The Chubby lock service for loosely‐coupled distributed ... · The Chubby lock service for...

The Chubby lock service for loosely‐coupled distributed systems Presented by Petko Nikolov Cornell University 3/12/09

Transcript of The Chubby lock service for loosely‐coupled distributed ... · The Chubby lock service for...

Page 1: The Chubby lock service for loosely‐coupled distributed ... · The Chubby lock service for loosely‐coupled distributed systems Presented by Petko Nikolov Cornell University 3/12/09





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•  Widerangeofdistributedsystems•  Clientsinthe10,000s•  HowtodoprimaryelecJon?– Adhoc(noharmfromduplicatedwork)– OperatorintervenJon(correctnessessenJal)

•  Disorganized•  Costly•  Lowavailability

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•  Needforservicethatprovides– synchronizaJon(leaderelecJon,–  reliability– availability– easy‐to‐understandsemanJcs

– performance,throughput,latencyonlysecondary

•  NOTresearch

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•  PrimaryElecJon– Paxos

•  Design•  UseandObservaJons•  RelatedWork

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•  Distributedconsensusproblem•  AsynchronouscommunicaJon–  loss,delay,reordering

•  FLPimpossibilityresult

•  SoluJon:Paxosprotocol

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•  CollecJonofprocessesproposingvalues– onlyproposedvaluemaybechosen

– onlysinglevaluechosen–  learnofchosenvalueonlywhenithasbeen

•  Proposers,acceptors,learners•  Asynchronous,non‐ByzanJnemodel– arbitraryspeeds,failbystopping,restart– messagesnotcorrupted

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has repliedto,respondwithpromise.Phase2(a) Ifmajorityreply,proposersendsaccept

with valuev(b) Acceptoracceptsunlessitrespondedto


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•  Learningofchosenvalue– disJnguishedlearneropJmizaJon

•  haspi_alls

•  Makingprogress– disJnguishedproposer

•  Usually,everyprocessplaysallroles– primaryasdisJnguishedproposerandlearner 

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•  Replicatedstatemachine– samestateifsamesequenceofops.performed

•  Clientsendsrequeststoserver–  replicatedwithPaxos

•  Paxosusedtoagreeonorderofclientops.– canhavefailures/morethan1master

– Paxosguaranteesonly1valuechosen&replicated

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•  Lockservice(andnotconsensuslibrary)•  Servesmallfiles

•  Supportlarge‐scaleconcurrentfileviewing•  EventnoJficaJonmechanism

•  Cachingoffiles(consistentcaching)•  Security(accesscontrol)•  Course‐grainedlocks

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•  Lockservicevs.Paxoslibrary•  Advantages– maintainprogramstructure,comm.pacers

– mechanismforadverJsingresults– persuadingprogrammerstouseit–  reduce#ofclientserversneededtomakeprogress

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•  Course‐grainedlocks–  lessloadonlockserver–  lessdelaywhenlockserverfails– shouldsurvivelockserverfailures–  lesslockserversandavailabilityrequired

•  Fine‐grainedlocks– heavierlockserverload,moreclientstallingonfail– canbeimplementedonclientside

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•  Twomaincomponents:–  server(Chubbycell)–  clientlibrary–  communicateviaRPC

•  Proxy–  opJonal–  moreonthislater

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•  Setofreplicas(typically5)•  UsePaxostoelectmaster– promisenottoelectnewmasterforsomeJme(masterlease)

•  Maintaincopiesofsimpledatabase

•  WritessaJsfiedbymajorityquorum

•  ReadssaJsfiedbymasteralone

•  Replacementsystemforfailedreplicas

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•  Linkagainstlibrary•  MasterlocaJonrequeststoreplicas

•  Allrequestssentdirectlytomaster

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•  FSinterface– /ls/cs6464‐cell/lab2/test– specializedAPI– alsoviainterfaceusedbyGFS

•  Doesnotsupport/maintain/reveal– movingfiles

– path‐dependentpermissionsemanJcs– dirmodifiedJmes/filelast‐accessJmes

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•  permanentvs.ephemeral•  Metadata–  threenamesofACLs(R/W/changeACLname)

•  authenJcaJonbuiltintoRPC– 4monotonicallyincreasing64‐bitnumbers

•  instance,contentgeneraJon,lockgeneraJon,ACLgen.– 64‐bitfile‐contentchecksum

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•  AnalogoustoUNIXfiledescriptors•  Checkdigits– preventclientcreaJng/guessinghandles

•  Supportforuseacrossmasterchanges– sequencenumber– modeinformaJonforrecreaJngstate

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•  Anynodecanactaslock(sharedorexclusive)•  Advisory(vs.mandatory)– protectresourcesatremoteservices

