The Coca Cola project

Consumer Behavior Project Coca Cola. Submitted to Ms. Asma Omar Submitted by Muhammad UmairMuneeb 2131075 Hafiz Ebad-ul-Haq 2131102 Muhammad Ali 2123296


The Coca Cola project

Transcript of The Coca Cola project

Page 1: The Coca Cola project

Consumer Behavior Project Coca Cola.

Submitted to

Ms. Asma Omar

Submitted by

Muhammad UmairMuneeb 2131075 Hafiz Ebad-ul-Haq 2131102 Muhammad Ali 2123296



National College of Business Administration & Economics

40-E1, Gulberg III, Lahore 54660, Pakistan

Page 2: The Coca Cola project


I am heartily grateful to Allah Almighty, the most beneficial, the most merciful, all

knowing, who blessed us with the strength to complete this report. It would not be possible to

complete this study without the guidance, advice, cooperation, sympathetic attitude, valuable

suggestion, and help of our instructor. I am heartily thankful to my instructor, Ms. RabiaIjaz

whose encouragement; guidance and support from the initial to final level enabled us to

develop an understanding on the subject. I would like to thank department of business

National College of Business Administration and Economics Lahore for providing me

opportunity to conduct the report. I would like to thank my fellow group members for their

help and support. Above all I would like to thank my parents and whole family for doing all

that have done so far for me, and allowing me to purse what I want. We would not forget to

appreciate the assistance of those who helped us in the completion of this report, most

importantly Mr. Google.

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The Coca Cola Company (Coca Cola),was founded in May of 1886 and continues for more

than a century through the times of war and peace, prosperity and depression and economic

boom and bust. As late as the 1990s, Coca Cola was one of the most respected companies in

the world, building and known as a very successful management team. Since 1998, the

company has been struggling with internal weaknesses and external threats.The Coca Cola

Company (Coca Cola), the world’s leading soft drink maker, operates in more than 200

countries and sells 400 brands of nonalcoholic beverages. Coca Cola is also the most valuable

brand in the world. Coca Cola is a globally recognized successful company. Well-known

brands are Coca Cola, Fanta, Aquarius, Sprite, BonAqua, Ciel, PowerAde, Minute Maid and


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Value Creation:

For many years, Coca Cola Company is trying to create value for its customers. We can see

the evidence in their products, in breakthrough packaging and fresh approaches to consumers.

Coca Cola has broadened geographic reach and deepened partnerships. They are very

committed to the communities they are operating and doing business. Renewed innovation

and reinvigorated execution are leading The Coca Cola Company to a new era of growth and

enduring economic value. The Company provides value to customers through every

consumer purchase, through superior customer service and through great value creation

programs. They are trying different promotional activities which have greatly affected their

brand image in people’s mind.

They have different promotions those values to the customers greatly. They support the work

of the coca cola for the betterment of people and betterment of environment. Such as:

Happiness machine:

Coca Cola not only value the

customer economically from its

own products but its also involved

in many societal works which

makes coca cola unique than other


Every day, thousands of South Asian laborers arrive to Dubai to work for a better future.

They do it to support their family and to provide better education for their kids back home.

They long to hear their voice every day, even for a couple of minutes. But with an average

income of $6 per day, they have to pay up to $0.91/min to call home, making it nearly

impossible to connect with their families regularly, which is why Coca Cola created the Hello

Happiness Phone Booth – a special booth that accepts Coca Cola bottle caps instead of coins

for afree 3-minute international phone call.

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Recycling Happiness:

Coca Cola Singapore has founded an innovative way to boost recycling rates in the country.

Consumers who recycled their empty beverage bottles were rewarded with gifts such as fresh

flowers and Coca Cola t-shirts, bags and caps.

Small world machines:

High-tech vending machines installed in

malls in Lahore, Pakistan and New Delhi,

India – two cities separated by only 325

miles, but seemingly worlds apart due to

decades of political tension – invited

shoppers to set aside their differences and

share a simple moment over a Coke.

With these machines, any person from

Lahore or Delhi who is using that machine

can nonverbally communicate with person

in India. The purpose of these machines is

to decrease distance and differences

between people of India and Pakistan.

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Customer satisfaction and trust:

Coca Cola always keep in mind the needs and wants of the customers by its satisfaction

evaluation process. Coca Cola invest large amount of its asset on the conducting surveys to

find the changing needs and preference of its consumers.

