The computer science group at the GSSI - Main achievements...

The computer science group at the GSSI Main achievements since November 2016 and perspectives Luca Aceto Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila, and ICE-TCS, School of Computer Science, Reykjavik University 13 November 2017 Luca Aceto CS at GSSI 1 / 14

Transcript of The computer science group at the GSSI - Main achievements...

The computer science group at the GSSIMain achievements since November 2016 and perspectives

Luca AcetoGran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila, and

ICE-TCS, School of Computer Science, Reykjavik University

13 November 2017

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Scientific project and three-year PhD programme

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Scientific project and three-year PhD programme

Interacting heterogeneousdistributed systems

Need for research on

algorithmic foundations of(modern) networks,

specification and analysis ofconcurrent reactive systems,and

software systems andservices.

By whom?

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CS at GSSI: Students

Forty-two students so far (7/42 female, 14/42 from abroad).

XXIX cycle (since 2013): seven students (three have finishedand the others will defend by December);

XXX cycle (since 2014): nine students (two will finish inDecember);

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CS at GSSI: Students

Forty-two students so far (7/42 female, 14/42 from abroad, 9 willhave finished by the end of this year).

XXIX cycle (since 2013): seven students (three have finishedand the others will defend by December);

XXX cycle (since 2014): nine students (two will finish inDecember);

XXXI cycle (since 2015): nine students (all admitted to thethird year);

XXXII cycle (since 2016): nine students (all but one admittedto the second year);

XXXIII cycle (since 2017): eight students including fourfemale and four foreign students (selected from 471applications).

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CS at GSSI: Students

Forty-two students so far (7/42 female, 14/42 from abroad).

XXIX cycle (since 2013): seven students (three have finishedand the others will defend by December);XXX cycle (since 2014): nine students (two will finish inDecember);XXXI cycle (since 2015): nine students (all admitted to thethird year);XXXII cycle (since 2016): nine students (all but one admittedto the second year);XXXIII cycle (since 2017): eight students including fourfemale and four foreign students (selected from 471applications).

Facts of life

That’s a sizeable number of students to supervise.It would be desirable to increase the number of foreign and femalestudents.

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CS at GSSI: Scientific board of the PhD programme forthe XXXIII cycle

Luca Aceto (Reykjavik University, Iceland)

Antonia Bertolino (ISTI-CNR, Pisa)

Gianlorenzo D’Angelo (GSSI)

Roberto Di Cosmo (Universite Paris Diderot, France)

Beniamino Di Martino (Universita della Campania “L.Vanvitelli”)

Michele Flammini (GSSI and Universita dell’Aquila)

Paolo Prinetto (Politecnico di Torino)

Luca Trevisan (UC Berkeley and Simons Institute for theTheory of Computing, USA)

See the ‘CS-at-GSSI PhD Rules’, also for the rules governing theevaluation of PhD theses in CS.

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CS at GSSI: Learning environment

Exciting courses and seminars offered by top-notchresearchers. For example, see the upcoming visits by

Thomas Henzinger (president of IST Austria) andKim G. Larsen.

Regular seminars by external/internal faculty and students.

Training in basic research skills (writing papers, giving talksand reviewing).

Mentoring by, and research cooperation with, facultymembers.


Young researchers are provided with early-career autonomy in anurturing environment.

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CS at GSSI: Faculty

‘Mr. President, the faculty are notemployees of the University—theyare the University.’ (Isidor Isaac Rabito Dwight D. Eisenhower)

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CS at GSSI: Faculty

‘Mr. President, the faculty are notemployees of the University—theyare the University.’ (Isidor Isaac Rabito Dwight D. Eisenhower)


Two professors, one RTD-B researcher (tenure-track assistantprofessor), one RTD-A researcher (non-tenure-track assistantprofessor) and two postdoctoral researchers.

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CS at GSSI: Faculty

‘Mr. President, the faculty are notemployees of the University—theyare the University.’ (Isidor Isaac Rabito Dwight D. Eisenhower)

Summary and preliminary self-assessment

Two professors, one RTD-B researcher (tenure-track assistantprofessor), one RTD-A researcher (non-tenure-track assistantprofessor) and two postdoctoral researchers. We must grow and doso soon and ‘well’ !

