the Cat a lyst -...

the Catalyst Official publication of the Philadelphia Section, ACS November 2011 Volume 96, No. 9 HIGHLIGHTS Chair's Column 175 Speaker's Abstract and Biography 178 Philadelphia Section on LinkedIn 179 Photos from Previous Meetings 187 Nov. Historical Events 190 2011-2012 Calendar 192 JANUARY MEETING Thursday, January 19, 2012 TBA University of Pennsylvania See the January issue of the Catalyst for details, call the Section Office at (215) 382-1589 or email [email protected]. A D V A N C E N O T I C E December Meeting Ullyot Public Affairs Lecture Dr. Michael Christman e t u t i t s n I l l e i r o C

Transcript of the Cat a lyst -...

the Cat a lyst Of fi cial pub li ca tion of the Phil a del phia Sec tion, ACS No vem ber 2011

http://phil a del Vol ume 96, No. 9


Chair's Column 175

Speaker's Ab stract andBi og ra phy 178

Phil a del phia Sectionon LinkedIn 179

Pho tos from Pre vi ousMeet ings 187

Nov. His tor i cal Events 190

2011-2012 Cal en dar 192


Thursday, January 19, 2012TBA

University of Pennsylvania

See the January issue of the Catalyst for details, call the Sec tion Of fice at (215) 382-1589 or email [email protected].


December Meeting

Ullyot Pub lic Af fairs Lecture

Dr. Mi chael Christman

—etutitsnI lleiro


the Cat a lyst

No vem ber 2011 Page 174

ACS Phil a del phia Sec tion

Founded April 15, 1899



EDITORSNews Atoms: Alan WarrenProof Editors: Georgia Arbuckle-Keil

Marge MatthewsAlan Warren



Chair: Marge MatthewsAnthony W. AddisonGeorgia Arbuckle-KeilRobin S. DavisVince GaleRobert GatesKendra LutherJudy Summers-GatesVictor TortorelliAlan Warren

Pub lished monthly ex cept July, Au gust and De cem ber by the Phil a del phia Sec tion of the Amer i -can Chem i cal So ci ety. All views ex pressed are those of the ed i tors and con tri bu tors and do notnec es sar ily rep re sent the of fi cial po si tion of the Phil a del phia Sec tion of the Amer i can Chem i calSo ci ety. Ed i to rial mat ters should be sent to the at ten tion of the Ed i tor-in-Chief c/o the Phil a del -phia Sec tion ACS, De part ment of Chem is try, Uni ver sity of Penn syl va nia, 231 South 34th Street,Phil a del phia, PA 19104-6323 or [email protected].

Ad ver tis ing: Vince Gale, MBO Ser vices, P.O. Box 1150, Marshfield, MA 02050

phone: (781) 837-0424; email: [email protected].

CON TENTSJan u ary Ad vance No tice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

Chair's Col umn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

News At oms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

Ullyot Lecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

Speaker's Ab stract and Bi og ra phy . . . . . . . . . . . 178

Phil a del phia Sec tion on LinkedIn . . . . . . . . . . . . 179

June 2011 Board Meet ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

No vem ber Chem i cal Con sul tants Net work . . . . . 182

Herb Bassow Me mo rial Chem. Dem on stra tions . 183

Call for Pre-Col lege Teacher Nom i na tions . . . . . 184

Sep tem ber 2011 Board Meet ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

Pho tos from Pre vi ous Meet ings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

De cem ber Chem i cal Con sul tants Net work . . . . . 188

Call of Un der grad u ate Teacher Nom i na tions. . . . 189

His tor i cal Events in Chem is try. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

Di rec tory of Ser vices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

2011-2012 Cal en dar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

No vem ber 2011 Page 175

the Cat a lyst

John Tierney


The Sec tion has just be stowed the Sec tion’s Award on Pro -fes sor Larry G. Sneddon ofthe Uni ver sity of Penn syl va -nia. Dr. Sneddon is Blanchard Pro fes sor of Chem is try - In or -ganic, En ergy and Ma te ri alsChem is try. The Awards Com -mit tee was unan i mous in their de ci sion to honor Pro fes sorSneddon with the Sec tion’sAward, and af ter hear ing histalk it was easy to see why.He de liv ered a com pre hen sive over view of the state of hy -dro gen fuel cell tech nol ogyand de vel op ment. Dr. Sned-don in di cated the ad vancesachieved in his lab in the areaof bo ron hy drides with am -mo nia – draw ing par al lels tothe po lar ity dif fer ences as so -ci ated with de hy dro ge nat ingeth ane. Of par tic u lar in ter estwere the NMR and X-raystud ies that gave clar ity to the mech a nis tic path ways fol -lowed in the hy dro gen gen er -a tion pro cess from the bo ronhy dride am mo nia sys tems inthe pro posed fuel cells.

This Phil a del phia Sec tionAward meet ing was held in -side at the Uni ver sity ofPenn syl va nia, un like the Oc -to ber meet ing at the Penns

Woods Win ery. As with anyout side event, weather was an is sue. The win ery was sup -posed to have com pleted adeck by the time our meet ingtook place – the meet ing wasar ranged 6 months in ad vance – the deck did not ma te ri al izebut a tent did. To the best ofmy knowl edge, this was thefirst time that the Sec tion hashad the Board Meet ing un dera tent. The ini tial part of theBoard Meet ing was fine. That was un til a cold front de cidedto move through, and theBoard Meet ing be came morein ter est ing than usual. Thecold front de scended abouthalf way through the meet ing. Ini tially, ev ery one at temptedto ig nore the fly ing ta blecloths and tin kling, emptywine glasses. These ta bles, ta -ble cloths and the wineglasses had been set up forthe joint meet ing withAIChE, to be held af ter theBoard Meet ing. The im pend -ing storm caused the Board to cut short Kathy Shaginaw’sre port and re treat into anearby build ing while thewin ery em ploy ees put upsome walls to the tent. Af terthe storm passed, there was awon der ful dou ble rain bow(see page 187).

