The Completion of the Materials Introduction to Business Law

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  • 8/12/2019 The Completion of the Materials Introduction to Business Law


    Labor Law


    Date:By: Judge/ Hany Georgy

    Date: June 2014

    The Completion of the

    materials - Introduction toBusiness law

  • 8/12/2019 The Completion of the Materials Introduction to Business Law


    Sources of Law .1

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    3- 4-3

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    According to Article 1 of the Egyptian Civil Law,

    the formal sources of the Egyptian law are:

    1- Legislation 2- Custom 3- Principles of Islamic law 4- Principles of natural law and rules of


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  • 8/12/2019 The Completion of the Materials Introduction to Business Law


    Section I: Legislation

    Legislation is the written law approved by thelegislative authority and promulgated by the

    president of the republic.

    In the past custom was the only formal

    source of law. Few centuries ago the

    legislation gradually became the first source

    of legal rules, especially after the French

    revolution. Nowadays custom became the 2nd

    source of law.6

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    Kind of Legislation

    Egyptian law knows 3 sorts of Legislation:

    a- Constitutional Legislation Which includes the constitution and the laws

    having the power of constitutional rulesb- Ordinary legislation

    "" .is enacted by the parliament and promulgated

    by the president of the Republic. Ordinary

    legislation must not contradict the

    constitution 7

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    c- Subordinate legislation""

    issued by the executive authority upon

    delegation from the legislative authority.

    Rules of subordinate legislation shall not

    contradict the rules of constitution and

    ordinary legislation


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    Kinds of subordinate legislations Regulations

    Subordinate legislation is divided into 3 kinds:

    1- Executive regulations issued upon delegation

    from a law to enact the executive provisions

    of such law

    2- Organizational regulations issued for the

    regulation of public utilities withouta specific delegation from a certain law.

    3- Police Regulations intended to keep security

    all over the country () 9

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    Legislation Process

    Ordinary legislation is laid through the

    following phases:

    1- Suggestion of a draft law This draft emanates either from the

    government, or by a member of the House

    representative (Parliament).

    *This draft is referred to the competent

    committee of the House representative for

    study and reporting10

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    2- Discussion and vote by the Peoples


    The ordinary legislation is passed bythe majority (50% + 1) of the

    present members of the parliament,

    unless otherwise stipulated in theconstitution.


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    3- Promulgation: Promulgation means the approval of the

    president of the Republic to issue the law andhis order that it be published in the official

    gazette Implied (Implicit) Promulgation When the President does not sign the bill and

    does not reject it within 30 days from thedate it is sent to him (presidential silence is

    assumed to signify approval)


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    4.Publishing in the official Gazette

    Legislation does not become enforceable until

    it is published in the official Gazette. It comes

    in effect one month following the day afterits publication unless another date is fixed.


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    Section II:Custom Custom is unwritten rules of law, which

    emanate from the society through dealings

    and transactions among individuals, which

    gradually spread all over the country and as a

    result people feel that they are bound tocomply with them.


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    Elements of Custom 1


    element: the material elementCustom should be well established for a long time, stable,

    applied in the whole state, and not contrary to public

    order and moralities as follows:

    Custom is established for a long time:

    Its application continued for years.

    Custom is stable: it must continue to be applicable in


    Custom is general: in a province or all over the country.

    Custom shall not contradict public order or morality.


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    2nd element: the obligatory character of

    custom (people feel it binding)

    * If this element does not exist, the rule is

    named usage instead of custom.

    For ex. Furniture existing in a house is

    customarily considered belonging to thewife

    * Custom had been the 1st source of law in old

    times but actually the legislation occupiedthe 1st place.


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    Advantages of custom

    Is better than legislation in that it

    expresses the real wishes of the society

    and corresponds to its needs.

    Disadvantages of customCustom rules take a long time to appear

    while legislation can be enacted during

    few days

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    Introduction to labor law

    Thank you Judge/ Hany GEORGYE-mail: [email protected]

    Mobile: 01001450033


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