the Cat a lyst - Philadelphia Local

the Catalyst Official publication of the Philadelphia Section, ACS October 2011 Volume 96, No. 8 HIGHLIGHTS Chair's Column 160 Speaker's Abstract and Biography 162 Student Affiliate Funding Guidelines 165 Second Career Workshop 167 YCC Summit Meeting 169 2011 Calendar 171 NOVEMBER MEETING Thursday, December 1, 2011 Ullyot Public Affairs Lecture Dr. Michael Christman President and CEO, Coriell Institute for Medical Research See the November issue of the Catalyst for details, call the Section Office at (215) 382-1589 or email [email protected]. A D V A N C E N O T I C E October Meeting 2011 Philadelphia Section Award Dr. Larry G. Sneddon

Transcript of the Cat a lyst - Philadelphia Local

the Cat a lyst Of fi cial pub li ca tion of the Phil a del phia Sec tion, ACS October 2011

http://phil a del Vol ume 96, No. 8


Chair's Column 160

Speaker's Ab stract andBi og ra phy 162

Stu dent AffiliateFunding Guide lines 165

Sec ond Ca reerWork shop 167

YCC Sum mit Meet ing 169

2011 Cal en dar 171


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ullyot Public Affairs LectureDr. Michael Christman

President and CEO, Coriell Institute for Medical Research

See the November issue of the Catalyst for details, call the Sec tion Of fice at (215) 382-1589 or email [email protected].


October Meeting

2011 Phil a del phia Sec tion Award

Dr. Larry G. Sneddon

Oc to ber 2011 Page 158

the Cat a lyst

the Cat a lyst

Oc to ber 2011 Page 159

ACS Phil a del phia Sec tion

Founded April 15, 1899



EDITORSNews Atoms: Alan WarrenProof Editors: Georgia Arbuckle-Keil

Marge MatthewsAlan Warren



Chair: Marge MatthewsAnthony W. AddisonGeorgia Arbuckle-KeilRobin S. DavisVince GaleRobert GatesKendra LutherJudy Summers-GatesVictor TortorelliAlan Warren

Pub lished monthly ex cept July, Au gust and De cem ber by the Phil a del phia Sec tion of the Amer i -can Chem i cal So ci ety. All views ex pressed are those of the ed i tors and con tri bu tors and do notnec es sar ily rep re sent the of fi cial po si tion of the Phil a del phia Sec tion of the Amer i can Chem i calSo ci ety. Ed i to rial mat ters should be sent to the at ten tion of the Ed i tor-in-Chief c/o the Phil a del -phia Sec tion ACS, De part ment of Chem is try, Uni ver sity of Penn syl va nia, 231 South 34th Street,Phil a del phia, PA 19104-6323 or [email protected].

Ad ver tis ing: Vince Gale, MBO Ser vices, P.O. Box 1150, Marshfield, MA 02050

phone: (781) 837-0424; email: [email protected].

CON TENTSNo vem ber Ad vance No tice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

Chair's Col umn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

News At oms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

Oc to ber Meet ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

Speaker's Ab stract and Bi og ra phy . . . . . . . . . . . 162

Phil a del phia Sec tion on LinkedIn . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

Stu dent Af fil i ate Fund ing Guide lines . . . . . . . . . 165

Chem i cal Con sul tants Net work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

Sec ond Ca reer Work shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

His tor i cal Events in Chem is try . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

YCC Sum mit Meet ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

Di rec tory of Ser vices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

2011 Cal en dar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

Oc to ber 2011 Page 160

the Cat a lyst

John Tierney


We are half way through Sep -tem ber al ready, and Fall ap -proaches. I men tioned in theAu gust Cat a lyst that the Sep -tem ber meet ing would be held at the Penns Woods Win ery in Chadds Ford, PA. Well, as Iwrite this, the meet ing datestill has not ar rived, but it’sabout to take place and I willbe re port ing on the event inthe next is sue of the Cat a lyst.

