The Carolina Times (Durham, N.C.) 1972-05-20 [p...

Feminine Scene Durham Notes Of MRS. SYMENER DAYE , Telephone 477-3370 Congratulations to Mr. Clark Alston Edgerton who received his masters degree from NCC University at Durham on Sunday May 14, with your band and masters Mr. Edgerton, I am sure your future will be prosperous. Mr. Edgerton is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Edgerton. *** The Durham County Mis- sionary Union will meet at the Christian Baptist Church May 28 at 2 o'clock p.m. Pastor Rev. Butler. *** Mr. and Mrs. Linwood and children of Washington D. C. spent Mother's Day with their parents Mrs. Phoebe Cozart and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parker, of Bahama. *** Johnnie Clarence Holman of New York City spent Mother's Day with his mother Mrs. Julian Holman, Ward Rd. *** Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Brooks and family spent Mother's Day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris, Bahama. *** Mrs. Zonnie M. Hedgepeth and daughter Miss Rita Hedge- peth, MlssArnell & Mechelle Parker of Washington, D. C. spent Mother's Day with their mother Mrs. Margaret J. Parker, Mrs. Inga Perry of Seat Pleasant Maryland who accompanied them spent Mother's Day with her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Eddie B. Kenion on Ward Rd. *** Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wigfleld and children of Greensboro also spent Mother's Day with her mother Mrs. Margaret J. Parker. *** The family of the late Mrs. Lula B. Ford McLean of Teel St. wishes to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness and services during the illness and death of the deceased. They are grateful for every act of kindness shown in their be- half. *** Red Mountain Baptist Church of Rougemont will ob- serve Women's Day Sunday, May 21, at 11 o'clock a.m. Guest speaker for the hour will be Mrs. Wilma Bryant of St. James. Theme "Women In Action." Music by the senior choir (ladies) will render music under the supervision of Mrs. Violet P. Rogers of Mount Ver- non ? Baptist Church Durham. Ladies ushers will serve. Rev. N. Harvey pastor. *** House guest for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Turentine on Hinson Drive for the week end were Mr. and Mrs. William (Boy) Turentine of New Jersey. Mr. Williami Turentine is the brother of Joe Turentine. *** Congratulation s to Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Nixon on the 43rd anniversary. May you have many more. *\u2666* Home with their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Harris were Mrs. Alease H. Slowe of Mary- land, Mrs. Ives Issam and chil- dren, Cassandra, Reginald, Ivey and Jerald of Washington, D. C. Mr. & Mrs. James Woods Sgt/Major & Mrs. Sterling Harris and their son Kenneth of Fay- etteville. Sick & shut ins are: Oscar Tapp, J. T. Tabon, Mrs. Gene- va Evans, Mrs. Lucendia Evans, Mrs. Gaynell Hedgepeth, Mrs. Lillie Ann Calhoun, Mr. & Mrs. Grover Shaw, Mrs. L. F. Warren, Jasper Haskin, Ellis D. Jones, Sr. Mrs. Annie Mack, Harvey Tilley, Mrs. Amelia Hester, Mrs. Mearle P. Harris, Mrs. Mandy Bass, Zebbie Woods, Mrs. C. B. Nixon, Mrs. Entelle Bullock, Mrs. Annie Faucette, Nathaniel Brewing- ton, Deliah Hollo way, Mrs. Emma Farrow, S. G. Mc- Laughlin, Alonzo Eubanks, Otis Jones, Mrs. Wilhemenia Crossett, Mrs. Mallie Lyde, Joseph Waf.e. MiiittiWK ?? \u25a0 r ' . I m I IMMHT UMSTEAD St Joseph's A Observes May St. Joseph's A.M.E. Church will observe "Family Night" Saturday, May 20, 1972 from 7 to 9 p.m. This will be an informal gathering of all mem- bers for a social hour. The event is being sponsor- ed by the Board of Christian Education through a Committee chaired by Mrs. Willia George. The affair is designed to bring together the various families of the church for an evening of fun and recreation. To this end, there will be music, games and other ac- tivities involving all age groups. Prizes will be given in many categories, such as to the oldest youngest couple and family with the largest number pre- sent. A prize will also be given to the club with the mo6t members in attendance. The event will be held in the Edian Markham Education Building, 804 Fayetteville Street. Reverend P. R. Cousin, Pastor, William H. Bullock, Vice Chairman of the Steward Board and J. J. Henderson, Vice Chairman of the Trustees are expecting a large turn out