The Channels of Acupuncture -...


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Page 1: The Channels of Acupuncture - Bible(1).pdfacupuncture points for the various Meridians are in the same mirror
Page 2: The Channels of Acupuncture - Bible(1).pdfacupuncture points for the various Meridians are in the same mirror
Page 3: The Channels of Acupuncture - Bible(1).pdfacupuncture points for the various Meridians are in the same mirror

The Channels of Acupuncture

In Chinese acupuncture anatomy, the internal organs of the body are all interconnected with

one another by pathways called meridians, which are located throughout the body. The

concept of these pathways could be compared with Western ideas of the blood vessels and

capillaries, or the nervous system with its centers and peripheral branches This system is

not, however, the same as either of these other systems. The meridians, unlike the blood

vessels, which can be seen with the naked eye, are not visible. As the blood vessels function

as pathways for the blood, so the meridians are pathways in which energy is circulated throughout the body.

The meridians spread out through the entire body connecting all the tissues and organs of

the body binding it together as an organic unit. They regulate normal functioning of the

body, and diagnostically reflect pathology or illness. Meridians are also referred to as

Vessels, Chings, or Channels.

In acupuncture we generally consider that there are 72 channels of therapeutic importance:

12 Primary Meridians

12 Tendinomuscular Meridians

12 Transversal Lo Vessels

12 Longitudinal Lo Vessels

12 Distinct (Divergent) Meridians

8 Extra (Ancestral) Vessels

3 Extra Longitudinal Lo Vessels

1 Huato Channel

The most important and essential ones for the circulation of Qi, and for most therapeutic

applications are the twelve Primary Meridians and two of the Extra Vessels. The twelve Primary Meridians are also known as the twelve Chings.

The two extra Meridians are the Governing or Du Vessel (DU), and the Conception or Ren

Vessel (REN). (The term Conception Vessel does not imply that this Vessel is exclusively

concerned with the female, although it does have extensive connections with the female

reproductive system, and is frequently used in the treatment of gynecological disturbances. It is, however, present in both male and female).

These two Extra Vessels are usually included in a listing of the twelve Meridians, because of

their importance in the circulation of energy, and their value in many treatment formularies.

They also have their own acupuncture points.

Some of the meridians of the body run in a more or less horizontal direction, while others run vertically. The twelve Primary Meridians are vertical channels.

The twelve Primary Meridians are also bilateral. This means they have symmetrical

pathways on either side of the body in relation to the median (mid-line) of the body, just as

we have a right and a left side. There is a Lung meridian on both the left side of the body

and the right side of the body, and similarly with all of the other eleven Meridians. The

acupuncture points for the various Meridians are in the same mirror image locations on either side of the body.


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We have 12 bilateral Meridians. The two special vessels (the Conception Vessel and the

Governor Vessel) are not bilateral. They are singular channels, which follow the midline of

the body, one in front and one on the back. The following pages are diagrams of the locations of the meridians on the human body.

There are a number of ways in which the Primary Meridians can be classified. One method is

to classify them into two groups, according to their polarity of Yin and Yang. The Chinese

determined that some of the Meridians are predominantly of Yin energy, and some are

predominantly of Yang energy.

YIN Yang

Yin Meridians Yin Channels (Organ)

Yang Meridians Yang Channels (Organ)

Hand TaiYin Meridian Lung (LU) Hand YangMing Meridian Large Intestine (LI)

Foot TaiYin Meridian Spleen (SP) Foot YangMing Meridian Stomach (ST)

Hand ShaoYin Meridian Heart (HT) Hand TaiYang Meridian Small Intestine (SI)

Foot ShaoYin Meridian Kidneys (KI) Foot TaiYang Meridian Bladder (BL)

Hand Juejin Meridian Pericardium (PC) Hand ShaoYang Meridian San Jiao (SJ)

Foot JueJin Meridian Liver (LV) Foot ShaoYang Meridian Gall Bladder (GB)

The Primary Meridians are also grouped together in coupled pairs, each Yin meridian being

coupled to a specific Yang meridian. The pairs are coupled according to the table above, i.e.,

Lung with Large Intestine, Spleen with Stomach, Heart with Small Intestine, Kidneys with Bladder, Pericardium with San Jiao, and Liver with Gall Bladder.

Another way of classifying the Meridians is based on the main location of the Channel and

its terminal point. Six Meridians are located on the upper portion of the body, and start or

end on the fingers. The other six Meridians are located on the lower portion of the body and end or start at the toes. Which gives us the following relationships:

Hand Meridians Foot Meridians

Lung (LU) Stomach (ST)

Large Intestine (LI) Spleen (SP)

Heart (HT) Bladder (BL)

Small Intestine (SI) Kidneys (KI)

Pericardium (PC) Gall Bladder (GB)

San Jiao (SJ) Liver (LV)

By combining the Yin/Yang and Hand/Foot classifications or groupings, we get the following

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Meridians Organs Pathway

3 Yin Meridians of the Hand (LU, HT, PC) Chest to Hand

3 Yang Meridians of the Hand (LI, Sl, SJ) Hand to Face

3 Yang Meridians of the Foot (ST, BL, GB) Face to Foot

3 Yin Meridians of the Foot (SP, KI, LV) Foot to Chest

As you can see, so far, the Meridians have been classified into a division of two groups

according to Yin and Yang, hand and foot, and as coupled pairs. We are going to classify the

Meridians according to the traditional Chinese idea of the cycle of Qi within the Meridians.

The Chinese determined that the energy flows from one meridian to the next in a

continuous and fixed order. It flows from meridian to meridian in a two-hour cycle, making the complete circuit once a day.

This cycle is known as the Horary cycle. As the Qi makes its way through the meridians,

each meridian in turn, with its associated organ, has a two-hour period during which it is at

maximum energy. The Horary Effect is recognizable by measurable increases of Qi within an

organ system and meridian during its time of maximum energy. (Qi is, of course, present

within every organ system all the time; its level simply fluctuates according to the Horary Cycle.)

If a person moves from one time zone to another, the resultant "jet lag" is a result of the

biological Horary clock adjusting to the new time frame. Moving East or West causes this phenomena, but moving due North or South has no effect on the internal clock.

Just as each organ system has a waxing and waning two hour period of maximum energy

on the Horary Cycle, there is also the minimum energy effect of the organ on the opposite,

side of the cycle, 12 hours apart. An example of this is that while the Lungs have maximum

energy from 3-5 AM, the Bladder on the opposite side of the table is at its minimum energy

level, 3-5 PM. Qi begins entering the Lungs at 3 AM, and has reached its maximum

concentration in the organ at 4 AM. By 5 AM it has done its tonification and repair work and

is moving into the Large Intestine channel.

Knowledge of this cycle and its energetic effects is necessary for highly effective

acupuncture treatments, as the various organs respond either very well or very little to

acupuncture depending on their energetic state at the time of treatment. The Horary Cycle

is an excellent diagnostic tool and will be dealt with on the diagnostic level later in this

course work.

The flow of energy begins with the Meridian of the Lungs and completes its cycle with the

Liver, to commence again at the Lungs, continuing the daily cycle throughout an individual's

life span. The reason that the Chinese say that the flow begins with the Lungs, is that they consider the first independent function of a child at birth to be its first breath.

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Circulation of Energy Through the Primary Meridians

The Classical Order of Meridians

Lungs 3 AM to 5 AM

Large Intestine 5 AM to 7 AM

Stomach 7 AM to 9 AM

Spleen 9 AM to 11 AM

Heart 11 AM to 1 PM

Small Intestine 1 PM to 3 PM

Bladder 3 PM to 5 PM

Kidney 5 PM to 7 PM

Pericardium 7 PM to 9 PM

San Jiao 9 PM to 11 PM

Gall Bladder 11 PM to 1 AM

Liver 1 AM to 3 AM

As you can see in the table of Classical Order of Meridians, the energy flows from one

Channel to its coupled pair, and then on to the next coupled pair. The following is a diagram showing the order of energy circulation through the meridians.

The Twelve Meridians - In Classical Arrangement

1. The Governing Vessel (DU), also called the Du Mai, or Du Channel 2. The Conception Vessel (REN), also called the Ren Mai, or Ren Channel

A Yin meridian joins its Yang coupled meridian (and vice versa) in the extremities, either the

fingers or the toes. Yin meridians of the Hand terminate in the fingers. Yang meridians of

the Hand begin in the fingers. Yang meridians of the foot terminate in the toes. Yin meridians of the foot begin in the toes.


Although the Governing Vessel is of Yang nature and the Conception Vessel of Yin nature,

these two are not, strictly speaking, a coupled pair in the same sense of the twelve Primary

Meridians. The difference lies in the fact that the coupled pairs of P.M.s have specific

channels of communication, which join them together. These are the Transversal Lo vessels.

The Conception and Governor Vessels do not have Transversal Lo vessels, but rather

connect all the Yin channels (Conception Vessel) or Yang Channels (Governor Vessel) respectively.

Each Principal Meridian has its own Transversal Lo vessel. These are actually crosswise

connecting channels, known as anastomoses. Since each Principal Meridian has one

Transversal Lo, each coupled pair of P.M.s is linked by two of these. (The one exception is

the Heart channel, which is linked to the Small Intestine by only one Transversal Lo vessel.

We could consider the Transversal Lo vessels as the horizontal or transversal pathways of the Meridians.

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Understanding the energetic function of the Meridians is the Chinese equivalent of

understanding the function of the organs in Western Medical thought. The meridians are

connected with, and have their origin in, the internal organs: treating a meridian effects the

organ to which it is connected. The acupuncturist manipulates the vital organs with needles utilizing the acupuncture points along the meridians to achieve the desired effect.

The practice of acupuncture rests upon the relationship that exists between a specific area

on the surface of the skin and a particular organ or energetic function. The needles or

stimulus acts directly on the meridian, which in turn affects the associated organ. The more

appropriate the selection of the points on the meridian, the better the treatment results.

Within the 12 Meridians and the two Extra Vessels lie the majority of acupuncture treatment technique.

The series of acupuncture points upon the skin, which constitute the outward line of the

meridian, are primary evidence of the meridians existence although the meridians

themselves are invisible. Acupuncture point locators indicate the difference in electrical

resistance that exists around acupuncture points. The traditional methods of locating the

points are by locating specific anatomical landmarks, using special methods of measurement

which are valid for any human body, and by finger sensitivity. Finger sensitivity is necessary

in many areas of acupuncture practice; locating the points, feeling the quality of the pulses,

feeling the grip that Qi is exerting on an inserted needle, feeling (palpating) for sensitized

areas of damage on the body.

The meridians provide communication lines between external body appendages and

surfaces and the internal organs; upper and lower parts of the body; and provide for the

circulation of energy. They govern the body's ability to function, carry Qi, and so contribute

largely in the maintenance of health. This energy can be manipulated at stations along

these communication lines, the acupuncture points along the meridians.

General Pathways of the Meridians

The circulating pathways of the twelve Meridians flow from the face to the feet, from the

feet to the chest, from the chest into the hands, and from the hands back to the face. The

Yang Meridians generally flow along the outward (lateral) side of the limbs and along the

back of the body. The Yin Meridians pass along the inward (medial) side of the limbs and

along the front of the body. It has already been mentioned that the pathways leading to or

from the arms are called Hand Meridians, and those that descend to the legs or ascend from

the legs are the Foot Meridians.

The three Yin hand meridians travel from chest to hand; the three Yang hand meridians,

from hand to head (face). The three Yang foot meridians travel from head to foot; and the

three Yin foot meridians travel from foot to chest. This describes the circulation of energy over the entire body and delineates the pathways in which Qi, or energy, flows.

With the arms raised over the head palms facing forward, the energy in the three Yin Hand

Meridians (Lung, Heart, and Pericardium) will be flowing from the chest to the fingertips,

upward along the forward portion of the arm. The energy in the three Yang Hand Meridians

(Large Intestine, Small Intestine, and the San Jiao) will be flowing from the fingertips, downward on the back part of the arm, to end their flow in the face.

From the head, the energy of TWO of the three Meridians of the Foot (the Bladder and Gall

Bladder, but not the Stomach) will be traveling down along the side or back of the body and

outward side of the leg to end in the toes. To complete the cycle, the energy in the three

Yin Meridians of the Foot (Spleen, Liver and Kidney) will be traveling up from the toes along

the inward side of the leg, continuing along the front of the abdomen and ending in the

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chest, at which point the cycle begins again from the chest to the hand. There are exceptions to this, but the general pattern is accurate.

The Stomach Channel is one exception. Although it is a Yang Meridian, it runs on the front

of the body with the Yin Meridians, instead of up the back like the rest of the Yang

Meridians. The other exception is the Governor Vessel, which is a Yang Meridian in the

center of the back, in which energy flows upward as opposed to the rest of the major Yang Meridians in which energy flows downward.

