The Comedy Borg Cometh Section

THE FIRST RULE OF DYSTOPIA CLUB IS… Having stalled myself with this amusing and slightly sordid little diversion initially, I may as well get on with it, and, without resorting, as I say, to miraculously discovered mysterious, strange diaries, hidden under the floorboards, or found in an old musty, magical cupboard, or some abandoned modern computer, say, a discarded hard-drive. One just doesn't find these things; it doesn't happen; the writer would be too proud of their work to fully abandon it; they'd be looking to get it published as some point, tell their own story. We all want credit for our own efforts, not have them be attributed to someone else. It's an amusing conceit, or would be… that the writer, the author, stumbles on a story written, complete, whether perfectly or imperfectly by “someone else,” and can thereby take the credit for it, or the positive aspects, while creating the impression of modesty and … normality. (“Whatever you think of this, you can believe also, through suspension of disbelief that it wasn't written by me, though we both know it was.”). That's fine; it's a useful literary device. It lets you know where you're at and where the writer is. You have a pretty good idea of what you're going to get. That it's a fantasy or a time- travel story or whatever. But as I said,”life” can be a whole lot stranger; even when you're paying attention; or especially if you're paying attention. That's the nature of the paradox, how they get you, how you're


too tedious for words

Transcript of The Comedy Borg Cometh Section

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Having stalled myself with this amusing and slightly sordid little diversion initially, I may as well get on with it, and, without resorting, as I say, to miraculously discovered mysterious, strange diaries, hidden under the floorboards, or found in an old musty, magical cupboard, or some abandoned modern computer, say, a discarded hard-drive. One just doesn't find these things; it doesn't happen; the writer would be too proud of their work to fully abandon it; they'd be looking to get it published as some point, tell their own story. We all want credit for our own efforts, not have them be attributed to someone else. It's an amusing conceit, or would be… that the writer, the author, stumbles on a story written, complete, whether perfectly or imperfectly by “someone else,” and can thereby take the credit for it, or the positive aspects, while creating the impression of modesty and … normality. (“Whatever you think of this, you can believe also, through suspension of disbelief that it wasn't written by me, though we both know it was.”). That's fine; it's a useful literary device. It lets you know where you're at and where the writer is. You have a pretty good idea of what you're going to get. That it's a fantasy or a time-travel story or whatever. But as I said,”life” can be a whole lot stranger; even when you're paying attention; or especially if you're paying attention. That's the nature of the paradox, how they get you, how you're hoodwinked. When you truly can't tell the difference between “reality” and “fantasy” or illusion any more, then you're done; they've got you; right where they want you. You're a dead man, just like them. Unless you can turn the tables and they have you right where you want them. My strategy. The name of the game will be exposure.

On second thoughts, people lose stuff all the time. In short, I spoke too soon. Fate has a way of tripping one up. Just me, then?

I went to the loo again; any excuse for a reading break. Almost as soon after I sit down, an alarm goes off across the street. When I'm done soon after, get up to wipe my arse, it goes off again. Wee-aw-wee-aw-wee-aw … bleep bleep bleep. World of bleep. But what the bleep do they know? They see me going about my business, literally in this case, my figure visible still, through the distorting glass of the bathroom window. Maybe – “and by maybe I mean perhaps” (Ellen) – there's an invisible sensor beam; that I cut through and it gives the impression I'm being continuously observed. They –

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and it's very much They – like to create the impression, the illusion that they're all seeing, all knowing, virtually omniscient. It's all BS of course. They're the clever idiots, the unholy fools. Ascertaining, experiencing true intelligence is beyond them. Or picture it if they do for a moment... They must see me as a foreign, invading, threatening thing, to be pushed out of mind, blocked, as soon as it manifests... like some alien entity, a… thing of horror and hatred, unknown to themselves. Pity them for they know not what or who they are. Or what they do. They’re twats. Life is too short for this horseshit, but this is all they know. It's what they “live” for. We are the dead. No, they are. They just don't know it. Nor do they know it will soon be over for them, that they live in a self-sustained delusional groupthink. They're living on borrowed time. Their days are numbered. They're in for a rude awakening. It's the world inside out and upside down; a madhouse. The lunatics genuinely believe they're running the asylum, when the asylum is running them. Ain't it always the way. Though it's all too easily forgotten.