for this occasion. Chamberlin Studio Announces April Honor Roll Chamberlin Studio's ann- ounces its honor roll for the month of April. First honor roll; Denni Allen, Joanna Crews, India Evans, Tonya Holman, Deborah Thompson, Tamera Timberlake, and Gay- lia Upchurch. Second honor roll; Mavis Bolden, Shelai Cameron, Pame- la Gunn, Angela Smith, Regina Smith, Clinton Shearin, Anette Page, Renee Page, Pamela Stan- back and Kathy Throne. Mrs. Margaret S. Shearin instructor. On May 14, 1972 in gradua- tion ceremonies at North Caro- lina A&T State University, Greensboro, Daryl Benay Uin- stead, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie L. Umstead Sr. 1014 Plum Street, received Cum Laude honors and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Tech- nology (Electronics). He was also commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force as a communication officer. Daryl is at present em- ployed by the Environmental Protection Agency in Durham. Congratulations to Daryl Um- stead. I am sure your future will be bright and prosperous one. Mrs. Mary Baldwin Bynum, William Carrington, Broadie Daye, Mrs. Mollie M. Riley, Mrs. Annie Pointer, Victor Johnson, Mrs. Lucy Whitted, Lucious Hayes, Mrs. Ida Hall, Mrs. Ola Cozart, Mrs. Sofa Bum- pass, Mrs. Mattie Lyde, Mrs. A. L. Filmore, Mrs. Dorcus Reid, Sidney Cotton, Mrs. Bell Thomas, Mrs. Essie Amey, Mrs. Mamie Watson, Mrs. Novella 0* Neal, Mrs. Beatrice Laster, Nuordie Mangum, Mrs. Lucille Turentine, Mrs. Nannie Harris, Mrs. Bessie Cates, Mrs. Mary Glenn, Mrs. Lona Parker, Mrs. Mollie R. Mason. For it is written, He shall give his angels, charge over thee, to keep thee; St. Luke 4:10. Welfare ROLLS are made with your dough. ?Gregory Wilson, Atlanta 18th Assembly Of Links fnc. To Meet June 26 The 18th National Ass- embly of Links, Incorpo- rated, a predominately black women's service or- ganization, will be held from June 26 through July 1, 1972 at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in New Or- leans, Louisiana. The Ba- ton Rouge, Louisiana Chapter of Links will be host to the Assembly. Links was organized in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1946 and was incorporated in 1951. There are 118 chap- -1 ters located in 35 states and the District of Co- lumbia. Links, Incorporated has a three-prong program; Services to Youth, Free- dom and the Fine Arts and National and Inter- national Trends and Ser- vices. From its beginning this organization has supported meaningful organizations. Since 1957 a $75,000 grant ha s been given to the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund and a SIOO,OOO grant has been given to the Urban Lea- gue. Grants will be given to the National Negro College Fund and the Sic kle Cell Anemia Program at the 18th National Ass- embly. Exhibits by children, participating in the chap- ters Services to Youth pro- jects will be on display during the Assembly. Plans for the Assembly Continued On Page 8A Williams Family Reun At New Hope B The annual family reunion of the Williams Family which is usually held at the homes of Mrs. Lettie Lassiter and Mrs. Rader Prince was moved to the church because of incle- ment weather, May 14. Mis. Ara W. Goodman, of Newark, N. J., the oldest living member of The Willlama family, arrived in Durham on May 4, in time to attend the monthly circle meeting that evening which was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Allen, and to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Dora W. Green for whom the week- end of activities was dedicated. The activities began on Saturday afternoon when Mrs. Plassie W. Harris and Tommie Lee Williams hosted a dinner for all out of town cousins and friends. At the same time Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Atwater were hosting a kiddie party from 3 til 6 in the afternoon. Later on in the evening, the Atwaters hosted a party for the adult members and friends of the family. Sunday morning found many of the members of the family worshipping at the Nerw Hope Baptist Church where a special tribute to Mrs. Green was made by Ellis L. Allen, president of the family circle, afterwhich Edith Allen pinned a corsage on the honoree. Following the morning service, dinner was served in the fellowship hall of the church. Expressions of thanks were made by the president of the Family Circle to the pastor