before the convention•«cb a* electing State officers, will berotten thraagh with in the <me day

oasiMe. If thr re abould be an)MM left nadooe it will toto the Kntioaal oanwirt Um whid

will be held la February. Tbe M.hioh Is Branch No.

s, of Diatriot No. 8, 1 iianlsli of nearly

making praparatioaa to serve dinnerlas people. There should be atM SOO people from all parts of Jer

sey in town that day. In tbe eveningthen will be n grand ball.


Among tbe possibilities in thefatur. is tha introdacticm ia thia cityof a police call fyMem and a patrol

m. Tbe potioa board have from

from •/•••naiisaii be iaoUi«ed In loan bia bent nnprotewed

an time while be takaartoooe lockup With a callaad a patrol 1•atwomld ha mode aoay aad

wonld add mock to tof the city.

to Hold It at Tr-nton onRoT«mb«r80tad SI.



II ban been ^trinaa to bold the aa-naal State Saaday-sebool i an I anil anof l « * Jersey in Trent—, Thaiaanjaad Priday. Meeemher 19 aad tl and

Upredicoad that fnlly eight haa-dredwotfcera will i

. Of the thinj

eat, reprananting •Ber. K. Morris Pi

tbe Inviaime** ta Trewin b* thai the T Tip-1 wiU I

paid by the aebeola

theTherethe Sejtday-school* oflaigei tban tbe nnmbeTear, and. with tba borne

14.6W i total. 3CO.080. The aamber ofSvnday-schools in Hew Jersey >s J.WSa, being » more than mat year.~ nomber of scholars T-^^fif with

the- cbareb la slightly larger ThecoodiDon of the i«|anlamiim work iagood, and pranuaea to ba bnttar.

Mim Joaephine L. Baldwin, of Mewark. the State primary anparintead-eat, reported eighteen primary iaeti-tetee held daring tb* year, twenty-

primary anioa* in active exie-e, aad a very ISI i isafil •• aa»nnhe School of Primary Methods nt

Astmry Park UM Jnly.tbe treasurer's report showed a hni-

of 9BO0. The eamoenting to •6.000, wen oat to t*,-SflO, of which nbont •* , •» la mm-petitod to be ooUevted from tba S*mdat-eehooU throagh tbe eonncy aane-ciation* and tbe balance from indivi-

mitteca as follows 1J. V. Forster. chni-iem»Oe». Jame* P. Brraa, ralrmaai;nonmal work. Bev. Dr. J. L T ~

Thia lastforty-eightHew Jersey in tha lateraanoaalday-school t i f t l a iJon* M » Jaly I nen.

«unpaay hat*. • lease oauntil April 1, ha* haw emgive aa the Isaac for Mr SI11* I i i i a n i j , M m a

wUI nor* to Penh Ambtrr




Page 8: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. - · Mr Fores injared a -l ... •lerter t to a sen a the Ualted Btate ... Senator Jnh a San will lent^be i iliailsl l of his col IS this week,

IN SHIGOUNIYThe A n n u l Report of Secre-tary of 8om«rMt County

Board of Affricaltur*.



Board oftar*, haa aehmitted hi* reportascntary of tb* « a t a Board, to b*printed la tb* annual import I " » »followa:

•'Only tbrae wHiegaheld dariag the peat year. At the last

voted to bold ais BMvtiaga donng tbe, by the distributions ia lbs ooaaty.

, to Mk* aa attempt to ia-_a the memberabip to at leaat fl«

beadred farmers. Preit and berrygrowers ought to faeooeae member* ofthis board, tbea it would b* ableget about whet it oegiit to, both forUM beeaat of ita naeMbera aad of theooaaty.

"Thar* ateald ba a trolley systemfroaa Paapack to tbe MiUae, ao that both liateatoee aad burnt

1 cheaplyI thr r*nttr of

Bfmreiahaalaexbaeatible supply of th* heat lime.

it will * <Ot!