The Governor Vessel, or Du Mai (Du or GV), follows the spine upward on the back, travels

over the head and ends on the inner surface of the upper lip. It has no direct connections to

any internal organ. Its energy flow is Yang and ascends from the bottom of the pathway

beginning near the anus. It connects with all the Yang Meridians of the body, and is important in many conditions requiring manipulation of the Yang energy of the body.

The Conception Vessel, or Ren Mai (CV or Ren) travels up the midline in front of the body. It

runs from near the anus to the mouth, and its energy is Yin, ascending from the lower body

to the upper, as does the Governing Vessel. In effect, these two meridians vertically encircle the body on its midline, front and back.

These two Vessels are not bilateral. They do not form a direct part of the organ meridian's

energy circulation network, nor are they associated with any one organ. They belong to the

eight Extra Vessels.

The energy traveling from the chest to the fingertip is predominantly Yin energy. Yet on its

way back up the other side of the arm, it becomes Yang energy. The energy changes

polarity, from Yin to Yang, or from Yang to Yin, the nearer it approaches the extremities of the limbs.

The energy traveling from the chest to the fingertip begins as predominantly Yin energy, but

as the energy approaches the extremity the polarity begins to change, and by the time the

tip of the finger is reached the Yin becomes progressively mixed with the Yang energy.

Energy traveling from the fingertips to the face begins as mixed Yin/Yang, but by the time it arrives in the face it is predominantly Yang energy.

Energy traveling from the face to the toes begins as predominantly Yang energy. As this

Yang energy approaches the lower extremities of the leg, the polarity begins to change

again. By the time the toes are reached the Yang energy is mixed with the Yin energy in

almost equal proportions. The return from the toes to the chest causes the transformation

again. This Yin energy then flows back into the arm, to continue the cycle.

It can be seen, therefore, that as Qi circulates through the Primary Meridians, it alternates

in coupled pairs of Yin and Yang Meridians, staying for two hours in the Yin and two hours in the Yang, in a smooth alternating rhythm.

In the central area of the head and chest, even though the energy passes from one Channel

to another, there is no polarity change. The head is the area where one Yang meridian joins

another Yang meridian, and the chest is where each Yin meridian joins another.

The polarity change is not a sudden thing, but occurs gradually, mostly between the elbow

and the fingertips, and between the knee and the toes. Therapeutically, it is at points below

the knee and below the elbow that energy polarity changes can be most easily accelerated

or retarded. Within these limits, the most important control or energy manipulation

acupuncture points are found.

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On acupuncture charts, the meridians appear as thin surface lines connecting a series of

dots that represent the acupuncture points. Actually, there is much more to each meridian

than what is shown in the acupuncture charts and diagrams. Every Channel has an inner

pathway and an outer pathway, and it is usually the outer pathway with its acupuncture

points that is shown on most charts or drawings, and the inner pathways are not accessible to manipulation by needling.

The true extent of the Meridians cannot be shown by lines on a two-dimensional drawing.

On a drawing the lines show us an imaginary line from point to point, which usually

represents the approximate centerline of the sphere of influence of that Channel. According

to the Chinese, each Channel is connected to all the tissues, organs and functions over

which its acupuncture points have an influence or produce an effect, whether in the

immediate area of the points or at a much distant area.

For example:

Examine the Heart Meridian with its nine acupuncture points running from the armpit down

the inner surface of the arm to the tip of the little finger, very close to the surface. This

much is shown on standard Meridian charts and most diagrams. However, the Heart

Meridian naturally must be connected to the Heart, so it extends internally from the armpit

point to the organ of the Heart itself. But, the Heart Meridian also has several other

branches deep inside the body. One runs to the Small Intestine, and another branch

connects to the head, specifically with the eye, tongue and brain.

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Acupuncture Point Categories

Yuan (Source) Points

Each of the 12 primary channels has a Yuan source point close to the wrists or the

ankles where the source Qi is described as surfacing and lingering. In clinical

practice, they are important in treating disharmony of the internal Zang-Fu organs,

and are often combined with the Luo (Connecting) point of the interior-exterior

related channel.

Luo (Connecting) Points

Each of the 12 channels has a Luo point that links the interior-exterior related pairs

of yin and yang channels in order. There are also three additional Luo points; one for

the Ren Mai (Conception Vessel), one for the Du Mai (Governing Vessel), and the

Great Luo Connecting point of the Spleen. The Luo points establish a system for qi

and blood to be circulated throughout the entire body to nourish all tissues and the

Zang-Fu organs.

Xi (Cleft) Points

The Xi points are where the Qi and Blood which has flowed along the surface from

the Jing Well points is described as plunging more deeply. Xi Cleft points are

indicated generally for acute problems and pain, with the Xi Cleft points on the Yin

channels having the added ability to treat blood disorders.

Hui (Meeting) Points

The Hui points, also called the Eight Influential or Gathering Points are described as

having a special effect on their related area; the vessels, blood, bones, Zang, Fu,

marrow, sinews, and Qi.

Xi (Confluent) Points

The Xi points of the eight extraordinary channels are used not only to treat

disharmony in the specified extraordinary vessel but also their related primary


Mu (Front) Points

The Mu or gathering or collecting points are where the Qi of the respective Zang-Fu

organs is infused. Located on the abdomen and chest, they are in close to their

related Zang-Fu organ, and may tender or sensitive if there is disharmony in the

underlying organ.

Shu (Back) Points

There are 12 Back Shu points on the Bladder channel that correspond to each of the

12 Zang-Fu organs.

Window of Heaven

Also called Window of the Sky points, these points can be used for rebellious qi and

blood between the head and body, goiter and scrofula, emotional disorders, and

sense organ disorders.

Sun Si-Miao Ghost Points

Originally appearing in the Thousand Ducat Formulas by Sun Si-Miao, these points

were indicated for mania and epilepsy.

Gao Wu Command

Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star The Meeting Points

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12 Yuan (Source) Points

LU-09 | Tai Yuan (Translation: Great Abyss)

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point Hui-Meeting Point of the Vessels

LI-04 | He Gu (Translation: Union Valley)

Yuan (Source) Point Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

ST-42 | Chong Yang (Translation: Surging Yang)

Yuan (Source) Point

SP-03 | Tai Bai (Translation: Supreme White)

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point

HT-07 | Shen Men (Translation: Spirit Gate)

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point

SI-04 | Wan Gu (Translation: Wrist Bone)

Yuan (Source) Point

BL-64 | Jing Gu (Translation: Capital Bone)

Yuan (Source) Point

KI-03 | Tai Xi (Translation: Great Ravine)

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point

P-07 | Da Ling (Translation: Great Mound)

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

SJ-04 | Yang Chi (Translation: Yang Pool)

Yuan (Source) Point

GB-40 | Qiu Xu (Translation: Hill Ruins)

Yuan (Source) Point

LIV-03 | Tai Chong (Translation: Great Surge)

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

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15 Luo (Connecting) Points

LU-07 | Lie Que (Translation: Broken Sequence)

Luo (Connecting) Point Confluent Point of the Conception Vessel Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

LI-06 | Pian Li (Translation: Veering Passageway)

Luo (Connecting) Point

ST-40 | Feng Long (Translation: Bountiful Bulge)

Luo (Connecting) Point

SP-04 | Gong Sun (Translation: Yellow Emporer)

Luo (Connecting) Point Confluent Point of the Penetrating Vessel

SP-21 | Da Bao (Translation: Great Embracement)

Great Luo (Connecting) Point

HT-05 | Tong Li (Translation: Connecting Li)

Luo (Connecting) Point Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

SI-07 | Zhi Zheng (Translation: Branch to the Correct)

Luo (Connecting) Point

BL-58 | Fei Yang (Translation: Taking Flight)

Luo (Connecting) Point

KI-04 | Da Zhong (Translation: Large Goblet)

Luo (Connecting) Point

P-06 | Nei Guan (Translation: Inner Pass)

Luo (Connecting) Point Confluent Point of the Yin Linking Vessel

SJ-05 | Wai Guan (Translation: Outer Pass)

Luo (Connecting) Point Confluent Point of the Yang Linking Vessel

GB-37 | Guang Ming (Translation: Bright Light)

Luo (Connecting) Point

LIV-05 | Li Gou (Translation: Woodworm Canal)

Luo (Connecting) Point

REN-15 | Jiu Wei (Translation: Turtledove Tail)

Luo (Connecting) Point

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DU-01 | Chang Qiang (Translation: Long Strong)

Luo (Connecting) Point Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Conception Vessel and the Gallbladder and Kidney Channels

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12 Xi (Cleft) Points

LU-06 | Kong Zui (Translation: Collection Hole)

Xi (Cleft) Point

LI-07 | Wen Liu (Translation: Warm Dwelling)

Xi (Cleft) Point

ST-34 | Liang Qiu (Translation: Beam Hill)

Xi (Cleft) Point

SP-08 | Di Ji (Translation: Earth's Crux)

Xi (Cleft) Point

HT-06 | Yin Xi (Translation: Yin Cleft)

Xi (Cleft) Point

SI-06 | Yang Lao (Translation: Nursing the Aged)

Xi (Cleft) Point

BL-63 | Jin Men (Translation: Metal Gate)

Xi (Cleft) Point Meeting Point of the Bladder Channel with the Yang Linking Vessel

KI-05 | Shui Quan (Translation: Water Spring)

Xi (Cleft) Point

P-04 | Xi Men (Translation: Cleft Gate)

Xi (Cleft) Point

SJ-07 | Hui Zong (Translation: Convergence and Gathering)

Xi (Cleft) Point

GB-36 | Wai Qiu (Translation: Outer Hill)

Xi (Cleft) Point

LIV-06 | Zhong Du (Translation: Central Metropolis)

Xi (Cleft) Point

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8 Hui (Meeting) Points

LU-09 | Tai Yuan (Translation: Great Abyss)

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point Hui-Meeting Point of the Vessels

BL-11 | Da Zhu (Translation: Great Shuttle)

Hui-Meeting Point of the Bones, Point of the Sea of Blood, Meeting Point of the Bladder, Small Intestine,

Sanjiao and Gallbladder Channels and the Governing Vessel

BL-17 | Ge Shu (Translation: Diaphragm Shu)

Hui-Meeting Point of Blood

GB-34 | Yang Ling Quan (Translation: Yang Mound Spring)

He-Sea & Earth Point Hui-Meeting Point of the Sinews Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

GB-39 | Jue Gu (Translation: Suspended Bell)

Hui-Meeting Point for Marrow

LIV-13 | Zhang Men (Translation: Camphorwood Gate)

Hui-Meeting Point of the Zang, Meeting Point of the Liver and Gallbladder Channels Front Mu of the Spleen

REN-12 | Zhong Wan (Translation: Central Venter)

Hui-Meeting Point of the Fu, Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Small Intestine, Sanjiao and

Stomach Channels Front Mu of the Stomach

REN-17 | Dan Zhong (Translation: Chest Center)

Hui-Meeting Point of the Qi, Point of the Sea of Qi, Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Spleen,

Kidney, Small Intestine and Sanjiao Channels Front Mu of the Pericardium

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8 Xi (Confluent) Points

LU-07 | Lie Que (Translation: Broken Sequence)

Luo (Connecting) Point Confluent Point of the Conception Vessel Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

SP-04 | Gong Sun (Translation: Yellow Emporer)

Luo (Connecting) Point Confluent Point of the Penetrating Vessel

SI-03 | Hou Xi (Translation: Back Ravine)

Shu-Stream & Wood Point Confluent Point of the Governing Vessel

BL-62 | Shen Mai (Translation: Extending Vessel)

Confluent Point of the Yang Motility Vessel Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

KI-06 | Zhao Hai (Translation: Shining Sea)

Confluent Point of the Yin Motility Vessel

P-06 | Nei Guan (Translation: Inner Pass)

Luo (Connecting) Point Confluent Point of the Yin Linking Vessel

SJ-05 | Wai Guan (Translation: Outer Pass)

Luo (Connecting) Point Confluent Point of the Yang Linking Vessel

GB-41 | Zu Lin Qi (Translation: Foot Overlooking Tears)

Shu-Stream & Wood Point Confluent Point of the Girdling Vessel

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12 Mu (Front) Points

LU-01 | Zhong Fu (Translation: Central Treasury)

Meeting Point of the Lung and Spleen Channels Front Mu of the Lungs

ST-25 | Tian Shu (Translation: Celestial Pivot)

Front Mu of the Large Intestine

GB-24 | Ri Yue (Translation: Sun and Moon)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Spleen Channels Front Mu of the Gallbladder

GB-25 | Jing Men (Translation: Capital Gate)

Front Mu of the Kidneys

LIV-13 | Zhang Men (Translation: Camphorwood Gate)

Hui-Meeting Point of the Zang, Meeting Point of the Liver and Gallbladder Channels Front Mu of the Spleen

LIV-14 | Qi Men (Translation: Cycle Gate)

Meeting Point of the Liver and Spleen Channels with the Yin Linking Vessel Front Mu of the Liver

REN-03 | Zhong Ji (Translation: Central Pole)

Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Spleen, Liver, and Kidney Channels Front Mu of the Bladder

