•m THE BUFFALO COURIER: TTTVSBAY, FEBRUARY 25. 1890. 1 ! feet to the westerly enrb line of Monroe Street ** as eievatioa of 1T.06 feet thenoe level to the isiliHr enrb MM of Monroe Street) failing thence a366 per 100 for 2* toot to the westerly cnrbUneaf Adams Street at an •MnwHn of M. 14 toot; thence level 86 feet to the easterly curb Une of Adams Street; falling thence 0.406 per 100 for 244 feet to the westerly curb Una of Watson Street at an eleva- tion of 15.15 feet; thenoe level for 28 feet to the easterly curb line of Watson Street; rising thenoe 0.9* peril* for SSL* feet to the westerly curb line of KmsUe Street at as elevation of JAW feet; thence level for 27 feet to the*eaaterly curb line of Emslte Street: falling thence U » per 1» for 2516 fee*«to a point 13* feet west of Bond Street, at an elevation of 15.90 fast above base line of levels; begin- ning again at the west line of Smith Street at an elevation of lfcfO feet; falling thenoe easterly 0.88 per 100 for 9 feet to the westerly curb line of Smith Street at an elevation of 18.47 feet; thence level to the easterly cnxb line of Smiih Street, rising thence 0UJ0 per WO for 387 feet to the westerly cnrb line of Montgomery Street* at an elevation of 2- .63 feet; thence level K feet to the easterly cnrb line of Montgomery Street; falling thence 0.3U per 100 for 368 feet to the westerly curb line of Rase Street at an ele- vatf on of It.47 feet; thence level for » feet to the easterly cnTb line of Rase Street; falling thence 0.30 per 100 for 458 feet to the westerly curb line of Fillmore Avenue at an elevation of 18.08 feet; thence level for 52 feet to the easterly cnrb line of Fillmore Avenue, falling thence 0.10 per lt» fi*18T feet to the westerly raR of the Buffalo Creek Rail Road, at an elevation of 17.88 feet; thence to the easterly rail of same, falling thence 0.80 per 1<J0 for 45 feet to the westerly raU of t he X. Y. 8. * R R. B-, thence to easter- ly rati of same at an elevation of 17.53 feet; fail- ing thence 1.18 per 100 for HK2 feet to the westerly cnrb line ©1 Metcalfe Street at an elevation of 14.85 feet; thence level for 30 feet to the easterly cnrb line of Metcalfe Street, falling thence 1.21 per 100 for 1(9 feet to an elevation of 12. *> feet; thence level for 13 feet, rising thenoe QLU per 100 for ^ feet to the westerly curb line of Jones Street at an elevation of I4.<)5 feet; thence level for -8 feet to the easterly curb line of Jones Street; rising thenoe 0.80 per 100 for 225 feet to the westerly line of Lewis Street at an elevation of 14.72 feet. Beginning again at the easterly curb iineof Babcock Street at an elevation of 21.38 feet; falling thence easterly O.ii per 100 for 2f5 feet to an elevation of 2'.87 feet; rising thence 0.328 per 100 for 500 feet to an elevation uf 23JjO feet; fal - log thenoe &422 per 130 for 1,300 feel to an eleva- tion of 16.75 feet; failing thence CV349 per 100 for TM feet to the westerly curb line of Bailey Ave- nue at an elevation of 13.20 feet; tht nee Hwel tor 30 feet to the easterly curb line of Bailey Avenue ; falling thence 0.33 per 1< o for 313 feet to an elevation of 12. > 5 feet; rising thence 1.204 feet per 100 feet for 268 feet to the westerly rail of the Delaware, Lackawanna A Western Rail road at an elevation of 15.12 feat; thence to the westeriyfrail of the same at an elevation of 15.81 feet; falling thence 1.405 per 100 tor 3b? feet to an elevation of* 12.20 feet; failing thence U.3U per lOo for 100 feat to an elevation of 11.80 feet; rising thence 0.33 per 100 for 650 feet to an elevation of 14.03 feet; falling thence 0.10 per lOu for 200 feet to an elevation of 13.45 feet; rising thence 0.33 per 100 for 8U0 feet to an elevation of 1-..0J feet; falling thence 0.30 per 100 for 200 fee to an ele- vation of 15.48 feat; rising thence 0*33 per 100 for 800 feet to an elevation of 18.1 J feet: falling thence 0.30 per M> tor 200 feet to an elevation of 17.53 feet ; rising thenoe I .3; per 100 for 932 feet to the westerly curb tine of South Ogden Street at an elevation of 20.70 feet; thence level to the easterly curb line ot South Ogden Street; fall- ing thence (1410 per Mi for 408 feet to an eleva- tion of liLOO feet; rising thence 0.33 per 100 for 174 feet to the City Line at an elevation of 18.57 feet above base line of levels. Respectfully submitted, GEO. E. MANN, Engineer. AM. SCHEC moved that the communication be received, filed, and grade established as recommended Carried. BUFFALO, Feb. 24.1380. Herewith I report a grade for Kosciuasko Street, between Broadway and Walden Avenue. Such grade to begin at the intersection of the center line of Kosciusxko Street with the north- erly curb line of Broadway at an elevation of 32.80 fast above ba->e line of level: failing thenoe northerly 0.37 per 100 for 455 feet at an elevation of 31.10 feet; rising thenoe 1.166 per 100 for 400 feet to the southerly curb Line of Stanislaus Street, at an elevation of 36 70 feet; thence level for 30feet to the northerly curb line of Stanis- laus Mjjpfffi"rising thence 0 340 per 100 for 1,078 the southerly curb line of Sycamore #t, at an elevation of 40.90 feet; thence level for 30 feet to the southerly curb line ot Sycamore Street; rising thence 1 064 per 100 for 1,143 feet to the southerly curb line of Walden Avenue at an elevation of 52.63 feet above base line of levels. Respectfully submitted, GEO. E. MANN, Engineer. Aid. SCH El" moved that the communication be received, filed, and grade established as rec- ommended. Carried. Bi-rvALO. Feb. 24, 1-80. Herewith I report a grade for Loepere Street, between Broaway and Walden Avenue.* finch grade to begin at the intersection of the center line of Loepere Street with the northerly curb line of Broadway at an elevation of 33.00 feet above base line of levels; falling thence 0.50 per KM for 160 feet to an elevation of MM feet; rising thence 0.43 per 100 for 1,043 feejfPb the southerly curb line of Stanislaus StreeT at an elevation of 38.87 feet; thence level 80 feet to the northerly curb line of Stanislaus Street; rising thenoe 1..5 per 100 for 682 feat to the southerly curb line of Sycamore Street at an elevation of 44.60 feet; thence level for 30 feet to the northerly curb line of Sycamore Street: rising thence u-18 per 100 for 834 feet to an elevation of 47.88 feet I rising thence 1.12 per 100 for 100 feet to an elevation of 4S.I0 feet; rising thenoe 1.45 per 100 for 300 feet to an elevation of 51.40 feet; rising thence l.ue per 100 for 446 feat to the southerly cnrb line of Walden Avenue at an elevation of 56.84 feet above base line of levels. Respectfully submitted. GEO. E. MANN. Engineer. Aid. SCHEl" moved thst the communication be received, filed, and grade established as rec- ommended. Carried. raoM TUB gupciuNTr.NDK.Tr o r EDUCATION. BUFFALO, Feb. 21,188a I herewith transmit the teachers'payroll for the four weeks ending Marh 1, ltfrO, amounting to forty-erven thousand thirty-one dollars and twenty-five cents (147,031.25) and recommend that warrants be drawn by the City Clerk in favor of the persons named therein respective- ly for the payment of the same. Respectfully submitted, J. F. CROOKER, Superintendent of Education. Received, filed, and warrants directed drawn. BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890. I recommend that the Commissioner of Pub- lie Buildings be authorized to rent additional school room for immediate use School No. 35. Respectfully submitted, J. F. CROOKER, Superintendent of Education. Referred to the Committee on Schools. BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1800. Tne alarm given to the pupils and teachers at No. 31 oa Friday of last week by the steam from the boilers escaping through the escape valves is causing much uneasiness on the part of parents and pupils. I recommend that the Commissioner ot Pub- lic Buildings be directed to send a competent man to the school building to make a careful Inspection of the same without delay. Received, filed, and recommendation adopted. Respectfully, submitted. J. F. CROOEER, Superintendent of Education. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. T U l l l l l Feb.84, 1898. On the general city tax roll of 1888, George W. Pat ridge and one trustee, owners of lots 6S-73x 110 See Avenue, north 80-190 E. Niagara, 80x110 See A venae, north 44484 E. Niagara, 90x110 See Avenue, north 43-414 E. Niagara, 240x110 See Avenue, north 68-808 W. Tonawanda. 710x110 Bee Avenue. S. 120 E. Niagara, was erroneously assessed 96.60, We wonld therefore recommend that your Honorably Body direct a warrant drawn on the Erroneous Tax Fund for the sum of f62.6u in favor of George W. Patridga and one trustee ; of erroneous tax, and he BUFFALO, Feb. 24, 1880. In making out assessment roll to raise money with which to defray n portion of the cost and interest on the bonds issued for the construc- tion of the Bailey Avenue Avenue sewer through n clerical error Fredericks Beckle, owner of lot 338x128 Goethe E. 84-164 8. Broad- way, was assessed §38.48, when It should only have been sss sejant $3.80. We would recommend thai your Honorable Body direct an order drawn on Roll No. 6513 in favor of E. a Shafer. Comptroller, for §34.68 to cancel so much of the above tax. MICHAEL CALLAHAN, JOHN H. LUDWIG, THOMAS F. CROWLEY* NICHOLAS J. MOCK, ALPHONSO J. METER, that being the i bavins paid the i MICHAEL CALLAHAN, JOHN H. LUDWIG^ NICHOLAS J. MOCK. THOMAS F. CROWLEY. ALPHONSO J. MEYER, Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. BUFFALO, Feb. 24, 1880. In making out local assessment roll for con- structing sewer in Parkside Avenue. Walter V. Grantham, owner of lot 100x241. N. line Davis Avenue, £. 240 N. Florence, through en error in our map this lot was assessed for 110 feet front when it is only ICO feet, the tax upon this lot Is §141.22, and it should hare been §18*23. We would recommend that your Honorable Body direct an order drawn on local roll 6281 for constructing sewer in Parkside Avenue for §12.89 in favor of E. C. Shafer, ComptroEer, to cancel so mueh of the tax on above described lot. MICHAEL CALLAHAN, JOHN tt LUDWIG, THOMAS F. CROWLEY, NICHOLAS J. MOCK, ALPHONSO J. MEYER, Assessors. Received, filed, and v. arrant directed drawn. FSOM TFIE CITY CLEBK. BUFFALO. Feb. 24,1890. The pay-roRs of the several departments of the city Government for the month of Feb- ruary, 1890, (a summary of which is hereto an- nexed) have been filed in this office, and it is recommended that warrants be drawn therefor. Total amount of rolls, §20,722.45. Respectfully submitted, C. R. MARSHALL, City Clerk. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. Number Department. Employed. Amount. Mayor « §733 34 Comptroller 1* MM 66 Law 7 1,116 68 Treasurer lfi 1,69167 Engineer 45 8,963 15 Street 18 L332 32 Education 63 3,168 44 PolioeCourt .. 4 825 00 City Poor Relief. 8 808 34 Assessor 16 3,846 69 City Clerk 658 33 Public Grounds 4 388 66 Market. 6 458 34 Health ... 17 1,42*83 Municipal Court. 4 650 00 Auditor 1 125 00 Harbor Master ...... 1 66 67 Superior Court 1 83 33 §20,723 45 BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1880 The time for the further consideration of the objections to the following entitled assessment 1 roll and the hearing of oarties Interested in the same having been further postponed until to- dav, the same is again presented to your Hon- orable Body, viz: 1361—Reconstructing a sidewalk on the east side of Sweet Avenue, between Lovejoy Street and about 300 feet northerly therefrom §65 00 Respectfully submitted, C. R. MARSHALL, City Clerk. Received and filed. Aid. KREITNER moved that Roll 1361 be set down for a further hearing March 10,1880. Carried. BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890. In accordance with the resolution adopted by the Council January 27, 1880,1 respectfully re- port that warrants were drawn in favor of the street laborers from the daily pay roll, certified by the Street Commissioner, for the week end- ing February 22, amounting to the sum of §136w2sv I respectfully ask that my action be approved. Respectfully submitted, C. R. MARSHALL, City Clark. Received and filed and action approved. FROM THE FlitE COM*ISSIONBRS, BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1*90. The following is a statement of the losses by fire, together with an account of the insurance, and the number of alarms for the month of January, 1880. Loss on buildings..., $V97 00 Lore on contents, &e... — . 3,427 00 Total. §6,394 00 Insurance on buildings §32,500 00 Insurance on contents, &c. 13,800 00 Total .... . §46,100 00 Number of alarms — 41 Average loss per each alarm ...'.§154 24 NELSON K. HOPKINS, G. F. ZELLER, L. P. BEYER, Fire Commissioners. Received and filed. FBOM TUB COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC Bt'ILOINQS. BUFFALO. Feb. 21,1*90, Lechner & Hock ask for a part payment to apply on their contract for mason work at Public School No. 9. , Amount of contract •>. ...§12,783 00 Amount of v»ork done .... 4,5110 00 Amount paid for ..... 3,500 00 Amount asked for 500 00 1 would recommend that an order for §500 be drawn on the appropriate fond in their favor. Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN REIMANN, Commissioner of Public Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. BUFFALO, Feb. 24, 1880. Bradly A Malt by ask for a part payment to apply on their contract for cut stone for Muni- cipal Court building. Amount of contract ... . ..... §34,500 00 Amount of work done 33,000 00 Amount paid for 30,000 00 Amount asked for 1,0(0 00 I would recommend Chat an order for §1,000 be drawn on the appropriate fund in their favor. Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN REIMANN, Commissioner of Public Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. BUFFALO, Feb 24, 1890. C. K. Porter A Son asks for a part payment to apply on their contract for plana and specifica- tion of Municipal Building. Amount of contract Amount of work done a . . §4,800 00 Amount paid for 4,200(0 Amountasked for. 208 00 I would recommend that an order for §200 be drawn on the appropriate fund in their favor. STEPHEN REIMANN, Commissioner of Public Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. BUFFALO. Feb. 24,1890. Joseph Churchyard A Sons asks for a pay- payment to apply on their contract for carpen- ter work at Public School No. 30. Amount of contract ......... §7,32100 Amount of work dose ........ 3,000 00 Amount paid 2,0JO 00 Amountasked for...*. 800 03 I would recommend that an order for §500 be drawn on the appropriate fund in their favor. Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN REIMANN, Commissioner of Public Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1880. Peter G. Straub asks for a part payment to apply on hie contract for cut stone work at Pub- lic School No. 8. Amount of contract §4,49500 Amount of work done 3,000 00 Amount paid for 2,000 00 Amonnt asked for... 600 CO I would recommend that an order for §609 be drawn on the appropriate fund in his favor. - Respeotfully submitted, STEPHEN REIMANN, Commissioner of Publio Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. BUFFALO, Feb. 24, i860. Michael Smith asks for a payment of rent of building occupied for school purposes in School District No. 86. Annual rental ............. §250 00 Quarterly rental ......... Amount recommended .» I would recommend that a warrant for §62.50 be drawn on the appropriate fund in his favor. Respectfully submitted, 8TEPHEN REIMANN, Commissioner of Public Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. BUFFALO, Feb. 84, 1890. G. H. Peters & Son ask for a part payment to apply on their contract for slating and gal- vanized iron work at Public School No. 6. Amonnt of contract .... * §2,18- 60 Amonnt of work done ...... 1.890/00 Amonnt paid for ...... ...... i •""" Amonnt asked for -* JS I would recommend that an order for §1,200 be drawn on the appropriate fund in their favor. Respectfolly submitted, STEPHEN REIMANN, Commissioner of Public Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890. I respecrfully recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of Elizabeth S. Lewis for one hundred and eighty (§180) dollars to pay rent for the month of February, 1880, for the use of the Municipal Court Quarters in the Lewis Block. Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN REIMANN, Commissioner of Publio Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890. N. Y., L. E. & Western Rail**oad Company asks for a payment of rent of site on Tifft Farm for School No. 30. Annual rental. . §10003 Three quarterly rent ..... 75 CO Amount recommended 75 00 I would recommend that a warrant for §75 be drawn on the appropriate fund in their favor. Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN REIMANN. Commissioner of Public Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. BUFFALO, Feb 24,1890. At the recommendation of the Superinten- tendent of Education I have caused the follow- ing repairs to be made at the different Public Schools and therefore ask your Honorable Body to approve of my action. High School, one key § 28 No. 4, repair plumbing. ....... 2 10 No. 48, one gauge glass . ............. 50 No. 26,one window jack .... 7 00 No. 31, new radiators 6807 No. 37, moving benches ........... ...... 100 No. 16, repairing clock 8 00 No. 6, repairing boiler l ............. 140 43 No. 31, painting recital ion rooms. 