Wiator rye 106-Tbe number of fane labor*-r> is re

[iiaimi ea UM daetaase, t i c iass mlUiu d facton r* pwf the aaaa* wage* foraborter boon, aad Ira. work. Th*

bora aad hay bar* received UM mostMteatioa, and oeta very little.Entomology i . gaining tbe favors of

ooaaty. Farmers arc paid oe aaeverace three eeata per quart wbote-

fOr milk, whil* oDoaamen payUM retailors ai« ceota.


To Claad L. tollman, of Newark__ime UM diattortion of being tbe firstappointee of Governor Murphy Tb*

il iaai—Tl of UM Governor thatbe bad chosen Mr. StUlmaa aa hi*rivat* aearotary-ho knew of UM let*—I«T relationahip

that had for a long period •-tiafn hem the two i

dMK* that UM Governor,capacity ae a cm:

*n. vpoaed la Mr. StUlman.Per orvenl yean, Mr. Brtllmaa has

oooepied tbe important pcet of aa-•Iai*nt secretary of tbe MarphyVanish Company. hi» datiea aa

• tbr people whoga*r them the rrancktar, and toraal at tivtag n M and not al thrnhortHtant pritM BOW dtuattdnl tfreight, then liaw> can b* burnt anf i n u l v d t te f m u f n it fnaanwbratae, *ad will be rauml; eaed M• fprtiliarr. aad by ita urn o n fte n will ba better for all klad* ofcrop*, awl mach frwr of KOIwr*dm. la th* i i a M i i i aad whilewaitiKjt for tbia «• row troll*? Umthe ouaatijr. tb* farmtm riiwM tak*adTaatag* of tba atoo* read f men FarHills thraach flyii l iI1U and HarlinSW*. Md With tlM ape Of 11 mr

ban yard -iiy aad coMpoaU, theyeaa j i i i l i j amrich tbeir ( inm, aadtlwir •rofn will richly pay t h*av Ii•roof of thin. Tint UM Peapaok r»lley. aad tb- Hmn1i»r owtloM of tb*

v h m UMM i« rrwly apaliom. Oropsa n kept ekan, and ttw totl U na m twily ealtt««l*d. U m . applied

"Th* aata carp la oar coantytaller*. Oots, wheat and hay yieldedfairly. Price* are much better, aadUM outlook for fartearatag Take adtaalaje oflatelllgrat, earaoat effort,with each other. sW that th* prior*of year products ar*- fls*d by yea,thai UM coat of production U reduced,a*4 that you get the right kiad offertiliser*, and epf4y thembMt •dvaatam-. Raise tbe beet aadget the highest market ptriee

" U t e a e t o d the. tb* eraof this hoard haa proved *Mr ial k> farmera in tbe oeeaty, thatmany have tat)mrr*d their methods of

th* m t r m iin ib* BMMtnfti of the board."

Al the eto— of tbla report waa Ipan aa farm cropa, atock, pricea.e t c . for the ywar eadias Dteawbe1901 | 100 per MBL bem* tbe ta«U of

prW U ceeu.Uatsso, adarreamof » per eeet. :

BTitaj' 7 l r l d l*. *v*fag* price *>

U n HMk.Harut* 100.Male* 100, i r n i p prto*Mik-b

oft!Tb» prlvrnM aaatow la fra ta of UM

Oorvraor'a aacnitary will not pnnaithim to (iv* all ha* t IOUF to tbe oMcialdmtica of th* post of prtTat* awjiwtaryto Ik* ikurtTnor. ao, HMr. atilbMMi will oocapj tbe positiononly Maaporarilj. until aach Km* aa

laaeiwawT aad oaaadetial aid.


Third ef B*rl*a ot Talks by Ml**A i i D i i n i f Car roll Tbarwdey,

The third la the aeries of talk* ontbe atrarter* of tb* ••ajtsh eovel

m by Miaa Aaapaitt* Cbmll, ofjaney City, waa delivered al tb*borne of Mr. aad Mra Haary K.Bowes, of Watoheag e n a e e . Tfaera-day afternoon, before a good ataad

irtlwMH Tbe topic wa* tbe "Minor

Miaa Carroll spoke la a pittming wayaad abe handled bar topic la a manner that i*ro**d ber mastery of UMcontraction of tbe novel. Sbe dweltupon tbe Idea of the aiaor mat in of

odem work of fiction, and illus-

froai repnatatatlTe aathorm. Tbr•aaa* of ibe aext talk wtURobert Loaia Bttrrmmm."


