The Catholic Communities of St Ann Holy Rosary SS … · Holy Rosary 1724 Madison Street, New...

St Ann N188 School Street, New Holstein 894-3147 The Catholic Communities of SS Peter & Paul 413 Fremont Street, Kiel 894-3553 Holy Rosary 1724 Madison Street, New Holstein 898-4884 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26, 2016 Three Parishes - One Faith Eucharist St. Ann Sunday: 8:00 am Holy Rosary Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Sunday: 10:00 am Wednesday: 8:15 am SS. Peter & Paul Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am Tuesday: 8:00 am/Chapel First Friday: 8:00 am/Chapel Liturgy of the Word & Communion St. Ann Wednesday at 8:30 am Holy Rosary Monday at 8:30 am SS. Peter & Paul Monday & Friday at 6:25 am Chapel/(except on First Friday) Thursday at 8:00 am /Chapel Reconciliation Saturday Holy Rosary 3:003:30 pm SS. Peter & Paul 3:15 pm or by appointment Sunday St. Ann Third Sunday after Mass Thank you, Fr. Harry, for your service to the people of our three parishes and communities! May God bless you and guide you during this next step in your life. You will be missed!

Transcript of The Catholic Communities of St Ann Holy Rosary SS … · Holy Rosary 1724 Madison Street, New...

Page 1: The Catholic Communities of St Ann Holy Rosary SS … · Holy Rosary 1724 Madison Street, New Holstein ... There will be our tradition of a Prayer Circling immediately ... continued

St Ann N188 School Street, New Holstein


The Catholic Communities of SS Peter & Paul

413 Fremont Street, Kiel


Holy Rosary 1724 Madison Street, New Holstein


Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26, 2016

Three Parishes - One Faith


St. Ann

Sunday: 8:00 am

Holy Rosary

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm

Sunday: 10:00 am

Wednesday: 8:15 am

SS. Peter & Paul

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm

Sunday: 9:00 am

Tuesday: 8:00 am/Chapel

First Friday: 8:00 am/Chapel

Liturgy of the Word & Communion St. Ann

Wednesday at 8:30 am

Holy Rosary

Monday at 8:30 am

SS. Peter & Paul

Monday & Friday at 6:25 am Chapel/(except on First Friday)

Thursday at 8:00 am /Chapel



Holy Rosary

3:00—3:30 pm

SS. Peter & Paul

3:15 pm or by appointment Sunday

St. Ann

Third Sunday after Mass

Thank you, Fr. Harry,

for your service to the people of our

three parishes and communities!

May God bless you and

guide you during this next step

in your life. You will be missed!

Page 2: The Catholic Communities of St Ann Holy Rosary SS … · Holy Rosary 1724 Madison Street, New Holstein ... There will be our tradition of a Prayer Circling immediately ... continued

Follow me! We hear that so many

times in our lives, it can be hard to keep

track. I’ve heard it jumping off a ledge into a

river, skiing down a mountain and driving a

car to an unknown destination. Most of the

time, it’s been harmless. Some of the times,

I’ve had to question my judgment. I suspect

I’m not alone in this…

We hear that phrase in our readings

today – if not directly, then certainly indi-

rectly. In the first reading, the prophet Elijah

throws a cloak over a young man named El-

isha, who was plowing in a field. The young

man knows the significance of this action

(Elijah was covering him with his mantel – in

effect, he was passing on the prophetic role

to Elisha. He was asking Elisha to follow

him). The young boy asks to go say goodbye

to his parents first and, when given permis-

sion, does so and offers up a holocaust to

God for this opportunity.

Jesus is not so amiable in the Gospel.

He asks individuals to follow him and receives

the same request. One wishes to bury his fa-

ther first and another to say goodbye to their

folks. They are told – “No one who sets their

hand to the plow and looks to what was left

behind is fit for the kingdom of God.”

Wow – tough words. Why? Because

most likely the person’s father was not even

sick. And the goodbye to parents would take

a great deal of time – including parties. Effec-

tively, Jesus was saying the time to follow him

is now. Not at some hypothetical time in the

future after I’ve gotten everything in order.

We can often use that as an excuse. It’s as if

he’s on the mountain top on a pair of skis

and shouts for us to follow. We don’t ration-

alize, ask to see the terrain, make a few calls

and texts to find out how others have trav-

ersed the land. We follow. We trust. We

move. Now.

