The compound MF-3 was obtained as...

[124] The compound MF-3 was obtained as chromatographically homogeneous yellow crystalline compound, mp.272-274 o , analysed for C 27 H 30 O 16 . It was cyrstallised from methanol. The purity and homogeneity was ascertained by tlc on cellulose plate. The compound gave positive Molisch‟s test 1 and but did not reduced fehling solution nor gave positive test with AHP 2 reagent, suggesting that the reducing group of the sugar is not free and is probably involved in glycosidic linkage. The compound was hydrolysed with 7% H 2 SO 4 and an aglycone along with two sugars were obtained. The sugars were identified as D-glucose and L-rhamnose by tlc. In order to study the molecular size of the aglycone , glycoside was thus subjected to systematic analysis. AGLYCONE : The aglycone mp 312-314 0 C was analysed for C 15 H 10 O 7 and responded the following colour reactions characteristic of flavonoids. Colour Reaction: 1. The ethanolic solution of the compound gave violet colour with aqueous solution of ferric chloride (FeCl 3 ) indicating the polyphenolic 3 nature of compound.

Transcript of The compound MF-3 was obtained as...


The compound MF-3 was obtained as chromatographically

homogeneous yellow crystalline compound, mp.272-274o, analysed for

C27H30O16. It was cyrstallised from methanol. The purity and homogeneity

was ascertained by tlc on cellulose plate.

The compound gave positive Molisch‟s test1 and but did not reduced

fehling solution nor gave positive test with AHP2 reagent, suggesting that

the reducing group of the sugar is not free and is probably involved in

glycosidic linkage. The compound was hydrolysed with 7% H2SO4 and an

aglycone along with two sugars were obtained.

The sugars were identified as D-glucose and L-rhamnose by tlc. In

order to study the molecular size of the aglycone , glycoside was thus

subjected to systematic analysis.


The aglycone mp 312-3140C was analysed for C15H10O7 and

responded the following colour reactions characteristic of flavonoids.

Colour Reaction:

1. The ethanolic solution of the compound gave violet colour with

aqueous solution of ferric chloride (FeCl3) indicating the

polyphenolic3 nature of compound.


2. Aglycone did not show any colour reaction or ppt. formation, with 2,4

dinitrophenyl hydrazine reagent4 indicating the absence of unhindered

carbonyl group.

3. Alc. solution on treatment with Mg-HCl developed pink colour.

(Shinoda Flavonols)5.

4. It did not get reduced by sodium borohydrate6 indicating the absence

of flavonone skeleton.

5. It gave yellow orange solution with conc. H2SO4 suggested flavone or

flavonol skeleton7.

6. It gave positive Pews test8-9

(Zn+HCl) showed its flavonol nature.

(presence of 3-OH-group).

7. On treatment with a solution of boric acid in the presence of citric

acid in acetone gave yellow colour12-13

(presence of free 5-OH-group).

8. When alc. solution was treated with vanilline HCl, a red colour


(presence of 5,7, dihydroxy system).

9. Upon exposing the chromatogram to UV light, yellow violet

fluorescence appeared41


10. Yellow green fluorescence developed and UV light, when the spot of

its solution was sprayed with ethanolic AlCl3 and zirconium oxy

chloride separately on a strip of filter paper14



11. Positive colour reaction was observed with boric acid and sodium



These reactions are characteristic of 3-hydroxy flavones (flavonols),

so the compound must have got a flavonol nucleus (I)


The compound its absorption maxima at 370 and 255 nm18-19

. The

shifting patterns of these bonds by Aluminum chloride16

(with and without

HCl) sodium acetate22

and sodium acetate/boric acid43-44

were suggestive of

a penta hydroxy flavone of flavonol type.

The IR spectrum of the compound exhibited a peak at 3310 cm-1 45

which indicates the presence of OH-grouping. The hydroxyl groups were

estimated by acetylation with acetic anhydride and pyridine, there by

showing the presence of five hydroxyl groups in the compound.


