The Central Civil Services ( onduct) Rules, Rule 18, … Abira...

The Central Civil Services ( C onduct) Rules, 1964 Rule 18, Movable Im movable and V aluable property The Schedule [See Rule 18 (1)1 - Return of Assets a n d Liabilities on first A PPOintniOnUaI the end of year Return of Assets and Liabilities on First Ap pointment As on the 31st March 2012 1. Name of the Government servant in full (in Block letters) rA5jra Wasu 2. S ervice to which he belongs J{zmacfiaf rajesfi Juth'cia[3'ejces 3. Iotal length of service up to date: joine j oji 2216 O ecenzôer 2003 as futhciaf 1ag& rate in the grate ofs. 9000-2501 O75O3oo 1315o35oJ 4550 (i) in non-gazetted rank . (ii) in g azetted rank..... . IEig fit Year antSixc9wontfis 4. Present post held and place of posting: .@eputy(Director, Academy, Shim ía 5. Total annual income from all sources during the Calendar year im mediately preceding the 1st day of 1 April, 2012: s 10,25,383 appro) 1 .te - ? bta(efl,onjent still 6ate tic. 42,3947 (forty two thk c, thty ir mite thousand nñte fi u. ntreIanefo ii y one only) finnualretur, i s as well as ret W',iS onf7'rst appointment regarth,zg assets a nilthbinty staii' submit tejac per scheiu 1any of the iten,s iere gei/purcfias bcfore joining serwcs ani these have already been. shown in the P return on joining ,ceroice, Subsequent acquisition. etc has be enitinmatet in the subsequent returns etc. 2. The anic&s anlyeyvef are mostly in custoy °fiflypaa'nts 6. Declaration I hereby declare that the return enclosed namely , Forms Ito V, are c omplete, true and correct as on.301h June 2O12 .... to the best of my knowledge and belief, in respect of information due to be furnished by me under the provisions of sub-rule (1) of Rule 18 of the Central Civil Services ( C onduct) Rules, 1964, Dated Jo :aDr2_. Signature ..g.2c4c* Note 1. This return shall contain particulars of all assets and liabilities of the either in his own name or in the name of any other person Note 2. If a Government servant is a member of Hindu Undivided Family with Government servant coparcenary rights in

Transcript of The Central Civil Services ( onduct) Rules, Rule 18, … Abira...

Page 1: The Central Civil Services ( onduct) Rules, Rule 18, … Abira Basu.pdfThe Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, Rule 18, Movable Immovable

The Central Civil Services ( Conduct) Rules, 1964Rule 18, Movable Im movable and Valuable propertyThe Schedule

[See Rule 18 (1)1-Return of Assets a n d Liabilities on first A PPOintniOnUaI the end of year

Return of Assets and Liabilities on First Appointment As on the 31st March


1. Name of the Government servant in full (in Block letters)rA5jra Wasu2. Service to which he belongs

J{zmacfiaf rajesfi Juth'cia[3'ejces

3. Iotal length of service up to date: joinejoji 2216 O ecenzôer 2003 as futhciaf 1ag& rate inthe grate ofs. 9000-2501 O75O3oo 1315o35oJ 4550(i) in non-gazetted rank .

(ii) in gazetted rank..... . IEig fit Year antSixc9wontfis

4. Present post held and place of posting: .@eputy(Director,Academy, Shim ía

5. Total annual income from all sources during the Calendar year immediately preceding the 1st day

of 1 April, 2012: s 10,25,383 appro)1 .te - ?bta(efl,onjent still 6ate tic. 42,3947 (forty two thk c, thtyir mite thousand nñtefiu.ntreIanefoiiy one only) finnualretur,is as well as ret W',iS onf7'rst appointment regarth,zgassets anilthbinty staii' submit tejac per scheiu1any of the iten,s iere gei/purcfias

bcfore joining serwcs ani these have already been. shown in the P return on joining ,ceroice,Subsequent acquisition. etc has beenitinmatet in the subsequent returns etc.2. The anic&s anlyeyvef are mostly in custoy °fiflypaa'nts

6. Declaration

I hereby declare that the return enclosed namely , Forms Ito V, are complete, true andcorrect as on.301h June 2O12 .... to the best of my knowledge and belief, in respect ofinformation due to be furnished by me under the provisions of sub-rule (1) of Rule 18 of theCentral Civil Services ( Conduct) Rules, 1964,

Dated Jo:aDr2_.Signature ..g.2c4c*

Note 1. This return shall contain particulars of all assets and liabilities of theeither in his own name or in the name of any other personNote 2. If a Government servant is a member of Hindu Undivided Family with

Government servant

coparcenary rights in

Page 2: The Central Civil Services ( onduct) Rules, Rule 18, … Abira Basu.pdfThe Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, Rule 18, Movable Immovable


the properties of the family either as a 'Karta or as a member, he should indicate in the return inForm No. 1 the value of his share in such property and where it is not possible to indicate the exactvalue of such share, its apØtoximate value. Suitable explanatory notes may be added, wherevernecessary.