This weekend we honor Fr. Harry

Berryman, leaving Holy Rosary and St. Ann

parishes after spending almost eleven years

as pastor and, later, priest celebrant. A na-

tive of Michigan, Fr. Harry encountered the

same call as did Elisha and the people in the

Gospel. Jesus asked him to follow, and that

meant crossing a large lake and living among

a people he did not know.

And every one of us reading this article

is better because he didn’t ask to wait until

his family passed away first. He followed.

And the Church of Green Bay was blessed.

Fr. Harry – we thank you for your wit,

your compassionate heart, and your insight.

We thank you for your generous spirit and for

bringing Christ in the sacraments to our three

parishes. I for one will miss you greatly. But

I envy you to Green Bay. May your retirement

be blessed and filled with every good thing.

Go with God…and thank you for saying yes

when you were called to follow.

Cup O’ Joe

Weekly Reflections by Joseph Zenk, Pastoral Leader

Readings for the Week

Monday Am 2:6-10, 13-16/Mt 8:18-22

Tuesday Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12/Mt 8:23-27

Wednesday Acts 12:1-11/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19

Thursday Am 7:10-17/Mt 9:1-8

Friday Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Mt 9:9-13

Saturday Am 9:11-15/Mt 9:14-17

Sunday Is 66:10-14c/Gal 6:14-18/Lk 10:1-12, 17-20

Join us next week as our readings’ focus is: “Rejoice in the love and compassion of the Lord.” In the reading from Isaiah, we will hear that as a mother comforts her child so, too, does the Lord reach out to comfort us. Understanding this, it is important that we open ourselves to the Lord. If we are open to feeling the Lord’s care and compassion, it will bring us strength and peace of mind as we walk our daily journey of faith.

Summer of Mercy

Matthew Kelly at Dynamic Catholic has announced a seven week Summer of Mercy schedule. If you recall, during Lent, they did “The Best Lent Ever” where you signed up and received emails and videos from the book Beautiful Mercy. Join in for the Summer of Mercy and continue this wonderful series! Signup at – it begins on Sunday June 19th.

Substitute Teachers Needed

Divine Savior is looking for substitute teachers for the upcoming school year. If you are interested, our would like more information, please contact the principal, Kerry Sievert at 894-3533.

Page 3: The Catholic Communities of St Ann Holy Rosary SS … · Holy Rosary 1724 Madison Street, New Holstein ... There will be our tradition of a Prayer Circling immediately ... continued

Mission Appeal

Next weekend, July 2 & 3, two priests from the Franciscan Order will be presiding at our three linked parishes, speaking about their outreach during our annual Mission Appeal. Thank you for your generosity to their need.

Priest Movement

As you know, Fr. Harry Berryman’s last weekend at Holy Rosary will be June 25 & 26. An Open House in his honor will be held after Mass on Sunday, June 26, in the school gym. We hope you will be able to come by to wish him well.

Fr. John Girotti, Associate Vicar General for the Dio-cese of Green Bay, has been assigned as the priest celebrant for Holy Rosary beginning the weekend of August 6 & 7. In the month of July, coverage for weekend Masses will be taken care of by various diocesan priests.

Questions as to Fr. Amadi have also arisen. Fr. Amadi continues to be assigned as the priest celebrant for Ss. Peter & Paul and will continue on in that role moving forward.

Please pray for all three of our parishes and the priests assigned to administer the sacraments.


Sr. Dora Zapf, SDS, celebrated 60 years of Religious Life with the Salvatorian Sisters on Saturday, June 25. Sr. Dora assisted Brother Regis for years at the Salvatorian Mission Warehouse and often prays with us at our three linked parishes. Please extend your love and congratulations to her as she celebrates this incredible milestone!

Open Your Heart & Home

Volunteer families are needed to host a Catholic exchange student from Spain and Germany for the coming 2016-2017 school year. Families (with or without children) as well as single parents are needed to provide food, a bed and a loving home for the coming school year, one or two semesters, starting in August. EMF students have medical insurance, spending money for their personal expenses and expect to share their host family’s daily life including household responsibilities. They speak English, are well-screened and eager to experience life in America. Their stay here is sponsored and supervised by EMF (Educational Merit Foundation), a non-profit, educa-tional exchange program. For more information on EMF students, please call Marie-Claude Dijoud now at 1-800-467-8363 or visit our web site at

St. Ann

Donna Schmitz 894-7153

Valeria Kempf 894-2370

Holy Rosary

Rita Greuel 898-5213

Helen Reinl 898-4867

SS. Peter & Paul

Fran Pitz 894-3017

Agnes Arndt 894-2952




Mercy Message Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too. ~2 Corinthians 1:3-5


The Divine Savior Child Care Center operates year-round from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. for infants through age 12. During the past school year, we were serving over 80 children and their families. We are pleased to announce that Abby Hartman has been hired as program director for the program. Abby has a degree in early childhood education and administrator credentials in early child-hood. Registrations are being accepted for the summer and fall. For more information contact the day care at 894-4959 or the school at 894-3533.

