The Christian Caller · The Christian Caller Mackinaw Christian Church September 2019 Night on the...

The Christian Caller Mackinaw Christian Church ▪ September 2019 Night on the Farm September 18th at 5:45 p.m. The Cornwells have graciously agreed to host us again at their farm. Please join us for hotdogs, smores, a hay- rack ride, and wonderful fellowship. Bring a chair if you would like and a side dish or dessert to share. Please call the church for the address. Wednesday Night Bible Studies Please join us Wednesday night for dinner and Bible study. We begin on September 25th. Each week we will be meet from 5:45-7:15 p.m. There will be studies for kids and adults. Come learn and get to one another more deeply. Join us September 17th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Community Center This will be our first community con- versation this fall. Erin Osborn will teach us about navigating the mental health system. Come and bring your questions. Family First Begins Again! Join us October 2nd for our first Family First of the year. This is a potluck meal so bring a dish to share. We willeat at 5:45 and then once we are finished eating we will gath- er for a game Bible Jeopardy. Come with your knowledge and competitive spirits. It will be fun!

Transcript of The Christian Caller · The Christian Caller Mackinaw Christian Church September 2019 Night on the...

Page 1: The Christian Caller · The Christian Caller Mackinaw Christian Church September 2019 Night on the Farm September 18th at 5:45 p.m. The Cornwells have graciously agreed to host us

The Christian Caller Mackinaw Christian Church ▪ September 2019

Night on the Farm

September 18th at 5:45 p.m.

The Cornwells have graciously agreed to host us again at their farm. Please join us for hotdogs, s’mores, a hay-rack ride, and wonderful fellowship. Bring a chair if you

would like and a side dish or dessert to share. Please call the church for the address.

Wednesday Night Bible Studies

Please join us Wednesday night for dinner and Bible study.

We begin on September 25th. Each week we will be

meet from 5:45-7:15 p.m. There will be studies for kids and

adults. Come learn and get to one another more deeply.

Join us September 17th

from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the

Community Center

This will be our first community con-

versation this fall. Erin Osborn will

teach us about navigating the mental

health system. Come and bring your


Family First Begins Again!

Join us October 2nd for our first Family First of the year.

This is a potluck meal so bring a dish to share. We willeat

at 5:45 and then once we are finished eating we will gath-

er for a game Bible Jeopardy. Come with your knowledge

and competitive spirits. It will be fun!

Page 2: The Christian Caller · The Christian Caller Mackinaw Christian Church September 2019 Night on the Farm September 18th at 5:45 p.m. The Cornwells have graciously agreed to host us

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Hello Friends,

I returned from Colorado two weeks ago. It was good to be on vacation, have some time with both

of my parents, and breathe the fresh mountain air that always brings me renewal. But it is also

really good to be back.

I have enjoyed hearing the kids at recess once again from my office after the quiet of the summer.

I have also received gifts from gardens from several members as well as being able to share some

of my produce from the garden with friends. And this past week, we just had one of my favorite

events of the year, Kickball and Ice Cream! Two of my favorite things, playing a game outside and

dessert, combined together in one evening and with people I love. I am so grateful to be a part of

this community. This community that knows how to play together, to nurture one another, and to

seek God together. I am grateful to be a part of a community that I love to return to because I see

and experience God’s love through you all. So thank you for being who you are!

With the cooler, wonderful weather it seems that

fall is closer to us now. Summer is wonderful with

different adventures and doing different activities.

We have church camp, VBS, and often vacations,

but the loss of a regular routine can also be

exhausting. It is good to return to a more normal

rhythm. I am looking forward to many things this

fall. Our Wednesday night programs, community

conversations, and new series in our weekly


Peace be with you, Pastor Judith

New Worship Series!

Join us in the month of September exploring the book

of Jeremiah. The prophet, Jeremiah, lived during a tu-

multuous and difficult time of Judah. This book brings

us face to face with human waywardness. This is not a

fun topic but it is an important one. We must try to look

truthfully at ourselves as the prophets challenge us to.

Together we will practice confession, we will remind

ourselves that God created us and continues to molds us

and has plans for us, and that ultimately even when we

go astray, even God is angry and disappointed with us,

there is hope for renewal and the restoration of our rela-

tionship with God. I hope you can join us in worship.

