The Charleston daily news.(Charleston, S.C.)...

CITY AFFAIRS. Meetings This Day. ll .wonie l'air Association, ut H P. lt. Palmolto Pioneer Co operative Association, at Hali past T I'. H. S'cvedsres' Protective Union, al T:Is) P. it. Auction Mules This Day. N. A. Hunt will sell ni. IO o'clock, in bis Store, boots, shoes and brogans, .Seth Spencer will sell at 12 o'clock, at the Old Pos'olUco, building lots lu thc Town of Itavcncl. H. H. Marshall A Brother will sell at half-past 10 o'clock, at their oillec, hors i, mules, Ac. William McKay will sell at io o'clock, at his store, household furniture, Ac. TUM CitKArBST Y KT. Thc NKWS Job Oilico is now print lng bill-heads in thc best style and on Hue papor, at $'¿60 per thousand. Merchants, think .f itr_ PfjrwoNAi..-Mr. N. (i. Ostecn. one ot? Hie proprietors of that nourishing paper, tho Sumter News, is in the etty, stopping at thc Pavilion Hotel. QCIOK PASHAOK.-Tho steamship Manhattan bas made another of her quick trips, having len this port on Saturday last, and arrived at New Terk on Monday at a P. M. V.U.UAIII.K CAUOO KOK IJIVKHI-OO! .-Thc »hip mien Southard was cleared at thc Customhouse yesterday, for Liverpool, with "¿0 bags sea Island, 2048 bales npland colton and 281 bags cotton seed. The weight of thc cargo was about I.IMJO.OOO pounds, and valued at about $3*0,000. Etiri'T AND NUPIA.-Professor Holmes tec- tared last night at thc Lyceum lo a fair audience, on thc "Laud of thc Nile." Thc blnoptric lantern and drummond light added greatly to the inter¬ est of thc lctlurc, and the magic representations were admirable. Thc lecture was tho Drat of a ?eries to bc given by thc Professor. GVi.i'MiiiA ITEMS.-On Sunday lout, Ephraim Toting, a colored man, was found dead un thc roadside, about nine miles from Columbia, near Hrs. Kirkland's place. Cause, apoplexy, Thc tate residence of Mr. John Caldwell, ou Ar- sena! Hill, Columbia, has been purchased by thc present Attorney-General of the State, Mr. D. H. Chamberlain. Thu residence of the lalo Jesse Drafts, Rsq., has been purchased by tho superin¬ tendent of thc penitentiary, Mr. Slolbrand. T'ix MINSTRELS last nihill appeared before a good house, and tho performance, BM on the first night, kept the audience convulsed with laughter. Honrs and banjo at cither end of the troupe werj Inimitably droll, ami tho singing anti burlesque were us good as we have ever seen. To-night the programme, will lie. entirely changed. Scats may bc secured »luring the. day at Holmes' Hool; Honse. There will bc a matinee perform¬ ance on Thursday, at S o'clock, on which occa¬ sion a generous invitation v.ill lr: given lo thc orphans lo attend free of charge. CASU HKTUHNH PitOM IJÏFW iKBUIUNOK.-In calling attention to thc udvortlscmonl or the Equitable Life Assurance Agency, which ap¬ pears in our columns to-day, wc would slate that the ¡ale Captain John Ferguson, of our city, was assured in thc "Equitable" for $10,090, which sum. with profits, was promptly paid within less than sixty days after his death; and that Hie so¬ ciety has, within three years, paid to Its policy holders in this city, In "cash dividends," and to survivors of deceased policy holders, sums amounting In thc aggregate to sixty thousand dol¬ lars. A Mo UKI. ESTADUSIIMKNT.-We invite thc at¬ tention of thc friends of Tut: NKWS in the eily ami throughout tho State to thc excellent facilities Which oar ofllccenjoys for thc prompt execution of all kinds of Book and Job Printing. Fully pro¬ vided with new type and machinery of Uic latest and most approved pattern, and having a large and carefully selected stock of cards, onvelopes and papers of all qualities. TUE NEWS Job Ofllce is now prepared to dil orders for every description of plain and ornamental printing in tho very best manner, and at rates at least as low as any other establishment In thc Southern Slates. Call at Tnt; NEWS building (up-stairs) and examine our seale of prices and specimens of our work. REAL ESTATE BALKS.-Thc following sales were edee ted yesterday by A. C. Mcgillivray: A lot on the south side or Tradd street, known as No. 20, for $1600. A tot and buildings ou thc south side of Ann street, for $2600. A lot and three story brick dwelling on thc cast side of Meeting street, known na No. 20, for S90O0. Thc plantation on Ooose Creek, known as tnc Traveller's Home, «ontalnlng moo acres, for $1300. By Bowers A Silcox, a lot and buildings at the corner of Rutledge avenue and Morris street, Tor $3000. Hy George U Holmes, a lot and building on the south side of Reid street, known as No. 6, for $400. A lot and buildings on thc south side of Calhoun street, for $1160. WOLFISH DOINGS.-Yesterday afternoon, about half-past 3 o'clock, the historio comers of Broad aud Meeting streets wet o lue scene of a lively encounter between Lafayette Wolfe and a Mr. Samson. Wolfe had evidently been sampling some groceries and was more belligerent than when he played marshal to a Fourth of July negro procession. Samson encountered Wolfe and asked him a few questions, but was not belli¬ cose. Wolfe, however, objected to being spoken to by "a damned Democrat," and threatened to "al&V his head otT," and having made a pass at thc aforesaid bead, thc owner thereof coolly , knocked him down. Wolfe arose, breathing threatenings and slaughter, and drawing a pistol of huge dimensions went for the luckless Sam¬ son. The latter snuffing morphine In the tainted gale fled for his life, Wolfe following in hot pur¬ suit. The chase was a long and devions one, lead¬ ing through the halls of the Oonrthoose and end¬ ing In the Guardhouse, where Wolfe was easily oaptured, os ho asserted that one man could hold him, but it would take three to manage his oppo¬ nent. An investigation into tho case showed that Wolfe, grieving over thc result of the meeting of tho previous evening, had sought to drown his sorrows in whiskey. Samson, who waa appa¬ rently in tho right, suffered only tn the particular of a torn coat, which was rent by Wolfe at the beginning of the mclcc. Moms OF TUB RADICAL MKETIXO ON MON- »AY NiauT-BOWBN AND SAWYHHSUOCIKD IN AD- BftBasuia nie PAITHM/L-T. j. MAOIBY I.BFT IN THH DAUB:-EXEUNT OMNBS.-At a late hour Mon¬ day night, after our reporter had left Military Hall, a degree of quiet was restored, and thc chair having been yleldod to T. J. Mackey, a call was ninda for Bowen, and that specimen Radical ad¬ dressed his constituents for three mortal hours. Un bold himself up as tho shining light and main ,*tfty of tho party In South Carolina, and argued that Dr. Mackey was a dyspep'io Dcmoorat, who wanted to Hil tho Customhouse nffioes with tho disloyal, ne deprecated thc violence, that han «*>eon displayed, and begged all of his friends to Baton quietly to T. J. Mackey. Tito latter yielded thu floor to Senator Sawyer, .who repelled tho charge of having soid out the Republican party. He regretted tho hostility of tho ex-Collector, bot he bad attended the meeting not to make strife, but to derend himself against others, and he trusted none would now refuse to Baton to T. J. Mackey. The ox-Alderman did not walt for a moro ex¬ tended Invitation, bm at onoc began u philippic against the preceding speakers, and showed how they had boon and Wcro Still nurturing Democrat¬ ic vípera In the porty bosom. Döring his rcmsrks orlos of morphlno tra* raised by tho opposition, and at last some malicious Individual turned off Uro gas. Maokoy continued for awhile by tho light of a candle, bul most of tho audience had left with Bowen and Sawyer, and the farce was anally brought to a Budden close by blowing ont the but candle. Fon FLORIDA.-By an advertisement from Messrs. J. 1). Alkeu A Co., agents, tt wtU foe seca that thosloanaor Pilot Boy will hcrcartor leave ror Fernandina, Plorida, by Uie Inland route ev erj Monday morning-reluming every Wednesday afternoon. Mn.i.s HOUSE STABLES Mr. ttobort Graham, who has assumed chargo of those well known atables, announces in tommy's Naws that he Ls now prepared lo accommodate ihc public at Bhort notice and at reasonable prices with carriages, oranlbussca, Ac. SANITARY RETORT.-Tho WU of mortality for the week ending November 20, shows a total or twenty-seven deaths. Or these but six are white, ami twenty-one blacks and colored. Two of thc whites arc male children, and there are two adults of each sex. The blaoks arc thrc> malo and six female adults, six male and six reinal : children. Twenty-one or thc deaths were, under rorty years or ago and six between forty and eighty._ CaUURS.-The iron front of Messrs. Cameron A Harkley's building was taken down yesterday in snfety. A scatfbkllng was creeled In Rout of the Klrst National Hank building yesterday, ami thc work¬ men will remove the raises! letters " Partner's ami Exchange Hank," near the roof, anti substi¬ tute those ol "lim First National Rank." Thc work wlil bc done by Messrs. J. ll. Devereux A Brother. A gong has been fixed in tho Orphan House steeple tu facilitate the alarm in case of (ire. Thc Longshoremen's Union will send delegates to too Slate Labor Convention al Columbia. Thc Citadel anti garrison were inspected yes¬ terday by Ceneral Hallcck. Thc detective and police forces are now entire ly separate, and r.ll cuses Ter the detectives must bc given at their office. Odlcor tjulun arrested yesterday Luke Vincent and Harry Stevens, two deserters from the American bark James E. Katnn. THRNRWS is indebted for thc compliment ora very pleasant serenade to the newly organised Pbumlx brass band, composed or colored men. Thc bachelor Club, a .new organization of this city, will hold their anniversary mccellng to¬ night, when thc retiring president, Mr. John II. Touhey, will be presented willi a silver goblet. MKKTISU OP THE STOCKHOLDERS 0>' Tit» HANK OF CHARLESTON.