The Community Aug13 ver1:24 Hours

Issue 3 - Summer 2013 Jobs boost for community nursing… Come along to our DCHS Discovery Day See page 2 See page 6

Transcript of The Community Aug13 ver1:24 Hours

Issue 3 - Summer 2013

Jobs boost for

community nursing…

Come along to our

DCHS Discovery Day

See page 2

See page 6

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The Community - Summer 20132

WELCOMEfrom the Chief Executive

Welcome to the third edition of our members’newsletter, The Community. August has beena busy and challenging month with some bigannouncements to share with you. We havereceived the news this month that a decisionon our application to become one of the firstspecialist community NHS Foundation Trustshas been deferred by the independentregulator, Monitor.

We received very positive feedback on ouroverall application, being recognised as a“well-led” and a “financially viable”organisation.

Being the first community trust to get this faris a huge achievement and reflects themassive commitment of all staff and thesupport we have from our partners.

However, as part of itsprogramme of unannounced visits, the CareQuality Commission (CQC) highlighted anissue at one of our inpatient services inChesterfield against defined quality standardsall Trusts must adhere to. We will now workclosely with colleagues at the CQC to resolveany outstanding issues as quickly as possible.Once we have done so, I am hopeful that wewill approved as a foundation trust.

In other news, we have said goodbye to ourChair, Andrew Fry, who has retired from hisrole after five years at the helm. Andrew’scontribution has been significant and I am oneof many people that will be very sad to seehim go. The legacy he leaves will be a lastingone. Read more from Andrew on page 10.

Tracy Allen - Chief Executive

A recruitment campaign, centred on thetheme ‘caring never grows old’, aims toattract people to a variety of roles wecurrently have on offer.

A broad range of jobs from healthcareassistants to inpatient nursing posts arebeing recruited to, as well as morespecialist roles such as heart failurenurses and staff to undertake pulmonaryrehabilitation.

We have developed a dedicated wherevisitors can get more information and seethe vacancies available.

Keep up-to-date by following@DCHSTrust on Twitter and like ourCaring Never Grows Old page onFacebook.

JOBS BOOSTfor community nursing…

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The Community - Summer 2013 3

At the beginning of the year we held our firstCouncil of Governors’ election and we aredelighted to confirm that all of our 27elected seats were filled by members of thepublic and our staff.

Governors are elected by our members torepresent the views of our patients, staff andgeneral public.

They also hold the board to account for theperformance of the Trust and the quality ofservices we provide.

Thanks again to everyone who took the time to vote.

We would like to introduce you to ourCouncil of Governors:


Amber Valley, Erewashand South Derbyshire

Public Governors

Public Governors

Peter Ashworth Roz Coldicott Ray Asher

Valerie Broom Michael Perry Bridget Leech

Dr Maureen Strelley Linda Barker Barry Jex

Sandra Moody Pauline Blunt



Bolsover, Chesterfield &

North East Derbyshire

Valerie Bacon was originally elected as a Governor but she has now stepped down to takeon a public Governor role at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Bridget

Leech now takes on the role of one of our public Governors within this constituency.

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Bernard Thorpe

Staff Governors

City of Derby

Diana Wood

Rest of England

Dr Paul Kirtley Andrea Cooke Kathlyn Arthur

Brenda Greaves – is also ourLead Governor as elected bythe Council





High Peak and

Derbyshire Dales

Along with the four main Derbyshire constituencies, we also provide a number of servicesin the Derby City and Leicestershire County and Rutland areas. Therefore, we also electedto have a City of Derby constituency and Rest of England constituency to reflect thisservice provision outside of the boundaries of Derbyshire.

Sally-ann Coope

Ruth Francis

Denise Sanderson



Hazel Lowe

Healthcare Support Staff


Public Governors

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Are you using Twitter or Facebook? Youcan now keep up to date with all of ourlatest news on services and events byfollowing us on Twitter or Facebook.

We want to hear from you!