It happened once that in 1980s, Coca Cola changed its coke formula without any research and

finding the need of the customers. There was a large depression in the sales of the Coca Cola.

One can’t just think of the money Coca Cola might have saved if it had talked to its

consumers before changing its cola formula. It required great efforts and planning and search

about market and people needs to get back on the track.

Since then company have put most of its effort on researching on the consumer’s needs. It

has a research Centre in every country to track the changing needs of the customers of the

different cultures. They use different methods and techniques to evaluate the customers

changing wants.

Coca Cola conducts surveys like Likert scale techniques in which they provide customers

with different questionnaires and ask them to fill with the options like

• Strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree

• Very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, indifferent, satisfied, very satisfied

• Very poor, poor, average, good, very good

They also conduct different depth interviews with their consumers at different malls and

shopping centers. They provide people with sampling of the coke drink and ask them if they

need any change in them or any improvement.

At times, they provide people with the forms to answer the open ended question. Normally

they do this in different universities and colleges and offices and offer free sample ofthe

drinks and in return ask them for answering open ended questions.

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Consumer Research:

A product based approach exists when a company produces a product, which is very

successful and demanded that company therefore feels that it does not need to spend much

time and resources on verifying consumer’s research and marketing strategies. However, by

ignoring the wishes of customers, the business sometimes fails to move with the times

because needs and taste of consumers are changing and can get caught up by rivals that do

listen to customers and come up with a better offering. Consumer research is therefore

essential to give a market focused approach to product development.

Coca Cola is one that meets the needs and requirements of consumers across the globe. Coca

Cola operates in a number of segments of the non-alcoholic beverages sector and has

different cultures in which it operates. Coca Cola has an advanced R&D department which

conducts research accordingly to changing cultures and needs of the customers of different

areas. Consumer research helps Coca Cola to find out about current perceptions of the

existing product and taste, and customer driven opportunities in order to improve their taste

and to further extend the range with new products.

Coca Cola uses different sources for consumer research such as interviews, qualitative and

quantitative research from general population and focused groups. Coca Cola also operates its

websites and social sites where consumer offer different suggestions and give feedback for

the current product lines. Coca Cola always knows the current needs of the people that is one

of the reason of the success of the company. First Coca Cola introduced Its Cola beverages in

all markets around the world which was given much preference by the people but as time

passed people wants started changing, People become health conscious and more concern

towards health problems like fats, heart attack diseases due to of its increasing rates. Coca

Cola identified these concerns of the customers and started working on these needs. For

health conscious customers, Coca Cola introduced its juices product range in different


But still there were some customers including men and women, who were conscious towards

their health but still did not want to switch to juices because they love the taste of Coca Cola.

For these people, Coca Cola introduced Diet cola product ranges like Diet sprite, Diet coke


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Coca Cola’s research journey not ends here, Coca Cola identified that male consumers were

conscious about their health but they were not ready to switch to diet coke and diet sprit

because of the word “diet” because that word is mostly associated with the females so male

consumers were thinking that it would be girlish to use it. So Coca Cola identified their need

and introduced product under name of “Sprite Zero”. And male consumers readily accepted

their product.

Coca Cola do consumer research to identify the taste of different consumer of different

markets or countries depending upon their culture and climate and environment. Different

markets are made up of consumers with different tastes. Just because Coca Cola Vanilla had

been successful in the US did not mean that it would be a success in all other markets.

Therefore, the product concept needed to be researched here, for example through taste

testing. This enabled Coca Cola product researchers to identify the best flavor for the

different countries, as well as the best graphic designs. Consumer focus groups helped Coca

Cola to identify the best look for the product, as well as the best taste for their country.


Websites, cookies, questions, interviews, questionnaires, sampling, evaluation, observation

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Segmentation of Coca Cola:

Coca Cola Company is the world’s leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of soft

beverages. Coca Cola uses "Multi segment" targeting strategy which means that the company

has more than single, well- defined, market segment.  It develops a marketing mix for each of

the segments. Coca Cola has more than 400 different products line, total of 3,500 product


Geographic segmentationCoca Cola serves its products using mass marketing techniques. Coca Cola has countrywide

network of product distribution but in Pakistan the company segments more in urban and

suburban areas compared to rural areas.

Coca Cola is operating now in more than 200 countries with wide range of products. Coca

Cola keep in mind the needs and wants of people living in different areas and in different

cultures and ethics, values depending upon its geographical areas.

Climate- Coca Cola’s consumption in the summer is 60% than 40% in the winter; therefore,

the company's sales are higher in the summer. It also focuses in hot area in the world.

Demographic segmentation

Age:Coca Cola seems more popular in the younger groups. Coca Cola targets the people aging 15-

30 years old and 40 plus. They put vending machines in different schools and universities

because of its target age. Coca Cola has drinks that targets different age groups. Examples:

Oasis- Juice made for the younger working adults, between the ages of 20-30. The product is

available in different flavors (berry, lemon, and orange tangerine).Themain sector in which

Coca Cola Company targets is the youth because there is a much need of refreshment and

energizers to cope up with their daily activities.

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Gender: Coca Cola focuses on both of the Gender and targets them with wide variety drinks For

example they have diet coke for females who are health conscious and target men who are

health conscious with product sprite Zero.

Income:Coca Cola segments different income level on the basis of their desires and limitations. for

example, by packaging: for low level income the company is selling returnable glass bottle;

for high level income, the company is selling coke in tins.

Family type:Coca cola targets the whole family with its unique packaging. It has introduced different

economy packs and family packs.

Psychographicssegmentation:In psychographic segmentation, Coca Cola buyers are divided into different groups on the

basis of lifestyle or personality or values. People within the same demographic group can

exhibit very different psychographic profiles, for that reason Coca Cola Company designed

and made product which are suitable for their personality. The level of education is another

factor that the company is paying attention to. In an high percentage education, the company

can use advertisements to convey the company massage.

Behavioral Segmentation:

Occasions:Coca Cola segments different occasions which are celebrated in different countries. For

Pakistan there are events like Eid, Ramazan, Basant etc.

Coca Cola designed to satisfy the consumer’s needs. The company is able to provide drinks

for many different target markets: ages, sexes, and etc. The products are sold to diverse

population all around the world. In our world today, people want to live healthier lives. Coca

Cola recognized this need and begun to produce different beverages that are satisfying those

consumers. Coca Cola products are purchased by different classes, but mainly by middle to

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high level class. In addition, many people today make their purchases decisions based on the

company’s ethics and, or social responsibility. Coca Cola gains the trust of its consumers by

contributing to the environment in varies ways.

Target Market:

Target market of coca cola is one of the largest in world. It targets people from 15 to 50 years

of people. It focuses on male and female, married and unmarried people. The market for Coca

cola is very wide as it satisfies the needs for many different consumers, ranging from the

healthy diet consciousness through Diet Coke to the average human through its bestselling

drink regular Coke. Most Coke products satisfy all age groups as it is proven that most people

of different age groups consume the Coca Cola product. This market is relatively large and is

open to both genders, thereby allowing greater product diversification.

Coke’s commercials basically based on young generations, so the young generation is the

target market of Coke because they want to represent Coke with the youth and energy but

they also take the old people into consideration they take then as a co-target market.


Customer retention is very important nowadays and organizations are looking for the best

ways to please and satisfy the needs and interest of their consumers. The understanding of the

buyers' behavior makes marketing strategies and plan come out successful. The Coca Cola

Company has been able to build its brand loyalty with its consumers over its years of

operation, despite the highly competitive market. But this success would not have been

realistic without understanding who the consumer is, when and what the consumer needs and

wants and how the consumer behaves in different environment.

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Motivation:Coca Cola motivates its consumers through its themed message (Open Happiness, share a

coke etc.), and this can be explained in the hedonic needs (Consumers emotional benefits)

The survey Coca Cola Company conducted for their consumers shows that the 'taste' of Coca

Cola makes them satisfied and happy. What motivates a consumer might be different

compared to the other consumer. A regular coke consumer willing to reduce his sugar

consumption will be happy to switch to coke zero which has no sugar and less calories.