24 84 Ne. 45, additional for alteration of win- Respectfully submitted. STEPHEN REIMANN, Commissioner of Public Buiftiiiigs. Received and filed, and action approved. FROM THS MARKET CLKRK. BUFFALO, Feb. 84, I88u> The water closets at the Washington Market are in bad condition and are almost useless, by reason of vault caving in, and in the summer months the stench is so great that it becomes a nuisance, therefore I would most respectfully recommend to your Honorable Body to take some action to have the same rebuilt. Respectfully submitted. BENJ. SABINS, Market Clerk. Referred to the Committee on Markets. FROM THK WATER COMMISSION ERA. BUFFALO, Feb. W, 1880. Herewith we present the payroll of this De- partment for the month of February, ISO", amounting to seven thousand one hundred and thirty one 33-100 dollars (§7,13L&i) and recom- mend that warrants be drawn on the Water Fund in favor of the persons named therein. Respectfully submitted, L. P. REICHERT, JAMES RYAN, 8L K. WORTHINGTON. .Water Commissioners. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1899. We recommend that a warrant be drawn on the Water Fund in favor of F. B. Gallagher, Cashier, for two hundred and seventy-nine 48-100 dollars (§279.48) for wages of laborers, week ending February 22, 1800, Respectfully submitted, L. P. REICHERT, JAMES RYAN, a K. WORTHINGTON, Water Commissioners. Received; filed, and warrant directed drawn. FROM THE BOARD OF POLICE. BUFFALO. Feb. 24,1898. We herewith transmit the pay roll of the of- ficers and employees of the Police Department and the Justices to the Police for the month of February, 1880, amounting to the sum of twenty- eight thousand seven hundred and twenty- three dollars and eighteen cents (§28,723.18) and respectfully recommend that your Honorable Body direct warrants be drawn upon the Police Fund in payment thereof. Respectfully submitted, FRANK J. ILLIG, WILLIAM K. CHURCHYARD, Board of Police of the City of Buffalo. Received, filed, and warrants directed drawn. The number of Patrolmen the Board of Police are now authorized to appoint is limited to two hundred and eighty (230.) In the opinion of the undersigned this number is inadequate to afford a proper police protection to the persons and property of the citizens. The increase in popu- lation and in our industrial and manufacturing Interest of our City demands an increase of the police force. The undersigned therefore respectfully recom- mend that your Honorable Body in pursuance of the power vested in your by-law authorize the appointment of 50 additional patrolmen. Respectfully submitted. CHAS. F. BISHOP. FRANK J. ILLIG, WILLIAM K. CHURCHYARD. Board of Police of the City of Buffalo. AM. KILG AL.LON moved that the communi- cation be received and filed, and authority asked for granted. Aid. DRAKE moved as an amendment that the number of additional patrolmen be limited to 25. Aid. RRADLEY moved as a further amend- ment that the whole subject matter be referred to the Committee on Police. Lost. Ayes—Aid. Baraum, Beck, Bradley, Drake, Mang, Scheu—6. Noes—Aid. Busch, Cannon, Collingwood. Don- aldson, Forsyth, Franklin, Hillery, Kennedy, Kilgallon, Kissinger, Kreltner, Ranasperger* Stettsnbenz, Summers, Trautmana, White, Williamson, Wurtz, Young—19. The question was now taken on the motion of Aid. Kilgallon. Carried. Ayes-Aid. Bradlev, Busch, Cannon, Colling- wood, Forsyth, Franklin, Hillery, Kennedy, Kilgallon, Kissinger, Kreltner, Mang, Rams- serger, Stettenbenz, Summers, Trautmann, White*Williamson, Wurtz, Youn^—20. Noes—Aid. Barnum, Beck, Donaldson, Drake, Scheu—5. . By unanimous consent so much of the report of the Committee on Ordinances as relates to the fire limits was here presented, viz.: That the communication from the Fire Com- missioners of February 10,1800, sanctioning the action of the Common Council in extending the fire limits together with the petition of Walter F. Bade and others asking to rescind the reso- lution adopted September 3,1888, extending the firs limits be referred to the Common Council. Adopted. Aid. DRAKE moved that interested porsane in said matter be now heard. Carried. Whereupon Charles A. Fooley and others ap- pearing in favor rescinding the action taken, and Ex-Aid. Hutchinson and others appeared against rescinding same. By AM. FRANKLIN as a minority report. The undersigned members of the Committee on Ordinances, to whom was referred the mat ter of the change of the limits within which frame buildings ehonld not be erected, hereby report In favor of rescinding the resolution of July 28,1888, at page 1057 of the printed minutes, and also the resolution of September 3, 1889 at pages 1111-12 of the printed minutes, and rein- stating the limits within which frame buildings may he erected, the same as they were before the passage of said resolutions, We also report in favor of extending said limits as proposed in the resoltftion of Septem- ber a 1888, but such extension not to be of force until January L189L on the adoption by Aid. Frank- By Aid. BARNTJM, as a substitute— That the Corporation Counsel be directed to draft an amendment to the present Fire Ordi- nances whereby permission may be granted by Uie Council to the residents in the recent ex- tension of the Tenth Ward fire limits, to alter or repair frame buildings tfcat are now con- structed in said Ward; provided that said al- terations or repairs are made within two years from date of passage of said amendment, and that no permission shall be granted to alter or repair any frame building in said Ward, unless the petition clearly and distinctly states the ex- act alterations or repairs to be made; and when such permission is granted tiae City Clerk shall immediately notify the Boaid of Fire Commis- sioners of the granting of said permit, and they shaU have direct supervision nf said alterations or repairs. Lost. Ayes-Aid. Barnum, Beck*Cannon. Colling- wood, Drake, Hillery, Rarngperger, Summers, Williamson— 9. Noes—Bradley, Busch, Donaldson, Forsyth, Franklin, Kennedy, Kilgalioiw Kissinger, Kreit- ner, Mang, Scheu, Steitenfcens, Trautmann. White, Wurtz, Young-10 The question was now tak of the minority report offer in. Carried. Ayes-Aid. Bradley, Busch, fJannon, Donald son.Forsyth, Franklin, Rennet?, Kilgallon,Kiss- inger, Kreltner, Mang, Sutenbenz, Trautmann, Wjite, Wurtz. Young-;6. Noea—AM. Barnum, Bet*, Collingwood, Drake, Hillery, Ranisperger,trJcheu, Summers, WllRamson—8. FROM THK BOARD 0* BBALTH. BurF4p>, Feb. 24, 1880. We recommend that a waKraut be drawn in favor of Joseph Bahen for filrty dollars ($40) for services as watchman at ihjs Hamburg Canal pumping station for the month of February, 1880. Respectfully sub**Rted, WILLIAM SUMMERS, GEO. E, »ANN, Board of Health. Received, filed, and warrantdirected drawn. To the Honorable, the Coinmgn Council of the City of Buffalo: Tho Buffalo Street Raiiwayjpompany respect- fully represents: That a resolution granting #o this Company permission to operate its cars upon Niagara Street in this city by electric power has been recently presented to your Honorable Body. That this resolution has be** referred, to an appropriate Committee with Instructions to re- port to you the results of its imrostieationa. That a public hearing uponphis question has been appointed and will shortly be given by your Committee. That in the public discussion which has arisen concerning this proposed cljinge of motive power, it has become evident that there is a widespread misunderstanding of the nature of the electric system as well nwof the details of it» construction and operation False and mis- leading reports have been Mrcuiated which ha\e created the impression ptat this method of rapid transit is not only tmerior to others but is actually dangerous to life and property, a disfigurement to the highway and even a pub- lic nuisance It is hard to believe that such im presslon s can be general in t the reports daily coming to widespread adoption of the system in the largest as well cities of the country. Ca< thought that Boston, with crooked streets and m 1th the of its public spirit; Rochester, always jealous city in view of r ears of the erhead electric in the smaller t be seriously narrow and telligcnt force of municipal privileges, but alert in search for genuine ci St. Paul, and Minneapolis, beauty and wonderful enter together with many other smi public spirited cities; would eagerly, with the cordial app zens extend to street railway right to adopt over their enti systems in business as well tiai streets, * form of motive to their prosperity and a co the lives and property of theli it not more probable that tho triously circulating these repo ly misinformed or have inter than those of the general publ We believe that the oppositi in this city is merely a repeti in invention and improvement ods. Precisely such opposition] Auction of steam locomotion u the telegraph, the electric ligh ities in every form, the origin cable, elevated railroads, a transportation. Past history moreover that the most earnet tious opponents of new me;ho the end their heartiest advoc 11 as powe WtftE terprislng a ;d improvements; oted for their and growth; er, but not less Ingly and even al of their c o - rporations the street railway in resident- er detrimental nt menace to citizens? Oris ho are indus- are either sad- to serve other to electricity of past history existing meth- mct the Intro- n land and sea, street car facil- orse car, the now electric always shown and con>cien- havo been in and as this has proved particularly true in other cities with respect to electric traction, we for a similar result in Baffai shall determine upon the mi lem. "^ 3l; This Company believes that respects, from the point of vi public and the railway compan electric system Is far in ad van petl tors. No other system pe: use nnder eucli widely varyl engineering features, traffic, other system can compare with transit. No ot tier system is so fully controlled to the end of dent. No other system can so outlying territory. No other h, through a crowded street with speed. Within the past two y placed horses on nearly one th street car tracks in more th; cities and towns. Within the it has displaced the cable at of invested capital in three of In one instance this became a sary on account of the great c mpetingelectric line which receipts of the cable company to; In another case it was duo to t favor granted to an expert road, and f40»,yi0 worth of cable thrown aside and contracts e: $2,0* 0.000 worth of electrical ap; struction. it would be unfortunate, ind ductiun of this new and apparem tem should involve an increase os son or property. Little could be of a corporation whioh would d pose to stretc-h above the streets other city a system of death-d menace to passengers or wayfaArs. It would have been a criminal negligence m the part of this Company to recklessly s d o * this system without a most careful investigation of tho ele- ment of danger in every possilie form. Far nfidently look if experience of the prub- all alike of the the overhead of all com- ts of general conditions of d speed. No t in speed of ily and power- ety fromacci- dily develop m can pass al and safe it has dis- and miles of one hundred t four weeks enormous loss large cities, lutely neces- ularity of a reducing the nominal sum. arked public tal electrical achinery was red into for at us and con- if the intro- feasible sys. anger to per- id in defence erately pro- this or any iug wires, a for by ft perfect system of automatic cut outa which make it possible to allow the firemen to entail railway wires to the groudd without danger to themselves or Injury to the system. The wires cut down would be dead. The cars on either side of the break would operate as be- fore. It Is the belief of this Company that it is en- tirely possible to place upon Niagara Street an overhead construction whioh will be absolutely unobjectionable. Much careful thought and inventive ability has been devoted to this branch of the subject of late, with the result or developing methods and details which are more an ornament than a disfigurement to the streets. It must not be forgotten that practically no curves will be met with on Niagara Street. The poles will be of iron throughout ftnd the wires of such height as to be scarcely noticeable. We fully understand the importance to your Honorable Body of making, in the interest or the citizens, a careful and exhaustive investi- gation of this matter before taking final action. We believe that in no way can this investiga- tion be so profitably made as by personal in- spection of some electric system, which em- bodies the latest and most approved devices for the protection of public interests. We therefore take pleasure in inviting you to accompany tne officers of this Company, together with repre- sentative citizens of Buffalo, to the City oi Cleveland in order to determine for yours* i \es the question whether or not the systems there m operation may be profitably adopted in the street, which is the subject of our petition, m e believe that you will find in Cleveland, as in other cities where the overhead electric system is in successful operation, a car service distin- guished for speed, elegance, and perfection ot running, together wSth more complete control of the cars than can be accomplished by any other method securing equal speed, and an overhead structure, simple, strong, and elegant, although less perfect in many details than that which will be installed in this city should the desired permission be granted to this Com- pany. Trusting that you will find it possible to ac- cept this invitation at an early day, we are Yours truly, H. M. WATSON, President, & S. SPAULDINO, Secretary. Received and filed. By Aid. SCHEU- That the invitation of the Buffa'o Street Railroad Company, to visit Cleveland, be accepted, and that we will depart in a body, Wednesday morning at 0:40. That the Street Committee be and they are hereby authorized to visit any other city for the purpose of examining the question of electric motor for street cars at an expense to the city not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars, I Adopted. That the Street Committee be requested to adjourn the public hearing before its Commit- tee of the question of changing the motive power on the street cars until Tuesday, March 11,1890, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., in the Council Chamber. Adopted. MISCELLANEOUS COMMUNICATIONS. BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1830. • I submit herewith for your consideration a proposition for the inspection and insurance of the boilers in the school bniMings of the City of Buffalo as may be desired/viz.: Inspection of each boiler to be made each and every three months. Insurance of $5,000 on each .school building, covering on real and pergonal prop- erty, life or injury to person, at a total cost to the City of twenty-five ($25) dollars on each school building so insured, for the term of three years. Respectfully yours, N. H. MESSENGER. Manager. Referred to Committee on Schools. By unanimous consent the following Special Committee report was here presented: On th© 28th day of October, 183H, Alphonso J. Meyer, then Treasurer of the City, sent a com- munication to the Common Council asking an investigation of the conduct of his office during his term commencing January 2, 1888. Your Committee appointed to make such in- vestigation submit the following report: To en- able your Committee to ascertain the facts necessary for a satisfactory report we engaged the services of Mr. H. F. Bagnall, an . expert ac- countant. Mr. Bagnall just reported to us that the books of the Treasurer's office were in a very unsatis- factory condition, owing to the fact that an in- competent bookkeeper had been employed by the Treasurer, and he was authorized to open a new set of books for the beginning of the year, which he reports he has done. As your Com- mittee understood the chief object of this ap- pointment was to ascertain whether or not the charge was true that large sums of money were lost to the City through the large accumula- tions of moneys paid in on local Assessment Rolls, against which warrants were left out- standing drawing 6 per cent., upon which/de- posits the City realized only 2 per cent. It appears that Mr. Meyer's predecessor turned over to him on the 2d ot January, 1888, the sum of $1,175,282.64, of which amount $aG9,- 531.98, was moneys paid in upon local Assess- ment Rolls, and against which warrants were outstanding drawing 6 per cent, interest. This amount was augmented by payments on local rolls, until on the 10th of September ot that year it amounted to the enormous sum of $1,3:8,366.87. Upon that day the Treasurer called in $-5,0c0, leaving still in his hands $1,203,306.87, the yearly interest upon which amounted to $;7,<J02, and which drew interest at the rate of $25,867.33. a difference of |hl.734.67 per year. At the close of the year 188$ this amount had increased $1,333,776,74, and on April 1,1888, it had increased to the sum of $1,339,242.92. No call was made known until April 1, follows : April 1,1883 $370,855 93 Mayl .... .1 405,130 26 August 1 100.CO0 00 October 1... 639,259 00 December L 851,881 55 Total $',8>l7.i06 74 Notwithstanding this vast sum called in the amount still left in the treasury December 31, was $3A&&28. It appears that the Treasurer kept no account showing the payments of interest on local funds, but the books in the Comp- roller's office show that during the past two years interest on warrants was paid as follows: In 1698 ............ In 1889. \ ... from being open to this compi sought the best expert advice, wi the records of electrical accidenti to electric railway wires, we h*vt ries to be instituted among th sonal experience of electric m results may be briefly stated as | 1. Expert opinion is ananimo sure of «J0 volts of direct current, upon electric railway is not dang life. 2. No case of fatal injury to a has ever been experienced from rent of 500 volts. 