The Sep tem ber meet ing atPenns Woods is a joint meet -ing with the Amer i can In sti -tute of Chem i cal En gi neers(AIChE), Del a ware Val leySec tion. At this point it ap -pears that this is go ing to be avery well at tended meet ing –we con tinue to move into theuse of new ar eas of mod erntech nol ogy—the reg is tra tionfor the meet ing is be ing con -ducted through PayPal. Thisis tech nol ogy that we are test -ing (thanks to Sue Schultz atAIChE) with the idea of in -tro duc ing it as the stan dardmethod for monthly meet ingreg is tra tion. The Sec tionwould like your feed back asto whether you feel this is agood move or not.

Two other im por tant events,both or ga nized by Joe Martino

and J.P. Northrop, will soonbe upon us. A lot of creditmust be given to these in di -vid u als for spear head ing thisini tia tive to aid and as sist ourmem bers in find ing new po si -tions in the field of chem is try

Event 1 is a “Net work ingEvent” to be held on Wednes -day, Sep tem ber 28th in Phil a -del phia from 3 to 5 PM at the20th and Wal nut Street IrishPub. This event is an open so -cial net work ing event al low -ing you to in ter act with otherchem ists in the Phil a del phiaarea. In the words of J.P.Northrop—“These net work -ing events have shown to bevery help ful in grow ing per -sonal net work of con nec tionswhich has led many to ca reerop por tu ni ties and/or vol un teer ef forts that they would nothave oth er wise been awareof.” Reg is tra tion for the eventis at http://acs-phil a del

Event 2 is the “Sec ond Ca reer Work shop” to be held on Fri -day, Oc to ber 21st. This full-day work shop is de signed formem bers who are seek ingnew em ploy ment op por tu ni -ties, for what ever rea son, tohone their in ter view skills,and more. The meet ing is tobe held at the La Salle Uni -ver sity, sat el lite lo ca tion inPlym outh Meet ing.

You can find out more aboutjob post ings, em ploy ment in -for ma tion and net work ingmeet ings at our LinkedIn site

un der ACS Phil a del phia Sec -tion.

NEWS AT OMSIn its third year of the ACSFel lows Pro gram, the So ci ety is hon or ing over 200 mem -bers from ac a de mia, in dus try, and gov ern ment agen cies fortheir con tri bu tions to sci ence, the pro fes sion, and to theACS. Many of the Fel lowscon tinue to serve as men tors,con sul tants, ad vi sors, con fer -ence or ga niz ers, work ingwith scouts, and mentoringthe next gen er a tion. Amongthose so hon ored are Lyle H.Phifer of Chem Ser vice,Donna M. Huryn of Penn’schem is try de part ment, andMi chael H. Tunick of theUSDA—Ag ri cul tural Re -search Ser vice’s East ern Re -gional Re search Cen ter.

John J. Baldwin, re cip i ent of the 2008 Phil a del phia Sec tion Award, re cently re ceived theUni ver sity of Del a ware’sCol lege of Arts and Sci ences2011 out stand ing alumniaward. The Chem i cal Her i -tage Foun da tion an nouncedthat 18 fel low ships have been placed for the 2011-2012 ac a -demic year. Michelle Franclof Bryn Mawr Col lege wasnamed the Herdegen Fel lowand will study “Side line Sci -ence: Crit i cal Com men tar iesin 19th Cen tury Jour nals and21st Cen tury Blogs.”

Con tin ued on Page 163

October 2011 Page 161

The Philadelphia Section, American Chemical Society

presents the

2011 Philadelphia Section Award

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Dr. Larry G. Sneddon Blanchard Professor of Chemistry

University of Pennsylvania

Amineborane Based Chemical Hydrogen Storage

6:00 PM

Carolyn Hoff Lynch Lecture Hall Chemistry Building, University of Pennsylvania

34th and Spruce Streets, Philadelphia, PA

The reception and lecture are free

Social Hour: 5:00-6:00 PM in the Alumni and Faculty Hall of Fame, Chemistry Building, University of Pennsylvania Dinner: following the lecture at Penne Restaurant, 3611 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Dinner cost: $50.00; Students with reservations and ID: $25.00 RESERVATIONS should be made by calling Mrs. Harper at the Section Office, (215) 382-1589, or emailing [email protected] by 5:00 PM Thursday, October 13. Cancellations, if necessary, cannot be accepted after NOON on Tuesday, October 18. UNCANCELLED RESERVATIONS WILL BE BILLED. PARKING is available in the Drexel University garage on Ludlow Street (from Market Street go south on 34th; it’s the first left) and a University of Pennsylvania garage on 34th Street just past Ludlow. Metered street parking may also be available. The Board of Directors will meet at 4:00 PM in the Makineni Room of the Chemistry Building (Room 260 in the Cret wing), University of Pennsylvania.