Thus out of the seven oxygen, five are present as hydroxyls, and two

in flovone nucleus hence the compound is obviously a penta hydroxy

flovone and the structure of this could tentatively by represented as (II).


The UV spectrum of aglycone showed a maxima at 258, 304,372 nm,

which was typical for flavones and the 5-OH was identified by the

banthochromic shift (40nm) observed after addition of AlCl3/HCl to a

methanolic solution of aglycone 46








Spectral Studies:

Table - I

UV Spectral data of aglycone

The IR spectrum showed absorption band are 3407 cm-1

that is

characteristic of OH group 3310cm-1

. Absorption at 1665.85 cm-1

is due to

>C=O chelated. Other absorption frequencies include 1610.45, 1562, 1522

and 1453.59 as a result for ring system. The absorption frequency 1262.29


for C-O-C- vibration and 822.70cm-1

signifies in -C-H in CH2.

Medium of Spectrum Bond position in nm



258,304 sh,372,

+NaOMe 248 sh, 320d,

+AlCl3 275,304 sh,333,460

+AlCl3/HCl 265,301sh,360,430

+Na OAc 257 sh,274,330,390,

+ NaOAc/H3BO3 261,301sh,390.


Table – II

IR spectral data of aglycone

S.N. Peak cm-1


1 3310.58 - OH

2 1665.85 C=O (chelated)

3 1610.45,




ring system.

4 1262.29 C-O-C-vibration

5 822.70 -C-H in CH2



1H NMR spectrum showed the presence of five aromatic protons. Two

protons were meta coupled and appeared as doublets at 6.17 (1H,d,J=2.0 Hz)

and 6.37 (1H,d,J=2.0Hz) ppm, assignable to H-6 and H-8 respectively. One

meta coupled doublet at 7.70) ppm (1H,d,J=8.0`Hz) corresponds to the H-5`

and a double doublet integrating for two protons at 7. 73 (1H,dd,J=2.0,7.5)

and 7.62 ppm (1H,d,J=2.0Hz) was attributed to the H-2` and H-6` protons.

Table – III

1H NMR chemical shifts of the aglycone ppm from TMS

(CDCl3+DMSO d6 300 MHz)

Assignments Chemical Shift ( :ppm) J-Value (Hz)

H-6 6.17 (1H,d) 2.0

H.8 6.37 2.0

H-5` 6.87 (1H,d) 8.0

H-2` 7.73 (1H,d) 2.0

H-6` 7.62 (1H,dd) 2.0,7.5

The 13

C NMR spectra revealed 15 carbon signals typical of flavonoids

nucleus. The low field signal at 176.3 ppm was due to the carbonyl group at

C-4 and C-2 (156.6) ppm was down field shifted28





Table – IV


NMR chemical shifts of the aglycone ppm from TMS

(CDCl3+DMSO – 300 MHz)

Assignment Chemical Shift

C-2 156.6

C-3 136.2

C-4 176.3

C-5 161.2

C-6 98.8

C-7 164.5

C-8 93.7

C-9 148.2

C-10 103.4

C-1` 120.4

C-2` 116.1

C-3` 145.5

C-4` 147.5

C-5` 115.5

C-6` 122.4




( III)

This is finally confirmed from the 13


The important fragmentation pattern obtained in the electron impact

mass spectrum of the aglycone and the different species obtained during

fragmentation are shown in the (scheme-I) and were found to be in complete

accord with the structure assigned to it.

Mass : m/z 302 [M+], 301, 274, 273, 153, 152, 134, 132, 124.



R.D.A Cleavag


m/z - 302

m/z - 301

m/z - 274

m/z - 273

m/z - 134

m/z - 132 m/z - 124

m/z - 152

Scheme - I



Alkaline Degradation of the Aglycone :

The aglycone on fusion with 50% ethanolic KOH gave two

compounds identified as protocatechuic acid molecular formula C7H6O4,

mp.198-199, M+154 and phloroglucinol molecular formula C6H6O3,

mp. 117-118, M+ 126.