Follow us on Twitterand Facebook

Staff Governors

Full biographies for all of our Governors canbe found on our website:


Sara Nash






Admin and Clerical

and Managers

Adam Short


Medical and


Amanda Smith


Facilities and


Gavin Sykes

Along with our public and staff Governors,we also have three ‘Affiliate Governors’.These Governors are nominatedrepresentatives from partner organisationswe work closely with:

Jackie Pendleton – NHS Commissioners(North Derbyshire ClinicalCommissioning Group)

Karen Ritchie – Healthwatch. Karenreplaces Peter Arnold as Healthwatch’srepresentative.

Vacant seat – Derbyshire County Council

Contact the Governors

The Governors want to hear from you!Do you have any questions you wouldlike to bring up with a Governor in yourconstituency? Please contact us on ouremail address:

[email protected]

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The Community - Summer 20136

The Discovery Day will be an excitingopportunity to hear about, participate in andhave a look at many of the great services weprovide. You are welcome to browse ourdisplays, take part in demonstrations andinteractive learning events and chat to awide variety of service experts from acrossthe Trust.

You are welcome to arrive from 1pm for theDiscovery Day registration and there will bethe chance for you to look around until 6pm.Please feel free to drop in at any pointbetween these times for a chance to see allthe great activities we have on offer.

The day will highlight some examples of thegreat work and services that our staffprovide, including a chance to:

• Find out more about local community health services

• Consider a career in the NHS

• Talk with our ‘Street Physios’

• Receive a free health check and get your blood pressure checked

• See what we are doing to reduce harmful falls

• Test your coordination with some circus skills

• Attend health talks on topics such as our Healthy Lifestyles Programme, Making Every Contact Count and our local response to the Francis Report

• See what health promotion services we can offer you, and much more….

Take your best shotwithin the Speedcage– the fastest shot willwin a pair of tickets toa Chesterfield FootballClub match.

Hear about the latest developments in

community healthcare across Derbyshire and

Leicestershire at our AGM. Registration for the

AGM will open at 12pm with this year’s

meeting being held from 12.30pm – 1.30pm.

We invite you along to our...

The day will take place on

Thursday 26 September 2013at Chesterfield Football Club, The Proact Stadium,Sheffield Road, Whittington Moor, Chesterfield,Derbyshire, S41 8NZ.

We also have some activities on offer throughoutthe day and the chance to win some great prizes:

For the children - can youseek out all the answers inour Health Treasure Huntto win tickets for you andnine friends to gopaintballing?

DCHS Discovery Dayand Annual GeneralMeeting (AGM)

Follow us on Twitter @DCHSTrust

Join in the conversation

#dchsdiscoveryday to keep

in touch

All attendees will be entered into our free prize draw onthe day to

a Kindle Fire HDplus further prizes


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Due to venue capacities, you must book a place on these events if you wish to attend.Please call or email the Membership Office on 01773 599482 or [email protected] tobook your place. First come, first served!

Do you think you are healthy? Do you think your heart is working the best it couldbe? If you would like to learn about your heart and how to keep it healthy we are runningtwo free Healthy Heart/Healthy Living workshops. All attendees will also receive a freegoodie bag.

We invite you along to a free Heart Start course which will enable you to deal confidently withsomeone who is suffering from a potential heart attack, a choking person and other emergencies.We are offering members the chance to book on to one of our free sessions below. Take part inthe two-hour session and you will be presented with a ‘Life Saving’ certificate.

Get Involved!

Dates Time Session Venue

16 October 2013 2-4pm Emergency Life Babington Hospital, Belper Saving Skills Course

28 October 2013 6-8pm Emergency Life Charnos Hall, IlkestonSaving Skills Course Hospital, Ilkeston

Dates Time Session Venue

26 November 2013 6-8pm Healthy Heart/ Newholme Hospital,Healthy Living workshop Bakewell

12 December 2013 2-4pm Healthy Heart/ St Oswald’s Hospital,Healthy Living workshop Ashbourne

Our Governors have been helping us toprioritise the engagement opportunities thatwe offer to our membership.