-A number of thc stock¬ holders ol.this hank assembled lu the hall of thc building yesterday morning, in accordance with a call published tn thc dally papers. On motion, Richard Yeadon, Esq., was called to tho chair. Restated that ihc object of thc meeting was to to hear thc reports of the President and Hoard of Directors, and to take such action an was deemed necessary to resume business. Messrs. .1. I). Aiken. W. M. Lawton and M. P. O'Connor wore appointed a committee to ascertain ir a quorum was prrsent. After an investigation, it was re¬ ported that no quorum was present, but upon the statement of Mr. Hcorge. A. Tretiholm and others t hat thc present meeting of slockholdars was the largest ever hold for years, anti that no iioornm hail been obtained for twenty years, il was determined to proceed with thc business. Mr. W. II. Lawton, from thc Board ol Directors, then read their repon, which heartily endorsed thc action of Mr. C. T. Lowndes, the president of thu bank, .-11111 commended thc ability wilh which tho air.iirs ol" th tiank li ad been managed since, thc war. In consideration of Hie eminent services nf Mr. Lowndes during that period, Hie. directors of¬ fered a resolution that the sum of $10,000 tic paid him ns an additional compensation, and thal $2.100 be paid thc cashier. Mr. Wm. Thayer, for his close attention to thc atrairs of thc Institution during thc same time. Thc report was considered aa a whole and adopt ed unanimously. The president's report was then read by the cashier, showing thc manner in which the assets of thc bank bad been husbanded, anti how the liabilities were met. in May 0, 1865, tho out¬ standing circulation was $1,605,045; this had been reduced to $224,243, and, from a capital of $3,000,- OOO, fully $800,000 had been saved. The slock had now a market value of $25 per share. A state¬ ment of tho assets and liabilities or the bank, as appraised by Messrs. H. H. Dc Loon and J. H. Wil¬ son, at the close of thc war, and on thc I6M1 tn slant, oonaTmedthc flattering exhibitor the presi¬ dent. On motion, thc roport was adopted unani¬ mously, and thc thanks of tho stockholders re¬ turned to thc president and cashier for their able management of thc finances of thc bank. Mr. H. H. DeLeon offered a resolution that thc directors bc authorized to apply to thc Legisla¬ ture for an amendment to thc charter or the bank, by which the stock would bc reduced from $3,- 000,000 to $1,000,000 in shares of $23 each, instead of $100, thc present par value, and that the num¬ ber of directors be reduced from thirteen to seven. After some discussion thia was adopted, and the stockholders having passed a resolution request¬ ing the directors to take snch steps as were ne¬ cessary ror the speedy resumption of business, the meeting stood adjourned. Motel Arrivals-Kovcmbtr Silt. CHARLESTON HOTEL. Thomas H. Willingham, Albany, Cu.; P. L. Wiggins, Beaufort; James F. iziar, Orangoburg; James S.White, Columbia; Mrs. L. J. Patterson, Miss Wardlaw, Liberty mu; Mrs. Dr. Milos, Laltl- raorc; Mrs. K. H. Whittier, Miss Livingston, Flori¬ da; F. K. Harrison, South Carolina; J. C. Oillctt, Augusta; J. Barnum, S. C. Darnum, New York; Miss J. Morgan, Mrs. M. D. Smith, Miss 3. Morgan, Miss A. R. Smith, New bondon, Conn.; A. French, Mrs. A. French and child, New York; J. L. Rceqna, Mrs. J. L. Rcequa, Roches¬ ter, N. Y.J P. Hanls, New York; Samuel T. melville, Oeorgo T. French, Newport, n. I.; J. O. Hinsdale, New York; W. L. J. Reid,Sooth Carolina; B. P. Angel, Oenesec, N. T.j Daniel Cal¬ lahan, Savannah; George Waterhouse, Beaufort: James P. Adams, Richland. # PAVILION BOTEL. J. S. A. Moore, Wm. H. Burgess, city; Cohen Potter and son, Blanton, South Carolina; T. 8. Hudson, J. M. Hudson, Abbeville, Sooth Carolina; 8. J. Kennedy, Jacksonville; J. Murray Bailey, Rochester, New York; L. Brothers, Reevesvtlle; w. E. Batchcldcr, Norfolk, Virginia; A. L. Conner, Pennsylvania; J. R. Hamilton, Branchville; N. G. Osteen, Sumter News; J. M. Tindall, Manchester, South Carolina; W. D. Niles, 8altketcbic; W. C. Patterson, Philadelphia; B. H. Dowling, Barnwell, Sooth Carolina; Prank Donaldson, New York. 1ULLS HOOTS. John Warren and wire, IL 8. Lyon, New York; Jas. c. Bryan, Buffalo: O. H. Banecomb, Canada; IL C. wish man, Newberry; Wm. Parsons, Nor¬ walk, N. c.; J. P. Gurnes, Steamship Champion; J. M. Murray, Balley Rochester, N. Y.j 8.T. Sweet, Miss Sweet, child and servant, crafter sweet, Maryland; 8. af. Mathews, 0. Gorm da, New York; J. M. Wlilte, RalHraoro; Major A. Jonand, Savan¬ nah; E. 8. 1 lurbert. City; J. M. Cake, Augusta. A Card from a. Colored Conservative. TO TUB KD ITO R OP TUB NKW8. Wo noUco In thc Mlarlonary Record, a dirty little sheet published by R. H. Cain, a commu¬ nication signed by a eontempUblo Republican. Wc will any to him that he may write about ns, and try to scandalize us, bet all In vain. We havo made up our minds to support our friends, and will do il bi spite of all that may be said against us, nod nothing la tb la world will over cause ns to change onr course. Wc are willing that thc Republicans should continuo with their chosen friends, bat they wilt never havo oar xs- slstanoc, not even for a week, but wo will tako oar president's advice and "fight lt out if it takes ail Rummer." Wo fed confident thai thone per¬ sons whom we havo known and trusted all our lives, are far better friends than tho unprinci¬ pled adventurers, or thc greedy demagogue* who are now living off the fat of the land, and thc would-be orators who cling to Ropnblleanlaui aro only tho tools of these mon. Wo don't want any ono to dictate to us, for we arc not ohlldrcn. Neither aro wc tho drunkards, liars and loafers that as iiHatnons shee* haa stated. Wo aro nod ihr hnt bard workara, and that ia one rea¬ son why we aro Conservatives. We know what we aro doing, how we are working, and who aro our friends, and Intend to paddle our canoe on this aide of ihe crock. OK» OF TB* OOLonan DOXJSKTATIVRI. jtwszifsäs tr oT i o B a . A RA.RH CIIAKCB KOR CAPITAI.IKTB. - Ono of Iko largest nair i or real catato, comprising ihe choicest planting sections In the Slate, will take place at the Georgetown Courthouse on tho 7th proximo. A glance at the long Us*, or plantations that will then he brought under the hammer will convince all who have money that no better in¬ vestment could bc made. Bu8(NK8fl ICNVKLOPK.S.-Tint NKWH Job Ofïlco In now prepated to rurnlsh good envelopes, with buslucss cania printed thereon, at $4 ncr thous¬ and. Send your orders. Every merchant and business man should have bis card printed on his envelopes. ONK OK DKMcnKti' or scott's Works la presonU ed to every annual subscriber to »he XIX Cen¬ tury. «ct« iUiscclkmcowo. jyj-ILLS HOUSE STABLES. ino undersigned respectfully informs Min clli- zeus of Charleston and the I ravening public gene¬ rally that he has opened thc MILLS ROUSE STA¬ BLES In Chalmers street, lie will havo Omni¬ buses and Carriages at thc several Railroad Sta¬ tions and Steamship Landings to convey passen¬ gers lo thc Mills House, or any part or tho elly. Rc will also receive orders to convey passengers to tho Railroad-; and Steamships from private rcsldenees. Having n lino nssortmeul of Carriage«, with careful and esr' rleucod drivers, he solicit« orders for thc same. ROBERT OKA HAM, novM wfm3 Proprietor._ ?jyQ YOU WLSll TO PUT OPP INDEFI¬ NI r UL Y Sick Uendacke, Soar Eructations and Acidity or vne S'.omach ? USE SOLOMON'S BITTERS. Per sale er RAOIL A LY HA H. scpin amos_ T. V. CH 9 PB I N S K N T I S T , Ol'KIOF. NO. 27fi KING BTMBf, nevis 9raos s OLOÏO H'S BITTERS OlYK QRNRRAL SATISFACTION. Per sale by _acpU7_.'lmos_ _RAOUL A LY NA H. .J^O YOU Vfísil TO SLEEP SOUNDLY at- night, and awake la Hie morning wilta a thorough appreciation of your egg, roBs and coime ? UóE SOltOKOK'S BITTERS. Poraalcby RAOUL k LYNAU. sopt 17 limos Sljitts ano imnisljing Öooös. N E P *R I G E ! u £ e s i .- d .2 8 i I S 11 " 11 i 1 i ll na W S I I 8 ? a a fe ë os £ X w S Si »to * fi « oi o » S3 ONE PRICE F RE S H ARRIVALS! LATEST STY LBS I COMPORTABLE FIT ! LOWEST PIUCHS S S s S S s s s a S SCOTT'S S sssssss ss s s s ss S STAR SHIRTS S S B S AND COLLARS S S S S RHADY MAUE S S 8 S ANB MADE S S S S TO ORDER. B S S s s S MEN'S S s s S FURNISHING S SSSSSSS sssssss S OOODS. S s s s s s s 8S s AT THE GREAT SHIRT EMPORIUM LOOK FOR THE STAR SIGN, MEETING STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE MARKST HALL. novl3 MO p II O 8 P H A T E ROOK. Phosphate Rock of a high grade, delivered at a wharf lu the city, or alongside of a ship. For salo by H. F. BAKER A Oo., novîï mwf No. to cumberland street. pACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S COMPOUND ACI!> PHOSPHATE OP LIME, POR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. This article la ma&uraoturcd at tho Company's Works under the direction and anporlntendence or Dr. RAVBNEL. It contains the same clements or fortuity an Soluble Pacific Guano, oxoept that Hr la not furnished with ammonia. It ls prepared expressly for oorapostlns with cotton aocd, which furniahOH thc element of ammonia-tho object be¬ ing to render that sblo-produot or tho plantation available to tim highest degree as on etoment of fertility. * $45 cash, or $60 on lat November, 1870, for ap¬ proved oliy aoeeptanoo or other good scoorlty. For further, and particular laformation, apply to thc undersigned, J. M. ROBSON, Agent for Sooth Carolina, Noa. 1 and 2 Atlantio Wharf. JOHN. & RR ESR A CO., General Agents Baltimore. 0C127 wfmïinoflDAo p KR UVI AN OU ANO. too tons Genuino PERUVIAN, landing ex schooler Margarot and Lucy, for sale low. novlft J. A. KN3IAW A CO. JkTO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO. iu> tons No. i PBROY1AH GUANO, n»w land¬ ing from achoonsr Arabar 4 Reevea, For «ale by j. KC BUR A 38. noni 3 non rp li E E Q U I T A ] LIFE ASSUtlACNFti SOCIETY Nt). í>¿ BROADWAY, WM. C. ALEXANDBR. Orfjçivni^ od So CASU ASSKTS OVKU. ANNUAL INCOMH OVKR. u it K L r AH PROFITS divided annually among thc Rn losses arc pai'l promptly. All Ita POLICIES ARK N0N-FORFKITIN0. 