and members of the church for allowing the family to use the church facilities and the prayer of Thanksgiving was led by Bobby Bennett. A family circle meeting followed the dinner In the main auditorium of the church. The meeting was pre- sided over by the president who gave a brief summary of the family's activities since last May. In addition to the president's report, the chair- man of several committees were asked to report on their projects. Mrs. Bertha Jordan who is serving as acting chair- man of the Investment Com- mittee reported that the com- mittee is in an organizational stage and that Dr. Milton C. Hollar will be named per- manent chairman at a meeting scheduled this summer. Miss Cloyce Lassiter, Special trip coordinator, reported on the trip the family plans to take in July when the Massenburg and Davis families will host the family circle meeting in Baltimore, Md. and a progress report on California trip in 1973. Mrs. Janet Kennell, chairman of the Building fund for the church through the Williams family outlined her plans for increasing our contributions each year. Mrs. Alma Lassiter, reported to the group all the newly weds, and graduates and each was pre- sented a gift from the family circle. Mrs. Madge Turner pre- sented bibles to all the new babies. A special salute to Mrs. Thelma Hill for her twen- ty two years as financial secre- tary was made by the president and Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lassi- ter and family and Mr. & Mrs. Roland Alston, Jr. and family were welcomed home after each family's retirement* from the Air Force with twenty years of service. Joe Alston made a special presentation to the President and Mrs. Allen followed by the presentation to Mrs. Allen followed by the presen- tation to Mrs. Dora Green by Mrs. Marion Alston. Mrs. Green was presented a scrap- book with Mother's Day cards from relatives and friends, each card containing money. The shower of dollars totaled $225.00. Mrs. Marion Alston accom- panied at the piano by Mrs. B. V. Alien closed the meet- ing by singing "How Great Thou Art." Saturday, May 20, 1972 THE CAROLINA TIMES? A l&L \ Vk 1 I- '^l *> fIHHHIBHIL «4fIHF La Bohne - Williams ENGAGEMENT Miss Catherine D. Williams is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie H. Williams of Enfield, North Carolina who announce her engagement to C. Stephen La Bohne, son of Mr. and Mr*. Neilson W. Laßohne of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Wedding has been set for Jaly 29. IJC| today embrace the past with rememberance and the fut- ure with understanding. ?Sandra Groom, Way cross, Ga It isn't so much what we say-as the number of times we say it that makes us a BORE. ?Cordic Smith, Ainarillo I « V MISS HILL HHI-Fearrington Exchange Vows Miss Theresa Lea Hill and Thomas Wayne Fearrington plan a June 17 wedding, it is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Conrad Hill of 2423 Otis St. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Fearrington of 124 Barnhill Ave. are parents of the prospective bride- groom. He is a veteran of the U. S. Army. He attends Win- ston-Salem State University, where he is a member of Nu Gamma Alpha fraternity, and is employed by Wachovia Bank. The bride-elect, a graduate of NCCU is employed with IBM. The modem housewife's meals are well THAWED OUT' ?Levon McGune, Milw.Wisc. Yw'll low Th« duty shoe with fully contoured comfort pgr vT I ( Rbscee QfdffaShceA I Downtown Durh Mrs. Virginia MRS. CATHERINE B. PAGE HOSTESS TO BETTER HOME AND GARDEN CLUB On Wed. May 10th at 7:30 ij p.m. the Better Home and i Garden Club met at the Y.W.CA. on Umstead St. with Mrs. Catherine B. Page as hostess assisted by her daught- ers, Catherine Annette and Lila Renee Page who ' passed out roses to every one attend- ing. The garden gate was opened by gardner Frances Watson. The president, Mrs. Ella Brown and Mrs. Beulah Hill passed out "Mother's Day poems which was read by each memb- er. After the business session and other events a delicious dinner of boiled, chicken, con- gealed salad, baked potatoes, green beans, hot rolls, iced tea and ice cream sandwiches was served by Miss Scun dy of th« Y.W.C.A. Members attending: Gardners Ella Brown, Ella Floyd, Magnolia Eings, Beulah Hill, Louise Jenkins, Catherine Page, Mildred Smith, Mary Taylor, Carrie Vereen, Frances Watson and Jr. Club members: Catherine Annette and Lila Renee Page. The meeting adjourned and Mrs. Louise Jenkins thanked the hostess for a most enjoyable evening. *** DISTRICT THREE - PINE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH District 3 of Pine Grove Baptist Church held its month- ly meeting Sunday, May 7 at the home of Mrs. Irene Mitchell 1120 Hanover Street, Wortham Pratt, district leader, presided. 