1H NMR spectrum of penta acetyl derivative of the aglycone:

The 1H NMR spectrum of penta acetyl derivative of the aglycone was

found to be in complete conformity with the above structure.

The significant signals obtained in 1H NMR spectrum of the penta

acetyl derivative of the aglycone and structural unit inferred with the help of

available literature47-48

are given below in the table (V).

Protocatechuic acid



Table – V

1H NMR chemical shifts of the penta acetyl of aglycone

ppm from TMS



Assignments chemical shift

( :ppm)

J-Value (Hz)

1 H-2` 7.35 (1H,d) 2.5

2 H-6` 7.65 (1H,dd) 2.5,9.0

3 H-5` 7.00 (1H,d) 9.0

4 H-6 6.50 (1H,d) 2.4

5 H-8 6.53 (1H,d) 2.0

6 OAc – 3` 2.44 (3H,s) ---

7 OAc – 4` 2.33 (3H,s) ---

8 OAc – 7 2.40(3H,s) ---

9 OAc – 5 2.39 (3H,s) ---

10 OAc - 3 2.50(3H,s) ---



The glycoside C27H30O16 on hydrolysis gave the aglycone C15H10O7

and rhamnose along with glucose as sugar moieties.

C27H30O16 C15H10O7 + C6H12O5 + C6H12O6

aglycone rhamnose glucose

Quantitative sugar estimation29-30

confirmed the presence of two moles

of sugar per mole of glycoside was done by procedure of Mishra and Rao31

which indicated that the sugars were present in the ratio of 1:1. The two

sugars might be linked to two different hydroxyl groups of the aglycone as a

diglycoside or they might be attached mutually and linked to the aglycone at

one of the hydroxyl group as a bioside. Complete structural elucidation of

the compound MF-3, was determined by its chemical analysis diagnostic UV

shift 1H NMR and

13C NMR spectra.


Position of sugar linkage :

By comparing the UV spectra of aglycone and the glycoside, the

position of sugar moieties to the aglycone was fixed at position C-3, on the

basis of following points.


1. UV absorption data and spectral shift upon addition of AlCl3 and H3BO3

indicated the presence of – OH groups at C-3` and C-4` position in the

aglycone and and glycoside.51-52

2. Banthochromic shift with AlCl3 and CH3COONa indicated the presence

of –OH groups at C-5 and C-7 in the aglycone, and the glycoside.

3. Yellow fluorescence of the aglycone in UV light and the spectral shift

with AlCl3 in presence of HCl relative to band I in MeOH suggested a

free 3-OH group in the aglycone.32

But the C-3-OH group was shown to

be absent by the UV spectrum of glycoside, as it did not show any

florescence and no shift in band I in methanol.23,25

This was further confirmed by the comparision of the glycoside and

aglycone by subjecting them to test for flavonols. In this test the glycoside

failed to respond the test for flavonols (3-hydroxyl group) where as the

aglycone does well.

As there is only one possible site available for glycosylation. Hence it

might be expedient to conclude here that the sugars are present as bioside

type and linked to the aglycone at position-353



Nature of the sugar linkage:

The 1H NMR spectral shift (table –VI) of the glycoside displayed two

anomeric proton signals at 5.47 (1H,d, J=2 Hz) and 4.45, (1H,d, J=7 Hz)

ppm, these were attributed to H-1`` glucosyl and H-1``` rhamnosyl protons

respectively. A broad signal at 3.60-4.30 ppm integrating for 10 protons

corresponds to the rest of the sugar protons. The rhamnose methyl signal

appeared at 0.90 (br, J=6Hz, 3 H) ppm attributed to the (1 6) linkage

between rhamnose and glucose.