0. A. ROWEN, WM. II. SHAW, No. Ul Meeting street, Ocner novit wfmltno Cumber, Jud, Six.. QOAL I COAL! COAL! aootoiLs Rc<i Ask Kg* COAL lauding from HrlR Cambia, and for sale hy ll. P. Il AK KR A CO.. Coal Yan), H0VJ2 No. BO Cumberland street." Jnsnrancc. T N s ü li E IS ruK «. ^KAîURÏTY LtKRINSURANCEAND ANNUITY COMPANY, . V K X W YORK CITY. President, ROBBST L. CASK; rice-President, TOKO. R. WUKTUOKB; Secretary, ISAAC IL ALUIN. Oencral Atrent for South Carolina. W. litmus TOWKSKSI). Aiken. O II 0 AN IZ KD IN 1862. Assets, December 31. isa?.H,s.S4,f>7«oo Amount Insured In 1S08.11,501,38900 Claims paid. 14S.5fr3oO No restrictions on travel. Only sound lives In¬ sured. Loan of portion of premium allowed when de¬ sired. « Dividends declared annually. Last Dividend 50 per cent. All forms of IJfc and Kndowmcnt Policy issued. AI [rm ion Ls especially Invited to thc Ten Year Non-Korfclturc and the Return Premium plans. Insurance by thc tatter costs the policy-holder ONLY TIIK 1NTB11B3T UTON HIS ANNUAL r UK Jl I li HS. ror thc Premiums themselves arc returned at death In addition to thc Tull amount or the Policy. This Company ls chartered under the Laws of the State of New York, and it Invites thc closest scrutiny lntu lus condition as exhibited In om. ul reports of Insurance Departments of New Yurk and Massachusetts. SrKOtAI. AOKNTS IN TUE STATS AT I, Mtor.-A. J. NOltRIS, J. lt. WILKIK, J. M. UOTttON, O.A. DKSAUSSURH. CO. STEPHENS, J. J. MACKKY, K. P. OANTr, S. II. SYDNOIt. D. K. MOb'ZON, C. I). HIIODUS, L. O. STEPHENS. RKFKaRNCWî.-II. '/. LADUKY, Rsa.. Iv M. ALKXANDKlt, Hsq., RICHARD CALDWELL. Req., M. II. NATHAN. Usu.., Messrs. BTOLL, W HitBA CO.. Messrs. IL COIIIA A CO. Hr. W. M. FITCH, Medical Examiner. LOUIS S H RUF KS ER, Agout for Charleston, S. C.. OFFICE No. BltOAD STRKUT, (Second Floor.) nov-j'i 16_ BROOKLYN LIKE INSURANCE COMPANY. Assets over.jl,300,000 Issues all kinds of Life and Badowment Pód¬ eles. Dividends annually la cash. Only Com¬ pany having thc Definite. Guaranteed Surrender- Value Plan Policies, world-wide. Second tono Company in thc United States for stability, libe¬ rality and economy, o m ce No. HI Broad way, New York*. CHRISTIAN W. UUOR, President. WILLIAM M. COLE, Secretary, state Agency No. M Broad-street, second floor. Local and Canvassing Agents wanted through¬ out the State. Apply In person or by letter to J AUKS G. HOLMES, JR., General Agent for South Carolina. jutyl'2 mwf6mos nüARDIAM MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE" COMPANY OP NEW 'YORK. OnUANI/.UD IN 1859. A 1.1. POLICIES NON FORFEITABLE. HALF LOAN TAKEN. NO NOTES REQUIRED. LAST CASU Ul villus-1) (J/HTY) 64 PKn Cl! NT. STATSM «NT. Policen lu fore*.926,000,000 Assets. 1,000,000 Annual Income. 800,000 Losses Paid. 000,000 amaina. W. H. PECKHAM, President. WM. T. HOOKER, Vlco-Prosident. L. MCADAM, Secretary and Actuary. O. A. PUDICKAR, Superintendent. DirtEOTona. Hon. John A. Dix, New York. Hon. James Harper, Firm of Harper A Bros. ,9 - Mayor New York. John J. Crane, President Bank Republic. Wm. M. Vcrmllye, Danker, (Vermllye k Co.) Chas. O. Rockwood, Cashier Newark Banking Company. Hon. George Opydyke, ex-Mayor New York. Minot C. Morgan, Banker. Thomas Rigney, Firm Thomas Rigney A Co. Benj. B. Sherman, Treasurer New York Steam Stigar Refining Company. A aron, A mold, Firm or Arnold, Constable A Co. Rlohard IL Bowne, Wetmore A Bowne, Lawyers E. V. Haughwout, Firm E. V. Uaugbweut k Co. Wm. Wilkens, Firm of Wilkens k Co. Julius H. Pratt, Merchant. Wm. W. Wright, Merchant. Charles J. Starr, Merchant. William Allen, Merchaut. Geo. W. Cuyler, Banker, Palmyra, N. Y. Geo. T. Hope, President Continental Flro Insur¬ ance Company. John G. Sherwood, Park Place. Walton H. Peckham, corner I'la a Avonuc and ty -third street. Edward IL Wright, Newark, N. J. Goo. W. Farlee, Counsellor. W. L. Cogswell, Mcrohant. KEIM & ÍSBBttTEL, General Agents for South avelina ans" aaorgla, Ofllec No. 40 Broad street, Charleston, 8.0. Dr. T. RKHNSTJBRNA, HxAmlntag Physlolan. jon12 lyrrv.i: 1LLI8 £ CillSOLM, PACT0R8, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AC Ii NT 3, Will Attend to thc Purchase, Salo and Shlpmnat (to Foreign and Domestic Portal of COTTON, KICK, Ltl.UltKll and NAVAL HTOItKB. ATLANTIC WHARF, Oharlcslon, 8. C. E. WILLIS.A. IL UlllSOLV. QtX-ii_ ?yjrr ELL I A M M. LAWTON FACTOR AND COMMISSION MR ROUANT, No. 10 HOYOH'8 WuA nr. Bair» Hoary Sea [alaad BAOOING AND TWINS for sala. Advances mado en Produoe ü» hund. augie- thaw ; J tante. BLE OF TH V, UNITED STATES, Nl'flW YO UK CÎITY. .I'KHfllDKNT pto mb or, 1859. .110,000,000 .% ft.000.000 M UT U A I, . abjured. of J AM KS ADI. CK A, Co., Resident agent, al Agent, Charleston, 8. C. Stones. Hanges, Sic. YES AT WHOLESALE. TLlK UNDERSIGNED, SUCCESSORS Ol' UOIt- TON A SHEPHERD, ll AVK RESUMED THUIR TRADK IN STOVKS. AS WHOLESALE BBALBHS, IN OONNKOTIOH WITH TIIKIU OTQBR BUS1- NESS, ANO ARK NOW I'RKPARKI) TO SUPPLY OTU KR ÜKALKRS, FACTORS, MERCHANTS AND ALL TnK OUSTOMKILS OF TUB OLD UOUSK WITH TUF. MOST API'ItOVF.D DESCRIPTIONS OF COOKING STOVKS, HANGI« AND HKATINC STOVBS AT A CLOSK APPROXIMATION TO FOUNDRY PRICKS. * TUE COOKING STOVKS AND RANGES ARE SOLD WITH OR WITHOUT FURNITORK-SOMR OF THEM ARK DKSICNKD TO OPKRATK WITH¬ OUT THE AID OF CHIMNEYS IF NECESSARY- AND ALL ARK GUARA IrTF.KD TO UAKK PROP' ERLY, IP SET UP AS DIRECTED. THE RANGKS ARK UNUSUALLY LOW IN PRICE-HAVK SIX HOI I.Kit OPENINGS AND UOU1ILE OVEN:5, THOUGH BUT A SINGLK PIPE, AND NEED NO BRICK WORK. TO SET TH KM UP. THE STOCK OF HEATING STOVKS BMIIKAOKS CAjST-IRON AIR-TIGHTS, RUSSIA-IRON AIR- TIG HTS, SIX-PLATE OR BOX STOVKS. ftc ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES AND PlllCF.R WILL BK FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION. WM. BIIBPHKRB A CO., No. Ul ll A Y N K S T R F. K T, CHAU.LKSTON S. C.. JAPANNED TIN -WA ll E AT WHOLESALE. WM. SHEPHERD & CO., No. 24 IlAYNF. STREET. S TAMPED TIN-WARE AT WHOLESALE. WM. SHEPHERD & CO. No. 24 HAYNE STREET. -pmBNCH RETLNNED IRON WARE AT WHOLESALE. WM. SHEPHERD & CO., No. 24 HAYNE STREKT. B ELLEVILLE COPPER ROLLING MILLS. AOBNTS rN CHARLESTON: WM. SHEPHERD k CO., No. 24 HAYNE STREET. Siro ©coos, Sic. QHEAP GOODS! CHEAP GOODS ! AT j I . G 00 D K O P'S, No. 4 2 3 KINO STRKET. Having removed to thal largo and commodious Building next to Burnham's Drug Store, I am now prepared to offer toe greatest bargains In DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, &«., this market has over produced. Purchasers will do well bj eollmg aud examin¬ ing our stock of DRESS GOODS PRINTS L^NOCLOTHS SHEETING PILLOW COTTON BROWN GOODS TABLE LINEN TOWELS GINGHAMS CAS8IMBRBS HOSIERY, NOTIONS, Ac, Ac Bemcmber, I. GOUDKOUP'S NEW STAND, No. «23 Kxa STRKBT, uovs mwf Wext to Burnham's Drag Store. SAVINGS INSTITUTION. THE TIME APPROACHES WHEN WARM CLOTHING Is unavoidable, and tho point is to know now AHT> wu mm TO GO TO OBTAIN A BUFPLT. A groat many have fuuud out already, and now advise their trends in want or DRY O O O D S To call at PU RCIICOTT A, URO., OORNOll Ol' KINO AND CALHOUN 8TKHUTS, Wnerc Dry Ooods can bc bought to a great advan¬ tage. Attention ls called to: 100 pair 10-4 Whito Blankets, only $ >.7'<. warft pt UL 12-4 Gorman Covcrlots, from $4 np. Large Comforts, only M. 100 pair Fine Donblo Shawls, only %i SO, worth 00. Arab Shawls, from $fi, np. 1 case Brawn Canton Flannel, only tte par yard, worth 20c. Heavy Black Reaver Olola for cioats, only $2, worUi %-i 76. A Ano assortment of Brown ^Shirtings, I.orig- cloths, Alpacas, Dreis Goods, MoUona, Ho¬ siery, Gloves, Aa., which have been bonght by large quantities, and will bo sohl to hatlafy the purobaaer» lu every respect. FU nen corr A BRO., Corner King and Calhoun streets. O*-A special Department for Boola, Shoes, Hals, Tranks, ftc, sold at correspondingly low prices. . nora* imo* faction 9alco--(îl)io dan. O Bj N. A. HUNT. NE HUNDRED OASES HOOTS, SHOES, 1)KIH;AN.S, AC. THIS DAY, Hie 34th iiiHtmnt. at lu o'clock, in my Salesroom, Nos. 140 and MS Meeting street, I will sell iou eases nwortcd HOOTS, shoes, Brogans, Ac. nov¿4 R. H. MARSH AM, A URO. WI L li S E L Ii AT HALF-PAST IO o'clock, al No. 3.1 ilroad sired. .I HOltSKH, I Mule, Spring Wairoa, I'urnlliire, Stoves. Carpeting. a ríanos, Ac. novJ4 By war MCKAY. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. COOKING AND OFFICE STOVES, SAFES, DESKS, ftc. THIS HAY. Wednesday, at IO O'clock, nt No. 130 Meei un; stree'. nov" I By SETH KPENCKB. KAVENEL TOWN LOTS, WITHOUT RESERVE. THIS HAY, tim 'Jilli instant, al ll o'clock A. M., al Hie Old I'ostoillcc, will bu sold, tina hundred ami twenty-four (HM) 11A Id' AI ut: LOTS, in the Town of Itavcncl, on Savau- nan und Charleston llailrond. shout IA miles from Charleston. This ls un excellent stand for coun¬ try siores. The. laud ls well wooded with e .k mid pine timber, and Ilia health ol Hm place is con¬ sidered good. Wood can be freighted al $l per cord. Terms cash. A plot to be aeon at No. 1 Sttttc street novii-l Hinwii* 5Drngs, tttrjcmicalg, S?c. ThUSSKLL'S SOOTHING CORDIAL POR INFANTS TROTHING. ALLAYS IWI'LAMM AVION Ol' TttK OOHS, CURBS «HOI,IC. CnOI.BRA INPA STUM, DYSKNTEItV, AMII ALI. PISRASH TO WHICH CUtl.OI'.KN Atilt SHIM HOT WIIBN TMKTIIIKO. CONTAINS NO ANODYNK. RUSSELL'S SOOTH INO COttDIAl< la Offered to the public with an absohite guaran inc againat all danger from IM use. Read Hie following ocrlin- cates: CII.VKI.OHTOK, May io, IROS. Mr. S. B. RIIKSRI.I.. one. of our direful and intel¬ ligent. Pharmaceutists and Apothecaries, has sub- ililli' il to my examination Hie formula Tor Hie preparation of a Soothing Cordial prepared and vended by him. I- affords me pleasure to express a favorable opinion of ila sale und clllcienl adapt ni mn to the particular eases nf the. discasiM of children, willoh it ls designed to relieve. K. OKDDINGS, M. I). Having had occasion ta prescribe RiMtKLi.'ä aooihing Cordial tn severe caac.s of Bowel Com¬ plaints In children ami delicate females, I bave, been much pleated with its elleots. I ooiisldur il » valuable, medicine in all cases, in which lt may be advisable lo avoid I ho use nf Slimly ne, and par- I loulariv for ramil? use, as lt. is perfectly safe. W. T. WHAGG, M. D. . OllAW.KSTON, S. C., ISM. Hear Sir-I have used your Soothing Cordial for Dlarrnuia In toothing children, and lind it ii very excellent propnraiton. lt Inc. a great advantage over inosl preparations ur tho kind in contnUilog no Opium or Narcotic. When these arc required they can bc Aided bi proportions applicable to the. case. I therefore ran recommend Ila use in Hie affec¬ tions for winch lt ls designed. Beapeotiullv, cours, ftc, T. !.. OC1KI?, M. D. Cll ARMATON, S. C.. 1 SOi. I ccrUfy that I havo most. Hucccsafully used RUWSKI.L'H Soothing Cordial in the Summer Com¬ plaints ol' infants'. He. has full > ox idhi ted tho In¬ gredients or his remedy, and tho tedious method or preparation. 