THE COLOR OF RAIN “…Mary… [is] outside the tomb crying…” (John 20:11)


Transcript of THE COLOR OF RAIN “…Mary… [is] outside the tomb crying…” (John 20:11)


“…Mary… [is] outside the tomb crying…”

(John 20:11)

“…you will weep and mourn…you will grieve, but your grief will

turn to joy…” (John 16:20)

Realize: The Only Way Out, Is Through

Why are you crying” – the angels ask John 20:13

“why are you crying” – the gardener,

who’s really Jesus, asks John 20:15

“The Lord gives me strength. He makes my feet as sure as a deer, and he helps me stand on the mountains.”

(Habakkuk 3:19, Contemporary English Version)

Listen: For The Lord Calling Your Name.

“Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.

(John 20:15)

Right after Mary misses Jesus, Jesus calls out to her: “Mary” (John 20:16).

And Mary ‘gets Easter’ as finally she sees Jesus

• 1) Jettison Negative Names From The Past.

• 2) Hear ‘Terms Of Endearment’ Today, From God.

Forgiven -- John 2:12;

Loved --Jeremiah 31:3;

Precious -- Isaiah 43:4;

Anointed -- Psalm 23:5;

Destined -- Jeremiah 29:11;

Upheld -- Isaiah 41:10;

Valued -- Luke 12:7;

Sanctified -- I Corinthians 6:11;

Empowered -- 2 Corinthians 12:9;

The apple of [God’s] eye -- Deuteronomy 32:10

• 3) Superglue ‘Godly Names and Terms’ To Life!

Because of Easter – “No power on earth or in hell -- can conquer the Spirit of God -- in a human spirit -- it is an inner unconquerableness. [And so] if you have ‘the whine’ in you -- kick it out...." - Oswald Chambers

Reaffirm A Will To Live, Through Redeeming, Resurrection Power.

“I have seen the Lord! And… [she] told them [all] the things Jesus had said…to her…” (John 20:18).

Are you ‘pushing out’ with Jesus into

everyday routine? Are you applying the truth of the resurrection, that grief does turn to gladness, that though

“…tears [do] linger at nightfall,” in the words of the Psalmist, “…joy comes in the morning…” (Psalm 30:5).

Christ has risen!