The cheapest methods for cancer prevention

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Cancer is one of the devastating diseases of modern society. And since each person has a kind of "proto-oncogenes, falling into the trap of cancer has only become a lot easier. According to a survey it has been found that each year 12,000 new cancer cases arises out of which only 40% of the cases gets prevented.

Sometimes cancer can also be prevented completely. Looking at the whole country, it is quite possible that more than half of the cancer cases could be prevented, 'IF' no one uses tobacco and everyone takes steps to improve their health. Avoidance of tobacco, diet, exercise and other healthy habits are of course your first line of defense in cancer prevention, but there are also other surprising ways that you can practice in your everyday life to prevent this disease. Try these 10 cheapest ways and your risk of cancer would dwindle even more.

Eat less sugar :

Sugar is the favorite food of cancer. Just like healthy cells, cancer cells need sugar to grow. When blood flows through the tumor, about 57% of the sugar in it gets consumed by the cancer cells. So, unless you stop intaking sugary drinks, the risk of getting attacked with pancreatic cancer becomes 90% higher, than those who avoid such drinks. Therefore, it is advised not to consume more than 50g sugars per day.

Opening the window for half an hour :

Few people know that a strong kind of carcinogenic gas called radon is usually hidden in cement, granite, ceramic tiles. This gas when inhaled enters into our body through the respiratory tract and gets spread to the interior. And after a certain period of time, it causes lung cancer. So, as long as you keep the windows open, radon concentration inside your room decreases, thereby reducing the risk of lung cancer.

Eating Garlic :

Garlic is rich in antioxidants that reduces the carcinogenic nitrite content in the human body. Research has shown that people eating garlic in a large quantity have 60% lower risk of getting attacked with stomach cancer. It can be consumed raw or chopped, on a daily basis to keep cancer away.

Four cups of tea everyday :

The risk of getting attacked with cancer becomes 40% lower if you consume four to five cups of tea per day. But drinking tea that is too thick and too hot isn't good at all as this will affect its anti-cancer properties. So, the best temperature for drinking tea should be around 60 degrees Celsius.

Backrub :

Backrub is a good health care technique to drive away cancer. Backrub with a dry towel produces anti-cancer effects. And the heat generated during the process activates a kind of cell in the subcutaneous muscle tissue on the back that can destroy the cancer cells. Hold both ends of the dry towel and rub the back for over 10 minutes till the skin becomes red-hot.

Chewing a mouthful of rice for 30 times :

Chewing more reduces the burden of food in the digestive tract and this in turn reduces the risk of gastrointestinal cancer. Human saliva has a strong destroying virus property that can destroy the toxicity of aflatoxin, the main reason of liver cancer and makes it disappear within 30 seconds. So, based on the calculation of chewing, it is said that chewing a mouthful rice for 30 minutes will have anti-cancer effect.

Walking one hour everyday :

Taking a walk every day for 30 minutes after a meal, can reduce half of the risk of pancreatic cancer. And walking for an hour every day can also cut the risk of getting colorectal cancer in half. Pancreatic cancer is related to high body heat. So, daily walking can help burn calories that directly prevents pancreatic cancer.

Every day fifteen minutes sunbathe :

Sunbathe increases your body's vitamin D without any cost. So, it's the cheapest way of cancer prevention. 15 minutes of sunbathing each day is highly essential as insufficiency in vitamin D increases the risk of prostate cancer, gastric cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer.

Drink red wine while eating meat :

Red wine is made from the skin of the grape that contains a substance called resveratrol, which when consumed prevents digestive tract cancer. So, it's advisable to drink red wine while eating meat as this repels decomposition of harmful substances present in meat inside the stomach.

Sleep for seven hours :

The risk of breast cancer increases to 47% for the women sleeping less than seven hours a night. It produces melatonin while sleeping that slows down the production of estrogen in women to curb the breast cancer. Also try taking a nap at 1PM during the day time as it can enhance the immune cell activity in the body that has certain anti-cancer effects.

If concerned about cancer prevention, then don't forget to try out these 10 ways. They would surely help you to keep cancer at bay.

Southern Medical University's Renkang Hospital with its advanced cancer treatments, proven natural therapies and latest facilities help people stay well and strongly fight cancer back.

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