The complete guide to facebook profits free first four chapters

The Complete Guide to Facebook Profits Adrian Niculescu (dot) com 1 1. Introduction Thank you for the opportunity to meet each other through this ebook. I want to thank you in advance for making another step ahead and investing in yourself by reading this information and apply the knowledge. We live outstanding times where the changes are happen so fast that we need more than ever the best information about how to improve or quite to change radically what we do on a daily basis. The human efforts are multiplied by technology and we need to shift our mindset and embrace the opportunities which appear on our way. Social networking is as I like to say the biggest wave from the history of internet. The marketing of the next years is considered to be a marketing of tribes. This means that if you sell a product or you have a business you need to create tribes of people around you who will know, like and trust you. The concept Me Inc, that we are the main assets of our businesses is the current truth and we simply can’t ignore it. No, not anymore! Facebook is not just the biggest player from the social media industry but represents the way internet works and will work some years ahead. We are now in social media as we were some years back with mobile telephony when the “brick” phones were sooo expensive. We need to jump into social media or expand if we are already there and conquer the territories which will assure awareness, market share, leads and sales in the future. Enjoy this e-book and profit as much possible from the smart use of Facebook! 2. The history of Facebook Here is the short history of Facebook, the biggest social networking site from the planet. What begins as an online place for college students to know each other has been transformed into a global online phenomenon. Facebook, or TheFaceBook as it was called at the beginning was launched in 4th of February, 2004. Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard University student started the site as a way for his fellow students from Harvard to get to know each other. At that time, the site was opened only for certain students and it wasn’t perceived as a business


The Ultimate Facebook profits guide for Entrepreneurs, Executives, Experts and Writers! We live outstanding times where the changes are happen so fast that we need more than ever the best information about how to improve or quite to change radically what we do on a daily basis. The human efforts are multiplied by technology and we need to shift our mindset and embrace the opportunities which appear on our way. Social networking is as I like to say the biggest wave from the history of internet. The marketing of the next years is considered to be a marketing of tribes. This means that if you sell a product or you have a business you need to create tribes of people around you who will know, like and trust you. The concept Me Inc, that we are the main assets of our businesses is the current truth and we simply can’t ignore it. No, not anymore! Facebook is not just the biggest player from the social media industry but represents the way internet works and will work some years ahead. Download the whole ebook here:

Transcript of The complete guide to facebook profits free first four chapters

Page 1: The complete guide to facebook profits free first four chapters

The Complete Guide to Facebook Profits Adrian Niculescu (dot) com


1. IntroductionThank you for the opportunity to meet each other through this ebook. I want to

thank you in advance for making another step ahead and investing in yourself

by reading this information and apply the knowledge. We live outstanding times

where the changes are happen so fast that we need more than ever the best

information about how to improve or quite to change radically what we do on a

daily basis. The human efforts are multiplied by technology and we need to shift

our mindset and embrace the opportunities which appear on our way. Social

networking is as I like to say the biggest wave from the history of internet. The

marketing of the next years is considered to be a marketing of tribes. This

means that if you sell a product or you have a business you need to create

tribes of people around you who will know, like and trust you. The concept Me

Inc, that we are the main assets of our businesses is the current truth and we

simply can’t ignore it. No, not anymore! Facebook is not just the biggest player

from the social media industry but represents the way internet works and will

work some years ahead. We are now in social media as we were some years

back with mobile telephony when the “brick” phones were sooo expensive. We

need to jump into social media or expand if we are already there and conquer

the territories which will assure awareness, market share, leads and sales in the

future. Enjoy this e-book and profit as much possible from the smart use of


2. The history of Facebook

Here is the short history of Facebook, the biggest social networking site from

the planet. What begins as an online place for college students to know each

other has been transformed into a global online phenomenon.

Facebook, or TheFaceBook as it was called at the beginning was launched in

4th of February, 2004.

Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard University student started the site as a way for his

fellow students from Harvard to get to know each other. At that time, the site

was opened only for certain students and it wasn’t perceived as a business

Page 2: The complete guide to facebook profits free first four chapters

The Complete Guide to Facebook Profits Adrian Niculescu (dot) com


even if it has funds at disposal. Mark saw this website as an alternative to spend

more wisely the time after school. He was still in the school when the site

started to grow at an incredible rate. At the beginning the site received money

from individuals like Peter Theil, Accel Partners, Greylock Partners and from the

advertising deals with Microsoft and iTunes.

The students which were members started to recommend Facebook to other

students and the fellows from other universities started to have possibility to join

the site. Until 2006, Facebook was not open to the public.

After the site was live for a period, Mark brought for helping to grow the site

Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. A few months later, Zuckerberg and

Moskovitz dropped Harvard to concentrate on growing Facebook. Facebook, as

we know it today was started in August 2005 when the company bought the

domain with 200,000 USD from a company called About Face.

In 2006 we find Facebook facing a tremendous growth. Many more schools,

universities and businesses started to be part of the network. Starting with

September 2006, anyone above 13 years old is eligible to have an account on

Facebook. Being part of a network wasn’t a requirement anymore.

In March 2006 there were rumours about a potential acquisition of Facebook by

Google. They made an offer for USD 750 million but the Facebook management

dropped it because they thought of USD 2 billion.

Microsoft was also on the short list of potential acquisitors, but in the end they

just bought 1,5% from shares and started a huge advertising contract with


When things started to look tremendous, ConnectU, another Harvard based

social networking site claimed that the founder of Facebook stole some of the

codes from their software. In the end, the lawsuit was dropped and Facebook

started to move forward.

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The Complete Guide to Facebook Profits Adrian Niculescu (dot) com


The idea of community was at the base right from the beginning and it is also

now, even if the site is much, much bigger. All players, the developers, personal

users and business users understood how important is to keep the spirit of

community alive both for Facebook success and their own.

The Facebook team is very interested to make their community happy and

that’s why they add new features all the time and if they identify new needs from

customers, they fulfill them. This web 2.0 site is a great resource for your social

media marketing efforts so include it in your marketing weapons.

3. The basics of internet usage and Web 2.0Now, that having a computer an internet connection and even a mobile

conected to the online world is something normal for almost everybody think for

a minute at the reasons why you connect to the internet. It can be one of the

reasons below or a combination between them:

- performing searches for information

- e-mail checks

- browse websites and read content

- play online games

- connect with new people and with people which are already part of your


- buy online products and services

- networking for your business

- start an online business

This medium called internet evloves every second, new trends appear and go,

new websites are uploaded or deleted, new social networks appear, or the top

between the first 10 changes.

3.1. Web 2.0 – building communities of users who also add and managecontent

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The Complete Guide to Facebook Profits Adrian Niculescu (dot) com


What is Web 2.0, by the way? A Web 2.0 website is any website which builds a

community around it or works based on the Wiki technology, allowing the users

to build content. The best ones include both facilities: the community and the

possibility of adding and managing content. Internet has changed a lot in the

recent years. The internet becomes social, it is organised in communities and

their members use the online medium to keep in touch with the families,

business partners and other people from around the world.

Web 2.0 is a label added to many content sites, social bookmarking sites and

blogging platforms. The owners of such websites encourage users to do other

stuff than just searching and collecting information. In the range of Web 2.0

activities are considered also the making of comments, rating, voting, adding

friends, forming groups and enhancing the sense of community building.

Even if Web 2.0 sites appear every day, the big players are hard to be

outpassed due to the fact that they are already established in the market and

have lots and lots of users.

3.2. Business Web 2.0 – why should I promote my business in the Web 2.0world?

Think for a moment of how many of your colleagues, business partners, clients

and competitors have accounts with the major social networks. Depending on

the kind of business you’re in, it is possible that most of the customers you

already have or you want to acquire to be there. Can you afford to miss the

communication with them using these new tools offered by the Internet?

Supposing that you will ignore them, be sure that your competitors will not follow

your mistake and will use them as competitive advantages against you.