la K*W York Wli

aad Btra. H_Mew York, am** a newpttoa Friday

ot tbe Hotel Ma>«*ic.Mr* Lrhoy Brrwuir aad Mia

S. Brawatar, aaviaud.BBS th* laTifd (a*ata froaa

Plaiaaeld w*r* Mra. J. M. J. Band-ford. Mr. aadpCra. WiUiam J. Rooaae,Mr. and Mn. ChartM VeUa, Mr aadMra. William M. Baadford, Howard

IOOBM, WilliamMra.

Vbala LThe abor* ia tb* tiUe of a bookwentiy iaaaod by tba Abbey Prea*

PaMiahia« Cteapaay, «f N*w Tort.It dt-ala with aocial Uf* aa it e«tata

to Haw York city. Th* hookwa* • i t i a i i by Mrs, Uarj E. I V w ,a fomer PUiniWldcr. u d well knownto ataay nvtdenta H. Malford Ratil,:he Park avcam* Matioaer. haa the

k foe a

Oeora* T«ylor. of Kim wood plaee,M* plaaje oat for a handaon« raat-daan* whirh be ia*aa4a to atvet fot

wwaip—py oa Orant avaaioa. of prepariac tb* laad for tbto*U*v ia ahoat ooamatotod.

WANT ID W!_•»•*» ™ FIGHT OFT.SU8IECT Or DCBATC AT V. « . P i c k e r e l Wa.i


t t 4 * r AMptrM Of U W 1 • * - r ? W w < f c <

Tb*piaa; aabudiM, aa a Katioaai policy.. . r. ably broBirbt oat ia a debate oahat aab>c* b*ld aader th* aaapiee*rf tb* PlaiaAeld Literary 8oci«*y, acr. M. a A. Bali. Satmrday eTvaiac-Tbe entvt on tba marohaat awiaaaaot oaly of tkia Und bat of otheroaaatrte* M well by tb*pracdoa of th* »y»wnidiaraaaed pro and coa aad

of UMtbaory for harin*

"TW bifXral piekerel I rmt»«irht_- aaid Jack Kiaible, of Paa-awh. Pa. to a New York SUB rorre-

d - l d i « * »


ptut with me while I wrat aad killed•«e of th* MfnreBt doe devr* I ttarM*. •UacHMr* I dl<lB't n i l to kill



ih- . I I

Tbe aa!4ecttbe United States aboeld eatabliah aayetam of shipping asbaidlea. George& Clay, of UyOraade -areaae, aetodM jndg* aad carefeJly welched everypolDt made by the debater*. Too fir-*speaker for the afflrmati ve waa Har-

K. XJabarger. Hla chief aoatea-wms Umt tbe policy would b*

beoeftoUl to tb* goviramaal. be-• Is woald permit it to tak*easUm of tb* Baarla* eraft ia timerar. Tor tb* negative Cart E.

Diaage declared that th* alatittraprove that tb* manbast maria* iagrowiag rapidly aad it does aot a*ed

be foatoied. Tb* repeal of tb*f f i i l l t navigation law*, h* argaed,would be aaore helpful. Aa a question

rnrnr.TT said he, the ptopoasdpolicy, i* objectionable, aod b* aamswseveral reasons for thia

. DoaglaaB Dnke.tbs polioy. declared that the Amerl

fUg i* hardly known at th* greet,piog port, of tb* world aad that

other ootutriee had foead that thiscy m» ! • ! iiasul UM number ofr shipping eemela. Th* last

apaak*r wa* Gbariee B. Dolliver'boa* soLaMftw was to show that th*.uae of the prosperity of tbe shipping

maria* of otber eatjoas ia aot dee tothe policy of aubsidira. Th* repeal ofantiquated aavigatioa laws of Oraa*Britain ia responsible for tbe • m l b a tcondition of ita oommeiea. Fl—ni.with ell it. se.faa.4iea, la behiad theUaited Statea, la thim ftapact. aaid he.Tb* United State, be dotOaied, badtried tb* policy u a it did oot gi»«aatisfactory r.-anli*. Mr. Drang*aammed *p for UM aegativ* aad Mr.Drak* followed lor UM l l l n i i l l t *

Alter rr-Tiewing tb* varioaa pointsmade by the debase**, Mr. OUy mad*

vision in favor of those

oa Biff Pood, ia Pat-Georgf Klllam aad I were

tlBhlnf throat* the trr. Oae of my-Jp-wpa had tipped with a rim that••niy a btjr n»h routtl put iatu a lip-up, aad tbe mlaate 1 (Tabbed theline and bearan to baal la I kaew UMbcM« pickerel m on tbe hook.

