P. v ~ a J GAS COMPANY. BURNER. ' S C ? U 8 fv 0.23 Manhattan .... IN. 3 ~ Empire mpireSfL....... .gr 30.03 " . . .. . 9' 3 0 .51 • . ., .91 3 0 .50 " •• ., .92 30.18 . ,. " .91 30.33 Harlem......., •78 30.08 1..••.•. .8o 30.53 .......1 . •78 3a.47 .. ...... .. •79 30.17 ,. ....." •78 30.25 ` I New York...,, Bray's Slit Union,7 .88 30.03 .. .... '' .88 30.51 .. ... .89 30,50 " .•. " •88 30.18 'I " . 8 9 30.25 N. Y. Mutual.. " •93 30.03 " u •93 30, 51 .. .. . 92 30.50 .. .. . 92 30.18 •' •' •95 30.25 Municipal..,.•. " .89 30.03 .. ... I' •89 30.51 ... I, .89 30.50 '• ... I, .88 30.28 .... " .89 30.33 Metropolitan.... " No. 6. .67 30.08 " ,. .68 30.53 .. .. .68 30.47 .. 67 30.17 ... " •67 E. G. LOV E, PH. D., Gas DATE. i "TIME. E DEC. 4 5 PSI. 75• 5 2 P. nt., 72. , 6 4.30 F.M. 78. ' 7 3 P.M. 76. ` 8 - 5 S.M.1 72. Dec. 4 IOA. St.. 64. ,, 5 6 P. nt. ! 66. , 6 5.30 P.M.! 63. 7 6.30 P.M. 66. i 8 6 P.M.~ 67. Dec. 4 ! 3 P.M.' 74• 5 5 P.AS.~ I 72. " 6 I 3 P.M. 78. 7 4.30 P.M. 76. 8 2 P.M. 72. Dec. 4 4 PSI. 75. u 5 I 3 P.M. 72. ' 6 4 P.M.~! 78. 7 , 330 P.M. 76. 8 I 4 P.M.I 72. Dec. 4 3.30 P.M. 74• 5 4 P.M. I 72. ' 6 3.30 P.M. 78. 7 4 P.M., 76. 8 3P.M. 72. Dec. 4 I0.30A.x. 65. . 1 5 5.30 P.M. 64, 6 6 P.M. 65. 7 6 P.M. 64. 8 6.30 P.M. 68. J y; 39 0.0 o as C ~ U cc. VT. 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.20 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.0o 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.012 5.00 5. 00 5. 00 5.00 5•a `ov 0. 0h. 0.0 0 C 7 n o o'.Jr U I20.0 I14.0 123.0 114.0 120.0 I21.2 120.0 226.0 117.0 I20.0 115.2 124.2 12! .2 118.8 120.0 122.4 223.0 120.0 118.8 120.0 121.8 116.4 224.2 220.0 I20.0 220.0 222.2 117.6 116.4 221.2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, C01IMISSIONER'S OFFICE., No. 31 CIIANIBERS Si REST, NEW YORK, December 14, 1883• In accordance with section I Io of chapter 335 of the Laws of 1873, the Department of Public '.\ Irks makes the following report of its transactions for the week ending December 8, 1883 PuLlic Moneys Received and Deposited iu the City T)•easlo)'. F r Croton water rents ...... ......................... ................. . .... 6+35,156 Si I penalties on water rents ......................................... ........ 421 20 For tapping Croton pipes ..................................................... 252 00 For sewer permits ............................................ .............. 590 So For vault permits ...........................................................262 50 For redemption of obstructions seized ...........................................10 50 For r, t,iiiig mv! repaving, "Special Fund .. .......................... ...... 511 o0 'I.,tal ........................................................ 537,204} 81 A',, ors . f I'a 'owtreca/ .Eraimnahoits of J//z nrr)ratur{ L,i', JOF the - 'eh cu.iiu, D.cenrher 8, 1883, made at the P/rotomelrica/ Rooms v, f the Depa) lineal of Public {Yorks. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XL NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1853, NurIBER 3.214. Public Lamps. 22 new lamps lighted. I old lamp relighted. 7 lamp i discontinued. 2 lamp-posts removed. 2 lamp-posts reset. I lamp-post straightened. Pernuts Issued. 68 permits to tap Croton pipes. log permits to open streets. 19 permits to make sewer connect ions. 21 permits to repair sewer connections. I permit to construct street vault, 82 permits to place building matcrlal on streets. 7 permits-special. 2 permits to cut down trees. /i.Cau'in and Clca)titt, S.n . s. 38 receiving-basins and culverts cleaned. 6 lineal feet of sewer rebuilt. 6 lineal feet of spur pipe laid. 4 lineal feet of new curb laid. 2 receiving-basins repaired. I new basin head put ou. I new basin cover put on. I manhole repaired. I new manhole head and cover put on. 61 new manhole covers put Oil. I new road box cover. i cubic yard of earth excavated awl refilled. 6 square yards of pavement rUi li I. 12 square teet of fla_ging r,ia!+i. 2 cart-loads of earth retil':c~l. 102 cart-loads of dirt remove 1. 1'avene.7z/ li-p,rirs In Fifty-seventh street, between Fifth and Sixth avenue,. In Beaver street, between Broadway and New street. In Cliff street, between Frankfort and Hague streets. In Cedar street, between broadwav and Nassau street. Crosswalks repaired at Fifty-ssventh street and Seventh avenue. Crosswalks repaired at Fifty-eigghth street and Eighth avenue. Crosswalks repaired at Fifty-third street and Sixth avenue. Cross'.valks repaired at Fif:y-third street and Fourth avenue . Crosswalks repaired at Fulton and Nassau streets. Statement of Laborin Force Enlptoyed in the Department of Public Works during the 6Vicek ending December 8, 1883, ILLUMINATING NATURE OF \V0RK, bI ECHANIC S. LABORERS. TEAMS. CARTS. ;; N Maintenance of Aqueduct and Reservoirs............ 24 I I2 9 4 A o Iii Pipe Yard, foot of East Twenty-fourth street...... 3 15 2 I I Laying and repairing pipes, etc .................... I Io 75 , . 9 Repairing pavements ............................. 15 18 .. 3 '9. 87 29.87 Repairing and cleaning sewers ..................... 4 31 , , 16 Maintenance and construction of boulevards and ayes. 8 52 25 3 20.04 19.04 Repairing streets ............................... I 31 I 9 2 18.80 19.27 Total ................................ 65 334 1 45 -- 37 20.o6 i9 o6 05.34 ~ 19.34 Increase over previous week ................ .. .. .. .. Average. 29.32 Decrease from previous week ................ .. . . 18.90 29.09 -- ----- - ---- ---- -- - Appointments. 20.13 20.13 18 22 James R. Wardlow, Transitman. 29 23 Martin J. Keveney, Inspector on Sewers. 20.76 F 20.24 Suspended on aciount of Cow,ple?ion of IVort. 19.68 Iq.68 Garrett W. Graham, Inspector on Repaving. Average, 29.65 Patrick Mullen, Inspector ou Paving. William B. Williams, Inspector on Regulating, etc. 2 5.3 2 j 24.31 Mark Neary, Inspector on Regulating, etc. Charles Conley, Inspector on Sewers. 22.56 23.35 Requfsitions on the Comptroller. 23.40 23.63 24.78 24.53 The total amount of requisitions drawn by the Department on the Comptroller during the week is $137,970. 29. 24.82 24.82 FRED. H. 1-IAMLIN, Deputy Commissioner of Public Works. Avcrag=. 24.13 L)EPARTMENT OF DOCKS. 29.80 30.39 28.78 F 29.50 At a special meeting of the Board of Docks, held December io, 1883. 28.27 28.27 Present-Commissioners Laimbeer and Voorhis, and Henry J. Storrs, representing the Comp. troller of the city. 28.0° I 37.72 Absent-President Stark. 25.40 25.40 On motion, Commissioner Laimbeer took the chair. The Board proceeded to open the bids received for repairing the understructure of Pier, new 45, Average. ! 28.25 North river, advertised for to be opened this day at I2 o'clock t1. Five estimates were received for doing the said work, as follows 28.38 28.80 28.56 III 27.70 CLASS No. I CLASS No S. 28.14 29.12 No. BIDDERS. Dredging, Repairing 28.26 j 28.26 Per cubic yard. Understructure. 27.98 27.98 Average. 28.37 I From John Gillies, with 0300 in money ........ ..............~ $o 35 $22,400 00 a , Co 28,000 00 22.86 21.86 3 " James D. Leary, with g30o in money .................. 27 19,994 00 22.62 22,84 4 Joseph Walsh, with $300 in check...................... , Warren Rosevelt, with g305 in check .................. 23 I9,688 00 22.64 22.19 5 " P. Sanford Ross, with $300 in money .................. 50 25,950 00 23.16 22.46 22.04 22.26 On motion, the bids received were laid over for examination, and the Secretary directed to Average, 22. i 32 transmit to the Comptroller the security deposits made by the bidders and accompanying their respective estimates. On motion, the Board adjourned. Examiner. JOHN T. CUMING, Secretary.

Transcript of THE CITY · P. v ~ a J GAS COMPANY....

Page 1: THE CITY · P. v ~ a J GAS COMPANY. BURNER. 'S C Maintenance ? U 8 fv 0.23 Manhattan .... I IN. 3 ~ EmpirempireSfL.....

P. v ~ a J


C ? U 8 fv

0.23 Manhattan ....


3 ~ EmpirempireSfL....... .gr

30.03 " . . .. .9'

30.51 • . ., .91

30.50 " •• ., .92

30.18 . ,. " .91

30.33 Harlem......., •78

30.08 1..••.•. .8o

30.53 • .......1 . •78

3a.47 .. ...... .. •79

30.17 ,. .....• " •78

30.25 I New York...,, Bray's Slit Union,7 .88

30.03 .. .... '' .88

30.51 .. ... .89

30,50 " .•. " •88

30.18 'I " .89

30.25 N. Y. Mutual.. " •93

30.03 " u •93

30,51 .. .. .92

30.50 .. .. .92

30.18 •' •' •95

30.25 Municipal..,.•. " .89

30.03 .. ... I' •89

30.51 ... I, .89

30.50 '• ... I, .88

30.28 .... " .89

30.33 Metropolitan.... " No. 6. .67

30.08 " ,. .68

30.53 .. .. .68

30.47 .. 67

30.17 ... " •67

E. G. LOV E, PH. D., Gas



DEC. 4 5 PSI. 75•

5 2 P. nt., 72.

, 6 4.30 F.M. 78.

•' 7 3 P.M. 76.

` 8 - 5 S.M.1 72.

Dec. 4 IOA. St.. 64.

,, 5 6 P. nt. ! 66.

, 6 5.30 P.M.! 63.

7 6.30 P.M. 66. i

8 6 P.M.~ 67.

Dec. 4 ! 3 P.M.' 74•

5 5 P.AS.~I 72.

" 6 I 3 P.M. 78.

7 4.30 P.M. 76.

8 2 P.M. 72.

Dec. 4 4 PSI. 75.

u 5 I 3 P.M. 72.

•' 6 4 P.M.~! 78.

7 , 330 P.M. 76.

8 I 4 P.M.I 72.

Dec. 4 3.30 P.M. 74•

5 4 P.M. I 72.

•' 6 3.30 P.M. 78.

7 4 P.M., 76.

8 3P.M. 72.

Dec. 4 I0.30A.x. 65.

.1 5 5.30 P.M. 64,

6 6 P.M. 65.

7 6 P.M. 64.

8 6.30 P.M. 68.

J y; 39 0.0 o „

as C ~


cc. VT. 5.00






























`ov 0.


0.0 0 C 7

n o o'.Jr U













12! .2




















NEW YORK, December 14, 1883•

In accordance with section I Io of chapter 335 of the Laws of 1873, the Department of Public '.\ Irks makes the following report of its transactions for the week ending December 8, 1883

PuLlic Moneys Received and Deposited iu the City T)•easlo)'.

F r Croton water rents ...... .......................................... . .... 6+35,156 Si I penalties on water rents ......................................... ........ 421 20 For tapping Croton pipes ..................................................... 252 00 For sewer permits ............................................ .............. 590 So For vault permits ...........................................................262 50 For redemption of obstructions seized ...........................................10 50 For r, t,iiiig mv! repaving, "Special Fund .. .......................... ...... 511 o0

'I.,tal ........................................................ 537,204} 81

A',, ors . f I'a 'owtreca/ .Eraimnahoits of J//z nrr)ratur{ L,i', JOF the - 'eh cu.iiu, D.cenrher 8, 1883, made at the P/rotomelrica/ Rooms v, f the Depa) lineal of Public {Yorks.



Public Lamps. 22 new lamps lighted.

I old lamp relighted. 7 lamp i discontinued. 2 lamp-posts removed. 2 lamp-posts reset. I lamp-post straightened.

Pernuts Issued. 68 permits to tap Croton pipes.

log permits to open streets. 19 permits to make sewer connect ions. 21 permits to repair sewer connections.

I permit to construct street vault, 82 permits to place building matcrlal on streets. 7 permits-special. 2 permits to cut down trees.

/i.Cau'in and Clca)titt, S.n . s. 38 receiving-basins and culverts cleaned. 6 lineal feet of sewer rebuilt. 6 lineal feet of spur pipe laid. 4 lineal feet of new curb laid. 2 receiving-basins repaired. I new basin head put ou. I new basin cover put on. I manhole repaired. I new manhole head and cover put on.

61 new manhole covers put Oil. I new road box cover. i cubic yard of earth excavated awl refilled. 6 square yards of pavement rUi li I.

12 square teet of fla_ging r,ia!+i. 2 cart-loads of earth retil':c~l.

102 cart-loads of dirt remove 1.

1'avene.7z/ li-p,rirs

In Fifty-seventh street, between Fifth and Sixth avenue,. In Beaver street, between Broadway and New street. In Cliff street, between Frankfort and Hague streets. In Cedar street, between broadwav and Nassau street. Crosswalks repaired at Fifty-ssventh street and Seventh avenue. Crosswalks repaired at Fifty-eigghth street and Eighth avenue. Crosswalks repaired at Fifty-third street and Sixth avenue. Cross'.valks repaired at Fif:y-third street and Fourth avenue . Crosswalks repaired at Fulton and Nassau streets.

Statement of Laborin Force Enlptoyed in the Department of Public Works during the 6Vicek ending December 8, 1883,




N Maintenance of Aqueduct and Reservoirs............ 24 I I2 9 4 A o Iii Pipe Yard, foot of East Twenty-fourth street...... 3 15 2 I

I Laying and repairing pipes, etc .................... I Io 75 , . 9 Repairing pavements ............................. 15 18 .. 3

'9. 87 29.87 Repairing and cleaning sewers ..................... 4 31 , , 16 Maintenance and construction of boulevards and ayes. 8 52 25 3 20.04 19.04 Repairing streets ............................... I 31 I 9 2

18.80 19.27 Total ................................ 65 334 1 45


37 20.o6 i9 o6

05.34 ~

19.34 Increase over previous week ................ .. .. .. ..

Average. 29.32 Decrease from previous week ................ .. . .

18.90 29.09 -- ----- - ---- ---- -- -

Appointments. 20.13 20.13

18 22 James R. Wardlow, Transitman.

29 23 Martin J. Keveney, Inspector on Sewers. 20.76 F 20.24

Suspended on aciount of Cow,ple?ion of IVort. 19.68 Iq.68

Garrett W. Graham, Inspector on Repaving. Average, 29.65 Patrick Mullen, Inspector ou Paving.

William B. Williams, Inspector on Regulating, etc.

25.32 j 24.31 Mark Neary, Inspector on Regulating, etc. Charles Conley, Inspector on Sewers.

22.56 23.35 Requfsitions on the Comptroller.

23.40 23.63

24.78 24.53 The total amount of requisitions drawn by the Department on the Comptroller during the

week is $137,970.29.

24.82 24.82 FRED. H. 1-IAMLIN, Deputy Commissioner of Public Works.

Avcrag=. 24.13


28.78 F 29.50 At a special meeting of the Board of Docks, held December io, 1883. 28.27 28.27 Present-Commissioners Laimbeer and Voorhis, and Henry J. Storrs, representing the Comp.

troller of the city. 28.0°

I 37.72 Absent-President Stark.

25.40 25.40 On motion, Commissioner Laimbeer took the chair. The Board proceeded to open the bids received for repairing the understructure of Pier, new 45,

Average. ! 28.25 North river, advertised for to be opened this day at I2 o'clock t1. Five estimates were received for doing the said work, as follows

28.38 28.80

28.56 III 27.70 CLASS No. I CLASS No S.

28.14 29.12 No. BIDDERS. Dredging, Repairing

28.26 j 28.26 Per cubic yard. Understructure.

27.98 27.98

Average. 28.37 I From John Gillies, with 0300 in money ........ ..............~ $o 35 $22,400 00

a , Co 28,000 00 22.86 21.86

3 " James D. Leary, with g30o in money .................. 27 19,994 00 22.62 22,84


Joseph Walsh, with $300 in check..................... .

, Warren Rosevelt, with g305 in check .................. 23 I9,688 00

22.64 22.19 5 " P. Sanford Ross, with $300 in money .................. 50 25,950 00

23.16 22.46

22.04 22.26 On motion, the bids received were laid over for examination, and the Secretary directed to Average, 22. i 32 transmit to the Comptroller the security deposits made by the bidders and accompanying their

respective estimates. On motion, the Board adjourned.

Examiner. JOHN T. CUMING, Secretary.

Page 2: THE CITY · P. v ~ a J GAS COMPANY. BURNER. 'S C Maintenance ? U 8 fv 0.23 Manhattan .... I IN. 3 ~ EmpirempireSfL.....

1,480.60 I .. 2 3 1 1 ,! . t I 4' I F 3

.. r z z z .. .. ..

Orr .. .. r z .. . ~- ..

Twenty-cecond.. 1,519.42 .. I .. 4 t t .. r .. ..

THen:y-third...!4,267.023 .. .. .. z .. I .. .. T.. e n ty-fourth.. 1 8,050.323 I

Totals...... 124,893.156 5 7 25 17 5 •• 4 4 z II 4 24

,, _.: th......... 5,504.13 .. .. r I z .. I .. .. .. .. 5 9 63

[`., ------ .tth...... 307 .. .. z t I ....• .. .. .. .. .. .. I ur., ._nth...... 96 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I .. 2 1':::.-. th........ 198 .. .. .. .. I .. .. .. I z - ;' ..,_ II 111 ....... 348.77 .. .. .. t t .. .. .. .. ..

1..•---.eenth..... 331 .. .. .. 5 z .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.10e0... nti,..... 449.89 .. I .. I .. .. I .. .. ., .. .. i .• i I

3 13 3 22 4 to 6 42

3 34



REPORTED MORTALITY for the week ending December 15, 1883, together with the ACTUAL MORTALITY for the week ending

December 8, 1883.

W. I tt: F. D.4Y', M. D., Satritary Srr crirttendr7tt and Register: SIR-There were 5S7 deaths reported to have occurred in this city during the week ending Saturday, December 15, 1SS:3, which is an increase of 15, as compared with the number reported the

pcetlingweek, and it less than were rep.,rted during the corresp,)nding week of the year IS82. The actual mortality for the week ending December 8, IS8,3, was 614, svls ch is 45.6 above the average

i ,r the corresponding week for the past five years, and represents an annual death -rate of 23.92 per I,coo persons living, the population estimated at 1,334,857.

?',i'h slums xo the Reported 1lor/'alitv for the w ek coding De<e;n3er I3, ISS„ and fire Actu.r: -A'iw 'r +>j Deaths each day, ;croin the Principal Causes, .oilk 1hr _i,cs of Decedents, for the week endit Dccc ;.bee S, 1S 3.

\Vicek \Neck al t• - rE)ROLO.~. ending ending


y L Dec z. Dec. 8.

ACT['al ~['\inE.i OF V o n• AGE nY \ EARS. SEX , \; .. t, -p r:... Fa;.r for the w• ek was. 36.7 40.2 DEATH+ EACH 1) v 1A IAN ; y r _ . reading of barometer

ht fo 29.863


G 30-5+, THE Vi cv 1: F.\D[ `-cruet.- r. Dec.DEc. 8, ,S83. F

.. U y e r td:ty the week as...........