REN-04 | Guan Yuan (Translation: Origin Pass)

Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Spleen, Liver, and Kidney Channels Front Mu of the Small Intestine

REN-05 | Shi Men (Translation: Stone Gate)

Front Mu of the San Jiao

REN-12 | Zhong Wan (Translation: Central Venter)

Hui-Meeting Point of the Fu, Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Small Intestine, Sanjiao and

Stomach Channels Front Mu of the Stomach

REN-14 | Ju Que (Translation: Great Tower Gate)

Front Mu of the Heart

REN-17 | Dan Zhong (Translation: Chest Center)

Hui-Meeting Point of the Qi, Point of the Sea of Qi, Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Spleen,

Kidney, Small Intestine and Sanjiao Channels Front Mu of the Pericardium

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12 Shu (Back) Points

BL-13 | Fei Shu (Translation: Lung Shu)

Back Shu of the Lungs

BL-14 | Jue Yin Shu (Translation: Jue Yin Shu)

Back Shu of the Pericardium

BL-15 | Xin Shu (Translation: Heart Shu)

Back Shu of the Heart

BL-18 | Gan Shu (Translation: Liver Shu)

Back Shu of the Liver

BL-19 | Dan Shu (Translation: Gallbladder Shu)

Back Shu of the Gallbladder

BL-20 | Pi Shu (Translation: Spleen Shu)

Back Shu of the Spleen

BL-21 | Wei Shu (Translation: Stomach Shu)

Back Shu of the Stomach

BL-22 | San Jiao Shu (Translation: Triple Burner Shu)

Back Shu of the San Jiao

BL-23 | Shen Shu (Translation: Kidney Shu)

Back Shu of the Kidneys

BL-25 | Da Chang Shu (Translation: Large Intestine Shu)

Back Shu of the Large Intestine

BL-27 | Xiao Chang Shu (Translation: Small Intestine Shu)

Back Shu of the Small Intestine

BL-28 | Pang Guang Shu (Translation: Bladder Shu)

Back Shu of the Bladder

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10 Window of Heaven Points

LU-02 | Yun Men (Translation: Cloud Gate)

Point of the Window of Heaven

LI-18 | Fu Tu (Translation: Protuberance Assistant)

Point of the Window of Heaven

ST-09 | Ren Ying (Translation: Man's Prognosis)

Meeting Point of the Stomach and Gallbladder Channels Point of the Window of Heaven, Point of the Sea of Qi

SI-16 | Tian Chuang (Translation: Celestial Window)

Point of the Window of Heaven

SI-17 | Tian Rong (Translation: Celestial Countenance)

Point of the Window of Heaven

BL-10 | Tian Zhu (Translation: Celestial Pillar)

Point of the Window of Heaven

P-01 | Tian Chi (Translation: Celestial Pool)

Meeting Point of the Pericardium, Gallbladder, Liver and Sanjiao Channels Point of the Window of Heaven

SJ-16 | Tian You (Translation: Celestial Window)

Point of the Window of Heaven

REN-22 | Tian Tu (Translation: Celestial Chimney)

Meeting Point of the Conception and Yin Linking Vessels Point of the Window of Heaven

DU-16 | Feng Fu (Translation: Wind Mansion)

Point of the Sea of Marrow, Meeting Point of the Governing and Yang Linking Vessels Point of the Window of Heaven, Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

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12 Sun Si-Miao Ghost Points

LU-11 | Shao Shang (Translation: Lesser Shang)

Jing-Well & Wood Point Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

LI-11 | Qu Chi (Translation: Pool at the Bend)

He-Sea & Earth Point Sun Si-miao Ghost Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

ST-06 | Jia Che (Translation: Jawbone)

Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

SP-01 | Yin Bai (Translation: Hidden White)

Jing-Well & Wood Point Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

BL-62 | Shen Mai (Translation: Extending Vessel)

Confluent Point of the Yang Motility Vessel Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

P-07 | Da Ling (Translation: Great Mound)

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

P-08 | Lao Gong (Translation: Palace of Toil)

Ying-Spring & Fire Point Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

REN-01 | Hui Yin (Translation: Meeting of Yin)

Meeting Point of the Conception, Penetrating and Governing Vessels Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

REN-24 | Cheng Jiang (Translation: Suace Recepticle)

Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Governing Vessel and the Large Intestine and Stomach

Channels Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

DU-16 | Feng Fu (Translation: Wind Mansion)

Point of the Sea of Marrow, Meeting Point of the Governing and Yang Linking Vessels Point of the Window of Heaven, Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

DU-23 | Shang Xing (Translation: Upper Star)

Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

DU-26 | Shui Gou (Translation: Water Trough)

Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Large Intestine and Stomach Channels Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

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4 Gao Wu Command

LU-07 | Lie Que (Translation: Broken Sequence)

Luo (Connecting) Point Confluent Point of the Conception Vessel Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

LI-04 | He Gu (Translation: Union Valley)

Yuan (Source) Point Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

ST-36 | Zu San Li (Translation: Leg Three Li)

He-Sea & Earth Point Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point, Point of the Sea of Water and Grain

BL-40 | Wei Zhong (Translation: Bend Middle)

He-Sea & Earth Point Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

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12 Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star

LU-07 | Lie Que (Translation: Broken Sequence)

Luo (Connecting) Point Confluent Point of the Conception Vessel Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

LI-04 | He Gu (Translation: Union Valley)

Yuan (Source) Point Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

LI-11 | Qu Chi (Translation: Pool at the Bend)

He-Sea & Earth Point Sun Si-miao Ghost Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

ST-36 | Zu San Li (Translation: Leg Three Li)

He-Sea & Earth Point Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point, Point of the Sea of Water and Grain

ST-44 | Nei Ting (Translation: Inner Court)

Ying-Spring & Water Point Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

HT-05 | Tong Li (Translation: Connecting Li)

Luo (Connecting) Point Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

BL-40 | Wei Zhong (Translation: Bend Middle)

He-Sea & Earth Point Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

BL-57 | Cheng Shan (Translation: Mountain Support)

Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

BL-60 | Kun Lun (Translation: Kunlun Mountains)

Jing-River & Fire Point Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

GB-30 | Huan Tiao (Translation: Jumping Round)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

GB-34 | Yang Ling Quan (Translation: Yang Mound Spring)

He-Sea & Earth Point Hui-Meeting Point of the Sinews Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

LIV-03 | Tai Chong (Translation: Great Surge)

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

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104 Meeting Points

LU-01 | Zhong Fu (Translation: Central Treasury)

Meeting Point of the Lung and Spleen Channels Front Mu of the Lungs

LU-09 | Tai Yuan (Translation: Great Abyss)

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point Hui-Meeting Point of the Vessels

LI-14 | Bi Nao (Translation: Upper Arm)

Meeting Point of the Large Intestine Channel with the Small Intestine and Bladder Channels

LI-15 | Jian Yu (Translation: Shoulder Bone)

Meeting Point of the Large Intestine Channel with the Yang Motility Vessel

LI-16 | Ju Gu (Translation: Great Bone)

Meeting Point of the Large Intestine Channel with the Yang Motility Vessel

LI-20 | Ying Xiang (Translation: Welcome Fragrance)

Meeting Point of the Large Intestine and Stomach Channels

ST-01 | Cheng Qi (Translation: Tear Container)

Meeting Point of the Stomach Channel with the Yang Motility and Conception Vessels

ST-03 | Ju Liao (Translation: Great Bone Hole)

Meeting Point of the Stomach Channel with the Yang Motility Vessel

ST-04 | Di Cang (Translation: Earth Granary)

Meeting Point of the Stomach and Large Intestine Channels with the Yang Motility and Conception Vessels

ST-07 | Xia Guan (Translation: Below the Joint)

Meeting Point of the Stomach and Gallbladder Channels

ST-08 | Tou Wei (Translation: Head Corner)

Meeting Point of the Stomach and Gallbladder Channels with the Yang Motility Vessel

ST-09 | Ren Ying (Translation: Man's Prognosis)

Meeting Point of the Stomach and Gallbladder Channels Point of the Window of Heaven, Point of the Sea of Qi

ST-12 | Que Pen (Translation: Empty Basin)

Meeting Point of the Stomach, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Sanjiao, and Gallbladder Channels

ST-30 | Qi Chong (Translation: Surging Qi)

Meeting Point of the Stomach Channel with the Penetrating Vessel Point of the Sea of Water and Grain

SP-06 | San Yin Jiao (Translation: Three Yin Intersection)

Meeting Point of the Spleen, Liver, and Kidney Channels

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SP-12 | Chong Men (Translation: Surging Gate)

Meeting Point of the Spleen and Liver Channels with the Yin Linking Vessel

SP-13 | Fu She (Translation: Bowel Abode)

Meeting Point of the Spleen and Liver Channels with the Yin Linking Vessel

SP-15 | Da Heng (Translation: Great Horizontal)

Meeting Point of the Spleen Channel with the Yin Linking Vessel

SP-16 | Fu Ai (Translation: Abdominal Lament)

Meeting Point of the Spleen Channel with the Yin Linking Vessel

SI-10 | Nao Shu (Translation: Upper Arm Shu)

Meeting Point of the Small Intestine and Bladder Channels with the Yang Linking and Yang Motility Vessels

SI-12 | Bing Feng (Translation: Grasping the Wind)

Meeting Point of the Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Sanjiao and Gallbladder Channels

SI-18 | Quan Liao (Translation: Cheek Bone Hole)

Meeting Point of the Small Intestine and Sanjiao Channels

SI-19 | Ting Gong (Translation: Auditory Palace)

Meeting Point of the Small Intestine, Sanjiao and Gallbladder Channels

BL-01 | Jing Ming (Translation: Bright Eyes)

Meeting Point of the Bladder, Small Intestine, Stomach, Gallbladder, and Sanjiao Channels with the Governing,

Yin Motility and Yang Motility Vessels

BL-11 | Da Zhu (Translation: Great Shuttle)

Hui-Meeting Point of the Bones, Point of the Sea of Blood, Meeting Point of the Bladder, Small Intestine,

Sanjiao and Gallbladder Channels and the Governing Vessel

BL-12 | Feng Men (Translation: Wind Gate)

Meeting Point of the Bladder Channel with the Governing Vessel

BL-17 | Ge Shu (Translation: Diaphragm Shu)

Hui-Meeting Point of Blood

BL-31 | Shang Liao (Translation: Upper Bone Hole)

Meeting Point of the Bladder and Gallbladder Channels

BL-32 | Ci Liao (Translation: Second Bone Hole)

Meeting Point of the Bladder and Gallbladder Channels

BL-33 | Zhong Liao (Translation: Central Bone Hole)

Meeting Point of the Bladder and Gallbladder Channels

BL-34 | Xia Liao (Translation: Lower Bone Hole)

Meeting Point of the Bladder and Gallbladder Channels

BL-35 | Hui Yang (Translation: Meeting of Yang)

Meeting of Yang

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BL-41 | Fu Fen (Translation: Attached Branch)

Meeting Point of the Bladder and Small Intestine Channels

BL-61 | Pu Can (Translation: Subservient Visitor)

Meeting Point of the bladder Channel with the Yang Motility Vessel

BL-63 | Jin Men (Translation: Metal Gate)

Xi (Cleft) Point Meeting Point of the Bladder Channel with the Yang Linking Vessel

KI-11 | Heng Gu (Translation: Public Bone)

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel

KI-12 | Da He (Translation: Great Manifestation)

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel

KI-13 | Qi Xue (Translation: Qi Hole)

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel

KI-14 | Si Man (Translation: Fourfold Fullness)

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel

KI-15 | Zhong Zhu (Translation: Central Flow)

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel

KI-16 | Huang Shu (Translation: Huang Shu)

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel

KI-17 | Shang Qu (Translation: Shang Bend)

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel

KI-18 | Shi Guan (Translation: Stone Pass)

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel

KI-19 | Yin Du (Translation: Yin Metropolis)

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel

KI-20 | Tong Gu (Translation: Open Valley)

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel

KI-21 | You Men (Translation: Dark Gate)

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel

P-01 | Tian Chi (Translation: Celestial Pool)

Meeting Point of the Pericardium, Gallbladder, Liver and Sanjiao Channels Point of the Window of Heaven

SJ-13 | Nao Hui (Translation: Upper Arm Convergence)

Meeting Point of the Sanjiao Channel and the Yang Linking Vessel

SJ-15 | Tian Liao (Translation: Celestial Bone Hole)

Meeting Point of the Sanjiao and Gallbladder Channels and the Yang Linking Vessel

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SJ-17 | Yi Feng (Translation: Wind Screen)

Meeting Point of the Sanjiao and Gallbladder Channels

SJ-20 | Jiao Sun (Translation: Angle Vertex)

Meeting Point of the Sanjiao, Small Intestine and Gallbladder Channels

SJ-22 | He Liao (Translation: Harmony Bone Hole)

Meeting Point of the Sanjiao, Gallbladder and Small Intestine Channels

GB-01 | Tong Zi Ziao (Translation: Pupil Bone Hole)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder, Small Intestine and Sanjiao Channels