Also, during this series I will be making weekly study

guides so you can explore the book further at home.

Page 3: The Christian Caller · The Christian Caller Mackinaw Christian Church September 2019 Night on the Farm September 18th at 5:45 p.m. The Cornwells have graciously agreed to host us

We will keep you in our prayers . . .

Dylan (V. Hand); Judy Rich (M. Rich); Karen Snyder (G. Williams); Hearold Skillrood (R. Erickson); Laurie (R. Erickson); Kyle Mackiewich (E.&K. Anderson); Margaret Hearne (M. Ralston); Steve Anderson (E. Anderson); Betty (R. Erickson); Jason Coryell (S. Porter); Tim Snyder (B. Lape); Denae Richardson (D. Walcott); Nancy (R. Erickson); Matt Bearrows (G. Nunley); Pat Kilby; Brad Shaw (B. Cagle); Aunt Pat (S&P Forsythe); Tom Sweckard (M. Rich); Belva

Erickson (R. Erickson); Becky Grizzoffi (B. Gresham); Amy Stone (K. Parmele); Lee Smith (D. Gresham); Zachery Feldman (K. Cornwell); Tom Justus (K. Parmele); Nicole Crombie (R. Erickson); Bob Wood (G. Nunley); Becca Cloyd (M.&S. Rich); Mason Rinkenberger (K. Parmele); John Oetzel (T. Laidig); Dan & Belva Cross (R. Erickson); Will Denny (E.&K. Anderson); Teresa Asmus Altes (B. Lape); Shelly Semingson (R. Erickson); Christal Dagit (K. Parmele); Hailey (R. Erickson); Larry Tapp (T. Laidig); Marvin Scott; Lee Erickson; Cheryl Mickna (S. Rich); Lori Smith (R. Erickson); Hunter Mull & All Units Deployed to Afghanistan; Shooting Victims in El Paso, TX, Dayton, OH, & Chicago; Gloria Walcott; Bob Porter; Emory (S.&P. Forsythe); Gloria Williams Grief: The Family of Charlotte Cooper (J. Bratcher); The Family of Kim Johnson (R. Erickson); The Whitaker & Embry Families of Grant Whitaker (K. Parmele) Our Homebound & Care Facility Residents: Dean Hasty — Hopedale Nursing Home Eva Reid—308 W. South Street, Tremont, IL 61568 Alma Wilson—421 N.W. Main Street, Hopedale, IL 61747 Pat Kilby—Reflections Memory Care Senior Living, 1717 N. Main St. Morton, IL 61550 Clyde Martin—Hopedale Nursing Home—Rm. 5208

A new prayer list is started each month. If your loved one desires continued prayer,

The Christian Caller Page 3

Say “Happy Birthday” to . . 2—Brenda Cagle 3—Dianne Walcott 4—Karalyn Rich 8—Gale Gresham 14—Lee Jacobs 15—Stephen Forsythe

Did we miss you? Please notify our Church Secretary with your birthdate.

I want to share a huge thank you to all who shared during the “God in Our

Lives” series. Thank you Erin Gresham, Arlene Conaghan, Kent Hartter, and

Sarah Laidig. Their stories were powerful testimonies of how God is with us

as a traveling companion, how God offers us peace even in times of pain and

sorrow, how God challenges and transforms us. I give thanks to the power of

God in each of our lives and especially to these four who shared their stories

with the congregation. — Pastor Judith

16—Bill Cagle 23— Gloria Davis 24—Louise Moser, Barb Lape 26—Judy Lockenour 27—Sharon Neeley 30—Bruce Walcott

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Outreach Update

Our first pick up for the Back Pack program was Wed, Aug. 7. We will get the head count within the first week or two of school and

the high school Life Skills class will begin packing the weekly packs.

In July we were able to assist a family with an Ameren bill. $200.00 donation was sent to the Mackinaw Community Center

towards their back to school supplies.

New book for book study!

Join us in reading He Who Wept: An Epic Novel of Jere-

miah by Thom Lemmon. This is a different genre for this

group. It is an extra-biblical take on the life of Jeremiah. I

have found books like this can help the story within the

Bible come more alive and bring more imagery to what we

already know about the Bible. However, it is important to

keep in mind this is one author’s take. Join us to see what

we can learn about Jeremiah.