1 Following a brief devotional period, Mrs. Mannie T. Geer 1 spoke from the subject: "Ta- 1 Ipnts " Rplalinu nur dpwnrrl. ' ship to the areas of Faith, Patience, Wisdom, Purity of Heart and Temperance, the speaker said that God had en- trusted us with these and other precious gifts or talents. Hide your talents and lose; use them and gain more. Which shall it be? Members present were Mrs. Bertha Moore, Mrs. Eliza Allen, Mrs. Dorothy O'Keke, Mrs. Irene Mitchell, Mrs. Elvira Tay- lor, Mrs. Emily Cogwell, Mrs. Selena Miller, Mrs. Ruby Green, Mrs. Nina Amey, Mrs. Luciel Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Crusoe Geer, Mr. a nd Mrs. Wortham Pratt, Mr. Bert Glover, Miss Ruth Allen and the Pastor, Rev. C. R. Stone. One visitor, Mr. Dreade Mc- Millian. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Y. Moore. *** Zone 10 of Mt. Vemon Baptist Church will .honor their graduates Sunday May 28, at 6:30. *** MRS. ROYAL TAKES POST Mrs. Norma McCoy Royal, librarian at North Durham Ele- mentary School, recently as- sumed the presidency of the School of Library Sclmce Alum- ni Association at UNC. The occasion was the school's 40th anniversary. Present at the anni- versary luncheon April 29 were Dr. Louis Round Wilson and Dr. Susan Grey Akers, first two deans of the UNC School of Library Science. Dr. Wilson, 95, directed the school during its first year, 1931-32, prior to becoming dean of the Graduate Library ' School at the University of Chi- cago in 1932. He returned to UNC in 1942 as a professor of library science and advisor. Mrs. Royal received an un- graduate and graduate degree from North Carolina Central University. Later she returned to study at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she earned a master of science in Library Science degree. She returned to her first Alma Mater to serve as circulation Librarian in the James E. Shepard library. After two years she returned to her first love, the elementary school library. She is married to Wallace Royal and they have one daughter. Lillith Bli&sette Ja \ jdMk t lllfl&f »< ~ ":ffCTfci)-if HL .' W Wj I iK^yj^V'**»* : '*Trv I jp \u25bc j II J| jm Bsj^Ei^w®^' '^I - * **#'/I. ilnlok '\u25a0 v^l MRS. NORMA McKOY lutnLhfLh li ai Last week the seniors at Durham High School were buzzing over the excitement of graduation. For seniors and members of the graduation band, seventh period exams start Monday, May 29. Then Tuesday, May 30, they will take sixth period exams. May 31, on Wednesday, everyone will take their first and second period exams. Thursday, June 1, everyone will take their third and seventh period exams on Friday. June 2, which is on Friday, at 9 a.m. graduation rehearsal for seniors will be in the gym. Awards Day is Monday, June 5 at 9 a.m. The Baccalaureate Service is Sunday, June 4 at 4 p.m. in the auditorium. And finally the night we seniors have all been waiting for, graduation will be June 6 at 8 p.m. in the Paul G. Sykes Gymnasium. Friday during the two lun- ches and after nomination were being taken for Student Coun- cil officers. Monday through Thursday are designated as Cam- paign Days with Thursday being the day for speeches. Friday is Election Day with the students voting in their assigned precincts. The International Relations Committee is sponsoring a Walk-a-Thon in order to raise money for a foreign exchange student next year. All in- terested students were asked to get sponsors to donate a certain amount of money for every mile walked starting from the County Stadium and ending at Lake Michie. This Walk- a-Thon is scheduled to take place Saturday, May 20. From Gunnie's Dusty Files: Argretta H., do you really feel one year older and wiser? FRIEDIHICKEN rnnmrnmi^'^Z PREPARED SPECIALLY / _ IN OUR OWN / W I KITCHEN! ' ~ J Treat your family or TAKE HOME A BUCKET OF CHU..,. i IGHT 4 MSSTOGSSI B PC - DINNTR PAC /Sp*mb J 2 BREASTS ' \u25a0*§ JC Iff. JF-A 2 HUGHS J **" BjßSflKr 2 WINGS 2 DRUMSTICKS DOWN OWN <>»L\ Open' Til 9:00 P.M. FI 5A