GB-03 | Shang Guan (Translation: Upper Gate)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder, Sanjiao and Stomach Channels

GB-04 | Han Yan (Translation: Forehead Fullness)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder, Sanjiao and Stomach Channels

GB-05 | Xuan Lu (Translation: Suspended Skull)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder, Stomach, Sanjiao and Large Intestine Channels

GB-06 | Xuan Li (Translation: Suspended Tuft)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder, Stomach, Sanjiao and Large Intestine Channels

GB-07 | Qu Bin (Translation: Temporal Hairline Curve)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels

GB-08 | Shuai Gu (Translation: Valley Lead)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels

GB-09 | Tian Chong (Translation: Celestial Hub)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels

GB-10 | Fu Bai (Translation: Floating White)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels

GB-11 | Tou Qiao Yin (Translation: Head Portal Yin)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder, Bladder, Small Intestine and Sanjiao Channels

GB-12 | Wan Gu (Translation: Completion Bone)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels

GB-13 | Ben Shen (Translation: Root Spirit)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Yang Linking Vessel

GB-14 | Yang Bai (Translation: Yang White)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder with the Yang Linking Vessel and the Sanjiao, Stomach and Large Intestine


GB-15 | Tou Lin Qi (Translation: Head Overlooking Tears)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels with the Yang Linking Vessel

GB-16 | Mu Chuang (Translation: Eye Window)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Yang Linking Vessel

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GB-17 | Zheng Ying (Translation: Upright Construction)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Yang Linking Vessel

GB-18 | Cheng Ling (Translation: Spirit Support)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Yang Linking Vessel

GB-19 | Nao Kong (Translation: Brain Hollow)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Yang Linking Vessel

GB-20 | Feng Chi (Translation: Wind Pool)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Sanjiao Channels with the Yang Motility and Yang Linking Vessels

GB-21 | Jian Jing (Translation: Shoulder Well)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder, Sanjiao, and Stomach Channels with the Yang Linking Vessel

GB-23 | Zhe Jin (Translation: Sinew Seat)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels

GB-24 | Ri Yue (Translation: Sun and Moon)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Spleen Channels Front Mu of the Gallbladder

GB-26 | Dai Mai (Translation: Girdling Vessel)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Girdling Vessel

GB-27 | Wu Shu (Translation: Fifth Pivot)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Girdling Vessel

GB-28 | Wei Dao (Translation: Linking Path)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Girdling Vessel

GB-29 | Ju Liao (Translation: Squatting Bone Hole)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Yang Motility Vessel

GB-30 | Huan Tiao (Translation: Jumping Round)

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

GB-34 | Yang Ling Quan (Translation: Yang Mound Spring)

He-Sea & Earth Point Hui-Meeting Point of the Sinews Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

GB-39 | Jue Gu (Translation: Suspended Bell)

Hui-Meeting Point for Marrow

LIV-13 | Zhang Men (Translation: Camphorwood Gate)

Hui-Meeting Point of the Zang, Meeting Point of the Liver and Gallbladder Channels Front Mu of the Spleen

LIV-14 | Qi Men (Translation: Cycle Gate)

Meeting Point of the Liver and Spleen Channels with the Yin Linking Vessel Front Mu of the Liver

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REN-01 | Hui Yin (Translation: Meeting of Yin)

Meeting Point of the Conception, Penetrating and Governing Vessels Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

REN-02 | Qu Gu (Translation: Curved Bone)

Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Liver Channel

REN-03 | Zhong Ji (Translation: Central Pole)

Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Spleen, Liver, and Kidney Channels Front Mu of the Bladder

REN-04 | Guan Yuan (Translation: Origin Pass)

Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Spleen, Liver, and Kidney Channels Front Mu of the Small Intestine

REN-07 | Yin Jiao (Translation: Yin Intersection)

Meeting Point of the Conception and Penetrating Vessels and the Kidney Channel

REN-10 | Xia Wan (Translation: Lower Venter)

Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Spleen Channel

REN-12 | Zhong Wan (Translation: Central Venter)

Hui-Meeting Point of the Fu, Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Small Intestine, Sanjiao and

Stomach Channels Front Mu of the Stomach

REN-13 | Shang Wan (Translation: Upper Venter)

Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Stomach and Small Intestine Channels

REN-17 | Dan Zhong (Translation: Chest Center)

Hui-Meeting Point of the Qi, Point of the Sea of Qi, Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Spleen,

Kidney, Small Intestine and Sanjiao Channels Front Mu of the Pericardium

REN-22 | Tian Tu (Translation: Celestial Chimney)

Meeting Point of the Conception and Yin Linking Vessels Point of the Window of Heaven

REN-23 | Lian Quan (Translation: Ridge Spring)

Meeting Point of the Conception and Yin Linking Vessels

REN-24 | Cheng Jiang (Translation: Suace Recepticle)

Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Governing Vessel and the Large Intestine and Stomach

Channels Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

DU-01 | Chang Qiang (Translation: Long Strong)

Luo (Connecting) Point Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Conception Vessel and the Gallbladder and Kidney Channels

DU-14 | Da Zhu (Translation: Great Hammer)

Point of the Sea of Qi, Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Six Yang Channels of the Hand and Foot

DU-15 | Ya Men (Translation: Mute's Gate)

Point of the Sea of Qi, Meeting Point of the Governing and Yang Linking Vessels

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DU-16 | Feng Fu (Translation: Wind Mansion)

Point of the Sea of Marrow, Meeting Point of the Governing and Yang Linking Vessels Point of the Window of Heaven, Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

DU-17 | Nao Hu (Translation: Brain's Door)

Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Bladder Channel

DU-20 | Bai Hui (Translation: Hundred Convergences)

Point of the Sea Of Marrow, Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Bladder, Gallbladder, Sanjiao and

Liver Channels

DU-24 | Shen Ting (Translation: Spirit Court)

Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Bladder and Stomach Channels

DU-26 | Shui Gou (Translation: Water Trough)

Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Large Intestine and Stomach Channels Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

DU-28 | Yin Jiao (Translation: Gum Intersection)

Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Conception Vessel and the Stomach Channel

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Page 31: The Channels of Acupuncture - Bible(1).pdfacupuncture points for the various Meridians are in the same mirror

24 Hour Qi Flow Cycle

This cycle is known as the Horary cycle. As the Qi makes its way through the meridians,

each meridian in turn, with its associated organ, has a two-hour period during which it is at

maximum energy. The Horary Effect is recognizable by measurable increases of Qi within an organ system and meridian during its time of maximum energy.

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Three Main Circuits in the Flow of Qi

Qi and blood flow through the channels by way of the Lou (Connecting) points in the order

depicted by the green and red arrows in the following diagram.

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Major Acupuncture Points Chart [ Blank Worksheet ]

Lung 11 10 9 8 5 9 7 6 LU-01 BL-13 — 9 5 1 7

Large Intestine 1 2 3 5 11 4 6 7 ST-25 BL-25 ST-37 11 2 4 20

Stomach 45 44 43 41 36 42 40 34 REN-12 BL-21 ST-36 41 45 1 42

Spleen 1 2 3 5 9 3 4 8 LIV-13 BL-20 — 2 5 1 21

Heart 9 8 7 4 3 7 5 6 REN-14 BL-15 — 9 7 1 9

Small Intestine 1 2 3 5 8 4 7 6 REN-4 BL-27 ST-39 3 8 1 19

Bladder 67 66 65 60 40 64 58 63 REN-3 BL-28 BL-40 67 65 1 67

Kidney 1 2 3 7 10 3 4 5 GB-25 BL-23 — 7 1 1 22

Pericardium 9 8 7 5 3 7 6 4 REN-17 BL-14 — 9 7 1 8

San Jiao 1 2 3 6 10 4 5 7 REN-5 BL-22 BL-39 3 10 1 22

Gall Bladder 44 43 41 38 34 40 37 36 GB-24 BL-19 GB-34 43 38 1 41

Liver 1 2 3 4 8 3 5 6 LIV-14 BL-18 — 8 2 1 14

Ren (Conception) — — — — — — 15 — — — — — — — —

Du (Governing) — — — — — — 1 — — — — — — — —

Command Points

Stomach & Abdomen ST-36

Head & Back of Neck LU-7

Lower Back (Lumbar) BL-40

Face & Mouth LI-4

Heart & Chest P-6

Fainting & Collapse DU-26

Hui Meeting Points (Influential Points)

Zang (Yin) Organs LIV-13

Fu (Yang) Organs REN-12

Qi REN-17

Blood BL-17

Sinews GB-34

Marrow GB-39

Bones BL-11

Vessels LU-9

Four Seas Points

Sea of Qi REN-17

Sea of Blood BL-11, ST-37,


Sea of Water & Grain


Sea of Marrow DU-16, DU-20

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Lung Channel of Hand Tai Yin