For the joint meet ing, we hada to tal of 40 mem bers at tendwho were from both the Sec -tion and AIChE, with about10 at ten dees who were mem -bers of both or ga ni za tions.Once the walls were up on the

tent and the wine started toflow, along with a dis cus sionfrom Andrea Gillespie oneach type of wine, the stormseemed like a dis tant mem ory. We might try this again, but it would be ad vis able to find aper ma nently cov ered lo ca tion.

Well, this is the last Cat a lystpiece that I have to write. Iwould like to thank all threeread ers, Libby Harper andRobin Da vis (even thoughthey had to read each piecefor pro duc tion rea sons) andDr. Da vid Hill (Tem ple) whoac tu ally told me he had readall of the pre vi ous pieces andfound them “en joy able.” Iap pre ci ate the sup port that allof the Board has given meover this past year. In ad di -tion, I would like to thank allthe vol un teers who showedup for the Sci ence Fes ti val on the Park way, along with allthe other events that the Sec -tion has held through out theyear; we could not havepulled it off without you.

Please note that the No vem -ber Board Meet ing is prior tothe “Ullyot Lec ture,” and thiswill be held on De cem ber 1,at the Chem i cal Her i tageFoun da tion.

In Jan u ary, I look for ward towork ing, as “Im me di ate PastChair” (it sounds good al -ready), with our in com ingsuave and debonaire newChair, Rick Ewing.

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the Cat a lyst

NEWS AT OMSTem ple Uni ver sity’s MagidAbou-Gharbia re ceived theHenry F. Whalen, Jr. awardfor ex cel lence in busi ness de -vel op ment and man age mentat the ACS fall meet ing inDen ver. Hank Whalen is ac -tive in the Phil a del phia Sec -tion and is a re tired vicepres i dent of PQ Cor po ra tion.

Rahul M. Kohli, as sis tantpro fes sor of med i cine andbio chem is try and bio phys icsin Penn’s Perelman School ofMed i cine, re ceived a grantfrom the Rita Allen Foun da -tion. The grant will sup porthis lab o ra tory’s study of ge -nome dy nam ics to en able ad -vances in the study ofin fec tious dis eases, stem cellbi ol ogy, and on col ogy.

War ren D. Seider, pro fes sorin Penn’s de part ment ofchem i cal and biomolecularen gi neer ing, was re cip i ent ofthe F.J. and Dor o thy VanAntwerpen award for ser viceof the Amer i can In sti tute ofChem i cal En gi neers. He wasrec og nized for con tri bu tionsin phase and chem i cal equi -lib ria, azeotropic dis til la tion,chem i cal re ac tion sys tems,heat and power in te gra tion,and non lin ear con trol, amongother ac com plish ments.

The late John C. Haas left inhis will an en dow ment to

fund the His tory of Chem is try Fel low ship at the Chem i calHer i tage Foun da tion. He hadbeen fund ing the pro gram onan an nual ba sis since 2001and 16 schol ars have now ad -vanced their post doc toralstud ies as a re sult of this gen -er os ity. The new en dow mentwill fund the Fel low ship pro -gram in per pe tu ity.

DEATHSElis a beth Papazoglou, as so -ci ate pro fes sor of bio med i calen gi neer ing at Drexel Uni ver -sity, Au gust 17th at 51. Bornin Greece and ed u cated thereas well as in the UnitedStates, she was an R&D en gi -neer at Arco Chem i cal un til1992 when she was namedtech nol ogy di rec tor at FMCCorp. Dur ing her em ploy ment at FMC she re ceived the ex -cep tional ser vice award in1999 and the in no va tion pat -ent award in 1994 and 1997.

She then moved to GreatLakes, Inc. as tech nol ogyman ager for poly mer ad di -tives from 1999 to 2003 andearned a lead er ship awardthere. In 2003 she joinedDrexel’s school of bio med i cal en gi neer ing as re search as so -ci ate pro fes sor and wasnamed as sis tant pro fes sor in2005 and as so ci ate pro fes sorin 2010. She re ceived NASAtech ni cal in no va tion awardsin 1988 and 1989 and servedon the board of di rec tors ofthe Flame Re tar dants As so ci -a tion from 1996-2000.

Note: News At oms seeks tore port on peo ple in the fieldof chem is try in the greaterPhil a del phia area. If you have news about new hires, sig nif i -cant pro mo tions, hon ors andawards, and those who havere cently passed away, send itby email to [email protected] or by mail to the Phil a -del phia Sec tion ACS, ad dresson page 174.





November 2011 Page 177

The 2011 Ullyot Public Affairs Lecture

Sponsored by

The Philadelphia and Delaware Sections, American Chemical Society The Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania

The University of the Sciences in Philadelphia The Chemical Heritage Foundation

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Human Genome and Personalized Medicine:

What Your Doctor Should Know About Your Genes

Michael Christman, PhD The Coriell Institute for Medical Research

6:00 PM

Ullyot Meeting Hall, Chemical Heritage Foundation

315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia

The lecture is free to the public but registration is required. Reception from 7:00-8:00 PM (free with registration)

For lecture and reception reservations register online at or contact Laura Naden at the Chemical Heritage Foundation (215) 873-8276 or [email protected] on or before November 22. The new permanent exhibit Making Modernity will be available for viewing during the reception. Parking: Parking is available at The Bourse Garage on 4th Street between Chestnut and Market Streets (next to the Ritz Theater), at the garages under Independence Mall between 5th and 6th Streets, and on 2nd Street between Chestnut and Walnut. Public Transit: SEPTA suburban trains stop at Market East, a 15-minute walk to the Chemical Heritage Foundation. The Market-Frankford subway has stations on Market Street at both 2nd and 5th Streets. See The Board of Directors will meet at 4:00 PM in the Othmer Alcove Conference Room.

the Catalyst

No vem ber 2011 Page 178

the Cat a lyst

Dr. Mi chael F. Christman

Pres i dent and Chief Ex ec u -tive Of fi cer

Coriell In sti tute for Med i calRe search

Per son al ized Med i cine andthe Hu man Ge nome: WhatYour Doc tor Should Know

About Your Genes

Ab stract: The Hu man Ge -nome Pro ject was launched in1990 to iden tify and map theap prox i mately 20,000 genes in hu mans. Genes are com posedof the DNA we in herit fromour par ents and they con tainthe set of in struc tions neededto make our bod ies work. Writ ten in our DNA is a fas ci -nat ing story of hu man his toryin clud ing mi gra tion out of Af -rica some 60,000 years ago. By 2007, it was re vealed thatour genomes are more than 99per cent iden ti cal. Re search ers are now ex plor ing the one per -cent that de ter mines ev ery -thing about our in di vid ualge net ics to un der stand howour ge netic makeup in flu ences our risk for con di tions likeheart dis ease and can cer andwhether or not certain pre-scription drugs will work forus.