`.-. : m l a traveled by tie vind nag-.. 78

z n^ 76

I,t27 J h L -- -- ' -- in..• ,. n tl.c .+r.}- . .. .. o. 51


y coc - ._.E I GX '.E. DA c ° ~1

u V

ium 3" v

V c 3 c am __ ° v

c _ -

.- o o o c C o o o 0 0 o o o 2- - E o r_ 1 c: = v c -

1 ti I)e:uh, tr.. n al' us:s ....... ... gSc 572 77 89 90 qo £6 92 91 ir4 595 5 8 4 23.92 r36 4' 31 z2 5 224 z4 to 14 z3 a9 29 48 30 35 24 z8 3t zt 5 i3ao 29 z4 4z total Zvmotic Diseases ............ ...... 97 e7 12 t3 xr z3 x5 14 zy rte- zr; r-.8. 4 4.z 7 3z t6 ri 7 3 75 9 •• .. 3 z . 6 4 r z .. .. 3 z 9 48

3 I.;al Cmstitutional Diseases ....... ...... r,6 147 zo 27 27 2te 23 z3 CO too r5, 113.8 s.^: ,8 7 1 z I r 29 2 3 7 zo 17 z6 a- 13 Iz zn - 7 6 3 8z 78 a 7 3 f,ta1 Local Diseases ...................... 294 259 37 38 47 38 32 40 45 283 274 z4,•'- rl.c2 6^- 17 iz 2 1 93 4 6 5 9 7 7 19 t3 r8 r8 zz r9 z; 28 II t 45 238 1,taI Developmental Diseases,............ 4z 52 6 6 z 9 15 5 4 47 38 41.0 r.83 e. •• .. .. .. . zt .. .. t 5 s .. 3 1 .. .. -. z ., 12 zo 27 I): aths by Violence ....................... t9 z7 z 5 3 .. z 4 2 ,7 19 =o.: ,CL 3 .. z .. 6 .. z z z t .. _ 3 .. .. r .. z t4 3 3 small- ox ........

. .3 .. .5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Meade .............................. ... ...... .. 'crlatina ...............................

rz 4

6 10 •.

t 2 r .. .. 2 2 .3 .. •5

t c ..

to ~i .7.6 4

.,q .. r z

.:7 .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


.. I 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .4

.. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. 3 ..

.. r1 1 z4 .. I+iphtheria ................................ :2 22 z 1 1 5 7: 4 5 z5 22 z8 u o 9 z i 6 4 _ zo 2 .. .. .. r t .. t .. .. .. ..

\ Icmbranons Croup ................ ...... tz 17 4 2 3 5 2 .. I t7 t4 , 19.8 -5_ 3 z 7 t t 14 3 .. .. .. .. .. 0 rz

7 .. 1\ 'u.;oping Cough ......................... 6 3 z z z .. z 3 4.6 ,z3 5 .. .. .. .. 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ! .. .. ! 4 .. l: rysipelas ................................ 3 z .. .. r z .. .. r 3 4 = 4 . - a z .. .. .. .. r .. .. .. .. .. .. r .. .. .. z.. .. 2 t .. IcphusFever .... ........................ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .q ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... .. .. \ chew Fever ............................. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ivphoid Fever ........................... 7 3 .. .. .. r .. t 2 4 4 5-C .tc . •• .. .. .. .. z ., .. .. .. .. r r .. .. .. .. .. t .. 2 z .. _rebro-Spinal Fever..................... r e z r . .. .. .. 4 7 z.h .16 z = x .. .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 1 ,.

R~•mittent, Intermittent. Typho-Malarial, L gestive and Simple Continued Fevers. 6 3 .. z z .. „ t 1 4 zt 9•z .16 .- •• .. t .. r .. .. .. , r .. .. .. .. .. r .. z

3 P .erperal Diseases ....................... 9 13 r 3 2 x 3 2 1 r3 3 7•z .51 „ •• .. .. .. x 6 2 .. 3 .. t .. .. .[



I 13 ,.

arrhaal Diseises ....................... Ianiti Want Breast Mills, etc....,... - n. of

9 3

9 5

t 1 1 z 1, 2 t r z 2 z ..

4 It .. 7

1 2 xr.i 2 ' z.c

43 7 7 . 7

.23 ., •' .. ..

S .. .. .. I ..........

7 .. .. .. .. ..

.L •t ..

i .. .. .. .. I

7 4 .. 2 5 ..

\'.holism ............................... 5 6 .. t z .... 'I 3 t 6 6 6 .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. .. .. .. .. 41 2 .. Ri:eu:natism and Gout ...................... o .. .. .. r .. .. .. I a 3. 04 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. z .. r .... cancer....... ................ ti 10 3 .. r 4 1 3 3 tg 1)11.6 .53 .. •• ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. t 3 z z a z z 2. 5 zo i .. r.:.:thtsis Pulntonalis ....................... too to £5 at 2t 12 th IS z{ 1:7 zco 85 4 4. _o z .. r r .. 3 z 3 7 9 17 £5 19 tz xx 8 5 4 z a 61 I 56 3 h'-nchitis ................................ 45 26 2 6 6 5 z 3 5 32 35 X4.2 2.25 t4 2 2 .. .. r8 .. .. .. z .. .. .. t 3 .... r z 6 c3 ! z9 r P eumonia ............................... 84 61 8 6 13 0 7 r7 rx 68 t963.5 2.6- 2z z 4 1 z 39 r .. x 3 4 5 2 2 ..3 2 z 4 34 34 - i

Diseases ........................... .ut 34 44 7 8 5 4 4 5 4o 2

2,56 z .. .. .. r ,. z r .. .. e z 4 4 5 4 5 4 I921 .. k::. Irism ...... .......................... z .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

22 122.4 .4 1 ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

M.trasnms-TabesMesentericaandScrofula 15 II z 5 2 z z t 2 15 17 10.4 .53 x 4 .. .. .. z , 1 9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 to „ H_cdro.ephalus and Tubercular Meningitis a z4 . r 3 2 4 t z 1_ r{ ro.4 .59 6 3 t .. 1 It .. I .. r .. .. .. .. .. I .. .. .. .. j zo 2 .. Nl-. ningitts and Encephalitis ............... is xi 3 1 2 2 .. I x to 9 9. .39 1 1 z .. .. 4 .. t r .. .. z .. t .. x .... 8 z .. .nv::I-ions .... .......................... 7 9 .. 2 2 2 1 .. 3 to 12 z,.4 .39 9 ' .. .. .. ,o .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 5 .. in ct Effect of Solar Heat ......... ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

_i A :plexy ...... .... ...................... A,ltsease.oftheBrainandtiervousS}•Item

z6 5z

it 49

z 2 .. 2 4 4 t. 7 7 6 xo 6

.. 14 6 93

xa 5•

z0.1 49.6

.54 z .. .. ..

a.o6 ,5 z _ .. .. x .. .. .. .. .. .. .. e

19 .. 1 2 .. 2 1 4 t , 2 4 z 3 ',, 8 6 .. 4 3 7 2 6

C .rr'rosis cf Liver and Hevati;is........... 8 it .. 2 z 3 1 .. 3 to 5 39 t .. .. .. .. z .. .... z .. .. t .... 3 3 .. .. I 1 5 1 5I .. E. 1eritis Gastr, -Enteritis, Peritonitis, and I I

L'astr.ns ................... ........... tt t6 q 3 2 3 .. 2 4 z8 ^z 11.o .;c 4 .. .. .. 4 .. .. z I .. r z 2 . z tz 7 .. T,1-:ant's Disease and \ ephriti. ............. 34 20 z z 5 4 57 3 23 39 s9.1 r .. r .... 2 .. r .. r r t 5 4 3 1 z 4 .. 14 14 ~ yanos s and _ltelectasis ..... ............ 5 5 .. r .. 2 1 x t S 8 0 8 .o o .. .. 6 .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 3 .. f'rrmature gad Preternatural Firths... .... t4 17 4 r . 2 6 .. z rq iz Iz.F .54 14 •• -- - .- z4 .. .. .. ! .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ra x .1rb:c if Operations ....................... .. r .. .. r .. .. .. .. t .. .6. .c4 t .. .. x .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I .... Iv,a,hs by Suicide .........................' q .. .. .. .. .. z .. 1 3 r 8 .04 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... I .. .. .. .. .. I .. laths by Drownin g......

Under r ear... ( y' 1 27 7 116 .. 19 20 15 21 16 9 5 23 22 z 5 3. r_ z I,xt i y~ 5.

.. .. ..

5.3 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..

. .. .. .. .. .. •• .. .. :oaths in Children...... { •. a }'ears.. 267 rca at a8 zu zy 31 :q zE 176 148 Ix;9.t e.66i .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •. .. .. .. ..

5 years.. zxt 007 30 3t 27 38 36 ' %4 38 224 zo8 2274 0 .73 i

* Refers to the number of death certificates received.


.,Elf' 1 ORK.-Di:ATHS FROM SM.1LL-P0\, MEASLES, Sc.soi..4- _ C :'-, DIrtir ERIA. CROUP, WHOOPING l.O['GH, TYPHOID


.i,-te.aI.7/orta1itJ- during the Week ending Dec. 8, r88•g. R ^.. 4 U

4 .• a C, ;-• _ C V I

- R

3 20I- c J. - .3 : r . _< ;.i C

` . !. ......... 154 .. . • . - • • I r . • r • • • • 3 zz rI 1,-39 Castle Garden and Emigrant Depot, -; U. S. Marine Hospital Bedloe's Island), - ; First Precinct Station, -~ ................ Sr .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. z z r,6o8 .... ... ........ ..

1 • - r:.......... 9,. .. .. • . 2 3.582 "I' is my- sev nth Precinct Station, - ; House of RoIie`, z6o Chambers street, z; Newsboys' Lodgings, -..... a } :.-:h ......... 83 .. .. ..

• • • . . • • • • . • • • • . • , • • . , •. 8 8 210.5 Fourth Precin.t Station, -; 3fis>to;+ I-lome, -; St. James' liom_, - ........................................ ..

f i ! ........... x68 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 8 16,134 Fifth Precinct atotion, -; 'Iriotty Infirmary, So Varich street....... .......................... .. . '......... 86 .. .. I • • I .. .. .. „ z z 4 tz 12 ,x 2o 93 City Pris--n. -; Home of Industr y, - ; Centre Street Dispensary, - • N. V. Dispensary, - ... ......... ..

-_ - :.t ........ rq8 .. .. .. z .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I 3 27 07 3o,o66 Seventh 1'ncmct Station, - ; De!rorah Day Nursery, -; : urscry and Chi] .'s Protectory, East Broadway, -.. .. 1-..= :i:_........ 103 .. .. z .. .. .. .. .. .. z .. .. z zo zo 35,83o Eighth Precinct Station,. ....... ................. .... .. .. ..... .. ... ................ ..

.. 322 2 t .. .. z .. .. .. • • 4 z7 14 54,593 St. Vincentb Hospit,l, 3; Ninth I reclt t Station, -; Home fur Old Men and Aged Coupb.s. - ............... 3 I ............

,...nth........ Ito I96

.. .. .. .. I .. .. .. .• t .. I i 3

.. r .. 2 2 .. .. I t .. r .. I 9 2z 40

21 35

47,553 r8,779

Essex Street Prison, t; `Tenth Precinct Station,.-; Ludlow Str et Jail, - ................................. St. Francis' Hospital, -; Elevc nth Precinct Station - ............. .......................................

I Reception Hospiial, -9th street, -; Infants Hospital, 8; Soloiec. Retreat, - ; N. Y. City Asylum for the I:xsane. 7; Colored Orphan Asylum, -; Wards Island, z; Randall's Isl:md, z; Bloomingdale L:matic Asylum, 1; St. Joseph's Hospital, 3: House of Refuge, -; House of Mercy, -; L.irt Asylum, Ra:,dall's i

31 81,802 Island, - • Union Hone and School, - ; House of Good Sheph, rd, - • Deaf and D:tmb sylunm, - • 3x N. F Juvenile Asylum, i; Hommo athic Ho-pital, 9; Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews, -; Sheltering Arms, -; Oid Ladles' Home, -; St. Luke's Home, -; Harleii Hospital for \Vcmen and Children, -......

13 37.7 27 Thirteenth Precinct Stati.,n,- ............................... ...........................................~ at , 30,1,-2 R. C. Orphan Asylum, - ; Lying-in-:\sylum, x; Fourteenth Precinct Station, -; House of Mercy, - .... .. xo 31,873 - bf:dnight Mission, -; N. Y Juveniie A.ylum, - ; St. Joseph's Horn.,, -; Alts ion of Immaculate Virgin, -...... .. 17 5z,t66 Samaritan Home for the Aged, -; St. Joseph's Hone for the Aged,-; French Hospital, -; Ifomefor the Blind,- I ,. 42 104,89; Commissioners of Charities and Correction, - ; E} e and Ear Infirmary, -; Seventeenth Precinct Station, -- - „

JH~!me for Respectable Aged and Indigent Female;,-; New York Hospital, 5; St. Stcehen's Home,-; 19 , 66,610 Reception Hospital, -; J'3ghteen.h Precinct St.,tion,-; N. Y. Infirmary for Wont_•n and Childr_n. - ., . }

I Pr siytsian Home, I; Germ. in Hospital, r; Mt. Sinai Hospital, i; Foundling Hospital, z; Women's Hospital and Colle,;e, -; City Lunatic Asylum, 7; Almsho.ise, 5; Penite.uiary, -; Small-pox Hospital, - Charity Hospital, 4 ; Epileptic and Paralytic Hospital, -; Colored Home Hospital, 3; Nursery and

54 158,108 Child's Hospital, - ; St. Luke's Hospital, z; Workhouse, z; Fever Hospital, -; Roman Catholic 17 8z r 8,108 1 Orphan AsyLlm, -. Hospital for Ruptured and Crippled, -: Home for the Aged (Little Sisters of I a8 the Poor,, r: Chapin Home for the Aged, - ; Vahoemamz's Hospital, -; Orphans' Home and Asylum Protestant E,--.iscopal 4)th street and Lexington avenue, -; Hebrew Orphan A.ylu:n, -; St. Joseph's

Infirmary, - Baptist Hone, -; N. Y.'vlaedalen Asylum, -; Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, -------- 8 35 35 86,023 St. Elizabeth's Hospitai, -; ^t. Mary's Hospital, -; Trinity H..,me, -; Twenty-ninth Precinct Station, -..... ..

59 c,533 { f;elb.vue Hospital, 36; in Ambulances, -; Ophthalmic Hospital, -; Peabody Home for the Aged, - ; St.

8 22 G ntephe - 37 Home, -; Emergency Hospital, i; Home of the Fri _ndless, -; Twenty-first Precinct, ....... } 1 Roosevelt Hospital, z; Old Ladies' flome,z; New York Infant A;ylum,i; Twent -secoad Precinct Static, -;

it 56 5s rtt,6o5 4 t N.Y. Orphan Asylum,-; :ti. Y. Hasp. and Med. College for Women andChil rev, -; House of Mercy. -} 4 I' I 13 28,333 Thirty-third Precinct Station, - ; Old Gentlemen Unsectadan Home - • at. Vincent's Nursery, -.. .... .

House of Rest for Consumptives, 3; Home for Incurable;, -; Thirty-fourth Prec;nct St +[ion, - ; 'Thirty- ' I 7 I 4 23,288 { 111th Precinct Station, -; Peabody Home, -; St. Stephen's Home, -; St. Joseph's Institute for Deaf Mutes, - } I 3

t07 61 493 t.ao6,577 Total mortality in Pubic Institutions ...... ..................................................I rr6

Very respectfully submitted, JOHN T. NAGLE, M. D., Deputy Register of Records.

Page 3: THE CITY · P. v ~ a J GAS COMPANY. BURNER. 'S C Maintenance ? U 8 fv 0.23 Manhattan .... I IN. 3 ~ EmpirempireSfL.....

Deaths reported during the week ending December t5, 1883.


, O . 0

yE u ev






va .





7 Y G w y~ J0

C °i ''~ to -

O F, °^ W 41 d Y 7i y -d

a E 6 dY e r

I xui O U _v U y w

1 ! _ 136 318 127 2 4 .. 3 93 146 120 55 30 .. .. .. 587 .. .. 8o 171 73 1263

S Principally children and deaths in Institutions.



I he r'r,irio of births. ma!!.i4es, not c'ill-hirths'ir.• mnc ninileIc

.1V i✓il)- .,/' 10 s. .a4 5 ✓ r JLv, : I. a,t1 l_ l' z, ';t's / /155 Tr; 1 's r ,t,! .5/. /7 Girth , /;,r lit,' we e

,',zduzg D. cem3 r 15, 1853, and those who Died (tltual mortality), week ending December 8, 1883.


c". CJ j (.Ol'\TRV. ?

z 7.

7 I Austria ....... .. ............. 17 I British America ................. z

to England ......................... zx 7 I-ranee ..........................I 9 74 Germany ....................... T41 112 Ireland ......................... . 185 8 Italy ............................ 16 t Poland .......................... 3 5 Scotland ........................ 9

473 Switzerland .....................

I United States................... x37 I Unknown or not stated.......... 6s

West Indies..................... I 9 ! Other countries ..................: lx

O~ b.'.

z z e z z '. z

Is 7 3 13 Io 2 • z 4 3 2 2 4 „ z

2e 6

18 16

20 to

I 8 IC

7 6

3 z I

227 :86

188 83

155 91

I 55 46

5° i6

17 15

14 II i

16 12 Io 5 '

3 3 3 It 3 .. 3 j .. t4

3 I Z I I I .. I z 6

151 I x73 529 67 84 14 21 6r 6 .. .. I .. .. I i 2 4 .. ..

13 40 1 39 23 13 2 I

.Still-Births reported durin,. the week ending December 15, 1883.




Cl E




5 30

ICI 1 o 3 4 5 6 I 7 I

8! ° c .~



z w __HL_ __

zx 1 94 .. z z j 5 8 4 9 I s5 ..


Births * reported during the week ending December 15, 1883.





r ~ o I

5; °i 3~ ao v eu ~o v Go ! v oa

568 9 290 ! 278 29 2 4 94 559 •- 316 144 73 474

RECORD. 2(91



NEW YORK, December 19, 1883.

In accordance with the provisions of section 51, chapter 410 of the Laws of 1882, the Cotn- nissioner of Street Cleaning makes the following report of the transactions of the Department of itreet Cleaning for the week ending December t5, 1883 :

Number of loads of material collected and final disposition made of the same

umber of loads of ashes removed ........... .. .. ...... ... .. 14,848

rubbish . ... .. ... .... ......


material received from Department of Public Works ................. 76

Bureau of Markets .......................... 183

Permits........................ .......... 2,545

Total.............................................................. 21,343

Public iiioneys Received and Deposited in the City Treasury.

Po': trimming scows, etc .................. ............................. ........ $394 95

.Marriages * reported during the meek ending December 15, 1883'



a J

O O O fi y O

I ai ~ ti ci I ti ni I ci ci ' u~ ti ES RdW

]O4 20I


'lOI 3

3 I



6 7

iI 84 I .. j 64

I 78i

I 37 x



Bills —audited and transmitted to the Finance Department, as per schedule, chargeable to appropriation for "Cleaning Streets—Department of Street Cleaning," for the year 1883 Schedule 132

American District Telegraph Co., services ........................... 541 44 Avery, Thomas C., repairs .................................... ...... 4z 59 1. ., ................................................

11 it i 27 98 39801

Campbell & Gardiner, ship's fees ..... .................................... 804 00 Claffy, John, supplies ................................................. .. 14 90 Chapman, Phineas P., repairs ....................... ................... . 30 26 Uelatnater, C. II., Sr Co., wheel ........... ..................... ... ..... 223 13 Cilchrest & "I'obey, supplies ............................................... 283 67 I leifersllausen Bros., repairs ............................................... 20 8o L,Ilonimedieu, S.,towtng ................................................ 963 00 Hotchkiss (Guy C.), Field & Co., supplies .................................. ''7 58 Manhattan Oil Co., oil .................. .... 23 70 Manhattan Coke Ulfce, coke ....................................... ..... 3 50 Morton : Bathe, gas-fitting ............................................... 9 35 McGovern, WW'illiam, horse ..... .... .............................. ...... 325 00 Poillon, C. ` R., repairs .......... ................... ................... i 00 ieMew, 'F. G., 1 2 50 Shewan,Jas.,supplies .............. ................................. 177 85 11 11 ...............I..................-,........ .. Temple, I Tars ey W. (propeller), towing ....................... ............

.i4 55 5 00

I he Cummunipaw Coal Co., coal .......................................... 883 00 The Metropolitan Telephone Co., services .................................. 25 00

• Vanderbilt & Ilc,pkins, supplies ..................... .................... 147 85 1. .. 1, ............... .. .. .. 46 _o Ward & Co., repairs .... ...... ............ ..................... 191 4

Total ...................... ....................... ....... $4,I.i9 70

Transfers of Dump !I ah/n;: n

M. Sullivan, from Old Slip to Twelfth street. W. G. Alank, from Market street to Seventeenth street. William Stevenson, from Jackson street to Forty-si\rh trect. \Villiani Lord, from Seventeenth Elect to Market stn'et. 1). Dradely, from [ wenty-second street to Thirty-seventh street. 1..I)evereux, from Thirty-ci;;hth street to Canal street. 1Villialn H. Iuness, from Forty-sixth street to Jackson street. G. Campion, from Canal street to Thirty-eighth street. C. Flaherty, from Twelfth street to Old Slip. los. Fisher, from Thirty-seventh street to Twenty-second street. G. Campion, from Thirty-eighth street to Market street. William Lord, from Market street to Seventeenth street. William G. flank, from Seventeenth street to Thirty-eighth street.