1 recognize thc prescription- containing no anodyne whatever-as a noil safe and efficacious one in bowelaifoctiona of children. When much palo or restlessness attends tho affec- tlon, doses ot Paregoric con lie added to thc pre- scrlbcd doaes or thc Cordial according to thc age or thc patient The compound, though more orien, acts ba an efficient manner without any ad¬ dition or anodyne. in thc Diarrhoea or thc agod. In increased doses, it ls or great value as a remedy; nevor disagree¬ ing with the stomach-Increasing appetite, Im¬ proving digestion, and acting ns a slow but otu cleat astringent agent. W. M. FITCn, M. D. MOUNT PLEASANT, S. C., 1808. Mr. J. Ii. Russell : DBAR SIR-I havo used your Soothing Cordial for children extensively In my practice, and moat cheerfully testify to Ita merits. I havo found it, without an exception, to accomplish aU lt claims, and consider it superior to anything lu use for children. Its freedom from anodyne or any kind recom¬ mends lt as a perfectly sure preparation in thc hands of mothers and inexperienced nurses. Very respectfully, Ac.; D. lt WILLIAMS, M. D. Made by J. B. RUSSELL, Ohomlst. Sold by Dr. H. BAR.;, Wholesale Agent lor South Carolina. cell 3 B E C A R E F U WHAT MEDICINES *0D TAKE. When yon arc exhausted hv overwork of heifd or hand, and feel thc need ofsomutliing invigorat¬ ing, don't drink whiskey or any Intoxicating thing, whether under thc name of Bittern or ot hcr- wlae. Such articles glvo Just ns much streu«th to your weary body and mind as the whip gives to the jaded horse, and no more. Alcoholic stim¬ ulants arc Injurious to nerve health, and are al¬ ways followed by depressing reaction. DODD*» NERVINE AND INVIGORATOR Is a Tonic and gentle stimula nt, which ls not at¬ tended by reaction. What it gains for you lt maintains. When it refreshes body or mind, lt refreshes with natural strength that cornea to stay. We aro not recommending teetotalism tn tlie Interest of any faction ; but long and extend¬ ed observation teaches us that he who resorts to the bottle for rest or recuperation, will lind, as he keeps at lt, that he ls kindling a fire In his bones whloh will consume Bke the flames or perdition. Turn from it. Toke a tonic that will refresh and not destroy. DODO'S NERVINE 1B for salo by aH Druggists. Price One dollar. See book of cern¬ ir ates that accompanies each bottle. % Iunc26 7 caos J) R. RICHAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES. Ask for no other, take no other, and you will save time, health and money. $1000 reward for any case of disease in any stago which they fall to eura Dr. RICH AU'S GOLDEN BALSAM No. 1 cures Ulcers. Ulcerated Sore Throat and Mouth, Bore Eyes, Cutaneous or Skin Eruptions, Copper Col¬ ored Blotches, Soreness or thc Scalp, Scrofula, Ac; ls tho greatest Renovator, Alterative and Blood Purifier known, removes all diseases from tho system, and leaves thc blood pure and healthy. Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM No. 'J cures Affections, Rheumatism in nil ila forms, whether from mcrcory or other causea; gives Immediate relief In all cases. No dieting noonasary. I havo thousands of Certifícales proving the miraculous enrcs effected by these remedies. Price or either No. 1 or No. 3, $5 per botHo, or two bottles tor î ». Dr. KI ci AU'S GOLDEN ANTIDOTE, a safo, speedy, pleasant and radical ottru for all Urinary Derangement*, accompanied with Rill illroollons. Price j3 ncr hollie. Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN KLIX1R D'AMOUR, radical cure tor Nervous or GonorAl Debility, in old or young, Imparting energy with wonderful elf oct Price Î5 per bottle, or two bottles for $0. On rocolpt or price t hese Remedies will be whip¬ ped ui any place Prompt attention paid to nil correspondents. None genuine without tho name or "Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN' REMEDIES, D. B. RICHARDS, Solo Proprietor," blown In niara of bottles. Address O. B. RICHARDS, No. ~w Yorick stree t New York. Office hotir.i from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Circulars sunt. julys lyr ?jotcte. QU A R LB8TÖN BOT BL, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. This flratclass HOTEL situated in a pleasant location and tn the business portion of tho city, renders lt thc most desirable llotel for cither per¬ manent or transient guests. Thc accommodo- Uons aro unsurpassed, having extensive snitea of olcgrjitly furiikthcd apartments tor tomlins and single gentlemen. Tho proprietor will cndeivor Ui maintain the nigh reputation enjoyed by the "Charleston" as a uret-claas hoirc, and no effort wUlbo spared to deserve a conUtiuatsoc or the liberal patronage herolotoro bestowed unorilt. Tho best of Livery accommodations will be found adjoining tho oalahHahmcnu Tho house ts supplied with the celebrated Art» alan Waler, of which delightful hath« can ito had either day or night. R. IL JACKSON, j«*JIa Proprietor. II Ruction Sales-~¿rnUirc ÜDorjo. By LOWNDES & UKIMBALL. OUSE No. MINORITY STREET. Will l«> MOM THURSDAY, December .>, nt thc Old INisloillcc, itt il o'clock, Thal i w o «tory WOODEN ItKSI DENCE, on tho northsideof Minoriiy «Irrel, two door« wi'Kl of Middle, known BM Nu. 2. Hausa contains four gp nulli rooms. Lot4A«y nvTcct, more or lcm. Terms -One-third cash; hillanco in ono und iwo jrrani. Interest payalrie semi-annually. Property to lin Insured uini policy assigned, purchaser to pay for paper« ami «lump«. nnv24 wfwtti* li »j LOWNDES St («KIMBALL, U1LDINO LOTS ON RUTLE1MSE AVE- KUK, NUNAN ANO I'AYNK STREWTH. Will lie noltl on THURSDAY, December 9. at the Old I'oMlolllrc, nt ll o'clock, 2 LOTS on wont «Ide Rutledge avenue, one door north of Nunan si reel, each IO feel, by "¿ti feel deep. a Lois on north aldo Nunan street, each 40 feet, hy 1ST. 3 Lois on eas! «ide Payne «Ireel, two 40 feet by lld. lind ono 40 feet Ly 216. Terms-One-third cash; balance secured by bond and morl gu ¡te In one and two years. Pur¬ chaser io pay tor papers ami stamps. Plats muy be seen our office. novl* 20,24, '¿'.i dee. I, U BY IJO WK BES Ai (¿KIM BALI». TTOUKM No. IS SMITH STREET. Will bo «nhl on TIIUllsDAY, December », alike OM Postónico, at 11 u'clook, The UOrsK AND LOT, ut thu uorlhoBSI corner or smith and Monlaguo streets.known an No. 18 smith street. Tin* iiuuse contains eight square room«, pantry :uii| attics. All the necessary out¬ buildings and Cistern on Hie premise«. I .ot men sure* st) feet on Montague and lift foot on smith sired. Terms-One-third cash: balance in one and two rears, scoured by bond and mortgage. Property to be mumed and policy assigned. Purchaser to pav for paper« ami stamp«. novl7 V.O. Z4, SH dee. I, D By LOWNDES & (.KIMBALL. TJTOUSB No. Wi UROAU STREET. Will he sold on THURSDAY, Mil December, at tho Old Postolllr.e, ut 11 o'clock, Thal HUM :K R RSI DKNCK, on tho north side or Broad «irccl, t wo door« west, of the Courthouse, known as No. OG. The House contain« nix up¬ right room«, p.ntry, dressing moms, Ac. Kitchen and nul buildings or brick. Lol measure« 34 feet front, bv 134 feet deep. Terms-one-third cash; balance In one and two vcurs, tu bc secured by bond ¡ind mortgage. Property to bc insu roil ami policy assigned. Pur¬ chaser lo pay Tor paper« and «tamps. IIOV17 20, 24. 20 dec 1, 0_ By~W. Y. LEITCH & K. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. HOUSE No. 200 MEETING STREET, ONI". DOOR SOUTH OK COLUMBUS BTRKKT. Will be Mild al Auction, on THURSDAY, 25th in- slant, at thc Old Postónico, at ll o'clack. That desirable Utrec «lory WOODEN DWELL¬ ING nu east «Ide or Meeting street, No. 200. The House contain« six rooms, pantry and dressing room, willi doublo piazzas. On thc l«it a cis¬ tern, well, kitchen and «table. Lot measures 44 by 146 feet, more or ICKS. Terms-One-third cash; balance lu one, iwo and three yoars, with interest ai 10 percent per an¬ num, secured by bond and mortgage of t he prop¬ erly; to be Insured and policy assigned. Pur¬ chaser lo pay for paper« und «I umps and propor¬ tion of State laxes now accruing. nov23 lo ll) in g rt nb ínritioljing ©oobß. ¿\ P E N I N (I FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, OF OUR OWN SELECTION AND MANUPAO- TURBD IN CHARLESTON BY OnitSKLVHS, Which wc have detcrmlnod to sell at suoh prices as cannot Tall to satisry lite views or thc CLOSEST DEALERS, EITHER THROUGH ORDER OR PERSONAL SELECTION, TO WIT : Fancy Tweed Cassimaros, (Sack and PantB). $76« Mlxod Casslmcre Suits. 13 00 Double and Twisted Casslmcre Salta_ ie 00 Harrison's Cray Casslmcre Suits. il7 00 Fancy Casslmcre Suits. 17 00 Black and White Silk Mixed Suits. 18 00 Colorid Scotch Cheviot Suits. 20 00 Gold Silk Mixed Suits. 25 00 Blaok Cloth (Sack, Pants and Vests. ll oo Black Doeskin Cassimere rants from.5 oo to io oo Colored Casslmcre Pants from.4 60 to 9 Colored Union Cnsslmoro Pants Dom.2 oo te 4 oo Fine Black Cloth Vest. 3 oo Fine Colored Cassiinete Vesls. 2 00 Waterproof Tweed Over Sacks. 10 oo CLOTHING FOR BOTS AND YOUTHS FROM NINE TO .TWTS7ITY TBARS OLD. TUE GENUIN STAR BRAND SHIRT AGENCY. Lot 42 Star Shirt. $ 2 M Lot 62 Star Shirt. % M STAR BRAND COLLAR, $2 60 PUR DOZEN. COTTON FLANNEL DRAWERS, OUR OWN MAKE, at$126. MERINO SHIRTS FROM 76 eents to $1 60, A ' GOOD ARTICLE. Cull and see us. We do not boast of having thc most expensive GOODS, but wo con boast er having the cheapest ¡ind best m-ide CLOTHING in Chai ie.',ton, and equal to the BKST CUSTOM WORK. Tanns Casa, or otty itorcplanuo. 0. E. & A. S. JOHNSON, oct!I ItusVmos No. 317 KING STREET. _J&fitcljco, 3eu>clr&* &t. A T0 fl E 8 I WATCHES! WATCHES of thc best Rngnsh, Swiss and Amerloan manufacture, tn Gokl and BIIV r Cases, lt JAM\*S ALLAN'S, novl mthlmo No. SOT King tarnet. JEWELRY! JEWELRY I An elegant assortment or Uno half sots BAR MINOS, Broochoa, ¿o., at JAMBS ALLAN'S, novl mthlmo ' No. aol Klag street. >. ti .' 'kX--ti '\-'.-.»: .*»«