the Catalyst

Oc to ber 2011 Page 162

the Cat a lyst

Dr. Larry G. Sneddon

Blanchard Pro fes sor ofChem is try

Uni ver sity of Penn syl va nia

Amineborane Based Chem i -cal Hy dro gen Stor age

Ab stract: The de vel op mentof ef fi cient meth ods for hy -dro gen stor age is a ma jor hur -dle that must be over come toen able the use of hy dro gen asan al ter na tive en ergy car rier. Ow ing to its high hy dro gencon tent (19.6 wt%) and re -cently dem on strated regener-abil ity, am mo nia bor ane (AB) has been iden ti fied as one ofthe most prom is ing ma te ri alsfor a chem i cal-hy dride basedhy dro gen stor age sys tem fortrans por ta tion ap pli ca tions. As a re sult, there has been in -tense re cent re search fo cusedon both in creas ing the rateand ex tent of H2-de liv eryfrom AB and elu ci dat ing themech a nis tic path ways bywhich AB dehydrogenationre ac tions oc cur. Our stud iesdem on strat ing that AB H2-re -lease can be ac ti vated by theuse of ionic liq uids, chem i -cal-ad di tives and/or metal cat -a lysts will be pre sented alongwith in ves ti ga tions that haveshown that, de pend ing uponthe ac ti va tion method, ABH2-re lease can oc cur by anum ber of dis tinctly dif fer ent

mech a nis tic path ways. Thesestud ies sug gest that an op ti -mal AB H2-de liv ery sys temmay re quire the use of syn er -gis tic dehydrogenation meth -ods to in duce H2-loss fromthe chem i cally dif fer ent in ter -me di ates formed dur ing there lease re ac tions.

Bi og ra phy: Larry Sneddonwas born in Morrilton, AR in1945. He re ceived his un der -grad u ate ed u ca tion at Cen te -nary Col lege of Lou i si anabe fore car ry ing out his grad u -ate stud ies in bo ron hy dridechem is try with Pro fes sorRiley Schaeffer at In di anaUni ver sity. Af ter ob tain inghis PhD in 1971, he held post -doc toral ap point ments withPro fes sor Rus sell Grimes atthe Uni ver sity of Vir ginia and Pro fes sor Rich ard Lagow atthe Mas sa chu setts In sti tute ofTech nol ogy. In 1974, hemoved to the Uni ver sity ofPenn syl va nia where he hasspent his whole ca reer, ris ingthrough the ranks to be comefull pro fes sor in 1984 and thede part ment chair dur ing 2002-2005. He pres ently holds theap point ment as BlanchardPro fes sor of Chem is try atPenn.

Dr. Sneddon is cur rently over -see ing re search on the syn the -ses and prop er ties of a widerange of mo lec u lar, poly meric

SPEAKER'S BI OG RA PHY AND AB STRACTand solid-state ma te ri als. Hisfun da men tal re search on thede vel op ment of new syn theticmeth ods has re sulted in the de -vel op ment of gen eral metal-cat a lyzed meth od ol o gies thaten able the sys tem atic, high-yield syn the ses and trans for -ma tions of nu mer ous im por -tant polyboranes. His inter-dis ci plin ary re search on ad -vanced nonoxide ce ram ics hasled to the for ma tion of thesetech no log i cally im por tant ma -te ri als in pre vi ously un at tain -able nano- and mi cro-struc tured forms. Most re -cently, he is lead ing a new re -search pro gram fo cused on the de vel op ment of meth ods forchem i cal hy dro gen stor age, akey tech nol ogy needed to en -able the use of hy dro gen as anal ter na tive en ergy car rier intrans por ta tion ap pli ca tions.