Transcript of The Carolina Times (Durham, N.C.) 1972-05-20 [p...

Page 1: The Carolina Times (Durham, N.C.) 1972-05-20 [p 5A] · 1972-05-20 · Mrs. C. B. Nixon on the 43rd anniversary. May you

Feminine SceneDurham

Notes OfMRS. SYMENER DAYE , Telephone 477-3370

Congratulations to Mr. ClarkAlston Edgerton who receivedhis masters degree from NCCUniversity at Durham on SundayMay 14, with your band andmasters Mr. Edgerton, I am sureyour future will be prosperous.Mr. Edgerton is the son of Mr.and Mrs. Clark Edgerton.


The Durham County Mis-

sionary Union will meet at theChristian Baptist Church May28 at 2 o'clock p.m. PastorRev. Butler.


Mr. and Mrs. Linwood andchildren of Washington D. C.spent Mother's Day with theirparents Mrs. Phoebe Cozart and

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parker, of


Johnnie Clarence Holman of

New York City spent Mother'sDay with his mother Mrs.Julian Holman, Ward Rd.


Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Brooksand family spent Mother's Daywith her parents Mr. and Mrs.Robert Harris, Bahama.


Mrs. Zonnie M. Hedgepethand daughter Miss Rita Hedge-peth, MlssArnell & MechelleParker of Washington, D. C.spent Mother's Day with theirmother Mrs. Margaret J. Parker,Mrs. Inga Perry of Seat PleasantMaryland who accompaniedthem spent Mother's Day with

her grand parents Mr. and Mrs.Eddie B. Kenion on Ward Rd.


Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wigfleldand children of Greensboro alsospent Mother's Day with hermother Mrs. Margaret J. Parker.


The family of the late Mrs.Lula B. Ford McLean of TeelSt. wishes to thank their manyfriends and neighbors for theirkindness and services during the

illness and death of the deceased.They are grateful for every act

of kindness shown in their be-


Red Mountain BaptistChurch of Rougemont will ob-

serve Women's Day Sunday,May 21, at 11 o'clock a.m.Guest speaker for the hour will

be Mrs. Wilma Bryant of St.James. Theme "Women InAction." Music by the seniorchoir (ladies) will render musicunder the supervision of Mrs.Violet P. Rogers of Mount Ver-non ? Baptist Church Durham.Ladies ushers will serve. Rev.N. Harvey pastor.


House guest for Mr. and Mrs.Joe Turentine on Hinson Drivefor the week end were Mr. andMrs. William (Boy) Turentine

of New Jersey. Mr. WilliamiTurentine is the brother of

Joe Turentine.***

Congratulation s to Mr. andMrs. C. B. Nixon on the 43rdanniversary. May you have manymore.


Home with their parentsMr. and Mrs. W. A. Harris were

Mrs. Alease H. Slowe of Mary-land, Mrs. Ives Issam and chil-dren, Cassandra, Reginald, Iveyand Jerald of Washington, D. C.

Mr. & Mrs. James Woods

Sgt/Major & Mrs. Sterling Harris

and their son Kenneth of Fay-etteville.

Sick & shut ins are: Oscar

Tapp, J. T. Tabon, Mrs. Gene-va Evans, Mrs. Lucendia Evans,Mrs. Gaynell Hedgepeth, Mrs.Lillie Ann Calhoun, Mr. & Mrs.

Grover Shaw, Mrs. L. F. Warren,Jasper Haskin, Ellis D. Jones, Sr.Mrs. Annie Mack, Harvey Tilley,Mrs. Amelia Hester, Mrs. Mearle

P. Harris, Mrs. Mandy Bass,Zebbie Woods, Mrs. C. B. Nixon,Mrs. Entelle Bullock, Mrs. Annie

Faucette, Nathaniel Brewing-ton, Deliah Hollo way, Mrs.Emma Farrow, S. G. Mc-Laughlin, Alonzo Eubanks, OtisJones, Mrs. Wilhemenia Crossett,Mrs. Mallie Lyde, Joseph Waf.e.

MiiittiWK?? \u25a0 r ' .



St Joseph's AObserves May

St. Joseph's A.M.E. Churchwill observe "Family Night"Saturday, May 20, 1972 from7 to 9 p.m. This will be aninformal gathering of all mem-bers for a social hour.

The event is being sponsor-ed by the Board of ChristianEducation through a Committeechaired by Mrs. Willia George.The affair is designed to bringtogether the various familiesof the church for an eveningof fun and recreation.

To this end, there will bemusic, games and other ac-tivities involving all age groups.Prizes will be given in many

categories, such as to the oldest

youngest couple and familywith the largest number pre-sent. A prize will also be givento the club with the mo6t

members in attendance. Theevent will be held in the EdianMarkham Education Building,804 Fayetteville Street.