Per son al ized med i cine com -bines a pa tient’s genomic in -for ma tion with fam ily his tory,

life style, and en vi ron men talfac tors to make better pre dic -tions about a pa tient’s risk fordis ease or re sponse to pre -scrip tion drugs, and to tai lortreat ments for im provedhealth. Oncologists are us ingcan cer pa tients’ ge netic in for -ma tion to de sign che mo ther -apy reg i mens; sim i larly, phy-sicians are be gin ning to usege netic in for ma tion to pre -scribe ap pro pri ate dos ages, for ex am ple, blood thin ners forpa tients with heart dis ease. Prac tic ing med i cine this wayis safer, more ac cu rate, andcost-ef fec tive for pa tients andour healthcare sys tem. To day,how ever, ge net ics is not rou -tinely used in clin i cal care. This will change dra mat i callyover the next de cade as thecost of an a lyz ing a ge nome se -quence drops be low the costof an MRI. The in clu sion ofge net ics in rou tine care pres -ents an enor mous num ber ofeth i cal, le gal and so cial chal -lenges that must be ad dressedif we as healthcare con sum ersare to ben e fit from this newtech nol ogy.

The suc cess of per son al izedmed i cine de pends on its abil -ity to dem on strate value to thehealthcare sys tem and to pa -tients. To ex plore the use ofgenomic in for ma tion in clin i -cal de ci sion-mak ing and ad -dress these chal lenges, the

SPEAKER'S BI OG RA PHY AND AB STRACTCoriell Per son al ized Med i cineCol lab o ra tive® (CPMC®) wasini ti ated in 2007. This for -ward-look ing re search study isa multi-party en deavor of vol -un teer study par tic i pants, phy -si cians, sci en tists, ethicists,genetic coun sel ors, phar ma -cists, in for ma tion tech nol o -gists, and hos pi tal and aca-demic part ners. Thou sands ofCPMC study par tic i pants haveviewed their ge netic andnon-ge netic risks for dis easeand drug re sponse. How theirlife style be hav iors change,whether they choose to sharetheir re sults and with whom isre veal ing the util ity of ge neticin for ma tion in clin i cal care. Ittook 13 years and $3 bil lion tose quence the first hu man ge -nome; to day, we are close tose quenc ing a hu man ge nome in just days for $1,000. More im -por tantly, we are closer to tai -lor ing healthcare for trulyper son al ized med i cine.

Bi og ra phy: Mi chael F. Christ-man, PhD, is the pres i dent andchief ex ec u tive of fi cer ofCoriell In sti tute for Med i calRe search. Soon af ter ar riv ing at the In sti tute, Dr. Christman es -tab lished the Coriell Per son al -ized Med i cine Col lab o ra tive®

(CPMC®), a for ward-look ingre search study that has putCoriell at the fore front of ge -nome-in formed med i cine. Thestudy’s truly col lab o ra tive team

No vem ber 2011 Page 179

the Cat a lyst

of phy si cians, sci en tists,ethicists, ge netic coun sel ors,phar ma cists, in for ma tion tech -nol ogy ex perts, and vol un teerstudy par tic i pants, rec og nizesthe prom ise of per son al izedmed i cine and seeks to guideits eth i cal, le gal and re spon si -ble im ple men ta tion.

The CPMC study has beenrec og nized by Health and Hu -man Ser vices (HHS) Sec re tary Mi chael Leavitt’s task force as a pi o neer in per son al ized med -i cine. The com bi na tion of theCPMC’s unique study de signand its fo cus on ed u ca tion,eth i cal con duct, and sci en tificva lid ity has gar nered muchpraise: Na ture mag a zine de -scribed the study as “lead ingby ex am ple,” and MIT Tech -nol ogy Re view placed theCPMC on its 2010 “Top 10

Re search Pro jects to Watch”list.

Un der his lead er ship, Coriellhas also es tab lished a fed er -ally-funded in duced pluripo -tent stem cell lab o ra tory. This re mark able tech nol ogy al lowsa skin or blood cell to becoaxed into be com ing nearlyany cell type in the body,open ing new av e nues for re -search, drug dis cov ery, andeven tu ally ther apy.

Be fore as sum ing the lead er -ship role at Coriell in 2007,Dr. Christman chaired the De -part ment of Ge net ics andGenomics at Boston Uni ver -sity School of Med i cine andled an in ter na tional group thatper formed the first ge nome-wide as so ci a tion study us ingthe Framingham Heart StudyCo hort. Re cently, Dr. Christ-man and other Coriell sci en -tists col lab o rated with Dr.

Charles Rotimi of the NIH tocom plete one of the first ge -nome-wide as so ci a tion stud ies of an Af ri can Amer i can co -hort.

Dr. Christman re ceived his BS in Chem is try with hon orsfrom the Uni ver sity of NorthCarolina at Cha pel Hill, hisPhD in Bio chem is try from the Uni ver sity of Cal i for nia atBerke ley and did post-doc -toral work in ge net ics at theMas sa chu setts In sti tute ofTech nol ogy (MIT). Dr. Christ- man has pub lished ar ti cles insci en tific jour nals such as Sci -ence, Na ture and Cell and hiswork has been de scribed inThe NY Times, Wall StreetJour nal and other me dia. Heis a mem ber of the Ge net icsSo ci ety of Amer ica, the NewJer sey Tech nol ogy Coun cilBoard of Di rec tors, and theWHYY sci en tific ad vi soryboard.