Abby will also be the instructor for the K3 program, which is held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:50-11:00. Registration information for K3 or any other grade level can be obtained by contacting the school office or visiting the school website,


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Held at St. Anna Fireman’s Park

(Bring lawn chairs)

4:00 PM Polka Mass with Bob Kuether Band

Followed by Dinner with:

Prime Rib Dinner $12.00

Double Brat or Hamburger Dinner $ 8.00

Single Brat or Hamburger Dinner $ 7.00

Ages 6 to 12 $ 4.50

5 and under Free!

Includes all the trimmings, salads & dessert

Bob Kuether Music from 5:30 – 7:30 PM

Page 4: The Catholic Communities of St Ann Holy Rosary SS … · Holy Rosary 1724 Madison Street, New Holstein ... There will be our tradition of a Prayer Circling immediately ... continued

Feast Day Celebration

Don't forget to reserve a few minutes after 9AM Mass on June 26 for our annual "SS. Peter & Paul's Sundae Sunday" in honor of our parish namesakes feast this coming week. Folks can top a scoop of vanilla ice cream with favorite toppings to create your own sundae to enjoy.

There will be our tradition of a Prayer Circling immediately after the morning Mass for families to join us in focused prayer for continued support and success of our Capital Campaign building project and blessings on our parish. Meet outside of the gym at 10AM to line up for the procession around our property.

We look forward to having all parishioners and visitors join us for celebration and camaraderie and sweet treats! Construction Updates

The main focus this week and into next week is the continued construction of the masonry block walls. Once those are done, the floors can be poured.

Mass will be celebrated in the church starting July 2.

With the move back to church, we’ll need to give it a good cleaning before Saturday. We’ve set up Tuesday, June 28 from 9 to 11 am for a volunteer clean up day. We’re asking anyone available during that time to come and help wipe down the pews and clean the floors. Cleaning supplies will be provided. Your help will be greatly appreciated!

Mass Time Change

A change in the Franciscan Priest’s schedule will allow them to celebrate Mass this Tuesday, June 28 at the regular time of 8:00 am.

All are welcome to pray with us on Tuesdays in the Chapel. If you would like to schedule a Mass intention for a Tuesday, please contact Kim in the office. We have several open.

Our Sympathy

Please remember in your prayers Melvin Greuel and his family. Mel’s funeral was on Saturday. May he rest in peace.

Ministry Schedules

The new ministry schedules are done and if you provided the parish office with an email address it has been sent to you via email. If not, the schedules can be found on the tables in the gym/back of church. If you’d like to receive them via email, or if you did not receive one, please contact the office.


Baptism is the first of seven sacraments by which we become a member of the church and a new creation in Christ. Congratulations Ava Sue, daughter of Mindy (Kohlmann) and Timothy Artz and Elliot James, son of Angela (Cole) and Chad Koeck, who were baptized this month. Welcome to the family of God, Ava & Elliot. May you always walk with Jesus.

Additional Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquets

In Memory Of/In Honor Of:

John Klauck & David Collin from Jeanette Klauck

Don Baus from Janet Baus

Don Stier from Jude Stier

Paul Raquet & Ralph Bruckner from Julie Raquet

Sabintino DiBartolomeo, Fred Schuette Sr, Fred Schuette, Lawrence Clark, Frank Rausder and Elmer Tryon from Jeff & Leslie Schuette

Jeff Schuette, Ed Schuette, Burt DiBartolomeo, Patrick Jacobs, Bob Russell and Paul Lochlear from Jeff & Leslie Schuette

Pictorial Directory Appointment scheduling has begun for the new linked parish pictorial directory. You can stop at the tables in Voland Hall after Mass any weekend or you can go online to the parish’s website for the link to schedule your time. Online registration is closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Remember, you can register at Holy Rosary or St. Ann if our dates do not work