Consumers are loyal to the drinks they know and trust but remain open to innovative products

and brand extensions which meet their ever-evolving needs. The industry's ability to provide

the public with a wide range of enjoyable and affordable drinks will ensure it remains

resilient despite the tough economic climate. Coca Cola Company also motivates its

consumers by regularly innovating different products to suit specific needs, e.g. no sugar

drink (Coke zero). Also viewing it from the Consumer involvement angle, Coca Cola

Company also motivates its consumers by connecting with millions of them every day

through their brands' Facebook pages, Twitter and influential blogs, creating a dialogue that

allows Coca Cola Company to build their brand assets and strengthen their consumer

relationships. Through this Fans page on Facebook and twitter, consumers can access their

advertisements, Coca Cola applications and downloads, and get live updates from the

company. Coca Cola Company motivates their consumers by associating with things that will

be of interest to the consumers, for example; on their website is a calculator used for

checking amount of calories and quantity of drinks consumed every week so as to help

consumers monitor their calorie intake in having a healthy diet and lifestyle. This can help

motivate a consumer to purchase Coca Cola Company’s product because they have shown

the consumer the consumer that in as much as they want to make profit, they also care about

them and their health. The recession did not really affect Coca Cola’s sales because of the

motivation company try to create and the relationship they have been able to build overtime

with their consumers. Coca Cola have also established customer care centers that provide a

single and efficient point of contact between the customers and them leading to improved

satisfaction scores.

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Brand Image:

Coca Cola has its history of about more than a century and this prolonged sustenance has

definitely added to the brand image in the minds of the consumers and to its income. The

products produced and marketed by Coca Cola have a strong brand image. Coca cola has a

brand image of quality product all over the world. There are thousands of loyal customers of

Coca cola bound with the brand. Coca Cola has strong market hold and Good-will.

Coca Cola has been an involved part of culture for over a century. The product's image is

overloaded with sentimentality, and this is an image many people have taken deeply to heart.

This extremely recognizable branding is one of Coca Cola's greatest strengths. Another

reason why this brand has gained unanimous acceptance all around the globe is due to the

fact that it has been able to connect very well with its consumers. This implies brand

loyalty. Brand loyalty has been instrumental in keeping up the brand image of Coca


Characteristics of brand image are:

Market Leader:

There are only 2 big competitors in the beverage segment – Pepsi and Coca cola. Out of these

2, coca cola is the clear winner and hence has the largest market share. Amongst all

beverages, Coke, , Sprite, Diet coke, Fanta and Maaza are the growth drivers for Coca Cola.

Marketing strategies:

Coca cola always tries to win peoples heart. Where Pepsi’s target is continuously changing,

and is targeted towards youngsters, Coca cola targets people of all ages. The targeting is also

done by celebrities who are well liked.

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Personality of Coca Cola:

Characteristics of Personality of Coca Cola:

Market leader:

 Coca Cola is one of the most successful soft drink company and market leader by shares,

competing Pepsi, bottle water, energy drinks and coffee.

Price of the brand:Since Coca Cola faces a major threat from its competitor Pepsi Co., so the pricing is done

keeping in view the increasing rivalry with Pepsi. Pricing is basically standard for all over the

world. Price changes occur seldom after a longer period of time say, a year etc. Coca Cola

consider the buyer's perceived value, not the seller's cost as an important basis for pricing.

They use the cost factor prices in the marketing mix to build perceived value in the minds of


Marketing strategies:

Coca Cola has very effective marketing campaign; its advertisement always depicts the

culture of country. They have high brand visibility and have collaborated with different

organizations such as McDonalds, Domino’s and different restaurants and cinemas. They

sponsor different games and events such as the cricket world cups that is an effective source

to make people remember their brand. Coca Cola is now operating in more than 200 countries

with a wide range of products in drinks, juices and energy drinks. Firstly Coca Cola used to

depict friendship in their advertisement but they have changed their strategy now and

focusing more on the family oriented ad campaigns.


Since established, innovating is culture in Coca cola. Coca Cola keeps its products up to date

to needs and wants of the people. They have now series of soft drinks, juices, energy drinks

and water bottles. They have launched different products for health conscious people.

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Societal concept:

This concept to refer to that what a company is doing for betterment of its society. For me,

two concepts are under the societal concept, first is the company’s steps towards betterment

of people of society and secondly for the betterment of the environment.

In 2008, coca cola declared that they would no more target children below 12 years and

also they would not advertise in the area where percentage of children will be high. This

policy was developed in request of the parents who felt their children are getting addicted

to the product at early age.