Page 3: The Central Civil Services ( onduct) Rules, Rule 18, … Abira Basu.pdfThe Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, Rule 18, Movable Immovable

FORM NO. IStatement Of Immovable Property On First Appointment/As On The 31st March, 2012

(See Order Below Rule 18)(e.q., Lands, Houses, Shops, other Buildings, etc.)

SrDescription ofPrecise location,Area of land Nature ofExtend ofIf not in own name. Date ofNo.Properly(Name of District.(in case ofland (in case intereststate in whoseacquisition

Division, Taluk andland andof landed name held, andVillage in which thebuilding)property) his/her relationship,property is situated if any to theand also its distinctive Governmentnumber, etc..). servant.

123 4567 8(z)Ufouse

¶&itWo2,Category -1, j{J]l1V()4(BfocIL-C.i{o'using Colony, 13.145q m%2iJfa(fJointly owned 22.06.2009[l{ousin.g(Phase I L (Bad2ui, shareGy me with myColony,01st Sofa n7. mother,'Phia,ceIIJ, (Dr (Airs)(i3adTd, 01st 4nuthIfta (ljasuSoli ii.,

(it) 'wAIT Inhe nt 1)45 Colony,Iu It share in Pautfiaghatiqfniy parents Sfiin,.67-9.7 louse at fAY!i'nhhSliareJ/i;int[), oc.wea'Shiinzth tie C/jy My 'f'itI7erf/louse Wo 19, 'Di)! 'Rj/3asuWest End an6niotfiei;1)45 Colony, (Dr(9Wr)rPantfiagIiati 7!)! nTh&fia "/iasuShun hz-V

(iii) '14)iiiinhtenit (Pain, 'iAffa, Fmifzaf share in 4na,of my fathers fMuiiget;f/louse at' :ihz(sthur J()i/ltf\' otrnedqvlu,uje,'J.e 'By !My 'lather'Patti, Villa, tbr_>1: N.Basn(Tort jirea, . ain't uncle

]vlungec cD (.1'. RJi3asu(Bihar

Page 4: The Central Civil Services ( onduct) Rules, Rule 18, … Abira Basu.pdfThe Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, Rule 18, Movable Immovable

Value of the properlyParticulars of sanction Total annualRemarksHow acquired (whether by purchase,(See Note 2 below)of prescribed authority. income from themortgage, lease, inheritance, gift or if any propertyother- wise) and name with details ofperson/persons from whom acquired,address and connection of theGovernment servant, if any, with theperson(s) con-cerned. (Please see Note1 below).9 10 11 12.13

cPurc/iaseifi-om jffliVcDjl,Rs 23.35 Lack, cinctia'n recei'pedT 9s. 1,20,000 Loan is Being7omtly with my mother,plus registratoi. fmn ]{nz '5& repaitby inc and@r. 91rsf,An.uL2?kfia (Basu -with charges escalation :iIgfi. Court vide the rent is Beingloan19.80 (ak[isjronicast, andfri'ngeI fetter no taçit by myState (I3an.kof Pait iala, runacods .'JfIf(/çf4Z/14- mother.(Branch and balance afRy. 3.55 .265103 datedLacks given By my mother 121141ay 2009

(By TWill 9\'21 Will (Be inlzentingby Subsequently

(By 'Will -9\ 4 5\4'(Vi II Be inheritingBy SuBsequently

Datej.QtJu.nt. Signature.21

Note:(1) For purpose of column 9 the term "lease" would mean a lease of immovable property from year toyear or for any term exceeding one year or reserving a yearly rent. Where, however, the lease ofimmovable property is obtained from a person having official dealings with the Government servant, sucha lease should be shown in this column irrespective of the term of the lease, whether it is short term orlong term, and the periodicity of the payment of rent,(2) In column 10 should be shown(a) where the property has been acquired by purchase, mortgage or lease. the price or premium paid forsuch acquisition.(b) whether it has been acquired by lease, the total annual rent thereof also, and(c) whether the acquisition is by inheritance, gift or exchange, the approximate value of the property soacquired.