Dr. Sneddon has coauthoredmore than 220 pub li ca tionsand he and his group have de -liv ered over 150 pre sen ta tionsat con fer ences. He has alsoserved on the ed i to rial boardsof the Amer i can Chem i cal So -ci ety jour nals In or ganicChem is try and Organometal-lics and as an ex am iner for the1995 Or gani sa tion for Eco -nomic Co op er a tion and De vel -op ment (OECD) Re view of theSci ence and Tech nol ogy Pol icy of Ko rea. In rec og ni tion of his con tri bu tions to the chem i cal

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the Cat a lyst

sci ences, he has beenawarded the Al ex an der vonHumboldt Foun da tion Awardfor Se nior US Sci en tists, theBo ron in the Amer i cas Award for Dis tin guished Achieve -ments in Bo ron Sci ence, theReilly Lec ture ship at No treDame, the Riley SchaefferLec ture ship at the Uni ver sityof New Mex ico and an Al fred P. Sloan Foun da tion Fel low -ship. He also re cently re -ceived a 2007 US De part-ment of En ergy Award forOut stand ing Achievement inHy dro gen Stor age Re searchand De vel op ment. His awards at Penn in clude ap point mentto the Edmund J. and Lou iseW. Kahn Chair (2005-2006)and a 1997 Charles and Mary Lindback Award for Dis tin -guished Teach ing.





DEATHSGeorge Schweiker, re tiredvice pres i dent and di rec tor ofR&D for PQ Cor po ra tion,July 12th at 87. He held var i -ous re search and de vel op -ment man age ment po si tionswith Oc ci den tal Chem i cal(1953-57), Velsicol Chem i cal (1957-60), Ce lan ese (1960-65), Borg Warner (1965-71),and was VP and di rec tor ofre search and de vel op ment ofPQ Cor po ra tion 1971-1987.Fol low ing re tire ment he re lo -cated to Cal i for nia and con -tin ued as a con sul tant from1987 to 2010.

Schweiker authored a num ber of tech ni cal pa pers and pat -ents. He held ac tive roleswith the Amer i can Chem i calSo ci ety’s Com mit tee on Cor -po ra tion As so ci ates, the Re -search Man age ment Group of Phil a del phia, the As so ci a tionof Re search Di rec tors, andthe board of ed i tors and thepub lic com mu ni ca tions com -mit tee of the In dus trial Re -search In sti tute. He was avery ac com plished golfer and chess player.

Emmett L. Buhle, re tiredphar ma ceu ti cal chem ist, July31st at 93. In 1950 he joinedthe phar ma col ogy de part ment of Johns Hopkins school ofmed i cine. In 1954 he movedto DuPont’s ex per i men tal lab -o ra to ries in Phil a del phia towork on poly mer re search.He joined Wyeth Lab o ra to -

Con tin ued from Page 160

ries in 1958 and re tired in1984 as prod uct de vel op ment co or di na tor. Buhle helped or -ga nize the Del a ware CountyYouth Or ches tra.

Ger ald E. Hollenback, re -tired chem i cal en gi neer, July28th at 83. He worked for Al -lied Chem i cal from 1952 un -til he re tired in 1992.

Vin cent DePaul Skahan, re -tired re search chem ist, Au -gust 22nd at 99. Af ter ser vicein World War II as an in fan -try man in France and Ger -many, he joined Sun Oilwhere he worked as a re -search chem ist un til he re -tired in 1984. He was a Lit tleLeague coach.

Oc to ber 2011 Page 164

the Cat a lyst

Phil a del phia Sec tion ACS Group on LinkedIn

As many mem bers of ACS are al ready aware, the website LinkedIn ( an ex cel lent net work ing site ded i cated to keep ing work ing pro fes sion als in touch with one an -other. As a re sult, and in an ef fort to as sist in any way that we can, the Phil a del phia Sec tion ofthe ACS has es tab lished a group open for all to join. Within this group, dis cus sions can be fa -cil i tated as well as the op por tu nity for new jobs and in tern ships to be posted. If you al ready have a pro file in LinkedIn, feel free to go to the Groups Sec tion and search for“Amer i can Chem i cal So ci ety - Phil a del phia Sec tion.” Send a mes sage to the group ad min is tra -tor to be come a mem ber. If you are not al ready on LinkedIn, we highly rec om mend that youjoin. Es tab lish ing an ac count is free and easy to set up. For ad di tional in for ma tion or as sis -tance, please feel free to con tact J.P. Northrop, Li ai son Com mit tee, [email protected]

To join, please click on the fol low ing link:

Oc to ber 2011 Page 165

the Cat a lyst

Guide lines for Stu dent Af fil i ate Chap ters to Re quest Funds to at tend Na tional ACS Meet ings

Un der grad u ate stu dents from ACS Stu dent Af fil i ate Chap ters in the Phil a del phia Sec tion areen cour aged to con sider at tend ing Na tional Meet ings of the Amer i can Chem i cal So ci ety. In thisre gard, a lim ited amount of fund ing will be pro vided to chap ters re quest ing spon sor ship basedon the fol low ing gen eral guide lines.