8. No weR authenticated case to horses has ever been charged railway current, pure and simp] 4. Scores of instances are on r by oath or affidavit, where the sure of the electric railway cur taken by linemen, inspectors, an out harmful result, the mass of t> to the effect that the shock n parses away within two or three ft. To the best of our knowledge passenger on electric street cars ceived the slightest shock of any the element which has transpo: unparalleled comfort, speed and We believe that the above state: lv supported by the proofs in shouM be absolutely conclusive, that several cases have been r» slight shocks have been received from falling wires. It is also U never ought to fell and if by any should happen they ought to be automatically cat off from all co wu the circuit. That this has not alwfc, been done in the past is one of the mistakes from which new enterprises are never free. i v , H tha pose of this Company to so install the li ne upon Niagara Street as to do away with the possibili- ty of accidents of this nature an* no pains nor expense wiU be spared to make & a model of construction in every respect. The danger to property from interference with the fire department is carefcliy provided nt, we have ve searched m those due used inqui- having per- ks, and the ws: toat a prea- ch as is u^ed us to human man being electric cur- tal accident an electric ^.supported imum pros- t has been Perts with- mony being ved usually Inutes. d belief, no ever re- ature from him with nts, proper- possession, la quite true rted where the streets that wires slbtlity this tantly and ection with ........... $45,477 03 211,780 58 Total $257,267 68 Interest collected on local rolls and on local funds on deposit was: In l«-*8 In 1889.. ... $90,703 24 .... 101,842 15 $192,632 49 $64,524 17 Total .... .. Showing a loss m interest of.. Your committee believe that if the law had been obeyed by the late Treasurer this sum would have been saved. Your committee are unable to more than approximate, but it is be- lieved that the exact amount of Interest lost will not vary materially from the above figures. An instance was cited to the Committee In which it was impossible to pay one warrant of $30,0UQ drawn against the Crenesee Street paving roll, as the warrant was drawn partly against an instalment and partly against another. To avoid this again occurring, we recommend that in the future when warrants are drawn a roll exceeding $T,000, they be divided so as In no case to exceed one-fifth the amount of the contract, and In no case shall a local warrant be drawn exceeding in amount the sum of $5,000. In conclusion your Committee report that in their opinion, based upon high legal authority that the claim in the Charter relating to the calling in of those warrants is mandatory, and that it wag gross neglect of duty on the part of the Treasurer in not obeying the requirements of the law In this respect, and we submit the foregoing statement of the proceedings on the part of Mr. Meyer, and recommend to your Honorable Body that the question be referred to the Corporation Counsel whether the Treas- urer's bondsmen are not liable for any loss which the City has sustained through his neg- lect to call in warrants under the section of the Charter referred to. Laid on the table for one week. PE1ITIONS, REMONSTRANCES, AND AC- COUNTS. FKrmoH*. John Profpaff and others—To pave Grape Street, between North and Best streets. Assessors return same with following certifi- cate; BUFFALO, Feb. 8», !«•& The undersigned Assessors of the city of Buf- falo hereby oertify that the foregoing petiuon and application for the improvement of o»™> Grape Street, 26 feet wide, between the north curb line of North Street and the ""^J* 1 line of Best Street, with second-class Medina sandstone, with 1* inches of sand under same, m not signed by a majority of the owner f, re * m * n the City of Buffalo, of the lands fronting on that part of said street in and as to ^ h # 8 TV m : provementistobemade. The Uneal feet front ot whose lands constitute two-fifths of all the lands fronting on that part of said street a« to which said improvement is to be made. MICHAEL CALLAHAN, JOHN H. LUDWIG, THOMAS F. CROWLEY. NICHOLAS J. MOCK, ALPHONSO J. MEYER, Assessors. Petitioners given leave to withdraw petition. C. H. Emrich and others—For electric lights on Cherry Street between Michigan and Virginia streets. Assessors return same with following certifi- cate: BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890. The undersigned Assessors of the City of Buffalo hereby certify that the foregoing peti- tion and application for the Improvement of lighting Cherry Street between Michigan and Virginia streets with electricity is not signed by a majority of the owners of property front- ing on that portion of the street along which such improvement is to be made. And we further certify that said petition and applica- tion is not signed by a majority of the owners resident m the City of Buffalo, of the lands fronting on that part of said street in and as to whioh said improvement is to be made. MICHAEL CALLAHAN, JOHN H. LUDWIG, THOMAS F. CROWLEk-, NICHOLAS J. MOCK, ALPHONSO J. MEYER. Assessors. Referred to the Committee on Lamps. E. L. Metcalf and others—To have Delavan Avenue macadamised, between Delaware Ave- nue and Main Street. Assessors return same with following certifi- cate: BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890. The undersigned Assessors of the City of Buf- falo hereby certify that the foregoing petition and application for the Improvement to have Delavan Avenue macadamized, 30 feet wide, in- cluding eighteen-iuch fiat stone gutters, from the easterly line of Delaware Avenue to the westerly line of Main Street, is signed by a ma- jority of the owners resident in the City of Buf- falo, of the lands fronting on that part of said street, in and as to which said improvement is to be made. The lineal feet front of whose lands constitute two fifths of sil the Sands front- ing on that part of said street as to which said improvement is to be made. MICHAEL CALLAHAN, JOHN H LUDWIG, THOMAS F. CROWLEY, NICHOLAS J. MOCK, ALPHONSO J. MEYER, Assessors. Referred to the Committee on Sreets. Joseph Kittinger and others—To pave How- ard Avenue, between Delavan Avenue and For- est Avenue, with asphalt. Assessors return same with following certifi- cate: BUFFALO, Feb. 24.1890. The undersigned Assessors of the City of Buf- falo hereby certify that the foregoing petition and application for the improvement of paving Howard Avenne 30 feet wide, from the north- erly curb line of Delavan Avenue to the south- erly curb line of Forest Avenue, with A. L. Bar- ber's genuine Trinidad asphalt pavement, the cost exceed three ($3) dollars per square yard, and to be warranted for five years from of completion, Is signed by a majority of the owners resident in the city of Buffalo, of the lands fronting on that part of said street, la and as to which said improvement is to be made. The lineal feet front of whose lands constitute two fifths of all the lands fronting on that part of said street as to which said improvement Is to be made. MICHAEL CALLAHAN, JOHN H. LUDWIG, THOMAS F. CROWLEY, NICHOLAS J. MOCK. ALPHONSO J. MEYER. Assessors. Received and filed. By Aid. COLLINGWOOD- That the prayer of the petition of Joseph Kit- tinger and others to pave Howard Avenue, thirty (20) feet wide, from the northerly curb line of Delavan Avenue, to the southerly curb line of Forest Avenue except the crossing of Bird Avenue, with A. L. Barber's genuine Trinidad asphalt pavement, be and the same is hereby granted, and the Engineer be and he Is hereby directed to prepare plans and specifi- cations and advertise for sealed proposals to do said work, in accordance with petition presented to the Common Council, February 17,1890. Adopted. Timothy McMahou and others—To pave White's Corners Plank Road with asphalt. Assessors return same with following cer- tificate : BUFFALO. Feb. 24,188GL • The undersigned Assessors of the City of Buf- falo hereby* certify that the foregoing petition and application for the improvement of paving White's Corners Plank Road (32) thirty-two feet wide from the southerly ourb line of Seneca Street to the city line, except the crossing of Abbott Road and the Bridge over the Buffalo River, with A. L. Barber's genuine Trinidad asphalt pavement, the cost not to exceed three 0) dollars per square yard, said pavement to be laid In conformity with specifications on file in City Engineer's office for Barber's pavement and to be warranted for five years from date of completion, is signed by a majority of the owners resident of the city of Buffalo, of the lands fronting on that part of said street. In and as to which said improvement is to be made. The lineal feet front cf whose lands constitute two fifths of ail the lands fronting on that part of said street as to which said improvement is to be made. MICHAEL CALLAHAN, JOHN H. LUDWIG. THOMAS F. CROWLEY, NICHOLAS J. MOCK, ALPHONSO J. MEYER, Assessors. Referred to the Committee on Streets. Frederick Buell and others—To sprinkle Hodge Avenue, between Delaware and Ashland Ave- nue. Assessors return same with following certifi- cate: BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890. The undersigned Assessors of the City of Buf- falo hereby certify that the foregoing petition and application for the Improvement of sprink- ling Hodge Avenue between Delaware and Ashland Avenues, from April 1, 188?. to December 1, 1890, is signed Jt>y a majority of the owners of property fronting on that portion of the street along which such improvement Is to be made. And we further certify that said petition and appli- cation is signed by a majority of the owners resident in the City of Buffalo, of the lands fronting on that part of said street, in and as to which said improvement is to be made, MICHAEL CALLAHAN, JOHN H. LUDWIG, THOMAS F. CROWLEY, NICHOLAS J. MOCK. ALPHONSO J. MEYER, Assessors. Received and filed. C. E4 Dickinson—To erect frame buildings. Eagle and Adam streets. George Engel—To erect frame building, 675 Clinton Street Joseph Kleinhans—To erect frame building Garfield Street. L. O. Dennison-To er*ot frame building, Hy- land and Howard avenues. D. M. Peck—To erect frame building, Hylaad Avenne. Mr. Haffa -To erect frame building, 183 Krett- ner Street T. Fleming—To erect frame building. 867 Peckham Street. Ernst Witzleben—To erect frame building 1232 Lovejoy Street. O. Kraushaur—To erect frame building, Fill- more Avenue. G. J. Zillig-To repair frame building, 1% William Street. F. H. Thomas-To erect frame building, 303 Howard Street. C. E. Saunders- To erect frame building, 220 Crescent Avenue, H. M. Kreinheder—To erect frame buildine 181 Sherman Street, j J, G. Kayser-To erect frame building. Broad building, 453 frame frame building, 427 building, 238 way. Victor Bortell—To erect Ellloott Street. Rosa Schwenk—To erect Connecticut StrVet. . J. M. Kohler—To erect frame Northampton Street. George Nechtnel, Jr.—To erect frame bnlM- ing, 73 Goodrich Street. John Hofmeyer—To erect frame bniMing, 81 Peach Street. J. J. Bruss-To erect frame building, 424 Elm Street. Simon Knffer—To erect frame building, 42S Carlton Street. Jacob Kiefer-To erect frame buildin*, 10 Woeppel St rest. John Bork—To erect frame building, 283 Mul- berry Street WURam Schubert-To erect frame buildinn. Sycamore Street Thomas Male—To erect frame buUding. Ferry Street M. J. Fenzel—To erect frame building 461 Utica Street Mrs. A. Brennan—To erect frame building, 305 North Division 8traet Josephine Buetter-To erect frame building, 513 Rhode Island Street Joseph Huber—To erect frame building, Jef- ferson Street F. H. Thomas—To erect frame building, 803 Howard Street C. G. Worthington—To erect frame building. Christian Bardoi-To erect frame building, 28 Superior Street Sterling A Francis-To erect frame building, Herkimer Street Sterling A Francis—To erect frame building, CUnton Street Sterling A Francis—To erect frame buUding. Boston Street J. R. M«nroe-To erect frame building, Mich- igan Street G. Deuckler—To erect frame build ing, Wal- den Avenne, W. M WUliams-To erect frame building, 10 School Street. Annie Groeger—To erect frame building, 96$ Front Avenue, rear. Mary A. Coonen—To erect frame building, Carolina and Front Avenue. J. A. PaUard—To erect frame building. Bray- ton Street Win. H Warren—To erect frame building, Austin Street J. F. Mayer-To erect frame building, 105 Amherst Street O. B Drink waiter—To erect frame building, 963 Grant Street. Fred Zlegler—To erect frame building. Urban Street Michael Hausauer-To erect frame buUding, 1285 Main Street C. J. Bakert—To erect frame building, Krett- ner Street A. J. Irish—To erect frame building, 321 Ful- ton Street L. E. WUlet—To erect frame building, Bessie Place. Henry Selway—To erect frame building, 573 Plymouth Avenue. T. G. Grannie-To erect frame building, 86 Bouck Avenue. W. G. Preston—To erect frame building, Hodge Avenne, W. B. Hazard—To erect frame building. Elm- wood Avenue. M. E. Upson—To erect frame building, Ash- land Avenue, H. W. Box—To erect 80 frame bull din gs,S wet: Avenne, Warren Avenue, Arlington Avenue, Geneva Street and Dover Street A. J. Jones—To erect frame buildings, Rohr Street Referred to the Committee on Fire. X. Freedman and others—To have electric light placed on High and Maple streets. S. Hoffman and others-To have electric Ught placed on High and Orange streets. M. Scbmel and others—To have electric light placed on Carlton and Orange streets. J. Thuman and others—To have electric light placed on Virginia and Locust streets. M. Meyer and others—To have electric light placed on Virginia and Orange streets. Michael Grimm and others—To have electric Ught placed on Virginia and Maple streets. Joseph Hoeslor and others-To have electric light placed on Carlton and Maple streets. G. Wagner and others—To have electric Ught placed on High and Locust streets, P. J. Bauer and others—To have electric Ught placed on Virginia and Grape streets. Jacob May and others—To have electric Ii*ht placed on Clinton and Cedar streets. U. S. Johnson and others—To have electric Ught placed on Virginia Street and Elm wood Avenue. Referred to the Committee on T^mp^, John Brobiel and others—To hate electric light placed on West Avenue, between Forest Avenue and Tonawanda Street G. F. Mo - til Ion and others—To extend lamp district in Putnam Street Daniel O'Day—To construct private sewer easterly side of Pearl Street from premises on southeast corner Pearl and Huron streets to sewer In Genesee Street Aid. DONALDSON moved that the prayer of the petition be granted. Carried Mrs. Bernard—For the release of Bernhard Morgan from the Erie County Penitentiary. Aid. COLLINGWOOD moved that the prayer of the petition be granted. Carried Ayes—Aid. Barnum. Beck, Bradley, Busch, Cannon, Collingwood, Donaldson, Drake, Forsyth, Franklin, Hillery, Kennedy, Kilgal- lon. Kissinger, Kreltner, Mang, Ramsperger, Scheu, Stettenbenz, Summers, Trautmann, White, Williamson, Wurtz, Young-25. Noes—None. Sam. G. Dorr and others—For release of Owen Kirwin from Erie County Penitentiary. Aid KILGALLON moved that the prayer of the petition be granted. Carried. Ayes—Aid. Barnum, Beck, Bradley, Bunch, Cannon, Collingwood, Donaldson, Drake, Forsyth, Franklin, Hillery, Kennedy, KU- gallon, Kissinger, Kreltner, Mang, Ramsperger, Scheu, Stettenbenz, Summers, Trautmann, White, WUUamson, Wurtz, Young-26.. Noes—None. M. Makowskiand others—To pave Souk-ski Street W a . Brennan and others—To pave Bailey Avenue. Frederick Wetterlch and others— To Goodlin Alley. Referred to the Assessors. Charles A. Heist and others to changs name North Elm 8treet ^^ Referred to the Committee on Streets. Henry Small for personal injuries. Referred to Corporation Counsel, Thomas A hern for damages. Referred to Committee on Claims. Jacob Bensinger to have fine refunded. Referred to tha Committee on Police. Martin McDonongh and others—For exten- sion of water main on Tryon Place. . Referred to the Water Commissioners with the request to grant extension of water main. REMONSTRANCES. John White and others against paving Fourth Street Assessors return same with the following cer- tificate : BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890. The undersigned Assessors of the City of Buf- falo hereby certify that the foregoing remon- strance against paving Fourth Street is signed by a majority of the owners of property fronting on that portion of the street along which such Improvement is to be made. And we further oertify that said remonstrance Is signed by a majority of the own- ers resident in the City of Buffalo of the lands fronting on that part of said street in and as to whieh said Improvement is to be made. Respectfully submitted, MICHAEL CALLAHAN, JOHN H. LUDWIG, THOMAS F. CROWLEY, NICHOLAS J. MOCK, ' ALPHONSO J. MEYER. Frederick Gensler and others -Against pav- ing Guilford Street between Genesee and Broadway. Assessors return same with following certifi- cate: BUFFALO. Feb. 24,1890. The undersigned Assessors of the City of Buffalo hereby certify .that the foregoing re- monstrance against paving Guilford Street between Genesee and Broadway, Is not signed by a majority of the owners of property fronting on that portion of the street along which such im- provement is to be made. And we further oar- Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of THE BUFFALO COURIER: TTTVSBAY, FEBRUARY 25. 21/Buffalo NY...