– debugging/admin.purposes– novalueinextraguardsbymandatorylocks

•  Writepermissionneededtoacquire– preventsunprivilegedreaderblockingprogress

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•  Complexinasyncenvironment•  Usesequence#’sininteracJonsusinglocks•  Sequencer– opaquebyte‐string– stateoflockimmediatelyajeracquisiJon– passedbyclienttoservers,serversvalidate

•  AlternaJve:lock‐delay

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•  ClientsubscribeswhencreaJnghandle•  Deliveredasyncviaup‐callfromclientlibrary•  Eventtypes– filecontentsmodified– childnodeadded/removed/modified– Chubbymasterfailedover– handle/lockhavebecomeinvalid–  lockacquired/conflicJnglockrequest(rarelyused)

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•  Open()(onlycallusingnamednode)– howhandlewillbeused(accesscheckshere)– eventstosubscribeto–  lock‐delay– whethernewfile/dirshouldbecreated

•  Close()vs.Poison()•  Otherops:

–  GetContentsAndStat(),SetContents(),Delete(),Acquire(),TryAcquire(),Release(),GetSequencer(),SetSequencer(),CheckSequencer()

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•  PrimaryelecJonexample•  Candidatesacempttoopenlockfile/getlock– winnerwritesidenJtywithSetContents()–  replicasfindoutwithGetContentsAndStat(),possiblyajerfile‐modificaJonevent

•  Primaryobtainssequencer(GetSequencer())

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•  SessionmaintainedthroughKeepAlives•  Handles,locks,cacheddataremainvalid– clientmustacknowledgeinvalidaJonmessages

•  Terminatedexplicitly,orajerleaseJmeout

•  LeaseJmeoutadvancedwhen– sessioncreated– masterfail‐overoccurs

– masterrespondstoKeepAliveRPC

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•  MasterrespondsclosetoleaseJmeout•  ClientsendsanotherKeepAliveimmediately

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•  Handles,locks,cacheddataremainvalid– clientmustacknowledgeinvalidaJonmessages

•  CacheinvalidaJonspiggybackedonKeepAlive– clientmustinvalidatetomaintainsession– RPC’sflowfromclienttomaster– allowsoperaJonthroughfirewalls

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•  ClientmaintainslocalleaseJmeout– conservaJveapproximaJon

– mustassumeknownrestricJonsonclockskew

•  Whenlocalleaseexpires– disablecache– sessioninjeopardy,clientwaitsingraceperiod– cacheenabledonreconnect

•  ApplicaJoninformedaboutsessionchanges

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•  Clientcachesfiledata,nodemeta‐data– write‐throughheldinmemory

•  InvalidaJon– masterkeepslistofwhatclientsmayhavecached– writesblock,mastersendsinvalidaJons– clientsflushchangeddata,ack.withKeepAlive– datauncachableunJlinvalidaJonacked

•  allowsreadstohappenwithoutdelay

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•  Invalidatesdatabutdoesnotupdate– updaJngarbitrarilyunefficient

•  Strictvs.weakconsistency– weakermodelshardertouseforprogrammers– donotwanttoalterpreexisJngcomm.protocols

•  Handlesandlockscachedaswell– eventinformsclientofconflicJnglockrequest

•  Absenceoffilescached

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•  In‐memorystatediscarded– sessions,handles,locks,etc.

•  LeaseJmer“stops”

•  Quickre‐elecJon– clientreconnectbeforeleasesexpire

•  Slowre‐elecJon– clientsdisablecache,entergraceperiod– allowssessionsacrossfail‐overs

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Stepsofnewly‐electedmaster:1. Picknewepochnumber

2. RespondonlytomasterlocaJonrequests3. Buildin‐memorystateforsessions/locksfromDB4. RespondtoKeepAlives5. Emitfail‐overeventstocaches6. Waitforacknowledgements/sessionexpire7. AllowalloperaJonstoproceed

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Stepsofnewly‐electedmaster(cont’d):8. Handlecreatedpre‐fail‐overused–  masterrecreatesinmemory,honorscall

–  ifclosed,recordthatinmemory

10. Deleteephemeralfilesw/oopenhandlesajeraninterval

•  Fail‐overcodesourceofmanybugs

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•  FirstChubbyusedreplicatedBerkeleyDB– withmasterleaseaddedon

•  ReplicaJoncodewasnew– didnotwanttotaketherisk

•  Implementedownsimpledatabase– distributedusingconsensusprotocol

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•  Everyfewhours•  SnapshotofdatabasetoGFSserver– differentbuilding

•  buildingdamage,cyclicdependecies

•  Disasterrecovery•  IniJalizenewreplica– avoidloadonin‐servicereplicas

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•  CollecJonoffilesmirroredacrosscells•  MostlyforconfiguraJonfiles– /ls/global/mastermirroredto/ls/cell/slave

•  globalcell’sreplicasspreadaroundworld– Chubby’sownACLs– FilesadverJsingpresence/locaJon– pointerstoBigtablecells– etc.

