The Business Opportunity - Clear ·...

Education and Skill Development The Business Opportunity

Transcript of The Business Opportunity - Clear ·...

Page 1: The Business Opportunity - Clear · through MHRD and MoSJE ... SPQEM Group 2-Between ₹500-1000 million Mahila Samakhya

Education and Skill Development The Business Opportunity

Page 2: The Business Opportunity - Clear · through MHRD and MoSJE ... SPQEM Group 2-Between ₹500-1000 million Mahila Samakhya
Page 3: The Business Opportunity - Clear · through MHRD and MoSJE ... SPQEM Group 2-Between ₹500-1000 million Mahila Samakhya
Page 4: The Business Opportunity - Clear · through MHRD and MoSJE ... SPQEM Group 2-Between ₹500-1000 million Mahila Samakhya

The Opportunity

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The Demographic Dividend

q  India – fourth largest economy by 2025.

q GDP contribution to World Economy – 5.5%-6%.

q  Population of India by 2020 would be >1.3 billion.

q Working Population by 2020 q  India: 592 million q China: 776 million

q  The median age: q  India<US<<China<<<Japan

SOURCE : National Youth Policy (NYP) Document 2014

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The compelling argument – Employment and Education

+15.8 million – Population Increase

-26% i.e. -4.1 million – Remain Illiterate of drop out before 4th Standard.

-6.6 million – Drop out or fail 10th Standard

-2.2 million – Drop out or fail 12th Standard

0.9 million will only complete higher


q About 672 million people out of 1.1 billion are in the age group of 15-59 years, the employable age.

q  Every year the population increases by 15.8 million.

11.7 million

5.1 million

2.9 million

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The compelling argument – Employment and Education




New Employment Generation in India – 8.7 million

Organized Sector



7 million

Unemployment generated per year

Population Increase

New Employment

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Size and Scale

q  The sprawling education landscape has been estimated at $80 billion. (Source: Technopak)

q  The share of Private ventures is only a miniscule $750 million. (Source: CEO Pearson Education India)

q  The lion share of estimated market share will be materialized in forms of schools, which includes running them or supplying educational aids.

q  There 1.3 million schools in India of which 1.1 million are government.

SOURCE : CNN iReport

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Size and Scale

q  The GER (Gross Enrollment Ratio) of India for Higher Education stands at a meager 20% compared to USA 34%, UK 59%, Japan 55% and China 28% (GER).

q Of India’s 1.2 billion population, 44% of the population comprises of children. While India spends only 3.3% of its GDP on education.

q Due to RTE the GER in primarily schools is high at 92%, but the dropout ratios are jaw dropping 50% for boys and 58% for girls.

SOURCE : CNN iReport

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What the Govt. spends on education?

SOURCE : Azim Premji Foundation – Analysis of State Budgets : Elementary Education

q  Education is a concurrent subject with states holding the primarily responsibility for implementation.

q  State Government therefore contribute the majority share. Eg: In fiscal 2009-10 74% of the Public spend on education was borne by the states.

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State wise Expenditure on Education as a percentage of Aggregate Expenditure

₹2.6 lakh crore Estimated Aggregated Budget Allocation in 2012-13 for States

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Union Govt. spend on Education

q Government of India spends on the upside of ₹90,000 Cr in youth through a wide range of programs.

q On the targeted side more than 80% of the funds are allocated through MHRD and MoSJE primarily in forms of grants and scholarships.

q  The public spending on education (% of total government expenditure) was 11.3% in 2012, which should ideally be around 20%.