The conclusion was further confirmed by the permethylation of the

glycoside by Hakomori‟s Mehtod40

followed by hydrolysis. The partly

methylated sugar thus obtained were identified as 2,3,4, tri-o-methyl

D-glucose and 2,3,4, tri-o- methyl L- rhamnose by comparing their RG value

with 2,3,4,6 – methyl D- glucose as reference sugar (n BuOH: EtOH: H2O,

5:1:4 RG = 0. 65 and 1.02 respectively spray AHP). As the reducing group

of both the sugar was involved in glycosidic linkage, the glycoside was non

reducing in nature.

Easy hydrolysis eliminated the possibility of any C-C-type glycosidic

linkage and suggested the C-O-C type of linkage.


Per iodate oxidation of the glycoside with all the hydroxyl group

methylated, consumed three mole of per iodate and liberated one mole of

formic acid per mole of glycoside methyl ether. From this observation it has

evident that the two sugars are present as bioside in their pyranose form.

For determining the sequence of sugars in disaccharide unit, mild acid

hydrolysis of the glycoside was carried out using 1% HCl. The course of

hydrolysis was progressively followed at regular interval of time by testing

the hydrolysate for two sugars. It was found that rhamnose made its

appearance first and it was only after some time that glucose could be

detected, there by indicating that rhamnose is the terminal sugar and glucose

is directly attached to aglycone.

Table – VI

1H NMR chemical shift of the glycoside ppm from TMS

(DMSO + CDCl3 300 MHz)

Assignments chemical shift ( :ppm) J-Value (Hz)

H-2` 7.82 (1H,d) 2.0

H-6` 7.57 (1H,dd) 2.0, 7.5

H-5` 6.85 (1H,d) 8.0

H-6 6.12 (1H,d) 2.4


H-8 6.30 (1H,d) 2.0, Hz

H-1``-glucose 5.18 (1H,d) 7.6

H-1```-rhamnosyl 4.38 (1H,d) 2.0

Sugar protons 3.60-3.85 (4H,br,m) ---

rhamnose methyl 0.90 (2H,br,m) 6.3 Hz

rhamnose protons 3.20-3.70 (4H,m)



After assigning the sugar protons in the 1H NMR spectrum, the

aromatic protons may easily be encountered. The two upfield meta coupling

doublets at 6.12 (1H, d, J= 2.4) and 6. 30 (1H,d, J=2.0 Hz) ppm were

assignable to the H-6 and H-8 protons of ring A. The meta coupled doublet

at 6.85 (1H,d, J=8.0 Hz) were assignable to proton H-5` the doublet of

two protons at 7.82 (1H,d, J= 2.0) and 7.57 (1H,dd,2.0, 7.5 Hz) were

assigned to the H-2` and H-6` protons as they were absorbed at low field.

1H NMR spectrum of deca acetyl derivative of the glycoside:

The 1H NMR spectrums the deca acetyl derivative of the glycoside

was found to be in complete confirming with the glycoside. The significant

signals obtained in the 1H NMR spectrum of the deca acetyl derivative of the


glycoside and the structural units inferred with the help of available

literature are given in the Table – VII

Table – VII

1H NMR chemical shifts of the deca acetyl of glycoside

ppm from TMS


N. Assignments

chemical shift

( :ppm) J-Value (Hz)