Gen eral Guide lines

1) First con sid er ation will be given to stu dent(s) who wish to at tend a Na tional Meet ing of theAmer i can Chem i cal So ci ety (ACS) to give a pre sen ta tion (oral or poster). Stu dents at tend ingfor other pur poses, i.e., to re ceive an award or at tend a spe cific work shop, etc., are also el i gi -ble to ap ply for sup port.

2) The stu dent(s) must have re quested sup port from their Col lege or Uni ver sity (in clud ing de -part ment and/or ad vi sor) to as sist in de fray ing the travel costs. Please at tach a copy of thecor re spon dence.

3) The stu dent(s) should have a clear idea of the ben e fits of at tend ing the con fer ence. Please at -tach a short para graph from each stu dent in di cat ing which ses sions, in clud ing work shops,etc., the stu dent plans to at tend and why these ses sions will help them ob tain their pro fes -sional goals.

All ap pli ca tions must in clude an item ized list of the pro jected costs of the trip, i.e, reg is tra tion,air-fare, train or car ex penses, ho tel, etc., and in di cate which of these costs (if any) are be ingpro vided by other sources.

An ap pli ca tion for travel sup port can be made at any time to the Phil a del phia Sec tion, but forfull con sid er ation, the ap pli ca tion must be re ceived by the Sec tion Of fice by Jan u ary 31st for the Spring meet ing and May 31st for the Fall meet ing.

The Phil a del phia Sec tion will eval u ate all ap pli ca tions re ceived by the dead line and vote at theFeb ru ary meet ing for the Spring ACS meet ing ap pli ca tions and at the June meet ing for the FallACS meet ing ap pli ca tions. The amount of fund ing avail able may be in flu enced by the num berof ap pli ca tions for a par tic u lar meet ing and the costs of at tend ing that meet ing, i.e., where it isbe ing held.

The suc cess ful ap pli cant must sub mit a brief re port high light ing the con fer ence ex pe ri ence tothe Phil a del phia Sec tion at the com ple tion of the trip. The orig i nal re ceipts should also be sub -mit ted to the sec tion of fice for reimbursement.

October 2011 Page 166



How to Set Up Your Business and Protect Yourself Michael J. DeLaurentis, Esq.

Visit our website at

Date & Time: Wednesday, October 12, at the Cynwyd Club, Bala Cynwyd, PA Networking, 5:30 PM; Dinner, 6:30 PM; Talk and Business Session, 7:30 PM

Abstract: Legal and tax considerations in starting, operating, and disposing of a consultancy, including the engagement contract; insurance and liability; entity choices; income, employment, estate/gift taxes and filings; and estate planning. Biography: Michael J. DeLaurentis is the principal of the Elkins Park, PA international tax and business law practice U.S. International Tax Services LLC. Prior to setting off on his own in 1994, Michael was an attorney in tax departments of large law firms in San Francisco and Philadelphia, head of the tax department of a large suburban law firm, and assistant VP for strategic initiatives in a Manhattan life insurance company. He has taught courses in tax at Villanova and Temple Universities and courses in philosophy at LaSalle University. He holds BAs from Amherst (cum laude) and Oxford (First Class Honours), MAs from Oxford and Brown, and a JD from Yale. He is the president of three local charities, the founder of another, and on the board of a fourth. He is an adjunct professor of philosophy at Drexel University. Location: The Cynwyd Club, 332 Trevor Lane, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004. From I-76, drive S on City Line Ave. (US Rte. 1). Turn right on Conshohocken State Rd. (Rte. 23); stay in right lane. After the second light watch for white left-turn arrows painted on street (about 0.14 mile). Do not follow Rte. 23 left at turn but instead go straight ahead onto Llandrillo Rd. (passing to the right of Valley Press printing). After one block bear left onto Trevor Lane at stop sign. Clubhouse and parking are on the left. Please park in lot if space is available; otherwise park on Trevor Lane. If lost, call the club at 610-667-4524, ext. 2. Reservation: To make or cancel a dinner reservation, e-mail [email protected] or call the ACS office at 215-382-1589 (leave message on voicemail if necessary). Fee, including food and beverages (wine, beer & sodas), is $25 by the deadline, Thursday, October 6, $35 afterwards. Late reservations and walk-ins subject to availability. No-shows will be invoiced. Please advise of any special food requirements. There is no charge for talk only; registration is suggested using contact information above.