We will meet Monday, October 7th, at 6:30 p.m.

Welcome Kate Summers to

Mackinaw Christian Church!

Kate will be a minister intern this fall. She will be with us on Sundays and Wednesday. We are happy to have her, get to know her, and learn from her as she also learns from us. Here is a little bit about her. Hello, I am Kate Summers, a senior at Eureka College, majoring in Religion and Philosophy and minoring in Psychology. My parents are both ministers and recently moved to Kentucky, from Mount Carmel, Illinois, where I called home for most of my life. I am a member of Delta Zeta sorority, head of Greek recruitment, along with being President of Eureka College Disciples on Campus. I look forward to continuing to grow with the faith community at Mackinaw Christian Church.

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Offerings for 2019

Budget per month: $9,591.58 July giving: $6,473.00

Serving Schedule

September 1

Elder: Ruth Erickson Diaconate: Jon & Angie Scott, Mark Rich Comm. Prep.: Jill Gresham/Dianne Walcott Greeters: N. D. Jerry & Karan Parmele S.D. Jim & Rhea Cornwell Scripture Reader: Angie Scott Media: Jill Gresham September 8

Elder: Kent Hartter Diaconate: Eric & Kris Anderson, Bryce Williams Comm. Prep.: Gwen Nunley/Angie Scott Greeters: N. D. Jerry & Diane Lloyd S.D. Keith & Kim Cornwell Scripture Reader: Bruce Walcott Media: Brian Ralston September 15

Elder: Keith Cornwell Diaconate: Brian Ralston, Vickie Hand, Julie Haensel Comm. Prep.: Roz Long/Gloria Davis Greeters: N. D. Steve & Nancy Tate S.D. Jeff Runyon Scripture Reader: Jill Gresham Media: Jill Gresham September 22

Elder: Jeff Runyon Diaconate: Dianne Walcott, Brenda Cagle Bryce Williams Comm. Prep.: Nancy Tate/Marilyn Trimble Greeters: N. D. Mike & Jill Gresham S.D. Dave & Sharon Neeley Scripture Reader: Kris Anderson Media: Dean Long September 29

Elder: Shari Rich Diaconate: Jerry Parmele, Kent Cornwell Dave Neeley Comm. Prep.: Vickie Hand/Gloria Williams Greeters: N. D. Dean & Roz Long S.D. Kent & Linda Hartter Scripture Reader: Shari Rich Media: Jill Gresham

September 2019 Calendar

1—9 a.m. Adult Sunday School Class 9:30 a.m. Donut Fellowship 10 a.m. Worship 2—Labor Day (Church Office Closed) 8— 9 a.m. Adult Sunday School Class 10 a.m. Worship 11—6 p.m. Senior Citizens Lions Club Picnic @ MCC Seniors Bring Dish To Pass 12—2 p.m. CWF Esther Circle @ MCC 14—9-10 a.m. Recovery From Loss Grief Support 15— 9 a.m. Adult Sunday School Class 10 a.m. Worship 11:15 a.m. Board Meeting 16—Caller Article Deadline 17—6-7:30 p.m. Community Conversation @ Mackinaw Community Center 18—5:45 p.m. Family First Farm Night @ Cornwell Farm 22— 9 a.m. Adult Sunday School Class 10 a.m. Worship 23-27—Pastor Judith at Bethany Retreat in MN 25—1 p.m. Caller Assembled for Mailing 5:45 p.m. Wednesday Night Dinner and Bible Study 29— 9 a.m. Adult Sunday School Class 10 a.m. Worship

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Mackinaw Christian Church

201 S. Orchard P.O. Box 259 Mackinaw, Illinois 61755

Our Mission:

Many Voices, One Faith.

Articles for the next issue of The Christian Caller are due

September 16th.


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Worship with us Sundays at 10:00 AM

Contact us Office: Monday — Friday, 9 AM to Noon Phone: 309.359.4921

Mrs. Gwen Nunley, Church Secretary Email: [email protected] Pastor Judith Guy, Senior Pastor Email: [email protected]

Have questions? Additional information is on our website:

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