Page 5: The Central Civil Services ( onduct) Rules, Rule 18, … Abira Basu.pdfThe Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, Rule 18, Movable Immovable


Statement of liquid assets on first appointment as on 31 March 2012

(1) Cash and Bank balance exceeding 3 Months' emoluments.

(2) Deposits, loans advanced and investments (such as shares, securities, debentures, etc.)S.

Foncripti Name and address AmountIf not in own name, name AnnualRemarks

of company, bank. address of person inincomeetc. whose name held and,derived

his/her relationship with the Government servant

(1)(2)(3) (4)(5) (6)(7)

'Ban.k. Of03aroia,'kpsuinpl.y, Sfiu;nia cy. 1,25,000/- SQ/IT 4s per

1Savings prevailing(Bank ha'n4.rate,flccoun.t

As perSam ngs State tBankof2 La/fis SQL/F prevailing

2Wan-k,,.(Pa tiafa, Sñhnth Ba uk,. ra I.e4ccotnt East

,21s perSavings VCO (BankWs, 20,000/- Joint with. ;nyse(f Oil)' prevailing(iJa'n&R,,.asumpty and Banlc rate

3.Account uuwt.fie,; 0r.(5'i'1nc).4 nufrk,/'ia 'i3asu

[Note: - I am nominee of my (Parents 'TI'DR.., s in J{i,nacfial(Prac[es/i due (Detaif/A mount isfp,rot Known. to inc.

D2ted.301)./1-' ......... Signature.

Page 6: The Central Civil Services ( onduct) Rules, Rule 18, … Abira Basu.pdfThe Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, Rule 18, Movable Immovable

Notel. In column 7, particulars regarding sanctions obtained or report made in respect of thevarious transactions may be given.

Note 2. The term 'emoluments' means the pay and allowances received by the Government servant.

Page 7: The Central Civil Services ( onduct) Rules, Rule 18, … Abira Basu.pdfThe Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, Rule 18, Movable Immovable

FORM NO. .111

(See Order below Rule 18)

Statement Movable Property On First Appointment/As On The 31st March 2012

S. No. DescriptionPrice or value at the If not in own name, How acquired Remarkstime of acquisitionname and address withand /or the totalof the person inapproximatepayments made up whose name and date ofto the date of return, his/her relationship the case may be, ith thein case of articlesGovernmentpurchased on hire- servant.purchase orinstallment basis.

()_(2) (3) (5)(6)

10)CAR ])uyyfiasejqUIT&)a,,zr]rcar loan refunded on.ESrT7LLQ.1Ihshiapui' Of Rc$,70'FcGruaiy,

Wo.IIIKP-20C-3517 21utonzobilesfor q s.ScIiLT£ack,yfrorn 2011425,000,4pproj lCangra Coopwith registinton (Baii4/Una

anti rest fi-o inawn. savings

Te ih


1.03)CATJAT-(7 961 fJvlO(D)PEL)'Fanft ireci U3y fAlySLYT :[I/o. 'lather

0c)1. Rq3asu

291) AVISQYBBL (Junthnfeircd13y Uiy(çrenercz qrene•r)7;/j.j -

Dr)1.1. (1317su whichSELT(By !Aly 'lathewas earlier tbrfl. ci.(Basutransferred- to hin, bymy grandfather

Page 8: The Central Civil Services ( onduct) Rules, Rule 18, … Abira Basu.pdfThe Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, Rule 18, Movable Immovable

2. ((13).QWpvolver. 22 7thnsfen-et"Bore MiySLLT(*y 914y Fa t finq at her (Dr.)7. 'RJJ3asu

Dii)4. !BasuThWELLfly

"Purcfthsec[3.j (SLflQVJE®Purchased mm time toI. 'Dthmontpena'antSelf (Pin-chased during service tune but aswith topstenure,the total

cost was

2.Two golt tops note.ceedingthe3.gort ringprescribetwith ruby studdedlimits firwhich4.(Dianiont mgi/?f)flfla tio nwas to beS. 'Pea

ilnug pmwfeJ

6. (jolt Coins3(B) 4'ELLflY

gintv fl9wYgqflgv?D LMQq9-[fEq!Maternalç?J4g,/qJ, c!fieeon cotn.pletwn

VJV173XV?Dof my Doctorate in çAecfV[MCLi IFS LawI. Opel cfiamondsttlttetper[antwith eainng.c

2. 'Dianionif cart-i ngsTVtL11 pe7zcThnL

3.Xavarratan setwith Earrings.