Phil a del phia Sec tion ACS Group on LinkedIn

As many mem bers of ACS are al ready aware, the website LinkedIn ( an ex cel lent net work ing site ded i cated to keep ing work ing pro fes sion als in touch with one an -other. As a re sult, and in an ef fort to as sist in any way that we can, the Phil a del phia Sec tion ofthe ACS has es tab lished a group open for all to join. Within this group, dis cus sions can be fa -cil i tated as well as the op por tu nity for new jobs and in tern ships to be posted. If you al ready have a pro file in LinkedIn, feel free to go to the Groups Sec tion and search for“Amer i can Chem i cal So ci ety - Phil a del phia Sec tion.” Send a mes sage to the group ad min is tra -tor to be come a mem ber. If you are not al ready on LinkedIn, we highly rec om mend that youjoin. Es tab lish ing an ac count is free and easy to set up. For ad di tional in for ma tion or as sis -tance, please feel free to con tact J.P. Northrop, Li ai son Com mit tee, [email protected]

To join, please click on the fol low ing link:

No vem ber 2011 Page 180

the Cat a lyst


Thurs day, June 16, 2011

The Marshalton Inn

West Ches ter, PA 19382

Pres ent: J. Tierney, K. Lysko,D. Cichowicz, J. Sum mers-Gates, M. Cichowicz, E. Da vis, M. Matthews, J.P. Northrop, C.Palmer, T. Straub, V. Tortorelli,D. Thomas.

Also: L. Harper, K. Lammers,C.J. Bruner.

Ex cused: R. Ew ing, S. Miller,A. DeMasi, K. Yoder Lu ther,K. Thrush Shaginaw, W. Smith, D. Cook, D. Hausner.

The meet ing was called to or -der by Chair man J. Tierney at2:30 PM.

The min utes from the No vem -ber 2010 meet ing were ap -proved af ter the mo tion by J.Tierney and sec ond by K.Lysko. Min utes from the Maymeet ing were ap proved as cir -cu lated with one ab sten tion.


Nom i na tions: J. Sum mers-Gates, the chair of the com mit -tee, re ported that there is nocan di date for Chair-elect for the fall 2011 elec tion. Da vid Wolfwill run for Sec re tary.

YCC: K. Lammers, chair ofYCC, re ported that Drexel’sGSA will par tic i pate in theYCC Sum mit in the fall, help -ing to pro vide food and travelmoney for the speaker. Thespeaker they are con sid er ing isHarry Gray, a pro fes sor of in or -ganic chem is try at Cal Tech.

They will also be con sid er ing aspeaker who would be less ex -pen sive. Na tional Chem is tryWeek is Oc to ber 16-22 and itmight be pos si ble to have it this week. D. Cichowicz re mindedus that there is $3500 bud getedfor YCC ac tiv i ties and it can be used for this event. The YCClead er ship met June 14th to dis -cuss de tails.


Chair J. Tierney:

1. The By laws are still be ingre vised. K. Yoder Lu ther and J. Falcone had sug ges tions for up -dat ing the By laws, es pe ciallywith def i ni tions. J. Tierney will post the old and amended ver -sions of the by laws on the sec -tion website within a week forall to read and sug gestrevisions.

No vem ber 2011 Page 181

the Cat a lyst

2. J. Tierney sug gested that the Board in vest in a telecon-ferencing sys tem for our meet -ings. Also he sug gests ourSection should have a morepro fes sional email ad dress in -stead of J.P. Northropand M. Matthews will look ad dresses and J.Tierney will also check.

Chair Elect Rick Ew ing: Nore port.

Sec re tary Kathie Lysko: Nore port.

Trea surer: D. Cichowicz pre -sented the April Trea surer’s re -port, which was ap proved. The May re port was also ap proved. M. Matthews and D. Cichowicz dis cussed the June bud get con -cern ing the amounts bud getedfor the Cat a lyst ver sus theamount of money the on lineCatalyst is sav ing the Section. This was a learn ing year andthe on line costs will bal anceout and will be ad justed fornext year.

The Ullyot Com mit tee will bemeet ing in June ac cord ing to L. Harper. $2500 has been bud -geted for the 2011 lec ture. TheSection has been re im bursedfor the 2010 lec ture by theUllyot Fund.

The June Trea surer’s re port was ap proved unan i mously.


1. T. Straub men tioned that inthe Bylaws we need to look atthe lan guage for elec tion vot ing which would in clude a one per -

son, one vote state ment (ver suscu mu la tive vot ing). TheBylaws also need to re de finethe count ing of the votes sincewe are mov ing to an on line vot -ing sys tem. The pres ent By -laws in di cate only the Teller’sCom mit tee is counting thevotes.

He was also con cerned aboutthe list used for send ing theelec tion vot ing ma te ri als. Weused ACS Na tional’s list of reg -is tered Section mem bers lastyear, as re quired. There was agen eral dis cus sion about check -ing emails of in di vid u als andsend ing post cards to those withno emails. It was men tionedthat M. Matthews can get theIDs of emails that havebounced by us ing a blast andthen send ing out a post card tothose first. Proper tim ing ofpost card mail ing will have tobe taken into account to makethis work.

M. Matthews men tioned that ifyou have opted out of Sur vey-Mon key pre vi ously you wouldnot be re ceiv ing the Sectionelec tion SurveyMonkey forvoting.

2. J.P. Northrop an nounced thefirst planned net work ing eventfor Sep tem ber 28, 2011 in Phil -a del phia at the 20th Street lo ca -tion of the Irish Pub from 3-5PM in a pri vate room. It willbe ad ver tised in the Cat a lyst,on LinkedIn, our website, theYCC, Prince ton, Tren ton, So.Jer sey and Del a ware sec tion’swebsites. There will be norecruiters.

3. J.P. Northrop, as chair of the li ai son com mit tee, sends out

monthly meet ing no tices whichin volve sig nif i cant money andtime. He would like to con vertto an elec tronic for mat only. There fore, he will check cur -rent mailed no tice re cip i ents for email ad dresses.