The opportunities include such things as:

Are these of interest to you? Do you want toget more involved? Please fill in the

Annual Survey on the back pages to let usknow the level of involvement you wouldlike.

The majority of our engagementopportunities will also be shared withmembers via email.

We want to hear from you...

If you haven’t previously provided us with anemail address but want to hear about theseopportunities, please tell us your emailaddress. Let us know via the Annual Surveyor email us at: [email protected].

Are you interested in getting more

involved in local health services?

Members with interests in particular

fields or services joining in discussions

when services undergo change

Quality and

safety visitsAnnual planning processes

Mystery shopper exercises

Involvement in PLACE (patient-led assessment of the care environment)

inspections looking at the patient environment, nutrition and cleanliness

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The Community - Summer 201310

Graduation came several years early for thepupils at Sunshine Nursery when they tookpart in a special ceremony to mark the endof their time at nursery. The nursery isbased at Walton Hospital in Chesterfieldand is run by DCHS staff.

Andrew Fryannounced hisretirement asChair aftermore than fiveyears at thehelm. He hasstepped downto start a newlife abroad withhis wife.

Andrew said: “I have had the great privilegeof working with so many talented andcaring staff right across the organisation.Over the last few years I have seen thecharacter and strength of the organisationgrow, alongside the high quality care weprovide for local people.

“This organisation has a terrific story to telland the next phase in its developmentrequires a long-term commitment, so I amstepping down to allow my successor tolead that.

“It has truly been an extraordinary privilegeto work alongside such a great group ofhealthcare and other professionals. Myemotion at leaving this great organisation ismatched only by my knowing that it is alsothe right thing to do at this stage in my life.”

Tony Okotie, one of our Non-ExecutiveDirectors, is now Acting Chair pending theformal appointment of Andrew’s successor.The vacancy has now been advertised onthe NHS Trust Development Authoritywebsite The closing date forapplications is 26 September 2013.


The art of well dressing was adopted atNewholme Hospital in Bakewell as part ofthe therapy for older patients with mentalhealth problems. Patients produced thisintricate design with the help of ouroccupational therapists.

More than 450 people attended the first of ourrecruitment open days at Chesterfield Football Club inJuly. The day kicked off our summer recruitmentcampaign offering more than 100 jobs in DCHS. Thecampaign aims to boost levels of care for patients inDerbyshire ahead of this winter and to promote newmodels of care with more patient support in thecommunity. See page two for more information.

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Staff at Derwent Suite, Babington Hospital,celebrated a milestone recently with their1,000th patient. Moira Hodgkinson, aged82, from Idridgehay, was admitted after afall in her garden and found herself thecentre of attention to celebrate her place asDerwent Suite’s 1,000th patient.


A new hospital garden has opened at St.Oswald’s Hospital, Ashbourne, to provide apeaceful haven for patients, visitors,relatives and staff. Raised beds, fragrantplants, a gazebo to provide shade andshelter and wide paths to easilyaccommodate wheelchairs are some of thespecial features of the newly-created space.

Local schoolchildren have designed‘no-smoking’ signs to be used acrossplaygrounds in the Derbyshire Dalesarea. Evidence shows that a child isthree times more likely to become asmoker if they grow up in a householdwith parents who smoke and thiscampaign encourages parents not tosmoke in front of their children.

Babington staff also helped a couple fromFritchley celebrate an amazing 68 years ofmarriage this month. Mrs DorothyPickering was staying on Baron Ward atBabington Hospital Hospital as aninpatient and her husband, Donald, wasinvited to stay to have lunch and celebratewith the other patients.

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Did you know that as a member you had access to some

exclusive discounts across Derbyshire?

If you want access to a vehicle withoutthe cost of owning one, then as amember of DCHS you can now benefitfrom using our pool cars.

After teaming up with the Co-WheelsCar Club, our staff have benefitted fromusing 10 pool cars across our sites inChesterfield, Belper, Darley Dale andClay Cross. Access to our cars outsideoffice hours, as well as cars in over 30locations across the UK, is nowavailable to you too!