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Impact on the research community: Alumni


Ivano Malavolta: Assistant Professor (tenure track) at VrijeUniversity Amsterdam.

Mattia D’Emidio: RTD-A researcher (non-tenure-trackassistant professor) at the Universita dell’Aquila.

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Impact on the research community: Alumni


Alkida Balliu: Postdoc at Aalto University, Finland (from 1January 2018).

Matteo Catena: Postdoc at ISTI CNR, Pisa, Italy.

Dennis Olivetti: Postdoc at Aalto University, Finland (from 1January 2018).

Feliciano Colella: Video game developer at Square EnixEurope, UK.

Lorenzo Severini: Researcher at ISI Foundation, Torino, Italy.

Yllka Velaj: Postdoc at the Universita Chieti-Pescara, Italy.

Cosimo Vinci: Postdoc at the Universita dell’Aquila, Italy.

Yuriy Zacchia Lun: Postdoc at the Universita dell’Aquila, Italy.

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Impact on the research community: Alumni

Preliminary self-assessment

There seems to be a market for our alumni in academia andindustry.

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Impact on the research community: Awards and honours

Gianlorenzo D’Angelo: Best Italian Young Researcher inTheoretical Computer Science Award 2016 given by the ItalianChapter of the European Association for TheoreticalComputer Science (EATCS).

Omar Inverso: Gold and Silver medals in 2016, and Silver andBronze medals in 2017 in the Concurrency category of theSoftware Verification Competition held at TACAS.

Catia Trubiani: Microsoft Azure Research Award for theproject DESPACE (DEtecting and Solving PerformanceAntipatterns in Cloud Enviroments)

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Impact on the research community: Awards and honours

Gianlorenzo D’Angelo: Best Italian Young Researcher inTheoretical Computer Science Award 2016 given by the ItalianChapter of the European Association for TheoreticalComputer Science (EATCS).Omar Inverso: Gold and Silver medals in 2016, and Silver andBronze medals in 2017 in the Concurrency category of theSoftware Verification Competition held at TACAS.Catia Trubiani: Microsoft Azure Research Award for theproject DESPACE (DEtecting and Solving PerformanceAntipatterns in Cloud Enviroments)Luca Aceto (selected):

Member of Academia Europaea and of the Icelandic Academyof SciencesChair of the LIPIcs (Leibniz International Proceedings inInformatics) Editorial BoardInvited speaker at the 8th International Symposium on Games,Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification (GandALF’17) andat Types and Logic in Torino (TLT’17)

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Impact on the research community: Best paper awards

Catia Trubiani, Achraf Ghabi and Alexander Egyed.‘Exploiting Traceability Uncertainty between SoftwareArchitectural Models and Performance Analysis Results’,European Conference on Software Architecture, 2015.

Matteo Catena, Craig Macdonald, Iadh Ounis. ‘On InvertedIndex Compression for Search Engine Efficiency’. EuropeanConference on IR Research, Advances in InformationRetrieval, 2014.

Stefano Ruberto, Leonardo Vanneschi, Mauro Castelli, SaraSilva. ‘ESAGP - A Semantic GP Framework Based onAlignment in the Error Space’. European Conference onGenetic Programming, 2014.

Preliminary self-assessment

These are pretty good achievements for a young and small researchteam. More to come!

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Impact on the research community: Publications sinceNovember 2016

By numbers (likely an under-approximation)

86 peer-reviewed publications, broken down thus:

Edited volumes: 7

Book chapters: 3

Journal papers: 19

Conference and workshop papers: 57

See this link (under development) for the full list of publicationssince the start of the GSSI adventure.

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Impact on the research community: Publications sinceNovember 2016

Qualitative assessment (by proxy)

Journal papers in top journals such as FMSD, Information andComputation, Journal of Software: Practice and Experience,TCS . . .

Conference papers in high-quality conferences, such as AAAI,AAMAS, CONCUR, DISC, ESA, FSTTCS, ICALP, MFCS,SIROCCO, SOFSEM, STACS . . .

Substantial editorial and organizational activity.

See this link (under development) for the full list of publicationssince the start of the GSSI adventure.

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Impact on the research community: Events

Events organized at the GSSI

SIROCCO 2019: 26th International Colloquium on StructuralInformation and Communication Complexity (in cooperationwith Universita dell’Aquila).