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•  Clientsindividualprocesses(notmachines)– observed90,000clientsforasinglemaster

•  ServermachinesidenJcaltoclientones•  MosteffecJvescaling:reducecommunicaJon•  Regulate#ofChubbycells•  IncreaseleaseJme•  Caching•  Protocol‐conversionservers

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•  Proxiespassrequestsfromclientstocell•  CanhandleKeepAlivesandreads•  Notwrites,buttheyare<<1%ofworkload•  KeepAlivetrafficbyfarmostdominant

•  Disadvantages:– addiJonalRPCforwrites/firstJmereads–  increasedunavailabilityprobability–  fail‐overstrategynotideal(willcomebacktothis)

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•  NamespaceparJJonedbetweenservers•  NparJJons,eachwithmasterandreplicas

•  NodeD/CstoredonP(D/C)=hash(D)modN– meta‐dataforDmaybeondifferentparJJon

•  Liclecross‐parJJoncomm.desirable– permissionchecks– directorydeleJon– cachinghelpsmiJgatethis

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•  Manyfilesfornaming

•  Config,ACL,meta‐datacommon

•  10clientsuseeachcachedfile,onavg.

•  Fewlocksheld,nosharedlocks

•  KeepAlivesdominateRPCtraffic

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•  Sampleofcells– 61outagesoverfewweeks(700cell‐days)– duetonetworkcongesJon,maintenance,overload,errorsinsojware,hardware,operators

•  52outagesunder30s – applicaJonsnotsignificantlyaffected

•  Fewdozencell‐yearsofoperaJon– dataloston6occasions(bugs&operatorerror)

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•  MostofGoogleinfrastructureisinC++•  Growing#ofJavaapplicaJons•  GooglersdislikeJNI– wouldrathertranslatelibrarytoJava– maintainingitwouldrequiregreatexpense

•  Javausersrunprotocol‐conversionserver– exportsprotocolsimilartoChubby’sclientAPI

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•  MostpopularuseofChubby– providesnameserviceformostGooglesystems

•  DNSusesTTLvalues– entriesmustberefreshedwithinthatJme– huge(andvariable)loadonDNSserver

•  Chubby’scachingusesinvalidaJons,nopolling– clientbuildsupneededentriesincache– nameentriesfurthergroupedinbatches

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•  Nameservice– nofullconsistencyneeded–  reduceloadwithprotocol‐conversionserver

•  ChubbyDNSserver– namingdataavailabletoDNSclients– easestransiJonbetweennames

– accommodatesbrowsers

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•  MasterwritessessionstoDBwhencreated– startofmanyprocessesatonce=overload

•  DBmodified–storesessionatfirstwriteop.–  read‐onlysessions:atrandomonKeepAlives– spreadoutwritestoDBinJme

•  Youngread‐onlysessionsmaybe“discarded”– mayreadstaledataforawhileajerfail‐over– verylowprobability

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•  Newdesign–nosessionsindatabase–  recreatethemlikehandlesajerfail‐over

– newmasterwaitsfullleaseJmebeforeops.•  licleeffect–verylowprobability

•  Proxyserverscanmanagesessions– allowedtochangesessionalockisassociatedwith

•  permitstakeoverofsessionbyanotherproxyonfail

– mastergivesnewproxychancetoclaimlocksbeforerelinquishingthem

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•  Companyenvironmentassumed•  RequeststouseChubbythoroughlyreviewed•  Abuses:–  lackofaggressivecaching

•  absenceoffiles,openfilehandles–  lackofquotas

•  256kBlimitonfilesizeintroduced•  encourageduseofappropriatestoragesystems

– publish/subscribe

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•  Developersrarelyconsideravailability– shouldplanforshortChubbyoutages– crashedapplicaJonsonfail‐overevent

•  Fine‐grainedlockingnotessenJal•  PoorAPIchoices– handlesacquiringlockscannotbeshared

•  RPCuseaffectstransportprotocols–  forcedtosendKeepAlivesbyUDPforJmeliness

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Chubby•  locks,storagesystem,

session/leaseinoneservice•  targetaudience–wide

range•  higher‐levelinterface•  lostlockexpensivefor

clients•  coulduselocksand



•  3separateservices–  lock,Paxos,failuredetecJon–  couldbeusedindependently

•  fewer,moresophisJcateddevelopers

•  differentdefaultparameters•  lacksgraceperiod•  useslocksprimarilywithin

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•  Distributedlockservice– course‐grainedsynchronizaJonforGoogle’sdistributedsystems

•  Designbasedonwell‐knownideas– distributedconsensus,caching,noJficaJons,file‐systeminterface

•  Primaryinternalnameservice

•  Repositoryforfilesrequiringhighavailability

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