"Ili* pirkerei like that are apt aotto U a j oa tbe book • treat while,and If >uu n u t to mad 'em JOBdoa't want to |rtr* Vm a>n«h time todaily with the hook, aad at the U Mtinw you waat to be roirbly carefulhow joa baal >m «p from below andant of UM hole t* the ice.

-I alda't (ri.e tkJa fellow any aaotwtlane t k t i I thoafrbl waa nEnpiaaryfor him l o p t i pMd hold on thehook, aad 1 waa bannaa; him ap with-out any delay o the haaUaa;. I hadpol him where I rooJd see him aar |taf la the water aad doina; hia beeto f*t IOOB*. aad hla Jaws atood oprlike I I allljratOT-'a.

-•OoahlaBiirhty!' aaid I. Hr* th*«<uUT ot 'em all.-

-Ju.t them I B<-ard a.>nM>ihiaa; thatt hadn't expected to hear, but I ka*winMaatly what It waa. It wa* UMplaiaU** blsai that a doe deer ft***wb*M la horror or pain. I forgot

1b* bi|t pickerel. I droppedthe line, aad It went wblnlaa; backthroajrh tbe hole la the tcv.

"I looked In the dtrerUoa fromwhich UM cry of Ibe deer had com*.A (rearter of a mile away, aear UM•>pp*r e d c of the pood. 1 aaw UMdoe. Rhe waa a bla: oee. aad wea•trujrrlinjr oai the ire with Uu-eahounds, which had chaaed sod rap-t»red her.

"I started o«i a ran toward thedeer, hoping to |-i-I t* her la time

~>e dofn and aa**-

Although far from th* L*od of tbe.Haather where hla earn* la loved andrespected, tba Scots of thia City do no"loo* Bight Of tba birtbday of "Bobbie*Burna. the j l l l l l l of all Scottishpoew. Kaon yaar tb*y ob-erredwith proper ooreaBaoiea. bat athave been more enjoyable .baa tba

in Skandi*. Hall.The festivities w e n uader tb* eaa-

ptoae of UM TbiatU Club to whichall Of Plainaeld'a prominent Ibelong. Councilman William Owas the master of ceremonies aad aBsoat [admirable one b* waa. U:hia direetioa an informal programme

' of •oaga, reels, apeecbea aod laetre-•aohaa only Soota

ran Kire « ,d e»joy,boansMat plaaaatly

AmooR UMM* who oOBtribatod toUM ereBtiaff'a aaJoymeBt w e n ' ' ChteT'Alexaoder Mr Doff. Mr. aatd Mra. WilUam WUaoa, Mr. aa4 Mra. WilliamOray, Tbomaa Headry. Robert KPD

! a*r. Hand Bowdoa, Umgt Gray, atthU city, and Mia* Margaret Bitchmoad, of Hobokoa. A foatara of UMpruning wes the «orinf; of "Twnp.

middi* Willwith'tlt* eoBompeayiat; reel enTectv,

Duiing one of Ibe intermissions, ad-Joammeat waa taken to tbe baoqae.table wber* a collation pnpared byUM . U H W waa partaken of. Scotchdiabea including mutton plea aadScotch hagii were tber* ia abaadenoawhile other conndimenu made the re-past a delightful OB*.

1 Tb* anniversary cloeed with UM entire aaarmhlage singing "Amid Uvafa*se" with a betvrty good wi l l Tbeoommitt** In charge daring thning ooeaiated of James Coumetiand Mra. William Nloholaoa, Mr. and

, Mra. Tbonas LBeadry, Mr. aad Mra.