the Catalyst

Oc to ber 2011 Page 167


Pre sen ta tion and Com mu ni ca tion Skills

Fri day, Oc to ber 21st

8:30 AM to 4:00 PM

This full-day work shop will again be packed with great speak ers from the re gion and will be held at the La Salle Uni ver sity An nex in the Metroplex Cen ter, 4000 Chem i cal Road in Plym outh Meet ing,PA. For any one who at tended the first work shop, you re mem ber the dy namic and di verse speak erswe had. The sec ond work shop will fo cus on Pre sen ta tion and Com mu ni ca tion skills, but will lightly touch on two as pects that were asked for in the last work shop: “In flu ence of Age in Ca reerSearches,” and “What the ACS na tional or ga ni za tion has for un em ployed chem ists.”

Ten ta tive Speaker List:J.P. Northrop–Board of Di rec tors–ACS Phil a del phia Sec tionScott Cass–Toast mas ters Gov er nor–Area 26BCharlene Halsendorff–Right Man age mentMario Di Cioccio–Catlyst4Change

More in for ma tion and reg is tra tion in for ma tion can be got ten at:

Call J.P. Northrop [(215) 287-0208] or email [email protected] with any ques tions.

Oc to ber 2011 Page 168

the Cat a lyst

Oc to ber His tor i cal Events In Chem is tryby Leopold May

Oc to ber 1, 1868 Georg Bredig, a re searcher on anom a lous atomic weights of lead from dif fer -ent sources, was born on this date. He also did re search on the cat a lytic ac tionof col loi dal plat i num, the “poi son ing” of cat a lysts, and the prep a ra tion ofcolloids by elec tri cal means.

Oc to ber 3, 1811 Two hun dred years ago on this date, a long ar ti cle on spon ta ne ous com bus tionby A.S. (Adam Seyfert) ap peared in the Phil a del phia news pa per, Au rora. Itwas the sec ond ar ti cle sub mit ted by the Co lum bian Chem i cal So ci ety.

Oc to ber 5, 1861 One hun dred fifty years ago on this date, The Chem i cal So ci ety of Un ion Col -lege, the pre cur sor of the Amer i can Chem i cal So ci ety, was founded.

Oc to ber 9, 1718 Pi erre J. Macquer who was born on this date, stud ied platinum (Pt, 78)and dis cov ered ar se nates of po tas sium and so dium.

Oc to ber 10, 1930 Er nest O. Law rence in vented the cy clo tron on this date.

Oc to ber 18, 1955 Emilo SegrJ and Owen Cham ber lain dis cov ered a new sub-atomic sub par ti -cle, neg a tive pro ton or antiproton, on this date.

Oc to ber 23, 1875 Gilbert N. Lewis who de vel oped the the o ries of chem i cal bond and va lencywas born on this date. He also did re search in ther mo dy nam ics.

Oc to ber 24, 1817 Hippolyte MPge Mouriés dis cov ered mar ga rine, an oral for mu la tion of the drug Copahin used against syph i lis, and var i ous pat ents re lat ing to tan ning andsugar ex trac tion. He de vel oped a health choc o late with his cal cium phos phate pro tein. He was born on this date.

Oc to ber 29, 1870 Rob ert Bowie Owens, who was born on this date, dis cov ered ra don andthorium from ra dium.

For more his tor i cal facts on chem is try, visit Dr. May’s website at:

The Philadelphia Sec-on of American Chemical Society ’s Younger Chemist Commi<ee  

& Drexel University’s Graduate School Associa-on  


Wednesday, October 19, 2011 Drexel University, Bossone Center 

Philadelphia, PA 5:00 p.m.‐8:00 p.m.  