I know some targets have dropped like flies. I'm more fortunate, having developed the ability to flit from consciousness to consciousness, mind to mind, but I have to be in an “odd” or unusual state of mind to do it. This current mind isn't my own. I let him voice his own thoughts, let you get a feel for it. Some of what I said, what I thought was me, was, certainly initially. But only I can truly tell the difference. At least I hope I can. I do, I have to admit, sometimes have my doubts. I both blend with the person I'm 'possessing' as well as know my own thoughts. I can tell the difference; but often the mind, the “possessed,” if you like, begins to sound suspiciously like me; or I sound suspiciously like them; I haven't quite figured it out yet. Maybe it's far too dangerous a game, but it's surely no more dangerous than ... I can see you're ahead of me.

I doubt they've figured it out yet; the PTB, that is. Mine hosts, as far as I know, are “blissfully'” unaware of me. Nor can I influence their thoughts, their actions, much as I know the PTB would influence theirs if they could, or mine. And perhaps they already have, that's the problem. To a degree, I'm above the field of play, so to speak, “above the battleground.” This ability gives me a certain detachment; or I've developed the ability through cultivating a sense of detachment, take your pick. And as if this weren't complicated enough – and I can see you're ahead of me again – I can't rule out the possibility I could be influenced indirectly by the host if he or she can be influenced by the PTB themselves, whether directly or indirectly, though it can be argued it's all indirect, if any of it is

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possible at all, whether through dreams or other remote-controlled or more 'hands on' means, such as microwaves. Add to this that it may well be inaccurate to talk about the PTB in terms of “themselves” so much as 'Itself', that they seem to be as much of a hive mind. Whether this is an aspect of groupthink or something far more sinister, I don't know. I do, but I don't want to speculate on it too much. I'm all for denial myself in some instances, and that's one of them. I came face to face with the “devil” before, the murderer, whether inside or really 'out there', and I'm in no hurry to repeat it.

Similarly, there's certainly a frisson in the thought of entering a woman's mind, but on knowing of the ones who've been targeted by Them, though it more accurately refers to their minions – only to be driven to suicide, well that's a mind-trip I can do without if I’m incapable of influencing them in any way, though now of course, there's the net, email etc., or even a more direct association if one is so inclined, or moved to make such an effort, though that demands even more of a direct commitment than even an electronic connection would. Either way, one compromises oneself when these people are under tremendous emotional stress and may even be unstable to begin with. Or, to put it another way, just because you're being targeted doesn't mean you're not crazy. Often this is the very thing their covert, sneaky attackers are playing on. They have credibility in the eyes of a myopic, acculturated society. Psychological warfare is about hiding in plain sight; the attacks are indirect and consistent, designed to wear out the target through time, in time. The target plays into this also, as much unwittingly by taking on board, if understandably, the perception of themselves as the proverbial victim. No one has ever suffered as I have, etc.

The problem here is in treating illusions as real, each compounding the other, believing themselves to be tormented beyond endurance, when it's all a matter of interpretation. But again, it's understandable. We all feel constantly shat upon, crucified for most of our lives, and now it seems as if that malevolence has come out into the open to crap all over us big-time, playing on, and compounding all that unconscious guilt we feel. We're our own worst enemies and the egotists play on that; the mind's tendency to sink down into a kind of emotional entropic collapse. It's basically a psychopathic system. 'Sensitive' individuals can be impacted in more hidden, “subtler” levels than can your average plumber, say, who functions on a level more concerned with form, and for that reason, is more likely to succumb to such a system. The crazymakers, the 'nice' people, the 'perps' manipulate form to confuse and distort the perceptions of their targets, so that everything becomes a threat or is

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seen as one potentially. To behave in such a way is an expression of a fear-based consciousness in any case, where everything becomes a symbol of that, but through projection.

The “perpetrators” aren't aware of this, or those that do either don't care or they have no choice, they're coerced into it; though it may well be a combination of various factors for some or even many. And it would be as accurate to describe them as the projectors as it is to call them perpetrators. This is a term that suits the victims perception also, for it conveniently reduces the situation to be seen in terms of us and them, victims and victimisers, though this will also suit the perception of many of the Projectors too, as that's the path of least resistance for most of them; or so they think.

We're all projectors though. Each only the other side of the same coin, each believing God is on our side, and if not God, then extraterrestrials, or, as the PTB would have us have it be, “aliens,” (which, according to them, don't exist in any case, even though they have thousands of classified documents to prove it). Weirdly, this just might turn out to be true, but again, it all polarises. Different factions ask the extraterrestrials to take out the other faction they believe is making their life such a misery. If the aliens were anything like the Old Testament God or its writers, they'd destroy both in a puff of smoke or something far more dramatic.