Page 1: THE BUFFALO COURIER: TTTVSBAY, FEBRUARY 25. 21/Buffalo NY Courier... · THE BUFFALO COURIER: TTTVSBAY, FEBRUARY 25. 1890. 1 ! feet to the westerly





feet to the westerly enrb line of Monroe Street ** a s eievatioa of 1T.06 feet thenoe level to the i s i l iHr enrb M M of Monroe Street) failing thence a366 per 100 for 2 * toot to the westerly cnrbUneaf Adams Street at an •MnwHn of M. 14 toot; thence level 86 feet to the easterly curb Une of Adams Street; falling thence 0.406 per 100 for 244 feet to the westerly curb Una of Watson Street at an eleva­tion of 15.15 feet; thenoe level for 28 feet to the easterly curb line of Watson Street; rising thenoe 0.9* peril* for SSL* feet to the westerly curb line of KmsUe Street at a s elevation of JAW feet; thence level for 27 feet to the*eaaterly curb line of Emslte Street: falling thence U » per 1» for 2516 fee*«to a point 13* feet west of Bond Street, at an elevation of 15.90 fast above base line of levels; begin­ning again at the west line of Smith Street at an elevation of lfcfO feet; falling thenoe easterly 0.88 per 100 for 9 feet to the westerly curb line of Smith Street at an elevation of 18.47 feet; thence level to the easterly cnxb line of Smiih Street, rising thence 0UJ0 per WO for 387 feet to the westerly cnrb line of Montgomery Street* at an elevation of 2- .63 feet; thence level K feet to the easterly cnrb line of Montgomery Street; falling thence 0.3U per 100 for 368 feet to the westerly curb line of Rase Street at an ele-vatf on of It.47 feet; thence level for » feet to the easterly cnTb line of Rase Street; falling thence 0.30 per 100 for 458 feet to the westerly curb line of Fillmore Avenue at an elevation of 18.08 feet; thence level for 52 feet to the easterly cnrb line of Fillmore Avenue, falling thence 0.10 per lt» fi*18T feet to the westerly raR of the Buffalo Creek Rail Road, at an elevation of 17.88 feet; thence to the easterly rail of same, falling thence 0.80 per 1<J0 for 45 feet to the westerly raU of t he X. Y. 8. * R R. B-, thence to easter­ly rati of same at an elevation of 17.53 feet; fail­ing thence 1.18 per 100 for HK2 feet to the westerly cnrb line ©1 Metcalfe Street at an elevation of 14.85 feet; thence level for 30 feet to the easterly cnrb line of Metcalfe Street, falling thence 1.21 per 100 for 1(9 feet to an elevation of 12. *> feet; thence level for 13 feet, rising thenoe QLU per 100 for ^ feet to the westerly curb line of Jones Street at an elevation of I4.<)5 feet; thence level for -8 feet to the easterly curb line of Jones Street; rising thenoe 0.80 per 100 for 225 feet to the westerly line of Lewis Street at an elevation of 14.72 feet. Beginning again at the easterly curb iineof Babcock Street at an elevation of 21.38 feet; falling thence easterly O.ii per 100 for 2f5 feet to an elevation of 2'.87 feet; rising thence 0.328 per 100 for 500 feet to an elevation uf 23JjO feet; fal -log thenoe &422 per 130 for 1,300 feel to an eleva­tion of 16.75 feet; failing thence CV349 per 100 for TM feet to the westerly curb line of Bailey Ave­nue at an elevation of 13.20 feet; tht nee Hwel tor 30 feet to the easterly curb line of Bailey Avenue ; falling thence 0.33 per 1< o for 313 feet to an elevation of 12. > 5 feet; rising thence 1.204 feet per 100 feet for 268 feet to the westerly rail of the Delaware, Lackawanna A Western Rail road at an elevation of 15.12 feat; thence to the westeriyfrail of the same at an elevation of 15.81 feet; falling thence 1.405 per 100 tor 3b? feet to an elevation of* 12.20 feet; failing thence U.3U per lOo for 100 feat to an elevation of 11.80 feet; rising thence 0.33 per 100 for 650 feet to an elevation of 14.03 feet; falling thence 0.10 per lOu for 200 feet to an elevation of 13.45 feet; rising thence 0.33 per 100 for 8U0 feet to an elevation of 1-..0J feet; falling thence 0.30 per 100 for 200 fee to an ele­vation of 15.48 feat; rising thence 0*33 per 100 for 800 feet to an elevation of 18.1 J feet: falling thence 0.30 per M> tor 200 feet to an elevation of 17.53 feet ; rising thenoe I .3; per 100 for 932 feet to the westerly curb tine of South Ogden Street at an elevation of 20.70 feet; thence level to the easterly curb line ot South Ogden Street; fall­ing thence (1410 per Mi for 408 feet to an eleva­tion of liLOO feet; rising thence 0.33 per 100 for 174 feet to the City Line at an elevation of 18.57 feet above base line of levels.