The 2nd Ca reer work shop, fall2011, was dis cussed. J.PNorthrop said about 35-40 peo -ple could be ex pected. Theywould need a free or in ex pen -sive one-room fa cil ity for a fullday and in ex pen sive speak ers. He is work ing on the de tails. V. Tortorelli sug gested sched ul -ing it over fall break at a uni -ver sity for the free park ing. D.Cichowicz sug gested a La Salle fa cil ity at the Metroplex inPlym outh Meet ing at the in ter -sec tion of the turnpike and theBlue Route.

4. J. Sum mers-Gates wouldlike to thank Joe Martino forhis help in set ting up the firstNet work ing event.

5. In May Libby sent out 201cer tif i cates to 191 high schoolsto the out stand ing chem is tryhigh school stu dents.

6. J. Tierney and L. Harperhave been ap proached by EricLangenmayr who would like toset up a Section Sil ver Cir cleGroup in which re tir ees wouldtu tor un der priv i leged stu dentsin high school chem is try. V.Tortorelli tried to start a Sil verCir cle group be fore. TheUnited Way Ed u ca tion Fundmight be a place to get funds.

Meet ing was ad journed at 3:30PM by Chair man, J. Tierney.

Re spect fully sub mit ted,

Kathie Lysko, Sec re tary

November 2011 Page 182



Visit our website at Date & Time: Wednesday, November 9th, at the Cynwyd Club, Bala Cynwyd, PA; Networking, 5:30 PM; Dinner, 6:30 PM; Talk and Business Session, 7:30 PM

Nail it! Become the Speaker you Want to be!

Tim Malloy

Abstract: You will learn the secrets of successful presentation design and delivery and acquire several skills that will change the way you present forever. Our speaker will show us that you only think you fear public speaking because your most common behaviors, when in the spotlight, produce exactly the same physiological responses as when you are facing a life-threatening event. Your body responds with the same chemical preparations to deal with the “threat” as it does when you blow out a tire at 70 MPH. In this talk, you will learn how, by simply changing a few of these behaviors, you can completely change your body’s response. If your job involves giving presentations, you cannot afford to miss this unique and powerful program! Biography: Tim Malloy has been providing presentation coaching for over 15 years, helping folks feel comfortable with themselves in front of others which is key to a successful delivery. His career in sales and training has put him in front of groups of 500 or more people at a time which provided the background that make him so effective. He holds MSFS, CLU and ChFC degrees from the American College as well as a BS and MBA degree in marketing from Saint Josephs University. His leisure time finds him on his sailboat on the Chesapeake Bay, with his three sons or playing a very average round of golf. Location: The Cynwyd Club, 332 Trevor Lane, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004. From I-76, drive S on City Line Ave. (US Rte. 1). Turn right on Conshohocken State Rd. (Rte. 23); stay in right lane. After second light watch for white left-turn arrows painted on street (about 0.14 mile). Do not follow Rte. 23 left at turn but instead go straight ahead onto Llandrillo Rd. (passing to the right of Valley Press printing). After one block bear left onto Trevor Lane at stop sign. Clubhouse and parking are on the left. Please park in lot if space is available; otherwise park on Trevor Lane. If lost, call the club at 610-667-4524, ext. 2. MAP Reservation: To make or cancel a dinner reservation, e-mail [email protected] or call the ACS office at (215) 382-1589 (leave message on voicemail if necessary). Fee, including food and beverages (wine, beer and sodas), is $25 by the deadline, Thursday, Nov 3rd, $35 afterwards. Late reservations and walk-ins subject to availability. No-shows will be invoiced. Please advise of any special food requirements. There is no charge for talk only; registration is suggested using contact information above.

the Catalyst

November 2011 Page 183

The Philadelphia Section of the American Chemical Society


The Herb Bassow Memorial

CChheemmiissttrryy Demonstrations


CChhiillddrreenn ooff AAllll AAggeess

See “Genie in the Bottle,” the “Circle of Fire,” “Hero’s Fountain,” “Lemonade,” “Baggie Chemistry,” “Instant Hot Lather,” “Balloon-on-a-Stick,” The “Incredible Shrinking Balloons,”

the “Sacrifice of the Gummy Bears,” and much, much more.

Make Slime, Gak, Balloon-on-a-stick, Float Bubbles, Do Baggie Chemistry, pH Art, Milk Art


La Salle University

Holroyd Science Building On the northeast corner of the campus at 20th and Olney

Demonstrations Room 390, Hands-On Room 301

Saturday, December 10th Demonstrations at 10 AM,

followed by hands-on activities at 11 AM

Directions: look for the Roland Holroyd Science Center in the all building list.

COST: Free and open to the public INFORMATION: Dr. Thomas Straub at [email protected] or (215) 951-1263

Everyone Welcome!

the Catalyst

November 2011 Page 184


The 18th Annual

Philadelphia Section, American Chemical Society AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN PRE-

COLLEGE TEACHING The Philadelphia Section of the American Chemical Society will honor two outstanding science teachers from the Delaware Valley with its Awards for Excellence in Pre-College Science Teaching. One award will be given to a full-time educator involved in teaching science in grades K-8. The second award will be given to a full-time educator at the secondary level (grades 9-12) who teaches chemistry. Nominees must teach in the Philadelphia Section's geographic area (Philadelphia, Montgomery, Delaware, Chester, Bucks, Burlington and Camden counties). Nominations for 2012 will be accepted until Tuesday, February 7, 2012. The nomination package should consist of a letter of nomination, the nominee's resume and at least two letters of recommendation. Other supporting information, such as students' comments, is welcome. However, the total nomination package should not exceed 30 pages. The nomination package may be emailed to [email protected] or nine copies of the nomination materials may be mailed to:

Chair, Awards Committee Philadelphia Section, ACS Department of Chemistry University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323

For more information, please contact the Philadelphia Section, ACS office: phone: (215) 382-1589 or email: [email protected]

Award recipients will be honored at our May 2012 Section meeting with a

certificate and an honorarium.