If you drive fewer than 8,000 miles a year,being a member of a Car Club will save youmoney. With no insurance to pay, nomaintenance, cleaning, tax or MOTs toorganise, the Co-wheels Car Club offersinexpensive, hassle-free motoring.

The cars may enable families with two carsto sell one of them, or they may helphouseholds without access to a car to getaround cheaply, conveniently and quickly.

To become a member, or for moreinformation please go

Pay As You Go driving

comes to Derbyshire!

• £3.45 per hour

• £55 for the whole weekend

• 21p per mile in addition to the above

DCHS Members’ Rates

Benefits for you 12% OFF APPLE 50% OFF VIRGIN

We work with the organisation, StaffBenefits, to provide our staff and memberswith exclusive discounts. You can benefitfrom discounts such as 12% off Appleproducts, up to 50% off Virgin Media, 10%off jewellery, and huge savings on days outto major theme parks and attractions.

Staff Benefits also provides huge local

discounts at places you visit and need, suchas restaurants and bars, hairdressers andbeauty salons, garages and car sales,solicitors and accountants, and everythingelse in between.

It is completely free to sign-up to and use.Go to, enter yourdetails and that's it!

Cars are easily booked online at: where their availability isalso shown. A ‘smart card’ is used for keyless entryinto the vehicles. Members simply book the caronline, arrive at the time of the booking, use theirsmart card to access the vehicles and drive off!

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Making EveryContact Count

Committed to

We want to help our patients to break ahabit or make a change which will help themto achieve the healthy lifestyle they want. Inorder to do this we have made acommitment to Make Every Contact Count(MECC) which is about using everyopportunity to talk to individuals aboutimproving their health and wellbeing.

Helping people to stop smoking, drink lessalcohol, eat more healthily, be morephysically active and keep to a healthyweight could help them live up to 14 yearslonger than someone who leads anunhealthy lifestyle. DCHS is ready to helpand we want our patients and visitors to askfor any support they need.

Tracy Allen, ChiefExecutive, said:“Every day our staffcare for and supportmore than 5,000people in our localcommunity. This givesus an unparalleledopportunity to MakeEvery Contact Countby giving our staff theskills, knowledge andconfidence to talk topeople about theirgeneral health. Itallows us to work withour service users toaccess the rightlifestyle advice andsupport to take controland make the changesthey can to improve their health.”

To date over 2,000 staff in Derbyshire andLeicestershire have attended a trainingcourse encouraging them to engage inconversations about their health andwellbeing.

It is not anything complicated, it is just aboutour staff providing simple, lifestyleinformation and being able to signpostpatients to existing services whereappropriate.

We are proud to have led the way forMaking Every Contact Count in Derbyshire,by providing information and support for thedevelopment of a regional information packwhich aims to help other organisations toachieve the same ambition.

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On the following pages you will find ourAnnual Member’s Survey. We want to findout what you think of The Community, howyou would like to be involved in ourservices, what your particular interests are,and generally to find out a bit more aboutyou!

Please fill in the survey and return to us viathe enclosed freepost envelope.

Alternatively, fill inour form online completedquestionnaires willbe entered into afree prize draw towin a Kindle Fire HD. Forms must bereturned by 4 October in order to be enteredin the prize draw.


Do you reallyneed to knowso much

These questions are now asked so oftenthat maybe you answer them freely withoutgiving them a second thought. Or maybeyou feel irritated by always having to ‘define’yourself.

Obviously, we’re all entitled to feel how welike about these questions, and we all havethe right to leave them unanswered, but doyou really know why these questions arebeing asked?

So, why do we ask these ‘personal’questions?

The reason is simple – the more we knowabout you, the better we can meet yourneeds and understand your experiences. Ifyou tell us that you are deaf and a BritishSign Language (BSL) user, we can makesure that we arrange a BSL interpreter forwhen you visit us, whatever the reason. If

you tell us that you are a wheelchair userwe will make sure that you encounter nophysical barriers when accessing ourpremises, as you should expect.