Transcript of The Charleston daily news.(Charleston, S.C.)...


Meetings This Day.

ll .wonie l'air Association, ut H P. lt.Palmolto Pioneer Co operative Association, at

Hali past T I'. H.S'cvedsres' Protective Union, al T:Is) P. it.

Auction Mules This Day.

N. A. Hunt will sell ni. IO o'clock, in bisStore, boots, shoes and brogans,

.Seth Spencer will sell at 12 o'clock, at the OldPos'olUco, building lots lu thc Town of Itavcncl.

H. H. Marshall A Brother will sell at half-past10 o'clock, at their oillec, hors i, mules, Ac.

William McKay will sell at io o'clock, at hisstore, household furniture, Ac.

TUM CitKArBST Y KT. Thc NKWS Job Oilico isnow print lng bill-heads in thc best style and on

Hue papor, at $'¿60 per thousand. Merchants, think.f itr_

PfjrwoNAi..-Mr. N. (i. Ostecn. one ot? Hieproprietors of that nourishing paper, tho SumterNews, is in the etty, stopping at thc PavilionHotel.

QCIOK PASHAOK.-Tho steamship Manhattanbas made another of her quick trips, having lenthis port on Saturday last, and arrived at NewTerk on Monday at a P. M.

V.U.UAIII.K CAUOO KOK IJIVKHI-OO! .-Thc »hipmien Southard was cleared at thc Customhouseyesterday, for Liverpool, with "¿0 bags sea Island,2048 bales npland colton and 281 bags cotton seed.The weight of thc cargo was about I.IMJO.OOOpounds, and valued at about $3*0,000.

Etiri'T AND NUPIA.-Professor Holmes tec-tared last night at thc Lyceum lo a fair audience,on thc "Laud of thc Nile." Thc blnoptric lanternand drummond light added greatly to the inter¬est of thc lctlurc, and the magic representationswere admirable. Thc lecture was tho Drat of a?eries to bc given by thc Professor.

GVi.i'MiiiA ITEMS.-On Sunday lout, EphraimToting, a colored man, was found dead un thcroadside, about nine miles from Columbia, near

Hrs. Kirkland's place. Cause, apoplexy,Thc tate residence of Mr. John Caldwell, ou Ar-

sena! Hill, Columbia, has been purchased by thcpresent Attorney-General of the State, Mr. D. H.Chamberlain. Thu residence of the lalo JesseDrafts, Rsq., has been purchased by tho superin¬tendent of thc penitentiary, Mr. Slolbrand.

T'ix MINSTRELS last nihill appeared beforea good house, and tho performance, BM on thefirst night, kept the audience convulsed withlaughter. Honrs and banjo at cither end of the

troupe werj Inimitably droll, ami tho singing antiburlesque were us good as we have ever seen.

To-night the programme, will lie. entirely changed.Scats may bc secured »luring the. day at Holmes'Hool; Honse. There will bc a matinee perform¬ance on Thursday, at S o'clock, on which occa¬sion a generous invitation v.ill lr: given lo thcorphans lo attend free of charge.

CASU HKTUHNH PitOM IJÏFW iKBUIUNOK.-Incalling attention to thc udvortlscmonl or theEquitable Life Assurance Agency, which ap¬pears in our columns to-day, wc would slate thatthe ¡ale Captain John Ferguson, of our city, wasassured in thc "Equitable" for $10,090, whichsum. with profits, was promptly paid within lessthan sixty days after his death; and that Hie so¬

ciety has, within three years, paid to Its policyholders in this city, In "cash dividends," and tosurvivors of deceased policy holders, sums

amounting In thc aggregate to sixty thousand dol¬lars.

A Mo UKI. ESTADUSIIMKNT.-We invite thc at¬tention of thc friends of Tut: NKWS in the eily amithroughout tho State to thc excellent facilitiesWhich oar ofllccenjoys for thc prompt executionof all kinds of Book and Job Printing. Fully pro¬vided with new type and machinery of Uic latestand most approved pattern, and having a largeand carefully selected stock of cards, onvelopesand papers of all qualities. TUE NEWS Job Ofllce isnow prepared to dil orders for every descriptionof plain and ornamental printing in tho very bestmanner, and at rates at least as low as any otherestablishment In thc Southern Slates. Call atTnt; NEWS building (up-stairs) and examine ourseale of prices and specimens of our work.

REAL ESTATE BALKS.-Thc following saleswere edee ted yesterday by A. C. Mcgillivray:A lot on the south side or Tradd street, known

as No. 20, for $1600.A tot and buildings ou thc south side of Ann

street, for $2600.A lot and three story brick dwelling on thc cast

side of Meeting street, known na No. 20, for S90O0.Thc plantation on Ooose Creek, known as tnc

Traveller's Home, «ontalnlng moo acres, for $1300.By Bowers A Silcox, a lot and buildings at the

corner of Rutledge avenue and Morris street, Tor$3000.Hy George U Holmes, a lot and building on the

south side of Reid street, known as No. 6, for $400.A lot and buildings on thc south side of Calhoun

street, for $1160.

WOLFISH DOINGS.-Yesterday afternoon,about half-past 3 o'clock, the historio comers ofBroad aud Meeting streets wet o lue scene of alively encounter between Lafayette Wolfe and aMr. Samson. Wolfe had evidently been samplingsome groceries and was more belligerent thanwhen he played marshal to a Fourth of July negroprocession. Samson encountered Wolfe andasked him a few questions, but was not belli¬cose. Wolfe, however, objected to being spokento by "a damned Democrat," and threatened to"al&V his head otT," and having made a pass atthc aforesaid bead, thc owner thereof coolly

, knocked him down. Wolfe arose, breathingthreatenings and slaughter, and drawing a pistolof huge dimensions went for the luckless Sam¬son. The latter snuffing morphine In the taintedgale fled for his life, Wolfe following in hot pur¬suit. The chase was a long and devions one, lead¬ing through the halls of the Oonrthoose and end¬ing In the Guardhouse, where Wolfe was easilyoaptured, os ho asserted that one man could holdhim, but it would take three to manage his oppo¬nent. An investigation into tho case showed thatWolfe, grieving over thc result of the meeting oftho previous evening, had sought to drown hissorrows in whiskey. Samson, who waa appa¬rently in tho right, suffered only tn the particularof a torn coat, which was rent by Wolfe at thebeginning of the mclcc.

Moms OF TUB RADICAL MKETIXO ON MON-»AY NiauT-BOWBN AND SAWYHHSUOCIKD IN AD-BftBasuia nie PAITHM/L-T. j. MAOIBY I.BFT INTHH DAUB:-EXEUNT OMNBS.-At a late hour Mon¬day night, after our reporter had left MilitaryHall, a degree of quiet was restored, and thc chairhaving been yleldod to T. J. Mackey, a call wasninda for Bowen, and that specimen Radical ad¬dressed his constituents for three mortal hours.Un bold himself up as tho shining light and main

,*tfty of tho party In South Carolina, and arguedthat Dr. Mackey was a dyspep'io Dcmoorat, whowanted to Hil tho Customhouse nffioes with thodisloyal, ne deprecated thc violence, that han«*>eon displayed, and begged all of his friends toBaton quietly to T. J. Mackey.Tito latter yielded thu floor to Senator Sawyer,

.who repelled tho charge of having soid out theRepublican party. He regretted tho hostility oftho ex-Collector, bot he bad attended the meetingnot to make strife, but to derend himself againstothers, and he trusted none would now refuse toBaton to T. J. Mackey.The ox-Alderman did not walt for a moro ex¬

tended Invitation, bm at onoc began u philippicagainst the preceding speakers, and showed howthey had boon and Wcro Still nurturing Democrat¬ic vípera In the porty bosom. Döring his rcmsrksorlos of morphlno tra* raised by tho opposition,and at last some malicious Individual turned offUro gas. Maokoy continued for awhile by tholight of a candle, bul most of tho audience hadleft with Bowen and Sawyer, and the farce wasanally brought to a Budden close by blowing ontthe but candle.