cffteito me for4.Siher5'ets-2future use as

blessings5 fA1avarattan set

Page 9: The Central Civil Services ( onduct) Rules, Rule 18, … Abira Basu.pdfThe Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, Rule 18, Movable Immovable


Page 10: The Central Civil Services ( onduct) Rules, Rule 18, … Abira Basu.pdfThe Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, Rule 18, Movable Immovable

.3Thfc5 (ihie)

4. (Pair of?Cangan.s(siCve)

5 ()iicIzia ('SIC)ei)

6. Q?jng.c (diver andgo(d)

4.)ETC Intimation

iven to the1.Was/iin.g OVtacliine çI •q!'Eq) WY9wcY çJ'PFL-® lion '6&?!MOu'j{Th 71iy/i Court2.'['V


4. (g)Purcflaseéf)r Intimation

i1000/-i peii to ifleCQJJIcRSECv) hon '61c

1)1.0(7URC/IjnscuDo3rySELT SI{iqflcrnirt

'J'UJ'CTZaSC6fOT IntimationOs, .35,000/-iven to the2. Computer 'wztli

lion '6&

p/liz icrQXQqf4çq® qjy .74gfl (o ten

(Pure /iasecfjor Jiitim.ation

s. 10,000/- wen to the.3. ThdePlMCi{vLv ()}Y lion '&i•ifl COWI

[Afote: -[Most of the items ucrcgftec1&forejoining services. [Moss of the items have heenshown in the first returns on joining service anéin subsequent returns set hinittc6Jrom timeto time. The costs ofgfts are not kjzo'wn

Date ..... Q,.1,c7yrj.s...............


(1) In this Form information may be given regarding items like (a) jewellery owned by him (totalvalue); (b) silver and other precious metal and precious stones owned by him not forming part of


Page 11: The Central Civil Services ( onduct) Rules, Rule 18, … Abira Basu.pdfThe Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, Rule 18, Movable Immovable

jewellery (total value) (c)(i) Motor Cars, (ii) Scooters/Motor Cycles; (iii) refrigerators/Air conditioners,(iv) radios/radiograms/terevision sets and any other article, the value of which individually exceedsRs. 1 000; (d) value of items of movable property individually worth less than Rs. 1,000 ot her thanarticles of daily use such as clothes, books, utensils, crockery, etc., added together as lump sum.(2)

In column 5, may be indicated whether the property was acquired by purchase, gift or otheise.(3)In column 6, particulars regarding sanction obtained or report made in respect of varioustransactions may be given.


Page 12: The Central Civil Services ( onduct) Rules, Rule 18, … Abira Basu.pdfThe Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, Rule 18, Movable Immovable

(jenerafProv7.d?7)iuncf4/M .3608

5,43,8401-5,4.3,846/- 7841ss7630/.5\ if.



1,1,2?000/- 1,27,000/- .O\JL


(See Order below Rule 18)Statement Provident Fund And Life Insurance Policy On First

Appointment/As On The 31stMarch 2012JSURANCE POLICIESPROVIDENT FUNDSPolic Name of SumAmount Type ofClosing.Contributi TotalRemarksD y No. Insuranc Insured ofProvident balance as ons madeand e (if there is/ date annual Funds/last reported subseque disputently regarding


date Company ofpremiu G.PF.!C by theof Maturity PF. Audit/Accoun closingAccount Is OfficerbalanceNo.along with thedate of such figuresbalanceaccordingto theGovernmentservantshouldalso bementioned in thiscolumn(2 -3) --4)5)(6)(7)8)(9) -(1)0If




Date...ate...Signature... .


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22.06.20091 fJ{ome loan.


(i)19.20State banfej[acaQs(Pat lath, ?Jna Loan is being

repaid by me onfice6 inont lilybasi

7 M'.--iDate.9 .........................Signaturec,





(See Order below Rule 18)

Statement Of Debts And Other Liabilities As On The 31st March 2012No.


me andDate ofiress of incurring

Note.(1) Individual items of loans not exceeding three months emoluments or Rs 1000, whichever isless, need not be included.(2) In column 6, information regarding permission, if any, obtained from or report made to thecompetent authority may also be given(3) The term "emoluments" means pay and allowances received by the Government servant.(4) The statements should also include various loans and advances available to Governmentservants like advance for purchase of conveyance, House Building Advance, etc., (other thanadvances of Pay and Travelling Allowances) , advances from the G.P. Fund, and loan on lifeInsurance Policies and fixed deposits.