The internet is in major and rapid changes and so have to be businesses in

order to stay fresh and attractive. Don’t forget a basic rule which states that the

people buy from companies they know, like and trust. This basic rule can be

applied both online and offline.

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The Complete Guide to Facebook Profits Adrian Niculescu (dot) com


If you want to be successful with sites like Facebook, you have to assess first

your business and to find the particular elements of the site which combined

with your offers to make the other users „know, like and trust” what you offer.

Every Web 2.0 site has its own rules, regulations, language and specificity.

Most of the time you will have to adapt your communications to meet the

requirements of the site’s users.

In the case of Facebook, if you sell information products about how to start,

grow and manage a blog, you should start a group about blogging, attract

members and offer them quality information. If the users attracted will like your

group it will be very easy to transform them into customers.

Facebook is one of the platforms supporting business promotions. By opening

an account you have access to the profiles and information for many users. This

will help you to target even from the demographic point of view the ones which

can be interested in your products or services.

Facebook is at the moment of writing this eBook (august 2011) the biggest

social network and Web 2.0 sites and it just keep growing. Following the idea

that Facebook supports business owners, both the founders and the devlopers

are devoted to providing a positive user experience for all the members,

business owners included.

Be careful that using Facebook for business in a good way is not an easy task

and if you don’t embrace Web 2.0 principles and the way social networking

works, all your efforts to build a business using Facebook will be in vain.

In order to truly succeed on building a business through Facebook you will need

to think about your actions in a different way apart from the conventional


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The Complete Guide to Facebook Profits Adrian Niculescu (dot) com


All the time, when marketing a product or a service, please keep in mind that

Facebook is about building a community so you have to communicate in a

certain matter and you will learn here what you have to do.

4. The elements of Facebook success

It is mandatory to take your time and perform these steps to succeed in

promoting your business through Facebook. It is essential to understand how

Facebook works and the philosophy behind it. This even applies if you want to

use Facebook only for pleasure but to have success this way.

4.1. Friends

Who are your friends on Facebook? The choice is totally yours. They can be

people you already know, want to get to know or share interest with. Once you

add someone to your friends list and they accept you, it will be very easy to

communicate with them. Please take in consideration the fact that Facebook

offers you a blank sheet when you register for the account and you will be able

to add anything you want between their terms of use. Once you create your

profile and start adding friends, features like the News Feed will keep you

updated with everything that they publish or are up to. You can even add the

same applications as they have and keep track of anything they do.

The profile is very important. What you will write there will be what the friends

will know about you and the first impression is important in social and business

life. If you don’t know what to put there, study other profiles similar with yours

and get ideas.

4.2. Inter-connection is the name of the game

On Facebook, everything is connected with each other. Please keep this in

mind or write down. All of the features from the site are designed to help

enhance your experience there.

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The Complete Guide to Facebook Profits Adrian Niculescu (dot) com


Due to this fact, when you view things like your news feed or Groups page you

are automatically given an alert as to what your friends are up to. These are

excellent features for building your community.

„Building a community” is by far the most important concept on Facebook. The

rules are the same whether you want just to socialize on the site or use it for the

business. You need to remember that the site has a series of inter-related parts

that are used to build the community.

The center of your network is your profile. The things you publish there help

build your personal web Facebook space by attracting others who are interested

in what you have to offer. Once you will have a consistent list of friends, groups

and networks, your web will increase.

4.3. What applications to use

Facebook is filled with lots of resources, applications, groups, networks and

elements. Don’t join every group or add every application because you will be

overwhelmed. Choose the ones which meet the objectives of your presence in

the site.

4.4. Read terms and conditions

It is very important to read and understand the terms and conditions of using

Facebook, especially if you plan to use it to promote and develop your business.

Check this link:

The best advice is to follow them to avoid the unpleasant situation of having

your account blocked. And, of course, what would mean for your business,

reputation and credibility to have the account deleted?

You can download the whole ebook by following this link: