THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1891 , N MBER 5,461, APPROVED PAPERS. Apprar'ed Papers for the rotel. ending , April 25, 1891. Resolved, That an improved iron drinking-fountain be placed in front of No. 1024 Amsterdam avenue, on the southeast corner of Sixty-fifth street and Amsterdam avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public AWorks. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Received from his Honor the Alayor, April 21, 1891, without his approval or objections thereto ; therefore, as provided in section 75. chapter 410, Laws of 1882, the same became adopted. Resolved, That an improved iron drinking-fountain be placed on the sidewalk, near the curb, in front of No. 81 1ludson street, tinder the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 18g1. Received from his Honor the Mayor, April 21, 1891, without his approval or objections thereto ; therefore, as provided in section 75, chapter 41o, Laws of 1882, the same became adopted. Resolved, That an improved iron drinking-fountain be placed oil the sidewalk, near the curb, on the north side of (Ate l - Iundicd and 1'enth strset, two hundred and fifty feet east of the Boulevard, under the direction of the Cotnetis,ioncr of Public Works. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Received from his Honor the Mayor, April 21, 1891, without his approval or objections thereto ; therefore, as provided in section 75, chapter 41o, Laws of 1882, the same became adopted. Resolved, That an improved drinking-fountain be placed on the sidewalk, near the curb, in front of Beck's Road House, King-bridge road, at One Hundred and Nincty-seventh street, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public \Works. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Received from his 1lonor the Mayor, April 21, 1891, without his approval or objections thereto ; therefore, as provided to section 75, chapter 41o, Laws of 1882, the same became adopted. Resolved, That a crosswalk of two courses of bridge-stone be laid across Jerome avenue on the north sole of Ifigh Bridge road, under the direction of the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen, April 7, 1891, Received coin his Honor the Mayor, April 21, 1891, without his approval or objections thereto ; therefore, as provided in section 75, chapter 41o, Laws of 1882, the same became adopted. Resolved, That the roadway of One I hundred and Thirty-fourth street, between the easterly crosswalk of Brook: venue and the westerly crosswalk of the Southern Boulevard, be regulated and paved with trap-block uavenleut, and that cross :ilk; of two courses of bridge-stones be laid at the Intersecting and ternuuatiug s.reets and avenues, where not already laid, under the direction of the Commissioner of Street lmprovemeut,, Twenty-third and Tw:nty-taurth Wards; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Received from his Ihonor the Mayor, April 21, 1891, without his approval or objections thereto; therelore, as provided it section 75, chapter 410, Laos of 1882, the same became adopted. Resolved, That has-mains be laid, l.tmh-pasts erected and street-lamps placed thereon and lighted in One Hundred and Twelfth street, between the Boulevard and Amsterdam avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public AWorks. Adopted by the Board of Al<lerroen, Apiil 7, 1891, Al,lir,ved lay the Mayor, April 21, 1891. Resolved, l'hat gam-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected and street.larups placed thereon and lighted in Bainbridge avenue, between Southern Boulevard and Suburban street, under the direc- tlon of the Co,uulssioner of Public Works. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891. Resolved, That gas-pipes be said, -posts erected and street-lamps placed thereon and lighted in Davidson avenue, from St. James street to Highbridge road, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891. Resolved, That gas-pipes be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps placed thereon and lighted in Marcher avenue, from Highbridge street to Devoe street, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891. Resolved, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps placed thereon and lighted in the Southern Baulevard, fruits the Boston road to Tremont avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891. Resolved, That water-pipes be laid in Brook avenue, from One Hundred and Sixtieth to One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street, as provided in section 355 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891. Resolved, That water-pipes be laid in One Hundred and Eighty-fifth street, between Amster- dam avenue and Kingsbridge road, as provided in section 356 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 18g1. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891. Resolved, That water-pipe; be laid in One hundred and Thirty-ninth street, from Eighth avenue to first new avenue west, as provided in section 356 of the New York Consolidation Act of 1882. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891. Resolved, That water-pipes lie laid in One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street, from Vineyard place to the Southern Boulevard, as provided in section 356 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891. Resolved, That the vacant lots on the south side of Seventy-fourth street, from Central Park, \Vest, to Columbus avenue, be fenced in, culler the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works and that the accompanying ordinance thcrelur he adopted. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891. Resolved, That the sidewalk in front of the premises known as Nos. 7 and 9 Abingdon Square be flagged eight feet wide, where not already done, and that the flagging and the curb now on the sidewalk be relaid and reset where ncccs;ary, and that new flagging and curb be furnished where the present flagging and curb are defective, as provided by section 321 of chapter 410, laws of 1882, as amended by chapter 569, Laws of 1887, tinder the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891. Resolved, That the carriageway of Washington street, from Bank street to Gansevoort street, as far as the salve is within the limits of grants of land under water, be paved with granite-block pavement on concrete foundation, and that the present cros,walks within that space be relaid, using the present bridge-stow-s, where not worn or broken so as to he unfit for use, and using new bridge-stones in place of defective ones, :coder the provision of chapter 449, Laws of 1889, uncle: the direction of the Comiuissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891. Resolved, That the sidewalks on the south side of Fifty-ninth street, commencing at Grand Circle and extending a distance about seventy-five feet west, be flagged full width, where not already dune, and that the Ilaggurl; and the curb now on the sidewalks be relaid and reset where necessary, and that new flagging and curl) be furnishe, 1 where the present flagging and curb are defective, as provided by section 321 of chattier 410, Laws of 1882, as amended by chapter 569, Laws of 1887, under the direction of the Comutissioner of Public \\ ork ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 14, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891. Resolved, That a crosswalk of two courses of North river blue stone, with a row of paving. blocks between the courses, be laid across Ninth avenue, fruits the southwest to the northeast corner of Manhattan street, tinder the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 14, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891. Resolved, That a crosswalk of two courses, with a rote of paving-blacks between the courses, be laid across Avenue St. -Nicholas at its intersection with the north side of One Ilundred and Twenty-second street ; the materials to be used for sai, I work to be bridge-stone of -North river blue stone, of the dimensions and according to the specifications now used in the Department of Public Works, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor he adopted. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 14, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891. FRANCIS J. TWOMEY, Clerk, Common Council. LAW DEPARTMENT. The following schedules form a report of the transactions of the office of the Counsel to the Corporation for the week ending April iS, 1891 : Tin' atqrnr, .Ildiem,it and Commonalty of the City of _A Mw York are djdndanl, -, unless otherwise mentioned. SCIIEDULE "A." SUITS AND SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS INSTITUTED. Rents- AVases CCn'2T. TER C ,,um- 1'tl'I.c ,,l ACruims. NATURE OF CT, 'N. FOLIO. SIEncen. ~Eqt. Corn. Pleas. i 41 150 Apr. ,3 McClave, Edmund W. , vs. I re restrain the sale at pu blic auction or other- Disc of the Fulton, South or Wall street Hugh J. Grant, Mayor of j ferries, the property of the Union Ferry City of New \ ork .... Cit } Company of Brooklyn and New York. Supreme .. 4* 131 •' 13 Reichhardt, Anthony (ex ref.) ) vs. Thomas F. l nlrov, I Mandamus to compel the removal of a certain Commissioner of Public l butcher's awning in front of No. 5o Car- Works of the City of New I mine street. York................... -„ 41 152 " 13 Bower}- Savings Bank( The vs. William E. Mowbray, Fire Department of the City of, New York, The Mayor, etc., of the City of New York et al. (No. r) ................ To foreclose a mortgage. .... 41 152 " r3 Bowery Savings Flank (the vs. William E. Mowbray, Fire Department of the City of New York, , I'he Mayor, etc., of the City of New Work et al. (No. a) ..... .......... do •• .... 41 152 " 13 Bowery Savings Bank The) vs. William E. blowbray, Fire Department of the City of New York, The Mayor, etc., of the City of New York. et al. (No. 3) ................ do " .... 41 152 " 13 Bowery Savings Bank ; foe) vs.' William E. Mowbray, fire Department of the City of, New York, the Mayor, etc.,' of the Cit. of New York et al. (No. 4) ............ ... do " • • • • 41 05r " 13 Bowery Savings Bank (the) vs. William F. Mowbray, Fire Department of the City of New York, The Mayor, etc., of the City of New York et al. (No. 5) ................. do 41 152 •` 13 Bowery Savings Bank (Ihe) vs. William E. Mowbray, Fire Department of the City of New York, The Mayor, etc.,, of the City of New York'. et al. (No. 6) ................ do

Transcript of THE CITY · THE CITY RECORD....





Apprar'ed Papers for the rotel. ending, April 25, 1891.

Resolved, That an improved iron drinking-fountain be placed in front of No. 1024 Amsterdam avenue, on the southeast corner of Sixty-fifth street and Amsterdam avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public AWorks.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Received from his Honor the Alayor, April 21, 1891, without his approval or objections

thereto ; therefore, as provided in section 75. chapter 410, Laws of 1882, the same became adopted.

Resolved, That an improved iron drinking-fountain be placed on the sidewalk, near the curb, in front of No. 81 1ludson street, tinder the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 18g1. Received from his Honor the Mayor, April 21, 1891, without his approval or objections

thereto ; therefore, as provided in section 75, chapter 41o, Laws of 1882, the same became adopted.

Resolved, That an improved iron drinking-fountain be placed oil the sidewalk, near the curb, on the north side of (Ate l-Iundicd and 1'enth strset, two hundred and fifty feet east of the Boulevard, under the direction of the Cotnetis,ioncr of Public Works.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Received from his Honor the Mayor, April 21, 1891, without his approval or objections

thereto ; therefore, as provided in section 75, chapter 41o, Laws of 1882, the same became adopted.

Resolved, That an improved drinking-fountain be placed on the sidewalk, near the curb, in front of Beck's Road House, King-bridge road, at One Hundred and Nincty-seventh street, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public \Works.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Received from his 1lonor the Mayor, April 21, 1891, without his approval or objections

thereto ; therefore, as provided to section 75, chapter 41o, Laws of 1882, the same became adopted.

Resolved, That a crosswalk of two courses of bridge-stone be laid across Jerome avenue on the north sole of Ifigh Bridge road, under the direction of the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted.

Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen, April 7, 1891, Received coin his Honor the Mayor, April 21, 1891, without his approval or objections

thereto ; therefore, as provided in section 75, chapter 41o, Laws of 1882, the same became adopted.

Resolved, That the roadway of One I hundred and Thirty-fourth street, between the easterly crosswalk of Brook: venue and the westerly crosswalk of the Southern Boulevard, be regulated and paved with trap-block uavenleut, and that cross :ilk; of two courses of bridge-stones be laid at the Intersecting and ternuuatiug s.reets and avenues, where not already laid, under the direction of the Commissioner of Street lmprovemeut,, Twenty-third and Tw:nty-taurth Wards; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted.

Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Received from his Ihonor the Mayor, April 21, 1891, without his approval or objections

thereto; therelore, as provided it section 75, chapter 410, Laos of 1882, the same became adopted.

Resolved, That has-mains be laid, l.tmh-pasts erected and street-lamps placed thereon and lighted in One Hundred and Twelfth street, between the Boulevard and Amsterdam avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public AWorks.

Adopted by the Board of Al<lerroen, Apiil 7, 1891, Al,lir,ved lay the Mayor, April 21, 1891.

Resolved, l'hat gam-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected and street.larups placed thereon and lighted in Bainbridge avenue, between Southern Boulevard and Suburban street, under the direc- tlon of the Co,uulssioner of Public Works.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891.

Resolved, That gas-pipes be said, -posts erected and street-lamps placed thereon and lighted in Davidson avenue, from St. James street to Highbridge road, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891.

Resolved, That gas-pipes be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps placed thereon and lighted in Marcher avenue, from Highbridge street to Devoe street, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891.

Resolved, That gas-mains be laid, lamp-posts erected and street-lamps placed thereon and lighted in the Southern Baulevard, fruits the Boston road to Tremont avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891.

Resolved, That water-pipes be laid in Brook avenue, from One Hundred and Sixtieth to One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street, as provided in section 355 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891.

Resolved, That water-pipes be laid in One Hundred and Eighty-fifth street, between Amster- dam avenue and Kingsbridge road, as provided in section 356 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 18g1. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891.

Resolved, That water-pipe; be laid in One hundred and Thirty-ninth street, from Eighth avenue to first new avenue west, as provided in section 356 of the New York Consolidation Act of 1882.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891.

Resolved, That water-pipes lie laid in One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street, from Vineyard place to the Southern Boulevard, as provided in section 356 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891.

Resolved, That the vacant lots on the south side of Seventy-fourth street, from Central Park, \Vest, to Columbus avenue, be fenced in, culler the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works and that the accompanying ordinance thcrelur he adopted.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891.

Resolved, That the sidewalk in front of the premises known as Nos. 7 and 9 Abingdon Square be flagged eight feet wide, where not already done, and that the flagging and the curb now on the sidewalk be relaid and reset where ncccs;ary, and that new flagging and curb be furnished where the present flagging and curb are defective, as provided by section 321 of chapter 410, laws of 1882, as amended by chapter 569, Laws of 1887, tinder the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891.

Resolved, That the carriageway of Washington street, from Bank street to Gansevoort street, as far as the salve is within the limits of grants of land under water, be paved with granite-block pavement on concrete foundation, and that the present cros,walks within that space be relaid, using the present bridge-stow-s, where not worn or broken so as to he unfit for use, and using new bridge-stones in place of defective ones, :coder the provision of chapter 449, Laws of 1889, uncle: the direction of the Comiuissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 7, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891.

Resolved, That the sidewalks on the south side of Fifty-ninth street, commencing at Grand Circle and extending a distance about seventy-five feet west, be flagged full width, where not already dune, and that the Ilaggurl; and the curb now on the sidewalks be relaid and reset where necessary, and that new flagging and curl) be furnishe,1 where the present flagging and curb are defective, as provided by section 321 of chattier 410, Laws of 1882, as amended by chapter 569, Laws of 1887, under the direction of the Comutissioner of Public \\ ork ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 14, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891.

Resolved, That a crosswalk of two courses of North river blue stone, with a row of paving. blocks between the courses, be laid across Ninth avenue, fruits the southwest to the northeast corner of Manhattan street, tinder the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 14, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891.

Resolved, That a crosswalk of two courses, with a rote of paving-blacks between the courses, be laid across Avenue St. -Nicholas at its intersection with the north side of One Ilundred and Twenty-second street ; the materials to be used for sai, I work to be bridge-stone of -North river blue stone, of the dimensions and according to the specifications now used in the Department of Public Works, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor he adopted.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, April 14, 1891. Approved by the Mayor, April 21, 1891.

FRANCIS J. TWOMEY, Clerk, Common Council.


The following schedules form a report of the transactions of the office of the Counsel to the Corporation for the week ending April iS, 1891 :

Tin' atqrnr, .Ildiem,it and Commonalty of the City of _A Mw York are djdndanl,-, unless otherwise mentioned.



Rents- AVases CCn'2T. TER C ,,um- 1'tl'I.c ,,l ACruims. NATURE OF CT, 'N.



Corn. Pleas. i 41 150 Apr. ,3 McClave, Edmund W. , vs. I re restrain the sale at pu blic auction or other-Disc of the Fulton, South or Wall street Hugh J. Grant, Mayor of j ferries, the property of the Union Ferry

City of New \ ork .... Cit } Company of Brooklyn and New York. Supreme .. 4* 131 •' 13 Reichhardt, Anthony (ex ref.) )

vs. Thomas F. l nlrov, I Mandamus to compel the removal of a certain Commissioner of Public l butcher's awning in front of No. 5o Car- Works of the City of New I mine street. York...................

-„ 41 152 " 13 Bower}- Savings Bank( The vs. William E. Mowbray, Fire Department of the City of, New York, The Mayor, etc., of the City of New York et al. (No. r) ................ To foreclose a mortgage.

.... 41 152 " r3 Bowery Savings Flank (the vs. William E. Mowbray, Fire Department of the City of New York, ,I'he Mayor, etc., of the City of New Work et al. (No. a) ..... .......... do

•• .... 41 152 " 13 Bowery Savings Bank The) vs. William E. blowbray, Fire Department of the City of New York, The Mayor, etc., of the City of New York. et al. (No. 3) ................ do

" .... 41 152 " 13 Bowery Savings Bank ; foe) vs.' William E. Mowbray, fire Department of the City of, New York, the Mayor, etc.,' of the Cit. of New York et al. (No. 4) ............ ... do

" • • • • 41 05r " 13 Bowery Savings Bank (the) vs. William F. Mowbray, Fire Department of the City of New York, The Mayor, etc., of the City of New York et al. (No. 5) ................. do

41 152 •` 13 Bowery Savings Bank (Ihe) vs. William E. Mowbray, Fire Department of the City of New York, The Mayor, etc.,, of the City of New York'. et al. (No. 6) ................ do




40 418 Supreme .... James MIcardle et al........' Summons only served ................... . . 1 to 237 .... In re John Cullen.......... T'o vacate assessment for tit avenue regulat-I

in=, etc............................... to 237 •' .... In re Patrick Reilly........ ..a vacate asse,sment for let aceuue regulat- 1

Ing, etc ................................f

'.9) 321 • • • • In re Calvin A. Stevens, 1 I To vacate assessment fur sewer in 6th ave-

e c itar, etc. true, tztst and [z;d streets ............. (

(9 292 .. ... H. C.... In re Reuben uulipP ..'. To vacate a<sessment for sewer in 7o;h street.

i,7) 72 •• . .. _ In re Vina~nt D. Bogart.... art... g • 7'o vacate assessment for ist and zd avenue

7 -a '' .... In re Bernard E!fing .......To sew'ers ............ ... 1

vacate assessment for i,t and ad avenueI

9 493 ... In re John 1.>[uller....... Tsewers

~I i .................................f

o vacate assessment for [7th street outlet I sewer .... ............ .... ........ ... ...)

(9 324 .... In re Henry Draper, trio-I To vacate assessment for [7th street Outlet tee, etc ...............) sewer..................................I

• • • • '9.

311 In re John T. Muller, ad- I To vacate assessment for r-tl; street outlet

9_z4 ,... mmistrator, ec...... I

In re Robert Graecen...... I sewer ................. ..............

To eaca'e asse,smeut for t,-th street outlet) •ewer ............................. .. f

(91 324 .... do ...... To vacate assessment for 17th street outlet 1 sewer .................. ...............f

99' 327 •• . .... In re Max 1Veil et al.......' To vacate assessment for t Loth street outlet Sewer..................................

9) 327 " .... do ....... To vacate assessment for cloth street outlet 1 lesser.................................

9 311 .... In re Margaretha Schwerd. To vacate assessment for iioth street outlet I sewer..................................

,7; air '' .... In re Henry Budelman...... To vacate assessment for troth street outlet I

41 5 Corn. Pleas.. Matthew Baird.... .......I sewer..................................

To restrain removal from C'ttal street of cer- tain paving-l,locks deposited fu purposes of ,

n o' paving the ser .......................... 41 148 Eighth Ju- I Frank J. Keller vs. John F. l To recover money deposited in the hands of,

dicial Dist. f Harriott, etc., et al.... f Property Clerk ...........................

DATE. How Dose. Resign KS.

2891. --- Apr, 14 t)rdterentered discontinuing action without cos's..... By consent.

i6 f Order entered dismissing petition without costs for ( lack of prosecuti,.n .............................. Upon motion before Patterson,J.

x6 t Order entered dismissing petition without costs for Ilack of prosecution .............................. do do

r6 1 Order . mervd disrnis-in' petition without costs for Ila.k of pr„>eeuti a.... ............ .... .... ... do do

if Order entered dismissing petition without costs for lack of pros,cation .............................. do do

„ t6 (Order entered dismissing petTrion without costs for

........ 1 lack of prosecution .............................. do do

x6 f Order entered dimissing petition without costs for

....•.• ( lark •d pr„secutinn .............................. do do

x6 f Orucr entered dismissing petition without costs for . 1 lack of prosecution .............................. do do

t6 1 Order entered d smissing peti;i..n without costs for

........ t lack of pro.ocuu-.n ............. x6 ) Order entered Jtsmiseing petiti•,n wit hunt costs for

........ t lack of prosecution .............................. do do r Order entered di-missing petition costs for '. without . ...... r6 lack of prosecution........... do do

t6 Order entered dismissing petition without costs for

lack of pre,ecution ........................... ... do do 6 J Order entered dismissing petition without costs for

1 lack of prosecution .............................. do do ;cith out



isotissing petition costs for'i tack

c do do

1 Order entere:l dismissing petition wt hoot costs for' Ilack of prusectuion ................. ........ .. do do

Order entered tssing petition without costs for of prosecution r ........., do do

17 ........ j

Order entered discontinuing action without costs...... By consent.

546 00 •' iS Complaint dismissed upon the answer ................ Upon motion.






Supreme ... 41 152 Apr. r3 Bowery Savings Bank the vs. William F. Nlowbray, Fire I `epartntent of the City of NEW York, '1 he Mayor, etc., of the City of New York et at. (No. 7) ................ To foreclose a mortgage.

•, .... 41 152 " 13 Bowery ravines Bank 'The) vs. William E~ Mon bray, Fire I)epartment of the City of New York, The flavor, rte., of the City of New York. et al. No. 8 .. .. ..... do

.... 41 152 13 Bower' Savings Bank (The vs. William E. Mowbray, fire Department of the City of New York, I he Mayor, etc., of the City of New York

William M. Kingsiand, trustee, etc.—Order entered denying motion to resettle case on appeal. Matthew Baird—Order discontinuing action without costs ; entered on consent. In re May Deering et al., Twelfth avenue sewers, front One Hundred and Thirtieth to One Hun-

tired and Thirty-first Street Order reducing assessment. People ex rel. Locke \\ . Winchester, treasurer, etc., vs. Michael Coleman et al. Tax Commissioner,—

General Term order of affirmance entered against the City with costs and disbursements. John B. Devlin, administrator Jutlgrnent entered as follows ; in favor of the plaintiff for $83,594.15

in favor of defendant 1) -maldson for $334,277.22, together with his costs, extra allowances and disbursements taxed at $21,578, making in all 5355,855.22 ; in' favor of defendant Charles Waite, trustee, etc., for 553,594.15, and in favor of defendant Charles Bliss, a, administrator, for $Ib6,523.21.

People of the State of New York vs. Manhattan Fire Insurance Company--Order entered confirm-ing Referee's report as to claim of Ann Smith.

People ex re Locke \V,'IVinchester, treasurer, etc., vs. Michael Coleman et al., Tax Comntis-sioners- Judgtnent entered in favor of the relator vacating the assessment for the year 1888, upon the capital stock of the National Express Company, with $Ioo.97co.sts and disbursements.

Harry C. Harlin„ administrator, etc.—Orcier entered allowing the amended complaint upon pay-tnent of $20, costs of motion.

41 15a 13

Nvitliam F:. 3Iowbray, Fire SCHEDULE "C." teparunent of the City of,


of the City of New York Maicho t'irrtunat' — Refeience proceeded and adjourned to April 16; proceeded and adjourned et al, :N o . ...: ...... . ........' do to 20.

41 153 " 14 Harrison, Burton N ........... For professionalservices i

performed the retainer of the t orporaton Counsel between

on People ex rid. Edward Luckmeyer vs. The Commissioners of Taxes and Assessments of the City of

llccc rib er, r 87. and December, 3590, in New York—Argued before Ingraham, 1,; decision reserved ; G. S. Coleman for the City. the [natter of recovering front the State of William A. Dawson— fried before Beach, J., and a jury ; verdict directed for the plaintiff for the state taxes paid by the City and not 5I, joj.6o ; S.J. Cowen for the City.

.... [ , x . ,........ collectible by it, x17,885.79. I

as Keeper of y s Bal f l Cit Pri ons, ance o saary ) The Board of P C Ieop le ex rc 1 11 illtam L. 7"a Ylur . . vs. olice ommissioners of the City of New 'I ork— Thompson William F 4 54 4

at ss, o per annum, front May o, i88-, to Submitted to the Gc tie ral Term ; decision reserved ; J. J. Delany fir the City. `eptcnlber, 1888, a8 .;a. People ex rel. henry Butts vs. '1lie Board of Police ConHuis'ioner.s of the City of New Fork—hub-

'' " .... 41 155 x4 Van Courtlandt, Oliver ........Balance claimed to be due for planting trees milted to the General 'I ertn - decision reserved ; J. M. \\ and for the City.

uard,n Fth hind 7th accrue ` and on the

Harl Boole -

c [loth _tree[ and em uno C Re Chemica l C ) d before Andrews J. ; decision re coed ; E. J. F m

P' Company—frie om n e reedan for river, Siai.e7. the City.

" .... 41 156 14 DeCourva1, \I ry Ray......... To restrain the construction of a mar,inal I The Ow '1 Transportation Company—Tr,ed before Brown, F decision reserved J. 11f. \Ward for wharf at zah street and „th avenue, North i . the City• • river, or if same be allowed, then for value of the water right-, etc. prigitc,gcs, Frank J. Keller vs. John h. Ilarriot et al•—Motion to dismiss the complaint upon the answer made

Coin. Plea. 41 197 15 People of the State of New i To restrain the Comptroller or the City and granted ; J. M. Ward for the City. York vs. Luther lasher, Chamberlain from p:q'iu); over to the In re John Cullen, Patrick Reilly, First avenue regulating, etc. ; Calvin A. Stevens, executer, etc., principal, and Ju hn A. defendants the :mount of a judgment foe ' nitil titd Carrie, surcry' nd

foseph I

Supreme.... 4 t 158 r5 Shaw, Selina, recovered upon a forfeited recognizance.

Lot t andl

yd street ;[Brun on1111b utdtlippt, sewer it ltieventyl tstlt ntreetlti`tht`eno t

)h Bogeltic

]t, I oririred

I Ifit„l,irit . Dixon, esecotors, etc., of For awards made on ~o., g,r i2 , ,6r, ;ez, I

and Alap No. 17, in the i '6z 562 ;6;. and Second avenue S, "Crs ; John F. Miller, Henry I )raper, trustee, etc.: John k. Millet •, admin- \It hi I thaw', deceased matter of op fling New P.•rks, g- istrator, etc, ; Robert Graecen, Robert Gi accen, Seventieth street outlet Seaver ; Max 1\ eil et al., matter of

Coot. Pleas . 4 1 X51 16 o. fo foreclwc lien of 6;dance due for plumbing Max \Veil et al., \largaretta Scliwerd, I levy Budelntan, One Hundred attd "Tenth street out-

Philtc., o f The Mayor,

etc., of [he City of New( the and steam-titting work used in the con- - let sewer--Mrtiotl to di,mis.s the )'etition for lack of prosecution made before Patterson, J.

York and_Iohn E. McGuire otruction of the pavilion for Almshouse on motiongranted : (,. L. Sterling for the City. g y

Supreme.... u t r6 " :5 bmtth, Terence A ..........,.1. liLt lancelcl. Island, 0., I dit People ex ref. New York Uutlerground Fall\5'ay Company vs. Cummissi:,ner of Public Works of For balance chimed to he due under contract for Luildin,G :t house at High Bridge, the City of New 1"ork—Ar ued in the Cou t of Appeals ; decision reserved ; D. Dean for J. and for damages for detention caused the City. through change of pbms, 41,500. People ex ref. Julio 'IV. Cochrane vs. The Commissioners of Taxes and As-cssments of the City of

— _- — New York--Argued at the General Terns ; de', ision reserved ; G. S. Coleman for the City. James B. Tittnan et al., as administrators, etc. —Submitted to the General 'Perm ; decision reserved

T. Farley for the city. Thomas W. Sweeney - Fried before Beach, J., and a jury ; verdict fir the City ; J. J. Delany for the

SCHEDULE '- 11," Cu'.

ORDERS AND JCUG JSE\TS EVCERED (h:ACEPT THOSE INt"LCDED IN SCHEDCLE "D"j. Matter of Corlears I look Park—Hearing for the Commissioners proceeded and adjourned to the P 17th ;prose<'derl and adjourned to the 22d.

James Mc_\idle—Order entered discottttniitng the action without costs. People ex rel. The Union 'l rust Conttsany vs. -1'he Commissioners of Taxes and Assessments of the Daniel Rottman—Judgment of affirmance entered in favor of the City and for 585.10 costs and I City of New York--.Argued in the Court of Appeals ; decision reserved ; 1). J. Dean for the

disbursements. 1 City.



\\"bl. H. CLARK, Counsel to the Corporation.



`Ew VoRK, April 23, 18)1.

Number of licenses issued and amounts received there-for, in the week ending Friday, April 24, 1851.


Saturday, Apr. x8, t8gr 75 1;3 z5

Monday, ” zn, " 173 070 10

Tuesday, " or, " r36 172 00

Wednesday, " zz, '' 89 foo '5

Thursday, " 23, '' x33 zt7 00

Friday, 24, ,t6 158 to

Total;...... 724 1.1.056 co

DANIEL ENGELH -RD, Mayor's Marshal.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, NE,%v YORK, March 4, 1890.

Pursuant to section I, subdivision 3 of chapter

to, I,aws of 1888, I hereby designate the "New

Yorker Zeitung " and II New• York Daily New:,''

of ing daily papers printed in the City of New

York as the newspapers in which the advertise-

ments of the public notice of the time and place

of auction sales iu the City of NewYork shall be




MAYOR'S OFFICE, NEW YORK, February 1, 1889. )r


STATEMENT OF THE HOURS DURING which the Public Offices in the City are open for

business, and at which the Courts regularly open and adjourn, as well as cfthe places where such offices are kept and such Courts are held ; together with the heads of Departments and Courts :


11/avers office.

No. 6 City Hall, 10 A. M. to 4 P.M.; Saturdays, no 4. m. tO 12 M.

HUGH J. GRANT, Mayor. Wei. MGM. SPEER, Secretary and Chief Clerk.

Major's /Warslral's Office.

No. It City Hall, 9 A. At. to 4 P. M. DANIEL ENGELHARD, First Marshal. FRANK Fox, Second Marshal.


OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, Secretary. Address 111 COLEMAN, Staats Zeitung Building, Trycn

Row. Office hours, 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, 9 A. Si. to 12 M. -

COMMON COUNCIL. Office of Clerk of Common Council,

No, 8 City Hall, q A. It. to 4 P. M. JOHN H. V. ARNOLD, President Board of Aldermen. r'RANCIS J. TWOMEY, Clerk Common Council.

City Library. No. xz City Hall, 10 A. M. to 4 P. M.

MICHAEL C. PADDEN, City Librarian.

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Commissioner's Office.

No. 31 Chambers street, 9 A. M to 4 P. M. THOMAS F. GILROY, Commissioner; BERNARD F

MARTIN, Deputy Commissioner.

Bureau of Chief Engineer. No. 31 Chambers street, Q A, M. to 4 P M.

GEORGE W. BIRDSALL. Chief Engineer.

Bureau of Water Register. No. 31 Chambers street, 9 A, M. to 4 P. M.

JOSEPH RILEY, Register. Bureau of Street Gnprovemenes.

No, 3t Chambers street, 9 A. M. tO 4 P. M. WM. M. DEAN, Superintendent.

Pursuant to section 9 of chapter J39, Laws of I COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. 1583, thereby designate the Daily News' and ' Rooms rx4 and its, Stewart Building, 9 A. M. to 4 Y.M. the " New York Morning Journal," two of the MAURICE F, HOLAHAN. EDWARD P. BARKER. 9nily papers printed in the City of New York, I in which notice ofeachsale of unredeemed pawn, o' pledges by public auction in said city, by I AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS. pawnbrokers, shall be published for at least six Room 009, Stewart Building,th floor, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.

TAMES C. DUANE, President; JOHN C. SHEEHAN, days previous thereto, until otherwise ordered. I

HUGH J. GRANT, Mayor. I Secretary; A. FTELEY, Chief Engineer; J. C. LULLEY Auditor


AI'RIL 27, 1891. THE CITY RECORD. 1379 P,u,ratr n/ .b'rr'e•rs.

No. 3, Chambers street, 9 A. Al. to 4 P. M. HORACE LOONIES, En.glncer-io-Charge.

Bureau rJ Repairs anrf Srr/,fdres.

No. 3t Chambers street, 9 A, At. to 4 r M WILLIAM G. l;laucl•s, 5uheriulcudcut.

human o/ 11 alrr /':n's'cyor.

No. 31 Chambers street, 9 A. at. to 4 P. is Won. H. L inn Init. \Vater Purveyor.

lint rrrt:e rJ L sn/s anef Goes.

No. 31 Chambers street, 9 A. M. to 4 P.51 STI.IHICN islcCot<allcK, Suocriutcndent.

Burrrrn o/'.S/reels and Kneads.

No. 3t Chambers street, 9 A, Al. to 4 i'. M. Jolts B. SHEA, Superintendent.

Kerman a/ hunt rn/ca 7rrrs. No. 3t Chambers street, 9 A, M. to 4 V. M.

ISIICHAEL '1'. Ct'nuuNes, Superiutendent.

hee/rr n/ City 1/x11 IS1:nR iIN .1. Kn:t•:se. City Hill.


'1'wEN'n- -'rlurtn AND 'I'WENTY-F0I'R inn \<us.

Nn. a6,, 'Third an cnue. Louis J. lieu rz, Connniesioner: (iNx H. J. RnNxen

Deputy Commissioner; Ws1. 11. into Evcin, Secretary.


com,61rotlrr's O)Jhce,

No. is Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broad-Way, 9 A. Al. to 4 I', nl,

'Lllrononts \V. Mesas, Comptroller; RicHARr A. STURRs, Depluv Cnm ptrollcr; D. Low'mcR Sau'rH, Assistant Deputy Comptndlcr.

-'iaditnr,;> Gtrreale.

Nos. 19, Zr, 23 Stewart Iluilding, Chambers street and Broadway, 9 A. 01. to 4 1'. AI.

VIWILLIAM J I,s'oN , I' nest Auditor, I IAVI t, E. At's-rKN. Sc cond Auditor.

flu rent in fi,r the Collirtinn n/ r3,c.tce.cmcuts rnd.-lr,-rnrt of Taxes crud .i-e ....ruts and of 11 'atcr h'eotts.

Nos. 31, 33, 35, 37, 39 Stewart Cull ail g, Chambers street and Broadway, y A Cl. to 4 P. At.

Osnosoc MA( DAN tel., Collector of Asses en.ests and Clerk of Arrears.

No moue}- received ;tiler 2 1'. At.

Bureau for the Collr•cunn o/ Gfy Revenue and a/ 1/n,,-As-/s.

Nos. t and 3 Stewart Building, Chambers Street a. .d llroadway, 9 A. at. to 4 1'. Ni.

JAslls DALY, Collector of the City Revenue and Superintendent of Markets.

No mouev received alters t'. on.

Bureau /or Cedlentiou rj 7a.rrs.

No, 97 Chambers street and No. 35 Reade street Stewart Itttildim„ 9 A. 01. to 4 I'. At.

GEuenE W. 91cLlc.ts, Receiver ui 'faxes; Ann Vrt•:nevm'Reit, Deputy Receiver of Taxes.

No money received after 2 r. %i.

6nrrau rf Ike Lily C7tamA, layer. Nos. 25, 27 Stewart I;uilding, Chambers street and

CruadWay, 9 A. At, to 4 P. SI. I HOMAS C 'I. CRAIN, City Chamberlain.

(ire of Ike' City !rtl'uraster.

No. 33 Reade stt'eet, Stewart I .mil li rug, q I. or, to 4 r,nt JOHN H. 7'tuoiEt:ol:sx, City Paymaster

LAW DEPARTMENT. Cfce of the Counsel to lire Corfora/inn

Staats Zeitung Building, third and fourth floors, a A. H. to 5 v. At. Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 12 At.

\Vtt.LIAM H. CLARK, Counsel to the Corporation. ANoREw T. Cant ruELL., Chief Clerk.

Office ojt/re Public Atiminis/vnttor.

NO. 49 Beckman street, 9 A. -.t. to 4 1'. AT. CHARLES E. Lyt,eciEtc, Public Administrator

Office of Attoraey for Collection o/ -Arrears n/'iersonat

Stewart Building, Broadway and Chambers street. 9 A. At. to 4 P. M.

JOHN U. H. DIes'ees, Attorney. SAMUEL LARRY, Clerk.

O cc of/lie Corf,nra/ion Atrorncy.

No.49 Beckman street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. At. LOUIS STECKLER, Corporation Attorney.

POLICE DEPARTMENT. Central (7,/i/ce.

No. Soo Mulberry street, 9 A. H. to 4 P. u, CHARLrs 1. MACLEAN, President ; WILLIASI 11. Kul-r,

Chief Clerk ; '1'. F'. RODHNBOCrsH, Chief of Bureau of Elections.

Lire Alarm Ted,'; raJ,lr. J. F:LI,Io-r SAI 'I'll, Superintendent. Central Office open at all hours.

R•pair S7trns.

Nos, t s8 and tau West ''bird street, J nn.s CAs'I't.Hs, Furculau-iu-Charge, 8 A. Al. to s r. At

//,,sni fal ,5/a/,/es. N:octy-math street, between Ninth and 'tenth aveut,es

Jnsl:ru Stnte, Fornntait-in-Charge. Open at all hours.

DE1'AR'I'hiEN'I' OF DOCKS. L';atery, Pier A, North river.

F:uwtti A. rust', President; AUCUSTcs'1'. DUCHAR'ty, Secretary.

Office hours, from 915.51. to 4 P. At.

DEP'AR'11H?N'1' OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS. otaats Zeittmg P,uilding,'l'ryon Row, 9 A. At. to 4 P. n+,

Saturdays, Ia %I. hi cuAEL COLF:SIAN, President; FLoru T.SMrmu.


UEI'AR'lSIF:N'l' OF S'I'REE:r CLEANING. Stewart h mlding. (I (lice hours, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.

HANS S. filtAT-r,lt, Cmnnussioncr; Wu.t.iAnt DAI:rux, Dcplrt5' Com rut isstoncr ; (ill. nr R'r. O. F. Nicol.[., Cluel Clerk.


Cooper Untnn, 9 A. St. to 4 P. M. J AS! CS THO>tsuN, Chairman of the Supervisory Board

LsE PHnt,LnPs, Secretary at, rl Executive Oflicer.

IIOARD OF' 1':STISIATE AND APPORTIONMEN'1-Oftice of Clerk, Stoats 7cihmg Building, Room 5.

I'he 51 ,vruc, Chairman; CHAeu,es V. Amine, Clerk.

BOARD OF ASSESSORS. Odice, 27 Chambers street, a A. at. to 4 r. al.

u GILUN. Chairman ; W.M. H. JAsrraa. Secretary

IlOARD OF EXCISE. No, 54 I;ond street, 9 .5. sl. to 4 P. SI.

ALr.x.-sNur:H illvalcls, Yresidcnt; JAMES F litsHor, Secrceuv and Chid Clerk.


Nos, 6 and 7 New County Court-house, 9 A.M. to 4 P. nl Jour J. GORMMAN, Sheriff ; JOHN B. SEXTON, Under


RF,t;iSl'ER'e OF'F'ICE,

East side Ciey Hall Park, 9 A. St. to 4 r, St. FRANK 1. Frrznua:.i l.n, Register; J:uu:s A. H.t',i.rcv,

Deputy Register.

COMMISSIONER OF JURORS, Room 127, 'ntew;trt Building, Chambers street and

Broadway, 9 A. on. to 4 P. sI. Cut nun It', RVIlt,', Commissioner; E:uw':v;n \IcC;- e,

I )cputy Comntis;ioner.

COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. Nos, 7 and S New County Court-house, 9 A. v. to 4 r. At

Lit, s:t sin A. C'.I me RICH, County Clerk; P. J. Sno t,;,v Deputy Count} Clerk.

DISTRICT AT'TORNEY'S OFFICE. Second floor, L'rowa-stone Building, City Hall Park A. M. to 4 P. M. DE L.%Nt vv NICOLL, District Attorney ; \\"II.t.,A\t J

\IcKENSA, Chief Clerk

THE CITY RECORD OFFICE, lord f+:r ream of I'rintin;", Valionery, anrf L'leurlr Books

No, 2 City (fall, 9 A. m. to 5 r. St., except Saturdays, on .vhich d;t}-s 9 A.M. to t2 .1r.

1V. J. K. KENNY, Supervisor; DAvto RYAN, Assist-ant Supervisor; Jo iN J. MCGR:rrH, Examiner.

CORONERS' OFFICE. No. 124 Second avenue, 8 A.M. to 5 P. 5t. Sundays and

holidays, 8 A. H. to 12.30 r. +r. Mil IA,L J. P. 1 fE55E\IER, FERDINANn LEvs, D,1NIVI,

HANLY, Lusts W. Scent::.Tzt•:, Coroners; EuwARL I', ReyNULus. Clerk of the Board of Coroners.

SURROGATE'S COURT. New County Court-house. Court opens at to.3o a. sl. RAsrrs S. RANSOM, Surrogate ; WIL.LIAMM V. LE:vec,

Chief Clerk.

COURT O1' SPECIAL SESSIONS. At Tombs, corner Franklin • nd Centre streets, daily

-it 10.30 A. ar., excepting Saturday. JOHN F. CARROLL, Clerk. Office, Tombs,

COURT OF GENERAL, SESSIONS. No, 32 Chambers street. Court open at ii o'clock A.M. FREne,lcin S0ISTt, Recorder; RANDOLPH 11. MAI-


Terms open, first Monday each month. JOHN SI'ARI;s, Clerk. Office, Roost No. tr, roA. 51. till

4 P. At,


Twelve thousand five hundred (I',Soo) tons of furnact size.

Three thousand '3,00u', tnnc of egg size. Fight hundred -8so tons of'stuve size. And seven hundred (700 tons of nut size. 'The oak wood must be of the best quality ; the pint

wood must be of the Lest quality Virginia, first ,growtl nod sound. The proposals must .state the price per card of one hundred and twenty-eight cab cubic feel solid measure for both oak ;utd pine wood. The wenei. both oak ;md pine, mtlst Inc delivered s;uved and split, and must be piled in the yard,, cellars, vaults, or bins of the sebum buildings ;Is may be clesinatcd by the proper authorities, ;md measures for payment ;tr, to be ntndc by the In,pector of Fuel of the L'o:,rd of liducation of the said wood so piled in the .School buildings.

Proposals must state the price per cord for—_ I )ak wood, t(i-inch Icngths, Oak wood, I( -inch lengths, Split to stove size. Oak wood, v-inch lengths. Oak wvcod, r--inch lengths, split to stove size. Pine wood, r7-inch lengths, split for kindling. fine wood, t3-inch lengths, stove size. Pine wood, i3-inch lengths, split for kindling. Pine wood, 9-inch lengths, split for kindling. fine wood, 6-inch lengths, split for kindling. Said coal and wood will be inspected, and said coal

weighed, tinder the snpervisiml of the Inspector of Fuel of the board of E 11, atiun.

The contractor will be required to present With every bill for deliveries a bill of lading with each boat-load as partial evtdcnce of the kind and quality of the coal claimed to have been delivered, and with all hills to present his afiidavit' tninq the ytuuttity ;mrl quality of coal delivered. where the same was weighed, and certify-ing the correctnes, of hi, cl::i m.

The coal and wood ,,met he delivered at the schools as fnlluw, : '1'vco-thirds of the ,ptantity of each between the fifteenth of ]Lip ;md the fifteenth of October, and the remainder as required by the Committee on Si ppI lee; the cuntr.,cts for supplying said ca:,1 and wood to Inc binding until the first Jay of illny, eighteen hundred and ninct y-two.

Iwo stipulated 'in reties, or bond by one of the Guarantee Conn panics, for the faithful pe rfurm;mce of the contract, will be required, and carp proposed nnlst be acc,.ulpanicd by the sign:rtures and residences of the proposcr's .0 relics. No annpcnsation abu~c the con- trtctrice will Incallowed for d^ iv • - p 1 crmG s;:id ,nut nail wood at any of the cehnols, nor for putting or piling the same in the yeirds, cellars, vaults, or bins of sand school huildinq s.

Pr„pusuls must be directed to the Cnmutittee w Supplies of the Board of Education, and should be inders,zl '' Proposals for Coal," or "Proposals for Wuud,'' IS the came nta}' be.

The C ,nlmitnec rew-revs to it-elf the right to impose such condition, and penalties in the contract as it may deem proper, and to reject ansir all proposals received when deemed best for the public iutcrest.

Any fiu-ther intnrnt:tti,m cam be obtained from the Clerk of th,_ if- ;lrcl if 1/du, swan.

1.1 l\l':11.D 11. I'E:\SLEE, 'I'IIAUUI(I;' 51' R1.-AR'l'Y, \\II.I,1:\)I H. GRAY, 1n41/114 I. r,l f S:AR.-111 H, 1i WELL,

C„mmittdc ou Supplies. Nr:w Yui<K, April r5, fin.

SI?t\LI':U I'I(nlOS,AI.ti 5011,1, RIs I:ECEIV'EI) b}- the hoard of H, hnr,l l'rustee, for the Tenth

',Yard, at the Hall of the Bn:,rd of 1(duc;:tinn, Nn, 146 Gana; street, until 4 n'cloc!< r, it. ,it Tuesday, -5p,-ii r89r, G-r erecting a '.yew \\- in„ and ,S ltcrttions to Gramutar ,chn,i Ifuildin' No. 7;. in Nnrt,'lk street.

1'A'l'i/ICK CARi/Oi,I., Chairman, Fl(1?.K .1. 1,I'h\CI•:1:, ticcrctary,

IJoard of Sc it ool 77u stets, 'Tenth \\'aril.

Plans :inch 'pecificatinns stay Inc seen, an, I blank pro-posals obtained, at the eflice of the Superintendent of .School linildings, No. 146 Grand street, third floor.

The '1'ru'tees reserve the richt to reject any or all of the prnpnc;ds'Obntittcd.

I lie party submitting, a proposal, and the parties pre-posing to become cure tics, most each write his name and place rut residence on said proposed.

'I'wn responsible ;mil approved sureties, rose/emits of this city, are reyulrcd in all ewes.

No proposal will he con,idercd from per,on, win e character and antecedent de:diugs with if., li.nrd of F:dncation render their responsibility duubttal.

Dated Ne'.c YniK,:April 14, z8ut.


f VLF;D PI<OYI iS ALS 14II,L Ll: RECE R IVIEID Y S the F:xccutivc Committee f:,r the care, etc.. of the Normal Colleue, at the Ii all of the Ito.,rd of Educuion. No. i/C Gntud street, until f'ri,lay Slay ,, ; Sac, oud until 4 o'clock r. U. on said day, for cnpplyiug the huildini,sof the Nunnal Collc,ge, Sixty-eiy;hth;md Sixt}•-ninth streets ;and Lcxiu,gtuu mtvenue, with five hundred 500 tons more or less of Egg Coal, twcuty (a'-' tons

more or legs of Struve Coal. fifteen n9 tons nor,, or less of Stove and Nut Coal mixed and five ; tons ntor _ or less of N,u Coal ; all to he l'lymuuth red ash seeds, twenty-tw'o hundred and forty 2,24 . pounds to the ton. to be stored in the bins by the contractor, and delivered in such qu;mtitics- as may lie called for.

Proposals must be addressed " I'o the F,xecutivc Committee of the Noruml College," and lie acculnpauicd by the signatures of two responsible sureties.

SAMUE1. M. FUR 1)5', Chairman,

ARTHUR 11cSrcLL1.s, Secretary.

Dated Nt:w Yotc;:, April r7, 1391.


PUBLIC NOTICE; IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE: owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all

Itouses and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, that the tollow•ing ;assessments have been com-pleted and are lodged in the ulfce of the hoard of As-sessors for examination by all persons interested, viz.

List t4p8, No. r. Paving Eighty-eighth street, from Boulevard to \Vest End avenue, with asphalt pavement on concrete foundation.

List 35us, No. z. I'nving Eighty-seventh street, from West End avenue to the Riverside Ur_ve, with asphalt pavement on concrete foundation.

List 3556, No.;. Paving Seventy-eighth street, from the Boulevard to Riverside Drive, with granite blocks.

List 3037, No 4. Paving F:i.ghty-'eventh street, from Eighth to Ninth avenue, and from Tenth avenue to the Boulevard, with asphalt block pavement, and laying crosswalks.

List 3536, No, 5. Paving (Inc Hundred and Fourteenth street, from Madison to Fifth avenue, with granite blocks.

List 3539, No. 6. Paving One Hundred and Second street, from First avenue to the Harlem river, with granite blocks.

List 355,, No, 7. Regulating, grading, curbing and flagging (Inc Hundred and Fortieth strect, from Seventh to Eighth avenue.

The limits embraced by such assessments include all the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and parcels of land srtuated on—

No. I. Both sides of F:i;;hty-eighth street, front the Boulevard to \Vest End avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues.

No. 2. ,loth sides of Eighty-seventh street, from West End avenue to the Riverside Drive, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues.

No. 3. Both sides of Seventy-eighth street, from the Boulevard to Riverside Drive, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues,

No. 4. Loth sides of Eighty-seventh street, from Eighth to Ninth avenue, and from 'Tenth avenue to the Boulevard, and to the extent of half the block at the in-terscctiug avenues,

No. 5- Loth sides of One Hundred and Fourteenth street, from 1ladixnn to I' iftl; avcnne, and to the extent of half the black at the intersecting avenues.

No, C. L'uth sides of One li undred and Second street, from First avenue to the Iinrlem river, and to the extent of buff' the black at the intersecting avenues.

Nu. 7. L'nth si,lcs of (true lfundred and Fortieth street, from seventh to Eighth avenue.

All persons w•h 'use interestsare affected b}' the above- named assessments, and w-ho are opposed to the same, or either of tbcm, are rcq uested to present their objec-tions in writing to the Chairman of the Board of Assessors, at their efGce, NO 27 Chambers street, within thirty days from the date of this notice.

7 'he above-described lists will be transmitted, as pro-vided by law, to the Coard of Revision and Correction of Assessments for confirmation, on the n)th Clay of Slay, t8yt.

I•:LWARI) (II L IN, ('hairntan, PA'I'l/ICK 51. HAVI/R ['Y, ('H A". E. WENII'1', 1:1)'(VARI) CAH1LI.,

L'oard of Assessors.

OftuIC in (/N'1' ii it BOARD OF Aso essuniS, NO. 27 ClnAvn;I:Rs S' RIEI,I

NEW Your, April r8, ,S,)r.

P Ullf IC NoI'ICE IS HI?R1:HYGIVE;N'10 'I'UE owner or owners, occupmtt or occupants of all

houses ;toil Ions, improved or unimproved lands affected tin creby, that the f llmcin a,:essments have been enm-pleted and are Inrl_ed in the office of the board of As-sessors fur ex;unimttion by all persons interested, viz.:

Li't ;;3;, No. I. I'.ni,,g One Hundred and 'Third street, from .\ mstu'rdam ;:venue to the boulevard, with usphnit, ;utd laving crass:c.:lks.

List 3;41, No. e. i- In.-g./in;, and reilag;ing, curbing ;Old recurbing cast side of I';trk avenue, from One Ilun-dred and I'iftccnth to l)ne Ffundred ;old Sixteenth street, and south side ut ( One Hundred and "ixteenth street, from I 'ark to I cxin 4/on avenue.

List 3517, No, 3. 1 L,„gieg Old relingging, curbing and recurluing south side of fifty-ninth street, from Seventh avenue to Il roadway.

Gist 3532, No. 4. F'encin'g the vacant lots on the north-east ;Old northwest earners of Madison avenue and (inc Hundred ;n.d 1':i;;hth street,

List 3558, No. 5. fennel n4 the vacant lots on the south side of Ii m Huudrecl and Thirty-fifth street, between Park and I.enoa: avrnucs.

111e limits euthraced by such assessments include all the several houses ;mil lots of eruund, s nc:utt lots, pieces and parcels of land sit utted un—

No. I. Loth -ides of I true Hundred and Third Street, front :5 titer/mum acenuc Inn the i;ouluvard, and to the extent of it11 the block ;it the inter'e::tine acemte-.

No. e. 15ant -ide of Park nvcnuc, from I hne 1-lmine/red and Fiftccnth to Onc I lundred and 4ixtccnth street, and socth -ids of (In- Hundred and Sixteenth street, from Lexington to Pm-k aeenuc.

No. 3. South side of Fifty-ninth street, from Seventh in enuc to 1;ruadway.

No .t. Northeast cnrncr of Aiadrsnn avenue and ( )ne lundred and F:i.ghth street, extending ;:hnut 77 Icet ou

I Inc I Iundred and Eighth street. ;u,6 5o feet 11 ;inches on Madison avenue ; also northwest corner of Si,,di.con ovenu, :mcl tine Hundred and Eighth slrcet, extending about "7 f'_ct 6 inches on One H,mdred ;utd Eighth street, and „n tees t t inches on \ladi,on uvcnuc.

No. ;. South side of One Humlred and Thirty-fifth street, from I 'art: to I enux avenue.

All per,ons w-huse interests are affected by the above-ua,ncd asscsssmcnIs, and who are opposed to the same, or either of them, are requested to present their I,bicc-ttun, in writing to the Chairnr,,n of the Board ofA:;es,ors, -tt their oifce, No. 27 Chambers street, within thirty days from file date of this notice.

The ibu%c-described lists teill be transmitted, as pro-sided by hnr, to the kn;,rd of Revision and Correction of Assessments, for confirmation, on the t5th day nil May, ihyt.

E:D\\':,RD (1ILON, Chairman, IA'I'i/ICK Vf, HAVh;RFV, CHAIn/ ES F. WEN1)1', EDWARD CAHILL,

Board of Assessors.

Ow,rl1 Oc 'r[l[- 15 tint, ''I Ass1:ss,,a5,

Ni,. 27 CIIA.anuu.lts al e,',;u p(

Nn-:w' Yule K, .-lI ril 14, ILt. /1


Hl l ,rat:-; ei'oue lli l rti ,, ----

t57 tN1 59 1 a 1 tin; i 1- NErn i t SIT, N l t I n,Rlc, .\t,ril 53, iSyt. 1

NOTICE IS HEREIIY GIVEN '1'HA'1' SIX (6( Horses registered numbers .rr', e3.', 121,

}6z :mil 481) will be :old Art Public auction to the highest bidder for cash inn I''ri,lay, SLty J. ,So,, at t2 o'clock or., by Van l'asseii & Kearn,-y, auctionccrs, at Nos. tie and tt2 East 'Thirteenth street.

fit NR\ - ill. I'Ll/ROY, S. HnN'LAND I/ul)Ill\<, AN I ]IUSY 1•:ICKHnIF']',

Com utissioners,

HF:an,JrAR'rens Fun; Di,t'sRo'sre' r. t57 AND 159 Eas-t' furs'-.SIARNIH til'lu'.Cr,

New Y,ou, April at. rs9t.


`EALED PROPOSALS F'I lR FURNISHING t'HIS ~7 Department with the following articles :

5oo,000 pounds Hay, of the quality' and standard known as Best Sweet Timothy.

100,000 pounds grand, clean Rye• Straw. 5,000 bags clean No. r White Oats, 8o pounds to the

bag. 2,000 bags first quality Bran, 40 pounds to the bag.

—will be received by the board of Cmnmissioners at the head of the Fire Department, at the office of said Department, Nuns, 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, in the City of New York, until to o'clock A. ot. Mon-day, Slay .1, 2891, at which time and place they will be publicly opened by the head of said Department and read.

All of the articles are to be delivered at the various houses of the Department, in such quantities and at such times as may be directed.

No estimate will be received or considered after the hour named.

The form of the agreement (with specifications), show-rig the mannerof payment for the articles, may be seen and forms of proposals may be obtained at the office )f the Department.

Proposals must include all the items, specifying the price per cw't. for hay and straw, and per bag for oats End bran.

Bidders will write out the amount of their estimates n addition to inserting the same in figures. 'fhe award of the contract will be made as soon as

practicable after the opening of the bids. Any person making an estimate for the above shall

)resent the s:mle in a sealed envelope to said Board, at ;aid office, on or before the clay and hour above named, vhich envelope shall be indorsed with the name or names If the person or persons presenting the same, the date of is presentation, and a statement of the work to which relates.

The Fire Department reserves the right to decline any and all bids or estimates if deemed to be for the public nterest. No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or :ontract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the -orporation upon debtor contract, or who is a defaulter, is surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- poration.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name


Central Office.

No.66 Third avenue, corner Eleventh street, 9 A. St. to 4 P, 51.

HENRY H. PORTER, President; GEORGE F. BRITTON, Secretary.

Purchasing Agent, FRIIDF.RICK A. CUSHMAN. Office hours, q A. M. to 4 P. xl. Saturdays, ra v.

Contracts, Proposals and Estimates for Work and Ma. terials for Building, Repairs and Supplies, Bills and Accounts, 9 A. rut. to 4 P. on. Saturdays, to or. CHARLES BENN, General Bookkeeper.

Out-Door Poor Department. Office hours, 8.30 A. M. to 4.30 P. aL WILLIAM BLAKE, Superintendent. En- trance on Eleventh street.

HEALTH DEPAR TENT. No. 301 Mott street, 9 A. At. to 4 I'. rut.

CHARLES G. WILSON, President ; EotorONS CLAPK, Secretary. OFFIcr nil' Ttlr ltoARD oG EDUCATION, 1


Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Building, Nos, 49 J at the office of the Board of Education, corner of and 5r Chambers street, 9 A.M. to 4 ion. Saturdays, 12 Si. Grand ;utd Elm streets, until Friday, DLty t, t8yr, at

ALBERT GALLUP, President; CHARLES lie F. B['R"S, 4 r. at., for supplying the Coal and Wood required for Secretary. the Public Schools in the city for the ensuing year. say

Office of Yapngratnical linyiueer. seventeen thousand (17,cw.) tuns of coal, more or less, Arsenal, Sixty-fourth street and Filth avenue, q A. m and one hundred too cords of oak and one thousand

to 5 P. M. (t,eoo cords of pine wood, more or less. The coal must be of the best quality of white ash—furnace, egg, Stove

FIRE DEPAR1'39ENT, and nut sizes—clean and in good order, two thousand two hundred and forty (2,240) pounds to the ton, from

Office hours for all, except where otherwise noted either of the following-named mines, viz. from 9 A. M. to 4 t'. M. Saturdays, to r2 rut. Haney-Ilrook Lehigh.

//eadquarters. Hazelton Lehigh. Plymouth white ash.

Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street. Or coal mined by the following companies, viz. HENRY D. PURROY, President ; CARL JUSSEN, Sec Philadelphia and Reading.

retary. Delaware and IJudson Canal Company.

Bureau of Ckiefof De3esrtment. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co. Huau BONNER, Chief of Department. Lehigh and Wilkesbaf're Coal Company.

Lehigh Valley Coal Company.

Bureau of fnshector of Combustibles. Pennsylvania Coal Company.

PETER SHERY, Inspector of Combustibles. —and must be delivered in the bins of the several school buildings at such times and in such quantities as required

Bureau oflYre Olarskal. by the Committee on Supplies,

JAMES MITCHELL. Fire Marshal. The proposals most state the mines from which it is proposed to supply the coal -which is to be furnished

Bureau of Grr'/ection at Guildtags. front the mines named if accepted', and must state the 'THOMAS J. BRADY, Superintendent of B,uldimis, price per ton of two thousand two hundred and forty

(2,240) pounds. Attorney to DA/,artnrent, 'I'he quantity of the various sizes of coal required will

Wm, L, FINDLHY. be about as follows, viz. :



which the bids are tested. The consent above men-


DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS. and place of residence of each of the persons making the same ; the names of all persons interested with him or honed shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, -- -------------- --- --- them therein ; and if no other person be so interested, it in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that (\Vork of Construction under New plan„ shall distinctly state Iii at fact ; that it is made without he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New any connection with any other person making an esti- York, and is worth the amount of the security required DEPARTMENT OF llexl:c,

mate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and for the completion of this contract, over and above all PIER "A," Noicru RIPER. I without collusion or fraud ; and that no member of the his debts of every nature, and over and above his _

n Council, head of a duartn ent, chief of a Cotnmo p liabilities as hail, surety or otherwise; and that he has TO CON'I RAC'I'ORS. bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the officer of the Corpor:aion, is directly or indirectly inter- intention to execute the bond required by section no of INo. 475.) ested therein, or in the supplies or ii irkto which it chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of New - relates, or in any portion of the profits there o1. 'I he York, if the contract shall he awarded to the person PROPOSALS iTHf, ES'I'111:\'IRS FOR DREDGING bid h restimate must he verified by the oath, in writing, or persons for whom he consents to become surety. AT PIER NEW 2g, ON THF; NORTH RIVER. of the party or parties making the estimate, that the 'l'be adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered to several platters stated therein :,re in all respects true. be auproved by the Contptrollerof the City of New C ork. Ts't'IMA'1'FS Fl )R DREDGING Al' PIER NEVV 11 'here more than one person is interested, it is requisite No bid or e.stimare will be constaerea unless ac- li off, on the North river, will be received by the that the verific,tion he made and subscribed by all the companied by either a certified check upon line of Roard of Commissioners at the head of the Department parties interested, the State or National banks of the City of New York, of Docks, at the office of said Department, on I'ier "A,"

tack did or estis+ete shall le r[, r nrp.crira it' tier r. 'o - drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the foot of Battery place, North river, in the City of New sent, in writing, 'J t:,„ /r,"1", 1',' /rr.c r,r irr,''n'e of amount of five per centum of the aniotmt of the security York, until to o'clock m. of tle' City nf.Ai•.o lbrk. zeil/r ,,1.......'. lm,' 6'.n-es .J required for the faithful performance of the contract. vi,',' effect to the that if the contract lie business r,, r Such check or stone)' must NOT be inclosed in the 'I'llURSDA1-, MAY 7, 1891, awarded to the person makinc the estimate, they will, on sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be at which time and place the estimates will be publicly its being so awarded, become bound a, sureties for its handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who opened 1:}- the head of said ].)cpartment. The award of faithful performance in the surf of six thou s,uul zoo,o. has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can the contract, if awarded, will be made as soon as prac- dollars ; and that if he shall omit or refuse tot xecute the be deposited in said box until such check or money ticahle after the opening of the bids. same, thev will pav to the Corporation any difference has been examined by said officer or clerk and futmd Any person making an estimate for the work shall between the turn to which he would be entitled on itl to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the furnish the same in a sealed envelope to 'aid Board, at completion, and that which the Corporation may he so, cessfid biddor, will lie returned to the persons mak- svid office, on or before the day and hour shove-eamcd, obliged to p.,y to the person to whom the contract ink the sauce within three days after the contrtet is x- hill envelope Shull be indorsed with the tame nr may lie awarded at any sub's, picot letti nc ; the awarded. It the successful bidder shall refuse or tonnes of the person or persons presenting the same. the amount in each case to be Calculated Upon the esti- neglect, within five day s after notice that the contract date of its presentation. and a .statement of the work to mated amount of the work by which the Lids are has been as:,rded rn him, to execute the same, the ,which it relates. tested, , consent above mcntinned shall he rtc- amount if the deposit made by him shall Ile forfeited to 'lhe bidder to x"hom the award is made shall give companied l,v the o ath or atii rnt:uion, in writing, of and retained by the City of New York, as liquidated security for the faithful performance of the contract, in each of the persons signing the saute, that he is ,t house- damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shell ex- the mannerprescrihcd and required by ordinance, in the holder or freeholder in the City of Nei" York, and is edit to the cant rot svithin the time aforesaid, the amount aim of l The Thousand Dollars. worth the amount of the security required for the con- of his deposit will be returned to him. 'I lie Euitinecr's estimate of the quantities of material pletion of this contract, o.'cr and al oe,• :ill his debts of 'Should the person or persons to whom the contract necescary to be dredged in order to secure at the I rent- even- nature, and over and alcove his liabilities IS 1-ail, may be tint arded neglect ur refuse to accept the contract ises mentioned the depth of water set opposite thereto surety or oth•_rx-ise ; aril that he has offered himself as within five days after written notice that the same has I in the specifications, is as follows : a surety in good faith :old with tilt intention to execute been ax-atded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or I For the half slips adjoining Pier, the bond required I,v lane. The adeyuscv" nm.1 sullicienc}' they accept but do not exccu to the contract and give the cent zg, North river.......... ̂-t,000 cubic yards. of the security ofTereei is to 1'c approved be the Cutup- proper security lie orthey shall be considered as h:n'Ing troller of the City of Nc„' York before the award is abandoned it, and as in dcf:.ult to the Corporation, and made and prior to the signing of the contract. the contract will be readve raised and relet, as provided N. R.-IRidder-:u-e required to •uhnnit their estimates

c-s:iird r< rrri,'.r~ ,: :.'',vtir :r -11 esti,uat. :viii r r b )" laic. u n express conditions, x"hich shall apply po the followingp Ft'tithrr a ,', rt_7ied ..J,. of' ++/'~'1' ,vt,' r' t'; i•r,+.?s ,,- the Tr,' grn:litr r?! 1&r' arlr~ ht.c, on/pht's, ;',,ndr, rivtrrs 1011/ I to :md become a part of every estimate received

k, ,Ire,v+ to :. th-' COil,p. c7/j',% -1?.0 ark, r a ......-I I", 11,20,' /111101 con-/orur in Carr 1' n -still to the 0,11/10,11/1- e nn:d a eel se-, by pr cxmi- ers u<r satisfy thnr t. Bidd m

r ,uut r'' t4re'- 1t+rudrrd I liv trnlle•r, ar nrtrrtrt', !a 1•i: „m hlr's cy the' san+r r r+ rx/dhitinu It tltr n(p<'r o% ike srsrrl nation of the location of the proposed Jr,:dgin g, ;tntl by

doilars. Such check or m,mev nwet not Foe ncluscd in the 1)r',',t n'l,,trnt. I+i,fdrrs are' ca uti rrr iI to r-r-,eu+rrre to, such other means as the}• stay prefer, as to the arcurac}' sealed envelope cont.unin_ the estimate, hot must be s/i' i1e,",rtzo+ra dl " parth"rrlars o% tkr it, trae•s, ,'ti',, re- of the foregoing F:ncineer's estimate, and shall not, at

handed to the officer or clerk of the Department xhu ,/1111, 1, A ti')'' ,i•,rki,r, 0/I'll' extr,un:r•,c. an}• time :titer the submission of ::n estiuctte, disl,ute or

has charge of the e•tinnuc-hos, and no ,:stint:rte call be I;idlers trill state the price for each article, by which cuml'L,in of the above statement of quantities, nor assert deposited in said box until such check-or nvmey has the bids will be tested, that there w'as any mi: understanding in regard to the been examined by said otllcer or clerk and found to be I;idders will write out the ❑ mono of theirestintate in nature or :unonnt of the work to be done. correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful addition to in.ertin,; the same in figures, v. bidders will be required to cu' nplete the entire bidder, will be returned to the persons makiu;g the 'ante, Payment will lie made b)' a rcquisninu on the Conip- work t" the satisfaction of the Department of I)n<k., and within three days alter the c,,ntroct is :awarded. If the tn,ller, in acc,'rdance r:ith the terms or the contract, or in sulnt:mti:d accordance crith the specilettiuns of the successful bidder shall refute ',r nc_Icct, within fire from time to time, as the Commissioners may determine. tile t ll ati~, beyond amoun extra e, unv m c,ntract.No n

days after notice that the a ,ntract has been :n,"urded to tions, nayable 'l'ime form of the contract, incluciln' specifica ad p for the work be„'re mentioncrl, which shall be him, to execute the sauna, thy anwtmt r,f the deposit showin,' the mannerof payment, will he furnished at the actually- performed, at the price thercfb,r, per cubic made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by the office of the llepartment, and bidders are cautioned to yard, to be specified by the lowest bidder, shall be due Cm- of New York, :es liquid:ete.i danta~cs fur such examine each and all of its provisions corclully , as the or I,av:dde for the entire work. neglect or refcsal ; hot if i.e si. all exucutc the contract Board of Public Charities and Correction wilt insist i Tile x"ork to be 'lone under this contract is to be rem- within the time afores.,id, the amount of his deposit will upon its absolute enforcement in every particular. menced within live days after the date of the contract, be returned to hint, Dated N I-r,i 'ii cue, April . z, mSot. stud the entire stork is to be fully completed on or

Should the or to whom the contract person persons HEN RV Ii. 1'1 flh'l'1•:R, President, hcfore the a5th day of little, t8gc, and the damages. to

may be aware)"c•d tie/lent nr refuse to accept the contract C HHA R1.1•:s E. 51:11 Ml )NS, AL D., be paid by the contractor for each day that the contract

within five days after written m,tice that ti:c same has I'. D\\ 'ARIL C. Sill'. I•:HY, mat' he unfulfilled :titer the time fixed for the fulfillment

been awarded to his rr their bid or prop 'al, e r if he or Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction. there, f has expirerl are, by a clause in the contract,

they accept but do tint execute tl-, cr'ntrict and gi%, the __. fixed and liquidated at Fifty I lo'lars per day.

he t}-es s] -11 l u,n 'r end a= 1 a, - pr uper secunt , or c I :,Jders w ill state in their estimates a pace, per cubic

ing it, 2ci:ntlt tr tie C r}, r:ai,n, abandoned :md as n • lfcr.tnr ii 'u I I't nt.l Cu.trrrn :' .»n Ct,ReFc t'Icts, yard, for d such lrcdcing, in conform It x Ith tike a p

} i'- \u.66 '1'u u:u -lc"P It t:, "I'' and the contract will be readvertiesd and rcict .t ; n:'- \Ftc Yr,Rs, :\pril at, tSut.

r cad torn of agree nent the s tlunlie therein

e t s still

set fnrtb, by which price te bids rill he tested, l s

vided b} I:nt'. 1CCIil if-1NCF: AA1'1'H _AA (IRI)INANCE OF I

1 'Phis price is to cover al] expenses of even- kind HF NRV D. PC' if 111 )Y. the Common Coun,: il, " In relation to the burial of l05 liked in ar incidental to the fulfillment of the cun- ~. I I , t1A' 1. A-A I R' 1!' Itl Nti, :tl:ut_crs „r unkne,r it persons St h„ nmydie in any of the tract, including:tn} - claim that mn}• arise througb delay,

It , 'N1" I'.i(1.111 u ' I . I.rlilic institutir ix of the City uI New 1-nrk,'' the Con- I (runt any cause, in the perforating of the work there- l" i->i ,_N, n;i,si fliers of l'ublic Cliarities and Ct rrcctir'n report as

I flows: .At ̀.lor,euc, Pelletue Flospital, from '1'trenty-third

order. ltidders will distinctly write out, both in words and in

figures, the amount of their estim.,tes for doing Ibis _

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHAR ['rccutct C union-house'l'nknuwn man aged about q , work,

ITIES AND CORRECTION. r:,rs ; 3 feet 5 inches hi�h; d,rk I r"wn hair mixed ' '1'hc person or persons to w ham the contract may be - _ eeith -ray, pray eye-. H:vl on hn,x'n c,,rdigan j.tcket, aw;trrled will he required to attend at this office with the

LiEI.- .. _ r, Llue ivan p:mn, t wiped cotton shirt, I sureties offered by hint or them, ,,nil execute the con- - 1,' . I " I ., I tlknnwn man, from 1-w mtv-ninth Precinct Station- tract x'itluin five days front the date, of the sers ice uf e

house. a cd al, nut c5 year. ; 5 feet o in, ties high ; notice to that effect : and in case of failure or neglect so j ( I i

T (I'c'j'j\.\C sway hair, beard and eyes. Had nn „racy' mixed c„at and to do, he or the}" will be considered as h;ec ing ab:nIduued

- - nest. blue and gray striped'pants, blue flannel shirt, it, and " s in default to the Corporation ; and the con- ' eiiite knit undershirt, blue cotton sock=, boots. tract +.'ill be rcnckertised and relet, and su on until it be

PP OI'OS-1 LS I (-11R I )RV Gl 11th)... Cnknown front Fifth Precinct Station ratan, -Iron'.. aged ;,,,,fated and executed.

L G nestimates their -

SEALED B[Ds OR F: I']]I-1'I'l Fill F ['R- about 5o years ; 5 foot 3 inches huh ; gi as' hair, lrruwn moustache mired ',with 4ra}', brown eves. Had nu I Iark names and place, of re<idenec, the sautes e,: sill persors

interested with them therein; and it no other itl nishing ovsrcoat. h I,. Ic coat, pants and vest, x"hite cotton shirt, the

he se' interested, the estimate shall distinctly scatsatc tine r: uc euous. red flannel rlra Linn -tennis i,ers. -tenis shirt, 6x a null so.k ',,

feet; that the is made without any nlsn estimate cc" s'art' Satinet, '' sprinLbrook." p t;aittrs, black derb hat. ) making an estimate for the tion any other

for th - with person

a' yards Cassimcre, •' I;crkcle}•." 1, kn„vrn lean, from filet of \, es street, aged aI tit same work, and that it is m :ill respects fair and without yards Cottonade, 5, years ; ; feet 7 Inches htrh ; tine eyes, black hair .,ollusien or fraud ; and also that no memi/crof the Cunt-

be at the office of the 1lepartment of -will received tnixcd with gray, block moustache and tchiskers, Had uton Council, heat[ of a department, chief of a bureau, 11ublic Chariti and Correct it'll. in the t'ity of Newyork, us <'tt I. luc pea ):tcket, Hats vest and p.urts, x"hite cotton deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other ufliccr of the until r, o'clock v. of ]]onrlay. 'I 1)' 4, r89 t. 7-hc ,s. Wtdcrshirt, ';ray cotton drawer, gray socks, ra}' ]ax's- Cnrpor:u ion, is directly or indirc cal}' interested therein,

i'id or estimate shah l persrn or persons making soy 1'p tennis shirt. hrotan shut., or in the u lies or work to which it relates, or in any' furnish the snm, in a sealed env,h.pc, ind„rs:d " Rid :At '; parity Hospital. I llacku, ell's Island-lames ,,soon of the profits thereof ; which estimate must be or Estimate for IJry Good,." with his or their n.mtc or VIc Krct'r r, aged 5y }'car.. ; 5 feet 7 inches high ; ii mu''criI e I by the oath, in ry citing, of the part}' tucking the names, :utd the date of presentation, to the hc:,d ut eyes, _,racy hair. Had on w lien admitted two Llack cot-. ,>tnuatc, that the secerd matters stated therein are in said Ucpurtment, It the said office, on or beti,re the Flacks est, hn,scn striped pants, ncow.ored shirts, white :ill respxcts true. ft Gtr-,' mo,I• tkrur alb'' Crr.e,u: /

day and hour above ratted, at cchich time and pl.,ce drawers, shc,es, l,:tt• ill :,,'i:,t,ii, it ie- r'rl te.:ritr thattke z,'rifi, rrliort it mill/t'

the bids or estim:rte- received will be pnbhcly opened t ;corg•_ Itough-s, sued Gt ; feet inches high : years 5 'rrr,1 s:r(',c' ibe'd to Ii; a/I th,, purtir•.c int•rastr,i.

by the Ire ,idcnt r,f said Departm ent :mti read. ai eyes, : a 'm ocer amitte two rh r and I d h d d II k ..c I{ash estimate shall be accompanied by the conscut,

-THE fl-ARD IE Pcl+uc ltLCRIrlF, awl, GORRECTtns cult Llack vests, gray pants, colored shirt, x'hi[e RESERsFs THE RIGHT- T~ REJFt'T :ILL I'~I Li tIR ECTI- es

coat s, t ctwo

shirt, wored dra rs.

in x'ritinu, ,.If two ho






rs fre




olders in the Cit)' of New' York, :,'I!/t I/t ,tl' r:•.cJSC, ti-,',• /'lrzci'.f .f 1t[



to IC t tucvardedr to the e ersolnor perso .makingtheestimatec,

nt.aTFs IF Tu ne rul, Pt'I.Lic n'-rerta~, il.\i AS PR()\'IDED I\ SECTIrl\ 6;, Clf:ll'TP:R 41c, Lass 'IF'

EdI IN At \Corkhutne, Itlarkwcll'e island-:\nnie Burks. p p 1'

tSSz. 'cd -I years ; conunittcd April 7, 1891. I lad nn when they will, upon its being so awarded, become bound No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract admitted gray apron, brown waist, gray skirt, black as his or their sureties for its faithful performance;

awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cur- skirt, Idack sxquc, and that it said person or persunc shall unit or refuse

poration upon debt or a,ntract, or who is a defaulter. as John ?IcGce, aged 3y years ; committed March 27, to execute the contract, they will pay to the Corpora. surety cr utbcrrrise,upr,n any obligation to the C' spur:,- C,r. n - of New fork :m y differen I" w two t the City } ce ct eon tion, hlargaret liiernan ; cnmmittcd February t.,, tPot. the sum tel which said persr,n or persons would be en.

'The award of the contract x"ill lie made as soon as :\t N 1'. ( icy Asylum for In=ane, l llackwcll's Island- titled upon its completion, and that which said Cor- practicable after the openim,[ of the bids. ( atltnrmne I ,rdcs, aged 6 years ; 5 feet 1 '., inches high ; pur:rtiun may be obliged to pay to the person to

Leuven' will he required to be trade from tinkle to gray eyes and hair. I7:msterrcd from Iicllerw: Hospi- whom the contract may be awarded at any subse- time, and in such quantities as may be directed by the tab and had oil Corporation clothing. IIuent letting ; the amount, in each case, to be said Commisnirinvrs. At Hommopathic Hospital, \c'ard's Island-Mary calculared upon the estimated amount of the work to

Any bidder for this contract must be known to be en- hi huson, aged 55 years ; 5 feet •inches high. Had on be atone by which the bids are tested. The consent aged in and well prepared for the business, and must when admitted broche shawl, black merino skirt, laced above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or

base satisfactory testimonials to that cffcct ; and the shoes, I lick strew hat, affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons si,;ning person ur person, to whom the contract ma}' be awarded Lucia Yongioni, aged of years ; 5 feet t inches high ; the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in will be required to give security for the performance of I-lack eyes and hair. Had en when admitted brown the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the the contract by his or their bond, w ith hco sufficient merino dress, brown woolen shawl, gaiters. security required for the completion of the contract, sureties, in the penal amount of filmy ''g i per cent. of Nothing known of their friends or relatives. over and above all his debts of every nature, aur/

the ES'I I li a1'EL) amount of the o,ntract. F;y order, h eir aria rrbvr'c his IiaGilrh~s as bail, surety and n//try- Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name t;, F. 1:k I I TUN, -eisr'; and that lie has offered himself as surety in good

and place of residence of each of the persons making ti:e -c'r,tary. faith and with the intention to execute the bond required same ; the names of all persons interested with him ur by law. 'I he adequacy and sufficiency of the security them therein ; and if no other person be su interested, it - - - - --- - --------- -- -- - - -- - - -- ------ offered will be subject to approval b)' the Comptroller shall distinctly state that fact; alsu mutt itis italic wit hout DEPARTMENT OF TAXES ANC of the City of New York, after the/1w-and is made any connection svithanyotherpersonmakinyt all estimate

ASSESSMENTS. and prior to the signingof the contract,

for the same purl use, is in tub, respects I:urand witir i No estimate will be received or considered unless out collusion or fraud ; and that no member of the Corn- accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the mon Council, head of a ucpartmcnt, chief of a bureau, DET ARI he»' „1: '1', (XI a .r:u AssecosiF:aTs, 1 State or National batiks of the City of New York, drawn deputy thereon`, or clerk therein, or other ofticxr ',f the S !.5.11 s Lein' \c If' 'mu a xut, ( to the order of the Comptroller, or money, to the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein N Fw YhRtc, January to, I8ot. amount of five per centunt of the amotmt of the security or in the supplies or work to ',which it relates, ur in any required for the faithful performance of the contract. portion of the profits thereof. The },id or a timate must _~ CO1IPLI:INCE \VI1'H SI c"!'ION Sry of THE Such check or money must not he inclosed in the sealed be verified h}" the oath, in writinq, ,,i the party or parties Xecv York City Consolidation .~1ct , ,h£s, it is envelope conraining the estimate, but must ba handed making the estimate, that the several matters stated "The hereby adverti-crl that the books of Annual to the officer or clerk of the Department who has therein are in all respects true. 1\"here usury than one Kecord of the Assessed Valuations of Real and Personal charge of the be te-boxl and no estimate can be person is interested, it is requisite that the vr-.RtFtc:mus Estate" City Count}• York, for of the and of eery the said deposited in said bcx until such check or money has be made and subscribed by :dl the parties interested. }'ear tort are open and will remain open for examination been examined Ly said officer or clerk and found to he

Each bid or e-timate shall be ❑ '.:v amp:mied by the and correctmn ,mail die thirtieth dayof April, t8 r. t p g correct. All such deposits, except that of the All persons beliccmg themselves aggrieved mu,t make

consent. t, inf n g, rk t two hu re in p ctivecholders t h eir of New' York, with their respective the City

New application to the Commissioner. of I axes and Asses,- successful bidder, will be returned toy the per- he sons making the same, within three days after the

business re.,idencc, to the effect that if the contract

or r menus, at the; office, during the period said hooks are contract is awarded. If the successful bidder Shoff

he awarded to the making tile cstimnte, they person open, in order to obtain the relief provided 'u}' law. ~. refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the

will, on it, being so awarded, become board as his Applications for correction of assessed valuations on contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, sureties for it faithful performance ; and that if he shall personal estate must he made by the person assessed to the amount of the deposit made by him shall he for. omit or refuse to execute the same, they will pay to the said Commissioners, between the hours of 10 A. H felted to and retained by the City of New York as the Corporation any difference between the sum to and a P. Oct., except on Saturdays, when between 10 A NO. liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if which he would be entitled on its completion and that and 12 NO., at this office, during the same period. he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, which the Corporation may he obliged to pay to the At1CHAF.I, COLEMAN, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him, person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded THI )MAS L, FEI'1'NER, Bidders are informed that no deviation from the sneci- at any subsequent letting; tite amount in each case to EDWARD L. PARRIS, fications will be allowed, unless under the written be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by Commissioners of Taxes and Assessments instructions of the Engineer-in-Chief.

A1'I:II 27 1891.

No estimate % ill Ile accepted from urcontractawarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Corporation, upon debt or contract, or 01111 is ;t def:u lter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corporation.


Bidders are requested, in making their bids or esti-mates, to use the blank prepared for that purpose by the Department, a copy of which, together with time form of agreement, including specifications, and showing the manner of payment for the work, cam be obtained upon application therefor at the office of the I )epartment.


Commissioner; of the Department of [locks. ] fated Nb w Yncic, May oe, t8gt.


NOTICE OF Al'PLIC.k'ChON FOR THE CON-firtuation If the report of the Commissioners of

Appraisal, few York Section, dated November 2S, r/qn, as to Parcels A. I',, C, I) and F:, on it certain map entitled " Vlap No. I. Department of Public Works, property map for the construction of a blew•-off at Shaft number twenty-four on `cation ' .1 ' of the New Croton Aqueduct in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of Ness" Vark, Note.-Parcels A, I;, C, D and F, (colored pink arc to be taken in fee. Oil Parcels C and I) said lee is taken subject to a perpetual right of way for rail-road purpo-cs ; scale, ;o feet equal to one inch. Febru-nn', ,8'i," which mail was duly filed in the office of the I:cgistee of the City and County of New York on the -ad day of C )ctober, 1589, and real estate contiguous t hereto.

Public notice is hereby given that it is my intention to make application to the Supreme Court of the State of New fork, at it Special 'fern of said I'ourt, to be field in the Second Judicial District, at the Court-house in White Plains, on uattnday, the z;cl day of May, t8gt, at half past ten o'clock, fsrenon, or as soon there-after as counsel can he heard, to ccnfirnt as to said Parcels A P, C', 1) and E, and real estate contiguous thereto, tltc report of the C'ommissioncrs of Appraisal, al,pointed in the above mutter, pursuant to the pro- emstons of chapter 490 of the Laws of x583, and of chap-ter I , , of the L:acs of 1887, by an order bearing date the ytIi day of Ja,mary, t8yo, which report wa, daily filed in the ofllce of the Clerk of the County of R'estchester, on the ad day of December, t8o'i, and it copy of which was duly tiled in the office of the Clerk of the City a d County of New• York, in said ad flit- of December, lSyo.

Dated Ness Yols:, April 04, t89t. \VII 1.1:\M H. CLARK,

Counsel to the Corporation, No. 0 Tryon Row, New York City.


tlPI1^'e\AI. LANDS, SHAFt'S 8 ANI) 1512 .


In the matter of the petition of john Newton, Commis-sioner of Public Workk", of the City of New York, under and in pur,u:,nce of chapter ;q _, of the la's of (1;, and out behalf of the IIayor, Aldermen and Com-

nwnalty of the ('it)' of New York, for the appoint-ment of Commissioners of Appraisal under chapter ;go of the Laws of 1,983.

Tt) All. I'I•:Ig '5UNS INTF:R T ]•SED IN THIS l roceedirt notice is hereby given that the fourth

,cparate report of the Commissioners of Appraisal .,ppuinted herciu nn February a6, 1887, which report was filed on Mt rch at', uSut, in the office of the Cl"rk of 1\', stch ester County, at the Court -house in the V' illuic of White Plain, in said sect lit s', will be present_ 5d for canfinuatiur, it, the 5uprcme Court, at a Special Term thcrcnt, to be held in the Second ludicial District, -rt the Court-house, in the City of Pot ghkcepsie, Dutchess County, on May , 189t, at xi o'clock in the forenoon.

Dated Nov Ynas, April o uSar. V 11,I.IAM H. CL.-\RK,

Counsel to the Corporation, No. s 'I ryon Row, New York City.



In the nun-tier of thepetition 1 of Hubert O. Thompson, Commissioner of Public Works f the City of New York, under and (ml pursuance of chapter 490 of the Lases of ,S8;, and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen stud Cumntoualty of the City of New York, for the app iut mcnt ul Commissioners of Appraisal, under chapter 4 to ut the L:tws of 1881.

TO All, PF:1:SONS INTERESTED IN THIS proceeding, notice is hereby ,given that the fifth

separate report of the above-mentioned Commissioners of Appraisal apps toted herein, on October it, 1884, which report was filed on M:trch z8, r• 91, in the office of the Clerk of R'estchcster County, at the Court-huusc, in the Village of White Plains. in said county, will be pro _nted for confirmation to the Supreme Court, at a Spec ial Term thcrecf to he held in the Second Judicial District at the Court-house in Poughkeepsie, I tutchcs, County, on tI.iy g, t8g., at t o'clock in the forenoon.

Dated NEW YuRK:, April g, t89t, WILLIAM H. CLARK,

Counsel to the Corporation, No. s "i'ryon Row, New York City.


PUBLIC NOFICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of the

City of New \'ork, by virtue of the powers vested in them by law, will offer for sale at public auction, on Monday, the first clay of June, ilgt, at noon, at the Comptroller's office, Roost 14, Stewart Building, No. s2o Broadway, a certain unimproved lot of land belonging to the Corporation of the City of New York, to wit -


On the line of the New Croton Aqueduct.) All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying

and being in the City of Yonkers, Westchester County, N. Y., and designated by a certain map and known as Parcel No. 153, adopted by the Aqueduct Commis-sioners on August s7. 1884, pursuant to section No. of chapter 490 of the Laws of 1883, which map was file in the office of the Register of the County of West. Chester, State of New York, at the Village of White Plains, on August a8, 1884 , pursuant to section No. 5 of .aid act. Said parcel being described as follows : Beginning at a point in the northerly boundary of

Parcel No. 3[4, as shown on said filed map, which point is the most easterly corner of a parcel of land which is reserved for the maintenance of Shaft 17 and is distant too feet southeasterly from the centre line of the New Croton Aqueduct ; thence north 35° 3o1 west and cross- ing said centre line s[1 feet; thence northeasterly z6s feet along the southeasterly side of Parcel No. 3t3 as shown on said filed map, the lands formerly of Sarah C. Baxter ; thence northwesterly toll feet along the easterly



side of said Parcel 313 ; thence snuthwesterly zrs feet along the northwesterly side of said Parcel ,ate to the easterly right of-way line of the New York City and Northern Railroad ; thence north to' 521 west along said easterly right-of way line 66o feet ; thence south 70"' 3„t east at right angles to said centre line and crossing the name at Station 154, a distance of 513 feet to a point which is distant 33 feet southeasterly at right angles from said centre line ; thence south Iq 301 west parallel to said centre line and distant 33 feet southeasterly at right angles therefrom 25o feet; thence south 7, - ' 301 east at right angles to said centre line 67 feet ; thence south 190 Sot west parallel to said centre line and distant loo feet southeasterly at right angles therefrom 411 feet to the point or place of beginning, containing five acres and of an acre ; excepting, however, therefrom, a permanent easement for the maintenance of an agtte-duct underneath the surface, a strip of land (6 feet in width-33 feet on either side of the aforesaid centre line—as shown on said filed map.


The auctioneer's fees and ten percent. of the purchase money to be paid at the time and place of sale, and the balance in cash on delivery of a warrantee deed of the property, within thirty days thereafter, from the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York.

'1 he right to reject any bid is reserved. By order of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund,

under a resolution adopted April 14, 1891. IHEO. W. MYERS,





THF, LEASE OF THE FRANCHISE OF THE Ferry from `1'wenty-third street, East river, to

Greenpoint, Long I sland, will he sold by the Comp-troller, by order of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, under a resolution adopted April 14, 18g1, along with the wharf property belonging to the Corporation of the City of New York, used for ferry purposes, at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Comptroller's Office. Room 14 , Stewart Building, No z8o Broadway, at I2 o'clock noon. on Wednesday, the sixth day of May, 1S t , under a lease for a term of five years, com-mencing May t o 1691.

The resolution of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, authorizing the sale of the ferry, is as follows

Resolved, that the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to take measures to advertise and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, as provided by law, the lease of the franchise of the ferry from 'l'wenty-third street, East river, to Greenpoint, City of Brooklyn, the term of which will expire on June t, ISor, for a new term of five years from that date, together with the wharf property belonging to the Corporation of the City of New York which is used and required for ferry purposss. The minimum yearly rental or upset price of the franchise is appraised and fixed at five per centum of the gross receipts of the ferry, which shall not be less than Sio,coo per annum, and also $10,000 per annum for the said wharf property, payable quarterly and for a term of five years from June t, Ibgx.


The highest bidder for the ferry will be required to pay the auctioneer's fee and to deposit with the Comp-troller, at the time of sale, a sum equal to twenty-five per cent , of the amount of the yearly rental bid, which shall be credited on the rent of the first quarter, or be forfeited to the City if the lease shall not be executed by the purchaser when notified and required by the Comp-troller, and he shall execute an obligation to that effect at the time of sale.

The lessee of the ferry will be required to give a bond ' in double the amount

yearly rental,with two of the e 1 sufficient sureties, approved by the Comptroller. and conditioned for the faithful performance of the terms and conditions of the lease, which will be such as are required by law and the ordinances of the Common Council relating to ferries, and are usually contained in ferry leases, which shall be approved by the Counsel to the Corporation.

']'he lease shall contain a covenant providing for the purchase, at a fair appraised valuation, of the boats, buildings and other property belonging to the lessees, used in and actually necessary for the operation of the ferry upon the termination of the lease and the sur-render and yielding up of the premises by the lessee, if the lessee shall not become the purchaser of the fran-chise for another term, which appraisal shall be made in the usual way before advertising a lease for a new



THF. COMMISSIONERS OF THE SINKING Fund of the City of New York will offer for sale

at public auction on Wednesday, the twenty-seventh day of May, 1891, at noon, at the Real Estate Exchange and Auc ion Roosts ILimittd , Nos. 19 to i 5 Liberty street, the lot, piece, or parcel of ground situated on the easterly side of Cannon street, so feet south of Stanton street, z5 feet front and rear by i a feet deep, known as Ward No. 6(4, in the Eleventh Ward of the City of New York, with the buildi.,g thereon known as Primary School No. 3 ; the said premises being sold pursuant to the prod isions of chapter 89 of the laws of tSSi, which provide for the sale of any land or lands and the buildings thereon owned by the AIayor, Alder-men and Commonalty of said city, occupied or reserved for school purposes, and no longer required therefor, the money received in payment to be appropriated to the Board of Education for the purpose of purchasing oche, property, or erecting school buildings for new schools. and as provided by section ,86 of the New York City Consolidation Act of t83a.


The auctioneer's fees and ten per cent. of the pur-Chase money to be paid at the time and place of sale, and the balance in cash on delivery of a warrantee deed of the proper[y, within thirty days thereafter, from the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York,

The right to reject any bid is reserved. By order of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund

under a resolution adopted April 9, 090. MYERS,




PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of the

City of New York, by virtue of the powers vested in them by law, will offer for sale at public auction, on Wednesday, the 27th day of May. 'Set, at noon, at the Real Estate Exchange and Auction Rooms (Limited;, N .S. 9q to 6r5 Liberty street. certain unimproved lots of land belonging to the Corporation of the City of New York, to wit :


On the line of the t lid Croton Water Aqueduct.` Two lots, south side One Hundred and First street

Block No. 1027 ; Ward Nos, 37, 34 ; each 25 feet from and Inn feet I, inches cheep.

Two lots, north side One Hundred and First street Block No. 1028 ; Ward Nos. 27, z8 ; each 25 feet from and Ino feet or inches deep.

Two lots, north side one Hundred and Second street Block No. lozq ; Ward Nos. 27, z8 ; each 05 feet front and too feet II inches deep.


Four lots, northwest corner Eighty-first street and Park avenue ; Block No. 466 ; loo feet by 104 feet 4 inches.




IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 997 OF THr: " New York City Consolidation Act of ISSz," the

Comptroller of the City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the assessment list in the matter of acquiring title to One Hundred and Sixty-second street, between Eleventh avenue and Kingsbridge road, which svgs confirmed by the Supreme Court, April Ic, IS ,I, and entered on the ,4th day of April, 1891, in the Record of Titles of Assessments, kept in the " Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of ''axes and Assessinents and of \Voter Rents," that unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessment, interest leill be collected thereon, as pro-vided in section 998 of said " New York City Consoli-dation Act of ,882."

Section 995 of the said act provides that " If any such assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer authorized to collect and receive the amount of such assessment, to charge, collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from the date of such entry to the date of payment."

1 he above assessment is payable to the Collector of Assessments and Clerk cf Arrears, at the "Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of 'faxes and Assessments and of Water Rents," Room 3 r, Stewart Building, between the hours of q A. St. and z P. it., and

or beforeJune I 18 r all payments made thereon, on P Y 5. 9 . t from interest as above provided,and will be exempt e

after that date will be subject to a charge of inteest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum from the date of entry in the Record of 'Titles of Assessments in said Bureau to the date of payment.

THEO. W. MYERS, Comptroller.


THE INTEREST DUE MAY t, t8gr, ON THE Registered Bonds and Stocks of the City and

County of New York will be paid on that day by the Comptroller, at the office of the City Chamberlain,


ROOM 9, No, 300 Mt'LIIERRS STREET, NEW YORK, April to, 18q..

E IGHI'EENTII AUCTION SALE, ON '1'HURS-day, April 30, 1891, at Police Headquarters, at

II A, N., by Van TassclI & Kearney, Auctioneers, of Police, Cartage and Unclaimed Property, consisting of Watches, Jewelry and Silverware, Shale and Female ,lothing, Shoes, etc., Revolvers, Pistols, Guns, Knives, 'ocket-books, Umbrellas, Canes, Canned Goods, Iron, Lead, Brass, Copper, Glass, Wardrobes, Bedsteads, -'arpet, Furniture, Harness, Chairs, and a lot of miscel-aneous articles.

For particulars see catalogues on day of sale. JOHN F. HARRIOT,

Property Clerk.




WNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY Clerk of the Police Department of the City of New

fork, No. Soo Mulberry street, Root' No. 9, for the allowing property, now in his custody, without claim_ .nts : Boats, rope, iron, lead, made and female clothing, loots, slices, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, iquors, etc., also SIIIall amount money taken from rrlsoners and lolmd by patrolmen of this Department.

JOHN F. HARR1OT,- Pronerty Clerk.



NEw 1'ulsK, April so, 1891.

PUI:LIC NOTICE IS HI•;REBY GIVEN THAT examinations will be held at the rooms of the City

Civil Service Boards, Cooper I'uion, for the pesitions below mentioned upon the dates specified :

April 57. 1•'E.MALE HALL KEEPER, Charities and Correction.

April 27, SUPERVISING NURSE, Charities and Correction.

April 27. ASSISTANT PHYSICIAN in Insane Asy- hums, Charities and Correction.

Blank applications may be obtained at the office of the Secretary, No. 3o Cooper Union.

LEE PHILLIPS, Secretary and Executive Officer.

SUPREME COURT. In the matter of the application of the Board of Street

Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of Nev York, relative to acquir-ing title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to that part of EA''I' ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVENTH STREET (although not yet named by proper authority), extending from Rail-road avenue, East, to Third avenue, in the 'Twenty. third Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road by the Department of Public Parks,

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BILL of costs, ch r es and expenses es I ncus ed by

reason of the proceedings in the ab l'e-entitled matter, will be presented for taxation to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house, at the City Hall, in the City of New York, on the 7th day of May, 1891, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon ; and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses has been deposited in the office of the Department of Public Works, there to remain for and during the space of ten days.


Commissioners. CARROLL BERRY, Clerk.

term of the franchise, at least four months prior to the termination of the lease.

The rates fur ferriage shall not exceed those hereto. fore charged at the ferry.

The form of lease which the purchaser will be required to execute can be seen at the office of the Comptroller

The right to reject any hid is reserved, if deemed by the Comptroller to be for the interest of the City.

THEO. W. MYERS, Comptroller.



Room 27, Stewart Building, corner of Broadway and Chambers street.

The 'Transfer Books will he closed from March 3r to Slay I, 1891.

The interest due Slay r, r89', on the Coupon Bonds and Stocks of the City of New York will he paid on that day by the State'I'rust Company, No. so Wall street,

'f'HEO. W. MYERS, Comptroller,



WHEREAS, SI':C'l'ION 928 IlF' '1HE NEW York City Consolidation Act of 1882 authorizes

the Comptroller, in his discretion, to postpone any sale for unpaid taxes or assessments ; and,

Whereas, Many persons desire, and have applied for, a postponement of the sale for unpaid assessments advertised to be held on Monday, March z, 183t ; now, therefore, in order to afford all such persons the oppor-tunity to pay the assessments on their property so advertised to be sold and thereby avoid the additional expense of redemption of the property, it sold, the said sale is hereby ordered to be postponed until .Mfonday, the first day of June, i8g,, to be held at the same time and place, to wit: at the (:ours-house, City Hall Park, at rz o'clock noon.

THEO. W. MYERS, Comptroller,

Cue ' viii' New SORK—F'IN'ANCE DEI'.eRTatEN'1, CuIMPTRiLLER's f)vFICE, March z, 1891.


GYM'.["IIIN :id's (lieutc,-, No. 3t Cu, lllnme, Sweet New YORlc, April a,, tips.


ON MION11AY, MAY 4, r891, at 11.3. A.ti., the Department 0f Public Works Will sell at public

auction, un the premises, by Messrs. Van Tassel) & Kearney, auctioneers, as follows, viz.

At the Corporation Yards, One Hundred and Nine-teentlt street and St. Nicholas avenue, foot of East Six-teenth street, foot of Rivington .treet, Fast river, and foot of East Forty-first street, the following—sale to commence at the One Hundred and Nineteenth street Yard :

Wagons, trucks, carts, stands, booths, boot-black stands, quantity of old lumber, telegraph poles, wire, quantity of old scrap-iron, etc.

At the west side of Harlem river, between One Hun-dred and'l'hirty-eighth and One Hundred And Thirty- ninth streets

About zuo,005 old Belgian paving blocks. 'f'ER.11s OF SAt.p.

Cash payments in bankable funds at the time and place of sale, and the removal within ten days by the purchaser of the articles, etc., purchased, otherwise purchaser will forfeit the same, together with all moneys paid therefor.

'l'Ht1S. F. GILROY, Commissioner of Public Works,


Ur I river w will

be sold certain ferries on the North be so by TWENl1'-FOCR1H WARD.

the Comptroller, by order of the Commissioners of the One vacant lot on the west side of -third avenue Ifor- Sinking i' und,under a resolution adopted March 31, t8gt, merly Fordham avenuel, 187.38 feet south of One Hun- along with the wharf property belonging to the Cor- dyed and Seventy-sixth street, 27 by 153.5 feet ; Ward poration of the City of New York used for ferry purposes, NO. 45, on Block 1150. at Pulolic auction, to the highest bidder, at the Comp- TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF S:1LE. troller's office, No. z8<, Broadway, at 12 o'clock noon, on '1'uesday, the 21st day of April, r89r, under a lease for a The highest bidders will be required to pay ten (r„) term of five years, commencing May t, 1891, for the Per cent.' f the purchase money and the auctioneer's fee following ferries : ' on each lot immediately after the sale ; thirt} (30) per * * * * * cent. upon the delivery of the deed, within thirty days

2. The ferry from foot of Forty-second street to from the date of the sale ; and the balance, sixty (60) per cent. of the money, or

purchase any portion Weehawken, New Jersey, and thereof, may remain at the option of the purchaser on * * * * bond and mortgage for five years, with interest at the

The resolution of the Commissioners of the Sinking rate of six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, Fund, authorizing the sale of the ferries, is as follows : I the mortgages to contain the customary thirty days'

” Resolved, That the Comptroller be and is hereby interest and ninety days' tax clauses. authorized to take measures to advertise and sell, at The bond and mortgage may be paid off at any time public auction, to the highest bidders, as provided by within the term thereof on giving thirty days' notice to

"law, the leases of the franchises of certain ferries, the the Comptroller, or it may be paid by installments of "terms of which will expire on May I, 18at, for new not less than five hundred dollars on any day when the

terms of five years from that date, together with the interest is due, or on thirty days' notice. The bonds wharf property belonging to the Corporation of the and mortgages will be prepared by the Counsel to the City if New York, which is used and required for Corporation, and the sum of twelve dollars and fifty ferry purposes at each of said ferries, the minimum cents will be charged for drawing, acknowledging and

and and "yearly rental or upset price of each ferry being hereby

ed and fixed for each one the terms recording each separate mortgage. If more than one lot of land is included in fl,,' mort a c the whale ntnrt-

i' of sale for all of them, determined and THE RIGHT, 7'FI'LF. AtiD INTEKES"I'

"appr tton; n e mu 1 cpaid off before an ' r• y in 1 g g t 1 } cl_a n c.t regiven

ALI, of the Corporation of the City of New York in P

"approved as hereto specified, viz.: by is Corpora ion, as a release of any part of the

and a certain parcel land in thet Twelfth in city,to

at high " 1Vm-ilc River Ferries.

premises included in a mortgage to the I orporation is forbidden by law.

said will be sold public auction to the highest '1'hc Comptroller may, at his option, resell any lot bidder, at the office of the Comptroller, Room No. 14, * '" * '~ * which play be struck off to the highest bidder who may Stewart Building, No. z8„ Broadway, at noon, on ! fail to comp)}• with the terms of sale, and the party who Thursday, the twenty-eighth day of May, 1801, under * * * * may fail to comply therewith will be held liable for any a resolution of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, ~' z. Ferry from Forty-second Street, North river, to deficiency that may result from any such resale. adopted April r4, t891, as follows, to eH : •' Vi ha ken, New Jersey. For the franchise together The right to reject :my bid i, reserved.

Resolved, 'That the Comptroller be and he is hereby ' with all the wharf property no •.v used and required for Litho}raphic maps of said real estate may be had nt authorized and directed to sell for cash at public :tuc- ~' ferry purposes, the minimum yearly rental is apprai;cd the Comptroller's Office, Stewart Building, No. 28o [ion to the highest bidder, all the right, title, and inter- ' and fixed at the suns of glo,000, payable quarterly, I roachvay, after May I, 18)t. est, of the Corporation of the City of New York, in i '~ :and for another term of five years, from May I, 1391. 13y order of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, and to a certain tract or parcel of land in the City and under a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Board County of New York, bounded and described as follow, : I * r * * * - held March 31, 1891. All that certain pl„t, piece, or parcel of land situate,

" TFRhts AND CONDrr IONS SArF. OF 'l'HEO. W. 1IYI'.RS, lying, and being in the City, County and State of New York, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Begin- " 7'he highest bidder for each ferry will be required

.. Comptroller. CITY of EW on:K—Flxa;; cF i

ning at a point in the northerly line of Ninety-fourth " to pay the auctioneer's fee and to deposit with the it 22, 8gi. ,

Costt'TROL1.F: u's OFFICE, April 22, 1891. 1 street, distant two hundred and eighty-five feet and six "Comptroller, at the time of sale, a sum equal to inches westerly from the corner formed by the intersec_ '' twenty-five per cent, of the amount of the yearly CITY OF NF:w y'oRK, Ness' tion of the northerly line of Ninety-fourth street with " rental bid, which shall he credited on the rent of the FINANCE oRT1i F:NT, the westerly line of Second avenue ; conning thence " first quarter, or be forfeited to the City if the lease J C, ROLLER's (1 FFICE,

I northerly, parallel with second asenue, one hundred feet I "shall not be executed by the purchaser when notified April r6, t89r. J

eight and one-hall inches ; thence Westerly. parallel with " and required by the Comptroller, and he shall execute ~

Ninety-fourth street, thirty-nine feet and six inches ; " an obligation to that effect art the time of sale. NO'I`ICE TO PI'~I~1'EP~TY-U~VN EI S. thence southerly, and again parallel with Second avenue, I "(he lessee of each ferry will be required to give a one hundred feet eight and one-half inches, to the north- " bond in double the amount of the yearly rental, with

N PURSUANCE 1l1 SECTION OF THE gq7 erly line of Ninety-fourth street; and thence easterly, " two sufficient sureties, approved by the Comptroller, I ''New York CityConsulidntion Act of t8fa," the nine the xriy lien of Ninety-fourth aceeo. thirty_ in- of the "fed sonditcon di for the fai thful pv hich will

the point or place of begin- nine feetas and six tpit

" terms and conditions of the leordi will be such- Comptroller of the City of New York hereby gives oninches, itos ning, as shown upon a diagram of said parcel of land ; " as are required by law and the ordinances of the Com- public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected

and the value of the City's interest is hereby appraised " moo Council relating to ferries, and are usually con- by the assessment list in the matter of acquiring title to

at two hundred and fifty dollars (9250', and the upset tamed in ferry leases. which shall be approled by the " tai 1easdale place, from Third avenue to Trinity avenue,

price fixed at that sum, the condition of the sale being `• Counsel to the Corporation. which was confirmed by the Supreme Court April 6,

that the purchaser shall pay the auctioneer's fee, and "The leases shall contain a covenant providing for the 1891, and entered on the rith day of April, 1891, in

if the said Sarah Ii. Brainerd shall become the purchaser, '' purchase, at a fair appraised valuation. of the boats, the Record of Titles of Assessments, kept in the

she shall also pity the sum of one hundred dollars gin) " buildings and other property belonging to the lessees, Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and

to cover all the expenses of said sale ; provided that " used in and actually necessary for the operation of Arrears of•I'axes and Assessments and of Water Rents,"

nothing in the sale al d conveyance of said premises shall "each ferry upon the termination of the lease and the ,that unless the amount assessed for benefit on any

be taken or construed as in any lvay releasing or affect- "surrender and yielding up of the premises by the les- Person or property shall be paid within sixty days

ing any claim or right of the Mayor, Aldermen and " see if the lessee shall not become the purchaser of the after the date of said entry of the assessment, interest

Commonalty of the City of New York, to collect and re- " franchise for another term, which appraisal shall he will be collected thereon, a; prod ided in section 998 of

cover any and all taxes, assessments and water-rents, " made in the usual way before advertising a lease for a said "New York City Consolidation Act of 1882,

heretofore levied, imposed or assessed, upon said premises '' new term of the franchise, at least four months prior Section 998 of the said act provides that, " 11 any such

and now remaining unpaid, or any part thereof, as fully in " to the termination of the leaee. assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty

all respects as if the said sale and conveyance had never " The rates of ferriage shall not exceed those hereto- days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of

been made ; nor shall said sale and conveyance he '' fore charged at each ferry." Titles of Assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer

taken, or construed, to be a release of any right, title, I The form of lease which the purchaser will be required i authorized to collect and receive the ammmt of such assessment, to charge, collect and receive interest interest or lien in or upon the said premises existing in I to execute can he seen at the office of the Comptroller. I

favor of the said Mayor, etc., by reason of any sale for I The right to reject any bid is reserved, if deemed by thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to

the non-payment of taxes, assessments or Croton-water the Comptroller to be for the interest of the City. be calculated from the date of such entry to the date of

rents, at any time heretofore had or made. 'I'erms—Cash at time of sale.

T'HEO. W. II Y ERS, Comptroller.

payment." The above assessment is payable to the Collector of


and Clerk of Arrears, at the "Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of 'Taxes

Comptroller, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, April to, t8gl ) and Assessments and of Water Rents," Room 31 CITY OF Now YORK—FiNAN CE DEPARTMENT, l _— Stewart Building, between the hours of 9 A. St. and 2

C' MPTROLLER's OFFICE, April. 23 1891.

i J The sale of the franchise of the ferry from Forty- P. 11•, and all payments made thereon on or before

second street, North river, to Weehawken, N. J., is June In, 189x, will be exempt from interest as above 1 ft tl td t Ill ' tt achar b su sec o . ge postponed to Wednesday, April 29, 1891, at the same prof ldd b , an, a er m a e w e

hour and place.

of interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum from

THEO. W. MYERS, the date of entry in the Record of Titles of Assessments

Comptroller. I in said Bureau to the date of payment. _


COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, April at, 1891. 1 Comptroller.


1382 THE CITY RECORD. A P IM, 2 7 , 189 I .

In the matter nt the application of the Board of Street Opening and In, provrmeet of the l'it of New York for and on behalf of the Mayor, Ahlermon and Cwn-monalty ofthe City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to liBEl;EN AVENUE t (though not vet named by proper authority), ext•_nding from Fast One Hundred and Forty -scvcnth street and Willis avenue to Brook avenue, in the I \cen ty - third R «rd of the City tot Neu' York, as the sane has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-claws street or road by the Department of Public Parks.

W E,1'H E U N DERSIt;N ED CO3I3I lSSlON l•:RS of Estimate and Assessment in the above-en-

titled matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, o•rupant or occupants, of :ill hot-es and lots and improved orun-improved lands affected thereby and to all other. whom it may concern, to wit :

first-bloat we have completed Nor esti nt,te and assessment, and that all persons uterested in this pro-ceeding, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and having objectinuo thereto, do present their said objec-tions in writing, duly verified, to us at our olhcc, \o. sno Broadway fifth floor), in the said city, on or before the ist den' of [tine, 18y,, and that i , the said Ccmmissioner~, will hear parties so objecting within the ten week days next after the said ist day of Jun(-, i Spt, and for that purpose will be in at tend:utce it our said oti,ce on etch of <;,id ten d.,vs at ; o'clock t' Nt.

Second-I hat the abstract of our said estimate and assessment, together tvith our damage and benefit maps, and also all the :uilda+ its, estimates andother documents used by its in acaking our report, have boor dcposittC with the ( otnm is, i,mer of I'ublie \\ arks of the City of New York, at his nthee, No. Si C'hanibers Street, in the said city, there to remain until the ad day of June, noon.

Third-That the limits of our as-essment for benefit include all those lot-, pieces or parcels ,,f land, situate, lying and Leine in the City of New 1'ork, which, taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz. Northerly b\- a line drawn parallel with and distant at feet northerly of the northerly I ne of East (Inc Hun- dred and I arty-seventh street, from Third avenue to Willis avenue, and the centre line of the block between Bergen avenue ind Fast (Inc Hundred and Fifty-sixth street and I bird asence ; easterly bt- the ucsterl) line of Brook avenue, the centre- line of the Mocks between Bergen a. cn,:c and Brook a. crate. extending from the in-tersection of d:e easterly line of Bergen :n enue with the westerly line of (',rook avenue to East (Inc Hundred and Forty-seventh street, and a line drawn parallel with and distant too feet easterly of the easterly line of Willis avenue and exte- ding front f.a-t (Inc Hundred and Forty-seventh street to 'one Hundred and Forty-sixth street t southerly by the northerly line of East One Hu.ttired and Furt)'-sixth street and westerly- by a line drawn parallel with and distant ion feet westerly of the u-c-tcrly line of R illisav critic from Fast One Hundred and Forty sixth sire, t to East One Hun-dred and Vary-seventh street, the easterly line of Third avenue, the easterly line of \\ illis aeenue and the centre line of the blocks be,seecn Verson avenue and 7 hird vent, ; exec piine- front said ..rea all streets, avenues and roads, or portions thereof, heretofore legally opened, and all the tmimproced land included within the line- of streets, avenues, roads, public squares and pla---s brawn and laid out upon any Ti or nape filed by th- Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks ui:rsuant to the provisoes of chapter 604 of the Law- of t874 and the laws amendatory thereof, or of chapter are of the Lau s of iSd.,as such area is shown upon our benefit map deposited as aforesaid

Fourth-I hat our report herein is-ill he presented to the acpremc C o,urt of the State of New York, at a Special fern[ thereof, to be held at the Chambers thereof, in the t busty Court-house, in the City of Aetc York, on the tith day of June, 18et, at the epenine of the Court on that day', and that then and there, or as soon there.,iter :is counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

Dated New YoRt:, A llril no, tfyt. NELSON SMITH, Chairman, WILLIAM J. LACEY, CHARLES 't. IVE.a1:11sLEY,

Commi-sioners. CARROLL BERRY, Clerk,

In the matter of the application of the hard of Street Opening and Iniprovenient of the City of Xcw York, for aim en behalf of the 31a_sor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquir-ing title wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired to BIRCH oTREL:1' although not yet named by proper authority;, extending front Wolf street to Nl archer a+enue, in the Twentc-third Ward of the City of Nev, York, as the sane has been here-tofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road by the Lcpartmcnt of Public Parks.

N O1'ICE IS HEREBY GR'F\ I'H 1T I'HE BILL of costs, charges and expenses incurred by reason

of the proceedings in the above entitled matter, will be presented for taxation to one of the J:stie-s of the au;preme Court, at the Chambers thereof in the County Court-house, at the City Hall in the City of Ncty York. on the ad day of May, r:,,r, at ,o.g, o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon ; and that the c„id bill of costs, charges and expenses has been deposited in the office of the Department of Public \Sorkc, there tr, remain for and during the space 0.1 ten days.

Dated New Yoore-, April z , tS.t. (B(iRGE I'. WIT.',TER, 311ISl.5 HI.. REM :AX, JOHN H. KIICHEX,

Comntissi„ners, CAeRr.LL Been}', Clerk,

n the matter of the application of the Board of Educa-tton by tic Cm:nsel to the Corporation of the City of Nc+r fork, relative to acquiring title, by the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, to esrtain lands on the southerly side of TW- i;N-TIETH STkRFT, ben+-een Sixth and Seventh ave-nues, in the Sixteenth Ward of the City of New York, duly selected and approved by said Board as a sib_ for school p:rposcs, tinder and in pursuance of the provisions of chapter 191 of the Laws of t888, as amended by chapter 35 of the Laws of tfgc.

W E, THE UNDERSIG\ED COMMISSIONERS of Estimate in the above-entitled matter,

appointed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 191 of the Laws of :888, as amended by chapter 3g of the Lairs of 189o, hereby give notice to the owner er owners, lessee or lessee,, parties and persons respect-ively entitled to or interested in the lands, tenements, hereditament" and premise-, title to which is sought to be acquired in this proceeding, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit :

First- That we have completed our estimate of the loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees, par- ties and persons interested in the lands or premises affected by this proceeding, Cr having any interest therein, and have filed a true report or transcript of such estimate in the office of the Board of Education for the inspection of whomsoever it may concern,

Second-1 hat all parties or persons whose rights may be affected by the said estimate and who may object to the same or any part thereof, may, within ten days after the first publication of this notice, file their objec-tions to such estimate in writing with us at our office, Room No. :y, on the second floor of No. 45 William street, in the said city, as provided by section 4 of chapter 19: of the Laws cf 1888, as amended by chap-ter 34 of the Laws of t89o, and that w'e, the said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting at our said office, on the zyth day of April, 1891, at z o'clock P. M., and upon such subsequent days as may be found necessary.

