The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war...

The Cold War 1945 - 1991

Transcript of The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war...

Page 1: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

The Cold War

1945 - 1991

Page 2: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

Cold War Defined

• First used in 1947

• Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union

• Fought through surrogates

Page 3: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.


• Domino Effect

• Brinksmanship

• Iron Curtain

Page 4: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

The Cold War [1945-1991]: An Ideological Struggle

Soviet & Eastern Bloc



US & the Western


GOAL spread world-wide Communism

GOAL “Containment” of Communism & the eventual collapse of the Communist world.[George Kennan]


1. Espionage [KGB vs. CIA]

2. Arms Race [nuclear escalation]

3. Ideological Competition for the minds and hearts of Third World peoples [Communist govt. & command economy vs. democratic govt. & capitalist economy] “proxy wars”

4. Bi-Polarization of Europe [NATO vs. Warsaw Pact]

Page 5: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

Prevent the further spread of communism

Negotiating settlement of outstanding differences.

Truman Doctrine

The Marshall Plan

Supporting non-communist governments throughout the world

George Kennan [“X Article”]: CONTAINMENT

Goals Means Actual Application

Significant Shift in US Foreign Policy

No longer Isolationist

Significant Shift in US Foreign Policy

No longer Isolationist

Page 6: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

Marshall Plan - 1947

• Massive aid program to rebuild Europe

• $13 Billion between 1948-1952

• “…restoring the confidence of the European people in the economic future of their own countries and of Europe as a whole.”

Page 7: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

Truman Doctrine - 1947

• Pledges to provide American economic and military support to any nation combating communism

• Supports containment

Page 8: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

Berlin Airlift – June 1948- May 1949

• Soviet Union asserts power in Berlin

• Blockades all land access to the city

• US and British planes airlift 1.5 million tons of supplies

• 200,000 flights

• Soviets lift the blockade

• Brinksmanship

Page 9: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

Military Alliances

• North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

• The Warsaw Pact

• “Collective Security”

Page 10: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

China - 1949

• Mao and the Communists claim victory in China

• Mao visits Moscow – signs a Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance

Page 11: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

The Soviet Union has the Bomb• Sooner than


• The Arms Race is on

Page 12: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

Alger Hiss – 1948-50

• Accused of passing secrets to the Soviets– Paved the way for the McCarthy period– Seen as an attack on the New Deal or the

best example of the communist threat in the American government.

Page 13: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

Rosenberg Spy Case - 1951

• Ethel and Julius Rosenberg are convicted of selling US atomic secrets to the Soviets

• Executed in 1953

Page 14: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

Korean War


Page 15: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

Korea 1950

• Korea divided after WWII• June 25 North Korean communists invade South

Korea• Truman orders US assistance• UN establishes an international fighting force• China enters the conflict• Standing army• Military-industrial complex

Page 16: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.


Page 17: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

Cold War 1945 to 1960• Historic US – USSR issues.• Problems at the end of WWII

• Yalta• Eastern Europe – Poland 1945• World Bank and IMF

• Causes of the Cold War• US View• USSR View

• Partitioning• Germany• Korea• Iron Curtain

• Kennan’s Long Telegram (Containment) 1946• Greece & Turkey – Truman Doctrine 1947• Marshall Plan 1947• Organization of American States 1947• National Security Act 1947

Page 18: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

Cold War 1945 to 1960• Berlin Crisis and Airlift 1948• The Big Turn - 1949

– NATO created 1949– Russian Atomic Bomb 1949– Fall of China 1949

• Korean War begins 1950 – 54• Eisenhower elected in 1952• New Look Military (Massive Retaliation) 1952• Hydrogen Bomb 1952 (Russians 1953)• Liberation rhetoric (Containment) and The Domino Theory• CIA supported Iranian coup 1953 (Shah becomes dictator)• Stalin dies 1953 (Khrushchev 1955)• CIA supported Guatemala coup 1954

Page 19: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

Cold War 1945 to 1960

• Dien Bien Phu 1954• Division of Vietnam• US involvement begins

• West Germany joins NATO 1955• Warsaw Pact formed 1955• Suez crisis 1956• Hungarian uprising 1956• Sputnik 1957• NASA created 1958• U.S. Marines sent to Lebanon to promote political stability 1958• Cuban revolution 1959• U-2 incident 1960

Page 20: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

Cold War 1945 to 1960

McCarthyism Loyalty Oaths Society in during the Cold War

Novels Films

Page 21: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

Hydrogen Bomb - 1952

• Nov 1 – US Explodes in first hydrogen bomb

• Less than a year later the Soviets follow suit.

Page 22: The Cold War 1945 - 1991. Cold War Defined First used in 1947 Political, economic and propaganda war between US and Soviet Union Fought through surrogates.

National Defense Budget [1940-1964]