Zhong Fu


Yun Men


Tian Fu


Xia Bai


Chi Ze


Kong Zui


Lie Que


Jing Qu

LU-09 Tai Yuan

LU-10 Yu Ji

LU-011 Shao Shang


Large Intestine Channel of Hand Yang Ming



Shang Yang


Er Jian


San Jian


He Gu


Yang Xi


Pian Li


Wen Liu


Xia Lian


Shang Lian


Shou San Li LI-11

Qu Chi


Zhou Liao


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Shou Wu Li


Bi Nao


Jian Yu LI-16

Ju Gu


Tian Ding


Fu Tu


He Liao


Ying Xiang


Stomach Channel of Foot Yang Ming



Cheng Qi


Si Bai


Ju Liao


Di Cang


Da Ying


Jia Che


Xia Guan


Tou Wei


Ren Ying


Shui Tu

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Qi She


Que Pen


Qi Hu


Ku Fang


Wu Yi


Ying Chuang


Ru Zhong


Ru Gen


Bu Rong


Cheng Man


Liang Men


Guan Men


Tai Yi


Hua Rou Men


Tian Shu


Wai Ling


Da Ju


Shui Dao


Gui Lai


Qi Chong


Bi Guan


Fu Tu


Yin Shi

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Liang Qiu


Du Bi


Zu San Li


Shang Ju Xu


Tiao Kou


Xia Ju Xu


Feng Long


Jie Xi


Chong Yang


Xian Gu


Nei Ting


Li Dui


Spleen Channel of Foot Tai Yin



Yin Bai


Da Du


Tai Bai


Gong Sun


Shang Qiu


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San Yin Jiao


Lou Gu


Di Ji


Yin Ling Quan


Xue Hai


Ji Men


Chong Men SP-13

Fu She


Fu Jie


Da Heng


Fu Ai


Shi Dou


Tian Xi SP-19

Xiong Xiang


Zhou Rong


Da Bao


Heart Channel of Hand Shao Yin



Ji Quan


Qing Ling


Shao Hai


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Ling Dao


Tong Li


Yin Xi HT-07

Shen Men


Shao Fu


Shao Chong


Small Intestine Channel of Hand Tai Yang



Shao Ze


Qian Gu


Hou Xi


Wan Gu


Yang Gu


Yang Lao


Zhi Zheng


Xiao Hai


Jian Zhen


Nao Shu SI-11

Tian Zong


Bing Feng


Qu Yuan

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Jian Wai Shu


Jian Zhong Shu SI-16

Tian Chuang


Tian Rong


Quan Liao


Ting Gong


Bladder Channel of Foot Tai Yang



Jing Ming


Zan Zhu


Mei Chong


Qu Cha


Wu Chu


Cheng Guang


Tong Tian


Luo Que


Yu Zhen


Tian Zhu


Da Zhu


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Feng Men


Fei Shu


Jue Yin Shu


Xin Shu


Du Shu


Ge Shu


Gan Shu


Dan Shu


Pi Shu


Wei Shu


San Jiao Shu


Shen Shu


Qi Hai Shu


Da Chang Shu


Guan Yuan Shu


Xiao Chang Shu


Pang Guang Shu


Zhong Lu Shu


Bai Huan Shu


Shang Liao


Ci Liao


Zhong Liao


Xia Liao


Hui Yang

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Cheng Fu


Yin Men


Fu Xi


Wei Yang


Wei Zhong


Fu Fen


Po Hu


Gao Huang Shu


Shen Tang


Yi Xi


Ge Guan


Hun Men


Yang Gang


Yi She


Wei Cang


Huang Men BL-52

Zhi Shi


Bao Huang


Zhi Bian


He Yang


Cheng Jin


Cheng Shan


Fei Yang

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Fu Yang


Kun Lun


Pu Can


Shen Mai


Jin Men


Jing Gu


Shu Gu


Tong Gu


Zhi Yin


Kidney Channel of Foot Shao Yin



Yong Quan


Ran Gu


Tai Xi


Da Zhong


Shui Quan


Zhao Hai


Fu Liu


Jiao Xin


Zhu Bin

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Yin Gu


Heng Gu


Da He


Qi Xue


Si Man KI-15

Zhong Zhu


Huang Shu


Shang Qu


Shi Guan


Yin Du


Tong Gu


You Men KI-22

Bu Lang


Shen Feng


Ling Xu


Shen Cang


Yu Zhong


Shu Fu


Pericardium Channel of Hand Jue Yin


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Tian Chi


Tian Quan


Qu Ze


Xi Men


Jian Shi


Nei Guan P-07

Da Ling


Lao Gong


Zhong Chong


San Jiao Channel of Hand Shao Yang



Guan Chong


Ye Men


Zhong Zhu


Yang Chi


Wai Guan


Zhi Gou


Hui Zong


San Yang Luo


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Si Du


Tian Jing


Qing Leng Yuan


Xiao Luo SJ-13

Nao Hui


Jian Liao


Tian Liao


Tian You


Yi Feng


Chi Mai SJ-19

Lu Xi


Jiao Sun


Er Men


He Liao


Si Zhu Kong


Gall Bladder Channel of Foot Shao Yang



Tong Zi Ziao


Ting Hui


Shang Guan


Han Yan

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Xuan Lu


Xuan Li


Qu Bin


Shuai Gu


Tian Chong


Fu Bai


Tou Qiao Yin


Wan Gu


Ben Shen


Yang Bai


Tou Lin Qi


Mu Chuang


Zheng Ying


Cheng Ling


Nao Kong


Feng Chi


Jian Jing


Yuan Ye GB-23

Zhe Jin


Ri Yue


Jing Men


Dai Mai


Wu Shu


Wei Dao

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Ju Liao


Huan Tiao


Feng Shi


Zhong Du


Xi Yang Guan GB-34

Yang Ling Quan


Yang Jiao


Wai Qiu


Guang Ming


Yang Fu


Jue Gu


Qiu Xu


Zu Lin Qi


Di Wu Hui


Xia Xi


Zu Qiao Yin


Liver Channel of Foot Jue Yin



Da Dun


Xing Jian

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Tai Chong


Zhong Feng


Li Gou


Zhong Du


Xi Guan


Qu Quan LIV-09

Yin Bao


Zu Wu Li


Yin Lian


Ji Mai LIV-13

Zhang Men


Qi Men


Ren Mai (Conception Vessel)



Hui Yin


Qu Gu


Zhong Ji


Guan Yuan


Shi Men


Qi Hai


Yin Jiao


Shen Que


Shui Fen


Xia Wan


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Jian Li


Zhong Wan REN-13

Shang Wan


Ju Que


Jiu Wei


Zhong Ting


Dan Zhong


Yu Tang REN-19

Zi Gong


Hua Gai


Xuan Ji


Tian Tu


Lian Quan


Cheng Jiang


Du Mai (Governing Vessel)



Chang Qiang


Yao Shu


Yao Yang Guan


Ming Men


Xuan Shu


Ji Zhong


Zhong Shu


Jin Suo


Zhi Yang

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Ling Tai


Shen Dao


Shen Zhu


Tao Dao


Da Zhu DU-15

Ya Men


Feng Fu


Nao Hu


Qiang Jian


Hou Ding


Bai Hui


Qian Ding DU-22

Xin Hui


Shang Xing


Shen Ting


Su Liao


Shui Gou


Dui Duan


Yin Jiao


The Extra Points


Page 52: The Channels of Acupuncture - Bible(1).pdfacupuncture points for the various Meridians are in the same mirror

An Mian

On the Head

Ba Feng

On the Foot

Ba Xie

On the Hand

Bai Chong Wo

On the Leg

Bai Lao

On the Neck

Bi Tong

On the Face

Bi Yan

On the Face

Bi Zhong

On the Arm

Dan Nang Xue

On the Leg

Ding Chuan

On the Back

Er Bai

On the Arm

Er Jian

On the head

He Ding

On the Leg

Hua Tuo Jia Ji

On the Back

Huan Zhong

On the Back

Jia Cheng Jiang

On the Face

Jian Nei Ling

On the Shoulder

Jian Qian

On the Shoulder

Jin Jin & Yu Ye

On the Face

Lan Wei Xue

On the Leg

Luo Zhen

On the Hand

Nao Qing

On the Leg

Pi Gen

Page 53: The Channels of Acupuncture - Bible(1).pdfacupuncture points for the various Meridians are in the same mirror

On the Back

Qian Zheng

On the Face Qiu Hou

On the Face

San Jiao Jiu

On the Abdomen

Shang Lian Quan

On the Neck

Shi Mian

On the Foot

Shi Qi Zhui Xia

On the Back

Shi Xuan

On the Hand

Si Feng

On the Hand

Si Shen Chong

On the Head

Tai Yang

On the Face

Ti Tou

On the Abdomen

Wei Guan Xia Xu

On the Back

Xi Yan

On the Leg Yao Qi

On the Back

Yao Tong Xue

On the Hand

Yao Yan

On the Back

Yi Ming

On the Head

Yin Tang

On the Face

Yu Yao

On the Face

Zhong Kui

On the Hand

Zhong Quan

On the Arm

Zhou Jian

On the Arm

Zi Gong Xue

On the Abdomen

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Lung Channel of Hand Tai Yin

LU-01 (Zhong Fu) Central Treasury

Meeting Point of the Lung and Spleen Channels Front Mu of the Lungs

LU-02 (Yun Men) Cloud Gate

Point of the Window of Heaven LU-03 (Tian Fu) Celestial Storehouse

LU-04 (Xia Bai) Guarding White

LU-05 (Chi Ze) Cubit Marsh

He-Sea & Water Point LU-06 (Kong Zui) Collection Hole

Xi (Cleft) Point LU-07 (Lie Que) Broken Sequence

Luo (Connecting) Point Confluent Point of the Conception Vessel Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

LU-08 (Jing Qu) Channel Ditch

Jing-River & Metal Point LU-09 (Tai Yuan) Great Abyss

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point Hui-Meeting Point of the Vessels

LU-10 (Yu Ji) Fish Border

Ying-Spring & Fire Point LU-11 (Shao Shang) Lesser Shang

Jing-Well & Wood Point Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

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LU-01 | Zhong Fu (Central Treasury)

Meeting Point of the Lung and Spleen Channels

Front Mu of the Lungs



Disseminates and descends Lung Qi and alleviates cough and wheezing

Transforms phlegm, clears heat and regulates the water passages

Descends Stomach Qi


Cough, asthma, pain in the chest, shoulder and back, fullness in the chest


Laterosuperior to the sternum, 1 cun below Yunmen (LU-2), at the level of the first intercostal space, 6

cun lateral to the anterior midline.

Needling Method:

Puncture obliquely 0.5-0.8 inch towards the lateral aspect of the chest. To avoid injuring the lung, never

puncture deeply towards the medial aspect. Moxibustion is applicable.


Asthma = + Neiguan (PC6), Shangzhong (Ren17), Tiantu (Ren 22)

Relieving Asthma = + Feishu (UB 13), Kongzui (LU6)

Chest Pain = + Shaochong (He9)

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LU-02 | Yun Men (Cloud Gate)

Point of the Window of Heaven



Clears Lung heat and disseminates and descends Lung Qi

Dispels agitation and fullness


Cough, asthma, pain in the chest, shoulder and back, fullness in the chest


In the superior lateral part of the anterior thoracic wall, superior to the coracoid process of

scapula, in the depression of the infraclavicular fossa, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

Needling Method:

Puncture obliquely 0.5-0.8 inch towards the lateral aspect of the chest. To avoid injuring the

lung, never puncture deeply towards the medial aspect. Moxibustion is applicable.

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LU-03 | Tian Fu (Celestial Storehouse)



Clears Lung heat and descends Lung Qi

Cools blood and stops bleeding

Calms the corporeal soul (po)


Asthma, epistaxis, pain in the medial aspect of the upper arm.


On the medial aspect of the upper arm, 3 cun below the end of axillary fold, on the radial side of

muscle biceps brachii.

Needling Method:

Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1 inch.

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LU-04 | Xia Bai (Guarding White)



Descends Lung Qi

Regulates Qi and blood in the chest


Cough, fullness in the chest, pain in the medial aspect of the upper arm.


On the medial aspect of the upper arm, 4 cun below the anterior end of the axillary fold, or 5 cun

above the cubital crease, on the radial side of m. biceps brachii.

Needling Method:

Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.

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LU-05 | Chi Ze (Cubit Marsh)

He-Sea & Water Point


Key Uses:

Excess and heat in the Lungs


Clears heat from the Lung and descends rebellious Qi

Regulates the water passages

Activates the channel

Relaxes the sinews and alleviates pain


Cough, hemoptysis, afternoon fever, asthma, sore throat, fullness in the chest, infantile

convulsions, spasmodic pain of the elbow and arm, mastitis.


On the cubital crease, in the depression of the radial side of the tendon of m. biceps brachii. This

point is located with the elbow slightly flexed.

Needling Method:

Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1 inch.


Bi Syndrome and motor impair of the Elbow and arm = + Quchi (LI11) and Hegu (LI4)

Cough = + Tiantu (Ren22)

Restness = + Shaoze (SI1)

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LU-01 | Zhong Fu (Central Treasury)

Meeting Point of the Lung and Spleen Channels

Front Mu of the Lungs



Disseminates and descends Lung Qi and alleviates cough and wheezing

Transforms phlegm, clears heat and regulates the water passages

Descends Stomach Qi


Cough, asthma, pain in the chest, shoulder and back, fullness in the chest


Laterosuperior to the sternum, 1 cun below Yunmen (LU-2), at the level of the first

intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

Needling Method:

Puncture obliquely 0.5-0.8 inch towards the lateral aspect of the chest. To avoid injuring

the lung, never puncture deeply towards the medial aspect. Moxibustion is applicable.

LU-02 | Yun Men (Cloud Gate)

Point of the Window of Heaven



Clears Lung heat and disseminates and descends Lung Qi

Dispels agitation and fullness


Cough, asthma, pain in the chest, shoulder and back, fullness in the chest


In the superior lateral part of the anterior thoracic wall, superior to the coracoid process

of scapula, in the depression of the infraclavicular fossa, 6 cun lateral to the anterior


Needling Method:

Puncture obliquely 0.5-0.8 inch towards the lateral aspect of the chest. To avoid injuring

the lung, never puncture deeply towards the medial aspect. Moxibustion is applicable.

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LU-03 | Tian Fu (Celestial Storehouse)



Clears Lung heat and descends Lung Qi

Cools blood and stops bleeding

Calms the corporeal soul (po)


Asthma, epistaxis, pain in the medial aspect of the upper arm.


On the medial aspect of the upper arm, 3 cun below the end of axillary fold, on the radial side of

m. biceps brachii.

Needling Method:

Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1 inch.

LU-04 | Xia Bai (Guarding White)



Descends Lung Qi

Regulates Qi and blood in the chest


Cough, fullness in the chest, pain in the medial aspect of the upper arm.


On the medial aspect of the upper arm, 4 cun below the anterior end of the axillary fold, or 5 cun

above the cubital crease, on the radial side of m. biceps brachii.

Needling Method:

Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.

LU-05 | Chi Ze (Cubit Marsh)

He-Sea & Water Point


Key Uses:

Excess and heat in the Lungs


Clears heat from the Lung and descends rebellious Qi

Regulates the water passages

Activates the channel

Relaxes the sinews and alleviates pain


Cough, hemoptysis, afternoon fever, asthma, sore throat, fullness in the chest, infantile

convulsions, spasmodic pain of the elbow and arm, mastitis.


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On the cubital crease, in the depression of the radial side of the tendon of m. biceps brachii. This

point is located with the elbow slightly flexed.

Needling Method:

Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1 inch.

LU-06 | Kong Zui (Collection Hole)

Xi (Cleft) Point


Key Uses:

Excess, heat with bleeding, and coughing of blood


Disseminates and descends Lung Qi

Clears heat and moistens the Lung

Clears heat and stops bleeding

Moderates acute conditions


Cough, pain in the chest, asthma, hemoptysis, sore throat, spasmodic pain of the elbow and arm


On the palmar aspect of the forearm, on the line joining Taiyuan (LU-9) and Chize (LU-5), 7 cun

above the transverse crease of the wrist.

Needling Method:

Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.

LU-07 | Lie Que (Broken Sequence)

Luo (Connecting) Point

Confluent Point of the Conception Vessel

Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point


Key Uses:

External wind, common cold, and chronic sore throat.

Often paired with Zhao Hai (KI-06)


Releases the exterior and expels wind

Promotes the descending function of the Lung

Pacifies wind and phlegm

Benefits the head and nape

Opens and regulates the Conception vessel

Regulates the water passages

Activates the channel and alleviates pain


Headache, migraine, neck rigidity, Cough, asthma, sore throat, facial paralysis, toothache, pain

and weakness of the wrist


Superior to the styloid process of the radius, 1.5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist

between brachioradial muscle and the tendon of long abductor muscle of the thumb.

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When the index fingers and thumbs of both hands are crossed with the index finger of one hand

placed on the styloid process of the radius of the other, the point is in the depression right under

the tip of the index finger.