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No vem ber 2011 Page 185

the Cat a lyst


Thurs day, Sep tem ber 15, 2011

Penns Woods Win ery Tast ingRoom

Chadds Ford, PA 19317

Pres ent: J. Tierney, R. Ew ing,K. Lysko, D. Cichowicz, J.Sum mers-Gates, M. Cichowicz, D. Cook, E. Da vis, A. DeMasi,D. Hausner, K. Yoder Lu ther,M. Matthews, J.P. Northrop, K.Thrush Shaginaw, W. Smith, D. Thomas, V. Tortorelli.

Also: L. Harper, K. Lammers,C.J. Bruner, J. Martino, S.Burcham.

Ex cused: S. Miller, C. Palmer,T. Straub.

The meet ing was called to or der by Chair man J. Tierney at 4:10PM.

The min utes from the June2011 meet ing were ap proved as cir cu lated with two ab sten tions.


Coun cil Af fairs: A. DeMasire ported on the ACS Na tionalmeet ing held in Den ver in Au -gust. Ten of twelve Coun cil orswere pres ent from our Section. Cheryl Mar tin and JohnCrawford were un able to at tend at the last min ute. There waslow over all at ten dance at theACS meet ing. The Na tionalACS elec tions were dis cussed. Den nis Chamot and MarindaWu are run ning for elec tion tobe come ACS Pres i dent. Wecan vote on line. Lab o ra tory

safety at the uni ver sity levelwas a se ri ous con cern. ACSwill help with health and safetycom mit tees to make guide lines. There were other is sues votedon such as the dis so lu tion of asec tion and the for ma tion of anew di vi sion us ing “en ergy” inits name.

Ca reer Ser vices: J.P. Northrop re ported on the net work nightand ca reer work shop that havebeen planned. Joe Martino from ChemPharma will help withnet work nights or ga niz ing fo -rums for an nounce ments. TheNet work ing event is sched uledfor Sep tem ber 28th, at the IrishPub in Philly. It will be ad ver -tised on LinkedIn and websites. Twentyuni ver sity ca reer ser vices de -part ments were con tacted. There will be no speak ers.

the Cat a lyst

They will be mov ing otherevents to dif fer ent lo ca tions. The lo ca tion for this event hasbeen do nated.

D. Cook com mented that it co -in cides with the be gin ning ofRosh Hashanah. On Fri day,Oc to ber 21, 2011, the ca reerwork shop will be held at the La Salle Metroplex in Plym outhMeet ing which was ar ranged by D. Cichowicz. The speak ersare vol un teer ing their time. Itwill be ad ver tised in the Cat a -lyst, and the re gional ACS sec -tions sur round ing Phil a del phiahave been no ti fied, such as Del -a ware, Tren ton, South Jer seyand Prince ton. They would like to do an email blast for the ca -reer work shop. M. Matthewswill include the email blast.

Li ai son: J.P. Northrop ques -tioned whether we need thiscom mit tee to send writ ten oremail an nounce ments to dis -sem i nate ACS in for ma tionabout the monthly meet ings. The an nounce ments now go toac a demic and in dus trial peergroups on our list. He asked ifhav ing the in for ma tion in theCat a lyst would be suf fi cient. The con sen sus of opin ion wasthat we should keep thismethod of com mu ni ca tion go -ing in or der to in ter est any onewho might be in ter ested but not be view ing the Cat a lyst.

Pub lic Re la tions: D. Hausnerre ported that he, Jim Falconeand Neil Gussman are nowwork ing with CHF on theUllyot lec ture. He will get peo -

No vem ber 2011 Page 186

ple to go to city ven ues andhand out in for ma tion about theACS Ullyot Lec ture. This in -for ma tion dis tri bu tion will in -clude the Nerd Night andSci ence on Tap events, whereall the top ics are in for mal andreach a broad au di ence. Dougwill take pic tures of all ourmeet ings and these events to in -clude in the Cat a lyst.

K. Shaginaw re minded us thatthe 40th an ni ver sary of AWIS isthis year. Their con fer ence isOc to ber 20-21. The cost is$120 per per son and NancyJack son is the speaker. L.Harper has it on the cal en dar.

Na tional Chem is try Week 2011- Oct. 16-22 - Theme: “Chem -is try – Our Health, Our Fu -ture!” The YCC sum mit (seebe low) is on the 19th.

J. Sum mer-Gates men tioned the NCW Illustrated Poem Contestfor grades K-12. She is the co -or di na tor. All en tries from thePhil a del phia ACS Section mustbe sub mit ted by Oc to ber 24,2011 to the ACS Section co or -di na tor. The Section fi nal istswill go to the national contest.

YCC: K. Lammers, chair ofYCC, re ported that the YCCsum mit-date is Wednes day, Oc -to ber 19th, 2011 from 5:00-8:00PM which is dur ing Na tionalChem is try Week. It will beheld in Bossone Cen ter, DrexelUni ver sity and the speaker willbe Pro fes sor Mar tin Stillman,De part ment of Chem is try, theUni ver sity of West ern On tario,Lon don, On tario. The eventwill be ad ver tised in the Cat a -lyst and on the Chem i cal Her i -tage website. There will also be

food and a grad u ate pro gram. A. DeMasi asked K. Lammersto email her in or der to co or di -nate the YCC help for the Au -gust ACS meet ing in Phila-delphia next year.


Chair: J. Tierney com mentedthat the ACS mem bers pres entat the meet ing at Penns Woodswere a hardy bunch. It was inthe 50s, gusty and rain ing at the out door venue.

Chair Elect: R. Ew ing re ported that for the 2012 Ullyot lec tureplan ning, Jim Falcone is re plac -ing Bill Golton. They haveagreed on a speaker and havecon tacted Paul Anastas, di rec tor of Yale’s Green Chem is try Pro -gram. He has agreed to speak.

The Awards com mit tee has se -lected Larry Sneddon for thePhil a del phia Sec tion Award tobe pre sented Oc to ber 20, 2011.

Sec re tary, K. Lysko: Noreport.

