The Circuit · Minister of Music, Worship, and...

The Circuit Writer State Street United Methodist Church 1101 State Street P.O. Box 3340 Bowling Green, KY 42102-3340 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit Number 325 Bowling Green, KY Return Service Requested Registration is now open at Spread the word! Vacation Bible School July 15th—19th State Street Staff Senior Pastor ~ Dr. Jay Smith Minister of Music, Worship, and Congregational Care ~ Lee Young Minister of Student Formation ~ Jami Unland Director of Children & Family Ministries ~ Kyle Summers Director of Discipleship ~ Jennifer Dickinson Interim Liturgy Worship Assistant ~ Gary Chapman Organist ~ Julie Pride Business Manager ~ Tricia Hendrix Church Hostess ~ Betty Lee Maintenance ~ Dennis Jones Making disciples of Jesus Christ around the corner and around the world! 1101 State Street | Bowling Green, KY (270) 842-8171 | July 4 Office Closed July 10 5:00 p.m. Church Picnic Kereiakes Park July 15-19 VBS 5:30 p.m. Dinner 6-8 p.m. VBS July 13 & 14th 2 p.m. VBS Set Up June 30-July 6 Youth Mission Trip July 23 Trustees Meeting The Distinguishing Marks of a MethodistIn 1742, John Wesley, our spiritual father and founder of the Methodist movement, wrote an informational pamphlet entitled The Character of a Methodist,to help define as he put it, the principles and practice whereby those who are called Methodists are distinguished from other people.It has long been one of my favorite writings of Wesley and one that I believe has great relevance for us particularly during this time of great turmoil and uncertainty in our beloved United Methodist Church. It would be too long to share in its entirety (you can Google John Wesley and The Character of a Methodistto find the whole text), but I offer some excerpts that in my mind speak timelessly to what we are called to be and do as faithful Methodist Christians today. (Since Wesley was, of course, a man of his time and only used the male pronoun to refer to Methodists, I will make his words more inclusive.) The distinguishing marks of a Methodist are not his or her opinions of any sort. His or her assenting to this or that scheme of religion, his or her embracing any particular set of notions, his or her espousing the judgment of one man or woman or another, are all quite wide of the point...We believe, indeed, that all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God’...We believe the written word of God to be the only and sufficient rule both of Christian faith and practice...We believe Christ to be the eternal supreme God...But as to all opinions which do not strike at the root of Christianity we think and let think...We do not place the whole of religion either in doing harm, or in doing good, or in using the ordinances of God...A Methodist is one who has the love of God shed abroad in his or her heart by the Holy Ghost given unto him or her’: one who loves the Lord God with all his or her heart, and with all his or her soul, and with all his or her mind, and with all his or her strength’. God is the joy of his or her heart and the de- sire of his or her soul...He or she is therefore happy in God...He or she cannot but rejoice, whenever he or she looks on the state wherein he or she now is; being justified freely, and having peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ’... In a world whose distinguishing marksare too often characterized by loud, mean-spirited, divisive debates where the only goal is to demoralize and demonize our opponents, may God give us the grace and courage to distinguish ourselves by Wesleys/Jesustwo primary marks of lov- ing God and loving our neighbors. Much grace and peace, Dr. Jay July 26 6:35 p.m. Faith & Family Night BG Hot Rods

Transcript of The Circuit · Minister of Music, Worship, and...

  • The Circuit Writer

    State Street United Methodist Church 1101 State Street

    P.O. Box 3340 Bowling Green, KY 42102-3340

    Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit Number 325 Bowling Green, KY

    Return Service Requested

    Registration is now open at

    Spread the word!

    Vacation Bible School July 15th—19th

    State Street Staff

    Senior Pastor ~ Dr. Jay Smith

    Minister of Music, Worship, and Congregational Care ~ Lee Young

    Minister of Student Formation ~ Jami Unland

    Director of Children & Family Ministries ~ Kyle Summers Director of Discipleship ~ Jennifer Dickinson

    Interim Liturgy Worship Assistant ~ Gary Chapman Organist ~ Julie Pride

    Business Manager ~ Tricia Hendrix

    Church Hostess ~ Betty Lee

    Maintenance ~ Dennis Jones

    Making disciples of Jesus Christ around the corner and around the world!