Reverend P. R. Cousin,Pastor, William H. Bullock,Vice Chairman of the Steward

Board and J. J. Henderson,Vice Chairman of the Trusteesare expecting a large turn outfor this occasion.

ChamberlinStudio AnnouncesApril Honor Roll

Chamberlin Studio's ann-ounces its honor roll for themonth of April. First honorroll; Denni Allen, JoannaCrews, India Evans, TonyaHolman, Deborah Thompson,Tamera Timberlake, and Gay-lia Upchurch.

Second honor roll; MavisBolden, Shelai Cameron, Pame-la Gunn, Angela Smith, ReginaSmith, Clinton Shearin, AnettePage, Renee Page, Pamela Stan-back and Kathy Throne. Mrs.Margaret S. Shearin instructor.

On May 14, 1972 in gradua-tion ceremonies at North Caro-lina A&T State University,Greensboro, Daryl Benay Uin-stead, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Bennie L. Umstead Sr. 1014Plum Street, received CumLaude honors and a Bachelor

of Science in Industrial Tech-nology (Electronics). He wasalso commissioned as SecondLieutenant in the United StatesAir Force as a communicationofficer. Daryl is at present em-

ployed by the EnvironmentalProtection Agency in Durham.Congratulations to Daryl Um-stead. I am sure your future willbe bright and prosperous one.

Mrs. Mary Baldwin Bynum,William Carrington, BroadieDaye, Mrs. Mollie M. Riley,Mrs. Annie Pointer, VictorJohnson, Mrs. Lucy Whitted,Lucious Hayes, Mrs. Ida Hall,Mrs. Ola Cozart, Mrs. Sofa Bum-pass, Mrs. Mattie Lyde, Mrs. A.

L. Filmore, Mrs. Dorcus Reid,Sidney Cotton, Mrs. BellThomas, Mrs. Essie Amey, Mrs.Mamie Watson, Mrs. Novella 0*Neal, Mrs. Beatrice Laster,Nuordie Mangum, Mrs. LucilleTurentine, Mrs. Nannie Harris,Mrs. Bessie Cates, Mrs. MaryGlenn, Mrs. Lona Parker, Mrs.

Mollie R. Mason.For it is written, He shall

give his angels, charge over thee,to keep thee; St. Luke 4:10.

Welfare ROLLS are madewith your dough.

?Gregory Wilson, Atlanta

18th AssemblyOf Linksfnc. ToMeet June 26

The 18th National Ass-embly of Links, Incorpo-rated, a predominatelyblack women's service or-ganization, will be heldfrom June 26 throughJuly 1, 1972 at the RoyalSonesta Hotel in New Or-leans, Louisiana. The Ba-ton Rouge, LouisianaChapter of Links will behost to the Assembly.

Links was organized in

Philadelphia, Pa., in 1946and was incorporated in1951. There are 118 chap-

-1 ters located in 35 states

and the District of Co-lumbia.

Links, Incorporated has

a three-prong program;Services to Youth, Free-dom and the Fine Arts

and National and Inter-national Trends and Ser-vices.

From its beginning thisorganization has supportedmeaningful organizations.Since 1957 a $75,000 grantha s been given to theNAACP Legal Defense andEducation Fund and aSIOO,OOO grant has beengiven to the Urban Lea-gue. Grants will be givento the National NegroCollege Fund and the Sickle Cell Anemia Programat the 18th National Ass-embly.

Exhibits by children,

participating in the chap-ters Services to Youth pro-jects will be on displayduring the Assembly.

Plans for the AssemblyContinued On Page 8A

Williams Family ReunAt New Hope B

The annual family reunion

of the Williams Family which

is usually held at the homes

of Mrs. Lettie Lassiter andMrs. Rader Prince was movedto the church because of incle-ment weather, May 14.

Mis. Ara W. Goodman, ofNewark, N. J., the oldestliving member of The Willlamafamily, arrived in Durham onMay 4, in time to attend themonthly circle meeting thatevening which was held at the

home of Mr. & Mrs. EllisAllen, and to spend some timewith her sister, Mrs. Dora W.Green for whom the week-end of activities was dedicated.

The activities began onSaturday afternoon when

Mrs. Plassie W. Harris andTommie Lee Williams hosteda dinner for all out of town

cousins and friends. At the

same time Mr. & Mrs. Matthew

Atwater were hosting a kiddieparty from 3 til 6 in the

afternoon. Later on in the

evening, the Atwaters hosted

a party for the adult membersand friends of the family.