William Gray-

aad helpfal one aad at aba closej of those peeoeat thanked Mra.

Booth for ber talk. !

TALKED Olf JAPAH.Olvlalty Btadeat Mad* Addrei

at C. K. X**tlag of TTIBUJ

RaA»aa«.d Charrh.George Kort*linjr, a Miilrni i

Bntjfn1 Tbeotogical Seminary, weaptraaaau ot the oonaecratioaif UM Christian Eodeavor Society of

Trinity Reformed cfanrob Mondaying. He gave aa address tm Japaarhieh wea very intereaflng and

stimulating.M>a< fiadlc M. Scariag

loader at tbe a>f«Hii>g andthe


i rr.H.iB of Werlal

K. T J. W.the Perk Aveaee Baptist chereh,llrared a etrong sermon ftaaday eve-Blng oa the topic "Hall. What U It*Wbu* »i<l Ii

In the conn- of Im remarks, Mr.neaal many called to hare their <^}LXKm%. ^ ? * * ^ ' f ^ ' R t e b » r t - > - *-i« -»-* BeU

attrnded to. In aoma oa*aa UM " ia*ence befon- tbe world -,^^Vl b ^ e n T « ^ l S ^ i r " ' HE »AVVr °r ' M MU'r - ^ ih« U wa, . ptac. oo»pie4 I

well Md had giTea tb* pereoe. mad. ber m , , bu, , i«h o U Bb I got then la *»• " * » • " " ^ B - " " ^ _troable. Berer* caw* were rare. To- very quick time, and clubbed the geaetal Idea the! it wa.created after,day tb* free trniT-arnt began at UM dog, off cf In* doe, they had lajered *exd and declare* that God threaten,public .KbooU, although ao oa* was -*r *> b*.lly that I bad to kill her. to oast Into Hell such paraoaa a* d*treated without tbe of th* T f c * tmmm for legal killing of deer aot

% hat neither George Killsm I

tbe four oaaea aad these ccetina* toimprove erefy dey. Tb* Board ofHealth doaa not et prisial expect any j - Tboae lalWaal doge.' Mid I tofurther development of tba illn.ui ! Oeorge. *have t<at me th* landing ofEvery precaution baa baea taken UM bo. , plckerrl ot Big- Pood.' for I

M 11 So many p m w hav* hadnt the .tighte*t idea that th*beea vaccinated that la almost evny P*e««rel would »t«y on the hook aad

w corroi HOW.

T* baa b


IU IMOV* M.J 1—Where Tli-> O*.

Tb* qeanetl* of th* OiwaMvt Av*-nne chunb he* reaigoedL Tb* leaig-

my tip-op aed aaw it still in the air,I waa'y aurprised. butwben I took hold jf th* lla* to haulIt op and ziyi a Jerk that almostpuli*d me Into tor bo>. I eould hard-ly believe It MWM be. A setond Jerk,thoagh. woke me -p.

- •George.' I hollered. tiUmed If behaiu'i watted for mel'

Ckarrh Paper t* b* C*adact*dby Mia* ftmlth.

I Mim EIUIMWUM Smith who,some Urn* paat. baa been ehelper la tbe boaine*. oOee of theSabbath Recorder, h*s beea aaaignedto oew datiea. Commencing wtUtPabreary 1, ah* will h* editor-in-chief cf The Habbalb Vi«Hor, a chtl-dna ' i paper laeeed by the Ser«itb,DaylBaptlst Pablioatioa SOPIMT. Mia*Smith II greatly Interojtod lwork of UM children la thta dencdal-aatioo and with her guiding handUM paper la «are to b* on* of Interest


his >wa on m*. until 1 knocked bintMm Dettoa aad Mr*. MecBrid*, in ia the head with aa u .

all probability, will be beard la Hew ~*ow. lo aey a pickerel weighedYork rherrbea. Rhys TboMaa goes »'"* pound* tasy not H-em very big,to Brooklyn, w h e n be baa iminimi out h» a ro.intr* where. If a fellow " ~u e a g e g e m ^ t . aad Mr. Oarriagtoa « t * h * . - a * lh . t wrl«*a three poaa*» J J "

wtniwe aoloiat la Triaity cbap*l. [f " " » ^ . J l ^ , * ,*' £J±?\£Tl •*-

be Bald la 1Lmm,mm off P m a .Lod«» Krldaf flight.