If Grass is Green why isn’t Blood Green? “Theore-cal and spectroscopic advances in the 

interpreta-on of the electronic spectra of porphyrins and phthalocyanines”  

Featuring:  Professor Mar-n S-llman Department of Chemistry, The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario 

Celebrate the Interna,onal Year of Chemistry & Na,onal Chemistry Week.  In addi,on, there will be a charity auc,on to 

support Pennies for Pur® and more 

Oc to ber 2011 Page 170


Ad ver tis ing: Vince Gale, MBO Ser -

vices, P.O. Box 1150, Marshfield,

MA 02050; phone: (781) 837-0424

email: [email protected]


East ern An a lyt i cal Sym po sium 158

EMD Chem i cals Inc. 164

Huffman Lab o ra to ries 170

Mass-Vac, Inc. 167

Mi cron Inc. 170

NuMega Res o nance Labs, Inc. 170

Rob ert son Microlit Labs 170

Vacuubrand 170

Committee de tails can beob tained by call ing

Mrs. Libby Harper at the Phil a del phia Sec tion Of fice

(215) 382-1589

October 2011 Page 171



Date Event Locations

Tuesday, October 4 IEEE Philadelphia Consultants Network (CONET): Ron Reed, Bradford and Company, Inc.: Tax Strategies for Self-Employed Consultants

Sheraton University City Philadelphia

Wednesday, October 5 History Live: Dr. Dario Altieri, Wistar Institute Cancer Center and Dr. Stephen Lippard, MIT: Cancer Therapies: 19th Century to Tomorrow

Chemical Heritage Foundation Philadelphia

Saturday, October 8 Philadelphia Area Girls Enjoying Science (PAGES™) Program

Chestnut Hill College Philadelphia

Monday, October 10 Delaware Valley Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group: Dr. Sergio Nanita, DuPont Crop Protection: Fast Extraction-Dilution Flow Injection Analysis applied to Agrochemistry

Villanova University Villanova, PA

Wednesday, October 12 Chemical Consultants Network: Michael J. DeLaurentis, Esq.: How to Set Up Your Consulting Business, Minimize Taxes and Protect Yourself

The Cynwyd Club Bala Cynwyd

Thursday, October 13 C&EN free webinar: EPA 525.2 for the Analysis of Organic Contaminants in Drinking water, Groundwater, and Raw Source Water in any Treatment Phase.

Register FREE at

Wednesday, October 19 C&EN free webinar: Mark Stradiotto, Dalhousie University: Exploiting "DalPhos" Ligands in Challenging Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions

Register FREE at

Wednesday, October 19 Younger Chemists Committee Summit: Professor Martin Stillman, University of Western Ontario: If Grass is Green, why isn’t Blood Green? “Theoretical and spectroscopic advances in the interpretation of the electronic spectra of porphyrins and phthalocyanines”

Bossone Center, Drexel University Philadelphia

Thursday, October 20 Joseph Priestley Society: Judith Giordan, Chair, Venture Well and Senior Advisor, National Collegiate Investors and Innovators Alliance

Chemical Heritage Foundation Philadelphia

Thursday, October 20 Philadelphia Section Award Dr. Larry G. Sneddon University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia

Friday, October 21 AWIS Conference Keynote Speaker: Nancy Jackson, 2011 President, ACS.

Chemical Heritage Foundation Philadelphia

Friday, October 21 Second Career Workshop: Presentation and Communication Skills

LaSalle Annex, Metroplex Center Plymouth Meeting, PA

Thursday, October 27 Philadelphia Organic Chemists Club Allan R. Day Award: Dr. Douglass F. Taber, University of Delaware: Computational Organometallic Chemistry: Synthesis of (-)-Veratramine

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia

Thursday, November 10 Joseph Priestley Society: Skip Volante, Vice President and Global Leader, Process Chemistry, Merck Laboratories

Chemical Heritage Foundation Philadelphia

Thursday, November 17 TBA TBA

Thursday, December 1 Ullyot Lecture: Dr. Michael Christman, President and CEO, Coriell Institute for Medical Research

Chemical Heritage Foundation Philadelphia

Saturday, December 10 Chemistry Demonstrations and Hands-on Activities for Children of All Ages


the Catalyst