.4ssistirnl l,"ore,teu D;srha g>.Il,

M. J. Burke, Twelfth Precinct. Thos. Foley, Sixteenth Precinct. A. 0. Brooks, Eighteenth Precinct. M. J. O'Neill, Nineteenth Precinct. George W. Redderhoff, Twentieth Precinct. Jas. Spencer, Twenty-first Precinct. Robert Bacon, Twenty-second Precinct. Bernard Smith, Twenty-third Precinct. Frank ATCQuade, Twenty-eighth Precinct. M. J. Coffey, Twenty-ninth Precinct. John J. Bible, Broadway Squad. W. If. Gillen, Avenue Squad.

If atchnten Discharged.

William H. Inness, Jackson street. Jos. Fisher, Twenty-second street.

Inspeclo,-s Discharged.

Philip F. Meighan, Jackson street. Jas. Anthony, Twenty-second street.

J. S. COLEMAN, Commissioner of Street Cleaning.


Resolved, That lamp-posts be erected and gas supplied in front of Free Gospel Mission, No. 305 Nest Thirtieth street, near Eighth avenue, the work done and gas supplied under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; and that the accompanying or,linance therefor be adopted.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, December 8, ,883. Approved by the Mayor, December 15, 1883.

Res. lved, That pernus;ion b and the slme is hereby given to Robsrt 1. Brown to place and seep a post, with a sign thereon not more than two feet wile, in front of his premises, No. 1128 Vorth Third avenue, the work to be done at his own expen,t, under the direction of the Commis-;ioners of the Department of Public Parks ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of he Common Council.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, December 8, t8S3. Received from his Honor the Mayor, December 15, 1883, without his approval or objections

thereto ; therefore, as provided in section It, chapter 335, Laws of 1873, the same became adopted.

Resolved, That Croton water-mains be laid in East One Hundred and Fifty-second street formerly William street), from Robbins to Tinton avenue, under the direction of the Commissioner If Public Works, as provided in chapter 381, Laws of 1879.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, December 8, 1883. Received from his Honor the Mayor, December 15, 1883, without his approval or objections

thereto ; therefore, as provided in section II, chapter 335, Laws of 1873, the same became adopted.

Page 4: THE CITY · P. v ~ a J GAS COMPANY. BURNER. 'S C Maintenance ? U 8 fv 0.23 Manhattan .... I IN. 3 ~ EmpirempireSfL.....


NEW COL'\TY YORT- one t, No. 3~~n Mulberry street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. St. I~Ew YORK, June r, rf183. STEPHEN B. FRENCH. President; SETH C. HAWLEY,

ChiefClerk ; JOHN J. O'BRtEN,ChiefBureauofElections. AI-PLICATIONS FOR EXEMPTIONS WILL BE heard here, from to to 3 dilly, from all persons

hitherto liable or recently serving who have become DEPARTMENT OF CHARITIES AND CORREC


Central Office. No. 66 Third avenue, corner Eleventh street, 8.3o A. M

to 5 o P.M. H. H. PORTER, President ; GEORGE F. BRtrroN


exempt, and all needed information will be given. Those who have not answered as to their liability, or

proved permanent exemption, will receive a "jury en. rollment notice," requiring them to appear before me this year. Whether liable or not, such notices must be answered (in person, if possible, and at this office only) under severe penalties. If exempt, the party must bring proof of exemption ; if liable, he must also answer in



STATEMENT OFTHE HOCRS DURING WHICH all the P.Ibl is Oflico. iu the Cu v are upon for business,

and at which each Court regularly opc'n=_ and adjourns, as 11"cll as of the places where such offices are kept and such Courts . ru hold ; together with the heads of Departments and C,_ art-.


S. ('ac lloll, to A. %I. to 3 P. M. I'R.1\IwLiX FOSIt\, 3l vor; AtGCSTCS WALSH,

Chief Clc:'s; \ ttuAM E. Li'cas, Secretary.

,llayor's .7lzrshal's ( ce.

.,. z City Hall, q A. Si. to 4 r. M. d. IIcDuttstisw, first Marshal.

Peru:it Bzot•au ( cc.

:,. r314 City Hall, 9 A. tit. to 4 r. St. WOLTSIAa, Registrar.

COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. \ ,. r County Court-house, 9 .5. St. to 4 F. at.

:.1n HtLL, aNDrrn' B. AI-strty.

\t?UEDUCT CI)MMISSIONERS. F, ->, Tribune Building, 9 A. at. to 5 r. M.

Si a. President; J-txtes V. \ICCC'LLOH, Sec- .~,. -'.'tatIN S. CHt'RCH, Chief Engineer.



Nos. rgg and tS7 Mercer street. CORNELIUS VAN COST, President CARLJcssEN, Sec


Bureau of (7rif if D,plarHnent. ELI BATES, Chief of Department.

Burraze f Insfe,tor of Courhustibl's. PETER SEERY, Inspector of Combustibles.

Bureau of Fire .11nrsleal.

GEORGE H. SHELDON, Fire Marshal.

Bureau of Inspection of Buildings. W'M. P. ESTFRnROOK, Inspector of Buildings. Office hours, headquarters and Bureaus, from 9 A. 1I,

to 4 P. M. Saturdays, 3 I'. at.

Attorney to De/crmrcnt.

W-M. L. FtvnLEV, Nos. is; and 157 Mercer street and No. 12o Broadway.

Fire Alarm Telegraph, J. ELLIOT SMITH, Superintendent of Telegraph, Nos.

155 and 157 Mercer street.

R.fair S7ic's.

Nos. 128 and 130 Nest Third street. JOHN NICCABE, Chief of Battalion-in-Charge, 8 A. M.

to 5 P.M. Hospital S'able•s.

99th street. between 8th and loth avenues (temporary:. JOSEPH SHEA, Superintendent of Horses.


NO 30z Mott street, 9 A. Si. to 4 P. M.

ALEXANDER SHALER, ].'resident; EmmoNS CLARK, Secretary.


No. 39 Union Square, 9 A. M. to 4 P. St,

S SLESI H, \V.1LE., President; EDWARD P. BARKER, Secretary.

Cic,il and TIAograJhical (ice. Arsenal, f4th street and 5th avenue, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.

Office of Suj,erin!endent f 23d and 24:h !t -<rrds.

z4Eth street and 3dat~enue, 9 A. at. to 5 P. St.


Nos. tt7 and rig Duane street, 9 A. St, to 4 P. St.

Loctis J. N. STARS, President ; JOHN T. CentNo, Secretary.

DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS Stain Zcitung Building. Tryon Row. o A. ~M. to 4 P. Si. TH. r.Lvs B. AsrEN, President ; FL OYD T. SMITH,


Office Bureau Coll'ctron of Arrears of Personal Taxes.

Brown-stone Building, City Hall Park, 4 a. M. to 4 P. at. CHARLES S. BEARDSLEY, Attorney ; `1'ILLIAN Cost-

ERFORD, Clerk.



person, giving full and correct name, residence, etc., etc No attention paid to letters.

Persons "unrolled" as liable must serve when callec or pay their fines. No mere excuse will be allowed oz interference permitted. The fines if unpaid will be en. tered as judgments upon the property of the delinquents.

All good citizens will aid the course of justice, ma secure rel,able and respectable juries, aid equalize thcit duty by serving promptly schen summoned, allowing their clerks or suhordinatus to serve, reporting to me any attempt at bribery or evasion, and suggesting names for enrollment. Persons bctw-cen sixty and seventy ye.u's of ace, summer absentees, persons temporarily ill, and United States and District Court are not exempt,

Every nets Hills attend to his one notice. It is a ntis. demeanor to give any jury paper to another to answer. It is also punishable by fine or imprisonment to give of receive any present or bribe, directly or indirectly, in relation to a jury service, or to withhold any paper or make any false statement, and every case wi ll be fully prosecuted.

GEORGE CAULFIELD,„ner of Jurors,

Room r7, Xcw County Court-house

POLICE DEPARTMENT. Pm-tct IIEI snsH;55', P 1H Ii G11r or NEW 1',11:x;,1

301 Mt'LIIFsftev S, I HFv1v, NEW Yu1:R, Dec. rg, 5853. /{

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A horse, the property of this I tepartmcut, will be sold

at public auction, br Van'I'assell Is Kearney, Auctioneers, at the stables of the Thirty-third Police Prccmct, on Washington avenue, near 'Third avenue, on Saturday, January ;, 1884, at to o'clock a. x.

By order of the Board. S. C. HAWLEY,

Chief Clerk.


NEW Vries, Dcc r9, 1883.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A wagon and harness. the 1'roperty a'this I lepartment,

will be s Id at public auction, by Ivan "I'asseil Is Kearney, Auctioneers. at ths-ir stables, No. zoo East Thirteenth street, nn Fri"ay, l:,nuary 4, 1854, at to o'clock A. v.

By order of the Board. S. C. HAWLEY,

Chief Clerk,

1'ut.tce DEr.tRrnlEVT ..r "i StE CITY or NEw YORK, ) 300 yIt'LPEt.l:s 5rl:EEr, }

NEU SIRS, December 18, 1893.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT two horses, the property of this Deparum m, will

be sold at public aucti'In. at the stables of as 'la. :scll Kearney, Auctioneers, No zto E.Ist Tuirtctnth street, on Friday, January 4, 'S84, at zo o'clock A. to.

Fly order of the Board, S. C. HAWLEY,

Chief Clerk.


NO. 300 .I.II-LoeRR'c Si ester, N iciv YORK, 1833. J

OWNERS \1'ANTEI) BY THE PROPERTY Clerk of the Police Department of the City of New

York, No. 300 \lulberry street, Room No. 39, for the lollulr ink property, now' in his custody, Icithuut claim. ants : Boats, rope, Iron, lead, male aid female clothing, hoot,, slices. Iefne, blanket-, diamonds, c.wned goods, liquors, etc., also snllll oneunt money takbn from prisoners and found I.p patn.lm,-u ,If tf,is Department

JOl-I N F. II \RRIO'L, Property Clerk


36 UNloN Sncat<E, 7( NEW Y„RR, December r7, x883,



—will be received by the Department of Public Parks, at their office, 36 Union Square. until ten o'clock A. St., on Monday, the 31st day of December, 1883, at which time and place the estimates will be publicly opened and read.

The person making any bid or estimate must furnish the same, enclosed in a sealed envelope, to the said Department of Public Parks, at its office, on or before the day and hour above mentioned.

The envelope must be indorsed with the name or names of the person or persons presenting the same, the date of its presentation and a statement of the work to which it eel,tes.

For the nature and extent of the work, reference must be made to the spochicatiuns and drawings on file in the office of the Department.

Each Lid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons m-ekiog the same; the names of all persons interested with him or them therein ; and if no other person be so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact ; that it is made without any connection with any other person mat ng an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud; and that no member of the Coln-mon Council, head of a Department, Chief of a Bureau, Depnty thereof, or Clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to whic{t it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof., lid Sr estimate must be verified by the oath, in writng, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated there. in are in all respects true. Where more than one person is interested, it is requisite that the verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders of the City of New York, with their respective places of business nr residence, to the effect that If the contract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful performance ; and that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they will pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled on its completion, and that which the Corporation may he obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath, or affirmation in writing, of each of the persons sign-ulg the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of the contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety, or otherwise ; and that he has offered himself as surety in good faith, and with the intention to execute the bond required by section 27 of chapter 8 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of New York, if the contract shall be awarded to the person or persons for whom he consents to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered to be ap-proved by the Comptroller of the City of New York.

No bid or estimate will be considered unless ac-companied by either a certified check upon one of the National Banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money, to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must not be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has char&e of the Esti., and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said

officer or clerk, and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons staking the same tvithin three clays after the contract is aw:u-ded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after no-tice that the contract has been awarded to him, to exe-cute the same, the auiount of the d.~po-it mace by hire shall be foi fie trd to and retamcd by the City of New Vork as liquidated dmm:rges for such m•gIvct or refusal ; but if lie shall execute the contract withi i the tinie afore-said. the amount of his deposit teill be returned to him-

'Ihe amourtt in which security sill be required for the faithful pet of the contract is St,o.:o,

Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal examin-ation of she location of the proposed work, and the plans and drawings. and by such other means is they may pre-fer, as to the nature and m.xtent of the tevook anal sh:ill not at any time after the submission of an estimate assert that there was any mismtderstanding in regard to the nature or amount of work to be done.

13idders will be required to complete the entire work to the satjvfueijoa of the Department of Public Parks, and in substantial accordance with the specifications for the work and the plans therein referred to. No extra cotn-pensttion beyond the amount to be bid or specified by the lowest bidder, shall be due and payable for the entire work.

'I'he Department of Public Parks reserves the right to reject any or all the bids received in response to this ad-vertisement if it should deem it for the interest of the city so to do, and to re-advertise until satisfactory bids or proposals shall lie received. But the contract, when awarded will he awarded to the lowest bidder.

Blank forms for proposals and forms of contract, which the successful bidder will be required to execute, can be had at the office of the Secretary, and the plans can be seen and information relative to then[ can be had, at the office of the Superintending Architect, 36 Union Square.


Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks E. P. I''.tRAER,


DEPARrsttayT OF I'c'iieIC PARRS,

36 UNION Snt'.vRE, 1( Nt:w YORK, Dec. 17, 2883.

BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR EACH OF THHE following works, to ieit :

No I. For Regu!at i,:g, Grading, Se'ting Curb and Gutter Stoll,s, Flagging the Sidewalk Four feet wide, and I:lying Crosswalks in One Hundred and Forty-eiuhth street, from the easterly curb-I-ue of North 'Third avenue to the westerly curb-line of St. Ann's avenue.

No. 2. For COnst~ucting Sewers and Appurtenances in Lincoln avcm.le, li -hveen the Harlem river and One hundred and Thirty-fourth street ; :old in the SrnHhuru Boulevard, between Linoaln ovum'' and Willis avenue ; and in Alexander and Willis avenues, between the Southern Boulevard and One Hundred and Thirty-foarth street.

No, 3. For Constructing, a Sewer and Appurtenances in One Ilundred Forty-fifth street, between Brook avl our and St. Ann's avenue.

No. 4. For Paving with "I Yap-Llocks, Courtland avenue, from North Third avenue to One Hundred anti Fitly-sixth street.

—will be received by the Department of Public Parks until ten o'clock A. M., on Monday, the 31st of December, 1883.

Special notice is given that the works must be bid for separately, that is, tsvo or more works must not be in- clu led in the same estimate or envelope.

The nature and extent of each of the several works, as near as it is possible to state them in advance, is as fol- lows

NL'SIBER I, ABOVE MENTIONED. 12,000 cubic yards of filling, 2,900 lineal feet of new curb-stone furnished and set.

25 lineal feet of old curb-stone reset. 2,900 lineal feet of new gutter-stone furnished and laid.

25 lineal feet of old gutter-stone relaid. 12,00o square feet of new flagging furnished and laid.

zoo square feet of old flagging relaid. z,2oo square feet of new bridge-stone for crosswalks

furnished and laid. 30 cubic yards of dry rubble masonry, other than

retaining walls. 8 cubic yards of concrete in place.

1,000 H. feet B. M. timber and plank in place. 0,500 pounds of vitrified stoneware, either in pipes or

other forms, in place.

Nt.'MBER 2, ABOVE MENTIONED. 500 linear feet of brick sewer, eg>-shaped, so inches

b}' 62 inches, including ruIble masonry era-die and exclusive of spurs for house connec-tions.

640 linear feet of r5-inch pipe sewer, including con-crete foundation and cradle, and exclusive of spurs for house connections.

2,050 linear feet of is-inch pipe sewer, including con. crete foundation and cradle, and exclusive of spurs for house connections.

20D spurs for house connections. 41 manholes complete. 2 receiving-basins complete. 4 of i receiving-basins rebuilt complete.

280 cubic yards of rock to be excavated and removed. 7,000 linear feet (below caps of piles driven and cut

off. 32,000 feet (13. il.', lumber furnished and laid.

6o cubic yards of rubble masonry in mortar, exclu. sive of cradles for brick sewer.

20 cubic yards of concrete in place, exclusive of cradle for pipe sewers.


540 linear feet of r5-inch pipe sewer, including the concrete cradle, and exclusive of spurs for house connections.

72 spars for house connections. 6 manholes complete.

450 cubic yards of rock to be excavated and removed. r,uoo feet (B. M.) lumber furnished and laid.

NUMBER 4, ABOVE MENTIONED. 8,310 square yards of new trap-block pavement, ex-

eluslve of the space occupied by the gutter-stones.

As the above-mentioned quantities, though stated with as much accuracy as is possible in advance, are approxi- mate only, bidders are required to submit their estimates upon the following express conditions, which shall apply to and become part of every estimate received.

I. Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal examin. ation of the location of the proposed work, and by such other means as they may prefer, as to the accuracy of the foregoing statement, and shall not at any time after the submission of an estimate dispute or complain of such statement nor assert that there was any misunderstanding in regard to the depth of the excavation to be made or the nature or amount of the work to be done.

2. Bidders will be required to complete the entire work to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Parks, and in substantial accordance with the specifications for the work and the plans therein referred to. No extra compen-Sutton beyond the amount payable for the several classes of work before enumerated, which shall be actually per-formed at the prices therefor, to be specified by the lowest bidder, shall be due or payable for the entire work.

The person making any bid or estimate must furnish the same inclosed in a sealed envelope, to the head of said Department, at his office, on or before the day and hour above mentioned.

The envelope must be indorsed with the name or names of the person presenting the same, the date of its presenta-tion, and a statement of the work to which it relates.


r.e cI Cl'rk;'f Common Council. S City Hall. to A..11. to 4 P. M.

in 1:, .. iv, President board of Aldermen. Fl,,,:,, - >..I I'u'oMEY, Clerk Common Council.

City Library.


to City Hall, no -a..11. to 4 P. M.


Co.wnrissroner's Ou1icr.

Ye. z Chambers street. q A. M. to 4 P. Si. ii :-:T O. THOMtreos, Commissioner; FREDE:ICtc H

II.. a.. Deputy Commisstcn r.

Bureau of Slit/cc Register.

o. -z Chambers street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. :. H. CHAStuERs, Register.

Burea e of Incunr/rauces.

Na. 31 Chambers street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. 1 - ._ BLDatENTHAL, Superintendent.

Bu, „ru of Landis and Gas.

o. at Chambers street, a A. St, to 4 P. - .. -x \IcCoRMICK. Superintendent


Y . i t Chambers street, 9 .a St. to 4 P. - - J. MooNEY, Superintendent.

Engineer in Cha ge of Sewers.

No. 3z Chambers street, o A. Si. to 4 P. .-.._ ,: tysoN I'owLE, Engineer-in-Cn,arge.

Bureau of Crf Engineer.

Na. 3z Chambers street, n .5.5!. to 4 P. L.'. NEWTON, Chief Engineer.

Bureau of Strcct Ln ravernents.

No. 31 Chambers street. 9 A. St. to 4 P. GS. :5s;CC A. JEREMIAH. Saperintendent.

Bureau of Repairs and Supplies. Na. 3z Chambers itreet, 9 A. v. to 4 P.

Ti 51.55 H. McAvov, Superintendent.

Bureau of IS ater Purz,eyor. No. 3! Chambers street. 9 A. M. to 4 P

I-) iI L. SMITH, Water Purveyor.

Auaiting Bureau. \.,, to New County Cottrt-house, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

R'•,,. J. Lvov, Au .itor of Accounts.


l,1. if the Counsel to the Corporation,

Stasis Leitung Building, third floor, g A. M. to 4 P. M. Sat .:rc:,} s. 9 t. xl. to 4 P. St.

t:E -ICE Y. ANDRE'a's. Counsel to the Corporatio T. CAMPBELL, Chief Clerk.

Office of the Public Administrator.

Ni.. 49 Beekman street, q A.M. to 4 P. M. ALraERs,IN S. Sct-LtrAN, Public Administrator.

Office of the Corporation Attorney.

No. 49 Beekman street, 9 A. M. to 4 F. M. WILLIAM A. BOYD, Corporation Attorney.

NICHOLAS HAtGHTU1, President; BENJAMIN F. H.AS-xzv, Secretary and Chief Clerk.

SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Nos. 3 and 4 New County Court-house, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

ALEXANDER V. D:AV1 DSON, Sheriff; JOEL O. STEVENS Under Sheriff; DAVID NICGO\IGAL, Order Arrest Clerk.

Lis ,' for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears REGI,TER'S O FICE

/0' Taxes and Assessments and of !Pater Rents.

No. 5 New County Court-house, q A. M. t0 4 P. 11. \-iTE'tAS S. CADY, Collector of Assessments and Clerk

ci Arrears.

Lureau for the C2lleutsbn of City Revenues and of ,ifcrkets.

No. 6 New County Court-house, g A. H. to 4 P. V. Fn.--nCts TbsiEs, Collector of City Revenue and Super-

intendent of Markets. I1lomAs F. DE VoE. Deputy Superintendent of Markets.

Bureau for the Collection of Taxes.

First floor Brown-stone Building, City Hall Park. -.!AR TI's T. SlCMAHOv, Rece.ver of 'Taxes; ALFRED Et,ENBuRO, Deputy Receiver of Taxes.

Bureau of the City Chamberlain Na. 1S New County Curt-hou=e, g A. M. to 4 P. N.

1. NELSON TAPPAN, City Chamberlain.

Office of the City Paymaster.

I' a In :. N, ..v County Court-house, 9 A. M. CO 4 P. M. \I -: z i ._ <, City Paymaster.

~ F

DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING. 31 and 32 Park Row, ^World" Building, Rooms 8

>t. and g, 9 A. M. to 4 P. St. JAMES S. COLEMAN, Commissioner ; A. H. ROGERS,

Deputy Commissioner; M. J. 1'oRnlssoy, Chief Clerk.


BOARD OF ASSESSORS. Office, City Hall, Room No. rr%, 9 A.M. to 4 P. St.

11 JOHN R. LYDECKER, Chairman; WM. H. JASPER, Secretary. -

he"Per of Buildings in City Hall Park. \I.,ar.> J. REESE, City Hall. BOARD OF EXCISE.

Corner Bond street and Bowery, 9 A. M. to 4 P. H.


Comftr,ll-r's Office.

. to and 20 New County Court-house, q A. H. to 4 P. H. a. HASTINGS G:..ONT, Comptroller; RICHARD A.

Sate is, Deputy Comptroller.

East side City Hall Park, 9 .t. M. to 4 P. M. AUCCSTus T. DOCHARTY, Register; J. FAIRFAX,

McLALGHLIN, Deputy Register.

COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. No. t7 New County Court-house, 9 A. +t. to 4 F. M.

GEORGE CACLFIE1.D, Commissioner ; JAMES E. CONNER, Deputy Commissioner.

COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. \os, 7 and 8 New County Court-house, 9 A. St to 4 P. M.

P::rxtcs KEet. , C',unty Clerk; H. STEVENSON BEsTTtE, Deputy Co,lntyy ]_'.Idol:.


B. ..11D t.F 1 s7-t'u.1l E \ =(1t.R tiON11ENT, f Ct:Y ac \"Eir 1ut;e, I)ec,m'ucr z_, 1383. j


ATA MEETING OF THt: BOARD OF ESTIMATE and Apportionment, h Id this day, it was

Resolved, That notice be gr.'en to citizens and taxpayers that the B-,ard w.,uld meet from day to day. at the

on; Mayor's office, to hear them relative to the Final Esti. mate for 1884,

CHAS. V. ADEE, Clerk,


Page 5: THE CITY · P. v ~ a J GAS COMPANY. BURNER. 'S C Maintenance ? U 8 fv 0.23 Manhattan .... I IN. 3 ~ EmpirempireSfL.....


The estimates received will be publicly opened by the head of the said Department at the place and hour last above mentioned and read.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place ofresidence ofeach of the per,31s making the same ; the names of all persons interested with him or them therein ; and if no other person be so interested, it shall distinctly state that f,et; that it is made without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose, and is In all respects fair and without collusion or fraud ; and that no member of the Common (:ounciI, head of a Department, Chief of a I;ureat', Deputy thereof or Clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or iii the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any por-tion of the profits thereof. 'I he bid or estmmte must be veril:el by the oath . in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated there-in are tit all respects true. Where more than one person is interesled, it is requisite that the verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each bid or esum.ue shall be accompanied by the con-sent in writing of two householders or freeholders in the City of New York, with their respective places of busi-ness or residence, to the effect thar if the contract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, bccome bound as his sureties for its faithful performance ; and that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the saute, they will pay to the Cor-poration any difference between the sent to which he would be entitled on its completion, and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or per-sons to wheat the contract may be awarded a. any cub. sentient letting, ; theamount in each case to be calcuh.,cd upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall beaccom-panied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the secmity required for the completion of the contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and overmt, l above his liabilities as hail, surety, or otherwise ; and that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by section 07 of chapter 8 of the Revises Ordi-nance: of the City of New York, if the contract shall he awarded to the person or per-ons for whom he consents to become surety. The adequacy and ctifficiency of the security offered to be approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York.

No bid or estimate will be considered unless ac-companied by either a certified check upon one of the national banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per eemtum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract, Such check or money must not be inclosed in the se,led envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the Estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and fund to be correct. All inch deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons retaking the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse ur neglect, within five days afternutice that the contract has he.n awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall he for-feited to and retained by the City of New York as liqui- dated damages for such ne,lect or refusal ; but, if lie shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will lie returned to hire.

N. B.—Therices must be written in the estimate, and also stated in tpgu res, and all estimates will be considered as informal ichich do not contain bids for all items for which bid' are herein called, or which contain bids for items for which bids are not he ewith called for. Permis-sion will not be given for the withdrawal of any bid or estimate. No hid will be accepted from, or contract awarded to any person who is io arrears to the Corpora-tion upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora-tion.

The amount in which security will be required for the performance of the several contracts is as follows: For Number I, above mentioned.-...,...... $7,000 00

„ 2 „ .......... .. to,000 00 3, ............ r,600 oo

ii 4,

,. 900 00

The Department of Public Parks reserves the right to reject any or all the bids received in response to this ad-vertisement if it should deem it for the interest of the city so to do, and to re-advertise until satisfactory bids or pro-posals shall be received. But the contracts when awarded will in each case be awarded to the lowest bidder.

Blank forms for proposals and forms of the several contracts which the successful bidders will be required to execute, can be had at the office of the Secretary, and the plans can be seen and Information relative to them can be had at the office of the Department, 36 Union Square.


Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks, E. P. BARKER,




155 AND 157 MERCER STREET, NEW YORK, December 17, 1883.




will be received by the Board of Commissioners at the head of the Fire Department, at the office of said Depart-ment, Nos. 155 and 157 Mercer street, in the City of New York, until co o'clock A. it., Friday, December a8, at which time and place they will be publicly opened by the head of said Department and read.

The hose is to be of seamless patent improved carbolized steam fire engine rubber-lined hose, made of best Gulf cotton and best Para rubber, Maltese Cross brand : to be not less than five (5 i ply, with six (6 ply and capped ends; of three and one-quarter (3%; inches internal diameter ; in lengths of fifty (5o) feet each, with couplings attached. Each and every length of the hose with the couplings at-tached is to he capable of resisting a pressure test of three hundred (300; pounds to the square inch without twisting or turning more than one revolution, or elon-sating more than thirty-six t361 inches, or increasing m exterior diameter more than one-fourth I%) of an inch at any point, and is to weigh not more than one hundred and twenty (120) pounds including thecoltplings

The contractor will be required to give a guarantee that the hose with couplings attached which shall be delivered, and each and every length, part and parcel thereof, shall and will, well and sufficiently bear and stand for and during the full end and term of three ', 3) years from the time the same shall be put in use, a pressure test of three hundred (300) pounds to the square inch, and the wear and tear of use by the Fire Department, its officers, agents, and servants ; it being agreed that such wear and tear shall be understood to include all damage to the hose or couplings caused by being run over by vehicles or stepped upon by horses, and all other damage, except that which may be caused by fire or acids. And should any part, parcel, or length of hose or couplings which shall be delivered fail to well and sufficiently bear and stand, for and during the full end and term of three years from the time the same shall be put in use, a pressure test of three hundred (300) pounds to the square inch, and such wear and tear of use by the Fire Department, its officers, agents, and servants, then, and in every such case, the same shall be replaced, length for length with

hose, and piece for piece with couplings, by the contractor, upon the demand in writing and without expense to said Fire Department.

All of the hose is to be delivered at the Repair Shops of the Fire Department, \os, 130 and 132 West Third street, on or before the thirtieth day after the execution of the contract.

'The d:unages to be patch by the contractor for each day that the contract may be unfulfilled after the time speti- fied for the completion thereof shall have exp- red, are, by a chose in the contract, fixed and liquidated at twenty-five (Az51 dollars per day.

hio esdnnue will be received or considered after the hour trained.

The atvard of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after the Opening If the bids.

Any person umking an estimate for t he articl es xhall pre- sent the same in a scaled envelope, to -aid Board, at said office, on or before the day and hour above named, which envelope shell be indorsed with the Barrie or names of th,, person or persons presenting, the same, the date of its presentation and a statement of the kinds of hose to which it relates.

The Fire Department reserves the right to decline any and all bid, or estimates if deemed to be for the public interest. No bid or estimate will be accented from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Corporation upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor-poration.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the same; the names of all persons interested with him or them therein ; and if no other per.-.on he so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact ; that it is made without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud ; and that no member of the Common Counsel, Head ofa Department, Chiefofa Bureau, Deputy thereof or Clerk therein, or other officer of the Corpora-tion, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than one person is interested, it is requisite thatthe verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each bid ar estituate shall be aeeo,nbanied by the cart rent, in writing, of trop /tausi/totders or/reeha/ders id 1/re City of A'rto York, with their rrs Sec/he flares aj Ire.rintss or residence, to the effect that if the contract he awarded to the person making the estimate, they wid, on its being so awardeI become hound as his sureties for its faithful performance, in the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars ($r,5oo) ; and that if lie shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they will pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum to shish he would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corporation stay be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the con-tract may be awarded at any subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by which tile bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each ofthe persons sign-ing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities, as burl, surety, or otherwise ; and that he has offered hi itself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by law. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is to he approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York before the award is made and prior to the signing of the contract.

Na ealimiwiv/li be cnnsidcred unless accouz,4aniedby either a certified check ufson one of the National Banks of the City of New Fork, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money, to the amount of sezenty-"lee dollars ($75J. Such check or money must not be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the Estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk, and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the succcessful bidder shall refuse or neglect within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of New York, as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be re-turned to him.

Should the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded, neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the proper security, he or they shall be considered as having aban-doned it and as in default to the Corporation, and the contract will be rcadvertised and relet, as provided by law,

Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate, in addition to inserting the same in figures,

The form of the agreement and specifications showing the manner of payment for the Inse, may be seen and forms of proposals may be obtained at the office of the Department.




155 & i57 7IF.RCER STREET, NRty YORK, Nov, at, x833,

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Commissioners of this Department will

meet daily, at to o'clock A. St., for the transaction of business.


Commiss;oners. CARL JI ISF_\,




New YORK, Dec. r5, 1883.


BIDS OR ESTIMATES, INCLOSED IN A SEALED envelope, with the title of the work and the name

of the bidder indorsed thereon, will be received at this office until Friday, December a8, r883, at 12 o'clock u., at which place and hour they will be publicly opened by the head of the Department and read,


Each estimate must contain the name and place of rest-dence of the person making the same, the names of all persons interested with him therein, and if no other per-son be so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact, That it is made without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same work, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. That no

member of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk thcrcin, or other officer of the Corporation is e!irectly or indirectly Interested in the estimate or in the work to which it re-lutes or in the profits thereof.

I:acl, cotimstc must ho verifi^d by the oath, in writing, of the party making the same, that tha several matters therein stated are true, and must be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two hattschulder.s or freeholders in the CL}' of Ncw York, to the effect that if th : contract is awarded to the person making the est hunt,,, they will, upon its being so a)varded, become bound as his surctics for it, faithful performance ; and that if he sh:dl refuse or neglect to execwe rite esaute, they will pay to the Corpora-tion any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled upon its rrntplctioe, and that which the Cor-poration may be obliged to pay to the person to whom the contractshall be awarded at any subsequent. lotting; the amount to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested.

The consent last above mmttioned must be accompanied by the oath or afirtnation, in writing, of each of the per-sons signing the same, that he i, a householder or free-holder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of the con-tract, over attd above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety, or othertvise, and that lie has offered himself as surety in good frith, with the Intention to execute the bond required by law.

No estimate will be considered unless accompanied by either a certified cheek upon one of the national banks of the City of New York, diawn to the order of the Comp-troller, or ntoucy, to the amount of five per centum of the amount ofthe security required for the faithful perform-ance of the contract. Such check or money must not be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that ofthesuccessful bidder, will be returned to the per-sons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall neglect or refuse, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the sortie, fire amount of the deposit made by him shall he forteiled to and be retained by the City of New York, as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal : but if he shall ex-ecute the contract within the time aforesaid, tits amount of his deposit will Ise returned to him.


Blank forms of bid or estimate, the proper envelopes in which to inclose the same, the specification; and a reentent,,:rod any further inf,rmatiou desired can be Obtained at the office of the Superintendent of Repairs and Supplies, Room r5, No. 31 Chrat)ers street.

HUBERT O. 'THOMPS0Ns Commissioner of Public Works.


New YORK, November 29, 188 ) 9 3.


AT 9.30 P. M. ON THURSDAY THE 15TH instant, the aqueduct had to be shut off to repair a

large leak that could not be repaired in the usual manner from the exterior. I his leak hail suddenly developed in the section south of Yonkers, where smaller fissures had previously occurred.

The examination showed fissures aggregating 2,000 feet in length. The repairs were fini-hed and water was again turned on by 4 P. ML, on Saturday, the [7th instant.

While the flow through the aqueduct was interrupted the supply in the Central Park reserve r was drawn down five feet,

This loss of supply in the city reservoirs, occurring now, as winter is approaching, makes it necessary to take extra precautions against waste of water, Being aware of the temptation to leave faucets open in cold weather to prevent freezing ill the pipes, I specially protest against that practice, and appeal to all citizens to abstain from wastefd use of water in any manner whatever. The present condition of the supply and the possibility of a recurrence of similar leaks in the aqueduct make it my duty to give this public notice that I shall hereinafter resort to the peremptory measure of shutting off the water in all places where persistent waste is discovered.

HUBERT O. THOMPSON, Commissioner of Public Works.


No. 31 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK, Nov. 1, 1883.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO property-owners of the City of New York that, by

the New York City Consolidated Act of 1882, among other matters relating to Croton water rates and affect-ing all properties liable for Croton water charges, is em-braced the following, in "Title e, Du its and Powers of the Department of Public Works as to Procuring and Distributing 'rVater " :

1350. The Commissioner of Public Works shall, from time to time, establish scales of rents. * * * * *

Such rents shall be collected from the owners or occu-pants of all such buildings, respectively, which shall be situated upon lots adjoining any street or avenue in said city in which the distributing water-pipes are or may be laid, and from which they can be supplied with water, said rents shall become a charge and hen upon such houses and lets, respectively, as provided by law.

It becomes my duty to state that on and after the first day of March, 1883, all extra charges, s,tch as steam-engines, bakeries, barbers, bathing-tuby, hoarding-hoases, boarding-schools, building purposes, horses, horse-troughs, hotels, porter-houses, taverns, etc., printing offices, stone cutting or dressing, slaughter-houses, dye-ing, water-closets and urinals, laundries, restaurants, soda fountains, extra families, oyster and coffee saloons, water by meter measurement, meters and meter setting, and all other purposes for which the use of Croton water is chargeable according to law, are liens, and unless paid on or before the 3oth day of April next must be returned to the Clerk of Arrears, with the amount due on each lot.

HUBERT O. THOMPSON, Commissioner of Public Works.





THE SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS FOR which are at this office—will be received at the

office of the Department o Public Charities and Correc. tion, in the City of New York, until 9.30 o'clock A. M., of Friday, December 28, 1883. The person or persons making any bid or estimate shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed " Bid or Estimate for Con-struction of Hull, Joiner-work of Hull and Boats, Life Preservers and Equipment of a New Steamboat," for which there are three separate sets of specifications, and thej-work for which is to be let in one contract, and with his or their name or names, and the date of

presentation, to the head of said Department, at the said office, on or bofore the day and hour above named, at which time mid place the bids or estimates received ,rill be publicly opened by the Presiden tof said Departtn-mt and re td.

TI eo P,nard of Public Charities and Co,rectioo rc-serves the right to i-,•jcct all bids or c.;ti'nates if deem,:d to be f .r the p.lblic i,iterest, as provide I in section 64, chapter lie. Laws of 188e. No l,id or estimate will be accepted from, or a c.ntract a:yarded to, any pin-on who is in arcs, rs to the Corpora i,,n up n dc',t or con-tract , r wh„ is a defaulter, as sure y or otherwise, upon Buy obligation to the t urpora±inn.

The award of the cortrrcc'_ will lie made as soon as practicable after tice opening oldie beds.

The person or persons to whom the, contract may be awarcl,d will he required to .give sccurity for the per-formrmce ofthe contract by his or tit it bond, with two sn fliclent sureties, each in the penal amount of thirty thousand Of ,' hors 'S3o,oc'O).

Each bid or e,timate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the perrnls making the same ; the tram CS of a pers,.ms interested with him or them therein : and if no other person be so interested, it shall distinctly state that fit t ; also that it is made without any connection with any other per-on making in est.mate for this coin^ purpose a•ul is in all rscpects 'air and with-out collusion or fra Id ; and that no member of the Com-men Council, Haad of a Department, Chief of a Bureau, Deputy thereofor Clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or to the supplies or work to which it relate,, or in any portion of the profits thereof. Tie hid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several maters stated thert in are in all respects true. Where more than one per=nn is interested, It is regwsite that the verification be made ;end s_Ibscribed by all the parties interested.

Each hid or estimate shall lie accompanied by the con-seat in writi,lg, of two householders or freeholders in the City of New York, with their respective places of business or resi: hence, to the effect that if the contract he awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on its he ing so awarded, become bound as his sure-ties for its faithful performan:e; and that if he shall omit or refuse to execu'e the sauce, th~:y shall pay to the Cor-pneuion any diffrence between the sum to which he would beentitled on its comylet on all that which the Corpora-tion ntay b obliged to pay ti the person or persons to whom the contract m,_y he awarded at any subsequent let-ting ; the srmaua,t in each cise to be calculated upon the e:-timated am -net of the w rk by se-lit It the bid: are tested. The consent above rocntionvd dial be ac :omp:mied by the oath or aigrmatim, in writing, of each of the persons signing the Caine th it he is a hoeoc holder or freeholder in the City of New York,aud 1s w-.rth the amount ofthe =ccu-rity requir:d for the compluroil of d,is co [tract, over and above all his de' is of every nature, an I over and ab ,cc: his I.ae_iliti, s, as hail, surety, or otherwise ; and that I has ofler•,d hTmsclf as a surety in good faith and with the intention to exeritte the Load required by section 27 of chapter 8 oft e Revised Or,iinances of the City of \ cw York, it the contract ,hall lie aw.u-dcd to the person or persons for whom he cons :nts to b -come surety. 'Iii: adequacy and srtfficie,icy of the s•.cnr,ty ollered to be ap-proved by the t omptroiler of the City of Nose York,

No bid or estimate will be eon-,dered unless accom-panied by either a certified check upon one of the nati.mal banks ref tire City r,f New York, ,lrawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money, to the amount of five per contain of the ama,unt of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Suc:, check or money must ufr be inclosed in the scaled envelope containing the estimate, but mist be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge ofthe Estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in s lid box until such check or money has been examined by said r fficer or clerk and found to be correct. All such d-.pu.its, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the per-sons making the same with n three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the c- ntract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and re-tained by the City of New York, as liquidated damages for such Be;lect or refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his de-posit will be returned to him.

Should the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded neglect or refire to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the proper securi' y, he or they shal I be considered as having abandoned it arid as in defa It to the Corporation, and the contract will be readvertised and rulet as provided by law.

Bidders will write out th- amount of their estimate, in addition to inserting the same in figures.

Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp troller, in accordance with the terms of the contract, a the Commissioners may determine.

Bidders are informed that no dev:'ation from the specifications will be allowed, unless under the written instructions of the Commissioners of Public Charities a,nd Correction, AND ARE PARTICULARLY CAU-TIONED TO EXAMINE WITH CARE THE PRO-VISIONS OF ARTICLE c OF THE PRINTED CONTRACT FORM.

The form of the agreement, including specifications, and showing the manner of payment, can be obtained at the office of the Department.

The time for completion of this contract will be one hundred and eighty working days.

Dated New York, December 15, x833


Commissioners of the Department of Public Charities and Correction.