Your Stewardship Sharing—week ending June 19

Stewardship Envelopes $ 7,853.00

Student Envelopes $ 6.75

Loose Offering $ 189.00



SS. Peter & Paul Liturgical Roles

July 2—4 pm July 3—9 am

GREETERS E—Shirley Arndt E—Bruce Gaedke

W—Grybush Family

PROCLAIMER Ellen Keuler Mary Jo Meyer



Shirley Arndt Lynne Becker

Norman Binversie Jim Hauch

Vicki Heimermann*

Lara Blaser Jim Draxler

Charlyn Gaedke Joe Greuel Pat Groh*

SERVERS Lauren Rezcyznski

Haley Wagner Ethan DeTroye

Xavier Piper



Vicki Heimermann* Paula Mahloch

Mary Adelman John Adelman*

Calendar of Events +Mass Intentions

June 27-July 3

Mon Liturgy of the Word 6:25 am/Chapel

Tues Mass 7:45 am/Chapel +Herbert, Marcella & Bernard Schuler

Thurs Liturgy of the Word 8:00 am/Chapel

Liturgy @ Willowdale 10:00 am

Scrip sales 2:00—4:00 pm/Rectory

Fri First Friday—Visit with shut ins

Reconciliation 7:15 am

Mass/Chapel 8:00 am +Herbert Nennig

Sat Reconciliation 3:15 pm

Mass @ 4:00 pm +Chester Vogel

Sun Mass @ 9:00 am +Melody Schmitt

Sat/Sun Scrip Sales After Mass

Page 5: The Catholic Communities of St Ann Holy Rosary SS … · Holy Rosary 1724 Madison Street, New Holstein ... There will be our tradition of a Prayer Circling immediately ... continued

Sharing Sunday

Next Sunday, July 3 will be our monthly drive for non-perishable food, toiletry items, and paper products. Bins will be available in the church entry and items collected will be donated to area food pantries.

Bishop’s Appeal

St. Ann received a letter from The Most Reverend David L. Ricken, Bishop of Green Bay, thanking us for surpassing our Bishop’s Appeal goal. The Bishop’s Appeal has raised $5.5 million so far this year. Thank you for your faithful generosity!

Outdoor Polka Mass

Plans are underway for the August 6 Polka Mass at St. Anna Fireman’s Park with Mass at 4:00PM followed by dinner. If you would like to volunteer or would like more information, contact Dave or Sherry Winkel at 894-7027.

Registering Online for the Pictorial Directory

Visit our website at and go the Bulletins/Newsletters/Calendar Tab. There is a link titled “Link to Par-ish Directory Photographer website to schedule time.” Clicking on the link will take you to the website which lists each step for registering. Online registration is closed on Saturdays and Sundays. You may also register in person starting today and every Sunday through July 17. Re-member, you can register at Holy Rosary or SS Peter & Paul if the St. Ann dates do not work for you. We hope you’ll be a part of our new directory!

Newsletter Deadline

Articles for the parish newsletter are due by July 1. The newsletter will be included with the end of the fiscal year statements, which will be mailed to members in July.

End of Parish Fiscal Year

Our 2015-2016 fiscal year will end Thursday, June 30 and we’ll be closing the books that day at noon. Any contribu-tions made after that time will be applied to the 2016-2017 fiscal year. If you have any questions about your contributions to date, contact the office at 894-3147. Thank you for supporting our parish!

Stewardship Envelopes

Envelopes for Sunday collections can be found in the pew racks. They are in the small brown envelopes and have red boarders. Please make sure to include your name, amount, and check # or just write in “Cash” if cash is in-cluded. Recently, there have been envelopes without names that contain cash. Unfortunately, we are not able to record that amount to the parish member it is from. Thank you to everyone who supports our parish through your weekly, monthly, or yearly contributions.

Cemetery Update

In the cemetery, graves are not immediately seeded. Following a burial, the ground needs to be left to settle for at least six months. Once it has settled, the grass seed is planted. Generally, the best time for planting grass is early spring or late August through September.


Your Stewardship Sharing – June 19

Church Support Envelopes: $ 1,395.00

Loose Offertory: $ 287.86

Building & Grounds $ 797.00

Bishop’s Appeal Goal: $ 7,089.00

Gifts through 6/21/2016 $ 8,907.00

Weekly Stewardship needed to meet budget: $950.00 Thank you for your support!

St. Ann Liturgical Roles

Mass – 8:00am Sunday – July 3, 2016

GREETERS Jeff & Donna Berchem

LECTOR Cheri Schmitz

EUCHARIST Ken & Lydia Turba

SERVERS Maggie & Katie Dickrell

USHERS Jeff Berchem

George Engel

GIFT BEARERS Dickrell Family

for you. We hope you’ll be a part of our new directory! Just for having your picture taken, you will receive a free 8x10 picture. Summer Friday Afternoons

The parish office will close at noon on Fridays during the summer. Appointments still can be made if that causes any in-convenience. Simply call our parish office at 894-3553.