SOURCE : NYP Document 2014, World Bank Data

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Expenditure on Education











Elementary  Educa5on  Secondary  Educa5on  University  and  Higher  Educa5on  and  

Distance  learning  

Technical  Educa5on   Others  

₹  in  M


Central  Expenditure  in  Educa2on  During  the  11th  Plan  

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Continuing and New Schemes- Govt. of India

Schemes Continuing from Xth Plan

1. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) 2. National Programme of Mid-Day Meals in Schools (MDM)

3. Navodya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) 4. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS)

5. Strengthening of Teachers Training Institutions 6. Information and Communications Technology in Schools 7. Mahila Samakhya

Introduced in XIth Plan

1. Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) 2. Scheme for setting up of 6000 Model Schools at Block Level

3. Scheme for providing quality education in Madrasas (SPQEM)

4. Appointment of Language Teachers

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No. of schemes according to scheme sizes

Size of Scheme

Elementary Education

Secondary Education

University, Higher Education and Distance

Learning Technical Education Others

2007-08 (RE)

2011-12 (RE)

2007-08 (RE)

2011-12 (RE) 2007-08 (RE) 2011-12 (RE) 2007-08

(RE) 2011-12

(RE) 2007-08

(RE) 2011-12


Group 1 (Schemes above ₹5000 million)

2 2 2 5 1 3 2 5 0 1

Group 2 (Schemes b/w ₹1000-5000 million)

2 2 2 4 1 1 2 7 1 1

Group 3 (Schemes b/w ₹500-1000 million)

0 2 2 1 1 3 3 7 2 3

Group 4 (Below ₹500 million) 3 1 8 6 15 10 22 14 20 21

Total 7 7 14 16 18 17 29 33 23 26

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Classification of Schemes

Group 4-Over ₹5000







Model Schools

Group 3-Between ₹1000-5000

million Strengthening

of Teacher Training


ICT @ Schools


Group 2-Between ₹500-1000


Mahila Samakhya

Group 1-Below ₹500


Appointment of Language


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Elementary Education

Secondary Education

University Education,

Higher Education

and Distance Learning

Technical Education









1.65% 0.31%


Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Groupwise Percentage Expenditure on Education

2011-12 – Expenditure on


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Contribution of Cess to Elementary and Secondary/Higher Education Expenditure


2007-­‐2008   2011-­‐2012  

Expenditure  (₹ in  


Cess  (₹  in  million)  

Cess  Going  to  SSA  and  MDM  (%)  

Expenditure  Met  by  Cess  


Expenditure  (₹  in  million)  

Cess  (₹ In  million)  

Cess  Going  to  SSA  and  MDM  (%)  

Expenditure  Met  by  Cess  


Sarva  Shiksha  Abhiyan  

131710   83160   74,7   63,1   210000   119920   65,4   57,1  

Mid  Day  Meal   66780   28120   25,3   42,1   103800   63420   34,6   61,1  

Secondary/Higher   92900   27160       29,2   292510   42920       14,7  

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Distribution of Govt. of India Education Expenditure by type


2007-2008 (RE) 2011-2012 (RE)

No. of Schemes

Allocation (₹ in millions)

No. of Schemes

Allocation (₹ in millions)

Group 1 Enrollment Increasing Scheme 7 122.382,20 6 213930

Group 2 Dropout Reducing Scheme 7 61.794,20 8 103047,3

Group 3 Quality Improving Scheme 19 7356,2 17 20314,6

Group 4 Equity in Education 8 3103 11 11678,9

Group 5 Institutional Grant 40 76501,3 43 212943,7

Group 5a School Education 5 20228,8 6 50129,3

Group 5b Higher Education 35 56272,5 37 162814,4

Group 5b(i) University Grants Commission 1 35819,4 1 89274,1

Group 5b(ii) Non-Technical Higher Education 16 4236,6 15 16140,7

Group 5b(iii) Technical Higher Education 18 16216,5 21 57399,6

Group 6 Grant for North-East State 19 23661 29 49707

Group 7 Other Administrative Expenditure   844,1   2029,9

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Future Imperatives – Govt. ü  Promoting PPPs implementing the National Skills Qualification

Framework (NSQF). ü  Progressively increase spending on education to 6% of GDP.