Sunday morning foundmany of the members of thefamily worshipping at the

Nerw Hope Baptist Churchwhere a special tribute toMrs. Green was made by EllisL. Allen, president of thefamily circle, afterwhich EdithAllen pinned a corsage on thehonoree.

Following the morningservice, dinner was served inthe fellowship hall of the

church. Expressions of thankswere made by the presidentof the Family Circle to thepastor and members of thechurch for allowing the familyto use the church facilitiesand the prayer of Thanksgivingwas led by Bobby Bennett.

A family circle meetingfollowed the dinner In themain auditorium of thechurch. The meeting was pre-sided over by the presidentwho gave a brief summary ofthe family's activities sincelast May. In addition to thepresident's report, the chair-man of several committeeswere asked to report on theirprojects. Mrs. Bertha Jordanwho is serving as acting chair-man of the Investment Com-mittee reported that the com-

mittee is in an organizationalstage and that Dr. Milton C.Hollar will be named per-

manent chairman at a meetingscheduled this summer. MissCloyce Lassiter, Special tripcoordinator, reported on the

trip the family plans to take

in July when the Massenburgand Davis families will host thefamily circle meeting inBaltimore, Md. and a progressreport on California trip in1973. Mrs. Janet Kennell,chairman of the Buildingfund for the church through

the Williams family outlinedher plans for increasing our

contributions each year. Mrs.Alma Lassiter, reported to thegroup all the newly weds, andgraduates and each was pre-sented a gift from the family

circle. Mrs. Madge Turner pre-

sented bibles to all the newbabies. A special salute to

Mrs. Thelma Hill for her twen-ty two years as financial secre-tary was made by the presidentand Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lassi-ter and family and Mr. &

Mrs. Roland Alston, Jr. andfamily were welcomed home

after each family's retirement*from the Air Force withtwenty years of service.

Joe Alston made a specialpresentation to the Presidentand Mrs. Allen followed bythe presentation to Mrs.Allen followed by the presen-tation to Mrs. Dora Green byMrs. Marion Alston. Mrs.Green was presented a scrap-book with Mother's Day cardsfrom relatives and friends, each

card containing money. Theshower of dollars totaled

$225.00.Mrs. Marion Alston accom-

panied at the piano by Mrs.B. V. Alien closed the meet-ing by singing "How GreatThou Art."

Saturday, May 20, 1972 THE CAROLINA TIMES?

A l&L \

Vk 1



*> fIHHHIBHIL «4fIHFLa Bohne - Williams

ENGAGEMENTMiss Catherine D. Williams is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Johnnie H. Williams of Enfield, North Carolina who announceher engagement to C. Stephen La Bohne, son of Mr. and Mr*.Neilson W. Laßohne of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Weddinghas been set for Jaly 29.

IJC| today embrace the pastwith rememberance and the fut-ure with understanding.

?Sandra Groom, Way cross, Ga

It isn't so much what we

say-as the number of timeswe say it that makes us a BORE.

?Cordic Smith, Ainarillo


HHI-FearringtonExchange Vows

Miss Theresa Lea Hill andThomas Wayne Fearringtonplan a June 17 wedding, itis announced by her parents,

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ConradHill of 2423 Otis St. Mr. and

Mrs. John T. Fearrington of124 Barnhill Ave. are parents

of the prospective bride-

groom. He is a veteran of theU. S. Army. He attends Win-ston-Salem State University,where he is a member ofNu Gamma Alpha fraternity,and is employed by WachoviaBank.

The bride-elect, a graduateof NCCU is employed with


The modem housewife'smeals are well THAWED OUT'

?Levon McGune, Milw.Wisc.

Yw'll low

Th«duty shoe

with fullycontouredcomfort



QfdffaShceAI Downtown Durh

Mrs. Virginia


On Wed. May 10th at 7:30 ijp.m. the Better Home and iGarden Club met at the

Y.W.CA. on Umstead St. with

Mrs. Catherine B. Page ashostess assisted by her daught-ers, Catherine Annette andLila Renee Page who ' passedout roses to every one attend-ing.