Trea surer: D. Cichowicz pre -sented the Sep tem ber Trea -surer’s re port. He men tionedthat the Publications bud getwas $2000 over but thatPublications was bring ing in$8000 so that com pen sates andwe will just change the al lo ca -tions for next year. Ev ery thingis on track. Sep tem ber 20, 2011 is the dead line for coun cil ors toturn in their re ceipts for re im -burse ment for the Den ver Na -tional ACS meet ing. A. DeMasi has sent a re minder to the coun -cil ors. He will also re mind JimFalcone that he needs the bud -get re quests for the 2012 bud -get. V. Tortorelli asked if we

the Cat a lyst

No vem ber 2011 Page 187

had trans ferred money from theawards fund for the teach ingawards. D. Cichowicz said wehad not and all agreed that wedid not need to move themoney, but to al low the fund tobuild. The Trea surer’s re portwas ap proved unan i mously.


1. D. Hausner brought up thegrad u ate/un der grad u ate PosterSes sion which has been held atTem ple in Feb ru ary. He pro -posed that we move it to dif fer -ent ven ues. In the past Tem plehas paid for the ad ver tis ing anddo nated the venue. R. Ew ingand A. DeMasi said theythought it was best to keep it at

Tem ple since most of the re -search in sti tu tions were in Phil -a del phia. The YCC will helpcoordinate it.

2. D. Hausner would like to de -velop fund rais ing for Pen niesfor Pur, the IYC wa ter pu ri fi ca -tion sys tem that costs 30 centsfor 5 gal lons of clean wa ter. The Heroes in Chem is try eventat the Na tional meet ing show-cased this. They could dem on -strate it at YCC and the net -work ing events. The na tionalYCC is also look ing for aspeaker for the 2012 na tionalmeet ing with an un usual back -ground, some one not originallya chemist.

3. D. Hausner said the Sectionmight be able to get a chemlu -mi nary award due to the ac tiv i -

ties of the YCC. R. Ew ingmen tioned it has been about 10years since we had one and thatthe Section could win the YCCaward. D. Cichowicz said other sec tions have more pub lic ity for the ones who have won. A.DeMasi says the size of thevenue mat ters and that post ersfrom Na tional Chem is try Weekat such lo ca tions as the air portand 30th Street Sta tion wouldhelp.

4. J. Tierney said for the 2012elec tion, D. Hausner and J.P.Northrop have agreed to run for chair-elect.

Meet ing was ad journed at 5:10PM by Chair man, J. Tierney.

Re spect fully sub mit ted,

Kathie Lysko, Sec re tary

2011 Phil a del phia Sec tion Award

Top: Dr. Larry G. Sneddon, Uni ver sity of Penn syl va nia, re ceiv ing the Award in October from Dr. John Tierney, Sec tion Chair

(left) and Dr. Wil liam (Rick) Ew ing, Awards Com mit tee Chair (right). Bot tom left: September meet ing at ten dees un der the

tent; bot tom right: the rain bow af ter the storm.

November 2011 Page 188


Visit our website at

Date & Time: Wednesday, December 7, at the Cynwyd Club, Bala Cynwyd, PA; Networking, 5:30 PM; Dinner, 6:30 PM; Talk and Business Session, 7:30 PM. (Note: December 7 is the first Wednesday of December.)

Estate Planning for Consultants

Warren Vogel, Esq.

Abstract: Regardless of whether the current Federal estate tax structure remains as is, with a $5,000,000 per person exemption, or changes either to increase or decrease that exemption, everyone, and particularly anyone with a family, needs to have in place basic estate documents to assure that one’s accumulated wealth transfers in accordance with one’s intentions. Typically, those estate-planning documents include a will, a trust, a power of attorney and a living will. We will be reviewing those basic documents to understand how they coordinate and will discuss some of the issues to be considered in putting into place a well-planned estate plan. Biography: Warren Vogel, a partner with Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, has been representing closely-held businesses and their owners for most of his 38 years of practicing law. Of primary concern is assuring that the family wealth that has been accumulated is distributed to, and/or for the benefit of, designated beneficiaries in a manner consistent with the family’s intentions. This involves tax planning as well as the preparation of documents that completely and accurately reflect the estate plan. Warren has lectured on various topics in estate and business planning and has been selected for inclusion in, among other things, Pennsylvania Super Lawyers; Marquis Who’s Who in America; Marquis Who’s Who in American Law; Five Star: Best in Client Satisfaction Wealth Manager; and Philadelpha SmartCEO’s Legal Elite. Location: The Cynwyd Club, 332 Trevor Lane, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004. From I-76, drive S on City Line Ave. (US Rte. 1). Turn right on Conshohocken State Rd. (Rte. 23); stay in right lane. After second light watch for white left-turn arrows painted on street (about 0.14 mile). Do not follow Rte. 23 left at turn but instead go straight ahead onto Llandrillo Rd. (passing to the right of Valley Press printing). After one block bear left onto Trevor Lane at stop sign. Clubhouse and parking are on the left. Please park in lot if space is available; otherwise park on Trevor Lane. If lost, call the club at 610-667-4524, ext. 2. MAP Reservation: To make or cancel a dinner reservation, e-mail [email protected] or call the ACS office at 215-382-1589 (leave message on voicemail if necessary). Fee, including food and beverages (wine, beer & sodas), is $25 by the deadline, Thursday, December 1, $35 afterwards. Late reservations and walk-ins subject to availability. No-shows will be invoiced. Please advise of any special food requirements. There is no charge for talk only; registration is suggested using contact information above.

the Catalyst

November 2011 Page 189


The 10th Annual


The Philadelphia Section of the American Chemical Society will honor an outstanding undergraduate teacher from the Delaware Valley with its Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in Chemical Sciences. The award will be given to a full-time educator involved in teaching an undergraduate course in the chemical sciences (chemistry, biochemistry). Nominees must teach in an institution that is within the Philadelphia Section's geographic area (Philadelphia, Montgomery, Delaware, Chester, Bucks, Burlington and Camden counties). Nominations for 2012 will be accepted until Tuesday February 2, 2012. The nomination should consist of a letter of nomination, the nominee's resume and at least two letters of recommendation. Other supporting information, such as students' comments, is welcome. However, the total nomination package should not exceed 30 pages. The nomination package may be emailed to [email protected] or eight copies of the nomination materials may be mailed to:

Chair, Awards Committee Philadelphia Section, ACS Department of Chemistry University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323

For more information, please contact the Philadelphia Section, ACS office: phone: (215) 382-1589 or email: [email protected]

The award recipient will be honored at our May 2012 Section meeting with an honorarium and a plaque.