1 H-2` 7.35 (1H,d) 2.5

2 H-6` 7.65 (1H,dd) 2.5,9.0

3 H-5` 7.00 (1H,d) 9.0

4 H-6 6.50 (1H,d) 2.4

5 H-8 6.53 (1H,d) 2.0

6 OAc – 3` 2.44 (3H,s) ---

7 OAc – 4` 2.33 (3H,s) ---

8 OAc – 7 2.40(3H,s) ---

9 OAc – 5 2.39 (3H,s) ---

10 H-1`` of glucose 4.32 (1H,d) 7.0

11 protons of glucosyl unit 3.5-4.30 (6H,m) ---

12 H-1``` of rhamnose 5.47 (1H,d) 2.0

13 ``rhamnose methyl 0.78 (3H,m) 6.0

14 protons of rhamnose 4.66 -5.30 (4H,m) --

15 OAc – 2`` 2.00 (3H,s) --

16 OAc – 3`` 2.00 (3H,s) --

17 OAc – 4`` 1.94 (3H,s) --

18 OAc – 2``` 2.04 (3H,s) --


19 OAc – 3``` 2.15 (3H,s) --

20 OAc – 4``` 1.96 (3H,s) --

The 13

C NMR spectrum (300 MHz, DMSO d6 + CDCl3) gave 27

carbon signals which indicated the presence of 15 carbon signals due to the

flavonol skeleton. We found that both C-2 (158.02) and C-4 (179.66) were

down field shifted while C-3 (134.43) was up field shifted, demonstrating

glycosylation at C-3. The 134.43 confirmed that the C-3 was linked to the

glycosyl chain. In the 13

C NMR spectrum the C-6`` (glucose) was downfield

shifted at the c 68.81, inferring that the glycosylation of the glucose unit

by the rhamnopyranosyl took place on the 6``- hydroxyl.

Table – VIII

13C NMR Chemical shifts of the glycoside ppm from TMS

Assignments Chemical shift

C-2 158.02

C-3 134.43

C-4 179.66

C-5 162.00

C-6 99.90

C-7 165.00


C-8 95.20

C-9 159.30

C-10 105.60

C-1` 122.44

C-2` 116.70

C-3` 145.60

C-4` 149.10

C-5` 117.10

C-6` 123.90

glu – C-1` 100.18

glu – C-2` 72.22

glu – C-3` 74.82

glu – C-4` 69.66

glu – C-5` 75.21

glu – C-6` 68.81

rham.-C-1` 103.10

C-2` 70.90

C-3` 71.20

C-4` 72.80

C-5` 70.50

C-6`-CH3 17.50


Based on the facts and finding discussed above the glycoside could be

represented as quercetin -3-0- - L rhamnosyl – (1 6) - - D-


Mass spectrum of the glycoside:

The important fragmentation pattern obtained in the electron impact

mass spectrum of the glycoside is given below and further confirmed the

structure assigned to it.

The different species obtained during fragmentation are below and

were found to be in complete accord with the structure assigned to it.


Mass : m/z 610 [M+], 560, 507, 448, 302, 301, 274,

273, 153, 152, 134, 132, 124.

The connectivities were determined and unambiguous assignments

were made for all of the protons and carbons.

Accordingly the structure of the flavonoid glycoside was stablished as

5,7,3`,4` tetrahydroxy 3 -0- - L rhamnosyl – (1 6) - - D- glucoside





Chromatography :-

TLC (Cellulose Plate) -

1. n BuOH – AcOH- H2O (4:1:3, v/v), Rf = 0.47

(Ammonia vapours)

2. n BuOH – Pyr - H2O (3:2:5, v/v), Rf = 0.43

(Ammonia vapours)

3. AcOH (30%) Rf= 0.52

4. MeOH-CHCl3 (1:9, v/v) Rf= 0.21


The alc. solution of the compound 4-5 drops of - naphthol solution

was added on addition of conc. H2SO4 a violet ring was formed on boiling

with fehling solutions no reduction was observed and no violet colour, when

spot of the compound on paper was sprayed with AHP reagent and heated at



Acid hydrolysis :

To be glycoside (75mg) dissolved in minimum amount of ethanol

(30ml) H2SO4 (7%, 15ml) was added and refluxed on a water bath three hrs.

The ethanol was removed by distilling the reaction mixture under reduced

pressure and the reaction mixture as diluted with water (100ml). This

aqueous solution was repeatedly shaken with ether; the etherial layer was

washed with distilled water, to remove mineral acid. It was dried over

sodium sulphate, crystallised from ethyl acetate-hexane mixture as brownish

yellow substance mp. 312-3140C is obtained.