1. This strategy shows that it is very concerned of what the consumers want and what

they don’t want.

2. Also they care for the society and are responsible for the development of the young


3. Such type of communication strategy brings the people closer to coca cola.

In different countries, coca cola has placed dust bins in all over the country to use them

after drinking coca cola and not to pollute their environment.

In Dubai, Coca Cola have placed vending machines at different places where people can

insert the cap of the coca cola bottles and can talk to their family in any country for three


Coca Cola tries to bring India, Pakistan together via its new vending machines, they have

placed a machine in New Delhi and soon they will fix a machine in Karachi or in any

other city, with this machine people from both the countries can see each other live from

that machine.

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Personality of the users:

Target market:

Most of the customers of coca cola are male and aged between 15 and 50 and from different

professions.Some of the products are manufactured for females for example sprite diet and

that brand has 80% of their consumers as females.

Class of people:

Coca cola does not target a specific class of people, they target different countries as a whole,

and they have different campaigns in rural and urban areas.

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The overall communication of the brand values has been built on a strong principle which

states that Coca Cola is selling a feeling, an emotion a moment of pleasure. Without seeing or

directly experiencing the product, they convey a feeling to the audience to experience what it

would be like to use their products. This is promoted through all types of media in the

following ways:

• through famous spokespersons,

• by depicting inspirational stories

• by creating emotional connections between the viewer and the depicted person

• by motivating the viewer directly.

Coca Cola has built up their customer relationship management in order to satisfy their

consumers. Through the use of the online blogs, Coca Cola is now able to utilize the

Customer centric in order to improve on their products and service. Coca Cola uses new areas

to promote their product. Advertising on the TV-“spread happiness”, “share a coke” kind of

slogan, internet- YouTube and other social sites, which helps them to break the geographical

barriers and increase the ability to reach people on the other part of the world. Sponsoring in

different social activities, sales promotions like discounts and coupons to keep good relation

with the public they sponsor many events.

There are mainly eight major modes of marketing communication mix of Coca Cola:


For advertisement, Coca cola focuses mainly on TV commercials, i.e. coming up with

commercials related to occasion. And also it concentrates on all age group of people and

maintains the relation between them.

Sales Promotions:

Sales promotion can be said as persuading its customer towards itself by offering certain

offers. Coca cola does the same by starting a competition like if a customer buys the product

they get a chance of winning a reward.

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Events and experiences:

Coca Cola is known for event based marketing. It has competitive advantage over others that

it makes full use of the world famous event like say FIFA and cricket world cups.

Public relation and publicity:

PR plays a very important role in building the brand image of the company. Like in cola,

sprite being their average brand it tried to connect with sensitive people by passing the

message of contribution to building homes for people who are poor. On the same line if we

have to analysesPepsi, it focuses on the environment and its protection.

Direct marketing:

Direct marketing techniques like mails, fax, social sites etc. are less preferred by coca cola

because BRAND NAME of coca colas is UNIVERSAL which does not allow their strategic

planning to use direct marketing tools.

New media:

Coca cola is always in urge of introducing its product in the market with new concepts and

using different media. When they had to introduce OASIS instead of using TV as media, they

uniquely used Radio for the coverage. Or else coca cola never uses radio to market their


Word-of-mouth marketing:

As Coca cola rules over the mind of the people around the globe so its name is on the mouth

of every people. So it enjoys the Benefits of more and more Word-of-mouth promotion,

which is not gained by its other competitors.

Methods of feedback:

Websites, cookies, interviews, questionnaires, observation.

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Diffusion of innovation:

Innovation is at the Centre of everything Coca Cola does. It is the powerful force behind their

3,000 juices, waters, sports drinks, sparkling beverages and energy drinks. Innovation is the

motivation behind their environmentally-friendly packaging and refrigeration equipment.

Innovation is what keeps Coca Cola thirsting for success. The company now has the rights to

approximately 400 brands of beverages.Cokes products, like any other, face competition on a

global level.

Consumer needs and demands are constantly evolving throughout markets. In order to remain

relevant to consumer’s needs, Coca Cola establish clear category and brand priorities and

define focused objectives. Coca Cola drive innovation by continuously building on strong

family of brands and introducing new flavors and packages in specific markets. Part of

innovation process, Coca Cola are launching existing brands in new markets and re-launching

or reinvigorating existing brands where appropriate.