Fon FLORIDA.-By an advertisement fromMessrs. J. 1). Alkeu A Co., agents, tt wtU foe secathat thosloanaor Pilot Boy will hcrcartor leave rorFernandina, Plorida, by Uie Inland route ev erjMonday morning-reluming every Wednesdayafternoon.

Mn.i.s HOUSE STABLES Mr. ttobortGraham,who has assumed chargo of those well known

atables, announces in tommy's Naws that he Lsnow prepared lo accommodate ihc public atBhort notice and at reasonable prices withcarriages, oranlbussca, Ac.

SANITARY RETORT.-ThoWU of mortality forthe week ending November 20, shows a total ortwenty-seven deaths. Or these but six are white,ami twenty-one blacks and colored. Two of thcwhites arc male children, and there are twoadults of each sex. The blaoks arc thrc> maloand six female adults, six male and six reinal :

children. Twenty-one or thc deaths were, under

rorty years or ago and six between forty and

eighty._CaUURS.-The iron front of Messrs. Cameron

A Harkley's building was taken down yesterdayin snfety.A scatfbkllng was creeled In Rout of the Klrst

National Hank building yesterday, ami thc work¬men will remove the raises! letters " Partner'sami Exchange Hank," near the roof, anti substi¬tute those ol "lim First National Rank." Thcwork wlil bc done by Messrs. J. ll. Devereux ABrother.A gong has been fixed in tho Orphan House

steeple tu facilitate the alarm in case of (ire.Thc Longshoremen's Union will send delegates

to too Slate Labor Convention al Columbia.Thc Citadel anti garrison were inspected yes¬

terday by Ceneral Hallcck.Thc detective and police forces are now entire

ly separate, and r.ll cuses Ter the detectives mustbc given at their office.Odlcor tjulun arrested yesterday Luke Vincent

and Harry Stevens, two deserters from theAmerican bark James E. Katnn.THRNRWS is indebted for thc compliment ora

very pleasant serenade to the newly organisedPbumlx brass band, composed or colored men.Thc bachelor Club, a .new organization of this

city, will hold their anniversary mccellng to¬night, when thc retiring president, Mr. John II.Touhey, will be presented willi a silver goblet.

MKKTISU OP THE STOCKHOLDERS 0>' Tit»HANK OF CHARLESTON.-A number of thc stock¬holders ol.this hank assembled lu the hall of thcbuilding yesterday morning, in accordance witha call published tn thc dally papers. On motion,Richard Yeadon, Esq., was called to tho chair.Restated that ihc object of thc meeting was toto hear thc reports of the President and Hoard ofDirectors, and to take such action an was deemednecessary to resume business. Messrs. .1. I).Aiken. W. M. Lawton and M. P. O'Connor wore

appointed a committee to ascertain ir a quorumwas prrsent. After an investigation, it was re¬ported that no quorum was present, but uponthe statement of Mr. Hcorge. A. Tretiholm andothers t hat thc present meeting of slockholdarswas the largest ever hold for years, anti that noiioornm hail been obtained for twenty years, ilwas determined to proceed with thc business.Mr. W. II. Lawton, from thc Board ol Directors,

then read their repon, which heartily endorsedthc action of Mr. C. T. Lowndes, the president ofthu bank, .-11111 commended thc ability wilh whichtho air.iirs ol" th tiank li ad been managed since, thcwar. In consideration of Hie eminent services nfMr. Lowndes during that period, Hie. directors of¬fered a resolution that the sum of $10,000 tic paidhim ns an additional compensation, and thal $2.100be paid thc cashier. Mr. Wm. Thayer, for his closeattention to thc atrairs of thc Institution duringthc same time. Thc report was considered aa awhole and adopt ed unanimously.The president's report was then read by the

cashier, showing thc manner in which the assetsof thc bank bad been husbanded, anti how theliabilities were met. in May 0, 1865, tho out¬standing circulation was $1,605,045; this had beenreduced to $224,243, and, from a capital of $3,000,-OOO, fully $800,000 had been saved. The slock hadnow a market value of $25 per share. A state¬ment of tho assets and liabilities or the bank, asappraised by Messrs. H. H. Dc Loon and J. H. Wil¬son, at the close of thc war, and on thc I6M1 tnslant, oonaTmedthc flattering exhibitor the presi¬dent. On motion, thc roport was adopted unani¬mously, and thc thanks of tho stockholders re¬turned to thc president and cashier for their ablemanagement of thc finances of thc bank.Mr. H. H. DeLeon offered a resolution that thc

directors bc authorized to apply to thc Legisla¬ture for an amendment to thc charter or the bank,by which the stock would bc reduced from $3,-000,000 to $1,000,000 in shares of $23 each, insteadof $100, thc present par value, and that the num¬ber of directors be reduced from thirteen to seven.After some discussion thia was adopted, and thestockholders having passed a resolution request¬ing the directors to take snch steps as were ne¬cessary ror the speedy resumption of business, themeeting stood adjourned.

Motel Arrivals-Kovcmbtr Silt.

CHARLESTON HOTEL.Thomas H. Willingham, Albany, Cu.; P. L.

Wiggins, Beaufort; James F. iziar, Orangoburg;James S.White, Columbia; Mrs. L. J. Patterson,Miss Wardlaw, Liberty mu; Mrs. Dr. Milos, Laltl-raorc; Mrs. K. H. Whittier, Miss Livingston, Flori¬da; F. K. Harrison, South Carolina; J. C. Oillctt,Augusta; J. Barnum, S. C. Darnum, New York;Miss J. Morgan, Mrs. M. D. Smith, Miss 3.Morgan, Miss A. R. Smith, New bondon, Conn.;A. French, Mrs. A. French and child, NewYork; J. L. Rceqna, Mrs. J. L. Rcequa, Roches¬ter, N. Y.J P. Hanls, New York; SamuelT. melville, Oeorgo T. French, Newport, n.I.; J. O. Hinsdale, New York; W. L. J. Reid,SoothCarolina; B. P. Angel, Oenesec, N. T.j Daniel Cal¬lahan, Savannah; George Waterhouse, Beaufort:James P. Adams, Richland. #

PAVILION BOTEL.J. S. A. Moore, Wm. H. Burgess, city; Cohen

Potter and son, Blanton, South Carolina; T. 8.Hudson, J. M. Hudson, Abbeville, Sooth Carolina;8. J. Kennedy, Jacksonville; J. Murray Bailey,Rochester, New York; L. Brothers, Reevesvtlle;w. E. Batchcldcr, Norfolk, Virginia; A. L. Conner,Pennsylvania; J. R. Hamilton, Branchville; N. G.Osteen, Sumter News; J. M. Tindall, Manchester,South Carolina; W. D. Niles, 8altketcbic; W. C.Patterson, Philadelphia; B. H. Dowling, Barnwell,Sooth Carolina; Prank Donaldson, New York.

1ULLS HOOTS.John Warren and wire, IL 8. Lyon, New York;

Jas. c. Bryan, Buffalo: O. H. Banecomb, Canada;IL C. wish man, Newberry; Wm. Parsons, Nor¬walk, N. c.; J. P. Gurnes, Steamship Champion;J. M. Murray, Balley Rochester, N. Y.j 8.T. Sweet,Miss Sweet, child and servant, crafter sweet,Maryland; 8. af. Mathews, 0. Gorm da, New York;J. M. Wlilte, RalHraoro; Major A. Jonand, Savan¬nah; E. 8. 1 lurbert. City; J. M. Cake, Augusta.A Card from a. Colored Conservative.

TO TUB KDITOR OP TUB NKW8.Wo noUco In thc Mlarlonary Record, a dirty

little sheet published by R. H. Cain, a commu¬nication signed by a eontempUblo Republican.Wc will any to him that he may write about ns,and try to scandalize us, bet all In vain. Wehavo made up our minds to support our friends,and will do il bi spite of all that may be saidagainst us, nod nothing la tb la world will overcause ns to change onr course. Wc are willingthat thc Republicans should continuo with theirchosen friends, bat they wilt never havo oar xs-slstanoc, not even for a week, but wo will takooar president's advice and "fight lt out if it takesail Rummer." Wo fed confident thai thone per¬sons whom we havo known and trusted all ourlives, are far better friends than tho unprinci¬pled adventurers, or thc greedy demagogue* whoare now living off the fat of the land, and thcwould-be orators who cling to Ropnblleanlauiaro only tho tools of these mon. Wo don't wantany ono to dictate to us, for we arc not ohlldrcn.Neither aro wc tho drunkards, liars and loafersthat as iiHatnons shee* haa stated. Wo aronod ihr hnt bard workara, and that ia one rea¬son why we aro Conservatives. We know whatwe aro doing, how we are working, and who aroour friends, and Intend to paddle our canoe onthis aide of ihe crock.


jtwszifsäs tr o T i o B a .

A RA.RH CIIAKCB KOR CAPITAI.IKTB.-Ono ofIko largest nair i or real catato, comprising ihechoicest planting sections In the Slate, will takeplace at the Georgetown Courthouse on tho 7thproximo. A glance at the long Us*, or plantationsthat will then he brought under the hammer willconvince all who have money that no better in¬vestment could bc made.

Bu8(NK8fl ICNVKLOPK.S.-Tint NKWH Job OfïlcoIn now prepated to rurnlsh good envelopes, withbuslucss cania printed thereon, at $4 ncr thous¬and. Send your orders. Every merchant andbusiness man should have bis card printed on hisenvelopes.

ONK OK DKMcnKti' or scott's Works la presonUed to every annual subscriber to »he XIX Cen¬tury. «ct«



ino undersigned respectfully informs Min clli-zeus of Charleston and the I ravening public gene¬rally that he has opened thc MILLS ROUSE STA¬BLES In Chalmers street, lie will havo Omni¬buses and Carriages at thc several Railroad Sta¬tions and Steamship Landings to convey passen¬gers lo thc Mills House, or any part or tho elly.Rc will also receive orders to convey passengersto tho Railroad-; and Steamships from privatercsldenees.Having n lino nssortmeul of Carriage«, with

careful and esr' rleucod drivers, he solicit« ordersfor thc same. ROBERT OKAHAM,novMwfm3 Proprietor._

?jyQ YOU WLSll TO PUT OPP INDEFI¬NI r UL Y Sick Uendacke, Soar Eructations and

Acidity or vne S'.omach ?


Per sale er RAOIL A LYHA H.

scpin amos_

T. V. CH 9 PB I NS K N T I S T ,

Ol'KIOF. NO. 27fi KING BTMBf,nevis 9raos



Per sale by

_acpU7_.'lmos_ _RAOUL A LYNA H.

.J^O YOU Vfísil TO SLEEP SOUNDLYat- night, and awake la Hie morning wilta a

thorough appreciation of your egg, roBs and


Poraalcby RAOUL k LYNAU.

sopt 17 limos

Sljitts ano imnisljing Öooös.N E P *R I G E !

u £ e s i .- d.2 8 i I S 11" 11 i 1 i llna

W S I I 8? a a fe ë os £X w S Si»to* fi « oi

o » S3





SS s

S Ss s




s sS MEN'S Ss sS FURNISHING SSSSSSSS sssssssS OOODS. Ss ss ss s8 Ss




p II O 8 P H A T E ROOK.Phosphate Rock of a high grade, delivered at awharf lu the city, or alongside of a ship. Forsalo by H. F. BAKER A Oo.,novîï mwf No. to cumberland street.



COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED.This article la ma&uraoturcd at tho Company's

Works under the direction and anporlntendenceor Dr. RAVBNEL. It contains the same clementsor fortuity an Soluble Pacific Guano, oxoept thatHr la not furnished with ammonia. It ls preparedexpressly for oorapostlns with cotton aocd, whichfurniahOH thc element of ammonia-tho object be¬ing to render that sblo-produot or tho plantationavailable to tim highest degree as on etoment offertility. *

$45 cash, or $60 on lat November, 1870, for ap¬proved oliy aoeeptanoo or other good scoorlty.For further, and particular laformation, apply

to thc undersigned,J. M. ROBSON,

Agent for Sooth Carolina,Noa. 1 and 2 Atlantio Wharf.JOHN. & RRESR A CO.,General Agents Baltimore.0C127 wfmïinoflDAo

p KR U VI AN OU ANO.too tons Genuino PERUVIAN, landing exschooler Margarot and Lucy, for sale low.novlft J. A. KN3IAW A CO.

JkTO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO.iu> tons No. i PBROY1AH GUANO, n»w land¬ing from achoonsr Arabar 4 Reevea,For «ale by j. KCBUR A 38.noni


rp li E E Q U I T A ]



Orfjçivni^ od So


i» u it K L r

AH PROFITS divided annually among thcRn losses arc pai'l promptly.All Ita POLICIES ARK N0N-FORFKITIN0.

0. A. ROWEN,WM. II. SHAW, No. Ul Meeting street, Ocner

novit wfmltno

Cumber, Jud, Six..


aootoiLs Rc<i Ask Kg* COAL lauding from HrlRCambia, and for sale hy

ll. P. IlAKKR A CO..Coal Yan),

H0VJ2 No. BO Cumberland street."

Jnsnrancc.T N s ü li E

IS ruK «.



President, ROBBST L. CASK; rice-President, TOKO.R. WUKTUOKB; Secretary, ISAAC IL ALUIN.

Oencral Atrent for South Carolina. W. litmusTOWKSKSI). Aiken.

O II 0 AN IZ KD IN 1862.

Assets, December 31. isa?.H,s.S4,f>7«ooAmount Insured In 1S08.11,501,38900Claims paid. 14S.5fr3oO

No restrictions on travel. Only sound lives In¬sured.Loan of portion of premium allowed when de¬

sired. «Dividends declared annually. Last Dividend 50

per cent.All forms of IJfc and Kndowmcnt Policy issued.AI [rm ion Ls especially Invited to thc Ten Year

Non-Korfclturc and the Return Premium plans.Insurance by thc tatter costs the policy-holder

ONLY TIIK 1NTB11B3T UTON HIS ANNUAL r UK Jl I li HS.ror thc Premiums themselves arc returned atdeath In addition to thc Tull amount or the Policy.This Company ls chartered under the Laws ofthe State of New York, and it Invites thc closestscrutiny lntu lus condition as exhibited In om. ulreports of Insurance Departments of New Yurkand Massachusetts.SrKOtAI. AOKNTS IN TUE STATS AT I,Mtor.-A. J.



Hr. W. M. FITCH, Medical Examiner.LOUIS S H RUF KS ER,

Agout for Charleston, S. C..OFFICE No. 4» BltOAD STRKUT, (Second Floor.)

nov-j'i 16_BROOKLYN



Issues all kinds of Life and Badowment Pód¬eles. Dividends annually la cash. Only Com¬pany having thc Definite. Guaranteed Surrender-Value Plan Policies, world-wide. Second tonoCompany in thc United States for stability, libe¬rality and economy,om ce No. HI Broadway, New York*.

CHRISTIAN W. UUOR, President.WILLIAM M. COLE, Secretary,state Agency No. M Broad-street, second floor.Local and Canvassing Agents wanted through¬

out the State.Apply In person or by letter to

J AUKS G. HOLMES, JR.,General Agent for South Carolina.

jutyl'2 mwf6mos





LAST CASU Ul villus-1) (J/HTY) 64 PKn Cl!NT.

STATSM«NT.Policen lu fore*.926,000,000

Assets. 1,000,000Annual Income. 800,000Losses Paid. 000,000

amaina.W. H. PECKHAM, President.WM. T. HOOKER, Vlco-Prosident.L. MCADAM, Secretary and Actuary.O. A. PUDICKAR, Superintendent.

DirtEOTona.Hon. John A. Dix, New York.Hon. James Harper, Firm of Harper A Bros. ,9 -

Mayor New York.John J. Crane, President Bank Republic.Wm. M. Vcrmllye, Danker, (Vermllye k Co.)Chas. O. Rockwood, Cashier Newark Banking

Company.Hon. George Opydyke, ex-Mayor New York.Minot C. Morgan, Banker.Thomas Rigney, Firm Thomas Rigney A Co.Benj. B. Sherman, Treasurer New York Steam

Stigar Refining Company.A aron,A mold, Firm or Arnold, Constable A Co.Rlohard IL Bowne, Wetmore A Bowne, LawyersE. V. Haughwout, Firm E. V. Uaugbweut k Co.Wm. Wilkens, Firm of Wilkens k Co.Julius H. Pratt, Merchant.Wm. W. Wright, Merchant.Charles J. Starr, Merchant.William Allen, Merchaut.Geo. W. Cuyler, Banker, Palmyra, N. Y.Geo. T. Hope, President Continental Flro Insur¬

ance Company.John G. Sherwood, Park Place.Walton H. Peckham, corner I'la a Avonuc and ty -third street.Edward IL Wright, Newark, N. J.Goo. W. Farlee, Counsellor.W. L. Cogswell, Mcrohant.

KEIM & ÍSBBttTEL,General Agents for South avelina ans" aaorgla,

Ofllec No. 40 Broad street,Charleston, 8.0.

Dr. T. RKHNSTJBRNA, HxAmlntag Physlolan.jon12 lyrrv.i:



SHIPPING AC Ii NT 3,Will Attend to thc Purchase, Salo and Shlpmnat

(to Foreign and Domestic Portal of COTTON,KICK, Ltl.UltKll and NAVAL HTOItKB.ATLANTIC WHARF, Oharlcslon, 8. C.



No. 10 HOYOH'8 WuAnr.Bair» Hoary Sea [alaad BAOOING AND TWINSfor sala. Advances mado en Produoe ü» hund.augie- thaw; J





ptomb or, 1859..110,000,000.% ft.000.000

M UT U A I, .


of J AM KS ADI. CK A, Co., Resident agent,al Agent, Charleston, 8. C.

Stones. Hanges, Sic.YES AT WHOLESALE.






























Siro ©coos, Sic.



jI . G 00 D K O P'S,

No. 4 2 3 KINO STRKET.

Having removed to thal largo and commodiousBuilding next to Burnham's Drug Store, I am nowprepared to offer toe greatest bargains In

DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, &«.,this market has over produced.

Purchasers will do well bj eollmg aud examin¬ing our stock of







uovs mwf Wext to Burnham's Drag Store.



Is unavoidable, and tho point is to knownow AHT> wumm TO GO TO OBTAIN A BUFPLT.A groat many have fuuud out already, and now

advise their trends in want orDRY O O O D S

To call atPU RCIICOTT A, URO.,

OORNOll Ol' KINO AND CALHOUN 8TKHUTS,Wnerc Dry Ooods can bc bought to a great advan¬

tage. Attention ls called to:100 pair 10-4 Whito Blankets, only $ >.7'<. warft

pt UL12-4 Gorman Covcrlots, from $4 np.Large Comforts, only M.100 pair Fine Donblo Shawls, only %i SO, worth

t« 00.Arab Shawls, from $fi, np.1 case Brawn Canton Flannel, only tte par

yard, worth 20c.Heavy Black Reaver Olola for cioats, only $2,

worUi %-i 76.A Ano assortment of Brown ^Shirtings, I.orig-

cloths, Alpacas, Dreis Goods, MoUona, Ho¬siery, Gloves, Aa., which have been bonght bylarge quantities, and will bo sohl to hatlafy thepurobaaer» lu every respect.

FU nen corr A BRO.,Corner King and Calhoun streets.

O*-A special Department for Boola, Shoes,Hals, Tranks, ftc, sold at correspondingly lowprices.

. nora* imo*

faction 9alco--(îl)io dan.



THIS DAY, Hie 34th iiiHtmnt. at lu o'clock, in mySalesroom, Nos. 140 and MS Meeting street, Iwill sell

iou eases nwortcd HOOTS, shoes, Brogans, Ac.nov¿4


WI L li S E L Ii AT HALF-PAST IOo'clock, al No. 3.1 ilroad sired.

.I HOltSKH, I Mule, Spring Wairoa, I'urnlliire,Stoves. Carpeting. a ríanos, Ac. novJ4

By war MCKAY.


THIS HAY. Wednesday, at IO O'clock, nt No. 130Meei un; stree'.

nov" I



THIS HAY, tim 'Jilli instant, al ll o'clockA. M., al Hie Old I'ostoillcc, will bu sold,tina hundred ami twenty-four (HM) 11A Id'AI ut: LOTS, in the Town of Itavcncl, on Savau-nan und Charleston llailrond. shout IA miles fromCharleston. This ls un excellent stand for coun¬try siores. The. laud ls well wooded with e .k midpine timber, and Ilia health ol Hm place is con¬sidered good. Wood can be freighted al $l percord.Terms cash. A plot to be aeon at No. 1 Sttttcstreet novii-l Hinwii*

5Drngs, tttrjcmicalg, S?c.ThUSSKLL'S SOOTHING CORDIAL






RUSSELL'S SOOTH INO COttDIAl< la Offered tothe public with an absohite guaran inc againat alldanger from IM use. Read Hie following ocrlin-cates:

CII.VKI.OHTOK, May io, IROS.Mr. S. B. RIIKSRI.I.. one. of our direful and intel¬

ligent. Pharmaceutists and Apothecaries, has sub-ililli' il to my examination Hie formula Tor Hiepreparation of a Soothing Cordial prepared andvended by him.

I- affords me pleasure to express a favorableopinion of ila sale und clllcienl adapt ni mn to theparticular eases nf the. discasiM of children, willohit ls designed to relieve.


Having had occasion ta prescribe RiMtKLi.'äaooihing Cordial tn severe caac.s of Bowel Com¬plaints In children ami delicate females, I bave,been much pleated with its elleots. I ooiisldur il» valuable, medicine in all cases, in which lt maybe advisable lo avoid I ho use nf Slimly ne, and par-I loulariv for ramil? use, as lt. is perfectly safe.