But I wanted to give an example of the minions’ strategy of intentional perceptual/perspective distortion, bonkers as this might sound, though it's clear enough to me they get their training from “above” – the PTB, the “Elite,” call it what you like; and I will. In this instance I wasn't inhabiting anyone's mind; he told me of it voluntarily; an artist/ occasional musician acquaintance/ friend This was a few years back, when he'd been experiencing a periodic increase in harassment; the summer months seems to bring them out; presumably as it's easier for them, as well as to reduce the “quality of life” of the individual concerned. It must have been fun for them this last Winter then, sitting in their cars in virtual blizzard conditions, waiting to make their myopic dumbshit “synchronistic” moves as “their” world acts up, tries it on, acting the goat and generally not playing the game, what with all the other “natural” disasters and world-wide catastrophes n' all. Ironic. Paradoxical. Ya gotta laugh. Though I suppose all that death, destruction, chaos and General Mayhem also suits the PTB in their 'population control' goals. It's a lot less mouths to worry about, however “tragic.” They must be laughing in their reinforced bunkers. But I digress again.

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Here's a recent experience of my own. Going to the bathroom one day, aware of the increase in harassment, I was alert or, “hypersensitive,” call it what you like, when a red van moved into view through the frosted windows, only, it was on the other side of the street. Feeling enterprising or, as much curious, I opened the window, kneeling on the toilet bowl, and looked across. During this, a matter of a few seconds, the driver came back out of the works opposite, and – and this is the bizarre, “inexplicable” part – turned on his engine and drove quickly to my side of the street in a sharp zigzag. It was a disturbing experience; it creeped me out. It was a new and disturbing development, though, if I'd thought about it, I'd have seen it was only a variation on previous strategies. But it gave me a fresh insight into how D must be experiencing it when it's all relatively new to him. I can go into his circumstances at some point later, the events he's been experiencing, know what he's been feeling. Call it false empathy to identify with it, but the essence of the experience and this system is that it's designed to have you feel alone, isolated; more isolated than anyone in the world. This is a confidence trick of the ego of course, an illusion, if a convincing one, and it can and does have consequences, If I could experienced what D felt, it might lessen that sense of isolation, I thought, as well as that I might gain some insight into him too, and through that, be of more help to him. It's been obvious he's been finding it very difficult to cope with, or downright impossible.

What I can do, in a retrospective, semi-dreaming way is enter into his mind and experiences his thoughts and feelings. He doesn't know what I can do; I haven't told him. Call it a breach of trust, or confidence, but I wanted to check it for myself. Or rather, I wanted to experience it, because I did believe him. And more accurately, I wanted to know what he felt. Call it false empathy if you like, but as I say, I can keep a certain detachment; it works for me, so far, touch wood, as me old Dad likes to say. It was just as he'd described, but what was as disturbing was the almost overwhelming sense of … shame? No, he has a depth of self-assurance about him; he had too much practice with this; I knew some of this story. The perception, as well as having a degree of anger, one was of … guilt. And as immediately, I recognised if not the actual source, then certainly the ostensible reasons for it, however outlandish or insane, though I’ve already touched on it. The people, the minions, the useful idiots, the projectors, saw themselves, like all self-appointed “do-gooders” and fanatics, as doing what they did in the name of God, however unconsciously. They were the community's fundamentalists, seeing

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sin and guilt in everything and everyone but themselves. It was a methodical, structured guilt-trip, organised from 'on high'.

The most alarming aspect was how widespread it was. Added to this was the awareness, his and mine both, of how endemic it was also; the fact that most people thought like this, that it was deep in their 'bones'; it permeated all their thinking, how they thought of themselves and others, like a virus, a contagion of hatred spreading across the world.

Worse, its insidious nature meant it could worm its way into the perceptions of its “victims,” targets, in a kind of osmosis, for there was always the ego aspect, the unconscious or hidden guilt that this very process, this system was designed to play upon; a form of brainwashing, but of an 'all-encompassing' nature that would replace its percipients feelings and even memories with its own as his/her memories were gradually, inexorably superseded by the repetition of the negative experiences and scenarios engineered specifically for that purpose. This is to be a world of guilt, of death as life, where to step out of line, or even think out of line is a thought crime, bringing on a deluge of passive aggressive, crazymaking harassment and set-ups by the perennially hoodwinked, the terminally deranged. Nice work if you can get it. “Legitimate” pretexts are the cover for this. Highlight the 'sin' of others, even one mistake, and you can hide a multitude of sins of your own as well as carry them on, big-time. As Goebels knew, people will swallow a far bigger lie than they will a small one. Maybe it was Hitler. Thought-experiment over.