In many of our markets where adults are a growing segment of our consumer base, Coca Cola

have launched several product innovations to ensure Coca Cola meet their expectations and

their increased interest in reducing their sugar and calorie intake.

Coca Cola have progressively reformulated Fanta, Sprite and Nestea so they now contain up

to 30% fewer calories than in 2010. This has been a gradual process to enable consumers to

adjust to the reduced sugar content. The average calorie content of their beverages is now

31Kcal/100ml, representing a 16% decrease since 2011 and supporting commitment to

promoting healthy lifestyles. Coca Cola are also innovating in the use of natural sweeteners,

Stevia, a plant-based extract that has zero calories. In 2012, Coca Cola launched Sprite with

Stevia (sweetener and sugar substitute extracted from the leaves of the plant) in Switzerland,

and it’s mainly used in Nestea range available in 12 of our markets.

In many of Coca Cola markets where adults are a growing segment of our consumer base,

Coca Cola have launched several product innovations to ensure to meet their expectations

and their increased interest in reducing their sugar and calorie intake. In 2008, Coca Cola

launched Coca Cola Zero, a full-flavor no calorie Coca Cola beverage highly popular among

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adult consumers, which is available in 20 out of our 28 markets. Coca Cola in an effort to

meet customer's needs created C2 which is a low carb soft drink. This was in response to the

low carb diets and the demands of consumers.

Knowing the importance of innovation the Coca Cola Company has always strived to create

new products. They already have Coke with Lime, Lemon, Vanilla and Cherry. Raspberry

will be the new flavor added to Coke coming soon. They also have plans to sweeten Diet

Coke with Splenda, a sugar substitute that is safe for diabetics.

Package Innovation:

The unusual contour shaped Coke bottle was the company's first innovative idea to

differentiate itself from its competitors. Introduced in 2000, the Ultra Glass contour bottle is

designed to reduce weight and cost. The innovative Ultra Glass bottles are 40% stronger,

20% lighter and 10% percent less expensive than traditional contour bottles.

Vending Innovation:

Coca Cola was the first to in traduce the automated refrigerator vending machines with the

introduction of the open top metal coolers. Today, new climate friendly coolers that reduce

CO2 emissions have been installed, using a CO2 refrigeration system and HFC-free

insulation foam.

Coca Cola have many innovative promotions that help them attract more customers and

retaining the old one by creating the values.


Share a coke

Happiness machines:

Recycling Happiness:

Small world machines:

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Adoption process:

The consumer adoption process is constant. Marketing tools may change, the way consumers

discover products may change, and consumer behaviors may change, but the 5 stages that

make up the consumer adoption process will always remain the same.


Coca Cola is the World’s largest soft drink company with over 3500 drinks products

including juices, nonalcoholic drinks. One company that really stands out in times of brand

awareness is Coca Cola. Coca Cola is still the brand that is recognized by everyone around

the globe. From 1993 until 2006 Coca Cola spent $ 26.7 billion on advertising and it is one of

the first companies ever to spend more money on marketing than on the product itself.

Whenever introducing some new product, Coca Cola use different marketing techniques such

as street promotions,

advertisement, print ads and

virtual advertisement. Coca

Cola believes that if consumers

do not know your product

exists, than it might as well not


Coca Cola use mass promotion

strategy of television

advertisement and print ads so

everyone knows that there is something new with Coca Cola. Coca Cola organize different

events and functions where different celebrities come to promote the product wearing t-shirts,

carrying bottles of the new drink and clicking photos with their fans.


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With Coca Cola’s large scale promotion, people get interested in Coca Cola’s product and try

to find that product on stores.


For people’s trial, Coca cola collaborate with different companies like EXACT to for setting

taste stalls at different places. Coca Cola set stalls at different malls, shops, universities,


towns, parks,


and other



There people

can taste the

new products

of coke

and can also


feedback for that products.

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At the end of the trial process, people who are satisfied with their product adopt or start using

that product. Coca Cola’s product are very much liked by the consumers so whenever Coca

Cola launch any product in the market mostly people start liking the new products offered by

them, because they know that Coca Cola launches product to fulfill their current needs like to

avoid health issues, and for the people who want to switch to some other drinks which are

tastier besides healthier.