THE SPECIFIC 1TIONS AND PLANS FOR which are at this rifflee—will be received at the

office of the Department of Public Charities and Cor-rection, in the City of New York. until 9.30 o'clock A.M., of Friday, December o8, x883. The person or persona making any bid or estimate shall furni-h the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed •' Bid or Estimate for the construction of the Steam- Engine, Boilers, etc., and Steam, Fire and Suction Pumps, of a new Steam-boat," for which there are two separate sets of specifica-tions, and the work for which is to be let in one contract, and with his or their name or names, and the date of presentation, to the head of said Department, at the said office, on or before the clay and hour above named, at which time and place the bids or estimates received will be publicly opened by the President of said Department, and read.


No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or a contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor-poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora. tion. The award of the contract will be made as soon as

practicable after the opening of the bids. The person or persons to whom the contract may be

awarded will be required to give security for the p

Page 6: THE CITY · P. v ~ a J GAS COMPANY. BURNER. 'S C Maintenance ? U 8 fv 0.23 Manhattan .... I IN. 3 ~ EmpirempireSfL.....


f,rmance of the contract by his or them bond, with two I DRY GOODS. bids or estimates received will be publicly opened by the Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and 'tit t-u icnt sureties, each in the penal am -tint of twenty- President of said Deuartmcnt and read. place of residence of each of the persons making the same ; tit'r thousand $z5.00,~) dollars. r,oco yards Canton Flannel. THE lionl:o OF Puunc CuaR[TIES AND ('o1:r.ECTtoN the names of all persons mtcrestcd with him or them

l'ach bid or e-timate shall ontai❑ and state the name or any part thereof, w•dl be received at the office of the RESERVES Till' : FIGHT -1-0 REJECT ALL BIDS OR VSTIMSTIS therein : and if no other person he so interested, it shall ad l ph cc of reside'.•ce of each of the p rsons making the Department , f Public Charities and Correction, in he IF Di F.M' o To OE FOB TIlE run[.te INTEREST, AS PRO- distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made without <al11 ; the nam_s of al persons interested with him or City of New York, untl 9.3o o'clock A. n[., of Saturday, %IDEI IN SECTION 64, CHAPTER 410, LAWS OF 1882. I any connection with any other person making an esti- ih•. in therein ; and it n • other prison be so in:erestrd, it Dec. zz, t88;. The person or persons makin any hid l No bid or estimate w•111 be accepted front, or a contract j mate for the same purpose, and is in all respect, fair tall d st'n tly st to that fact ; also that it is ur;de w' ithout or estimate shall furn'.sh the same in a sealed- euvelope, awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor. and without collusion or brand ; and that no member of the

:.rev connection with any other nr r..0 ii nt-Akin; an estimate indorsed " Bid or Estimate for Groceries or Dr.' nora[ion upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as Common Council, head of a dep Irtment, chief of a fr the same purprse, and i, in all respects fair and without Goods," and with his or their name or names, and surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora- bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer ', 'l115ion or fraud ; and that no member of the Common the date of presentrnnn, to the beret of said D,'- lion' of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested , ,tincil, Head of a Department, Chief of a Bureau, partm• at, at the said office. on or before the (la, The award of the contract will be made as soon as therein, orin the supplies or work to which it relates, or in '..I ,uh' then'nf or clerk therein, or other officer of the and hour above named, at which time and place the bids practicable after the opening of the bills. any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or e:timate

, orporat on is direr 1 or indirectly interc t: d, bet ein, or or e,t:mates received \e ill he pt licIy opened by the I lelivel-s wdl be required to lie made from time to time, must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or t • iI„ supplies or wort. to which it relates, or in any per- President of s,.id Depar; went, and read. and in such quantities as may be directed by the said parties making the estimate that the several matters staled ti it i ti,.' profits ill rcoI. I he bid or estimate must be THE Bo:\RD (,F Put LIC CHARITIES .s' D CORRErnox Comrni=sinners. therein are in all respects true. R'he"e more than one

\ r hod h}- the oath, in lWriting, of the party ,'r part RI Eti 'rH l-. RH;tIT TO Rl?JFCT St .t. I I1 ii F.S TIM :\TF.ti AIt?' bidder f r this contract must he kno\V tt to be en- pee on Is Nit-listed 1t Is requt,l to that the verification he tt k:' g the estimate, Ill-:t the set' era' matters slated there- I IF 0REMgi, TO BE FOR THE I't"BLIC INTEREST, As 'Sit. gagtd in and w','ll prepared for the hllsmesc, and must made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

.5 .Ire in all respects truss lfhcre mare lh ru one p rson AIDED IN SF -Tto.\ rq, CHAPTER 4t:5, L.ttvs of x882. have satisfactory testimonials to that effect ; and Each bid or estimate shall he accompanied by the con-

.- nCCested. a is requisite that the verifi ation be made No bid or estimate wit, Le accepted from, or a contract the person or persons to whom the c. antra' t may be sent in writing of t vo householders or freeholders In the \,.t .uhscrille I by all it parties iute ested. awarded to, any Denson who i< ;n arrears to the Cor- at i d will be required to give security for till, per City of New York, with their respective places of h nut -

Loch bid or estimat,' shat be accompanied by the con- potation upon debt or contract. or who is a defaulter, hnrmar cc of the contract by his or their bond, with two Hess or residence, to the eff, ct that if the contract be ,'c1. in writing. r f tse householders or freeholders in the I as surety or otherwise, upon an obligation to the (2or- sufficient sureties, each in the penal sum of twenty-five awarded to the person making the estimate, thr'y will, on

.';tv of No, }"nrk, at h their res ore live places of busi- poratton, hundred tf2,5oo dollars. its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties fu- its n,.<s or residence, to the eflcct that if the contract be Fhe award of the Contract uvill be made as soon as Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name fa'thful performance ; and that if he shall omit or refuse atv'.,rded to the per, ,'n ntakmg tFe e-timate. tl:ev is ill, on practicable after the opening of the bids. and place of residence of each of the persons making the to execute the same, they shall pay to the Corporation t- bcu,g so awarded. bcc;une bound as his sturetes torus Delivery' will be required to he made from time to t ime saute ; the names of all persons interested with him or any diftererce between the sum to which lie would lie t.(.rl'. fill performance; and that if he s!-al! „[nit or refuse and in such quantities as may be directed by the said them therein : and if no other person be so interested, it entitled on its completion, and that which the C rpora-

sc,:ate tilt same. the c shall pay to the Corporation any I Commissioners. shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made withort [ion may be e1hbged to pay ro the person or persons to J.tb rcnc, beau:: en the sum to which he would heel titled Any bidder for this contract must be known to be on- any c nnection with any other prrcon making an cat- whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequutt n its completion, and that which the Corporat- on may I g;tged in and well prepared for the business, and must mate for the ,ante purpose, and is in all respects fair and lettin;; ; the ::mount in each case to he calculated upon

. bli ,sl - o pay tit the person or pe:"ms t.. whom the _~r have satisfactory testimonials to that effect ; and the I without collus on or fraud ; and that no member of the the estimated amount of the w'nrk by which the I ids are ,'tract m I)- I to award d at any sub,eq lent hotting ; the j person or persons to whom the contract be awarded Common Coorct' • head of a Department, Chief of a tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accotn-

,mouut in each c se to be calculated upo:t the ctIDioed 1 will b_ required to give security If or the per ormance o- Bureau, Deputy there f Cr Clerk therein, or oth, r officer parried by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of ...' rent of the work by which the bids are to=test The I the contract by his or their b nJ, with tow salicicnt sure- cif the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested the persons signing the o-ame that lie is a householder or

,<:•nt above mentioned shad be a.-comf'anied by he ties, each in the penal amount of fifty ';o per cent. of the I

therein, nr m the supplies or work to wd,ich it relates, or f 'holder in the City of New Ynrk, and is worth the rtnrmatiois iu writ of each of the f•et.Drss F;vl l\(A"f Fa) amount of the contract. in :my portion cf the profits thereof The bid ur esti- amount of the security required for the completic n of

the satne that he is a t%oi soh Id or fry.-h ldvr Each i,id or , Snmate shall contain and state the name mate mu ,t be ee, tied by the Bath, in us I t , of the this conflict, over and al ve all his d ts of every In ('..c City of New 1 ork, end is words ;lie am. tint of the ! and pace of residence of each of the per-„nc making the party nr panics making the A-slimate, that the several j nature, and over and above his lial ilities as bail, surety, ._ rlty tQ.iii t i''or the c , on of this contract. over same ; the n , s of all hcr,,cns in t e I with him or matters stated therein are in all respects Irises Where I or otherwise ; and that he has offered himself as a surety

.' about. a''.1 his debts Life c cry na•ure.and ot-e r and above ! then therein ; and if no other person be sn I nt erestcd, it j more than site per-on i, interested, t is requisite that the j in good firth and with the intention to execute the I•ond I lutes, as bail, scr I,, or ,•the rw ice ; c,nd that he i shall distinctly state that fact; also that it is made witrtout verification he made and subscribed by all the parties in- I required by IO'ction tz of chapte-r 7 of the Revised ( )rdi-

la- ,mired himself as a surety is gc,od fait], and w'i;h the at c:.:nrectton with any other p•'rson mat. n~ an estimate I let-ested. Dances of tiro City of New' York, if the contract shall be :o ention to ex. cute the I r'ml required 1, secron 27 of for he same purpose, amt is in all respects fair and tv,thout I Each hid le by or estimate shall accompanied the con- awarded to the perm:, or persons for whom he cun.ents I_, I,ter 8 cf the Re..sed Ordii,Ceces of the City of \cse ca' c-,.,n or :ra.:d - and that no member cf the Lommnr ; sent, m writing, of two householders or freeholders in the 'The to become surety. adequacy and sufficiency of the

1- rk, if the contract shall be awarded to the person or Council. Head of a 1)rpirtment, l'hiet of a Eureau. City of New 1 irk, w'i•h their respective places of bu,i- security offered to be approved by Ibe Comptroller of ' ns for whets he con ents to become surety. inc depute there(f or clerk therein, or other officer of the j t'ess or residence, to the effect that if the contract be the City of New \•ork.

....'~ luacy 'nil s-; icitncc of the s. curity offered to be Co,porauon, no directly or indirect}' interested therein, or ! asvorderl it Hite p r., 0 making the estimate, they \clll, on do l,id it t srunate will be considered tmless ac- ;•:'roved by the Comptroller "f Ili„ City I New York. to the supplies or Wort: to which it relates, or i:l anv per. ! Its being so awarded, become br:und as his sureties for its cunrp:m:ed b }r e.thor a certified chick upon one of the

bid or estimate w'ili be LonsidoteL ua:e-s accom- Ann of the pro ;its ii it 1 he bid or estimate must be faithf I I,erformanc, : and that if he shall omit or refuse \Afiursd I'an k. ,if the I.. t of New York, drawn to the by either a certified • heck upon cite of the veri tied be the oath, in Sri t in q. of the party or parties to ececut" tlie SAID(, tI.n sha'I pay to the t.'orporat on any order of tie Comptroller. or money to th- antotot of five

Baal., of rile i. it}' of \'rw' fork, eras n to the '. m lv c,t,ti te, that th end mattersi tell there- rtdercrsce I•ci en the sun to which he u1 I be cut Aii i per centum of the amount of the security regmred for the r of the Cenlptrol let- or money, to the am,- tint - I j In arc i t all respects true. Where more than one per-' 1 „tt its contplet on, and that which the Corporation may fanhit I pu r(ra iii . ace of the contract. Such check or r r cent::m ,,f the acorn of tier security required for 1 is interested, it is requisite that the veri Scatiou be made be uhf igecf to pay to thhe person or persoes n w hunt the money must Nor he end' set in the sealed envelope

, tinlfel Irri.imance of ti e contract. ',,ch check or . and .uLs_eilreil i,\' all the partied interested. contract may be awarded at any nobocyoeid lettine ; the co,itainmg the estimates. but must he handed to the officer :t must Nif b.: cud '.e ! in the stated rmeiope con- ' Each led Cr estimate shall I:e accompanied by the con- 'mc,mtt, in each case, to be calculated t :Don ho estimated or clerk of the Depal tmcut who has chase of the Est i- :, th,• etwoen s. but must b. d to the ,,tficer Cr I Cent, in wriun„ of ttt n householders or freeholders in the ! amount of thu IL rk lt 'iv hich the lid, are tested. The mate-box, and no tstidato c,, IT be depo-ited in said tea . +t the I )mars iecitt who has char,•_ i f th= li,tfstate- City of New 1"ork, e'ith their respe ti ce paces of iTull- consent alt re Sencom•d shall be accompanied by the j until such chick or money has been ex..nuned Inc said

in • e timani can ; e d ,: I in sc:id i)O\ !mill ness or residence, to the eff ect that i' the contract be oath or allirmati~rn, in writing, , f e::c of the person: : officer or clef k and found to be- correct. All such dep ts, ~ heck er ni Bey n-,s been exam Bed by said , flic• r aaardci tothe prreon mak,ng the estimate, they \vill, on 5Ltit ':g the ,aril, •hat he is a h, us'r fin 'holder m except that of the s ;ccessfiu1 bidder, w Il be returned

Is ;c J I.-and t t 1'e c r-cc,. Ali such dell s is us Lein; _„ aw arced, become bound a> hi- sureties for its the Lit f \ew Folk, and is wr rth the Ame t t of the to the persons mab mg the ,:tine, within three day s after nr that •,I the u 5 fill I 'cr, mill 11' tutu reed ::per-co, malts:;; the same. ,en. ft it tl' ree day. after

fauht -I perf mane, ; and that if lie shall „nit or refuse t ' c secitte the same. they shill pay to tlr. Cg•rpmai ion any

securuy r , i ell I 1 tic com,:let on of thi- contract, over and above all hisJebts of cv. ry nature, and diver :o:d above

the Coctract Is aw.,nled. If the>ue e-st!I 1 .1 r shall ref-' se or neglect, wit bin five days after noti:e that

- mtract is au arced. I( The slate, ssit der shall dill' recce bet,ce en the sum to tc b lie tr•,u IJ be entitled his li:,l Alit es as bail n y or otherwise::ou,i that he the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the n - ! t. within tis'c •tars attcr not,'. t'tat th, on it- , in !ion, and tl:;lt which the Corporation m:tv h•' ha. 1ictt.l lo,,l ;. If n.sotset', m hoe' fat h and \v nil same, 'he amount of the Al, made by It on shall he

ra!t has ]I r n awarded to him. to execute the cane, be'1'1 _.d to ply t: the person or persons to w'itTit it,e he intcntir ,n to execute the bond required by se -tion Is forfeited to and rent tied by the C!ty of N, w fork, as n,D•;nt of the lie ?sit mattr it him all he f tta•, t be An'atcicd at any suh<e,f(tent letting ; the 'f ft'ls(pter ; of the Revised Ord'+B:mecs of th:. (:ily of I iu d danctycs or such n •rt rzr iti fit sCl ; Intt If

to are; retains t t!:e City of A:.c A - , am, mtt in each case tt,'o,e gal -elated upon t;ie e=tAmA:ed A cu- ' I rk. i tlra onun soct shall b.' a„ aided to the porno he shall usL'cut u the contractw thin the time aforesaid, ..I,ed d nta_es f -Belt IT gicet or re•u nl : hut, if amount of the u' ork l's w11i'_h die bad, Are tested, free '1I.come oC p-r-I , ,or it l; m h, e n-crtn to surety. The : the am• tint nl his ocpcnu will he retu:ncd n' him

. ..II exec ate the : •n - ra t vvi:h a the tci of v=ald, cons nu a! :;t e :.'pmt;ones ,Lail .)e ac-w it ed by the in t an.l wtfuciency of the secirits , (fore' to be Shat Id the person or person? to whom the contract may , . otmt of h s 'epr it w ill I returned to him ,laih a?- in:o',crso to ,-.riling of each of the person s tP1 r 1,y the C, m} t ol'er of the City ( f \ LI 1 r,rk be award-I Il giact or refuse to accept th^ atin act vvi:hin old the per,, r p,r- , •s to wh nl Zia ccntra - t _ i,; the same that I e is a hon_elt older nr freeholder to Ao It'd or c w ill be con-td.'red unless ace m- flue days after wr,tten notice that the ,ante has l,ectt •e award_d at zl r. .r re t: sr a „ccept t c, ntr: ,_t the i IT %, , of N, v: York, and is worth t'.e art unt of the I e I ',c cs 'rcr t ct rtitied check upon on, r f the awarded to his or the it bid or propnsnl, or tt Ile th• y

:n iitetu},aflcr written n': Ice t t he , au_ h seer ri is re(5 i reu for the I omp! citon of tf:is con tra,-t. over rational i mI, of the City of \ea 1r,r:,, oI ;o the ' accept Hut do not ,'x,.'cute the contract an I live the rd I to his or their 1 n or Dropout, , r it it or , 'tin 1 a it I:is d s ofecer}• moire, and overarsdatooue ''r Cr „f u,e Corap- rc in or money, to the ant nt :f t proper LCcL rit,., he ur they ,I be ,'on,idured a, having

....r', but do not u. _cure :1: •: contra':: and •_ . e his i antI tic<, as bail, st!rety, or ntI envi-e ; and that i;e p'.r c, m ni the amatmt : f the cm is rr'q t d for the 'it anc!one1 it and as t chef.:ult to the I...pie it n, anti C-p,r sec::ity, he r till'} -h .:"I be considrrCd as h. sstirred hitn_c- f as a surety in "rod f.:i:h and with the fai.h:ut perfuummce of (lie r-ontract. Such check or the contract Will be readterteed and re!et as provided

ei:nrd Bed it. and as tit de :ut!t Ic the C orl.c.ra- nHe:ton to exec•ne the bend requ red bv s ectiun ne of t rn, y uvst NOT be en losed in the so tiled etc elope c n- I by law•. and the cen.ract tc ill be readier i.0 --no relet as chapter 7 of the Revised I )rdin:mces of the Guy of Now taro ng +he estimate. , . tit must be hauled to the otii,.tr or ' Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate

C . . 'ed 1,, lose. Volt, it the contract ,hall be a',varded to thy, person or 11 clerk of the Depar tmutt who has charge of the Es•imat,, in 1 dition r: its, ruing the .ante in figures. ors w':1f write oil: the amount of tl eir in persons for whom he cons'',,to to t,ecome snnet V. '1 ire 1'uz, and no _stimate Ann be del'ostted in maid box unnl l a} went will 6e made by a mqui icon on the Comp-

. bon to n-crtinz the some in tiyurec. adeq:racy and oulTic!ency of the s'ecurny offered to lie su,_h check or money It s been is uruncd by said officer troller, in accordance w'i in the terms rf the contract. :•.:ncnt tvi! 1 bt , to e by it requisition on the I. apurrced 1,}- the Comptr:Iler of the t_ ity of \ew 1-orl:. or clerk at d ILund to be correct. All suct, deposits, I I'u,: torn of the t. t it n In ludin;; sp licatvms, and

r. is accor anc- with the I. ems of the contract, as Ao bid or estimate will he con >Idered till'-ess accom- except that of the so - cessful bidder, wi 1 he ret tined to I shoo ing the manner of payment, can be obtained at the c: mmis.loners ntay- determir e. pained by either a certified chuck upon one of the the persons nta'bing the same within three da)'s atter the , office of the ! epartmeut, and bidders are cautioned to ex- - L 1 J,u'rue' that nu d,-i:rt:on fraur Cle national banks of the tit f -New Yo: k, dra,cn to the contract is awarded. If th•c succe-sful bidder shall refuse at each and all of its provisions carefully, as the

-!.atians :till 6r aliewcd un/ss r, n the :.•ri!t order cf the Comptroller, or money, to the amount of five or ree lect, within five days after notice that the contract Board of Public Charities, o nd Con rectirm will insist upon ..- ,- yi.Tions of the Cors:nrissjono•rs of Pub/it Craritfes per centum of the amount of the secant}• required for the has been awarded to hint, to execute the same, the its absolute euiGereennent i:, every particular.

o recto , . A\ I) ARC: P \RTiLL- I_A RLY ( - AL - faithful performance of the contract. "uch check or amount of the do posit mode by him shall be forfeited to I) ate d, \etc York, December tx, tbS3. I!, ~ 'Ni D T•) EXAMINE R'ITH CARE THE PRA)- money must .N IT be inclosed in the sealed envelope con- ' and re:ainci by the City of New Sorb as li<paelated HENRY If PORTER, !-Ir IN-, OF AR I1CLE s OF THE PR' N ILL) taming tie— turns te,, but must be handed to the rstiiccror danta,es for such neglect or refusal ; but, if he shall exe- 'I'(10\LAS S. PRE:\ANA\,

-, !\ 1- RAC 1' FI'IL\I. clerk ui the Department who hascoarge of th•t Estimate- cute the contras within the time aforesaid, the amount JACOB HESS -,. form of the contract, including specifications, and box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until of his deposit will be returned to him. Commissioners of the Department of ~~ ,g The manner of payment, can be obtained at the : such check or monev has been examined by said officer ; y - ~lto:dd the person or persons to us horn the contract Public Charities and Correction.