'Third-That our report herein a ill be presented to the Supreme Court of the state of New York, art a Special fern[ thereof, to Inc held it the Chambers in the County Court-house in the City of New York, on the agth day of April, r89 r, at tfle opening of the Court on that day, curd that then and there, or as soor. there-after as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the 5_,o1 report be confirmed.

Dntcd Nciv Yong, : (pril q, rSq r. CHARLES N. HARRIS, JA]llS 1Y, O,,li( 1RNE, I'E1'ER A. LALOR,

Commissioners Jolty B. HANES, Clerk.

In the natter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improv_ntent of the City of-New York, for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com-munalty of the City of Ncw York, relative to acqoiir_ mit title, wherever the same 1t.,, not been heretofore acyaired, to ONE: HI'NDRFI:) AND 'IHIR IV-FIRS I SIR I.1EI' (althoaogh not yet named by proper authority), bet wcen :\msterd:m and Convent otvenues, in the l'welti It Ward of the City , f Ness York.

PURSUANT TI) '1'H1•; STATUTES IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby given

that an application will be made to th-a Supreme Court of the State of Nev- York, at a Special Term of said Court, to be held at Chambers thereof in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on Friday, the 8th day of Slay, t8yt, at the opening of the C our[ on th:d day, or ,s soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and :\s-cssmcnt in the ahove-entitled matter. The nature and extent of the iniprovemeut hereby intended is the acquisition of title, in the name and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New Yerk, for the use of the public, to all the land, and premises, +with the building, thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the open-tug of a certain street or avcnuc known as One Hun-

dred and "Thirty-first street. betireen A msterdam and Convent rvenue-, in the 'I',celfth Ward of the City of Nutt York, being the following-described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.:

f Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Amsterdam avenue. distant 4-y'p, feet southerly from the southerly line of One Hundred arid Thirty-third street thence e:cstcrly and parallel with said street, distance 284,1,',, feet, to the svesterly line of Convent avenue ; thence southerly-al, mug the see stony line of Convent as enue, di -lance 65,'„b feet ; thence westerly, distance graph,,, feat, to the c ast-ers' line of ni,tcrd,un avenue: thence northerly along said line, distance 6a feet, to the point or place of begin-ning

said One Hundred and Thirty-first street to be 6o feet [vide bet+ceen the lines of Amsterdam avenue and Curt' vent avenue,

Dated Neu \n001<, April it, iSgr. \VIL1.I:\]I H. t l ARK,

ti-tinsel to the Corporation, No. a Tryon Row, -New York City.

In the matter of the application of the P,oard of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, for and on hehalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title, %%herever the same has not been heretofore ac-quired, to J(1HN ,TREET (although not yet named by proper authority'), extending from Brook avenue to Eagle cn'c nuc, in the 'I 'wen ty-third Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road by the Department of Public Parks.

WE. THE UNDER-(IGNE1) COSINISSIONERS of Estimate and Assessment in the above-

entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter- ested in this proceeding and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and imprnced or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to w-it :

First-I hat We have completed our estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro-ceeding, or in any of the land, affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their said obj•:ctions in tcriting, duly verified, to us at our office, No. ace Broadway fifth floor , in said city, on or before the t£th day of May, x891, and that we, the said Comntis-stoners, will hear parties so objecting w ithin the ten week days next triter the said [8th day of Slay, rby:, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said office on each of said ten days at 3 o'clock F. Ni.

Second-That the abstract of our said estimate and assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates and other dacumcnts used by us in making our report, have been deposited nvith the Commissioner of Public Works of the City Cu! New York, at his office, No 31 Chamber, street, in the said city, there to remain until the ryth clay of May, 1891

Third-That the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lot,, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the City of New York, which, taken together, arc bounded and described a-' follows, viz.: Northerly by the centre line of the blocks between John street and 'I bird avenue and John street and Clifton street, and the prolongation easterly of the said centre line for a distance of To, feet easterly of the easterly line of Eagle avenue ; easterly by a line drawn parallel +vith and distant nose feet 0 asterly of the ea-terly line of Eagle avenue : southerly by the centre line of the blocks between John street and Fast tone Hundred and Fifty-sixth street and the prolongation custerly of the said centre line for a distance of iso feet easterly of the east-erly line of Eagle avenue, and westerly by the easterly line of German place and Itrook avenue ; excepting from said area all the streets, avenues and roads, or portions thereof, heretofore legally opened, and all the unim- proved land included within the lines of streets, avenues, roads, public squares and places shown and laid out upon any leap or maps filed by the Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks, pursuant to the pro-visions of chapter f-o4 of the Laws of 1874, and the laws amendatory thereof, or of chapter 410 of the Laws of r88z, as such area is shown upon our benefit map de-posited as aforesaid,

Fuurtli-That our report herein will be presented to the supreme Court of the State of New York at a Special Term therecf, to be held at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house in the City of New York, on the first day of June, t8yr, at the opening of the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

Dated Nuw YoRt, April 7, 1891. DE\IS A. SPLLLISSY, Chairman, ROYAL S. CRANE, NEVIN W. BUTLER,

Commissioners. ('AeRULL BF.R'-!t', Clerk.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquir-ing title to certain lands for a public park, on grounds known as St. John's Cemetery, in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, as selected, located and laid out by said Board, under and in pursuance of chapter 321 of the Laws of 1887,

PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAP-ter 32' of the Laws of 1887, notice is hereby given

:hat an application will be made to the Supreme Court if the State of New York, at a Special 'l erm of said Jourt, to be held at Chambers thereof in the County Jourt-house in the City of New York, on the 29th day

of April, [Sot, nt the opening of the Court on that day, or as soon thereattcr as counsel can he heard thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in the above entitied matter. Che nature and extent ut the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title in the name and on behalf of the

Yi rk


~ r or thcn- cn,f the p annul

ublic t to of t City

allhelands d prom-ises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the opening of a public park on grounds known as St. John's Cemetery, to the Ninth Ward, of the City of New York, being the follow-ing described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.

Beginning ct a point on the southerly side of Leroy street, distant 364.58 feet easterly from the intersection of the southern side of Leroy street with the eastern side of Hudson street ; thence

r. Running westerly along the southern sideof Leroy street, for 314 58 feet to the eastern side of Hudson street ;

2. Thence running southerly al mg the eastern side of Hudson Street for zo8,o feet to the northern side of Clarkson street;

3, Thence running easterly along the northern side of Clarkson street for 34o,6z feet to the northern side of Carmine street ; 4. 'I'hcnce running easterly along the northern side

of Carmine street for 20.41 feet t 5. Thence running northerly for 208.2 feet more or

less to the point of beginning. The Board of Street Opening and Improvement, under

and in (pursuance of the provisions of chapter ;ao of the Laws of 1887, has determined that the proportion of the expense to be incurred in acquiring the land for such park, to be assessed upon the property, persons and estates to he benefited by the acqui-ition of such park, shall be fifty per cent, or one-half such expense, as fair and equitable, and that the area within is such part of said exprnse shall be so assessed -hall be as follows

Beginning at the intersection of the southerly side of West 1-,lcventh street with the easterly side of Rest street ; running thence southerly along the easterly side of West street to the northerly side of Spring street ; thence easterly along the northerly side of

o spring street to the westerly side of Macdougal street : thence northerly along the +vcsterly side of \Iacdougal street to the southerly side of Minutia lane ; thence westerly along the southerly side of 3linetta Lone to the westerly .id_ uC Sixth avenue ; thence along; the wvesterly side of Sixth avenue to the southerly side of Greenwich avenue ; thence :Mang the Southerly side of Greenwich avenue to the southerly sib-_ of West Eleventh street ; thence alone the southerly side of Kest I leventh street to the point or place of beginning.

Dated NF.w Ycot+R, April s, t5n m. \VILLIA\I H. CLARK,

Counsel to the Corporation, No, z 'Tryon Row, New York City.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of New York, relative to the open-ing of LONE HUNDRED AND NINETIETH SI REE I', from Aud'ibun avenue to Eleventh avenue, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York,

PURSTJANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby given

that an application will be made to the Supreme Court of the mate of New York, at a Special 'form of said Court, to be held at Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, onWednesday, the loth d:qy of April, t89r, at the opening of the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can he heard thereon, fr r the appointment of Commissioners of Ecti-rnate and As=e,,.tnent in the above-entitled matter. The nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acqui-ition of title, in the name and on behalf of the Mayor, \ldcrmen and Commonalty of the City of Nets' York, for the use of the public, to all the land, and premises, w itb the buildings thereon and the appurte-nances thereto belonging, required ter the opening of a cent in street ur avenue known as One Hundred and Ninetieth street, from Audubon avenue to Eleventh avenue, in the Tw'clfth Ward of the City of New York, being the following-described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz. ;

Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Eleventh avenue, said point booing distant 9,z;; t;;s feet north, rev from the southerly line off Inc Hundred and Fifty-filth street : thence easterly and parallel with said street distance 350 feet, to the westerly line of Audubon ave-nue ; thence n rtherly along said line, distance 8o feet the-neon cstcrly. distance 3,o feet, to the easterly line of l';leventh avenue ; thence southerly along said line, distance 8n feet, to the point or place of beginning.

Said street to be 8o feat snide between the lines of Eleventh avenue and Audubon avenue.

Dated NEW Yoere, %larch z6, ,E9r. WILLIAM H. CLARK,

Counsel to the Corporation, No. z Tryon Row, New York City.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquir-ing title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to BIRCH y'1'REEI' although not yet named by proper authority , extending from Wolf street to Marcher avenue, in the 'I w-enty-third Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been here-tofore laid out and designated as to first-class street or road by the Department of Public Parks,

WE,'I'HEUNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS of Estimate and Assessment in the above-

entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter- ested in this proceeding and to the owner or ov'ners, occup:+nt or Occupants, of all houses and lots and im-proved nr unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit :

First-That we have completed our estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro- ceeding,or in any of the laud, affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present theirsaidobjections in writii g, duly verified, to us at our office, No. zoo Broadway f fifth floor , in the said city, on or before the fifteenth day of April, 1891, and that we, the said Com-missioner:, will hear parties so objecting within the ten week-days next after the said fifteenth day of April, 189,, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said office on each of said ten days at three o'clock t•. s,,

Second-'That the abstract of our said estimate and as-sesstrtent, together with our damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates and other documents used by us in making our report, have been deposited with the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of New York, at his office, No. 3r Chambers street, in the said city, there to remain until the sixteenth day of April, t8or.

'Third-That the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz. ; Northerly by a line drawn easterly from a point on the easterly line of Wolf street, about t9r feet northerly from the intersection of the northerly line of Birch street with the easterly line of Wolf street to a point on the westerly line of Aqueduct avenue, about 249 feet northerly from the intersection of the northerly line of Birch street with the westerly line of Aqueduct avenue, the centre line of the blocks between Birch street and two certain unnamed streets or avenues lying northerly of Birch street and extending from Ogden avenue to Aqueduct avenue, and the centre line of the blocks between Birch street and Orchard street, from Ogden avenue to Marcher avenue; easterly by the 0 westerly line of Marcher avenue; southerly by the centre line of the blocks between Birch street and Union street, and westerly by the easterly line of Wolf street ; excepting from said area all the streets, avenues and roads or portions thereof, heretofore legally opened,

and all the unimproved land included within the lines of streets, avenues, roads, public squares and places shown or laid out upon any map or maps filed by the Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks pur-sn:urt to the provisions of chapter 604 of the Laws of 1874, and the laws amendatory thereof, or of chapter 400 of the Laws of t88z, as such area is shown upon our benefit map deposited as aforesaid.

Fourth-That our report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of Nese York at a Special' 'Term thereof, to be held at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house in the City of New York, on the ist day of Slay, t89t, at the opening of the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon there- after as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

Dated NEW VrntR, 9larch 6, t8gt. GEORGE P. W1';IISTER, Chairman, 11OSEs HERRSIAN. JOHN H. KITCHEN,

( ommissioners, CARROLL BERRY, Clerk.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, for and on b--half of the Mayor, Aldarmen and Com-mon:dty of the City of New York, relative to the opening of 11NE HCN'tEEl.) AND SIX'T'Y-SIXTH STRITI', from Tenth, or Amsterd:un, avenue to Edgecombe road, inn tile'l'welfth Ward of the City of of New Yurk,

PURSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCI{ cases made and provided, notice is hereby given-

that an application trill be made to the Supreme Court at the State of Now York, ;it a Special Term of said Court, to be held at Chamkcrs thereof, in the Como nuty Cottrt-hunse, in the City of New York, on Wednesday, the zyth day of April, 18 it, at the opening of the Court no that day, or as soon thereafteras counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointment of Commissioner: of Esti-mate and t ssessment in the above-entitled matter. The nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title, in the name and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, fur the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the ap-purtenauces thereto belonging, required for the open- ing of a certain street or avenue known as One Ilundred and Sixty--ixth street, from 'Tenth, or Am-sterdvn, avenue to F_dgec:omhc road, in the 'Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, being the following-described lots, pieces or parcels of land, vie.

Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Amsterdam avenue, distant t7eo!b, feet northerly from the northerly line of One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street ; thence easterly and parallel with said street, distance 390,„4 feet, to the westerly line of Edgecombc read ; thence northerly along the +veeterly line of the Ed,gecombe road, on a curccd line, radius goo feet, distance 6005+2 feet; thence +westerly, distance ;84,',;j, feet, to the easterly line of Anisterdain avenue; thence southerly along said line, distance 6o feet, to the point or place of beginning. Said street to be Se feet wide between the lines of

Amsterdam avenue and Edgecombe road. Dated NR+c YORK, March z6, i8gr.

\VM. If. CLARK, Counsel to the Corporation,

No. z Tryon Row, New York City.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Stree Opening and Improvement of the City of New York for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of'Nety fork, relative to acquiring title, wherever the saute has not been heretofore acqutrea, to in it part of E.1SI' t)NE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN1'II STREEt.' although net yet named by proper authority:, extending from Rail-road a+enue, Fast, to Third avenue, in the 'twenty-third Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road by the Department of Public Parks.

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS of Estimate and Assessment in the above-

entitled natter, hereby give notice to all persons inter-ested in this proceeding and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit :

Fir-t-•Thou we have completed our estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro- ceeding, or to any of the lands affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their said objec-tions in writing, duty verified, to its at our office, No. zoo Broadway (fifth floor), in the said city, on or before the thirteenth day of April, rsyr, and th:,t we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting within the ten week-day's next after the said thirteenth day of April, 1891, and for that purpose will be in attend-ance at our said office on each of said ten days at four o'clock r, at.

second-That the abstract of our said estimate and assessment, together wrth our damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavit:, estimates and otherdocuments used by us in making our report, have been deposited with the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of New York, at his office, No. en Chambers street, in the said city, there to remain until the fourteenth day of April, t8gr

Third-That the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the City of New York, which taken together are bounded and described as follows, viz: Northerly by the centre line of the blocks between East One Hundred and Fifty-seventh street and East One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street, from Railroad aye-note, East, to Third avenue and the prolongation easterly from the easterly line of Third avenue of the said cen-tre line of the blocks for it distance of about too feet ; easterly by a line parallel with, and distant too feet easterly of the easterly line of Third avenue ; southerly by the prolongation easterly from the easterly line of Third avenue of the centre line of the blocks between East One Hundred and Fifty-sixth street and East One Hundred and Fifty-seventh street for about to. feet, and the centre- line of the blocks between East (Inc Hundred and I ifty-sixth street and East One Hundred and Fifty-seventh street, from Third avenue to Railroad avenue, (Cast ; and westerly by the easterly line of Railroad avenue, East ; excepting from said area all the streets, avenues and roads, or portions thereof, heretofore legally opened, and all the unimproved land included within the lines of streets, avenues, roads, public squares, and places shown or laid out upon any map or maps filed by the Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 604 of the Laws of 1874, and the laws amendatory thereof, or of chapter 410 of the Laws of :882, as such area is shown upon ottr benefit map deposited as aforesaid.

Fourth-That our report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term thereof, to be held at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on the twenty-seventh do'} of April, i8gi, at the opening of the Court on day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

Dated New YoreK, March 2, t8g t, EDWARD L. PARRIS, Chairman, G. M, SPEIR, JR., LAWRENCE WELLS,

Commissioners. CARROLL BERRY, Clerk,


THE CI'T'Y RECORD IS PUBLISHED DAILY, Sundays and legal holidays other than the general.

election day excepted, at No, z City Hall, New York City. Price, single copy, 3 cents; annual subscription,. $9.30.

W J. K KENNY, Superviso•