Needling Method:

Puncture 0.3-0.5 inch obliquely upward. Moxibustion is applicable.

LU-08 | Jing Qu (Channel Ditch)

Jing-River & Metal Point



Descends Lung Qi and alleviates cough and wheezing


Cough, asthma, fever, pain in the chest, sore throat, pain in the wrist.


1 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist in the depression on the lateral side of the radial


Needling Method:

Puncture perpendicularly 0.1-0.3 inch. Avoid puncturing the radial artery.

LU-09 | Tai Yuan (Great Abyss)

Yuan (Source) Point

Shu-Stream & Earth Point

Hui-Meeting Point of the Vessels


Key Uses:

As this is the Earth (Mother) point on the Metal Channel, it is the primary point on the Lung

channel to treat Lung deficiency by tonifying the Lung Qi and Yin.


Tonifies the Lung and transforms phlegm

Promotes the descending function of the Lung

Regulates and harmonizes the one hundred vessels

Activates the channel and alleviates pain


Chronic Weak Cough, wheezing, asthma, hemoptysis, sore throat, palpitation, pain in the chest,

wrist and arm.


At the radial end of the transverse crease of the wrist, in the depression on the lateral side of the

radial artery.

Needling Method:

Puncture perpendicularly 0.2-0.3 inch. Avoid puncturing the radial artery. Moxibustion is


LU-10 | Yu Ji (Fish Border)

Ying-Spring & Fire Point


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Key Uses:

To clear heat, acute sore throat


Benefits the throat

Clears Lung heat

Descends rebellious Qi

Harmonizes the Stomach and Heart


Cough hemoptysis, sore throat, loss of voice, fever, feverish sensation in the palm.


On the radial aspect of the midpoint of the first metacarpal bone, on the junction of the red and

white skin (i.e., the junction of the dorsum and palm of the hand).

Needling Method:

Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-0.8 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.

LU-11 | Shao Shang (Lesser Shang)

Jing-Well & Wood Point

Sun Si-miao Ghost Point


Key Uses:

Tonsilitis, revival, and to clear heat


Revives consciousness

Clears heat and benefits the throat


Sore throat, cough, asthma, epistaxis, fever, loss of consciousness, mania, spasmodic pain of the



On the radial side of the thumb, about 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail.

Needling Method:

Puncture 0.1 inch, or prick the point to cause bleeding.

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Large Intestine Channel of Hand Yang Ming

LI-01 (Shang Yang) Shang Yang

Jing-Well & Metal Point LI-02 (Er Jian) Second Space

Ying-Spring & Water Point LI-03 (San Jian) Third Space

Shu-Stream & Wood Point LI-04 (He Gu) Union Valley

Yuan (Source) Point Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

LI-05 (Yang Xi) Yang Ravine

Jing-River & Fire Point LI-06 (Pian Li) Veering Passageway

Luo (Connecting) Point LI-07 (Wen Liu) Warm Dwelling

Xi (Cleft) Point LI-08 (Xia Lian) Lower Ridge

LI-09 (Shang Lian) Upper Ridge

LI-10 (Shou San Li) Arm Three Li

LI-11 (Qu Chi) Pool at the Bend

He-Sea & Earth Point Sun Si-miao Ghost Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

LI-12 (Zhou Liao) Elbow Bone Hole

LI-13 (Shou Wu Li) Arm Five Li

LI-14 (Bi Nao) Upper Arm

Meeting Point of the Large Intestine Channel with the Small Intestine and Bladder Channels LI-15 (Jian Yu) Shoulder Bone

Meeting Point of the Large Intestine Channel with the Yang Motility Vessel LI-16 (Ju Gu) Great Bone

Meeting Point of the Large Intestine Channel with the Yang Motility Vessel LI-17 (Tian Ding) Celestial Tripod

LI-18 (Fu Tu) Protuberance Assistant

Point of the Window of Heaven LI-19 (He Liao) Grain Bone Hole

LI-20 (Ying Xiang) Welcome Fragrance

Meeting Point of the Large Intestine and Stomach Channels

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Stomach Channel of Foot Yang Ming

ST-01 (Cheng Qi) Tear Container

Meeting Point of the Stomach Channel with the Yang Motility and Conception Vessels ST-02 (Si Bai) Four Whites

ST-03 (Ju Liao) Great Bone Hole

Meeting Point of the Stomach Channel with the Yang Motility Vessel ST-04 (Di Cang) Earth Granary

Meeting Point of the Stomach and Large Intestine Channels with the Yang Motility and Conception Vessels ST-05 (Da Ying) Great Reception

ST-06 (Jia Che) Jawbone

Sun Si-miao Ghost Point ST-07 (Xia Guan) Below the Joint

Meeting Point of the Stomach and Gallbladder Channels ST-08 (Tou Wei) Head Corner

Meeting Point of the Stomach and Gallbladder Channels with the Yang Motility Vessel ST-09 (Ren Ying) Man's Prognosis

Meeting Point of the Stomach and Gallbladder Channels Point of the Window of Heaven, Point of the Sea of Qi

ST-10 (Shui Tu) Water Prominence

ST-11 (Qi She) Qi Abode

ST-12 (Que Pen) Empty Basin

Meeting Point of the Stomach, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Sanjiao, and Gallbladder Channels ST-13 (Qi Hu) Qi Door

ST-14 (Ku Fang) Storeroom

ST-15 (Wu Yi) Roof

ST-16 (Ying Chuang) Breast Window

ST-17 (Ru Zhong) Breast Center

ST-18 (Ru Gen) Breast Root

ST-19 (Bu Rong) Not Contained

ST-20 (Cheng Man) Assuming Fullness

ST-21 (Liang Men) Bean Gate

ST-22 (Guan Men) Pass Gate

ST-23 (Tai Yi) Supreme Unity

ST-24 (Hua Rou Men) Slippery Flesh Gate

ST-25 (Tian Shu) Celestial Pivot

Front Mu of the Large Intestine ST-26 (Wai Ling) Outer Mound

ST-27 (Da Ju) Great Gigantic

ST-28 (Shui Dao) Waterway

ST-29 (Gui Lai) Return

ST-30 (Qi Chong) Surging Qi

Meeting Point of the Stomach Channel with the Penetrating Vessel Point of the Sea of Water and Grain

ST-31 (Bi Guan) Thigh Joint

ST-32 (Fu Tu) Crouching Rabbit

ST-33 (Yin Shi) Yin Market

ST-34 (Liang Qiu) Beam Hill

Xi (Cleft) Point ST-35 (Du Bi) Calf's Nose

ST-36 (Zu San Li) Leg Three Li

He-Sea & Earth Point Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point, Point of the Sea of Water and Grain

ST-37 (Shang Ju Xu) Upper Great Hollow

Point of the Sea and Blood

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ST-38 (Tiao Kou) Ribbon Opening

ST-39 (Xia Ju Xu) Lower Great Hollow

Point of the Sea and Blood ST-40 (Feng Long) Bountiful Bulge

Luo (Connecting) Point ST-41 (Jie Xi) Ravine Divide

Jing-River & Fire Point ST-42 (Chong Yang) Surging Yang

Yuan (Source) Point ST-43 (Xian Gu) Sunken Valley

Shu-Stream & Wood Point ST-44 (Nei Ting) Inner Court

Ying-Spring & Water Point Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

ST-45 (Li Dui) Severe Mouth

Jing-Well & Metal Point

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Spleen Channel of Foot Tai Yin

SP-01 (Yin Bai) Hidden White

Jing-Well & Wood Point Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

SP-02 (Da Du) Great Metropolis

Ying-Spring & Fire Point SP-03 (Tai Bai) Supreme White

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point

SP-04 (Gong Sun) Yellow Emporer

Luo (Connecting) Point Confluent Point of the Penetrating Vessel

SP-05 (Shang Qiu) Shang Hill

Jing-River & Metal Point SP-06 (San Yin Jiao) Three Yin Intersection

Meeting Point of the Spleen, Liver, and Kidney Channels SP-07 (Lou Gu) Leaking Valley

SP-08 (Di Ji) Earth's Crux

Xi (Cleft) Point SP-09 (Yin Ling Quan) Yin Mound Spring

He-Sea & Water Point SP-10 (Xue Hai) Sea of Blood

SP-11 (Ji Men) Winnower Gate

SP-12 (Chong Men) Surging Gate

Meeting Point of the Spleen and Liver Channels with the Yin Linking Vessel SP-13 (Fu She) Bowel Abode

Meeting Point of the Spleen and Liver Channels with the Yin Linking Vessel SP-14 (Fu Jie) Abdominal Bind

SP-15 (Da Heng) Great Horizontal

Meeting Point of the Spleen Channel with the Yin Linking Vessel SP-16 (Fu Ai) Abdominal Lament

Meeting Point of the Spleen Channel with the Yin Linking Vessel SP-17 (Shi Dou) Food Hole

SP-18 (Tian Xi) Celestial Ravine

SP-19 (Xiong Xiang) Chest Village

SP-20 (Zhou Rong) All Round Flourishing

SP-21 (Da Bao) Great Embracement

Great Luo (Connecting) Point

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Heart Channel of Hand Shao Yin

HT-01 (Ji Quan) Highest Spring

HT-02 (Qing Ling) Cyan Spirit

HT-03 (Shao Hai) Lesser Sea

He-Sea & Water Point HT-04 (Ling Dao) Spirit Pathway

Jing-River & Metal Point HT-05 (Tong Li) Connecting Li

Luo (Connecting) Point Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

HT-06 (Yin Xi) Yin Cleft

Xi (Cleft) Point HT-07 (Shen Men) Spirit Gate

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point

HT-08 (Shao Fu) Lesser Mansion

Ying-Spring & Fire Point HT-09 (Shao Chong) Lesser Surge

Jing-Well & Wood Point

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Small Intestine Channel of Hand Tai Yang

SI-01 (Shao Ze) Lesser Marsh

Jing-Well & Metal Point SI-02 (Qian Gu) Front Valley

Ying-Spring & Water Point SI-03 (Hou Xi) Back Ravine

Shu-Stream & Wood Point Confluent Point of the Governing Vessel

SI-04 (Wan Gu) Wrist Bone

Yuan (Source) Point SI-05 (Yang Gu) Yang Valley

Jing-River & Fire Point SI-06 (Yang Lao) Nursing the Aged

Xi (Cleft) Point SI-07 (Zhi Zheng) Branch to the Correct

Luo (Connecting) Point SI-08 (Xiao Hai) Small Sea

He-Sea & Earth Point SI-09 (Jian Zhen) True Shoulder

SI-10 (Nao Shu) Upper Arm Shu

Meeting Point of the Small Intestine and Bladder Channels with the Yang Linking and Yang Motility Vessels SI-11 (Tian Zong) Celestial Gathering

SI-12 (Bing Feng) Grasping the Wind

Meeting Point of the Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Sanjiao and Gallbladder Channels SI-13 (Qu Yuan) Crooked Wall

SI-14 (Jian Wai Shu) Outer Shoulder Shu

SI-15 (Jian Zhong Shu) Central Shoulder Shu

SI-16 (Tian Chuang) Celestial Window

Point of the Window of Heaven SI-17 (Tian Rong) Celestial Countenance

Point of the Window of Heaven SI-18 (Quan Liao) Cheek Bone Hole

Meeting Point of the Small Intestine and Sanjiao Channels SI-19 (Ting Gong) Auditory Palace

Meeting Point of the Small Intestine, Sanjiao and Gallbladder Channels

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Bladder Channel of Foot Tai Yang

BL-01 (Jing Ming) Bright Eyes

Meeting Point of the Bladder, Small Intestine, Stomach, Gallbladder, and Sanjiao Channels with the Governing,

Yin Motility and Yang Motility Vessels BL-02 (Zan Zhu) Bamboo Gathering

BL-03 (Mei Chong) Eyebrow Ascension

BL-04 (Qu Cha) Deviating Turn

BL-05 (Wu Chu) Fifth Place

BL-06 (Cheng Guang) Light Guard

BL-07 (Tong Tian) Celestial Connection

BL-08 (Luo Que) Declining Connection

BL-09 (Yu Zhen) Jade Pillow

BL-10 (Tian Zhu) Celestial Pillar

Point of the Window of Heaven BL-11 (Da Zhu) Great Shuttle

Hui-Meeting Point of the Bones, Point of the Sea of Blood, Meeting Point of the Bladder, Small Intestine, Sanjiao

and Gallbladder Channels and the Governing Vessel BL-12 (Feng Men) Wind Gate

Meeting Point of the Bladder Channel with the Governing Vessel BL-13 (Fei Shu) Lung Shu