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No vem ber 2011 Page 190

the Cat a lyst

No vem ber His tor i cal Events In Chem is tryby Leopold May

No vem ber 3, 1854 Jokichi Takamine, who was born on this date, iso lated the hor mone adren a -line from nat u ral sources.

No vem ber 5, 1891 Neil K. Adam, re searcher on unimolecular sur face films, was born on thisdate. He dis cov ered the ex is tence of a two-di men sional state of mat ter at thewa ter-air bound ary.

No vem ber 6, 1886 One hun dred and twenty-five years ago on this date, Ian M. Heilbron wasborn. He syn the sized nat u rally oc cur ring com pounds, such as vi ta mins A and D.

No vem ber 7, 1878 Lise Meitner, who ex plained nu clear fis sion and dis cov ered Prot ac tin ium in1917, was born on this day.

No vem ber 8, 1711 Three hun dred years ago on this date Mikhail V. Lomonosov was born. Hesug gested the law of con ser va tion of mass and a the ory of heat as a form of mo -tion. Also, he op posed phlogistic chem is try; and was the first to re cord the freez -ing of mer cury (Hg, 80).

No vem ber 10, 1764 Andrés M. Del Rio dis cov ered va na dium in 1801, which he called erthronium. He was born on this date. Sefstrom of ten is given credit for dis cov ery of the el e -ment in 1830.

No vem ber 14, 1807 One hun dred and sev enty-five years ago in 1836, Auguste Laurent ob tainedphthalic acid from naph tha lene. Four years be fore this, he dis cov eredanthracene and in 1841, showed that car bolic acid is phe nol. Also, he con -structed a saccharimeter; evolved the nu cleus the ory of or ganic rad i cals (with Charles F. Gerhardt), and made Laurent’s acid. He was born on this date.

No vem ber 23, 1887 Henry G. J. Moseley, who dis cov ered that x-ray fre quency is re lated to atomicnum ber of el e ments in 1913, was born on this date. He was killed in WWI.

No vem ber 26, 1817 C. Adolphe Wurtz, who was born on this date, dis cov ered a method of syn -the sis of hy dro car bons (Wurtz Re ac tion), 1855, methyl and ethylamines,1849, phos pho rous oxychloride, 1846, and gly col, 1856.

No vem ber 30, 1761 One hun dred and fifty years ago on this date, Smithson Ten nant was born. In 1803, he dis cov ered irid ium (Ir, 77) and os mium (Os, 76) and proved thatdi a monds are pure car bon.

No vem ber 2011 Page 191


Ad ver tis ing: Vince Gale, MBO Ser -

vices, P.O. Box 1150, Marshfield,

MA 02050; phone: (781) 837-0424

email: [email protected]


EMD Chem i cals Inc. 191

Huffman Lab o ra to ries 191

Mass-Vac, Inc. 185

Mi cron Inc. 191

NuMega Res o nance Labs, Inc. 191

Rob ert son Microlit Labs 191

Vacuubrand 180

Committee de tails can beob tained by call ing

Mrs. Libby Harper at the Phil a del phia Sec tion Of fice

(215) 382-1589

November 2011 Page 192



Date Event Locations Wednesday, November 9 Chemical Consultants Network: Tim Malloy: Nail It! Become the Speaker You

Want to Be! The Cynwyd Club Bala Cynwyd, PA

Thursday, November 10 Joseph Priestley Society: Skip Volante, Vice President and Global Leader, Process Chemistry, Merck Laboratories

Chemical Heritage Foundation Philadelphia, PA

Monday, November 14 Delaware Valley Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group: Amanda Grannas, Villanova University: Environmental Chemistry

Mendel 154 ,Villanova University Villanova, PA

Thursday, November 17 Chromatography Forum of the Delaware Valley: Joe Glajch, Momenta Pharmaceuticals: The Role of Multi-Dimensional Separations and Mass Spectrometry for the Development of Complex Generics and Biologics

D’Ignazio’s Towne House Media, PA

Thursday, December 1 Ullyot Lecture: Dr. Michael Christman, President and CEO, Coriell Institute for Medical Research: The Human Genome and Personalized Medicine:What Your Doctor Should Know About Your Genes

Chemical Heritage Foundation Philadelphia, PA or

Thursday, December 1 Philadelphia Organic Chemists Club: Gregory Ott, Cepahlon: Synthetic Approaches to Novel Scaffolds for the Discovery of Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase Inhibitors

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA

Wednesday, December 7 Chemical Consultants Network: Warren Vogel, Esq.: Estate Planning for Consultants

The Cynwyd Club Bala Cynwyd, PA

Thursday, December 8 Philadelphia Section Board of Directors Meeting William Penn Inn Ambler, PA

Saturday, December 10 Chemistry Demonstrations and Hands-on Activities for Children of All Ages

La Salle University Philadelphia, PA

Thursday, January 19 Section Meeting TBA University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA

Thursday, February 16 Section Meeting, TBA TBA

Thursday, March 15 The Edgar Fahs Smith Lecture: William H. Miller, University of California, Berkeley

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA

Thursday, April 19 Undergraduate Awards TBA

Thursday, May 17 Teaching Awards TBA

Thursday, June 21 Fifty-Year Luncheon TBA

ACS Spring National Meeting

March 25-29, 2012 San Diego, CA

43rd MARM

Chemistry on the Chesapeake May 31 – June 2, 2012

University of Maryland, Baltimore

ACS Fall National Meeting August 19-23, 2012

Philadelphia, PA

the Catalyst