The garden gate was openedby gardner Frances Watson.The president, Mrs. Ella Brownand Mrs. Beulah Hill passedout "Mother's Day poemswhich was read by each memb-


After the business session

and other events a deliciousdinner of boiled, chicken, con-gealed salad, baked potatoes,green beans, hot rolls, iced tea

and ice cream sandwiches wasserved by Miss Scun dy of th«Y.W.C.A. Members attending:Gardners Ella Brown, EllaFloyd, Magnolia Eings, BeulahHill, Louise Jenkins, CatherinePage, Mildred Smith, MaryTaylor, Carrie Vereen, FrancesWatson and Jr.

Club members: CatherineAnnette and Lila Renee Page.

The meeting adjourned andMrs. Louise Jenkins thanked thehostess for a most enjoyableevening.



District 3 of Pine GroveBaptist Church held its month-ly meeting Sunday, May 7 atthe home of Mrs. Irene Mitchell1120 Hanover Street, Wortham

Pratt, district leader, presided. 1Following a brief devotional

period, Mrs. Mannie T. Geer 1spoke from the subject: "Ta- 1Ipnts " Rplalinu nur dpwnrrl. '

ship to the areas of Faith,Patience, Wisdom, Purity ofHeart and Temperance, thespeaker said that God had en-trusted us with these and otherprecious gifts or talents. Hideyour talents and lose; use themand gain more. Which shall itbe?

Members present were Mrs.Bertha Moore, Mrs. Eliza Allen,Mrs. Dorothy O'Keke, Mrs.Irene Mitchell, Mrs. Elvira Tay-lor, Mrs. Emily Cogwell, Mrs.Selena Miller, Mrs. Ruby Green,Mrs. Nina Amey, Mrs. LucielSmith, Mr. and Mrs. CrusoeGeer, Mr. a nd Mrs. WorthamPratt, Mr. Bert Glover, MissRuth Allen and the Pastor,Rev. C. R. Stone.

One visitor, Mr. Dreade Mc-Millian.

The next meeting will beheld at the home of Mr. and

Mrs. T. Y. Moore.***

Zone 10 of Mt. Vemon

Baptist Church will .honor theirgraduates Sunday May 28, at


MRS. ROYAL TAKES POSTMrs. Norma McCoy Royal,

librarian at North Durham Ele-mentary School, recently as-sumed the presidency of theSchool of Library Sclmce Alum-ni Association at UNC. The

occasion was the school's 40thanniversary. Present at the anni-versary luncheon April 29 wereDr. Louis Round Wilson and

Dr. Susan Grey Akers, first two

deans of the UNC School of

Library Science.Dr. Wilson, 95, directed the

school during its first year,1931-32, prior to becoming

dean of the Graduate Library 'School at the University of Chi-cago in 1932. He returned to

UNC in 1942 as a professor oflibrary science and advisor.

Mrs. Royal received an un-graduate and graduate degree

from North Carolina CentralUniversity. Later she returned tostudy at the University of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill whereshe earned a master of sciencein Library Science degree. Shereturned to her first Alma Materto serve as circulation Librarianin the James E. Shepard library.After two years she returned to

her first love, the elementaryschool library.

She is married to WallaceRoyal and they have onedaughter. Lillith Bli&sette

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Last week the seniors at

Durham High School werebuzzing over the excitementof graduation. For seniorsand members of the graduationband, seventh period examsstart Monday, May 29. ThenTuesday, May 30, they willtake sixth period exams. May31, on Wednesday, everyonewill take their first and secondperiod exams. Thursday, June1, everyone will take theirthird and seventh period examson Friday. June 2, which is

on Friday, at 9 a.m. graduationrehearsal for seniors will bein the gym. Awards Day isMonday, June 5 at 9 a.m.The Baccalaureate Service isSunday, June 4 at 4 p.m. in theauditorium. And finally thenight we seniors have all beenwaiting for, graduation will beJune 6 at 8 p.m. in the PaulG. Sykes Gymnasium.

Friday during the two lun-ches and after nomination werebeing taken for Student Coun-cil officers. Monday throughThursday are designated as Cam-

paign Days with Thursdaybeing the day for speeches.Friday is Election Day with the

students voting in their assignedprecincts.

The International RelationsCommittee is sponsoring aWalk-a-Thon in order to raisemoney for a foreign exchangestudent next year. All in-terested students were askedto get sponsors to donate acertain amount of money forevery mile walked starting from

the County Stadium and endingat Lake Michie. This Walk-a-Thon is scheduled to takeplace Saturday, May 20.

From Gunnie's Dusty Files:Argretta H., do you really feelone year older and wiser?





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