Back Shu of the Lungs BL-14 (Jue Yin Shu) Jue Yin Shu

Back Shu of the Pericardium BL-15 (Xin Shu) Heart Shu

Back Shu of the Heart BL-16 (Du Shu) Governing Shu

BL-17 (Ge Shu) Diaphragm Shu

Hui-Meeting Point of Blood BL-18 (Gan Shu) Liver Shu

Back Shu of the Liver BL-19 (Dan Shu) Gallbladder Shu

Back Shu of the Gallbladder BL-20 (Pi Shu) Spleen Shu

Back Shu of the Spleen BL-21 (Wei Shu) Stomach Shu

Back Shu of the Stomach BL-22 (San Jiao Shu) Triple Burner Shu

Back Shu of the San Jiao BL-23 (Shen Shu) Kidney Shu

Back Shu of the Kidneys BL-24 (Qi Hai Shu) Sea of Qi Shu

Sea of Qi Shu BL-25 (Da Chang Shu) Large Intestine Shu

Back Shu of the Large Intestine BL-26 (Guan Yuan Shu) Origin Pass Shu

Gate of Origin Shu BL-27 (Xiao Chang Shu) Small Intestine Shu

Back Shu of the Small Intestine BL-28 (Pang Guang Shu) Bladder Shu

Back Shu of the Bladder BL-29 (Zhong Lu Shu) Central Backbone Shu

Mid-Spine Shu BL-30 (Bai Huan Shu) White Ring Shu

White Ring Shu

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BL-31 (Shang Liao) Upper Bone Hole

Meeting Point of the Bladder and Gallbladder Channels BL-32 (Ci Liao) Second Bone Hole

Meeting Point of the Bladder and Gallbladder Channels BL-33 (Zhong Liao) Central Bone Hole

Meeting Point of the Bladder and Gallbladder Channels BL-34 (Xia Liao) Lower Bone Hole

Meeting Point of the Bladder and Gallbladder Channels BL-35 (Hui Yang) Meeting of Yang

Meeting of Yang BL-36 (Cheng Fu) Support

BL-37 (Yin Men) Gate of Abundance

BL-38 (Fu Xi) Superficial Cleft

BL-39 (Wei Yang) Bend Yang

Lower He-Sea Point of the Sanjiao BL-40 (Wei Zhong) Bend Middle

He-Sea & Earth Point Gao Wu Command Point, Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

BL-41 (Fu Fen) Attached Branch

Meeting Point of the Bladder and Small Intestine Channels BL-42 (Po Hu) Po Door

BL-43 (Gao Huang Shu) Gao Huang Shu

BL-44 (Shen Tang) Spirit Hall

BL-45 (Yi Xi) Yi Xi

BL-46 (Ge Guan) Diaphragm Pass

BL-47 (Hun Men) Hun Gate

BL-48 (Yang Gang) Yang Headrope

BL-49 (Yi She) Reflection Abode

BL-50 (Wei Cang) Stomach Granary

BL-51 (Huang Men) Huang Gate

BL-52 (Zhi Shi) Will Chamber

BL-53 (Bao Huang) Bladder Huang

BL-54 (Zhi Bian) Sequential Limit

BL-55 (He Yang) Yang Union

BL-56 (Cheng Jin) Sinew Support

BL-57 (Cheng Shan) Mountain Support

Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point BL-58 (Fei Yang) Taking Flight

Luo (Connecting) Point BL-59 (Fu Yang) Instep Yang

Xi-Cleft Point of the Yang Motility Vessel BL-60 (Kun Lun) Kunlun Mountains

Jing-River & Fire Point Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

BL-61 (Pu Can) Subservient Visitor

Meeting Point of the bladder Channel with the Yang Motility Vessel BL-62 (Shen Mai) Extending Vessel

Confluent Point of the Yang Motility Vessel Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

BL-63 (Jin Men) Metal Gate

Xi (Cleft) Point Meeting Point of the Bladder Channel with the Yang Linking Vessel

BL-64 (Jing Gu) Capital Bone

Yuan (Source) Point BL-65 (Shu Gu) Bundle Bone

Shu-Stream & Wood Point

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BL-66 (Tong Gu) Valley Passage

Ying-Spring & Water Point BL-67 (Zhi Yin) Reaching Yin

Jing-Well & Metal Point

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Kidney Channel of Foot Shao Yin

KI-01 (Yong Quan) Gushing Spring

Jing-Well & Wood Point KI-02 (Ran Gu) Blazing Valley

Ying-Spring & Fire Point KI-03 (Tai Xi) Great Ravine

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point

KI-04 (Da Zhong) Large Goblet

Luo (Connecting) Point KI-05 (Shui Quan) Water Spring

Xi (Cleft) Point KI-06 (Zhao Hai) Shining Sea

Confluent Point of the Yin Motility Vessel KI-07 (Fu Liu) Recover Flow

Jing-River & Metal Point KI-08 (Jiao Xin) Intersection Reach

Xi-Cleft of the Yin Motility Vessel KI-09 (Zhu Bin) Guest House

Xi-Cleft of the Yin Linking Vessel KI-10 (Yin Gu) Yin Valley

He-Sea & Water Point KI-11 (Heng Gu) Public Bone

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel KI-12 (Da He) Great Manifestation

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel KI-13 (Qi Xue) Qi Hole

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel KI-14 (Si Man) Fourfold Fullness

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel KI-15 (Zhong Zhu) Central Flow

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel KI-16 (Huang Shu) Huang Shu

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel KI-17 (Shang Qu) Shang Bend

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel KI-18 (Shi Guan) Stone Pass

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel KI-19 (Yin Du) Yin Metropolis

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel KI-20 (Tong Gu) Open Valley

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel KI-21 (You Men) Dark Gate

Meeting Point of the Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel KI-22 (Bu Lang) Corridor Walk

KI-23 (Shen Feng) Spirit Seal

KI-24 (Ling Xu) Spirit Ruins

KI-25 (Shen Cang) Spirit Storehouse

KI-26 (Yu Zhong) Lively Center

KI-27 (Shu Fu) Shu Mansion

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Pericardium Channel of Hand Jue Yin

P-01 (Tian Chi) Celestial Pool

Meeting Point of the Pericardium, Gallbladder, Liver and Sanjiao Channels Point of the Window of Heaven

P-02 (Tian Quan) Celestial Spring

P-03 (Qu Ze) Marsh at the Bend

He-Sea & Water Point P-04 (Xi Men) Cleft Gate

Xi (Cleft) Point P-05 (Jian Shi) Intermediary Courier

Jing-River & Metal Point P-06 (Nei Guan) Inner Pass

Luo (Connecting) Point Confluent Point of the Yin Linking Vessel

P-07 (Da Ling) Great Mound

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

P-08 (Lao Gong) Palace of Toil

Ying-Spring & Fire Point Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

P-09 (Zhong Chong) Central Hub

Jing-Well & Wood Point

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San Jiao Channel of Hand Shao Yang

SJ-01 (Guan Chong) Passage Hub

Jing-Well & Metal Point SJ-02 (Ye Men) Humor Gate

Ying-Spring & Water Point SJ-03 (Zhong Zhu) Central Islet

Shu-Stream & Wood Point SJ-04 (Yang Chi) Yang Pool

Yuan (Source) Point SJ-05 (Wai Guan) Outer Pass

Luo (Connecting) Point Confluent Point of the Yang Linking Vessel

SJ-06 (Zhi Gou) Branch Ditch

Jing-River & Fire Point SJ-07 (Hui Zong) Convergence and Gathering

Xi (Cleft) Point SJ-08 (San Yang Luo) Three Yang Connection

SJ-09 (Si Du) Four Rivers

SJ-10 (Tian Jing) Celestial Well

He-Sea & Earth Point SJ-11 (Qing Leng Yuan) Clear Cold Abyss

SJ-12 (Xiao Luo) Dispersing Riverbed

SJ-13 (Nao Hui) Upper Arm Convergence

Meeting Point of the Sanjiao Channel and the Yang Linking Vessel SJ-14 (Jian Liao) Shoulder Bone Hole

SJ-15 (Tian Liao) Celestial Bone Hole

Meeting Point of the Sanjiao and Gallbladder Channels and the Yang Linking Vessel SJ-16 (Tian You) Celestial Window

Point of the Window of Heaven SJ-17 (Yi Feng) Wind Screen

Meeting Point of the Sanjiao and Gallbladder Channels SJ-18 (Chi Mai) Spasm Vessel

SJ-19 (Lu Xi) Skull Rest

SJ-20 (Jiao Sun) Angle Vertex

Meeting Point of the Sanjiao, Small Intestine and Gallbladder Channels SJ-21 (Er Men) Ear Gate

SJ-22 (He Liao) Harmony Bone Hole

Meeting Point of the Sanjiao, Gallbladder and Small Intestine Channels SJ-23 (Si Zhu Kong) Silk Bamboo Hole

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Gall Bladder Channel of Foot Shao Yang

GB-01 (Tong Zi Ziao) Pupil Bone Hole

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder, Small Intestine and Sanjiao Channels GB-02 (Ting Hui) Auditory Convergence

GB-03 (Shang Guan) Upper Gate

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder, Sanjiao and Stomach Channels GB-04 (Han Yan) Forehead Fullness

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder, Sanjiao and Stomach Channels GB-05 (Xuan Lu) Suspended Skull

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder, Stomach, Sanjiao and Large Intestine Channels GB-06 (Xuan Li) Suspended Tuft

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder, Stomach, Sanjiao and Large Intestine Channels GB-07 (Qu Bin) Temporal Hairline Curve

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels GB-08 (Shuai Gu) Valley Lead

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels GB-09 (Tian Chong) Celestial Hub

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels GB-10 (Fu Bai) Floating White

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels GB-11 (Tou Qiao Yin) Head Portal Yin

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder, Bladder, Small Intestine and Sanjiao Channels GB-12 (Wan Gu) Completion Bone

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels GB-13 (Ben Shen) Root Spirit

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Yang Linking Vessel GB-14 (Yang Bai) Yang White

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder with the Yang Linking Vessel and the Sanjiao, Stomach and Large Intestine

Channels GB-15 (Tou Lin Qi) Head Overlooking Tears

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels with the Yang Linking Vessel GB-16 (Mu Chuang) Eye Window

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Yang Linking Vessel GB-17 (Zheng Ying) Upright Construction

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Yang Linking Vessel GB-18 (Cheng Ling) Spirit Support

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Yang Linking Vessel GB-19 (Nao Kong) Brain Hollow

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Yang Linking Vessel GB-20 (Feng Chi) Wind Pool

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Sanjiao Channels with the Yang Motility and Yang Linking Vessels GB-21 (Jian Jing) Shoulder Well

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder, Sanjiao, and Stomach Channels with the Yang Linking Vessel GB-22 (Yuan Ye) Armpit Abyss

GB-23 (Zhe Jin) Sinew Seat

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels GB-24 (Ri Yue) Sun and Moon

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Spleen Channels Front Mu of the Gallbladder

GB-25 (Jing Men) Capital Gate

Front Mu of the Kidneys GB-26 (Dai Mai) Girdling Vessel

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Girdling Vessel GB-27 (Wu Shu) Fifth Pivot

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Girdling Vessel

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GB-28 (Wei Dao) Linking Path

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Girdling Vessel GB-29 (Ju Liao) Squatting Bone Hole

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder Channel with the Yang Motility Vessel GB-30 (Huan Tiao) Jumping Round

Meeting Point of the Gallbladder and Bladder Channels Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

GB-31 (Feng Shi) Wind Market

GB-32 (Zhong Du) Central River

GB-33 (Xi Yang Guan) Knee Yang Joint

GB-34 (Yang Ling Quan) Yang Mound Spring

He-Sea & Earth Point Hui-Meeting Point of the Sinews Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

GB-35 (Yang Jiao) Yang Intersection

Xi-Cleft Point of the Yang Linking Vessel GB-36 (Wai Qiu) Outer Hill

Xi (Cleft) Point GB-37 (Guang Ming) Bright Light

Luo (Connecting) Point GB-38 (Yang Fu) Yang Assistance

Jing-River & Fire Point GB-39 (Jue Gu) Suspended Bell

Hui-Meeting Point for Marrow GB-40 (Qiu Xu) Hill Ruins

Yuan (Source) Point GB-41 (Zu Lin Qi) Foot Overlooking Tears

Shu-Stream & Wood Point Confluent Point of the Girdling Vessel

GB-42 (Di Wu Hui) Earth Fivefold Convergence

GB-43 (Xia Xi) Pinched Ravine

Ying-Spring & Water Point GB-44 (Zu Qiao Yin) Foot Portal Yin

Jing-Well & Metal Point

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Liver Channel of Foot Jue Yin

LIV-01 (Da Dun) Large Pile

Jing-Well & Wood Point LIV-02 (Xing Jian) Moving Between

Ying-Spring & Fire Point LIV-03 (Tai Chong) Great Surge

Yuan (Source) Point Shu-Stream & Earth Point Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star Point