There will be aa i n port aat mintingof Knlghu of Pythiaa, Priday thm rooow of Peneveraiice Lodg*.So. 74, K. Of P., when a depaiychancellor will be elected for dlMn*t Cbeaorllor Prank Put-term will expire Pebrmary It.

Member* of Unity Lode*. No. lOt.K. of P., era earneetly rrqeeatod to

That aaaa* nigiit Petve**-


Owing to a spv*re "tak*" of va*-laalloa. lUv. Dr.e«MV aa* Trial! y

Ilk* the ensRt#l*".B. ll wltletaefc afier r-malaleg epoa Mark a*nImr ehoei ball a mtnat*. bet apse a*^id-fMhioaed . « . « V . frae* Uv. eekmmi tnMI mimtmmm «w w>tley grerb«* of a we*rt»ei-wofw ralL Daaa •gnw* l«of the BMM llaard will ! • * • o%

of a gwaa-ih ii"t.

**w H.iMia.AaaaMla. U la. m l

la- Tvnk Amhnj IU««MIMaa. M. Xaal-. t l - Wa« t ^ i* i H W , will apra » taga*rta Aaiaov la UM M r fata

kaaajl•• Otaf.W M M *

»• n .

Keasas farmer* are fr«] a«t* tbeir ratil*. It la aaM thai ia th**baeea> of pretliaWe AeMs for laveet.aaeot tee gvaia-aala m—*y rh*<heMlag their arbva • for Wt tar p



awettng last Fnday al the Part AT,-mm BeptiM obanh wa. one of themoat intere-ting held la torn* timr.Mra. Dartd M. Buyoa waala "hergeMd after tb* opening excreta**, abelnt«dmoed Mn. Booth, a leterned

Mrs. Whi t teznore 8p«&lu El^.

qaently at W a r m . Chap«i




their work ta that land.They hav* orgMia»d h l n i n U

tboota ia Africa aad iastee* ot grlag UM aaflTae mwaey. they i m given

food, in retarnMra. Booth told of

people,: of tto Isare about Cbrlat aad of

their willingaoaa to work for theartidot given ia m u m

She Mid thai wttl* she aad ber bee-Bad have bee* in Africa they have

ostebisbfd fifty-two iodiistrUla schoolaad there bare baun nsarly MO

N am be red Bmnog tb* letter ai*of the roost earanH. nBcer* aoa

devoted Chriatioo* to be found any •ft*r onoe Ittaraiag about

ObriM and UM pnocipin* Of Chris-tianity they welcome tbe change from.he old luperMitioa*.

After UM •aallan Mm. Booth ex-iibit*d many oariea incloding UM

Ala* of a leopard, aaake, babe mihit* oat Sbe alee exfaibiM m»aaa of UM -•f i l ing worm by UM

UM close of t t e

ed to the roll aad tbe aottiety _by a reqaaet from Mlas 8arah

Onrry, of New Tork, to b* 'placed oatba hoaocary roll of tbe aoci *ty.

r e a d *f laf*i melihaTb* «srreat lose* of tba Plreaaai

Hrruld aaya: »TgurtT Saltajtaan, ftmeriy ohief of Plainficld. N. J., whowas appniated by UM late PreaideniMcKinlfy aad th* Chiefs' Aeaociatioi

Ualted States aad inCre serricf at the Berlin Pirvmeti'i

litlon itMt May. who lias aiao*t o u t s * Barope, r*tera*4to Ihla

oaaatry on Ib* Vaderland Teeoday of• w i t h * faad of

informatloo coaeerning foreign I

department* •

Mew r\tf f thv P1nUm«IHTb* I I IJI I of the Hot*-!

PUinfleld aimoaaope tba ragagemratB. 8. D. MoKeaeU ' ea cbef.