It’s also about identifying health inequalities.For instance, if we didn’t ask for this sort ofinformation from our services users, wewouldn’t know that there are much higherlevels of smoking in some communities thanin others.

What all this information helps us to do istarget our services more effectively at thosegroups that are most in need of them.

Finding out this information is important tous as the more we know about you, themore it will help us to improve your accessto our services and make your experiencethe best it can be.

Have you ever wondered why you’reasked ‘personal’ questions like your age,gender, how you would define yourethnicity or whether or not you have adisability?



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We are committed to reducing our costs andwould like to communicate with ourmembers via e-mail where possible. Themajority of engagement opportunities will beshared by email so if you wish to get moreinvolved, please provide us with an emailaddress via this form. The data you supplywill be used only to contact you about theTrust, membership or other related issuesand will be stored in accordance with theData Protection Act (1998).

Question 1

Have you read your copies ofThe Community?

Yes No

Question 2

Did you find them interestingand informative?

(Please rate appropriately, 1 = excellent and5 = very poor)

1 2 3 4 5

If you have scored 4 or 5, what would yousuggest we do differently?

Question 3

What health-related news wouldyou like to hear more about inthe future?

Information on our services and how to access them

How our services are performing

Stories from our patients and their experience in our care

Interviews with our staff on the frontline

Information from your Governor

Updates from the Council of Governors

Invitations to events and meetings

Wider health issues across the county

General health and wellbeing advice

Other (explain below)

Question 4

To date, we have held a numberof interactive educationalsessions with our members.What health-related topics wouldencourage you to attend one ofour sessions?

The Trust’s future plans

Specific service developments

Talks on specific health topics (i.e. backcare, foot care, living with long term conditions)

Any other, please discuss below

If you have chosen talks on specific healthtopics, which topics are you interested in?Please refer to our service list on thefollowing page for inspiration.

Annual SurveyMember Details

First Name(s): Surname:

Tel: Mobile:

Date of birth: / /



If you would prefer, you can also fill out thissurvey online at:

The Community Aug13 ver1:24 Hours 19/9/13 09:18 Page 15

Comment on service developments and improvements

Attending community events

Attend meetings

Take part in workshops and focus groups

Commenting on proposed information for patients

Taking part in audits and visits to wards anddepartments, for example as a mystery shopper

Any other, please state:

No Freepost envelope? You can return this form to: Freepost Plus RRZG-BYXE-LCCG,

Derbyshire Community Health Services, Newholme Hospital, Baslow Road, Bakewell,

Derbyshire DE45 1AD

Question 6

We would like to knowif you have anyparticular interests inany of our services sowe know who to get intouch with when weconsider anydevelopments.

The list opposite gives you alist of our service areas –please tick all areas whichinterest you. If you don’t havea preference, and are happyto be involved in any of ourwork, please just tick the firstbox.

Question 7

How would you like tobe involved?

Now we know what you are

interested in, there are a number

of ways to get involved and give

us your views. In order for us to

contact the appropriate members,

please help us by telling us what

level of involvement you would like

by ticking all the areas you are

interested in:


Urgent Care

Children’s Services

Consultant Out-patients



Speech &LanguageTherapy


Hotel Services(Catering,domestic, portering)

End of Life Care

Contraception &Sexual Health

OccupationalTherapy Out-patients



Health Promotion

Podiatry andPodiatric Surgery(Feet)


Traumatic BrainInjury



Older People’sMental Health


Day CaseSurgery




Continence Care


District Nursing

Health Visiting


Any other:

Please tick all boxes that apply:

Deafness or hearing impairment

Blindness or visual impairment

A condition that substantially limits one or more basic physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, lifting or carrying

A learning difficulty (e.g. Dyslexia)

A learning disability (e.g. Downs Syndrome)

A long-term psychological or emotional condition

Other, including any long-term illness

No, I do not have a long-term condition

Question 5

Do you have any of the following disabilities or long-term conditions?


ase te

ar th

is p

age o


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