1 th•' Department. or clerk and found to be correct. all such deposits, j may be ow. r. ell neglect or refuse to accept the contract ~ I nr cum' 6_tinn of this contract will be one except ti t of the succcs ful bidder, will Ire returned to vt- ithiu fire days after written notice that the same has

I " nz days. the person making the sane %whin three days after the been am aided to his or the it Lid or proposal, or if he or bEPAR r+IExT OF YeBUC C'ILS RrrIEC Ain t'rn rFCI tus, 1 c l..>. 1 : _mb_r r,, t883. contract Is awarded. If the succe=ful bidder shall refuse j they accept, but do not execute the contract and give the Xu. 66 THIRD :1 ,- r Ni r,

i F\ RV H. PORTER, or neglect. within five days after notice that the contract propez security, he or they shall be considered as having

I ii" I'll. v S. BRES\:1V, : ha, been awar•le.l t , him. to execute the sane, the abandoned it, and as in default to the Corporation ; and be TO CON I'R.ACTORi'. I \I _I )B HESS, i amount of the deprsit made by him shall be forfeited to the contract will read%ert,sed and rdet as provided

nets of the Department of and retained by the Cit}- of New York as liquidated I by la"'' Bidders the their will write out anoint of estimate m

I''-C,!ic Charit and Correction. damage. for such neglect or refusal ; hut, it he shall exe- cute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount addition to inserting the same in figures. PROPOSALS FOR FRESII FI I I I' ( )R T1-IE

----- -- ---- ' of his deposit will be returned to him Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp- -~ ,~ -

I troller, in accordance with the term; of the contract. EAR 1 . DI: Ci DECE. IBLR 31, IhJ}. should the person or persons to whom the contract may be ! The f'rm of the contract, in'Ltdin ti g specificaons,

awarded neglecter refusetoaccept the contract Within live ', h h f ill i f I J h days alter written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal. or if he or they accept, but

I do not execute the contract and give the proper security, lie or they ,hall lie considered as having abandoned it,

~ and as in def.,ult to the Corporation ; and the contract . w' ill be reaevertised and relet as provided by law.

The qualityoftheartic/,'s, supp/irs, s'oods, reares, and nier,-barsdtsA roust curs.{Orin iu e r,ery respect to the sut;t 1es

i o!t/re sane respech:'ely at the offrre of the said D,fart- rnent. Bidders are,autionedtu examine tine s,feei/r,a- j Lions fur farliculars of tine articles, etc., required, be/are

~ making their estinra.'es.

j Bidders will sate the prices for each article, by which ' the bids will be tested. j Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate it. j addition to inserting the same in figures.

t iay'ment will be made by a requisition on the Comp-troilcr, i,sued on the completion of the c:,ntract or from

j time to time. as the Commi,sioners may determine. kidders are informed that no deviation from the specl-

ficaticns will he allowed, unless under the written instruc. lion of the Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction.

The form of the agreement, including specifications, and showing the manner of payment, can be obtained at the office of the Department.

Dated New York, December it, r883. HENRY H. PORTER, TrIWI AS S. BRLtiNAN, JACOB HI':5,,,

Commi-~:onerso( the Department of PlblucCharities and Correction.

IC. ..... F . ''F Pr;BLtr CHOP.ITIEo AND CORBticTtna, \U. f" 1H:RD '~\'FNt'C. J((

New YrRc. December rq, 1853.

I s: 1CCORDA\CE tt'II'H AN ORDINANCE OF ie Common Council, "In rotation to the burial of

-it' or unknown persons who may die in any of the ;,tiU-c institutions of the City of New York," the Com-:nissioners of Public Charities and Correction report as follow; :

At City Prisrn—Catherine O'R 'urke ; age] 97 years feet 3 inches hi-,h : brown hair, blue eyes. Had on

dark stripe t shut, calico sacque and dress, At Work House. L'lackwc'li's Island—Jessie Parker;

aged 31 years. Committed .•eptember zz, n883. at LtnaiCAs 'ium, B ackwell'.lei ~.nd-.Ann summers; ed 55 years ; 5 feet r inch high ; gray hair, blue eyes. ,\lary l;eattie : aged 6t ye rs; 5 feet t inch high;

,;rav hair ; brown eyes. Anne Duffy ; abed about 37 year,; 5 feet 5 inches

high : gr.,y hair, brown eye;. 2tImrie Conrad; aged z8 years; 5 feet 554 incites

high; light hair, blue eyes. At Homeopathic Ho<plta:, Ward's Island—John Mil-

wend ; ager. 64 years ; 5 feet to inches high : gray eyes and hair. Had on when admitted brown suit of clothes, laced shoes; black derby hat.

Nellie NIcSallay ; aged 38 years ; - feet t inch high ; tilack eyes, dark hair. Had on when admitted black dress anu shawl, black straw hat, and slippers.

John Adams; aged ca y,ars; 5 fee: q inches high; blue eyes, brown hair. Hal. on when admitted dark coat and pants, laced shoes, black derby hat.

U:,ggie Beatt}y : aged 56 years ; 5 fe..t q inches high r,luv eyes, gray hair. Had on when admitted dark calico !r,,s, red hood, and gaiters.

Nothing known of their friends or relatives. By order.

G. F. ERITT(JN, Secretary ,






30,000 Fresh Egg- all to be candled . a.oco pounds Butter, sample on exhibition Friday,

December at, x683. Coo bags Bran 50 pounds each). a5o bushels Oats. too fags 'too pounds each Coarse Meal, loo has 'rco pounds each Fine Meal. go bales prime quality Iim.,th)- Hay.

90'S tons best White Ash Coal, well screened and in good order, each ton to contain 2,240 pounds,

—will be received at the office of the Department of Public ' Charities and Correction, in the City of New York,

until 9.30 o'clock A. rt., Of Saturday, December 2z, 1853. "file person or persons staking any bid Cr estimate shall i furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed " Bid or

: Estimate for I5 bite Ash Coal," and with his or their name or names, and the date of presentation. to the head of said Department, at the said office, on or before the day and hour above named, at which time and place the

s ow m,., t e manner o pa}men t, wt ,e arms le at t e I office of the Department, and bidders arc autioned to

examine each and all of its provtsi:,ns carefully, as the Board of Public Chariti..s and Correction will insisttlpon its absolut L enforcement in every particular.

Dated New Yurk, December t r, t8t_q. HENRY H. PORTER, THOMAS S. BRE NAN, JACOB HI':SS,

Commissioners of the Department of -- --- Public Charities and Correction.





POULTRY, —will be received at the office of the Department of Public Charities +'nd Correction, in the City of New York until 9.30 o'clock A. >I., of Saturday, December 22, [883. 'The pera on or persons n akin,, any bid or estimate shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope indorsed

Bid or Estimate fur Poultry for the Year 1884," and with his or their name or names, and the date of presenta. Lion, to the he Id of said Department. at the said offi e,

: on or before the day and hour above named, at which j It me and place the bids or estimates received will be pub-

, Lcly opened by the President of said Department, and read. .


No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Corpora-tion upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as, surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora- j

j t,on ~ The award of the contract will be made as soon as (

practicable after the opening of the bids. Delivery will be required to be made from time to

time, and in such quantities as may be directed by the said Commissioners. '

Any bidder for this contract must be known to be en- I gaged in and well prepared f,r the business, and must , have satisfactory testimonials to that effect ; and the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded I will be required to give security for the performance of ,

j the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient j sureties, each In the penal amount oftwenty-five hundred ; $u,5oo1 dollars.

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR FURN1Sfi-ing during the year ending 1Jecember3t, 1884,

FRESH FISH, will be received at the office of the Department of Public Charities and Correction, in the City of New Fork, until 9.30 o'clock A. Ni., of Saturday, December 22, 1883. the person or persons making any bid or estimate shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed " Bid or Estimate for Fresh Fish fur the year ending December 31, t884," and with his er their name or names, and the date of presentation, to the head of said Departmr.nt, at the said office, on or before the day and hc,ur above named, at which time and pl: ce the bids or estimates received will be publicly opened by the President of said Department and read.


Au bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Corpora. tion upon Jeot or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora-lion.

The award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids.

Delivery will be required to be made from time to time, and in such quantities as may be directed by the said Commissioners.

Any bidder for this contract must furnish testimonials that he is engaged in the business of selling fish in the City of New \ ork, and has the plant necessary to carry c of promptly and regularly the contract, if it be awarded, In the entire satisfaction of the Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction. And the person or person, to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to give security for the performance of the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient sureties, each In the penal amount often thousand (3ro,coo, dollars.

Each hid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the same ; the names of all persons interested with hint or them therein ; and if no other person be so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made without any connection with any r ther person making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud ; and that no member of the Common Council, Heaa of a Dep.[rtrr.ent, Chief of a Bureau, deputy thereof or cb,rk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or Indirectly interested therein, or to the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any por-tion of the profits thereof. 7 he bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated there-in are in all respects true. Where more than one person is interested, it is requisite that the verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the con-sent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in the





Page 7: THE CITY · P. v ~ a J GAS COMPANY. BURNER. 'S C Maintenance ? U 8 fv 0.23 Manhattan .... I IN. 3 ~ EmpirempireSfL.....

panted by either a certified check upon one of the national banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money, to the amount of five per centttm of the amount of the security required for the faithful per-formance of the contract. Such check or mency must not be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the Estinatte-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder will be returned to the per-sons making the same within three clays a ter the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refine or neglect, within five days alter notice, I hat the contract has been awarded to Itint, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit marle by him shill he foclaited to and re-tuiur'd by the City of New York, as ligl:idated damages for such uc.tlect or refusal ; bit, if he shall execute the contract within the tiute aforesaid, the amount of his deoosit will he resin tied to him.

Should the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded neglect or retnse to ac_ept the contract within five Jays after written notice that the saute has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, ur if he ire they accept but do not execute th, contract and ,Give tire proper security, he or thee shall be cnnsiderad as hav-ire, abandoned it and as in defrult to the Corpor:uion, and the contract will be rcadvertised and relet as provided by law.

Bidders will write out the aorou a of their estimate, in addition to inserting the same i! figures.

Payment will be mind(- by a requisition on the Cnntp- troll .:r in accordance with the terms si the contract.

The iornr of the camrant, i rclttding specifications, and showing the ma, Itier of paymcn t, call h1.'5 l)tii v, I at the noire of the Dep;u-tmen t, and bidders are c ml iuned to examine each and all of its Im,ryisions err -fully, as the Board of Pu'.dic Charities and Correction will iusist opus its absoltue enforcement in every pa!:ticular.

Dated New York, Dec-miser 11, Id13. HENRY H. POR'T'ER, 'THOMAS S. BRENNAN, JACOB HES;,

Cornmissioners of the Department of Public Charities and Correction.

cute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him.

Should the f.erson or persons to whom the contract may he awarded neglect or rrfuse to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or it he or they accept, but do not exe,:ute the contract nil give the proper ea:urity, he or they shall be considered as having abandoned it, and as in default to the C:,rporn-tion ; and the contra•, will be raadvertised and relet as provided by law.

The quality oft/ie articles, srrpfilies, goads, wares, and nrerchandtsr,nust cantor?: in every r s/,ect to the sarrr-ples (f Ike wire resb'ctiv-dy at the office of Ike said DeJIrtr!1oref/. Gidd,u's ,. rC cautioned to rxarnfrve the spec ficationsfor j1,trticrrdrrs of tine fires/r MIe•e? required, before rna/eiugr their estimates.

Bidders will writs out the amount of thrtr esdm.ttc in additi'in to unseeing the sa ne in figures.

P.tymcnt will be undo by a teq'risitiu:r :,n the Comp-troller, issued from true to time, :n accordance w•i th the terms of the contract, as the Commissioners may deter-mine.

I'he form of the contract, in :L,ding specifications, and showing the m ins -r tit payment, :-all be obt aiucd at the office if tire ttepartment, and Li:Llers are esperia:ly caution _rd to examine each and ill ,.f its provisions rorc-fully, as the Ii. arch of . ub!ic Charities oil Corre.tLou will insist upon its .it sr.1rite cur.urc anent in every particu ur.

Dated New York, I)e:cm!,cr rr, 1633. FliNRY If. l'f)Rfa?R, Iliu)I.\5 S. IIRi;NNAN, I ACL)F3 HESS,

Cmml..ion r, ,.f ti •. I)e:,artnt, ,it u' I'ub;ic t I, .,..1 Trio



I)ut'Alrrntry'r OF Dudes, Nos. 117 AND rig Dtr.txt: Sraeo.t.}


ity of Now York, with their respective places of busi- I No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom- I damages for such neglect or refusal: but if he shall exe- I SUPREME COURT. ess or residence, to the effect that if the contract bt

awarded to the person makm_ the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful performance ; and that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they shall pay to the Corporatior any difference be.ween the sum to which he would be entitled on its completion, and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting ; the amoant in each case to be c ticulaterl upon the esti-mated amount of work by whi::h the bids are t- sled. The conse.n above-m..:ntioned shall be accompanied by the oath or tdfirntati, n, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the comldction of this es,nlract, over and ab:,vu' II his debts of every nature, and over arid above It s liabilities, as hall, sure.y, or otll'avulse ; and that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith amt with the iutcutun to execute die bond required by sec ion iz of chapter 7 of the Reviscd Ordin mccs of the City of New York, if the c attract shall he awarded to h,r person or tie Sons for whom he consents to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security ofTered to Le airprowl by file Cuntptr,ller of the City or New York.

No Lid or estimate will b,: or considered unless accom-pauied by cithe-r it c_rt, fied check upon one of the national hanks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Cnmprrollcr, or money, to the amount of five per c.ntunl of the amount of file security required far iii. faithful pe Jim ice of the c,n ract. Such check or umncy must N. IT be inclosed in the sealer envelope COittamtrI4 th_ estimate, but must l,e handed to the officer or c1, rk of the Deportm , tit who has charge of the l's i-tu to-Los, :ud no cai snot c con be doposite.l in said box until uch cb eel or money has been examined by sa;d miiccr or clerk and fnmd :o b:• correct. :111 so de- potits, except that of th e successful bidder, will be refuter d to the per;ons to ,ling the saute within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse I r iii gl' ct, within live days after notice that the cons 'act has been awarded n, him, to execute the same, tlie :unount of the d .posit made by him sita''I be forfeited to:uti retained Lv the City of New York as Iiqui riot i -ci damages for such n, glect or r,rfusal ; but, if he shall ececme he con'ract within the time aforesa~d, the anto::nt of his deposit will be returned to him.

Should the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after written nutace that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the proper security, he or they di III be considered as having abandoned it and as in delimit to the Corporation, and the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided by late.

Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate, n addition to inserting the same in figures.

Payment will he made by a rem srtion on the Cuntp-trollrr, in ac,:ordanee with the terms of the contract, from time: to him_, us the Commissioners may determine.

'file form of the contract, tncludtrg specdicauons, and showing the ?tanner of payment, can be obtained at the office of the Department ; and bidders are especially cau-tioned to examine each and all of its pn'visions carefully, a: the Board of Pubic Charities and Correction will insist u, m its ab,o!utc enforcement iu every particular.

I I ! \, ,1 A':,rk, December in, r,sz. HENRY H. PORTER, THOMAS S. BRENNAN, JACO13 HESS,

Commissioners of the Dcparto.eot . I Public Charities and Correction

17,x, ,t.{•,t ,, i : PI-BLIC CHAItITIF_s AND COIIREC1'lox,! No, 66 THIRD Ava.o•t'E.

'I'( ) CON:RAC 1 ORS.


SL'A FIJ RIDSOR ESTIMATES FOR F N 'fI-f. S UR, , in; C"mvuised Cow's .Milk fir the year :884, will

he received at the office of the I)epartntent of Public Chari_ies and Correction, in the City if New York, until q.go o'clock A. M. ,of Saturday, Dec,urber 22, 1883. The person or persons making any bid or estimate shall fur-nish the same in a scaled envelope, indorsed " hid or Estimate for Condensed Cows' Milk for rc84," and with his or their name or names, and the date of presentation, to the head of said Department, at the sod office, on or before the day and hour above named, at which time and place the bids or estimates received will be publicly opened by the President of aid Department and read.


No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or a contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Corpora- tion upon debt or contract, or who is a deihulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora-tion.

The award of the contract will be made as soon as prac-ticable after the , ~petting of the bids.

Delivery will be required to be made from time to time, and in such quantities as may be directed by the said Commissioners.

Any biddrr for this contract must be kr:own to be en-gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must have satisfactory testimonials to that effect; and the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to give s curity for the performance of the contract by his Cr their bond, with two sufficient sureties, each in the penal amount of ten thousand t$lc ioJo dollars.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons makin5,'lie same ; the nam es of all persons interested with him or them therein ; and if no other person he so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud ; and that no member of the Common Council, Head ofa Department, Chief ofa Bureatl,Deputy thereof or Clerk therein, or other officer of the Corpora-tiun, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or to the supplies or work to whi,:h it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must he verified by the oath, in writing, ofthe party orpartial making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than one person is interested, it is requisite that the verification be made and subscribed by all the ,arties interested.

Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the con-sent, to writing, of two householders or freeholders in the City of New York, with their respective places of nusine-:s or residence, to the effect that if the contract be awarded to the person ma',ing the estimate, they will, or its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful performance ; and that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they shall pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the con-tract may be awarded at any subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons sign-ing the same that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities, as bail, surety, or otherwise ; and that he has offered himself as a surety in good frith and with the intention to execute the bond required by section 27 of chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of New York, if the contra-t shall be awarded to the person or persons for whom he consents to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered to be ap-proved by the Comptroller of the City of LNew York.




SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR FURNISH. tugFresh Meat for the year 1884 to the Department

of Public Charities and Correction, in the City and County of New York, will be receive.l at the office of the Department of 11ultlic Charities and Correction, in the City of Now York, until 9.30 oclock, A. St.. of S rturday, December ax, 1883. 'l The person or persons mrki:tg any bid or es.imate shall furnish the same in a scaled envelope, indorsed '• Bid or Estimate for Fresh Meat for 1584,' and with his or their name or names, and the date of presentation, to the head of said Do-ttartmrnt, at the sail: office, run or before the day and hour above natured, at which time and place the bids or e-timates received will be pulEel)' opened by the Presi-ident of sea Department, and read.


-No bid or estimate will be a:ccptd from, or a contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to th Cor-poration up m debt or contr.:ct, or who is a rlefaulte:, as surety or otherwvise, upon any obligatro , to the Cor-poration.

The award of the Contract will be made as soon as fraetieable after the openi .g of the bids.

Delivery will be required to Jr. made from time to tune, and in such quadtiues as may be d rected by the said Commissioners

Any bidder for this contract mus_ furnish s:ttifactory tectimnnials that he is engaged to the b:usiness to "Butcher" in the City of New York, an.i has the plant neces ary to carry out promptly and regularly t e con-tract, if it be awarded, to the entire s rt s.action of the Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction ; and the person or pers ons to whom the contract may be awarded will be requireij to gyve security for the per-furmance of the contract by his or their bond, wits two suffieivnt sureti S. each in the penal amount of fifty thou-saud ($5o,o to dollars.

Each hid or estimate shall contain and state true name and place of residenc • of each of the pe.soto makit)e the same, the names of all perso^s interested with him or them therein, and if no other person he so interested, it shall disti::ctly state that fact; also that it us nude without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose, ad is in ail res,,e is fair and without collusion or fr-wd ; and th it no member of the Common Council, Head of a Department, Chief of a Bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, roe other officer of the Corp"ration, is directly er indirectly i tterested the ci:t, or to the supplies o: work to which it eel :tat, r'r in any por-tion of the profits thereof, The bid or estimate must he veri red by the oath, in writing, of the I-arty or parties making the estimate, that the several m ,ttersstated there-in are in all resp.:res true. Whore more than one person is interested, it i, rcquisue that the serilication be made and subs:riberl by ail the parties interestea.