The remaining aqueous solution was neutralised with barium

carbonate and the filtrate was concentrated under reduced pressure. This

gave positive Molisch‟s test and reduced fehling‟s solution. Upon cellulose

tlc plate gave a spot, Rf 0.52 (n BuOH, Pyr-H2O 4:1:5, v/v spray AHP)

identical with that of authentic sample of rhamnose and glucose respectively.


Elemental analysis:

Found: C= 59.68% H= 3.30 %

Calculated C= 59.60 % H= 3.31 %

for C15H10O7


Acetylation :

The aglycone (40mg) was dissolved in pyridine (5ml) and heated with

acetic anhydride (8 ml) on a water bath for 8 hrs. The reaction mixture was

poured over crushed ice. The residue upon crystallisation with methanol

yielded pure quercetin penta acetate (C25H20 O12) and mp 1980C.

Found: C= 58.77% H= 3.84%

Calculated: C= 58.59 % H= 3.90%

for C25H20O12

Molecular weight = 512 by mass spectroscopy

Acetyl group:

Found: C= 41.24%

Calculated C= 41.99 %

Methylation :

The aglycone (35 mg) was dissolved in acetone 3.0 ml and refluxed

with potassium carbonate (40mg) and dimethyl sulphate (3.0 ml) on a water

bath for twelve hrs. The reaction mixture was cooled and was poured into

ice cold water. The residue filtered and crystallised from methanol to yield

an methylated aglycone, mp. 1460C, molecular formula C20H20O7.


Found: C = 64.50% H= 5.38%

Calculated C = 64.51 % H = 5.37%

for C2oH20O7

Percentage of methyl group - Found 20.17%

Calculated 20.16 %

KMnO4 oxidation of methyl ether of aglycone:

Methyl ether of the aglycone (20 mg) in acetone solution was refluxed

with KMnO4 (40 mg) on a water bath for five hrs. The reaction mixture was

cooled, dilute with water and the solvent was removed by distillation. A

solution of sodium bisulphite was added to remove the excess of magnese

dioxide formed. The solution was extracted with ether and the etherial

extract was shaken with aq. saturated solution of sodium bi-carbonate. This

solution was acidified with HCl and repeatedly extracted with ether. The

ether extract on concentration gave veratric acid, mp. 180o. It was further

identified by mp and co-chromatography (n-Butanol saturated with ammonia

spray – bromophenol blue, rf = 0.42 with an authentic sample of veratric


Methyl ether of aglycone oxidation


Veratric Acid


Spectral studies:-




: 258, 304 sh, 372,

+NaOMe : 248 sh, 320 d

+AlCl3 : 275, 304 sh, 333, 460

+AlCl3/HCl : 265, 301 sh, 360, 430

+Na OAc : 257 sh, 274, 330, 390

+ NaOAc/H3BO3 : 261, 301 sh, 390 nm.



max : 3407, 3310, 1665.85, 1610.45, 1562,

1522, 1453;59, 1262. 29, 822.70 cm-1

1H NMR :

(CDCl3 300 MHz)

ppm :

: 6.17 (1H,d, J = 2.0 Hz , H-6)

: 6.37 (1H,d, J = 2.0 Hz, H-8)

: 6.87 (1H,d, J = 8.0 Hz, H-5`)

: 7.73 (1H,d, J = 2.0 Hz, H-2`)

: 7.62 (1H,dd, J = 2.0,7.5 Hz, H- 6`)




(CDCl3+ DMSO d6 300 MHz)

ppm :

Assignments Chemical shift (ppm)

C-2 156.11

C-3 135.58

C-4 175.46

C-5 160.64

C-6 98.07

C-7 163.64

C-8 93.16

C-9 147.18

C-10 102.94

C-1` 119.91

C-2` 115.19

C-3` 144.61

C-4` 146.20

C-5` 114.84

C-6` 122.13

Mass :- 302 [M+], 301, 274, 273,

(70-ev; direct inlet m/z) 153, 152, 134, 132, 124,



Elemental analysis :