W. T. WHAGG, M. D.

. OllAW.KSTON, S. C., ISM.Hear Sir-I have used your Soothing Cordial for

Dlarrnuia In toothing children, and lind it ii veryexcellent propnraiton. lt Inc. a great advantageover inosl preparations ur tho kind in contnUilogno Opium or Narcotic.When these arc required they can bc Aided bi

proportions applicable to the. case.I therefore ran recommend Ila use in Hie affec¬

tions for winch lt ls designed.Beapeotiullv, cours, ftc,

T. !.. OC1KI?, M. D.

Cll ARMATON, S. C.. 1 SOi.I ccrUfy that I havo most. Hucccsafully used

RUWSKI.L'H Soothing Cordial in the Summer Com¬plaints ol' infants'. He. has full > ox idhi ted tho In¬gredients or his remedy, and tho tedious methodor preparation. 1 recognize thc prescription-containing no anodyne whatever-as a noil safeand efficacious one in bowelaifoctiona of children.When much palo or restlessness attends tho affec-tlon, doses ot Paregoric con lie added to thc pre-scrlbcd doaes or thc Cordial according to thc ageor thc patient The compound, though moreorien, acts ba an efficient manner without any ad¬dition or thc Diarrhoea or thc agod. In increased doses,it ls or great value as a remedy; nevor disagree¬ing with the stomach-Increasing appetite, Im¬proving digestion, and acting ns a slow but otucleat astringent agent.

W. M. FITCn, M. D.

MOUNT PLEASANT, S. C., 1808.Mr. J. Ii. Russell :DBAR SIR-I havo used your Soothing Cordialfor children extensively In my practice, and moat

cheerfully testify to Ita merits. I havo found it,without an exception, to accomplish aU lt claims,and consider it superior to anything lu use forchildren.

Its freedom from anodyne or any kind recom¬mends lt as a perfectly sure preparation in thchands of mothers and inexperienced nurses.

Very respectfully, Ac.;D. lt WILLIAMS, M. D.

Made by J. B. RUSSELL, Ohomlst.Sold by Dr. H. BAR.;, Wholesale Agent lor

South Carolina. cell 3



When yon arc exhausted hv overwork of heifdor hand, and feel thc need ofsomutliing invigorat¬ing, don't drink whiskey or any Intoxicatingthing, whether under thc name of Bittern or ot hcr-wlae. Such articles glvo Just ns much streu«thto your weary body and mind as the whip givesto the jaded horse, and no more. Alcoholic stim¬ulants arc Injurious to nerve health, and are al¬ways followed by depressing reaction.

DODD*» NERVINE AND INVIGORATORIs a Tonic and gentle stimula nt, which ls not at¬tended by reaction. What it gains for you ltmaintains. When it refreshes body or mind, ltrefreshes with natural strength that cornea tostay. We aro not recommending teetotalism tntlie Interest of any faction ; but long and extend¬ed observation teaches us that he who resorts tothe bottle for rest or recuperation, will lind, as hekeeps at lt, that he ls kindling a fire In his boneswhloh will consume Bke the flames or perdition.Turn from it. Toke a tonic that will refresh andnot destroy. DODO'S NERVINE 1B for salo by aHDruggists. Price One dollar. See book of cern¬ir ates that accompanies each bottle. %Iunc26 7caos

J) R. RICHAU'SGOLDEN REMEDIES.Ask for no other, take no other, and you willsave time, health and money.$1000 reward for any case of disease in anystago which they fall to euraDr. RICH AU'S GOLDEN BALSAM No. 1 curesUlcers. Ulcerated Sore Throat and Mouth, BoreEyes, Cutaneous or Skin Eruptions, Copper Col¬ored Blotches, Soreness or thc Scalp, Scrofula,Ac; ls tho greatest Renovator, Alterative andBlood Purifier known, removes all diseases fromtho system, and leaves thc blood pure and healthy.Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM No. 'J Affections, Rheumatism in nil ilaforms, whether from mcrcory or other causea;gives Immediate relief In all cases. No dietingnoonasary. I havo thousands of Certifícalesproving the miraculous enrcs effected by theseremedies. Price or either No. 1 or No. 3, $5 perbotHo, or two bottles tor î ».Dr. KI ci AU'S GOLDEN ANTIDOTE, a safo,speedy, pleasant and radical ottru for all UrinaryDerangement*, accompanied with Rill illroollons.Price j3 ncr hollie.Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN KLIX1R D'AMOUR,radical cure tor Nervous or GonorAl Debility, inold or young, Imparting energy with wonderfulelfoct Price Î5 per bottle, or two bottles for $0.On rocolpt or price t hese Remedies will be whip¬ped ui any place Prompt attention paid to nilcorrespondents. None genuine without tho nameor "Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN' REMEDIES, D. B.RICHARDS, Solo Proprietor," blown In niara ofbottles.Address O. B. RICHARDS,No. ~w Yorick stree t New York.Office hotir.i from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.

Circulars sunt. julys lyr

?jotcte.QU A R LB8TÖN BOT BL,

CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA.This flratclass HOTEL situated in a pleasantlocation and tn the business portion of tho city,renders lt thc most desirable llotel for cither per¬manent or transient guests. Thc accommodo-Uons aro unsurpassed, having extensive snitea ofolcgrjitly furiikthcd apartments tor tomlins andsingle gentlemen. Tho proprietor will cndeivorUi maintain the nigh reputation enjoyed by the"Charleston" as a uret-claas hoirc, and no effortwUlbo spared to deserve a conUtiuatsoc or theliberal patronage herolotoro bestowed unorilt.Tho best of Livery accommodations will befound adjoining tho oalahHahmcnuTho house ts supplied with the celebrated Art»alan Waler, of which delightful hath« can ito hadeither day or night. R. IL JACKSON,j«*JIa Proprietor.



Will l«> MOM THURSDAY, December .>, nt thc OldINisloillcc, itt il o'clock,Thal i w o «tory WOODEN ItKSI DENCE, on thonorthsideof Minoriiy «Irrel, two door« wi'Kl ofMiddle, known BM Nu. 2. Hausa contains four gpnulli rooms. Lot4A«y nvTcct, more or lcm.Terms -One-third cash; hillanco in ono und iwojrrani. Interest payalrie semi-annually. Propertyto lin Insured uini policy assigned, purchaser topay for paper« ami «lump«. nnv24 wfwtti*



Will lie noltl on THURSDAY, December 9. at theOld I'oMlolllrc, nt ll o'clock,2 LOTS on wont «Ide Rutledge avenue, one door

north of Nunan si reel, each IO feel, by "¿ti feeldeep.a Lois on north aldo Nunan street, each 40 feet,hy 1ST.3 Lois on eas! «ide Payne «Ireel, two 40 feet bylld. lind ono 40 feet Ly 216.Terms-One-third cash; balance secured bybond and morl gu ¡te In one and two years. Pur¬

chaser io pay tor papers ami stamps. Plats muybe seen our office. novl* 20,24, '¿'.i dee. I, U

BY IJOWKBES Ai (¿KIMBALI».TTOUKM No. IS SMITH STREET.Will bo «nhl on TIIUllsDAY, December », alike

OM Postónico, at 11 u'clook,The UOrsK AND LOT, ut thu uorlhoBSI corneror smith and Monlaguo streets.known an No. 18smith street. Tin* iiuuse contains eight squareroom«, pantry :uii| attics. All the necessary out¬buildings and Cistern on Hie premise«. I .ot mensure* st) feet on Montague and lift foot on smithsired.Terms-One-third cash: balance in one and two

rears, scoured by bond and mortgage. Propertyto be mumed and policy assigned. Purchaser topav for paper« ami stamp«.novl7 V.O. Z4, SH dee. I, D


TJTOUSB No. Wi UROAU STREET.Will he sold on THURSDAY, Mil December, at tho

Old Postolllr.e, ut 11 o'clock,Thal HUM :K R RSI DKNCK, on tho north side or

Broad «irccl, two door« west, of the Courthouse,known as No. OG. The House contain« nix up¬right room«, p.ntry, dressing moms, Ac. Kitchenand nul buildings or brick. Lol measure« 34 feetfront, bv 134 feet deep.Terms-one-third cash; balance In one and two

vcurs, tu bc secured by bond ¡ind mortgage.Property to bc insu roil ami policy assigned. Pur¬chaser lo pay Tor paper« and «tamps.

IIOV17 20, 24. 20 dec 1, 0_By~W. Y. LEITCH & K. S. BRUNS,Auctioneers.



Will be Mild al Auction, on THURSDAY, 25th in-slant, at thc Old Postónico, at ll o'clack.

That desirable Utrec «lory WOODEN DWELL¬ING nu east «Ide or Meeting street, No. 200. TheHouse contain« six rooms, pantry and dressingroom, willi doublo piazzas. On thc l«it I« a cis¬tern, well, kitchen and «table. Lot measures 44by 146 feet, more or ICKS.Terms-One-third cash; balance lu one, iwo and

three yoars, with interest ai 10 percent per an¬num, secured by bond and mortgage of t he prop¬erly; to be Insured and policy assigned. Pur¬chaser lo pay for paper« und «I umps and propor¬tion of State laxes now accruing. nov23

<£lo ll)ing rtnb ínritioljing ©oobß.¿\ P E N I N (I


Which wc have detcrmlnod to sell at suoh pricesas cannot Tall to satisry lite views or thc




Fancy Tweed Cassimaros, (Sack and

PantB). $76«Mlxod Casslmcre Suits. 13 00Double and Twisted Casslmcre Salta_ ie 00

Harrison's Cray Casslmcre Suits. il7 00

Fancy Casslmcre Suits. 17 00

Black and White Silk Mixed Suits. 18 00

Colorid Scotch Cheviot Suits. 20 00

Gold Silk Mixed Suits. 25 00

Blaok Cloth (Sack, Pants and Vests. ll oo

Black Doeskin Cassimere rants from.5 oo to io ooColored Casslmcre Pants from.4 60 to 9Colored Union Cnsslmoro Pants

Dom.2 oo te 4 ooFine Black Cloth Vest. 3 ooFine Colored Cassiinete Vesls. 2 00Waterproof Tweed Over Sacks. 10 oo





Lot 42 Star Shirt. $ 2 M

Lot 62 Star Shirt. % M



MAKE, at$126.

MERINO SHIRTS FROM 76 eents to $1 60, A


Cull and see us. We do not boast of havingthc most expensive GOODS, but wo con boaster having the cheapest ¡ind best m-ide CLOTHINGin Chai ie.',ton, and equal to the BKST CUSTOMWORK.

Tanns Casa, or otty itorcplanuo.

0. E. & A. S. JOHNSON,oct!I ItusVmos No. 317 KING STREET.

_J&fitcljco, 3eu>clr&* &t.A T 0 fl E 8 I WATCHES!

WATCHES of thc best Rngnsh, Swiss andAmerloan manufacture, tn Gokl and BIIV r Cases,

lt JAM\*S ALLAN'S,novl mthlmo No. SOT King tarnet.


An elegant assortment or Uno half sots BARMINOS, Broochoa, ¿o., at

JAMBS ALLAN'S,novl mthlmo ' No. aol Klag street.

>. ti .' 'kX--ti '\-'.-.»: .*»«