Etch bid or estimate shall be ,rccompaniod by the con-sent, in writing, of two householders or fsrocilalr1ers in the City of New York, with their respective places of busi-ness or resid-nce, to t e effect that if the contract he awarded to the peron making the es.imate, they will, on its b,-i:,g so awarded, be rime hound as his sureties for its faithful performance ; a:t ; that if he shall omit or refuse to execute thesame, they shall pa}. to theCorporation any i difference between the sum to which he won d beentitled on its completion, an i th it which the Corporation may be oblig -rl to pay to the person or perso:,s to whom the contract may be;twar,led at any subsequent le Ling; the amount in each case to he colcutater.I upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The consent al ore mentioned shall be accom,-aniel by the oath or affirmation, in writin:, of each of the persons signing the sansei that he is a househol,'er or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount ofthe security required for the completion of this contract, over and above :ell his debts ofevery nature, and over and above his liabilities, as bail, surety or otherwise ; and that he has offered hinuselfas asurety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond r •t iced by section r2 of chapter 7 ofthe Revised Ordinances of the City of New York, if the contract .rhall be awarded to the person or persons for whom he consents to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered to be approved by the Ciruunptrulier ofthe City of New York.

No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom-panied by either a certified check upon one of the National Banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptr„Iler, or money, to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must NOT be enclosed in the sealed envcl ape con-taining the estimate, but must be hanfed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the Estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been en ruined by sa d officer or clerk, and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same, within three days after the contract is swatted. It the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the i~ amount of the de sit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of New York, as liquidated

FOR THE IyFORyIA'I'Iu)N O THF, PUBLIC, and specially of those usutg the Wharf Property of

the City of New York, tire following ectr:rcts from the rules and regulations established for the guidance of the Dock Masters a~pointcd by the Board goverr mg this Department, and to be observed by them In the per. forntancc '.f their duties, are here'ty promulgated and published :

Resolved, For the proper supervision of the water- front t3 the city, the care of the wh:,rf property located thereon placed in the charge of this Department, the rendering of necessary facilities for the prompt berthing of ve.sels thereat, ant the collection of the wlarfage accruing therefrom, that the water-front of the City of New York be aid hereby is arranged and divided into nine districts, and that for each of the salt d.stricts there shall be appointed, designated, or assigned, front time to time, at the pleasure o: the Board, a suit,ble and com-petcut person to be known and entitled as ” Dock hinter," wlto shall perform such duties and render such service., in relation to the supervision, regulation, and occupation of the wharf property and water-front in th_ir respective districts, as this laws of the United States and of the Sate of New York, the ordinances of the City of New York, and the by-lars of this B rtrd, and its rules, or orders, shall or may require, preset or direct.

The several districts .o made and created, and the Dock Slacters assigned thereto, are as follows, to wit :

District No. r.—Emirracinz all th it portion of the East river, extending from Castle Garden, Ott the Battery, to and including Picr at, East river.

Charias H.'1'homps.ln, Dock Matter ; office, 33 C rentics Sc p.

District No. a.—All that portion of the North river ext"iil tag from Castle Garde t, to and Including Pier old 42, Nor h river.

G orge W. Wanenaker, Dock Master ; office, foot of Duane street, N. K.

District No. 3 —From east side Pier 2;, East river, to a .d including Pier 55, East river.

Edward Aueel, Dock Maser; Office, a62 South street. District No. 4.—From north side P or, old 42, North

river, t,:md Including per at foot of West 'Twenty-third street, North river.

John H. Smith, Dock NlAster; otfi,.c, Pier, new 43, N. R.

District No. 5.—From north side Tier 55, East river, C, It rth ide of I'hirty-fourth street, East river.

Bernard Ke.mey, Dick %Later; office, fort of East Sixteenth street, E. R.

District No. 6.—From north side Pier at Twenty-third street, North river, to and including Pier at foot Fifty-n,nth street, North river.

E award Gdon, Dock blaster ; office, Pier, new 57, N. R.

District No, 7.—Frcnn north side of Thir.y-fourth street, East river, to south side of Ninety-second street, East river.

Robert Hal!, Doc'.<master ; office, 646 First avenue. District No. 8.—From north side of Pier at Fifty-ninth

stre.t, North river, to Yuukers ad Spuyten Duyvil Creek, from North river to Kingsbridge.

'I'heudore S. Croft, Dockma.ter; office, foot of West Seventy-ninth street, N. R.

District No. g.—Fr_m south side Niarty-second street, East river, to and including il: onx river, and also Harlem river, from East river to Kingsbri I,Ge.

John Callan, Dockmeter; office, foot of East One Hundred and Fourth street, Harlem river.

Resolved, That until otherwise ord gyred by this Boar] th': fullowing rule; and instructions are issued for the guidance and < b ervance of the several Dock Masters of the Department

* * * * * * Each Do 'k 'Master shall promptiy d_stgnate and assign

In the order in which appli ation in m id •, suitable and convenient berth=, so far as practicable, within the limits of his district, for the use of such vessel and water craft as may require the same for the rec -ption or discharge of passe -gees, merchandise, r tc., therefrom or for the neces-sary repair or the safety of any vess_I or water craft.

It chaff be the duty of each Dock Master to require and enforce the due oils'-rvance of and compliance with such of the national and State laws, city ordinan :us, anti the rides, re,ulations and orders ofthe Departalent r,f Docks as apt ertain to th e use, care, and custody of the wharf property of and about the City of New fork, pronrptly reporting to the Board all violations and evasions of such laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and order,.

Each Dock Master is expressly prohibited, under penalty of inmciiatc dismissal from hi. posl;ion, from receiving or demanding, directly or indirectly, any fee, gratuity, compen=ation, or article of value of any nature or kind, for the assignment o. a berth to it vessel at any pier, slip, or wharf property wha:so_ver, or for the per-formance of or the omission to perform any of tie duties required of or pe:taiuing to the position of Dock Master of this Departm:nt.

Any person or persons having any cause of complaint against the Dock Masters for any failure or omission in the performance of the duties as required by the above rules, are requested to promptly comm.tnicwte the same to this Board, at their offices, Nos. 117 and rig Duane street.


Commissioners of the Department of Docks. JOHN T. COMING, Secretary.

New York, December r, 1883.

In the matter of the application of the Department of Public Works for and in behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New fork, relative to the opening of One Hundred and Fourth street, be. tween the Boulevard and Riverside avenue, in the City of New York.

WC,'I'HE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS of E,timau: and Assessment iu the above-en-

titled matter, hereby give notice to the owner or owners, occupant or oc upaints, o." all houses and lots and im-provecl or mnotprovxc land. affected thereby, and to all others whom it may c'mcern, to wit :

First.—That we hive completed our estimate and :tsscs.meut, and that all person interes cd in these pro-cecdin;s, or in any of the lain-is affect,d thereby, and who may be opposed to thin ssunc, do pre;eut their it jections in writing, d sly vcrilieti, to t:s at out- office, Nn,. 71 William stre.:t :third floor), in tfry said city, on or bcf,re the :4th .an' of January, r83 .t , and that win, the said Commis-

sionere, lvill liter hurtles so obje.:tmg w,tinin the ten week-day; next after the sat 1111 h day of Jana Irv, r84, and for that p,up or will be in arc mdanert at our vri.l office (,n ca h of said teut days at2r/_ o'cI :ck r. en.

Second.—'That the abstract of the said es.imate ,,t, as es,m. lit, to.:ethcr with . U, InA s, an t al<o all the affidavits, estimates r nd other d"cumcrts whi..h 1t ere used by its in making our report, have been d _pooi- ,: rl in the office ,..f tit Deparuncnt of Public Works, in :In City a! New York, there to remain until th.. ii,th ,la, January, 18"4.

'Third.—That the limits embraced by the ass;ssrtreeI rife c aid, art as follows, to wit: All those lo:s, pi , .. or parcels of Ian i, situate, lyi:tg and bei.;g in die Cif t New York, which taken together nr ubomuded corn l: by the centre line of the Sticks buttecn Om: H:rn,hil and Fourth and One Hundred and Fifth stutct<, can.erly by the we .t., rly si to if tho II iii evnrd, soothe; Iv by the centre line of th - blocks b.:twei in (due Htv,dred and For, 111 and One 1-lundr'-tI and Third streets, and westerly by the east_il•, side of Ris'ersinla avenue, excvpt:ng there-from all the land lying i t the streets or avenues within said are t.

Fourth.—T,. at ou ' report herein will in t presented to the Supreme Court of the Site of New York, at a Special I'erm thereof, :n be held an the Chamb or.; thereof, in the County Court-house, at the City Hail, in the City of New• York, o t the ti I st day of February, 1884, at the opening of the Court on tna day, and that then and there, or as s on t'ereafter as con see can be heard thereon, it mo:i it will be mad.: that the end report ire coitfirrntsd,

Dated New York, December 5, 1883.


Commiss onets. ARTHt•1< BERRY. Clerk.

In the matter of the application of the Commissiouerr of the Department of Public Parks for and in behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Comm malty of the City of New York, relative to acuuIring right of way over, ulder and throw, ;h certain lands for the purpose of the rntnarrttl,u of drains, as directed by the Btmrd of Health of the Health Department . f the t'ity if New York, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 3-.-.0 of the Laws of r83o.


%ATE, THE UyDERSICN1';D COMMISSIONERS V V of Estim.,te and Assessment in the above-en i.

tiedmatter, hereby give notice to tr.c o.vuer or owners, occupant or occ.Ipants, of all lrouses and lots an 1 im-proved or unimproved lands affected thsr'by, and to all others whom a oily concert, to wit :

First, —I hat we have completed our estimate and as-Se , smen', and that all persons interested in these lao-ceedings or in ally of titer lands atTe ted thereby, and who may Inc opposed to the same, do present their o ,-jections iu writing, duly verified, to tis, at the office rife -ehairrnan, Simnel fri. FilleY, 76 !t%all str,ret. Noon: _\o. ii, in the said city, on or before lie trventy-sevent/ day of Decenrbe'r, 1883, and that we, the sa-d C"mmio-sioners, will hear p,rties so objecting within the two week-days next after the said truenty-:eventk day g/ Decerrr6ur, r88j, and for that purpose will be in attend-ance at said office oil each of said twit days, at twin o'clock 1'' 9!

Second.—That the ail tract of the said estimate and a se.ssment, to,ether with our maps, and also all the afti-davits, estimates and other doemeots which were used by u; in nmkin,, our report, have been deposited in the office of the ktarrmaeu of Public Works, to the City of New York, thee' to remain until the fourteenth day of 7anuary, 1884.

1'h:rd.=l'h.,t the limits embraced by the assessment aforesaid are as foliows, to wit : All those lots, pie_es or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded as foll:,w;, viz. : northerly by Westchester avenue, easy rly by Brook avenue, southerly by Una Hundred and Fortieth street, westerly and northwesterly by Willis avenue and Bergen ,veto:; excepting therefrom all the lands lying in the streets and avenues within said bounds.

Fourth.—That our rep rt herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a special term thereof, to be held at the Chambers tiler -of, in the County Court-house at the Coy Hall, in th,• City of New York, an the einhieent/c day rf 7b ,uutury, 1884, at the opening of the Court oil that day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter is counsel can be hc.trd thee .n a nwti,,n will be made that the ,girl report be confirmed

Dated, New York, December 3, 1883.


('on missioners.

In the matter of the app ication of the Department of Public Works, for and to behalf of the Mayor, Alder-men and Caimv'rnulty of the City of New York, rela-tive to the opening of One Hundred and Forty-sixth street, between Avenue St. N tcholas and Tenth avenue, in the City of New York.

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS of Estimate and Assessment in the above-enti-

tied ma ter, hereby give notice to the owner orowners, occ:lpant or occupants, of all houses a td lots and im-pruved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit:

First—'1'hat we have c ,mpv.etcd our estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in these pro-cecdings, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and wino m be oppose I to the same do present their ob'ec- aY p p l bons III writing, duly verified, to its it our office, No. 73 William s'reet (third floor!, ra the said city, on or before the eighth day of January, 18>4, and th it we, the said t ,'omnussioners, will hear parties so objecting within the ten week-days next after the said eighth day of J aeuary, 1884, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said office oa each of said ten days, At zi o'clock r. %I.

Second—That the abstract of the sand estimate and assessment, together with our maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates and other do-uments which were used by us in making our report, have been deposited in the office of the Departme:rt o. Public Works, in the City of New York, there to remain until the tenth day of January, :884.

Third—That the limits embraced by the assessmen aforesaid are as follows, to wit : All those lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being I❑ the City of New York, and bounded on the north by the centre line of the block between 0 to Hundred and Forty-sixth street and One Hundred and Forty-seventh street, and on the east by the westerly line of Avenue Sr. Nicholas,

Page 8: THE CITY · P. v ~ a J GAS COMPANY. BURNER. 'S C Maintenance ? U 8 fv 0.23 Manhattan .... I IN. 3 ~ EmpirempireSfL.....

PURSUANCE OF SECTION' g97 OF THE Ihe aoove-descrtbed lists will be transmitted, as pro. I _N ,, \-w York City Consolidation Act of r88z," the vided by law, to the Board of Revision and Correction of

Cc nptmller of the City of New York hereby gives public Assessments for confirmation, on the 7th January, 1884. noti..s to all persons, owners of property affected by the JOHN R. LYUE'.; KER, assessment list for the opening of Beekman place, between IOH N W. JACOIlUS, Forty-ninth and Fifty-first streets, which was confirmed JOHN \IULL.AL1-, by the Supreme Court. December r4, 2883, and entered HENRY A. GUMBLETON, o:; the ryth day of December, 1883, to the Re_ord of Titles Board of Assessors. of Assessments, kept in the "Bureau for the Co,lection of OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF ASSESSORS, Ass -ssments, aid Arrears of Taxes and Assessments. and No. r l yz CITY H s lt., of \%'ater Rents," that unless the amount assessed f or NEw YORK, Dec. 4, 1283. benefit on any person or proper.y, shall be paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessment, interest will be coll,cteS thereon as provided is section PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE gq8 of said "New York City Conso,idation Act of t882." owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all

Section 998 of the said act provides that, "if any such houses and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected asses-ment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty thereby, that the following assessments have been com- days after the date of entr y- mereof in the said wecord of pleted and are lodged in the office of the Board of 'I riles of Assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer Assessors, for examination by all persons interested, viz.: authorized to collect and receive the amount of such No. r. Constructing sewers and appurtenances in Mott assessment, to charge, collect, and receive interest avenue, from the Spuyten Duyvil anfl Port Morris Rail- thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to road to One Hundred and Tnirty-eighth street, and in be calculated from the date of such entry to the date of One Hundred and "Thirty-eighth street and One Hun- payment." ~

The above assessment Is payable to the Collector of dred and Forty-fourth street, from Mott avenue to the Ice Pond brook in the Twenty-third Ward.

Assessments and Clerk of Arrears, at the " Bureau for the Collection of Assessments, and Arrears of Taxes No. a. Regulating, grading, curb, gutter, and flagging and Assessments, and of Water Rents," between the Seventy -first street, between Fifth avenue and the East Lours of g A. xt and 2 P.M., and all payments made thereon, river. on or before February at, 1°84, will be exempt from inter. No. 3. Constructing sewer and appurtenances in One est as aboverovided, and after that date will be subject Hundred and Forty-second street, from Alexander ave- to a charge ofinterest at the rate of seven per cent. per flue to Brook avenue, with branches in Alexander and annum from the date of entry in the Record of Titles of Willis avenues. Assessments in said Bureau to the date of payment. No. 4. Regulating, grading, setting curb, and flagging

S. HASTINGS GRANT, j One Hundred and Fifty-second street, from St. Nicholas Comptroller. to Ninth avenue.

inc nasr river. No. 55. Regulating and grading, curb and flagging One

Hundred and Thirteenth street, from Fifth to Eighth avenue. -No 56. Flagging Third avenue, from Ninety-third to

One Hundred and First street. Ni. 57. Basin: in First avenue, between Ninety-ninth

and One Hundred and Ninth streets. The limit embraced by such assessments includes all

the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and parcels of and situated on-

No. r. Bah sides of Mott avenue, from the Spuyten Duyvil and Port Morris Railroad to One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street, and both sides of One Hundred and Thirty-eighth and One Hundred and Forty-fourth streets, from Mott avenue to the Ice Pond brook in the Twenty-third Ward.

No. a. Both sides of Seventy-first street, from 'I7tird avenue to tie East river, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues.

No. 3. Both sides of East One Hundred and Forty-second strr _t, from Alexander avenue to Brook avenue ; both sides of Willis and Alexander avenues, between One Hundred and Forty-first and One Hundred and Forty-C:,t d streets.

No. 4. Both sides of One Hureired and Fifty-second street from St. Nicholas to Ninth avenue.

No. 5. Both sides of One Hundred and Fifty-third street, from St.N icholas to Ninth avenue.

No. 6. Both sides of Ninety-fifth street, from Third to Lexington avenue, and to the extent of one-half the block at the intersecting avenues.

No. 7. To the extent of one-half the block on Ninth avenue and Eighty-first street.

No. 8. To the extent of half the block from the inter-sections of One Hundred and Fifth and One Hundred and Sixth streets and Lexington avenue.


on the south by the centre line of the block between One FINANCE DEPAI TMENT, No. g. Regulating, grading, setting curb. and flagging Hundred and Forty-sixdt street and One Hundred and BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OF TAXES, One Hundred and Fifty-third street, from St. Nicholas Fort }•-fifth street, and nn the west by the easterly line of No, 32 CHAMBERS STREET, to Ninth avenue. Tenth avenue; excepting therefrom all the land within NEW YORK, Dec. 3, 5883. J No. 6. Paving Ninety•-fifth street, from Third to Lex- the limits of One Htutdrvd an i Forty-sixth street, ington avenue, with Belgian-block pavement.

Fourth-That our report herein w11 br presented to the No. 7. Paving intersection of Eighty.first street and Supreme Court of the State of New York, at it Special NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Ninth avenue with granite-block pavement. 'Ferns thereof, to be held at the Chambers thereof, in ' o, 8. Laying Cr,sswalks in the intersections of Lex- the County C•.,.trt-house, at the City Hall, in the City of ington aver ie, One Hundred and Fifth and One Hundred New York, on the euuhteenth d.ty of January, 1884, at THE RECEIVER OF TAXES OF THE CITY OF and Sixth streets. the opening of the Court on that day, and that then and 1 New York hereby gives notice to all persons who No. g. Paving Avenue A, from Flfty-fourth to Fifty. there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard have emitted to pay their taxes for the y<ar r8S,, to pay seventh street, with granite-block pavement. thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be the same to him at his office on or be4•re the first day of No. to. Sewer and appurtenances in East One Hun- contirmed. January, 1684, as provided by section S46 of the New dred and Thtrt},-seventh street, from Third avenue to

i"tafwi, No.' Yore, Nrn ember 27, 1883. York City Consolidation Act of r88z. summit east of \"illis avenue, with branches in Lincoln, U,ion any such tax retraining unpaid on the first day Alesandi,r and V. lieavenues.

(:EOR(;E W. McI.EAN, of December, 1883, on: prr ee5Iam will be charged, re- tin. tr. Sewer and appurtenances in One Hundred and •l'Htl\\i UUNLAP, ceased and collected in addition to the amount thereof; Forty-first street, from'Ihird to Alexander avenue, with rIANSFIED C0 111' [ON, and upon such tax remaining unpaid in the first day of branch in Alexander avenue.

Commissioners. January, 1584, interest will be charged, received and col- No. r2. Regulating, grading, setting curb and flaggit:,; ATtwttcf BERRY, Clerk. lected upon the amount thereof at the rate of seven ter One Hundred and Fifty-third street, from Tenth avenue -- _. _-- __ centxnr per annum, to be calculated from the first day of to the Boulevard.

October, x883, ou which day the Asscs-mrnc Rolls and NO 53. Madison avenue, from One Hundred AQUEDUCT COMMISSION. it a,,an's borthe taxes Of iSS; wore delivered to the and 'Penh to One Hundred and Sixteenth street, with

said Receiver of "faxes to the date of payment, pursuant granite-block pavement. to section 8i3 of the said act. No. t4. Paving Sixty-seventh street, from Boulevar•1

AQL FDrcr Co~tr.uss. t~~ERS' OFFICE, O Ru~t "8, TR tICS MARTIN T. McMIAHON, to Tenth avenue, with Belgian pavement.