Found: C = 53.12% H= 4.92%

Calculated C = 53.11 % H = 4.91%

for C27H30O16

Per iodate oxidation :

The methylated glycoside (20mg) was dissolved in aq. ethanol (50%,

30 ml) and 10 ml of o.1 M sodium meta per iodate was added to it. A blank

experiment was similarly run. Both were kept at room temp. for 48 hrs. The

mole of per iodate consumed and mole of formic acid liberated were

calculated by the method of Hirst and Jones. It was observed that :

Moles of per iodate consumed = 3.06

Moles of formic acid liberated = 1.1

Mild hydrolysis:

The glycoside (20mg) was refluxed with 1% aqueous H2SO4 (4.0

ml) for 5 hrs. small aliquots were taken out from time to time from the

reaction mixture, neutralised with barium carbonate and tested for sugar.


Rhamnose its appearance just after some time and glucose was detected after

one hour.

Permethylation and hydrolysis:

The permethylated glycoside (30mg) was hyrolysed with


for four hrs. The hydrolysate was neutralised with barium

carbonate, filtered and concentrated in a rotary evaporator. This solution

when chromatographed over whatman No.-1 chromatographic paper using

quercetin 3 -0- - L rhamnosyl – (1 6) - - D- glucoside as

reference sugar revealed the presence of 3 -0- - L rhamnose and -

- D- glucose (B:E:W; 5:1:4, v/v, spray AHP).

Acetylation :

The glycoside (40 mg) was acetylated with acetic anhydride (8ml) and

pyridine (5 ml) on water bath at room temperature for 8 hrs.

The reaction mixture was poured over crushed ice with stirring and

left over night. The acetate obtained was filtered and washed with cold water

as colourless micro crystalline, solid mp 2040C and analysed for deca acetyl

group by the method of Weisenberger as described by Belcher and




Elemental analysis :

Found: C = 54.76% H= 4.87%

Calculated C = 54.75 % H = 4.85%

for C47H50O26

Percentage of Acetyl group:

Found : 41.75%

Calculated : 41.74 %

Spectral Studies :


(DMSO + CDCl3 300 MHz)

: ppm : 7.82 (1H,d, J = 2.0 Hz , H-2`)

: 7.57 (1H,dd, J = 2.0, 7.5 Hz, H-6`)

: 6.85 (1H,d, J = 8.0 Hz, H-5`)

: 6.12 (1H,d, J = 2.4 Hz, H-6)

: 6.30 (1H,d, J = 2.0,Hz, H-8)

: 5.18 (1H,d, J = 7.6,Hz, H-1`` glucosyl)

: 4.38 (1H,d, J = 2.0,Hz, H-1``` rhamnosyl)

: 3.60 – 3.85 (4H,br,m, sugar protons)

: 0.90 (3H,br,m J = 6.3 Hz, rhamnose methyl)


13 C NMR :

(DMSO + CDCl3 300 MHz)

: ppm

Assignment Chemical Shift

C-2 158.02

C-3 134.43

C-4 179.66

C-5 162.00

C-6 99.90

C-7 165.00

C-8 95.20

C-9 159.30

C-10 105.60

C- 1` 122.44

C-2` 116.70

C-3` 145.60

C-4` 149.10

C-5` 117.10

C-6` 123.90


glu – C-1` 100.18

glu – C-2` 72.22

glu – C-3` 74.82

glu – C-4` 69.66

glu – C-5` 75.21

glu – C-6` 68.81

rham-C-1` 103.10

C-2` 70.90

C-3` 71.20

C-4` 72.80

C-5` 70.50

methyl C-6`-CH3 17.50

Mass : (m/z) : 610 [M+], 560, 507, 448, 302, 301,

274, 273,153, 152, 134, 132, 124.



1. Molisch, H.; Monatch Chem., 7, 108. (1886).

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