    1101 State Street | Bowling Green, KY (270) 842-8171 |

    July 4

    Office Closed

    July 10

    5:00 p.m. Church Picnic Kereiakes Park

    July 15-19 VBS

    5:30 p.m. Dinner 6-8 p.m. VBS

    July 13 & 14th

    2 p.m. VBS Set Up

    June 30-July 6

    Youth Mission Trip

    July 23 Trustees Meeting

    “The Distinguishing Marks of a Methodist”

    In 1742, John Wesley, our spiritual father and founder of the Methodist movement, wrote an informational pamphlet entitled “The Character of a Methodist,” to help define as he put it, “the principles and practice whereby those who are called Methodists are distinguished from other people.” It has long been one of my favorite writings of Wesley and one that I believe has great relevance for us particularly during this time of great turmoil and uncertainty in our beloved United Methodist Church. It would be too long to share in its entirety (you can Google “John Wesley and The Character of a Methodist” to find the whole text), but I offer some excerpts that in my mind speak timelessly to what we are called to be and do as faithful Methodist Christians today. (Since Wesley was, of course, a man of his time and only used the male pronoun to refer to Methodists, I will make his words more inclusive.) The distinguishing marks of a Methodist are not his or her opinions of any sort. His or her assenting to this or that scheme of religion, his or her embracing any particular set of notions, his or her espousing the judgment of one man or woman or another, are all quite wide of the point...We believe, indeed, that ‘all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God’...We believe the written word of God to be the only and sufficient rule both of Christian faith and practice...We believe Christ to be the eternal supreme God...But as to all opinions which do not strike at the root of Christianity we think and let think...We do not place the whole of religion either in doing harm, or in doing good, or in using the ordinances of God… ...A Methodist is one who has ‘the love of God shed abroad in his or her heart by the Holy Ghost given unto him or her’: one who ‘loves the Lord God with all his or her heart, and with all his or her soul, and with all his or her mind, and with all his or her strength’. God is the joy of his or her heart and the de-sire of his or her soul...He or she is therefore happy in God...He or she cannot but rejoice, whenever he or she looks on the state wherein he or she now is; ‘being justified freely, and having peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ’... In a world whose “distinguishing marks” are too often characterized by loud, mean-spirited, divisive debates where the only goal is to demoralize and demonize our opponents, may God give us the grace and courage to distinguish ourselves by Wesley’s/Jesus’ two primary marks of lov-ing God and loving our neighbors. Much grace and peace, Dr. Jay

    July 26 6:35 p.m. Faith &

    Family Night BG Hot Rods

  • The Circuit Writer 2

    State Street UMC: Strong Foundation, Strong Future

    State Street’s stained glass windows are both beautiful and historical. They were made by Flannagan & Biedenweg Co. of Chicago, IL in 1896 for the sum of $1,000. Several memorial windows in the Sanctuary are a link to the area’s history and are a quite interesting study. Windows on the south wall were given by the Wright-Thomas family connections. Thomas B. Wright was a physician, Bowling Green’s first mayor, he established the first water system and was the first president of War-

    ren’s Deposit Bank. The church was built on the site of his home that was later sold by his daughter, Elizabeth W. Thomas. A tree in the center of the window is a reminder of an apple tree that had to be cut from this lot. On the north side of the Sanctuary, the “Bible” windows denote the P. J. Potter family. Potter was director of the L&N Railroad and later a banker. Some other historical names are B. F. Cabell, who helped establish Potter College and was its first president and Alex Duvall, a dry goods store merchant who signed the contract for the windows on behalf of the Board of Stewards (Trustees). Other windows feature many Christian symbols such as angels, a crown and cross and a dove of peace. One shows the initials “EL”, meant to symbolize the Epworth League which was the forerunner of UM youth ministries and on another is featured a painting of our second church building. A Narthex window bears the curious legend, “To traveling men, the Church is home.” The windows have been refurbished three times in their long history and currently are in need of another restoration as some frames are showing signs of damage due to mortar deterioration that allows penetration of moisture and the Lexan coverings have become cloudy. This work is quite costly and will be done as soon as funds are available. Thank you for generous and faithful giving that supports the programs and missions of the church as well as the maintenance of a beautiful historical 100-year old building.