Mr. MeKaauie waa formerty M UMPleae Hotel, Kifty ninth street.New Tork, aad be tnoro4ghly anderaUnds his be s. aaaa, He am

give their per-

partneaj. Theaerric* is marked aad tb* ——'- atthia hotel are aar* to b* a ffetere.

Pejmaal wt Death BaaeBt.D. W. UtteU, treaaewr of Plainfleldouncil. No. 711, Royal Arcuum. baa

received a ebaek bom E. K. Sklaater.MBior, for IB.00D, as pay-

for UM death claim ot tb* lateJohn D. Titrvonh. who waa aber ot tbe ebon Oonncil. The cbeck

reoeiTad jmm alz day* after tbethe proof of thl ~

mailed from Plaialeld.

William Gkaey, of « W Bstreet, who recently cr*kh*dfinger whil* at work at the Pond ToolWortu, Is not yet able to rMara to blax-iitlon. Blood poison 1MS aot ia .tadhe physlriaa 1* rDdeavonag to cheek

it aa qmickly as poeriblo bvabre It ex-tends too Mr.

The Tooac PriOBoa' Aeaoriationwill hold a regular maatlas] Wed*day *Ts«iag. Pebtrmary ft, w b n

to bt (

•ionary work %in New Tork aE. M. WhitPriday ereaiag. wee l1BIB.II aad atteottre c ^over an boar, Mr*. Wkttt«-mar*, a-kaia the m|inewlili bead of tb* Dear otHope, oa Beat Bittr-am MM,talked of ber eiprrveace* dann, th,y*a»*he ba* labored to w d n a ibawu f a m i u t c ereataree, and her m.aaarka ahoved ttau she n makiag ,life's work of UM taak

Iatbe coarse of her talk abe toldaway pathetic Incideata in UM htmof frightfully dtasipated mortal*, whoa

aaid. were fjatjoatfj aaore aaBujadajBlnot than - • — » t Is all KewTork. ab* aeomroi, there ere N.M

dowa Md only Ire, like tbe Door otHop*, where they may be raisad ap.Thia *utoBMwt ah* bawd oa o


tare*. She adaninistrrrd a rebuke totboae who brush by these talk*

with a look of snore, neveriking of tbeir dnry to belp them.

Tb* work by tbe Door of Hope waadwelt upon at some length by ber. It

aad daring that period ah* haa trtnsolicited rend* for tb* perpaas ef iumaintenance, relyiag wholly ea «el-aatary a a t a p f Uh

lona. AU the otaroafh herlertare* arederotedto thtgeoeral miaaionary c a w A aemfcerof pamphleta eoaoenuac UM work ahaU doing u d atf-odisg i. in aiBtaarriin th* QOBTewaonof thtaa fallea w -


t ie* Asaiaatt las

A Beit for *5,000 JamigiB. haa beealaatttated by Patrolman Herbrrt O w -baagh agsinM laaae Browa. Jr., «f

cbang avenae. Tbe claim U for• p n M for alleged injarke r*

oaived Wednesday, DeeeaaberJ*.Mr. Brow* diwhargvd tb* eeaMoM

of a abot g n and aoane of th* skatUl Mr. trrrrbaugh. At the uav afbe acrideaf. tbe patrolman en* :*'-etigatlag tbe oaase of noises ia Mr.a v w i ' i yard. Th* latter declare* hiborgbttb* officer to be a chiekca


Chiefs ef This Ceaatry aad (•*•*•

Birhard SylveeCvr, of Washingta*.D. C . prea* dont of the entaaimesw.of Chief* of Police of th* TJaHe*Statea aod " f i ' i baa aeaoaefdthat t t e annael convention will heheld ia LoaiaviU*. Ky . May L

Chiefs of poUee from all over theooaatry will be ia ale aot at all im

ie ly will be


Trialty «£.•• Wall

ChrlBtten Eadeovor Dey wiU he oa-aavred Moadaj eveaiaa; by UM TriaityBeform-d eban-h sortety aad PormrrPreaidnrt Kdajw P. thrpmvt will kadth* tot-Ming

How Heath* Chriatia* Kadi**-*Beeietr H-lp*d Me la My ChnstMeUf* ead la My Ctrareh Uf*" wtU k*


inimoa win faux* cka. TUttS AK KLFEO.