Sc tt.utse, Receiver of Taxes. Nn. t5. Paving One Hundred and Thirtieth street, tiEw Yoet:, December t3, tE83. between Sixth and Eighth avenues, with trap- bleak


No. te. Paving One Hundred and Twenty-third str~et, T(1 .\LL \CIIO\I IT AIRY CONCERN. between Firi,t and Second avenues, with trap-block


IIE .A'CI'LNT[ON OF LAWYERS, REAL Nn. t7. Paring Ninety-ninth street, fromThirdavetme

COVFOR1IlT1'\t"IIHTHERE~L'IRE>[E\1S I ( Estate Owners, Monetary Institutions engaged in to Exterior street, with trap and granite pavement. Les of section 2, chapter 490, L two of r8S3, of the State making loans upon real estate, and all who are urterested No. r8. Setting curb-stones and flagging ngton

t \ ew York, pabl c notic- is hereby given to all persons in providing ti es with facilities for reducing the avenue, front north curb of Ninety-sixth street to south interested that full opt:or.unity a ill be afforded them to I cost of esantinativvns and sOarcbc+, is invited to these ] curb of Ninety-seventh street. he heard in relation to the plan or plans for the con-truc- Othc:al Indices of Records, c,ntaining all recorded trans- No. ig. Paving Fourth avenue, from Seventy-second

11,10 of the proposed Dam and Reservoir upon the Croton . fees of real estate in the City of New York front 5r53 to to -Ninety-sixth irr•et, with granite-block pavem ant and river near tLe '• `)taker Bad -e,' and the Data kit i,r-n as 1857, prepared under the direction of the Commissioners with concrete f wnulalton. the " \luscoot Dan:," about six miles above the pr:sent of Records. No. 2o. Sewer in West End avenue, betwe;n Ninety. .. ('rotors Dam' Grantors.grantces, suits to equity, insolvent-' and first and Ninety-sixth streets, and in 'Ninety-third street,

Also in r I to the it ern tevi' its of the new .heTm yiils, in tit yokus full bo on d, price. etoo no bet \V est L ai,ensie and b ulcva rd. o(lNed:et, ti her at the "QiiokeT Bridge D.+m" or at a The sonic• in z5 volumes, hll1 bound..., ........ qo oo \o. at PnMiut Lexington a% erauc, from north side of Dint near the .V,re cot Cr,t :i I t it. • &_..entplute s•<ts, folded, ready :or biod1rg........ is co ~ Ntn tv-third street to m,rth side of sincty-fot rth strect,

Aloe n relation t . the c r.struct:on of tlr, new aq"e- Records of Iudgmcn;s, 25 v,Slumt-s, bnun l...... to co and laying crosswalk across Lexington avenue on south ,lust, from whichever of said termini tl,a!l 1 - le is f 11- r - t di be ad,t~s to " tlr. tel,h.n Aingell, side of Ninety-forth site, t. <outherly to the point near \i gut ice av:nit at Juice . in.,, ~.,m 1 r _ Utiur, \„t (. is I. •u t ,. 1-e... No. =a. Pavinu Siv[v- i,,; hth street, from Avenue A to

,:ere th_ prupuse,i lines front said terminal points in- ~ U 5vY INt;S tit.\NT, i First accuse. withith trap-block pavement. ,-rn tOr. t:,mq huller. No. 2z. Sc-r in'1'entlt acenuc, cast side,betweon One And also in relation to the plars for the construction Hundred and Twenty-eighth and One Hundred and'I'htr-

i the nest aquedut from the ( retnn river to the Harlan - - - - - - "-- -- I tieth >trects, and est ecially : s to is dim ens ions and delivers: _ THE CITY RECORD. NO. 24, Sewers in Ttrenty-fourth, "C,rcnt_v-fifth and

.~.oacit, Twonty--sixth -trees, between Eleventh and Thirte -nth jai-„ public hearing to be at the office of the Aqueduct ---- :tvc•noes, and in Thirteenth avenue, between Twenty-

_ m t i<:ioners, R • m \o. ; ~.'frtb .nr It It- , in the (~ OPly. (11' 1'III l I I \' Rf{Ct)IZ I) \5, FE f ,urth and Twenty-seventh streets, with alterat.ons and .t -.f New York, cn Vt FD\E SL) . \, Dice nber to v c i:n •,i at \u z t_ it 11 I t.t,t e_t turner, improvements to existing sewers.

at 3 o'cluc'k i t u on u. I day. and basement . P, :I r•eec. tit s C . No. 25. R,.^ulattng, gradin_, setting r,- rb and gutter thereafter to which said heir ng tray be adju.trncd, _ _ stones ;,nd clawing sidewalks four feet wide it One

ncluded. Hundred and Fifty-eighth street, rem '-''hirdti. Rroad :der of the aqueduct Comeisdanemm. CORPORATION NOTICE. avenue.

JAMES W'. \IcCULLOII. -.. - ----- No, a6. Sewer and appurtenances in Third avenue and Secretary. l,h t- LIB St l li F. Ii. I11-.l.l III (;1\'E\ 'it) THE One Htmchccland Fifty sixti street, frota One Hundrea

rs.d I r c•r civ.tct . cceJivtit , r utcup:,nt. -:- all house d lots, improved •land tfected

and Fttty ct hth strict to Brook avenue N o. 7 I en ing vacant lots opposite 349 and 351 \Vest

,I. T CO t-t s:: }s' Or Ftc E, at -8 1 t.: st' i rtt.ut..u. -

at I'

or unimprot -cl thereb), that th (o losing 1 t Btu nt. have been tout- Eleventh _. teet.

\o. Sewer One Hundred Twenty 2S. to ..nil -sixth 5 Ew 1 c, ::R. December 3, t5_;. leted and are lodg 'd to tir o ucc of the Board 'f 1:.sess_ f `

fur 'oc rocerc-teer otN, examination viz.: sire, r, t etwecn \nth ay.~nue .nil _`.venue St. Nicholas.

- improvement persons

No. t. Alteration and improvement to sewer in Seventh No. co. Seiner in et) r urth st. Oct between Ninth >-'

HCJ\I IT \IAl Cv \ l ERA. str,_et. bet, een Aven~e~ C and I). ' and Tenth avenue. NO, 30, xwcr in One H:mdred and Thirt •-filth street } - "1'i:e limit enioraced by such assessme~~.~= mcivaes all

ho:ae=_ lots. lots, between Seventh avenue and summit west of Seventh

N CON FOR\[ITY \1 1 I'H -I HE RI QL'IRT:`,II:CTS I the several and ,;: gruund, vacant pieces a°d parcels of land ,ir;atcd on-

Nat l ulh stile t rcventh street, between Avenues I av~tn~ - t, Ft lrtt in sunken lots on the west side of Willis

`s-ctien 2. chi rt-r oo, Loses of r 33 ci t c atatc F (-

! zv.enne commencing 25 fe_t north t f East One Hundred cf \.,;v \'• rk, p::blie n.,ti-, s her_1.v _in_tt to III persons ~n~`F -sons whose int•: rests are affected by the above- and F.,It) -four alt street and exten : ing northerly about tz5 iatcrc>ted that full oprort:tots ill ; uordo-d then to „intcd assessments, and w-h~> are opposed to the same, or feet. be he -~rd, is relaci.n to t5e p -tn or plans r t:.o con- either of them, :,re requesre:l to prcecnt dteir objections Nu• 3z. Sewers in Seventy-first street, between Axe - structF: 1 ^f a dam ai,on the t r ton river, kn.;wn a- the in wrnin;q to then Boa rd of Asses ors, at their office, tin. rue A and East river.

Q a.«:r Bridge cam," and for the con,tru t;on of a new a.. uc met :ommenctng at a o'nt near the proposed rt City Hall, within thirty days from the date of this = h et 33. P.ncing vacant lots, side of EiShty-fourth

p p p notice. I street, Third and Lexington avenues. " an run in g thence site of the sai,i" t taxi r Brid ,_ 1 om, u

S 6 the above-desrrib,A lists will be transmitted, as pro- Vin. 34. Sewer in Thompson street, between West southerly to the Harlem ris ; th, pr posed route of sai.; .ided by law, to the B-~ar.I of Revision and Lorrectix. not Third atI \\ st Fourth streets. quc:'.a I beifl b a m .,d.ficati., n: the line hcrecD7ere ho r wen

as the " Hutson rice r~-ute, r I`o. 35. I':s gins east side r,f Eighth avenue, between

' and diverging therefrom Asse.;sm'ems for confirmatio•~, on the zr:t Ianuary, t8S 4 Jt1H, R. LI'DEC[iEK,

One 1:lt n-:red and Twenty-fourth and One Hundred and above the village of Sing Sing. in the town of t lssinmg. Twenty-fifth streets. in Westchester county, and rennin thcnce southeasterlyI IOHN \V-. J ACt tBL"S, No. 36. Flacgini i feet wide, east side of Madison into and across the valleZ cE the Yu,: vuico ricer ; thence IUH' MCLLALY, arer. uc, from One Hundred and Twenty-filth to One sc-utheasterly into the 'u au ?kill Flier vallcv. near t':e . - ,F.h15\ A. GI: MBLETON, i Hundred and Twenty-sixth street. town of Dublin; thence s--uth n y along -aid Saw Mill B yard of Assessors. No. 37. Flagging Ninety-e&ghth street, from Eighth to river valley to a point near Su h Yorker-, and there OFFICE of THE BOARD of Acscsspev, Ninth avenue. tetersecting the line cfth Hudson river route, and thence No. tt?•a Ctry HALL, No 38. Flagging Ninety-eighth street, front Ninth fallowing the same to the Harlem river ; also in relation to a plan proposed for constructing the -aid n_w aque-

Nei' 1'ontc, Dec. r8, x893. avenue to the Boulevard. No. ;g. Paving One Hundred and Twenty-seventh

duct front a point near and above ti;, pees-nt Croton street, from Sixth to Sevens it avenue, with Belgian blocks. cam-instead of from the •' Q;:aker Bridge dot ; "-and pI. BLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE No. 40. Paving One hundred and Sixth street, from r.mning thence southwesterly along the line of Indian owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all Third to Lexington avenue, with trap-block pavement. brook, and southerly to a point of t- tersecti IT with the house- and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected No. 4t. Paving One Hut dred :end Seventh street, from above described modified route upon the Land of the thereby, that the following assessments have been com- First to Third avenue, with Belgian blocks. estate of Coop, at Maurice avenue, near the village of ple:cd and are lodged in the office of the Board of No. 42. Flagging east side of Fifth avenue, from idng Sing ; and thence following said modified route Assessors, for exaounation by all persons interested, viz.: Seventy-secs end to Eighty-sixth street. southerly- to the Harlem river : all the aove pinuBbefng No. n Paving Lcztugton avenue, from Eighty-sixth to No 43. Regulating and gracing, setting curb and shown upon maps and profiles now in this office. 'Ninety-third streets, with Belgian pavement. flagging sidewalks, 4 feet wide, on One Hundred and

Said public he.tring to be at the office of the Aqued:let N e. 2. Paving One Hundred and Twenty-third street, Twenty-second street, between Seventh and Eighth Commissioners, Rum Nn. 78• Triune Building. `.n the from Second to Third avenues, with granite-blocks avenues. City of New Y,.rk, on WEDN I- SDAY• DECEMBER - No. 3 Fencing vacant lots south side of One Hundred No. 44. Sesvr r in Tenth avenue, east side, between :od3, at 3 o'clock P. al., and upon subsequent days and and Fourteenth street, commencing 70 feet west of Se- One Hundred and Sixtu_nth and One Hundred and times thereafter to which said hearing may be adjourned, cond avenue. Eighteenth streets. itntil coaduded. No. 4 Receiving-basin and sewer connection at north- No. 45. Sewer in Chambers stree•, between Chatham

And the pnbllc hearmg in relation to the plans for that east corn-r c.f Rider avenue and I st One Hundred and and Centre street,. part of the ab: o,e-described modified route from the Har- Thirty-fifth street. No. 46. Paving Eights- seventh street, from First to !em river to the above-name-1 point of intersoctgDn near The limit embraced by such assessments includes all Second avenue, wit}t Beh,ian-block pavement. Maurice avenue, at Sing Sine. WILL BF: CI,! .aED at the several hous.,s and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces Nn. ;,-. Basin on the nuuthwest corner of Twenty-fifth the m ,e-i::, i IN FRI I iA't N h:X I', t.1v 7ta instant and parcels of land situated on- street and Eleventh ave: ue.

By order of the .11lue!u I C rum:ss~anors. No. t. B-th sides of Lexington avenue, from Eighty- I No. 48, Sewer in One Hundred and First street, be- L~-'•lEo 'if. ]I tib I_I OH, sixth to Ninety-third street, and to t ae extent of half the I twecn Riverside and ,\•est End fer•eerly Eleventh;

:Cecraary. Lh:ck at the iacerseumg streets. I avenues. _ --

No. z. B,th sides of One Hundred and Twenty-third No. 47. Senor in On_ Hundred and Eleventh street,

street, from Se..ond to Third avenue, and to the extent of between Seventh rend Eighth avenues. FINANCE DEPARTMENT. half the block at the intersecting avenues. No. 5o. Paving Eighty-first street, from Boulevard to

__ _ _ __ -..____. _ - - No. 3. South side ,-f One Hundred and Fourteenth Ninth avenue, with trap-block pavement.

~~c \E'a V. h. street, between Second and Third avenues. \n. 5r. Paving E~ hey-second street, from Ninth Cur}' :a Ni,. 4. North side of One Hcndred and Thirty-fifth avenue to the Boulevard, wita granite and trap block Frn~.scE DEV:vRrttE~T, street, between Third avenue and Mott Haven canal. pavement. CO~IFTRULLERS C)r FICE,

Decemter zt r "o3. , All persons whose interests are affected by the above- No. 52. Paving Lexington avenue, between Seventy- named assesstnents, and who are oppos..d to the same, or fourth and Seventy-ninth streets. either of them. are requested to present their objections No. 53. Paving 12xmgton avenue, between Seventy.

NO I ICE TO PROPERTY -O« \ERS. in writing to the Board of Assessors, at tf eir office, No. ninth and Eighty-fifth streets. r t hh City Hall, within thirty days from the date of this No. 54. Regulating and grading, setting curb and gut- notice. ter .tunes in ,.eve„tv_tbird street. from Third avenue to

No. g. Both sides of Avenue A, from Fifty-fourth to Fifty seventh street, and to the extent of half the block at the t.ttersecting streets.

No. to. Both sides of East One Hundred and Thirty- seventh street, from Third avenue to a point about 425 feet east of Willis avenue, and Loth sides of Lincoln. Alexander, and Willis avenues, from One Hundred and Thirty-sixth to One 1-Iundred and Thirty-eighth street.

No. rt. Both sides of One Hundred .,tad Forty-first street, front Third avenue to Alexander avenue, and west side of Alexander avenue, from One Hundred and Forty. first to One Hundred and Forty-second street.

No. t2. Both sides of One Hundred and Fifty-third street, from Tenth avenue to the Boulevard.

No. 13. Both sides of Madison avenue, from One Hun-dred and Tenth to One Hundred and Sixteenth street, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets.

No. r4. Both sides of Sixty-seventh street, from Bottle-vard to Tenth avenue, and to the extent of ha'.f the block at the intersecting aventres.

No. r5. Both sidess of One Hundred and Thirtieth street, from Sixth to Eighth avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues.

No. r6. Both sides of One Hundred and Twenty-third street, from First to Second avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues.

No. 07. Both sides of Ninety-ninth street, from Third avenue to Exterior street, anti to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues.

No. r8. Both sides of Lex'ngton avenue, from Ninety. sixth to Ninety-seventh street.

No. tg. Both sides of Fourth avenue, from Sevcnty-second to Nicety-sixth sreet, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets.

No. so. Both sides of West End avenue, from Ninety. first to Ninety-sixth street, and both sides of Ninety-third street, between West End avenue and the Boule-vard : also blocs bounded by Nicety-first and Ninety-third streets, ' Vest End and Rivrr,ide avenues ; also blocks bounded by Ninety-first and Ninety-sixths streets West Ertel avenue and Boulevard.

No. at. Both sides of Lexington avenue, from Ninety. third to Ninety-fifth street, and to the extent of half the block at the intersections of Ninety-third and Ninety-feurth streets.

Nu. 22. lloth sides ofSixty-eighth street, from Avenue A to First avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues.

No. 23. Fast side of Tenth avenue,betwcen 0:-e Him-dred and Twenty-eighth acd One Hundred and'1'Lirticth streets, and block, bounded by - tutu and Tenth avenues, One Hundred and '1 welr.y-north and One Hundred and Thirty-first sn-cets.

No. e4. Bath -i,los rif 'wentvdnur-hi, Twenty-fifth and Tw._nty-sixth streets, between blcv.,uh and 'thirteenth acenuss ; ads i cast side it Tiu-tccuth avenue, l,etween Twenty-f,urth ac..' - t'w'enty seventh streets, and also bloc ke ire U' by Tscenty-fourth and Twenty-seventh Streets, Ilicmth arch 1'hir.eentIi or, tires.

No. 25. Both sides of One Ilundred and Fifty-eighth street, from Third avenue to Railroad avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues.

No. 26. 1,oth sides of 'Third \v.:nue, front One Hun-dred and Fifty-stxch to (Inc Hundri:d and Fifty-ninth street ; also both sides of One Hundred and I dty-sixth street, from Brook avenue to Elton avenue, and alsvi property- bcun dcd by ( )tie Hmtdrwi anal Fift} sixth an.i One Hundred and Fifty-ninth strews, Third avenue at.' Elton avenue.

No. 27. Ward numbers z33 and 28.1 in the Nintl Ward.

No. z8. Both sides of (-)ne Hundred and -1 sventy-sixti. street, from 'Ninth avenue to Avenue St. Nicholas.

Ni. 29. Both sides of Ninety-fourth street, fir .m Ninth to 'Tenth avenues.

No. 3a. Boa.h sides of One Hundred and Thirty-fifth street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues.

No. 3t. West side of Willis avenue, commencing 25 feet north of East One Hundred and Forty-fourth street and extending nortlteily 125 feet.

No. 32. Loth sides of Seventy-first street, from Avenue . A to the East river.

No. 33. Stilt side of Eighty-fourth street, between Third and Lexington avenues.

No. 34. Both sides of 'Thompson street, between West Third and West Fourth streets.

No. 35 East side of Eighth avenue, between One Hun-dred and 'Twenty-fourth and One Hundred and 'Twenty. fifth streets.

No. 36. East side of Madison avenue, from One Hun-dred and T\venty-fifth to One Hundred and "Twenty-sixth street.

No. 37. Both sides of Ninety-eighth street, from Eighth to Ninth avenue.

No. 38. Both sides of Ninety-eighth street, from Ninth avenue to the Boulevard.

No. 39. Both sides of One hundred and Twenty-sev-enth street, from Sixth to Seventh avenue.

No. 40. Both sides of One Hundred and Si.cth street, from'1'hlyd to Lexington:,s-enuc, and to the extetrc of half tl.e block at the intersecting a,.enues.

No. 4t. Both sides of O:,e Hundred and Seventh street, from First to Third avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting acoCues.

Ni-i. 42. Eat side of Filth avenue, from Seventy-second to Eighty-sixth street.

No 43. Both sides of One Hundred and '1'wenty-second street, from Seventh to Eighth avenue.

No. 44. East side of Tenth avenue, from One Hundred and Sixteenth to One Hundred and Eighteenth street, and block bounded by One Hundred and Sixteenth and One Hundred and Seventeenth streets, Ninth and Tenth avenues.

No 45. Both sides of Chambers street, between Chatham and Centre streets.

No. 46. Both sides of Eighty-seventh street, from First to Second avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues.

No. 47. West side of Eleventh avenue, between Twen-ty-fourth and 'Twenty-fifth streets, and south side of 1w-enty-fifth street, extending ray feet westerly from Eleventh avenue.

No. 48. Both sides of One Hundred and First street, from Riverside to West End .formerly Eleventh- avenue.

No. 49. Both sides of One Hundred and Eleventh street, from Seventh to Ei_hth avenue.

No. so. Loth sides of Eighty-first street, from Boule-vard to Ninth avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues.

No. 5t. Both sides of Eight y•-Second street, from Ninth avenue to the Boulevard, ;nerd to the extent of half the block at the inter.;ecting avenues.

No. 52. Both sides of Lexington avenue, between Seventy-fourth and Seventy-ninth streets, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets.

No. 53. Both sides of Lexington avenue, from Seventy-ninth to Eighty-fifth street, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets.

No. 54. Both sides of Seventy-third street, from Third avenue to the Fast river.

No. 55. Beth sides of One Hundred and Thirteenth street, from Fifth to Eighth avenue.

No. 56. Both sides of Third avenue, from Ninety-third to One Hundred and First street. No. 57. Blocks bounded by Ninety-ninth and One

Hundred and Ninth streets, First and Second avenues, also blocks bounded by One Hundredth and One Hun-dred and Seventh streets, First avenue and Avenue A.

All persons whose interests are affected by the above-named assessments, and who are opposed to the same, or either of them, are requested to present their objections in writing to the Board of Assessors, at their office, No. tr4 City Hall, within thirty days from the date of this notice.

The above-described lists will be transmitted, as pro-vided by law, to the Board of Revision and Correction of Assessments for confirmation, on the z8th December ensuing.


Board of Assessor OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF Ass6.Bs0RSg

No. x n CITY HALL, New YORK, November 27, 1883.