SEA 2018: 17th International Symposium on ExperimentalAlgorithms.

QUDOS 2017: International Workshop on Quality-AwareDevOps (QUDOS).

SAGT 2017: 10th International Symposium on AlgorithmicGame Theory.

GSSI Summer Meeting on Algorithms 2017: Meeting onAlgorithmic Game Theory, Algorithms, Games and Markets.

GSSI Summer Meeting on Algorithms 2016.

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Impact on the research community: Events

Memberships of editorial boards for journals and of programcommittees for conferences and workshops

Editorial and advisory boards of journals/proceeding series: Atleast 5

PC (co-)chairs: 3 in 2017 and 3 in 2018

PC membership: 16 in 2017 and 10 in 2018

Preliminary self-assessment

Our peers seem to think that we are good and trustworthy citizens.

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Networking and collaborations

MoUs with other institutions

Aalborg University (about to be signed)

Charles University Prague

George Mason University

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Reykjavik University

University of Chicago

Vrije University Amsterdam

Gentleman’s agreements regarding internships with Apple,Fraunhofer CESE, Google, IST Austria and UC Berkeley, amongstmany others.

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Networking and collaborations

MoUs with other institutions

Aalborg University (about to be signed)

Charles University Prague

George Mason University

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Reykjavik University

University of Chicago

Vrije University Amsterdam

Gentleman’s agreements regarding internships with Apple,Fraunhofer CESE, Google, IST Austria and UC Berkeley, amongstmany others.

Coauthors (source DBLP)

Researchers in the CS group have coauthored publications withover 300 scientists from all over the world.

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Networking and collaborations

Preliminary self-assessment

IMHO, we are already punching well above our weight, but there isroom for improvement by achieving critical mass.

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Ongoing grants

Ongoing grants (my dote to CS at GSSI)

‘Theoretical foundations formonitorability’ (TheoFoMon), Projectgrant of the Icelandic Research Fund(approx. 200K euros), 2016–2018.

‘Nominal Structural OperationalSemantics’, Project grant of the IcelandicResearch Fund (approx. 240K euros).(Formally over, but funding still availableand research still ongoing)

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Ongoing grant applications

Submitted grant applications (approx. 1, 666K euros)

PREMuRA and RASTA PON grant proposals (approx. 400Keuros each for CS at GSSI).

Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship application (Catia Trubiani,approx. 80K euros).

‘Open problems in the equational logic of processes’ (OPEL),Project grant of the Icelandic Research Fund (approx. 457Keuros).

‘Epistemic logic for distributed monitoring’, PostdoctoralFellowship application to the Icelandic Research Fund(approx. 244K euros).

‘Developing theoretical foundations for runtime enforcement’,Doctoral student grant application to the Icelandic ResearchFund (approx. 85K euros).

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The future

“Det er svært at spa — især om fremtiden.”

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The future

“Det er svært at spa — især om fremtiden.”

Recruitment: We must grow soon and ‘well’ ! How?

We have reached an agreement to hire an associate professorworking in the UK in 2018 (linking FM and SE research).

We plan to open a call for a full professor in the area ofAlgorithms.

There will be calls for several RTD-A and postdoctoralpositions.

Goal: Bring in fresh blood and new perspectives, while maintaininga good degree of scientific integration. (See J. RogersHollingsworth’s research on organizations that make majorbreakthroughs.)

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The future

“Det er svært at spa — især om fremtiden.”

Attracting very good students

We will continue extending our network of partner universities.

Joint/double PhD programmes.

Supervising bright master students from neighouringuniversities and opening some of our courses to masterstudents.

Offering internships to bright students from all over the world.

Advertising all our events as broadly as possible.

. . .

Goal: Build a brand name. Our currency is reputation!

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The ‘Rogers Hollingsworth playbook’:

Recruitment and promotion

Rich learning environment


Organizational flexibility andautonomy (weak rule book)

∞ and beyond!

Thank you!

See for more information on CS at GSSI.

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The ‘Rogers Hollingsworth playbook’:

Recruitment and promotion

Rich learning environment


Organizational flexibility andautonomy (weak rule book)

∞ and beyond!

Thank you!

See for more information on CS at GSSI.

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