Respectfully submitted, GEO. E. MANN,

Engineer. AM. SCHEC moved that the communication

be received, filed, and grade established as recommended

Carried. BUFFALO, Feb. 24.1380.

Herewith I report a grade for Kosciuasko Street, between Broadway and Walden Avenue. Such grade to begin at the intersection of the center line of Kosciusxko Street with the north­erly curb line of Broadway at an elevation of 32.80 fast above ba->e line of level: failing thenoe northerly 0.37 per 100 for 455 feet at an elevation of 31.10 feet; rising thenoe 1.166 per 100 for 400 feet to the southerly curb Line of Stanislaus Street, at an elevation of 36 70 feet; thence level for 30feet to the northerly curb line of Stanis­laus Mjjpfffi"rising thence 0 340 per 100 for 1,078

the southerly curb line of Sycamore #t, at an elevation of 40.90 feet;

thence level for 30 feet to the southerly curb line ot Sycamore Street; rising thence 1 064 per 100 for 1,143 feet to the southerly curb line of Walden Avenue at an elevation of 52.63 feet above base line of levels.

Respectfully submitted, GEO. E. MANN,

Engineer. Aid. SCH El" moved that the communication

be received, filed, and grade established as rec­ommended.

Carried. Bi-rvALO. Feb. 24, 1-80.

Herewith I report a grade for Loepere Street, between Broaway and Walden Avenue.*

finch grade to begin at the intersection of the center line of Loepere Street with the northerly curb line of Broadway at an elevation of 33.00 feet above base line of levels; falling thence 0.50 per KM for 160 feet to an elevation of MM feet; rising thence 0.43 per 100 for 1,043 feejfPb the southerly curb line of Stanislaus StreeT at an elevation of 38.87 feet; thence level 80 feet to the northerly curb line of Stanislaus Street; rising thenoe 1..5 per 100 for 682 feat to the southerly curb line of Sycamore Street at an elevation of 44.60 feet; thence level for 30 feet to the northerly curb line of Sycamore Street: rising thence u-18 per 100 for 834 feet to an elevation of 47.88 feet I rising thence 1.12 per 100 for 100 feet to an elevation of 4S.I0 feet; rising thenoe 1.45 per 100 for 300 feet to an elevation of 51.40 feet; rising thence l.ue per 100 for 446 feat to the southerly cnrb line of Walden Avenue at an elevation of 56.84 feet above base line of levels.

Respectfully submitted. GEO. E. MANN.

Engineer. Aid. SCHEl" moved thst the communication

be received, filed, and grade established as rec­ommended.

Carried. raoM TUB gupciuNTr.NDK.Tr or EDUCATION.

BUFFALO, Feb. 21,188a I herewith transmit the teachers'payroll for

the four weeks ending Marh 1, ltfrO, amounting to forty-erven thousand thirty-one dollars and twenty-five cents (147,031.25) and recommend that warrants be drawn by the City Clerk in favor of the persons named therein respective­ly for the payment of the same.

Respectfully submitted, J. F. CROOKER,

Superintendent of Education. Received, filed, and warrants directed drawn.

BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890. I recommend that the Commissioner of Pub-

lie Buildings be authorized to rent additional school room for immediate use School No. 35.

Respectfully submitted, J. F. CROOKER,

Superintendent of Education. Referred to the Committee on Schools.

BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1800. Tne alarm given to the pupils and teachers

at No. 31 oa Friday of last week by the steam from the boilers escaping through the escape valves is causing much uneasiness on the part of parents and pupils.

I recommend that the Commissioner ot Pub­lic Buildings be directed to send a competent man to the school building to make a careful Inspection of the same without delay.

Received, filed, and recommendation adopted. Respectfully, submitted.

J. F. CROOEER, Superintendent of Education.

Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. T U l l l l l Feb.84, 1898.

On the general city tax roll of 1888, George W. Pat ridge and one trustee, owners of lots 6S-73x 110 See Avenue, north 80-190 E. Niagara, 80x110 See A venae, north 44484 E. Niagara, 90x110 See Avenue, north 43-414 E. Niagara, 240x110 See Avenue, north 68-808 W. Tonawanda. 710x110 Bee Avenue. S. 120 E. Niagara, was erroneously assessed 96.60,

We wonld therefore recommend that your Honorably Body direct a warrant drawn on the Erroneous Tax Fund for the sum of f62.6u in favor of George W. Patridga and one trustee

; of erroneous tax, and he

BUFFALO, Feb. 24, 1880. In making out assessment roll to raise money

with which to defray n portion of the cost and interest on the bonds issued for the construc­tion of the Bailey Avenue Avenue sewer through n clerical error Fredericks Beckle, owner of lot 338x128 Goethe E. 84-164 8. Broad­way, was assessed §38.48, when It should only have been sss sejant $3.80.

We would recommend thai your Honorable Body direct an order drawn on Roll No. 6513 in favor of E. a Shafer. Comptroller, for §34.68 to cancel so much of the above tax.


that being the i bavins paid the i


Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn.

Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. BUFFALO, Feb. 24, 1880.

In making out local assessment roll for con­structing sewer in Parkside Avenue. Walter V. Grantham, owner of lot 100x241. N. line Davis Avenue, £ . 240 N. Florence, through en error in our map this lot was assessed for 110 feet front when it is only ICO feet, the tax upon this lot Is §141.22, and it should hare been §18*23. We would recommend that your Honorable Body direct an order drawn on local roll 6281 for constructing sewer in Parkside Avenue for §12.89 in favor of E. C. Shaf er, ComptroEer, to cancel so mueh of the tax on above described lot.


Assessors. Received, filed, and v. arrant directed drawn.


BUFFALO. Feb. 24,1890. The pay-roRs of the several departments of

the city Government for the month of Feb­ruary, 1890, (a summary of which is hereto an­nexed) have been filed in this office, and it is recommended that warrants be drawn therefor. Total amount of rolls, §20,722.45.

Respectfully submitted, C. R. MARSHALL,

City Clerk. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn.

Number Department. Employed. Amount.

Mayor « §733 34 Comptroller 1* MM 66 Law 7 1,116 68 Treasurer lfi 1,69167 Engineer 45 8,963 15 Street 18 L332 32 Education 63 3,168 44 PolioeCourt .. 4 825 00 City Poor Relief. 8 808 34 Assessor 16 3,846 69 City Clerk • 658 33 Public Grounds 4 388 66 Market. 6 458 34 Health . . . 17 1,42*83 Municipal Court. 4 650 00 Auditor 1 125 00 Harbor Master... . . . 1 66 67 Superior Court 1 83 33

§20,723 45 BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1880

The time for the further consideration of the objections to the following entitled assessment

1 roll and the hearing of oarties Interested in the same having been further postponed until to-dav, the same is again presented to your Hon­orable Body, viz: 1361—Reconstructing a sidewalk on the

east side of Sweet Avenue, between Lovejoy Street and about 300 feet northerly therefrom §65 00

Respectfully submitted, C. R. MARSHALL,

City Clerk. Received and filed. Aid. KREITNER moved that Roll 1361 be set

down for a further hearing March 10,1880. Carried.

BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890. In accordance with the resolution adopted by

the Council January 27, 1880,1 respectfully re­port that warrants were drawn in favor of the street laborers from the daily pay roll, certified by the Street Commissioner, for the week end­ing February 22, amounting to the sum of §136w2sv

I respectfully ask that my action be approved. Respectfully submitted,

C. R. MARSHALL, City Clark.

Received and filed and action approved. FROM THE F l i t E COM*ISSIONBRS,

BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1*90. The following is a statement of the losses by

fire, together with an account of the insurance, and the number of alarms for the month of January, 1880. Loss on buildings..., $V97 00 Lore on contents, &e... — . 3,427 00 Total. §6,394 00 Insurance on buildings §32,500 00 Insurance on contents, &c. 13,800 00 Tota l . . . . . §46,100 00 Number of alarms — 41 Average loss per each alarm ...'.§154 24


Fire Commissioners. Received and filed.


BUFFALO. Feb. 21,1*90, Lechner & Hock ask for a part payment

to apply on their contract for mason work at Public School No. 9. , Amount of contract •>. ...§12,783 00 Amount of v»ork done.. . . 4,5110 00 Amount paid for . . . . . 3,500 00 Amount asked for 500 00

1 would recommend that an order for §500 be drawn on the appropriate fond in their favor.

Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN REIMANN,

Commissioner of Public Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn.

BUFFALO, Feb. 24, 1880. Bradly A Malt by ask for a part payment to

apply on their contract for cut stone for Muni­cipal Court building. Amount of contract. . . . .....§34,500 00 Amount of work done 33,000 00 Amount paid for 30,000 00 Amount asked for 1,0(0 00

I would recommend Chat an order for §1,000 be drawn on the appropriate fund in their favor.

Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN REIMANN,

Commissioner of Public Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn.

BUFFALO, Feb 24, 1890. C. K. Porter A Son asks for a part payment to

apply on their contract for plana and specifica­tion of Municipal Building. Amount of contract Amount of work done a . . §4,800 00 Amount paid for 4,200(0 Amountasked for. 208 00

I would recommend that an order for §200 be drawn on the appropriate fund in their favor.

STEPHEN REIMANN, Commissioner of Public Buildings.

Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn. BUFFALO. Feb. 24,1890.

Joseph Churchyard A Sons asks for a pay-payment to apply on their contract for carpen­ter work at Public School No. 30. Amount of contract . . . . . . . . . §7,32100 Amount of work dose . . . . . . . . 3,000 00 Amount paid 2,0JO 00 Amountasked for...*. 800 03

I would recommend that an order for §500 be drawn on the appropriate fund in their favor.

Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN REIMANN,

Commissioner of Public Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn.

BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1880. Peter G. Straub asks for a part payment to

apply on hie contract for cut stone work at Pub­lic School No. 8. Amount of contract §4,49500 Amount of work done 3,000 00 Amount paid for 2,000 00 Amonnt asked for... 600 CO

I would recommend that an order for §609 be drawn on the appropriate fund in his favor. -

Respeotfully submitted, STEPHEN REIMANN,

Commissioner of Publio Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn.

BUFFALO, Feb. 24, i860. Michael Smith asks for a payment of rent of

building occupied for school purposes in School District No. 86. Annual renta l . . . . . . . . . . . . . §250 00

Quarterly rental . . . . . . . . . Amount recommended .»

I would recommend that a warrant for §62.50 be drawn on the appropriate fund in his favor.

Respectfully submitted, 8TEPHEN REIMANN,

Commissioner of Public Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn.

• BUFFALO, Feb. 84, 1890. G. H. Peters & Son ask for a part payment to

apply on their contract for slating and gal­vanized iron work at Public School No. 6. Amonnt of contract....* §2,18- 60 Amonnt of work done. . . . . . 1.890/00 Amonnt paid for. . . . . . . . . . . . i •""" Amonnt asked for -* • J S

I would recommend that an order for §1,200 be drawn on the appropriate fund in their favor.

Respectfolly submitted, STEPHEN REIMANN,

Commissioner of Public Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn.

BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890. I respecrfully recommend that a warrant be

drawn in favor of Elizabeth S. Lewis for one hundred and eighty (§180) dollars to pay rent for the month of February, 1880, for the use of the Municipal Court Quarters in the Lewis Block.

Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN REIMANN,

Commissioner of Publio Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn.

BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890. N. Y., L. E. & Western Rail**oad Company

asks for a payment of rent of site on Tifft Farm for School No. 30. Annual rental. . §10003 Three quarterly rent . . . . . 75 CO Amount recommended 75 00

I would recommend that a warrant for §75 be drawn on the appropriate fund in their favor.

Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN REIMANN.

Commissioner of Public Buildings. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn.

BUFFALO, Feb 24,1890. At the recommendation of the Superinten-

tendent of Education I have caused the follow­ing repairs to be made at the different Public Schools and therefore ask your Honorable Body to approve of my action. High School, one key § 28 No. 4, repair plumbing. . . . . . . . 2 10 No. 48, one gauge glass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 No. 26,one window jack . . . . 7 00 No. 31, new radiators 6807 No. 37, moving benches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 No. 16, repairing clock 8 00 No. 6, repairing boiler l . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 43 No. 31, painting recital ion rooms. 24 84 Ne. 45, additional for alteration of win-

Respectfully submitted. STEPHEN REIMANN,

Commissioner of Public Buiftiiiigs. Received and filed, and action approved.


BUFFALO, Feb. 84, I88u> The water closets at the Washington Market

are in bad condition and are almost useless, by reason of vault caving in, and in the summer months the stench is so great that it becomes a nuisance, therefore I would most respectfully recommend to your Honorable Body to take some action to have the same rebuilt.

Respectfully submitted. BENJ. SABINS,

Market Clerk. Referred to the Committee on Markets.


BUFFALO, Feb. W, 1880. Herewith we present the payroll of this De­

partment for the month of February, ISO", amounting to seven thousand one hundred and thirty one 33-100 dollars (§7,13L&i) and recom­mend that warrants be drawn on the Water Fund in favor of the persons named therein.

Respectfully submitted, L. P. REICHERT, JAMES RYAN, 8L K. WORTHINGTON.

.Water Commissioners. Received, filed, and warrant directed drawn.

BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1899. We recommend that a warrant be drawn on

the Water Fund in favor of F. B. Gallagher, Cashier, for two hundred and seventy-nine 48-100 dollars (§279.48) for wages of laborers, week ending February 22, 1800,

Respectfully submitted, L. P. REICHERT, JAMES RYAN, a K. WORTHINGTON,

Water Commissioners. Received; filed, and warrant directed drawn.


BUFFALO. Feb. 24,1898. We herewith transmit the pay roll of the of­

ficers and employees of the Police Department and the Justices to the Police for the month of February, 1880, amounting to the sum of twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and twenty-three dollars and eighteen cents (§28,723.18) and respectfully recommend that your Honorable Body direct warrants be drawn upon the Police Fund in payment thereof.

Respectfully submitted, FRANK J. ILLIG, WILLIAM K. CHURCHYARD,

Board of Police of the City of Buffalo. Received, filed, and warrants directed drawn. The number of Patrolmen the Board of Police

are now authorized to appoint is limited to two hundred and eighty (230.) In the opinion of the undersigned this number is inadequate to afford a proper police protection to the persons and property of the citizens. The increase in popu­lation and in our industrial and manufacturing Interest of our City demands an increase of the police force.

The undersigned therefore respectfully recom­mend that your Honorable Body in pursuance of the power vested in your by-law authorize the appointment of 50 additional patrolmen.


Board of Police of the City of Buffalo. AM. KILG AL.LON moved that the communi­

cation be received and filed, and authority asked for granted.

Aid. DRAKE moved as an amendment that the number of additional patrolmen be limited to 25.

Aid. RRADLEY moved as a further amend­ment that the whole subject matter be referred to the Committee on Police.

Lost. Ayes—Aid. Baraum, Beck, Bradley, Drake,

Mang, Scheu—6. Noes—Aid. Busch, Cannon, Collingwood. Don­

aldson, Forsyth, Franklin, Hillery, Kennedy, Kilgallon, Kissinger, Kreltner, Ranasperger* Stettsnbenz, Summers, Trautmana, White, Williamson, Wurtz, Young—19.

The question was now taken on the motion of Aid. Kilgallon.

Carried. Ayes-Aid. Bradlev, Busch, Cannon, Colling-

wood, Forsyth, Franklin, Hillery, Kennedy, Kilgallon, Kissinger, Kreltner, Mang, Rams-serger, Stettenbenz, Summers, Trautmann, White*Williamson, Wurtz, Youn^—20.

Noes—Aid. Barnum, Beck, Donaldson, Drake, Scheu—5. .

By unanimous consent so much of the report of the Committee on Ordinances as relates to the fire limits was here presented, viz.:

That the communication from the Fire Com­missioners of February 10,1800, sanctioning the action of the Common Council in extending the fire limits together with the petition of Walter F. Bade and others asking to rescind the reso­lution adopted September 3,1888, extending the firs limits be referred to the Common Council.

Adopted. Aid. DRAKE moved that interested porsane

in said matter be now heard. Carried. Whereupon Charles A. Fooley and others ap­

pearing in favor rescinding the action taken, and Ex-Aid. Hutchinson and others appeared against rescinding same.

By AM. FRANKLIN as a minority report. The undersigned members of the Committee

on Ordinances, to whom was referred the mat ter of the change of the limits within which frame buildings ehonld not be erected, hereby report In favor of rescinding the resolution of July 28,1888, at page 1057 of the printed minutes, and also the resolution of September 3, 1889 at pages 1111-12 of the printed minutes, and rein­stating the limits within which frame buildings may he erected, the same as they were before the passage of said resolutions,

We also report in favor of extending said limits as proposed in the resoltftion of Septem­ber a 1888, but such extension not to be of force until January L189L

on the adoption by Aid. Frank-

By Aid. BARNTJM, as a substitute— That the Corporation Counsel be directed to

draft an amendment to the present Fire Ordi­nances whereby permission may be granted by Uie Council to the residents in the recent ex­tension of the Tenth Ward fire limits, to alter or repair frame buildings tfcat are now con­structed in said Ward; provided that said al­terations or repairs are made within two years from date of passage of said amendment, and that no permission shall be granted to alter or repair any frame building in said Ward, unless the petition clearly and distinctly states the ex­act alterations or repairs to be made; and when such permission is granted tiae City Clerk shall immediately notify the Boaid of Fire Commis­sioners of the granting of said permit, and they shaU have direct supervision nf said alterations or repairs.

Lost. Ayes-Aid. Barnum, Beck*Cannon. Colling­

wood, Drake, Hillery, Rarngperger, Summers, Williamson— 9.

Noes—Bradley, Busch, Donaldson, Forsyth, Franklin, Kennedy, Kilgalioiw Kissinger, Kreit-ner, Mang, Scheu, Steitenfcens, Trautmann. White, Wurtz, Young-10

The question was now tak of the minority report offer in.

Carried. Ayes-Aid. Bradley, Busch, fJannon, Donald

son.Forsyth, Franklin, Rennet?, Kilgallon,Kiss­inger, Kreltner, Mang, Sutenbenz, Trautmann, Wjite, Wurtz. Young-;6.

Noea—AM. Barnum, Bet*, Collingwood, Drake, Hillery, Ranisperger,trJcheu, Summers, WllRamson—8.

FROM THK BOARD 0 * B B A L T H . BurF4p>, Feb. 24, 1880.

We recommend that a waKraut be drawn in favor of Joseph Bahen for filrty dollars ($40) for services as watchman at ihjs Hamburg Canal pumping station for the month of February, 1880.

Respectfully sub**Rted, WILLIAM SUMMERS, GEO. E, » A N N ,

Board of Health. Received, filed, and warrantdirected drawn.