    Lets go out to the ballgame on Friday, July 26 for Faith and Family night at the BG Hot Rods stadium. Game

    time is 6:35 pm. The cost of the tickets is $8. We want to sit together as a church family so let me know how many

    tickets you need by signing up on the signup sheet on the bulletin board or email me at [email protected]. By

    Sunday July 14th. The Color, a Christian group will have a concert after

    the game.

    Are you interested in a Women’s Bible study? Monday July 1st we will start the study Seamless by Angie Smith. We will meet from 6:00-8:00pm in the Library at SSUMC. The cost of the book is $14. Childcare will be provided. Please contact me, Jennifer Dickinson, at [email protected] to register for childcare and to receive your book.

    Join SSUMC for a picnic at Kereiakes Park Wednesday July,10th from 5:00-8:00 pm. Drinks and grilled hotdogs will be provided. Bring your favorite dish to share. Come enjoy a night of games, food and fellowship. Bring a friend!

    The Circuit Writer 7

  • The Circuit Writer 6 The Circuit Writer 3

    Trent & LeeYoung 02 Steve & Von Rey 05 Ronnie & April Fulcher 09 Art & Debbie Robb 12 Barbara & Harry Grider 14 Angie & Charlie Cunningham 15 Pamela & Jonathan Jukes 20 David & Joy Beth Dunn 24 Thad & Pam Connally 27 Mike & Iris Dotson 27 Gary & Teresa Lanham 28 Tamara & Larry Snyder 31

    Karen Holland 02 Vivian Rice 02 Marian Smith 02 Julie Grim-Hale 02 Allie Young 02 David Dunn 03 Nicholas Lowe 03 Kevin Westray 03 Mark Dickinson 06 Luke Carter 07 Nancy Kinsner 07 Jim DeCesare 10 Glenna Burton 11 Jonathan Jukes 15 Gina Bingham 15 Tristan Martin 16 Jim Richards 16 Steve Allen 17 Don Howell 17 Sue Pauli 17 Bob Rice 17 Larry Scott 18 Helen Sterk 19 Bode Knee 20 Bill Napier 20 Reagan Vaughan 21 Jennifer Dotson 22 Charley Pride 22 Ryan Butler 24 Jack Butler 25 Teresa Lanham 25 Dot Brown 26 Aubin Jefferson 26 Alan Cannon 27 Justin DeCesare 28 Sue Zoller 29



    Please Remember Our Special Friends in Prayer:

    Prayer Requests

    Please Note: The names of persons for whom prayer has been requested will remain on our prayer list for one month unless we are notified otherwise.

    The names of the homebound and ill of our church family as well as our church leaders and military will be kept on our list indefinitely.

    Gifts Given to the Church

    In Memory of...

    Tommy Durham & Calvin Leavy Given to the Designated Choir Fund by The Chancel Choir

    In Honor of…

    2019 Graduates—Benjamin Carter, Lucas Fulcher, Tanner Martin, Will Parks, Marie Samardzia, Sam Sutton, Sam Vitale and Nick Westray Given to the Strong Foundation/Strong Future Fund by The Smith Family

    Homebound Bridgepointe Madge Bailey Carolyn Brake Magnolia Village Nancy Napier Jenrose Pierce

    Village Manor Sarah Watson Ed & Helen Henderson Massey Springs Sue Penn

    Charter Senior Living Jackie Mathison Ken Whitfield Dick Cooper

    Recent Requests: Nicole LeCody Mark Embry Josh Watson Barbara Balas Trish & Kelly Lawrence Beverly Dorrance Brian Lance Lisa Jaggers Sharyk Lewis Carrie Wagoner Gilreath Aslan & Journey Bishop Betty Estes Regina Priddy Pete Mahurin Jennifer Wallace Brenda Reilly Debbie London Phillip Rogers

    On Going Requests: Carl Dobson Gregg Acree James Supulski Bill Dickinson Keith Hilliard Marie Shobe Karyn Hubbard Jim Hazel Mike Welch Rev Freddy Brown

    Our Military: Caleb Moore (U.S. Army)

    On Going Requests: (Church Family)

    Betty Satterfield Bernard Fullen Glenna Burton Ann McCormack Corinne Meeks Dan Riley Dorothy Dodson Covella Biggers Clarice Scarborough Jenrose Pierce Julie Grim Suzanne Vitale

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