Pantry Collection

For the entire month of June we are collecting boxed rice and boxed potatoes for Rays of Hope.


Any contributions for the 2015/16 church year need to be in the parish office by noon on June 30. Thank you for your support of prayer, service and treasure.

Calendar of Events +Mass Intentions

Sunday – June 26

Mass – 8:00 am +Jay Brandt

Wednesday – June 29

Rosary – 8:00 am

Liturgy of the Word w/ Communion – 8:30 am

Sunday – July 3

Mass – 8:00 am + Leo Dickrell

Sharing Sunday

Page 6: The Catholic Communities of St Ann Holy Rosary SS … · Holy Rosary 1724 Madison Street, New Holstein ... There will be our tradition of a Prayer Circling immediately ... continued

COME CELEBRATE! Please join us for the 10:00 am Mass this weekend followed by an Open House in the gym in Fr. Harry’s honor thanking him for his faithful years of service to Holy Rosary Parish. The Open House will begin immediately following Mass and continue until 2:00 p.m. Feel free to come whenever fits your schedule. Finger foods will be provided. The Ministers of Music Choir will be presenting a musical tribute before and during the 10:00 am Mass. All are invited to attend this special Mass and pre-Mass mini-concert and Open House.

PACKING HELP Are you interested in helping Fr. Harry pack for his move? He could use the help. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 27-29, Fr. Harry will open his apartment to all willing to help him pack from Noon until 5:00 p.m. each day. Please bring any spare boxes you have around your homes as the parish only has a few. Thank you for your service to Fr. Harry!

FUNERAL Please remember in your prayers Mary Ann Mytko and her family. ‘Annie’s’ funeral was on Thursday. May she rest in peace.

CHURCH SUPPORT ENVELOPES for the new church year beginning July 1 are available the south wing of church for you to pick. If you did not find your box of envelopes or would like envelopes for this next year, please call the parish office.

HOLY HOUR Tuesday, June 28 at 1:00 p.m. in church. Please join us for prayer, scripture and reflection.

MARIAN DEVOTIONS – JULY 7 Marian Devotions begin at 6:00 pm in church. Your prayers are needed for: -For the preservation of Freedom for the USA. -For Religious Liberty. -For a president who will lead us on the path of a Godly nation. -For protection of born and unborn children. -For the protection of marriage and family. Please Join Us In Prayer For Our Nation To Turn Back To God.

CHURCH YEAR END Reminder – the church year ends June 30. All contribu-tions for this year need to be in the parish office by June 30. Thank you to everyone who supports Holy Rosary Parish throughout the year.

Your Stewardship Sharing For Week Ending June 19, 2016:

Church Support Envelopes: $ 7,160.00

Loose Offertory: $ 426.11

Student Envelopes: $ 5.00

Building Grounds Envelopes: $ 260.00

2016 Bishop’s Appeal Goal: $ 35,519.00

238 Gifts Received to 6/21/2016: $ 31,705.00

Adult Envelopes Needed Weekly to Meet Budget: $4,519.23

Received this Month: $19,885.50 Monthly Budget: $19,583.34


Holy Rosary Liturgical Ministers July 2 - 4:00 PM July 3 - 10:00 AM

SERVERS Shaelynn Feuerstein Volunteer Needed

Katelyn Brennan Kyle Brennan




Ron Schmitz Brady Feider +Rich Greuel

Kevin Sippel Adam Scholz +Dave Burg



Ron Schmitz Pat Buechel Rich Greuel

Joan Winkler Adam Scholz Ava Scholz

BODY Diane Klotz

Florence Bartman Patty Jaeckels Fred Weber



Jeanne Karrels Audry Heus

Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed

Leslie Fredrich Joan Kabat

Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed

PROCLAIMER Patty Jaeckels Gary Winkler

CANTOR Meg Feider Choir

ORGANIST Ann Arbuckle Vic Guckeisen


Calendar of Events +Mass Intentions Monday – June 27 Liturgy of the Word with Communion 8:30 am/Church Choir Practice 6:15 pm/Church Tuesday – June 28 Rosary 8:15 am Holy Hour 1:00 pm/Church Wednesday – June 29 8:15 am Mass +Bob Mauer Thursday – June 30 Rosary 8:15 am Marian Devotions 6:00 pm/Church Friday – July 1 Rosary 8:15 am Saturday – July 2 4:00 pm Mass +Marvin & Dan Berenz Missionary Appeal Sunday – July 3

10:00 am Mass +Gladys Kabat and Edwin & Josephine Schaefer

Missionary Appeal

Page 7: The Catholic Communities of St Ann Holy Rosary SS … · Holy Rosary 1724 Madison Street, New Holstein ... There will be our tradition of a Prayer Circling immediately ... continued


Congratulations on the birth of your child! Contact the office at least one month before desired date of Baptism to arrange for preparation.