To the Honorable, the Coinmgn Council of the City of Buffalo: Tho Buffalo Street Raiiwayjpompany respect­

fully represents: That a resolution granting #o this Company

permission to operate its cars upon Niagara Street in this city by electric power has been recently presented to your Honorable Body.

That this resolution has be** referred, to an appropriate Committee with Instructions to re­port to you the results of its imrostieationa.

That a public hearing uponphis question has been appointed and will shortly be given by your Committee.

That in the public discussion which has arisen concerning this proposed cljinge of motive power, it has become evident that there is a widespread misunderstanding of the nature of the electric system as well nwof the details of it» construction and operation False and mis­leading reports have been Mrcuiated which ha\e created the impression ptat this method of rapid transit is not only tmerior to others but is actually dangerous to life and property, a disfigurement to the highway and even a pub­lic nuisance It is hard to believe that such im presslon s can be general in t the reports daily coming to widespread adoption of the system in the largest as well cities of the country. Ca< thought that Boston, with crooked streets and m 1th the of its public spirit; Rochester, always jealous

city in view of r ears of the

erhead electric in the smaller

t be seriously narrow and

telligcnt force

of municipal privileges, but alert in search for genuine ci St. Paul, and Minneapolis, beauty and wonderful enter together with many other smi public spirited cities; would eagerly, with the cordial app zens extend to street railway right to adopt over their enti systems in business as well tiai streets, * form of motive to their prosperity and a co the lives and property of theli it not more probable that tho triously circulating these repo ly misinformed or have inter than those of the general publ

We believe that the oppositi in this city is merely a repeti in invention and improvement ods. Precisely such opposition] Auction of steam locomotion u the telegraph, the electric ligh ities in every form, the origin cable, elevated railroads, a transportation. Past history moreover that the most earnet tious opponents of new me;ho the end their heartiest advoc

11 as powe WtftE

terprislng a ;d improvements;

oted for their and growth;

er, but not less Ingly and even al of their c o ­rporations the street railway

in resident-er detrimental nt menace to

citizens? Oris ho are indus-are either sad-to serve other

to electricity of past history existing meth-

mct the Intro-n land and sea, street car facil-

orse car, the now electric always shown and con>cien-havo been in

and as this has proved particularly true in other cities with respect to electric traction, we for a similar result in Baffai shall determine upon the mi lem. "̂ 3l;

This Company believes that respects, from the point of vi public and the railway compan electric system Is far in ad van petl tors. No other system pe: use nnder eucli widely varyl engineering features, traffic, other system can compare with transit. No ot tier system is so fully controlled to the end of dent. No other system can so outlying territory. No other h, through a crowded street with speed. Within the past two y placed horses on nearly one th street car tracks in more th; cities and towns. Within the it has displaced the cable at of invested capital in three of In one instance this became a sary on account of the great c mpetingelectric line which receipts of the cable company to; In another case it was duo to t favor granted to an expert road, and f40»,yi0 worth of cable thrown aside and contracts e: $2,0* 0.000 worth of electrical ap; struction.

it would be unfortunate, ind ductiun of this new and apparem tem should involve an increase os son or property. Little could be of a corporation whioh would d pose to stretc-h above the streets other city a system of death-d menace to passengers or wayfaArs. It would have been a criminal negligence m the part of this Company to recklessly s d o * this system without a most careful investigation of tho ele­ment of danger in every possilie form. Far

nfidently look if experience

of the prub-all alike of the

the overhead of all com-

ts of general conditions of d speed. No t in speed of ily and power-ety fromacci-dily develop

m can pass al and safe

it has dis-and miles of one hundred t four weeks enormous loss

large cities, lutely neces-ularity of a

reducing the nominal sum.

arked public tal electrical achinery was red into for

at us and con-

if the intro-feasible sys. anger to per-id in defence erately pro-this or any iug wires, a

for by ft perfect system of automatic cut outa which make it possible to allow the firemen to entail railway wires to the groudd without danger to themselves or Injury to the system. The wires cut down would be dead. The cars on either side of the break would operate as be­fore.

It Is the belief of this Company that it is en­tirely possible to place upon Niagara Street an overhead construction whioh will be absolutely unobjectionable. Much careful thought and inventive ability has been devoted to this branch of the subject of late, with the result or developing methods and details which are more an ornament than a disfigurement to the streets. It must not be forgotten that practically no curves will be met with on Niagara Street. The poles will be of iron throughout ftnd the wires of such height as to be scarcely noticeable.

We fully understand the importance to your Honorable Body of making, in the interest or the citizens, a careful and exhaustive investi­gation of this matter before taking final action. We believe that in no way can this investiga­tion be so profitably made as by personal in­spection of some electric system, which em­bodies the latest and most approved devices for the protection of public interests. We therefore take pleasure in inviting you to accompany tne officers of this Company, together with repre­sentative citizens of Buffalo, to the City oi Cleveland in order to determine for yours*i\es the question whether or not the systems there m operation may be profitably adopted in the street, which is the subject of our petition, m e believe that you will find in Cleveland, as in other cities where the overhead electric system is in successful operation, a car service distin­guished for speed, elegance, and perfection ot running, together wSth more complete control of the cars than can be accomplished by any other method securing equal speed, and an overhead structure, simple, strong, and elegant, although less perfect in many details than that which will be installed in this city should the desired permission be granted to this Com­pany.

Trusting that you will find it possible to ac­cept this invitation at an early day, we are

Yours truly, H. M. WATSON,

President, & S. SPAULDINO,

Secretary. Received and filed.

By Aid. SCHEU-That the invitation of the Buffa'o Street

Railroad Company, to visit Cleveland, be accepted, and that we will depart in a body, Wednesday morning at 0:40.

That the Street Committee be and they are hereby authorized to visit any other city for the purpose of examining the question of electric motor for street cars at an expense to the city not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars,

I Adopted. That the Street Committee be requested to

adjourn the public hearing before its Commit­tee of the question of changing the motive power on the street cars until Tuesday, March 11,1890, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., in the Council Chamber.


BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1830. • I submit herewith for your consideration a proposition for the inspection and insurance of the boilers in the school bniMings of the City of Buffalo as may be desired/viz.: Inspection of each boiler to be made each and every three months. Insurance of $5,000 on each .school building, covering on real and pergonal prop­erty, life or injury to person, at a total cost to the City of twenty-five ($25) dollars on each school building so insured, for the term of three years.

Respectfully yours, N. H. MESSENGER.

Manager. Referred to Committee on Schools. By unanimous consent the following Special

Committee report was here presented: On th© 28th day of October, 183H, Alphonso J.

Meyer, then Treasurer of the City, sent a com­munication to the Common Council asking an investigation of the conduct of his office during his term commencing January 2, 1888.

Your Committee appointed to make such in­vestigation submit the following report: To en­able your Committee to ascertain the facts necessary for a satisfactory report we engaged the services of Mr. H. F. Bagnall, an . expert ac­countant.

Mr. Bagnall just reported to us that the books of the Treasurer's office were in a very unsatis­factory condition, owing to the fact that an in­competent bookkeeper had been employed by the Treasurer, and he was authorized to open a new set of books for the beginning of the year, which he reports he has done. As your Com­mittee understood the chief object of this ap­pointment was to ascertain whether or not the charge was true that large sums of money were lost to the City through the large accumula­tions of moneys paid in on local Assessment Rolls, against which warrants were left out­standing drawing 6 per cent., upon which/de-posits the City realized only 2 per cent.

It appears that Mr. Meyer's predecessor turned over to him on the 2d ot January, 1888, the sum of $1,175,282.64, of which amount $aG9,-531.98, was moneys paid in upon local Assess­ment Rolls, and against which warrants were outstanding drawing 6 per cent, interest.

This amount was augmented by payments on local rolls, until on the 10th of September ot that year it amounted to the enormous sum of $1,3:8,366.87. Upon that day the Treasurer called in $-5,0c0, leaving still in his hands $1,203,306.87, the yearly interest upon which amounted to $;7,<J02, and which drew interest at the rate of $25,867.33. a difference of |hl.734.67 per year. At the close of the year 188$ this amount had increased $1,333,776,74, and on April 1,1888, it had increased to the sum of $1,339,242.92. No call was made known until April 1, B» follows :

April 1,1883 $370,855 93 Mayl . . . . .1 405,130 26 August 1 100.CO0 00 October 1... 639,259 00 December L 851,881 55

Total $',8>l7.i06 74 Notwithstanding this vast sum called in the

amount still left in the treasury December 31, was $3A&&28.

It appears that the Treasurer kept no account showing the payments of interest on local funds, but the books in the Comp- roller's office show that during the past two years interest on warrants was paid as follows: In 1698... . . . . . . . . . In 1889.


. . .

from being open to this compi sought the best expert advice, wi the records of electrical accidenti to electric railway wires, we h*vt ries to be instituted among th sonal experience of electric m results may be briefly stated as |

1. Expert opinion is ananimo sure of «J0 volts of direct current, upon electric railway is not dang life.

2. No case of fatal injury to a has ever been experienced from rent of 500 volts.

8. No weR authenticated case to horses has ever been charged railway current, pure and simp]

4. Scores of instances are on r by oath or affidavit, where the sure of the electric railway cur taken by linemen, inspectors, an out harmful result, the mass of t> to the effect that the shock n parses away within two or three

ft. To the best of our knowledge passenger on electric street cars ceived the slightest shock of any the element which has transpo: unparalleled comfort, speed and

We believe that the above state: lv supported by the proofs in shouM be absolutely conclusive, that several cases have been r» slight shocks have been received from falling wires. It is also U never ought to fell and if by any should happen they ought to be automatically cat off from all co „ w u the circuit. That this has not alwfc, been done in the past is one of the mistakes from which new enterprises are never free. iv , H t h a pose of this Company to so install the l i n e upon Niagara Street as to do away with the possibili­ty of accidents of this nature an* no pains nor expense wiU be spared to make & a model of construction in every respect.

The danger to property from interference with the fire department is carefcliy provided

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ection with

. . . . . . . . . . . $45,477 03 211,780 58

Total $257,267 68 Interest collected on local rolls and on local

funds on deposit was: In l«-*8 In 1889..

. . . $90,703 24 . . . . 101,842 15

$192,632 49 $64,524 17

Total.... .. Showing a loss m interest of..

Your committee believe that if the law had been obeyed by the late Treasurer this sum would have been saved. Your committee are unable to more than approximate, but it is be­lieved that the exact amount of Interest lost will not vary materially from the above figures.

An instance was cited to the Committee In which it was impossible to pay one warrant of $30,0UQ drawn against the Crenesee Street paving roll, as the warrant was drawn partly against an instalment and partly against another.

To avoid this again occurring, we recommend that in the future when warrants are drawn a roll exceeding $T,000, they be divided so as In no case to exceed one-fifth the amount of the contract, and In no case shall a local warrant be drawn exceeding in amount the sum of $5,000.

In conclusion your Committee report that in their opinion, based upon high legal authority that the claim in the Charter relating to the calling in of those warrants is mandatory, and that it wag gross neglect of duty on the part of the Treasurer in not obeying the requirements of the law In this respect, and we submit the foregoing statement of the proceedings on the part of Mr. Meyer, and recommend to your Honorable Body that the question be referred to the Corporation Counsel whether the Treas­urer's bondsmen are not liable for any loss which the City has sustained through his neg­lect to call in warrants under the section of the Charter referred to.

Laid on the table for one week. PE1ITIONS, REMONSTRANCES, AND AC­


John Profpaff and others—To pave Grape Street, between North and Best streets.

Assessors return same with following certifi­cate;

BUFFALO, Feb. 8», !«•& The undersigned Assessors of the city of Buf­

falo hereby oertify that the foregoing petiuon and application for the improvement of o»™> Grape Street, 26 feet wide, between the north curb line of North Street and the " " ^ J * 1 ™ line of Best Street, with second-class Medina sandstone, with 1* inches of sand under same, m not signed by a majority of the o w n e r f , r e * m * n y ° the City of Buffalo, of the lands fronting on that part of said street in and as to ^ h

#8 T V m :

provementistobemade. The Uneal feet front ot whose lands constitute two-fifths of all the lands fronting on that part of said street a« to which said improvement is to be made.