ü  Increasing regional equity and access and improving apprenticeship program.

ü  Leveraging maximum efficacy of the dedicated ministry for “Entrepreneurship and Skill Development”.

ü  3 key areas: ü  Ensuring youth can benefit from Skill Devp. Opportunities. ü  Clearly defining stakeholder roles ü  Building interlinkages b/w systems and stakeholders.

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Targeted Opportunities

ü  Government has plans to equip over 1 million schools with digital infrastructure, while only 10% have been covered so far.

ü  The expenditure for facilitating such technologies at schools has been estimated at ₹ 1.9 million over 5 years shared between central and state governments.


ü  Provide Content to facilitate education services.

ü  Leverage experience in Indian Education Industry through ICT projects in Govt. schools and Model schools to generate high margin revenue stream.

ICT at Schools

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Targeted Opportunities

ü  Govt. of India targets a massive 500 million skilled youth by 2022. (Youth : 15-29 years defined by NYP 2014)

ü  The erstwhile govt. allocated ₹ 1000 crores towards National Development fund (NSDF).

ü  Setup 1500 ITIs in district with uncovered blocks in PPP mode (VGF – ₹ 1500 crores)

ü  Establish 125 new Polytechnics ( ₹ 580 Cr), 580 new community Polytechnics (₹ 1125 Cr).

ü  Vocational Education in 10,000 Sec. Schools (₹ 1000 Cr)

ü  Organized training for 25 lakh BPL youth (₹ 1875 Cr)

ü  Urban Skill and Employability Programs (₹ 2500 Cr)

ü  Skill Building and economic assistance (₹ 3000 Cr)

Vocational Education

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Projected Demand by Sector

2015 Sector   Demand  (in  Mn)  Auto   2  to  2.5  

Construc5on   15  Retail   4  to  5  

Healthcare   4  to  4.5  Banking  &  

Financial  services   4.5  to  5    Crea5ve  Industry   0.5  to  0.8  


Drivers:  51  Mn    

Total     81  to  83.5    Mn  

Sectors   Incremental  Human  Resource  Requirement  

Mines  &  Minerals   1,754,881  Construc5on   55,191,568  Engineering   1,813,790  

Banking  and  Insurance   3,947,139  Drugs  and  Pharma   1,383,721  

Biotech   1,209,489  Healthcare   20,684,530  Tex5les   86,545,390  

IT  and  ITeS   14,806,299  Tourism   12,478,386  

Agro  and  Food  processing     169,782  Paper   57,976  

Chemicals  and  Fer5lizers    


Total   201,442,899  


The above shown figures were projected by CII and hence estimate a total demand of 300 million by 2022.

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Targeted Opportunities

ü  Provide Quality education to rural children by setting up 6000 Model Schools as benchmark of excellence at block level at the rate of one school per block.

ü  3500 Schools to be setup by State Govt./ UT Govt. in as many Educationally Backward Blocks (EBBs).

ü  2500 Schools to be setup under PPP mode in blocks which are not educationally backward. (Initiated from 2012-13)

ü  Objective:

ü  To have a pace setting role. ü  To try to innovate curriculum and pedagogy. ü  To be a model in infra, curriculum, evaluation and

school governance.

Model Schools

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Bricks that have been falling for long


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Stuck between the Outlays, Time for Outcomes

§  It legislates a 9 point approach to measure the infrastructure

facilities at Government Schools. §  Only 4.8% of the schools have all the nine facilities. §  Only in 11.8% there are 8 of 9 facilities. §  Only 33% schools have 7 of 9 facilities. §  More than 30% schools have less than 5 facilities. §  More than 1/3rd of the schools have unusable toilets and the rest

which have are in worst and unhygienic conditions not meant for school children.

SOURCE : Ketki Angre Survey for NDTV

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Aspirational Middle Class – The rising Curve


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Thank You Clear Maze Consulting Pvt. Ltd.

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