Congratulations on your engagement! Contact the office at least six months before your intended date to meet with Joe and to make arrangements for the marriage preparation process.


Please remember our parish when making out your will. Thank you.

Leadership Joseph Zenk Pastoral Leader

Bernard “Pat” Knier Deacon

Fr. Patrick Nelson, S.D.S. Priest Moderator

St. Ann 894-3147 [email protected]

Fr. Ron Smith OFM, Cap. Priest Celebrant

Laura Winkel Parish Business Manager & Rel. Ed Coordinator

Colleen Schnell Trustee Secretary

Paul Reineck Trustee Treasurer

Donna Schmitz Pastoral Council President

Julie Brandt Finance Council Chair

Holy Rosary 898-4884 [email protected]

Fr. Harold Berryman Priest Celebrant

Sue Philippi Parish Business Manager

& Rel. Ed Coordinator

Paula Pethan Trustee Secretary

Dan Schirmer Trustee Treasurer

Mike Kutz Pastoral Council President

John Klinzing Finance Council Chair

SS. Peter & Paul 894-3553 [email protected]

Fr. Alvan Amadi Priest Celebrant Kim Driscoll Parish Office Manager

Danielle Ehlenbeck Rel. Ed. Coordinator

Lynne Becker Liturgy & Music Coordinator

Jim Draxler Trustee Secretary

Michael Herzog Trustee Treasurer

CJ Koenig Pastoral Council President

Jeff Voland Finance Council Chair

Jackie Thiry Christian Women President

Divine Savior Catholic School 894-3533

Kerry Sievert School Administrator

Kristy Koenig Administrative Assistant

Office 423 Fremont St, Kiel


Vinnie's Store News

The Church. "We do not want a Church that

“will move” with the world. We want a Church

that “will move” the world." ~ G. K. Chesterton

Move the world! Live your faith and grow in your

holiness. Help Us, Help Others.

~ Donate ~ A car! Call us and ask how!

~ Shop ~ Your dollars fund our ministry!

~ Volunteer ~ Pick your day, time, position!

1234 Teckla Place, Kiel 894.7834

PICTORIAL DIRECTORY Appointment scheduling continues for the new linked parish pictorial directory. You can stop at the booth be-fore or after Mass any weekend or you can go online to the parish’s website for the link to schedule your time. Reminder, just for having your picture taken, you will receive a free 8x10 picture.

Picnic in the Park Wednesday, June 29 from 4—7:30 pm

Kiel City Park Beef, pork, chicken sandwich, homemade German potato

salad, beans, beverage & dessert Sponsored by St. Peter’s UCC

Mendelssohn Choir & Chapel Chimers Kiel Municipal Band will present

a patriotic concert at 7 pm in the band shell. All are welcome!

Benefit Wine Tasting 3rd Annual Open House to support the American Cancer Society Calumet County Relay for Life. Hosted by Kaytee Products Relay for Life Teams. Sunday, July 3 from Noon-3 pm at Jim & Linda’s Lakeview Supper Club. Taste test a variety of wines and enjoy cheese and fruit pairings. Silent Auction & music. Admission $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Must be 21 years of age. Tickets include meal coupon and can be purchased in advance at Jim &Linda’s or by contacting Calvin at 920-588-0150.


There are some ad spaces left on the back of our bulletin. The ad is good for a year of

advertising (July 1—June 30), and your business will be featured in the Advertiser of the Week spot

during the year. We print 700 bulletins each week, and it’s also on our websites.

Think of all the people who would see the name of your business each week!

If you are interested in placing an ad for your business or would like more information, please

contact your parish office. These ads help us cover the cost of printing the bulletin.

Page 8: The Catholic Communities of St Ann Holy Rosary SS … · Holy Rosary 1724 Madison Street, New Holstein ... There will be our tradition of a Prayer Circling immediately ... continued

M-F 7am-7pm

Sat 7am-5pm * Sun 9am-3pm

2204 Wisconsin * (920)898-4864