Assessors. Petitioners given leave to withdraw petition. C. H. Emrich and others—For electric lights

on Cherry Street between Michigan and Virginia streets.

Assessors return same with following certifi­cate:

BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890. The undersigned Assessors of the City of

Buffalo hereby certify that the foregoing peti­tion and application for the Improvement of lighting Cherry Street between Michigan and Virginia streets with electricity is not signed by a majority of the owners of property front­ing on that portion of the street along which such improvement is to be made. And we further certify that said petition and applica­tion is not signed by a majority of the owners resident m the City of Buffalo, of the lands fronting on that part of said street in and as to whioh said improvement is to be made.


Assessors. Referred to the Committee on Lamps. E. L. Metcalf and others—To have Delavan

Avenue macadamised, between Delaware Ave­nue and Main Street.

Assessors return same with following certifi­cate:

BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890. The undersigned Assessors of the City of Buf­

falo hereby certify that the foregoing petition and application for the Improvement to have Delavan Avenue macadamized, 30 feet wide, in­cluding eighteen-iuch fiat stone gutters, from the easterly line of Delaware Avenue to the westerly line of Main Street, is signed by a ma­jority of the owners resident in the City of Buf­falo, of the lands fronting on that part of said street, in and as to which said improvement is to be made. The lineal feet front of whose lands constitute two fifths of sil the Sands front­ing on that part of said street as to which said improvement is to be made.



Assessors. Referred to the Committee on Sreets. Joseph Kittinger and others—To pave How­

ard Avenue, between Delavan Avenue and For­est Avenue, with asphalt.

Assessors return same with following certifi­cate:

BUFFALO, Feb. 24.1890. The undersigned Assessors of the City of Buf­

falo hereby certify that the foregoing petition and application for the improvement of paving Howard Avenne 30 feet wide, from the north­erly curb line of Delavan Avenue to the south­erly curb line of Forest Avenue, with A. L. Bar­ber's genuine Trinidad asphalt pavement, the cost exceed three ($3) dollars per square yard, and to be warranted for five years from of completion, Is signed by a majority of the owners resident in the city of Buffalo, of the lands fronting on that part of said street, la and as to which said improvement is to be made. The lineal feet front of whose lands constitute two fifths of all the lands fronting on that part of said street as to which said improvement Is to be made.



Received and filed. By Aid. COLLINGWOOD-

That the prayer of the petition of Joseph Kit­tinger and others to pave Howard Avenue, thirty (20) feet wide, from the northerly curb line of Delavan Avenue, to the southerly curb line of Forest Avenue except the crossing of Bird Avenue, with A. L. Barber's genuine Trinidad asphalt pavement, be and the same is hereby granted, and the Engineer be and he Is hereby directed to prepare plans and specifi­cations and advertise for sealed proposals to do said work, in accordance with petition presented to the Common Council, February 17,1890.

Adopted. Timothy McMahou and others—To pave

White's Corners Plank Road with asphalt. Assessors return same with following cer­

tificate : BUFFALO. Feb. 24,188GL •

The undersigned Assessors of the City of Buf­falo hereby* certify that the foregoing petition and application for the improvement of paving White's Corners Plank Road (32) thirty-two feet wide from the southerly ourb line of Seneca Street to the city line, except the crossing of Abbott Road and the Bridge over the Buffalo River, with A. L. Barber's genuine Trinidad asphalt pavement, the cost not to exceed three 0) dollars per square yard, said pavement to be laid In conformity with specifications on file in City Engineer's office for Barber's pavement and to be warranted for five years from date of completion, is signed by a majority of the owners resident of the city of Buffalo, of the lands fronting on that part of said street. In and as to which said improvement is to be made. The lineal feet front cf whose lands constitute two fifths of ail the lands fronting on that part of said street as to which said improvement is to be made.


Assessors. Referred to the Committee on Streets. Frederick Buell and others—To sprinkle Hodge

Avenue, between Delaware and Ashland Ave­nue.

Assessors return same with following certifi­cate:

BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890. The undersigned Assessors of the City of Buf­

falo hereby certify that the foregoing petition and application for the Improvement of sprink­ling Hodge Avenue between Delaware and Ashland Avenues, from April 1, 188?. to December 1, 1890, is signed Jt>y a majority of the owners of property fronting on that portion of the street along which such improvement Is to be made. And we further certify that said petition and appli­cation is signed by a majority of the owners resident in the City of Buffalo, of the lands fronting on that part of said street, in and as to which said improvement is to be made,


Assessors. Received and filed. C. E4 Dickinson—To erect frame buildings.

Eagle and Adam streets. George Engel—To erect frame building, 675

Clinton Street Joseph Kleinhans—To erect frame building

Garfield Street. L. O. Dennison-To er*ot frame building, Hy-

land and Howard avenues. D. M. Peck—To erect frame building, Hylaad

Avenne. Mr. Haffa -To erect frame building, 183 Krett-

ner Street T. Fleming—To erect frame building. 867

Peckham Street. Ernst Witzleben—To erect frame building

1232 Lovejoy Street. O. Kraushaur—To erect frame building, Fill­

more Avenue. G. J. Zillig-To repair frame building, 1%

William Street. F. H. Thomas-To erect frame building, 303

Howard Street. C. E. Saunders- To erect frame building, 220

Crescent Avenue, H. M. Kreinheder—To erect frame buildine

181 Sherman Street, j

J, G. Kayser-To erect frame building. Broad

building, 453 frame

frame building, 427

building, 238

way. Victor Bortell—To erect

Ellloott Street. Rosa Schwenk—To erect

Connecticut StrVet. . J. M. Kohler—To erect frame

Northampton Street. George Nechtnel, Jr.—To erect frame bnlM-

ing, 73 Goodrich Street. John Hofmeyer—To erect frame bniMing, 81

Peach Street. J. J. Bruss-To erect frame building, 424 Elm

Street. Simon Knffer—To erect frame building, 42S

Carlton Street. Jacob Kiefer-To erect frame buildin*, 10

Woeppel St rest. John Bork—To erect frame building, 283 Mul­

berry Street WURam Schubert-To erect frame buildinn.

Sycamore Street Thomas Male—To erect frame buUding. Ferry

Street M. J. Fenzel—To erect frame building 461

Utica Street Mrs. A. Brennan—To erect frame building,

305 North Division 8traet Josephine Buetter-To erect frame building,

513 Rhode Island Street Joseph Huber—To erect frame building, Jef­

ferson Street F. H. Thomas—To erect frame building, 803

Howard Street C. G. Worthington—To erect frame building. Christian Bardoi-To erect frame building, 28

Superior Street Sterling A Francis-To erect frame building,

Herkimer Street Sterling A Francis—To erect frame building,

CUnton Street Sterling A Francis—To erect frame buUding.

Boston Street J. R. M«nroe-To erect frame building, Mich­

igan Street G. Deuckler—To erect frame build ing, Wal­

den Avenne, W. M WUliams-To erect frame building, 10

School Street. Annie Groeger—To erect frame building, 96$

Front Avenue, rear. Mary A. Coonen—To erect frame building,

Carolina and Front Avenue. J. A. PaUard—To erect frame building. Bray-

ton Street Win. H Warren—To erect frame building,

Austin Street J. F. Mayer-To erect frame building, 105

Amherst Street O. B Drink waiter—To erect frame building,

963 Grant Street. Fred Zlegler—To erect frame building. Urban

Street — Michael Hausauer-To erect frame buUding,

1285 Main Street C. J. Bakert—To erect frame building, Krett-

ner Street A. J. Irish—To erect frame building, 321 Ful­

ton Street L. E. WUlet—To erect frame building, Bessie

Place. Henry Selway—To erect frame building, 573

Plymouth Avenue. T. G. Grannie-To erect frame building, 86

Bouck Avenue. W. G. Preston—To erect frame building,

Hodge Avenne, W. B. Hazard—To erect frame building. Elm-

wood Avenue. M. E. Upson—To erect frame building, Ash­

land Avenue, H. W. Box—To erect 80 frame bull din gs,S wet:

Avenne, Warren Avenue, Arlington Avenue, Geneva Street and Dover Street

A. J. Jones—To erect frame buildings, Rohr Street

Referred to the Committee on Fire. X. Freedman and others—To have electric

light placed on High and Maple streets. S. Hoffman and others-To have electric Ught

placed on High and Orange streets. M. Scbmel and others—To have electric light

placed on Carlton and Orange streets. J. Thuman and others—To have electric light

placed on Virginia and Locust streets. M. Meyer and others—To have electric light

placed on Virginia and Orange streets. Michael Grimm and others—To have electric

Ught placed on Virginia and Maple streets. Joseph Hoeslor and others-To have electric

light placed on Carlton and Maple streets. G. Wagner and others—To have electric Ught

placed on High and Locust streets, P. J. Bauer and others—To have electric Ught

placed on Virginia and Grape streets. Jacob May and others—To have electric Ii*ht

placed on Clinton and Cedar streets. U. S. Johnson and others—To have electric

Ught placed on Virginia Street and Elm wood Avenue.

Referred to the Committee on T^mp^, John Brobiel and others—To hate electric

light placed on West Avenue, between Forest Avenue and Tonawanda Street

G. F. Mo - til Ion and others—To extend lamp district in Putnam Street

Daniel O'Day—To construct private sewer easterly side of Pearl Street from premises on southeast corner Pearl and Huron streets to sewer In Genesee Street

Aid. DONALDSON moved that the prayer of the petition be granted.

Carried Mrs. Bernard—For the release of Bernhard

Morgan from the Erie County Penitentiary. Aid. COLLINGWOOD moved that the prayer

of the petition be granted. Carried Ayes—Aid. Barnum. Beck, Bradley, Busch,

Cannon, Collingwood, Donaldson, Drake, Forsyth, Franklin, Hillery, Kennedy, Kilgal­lon. Kissinger, Kreltner, Mang, Ramsperger, Scheu, Stettenbenz, Summers, Trautmann, White, Williamson, Wurtz, Young-25.

Noes—None. Sam. G. Dorr and others—For release of

Owen Kirwin from Erie County Penitentiary. A i d KILGALLON moved that the prayer of

the petition be granted. Carried. Ayes—Aid. Barnum, Beck, Bradley, Bunch,

Cannon, Collingwood, Donaldson, Drake, Forsyth, Franklin, Hillery, Kennedy, KU-gallon, Kissinger, Kreltner, Mang, Ramsperger, Scheu, Stettenbenz, Summers, Trautmann, White, WUUamson, Wurtz, Young-26..

Noes—None. • M. Makowskiand others—To pave Souk-ski

Street W a . Brennan and others—To pave Bailey

Avenue. Frederick Wetterlch and others— To

Goodlin Alley. Referred to the Assessors. Charles A. Heist and others to changs name

North Elm 8treet ^ ^ Referred to the Committee on Streets. Henry Small for personal injuries. Referred to Corporation Counsel, Thomas A hern for damages. Referred to Committee on Claims. Jacob Bensinger to have fine refunded. Referred to tha Committee on Police. Martin McDonongh and others—For exten­

sion of water main on Tryon Place. . Referred to the Water Commissioners with the request to grant extension of water main.

REMONSTRANCES. John White and others against paving Fourth

Street Assessors return same with the following cer­

tificate : BUFFALO, Feb. 24,1890.

The undersigned Assessors of the City of Buf­falo hereby certify that the foregoing remon­strance against paving Fourth Street is signed by a majority of the owners of property fronting on that portion of the street along which such Improvement is to be made. And we further oertify that said remonstrance Is signed by a majority of the own­ers resident in the City of Buffalo of the lands fronting on that part of said street in and as to whieh said Improvement is to be made.

Respectfully submitted,



Frederick Gensler and others -Against pav­ing Guilford Street between Genesee and Broadway.

Assessors return same with following certifi­cate:

BUFFALO. Feb. 24,1890. The undersigned Assessors of the City of

Buffalo hereby certify .that the foregoing re­monstrance against paving Guilford Street between Genesee and Broadway, Is not signed by a majority of the owners of property fronting on that portion of the street along which such im­provement is to be made. And we further oar-

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069