The Case of the Foreign Fugitive

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Transcript of The Case of the Foreign Fugitive

  • 7/30/2019 The Case of the Foreign Fugitive


    The Case of the Foreign Fugitive

    On Saturday evening in the small nation of NoSerioulsyThatsTheName, the foreign affairs

    department received a call from one its powerful neighbors, We believe one of our fugitives has

    crossed into your country and we ask that you please find her and get her back to us said a man with

    humorous accent that put an odd emphasis on vowels and added as. Well find your woman! one ofthe receptionists said cheerily. The man with the funny accent filled her in on the details on where the

    woman crossed and what she looked like. The receptionist then recapped all that information to the

    Chief. Just as they had brought in suspects Sergeant Vlaexiz walked in late and the Chief immediately

    pounced on him, Vlaexiz, since you decided to come late you get to figure out which one of these

    people is the fugitive! Erruhh, yes sir! stuttered Vlaexiz. All right, now get out of here! screamed

    the ChiefAlso,the fugitive is notoriously lets just say if she was a crayon she would be a brown,

    definitely not the brightest crayon. She also used to be in politics and apparently made a mess of foreign

    policy, always was calling a continent a country and a country a continent Vlaexiz left and started the


    Suspect 1 claimed to be the wife of a farmer and when asked if she had anything else to say

    replied, Hooray, itsmarket day!

    Suspect 2 said that she was a vacationer and that she liked the climate here. I can see Russia

    from my house! was how she answered when asked how she was today.

    Suspect 3 implored that she was very important and clamored for her release. She screamed,

    Finally you people got it into your thick skulls Im not the bad guy! on her way out.

    Suspect 4 died of seppuku.

    Suspect 5 was a poodle.

    Suspect 6 was Santa Claus.

    Suspect 7 was Kris Kringel.

    Suspect 8 was the Easter bunny.

    They were all asked one more question is Africa A. a space ship B. a continent C. a bar or D. a

    country? All the human suspects answered B. except for suspect 2 who answered D.

    Well what did you figure out, Vlaexiz? inquired the Chief. Well it was hard and tedious andboring and a waste of time and anything else I forgot to mention? said the bored Sergeant. Quit your

    complaining and tell me who it was! Well it wasnt St. Nick or the Easter bunny or the poodle

    answered Vlaexiz, It wasnt the person who killed herself either. So? the Chief asked irritated with

    Vlaexiz. It was

    Who Was It?

  • 7/30/2019 The Case of the Foreign Fugitive


    Answer: Suspect 2

    Reason: Suspect 2 fits the description of being a brown crayon as we can see she through her saying that

    Africa was a country! Most of the other suspects (4-8) Vlaexiz discloses as not being the fugitive so we

    are left to 1, 2 and 3. Starting with 3, this person doesnt fit the description and actually sends a message

    of not being unintelligent and knew that Africa was indeed a continent. 2 on the other hand, gives an

    answer totally irrelevant to the question asked and thought that Africa was a country. 1 just seemed like

    a regular farmwife and knew that Africa wasnt a country.