Input for the decision process of consumer:

The marketing mix / 4ps:

Coca cola is the brand with the highest brand equity. No doubt it has gone through the ups

and downs of business to reach that position. The marketing mix of Coca cola has been

changing over time with more and more products being added

Product:The company has the widest portfolio in beverage industry comprising of 3300 products.

Beverages are divided into diet category, 100% fruit juices, fruit drinks, water, energy drinks,

tea and coffee etc. King of the cola drinks is definitely the Coca Cola Classic, which is the

most sold soft drink in the world. Coca Cola drinks have become with a lot different flavors

as well like lemon, cherry and vanilla. Other significant cola products of this leading

company are Coca Cola Light and Coca Cola Zero.

Price:Due to the availability of wide range products the pricing is done according to the market

and geographic segment. Each sub-brand of coca cola has different pricing strategy. Their

pricing strategy is based on the competitors pricing, if Coca Cola increases its price, many of

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its customers will start to consume Pepsi.The price of Coca Cola depends on its products and

sizes. The customers readily accept the prices offered by the firm because of the increased

demand rate of the products. Also, the price is reasonable, and much cheaper.

Place:Coca cola is the world’s most favorite brand and is available all over the world. The

distribution system of coca cola follows the FMCG distribution pattern. The effective

distribution network of coke has almost windswept the small and middle level players in the

market.Their products are sold in more than 200 countries over the world throughout

supermarkets, cafes, restaurants, vending machines, gas stations, movie theaters and so

on.The firm gives customers much more convenience to find its drinks at anywhere and at

whatever time.


Promoting has a huge influence on cola beverage giant’s present and future success. Coca

Cola is heavy-user of promoting e.g. on television, on the Internet, in stores, in social media

and via sponsorships, Coca Cola is the only company so far who have spent more money on

promotion rather on production. Coca Cola is committed to use their marketing actions

responsibly. Briefly this means that Coca Cola don’t target their marketing to children under

the age of 12. In addition, they emphasize the meaning of healthy life. For promotion

purposes, Coca Cola uses different tools such as sponsorship of events, functions, TV shows


Sociocultural environment:Coca Cola do not target a single unit of a man’s live, but it targets different aspects. Coca

Cola with its advertisement and promotions target families, social cultures, lifestyles,

professions, social classes and different regions like urban and rural. Coca Cola has family

oriented products; they have economy packages and family packages for serving to families

on different occasions. In recent advertisement coca cola focused on the friendship with

campaign name “share a coke”.

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It means that in every aspect of life we can find Coca Cola related to that. Coca Cola has the

strongest brand recognition after the word “OK”. All these together create the positive word

of mouth for the Coca Cola and influence others to try any existing and new product of Coca

Cola Company.


Need Recognition:

The need to drink something is due to of thirst. People feel thirsty and they try to find thing

that will satisfy their need. And try to select best of what they find.

Purchase search:

There are many products available in the market which satisfies the consumer’s thirst need.

Many different brands and sub brands, like Coca Cola , Pepsi, Nestle juice, RC cola etc. They

evaluate the alternatives on the basis of their specifications and ingredients and personnel

need and at the end they select one of them which they think that they get recognized..


Coca Cola is a soft drink product which can be seen as a product to reduce the need of thirst.

But Coca Cola can also be seen as to satisfy a pleasure need. This satisfaction of a pleasure

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need can particular be seen in the commercials of Coca Cola producers, who often show the

consumption of Coca Cola as a refreshing and fun experience. So consumers' motivation to

buy Coca Cola depends on how strong they feel about satisfying the needs and wants

described before.


As we have discussed, People do not want to buy product for their need but they buy it for a

want of better and good taste. So people perceive coke as alternative to juice that gives just

good feeling nothing else.


Taste of the brand depends upon the previous experience and test. On that basis, people

decide whether coca cola will fulfill their time or not.

Personality and attitude:

Different people have different personality and attitude and also they have different taste

development. Some people like new things and some people always stick to the old and

traditional things. Same is the case with coca cola. People who like the old taste of coca cola

may or may not like the new taste of coca cola brand depending upon his personality.

Post decisionbehavior:When consumer finds some product compatible to its need and easily accessible and

satisfying then they adopt a consistent behavior with that product. As we are talking about the

cola products, any coca cola product which is evaluated and selected by consumer get

connected with consumer for long time period.

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