LIV-04 (Zhong Feng) Mound Center

Jing-River & Metal Point LIV-05 (Li Gou) Woodworm Canal

Luo (Connecting) Point LIV-06 (Zhong Du) Central Metropolis

Xi (Cleft) Point LIV-07 (Xi Guan) Knee Joint

LIV-08 (Qu Quan) Spring at the Bend

He-Sea & Water Point LIV-09 (Yin Bao) Yin Bladder

LIV-10 (Zu Wu Li) Foot Five Li

LIV-11 (Yin Lian) Yin Corner

LIV-12 (Ji Mai) Urgent Pulse

LIV-13 (Zhang Men) Camphorwood Gate

Hui-Meeting Point of the Zang, Meeting Point of the Liver and Gallbladder Channels Front Mu of the Spleen

LIV-14 (Qi Men) Cycle Gate

Meeting Point of the Liver and Spleen Channels with the Yin Linking Vessel Front Mu of the Liver

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Ren Mai (Conception Vessel)

REN-01 (Hui Yin) Meeting of Yin

Meeting Point of the Conception, Penetrating and Governing Vessels Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

REN-02 (Qu Gu) Curved Bone

Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Liver Channel REN-03 (Zhong Ji) Central Pole

Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Spleen, Liver, and Kidney Channels Front Mu of the Bladder

REN-04 (Guan Yuan) Origin Pass

Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Spleen, Liver, and Kidney Channels Front Mu of the Small Intestine

REN-05 (Shi Men) Stone Gate

Front Mu of the San Jiao REN-06 (Qi Hai) Sea of Qi

REN-07 (Yin Jiao) Yin Intersection

Meeting Point of the Conception and Penetrating Vessels and the Kidney Channel REN-08 (Shen Que) Spirit Gate

REN-09 (Shui Fen) Water Divide

REN-10 (Xia Wan) Lower Venter

Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Spleen Channel REN-11 (Jian Li) Interior Strengthening

REN-12 (Zhong Wan) Central Venter

Hui-Meeting Point of the Fu, Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Small Intestine, Sanjiao and

Stomach Channels Front Mu of the Stomach

REN-13 (Shang Wan) Upper Venter

Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Stomach and Small Intestine Channels REN-14 (Ju Que) Great Tower Gate

Front Mu of the Heart REN-15 (Jiu Wei) Turtledove Tail

Luo (Connecting) Point REN-16 (Zhong Ting) Center Palace

REN-17 (Dan Zhong) Chest Center

Hui-Meeting Point of the Qi, Point of the Sea of Qi, Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Spleen,

Kidney, Small Intestine and Sanjiao Channels Front Mu of the Pericardium

REN-18 (Yu Tang) Jade Hall

REN-19 (Zi Gong) Purple Palace

REN-20 (Hua Gai) Florid Canopy

REN-21 (Xuan Ji) Jade Pivot

REN-22 (Tian Tu) Celestial Chimney

Meeting Point of the Conception and Yin Linking Vessels Point of the Window of Heaven

REN-23 (Lian Quan) Ridge Spring

Meeting Point of the Conception and Yin Linking Vessels REN-24 (Cheng Jiang) Suace Recepticle

Meeting Point of the Conception Vessel with the Governing Vessel and the Large Intestine and Stomach

Channels Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

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Du Mai (Governing Vessel)

DU-01 (Chang Qiang) Long Strong

Luo (Connecting) Point Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Conception Vessel and the Gallbladder and Kidney Channels

DU-02 (Yao Shu) Lumbar Shu

DU-03 (Yao Yang Guan) Lumbar Yang Pass

DU-04 (Ming Men) Life Gate

DU-05 (Xuan Shu) Suspended Pivot

DU-06 (Ji Zhong) Spinal Center

DU-07 (Zhong Shu) Central Pivot

DU-08 (Jin Suo) Sinew Contraction

DU-09 (Zhi Yang) Extremity of Yang

DU-10 (Ling Tai) Spirit Tower

DU-11 (Shen Dao) Spirit Path

DU-12 (Shen Zhu) Body Pillar

DU-13 (Tao Dao) Kiln Path

DU-14 (Da Zhu) Great Hammer

Point of the Sea of Qi, Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Six Yang Channels of the Hand and Foot DU-15 (Ya Men) Mute's Gate

Point of the Sea of Qi, Meeting Point of the Governing and Yang Linking Vessels DU-16 (Feng Fu) Wind Mansion

Point of the Sea of Marrow, Meeting Point of the Governing and Yang Linking Vessels Point of the Window of Heaven, Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

DU-17 (Nao Hu) Brain's Door

Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Bladder Channel DU-18 (Qiang Jian) Unyielding Space

DU-19 (Hou Ding) Behind the Vertex

DU-20 (Bai Hui) Hundred Convergences

Point of the Sea Of Marrow, Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Bladder, Gallbladder, Sanjiao and

Liver Channels DU-21 (Qian Ding) Before the Vertex

DU-22 (Xin Hui) Fontanel Meeting

DU-23 (Shang Xing) Upper Star

Sun Si-miao Ghost Point DU-24 (Shen Ting) Spirit Court

Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Bladder and Stomach Channels DU-25 (Su Liao) White Bone Hole

DU-26 (Shui Gou) Water Trough

Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Large Intestine and Stomach Channels Sun Si-miao Ghost Point

DU-27 (Dui Duan) Extremity of the Mouth

DU-28 (Yin Jiao) Gum Intersection

Meeting Point of the Governing Vessel with the Conception Vessel and the Stomach Channel

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The Extra Points

An Mian (On the Head) Peaceful Sleep

Ba Feng (On the Foot) Eight Winds

Ba Xie (On the Hand) Eight Pathogens, Eight Ghosts, Eight Evils

Bai Chong Wo (On the Leg) Hundred Insect Burrow

Bai Lao (On the Neck) Hundred Taxations, Hundred Labors

Bi Tong (On the Face) Penetrating the Nose, Nose Opening

Bi Yan (On the Face) Eyes of the Nose

Bi Zhong (On the Arm) Arm Middle

Dan Nang Xue (On the Leg) Gallbladder Point

Ding Chuan (On the Back) Stop Asthma, Calm Dyspnea

Er Bai (On the Arm) Two Whites

Er Jian (On the head) Tip of the Ear, Ear Apex

He Ding (On the Leg) Crane's Summit

Hua Tuo Jia Ji (On the Back) Hua Tuo's Paravertebral Points

Huan Zhong (On the Back) Round, Circle, Middle

Jia Cheng Jiang (On the Face) Adjacent to the Container of Fluids

Jian Nei Ling (On the Shoulder) Inner Shoulder Mound

Jian Qian (On the Shoulder) Front of the Shoulder

Jin Jin, Yu Ye (On the Face) Golden Liquid, Jade Fluid

Lan Wei Xue (On the Leg) Appendix Point

Luo Zhen (On the Hand) Stiff Neck, Falling From Pillow, Drop Pillow

Nao Qing (On the Leg) Clear the Brain

Pi Gen (On the Back) Tumor Root

Qian Zheng (On the Face) Pulling to the Right Position

Qiu Hou (On the Face) Behind the Ball

San Jiao Jiu (On the Abdomen) Triangle Moxiustion

Shang Lian Quan (On the Neck)

Shi Mian (On the Foot) Lost Sleep

Shi Qi Zhui Xia (On the Back) Below the Seventeenth Vertebra

Shi Xuan (On the Hand) Ten Difusions, Ten Declarations, Ten Tips

Si Feng (On the Hand) Four Seams, Four Cracks

Si Shen Chong (On the Head) Four Alert Spirit, Four Mind Hearing

Tai Yang (On the Face) Greater Yang, Supreme Yang, Great Sun

Ti Tou (On the Abdomen) Lift and Support

Wei Guan Xia Xu (On the Back) Stomach Controller Lower Shu

Xi Yan (On the Leg) Calf's Nose, Eyes of the Knee

Yao Qi (On the Back)

Yao Tong Xue (On the Hand) Lumbar Pain Point

Yao Yan (On the Back) Lumbar Eyes

Yi Ming (On the Head)

Yin Tang (On the Face) Hall of Impression, Seal Hall, Seal Mark

Yu Yao (On the Face) Fish Spine, Fish Waist

Zhong Kui (On the Hand) Middle, Flower

Zhong Quan (On the Arm)

Zhou Jian (On the Arm) Elbow Tip Zi Gong Xue (On the Abdomen) Palace of Child (Uterus)

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The Eight Extraordinary Channels

Penn Chiao, in the 27th difficulty, in the Nan Jing (Nan Ching) describes the primary

channels (or meridians) in Chinese Acupuncture include the twelve (12) primary channels

and fifteen (15) network (or collateral) vessels. These twenty seven (27) conduit channels

and vessels enable and move Qi and Blood, and have uninterrupted flow between each


The Eight Extra Channels are said not to be influenced by the primary channels, thus they

are not a part of the mutual sharing of contents with the other twenty seven (27) channels

and collaterals. It is said that when the rain pours down from Heaven, the ditches (Network

Vessels) and reservoirs (Channels) become full, and that when they become full, the surplus

then flows in to the Extra Channels. This surplus then pours in to the deep lakes.


Some now include the Ren and Du Channels as a part of the Primary Channels. This

would make fourteen (14) primary channels and six (6) Extra Channels.

There are also now fourteen (14) network vessels, making the total number of

Channels and Vessels twenty four (24).

The Du (Governing) and Ren (Conception) Channels have their own points while the

other 6 channels only use points from the other Fourteen (14) Channels (the 12 primary channels, plus the Ren and Du channels).

Extra Channel Paired Channel Master Point Coupled Point Luo Point Xi-Cleft Point

Ren Channel Yin Qiao LU-07 KI-06 REN-15 —

Yin Qiao Channel Ren KI-06 LU-07 — KI-08

Du Channel Yang Qiao SI-03 BL-62 DU-01 —

Yang Qiao Channel Du BL-62 SI-03 — BL-59

Dai Mai Channel Yang Wei GB-41 SJ-05 — —

Yang Wei Channel Dai Mai SJ-05 GB-41 — GB-35

Chong Mai Channel Yin Wei SP-04 P-06 — —

Yin Wei Channel Chong Mai P-06 SP-04 — KI-09

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The Ancient Nine Needle Techniques (Nei Jing Internal Classic)

1. Shu Point Needling (Shu Puncture)

Used for disorders of the Five Solid Zang (Yin Organs)

Needle the Ying-Spring points and the Shu-Stream points

(Shu-Stream Points are also the Yuan-Source points on the Yin Meridians).

Example: LIV-02 and LIV-03

2. Distal Needling (Distant Puncture)

Used for disorders of Six Hollow Fu (Yang Organs)

Needle lower points to treat upper disorders. Because the Fu Organs have a

corresponding Lower He-Sea point in the lower part of the body, the Lower He-Sea

points can treat disorders of the Fu (Yang) organs located in the upper part of the


In general, disorders of the face, head, upper limbs, and trunk can be treated by

points below the knees, and are said to be lower distal points treating upper


3. Meridian Needling (Ashi Puncture)

Used for disorders along the Channels

(For example: Needle the Large Intestine Channel for Tennis Elbow)

Needle along the major channels where affected (usually by Qi and Blood


In clinical practice, we can use two channels:

For example, in a medial meniscus tear, where the Stomach channel is on both sides

and the Spleen Channel travels through, needle SP-09 and ST-36. For sciatic pain

pain running down the calf, needle BL-54 and GB-30.

4. Collateral Needing (Small Blood Vessel Puncture)

Used to eliminate Blood Stagnation and treat collateral disorders

Needle the small (subcutaneous) Blood Vessels to cause a small amount of bleeding.

This is usually used to prevent early degeneration, and to treat heat and excess.

"A healthy person should not see many blood vessels. If so, they should be


5. Cleft Needling (Crack or Parting Puncture)

Used to treat muscular pain, Bi syndromes, or injury

Needle the space in between two muscles to reach the fascia (needle into the

patients pain)

For example: Shin splints, tendonitis, carpal tunnel, adhesions

Page 85: The Channels of Acupuncture - Bible(1).pdfacupuncture points for the various Meridians are in the same mirror

6. Evacuation Needling (Draining Puncture)

Used to drain pus, other fluids, and cause a small amount of bleeding

Use a sword (big and sharp) needle to puncture the affected area.

Use with caution in deficient patients

7. Shallow Needling (Hair Puncture)

Used for treating superficial disorders

Puncture the skin superficially with ear tacks, dermal needles, 7-Star needles, or

Superficial Threading

For superficial floating Skin Bi (Wind and itching) syndromes, Vessel Bi (Vascular

problems), Bone Bi (Osteoarthritis), Tendon Bi, and Muscle Bi

8. Contra-Lateral Needing (Great Puncture)

Use points on the right side to treat the affected side on the left, and vice-versa

For example: For frozen shoulder, use LI-15, SI-9 or 10 on the unaffected side

Master Tong's Points are highly recommended when practicing contra-lateral


9. Heat Needling (fire Puncture)

Use for Bi Syndromes (Rheumatoid Arthritis (later stages are more cold), Gout, For

Damp-Cold Bi Pain, and Yin-Ulcers)

Needle using a red hot Acupuncture needle

Page 86: The Channels of Acupuncture - Bible(1).pdfacupuncture points for the various Meridians are in the same mirror